#crockett marcel imagines
thebookreader12345 · 2 years
Too Close
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x reader
Summary: A dangerous call for Firehouse 51 leaves Y/n severely injured, but when she insists her boyfriend Crockett be the one to operate, and Goodwin refuses, things take a turn for the worse
Requested: No
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of severe injuries and surgery
Word Count: 1,420 Words
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“You’re gonna be okay, Y/n,” Kelly assured me as they loaded me onto the stretcher so that Violet and Sylvie could do their work.
“I fell out of a third story window, Kel,” I remind him. “So I don’t really think I’m gonna be okay. I need you to call Crockett for me. My phone is on my seat in Truck 81. He’s on speed dial. Just tell him what happened so he’s not surprised when I’m brought to the ED.”
“Y/n, you’ve got a nasty break on your left arm,” Violet informed me. “We’re gonna have to put it in a sling so that we can safely transport you to Med. I’m warning you now, it’s going to hurt like hell.”
“Just do it,” I mutter. With one movement, Violet lifted up my arm and placed it in the sling, causing a wave of pain to roll over me. I cried out in pain, closing my eyes as the tears welled up.
“Sorry,” Violet apologized. “I promise, as soon as we get you into the ambo, I’ll give you some pain meds. Besides the arm, what else hurts the most.”
“My chest and stomach. It feels like someone is stepping on me,” I breathe out as another shockwave of pain hit me.
“That’s not good, is it?” Joe questioned.
“No. Not good at all,” Sylvie responded. “There could be internal bleeding, which means we’ve got to get her to Med right away. Lets get her in the ambo.”
“You’ll be all right, kid,” Herrmann told me. “Just hang in there.”
"Y/n!" Crockett shouted and ran over to my gurney as I was wheeled into the ED. "What the hell happened? I got a call from Severide saying you were hurt."
"I can't really talk. It hurts to breathe," I gasp out.
"Lets get her to a trauma room," Maggie advised and directed Sylvie and Violet to an open room.
"She was complaining of chest pain," Kelly revealed to Crockett. "Brett said that could mean internal bleeding. Is that right?"
"Yeah," Crockett confirmed as I was transferred to a bed. "But we can't be sure of anything until we run some tests. Y/n, darling, can you follow my finger for me?"
"I didn't hit my head. The way I fell, my air tank took most of the impact," I explain breathily. "Crockett, it's getting hard to breathe."
"All right. Lets get a chest x-ray!" Crockett called out. A man rolled the large device into my trauma room, and everyone took a step back. It only took a minute for the image to pop up on the screen, but when Crockett saw it, his brow creased. "You've got some nasty broken ribs. Looks like one of them punctured your lung. We're gonna need to repair that surgically."
"Crockett!" I exhale painfully, gasping for breath. "I c-can't.......my chest.......it hurts so bad."
"Y/n, we're gonna need to sedate you and put you on a ventilator so that we can get you up to surgery safely," Crockett disclosed.
"What? No! No surgery!" I insist. "Crockett, you know how I feel about hospitals."
"You need this, baby. I'm not gonna let you die," Crockett argued.
"Fine, but I have one condition. You have to be the one to operate," I instruct. "I only trust you."
"Goodwin won't allow that. You know she won't," Crockett spoke.
"Then convince her. Because I'm not getting that surgery unless you're the one to operate on me," I state.
Crockett's POV
"Hey," Herrmann greeted me as I stepped into the lobby. It seemed that all of Firehouse 51 was there to see how Y/n was doing. "What's the word, doc? Is our girl gonna be okay?"
"She's gonna need surgery," I declare. "One of her broken ribs punctured a lung, and she's also got some internal bleeding we need to repair. The thing is, she's being stubborn and will only have the surgery if I'm the one to perform it."
"Well, yeah. Y/n's afraid of hospitals," Cruz brought up. "She always has been. And you're her boyfriend, so she only trusts you."
"The thing is, Crockett can't do the surgery. Goodwin won't let him," Kelly put forth.
"Have you talked to Goodwin?" Stella quizzed.
"Not yet, no," I answer.
"Then go talk to her. You said it yourself, she needs this surgery," Violet pointed out. "So do it."
"It's not that simple, but I'm sure as hell not giving up. I'm going to go talk to Goodwin now," I admit. "I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna convince her to let me to the surgery. I don't care if it costs me my job. I'm not having my girlfriend die."
"Absolutely not. You know our policies here. We can't have you operating on someone you have a relationship with," Ms. Goodwin reminded me. "You're too close to this case."
"I know the rules. I'm just asking you to reconsider them just this once," I request.
"Dr. Marcel," Ms. Goodwin started, only for me to cut her off.
"With all due respect, Ms. Goodwin, every second we stand here arguing is a second that Y/n is getting worse. And I'm not gonna let my girlfriend die because of some stupid policies!" I exclaim. "So you can suspect me or revoke my privileges if you want. Hell, you can even fire me. But nothing is gonna stop me from saving Y/n's life."
Y/n's POV
"Ugh," I groan groggily as I opened my eyes. "Why is it so bright in here?"
