#critical role campaign 3 episode 34
shadowgasp · 2 years
the suddenness and speed of which Sam pulled the toolbox out and smacked it on the table was way too funny.
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quillname · 1 year
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Doc, there's a hole where something was.
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rickmeister · 2 years
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grizzlyghoul · 1 year
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Are you flipping a coin right now?
♥ Laudna cosplay by HollowFlame ♥ Fearne cosplay by ReyDey ♥ Imogen cosplay by Me ♥ photos shot by Simons Loveable Photos
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lucidmagic · 2 years
Fey are selfish creatures.
Birdie and Ollie’s admissions flip over and over and over again in Fearne’s mind, over and over, hammering into her soul.
Orym looks so small cradled gently in Chetney’s wolven arms. Peculiar, Fearne thinks, he never seemed so small by her side, always larger, bigger, especially when he aimed that slight smile her way. Laudna appears sleeping—not her usual slumber with her death rattles and ever watchful pupils, but a calm one. Far too calm for someone so exuberant.
Over and over and over.
Those words are meaningless to a being like the satyr— they are whim and whimsy and uninhibited merriment.
In the strange word of Exandria’s people—selfish.
Birdie and Ollie aren’t trying to stop whatever is happening because of the good of their heart.
They’re doing it because a young satyr was born under a bleeding, crimson moon and they are terrified.
And Fearne is terrified. Petrified. Utterly bloodied and barely clinging onto life herself. And she was the only option Letters had.
Seeing two corpses in the guise of her companions. Two choices. Two friends.
Two sides of a coin.
A shield.
And a lady.
Over and over and over and over.
And over.
And over...
The cool metal lands in her palm silently and scorches her flesh, and nary a breath is spared when Fearne holds it to her chest and peeks.
One side for the halfling, the other for the half-dead.
She peeks, making sure sure the decision is absconded from the rest. And then the coin in gone in her fur before the image makes her puke up sanguine breakfast.
Fey are selfish creatures, she thinks, as she whispers her parting promise to Laudna and then brings Orym’s limp, lukewarm body onto her thighs.
Imogen sobs.
Chetney huffs.
FCG blinks.
Ashton cusses.
Fearne starts the ritual.
The coin sears into her side, the visage of the lady branded into her eyes and soul.
It’s a funny word, selfish. A foreign, meek, ephemeral thing that Fearne’s mind and heart couldn’t quite understand. But even before the golden coin flicked and tumbled up from her thumb nail...
...she’s beginning to.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
not laura just now realizing that she needs spell components to cast spells dkfhgkjskdfj
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shorthaltsjester · 4 months
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ON RUNNING; Imogen Temult
Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 3 “The Trail and the Toll” // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 12 “Make It Fashion” // Illustrated Horse-Breaking by Matthew Horace (1905) // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 17 “Heart-to-Heartmoor” // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 19 “Omens Above” // Broken Horses by Brandi Carlile // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 34 “What Dreams May Come” // Legends Never Die by Orville Peck and Shania Twain // Queen of Peace by Florence + The Machine // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 40 “Compulsion”  // Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 48 “An Exit Most Fraught” // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 78 “Fractures” // On Horse-Breaking by Robert Moreton (1877) // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 83 “Ruidus” // Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 89 “Divisive Portents”
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essektheylyss · 1 year
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Dolly Parton | Travis Willingham, Critical Role Campaign 2, Episode 34 | Travis Willingham, Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 71
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littlebosslady7 · 2 months
Critical Role Schedule for the week of July 22nd, 2024
Monday July 22: -- Reslayer's Take episode 9 for podcasts 10 for Beacon
Tuesday July 23: -- Critical Role Abridged Campaign 3 episode 14 for YouTube, 34 for Beacon
Wednesday July 24: -- Moonward Trailer with cast and creators of Midst
Thursday July 25: -- Downfall Finale at 7PM PST.
