#crime fighting jonsa
swallowtail-ageha · 11 months
Scrolling through your asoiaf tag and you have such good and correct opinions like how can anyone love just Dany or just Sansa or just Arya like how can anyone not see the parallels between Dany and Sansa it makes me feel so crazy like why are there so few people who love all the girlies?? I genuinely love every single female POV character and can’t imagine hating any of them. I mean sure yeah Cersei is a villain but you’re telling me her tragedy doesn’t touch your heart? Watching this woman desperately try to avoid her prophecy as it unfolds before you doesn’t have you in a death grip? Or like are you unmoved by Sansa telling an annoying snotty little boy how brave he is because she wants him to feel better? Dany comforting Missandei when her brother dies? Arya getting to the house of the black and white and immediately thinning to being a man a cup of water (or at least what she thought was water)? How about Sansa telling Joffrey she hopes Robb cuts his head off? Dany sassing the man who wants to open the fighting pits? Arya telling Jaquen to kill himself? Like please come on. All three girls are obviously different but they share so many very endearing traits. I am fiercely holding tight to my delusion that Dany and Sansa will bond over stories and songs and Arya will teach Dany about all the flowers in Westeros and then Sansa will show them how to make flower crowns and embroider little emblems on Arya’s clothes
First of all tysm!!!!
The whole arya vs sansa vs dany fandom fight frustrates me to no end, mainly because all parties involved seem to have little to no empathy to the characters whose stans they oppose. It's all maliciously extrapolating some parts of the text to make them see worse than what they are (ex: daenerys' "if i look back i am lost" getting twisted from "dany knows that dwelling on what ifs and turning your back after you have taken a commitment will only damage you in the long term" in "dany doesn't want to reflect on her past mistakes and will go mad and get stabbed to death" or sansa getting frustrated at sweetrobin being a sign of her being ableist and classist while it's. Just a normal reaction of a stressed and traumatized 13 yo who is otherwise very sweet to her cousin)
For loving the female characters same! Even those who commit outwardly villainous acts do get lots of humanizing moments, Cersei, as awful as she is, is simply a product of the hyper misogynistic society she lives in plus years of parental and spousal abuse (and the doomed by prophecy vibes) and. I genuinely don't get how people can look at the walk of shame and say it's a fitting punishment to her crimes
Overall all the hate for female characters that are more complex or more driven or more morally ambiguous than what most female characters are presented as in other media in a fandom who (supposedly) prides itself in liking morally ambiguous characters is.. frustrating, really. I blame both fandom misogyny but also the GoT series, as it's outright changes in female character's actions and stories to make them look better or worse than what they originally were skewered the visions of almost everyone in the fandom (arya is an egregious victim of this. Scenes such as her caring for Weasel or her befriending sex workers in braavos don't exist and they added that "all girls are idiot" scene that i hate and they removed all her plan to free the northmen from harrenal and she got turned from traumatized child to hashtag no one super cool assassin and her character got straight up murdered in the tv series.)
Oh and also for kickstarting the whole jonsa vs jonerys thing which i'm pretty sure is the origin of the stupid dany vs sansa wars
And yes!! Dany Sansa and Arya should get to meet and reunite! While i do think that there will be some slight tensions between Sansa and Arya because they left on Not So Well terms, they have also matured a lot, so i do think they would have an heartfelt reunion. Meanwhile Dany and Arya could bond because of both their connection to Braavos and Arya's admiration for those who free slaves, and Dany would empathize (and feel a common ground) with Sansa for her being a child who had all her family die and got married extremely young while beeing creeped on by older men, while Sansa, who is shown to admire women like Margaery or Myranda, who are shown to be very keen regarding politics or social issues, something that Dany is
In the end, i genuinely hope that all three of these traumatized little girls get their happy ending and none of them dies, they all are interesting and complex characters that share parallels with each other, and it sucks that because of stupid ship wars or discussions on who would get the throne they get pitted against each other. THEY WOULD BE FRIENDS Y'ALL
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sherlokiness · 1 year
been reading your Lyanna and Rhaegar posts and I very much agree with you about them having a wedding. If we assume that those Kingsguard's weren't false Kingsguards like Jaime and weren't lying about them keeping their "vow" then the most logical explanation would be that Jon is legitimate. When Aerys died, they should have gone to protect their new King Viserys yet they refused to do so. The reason for staying in the ToJ must have been because whatever they're guarding there takes higher priority than Viserys.
What do you think will be for the future of Sansa and Jon then? They will be the second Stark and Targaryen union in the current story we'll see. Since Sansa is a bastard just like Jon that means Jon isn't a bastard at all. They're made to pose as bastards by a father figure or else people would have their head. Stone and Snow. She's a Stark, he's a Targaryen.
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
Great point about Sansa saying she's a bastard just like Jon. If we take that as a hint of RLJ then what she says is actually the truth. She was made a bastard exactly like Jon yet in reality they were not at all. We also have a clue to what Jon might feel once he learns of his heritage.
He is not my father. The thought leapt unbidden to Jon's mind. Lord Eddard Stark is my father. I will not forget him, no matter how many swords they give me.
They might offer him the IT(made up of many swords) and the allegiance of noble houses(my sword is yours.) He will never forget Ned and Rhaegar could just fuck off.💀💀
RLJ parallel for Jon and Sansa for me would probably them having a secret wedding. I mean, the books already teased Sansa having one with a cousin. But unlike RL, jonsa will have a public wedding too much like Jahaerys I and Alysanne. Next I would say is Sansa as the Girl in Grey. I very much believe the theory that Lyanna met Rhegar again at the Inn at the Crossroads which is where another iconic kidnapping took place- Cat seizing Tyrion. It resulted in hostilities between two major Houses where the Starks didn't know the inside story. It would have looked like a kidnapping specially if we have hostile forces against Lyanna there which were the King's men. So Sansa/Lyanna would be fleeing kidnappers only to end up with a Targaryen for safety. The elements involved would be a tourney, a crime, a wedding, and a rescue by a knight. Jon disdaining princesses in towers only to end up rescuing an actual one is peak comedy imo. 🤡🤡
As he walked toward the armory, Jon chanced to look up and saw Val standing in her tower window. I'm sorry, he thought. I'm not the man to steal you out of there.
This could be interpreted as it is or could be that Jon is not the man to steal Val because he will steal another princess later. Jon, Sansa's brother, might also give her a bastard's head - Ramsay's. She already has Janos but she doesn't know that.
After my name day feast, I'm going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That's what I'll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother's head."
A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head."
Jon vs Ramsay has been foreshadowed by Ghost defending a prize from a yellow bitch three times his size. The most recent one would be Chett, a leech man's son with lordly ambitions, being defeated by "Snow and his pet pig." Lady Piggy is Jon Snow's lady love. There's only one notable guy in the story using leeches and it's Roose.
He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me?
Sansa's already considered doing before what Alys did.
Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. "You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father's name, I beg you. Protect me."
UndeadJon will know her and will fight for her. Jon has failed twice to fight for his family - Robb and Arya. He will succeed on the third one.
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Honestly, best part about watching HotD was that it gave me a free blocklist to weed out any jonsas (because ridiculous number of the green stans seem to be jonsas!) I might've missed the first time around with GoT. But what's absolutely baffling is how many claim to be feminists. I'll go to their blog to block them and their bio will be something like "She/her, feminist" and it's just like... what kind of mental acrobatics do you have to be doing to believe that??
Let's see, shall we? Just off the top of my head, jonsas (and fairly often Sansa's more... "special" stans) like to
Put down Dany and Arya for not being "feminine enough" (i.e. their ideal femininity, which ig means women can't be anything else). As if expecting women to conform to a standard of what's "feminine enough" isn't part of the problem :/
Constantly claim Sansa can't be held accountable for her mistakes because she's a child, but then regularly claim another child is unforgivable for her mistakes and should die for it
Imply (and sometimes even say) that Dany shouldn't be breaking the wheel. You mean the patriarchy? You, an alleged feminist, don't think the patriarchal system ASoIaF has is awful and dumb??
Suggest that Jon is actually going to politically manipulate Dany by pretending to love her but really he's doing it for Sansa. That is... disgusting on more levels than I could count, but I'll simplify it to "wanting to see an ending where a woman is manipulated sexually and then murdered by her male lover when she's no longer useful is gross and you should feel gross" because apparently they can't read at more than a 2nd grade level
Ignore the fact that this already-misogynistic plotline would be, in their dreams, so the man can get together with their favorite woman instead. Because putting down a woman like a dog in favor of another woman isn't bad, apparently
Absolutely hate the fact that Dany is a subversion of the prophecied hero trope because she's the "Princess who was promised". This would be a wonderful twist on the trope instead of the sexist "but actually it was the man all along!" one, which has been done to death already
Crack jokes about Dany being infertile and how that would "make Sansa a better wife for Jon, bc she can give him an heir". Ah yes, implying it's a woman's duty and purpose to have kids and that anyone who can't is broken. Wonderful example of feminist rhetoric, you guys
And this very much extends to the green stans too! Little wonder so many stansas seem to love Alicent, since they're both "women who have to suffer through the patriarchy". Let's see what our precious, definitely-feminist Alicent has done, shall we?