"Baby. Hey," Crockett breathed out as he entered the room, taking a seat in the chair next to my bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good. But that could be because you guys are pumping me full of painkillers," I note as Crockett's hand gravitated towards mine. "Did the surgery go well?"
"I would hope seeing as I was the one who did it," Crockett replied.
I smiled. "You convinced Goodwin to let you do it?"
"Not exactly. Lets just say I'm not exactly in Goodwin's good graces now," Crockett announced.
I frowned. "What? What do you mean?"
"She told me I couldn't do the surgery, but I wasn't gonna let you die, so I did it anyways. Her and the board are having a meeting right now to figure out what the next course of action should be," Crockett informed me.
"Crockett, if I knew you'd get in trouble, I wouldn't have insisted that you do the surgery," I confess.
"Hey. I don't regret a thing," Crockett claimed. "Seriously. You are my top priority. Not this hospital, and certainly not my job."
"Dr. Marcel," Ms. Goodwin summoned and entered my hospital. "May I have a word?"
"Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Y/n," Crockett said.
"Okay. I just got done meeting with the board. While what you did goes against our policies here at Med, you were doing what was asked of your patient. And while Y/n shouldn't have been under your care in the first place due to your relationship, the board agrees that you took the course of action you believed would save her life. And you did. So there will be no serious consequences for your actions," Ms. Goodwin revealed. "However, we will need to discuss some minor rules I will need you to follow for the next few weeks."
"Sure. Okay. Thank you, Sharon," Crockett exhaled.
"Don't thank me. Thank the board. As for you, Y/n, I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you have a speedy recovery," Ms. Goodwin wished me before exiting the room.
"I love you. You know that, right?" I ask Crockett.
"I do," Crockett affirmed and leaned over to peck me on the lips. "And I love you too. Now, as much as I would love to hog you, all of 51 is still waiting in the lobby. They'd all like to see you if you're up for visitors."
"I'm probably a little high on painkillers right now, but who cares. After all, besides you, they are the only other people who have really seen me at my lowest, so seeing me loopy on meds is nothing. Send them in!" I chirp. "But once they're all gone, you're gonna go out and grab some takeout cause I am not eating any shitty hospital food."
Crockett laughed. "Of course. Only the best for you, darling. I'll get you whatever you want. Now, I'm gonna go grab them from the lobby. Sit tight and I'll be back shortly."
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @ncostin2001 @evangeline91 @just-arather-veryconfused-being @generalfarmmuffinagle @kaitlyn-marie-a @shywritermoon @jbbarnes212 @multifandom-loser @wanniiieeee @sesamepancakes @king-crockett @pinkbay-love
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
🥺 first time headcanon. For our Chicago Med boys please?
And I hear that you’re having a birthday soon. I know what you’re favorite animal is but what’s your favorite flower/plant?
Lmao my 36th birthday would you believe. I am really digging peonys at the moment! And peace lily's for plants.
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So I have already written a fic on this but to revise it, the two of you met when you were both helping Goodwin with the Chicago Med Christmas Toydrive. The two of you got roped into wrapping in the conference room. Both of you got a little tipsy off home made eggnog and ended up making love on the conference table amidst the wrapping paper and bows. Jimmy knew he was in love because he never does shit like that and you bring something out in him.
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Ohh you make this baby work for it.
Initially he makes a pass at you and you turn him down. Your next convo has him leaving the table pissed but the third... he tells you about Harper and you tell him why you got into children's custody law. It's the first time he's been up front with anyone and he kinda likes it.
It's the fifth date when he eventually gets to undress you. By this time he's gotten to know you as a person, and he's falling in love. He's slow, the way he strips off your clothes, lingering kisses on your skin as he whispers tender words over your form. He makes love for the first time in years that night.
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Connor Rhodes - You are friends that turn to lovers. You met in Molly's bonded over a tough day and you make each other laugh. You move in seperate circles but always end up in the same space, gravitating towards one another. It starts with little touches, a hand on the shoulder, palm on the lower back and hugs and it starts from there.
One night he invites you back to his apartment to test his top shelf booze and you end up in each other's personal space, clothes brushing and he asks you why have we never...
You kiss and it's all over for that two of you. He makes love to you on the couch because he can't stand not being able to touch you, or waiting any longer. You straddle his waist, hands in his hair tugging just a little and it blows his mind.
Throughout the duration of your friendship you have care of one another and even in bed you are still taking care of him.
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Will falls in love with you the moment he sees you. When Jay introduces you as his colleague from Intelligence he is smitten almost immediately and the feeling is mutual. A couple of drinks later and the chemistry is flying. You end up going home with him that night. He's attentive in his love making, taking you apart and leaving you wrecked in his sheets. When you try to leave the next morning, he's already drawing you back into bed for round two and how can you resist
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Crockett Marcel: Tonight  
Here is my first Marcel story! I’m putting it out just to see if there is any interest and or if people like the way I write him. I love Marcel and he has taken a huge chunk of my heart while Will has been doing weird shit the last few seasons that I don’t really understand. Anyhow enjoy!!!<3  
It was still dark outside when the mattress shifting and the sheets sliding woke you. Cold air flooded underneath as Crockett eased himself carefully from under the covers. You stayed still pretending to still be asleep. When you decided that you would sleep with Marcel, you had done so with the knowledge of what type of man he was. 
