mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Now listening to this episode.
Diagnosis of DM: HgbA1c greater than or equal to 6.5%, fasting blood glucose level above 126 mg/dL, random blood glucose of 200 mg/dL or higher with symptoms . You have to repeat the number to make the diagnosis. I learned that if blood glucose is 200 mg/dL and you have symptoms, that's enough to make the diagnosis then and there.
Two hour oral glucose tolerance test - blood glucose above 200 mg/dL at 2 hours is diabetes; blood glucose 150 to 200 mg/dL is pre-diabetes.
Fatigue, weight loss, polyuria, polyphagia are common presenting symptoms.
Risk of type 1 diabetes is 1 in 500. But if you have a family member who has type 1 diabetes, it's increased to 1 in 50. It's 50% if you have an identical twin who has it.
You can also test the pt for thyroid disease, celiac disease. Antibodies for diabetes: glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) antibody and some form of islet cell antibody like ICA512 or IA2 anti-insulin antibody. Another antibody you could order is anti zinc transporter 8 antibody. Not having the antibodies doesn't exclude the diagnosis. If you have the zinc transporter 8 antibody, you lose islet cells 20% faster.
You can check C-peptide level. Pro-insulin has C-peptide on it. C-peptide gets cut off of pro-insulin, which then becomes active insulin. C-peptide is a marker of innate insulin production. If you have C-peptide, it means your body is producing insulin. If you have insulin in your body, but no C-peptide, it means you injected insulin and your body didn't make that insulin.
Screen for pts with DM1 for other autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, thyroid disease, Addison disease, rheumatoid arthritis. They are also at risk for IBD. Thyroid disease + diabetes + Addison's disease = autoimmune polyglandular syndrome.
A baby less than 1 years old who has diabetes can present like she has sepsis. It could be DKA.
Pts can have neonatal diabetes. Pts who present at less than 6 months old should have genetic testing for autoimmune diseases.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome or other storage diseases (like hemochromatosis or cystinosis) can cause pancreatitis-induced insulin dependent diabetes.
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a group of several conditions characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels. It's genetic and mild. Pts with MODY have none of the antibodies associated with DM1 and don't need insulin.
Pts can present at any age with diabetes type 1. If it develops in older age, it takes longer to progress to the point where they need insulin. Sometimes they are misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 DM tx: basal bolus insulin regimen = daily basal insulin bolus + meal time insulin injections. Most pts are not started on insulin pumps because insulin pumps can fail. Pts should start with insulin they inject themselves so that they know how to do this in case an insulin pump were to fail. Glargine, detemir, tresiba are long acting basal insulins.
You teach pts how to carb count and use pre-meal insulin. Can also give sliding scale insulin.
Avoid sugary beverages. Learn to count carbs. Do insulin to carb ratio. Low carb diet can help. But in pediatric pts, you can limit to 50 to 100 grams of carbs daily.
Pts should check blood glucose before meals abd at bedtime. They should check it at 2:00 a.m. in the beginning of treatment to ensure they don't become hypoglycemic in the middle of the night. Can also check blood sugar 2 hours after a meal to ensure that the meal time bolus is appropriate. Aim for blood glucose level between 80 and 150 mg/dL (but it ranges depending on the kid's age) and how recently they were diagnosed. You want 50% of blood glucose readings to be in that goal range. If less than 50% of blood sugars are in that goal range, then you have to adjust treatment regimen.
Use fasting blood glucose to titrate basal insulin. You can skip a meal and check blood glucose every 2 hours. If blood glucose rises 30 mg/dL or drops 30 mg/dL every 2 hours, then your basal insulin needs adjustment.
Type 1 DM - loss of 80% of pancreatic islet cells. When the pt starts receiving insulin, the remaining 20% of islet cells can start producing insulin. That may make it easier to control the diabetes initially. This is called "Honeymoon phase."
I googled it and found this:
In the period after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, some people experience a ‘honeymoon’ phase. During the honeymoon the pancreas is still able to produce a significant amount of its own insulin. This helps to lower blood sugar levels and can reduce the amount of insulin you need to inject or pump.
Honeymoon phase can last up to 2 years or 3 years. This phase disappears. Blood glucose below 70 is low. Blood sugar should not be below 50 more than 2 times a week. If it occurs more often than that, you have to adjust their regimen. You want to avoid neuroglycopenia (low blood glucose in the brain). It can cause AMS and seizures. Sweating, palpitations, tremors are other symptoms of low blood glucose. Treat it by eating or drinking 15 grams of carbs, waiting 15 minutes, then rechecking blood glucose. If blood glucose is still low, give another 15 grams of carbs and check it again in 15 minutes. Glucose gel can be used or glucagon injection. Mini-dosing: 1 unit per year of age subcutaneous glucagon can be given.
Aerobic activity makes you absorb insulin. But if you don't have enough insulin, cells can't take it in. Kids with blood glucose above 350 mg/dL should not play sports. Increased activity increases sympathetic tone, which can increase blood glucose level.
If you've been very active during the day, your blood glucose can go low hours later, so for kids who play sports, they should check their blood glucose more frequently at end of day.
Illness can raise or lower glucose levels--stress can raise glucose and not eating can decrease it. Pts should still always take basal insulin when sick and should check blood sugars more frequently. You may need to avoid insulin boluses if your sugar is low.
NPO after midnight for pts who are going for surgery doesn't include cleat liquids. Diabetics can drink clear liquids up to 2 hours prior to surgery to treat low blood sugars. You can decrease these pts' basal insulin if necessary.
Vision, neurological, kidney problems, cardiovascular problems can occur as complications. If HgbA1c is persistently high over time, this can lead to the complications of diabetes. Check eyes yearly, check lipids yearly, check kidney function, urine albumin yearly. Glycosylation of cell proteins causes damage.
For toddlers, tolerate Hgba1c up to 8.5%. As they get older, aim for Hgba1c of 6.5%. It's hard to achieve that in type 1 DM. So 7.5% is not bad in a pt with type 1 DM.
Continuous glucose monitor checks blood glucose every 5 minutes or so. It's connected to the insulin pump, telling it to give more or less insulin based on the blood glucose trend. Pts still need to bolus themselves before meals.
There are diabetes camps where you can volunteer to learn more about diabetes.
From the post test:
Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common autoimmune disorder associated with diabetes, occurring in 17–30% of patients with type 1 diabetes. 
Key Point: It is important to check other autoimmune studies when first diagnosing Type 1 Diabetes. Screening for thyroid dysfunction and for celiac disease should be considered. Other conditions such as primary adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune hepatitis, autoimmune gastritis, dermatomyositis, and myasthenia gravis, occur more commonly in the population with T1DM than in the general pediatric population and should be assessed and monitored as clinically indicated. 
American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2020 Jan; 43(Supplement 1): S163-S182
International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) guidelines recommend a target HbA1c of <7.5% for all pediatric patients with strong emphasis placed on individualizing glucose targets to promote normoglycemia while preventing severe or frequent hypoglycemia.
Key Point: Advise patients to aim for as low of an A1C as possible (<7.5%) while avoiding low sugars. Additionally, educate patients that the trend of A1C’s over time is more important than one specific value.
Chiang, J. L., Maahs, D. M., Garvey, K. C., Hood, K. K., Laffel, L. M., Weinzimer, S. A., Wolfsdorf, J. I., & Schatz, D. (2018). Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes care, 41(9), 2026–2044. https://doi.org/10.2337/dci18-0023
Differentiating the specific type of Diabetes is important due to the differences in treatment and education for the patient. The presence of one or more of these antibodies confirms the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. 
Key Point: It is helpful to order antibody studies to aid in the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, especially if it is difficult to distinguish from Type 2, MODY, etc. However, negative antibodies do not exclude a diagnosis of T1DM, but it should trigger a thought process of thinking this could be another or new form of disease that acts like T1DM but may not necessarily be T1DM. 
Mayer-Davis et al. (2018) IPSAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: Definition, epidemiology and classification of diabetes in children and adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes. 2018, 19(S27), 7-19.  
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Unexpected 53
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, Andy is nasty in this, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You’re exhausted. Peaks of adrenaline dip down to plummeting valleys. If it were just you, it’d be okay. You’d let it all just happen. You’ve been trapped before, but Luna, she doesn’t deserve that. You could never save yourself, but you can save her.
You grip your hip as you stand by the crib, watching her sleep. At last. It’s only because her little body couldn’t writhe or cry anymore that she slumbers. All her energy is spent and yours is much the same.
You hear footsteps on the stairs. You tense and face the door as it opens. Andy enters and you put a finger to your lips. He carefully eases the door into the frame and gives a guilty smile. It’s strange how he can act like this is all perfectly normal. To him, you guess, it is.
“Hey, honey,” he whispers, “how is she?”
“Sleeping,” you mouth as you keep your vigil at cribside.