The big one: actively trying to prevent a woman from rising to the Throne so she can be replaced by her son, a man
The son, I should add, being utterly unfit to rule and she knows it (unless she's absolutely fucking stupid, there's no way she could not know Aegon would be a bad king). I mean, he assaulted serving staff, disappears to the slums to watch his bastards fight to the death, and when he was supposed to be king he fled. Rulership material indeed :/ But Alicent seems to think a penis makes him suited to rule despite all that
Straight-up admits that Viserys was less suited to rule than Rhaenys on account of temperament... but then in the next breath ask Rhaenys to help her uphold the male succession that fucked her over, in favor of a man even less suitable for kingship than Viserys was
And on the note of the serving girl... silencing rape victims is not feminist. At all. I recognize HotD's societal standards are different, but idk, they sure like to apply modern standards like war crimes to Dany and Rhaenyra so I think I'll do the same here
Resents Rhaenyra for finding happiness in her own relationships. Look, what happened to her was awful and I felt bad for her, but once she turned around and started putting other women down for not suffering like she did, instead of trying to see the system that caused her suffering ended... that's where she went wrong. (Also I feel like reminding everyone Laenor was gay. Did greens want Nyra to maritally rape her husband?? How dare a woman have an enjoyable sex life)
Book Alicent legitimately hoped that "mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth" because that's absolutely a feminist girlboss thing to say
Look, I have no problem with people liking or even defending either character for some of their actions. Even I'd admit the Greens are fun to watch despite being in the wrong, and that Sansa's bullying means her arc has potential for character growth towards realizing her ideal femininity is wrong. But when their stans start attacking other women for not accepting and conforming to the system? That's why I usually see urls/lots of posts about these characters as a red flag
If you're one of these people and I somehow haven't already blocked you? Please go outside and work on the internalized misogyny a bit before you claim to be feminist
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winterrose527 · 2 years
jonsa obv
answering this for youuu & @msaudreyanne
Ship It
What made you ship it? - Literally everything about them. I wrote it far more eloquently in a different post a while back but it was truly the first ship on that show that I saw where in order to ship it you didn't have to prioritize one character in the relationship over the other. They give us ROMANCE they give us YEARNING they give us CONFLICT. The ability for them to have so much tension, and there to be so many obstacles, but also for us as an audience to understand that wait no actually them being together is actually such a good thing for everyone? Like until the war crimes of S8 (and no I'm not referring to the burning of KL), it really didn't feel like they were pining in futility. It felt like not only was their love something that I believed in, but that it was something I could actively root for because it would have been good for both of them and the north etc etc. also they're so fucking hot what do you want me to do about it
What are your favorite things about the ship? - I mean, all of the above. but I really love how real they are with each other, how unrestrained. they are so themselves with one another while they are hiding something so big (their love for each other) and it's just a delicious contrast because it really felt like at any time during those fight scenes they could end up kissing
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - I do not think that them getting together would totally resolve their tension. I think they would always be a couple that fights. I think they learned fundamentally different lessons from different teachers and have both been relying on their own wits for so long that they have had to trust their judgment in a way that makes it really difficult to just accept someone else's. Maybe it's just the fanfic of it all, but it seems like a lot of people think that Jon would just immediately become this soft meow meow for her, and I just don't see that as the case. I think the point of them and why they are so great is that they aren't subservient to each other, and so to ask one of them to give up their ideas and thought processes in favor of being in love is to rob them of what makes them such a unique pairing.
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kittensjonsa · 4 years
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Trophy Wife
Another day, another detective-lawyer tag team duo Jonsa AU nobody asked for lol. Has this been done before? No idea but for some reason, this was dying to get out of my system, so I just had to -so please bear with it. Or not, up to you (trigger warning below). 
Summary: Sansa needs help in bringing down one of the worst criminals of the century - and save her abducted best friend. Jon, a shy elusive private investigator offers a helping hand. Sparks fly when things heat up, while going undercover. *winks*
Rated NC-17 to E for language and content. Major trigger warning for abuse (various). I am neither a lawyer nor a PI so forgive me if I get some of the terms wrong. Part One of (maybe, let’s see) Three. Enjoy! x
Part One
Eviction. Jon hated that word. He hated hearing it, hated being threatened by it and now there it was, written all over his door on a notice in red capital letters. Fuck you too, he thought as he tore off the paper. I'll say when I'll go. This was not a time for moving houses or looking for a new place. He was busy, there were things to do and places to hide in. If only they could spare him a couple more months, that was all he needed, if the rent he owed was correct in his head. Jon had lived in his car once and he couldn't live through that again.
Besides, he was on a roll. At least, he'd like to think so. Clients were coming in and he had more jobs that he did a year ago. Of course, that was largely due to his success in uncovering the biggest scandal in all of Westeros - involving the Lannisters and a certain pair of twins who had relations with one another, in a biblical sense, or so it seemed. It did not help one bit when the Lannisters were also the family everyone loved to hate, and Jon probably did the country a huge favour when the news went public. Within days, it was reported that any Lannisters who planned to run for government office were rejected, shunned and ridiculed. So much so, that they went into hiding. Good riddance.
You reap what you sow. They had it coming, Jon told himself. And truthfully, he relished every second of it, bringing down the notorious family - such a satisfying accomplishment it was. It was just ironic that a member of the Lannister family had hired him, turning the evidence into a weapon and declaring war against the Lannister legacy. So much for a happy family.
The pay check from the Lannister job was substantial enough and managed to pay his debts that he owed but when it came to maintaining the business, the cash quickly ran out. Furthermore, it did not help that his clients would only pay once they had received proof that their suspicions were right all along, which took some time. Jon hadn't even counted his gas money and meals during stake outs or the electricity bills that soared after spending late nights playing and watching video tapes over and over. Surveillance was a costly, slow and painstaking process but essential, in getting the dough and the job done.
Maybe I'm too nice. Jon wished he had stipulated a clause in his contract that required a deposit before he accepted any assignments. But frail crying wives desperate to get out of loveless marriages were not people he wanted to take advantage of and a lawyer, he was not. If he had a therapist licence, perhaps it would be more useful in bringing in the bucks. Still, through word of mouth, steadily the business grew - apparently, spying on people was a lucrative outfit. Jon couldn't recall earning this much when he worked at his former security firm at Castle Black.
“So, you'll do it?” the gentleman asked, sliding an envelope towards him. Jon opened it and took a peek, in it had a flash drive and a rolled up wad of cash, which looked like a few thousands.
“I would. But you must know that I work best alone,” Jon agreed.
“Oh no. Not for this one. It will be difficult to crack this one without a partner.”
Smart ass. Trying to tell me how to do my job. The cash looks good though. It'll help tide over a couple of things.
“All right. So I need a partner. You have to give me some time to look for one. And that's going to cost you, you know that right?”
The gentleman smiled and drummed his fingers on the dining table. “Oh, I know that. But what if I already have a partner for you? She's ready to work on this with you.”
“She? Whoa.. back up for a second. I didn't say I needed female partner. Besides, this isn't a job for a lady, if what you told me is true.”
“Trust me, she's on board with this a hundred percent. I trust her to do the job, above and beyond.”
Jon was still reluctant. The quick and easy cash advance had come with its own conditions. “Okay. Does she have a name? I'd have to do background checks, you know and all of that, for safety reasons.”
“Of course. All you need on her is on the flash drive in there,” he pointed to the envelope Jon was resting his hands on. “Besides, she's my niece.”
“Your what? And you're okay with her getting involved?”
He nodded and turned his attention back to his newly refilled coffee. Jon couldn't believe his ears. What kind of uncle are you?
“She feels as strongly about this than just about anyone. Maybe more. And she volunteered. I suppose she has her reasons. How can I say no that?”
“Yeah... but we're investigating an alleged sex ring. Are we not? Seems a little inappropriate, don't you think?” Jon whispered as he leaned in, wondering what kind of shenanigans people are up to these days.
Jon watched as he put down his mug and adjusted the glasses that sat low on the bridge of his nose. He didn't strike Jon as a sleazeball, the kind who would sell and pimp anything or anyone to make a buck. He was mysterious yet friendly, sophisticated yet ruggedly worn, as if he had seen enough ills in his lifetime.
“A human trafficking ring, to be exact. We've been trying to go after them for years but they get away with it every time. You know why? Because all evidence pointing to them were ruled inadmissible. Come on, you've read about it in the papers, on the news. Day in, day out we built the case and every time we find something worthwhile, another detail or another statement comes up and render the leads useless.”
It was true. It was all over the media - the Boltons and the Freys accused of allegedly running an illegal sex trade. But to Jon, it seemed that there was all there was to it. People wanting to have a bit of fun at a party isn’t that new or illegal, he thought, even though he depised the Boltons and the Freys as much as the next decent guy on the street. Unless of course, if the ring was made up of abducted girls or worse, minors. That would truly be despicable and one that warranted medieval torture and capital punishment. This is going to be quite the undertaking, Jon suddenly realised.
“Have you considered going to the police... or your client going to the police for help? Instead of a private investigator.”
Jon waited for an answer as both their eyes met, one was smiling and the other was not.
“You don't think the police isn't involved in this? Not investigating, no that. We have reason to believe that members of the police are themselves the perpetrators. I'm talking high ranking officials, son. So, you see why we have to.. approach this in another way.”
“Okay, I see your point. All right then. I'll need to meet this niece of yours, so I can clue her in on how to go about this. Though, I'm not sure how it'll work.”
“I am sure you'll try your best. Believe me, Jon, if we win this case, it'll be the biggest one yet. It's something greater than all of us. It's for the greater good. I can't quite discuss names or details than what I've just told you or who my client is but the money? There's more where that came from. Here's my card, should you need anything.”