Crockett Marcel was charming, flirtatious, and downright sexy but he didn’t do long-term relationships. He was well known around the hospital as a Casanova. He had a reputation for jumping from bed to bed. Even with his outrightness about his intentions he still left a string of broken hearts. So, when you decide you have to have a taste you make yourself a promise that you would be okay with it being a one-time thing. 
It doesn’t matter he has been paying attention to you, lathering you with compliments, flirting, and calling you darlin’ in that sexy Louisianan drawl. It doesn’t matter that he has been asking you out on dates for weeks and when you had finally agreed it had been one of the best you had ever been on or that he listened to you earnestly and asked all the right questions. You almost could believe he was interested but you knew Crockett Marcel wasn’t going to give up his single lifestyle for you. 
You had taken him home anyway. Revel in his touch while he stripped you naked. Tasted his whiskey-soaked mouth and clever tongue. You had explored every inch of his olive skin. Kissing and mouthing it greedily. He was the one who had kept the encounter slow, the buildup gradual. He had made you come on just his fingers and again with his mouth.  
Then when you were high on your pleasure, warm and pliable, he fucked you. It was deliberate and detail-orientated. Every move he made seemed to be with the intention of making you come apart. He exceeded even your wildest imagination. It is easy to see why women get addicted to him. You already crave him and it has been only hours since you had him. 
You hear him enter your bathroom and the audible click of the light turning on. You nibble your lip squirming deeper into your bed, clinging to your blankets. You hear the flushing of the toilet followed by running water and the lights being flipped back off. His feet softly pad back into your bedroom to grab his clothes.  
He would dress quietly and slip out. Then you would give yourself time to feel all the emotions whirling inside of you. You would let them have their time, then lock them away before the sun could hit your windows.     
You feel the mattress sink as he sits and your brown furrow together in confusion. A flash of cold bites your naked skin as the comforter is displaced. You are then soothed with the warmth of his body, muted slightly by the chill of the room. You breathe a shaky breath as his muscled body presses against you. His hand gathers your hair tucking it so it doesn’t tickle him.  
He ghosts a soft kiss on the back of your shoulder as his arm wraps around you his hand splayed across your stomach. His thumb caressed the sensitive skin relighting the fire in your lower stomach. You tremble pressing your thighs together to help the ache between your legs. You can feel your wetness clinging there from the night before. If he was angling for another round of sex, you were more than willing to oblige him. But his hand was stagnant only his thumb continued stroking your skin, fingers flexing gently. 
Marcel does not mean to be teasing but it is driving you crazy. Your hand comes up to cover his stilling his movement. You twist in his arms rolling to face him. You lean up to kiss him to show him you are more than ready for another round. If you only got one night you were going to make the most of it. You miscalculate in the darkness and only catch the corner of his mouth and jaw.  
You feel his chest vibrate with a chuckle as he smooths your hair back pressing a kiss to your forehead. He tucks your head under his chin tugging you more firmly into his embrace. Your legs intertwine with his as he drapes you across his chest. His hand slides up your back soothingly. 
“It’s still early darlin’,” He whispers his accent thick and voice deep with sleep. His hand cups the back of your neck, and his thumb traces up and down. He pulls the covers back up and over your shoulders, as you settle into him. You feel another flicker of warmth but this time is through your chest. “Go back ta sleep.” 
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thatonefng · 4 months
How about indefinitely - Sarah Reese x Reader (Chicago Med)
A/N: I finished watching the season finale of Chicago Med and was inspired by Will Halstead’s own departure and I miss Sarah Reese
Summary: Sarah and the reader had been dating while she was the psychiatrist resident and the reader an attending physician in the ED until she decided to leave Gaffney and head to Texas. At the airport she offered the reader to come with here but ultimately declined, reason was Chicago is home. She was okay with your decision but said if they’re ever in Texas, just call her.
Since that day, you had a hard time maintaining your work, every where you look, you see her. It affected you personally and professionally because throughout your career, Sarah had been there since the beginning.
Now it was you who saw her at the end of her career for a new change. It was understandable that she wanted to leave, it made you proud that she was finally making a choice for herself, yet it was saddening that she was still going.
But before boarding, she turned to you and told you that you could come along with her. You did ponder on it but ultimately decided to stay in Chicago. She understood and you knew that it marked the end of your relationship. It ended amicably and you send her away.
It was miserable, the next months you woke up expecting her to be near you but she wasn’t. You also tried going out but it wasn’t like the one you had previously with the psychiatrist. Then it hit you, you still held a torch for Sarah Reese.
During your residency at Gaffney, it was understandable that people all come and go. Connor left, Ava died, Jeff moved to Hawaii, Dylan resigned, Ethan and April had gotten married and started a mobile clinic, Nat had been fired, and now recently Will had been fired and moved to Seattle, last you heard from him he reconnected with Natalie. All of them leaving hurt, but Sarah’s hurt you the most.
Now it was only you, Goodwin, Maggie, Dr. Charles, and Dr. Marcel.
But now, it was your time to go. Reason behind it was because of an off-the-books surgery where you saved a child because as a doctor, you save anybody you can. When the staff found out, you took full responsibility and resigned from the hospital.