He comes close and you stand straight, staying between him and your child. His eyes rove down your body as he nears. He reaches to fondle your tits as he approaches and you hold back a hiss. You’re raw and worn out from him. Reviled by his touch.
“Well, it’s mommy time,” he winks. You give him a look, wary but curious.
He lets his hands wander down your stomach and he takes your hand. He moves slowly and softly through the space. It’s terrifying how the noise dampens in this place. The walls are no doubt padded to keep it all inside.
He takes you towards the bathroom nestled behind the kitchen. He nudges you in ahead of him. As he goes to close the door, you reach to catch it. He turns with an arched brow.
“So I can hear her,” you explain.
“More likely to wake her up. Let her sleep,” he tugs on the door but you don’t budge.
“Just in case,” you plea and step closer, “you want…” you swallow as you repress a shudder, “our daughter to be safe, right?”
He sighs, his hand sliding down the door and away. His eyes meet yours, foggy and blue as he tilts his head.
“I want mommy to give daddy some of her love,” he grits out.
“Alright,” you coax and reach to touch his arm, caressing his sleeve, “I can do that, Andy, that’s okay.”
“I know it’s okay. It’s the least I deserve, isn’t it?”
You swallow. You could’ve never imagined him like this. Not your friendly neighbour on his bouncing jogs. His gleaming eyes are dulled and he’s a shell of the suburban saviour you knew. He never was that, you should’ve known better.
“Of course, of course,” you step closer and bring your hand up his shoulder, tamping down every ounce of disgust, “you’ve made such a nice home for us. I see that, Andy, and I’m so thankful for it.”
You rub his chest with both hands and feel him relax. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He trails his fingers up your arms and covers your hands with his. He quivers out a brittle exhale as his eyes flash open.
“Honey,” he purrs and brings your hands up to his face, guiding you to touch his beard as he nuzzles like a needy dog, “call me ‘honey’, baby.”
“Honey,” you utter as you succumb to him.
He hums and leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You stand locked like that as he lets your hands fall away. He touches your jaw, then your neck, then squeezes your tender chest. You whimper as you feel a meagre trickle slip free.
“Get clean up,” he rasps, his body rigid and trembling, “I’ll be waiting.”
He releases you, backing up as you stare stunned and confused. He turns and stalks out, his imposing figure burned into your vision. You hold your breath and listen. Soft steps pacing but no other disturbance. You don’t matter, it’s Luna. She’s sleeping, she needs her sleep.
You peer around and stop to stare at the tub. You can’t have the door wide open or the noise will wake your daughter. You shut it but leave a crack between the frame. You twist the faucet on and undress.
You move mechanically. You don’t feel. Don’t ever do that.
You ease into the water. The warmth would be immaculate in another world. You look down at your chapped nipples as the hot water stings them. You push your head back and reach for the soap.
You wash quickly, not letting the tub fill all the way as you do. You move around, trying not to slosh or splash too much. The scent of the soap is familiar but less than comforting. The same you use at home. You noticed he even had the sensitive brand you get for Luna’s dainty skin.
You get out as the tub drains and pat yourself dry with the towel. You’re not stupid. You know what’s going on. What he expects. Still, as you come out wrapped in cotton, you’re shocked to find Andy naked and waiting.
He sprawls on the bed, heels by the corners of the mattress, as his hand bobs up and down his length. He’s hard, twitching with each stroke as he lets out deep growls. You look from him to the crib, mortified. 
You pull the curtain around the little nursery to block it out. It’s not ideal but it’ll have to do. Andy’s timbre rumbles in his chest.
“I’ve been waiting,” he warns.
You close your eyes and wet your lips as you steady yourself. You nod and let go of the towel. You refuse to look down at your body. Maybe he’ll see the truth and he won’t want you. The stretch marks, the dough, the distortion of flesh.
He hums and you slowly turn, shuffling your feet under you. You face him and can’t help but cross your arm over your stomach, the other over your pendulous chest. You hear the breath escape him sharply. You wince as he props himself up on his elbows, letting his dick flop up against his stomach.
Right, now he sees you completely. The only other person to witness the ruin. His eyes stick to you as you stare at the wall.
“Come here,” he breathes.
You cross to the bed, staring blindly past it. As you near, he reaches for your hand and guides you down beside him. He rolls onto his side, an arm hook under you as his fingers crawl up and down your figure. He pulls your arm from across your belly as you try to hide.
“Andy… honey, please, can I put a shirt on–”
“Why?” He asks as question he wants no answer to.
He urges you onto your back and gropes your chest rough. Once more he bends to suckle and teeth at you. You whine as the plucking and tugging needles deep into your chest. His hand grazes along your stomach, underlining each rippled line across your skin, creeping down to dip between your legs.
He pokes at your thighs until they fall apart. You force yourself to go limp. Just let him do what he wants. It’s just a body, a body that’s been used before.
He plays with you, flicking impatiently at your clit as he continues to nuzzle and nibble your tits. The blank ceiling fills your sight. You try not to be there. You force away any thought that tries to break through.
He lifts himself over you, the bed shifting with his weight, and he pushes your legs wide with his knees. He rubs his tip against your cunt. Your clench but relax. No, no, he won’t take long. You can do this. You have to do this.
He angles himself down and prods at your entrance. He enters you in a single thrust. You swallow a shriek. You’re dry. Your body won’t listen to your head. He bends over you, planting an elbow to hover above. He hooks his arm under your neck and tilts his hips.
“I missed you,” he grunts as he rocks against your resistance.
Your eyes burn as tears threaten to break through. Don’t do that. You puff out your lips, trying to ignore the dry agony of his thrusts.
“Missed you too,” you eke out, bracing his bicep as he keeps an even rhythm.
“Mmm,” he purrs and bows to kiss you.
His tongue invades your mouth as he almost gags you. His spit smears around your mouth as he devours you sloppily, moaning and groaning as the bed rocks with him. You feel his muscle bulge and picks up his pace.
You let out tiny noises, nothing sultry, as he drags his mouth from yours. He buries his head next to yours, puffing into the pillow as he gives in to his rising need. He ruts into you, your walls on fire as his pelvis cracks into yours. You can’t help but get louder as the pain grows unbearable.
Your whines turn shrill but you don’t feel yourself screaming. You touch your throat but it’s not you bawling. Luna! She’s awake. She’s crying. She needs you.
You push on Andy’s chest, “please, she’s awake–”
“Almost done,” he sneers into the crook of your neck, his back hunched as he hammers into you.
“Get– Andy, she needs me–”
“I need you,” he snaps and bites down on the muscle beside your neck. 
You cry out as he pinches your flesh between his teeth, pounding harder and harder as he chases his release. You stretch your arm across the bed, searching for any escape. Luna’s wailing grows louder and louder, making you dizzy as flesh slaps in echoes around the room.
“Andy, stop! Get off of me!”
He brings his hand up to your neck and squeezes until your voice catches and your breath whistles tightly. He chokes your protests quiet and fucks you into the mattress, crushing you beneath him as he quakes and roars, adding to the tempest of noise around you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he gasps and you feel him cum inside you, a scalding flood that sickens you.
He slows, collapsing as he’s paralysed in his afterglow. You’re trapped under him, lip trembling as you’re strangled by the desperate cries of your daughter. Get off, get off, get off.
He slips out, a slimy flow gushing out of you, and he pushes himself to flop onto his back. He gulps and heaves, droning as he tickles his own stomach and hums. Your vision speckles as you gulp down air, blinking through your dizziness. Luna shrieks as you cough and touch your throbbing throat.
“Shut her up,” Andy raps his knuckles against your hip as you sit up, “fuck.”
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crissiebaby · 8 months
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 3
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“I dare you to ride your favorite horsey while playing with my Magic Wand and acting as aroused as possible!” announced Crissie, smirking pridefully as she pointed to Codi’s purple and blue-accented steed, “AND you have to ride it until…uh…” The gears in Crissie’s brain suddenly ground to a halt as she tried to consider a fair amount of time for Codi’s challenge. They didn’t exactly have a clock to go off of so using standard units of time would be a tad difficult.
While Crissie mused on a way to clock Codi’s next dare, Codi pursed her lips as she glanced at her prized equine. As a gift from Master, she took pride in how well she maintained PonyPony Clopper’s pristine condition, in spite of Crissie’s attempts to defile her precious rocking horse at every turn. Now, it was her turn to do the defiling, even if the whole thing was an act. She just hoped PonyPony would forgive her when this was all over. 
Glaring back at Crissie, the fun and games were officially over. Crissie knew what PonyPony meant to her, so for her to drag him into their kinky dare war was a bridge too far. This was personal. “You know what, I have an idea,” said Codi snidely, thinking on her feet with the aim of controlling Crissie’s dumb dare, “I dare you to down a Lightning Laxative. Once you start filling your diaper, my dare is over.” It was a deceivingly simple dare that Crissie was sure to dominate but one that would also end swiftly within three to five minutes, shortening her dare to however long Crissie’s bowel would hold out. And if the average state of Crissie’s diaper was anything to go off of, her rear end would be brown far before any amount of vibrator play could get to her. This round of dares wasn’t about winning. It was about pain mitigation.