Jon looked at the name card. “ Well, you sold me there. We'll be in touch, Mr Stark.”
“Likewise, Jon. Oh, and call me Ben. I hope to hear from you soon.”
Jon watched as Benjen Stark left the diner and into his Mercedes, as he contemplated his next step. This was a big job, and Benjen was right, he probably could not handle it alone. Still, Jon was curious and intrigued, wondering whom his partner was.
Jon jolted up from his bed when the doorbell rang. It was only eight in the morning and Jon did not recall ordering anything that required an early morning delivery. Ugh, what..
Jon stumbled out of bed, clad only in yesterday's jeans and stepping on notes scattered everywhere in his room. His living room wasn't spared either, with boxes of carefully labelled tapes stacked haphazardly in every corner.
“Jon Snow? Hi, I'm Sansa Stark. My uncle.. he spoke with you yesterday..”
Jon rubbed his eyes and squinted at the blurry figure in front of him. His eyes were stubbornly still asleep. Slowly but gradually, in the few minutes that it took for Jon to recover from his sleep-ridden stupor, his vision came round and found himself gazing at a tall redhead standing before him. Whoa.. okay.
“Bad time? I can come back later,” she said, sheepish at the sight of a sleepy half naked man yawning at her.
“No.. wait. You're the niece? Of Benjen?” Jon said, as memories from last night's meeting came to mind.
Sansa nodded. “The very one. He says I'll be working with you. On the case?”
It was way too early to be discussing details about work or anything, really and Jon needed a cup of good strong black coffee to stay awake. Shouldn't have read the file at three in the morning.
“Right. Come on in.” Jon opened the door wider as he led her into the living room. Sansa accepted the invite, albeit with caution as she stepped in, carefully steering clear of the boxes and files around her. 
“Pardon the mess, I don't get visitors much. Coffee?” Jon apologized as he helped himself to a cup of chilled coffee from the fridge. It was a norm now, keeping coffee from the night before, to save money. It didn't taste as good as freshly brewed coffee but it woke him nonetheless.
“Uhh.. no thanks. Water's fine.”
Jon watched the lady seated on his couch waiting politely for him to finish. He had gone through the file on her as Benjen had given. Graduated with honours at the top of her class at University of Westeros' Law School. Interned for two years at one of the top firms right after graduation and now a junior partner at Stark, Tully & Reed. Perhaps one of the most fascinating fact was that Sansa Stark had been on the prosecuting team in the 'Lannister vs the people' case. It was no wonder the Starks had come looking for him. He guessed he probably didn't need any further introductions, for now.
“So, how about we start about why you're here, Miss Stark,” Jon said, handing her a glass of tap water.
Sansa thanked him as she took the glass from his hand and set it down on an empty spot on the cluttered coffee table.
“Sansa, please. First of all, I apologize for not letting you know that I was coming. I did call and text yesterday but I suppose you were asleep. It was late anyway. Sorry about that.”
Jon then remembered his phone, which was now likely dead since he forgot to charge it. Oops.
“Oh, did you? Lately been trying to kind of de-plug every once in a while. But yeah, I might have fallen asleep too. Had some notes to go through and kind of forgot about my phone. My bad.”
Sansa smiled and took a small sip of water. “Oh.. that's all right. Anyway, let's start over. I'm Sansa Stark and I'll be working with you. I believe my uncle has filled you in? Pleased to meet you, Mr Jon Snow.” Sansa offered her hand.
Jon returned the handshake with a wary smile. “Pleasure's all mine. And please, Sansa, call me Jon. So, I'm guessing you know what we're working with?”
“I do. I was the one who put it together so I should know more about it than anyone.”
Benjen said he couldn't share details about who the client was and now Jon was curious. Sansa Stark seemed a force to be reckoned with - coming up and putting together a case of this magnitude could either be the ruin or the highlight of her law career.
“I see. Well, I must say I'm impressed. But you do know this can be dangerous work, right? If what your uncle says is true.”
“If it means saving hundreds from a cruel fate then I'm all for it. Besides-”
A loud rumbling growl startled Sansa to a pause mid sentence.
Jon's cheeks reddened, patting his stomach. “Umm..Do you think we could talk about this over breakfast? I.. I had a light dinner yesterday.”
Sansa bit down her lip as tried to stifle her giggle. This man is hilarious. Cute though. She didn't mind at all working alongside him. “Sure. I'm buying.”
Awesome. I don't mind it at all. Nothing more Jon loved than rich people willing to spend. But a cheap greasy diner breakfast with all the works was just what he needed right now. He can think of other fancy things later.
“I hope you don't mind. Not many fancy places around here,” Jon pointed to a booth in the diner, right in a corner where he usually sat every day and night. Grenn, the owner and chef who was also a friend and neighbour, made sure it was always empty and reserved just for him.
Sansa beamed at him, her striking blue eyes sparkling in the morning sun. “Are you kidding me? Diners are the best. The only places that helped through mid terms and finals. And man, they were gruelling. I would retreat to a diner and have a chocolate banana milkshake whenever things got a little tough. This.. is nice.”
Jon felt at ease immediately. Something told him he was going to have a great time working the case.
“So, tell me. Why 'Trophy Wife'? I mean, can't you call it what it is?” Jon asked, in between mouthfuls of bacon and French toast.
“Well, it's a code word you know. Human trafficking, sex ring.. these are terms people are not comfortable hearing, especially in public or in an office. Besides, not many people know about it and it is absolutely crucial that it stays that way. Too much information shared with anyone else won’t be good for us. Plus, I think it's also because.. it seems the victims are forced and paraded as wives of these predators. You know, so it seems legit. But that’s just a guess. I know deep down, there's nothing legitimate about it.” 
“Good point.” Jon concurred, shoving the last piece of French toast into his mouth. 
“You want to hear a story? We actually managed to get hold of a marriage certificate, you know, one that shared a victim's name on it. But get this - it was fake. There was no such church nor was there any minister with that name. It was a bust.”
“Yikes. Okay, so that should be proof enough right? I mean, right there is already fraud.”
Sansa sighed. “Yeah, up until someone accused us of fabricating the marriage certificate. I mean, we couldn't use it at all since it was fake. It definitely derailed the investigation for a while and it was the only promising lead we had. I believe there are still many. Out there. We just have to make sure the case won't go cold.”
Jon had to ask, seeing how fired up Sansa seemed about the whole thing. “Can I ask you something? If you don't mind my asking. Why this? I mean there are so many easier cases out there waiting.. but why this one?”
Sansa looked at him and looked away, turning towards the window.
“Jeyne Poole was twenty five years old when she went missing last year. Next month would be her seventh month missing. Her parents are worried sick and her mom had a stroke because of it. Jeyne was last seen at her place of work and that was it. She just disappeared and dropped from the face of the earth. That's not Jeyne to pull something like that.”
“What do you mean?”
Jon's furrowed brows prompted her further. “She's my age and my best friend, Jon. And no matter what, I have to search for her. Whether she's dead or alive.”
Jon was no stranger to hearing heavily personal details and he thought he could handle all the doom and gloom thrown his way, but this had him a little shaken up.
If he wasn't convinced before, he was sure as hell now. It was a dark treacherous path ahead but Sansa was a woman on a mission. And Jon knew well already, not to get in her way.
“Right. So, what do you need from me?”
It was a quiet walk back to his apartment as the brevity of the situation started to sink in. He may be a mediocre private investigator but a mediocre human being, he was not planning to be. Armed with new information and Sansa's fervour rubbing off on him, Jon was determined to find and annihilate the fuckers, if they really were the Boltons and the Freys, even better. Two less scumbags in the world would be a huge win; they won’t be missed. Sansa and him would be saving, hopefully, not just Jeyne Poole but dozens of vulnerable young women from the very clutches of evil itself.
“I can share the workload with you, if you want. You know, go over the details, help out on surveillance, research all that stuff,” Sansa suggested, as she flipped through the pages of the folder Jon had compiled. It had only a couple of handwritten notes with addresses and names along with documents he printed from the flash drive he was given. He was keen to find some kind of link and honestly, two brains were definitely better than one for it.
“Don't you have a job to attend to? I mean, I don't mind the help but I don't think it's fair that I take you away from what pays your bills. If... you do that sort of thing.”
Sansa shrugged. “One of the perks of living with your parents, I guess, is not paying bills and still having a roof over your head. I've got some money saved and since this is my case, I managed to get an expense budget for it. So, that's covered I guess.”
Jon scoffed. Rich people. “And this expense budget... is from your client?”
“I am not at liberty to say but up to you what to believe. All I know is, what we need for this case, is settled and paid for. Nothing is spared.”
Must be nice being rich.
“Well, you don't say, this client could give us a temporary office to work in, no? I mean, I don't mind doing it out if my house but-”
“You're being evicted in less than two weeks. I know. I had some checks done on you, Jon. Safety reasons, I'm sure you know. But granted, it's not ideal, But I think we may have just the place.. I mean, for the time being. Though.. it's going to take some work and I'll brief you on that soon.” Sansa offered as Jon unlocked his apartment door.
“Okay..that’s a first for me. I mean, if it’s no imposition, I-”
“Yeah, it’s totally fine. But hey love to chat but I kinda have to go. Can I take this with me? I'll make you a copy,” Sansa grabbed the folder and walked up to the door, casually glazing over the bit where he was about to be homeless soon. Damn lawyers.