So here you are, in front of the many coworkers in the ED. With your stuff packed in a bag that is hung over your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.” You spoke softly, but still audible enough for everybody to hear. “I know it’s not going to be easy once I’m gone, but I have faith that the people that stand here right now, will take great care to this city.” You stated without your voice cracking up.
Dr. Charles then approached you and gives you an embrace. It was emotional, growing up and helping Chicago was the best thing that you’ve ever felt.
“Let’s all wish Dr. L/N the very best.” Goodwin and the ED staff all applauded for you as you shook Goodwin’s hand, thanking her for everything.
Then you gave Maggie one final hug and finally approached Crockett. When he came to Gaffney you accepted him and in return he did to you as well and in the end you became basically brothers.
“Keep saving lives while I’m gone, yeah?” You told Crockett.
“Absolutely.” He shook your hand.
Exiting the ED itself, you turned around and gave one final wave to the still applauding staff.
A taxi was waiting outside for you. You had previously packed everything in your apartment but only brought your gym bag and a backpack.
“O’hares?” He asked for your destination. You had decided to leave Chicago whole.
“Yes.” You replied, looking out the window as this would be the final time you would seeing the windy city’s skyline. Memories started playing in your head as one tear silently fell.
Remembering Sarah you decided to go reunite with her so you had just arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
Exiting the terminal, and looking all around you felt small. You did let her know that you were coming to Texas, albeit hesitantly because you had never contacted her so you didn’t know what her reaction would be.
She did read it so that’s a good sign. So again, here you are, in another state where everything is new. You pulled out your phone, in the process of calling a taxi, thinking that she wouldn’t be here but when you looked up, she was there.
She may have been amongst the crowds but her beauty made her stood out to you. Out of reaction, you cracked a smile.
You both approach each other, only stopping once you both were close. Looking at her, you could tell she has grown but was still the same Sarah you fell in love with years ago.
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*Obviously not my gif but anyways*
“Hey.” She greeted you.
“Hey.” You repeated. It was nice to hear her voice again. And judging by the way she sounds, she was happy you were there, in front of her.
Her smile grew more but then she gawks at your lightload. “Is that all you packed.”
You shrugged in response. “I didn’t know how long you wanted me to stay.” You truthfully answered her.
Sarah shook her head as she said the words that unburdens you from discovering that your trip was a waste.
“How about indefinitely.” She smiled as she embraces you tightly, you doing the same. You were ecstatic that your reunion was a success.
Then she does the one thing that caught you off guard. She captures your lips with hers. The kiss lasted for seconds but to you, it felt like an eternity.
You were about to ask her but she beat you to it. “I’ve waited all this time for you, can we continue?” She rubbed your flustered cheeks like she always did.
You answered yes.
Then you both walked out of the terminal, hand-in-hand with a smile as your relationship with Sarah never died but instead grew. You were ready, ready for a new life together.
A/N: My first post, yay! I hope I did good
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crimsonizedangel · 2 months
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Rainy Day
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x oc
Rating: beginning half is fluffy ending is nsfw
AN: if anyone wants to request any fics let me know. I hope you guys like this one.
I was sitting in the doctors lounge trying to decompress and recaffeinate with some coffee after already having a long shift. I was sipping my coffee and in my own little world that I didn't even notice that Crockett had walked in.
"Hey Marci." I heard his New Orleans accent and it pulled me back away from my thoughts. I just smiled up at him giving him a nod but not saying anything. He poured himself some coffee and sat down in a chair next to me. "Marcella is everything ok?" He asked me this time using my full name and not the nickname he had given me the first time we met.
"Yeah just really deep in thought." I replied before taking a sip of my coffee. "It's just been one of those shifts that you can't wait until they're over."
I saw him just nod in agreement. "I understand. If you need anything just let me know." He gave me a soft smile before grabbing his coffee and standing up to leave me alone with my thoughts.
I was happy that the rest of the shift went by fast so I could get out of there. I had just gotten into the locker room to change out of my scrubs and grab my purse to leave when I saw Crockett already in there with his shirt off. I gave him a soft smile as I approached my locker that was next to his.
"Ready for the day to be done?" He asked me.
"So much." I commented. I didn't need to explain anything to him as he was with me when I had to call time of death for my teen with a gsw. I had just finished pulling my jeans and sweater on when I noticed he was still there.
"I'll walk with you out." He told me "I know today wasn't an easy shift for you."
"Thank you Crockett." I told him as I got my boots on and grabbed my purse. As we walked out and towards the parking lot we noticed it was raining. I took a deep breath before exiting into the rain to get to my car.
"Hey Marci. I know how much you hate driving in the rain especially when it's pouring like this. Can I drive you home?" He asked me.
I shook my head. "No it'll be fine. I'll just drive slow." He just nodded and we walked out together to our cars. He must have been able to sense how uneasy I still was.
"Marcella get in my car I'm driving you home." Crockett decided for me and I told him I just had to grab a bag from my car first. My clothes were soaked and I was shivering by the time I got over to his car.
"Thank you Crockett. You don't have to you know." I told him.