“Yeah! That’s a great idea!” said a very naïve Crissie, thinking nothing of Codi’s helpful suggestion as she sprinted across the nursery and dove into the pantry. She soon returned with a CrissBaby Lightning Laxative in hand, as well as the Magic Wand she kept cribside at all times. Signs of heavy usage could be seen all over her long, white vibrator, “For you, my dear Codster.” She giggled at her off-the-cuff nickname for her bestest roomie.
Unfortunately, Codi did not share in Crissie's jubilation for the new nickname, rolling her eyes as she reluctantly snatched the wireless vibrator from Crissie’s hands. “Whatever, just start chugging as soon as I’m on the horse,” she said before trudging to where PonyPony Clopper was resting. She placed a gentle hand on his back and pressed her forehead against his, “We’re gonna get through this, okay?”
“Tick-tock, Codi!” shouted Crissie, her impatience winning out as she watched Codi pet her rocking horse instead of hopping on top of it.
Grumbling, Codi decided it was time to get this over with. She grabbed onto the handle that was attached to the front of the saddle and mounted herself on the rocking horse like a true cowgirl. She then placed the head of the vibrator against her crotch, gulping hard as her kitten twitched instinctively. “Okay, I’ll start rocking once you down your laxative,” she said, watching Crissie in anticipation of her tossing the foul-tasting shot back.
Much to Codi’s dismay, Crissie had other plans. “Nuh-uh! You start rocking and turn the vibrator on. Then I’ll drink,” said Crissie with a cheeky smile. She was being bratty just for the sake of being bratty, knowing how much it would get under Codi’s skin.
Despite her best efforts, Codi was powerless to stop herself from taking the bait. “Just take the stupid shot!” she said, earning a wealth of chuckles from Crissie in response, further fueling her agitation. Tragically, her resolve was nowhere near as airtight as Crissie’s was when she was in brat mode, scoffing out a brief, “Whatever,” as she started to rock back and forth. Once she got PonyPony moving at a steady rhythm, she reached down and turned the vibrator on, selecting its lowest setting with a shaky finger.
Revving to life at the press of a button, Codi’s entire body tensed up as a surge of pleasurable reverberations coursed through her well-manicured human form. While she did have the ability to revert back to her slime form to dull the sensations, doing so was also likely to cause a surge of her own purple goo to enter her diaper, especially with her body heating up like it was. As unbearable as it was to get off on her favorite toy in the nursery while Crissie watched with mischievous glee, she knew she could win this round with ease given the potency of CrissBaby Lightning Laxatives. Speaking of Crissie, “D-Drink the thing already!”
“Hehe! With Pleasure!” said Crissie with each of her perfectly white teeth on prominent display as she raised the shot to Codi before tossing it down her throat in a single gulp. She smacked her lips together, powering through the prickly taste. She did have plenty of experience, after all. “Mmm! Good stuff.” She petted her tummy, feeling the Lightning Laxative doing a number on her digestive system the moment it entered her stomach.
Now that her task was done, Crissie crossed the nursery to where Codi was rocking away, deciding she might as well make the most of the time she had until the laxative reemerged out the other side of her. “Ya know, I do believe that a part of your dare was to act as aroused as possible,” she said, raising her eyebrows condescendingly, “You’re not trying to lose already, are you?”
To call the expression Codi gave back to Crissie a pout would be a massive understatement. Did Crissie really have to throw in that last nugget of fun? If anything, so many directions should count as more than one dare. Sadly, as much as she wanted to tell Crissie off for her overly demanding dare, she knew the taunting she would receive from such a statement would be far from worth it. Instead, she gritted her teeth and gave Crissie exactly what she wanted.
“Mmmmmmmm! Ahhhhhhh!” moaned Codi, faking as much enthusiasm as her reserved personality would allow. This caused Crissie to burst into hysterics almost immediately, sparking Codi’s inner sense of defensiveness, “Oh, would you shut up?! I’m doing it! You didn’t say I had to do it well!”
Raising both hands innocently, Crissie responded in between her giggle fits, “Hey, I didn’t say you were doing a bad job. I have to say, you’re putting on quite a show-oh no!” In a truly karmic moment, Crissie’s bowels lurched in the middle of her laughter-filled statement, causing her to double over as her gut gurgled forcefully. She knew the end was nigh. It was just a matter of how long she could hold out to keep Codi rocking.
Fueled by Crissie’s ever-approaching, Codi doubled her efforts, rocking with more force and moaning as loudly as she could. “What’s the matter, Lil Sis Criss? Having some tummy troubles?” she teased, turning the tables on her once cocky roommate.
Crissie could only grimace as the cramps refused to let up, filling her large intestines with liquidy mush. She slipped a finger into her mouth and bit down hard, fighting both the need to poop as well as her own titillation. If she hadn’t been attempting to extend the time of Codi’s wild ride, she would’ve long given up and filled her diapers to her heart’s content. She feebly pressed her hands into the front of her diaper, whimpering as the chastity belt prevented her from stimulating her extremely moist clit. Caught between sexual frustration and the ever-building gut pain she was experiencing, she finally lost the war with her bowels.
The back of Crissie’s diaper exploded outward as a bucket-load of mush passed through the wide opening at the rear of her chastity belt and entered her patented CrissBaby diaper. And the mush did not stop coming until every millimeter of that cursed Lightning Laxative had evacuated her system. Perched on trembling legs, she bent forward and placed her hands on her knees to keep from collapsing to the floor.
Meanwhile, an exceptionally delighted Codi clicked off the vibrator and allowed PonyPony Clopper’s movements to slow to a stop. “Aww, I bet your tumtum is feeling all better now,” she said, rounding her rocking horse to where Crissie was standing and condescendingly placing a hand on her squishy, saggy diaper, getting a sizable handful of Crissie’s soiled fluff. This was the kind of spiritual victory she was in desperate need of, especially considering that she and Crissie’s little game was far from over.
For Crissie, this was equal parts embarrassing, frustrating, and unsurprisingly, lustful. Of course, she was silently getting off on every second of this. She was a full-fledged diaper lover with a humiliation kink the size of the sun. It would’ve honestly been weirder if she wasn’t turned on. It was the frustration that was truly getting to her. She may not have been as competitive as Codi was but her inner brat still couldn’t stand to lose even so much as a single round of Double Diaper Dare. She’d have to step up her game tremendously for Codi’s next big dare.
Shrugging off Codi’s faux affection, Crissie stepped into the center of the nursery and looked around the space in search of an idea. However, much like when a mean bout of writer’s block hit her, she was coming up empty-handed. That was until she spotted the pink portal key stationed on her writing desk. A key that allowed her to teleport anywhere on Earth that she wanted. All she had to do was fit the key into any lock and bam, she had a fully functioning portal. Perhaps her problem wasn’t a lack of creativity but instead a lack of options. Leaping to her feet, she rushed over and picked up the key, holding it out for Codi to see, “For your next dare, I think it’s best that we move somewhere a bit more public.”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more Double Diaper Dare!? Subscribe to my SubscribeStar or pixivFANBOX to get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse today!
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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kittykatkatelol · 6 months
"Just a Dream" Sirius Black Oneshot
Prompt by @whumpcember - prompt: nightmares - day 6 - fandom: Harry Potter
CW: Implied PTSD - implied past abuse
She was screaming at him again. He didn't know what he did wrong - he almost never knew but that never was enough to make her stop.
He watched her raise her wand again - this had to have been the millionth time but it never got easier. He tensed, waiting for the inevitable impact of the spell. The pain that will most surely come with it.
Sirius jolted awake, a cold sweat drenching his body and clothes. "It was just a dream." He reminded himself.
The same nightmares over and over again. He reached for Moony, but of course he wasn't there. Moony was never there anymore, now that he had Tonks.
Sirius shook his head, best not to dwell on such things. Things that will only make it harder to move on.
He rolled over and fell back into a restless sleep.
He had come to say Happy Halloween - come to play with little Harry and talk with Lily and James.
The house was destroyed. Like the whole upstairs had been blown up. He ran inside - he couldn't believe what he saw, refused to believe it. James, dead on the floor, opened eyed and unmoving. He reluctantly tore his eyes away from his best friend, needing to see if Lily and Harry had at least made it out.
Lily was dead at Harry's cribside.
Sirius woke up again to tears in his eyes. It had to have only been an hour since he last woke.
He didn't want to sleep anymore, even if he was still tired, even if it was still late. He didn't want to see it anymore, not because it scared him, but because he knew it was real.
He forced himself to get up. A coffee would be enough to wake him up, at least he could be productive and clean a little more of this house of horrors.