“I was going to pay, you know. It's just that I had to settle other bills first,” Jon explained, though it was futile knowing who he was talking to.
“That's all right. Doesn't make you a bad person. You had priorities, it's understandable. Although if you’re planning on living in your car, I don't think all the boxes in your living room would fit.”
It didn't faze Jon how she had known about him living in his car once upon a hard time and he couldn't agree more. He couldn't exactly afford a storage unit either since the material he had was sensitive and would spell trouble if anything got lost or stolen.
“So, I'll show you the new place? You can come pick up your stuff later this weekend if you want.”
Jon found himself with renewed enthusiasm, relieved that he said yes to the assignment. Whatever tomorrow brings, he'll face it head on, with a swanky new roof over his head. 
Bring it on.
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hilarychuff · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
ok before i do mine i just want to shout out yours!!! everybody go check out @cellsshapedlikestars' fave five fics (especially the crime noir one) ❤️
ok now back to me looks like i’m going with a counting down format
5. in any world (in any way) - sansa aus
link to ao3 and link to tag
i put two on here but i couldn’t pick just one more!!! i love overboard i love anastasia i love parent trap i love miss congeniality i love house of wax i love princess diaries
there are a couple i did not mention specifically but genuinely truly truly i love all of them they are each a little labor of love putting together the graphics and sometimes trying to be very intentional with those but as i talked about earlier even when the graphics are done and how i like them these days i never share them if i don’t also have the blurb where i want and if i haven’t also figured out how everything slots into place
it is so fun to do a little au like this because it’s like a puzzle figuring out who is who and how you can make it work being true to the source material you’re using as your framework while also adapting as necessary for your character’s actual character arcs like!!!! they are much bigger in my head then they make it onto the page, also. i wish i could fully write all of them out but it would take me forever 
4. while you were sleeping jonsa au 
link to blurb and link to drabble and link to tag
related to what i was just saying..... i did write out a scene for this one actually!!!!! this movie makes my heart so warm and thinking about it in terms of jonsa made my heart so warm and i just love that scene and i loved writing it out and i had a few other blah blahs that i’ve shared in my tag too
3. sweet/vicious - sansa and arya au 
link to blurb 
this one may not have an audience anywhere other than with me bc i feel like i am the only person who didn’t work at mtv who watched this show while it was airing but i have shown sweet/vicious to approximately one million friends and it is just such a little gift of a tv show and i feel like the dynamics fit really well for sansa and arya. i love love love a sister moment and the way that jules and ophelia care about each other but also fight sometimes and are so different lends itself really well to these two girlies. also jon as tyler is really truly honestly very special to me too (although i do hate to make the stark sisters unrelated bc then i’m always like ok do i give them last names lmao who gets what parent how does all that stuff work)
2. i carry it in mine - jonsa soulmate au
link to ao3 and link to tag 
i think this one speaks for itself. it’s the most popular thing i’ve ever written, which isn’t really that important to me in a numbers sense, but it’s very special to get to talk about a story that i wrote with people who liked it and the larger number of eyes on it provided that opportunity. it’s also been a fun experiment in switching perspectives, because i usually just stick to one at a time. and there is just a lot in there that i love. it is very much still like an adaptive work but trying to come up with solutions to these plot issues that people have with those works or trying to guess where things are going when we don’t have the real answers yet (not necessarily in an attempt to get things all right but just to make sure they make sense!!!) has been a hard and interesting challenge too. 
1. howl 2 (but also all of howl) - jonsa scream au
link to ao3 and link to tag 
look clearly i love working in adaptations and mash ups and that’s why this is just my absolute fave i think. sansa/jonsa/sansa and her siblings plus the scream franchise!!! and howl 2 specifically because while i love howl 1 i like marathon churned it out in a 72 hour period basically just plagiarizing and novelizing the scream script without pouring in too much additional effort. i just thought it would be like a fun halloween drabble sort of deal. but then howl 2 i put a lot more time and thought and effort and love into and it felt more like writing an actual story. also there are more jonsa feelings in it!!!!! idk it just was the most labor of love too bc i was like..... truly nobody is going to read this i am only writing this for myself and i still finished it!!!!!! go me
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
Hey not asking in bad faith but why do you think Sansa's TWOW arc will be similar to her's S6 ? I do think her endgame is QitN but George saying how his Littlefinger wouldn't give away Sansa to someone and how he is obsessed with her makes me think that unlike the show LF might play a bigger role in her story and that makes me wonder most of her TWOW arc will be settled in the Vale before she heads North. If she just flees the Vale then this whole dynamic will get severed prematurely which would make her upcoming triumph over him out of the blue . I also don't understand if she actually is the Girl in the Grey then why would he go North to help her ? He is gaslighting her and is striving to keep power over her and him going North where she is surrounded by her siblings ( Jon / Rickon ) after she has escaped him knowing that he is poisoning her cousin would be suicidal. Again leaving Vale early would also let SweetRobin in the grip of LF and considering she is the only one who wishes good upon him , I can't see her leaving him to the people who either don't care about him or are just waiting for him to die. I just think he won't be undone that easily in the books like he was in the show.
There are several reasons why I believe the Vale arc is going to end quicker and transfer some of its resolution to the North.
1) 5-year gap
It was always going to be an off-page training montage to mirror Arya, Bran, Jon, Dany etc. He was going to reference the gap years in flashbacks but the plot would have moved them elsewhere again. Instead, he's been doing the training montages in a speedrun. ADWD gave us Jon and Dany with the arc of conflict, success, failure and a break with their gap situation. New developments await. AFFC/ADWD gave us the arc up to just before failure for Arya and Sansa and Bran. The Vale is not the culmination of Sansa's development, only a stop-over. Just like with the others.
2) Northern queenship
From the earliest chapters, Sansa is foreshadowed to become queen. Considering she is referred to as blood of Winterfell, key to the North and Winterfell's daughter, while she is also shown rebuilding Winterfell from snow, the safe bet is she will be Queen in the North. To achieve that credibly, she needs to interact with the North. With two books remaining, she needs to get there soon. Since her final chapter in AGOT already has her looking "north and north and north again" and her almost every thought has been about going home... consider this extremely likely.
3) Northern succession "crisis"
To mirror the dance of dragons 2.0, the intricately set up mess of Northern succession and Stark restoration needs some Starks. Arya was already in the running in the shape of Jeyne Poole. Enter exile baby Rickon (Aegon), surprise contender Jon (Jon), and bedraggled heiress Sansa (Dany). Except they'll simply be ecstatic to see each other again.
4) Holding down the fort
Sansa is not - and does not need to be - a fighter. But she is good at managing a place and calming people in a crisis. The point of seeing her take charge during the Battle of the Blackwater after Cersei ran off was to illustrate her ability to do just that again at a larger scale. To be able to do that, she needs to be in the North. Jon has a part to play in the South. Bran has a part to play in a magical negotiation. Arya will be an itinerant agent connecting both plotlines after the resolution to the Lady Stoneheart arc. Rickon is still a baby and would have been under ten, even with a 5-year-gap. Someone needs to be the focal point at home. That's Sansa.
5) Jonsa
In order to to gain the plot-moving depth implied by the level of foreshadowing, they'll need to build their relationship earlier rather than later. Delaying it until ADOS removes the point. Thematically and practically, this reunion needs to happen in the North.
6) Stronger within the walls of Winterfell
When Sansa "slays" Littlefinger with a snowball for lying to her, she does it standing within her rebuilt Winterfell. There is foreshadowing (the statue of Baelor, the Titan of Braavos, the Titan's Daughter, the pointy-bearded merchant) that he will be slain by both sisters. Arya won't dally in the Vale. It will happen North. Why would Littlefinger go there? Because while Sansa will likely be separated from him for a time, it doesn't have to be a complete break based on full knowledge of his crimes yet. If the mountain clans upset the cyvasse table enough, Littlefinger may even travel with Sansa for a while and they don't separate until later. Just because he wouldn't sell Sansa to a sadist doesn't mean Littlefinger doesn't want her to assume power in the North. Especially if his hold in the Vale is fragile. Tyrion was able to trick Littlefinger by dangling power in front of him (Harrenhal). Sansa will likely use a similar move. Only with worse consequences.
7) Sweetrobin
He is Littlefinger's key to power in the Vale. If Sansa doesn't lock down Harry into LF's sphere of influence with a betrothal, his every interest will depend on keeping the kid alive, whether or not Sansa is around. Sansa leaving the Vale does not endanger Sweetrobin.
8) Relevance
What is Sansa supposed to do in the Vale for the whole book? She was embroiled in key conflicts up to AFFC but there are none in the Vale. The knights of the Vale meanwhile with their winter mountain experience, their connections to House Stark and the Wall plot (Waymar Royce, Bronze Yohn) will still need convincing to go North and fight there. Their participation will feel a lot less meaningful if the Vale arc just remains isolated from the rest of the plot for the whole of TWOW. "Rohan will answer" is powerful because there is an established connection to the plot. That connection to the North needs to happen in TWOW. Via Sansa.