Friday July 26: -- Critical Role Abridged Campaign 3, episode 35 only on Beacon
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Total F-bombs Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 59 Somewhere Out There
Per Character:
Ashton: 34
Fresh Cut Grass:
Laudna: 5
Total Fucks for Campaign So Far:
Fearne: 22
Orym: 48
Fresh Cut Grass: 66
Laudna: 156
Imogen: 182
Chetney: 466
Ashton: 875
Dorian: 18
Numbers collected from watching and following transcripts and are subject to when the curse is said in character. I'm only human so these counts might not be perfect if I didn't hear something or thought a f*ck was being said by the player not the character.
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samazingly · 7 months
Figured out why Gale has abs, besides Taras's workout program of course.
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bebopfirefly · 10 months
[my fic] these hands (had to let it go free)
fandom: critical role campaign 3
rating: t
spoilers: episode 78, with mentioned spoilers from episode 34
ships/characters: Imogen/Laudna with background Fearne/Ashton (only vaguely), and Ashton and the Hells generally
summary: Following C3E78 - After what happened on the ziggurat, Fearne and Ashton aren't the only ones who need to take a moment. The Hells arrive in the Feywild and Laudna realizes that Imogen has not really stopped touching her since the woods outside Whitestone.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
It’s been a while since episode 33 and 34 of Campaign 3 (the Otahan attack and the triple deaths) and It’s fine if people are more into the narrative than the actual DnD aspect of Critical Role as it’s a story put online for us to enjoy and critique, but to ignore it completely… like just people deciding then and there that ‘Laudna has to stay dead to shake up the party just like the Mighty Nein!’ Just got on my tits so much, just disregarding Marisha’s own thoughts and feelings about her own character and if she’d want to bring them back or not. Which she very clearly did.
Thank the lord Matt said in one of the four sided dive episodes that he asked Tal if he wanted to try and bring back Molly, because Molly not having an attempted resurrection ritual wasn’t due to the circumstances of Molly’s death in an isolated area with no cleric, its not narrative happenstance, no attempt was made because Tal didn’t want to try because it’s not what he intended with Molly. It ended up the way it was because it’s DnD and Matt let’s his players have some agency.
You can analyse the narrative on its own, but it can’t be fully separated from what the players want and what they do because they think it’s fun or interesting. I get and agree if some fans don’t like the narrative and they can just turn it off, that’s fine, I don’t like narrative plot points in all campaigns, but it’s just improv and dice at the end of the day, and I think steadfast hoping that the cast will pick a decision on what is most narratively interesting from a pure writing standpoint to the point of writing whole posts about why it would be the best choice and why it would be bad if the group doesn’t do that indtead of understanding the cast will pick what they think is fun/interesting to play, seem like people don’t enjoy Critical Role for being what it is
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grigori77 · 8 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 82
Holy shit ... botox has SHRUNK Samuel ... oh, a Zoltar Machine? Ah ... I see ... seriously, though, which mini Riegel is THIS?!!! He's definitely making a real great job of making his dad proud ... whoa ... crap, he's back ... honestly, I was kind of PREFERRING this new Sam ...
Come on Laura, it's the New Year, you should be fresh for this now ... nope, she's been distracted by the dice bag. Of course she has ...
Okay, so here we go AT LAST ... after what feels like a genuinely INTERMINABLE wait ... FINALLY they cliffhanger ends ...
A Warder? Of course there's a bloody Warder ...
High stealth! Phew ...
A large arcane thingy? What is it? We do not know ... hmmmmm ...
Boots of Haste AND Invisibility for Chetney ... this should be interesting ... go, tiny sneaky man!
Oh, so this is like a barracks, then? Okay ... is he taking a dump? Maybe ...
Diversion? Sounds like it has potential ...
CAN the robit see him? Unclear ...
Okay, so just rush him fast and subdue him, then? Hmmm ... or draw him out and drop him in the Hole? So which one?
Ah, look out for the Warder, guys! Stealth Check again ... holy fuck that is an impressive selection of rolls ...
So they're all in the tent ... with the guy ... intimidation for Imogen ... 10? Crap ... oh, go, Ashton ... 19! Much better ... he's gone ... so ... DID THAT work? Hmmm ...
Did Fearne suggest just MOVING the tent? Oh, you mean RIDE it into the Storm? What? That is a DUMB ARSE plan ...