Sirius was glad no one else was here - he could scream and cry as loud as he wanted and no one would ever know. He didn't want people to be concerned about him - especially not his Moony- Remus.
Get it together, Sirius. Just drink your coffee and move on.
[Word count: 356]
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xanadulys · 7 months
My newborn nephew is in the hospital!
Everyone, I humbly ask for prayers for my newborn nephew! He has caught RSV and is in the hospital in the NICU. My nephew and niece are staying with us because the hospital won't let them stay and my sister is at baby Cody's (HE HAS A NEW NAME!!!!!) cribside. I realize that we are strangers, but I hope you will join me in vigil. God Bless you all. UBI.
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emgoesmed · 1 year
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Intellectual - my version
Reading list 2023
Haven’t played piano all year :( unlikely i will have time/energy
Duolingo x1 month (Russian) + watch/read more Spanish media
Learn how to use lip makeup (lip liner, lipstick)
Cribsiders pediatrics podcast when I feel like podcast listening
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
i would like to know some more about baby Barnabas. That drawing of him and Magnus is very funny
Here’s a little dabble of baby Barnabas with big brother Magnus and a cute doodle to go with:
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Magnus crawled along the ground of the nursery, sneaking up to the edge of the crib. His young daughter, Minka, followed behind him. Magnus turned a bit, putting a finger over his lips to signal quiet.
Minka nodded.
He turned back to the cribside, rising up a bit to peek over the edge. His baby brother stirred a bit, clutching the blankets. Minka peered in beside her father.
Barnabas yawned, gummy mouth wide, rubbing his eyes before sitting up. Minka giggled a bit. The baby turned to look at them, already sporting a grumpy look.
“Why does he look so mad?” She asked, smiling.
“He’s full of rage.” Magnus explained, “But he’s so small it’s all condensed.”
While he was talking to Minka, Magnus failed to notice the baby crawl to the cribside. Barnabas pulled himself up, brandishing his wooden dragon toy. Magnus turned back just in time to get bonked square on the forehead.
He closed his eyes, wincing as the baby repeated the act, making Minka giggle harder. Magnus bared his teeth, leaning closer. Barnabas’s little face lit up with a little smile, reaching out with chubby hands. He grabbed fistfuls of his older brother’s fur.
“Ack!” Magnus pulled his head away, loosing some fur in the process.
Barnabas gurgled, waving around his prize.
“He’s too strong!” Magnus fell to the floor, dramatically, “Save yourself!”
Minka turned on her heels, running from the room with a small yelp. Barnabas, held the edge of the crib, bouncing excitedly as Magnus pretended to writhe in agony.
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mad2001-4 · 1 year
Bit and Hop woke feeling disoriented. Bit had a much easier time adjusting knowing he'd felt this way before. The fog in his head cleared as he looked down finding himself again about three-years-old. Hop, however, was still groggily rubbing his eyes with a soft little whine. Bit's stomach rolled at this new realization, someone had targeted them both. They both now were mere helpless tots. He reached a hand out gently shaking Hop, as if that would stir the other quicker, "B-Bunny.. Bunny! Cmon! We gotta find a way outta hewe," he insisted, lisped voice near frantic.
Hop furrowed his brows lightly slowly removing his hand from his eyes, taking a moment to actually process the situation and his partner's words. He took note of his voice being childish again but then why was he so close to his height this time? This made him look down at himself, panic seizing him in an almost paralyzed state near instantly, he couldn't even utter a noise of surprise.
"B-bit... wha-"
Before the question could be finished a door opened, both demons snapping their heads in that direction, paling a little at the sight of the King of Hell there. The blonde fallen angel offered an almost teasing smirk, "Ah, my favorite little pets are awake," they hummed, strolling closer and leaning against the edge of the bed, a bed they both realized quickly that was a crib, "I'm sure you're trying to rack your adorable, fuzzy little brains for answers, no? Shall I enlighten you?"
Hop felt his heart drop, he couldn't remember much, surely they hadn't been on a job.... had they? He couldn't remember, but the mere thought of it, of what they would surely face in the fact they'd failed Lucifer, was more than enough to make his lip tremble slightly. Lucifer's mocking expression only grew, tutting, but they pushed themself off the crib bar, heading over to a dresser. Bit watched them with a glare, whereas Hop was currently focused on calming himself down. This meant Bit was able to see what was being grabbed first and immediately, he tightly shut his lips. Hop blinked in confusion finally looking up himself right as Lucifer returned to the cribside, producing two pacifiers, a lavender one with 'Bunny' written on the handle that was promptly pushed into Hop's mouth. Then a red one with 'Kitten' which was put in Bit's mouth, albeit with a tad more struggle.
"There now, a pacifier to settle one tot, and hopefully help the other keep his mouth shut while I explain," they grinned, condescending tone still clear as day under the expression. They leaned against the infantile bed once more, "Are we ready to begin?"
Before even offering a chance to answer, the devil clasped their hands together, chuckling, "Oh, who am I kidding? You're babies now! And babies just listen, hm?"
Despite being posed as a question, there was an underlying obviousness that 'no' wasn't the right answer. Lucifer hummed, tapping their finger as they thought, "Well, I thought my little assailant was so cute this tiny... but I couldn't push all that responsibility off on my errand boy again, no matter how humorous and how well he did with it last time.... so, I took it upon myself to gift myself two adorable little babies.... and oh you two didn't disappoint," they chuckled, reaching over to pinch both de-aged demons' cheeks.
Hop heaved out a shaky but so relieved breath, remaining stiff, not wanting to provoke the devil, especially in such a vulnerable state. Bit, however, growled trying to wiggle away and pushed at their hand, spitting out its pacifier, "Y-you fuckin' insane?" he demanded, "We can't do nofin wike fis!" Bit scolded.
"Ohhh," Lucifer cooed, "someone's fussy... let me make one thing clear to you, Allister, and you too Sirius.... Sirius may have been kind enough to spare you from too much embarrassment... but I'm not. You two are here for my entertainment alone. When I'm bored, I'll fix you... probably," they shrugged, "or I could pass you two off to the highest bidder. I'm sure there's others in Hell that would love to torment you in these feeble states...."
Hop's heart leapt out, quickly shaking his head, letting the pacifier fall from his mouth in attempt to sound more clear despite the lisp he knew would come, "N-no Word! Bit didn' mean it!" he assured before glaring at the red haired demon, "'powogize!"
Bit grunted in frustration, but did look to Lucifer, "I'm... sowwy, Lowd Lucifew..."
Lucifer chuckled again nodding, "That's much better. Two well behaved rugrats.... now then, shall we have some fun?" they smirked, picking up the two, only pausing to replace the pacifiers before they were brought back up to their chest.
Bit sulkily crossed his arms as Hop watched on warily, with a bit of attempt to cover the nervousness, "Um... what fun we gonna haves?"
"Well, I think lunch is an excellent place to start, goodness knows when you ate last," they chuckled again, despite a cheery tone, the smirk was all the two demons needed to be nervous as to what their lord had planned for them.
Worry was the right emotion, Bit decided. While no legitimate torture devices waited for them, it may as well been close enough as far as their prides and dignity, what little they had left, were considered. Lucifer strapped the two demons into highchairs, smirk remaining everlasting it seemed.
"A bit much fow some 'fun' Lowd?" Bit asked, brow arched.
Lucifer chuckled a bit, "Oh little kitty cat, this is part of the fun!" they hummed delightedly, "Seeing you two helpless to my whims," they motioned to the highchairs, "its a true delight. Just the adorable entertainment I was looking for," they hummed, "of course I'd say seating arrangements are the least of your worries," with a mere flick of their hand, two filled sippy cups appeared on each tray, "as you see, I intend to subject you two to all the childish items I so please. I'd say consider yourselves lucky I don't want to be changing any diapers," they hummed.
Bit scrunched his nose at the cup, as Hop watched his own carefully, wondering if Lucifer would be cruel enough to spike the drinks with something while they were in this state. A glance shared between the two demons was all it took for Hop's concerns to be expressed. Before any planning could be done however, Bit swallowed his pride, bringing the cup to his lips in a sudden movement, gulping down some of the liquid, eyes tightly shut as he awaited some cruel painfulness.... but none came, even as he lowered his cup. Hop looked shocked, eyes widened in worried fear. Bit looked back perplexed.
"It... it jus' milk.."
Lucifer chuckled heartedly at this, brow arched, "You thought I'd hurt my toys? Goodness me, here I thought I treated you two well!"
Bit glared at Lucifer, "We're free-years-old 'ight now. You fink dis is 't'eating us well'?"
"Oh yes, I could do a lot worse," they cooed.
Hop sighed, figuring Lucifer was right there. They'd certainly done worse to others, physically worse anyways, "Yeah... jus'... odd I guessh.. why dis? I didn' eben fink you wiked kids."
"Ohhh I have my moments," Lucifer shrugged, snapping their fingers to have macaroni and cheese appear on the trays as well.