This is just off the top of my head.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Do you have any theories about who will actually kill LF in books? I am sure that it's Sansa who will expose his crimes and play key role in bringing him down but will she also be the one who will physically deliver the killing blow? Bcs as much as I would like Sansa to actually kill LF, we know she isn't exactly trained to do that. Ignoring the stupid @rya v/s Sansa fight, I liked how all starklings stood together against LF in the show & @rya killed him. Can this happen in books as well? Sansa passing the sentence and someone else swinging the sword? I mean, the Jonsa shipper in me would totally love it if Jon pulls a fetch me a block moment to kill LF when Sansa exposes him. Plus it can be foil to Cat begging Brandon to spare LF while Sansa ignores LF's pleadings while Jon executes him?
Hi there!
Allow me to answer this with this question
Hi! Do you think Sansa will be the one to kill Petyr? If so, how?
By @neurodivergentguy
From what has been foreshadowed in the books we can at least be sure about one thing! It will happen in Winterfell.
I'm also quite certain that Sansa will indeed not kill Littlefinger with her own hands. Ned's famous 'the man who passes should swing the sword' is not about the necessity to do it yourself but about taking responsibility when robbing someone of his life. It's GRRM'S version of Gandalf's words to Frodo : since we cannot give life we should not easily condemn to death. So, Sansa will weigh Littlefinger's crimes and I'm certain he'll get a trial. Because the Starks uphold the rule of law.
I also think that it might not happen that differently from the show. Ary@ last saw Sansa when she was pleading for Ned's life happy in the expectation that Joffrey would listen to her pleas. Ary@ also participated in a very convoluted play about the events in King's Landing. In addition, Ary@'s memory about her time in Winterfell becomes more 'anti-Sansa' the further she gets away. I think Ary@ will maybe also have information by Lady Stoneheart at the time she reaches Winterfell. I think it is likely that Ary@ will mistrust Sansa at first especially if she sees Littlefinger as a trusted advisor.
Make no mistake, I think it will be far better done in the books, but the sisters will have to sort out their differences and reconcile and what better way is there than destroying their family's enemy together.
I actually think that Ary@ will bear a face when she returns and Jon probably won't recognise her. I definitely think that Ary@ will be suspicious of Jon and Sansa's relationship.
I must admit I'm not sure if Jon will be there for Littlefinger's downfall. I'd certainly love it für him to see Ned/Cat 2.0. before his eyes before he dies. I'm petty like that.
But to be quite honest Jon is not needed for that. GRRM might give this moment to us anyway. 😃
However it will come to pass I'm sure that Littlefinger's well earned death will be satisfying.
I'd love a trial, Ary@ giving evidence (according to her arc searching for justice - and real evidence not like on the show with dreams and visions), Jon doing the execution. And Sansa telling him: I told you not to trust me, Lord Baelish.
Starks united!
Thanks for the asks!
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frazzledsoul · 3 years
Honestly, I'm not going to go into it too much, but that talking point that Winterfell's entire army stayed with Sansa because they refuse to answer to Jon and he came down to invade King's Landing entirely by himself so Sansa could take "her" army to rescue them later has got to die.
Dany would never have allowed the entire army to stay at Winterfell in the first place. But more to the point, we see Jon bring the at down with him, we see him losing control of them after Dany torches the city, we see them committing war crimes and Arya and Jon trying to rescue civilians from the chaos. The argument that Sansa fans try to make that these people didn't exist and these things didn't happen because they want to insist that the army only remained loyal to Sansa is not supported by canon whatsoever.
The army didn't come with Sansa to try to beg for Jon's life. They were outside the city gates because they were already there.
These kinds of arguments just make it clear that both Jonerys and Jonsa ships only see Jon as worthy when he props up their queen of choice and insist that their version of Book!Jon will the proper doormat for their chosen character. Of course both versions of this story can't both be true, but he's really only a pretty toy for them to fight over.
This is hardly unusual: I would argue that both J/B and J/C fans see Jaime in the same way. But all the same, it's why the proper ending for Jon is hanging out in the woods with his dog and his friends, freed of politics forever.
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durgas · 4 years
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marry me, i’ll save you
written for @jonsa-creatives: royalty event
summary: sansa stark comes up with a plan to save jon snow from his punishment for being a queenslayer, the only thing is it involves convincing him to marry her.
“Marry me tonight in the godswood.” The words had twirled around her head all day. She had thought them over several times and then several times more before allowing them to come forth before Jon. 
His grey eyes, hard with the scars suffering, widened in shock. “Sansa?” He looked at her, her chin firmly set and her eyes blue with steel. “I cannot-”
“You can and you will.” She cut him off. He had languished in this prison long enough; his beard growing unkempt and his curls lank. “Marry me and you become my husband, my subject.” She watched as realisation began to settle on his face. “You will become the King in the North alongside me and none will be able to challenge you.”
Jon shook his head in disbelief. “I committed a crime, Sansa.” His normally gruff voice was thickened by emotion. “I killed a Queen. I never wanted to be a King and they won’t let me anyway.” 
“The North is independent now.” She took his hands, unusually bare and roughened with scars, and looked him in the eye. “And, if it came to it they would fight. But, it won’t come to that, Jon.”
Her voice was clear and strong like the sound of steel clashing against steel.  A strange feeling rose up in his chest, a mixture of pride and desire and incredulity. “I deserve my punishment, Sansa. 
“You killed a mad queen, that’s not a crime.” Sansa reasoned. She was calm with no sign of nerves save the ring she fiddled with on her right hand. “Bran is reasonable.”
The guard came to break them away, filthy and stinking of sweat. “Time’s up, your Grace.” He made an obsequious bow then motioned for her to leave with worried eyes and wringing his hands. 
“Come to the godswood, you’ll be left unguarded.” She whispered hastily in his ear, feeling the tickle of his beard against her face. She had paid off the guards and hoped Jon would listen to reason. 
The day passed, each moment more dreary than the next, until at last the evening settled with a chill. 
She made her excuses then retired to her room to throw on her fur cloak. Approaching the godswood, she felt the oak trees with their ominous shade of crimson appear as if they were looming over at her. The night was cold but she was a Stark of Winterfell and therefore the pinch of frost went unnoticed. The heart tree stared at her, its face stern with the magic of old before the days of the Seven. 
“Sansa.” She saw him approach with an uneven gait. “Thank you.” He said as he felt his heart hammer away in his chest.
Her eyes grew softer. “You can be a fool sometimes, Jon.” She took his hand and led him over to the heart tree where they kneeled. “This is not one of those times.” A teasing tone had entered her voice and her face was light with relief. 
Together they made their vows in front of their ancient heart, no longer so stern and now feeling akin to home. She slipped off her cloak and felt the heavy weight of Jon’s upon her shoulders as he raised her up. His lips curved into a smile as he gazed at her, her beautiful red hair so bright amongst the darkness of the night, before lifting her into his arms. 
“Jon.” Her voice contained notes of surprise as her head lay against his chest, thinner than he had ever been. 
His tender eyes dropped down to look at her. “It’s a part of the ceremony.” He felt her warmth against him and felt desire creep into his body. “Isn’t it, your Grace?” It was his turn to tease. He had never thought this moment a possibility, he knew the sacrifice he had made when he had chosen Daenerys. 
“Indeed.” Her single word spoke volumes as it was playful yet softly tender. “Your Grace.” A smirk glided its way onto her naked lips.
The following morning, they had walked hand-in-hand down the winding stairs of the Red Keep to shouts of commotion and anger. 
“Where could the bastard have gone?”
The voices around all echoed similar thoughts. Anger that the Queenslayer had escaped coupled with frustration that he had managed to evade his punishment. They fell silent at the sight of Queen Sansa holding the hand of the Queenslayer, Jon Snow. 
“Sansa, what have you done?” Tyrion’s voice greeted them, worry and fury poorly hidden in his tone. 
She looked him square in the eye then looked around her and caught the eye of her personal guard. They nodded surreptitiously, they knew what would have to be done if there was trouble. “Good people, I am proud to introduce my new husband.” She stood tall and proud with a spine of steel. 
Uproar broke out. The people began clamouring for justice, pushing forward as if to take their own vengeance. Sansa did not flinch although Jon felt a slight pang of fear threaten his heart. 
“It is true he killed the Queen Daenerys.” Her voice rang out above all the frenetic chaos. “It is also true that she had grown delirious in anger and would have killed every man, woman and child of Westeros if it meant she could have taken the throne.” She paused for a moment, conscious of every eye upon her. “Jon has saved Westeros by preventing another period of instability just as he has defended the realm of Westeros many times over.”
Tyrion looked at her as if she had gone mad. “He is a traitor, surely you must see that.” 
“He is the King in the North now, he will rule with me from Winterfell.” She felt Jon squeeze her hand, reassurance seeping out of the warmth of his palm. “And, he is no longer a subject of the Six Kingdoms.”
Protests were made for several days, coups were close to occurring and yet Sansa’s practical reason soon won everyone over from the common people to Bran himself. Eventually, they were allowed to leave with the condition that they would not be welcome again at King’s Landing or in any of the Six Kingdoms of Westeros.
It had been worth it to see Jon’s smile at the sight of Winterfell and the great lords of the North hail him as their King.
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ladylilithium · 5 years
Remember that Jon, in order to be with Dany, he:
gives up his crown.
Has to be smaller than her.
he had to go in a suicidal mission to get a wight, so that the dragon queen could arrange a truce with Cersei. And that didn’t even work.
Be completely submissive to her desires.
Dissapoint every northener because he had to give up his crown, thus their independence.
Allow Dany to threaten Sansa and all the northener lords and ladies with her dragons.