Ah yes, the EMP device ... something sticky? FCG's sourdough starter? REALLY?!!!
Wow, they're actually TRYING this ... dexterity check for Chetney ... 19? What, he needs 20? How ... so ... DID that work, then?
Boom? Hmmm ...
Oh, so that DID work, then? Interesting ... and now there's an alarm raised ... oh, so here comes the Reiloran ...
Laudna makes Pate go invisible and go for the Reiloran and ... "Do a scuffle?" Huh?
Reiloran Juggernaut? Crap ...
Oh shit ... Pate is now STUCK ...
Wait ... make Fearne make an explosion and then PRETEND to get blown in the right direction? Really? That is ANOTHER terrible plan ...
NO!!! Pate is DEAD?!!! Noooooo ...
Crap, the thing's switching on again ... DO SOMETHING!!!
Blood Curse of Binding? Hmmm ...
And now Chetney's VISIBLE ... so he just ATTACKS!!! Okay, then ... triple hit ... 34 damage all together! Nice, Chet.
Imogen just pretends to STOP Chetney with her mind ... ah, a bluff! Okay ... she grabs him and drags him away before the Juggernaut can get him ... and she pretends to snap his neck? Okay ... NOW they have to make THAT look real ...
I cannot believe that actually WORKED ...
FCG drops Silence ... so we're committed, then ...
Imogen thinks into the Reiloran's head ... oh, another bluff? Oh boy ... now they're all pretending to be looking for invisible attackers ... a group deception check ... wow, Laura, that is SO BAD ... and Taliesin's 10 is NOT much better ...
Yeah, they just been rumbled, clearly ...
And now Laudna is being yanked through the air ... great! Orym, rescue time!
Wow ... they're all confused now and I am starting to follow them ...
Ashton SHOVES his closest opponent ... and the guy goes FLYING ... well, that's it, then ... so he's committed to THIS then ...
Imogen drops limp Chetney ... and bruises him ... tries to Shove the device with her Telekinesis instead ... and she CRUSHES the Reiloran while she's at it? Okay then ...
Time to run, then? Are they booking it? Okay ... making for the Bridge, then ...
So it's chaos, but getting through is still gonna be tricky ...
Oh, good point ... CAN THEY make Imogen look more like her mum?
Approaching patrol, then ... bluff, guys ...
Looks like Laudna and Orym just blew THIS bit of deception, then ... but they pass muster after all ... phew ...
Pass Without A Trace for the next one? Might be smarter ... okay, looks like they pulled THAT one off too ...
Arcane Eye? Cool ... a prisoner? Hmmm ... who's this, then? Laura thinks Matt meant the man had NO ARMS ... hmmmm ...
More Reilorans ... hmmm ... mandibles? Strange ... wait, genuinely like the Predator? Really?
They're going in to try and JUMP these guys, then? Hmmm ... best be QUICK about this ...
Chetney and Imogen go in ... "Shift change." Oh boy ...
Okay, that's 2 down, then ... 2 to go ... oh, Imogen's just trying to bluff through by being her mother's daughter ...
Okay, THAT bluff doesn't EXACTLY work out, but still ... oh, what the hell is CHETNEY doing? He's giving them a carving? And now he's WOLFING OUT on them ...
Okay then ...
Combat, then ... Roll Initiative! Cue Wizzkids plug ...
Chetney GRAPPLES the first guy and puts him between himself and the other ... oh yeah, this guy is COMPLETELY immobilised, nice ...
Orym rushes in and chucks a dagger right at thd head of Chetney's prisoner. Thunk! Ouch ... not too much, but ow even so ...
Oh, so the mandibles are just decorative, then ...
The Reiloran Shrike leys its chains down and Telekinetically chucks it at Imogen? Fuck ... like Scorpion in Mortal Kombat ... and she gets DRAGGED at it, then ... crap ...whoa, 21 points of damage overall? Fuck, Matt!