Hop nodded hesitating a moment before getting a bite of the food, more at ease when having seen the drinks had nothing done to them. But scrunched his nose, just watching the food.
"So what, we 'pected to p'ay dis wole for you till you get bored?" the redheaded tot demanded, eyes narrowed in an unimpressed manner.
Lucifer hummed shrugging, "I mean, between the two of you, I'd say you have the most experience acting that way on a normal basis, but I certainly won't stop you. I won't force you either. I know I'll get my entertainment one way or another... now if you're offering, Kitty, I can certainly spoonfeed you, if you so need..."
Bit's face ran red, huffing softly, but it was encouraging enough to have him start eating. Lunch, from there, went smoothly, Lucifer gleefully watching the two feed themselves, what with some intentional interruptions ending with them having some mess around their mouths. Clearly, however, this was what Lucifer wanted as they gladly wiped the two demons' mouths clean afterwards, cooing tauntingly about having 'messy babies'. Afterwards, Lucifer apparently deemed it playtime, with some added pacifier clips to the childishly printed outfits they adorned, Hop with blocks and teddy bears on his shirt and Bit with a cheerful, cartoon sun right in the middle of his shirt.
With infantile toys scattered about and a, rather insulting, cartoon playing in the background teaching about the kinds of demons in Hell. Lucifer still clearly found humor in the two's boredom, having banished them to the floor where 'Little ones are supposed to play'. Bit sulked, clutching a rabbit to his chest and flicking at some noise making toy with the least amount of interest.
"You 'Kay, Bunny?" he eventually murmured.
Hop looked over then sighed, nodding a little bit, "Yeah... 'm fiwne... 'till don' unde'stand but..." the gray haired toddler shrugged loosely, "we won' be wike dis foweber. Bes' to jus' go wif it."
"Guessh so..." Bit mumbled, "I think it 'tupid," he added in a huff.
"Someone's starting to sound grumpy," Lucifer cooed with a smirk, "is it my pets nap time?"
Both demons blushed darkly, but figuring it would be some time away from the humiliation, Hop nodded. Lucifer chuckled scooping the two up easily to carry them back to the crib. But grunted a little bit.
"We can walk, Lowd..."
"Not very good, I bet," they hummed, "just leave it to me, little ones," sure enough Lucifer was rather gentle in tucking the two in side by side, making sure they had pacifiers and stuffed animals before turning on a mobile overhead letting it play lullabies. While not tired when first laid down, Bit and Hop both found themselves drifting off.
When they woke again, Hop quickly noticed there were no crib bars, looking around to find them both back in their appointment and in their usual bed. Hop heaved out a sigh as Bit sat up, "That had to be a fucked up dream, right?"
"I doubt we'd share a dream, Bit. Or that Morphepus would conjure something so cruel..." Hop shook his head, pausing at something on the nightstand. He sighed in confirmation finding the toys they'd gone to sleep with and a note reading 'That was fun. Should you two or I need some adorable, relaxing entertainment, I know where to look. -Prince Lucifer' .
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mycheerykid · 2 years
Let’s dream away under the stars Lights. Music. Naptime. Getting a fussy or restless young one to sleep can be a real challenge. Whether it’s an afternoon nap or time to get some shut-eye at night, gain an extra hand to soothe a baby or young child into Zzz land with this spectacular Starry Baby Night Light. Discover a music-playing, light-displaying, voice-recording fun box that is a powerhouse for pacifying a crying child. Let’s put an end to the tiring “you this time, then I’m next” switching between you and your significant other for putting the baby to rest. It does everything you can So let it do the work Puts on a light show Let you baby gaze in wonder at the stars before dozing off. Plays music Play soothing and relaxing tunes to help your baby fall asleep. Records your voice Leave a message by speaking into the built-in microphone to let you little one feel you are there. Sets a nap timer Included is a timer function for 30 and 60 minutes so you can know when it’s time to wake up your child. A galaxy of color With red, green, and blue light you can set the star projector lamp to shine a single color -- or a mix of all three. Plus, if you’re in need of a moody light for movie night or something, you can use this baby lamp (no judgement here. Just more multifunctional use for you). Furry faces in the night A sweet rabbit, bear, and cow show their bedtime-ready faces on the lamp in eyes-closed looks, encouraging your baby to get some shut-eye too.Add warm, inviting color to a baby nursery or your living room for a relaxing atmosphere and vibe. Made from love Constructed of bump-resistant ABS plastic, our Starry Baby Night Light is crafted to absorb any hits, bumps, or falls for greater peace of mind (and less chance of any damage of injury) when in use (or if it accidentally falls).  The light is powered by one 1.5V AA battery that is not included with your purchase. Great for newborns Our lamp is a wonderful idea for babies 18 months or older. Sized for tiny tots Measuring just 5.5in x 7.1in (140mm x 180mm), our night light won’t take up much space, fitting perfectly on a dresser or cribside end table. Get the product now! If you have any questions about our Product, or our service detail, please feel free to message us by visiting our Contact page and you can also visit our Facebook page.
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spiderweb-bf · 3 years
*infomercial voice* do you want to start training your child to prepare for the ever worsening surveillance state hellhole we all live in? well, we've got the product for you:
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with our new cribside camera, you can teach your child early on to find comfort in the cold, dead stare of a security camera. by using our product for up to five years, you can be sure that your child won't find the presence of security cameras watching their every move to be "creepy" or "weird". instead, they will find comfort in the reflection of the camera lens and will come to associate being constantly monitored with the feeling of a good nights sleep.
plus, the 24/7 video livestream directly to your phone will help your child feel more comfortable in front of cameras. so who knows? maybe your child can graduate from a cribside livesteam to a real one and have a successful twitch empire by age 6!
and hey, if your child ever mistakes the unmoving, watchful lens to be its mother, at least you'll have the video of your child calling the camera "mommy" saved automatically to your phone, so you can savor the memory for all of eternity.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
35 week old febrile pt with fever of 101.2, ApO2 86%, tachypneic, wheezing, subcostal retractions, runny nose, nasal flaring. It's a viral illness.
Low oxygen level is not necessarily bad in a child. They can tolerate low oxygen. The emergency is getting the CO2 out.
Giving oxygen for comfort is a myth. Giving oxygen won't make the pt feel better. The emergency is respiratory status: work of breathing, retractions (non-compliant lungs due to mucus), respiratory rate. The red flag is the respiratory status, not so much the hypoxemia.
90-100 is an A
80-90 is a B
70-80 is a C
All of the above are still passing grades.
Below 70 is more worrisome.
No testing is really necessary because it won't necessarily change the management. In children, WBC is 50% sensitive and 50% specific for determining viral vs. bacterial illness. So a CBC in a child isn't necessarily helpful. Viruses can cause elevated WBC in kids (adenovirus can cause WBC of 24). CMP could be helpful if pt is dehydrated. Blood culture utility is low after 2 months of age because false positive rate is double the true positive rate. If baby is septic, then get blood culture.
Abx use in childhood can increase risk of type 1 DM. Obviously, you don't give abxs automatically.
CXR increases risk of giving unnecessary abxs. Procalcitonin and CRP are better than WBC for distinguishing between viral and bacterial infection.
In an infant less than 1 month old, do a full rule out sepsis with: urine, blood, and CSF.
0.4% of infants under 1 month old with fever have meningitis.
The speaker said that the national guidelines say you should use a cutoff of 90% for SpO2, but he wrote that section and wrote it because thats where the data seemed to go, but he says that the data were not based on clinical outcomes, but on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve. Oxygen doesn't really help or hurt.
There was a study where people did a respiratory score (Respiratory Distress Assessment Index [RDAI]), waited half an hour, then went back and did another respiratory score. Most pts had no change in respiratory status. Some got significantly better and others got significantly worse. There was no intervention done.
Giving alburerol vs placebo had no difference in outcome in one of these studies in the inpatient setting. In the outpt setting, there was a small reduction in severity of illness symptoms, but no difference in hospitalization. Albuterol increases HR. You should not use albuterol.
Albuterol can make you feel crappy.
Steroids are not helpful at all in children under 2 years old. Steroids can mess up children's growth.
So for treatment of bronchiolitis: oxygen is not necessary, steroids are harmful, albuterol isn't necessary.
Mortality is rare in bronchiolitis. 1 in 200,000 die of RSV bronchiolitis.
No medication will make these kids better.
High flow nasal cannula will provide some PEEP. Babies are primary nose breathers. They take shallow breaths and re-breathe CO2-> respiratory acidosis. So high flow helps them breath better.
HFNC rate varies based on hospital. Some dose high flow at 2 L/min/kg up to a max of 30. Most don't exceed 8 L/min/kg. Most use 2 L/min.
Decision to admit depends on whether the kid is in respiratory distress. Assess hydration status. Nasal suctioning can help. The device that the parent sucks works better than the blue bulb.
IV fluids.
Kids under 2 more often get bronchiolitis.