Allow Dany to threaten Sansa if she didn’t respect her as she wanted.
Forcing him to hide his parentage from his own family.
He has to step aside from the Iron Throne even though he’s the legitimate heir. And again, Dany is taking away his -legitimate- crown as she did when he was elected as King In The North. 
He never seems to care about her loneliness and isolation.
She pressed him to ride a dragon without taking in consideration his insecurities or possible death.
He can’t be loved more than her. 
He has to listen to her blaming Sansa for Varys’ death and say nothing because she’s so paranoid and volatile. 
He had to force himself into saying he loves her, but because he’s afraid of her.
He found himself being complicit of war crime because of her. 
She doesn’t consider Jon as a family. She’s the Last Targaryen, for she considers him a threat to her quest for the Iron Throne.
He feels lost. He doesn’t belong in the Targaryen name and worst, he feels that he’s not a Stark anymore.
And remember that Jon, when he was with Sansa:
Was named King In The North, not by name, but for election and sharing Stark blood.
He found a reason to fight for life again, and his mission against the White Walkers.
Told Melisandre to not bring him back since he didn’t want to live in a world where Sansa wasn’t in it. 
She makes him symbolically a Stark by giving him a cloak that she made with her own hands.
Both took back their ancestral home.
They keep developing their relationship.
Despite some disagreement they often find a common ground.
She provides good advices to him.
She considers him a Stark, her family. Her equal.
She keeps the north’s loyalty together while he’s gone. 
She truly believes he’s capable of ruling, and with her help, he can be even better.
He promises to protect her (more like he promises to himself to protect her).
He smiles more often when she’s around.
He liked the wolf bits.
He was considered a hero that did justice by defeating the Boltons.
He’s finally finding himself part of the Stark. 
He forgives Theon solely because he helped her to escape from Ramsay. And later he calls him a Greyjoy and a Stark.
His rage switches on and off when it comes with Sansa’s well being.
 She twists him as nobody else can.
She completes his lack of political experience.
These pictures showcase the basic dynamic that both relationships have.
J0nerice: both are miserable, toxic and there’s a power imbalance.
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Jonsa: Beautiful and Majestic. Equals.
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I’m not saying that Jonsa ship is perfect and flawless. It isn’t. But both Jon and Sansa’s relationship is in constant development. Even if end ups being platonic or romantic I keep believing that, we can’t deny that Jon lived his best time when he reconected with Sansa.   
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saltywinteradult · 5 years
Disliking Dænerys: A common misconception
There seems to be a widespread notion online, among not only Dænerys and Jonerice stans, but some mainstream media outlets as well - this article in Vanity Fair, for example - that people who dislike Dænerys only do so because they ship Jonsa.
And while I can only speak for myself, I would like to debunk this myth, because it’s long overdue. I imagine that I’m not the only Sansa stan and/or Jonsa shipper who is absolutely fed up with this insulting assumption. Insulting, because claiming that petty fandom rivalry is the only reason anyone could possibly have for disliking Dænerys is a big, fat middle finger to critical thinking and to the intelligence and maturity of countless fans.
I dislike Dænerys because she wants the privilege and power of her ancestors, but without being held responsible for their crimes - while at the same time expecting that the people she seeks to rule stay true to oaths sworn by their ancestors, regardless of said crimes committed against them by her family since those oaths were sworn.
I dislike Dænerys because she views herself as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, even though her family’s dynasty was overthrown and the only way she can ever claim the Iron Throne for herself is by doing the very thing that she hates the Baratheons for doing: taking the throne by force.
I dislike Dænerys because she doesn’t seem to grasp that a ruler needs to be consistent and unaffected by personal feelings in their decisions, and sees nothing wrong with granting a trial to a criminal one day, only to execute another criminal without a trial the next.
I dislike Dænerys because to her, executing someone who could very possibly be innocent of any wrongdoing is no big deal.
I dislike Dænerys because she shows little to no regard or respect for cultures and traditions that differ from her own.
I dislike Dænerys because she feels she deserves respect, loyalty, and love, simply by virtue of being who she is, without seeing the need to actively work to prove that she’s worthy of it.
I dislike Dænerys because even though the people of the North are her subjects and she wants to rule over the rest of Westeros as well, she claims that she’s been manipulated into fighting someone else’s war, rather than just fighting to defend her subjects from the White Walkers because it’s her duty as their supposed ruler.
I dislike Dænerys because she is adamant that she be styled properly and addressed with respect at all times, and takes it very badly when she isn’t, yet does not extend the same courtesy to others, and has no qualms about berating and humiliating her advisors in public.
I dislike Dænerys because rather than trying to understand why people - whether it’s the Dothraki, the Meereenese, Lannister loyalists, or Northerners - are sceptical and mistrusting of her and don’t want her as their ruler, and working to gain their trust and loyalty, she takes it as a personal insult.
I dislike Dænerys because her immediate response when she doesn’t get the respect and loyalty that she feels she’s owed is to use to violence or the threat of violence to scare people into submission - and because she takes pleasure in doing it.
I dislike Dænerys because of the colonialist/white saviour imagery and themes in her storyline in Essos, and because of how a big part of the fandom is either willing to ignore this, or completely unaware of it.
I dislike Dænerys because she is a complex, problematic, morally grey and ultimately tragic character who is made out to be an unproblematic hero by fans willing to excuse or overlook all the horrible things she does, while not extending the same courtesy to other characters.
I dislike Dænerys for so many reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with Sansa or Jonsa. I dislike her because I watch, I pay attention, and I don’t like what I see. 
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vivilove-jonsa · 5 years
The Field Where I Died
Jon watches over Sansa even in death...
@jonsa-week  Day 1 Prompt-Present
A gift for @chocolateghost because he likes pain please don’t hate me
Read below or on ao3
The field where they were to meet was off Highway 11. It was a large field but surrounded by trees. He didn’t like the isolated feel of this but his informant had said it was someplace he’d never be spotted. Edd had berated him about going, saying he shouldn’t go alone but this guy was nervous enough without pulling his partner along. This was also the break they needed.
Three months, Jon and Edd had been working this case. Three months of chasing leads and this was the best one yet. Organized crime would feel the ripples of this bust from the local thugs all the way up to the capos and the boss. Jon figured it’d give him a little more cred in the department, from detective to sergeant probably, maybe lieutenant in another five years if he was lucky.
That was good. The school year would end soon and Sansa had already said she wanted to stay home with the baby the first year. Four years they’d been married. They’d been together since they were kids other than one stupid fight first year of college that had busted them up for six miserable months. When he’d won her back, he’d sworn to himself then he’d never let her go again. Even if someday she didn’t want him anymore, his heart would always be hers. So many guys in the department wound up divorced but he could never imagine that for him and Sansa.
On the perimeter of the field, he spied a white shape moving along the tree line. It was dusk out already and it gave him a chill. But soon he realized it was just a dog. He whistled and the animal stopped, its head tilted to the side.
“Hey, boy,” he called. “Thought you were a ghost.”
The dog approached him, wagging its tail in a friendly way. Oh, to enjoy the carefree life of a dog.
Jon checked for a collar. There was none. “You’re a sweet boy. I’d take you home if I could. Sansa would spoil you rotten. Not sure tonight’s the best night though,” he said as he heard a car pulling off the road.
The dog slunk off towards the trees as the car pulled to a stop. His guy on the inside was running a few minutes behind, not abnormal for him. The guy was always so twitchy.
The doors opened, both driver and passenger side and too late Jon realized it was not his guy. His arm already felt heavy when he started returning fire. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how dark it was growing when he saw a flash of white moving through the trees again. He needed to get home. Sansa would be waiting.
Jon was working late. The doorbell was not expected at this time of night. She’d been a cop’s wife for nearly four years now. She’d told herself detective work was less dangerous than being a uni. But dread filled her in a heartbeat with the dying echo of that doorbell.
She glanced down at her left hand. The diamond ring and gold band Jon had given her winked at her under the light of the foyer. She had her hand poised protectively over her rounded belly when she opened the door.
Edd was standing behind Chief Mormont and another one she’d never met. A chaplain, she realized. Her blood seemed to freeze inside her. There were tears in Edd’s eyes. The chief was choking on his words.
The white stray she’d found sitting outside their home this evening when she’d returned from Jeyne’s nuzzled against her leg and whined. She’d brought it inside to feed and wondered how Jon would feel about keeping him if they couldn’t find the owner.
“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Snow,” the chaplain said.
 He’d come home to her. He’d never made promises about those things because it seemed like a foolhardy promise for a cop to make. But he’d raced across the field and through the woods and back home that night to find her. He couldn’t leave her. He loved her too much to leave her alone.
But she wasn’t the same with him…or he wasn’t the same. Things were different than they’d been somehow. She still loved him, he knew, and he loved her so much. His whole world lit up when she walked in the door and would be cast into darkness when she went away. But she’d come back. She always did and his heart would soar when he saw her.
She would touch him but not like before. She said she shouldn’t let him sleep with her. He didn’t understand. Because of the baby? Was she upset with him? But they were just sleeping, just lying together and that was enough for him. And in the end, she’d always call him to bed when she turned out the lights at night.
Her kisses were different. His were, too. She’d run her fingers through his hair and murmur things to him but it wasn’t intimate in the same way. It was affectionate but not intimate.