"I know I don't but I'm not going to let my best friend have to drive in this crappy weather." He told me and gave me a hug and I just accepted and hugged him back tighter. The stress from the day finally getting to me as I just started bawling into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I confessed when I was able to compose myself a little bit.
"You had a rough day it's alright." He told me and he cupped my face to have me look at him. "Marcella you are a great doctor. Just remember that. We all have days that are a little more difficult than others but you're still a great doctor."
I smiled at him "thank you I needed to hear that." I felt him wipe a tear off my cheek with his thumb before an almost electric pull came over us and I felt my eyes lower to his lips before closing and he was pulling me closer to him before our lips met and I started kissing him back. The kiss didn't last long but I felt my heart pounding out of my chest as I looked back up at him.
"Let's get in the car now so we can get you home." He suggested but before he could move I pulled him back to me to give him another kiss. I felt him smile into the kiss as both of us kept getting soaked from the rain. This time when we broke apart I went around his car to get into the passenger side.
"Holy shit do you have the AC on?" I asked him when I got into his car and felt the cold air blowing on me making me even colder.
"Sorry it was a little warmer this morning for fall." He chuckled at me as he quickly turned it to heat.
It didn't take us long to get to my apartment which I was happy about as I shivered the entire drive there.
"Thank you for the ride Crockett." I told him. When I turned to look at him I saw him staring at me "what?" I asked him with a smile.
"Can I walk you in?" He asked.
"Crockett you can come inside if you want." I replied as I got out of his car and heard him turn the car off and his door shut before he was beside me at the door where I was looking for my keys.
"Marci," I heard him say softly and I turned to look at him. " you look beautiful."
I chuckled at his comment "looking like a wet dog looks beautiful?" I asked knowing that in my drenched state I was not. I knew my blonde hair was sticking to my face and neck and dripping down my already wet clothes but the way he said it with his New Orleans accent did something to me and I knew he wasn't lying.
"Marci you do you look beautiful. You always look beautiful." He must have seen my shocked expression because I saw him start to say something before I cut him off by throwing my arms around his shoulders and smashing my lips against his in a heated kiss. That seemed to shock him for a moment before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back.
"Crockett I don't think you understand what you do to me." I confessed to him "your accent definitely is a plus as well."
"Well why don't we go inside and I can help you out of these wet clothes and warm you up." He whispered in my ear and I just about melted in his arms and it took a lot for me not to start helping him out of his own wet clothes right there outside of my apartment building. I instead grabbed his hand and dragged him inside after I got the door unlocked and into the elevator to get up to my floor. I noticed the trail of water we left behind as we entered the elevator and as I shivered a little as we stood waiting to get to my floor Crockett wrapped an arm around me trying to help warm me up. It helped a little but we were both wet and cold and all it did was make me smell his cologne and turning me on more.
When the elevator doors opened I grabbed Crocketts hand again pulling him down the hall after me. When I stopped at my door and fumbled with the keys until I found my apartment key I felt Crockett standing behind me and move my hair so he could kiss my neck.
I closed my eyes and leaned back into him "Crockett." I started saying but lost my train of thought.
"Open the door." He whispered against my neck.
"You're distracting me." I replied back and fought through it to unlock my door and we both stumbled inside.
As soon as we were inside I threw my bags down and we both slipped our wet shoes off. "Marci let's get these wet clothes off of you." He told me and I just helped him slip his jacket off before bringing him down the hall to where the bathroom was and turning the shower on to warm up. I turned back to him and put both of my hands at the hem of my sweater and pulling it off and throwing it to the ground where I heard a splat as the wet garment hit the tiled floor. My blue eyes met his brown ones briefly before his raked up and down the newly exposed skin. He was quick to remove his own shirt and throwing it to the side with my own. My breath hitched in my throat as I admired how toned his muscles were. I grabbed the belt loops of his pants and pulled him to me and into a kiss. I felt his hands undo my bra and I stepped away briefly to let it fall before going back to undo his jeans and push them down his hips. I moved back to start to slide my own jeans down as removed his and I now regretted wearing skinny jeans as I struggled to pull the wet denim off my legs.
Crockett came over to me with a chuckle and picked me up and set me on the counter to help me get the denim off and threw them over to the growing pile of clothes. He went back to kissing down my neck and this time moved down all the newly exposed skin stopping to suck on both of my nipples briefly before continuing down my body to wear my thong still covered and kissing over the clothed area.
"Oh my god." I moaned out.
"Lift your hips." He muttered as he looked me in the eyes as he hooked his teeth on the waistband of my thong pulling them down with a little assistance from his hands to help get it over my hips. I watched as he stood up and slid his boxer briefs down releasing his erection before coming back over to me. I wrapped my legs and arms around him and he carried me into the shower.
The heat from the water making me groan from how good it felt on my cold skin. Crockett let out a noise when the water hit his own skin making me think he agreed that the warm water felt good.
He kept walking in until he had me pinned between his body and the wall. I felt him move one of his hands from my ass to my center running a finger up and down my slick folds before slipping two fingers into me.