RVP = Respiratory Viral Panel
Pearls: Differential diagnosis comes later to avoid unnecessary testing and therapies.
From the post-test:
A 3-month-old infant presents with respiratory distress. He has had cough, congestion, and fever for the past 3 days. Vital signs are notable for an oxygen saturation of 92% and respiratory rate of 60. Physical exam shows an awake and alert infant with head bobbing, intercostal retractions, and diffuse wheezes. He appears well hydrated.  You diagnose him with bronchiolitis and plan to admit him. 
Which of the following is the most reasonable next step in management of this patient?
Answer: start high flow nasal cannula
This infant has the classic presentation of bronchiolitis, an upper respiratory illness prodrome followed by increased respiratory effort, and he is now in respiratory distress. High flow nasal cannula has been shown to decrease escalation of care in bronchiolitis. While this infant does have a fever, the most likely source of fever in an infant of this age with bronchiolitis  is viral, and routine blood cultures are not indicated in this infant.  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against routine screening for serious bacterial illness (such as with blood culture), as the most likely source of fever in an infant of this age is a viral infection. Viral polymerase chain testing (such as with a viral respiratory panel) is also not indicated, as it would not change management in this infant. In infants receiving monthly palivizumab prophylaxis, RSV testing should be performed as monthly prophylaxis would be discontinued.  The AAP also recommends that steroids, such as dexamethasone, should not be administered to infants with bronchiolitis in any setting, as it does not improve outcomes. 
Franklin D, Babl FE, Schlapbach LJ, et al. A Randomized Trial of High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in Infants with Bronchiolitis. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(12):1121–1131.
 American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline: The Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Bronchiolitis
The use of chest radiography in infants with lower respiratory tract symptoms suggestive of bronchiolitis is not indicated.  Chest x-ray results in more infants being diagnosed with pneumonia and treated with antibiotics without any benefit.  Infants who receive a chest radiograph do not have more frequent hospitalizations, decreased need for follow-up, or faster recovery times (despite increased antibiotic usage. 
Swingler GH, Hussey GD, Zwarenstein M. Randomised controlled trial of clinical outcome after chest radiograph in ambulatory acute lower-respiratory infection in children. Lancet. 1998;351(9100):404–408. 
Few interventions have been found to decrease hospital length of stay in bronchiolitis. Fewer lapses in superficial nasal suctioning have been associated with a shorter length of stay. Deep (nasopharyngeal) suctioning has been hypothesized to cause airway edema and irritation and thus prolonged length of stay. Use of albuterol and epinephrine have not been associated with shorter lengths of stay.
Mussman GM, Parker MW, Statile A, Sucharew H, Brady PW. Suctioning and length of stay in infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(5):414-421. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.36
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emcads · 3 years
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𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 & 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.         /       accepting.
@norringtxn​ said :    ❛   shh  .  .  .   [they’re] sleeping  .   ❜
𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄-𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐘,   now lively with colors and shapes and the coos of little Louisa.  plain white protective linens having been long dragged away to reveal a veritable EDEN of toys,  and poetry,  and blankets,  and books  for the child to enjoy and for the pair of parents to share with them.  it was ...  well it was wonderful to see it,   as though all this love he had kept stored away and just waiting for its object to arrive had finally surfaced in a drowning tide of affection and gentle care. Like watching the sun rise at last above the ring of the horizon and set the sky ablaze in Caribbean color. 
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Her heart swelled at the sight that lay before her,  and Esmeralda smiled so wide it threatened TEARS.  God,  how she adored him.  Tall, brocaded body squished into confining crib,  his limbs askew at every angle to try to make a more comfortable refuge for the daughter that nested inside. He must have –––  he hadn’t even changed into his daywear,  how long had he been in there with her,  trying to get her to sleep ?    It’d been so quiet and peaceful she’d hardly thought anything of it,  daughter resting and husband likely holed away in his office or his study as was his habit,  but something eventually began to prick at her that it was too quiet,  some instinctual NERVE  alight in concern for babe’s well being.  (  and it was rarely still in the Norrington house for long,  before Louisa and after,  and especially now since his PROMOTION had come hard on the heels of his return   ) 
She stepped in,  slipping off shoes so that she could be softer still,  and knelt soundlessly at the cribside.  Half of her longed to pull him out so that she might kiss him,  but the other half was much too fond of this RARE SIGHT  she’d been gifted to raise so much as a hand to disturb him.  Esmeralda leaned in,  pressing bars into forehead. At her lips,   a deathly whisper that dared not wake sleeping child,  half amused, half endeared,  half ... drowning in love for the both of them. 
❝     James  ...  what are you doing  ?    ❞
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The Baby Snip l
Because it’s Halloween. Rped with my babe @sunflowerstarker. Credit to @questionablewritings for the inspo from the TIBS AU and to @sluttystarker for her Tony and Bucky characters on @askdaddytonyanddombucky
2.8k. Tony/Bucky, 18+ Peter, forced ageplay/infantilism, sexual-ish ageplay, kidnapping, use and threats of violence, corporal punishments, emotional manipulation, body modification, surgery, medical exams, drug use. 
Part two here
Regression surgery. As soon as Tony and Bucky had read about the success stories where unruly Littles refusing to regress where made into cooing and cuddly babies with just a few snips, the husbands had immediately called their acquaintance and surgeon Stephen Strange to set up a consultation appointment. The doctor was more than happy to see Peter and his two Daddies and had even set up time to do the procedure on the same day, if he found Peter to be in a fit state for the procedure. 
To say the two husbands were excited was an understatement. They were over the moon and had been a bit kinder with their boy for the following week. And now the day was finally here, and Tony walked on light feet to the nursery. 
“Petey pie, it’s time to wake up.” He said softly as he stepped into the dark room, flicking on the main light before walking over to Peter’s crib. “Oh, you’re awake already. Did you wait for Dada?” He cooed, stroking the boy’s cheek with a light finger.
Peter winced when the main light was flicked on, and a man suddenly appeared over his bedside (or cribside, Peter guessed). It was Tony, one of his two 'Daddies' that had taken him from his real family over a year ago to indulge in their fucked-up family roleplay, where Peter was forced to behave like a three year old for his captors' entertainment. 
Peter had struggled massively with it at first, tried more escape attempts than you could count on your fingers, but the consequences of failing those attempts meant he was now too scared to try again. He had definitely regressed somewhat in the year spent with the two captors, but sometimes he still felt more aged up, like how he used to be before being taken. Today was one of those days, and he shied away from Tony's touch when a finger was outstretched to his face. 
“Shh, take your time, baby. You just wake up while Dada finds you some clothes for today. We’re going out today. Isn’t that exciting?” Tony continued talking to himself happily as headed to the closet where all of Peter’s clothes were stored neatly. All the items were designer and made of high quality cotton. Only the best for their precious baby boy. 
“Hmm? How about some overall? Papa likes you so much in them.” Tony mused and settled on a long sleeve t-shirt with paw prints over the arms and a matching pair of overalls with puppies embroidered on the knees and back pockets. “We should get you some puppy socks to match.”
They were going out today? Oh, God no. Peter hated going outside, regressed or otherwise, because of how mortifying it was to be seen by other people. There was an entire neighbourhood inhabited by nutters like Tony and Bucky, his other captor, who insisted on stealing full-grown adults and forcing them into a young child's headspace. 
This meant that every time Peter left the house, he was subjected to adults cooing over him and talking over his head like he was truly a child. He knew not to speak to them though: the first time he was taken outside, he stupidly tried to get help from one of the neighbours who told on him to his captors, and he got the beating of a lifetime. 
At the mention of 'Papa', Peter shrunk even further back against the crib. That was Bucky, the husband to Tony, and the more physically aggressive of the two of them. Where Tony preferred to use words to break Peter down, Bucky preferred a firm hand. Peter hated Tony, but he was terrified of Bucky. He did not say anything in response to Tony's ramblings as a disgustingly 'cute' outfit was picked out for him, but he whined quietly in protest when the man picked him up to get him dressed.
“Oh, baby, I know, that pull-up probably feels super gross. I’ll get you changed and then we’ll have breakfast together with Papa.” Tony shushed as he picked up Peter after removing the cuffs keeping the boy safely in his crib. The husbands had tried to remove the cuffs when they thought Peter was finally settling in, but then he had tried to escape and almost got himself badly hurt. So, the cuffs are here to stay. 
After getting Peter on the changing table, Tony started humming a little song and worked with changing the boy. He would never admit to it, but he was a little forceful with the change and got a quiet sense of power from how meek Peter was. He could see in the fear in the boy’s eyes, knowing that he could simply call his husband to discipline Peter, and that the boy would probably fall in line before Bucky even arrived.