Chetney's opponent tries to do the same while attempting to break free ... strength check for Chetney, which he SUCCEEDS!!! Yes ... tries to break free PHYSICALLY ... and he beats it AGAIN!!! So it just tries to attack him as is ... and this time DOES do damage ... oof ...
Chetney breaks his grapple and just gets to SLASHING ... ooh, BURNY damage ...
In comes Fearne ... she charms one, no, BOTH ... nice ... so now they see her as a FRIEND ... so ... is she gonna BLUFF her way through this? Could she just DEFUSE this situation? Maybe not ... hmmmm ...
Imogen uses Telekinesis to grab the one Shrike, slam him into the ceiling and then into his friend ...and it works? Nice ... boom! 9 points, then another 5 of damage ... but the other one at least manages to dodge away ... but she still has hold of the first ... so dhe just sends a Lightning Bolt through the pair of them! Wow ...
Oh, this is gonna HURT ... that's A LOT of dice ... THIRTY POINTS of Lightning Damage? Bloody hell ...
Ashton is still outside, spots more Vanguard coming ... short time, then ... he Rages and runs inside ... ooh, Chaos Burst? Sweet ... flicks his hammer into a portal and just DROPS IT onto the first Shrike ... 18 points of damage? CRUNCH ... oh, that one is DEAD ... Nice ... he jumps into a portal himself and drops onto the other one WITH the hammer ... 19 points of damage ... POW!!!
Laudna pokes her head in and takes 3 shots Eldritch Blast? Hmmm ... okay ... 15, 13, 7 ... HDYWTDT!!! Nice ... she blows a hole right through his chest a la Death Becomes Her ...
Into the Hole with all but one, then ... maybe not with the amount of time they have ... just Shove it into the corner and just try and BLUFF IT, then ...
Stealth Check! With PWAT, at least ...
They just RUN PAST anyway ... so that was a waste of effort, then ...
The prisoner is unconscious ... FCG casts Spare the Dying, then checks him over. First level Cure Wounds for 5 points. Okay.
This guy bears the Symbol of the Lawbringer. Interesting ... Ishto from Eshanandor. They were attempting to make their way through to the Bridge, but couldn't make it through the Protective Sigils? Great ... not good news ...
Yeah, he's free now. Are they gonna take him with them, then?
Whispers? Okay, then ... what are you learning, Ashley AND Liam?
Fearne loots the Reiloran's chain flails ... cool ... she gives one to Ishto.
Okay, time to move then once FCG heals him a bit more. Oh yeah, disguises might be good ... all right, shackles to fake it if they HAVE TO ...
See Invisibility ... okay then, Chet ...
Into the bottom of the Site ... the final push, then? Okay then ...
And it's time for a break ...
Heading through the battlefield, then ... bluff their way through? Is that it?
Lots of cover, then ... could be they could just SNEAK IT IN ...
No glowing glyphs so far ... hmmm ...
SUMMON a Reiloran to help them bluff their way through? That is actually a REALLY GOOD idea ... okay, which to pick, then?
Oh, Planerider Rhyn? Good point ...
A Hexmind? Hmmmm ... is this a GOOD pick? Whoa ... Fearne is having some effect on this Summoning too? Cool ... oh, a FEMALE? Intriguing ...
Last Crusade? What are you PLANNING, Matthew? Chetney steps into something ... oh, a glyph? Crap ... thank fuck that didn't QUITE take ... okay, don't let THAT happen again, guys!
Have they given themselves away? No ... that was CLOSE ...
Still being stealthy, then ...
Wait ... they TOOK the petrified form of Rhyn? Bastards ...
So there's clearly a bit of a gauntlet to run for this final bit? Oh ... MASSIVE Battlemap this time ... oh yeah, we remember THIS place ...
Oh, so the Hexmind is on THEIR side, AGAINST the other Reilorans. That's pretty helpful ...
Oh crap ... new arrivals ... SERIOUS looking, it would seem ... OTOHAN?!!! Crap ...
Holy shit ... how the FUCK did she do THAT?!!! I mean as long as she stays gone ... still, there's still the others ...
They need a plan. FAST!!! Tick tick people!
Chetney sneaks in to get a close up look at the big balista ... could work ... is this the plan, then? Distraction?