"Good to know you really are good with your hands and not just in surgery." I muttered to him. My words spurred him on as he started kissing and sucking on my neck and curling his fingers to hit just the right places as he quickened his pace. "Oh fuck." I moaned out my eyes rolling back and my thighs clenching tighter around his waist. "Cr-Crockett." I gasped out.
"Marci that's right come on my fingers." He breathed into my neck. His words with his accent made the coil burst and I arched my back pushing myself further onto his hand as I came.
After I caught my breath I reached between us grabbing a hold of his thick cock and slid myself onto it.
"Fuck Marci." Crockett groaned as I slid all the way onto him. It took only a minute before he started moving his hips and thrusting into me. "Shit you're so tight I can barely move."
"Fuck and I thought I was the one seeing stars from how good and deep you're hitting." I remarked back and he started quickening his pace making me rake my nails down his back.
"Marcella I'm sorry but I don't think I will be able to last much longer. Especially if you keep squeezing my cock like that." He groaned out his face falling into my shoulder where he started leaving more marks from his kissing and sucking.
"That's fine I'm close again."  I muttered as I felt the coil building back up and when he brought a hand between us to play with my clit I felt that coil snap. I let out a loud moan almost a scream and dug my nails deeper into his shoulders as I came all over his cock. That must've brought him over the edge as well as I felt his movements stutter before he filled me up and he was moaning my name in my ear.
When we were both done riding out our highs and he pulled out he set me down gently. I reached around him to shut the water off before wobbling out to grab us each a towel.
"Well safe to say I'm no longer cold." I told him as I handed him a towel and he let out a deep chuckle.
After drying off I found myself a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and I looked over at Crockett before handing him a pair of sweatpants that were big on me.
"I'm sorry but these might be the only thing I have that might fit you until your clothes are done in the dryer."
"Well thank you Marci." He slipped them on and I could tell they were tight on him "a bit snug but they will work."
I smiled at him "come on we can find a movie if you want while we wait."
He followed me out to the living room and after a bit of searching we found a movie. I put a blanket over both of us and he put his arm around my shoulders inviting me to snuggle into him. It must not have been long into the movie before I fell asleep with my head on Crocketts shoulder and his hand absentmindedly rubbing up and down my arm. I only woke briefly when Crockett carried me back to my bed and put my blankets over me before climbing into the bed next to me.
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trustfall by p!nk is one of my favorite songs rn and i think imma do an x reader songfic for a chicago med lad. i’ll let y’all guess
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
Slowly fading..
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qVlXt8W
by Goodediva
Set on what I imagine happens after the s11 winter/ midseason finale!!
This is completely made up as I know there is no possibility of something like this happening but I found it fun to play with complete fiction of something like this but mainly for on part on the unexpected character I added just because i wanted an excuse to write this person into it. I thought he fitted very well into it all :)
Also i did try to keep up to date and proof read everything but if a spelling mistake or grammatical error appears I do apologise :)
Words: 5695, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Fire
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Stella Kidd, Kelly Severide, Firehouse 51 Crew Members (Chicago Fire), Crockett Marcel, Sam Carver, Sylvie Brett, Violet Mikami
Relationships: Stella Kidd/Kelly Severide
Additional Tags: Explosions, Episode Aftermath, post midseason final, injuries, Unconsciousness, Fear, shadowing death, mostly Through Stella’s perspective, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qVlXt8W
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angelsvoice1love · 3 years
Expecting (pt 1)
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Y/n: Crockett, are you listening?
Crockett: Oh, sorry...what?
Y/n: Crockett, I'm pregnant.
Crockett: Wait...your what?
Y/n: Pregnant.
Crockett: I heard you the first time...im just shocked. We were so careful, and after everything that happened with April and the baby-
Y/n: That won't happen again. I promise. You said, as your fingers tangled in his dark soft hair.
Crockett: Y/n, I know what it feels like to lose a child...i don't want to go through that again.
Y/n: And you won't. You can check up on me every night after work, we can plan out a eating regiment...organize sleep patterns everything to prevent anything from happening to the baby.
Crockett: You'd do all that for me? Crockett asked, as he pulled you closer.
Y/n: Yes. All because I love you Crockett.
Crockett: I love you too darling. He replied, kissing your forehead.
Y/n: Well, since it is our day off tomorrow I was wondering would you like to do something entertaining?
Crockett: Entertaining?
Raising your brows, Crockett got the message you were delivering and pulled you onto his lap. Allowing you to stradel him, as he held onto your waist.
Crockett: What did I do to deserve this?
Y/n: Well, since you put the baby in me in the first place. I wanted to have a little fun with the man I love and adore.
Crockett: Really? You love and adore me?
Y/n: Mm. You replied, as you kissed him softly on the neck. More than words can describe.
Without warning, Crockett picked you up and swerved you around so that he was stradeling you on the couch. Crockett placed his lips on yours, his warm hands caressing your side all to familiar until there was a knock on the door.
Will: Y/n, I know your in there. Jay and I need you. Please, open the door.
Crockett: That's brother's for you. Crockett sighed, as he sat up straight pulling you up with him.
Y/n: Crockett, Will and Jay can't know your here.
Crockett: Why not?
Y/n: Please. I don't want the whole, big brother speech thing. If you break her heart I'll shoot you, of the I'll break your bones, or torchor bit...hide in my closet.