Peter could never quite decide which part of the day he hated the most, but ‘changing time’ was definitely up there as one of the worst parts. He had initially fought tooth and nail against both of his captors seeing him naked or putting him in a pull-up, and that was the first time Peter had learnt just how ruthless Bucky could be with his beatings. Now, the boy just laid there and stewed in his own humiliation and embarrassment as the man changed his adult-sized pull-up. He was soon lifted off the table and set down on the floor, where the man started to sort out putting his clothes on for him.
“There we go.” Tony finally said when he had gotten Peter dressed for the day in his adorable puppy outfit. The older man adjusted the shoulder strap a little before giving the boy’s cheek a kiss. “Go find Papa now!” He encouraged with an excited gasp. Letting Peter walk around the house supervised like this was no issue, not when every door and window was locked and any device to communicate with the outside world was also password or lock protected. Besides, Tony greatly enjoyed watching the boy waddle with the thick padding hindering him from closing his legs properly.
Peter really, really did not want to go to the kitchen where he knew Bucky would be cooking breakfast, but with Tony stood right behind him preventing him from staying in his room, he supposed he had no choice. He slowly made his way out of his bedroom and down the stairs with Tony following behind him, and then into the kitchen where Bucky was stood with his back facing them as he cooked breakfast. The man turned on his heels, and his face split into a wide grin when he saw his husband and child stood in the kitchen with him. 
“Morning, babe.” He quickly greeted Tony, leaning back to kiss the man on the lips before looking down at Peter. “And is that my little puppy prince? Good morning, Petey!”
“An especially cute outfit for a special day.” Tony hummed after kissing his husband back. He then moved to scoop Peter up into his high chair and strapped him in safely, which included straps going over the shoulders to prevent escapes. Before helping Bucky with the last preparations for breakfast, Tony handed Peter a soft baby book to entertain himself with in the meantime. “I’m so excited for today.” Tony mused to Bucky, nosing lovingly at his neck when they were stood close.
“I know, so am I.” Bucky murmured back, looking over his shoulder to see Peter poking at his baby book. “We better feed him a good breakfast, can’t have him passing out properly during it.” He said as he loaded a small bowl with porridge with some honey drizzled on top for their boy. A small bowl of sliced banana also came with it, and he brought it over to Peter with a big smile on his face. 
“Here you go, Pete! A yummy breakfast before your big day.”
Big day? What was that supposed to mean? Tony had just said they were going out, Peter assumed that they were going to the park or maybe to the mall like they usually do. He had heard the husbands mentioning their excitement about something while he fiddled with his book to appear like he was not paying attention, but he did not hear what exactly the event was. He poked at the porridge with his spoon, and ate the smallest amount possible. Not poisoned, then, he thought to himself.
“Eat up, honey bee, don’t be shy.” Tony encouraged with a pat to Peter’s head before he moved to sit down at the table. Bucky did the same and brought over the plates for the grown ups, loaded with eggs and toast. There was no way they would feed such foods to their baby. “Or do you want Papa or Dada to help you?” Tony asked when Peter seemed to hesitate with his food.
Peter shook his head hurriedly, and took a tighter grip on his spoon before eating a bigger mouthful of porridge. As much as he hated to admit it, Bucky was a good cook. He ate slowly, occasionally switching his mouthfuls of porridge for a slice or two of banana.
Bucky watched the boy eat fondly, and couldn’t resist leaning forward to ruffle his hair. He chuckled as it got into Peter’s eyes, and murmured a soft “silly puppy” as he stroked the hair back into place with his fingers. He soon finished his breakfast, and took his plate up to the sink. 
“What time are we supposed to be there?” He asked Tony, glancing over his shoulder as he put the plate in the dishwasher.
“Hmm, in an hour.” Tony hummed as he checked his watch and then finished the last of his breakfast before passing his plate to Bucky. He then turned to Peter to whip away an imaginary bit of porridge from the corner of Peter’s mouth. He did not comment on the frown the boy gave him in return. 
“Eat you, baby. We gotta get ready and then hit the road. It’s a bit of a drive.” Tony said, giving Peter one last chance to finish his breakfast on his own. Luckily, the boy obeyed and finished his portion of porridge, but left some pieces of banana. “Okay, up we go! Papa will help you brush your teeth and pick out a fluffy friend and some other toys for the car ride.”
Peter tried not to look too nervous as he was passed over from Tony’s arms to Bucky’s. Bucky carried the boy like he weighed absolutely nothing, but being swaddled by the man’s muscles only served as a reminder of what kind of damage he could do to Peter if he really wanted.
“Come on, sweet pea, time to get your teeth squeaky clean.” Bucky chirped cheerfully, bouncing the boy once or twice in his arms as they made their way to the bathroom. The boy was sat down on the toilet lid and a firm look given in his direction told him to stay there as Bucky sorted out his toothbrush. Again, Peter had learnt the hard way not to bite either of the men while they brushed his teeth.
After a while of cleaning the kitchen and getting their things ready to head out, Tony headed to the bathroom and found Bucky drying Peter’s mouth with a towel. It seemed like the teeth brushing was done and over with. 
“Okay, let’s go pick out a fluffy friend.” Tony said, extending his hand to take Peter into his and so led the boy back to the nursery. When Peter did not immediately pick out a stuffie, Tony spoke up. “Pick a friend, baby, be good for us.” The threat in his voice was obvious based on his tone.
Peter gulped, looking around the room. He eventually picked up a soft shark stuffie that was in his crib, and held it up for Tony and Bucky, who was now also at the doorway of the nursery, to see. 
“This one, please.” He said quietly. He had been here for so long that he had in fact began regressing in some ways more than others, and found that his shark stuffie brought him a lot of comfort in such a scary situation. Bucky’s previously stern face was now smiling widely, and he came forward to pick the boy up. 
“Lil’ Sharky, huh? Good boy. Maybe Dada can pack some Legos in a bag for you, how does that sound?” He cooed, and Peter nodded mutely. Better that than having to choose the toys himself. Just like Bucky, Tony also smiled widely when Peter picked out the shark stuffie. 
“You gonna show off your Sharky, huh? Everyone’s gonna be so jealous when they see your cool stuffie.” Tony chuckled and headed over to collect a bunch of duplo legos into one of Peter’s backpacks. He picked out the one with Pikachu on it. Once they had everything ready, Tony and Bucky brought Peter to the garage which had a door connecting to the main house. It was all designed on purpose so that Peter could not run away. The garage door could only be opened through Tony or Bucky’s phones. 
“You excited for our special day, baby? You’re probably still wondering where we’re going, hm?” Tony practically gushed with delight in the passenger seat while Bucky drove them. Bucky glanced back through the rear view mirror at Peter every so often, smiling at the boy’s confused and pensive expression. 
“We’re going to see a friend of ours, baby.” He said cryptically, before turning his full attention back onto the road. 
As they drove past the park, Peter watched it go with his eyes. A friend? The only friends of Tony and Bucky’s he could really think of were Natasha, Bruce and Clint, but none of them lived in this direction. Soon they were also driving past the mall, only leaving Peter even more confused. He fiddled with the stuffie on his lap hopelessly, careful not to make eye contact with Tony who was watching him over his shoulder every so often. Soon, however, they pulled up to a familiar looking clinic, with ‘STEPHEN STRANGE, M.D.’ written on a sign. Oh, fuck no.
“Here we are!” Tony announced in a sing song voice and looked over at Peter to see his reaction. The boy looked mortified, but he did not care since he was so caught up in his own excitement. He could not wait to see the amazing results that had been blasted all over the media and news. And based on the full parking lot, a lot of other caregivers were also bringing their Littles in for the magical ‘baby snip’. 
“Hold on to Sharky, baby. Papa will get you out in a moment.” Tony said as they parked and the husbands hopped out of the car.
No. No, no, no, no! Peter was finding it hard to breathe, and he began tugging at his seatbelt hopelessly in an attempt to make a break for it. However, Bucky got there first and opened the backseat door where Peter was sitting. 
“Hold still, puppy, just need to- Peter, Peter, hold still!” Bucky growled impatiently, but Peter was having none of it. He began panicking properly, struggling in his seat as the man tried to get him to stop. 
“No, n-no, don’t wanna-! Nuh uh, no, plea-“ Peter’s pleas were suddenly cut off by a harsh, stinging slap to his cheek, one that left a bright red mark, but effectively shut the boy up. He gasped in shock, as Bucky recoiled his hand from where he had been forced to hit the boy.
Tony did no bat at eye when his husband disciplined their boy. After all, it was discipline and Peter was misbehaving. In the tense after shock of the slap, Tony chimed in with a warning. 
“Peter, you’re being warned now. Next, we’re putting a gag on you.” While Peter continued to be stunned by the slap, Bucky took the opportunity to get Peter out of his seat and grasped the boy around his upper arm in a tight hold. Coming up on the other side, Tony stroked Peter’s hair back and handed him Sharky who was left next to his cat seat. “Take Sharky, baby.”