She was sad, very sad. She cried a lot. She told him the Celexa was considered safe during pregnancy but she couldn’t take the risk. She poured the bottle’s contents down the toilet. He didn’t understand. She said the baby was all that mattered now. Didn’t she know that she mattered too?
He’d do whatever he could to comfort her, to express his own grief, to show her he was by her side. And he knew she got it. She told him she didn’t know what she’d do without him. Her salty tears wetted his tongue and after a while she’d give him something to eat.
Edd came to visit often. They didn’t talk to each other like before but Edd would reach out and touch him. He hated seeing his partner and friend so sad.
“He came to you that night?” Edd asked, mystified.
“What’s his name?”
Even though school wasn’t out just yet, she was already off from work. She didn’t go many places but when she did, she took him with her.
“I need you with me,” she told him. “You make me stronger.”
He wasn’t going anywhere without her. She could have every ounce of his strength if she needed.
When the time drew closer, he heard her talking with her mom. They’d laughed at the idea of a home birth before but now Sansa was insistent. “I don’t want to go to the hospital. I want to be home. I want Ghost near when he comes,” she told her mother who didn’t understand.
Something could go wrong and it worried him but it was ultimately her body that would be giving birth to his son. He would trust her judgment.
Then one night, he sat at the end of the bed, frustrated that he couldn’t see better and couldn’t understand it all. Her strained grunts and stifled cries made him feel sick, made him feel shaky, made him feel like pacing. He paced. Didn’t expectant fathers do lots of pacing?
“Go lie down!” her mother barked at him.
“He’s fine,” Sansa told her mother through clenched teeth.
The cry of their child was heard an hour later, just as he’d finally laid down with fatigue. He could only imagine how tired she must be.
He didn’t get to hold him but he saw him, grey eyes blinking at him with a scruff of dark hair. He smelled funny but he already knew he’d do anything for him, do anything to keep him safe just like Sansa.
“Darling,” his mother-in-law said, “Have you decided for sure about the name?”
“Yes. His name is Jon.”
At first, it was a never ending drudgery of forty-minute naps and feedings and diaper changes and crying, an endless cycle. He followed them everywhere around the house and, when Sansa would start to cry too, he’d be there to comfort her.
“Ghost watches over us both, Jon,” she’d say.
But soon, time had a way of speeding up on him. Little Jon would smile so big when he saw his mama or his daddy, those genuine social smiles that parents await so eagerly. Then, before long he was sitting up and soon he was crawling, it seemed.
He followed him everywhere. He’d curl up and nap by the crib if Sansa didn’t need him.
He’d watch over his son by day and lay by his wife at night. She’d caress his neck and shoulder until she’d drift off to sleep.
One night, a prowler came around. He could hear him outside. Sansa heard him, too. She grabbed the baby and was afraid, reaching for the phone. But he was there. He didn’t even need a gun, just his voice. He’d always protect them. He scared the prowler away.
Edd came over regularly to check on his wife and son. He was a good friend and a good partner. They’d always said they’d look after each other’s family no matter what. Edd had an elderly mother. Jon had a wife and son.
He wasn’t jealous that Edd could pick his son up when he couldn’t. He enjoyed watching his friend lift the baby up high in the air, getting belly laughs that would put a smile on that dour old face.
Some nights, Edd would stop by for coffee after Jon had been put to bed and they’d talk. He’d listen to everything they said but not all of it made since.
But one time, Edd took Sansa’s hand in his, speaking earnestly and he didn’t like that.
“Ghost, no!” Sansa said sharply.
He was angry and confused. He backed away at her command all the same. He always did what she told him. He loved her and wanted to please her.
But she turned to Edd the next minute, gently pulling her hand away from his. “I’m sorry. I can’t…I can’t think of such things yet. Maybe not ever.”
Today was important somehow. He wasn’t sure why but Sansa had asked Edd to drive them somewhere. He enjoyed getting out once in a while. He got tired of always being at the house or in the yard.
He climbed into the back next to Little Jon and laid his head over the boy’s lap. He was nearly two now. He would giggle and tug at his ears. He didn’t mind.
“Are you sure, Sansa?”
“I just want to see it. I want to know where it happened.”
The car stopped and he got out. Sansa reached for their boy.
It was sunny out, not dusk like before. But he knew the smell of these woods. They woke something within him, some old hurt or fear, something bad had happened here.
Edd stood back a respectful distance with his hat in his hands and tears in his eyes again. He loved Edd and hated for his friend to be sad like this. But Sansa could never love Edd the way she loved him. They were meant to be together always.
Sansa was carrying their son, saying words the child didn’t understand. She just needed to get this out of her system. She needed to see it for herself.
“I know you don’t understand,” she whispered to the boy. “But this is where your father…”
She stopped speaking, too choked up with emotions, but Ghost understood at last.
 This is the field where I died.
{And then Sansa woke up from that awful dream, right?}
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A new wolf for Sansa
Written for @jonsa-week​ day 5 based on the prompt: Dragons OR Wolves  OR Birds
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Ghost has been missing and when Jon returns Sansa is dying to know if he found him. What Sansa doesn't know is that Jon and Ghost have a huge surprise for her!
post-canon AU
“Did you find him?”
Jon could barely hide his smile, but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise right away. “Yeah…” He licked his lips and he folded his hands on his back to assure that his trembling hands wouldn’t betray him. “He just didn’t really wanna come home.”
Sansa furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. “He didn’t?” For a moment she kept silent. “Why wouldn’t he want to come home? The two of your are linked, right?”
Fighting his smile became harder and harder. Yes, he and Ghost were linked. He wasn’t entirely sure in what way, but for some reason things that happened to him, happened to Ghost too and the other way round.
But it seemed that Sansa hadn’t completely realised that. Or she had at least not realised what would happen to Ghost now that Jon and Sansa had finally found each other and had decided to get married and share a life together.
And for now Jon wasn’t planning on making her any wiser. “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Maybe he got sick watching us being together and such?” He locked his glance with hers and yet she still didn’t seem to make the connection. “Or maybe he feels a little left out now that he’s no longer the only number one in my life?”
Sansa rolled her eyes. “Seriously, like a human girl and a male dire wolf are the same thing.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s not like I’m taking his place or something. He didn’t sleep in your bed, did he? Or at the very least he didn’t sleep with you, did he?”
“Of course not!” Jon shook his head. “We only shared a bed when it was really cold and I can assure you I was always fully clothed.” He bit his lip. “But, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have urges or needs or wants or whatever you wanna call it…” Jon narrowed his eyes and stared at Sansa.
For a few seconds she seemed confused and then he saw the realisation slowly downing. “Wait a minute.” She raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Her voice went almost an octave up and she clapped her hands while her jaw dropped. “Ghost found a girlfriend, didn’t he? A female dire wolf? A mate?” There was a glimmer in her beautiful blue eyes and Jon was glad that he could finally allow the smile to brighten his own face.
“They seem kinda happy. I can’t blame him for not wanting to leave her behind.”
“Leave her behind?” Sansa shook her head and she reached for her coat, wrapping it around her tender shoulders. “Of course he shouldn’t leave her behind. I’m not standing in the way of true love. He should bring her home. Winterfell is big enough and it will be amazing to have all their little pups around and to watch them grow up and to teach them everything we’ve taught Ghost and Lady.” The smile on Sansa’s face faltered for a short moment, but then she shook her head and she grabbed Jon’s arm. “Come! Lead me to them!”
Jon laughed and he entwined his fingers with hers. “It’s a long walk.”
“I don’t care!” Sansa opened the wooden door and stepped outside.
Even though the night king and his army were gone, Winter was still coming. The first snow was already falling down on Winterfell and its surroundings and a thin layer of white covered the road.
After a mile Sansa started shivering and Jon wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulders to press her to his body. After another mile her teeth started clattering, but she was way too stubborn to complain about it. After one more mile Sansa had her own arms wrapped around her too and her cheeks were almost as red as her hair. Her steps slowed, but she kept on walking. Jon knew her longer than today and she was most likely not gonna admit that she should have stayed at home and let Jon get the two lovebirds.
“We’re almost there.” Jon lead her away from the path. Trees now kept the worst cold and snow away from them, but Jon could barely feel his toes and fingers anymore.
Eventually he stood still in front of a small cave. “Here they are.”
“In there?” Sansa swallowed. “Is it safe to just walk in and disturb them?” She cocked her head slightly and Jon gestured with his hand to assure her that everything was alright.
“It’s Ghost. He knows how much I love you. No matter what, he won’t do anything.” If Jon hadn’t been absolutely certain about that he wouldn’t have let her walk in to begin with, but he followed Sansa until she all of a sudden stood still.
“She’s beautiful…” Her voice was barely a whisper and Jon saw how she tensed all her muscles while she carefully stepped forward. “Your wolf has an amazing taste when it comes to mates.”
Jon smiled. “It must be the link thing.”
Either Sansa didn’t hear him or she was too entranced with the female wolf in Ghost’s company. Carefully Sansa stepped towards the fiery light grey wolf. She held her hand out in front of her and once in a while she looked at Ghost to assure herself that it was still alright. “Will he also protect me against her?” She looked over her shoulder and reassuringly Jon nodded her.
“They have a link now too, San. I’m sure she knows she can trust you. And I’m sure he knows you can trust her.” Jon kept his distance. He already had had his time with the wolf, but she wasn’t his to befriend and love.