Crockett: Fine. But you'll have to pay for the hiding part.
Y/n: Promise.
Opening the door, you saw your brother's looking very angry at you. Swallowing you let them inside, as you walked to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water.
Jay: So, where is he?
Y/n: Where is who?
Will: Crockett.
Jay: We both know, you and Crockett are together. So, where is he hiding?
Y/n: Where is he hiding? Jay, I appreciate you and Will caring about me and being great brother's. But I'm not going to let you scare off Crockett, I love him and...we...we're going to have a baby together.
Will & Jay: WHAT?
Crockett came out of your room, walking towards you as he took your hand in his smiling down at you.
Crockett: I love her too, and our baby. And I promise you, that I won't do anything too cause harm to y/n or our little one. You have my word on that.
Will: I don't care who my sister loves or dates, just as long as she's happy that's all that matters to us.
Crockett: I appreciate that Will-
Jay: I don't like the idea of dating a co-worker, or getting pregnant this fast into the relationship...but fine. I'm for it y/n is.
Y/n: Awe. You said, as you jumped forward hugging your brother's. Okay, now you guys need to leave.
Will: What why?
Y/n: Well because, I...we-
Crockett: We need to talk about the pregnancy. I just found out myself before you guys arrived, so if y'all won't mind. I would like to talk to my beautiful lady, about our future little one and your niece or nephew.
Jay: Uh-huh. Talk about the baby. Jay said, as he used air quotes.
As your brother's left, the room and you heard the click of the door locking you were scooped up in Crockett's arms as he carried you to the bedroom.
Y/n: AHH! You giggled, as he placed you down gently on the bed. What are you doing?
Crockett: I'm taking you up on that offer from before. All I'm doing is collecting what was promised to me. Crockett replied, as he kissed your neck making you tingle.
Y/n: C...Crockett. You breathed out, as you pulled his lips to yours. Running your fingers through his hair, he groaned at this and pulled away as he took of his shirt.
Biting your lip, you unbuttoned your dress and throwing it to the side, as Crockett bend down kissing you softly. As Crockett kisses your neck yet again, you unbuckled his pants and pushed it down.
Crockett: Someone's adamant. Crockett said, as he looked deep into your eyes.
Y/n: Well...i did promise you some fun didn't I?
Crockett: You did. Now, I would like to go back to kissing your beautiful lips. Crockett said, as he came down connecting your lips together.
As soon as all the clothes were gone, and you and Crockett were deep into your "fun" you drag your nails down Crockett's back as his face was buried in your neck.
After you both hit your high, Crockett rolled off you laying next to you as you both had rapid breathing.
Crockett: Wow...that was incredible.
Y/n: Y...yeah. You said, as you had a huge grin on your face and moved closer laying on his chest.
Crockett: We should do that more often, darlin. He whispered, as he wrapped his arms around you.
Y/n: Mm, most definitely. How about we have round two?
Crockett: Really? Now? He questioned, as he looked down at you.
Y/n: What? No. Not now...not exactly. A little later...i did promise you a fun day so all the fun you want you get.
Crockett: Babe, being with you is fun enough.
Y/n: So you don't want to have round 2 at all? Huh...and here I was thinking we would have so much fun in the shower.
Crockett: Woah, hey now I didn't say I didn't want to have round 2. We could still have our little fun in the shower, I just want to enjoy our little moment here. I love your drawing e/c. Crockett spoke, as he kissed each eye. Your beautiful soft lips. Crockett spoke, as he kissed your lips pulling you closer if that was even possible.
Y/n: Mm. I love your fluffy, dark hair. You giggled, as you ran your fingers through his hair. I love you incredible and funny accent. You said, as he laughed at what you said. And I love how an amazing doctor you are. And I especially love how an amazing father you'll be.
Crockett: You already think I'm a good father? He asked, as he put his hand on your cheek.
Y/n: Yes, I do.
Crockett: I knew there was a reason I loved you so much.
Y/n: And I knew from the first day I met you, there was something about you that was just drawing about you. Although you flirted with many nurses before you got me.
Crockett: Hey, hey. I was merely playing it all out, until I caught your eye.
Y/n: Well, I'm glad you did Dr Marcel. You smiled, as he kissed you again.
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midnightsconspiracy · 3 years
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Misinterpreted - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: Leaving for work you misinterpret Crockett asking you if you’ve forgotten something, for a sweet gesture
Warnings: None
Word Count: 472
Requested: No
A/N: I've learnt that Criminal Minds is a great cure for writer's block. Requests are open :)
You and Crockett always had the same shifts at work, meaning that in order to maintain your secret relationship, you had to leave the house at different times as to not seem so suspicious. It was not as if you didn’t want to tell your fellow doctors, but the relationship was pretty new and so you didn’t want to jinx it by telling people too early. So far, no one had really said anything, only occasionally commenting on how good you two looked good together or that you gelled well. But as you spent more and more time together, the closer you got, making it even harder to act as though nothing was happening.
