#crawl rate
koshercosplay · 7 months
it's time for my yearly chanukah merchandise ratings! how are there always so many to choose from. as always, this year is a doozy and I am as bitter as ever lmao
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this was quite literally labeled "hanukkah cone tree." gee I wonder which winter holiday is The One With The Trees. surely it's the jewish one with all the fire. let's make it blue and white just in case. 4/10 there is no excuse for this
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why are the chairs so far apart. why is there nobody there. why are there so many grapes. what even are those green things. why is there soup. will the mysteries never cease. 7/10 purely because it's pretty
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I for one welcome our jewish alien cousins. not sure what this has to do with chanukah but I want to hear about jewish life on mars so 8/10 friends come in out of the cold and have a latke with me
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the more I looked at this, the worse it got. there's a literal christmas tree and tinsel but oh it's got blue lights so it's fine. and as we all know, children regularly hold fully lit candle menorahs with mittens while going door to door during a snowstorm. I guess who are we to stifle a child's latent desire for arson. 5/10 somebody save that poor dying kitten
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this poor magen dovid is being forcefully converted to christianity and we need to help it. quick somebody put this on a sufganiyot stack. 4/10 we all know the intended target audience isn't interfaith families okay
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do I even have to say it. please just. just stop. get One (1) Jew to weigh on your hanukkah products, I beg you. -392928373/10 walmart owes me a personal apology for making me see this with my own two eyeballs
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I spent a full five minutes staring at this shirt desperately trying to make it make sense. I shouldn't have bothered. it's worse than the hebrew could ever be. 2/10 amposzu zusach mezchamal to you too
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congratulations, once again you wrote gibberish. this says nothing. it's not chanukah, it's not happy holidays, it's nothing. the letters on the dreidel are an ACRONYM people! there's an order! 3/10 it's antisemitic that this has over 4,000 sales (thank you @quartzfox for sending this to me. now you all have to see it too.)
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now these are CUTE. and the dreidel letters are in the correct order too, which is unfortunately impressive. 10/10 no notes, it has cats, would wear
(previous years 1, 2, 3)
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sexymikayla2 · 15 days
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greyias · 3 months
I’m on a video call for work, trying to keep a straight/serious/thoughtful face in place while my phone’s screen is flashing like a rave.
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I somehow managed to screencap this transition and not tip anyone off that I was on my phone
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crippledanarchy · 23 days
We got a "warning" from the fucking HOA about our grass being too high and I'm convinced that the rental company snitched on us to try and get us fined
Cause my partner has been mowing every week, and the notice we were sent was literally from the morning before he cut the grass. It's not like it was "too long" for more than a few hours.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
if youre not reading the shrike series by criswritesoccasionally yet i cannot recommend it enough- its izzy-centric, steddyhands, and the current part (part 3) is doing some Excellent stuff with izzy's backstory & establishing relationships with other pirates (anne bonny, sam bellamy, etc etc)
(heads up it can be pretty heavy at times but there is also a lot of comfort)
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callmearcturus · 5 months
This game is just good not great, but I will never ever EVER forget it. Picture this, I'm old as hell and on my deathbed, the light in my eyes is growing dim, and all my family and friends are gathered around me to share my last moments on earth:
"Come quick everyone, it's almost time! Grampa wants to say something. What is it, grampa? Go on, take your time..."
Me: "...so what was going on with Illusion of Gaia, anyway? There's a part where one of your friends just turns into a sea monster, and he's like bye now, I'm off to be a sea monster. You meet a bunch of starving people and your pet pig suddenly gains sentience and decides to throw itself on a bonfire so they can eat him. His name is Hamlet, and one of the characters says "to eat or not to eat" while he's watching this beloved pig of theirs roast to death. There's a minor antagonist you never meet until the end, and when he tries to fuck with you, you burn him alive. You spend a good minute and a half watching this guy crawl toward you in agony as the fire just renders him down to a pile of ash and boiling body fat. I mean, what the fuck?"
And then I die.
- the top review of Illusion of Gaia on Backlogged
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Mmm, I wish I was less like *gestures vaguely* this.
BUT NO. OF COURSE NOT. It's a couple weeks of creative rush, and then empty head 🤦 At least this time I've scheduled it out, eh. We live, we learn.
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tsarnvoiny · 1 month
it would appear that today is NOT in fact my friday . . . but tomorrow is. today was . . . not the best , so i will likely be pretty quiet on the dash today. i'm just incredibly warn out and just wanna spend the night writing with my partner on discord. much love to everyone of my mutuals!
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almost-a-class-act · 1 month
Hallo friend! Hope the difficulty breathing’s been a bit easier for you lately and that the running/swimming’s been better. Just wanted to check in! ♥️
(I know this was a Discord conversation but I get antsy on there)
Oh hey pal. Thanks for checking in, you're a peach.
It's still deeply not great at night? I saw the cardiologist again today and it accomplished nothing of note, but I did get to sit for 45 minutes in a waiting room and pay $7 for parking, so who says there are no silver linings.
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nakanotamu · 10 months
The birthday catch 22 of wanting everyone to be so niceys to you but finding everyone doing it all at once to be incredibly overwhelming and stressful :/
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rate-a-spam-bot · 7 months
Honestly, the name is kind of a bop
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twistedappletree · 3 months
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ryanthedemiboy · 4 months
Fuck guilt "activism" -- it makes you feel guilty for spending a penny on anything that isn't going towards a specific cause. Food? Guilt. It could go to children. Decent toilet paper? Guilt. Pizza? Guilt. Pet necessities? Guilt. Saving up for a necessary surgery? Guilt.
Making people feel guilty about shit does not an activist make. You can do great shit for important causes while also not making people feel guilty for existing.
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opinion on nyck?
coming into the season i had such high hopes, fe winner last years race, and then he was just a bit shit THEN he gave me the ick in that pre race build up when he was in the car with that girl being cringe and i just find him very meh
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beantothemax · 1 year
Hikari, I’m his most serious voice ever, telling the party that no, they cannot kill the merchant Octopuff they just found. That’s his son now. Parsquishio. Partitio you wouldn’t dare harm our son would you?
So now they just have a merchant Octupuff trailing after them because Hikari keeps feeding it. Partitio also gets roped into feeding it. Because what kind of parent would he be if he let their son starve?
Parsquishio is the best fed most pampered Octopuff that ever lived.
PARSQUISHIO,,,,,,,,,,,, I am goin to CRY that is ADORABLE
I have seen lots of hikari art where he has a octopuff and I’m glad that we as a fanbase have just accepted this as fact. hikari’s got a lil octopuff son and I am all for it.
parsquishio and his two dads who love him very much.
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doedipus · 1 year
I had some misconceptions about what fast rcs do in strive, and they're actually significantly less strong than I thought, but they're still basically free to go for and the reward is still good, so I think trying to go for them more often is 100% the right move
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