Sneaky sneaky heading in then ... crap! Glyph! No! Orym! His arm is STUCK!!! No! Help him, guys! FCG casts Greater Restoration on him ... oh boy ... that was REAL close ...
Prepping a bunch of spells ready for attack, then ... ready to throw a bunch of destruction all at once. Hmmm ...
Okay, so what's all THIS gonna do, then? Big badda boom ... wow, that looks REALLY IMPRESSIVE, actually ... Nice effective distraction, definitely, that looks like it might well have worked ...
Yeah, they arejust BOLTING. Approaching the Reiloran, Imogen preps a Blinding spell ... which doesn't take! Crap ... sends her own Reiloran to intercept instead ...
And now it's a fight! Crap ... Roll Initiative again, then ...
Orym uses his Flea Boots to quick sale a building, then holds his Bait And Switch ...
Chetney jumps in behind one of the Warders ... fumbles his landing as he does it ... oof ... holds there, then, but opens Turmoil. Sends a Shatter spell at one of the random guys ...
Imogen sends her Reiloran to do as she does, so they both Psychic Lance the other Reiloran ... NICE!!! Only half, but that is A LOT of dice ... 14 damage from her ... 13 from the Reiloran! Okay, that's pretty sweet ...
FCG rolls up under the house, then Misty Steps up to the roof. Scramble the Dead? Cue dial-up modem noise ... 20 points of damage from a cantrip? That's pretty sweet ...
Shit ... word's out, then ...
The Reiloran takes a Psychic Slam on Orym ... 14 points of Psychic damage ... oh, that sounds ROUGH ... and Orym falls OFF the roof ... ow! And now at Ishto as well ... 12 points to him ... and also shoved off ... ON TOP of Orym! Oh, the indignity ... 11 more points to both ... and now Ishto is at ONE HIT POINT!!!
Laudna Eldritch Blasts the bitch ... and Marisha rolls SUPER bad ... but TWO hit even so ... 13 and 8 in damage ... a bit, but not a huge amount ...
Ashton is now RAGING again ... he surges for the tower, gets close to Letters ... holds the activation of his hammer ...
Warder coming in now ... trying to pull some of the structure up, then ... the other one attempts to attack Chetney, but misses ... second one HITS, though ... 19 bludgeoning damage and ALMOST knocks him down ...
Fearne makes a Mirthful Leap onto the structure the Warder's trying to pull down ... Polymorphs the Juggernaut into a POSSUM!!! Holy shit ... that is SO indignant. She grabs it snd just starts petting it, and it is DEEPLY confused ...
She could jump RIGHT INTO the Bridge right now if she wanted to ...
Reiloran atrack on Chetney that he MOSTLY manages to just shrug off ... almost contemptuous ...
Oh thank fuck ... Fearne is NOT shot off her tower ...
Ashton takes a big shot ... ouch ... it goes RIGHT THROUGH him and he barely even ACKNOWLEDGES it ...
Ishto just BARELY dodges an attack that just NICKS Orym on the miss. Ofym jumps away from it and starts climbing again ... Action Surge! Bait and Switch with Fearne, protecting her now.
Chetney tries to escape from the Warder ... takes a hit, but he still manages to get loose and open the distance ... jumps up onto the crawler instead, and tries to shoot the Reiloran down with it. Is he smart enough? Just about ... just a glancing shot so half damage ... 43 down to 21 in damage, then ...
While it's distracted, Imogen attacks, losing her Reiloran but grappling her enemy with Telekinesis ... battle of wills! She rolls 10, he gets 13 ... balls! So no joy, then ... she Quickens and launches a Mind Sliver, but this doesn't hit either ... nuts!
FCG really can't do much of anything, it seems ... so he just starts climbing to get between the others ... so he's gonna shoot at it ... VOMITING a screaming Guiding Bolt at the Reiloran? Interesting ... Third Level ... 6 D6 ... that's suite a lot of Radiant Damage ... then he keeps climbing up to the Bridge ... the others tell him to just GO ... so he let's go and makes the leap and is GONE ...