Years after Sansa had lost her own Lady, part of her heart and part of her soul, Sansa was now finally getting a new dire wolf. And this wolf wouldn’t be slaughtered for a crime it hadn’t commit, for simply existing.
This one would stay with Sansa until the day she would exhale her very last breath.
Jon would make sure of it. And if he had to, he would even give his life for it.
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Jonsa idea: post season 8 Sansa threw all her efforts in managing the north after the wars in order to escape from the loneliness of being alone in Winterfell with her family scattered. It reach the point of unhealthyness and maester Wolkan, the lords and the smallfolks know that this can continue. So they send a letter to former KitN Jon Snow who rushes to WF to rescue Sansa. Because everyone one knows that these two are truly happy when they are besides each other.
thanks for this one! it really wrote itself once i got started.
send me prompts
"Your grace?"
She's so focused on the work at hand, she doesn't at first hear the voice in her doorway. It isn't until maester Wolkan speaks once again that she looks up, blue eyes widening slightly as she smiles an apology. "I'm sorry for interrupting," the old maester begins once he's given her a bow and a smile of his own. "Lord Royce bade me check on you," he continues as he takes a single step closer to where she sits behind her desk, pale and drawn, looking quite like a girl he's not seen in many months. In well over a year, now that he thinks about it. "I really must insist that you return to your chambers for a rest."
The young queen smiles again, setting aside the parchment she'd been reading when the maester had come into her solar. "I am quite well, I assure you," she replies, her tone leaving no room for argument. The maester bites his lower lip, frowning, as if he's attempting to find the confidence to indeed argue with his queen.
He does not.
When he's gone, Sansa releases a long sigh, leaning back in her chair, hands folding in her lap. She doesn't blame her lords to worry after her- Lord Royce is often insisting on her taking it easy, on giving him more things to do, often telling her she is a young queen in the first year of her reign and she should be enjoying it. But in truth... There is little enjoyment for her in all of this. Her crown, her kingdom, it all felt hollow without Jon, without her family. She's alone again, as she had been for so long, the pieces of her family strewn across Westeros. Why, Arya was worlds away, perhaps lost to her forever, or so she often worries at night when she cannot sleep.
The truth is, she throws herself into her work, into the running of her kingdom, because it keeps the pain away. It keeps her thoughts from straying to the pain in her heart, though at night when she is alone without her work, it comes tenfold. She can tell you the ache of loneliness is unlike anything else- she would know, after all. Sansa can't help but to feel somewhat bitter at the hand she's been dealt. After everything she's been through, after everything she's done to get here... She almost wishes she hadn't. She almost wishes to go back to the days before Jon had ever gone to Dragonstone, before he had ever brought Daenerys Targaryen to Westeros.
Back then, when the only fight had been their demons and Ramsay Bolton. Back then, when she could slip into his warm bed after a nightmare, knowing he would hold her until she felt safe again. Back then, when he would focus his wild eyed gaze upon her, lost in the memories of betrayal, needing only the touch of her hand to come back to the present. Back then... It hadn't been easy, but at least they'd been together.
She sighs, brushing the tears from her cheeks, wondering just when she had begun to cry.
[ x x x ]
"Well we must do something," Lord Royce says, looking from the faces at the table around him. He's gathered in his antechamber the first lords of the North, as well as maester Wolkan, all so they might discuss what to do with their queen. These men, including himself, he supposes, are quite opposed to upsetting her, but it was becoming to grow worrisome. "She's going to work herself to death."
Those are the words that do the trick and at once, everyone is nodding their assent, a few of them voicing "hear, hear." But, there's not one of them in the room who know how to force their queen to listen, for what man could ever tame a wolf? Their she-wolf queen certainly was a force to be reckoned with, though there were few men brave enough to try. And the foreign diplomats that had tried certainly walked out of the conversations with their tails between their legs. "But what do we do for her?" Alys Karstark asks, the only woman among them since the loss of Lyanna Mormont. This young woman rarely strays from her queen's side and she's proud of the relationship she's developed with her. "She doesn't listen to anybody."
No one has an answer.
"I know who she'll listen to."
They all turn at the sound of a voice and it is Brienne of Tarth who stands there, perhaps the most trusted of all of Sansa's court. "Go on then, Ser Brienne," Lord Royce speaks honorably, this woman is the captain of the queensguard, beloved by their queen, and respected by all who know her. "Tell us who our queen will listen to, if it is not any of us."
"Jon Snow."
Everyone around the table exchanges a quick glance. "But he is... Banished..." Lord Royce now speaks somewhat uncomfortably, shifting his weight on his chair. It was not that any of them believed Jon Snow to be guilty of a crime, but rather, their queen had been quite adamant about his fate. I cannot force Jon home, queen or not, I will not command him to my side if he doesn't wish to be here.
"Our queen is lonely, that is what plagues her so. And if I know him, Jon Snow too must be brooding over her at Castle Black." Brienne thinks of how Sansa cries herself to sleep at night when she thinks no one is listening and she can't do that again. "Send him word that she is nearly ill without her family. He will come, you'll see, and she will be happy again." The room is quiet for a long moment before one by one, they all begin to nod.
Their queen's happiness is all that matters.
[ x x x ]
"A letter, little crow."
Jon is surprised and his heart skips a beat. A letter for him, after all this time, all the way here at the wall? He takes the parchment from Tormund with a quick word of thanks, swinging his legs back over the bench he had just been about to get up from. The wax seal is not Sansa's, nor any other one he knows, surprising him even more. He's received only one letter since his arrival, one which he keeps tucked into his shirt every single day.
He breaks the seal and unfolds the letter, taking in the unfamiliar handwriting that is scrawled across the page in several, hasty lines.
I write on behalf of the queen, who will not do this herself. Please come back home to her. Please, she is the most unhappy of queens, all alone here in Winterfell. She will admit it to no one, but she is lonely and she is sad. We have tried and tried to rouse her from her melancholy, but it seems we are not what she needs. She needs her family, she needs you. Please, come back to Winterfell before she brings illness to herself, or worse.
Yohn Royce
Jon is on his feet before he's finished the letter and he's springing from over the bench as he shoves it into his shirt. "Little crow?" Tormund asks from where he's sat on the other side, spooning soup into his mouth.
"I have to go," is all Jon can say, turning back to face Tormund, brown eyes meeting blue.
Tormund grins. "I'll keep watch."
Jon smiles back and then is gone, rushing out into the snow with a whistle, knowing somewhere out there Ghost will hear. Sure enough just as he's crossing the courtyard to the stables, he hears the howl. Taking to his horse, he rides through the gates, uncaring of packing belongings, his only thought her. His thoughts have always been of just her. It's the only way he's made it through these long, grueling months of finding peace with himself for all that's happened.
Now he will have to make peace with what he's done to her by leaving her alone.
[ x x x ]
Knock, knock, knock.
"Come in," she calls without looking up from the letter she reads, a letter that had come only that evening from Dorne. "Lord Royce, did you hear yet about-" she stops as she lifts her gaze from the words written, shock coursing through her body like a lightning strike. "Jon..." She barely dares to whisper his name for surely, he's not standing there. Surely, this is  fever dream, a hallucination from working too hard. Perhaps maester Wolkan had been right, perhaps she was working too hard.
But then she rubs her eyes and he's still standing there. Then she blinks and he's still standing there. "My queen." Jon speaks quietly, his familiar vocals filling her with a warmth she could never explain. She's on her feet then, coming around the front of the desk she sat behind just as he crosses the space between them, dropping to his knees before her. Though she tries to force him back up, he shakes his head and unsheathes Longclaw, offering her fealty as his Queen in the North, the one true queen he would always serve. That he would always love. "Forgive me, for being away so long." He says when he looks back up at her from where he sits on his knees, a slow smile spreading over his lips. She's torn between crying and laughing, her rosy lips trembling as they smile upon him.
The moment he's on his feet again, she's in his arms.
"How?" She keeps asking, over and over, her voice somewhat muffled from where she's buried her face into his shoulder. Jon gently pries her from him, just so he might get a better look at her, his fingers sliding into place beneath her face. She's pale faced, tired, no... She's exhausted. Jon has seen this look before, this haunted, hollow gaze she's looking at him with. It is as Lord Royce had said, she was working herself certainly to death, if she did not stop soon. He's done this to her, he knows, and at once guilt rushes through him. "How are you here?" Her question draws him back and he smiles, leaning in to tilt his forehead against hers, just breathing her in.
Somehow, she already knows the answer.
"Say you will stay..." She whispers, blue eyes filling with fresh tears as Jon gives a nod, knowing not even the Gods themselves could take him from her now. When he nods, she smiles though the tears flow, and he draws her into his arms once again.
He was home.
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I want to do a Spider-Man Jonsa AU where Sansa Stark is Spider-Man and Jon Snow is a mix between Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Waston.
Here is the premise
Sansa lives with her grandparents Rickard and Lyra Stark. She is best friends with Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. On a class field trip to Targaryen industries run by Rhaghaer Targaryen a charming scientist who is Danys father in this story. Sansa is bitten by a radioactive spider which leads her to become SpiderWoman. Sansa has a crush on Jon but she thinks he is in love with Dany. Sansa looses her grandfather who dies in a mugging. She chase's after the mugger and finds the consequence of her inaction. The mugger dies in the ensuring fight. Sansa starts to fight crime in her grandfather's memory. That's all I have so far.
Oh and this would be Sansa's haircut plus her supersuit.
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@annawoodhull @sansalutations @esther-dot
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