In his shocked daze, Peter could do little else but take his stuffie and cradle it to his chest. He was tugged along the car park by Bucky, who did not seem to notice how tight his grip was around the boy’s bicep. Bucky let out a gentle huff through his nose, and quickly gathered his composure as they entered through the doors of the clinic and headed to the reception desk. 
Part two here
Tag list: @starkerplusstrange @gracieopalxx @disneyprincessdominatrix @kawaiigeology @just-another-nerd63795 @misssecretstudenttree @babyboy-peterparker @coffeehabit 
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moxasuniverse · 4 years
5 Tips To Get Your Infant To Fall Asleep Quickly     
1.) Enforce An Early Bedtime
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Experts have agreed that an early bedtime is an effective way to ensure your baby is sleepy when it’s time for them to be put down for bed. Around eight weeks, babies experience an increase in melatonin, a hormone that signals your body when it’s time to go to bed. Melatonin levels tend to increase soon after the sun sets, and if your baby is kept awake too long, they’ll become overstimulated and difficult to put to sleep.
Having a regular, early bedtime around 6.30 p.m. or 7 p.m. helps maintain their sleeping patterns and keeps their sleep-wake cycle more consistent. Research has shown that 18-month-old babies with late bedtimes are more likely to develop issues relating to motor function, social skills and language. Irregular or late bedtimes can also have a negative impact on their behavioral issues as they get older, and even their ability to focus in school. click here
2.) Create A Comfortable Environment
Your baby’s bedroom environment should make them feel comfortable, relaxed, and most importantly — sleepy. Night lights are popular among young children, but be smart about placement and how bright the light is. Light has an influence on melatonin levels in the body and can prevent/delay the hormone from releasing at the time it should.
They certainly don’t need a bed that’s as nice as yours, but your child’s mattress should still be comfortable enough to put them to sleep. Especially if you want them to fall asleep quickly. Infants and children exert very little pressure onto a bed because they weigh so little, so they’ll need something really soft that cradles and supports their little body.
3.) Put Them Down When They’re Drowsy (Not Asleep)
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If you’re waiting until your baby is asleep to tuck them into their crib, you’re putting them down a little too late. For starters, when your baby eventually wakes up in the middle of the night, they might become confused or agitated after not recognizing their surroundings — considering they fell asleep on your shoulder in the living room. Then they’ll need to rely on you to go back to sleep, and that’s what you want to be weaning them off of.
Eventually, around 5-6 months, babies are able to ease themselves to sleep without you. It’s up to the parent, however, to help them reach the point where they’re comfortable to do so. Accordingly, you should take your child to bed when you notice they’re feeling drowsy so they can drift off to sleep without having you by their side. Signs of drowsiness include calmness, blank staring, closed fists, yawning, or jerky leg and arm movements.
4.) Don’t Always Rush To Their Cribside
If you’re a first-time parent especially, it can be hard to resist the urge to rush to their bed when they’re crying in the middle of the night. It’s important, though, to hold off a few moments before you tend to them if you know they’re taken care of (fed, diaper changed, etc). The goal is to encourage your child to calm themselves down without you. If that doesn’t work, professionals suggest you try the “soothing ladder” technique.
Start off by patting and rubbing, but don’t pick them up yet. You don’t want to be too intrusive right off the bat, or you risk waking them up even more. Then, you can work your way up to rocking, and feeding them should be the last resort if you still can’t get them to fall back asleep. This will inevitably occur more often with babies who are under 3-4 months old, and you’ll just need to keep practicing the soothing ladder method until your baby learns to self-soothe on their own.
5.) Practice A Relaxing Nighttime Routine
If your baby’s brain is stimulated too close to bedtime, it will be close to impossible getting them to fall asleep as quickly as you want them to. By the time your baby is about 6-8 weeks old, you should both be implementing relaxing activities into your nightly schedule. Incorporating a consistent routine helps indicate to your baby that it’s time to go to sleep, as their body will begin to recognize that it’s bedtime once your routine becomes a regular practice.
About 20 minutes before bed, reduce noise and light pollution in your home to help wind them down. Then, try to incorporate relaxing activities that your child enjoys like a warm bath or a soft read-aloud. Research has actually shown that your child is never too young for story-time, and you can even start reading to them as soon as they leave the hospital with you.
baby sleep book - follow link -https://bit.ly/3hPfT9g
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s-petals-blog · 5 years
Charmie Fic prompt - the ghost and Mrs Muir
Timothée Chalamet is a 21st century movie star is seeking a retreat from the paparazzi. He’s being hounded all the time. There are rumours about his sexuality. His latest beard is an entitled privileged unlikeable actress who thinks she’s better than she is (like many of the white males he has met through work).
He buys a beachside cottage in the pacific north west. It’s a little run down but homely and like nothing he’s ever seen before. It’s basic and cold. He burns the log fire everyday. All day. Stays in his pyjamas. Brushes his teeth but not his hair.
Only his 2 best friends know where it is. Not his agent. Especially not his agent who shepherded him into these bearding shenanigans when he assessed Timmy’s talent and opportunities to be unprecedented. His characters are rarely straight yet his personal style is definitely androgynous and he needs a break from all the speculation. A real relationship is hard to find. He feels disconnected from himself.
It’s in his 4th night that he meets the ghost. He’s been indoors for 3 days. He calls it nesting but really it’s brooding.
It’s the ghost of Armie Hammer - a 1950’s trust fund baby who disappeared mysteriously and whose body was never found.. The ghost has an alpha male body with a soul of an adventurer who is now stuck in the cottage he built for his retirement.
Timmy understands why Armie might have been murdered. He’s a curmudgeon. A fitness freak who abhors Timmy’s lack of exercise and indulgent junk food. He’s constantly poking and prodding Timmy to get active , to walk outside, to get the fuck out of the cottage and give me him some privacy! He wakes early and starts the stove, boils a kettle (Timmy didn’t even know what that was), and starts banging pots and pans in the kitchen until Timmy rises from bed and cooks a hot breakfast (protein, shmotein). It’s not as if he can even eat it but it doesn’t stop him making a racket until Timmy does.
He bullies and argues and orders Timmy around. In fact, bullies him back into shape. They talk constantly.. Helps him talk through his difficulties and dilemmas. Armie even falls asleep next to him when Timmy suffers from insomnia.They fall into a kind of camaraderie that Timmy has ever had before. He hides nothing, not even his love from his giant beautiful idiotic ghost who could never be in a PR relationship because he’s too authentic. Armie gifts him courage and unconditional understanding. Is this love Timmy wonders?
Timmy gets nosy and starts researching Armand Hammer III. He says nothing to Armie , tells him he’s working on a new role. Visits archives, libraries and the community retirement home to try and solve the mystery of Armie’s death.
People start to notice there’s a superstar living in the neighbourhood and a local journalist starts doing some snooping around too. When the rumours get out, Armie is watching the the local news with Timmy and starts berating him about blowing his anonymity. No role is worth divulging your private address. They get into a fight and Timmy reveals his research so far.
Armie is devastated and disappears. Timmy waits.
Armie doesn’t return that summer, nor the next.
Timmy returns to acting renewed. He feels the loss of Armie but he also feels stronger. More confident and true to himself. He never sells the cottage.
12 years later Timmy brings his daughter to the cottage. The baby’s cries bring Armie to her cribside the moment he hears them.
He hasn’t aged a day. Still beautiful. He and Timmy are both in their 30’s now. In fact Timmy is older than Armie ever will be. Timmy didn’t expect he’d see Armie ever again. He had wished, so many nights, that he’d imagined a ghostly lover who had whispered his desires while watching Timmy stroke himself. Instead of only half wanted lovers who wanted neither his heart nor head but rather his fame and fortune. So he had finally employed a surrogate and had a baby in his own. And brought her to the safest place in the world. He’s bought the neighbouring properties and now owns a large compound, but the cottage is his home. And now her home.
Armie is raw and tearful. He had forgotten the love of family. He’d been so resentful of Timmy - fearful of unravelling the mystery of death. Fearful he’d pass away and his spirit would leave this place, just as he fell in love for the first time. Fearful that Timmy didn’t return his ardor (he does in fact speak like a 1950’s Hitchcock movie star).
They love their little girl. They love each other. And they can be together in the cottage. They will work it out. They believe. The mystery is solved and Armie is freed from the cottage (yep , it was murder and yep, you know who did it). He can now walk outside and come and go as he pleases. He isn’t corporeal. But when they touch Timmy gets a little tingle. That’s a start. Who knows what the future holds?
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kapisola · 5 years
I Love You - pt.6
Arriving home home a little less steadier than usual. A little clumsier. And it was so hard to ignore that the maid had to insist on taking the wine glass from her, and almost escorted her to a vacant room somewhere along the castle grounds.
But Allisae had verbally fought---whined, more like---to be taken to Noah.
When her orders were finally met, she simply sat at the baby’s cribside, leaning limp against the partition as she gently runs her finger atop his chubby hand.
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“....I love you, Noah. You’re the only man I need right now...”
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