Ishto is battered TO FUCK but he still just grapples the fighter in front of him. Divine Smite! Nice ... 35 points of Radiant Damage ...
Sam, what the actual FUCK are you doing with your flask this time?
Wow, Ishto just DESTROYED that guy ...
The Reiloran tries to Dominate Orym ... he tanks his response, but tries Indomitable ... oh nice, that reroll SAVES HIM. So it tries to Telekinetically Shove Fearne instead ... but she just SHRUGS IT OFF ... Thank fuck ...
Laudna Spiderclimbs her way up to the Bridge while simultaneously blasting three Eldritch Blasts at the Reiloran, two hit ... 15 then 11 damage! Nothing spectacular, but it still does SOME damage ... then at Imogen's urging and throws herself in. "You'd better be right behind me!" she responds as she goes.
Ashton disengages his hammer, hits a Chaos Burst, runs up the stairs, grabs Orym and before he can protest chucks him in. Then he shoves Fearne in, then jumps in after ...
Matt has Ashley roll for dexterity ... nope, no grab of the possum for HER as she goes, then ... but the possum goes in with her, at least ...
The Warder shoves the ruin onto Chetney's crawler ... crap ... he BARELY makes it out from under, at least, but still takes a more hit and now he's PRONE. The other Warder TRIES to chuck the Juggernaut at the Bridge but instead misses and instead it gets REALLY hurt on its fall.
Chetney makes the best dash he can to get up to Imogen ...
Imogen grabs hold of his arm, pulls the Dimension Door scroll out and reads it ... using it to teleport into the very base of the Bridge ... snd they're GONE!!!
Everybody makes it through ... thank the gods ...
Boom ... they land ... everything's red ... dusty, stormy ... the sky is full of stars, snd Exandria hangs in the sky ...
They're there. On Ruidus ...
And that's it for tonight ...
Fuck, that was exhausting ... but they made it ... no matter what happens next ...
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dndeed · 2 years
Crit Role Miniature Rollout: C3E40 Compulsions
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.
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One free year of sky ship, now there’s a valuable Adventuring Groupon. Love a good fast travel option. And a fast travel option with a great miniature is even better. Mighty fine stuff. 
Say, remember that Twitter post from the previous ep? Well take a gander at the bottom right:
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Why it’s the cockatrices and chimera from this episode, previewed a whole week early. What. A deal. Let’s get into it.
Curse the ballistas, full speed ahead, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 40!
The List
Mats by Mars: Coastal Combat Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat
Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
D&D Icons of the Realms: Spell Effects
@Minileed Custom Sky Ship
Campaign 3 Party Minis Wizkids Sculpts
Tyranny of Dragons #34 Ballista
Elemental Evil Gold Dwarf Guard
Against the Giants Tiefling Gladiator
Mythic Odysseys of Theros Chimera
Reaper Miniatures Medium Fire Elemental
Assorted scatter terrain
The Terrain
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What’s a sky ship without, ya know, the sky!? That’s just a ship if you ask me. Well luckily, Critical Role map favorite, Mats by Mars has that covered with their Coastal Combat mat. Those clouds are outstanding! Really helps sell the scale of the scene. 
Mini of the Ep
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Imogen Summons Reaper Miniatures Medium Fire Elemental
My coveted Mini of the Ep award goes to Reaper’s Medium Fire Elemental. Medium? Is that referring to the level of heat? Nah, I suppose not. Perhaps not the most exciting pick. But I have a fondness for a capably executed elemental. And Reaper Miniatures is a indeed a very capable mini manufacturer.
Crummiest Mini of the Ep
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Chimera Mythic Odysseys of Theros Chimera Image sourced from minisgallery.com
The chimera is a classically RADICAL monster. But this miniature is downright square. Did they forget to paint this model? I didn’t know you could make a chimera look this boring. Literally vanilla. Ya killin’ me Wizkids. Quite handily the worst prepainted chimera:
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See ya next sesh!
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reddishthesecond · 1 year
don't get into actual play it just brings pain and suffering (<- has just seen episode 33 and 34 of campaign 3 of Critical Role)
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