Having stayed the night at Crockett’s, you had got ready together, showering, making breakfast, just basking in the presence of each other, before you both went to your stressful jobs. He had always been a true gentleman when you were with him, insisting that he made breakfast, although you were sure that was mostly because he didn't trust your cooking. The man never let you lift a finger, instead wanting to treat you like a princess, knowing that your love language was acts of service. The mornings were one of the only times that you could spend time with each other, both working long hours that often ran late into the night, so you had to appreciate and utilize the time you spent together.
That particular morning Crockett had cooked bacon and eggs, adding a little of his Cajun speciality to make it his own. You conversed whilst eating, talking about all things work and what you both wanted to do in the next few days. As you finished you complimented him telling him that it had been delicious as always, before proceeding to go upstairs to change into your scrubs. Coming back downstairs you found Crockett washing up the dishes having already gotten changed before you had eaten, after deciding that you would leave before him that day.
"Ok I think I've got everything, so I'm going to go, but I’ll see you later," you smiled at him whilst bundling into your coat to brace the Chicago winter. Checking that you had everything you when to open the door to drive to the hospital, but instead being stopped by Crockett shouting at you.
"Wait, you forgot your something!" He called out, walking towards your figure by the door. Assuming that he meant saying goodbye to him properly, you walked up to him, propping yourself up on your toes, kissing his lips whilst telling him you loved him.
"I meant this, but thanks," he said, handing you your phone that had been left on the counter, smirking at you widely as you rolled your eyes at him, proceeding to walk out the door for a long day at work.
Taglist: @mileika
Want to join my taglist? Click Here
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Non-Stop Bickering
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x reader
Summary: Being a neurosurgeon, Y/N never thought she'd be spending most of her days in the ED, especially with Dr. Marcel, who she claims she can't stand being around
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of death
Word Count: 1,468 Words
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"Y/N," Dr. Abrams shouted to get my attention. "I just got a page about a neuro consult in the ED."
"Okay. And...?" I trailed off, unsure of what to say.
"So go down there and deal with it," Sam spoke.
"But the page went to you," I counter.
"And as the Head of Neurosurgery, I'm making you do it," Sam retorted.
"I hate you sometimes, Sam," I tell my boss.
Dr. Abrams cracked a small smile. "No you don't. Have fun!" It didn't take me long to make my way down to the ED, and when I arrived, I found Maggie, who was standing at the nurses' station.
"Hey, Maggie," I greet the charge nurse. "I was told someone needed a neuro consult."
"Yes. Dr. Marcel," Maggie called out and waved the doctor over. "Your neuro consult is here."
"I asked for Dr. Abrams," Crockett claimed.
"Yeah, well, he sent me instead," I say. "Lets just get this over with. I don't want to see your face any longer than I have to."
"For your information, many people find me handsome," Crockett shared.
"Uh-huh," I hum as we made our way to the patient's room. "I'm sure they do."
"It's the truth," Crockett insisted.
"Right. What did you need me for?" I ask.
"My patient, Jaimie, she's 17 years old and was just in a huge car crash with her parents. I took her to surgery a few hours ago and she was fine after that, but all of a sudden she crashed and has been on the vent since," Crockett informed me.
"Got it," I mutter as the two of us entered the room. I pulled my pen from my jacket pocket and ran it up the bottom of Jaimie's feet. When that didn't stimulate a reaction, I swapped the pen out for a flashlight and shined the light in the teenagers eyes while also glancing towards the heart monitor standing off to the side.
"Well?" Crockett posed.
"Sorry," I apologize and shove the flashlight back into my pocket. "She's never gonna wake up."
"What? But she was fine earlier," Crockett put in.
"Yeah, but she's shown no reaction to pain or light. I'd talk to the parents as soon as possible to see if they'd like her organs to be donated," I advise.
"I told them that she'd be okay," Crockett murmured. "I promised them that they'd get their little girl back."
"You did what?" I hiss. "Crockett, you of all people should know that you can never promise that someone will make it out okay. Not when you work in the ED."
"She was fine when she came in," Crockett argued. "I just assumed...no. Jaimie can't be gone."
I scoffed. "So you don't believe me? You're the one who called me down here!"
"No, I called Dr. Abrams down here," Crockett corrected me.
"Whatever! Dr. Abrams would've come to the same conclusion I just did," I declare.
"Yeah, well, I'm gonna page him down here," Crockett stated.
"Go ahead. But you're wasting your time," I warn him. "She's gone." And with that, I left Jaimie's room to go back up to the neuro wing. I stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button of the floor I wanted to go to before leaning against the back wall and crossing my arms over my chest. Just as the doors started closing, a voice from inside the ED became clear.
"Hold the doors!"
I leapt forwards and slotted my arm between the tiny open space, causing the elevator doors to spring back open. And there, standing before me, was Will Halstead. His cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink, and he seemed to be almost out of breath.
"Thank you," Will breathed out as he entered the elevator. He then pressed another button on the front wall of the elevator which lit up as the doors slid shut, leaving the two of us alone in the small box. As the elevator ascended, it was dead silent accept for the slight dinging that emitted from the speaker signaling that we had passed another floor. "So, I uh, I heard the argument you and Marcel had down in the ED."
"I'd rather not talk about it," I assert as politely as possible. "He asked for my professional opinion, I gave it, and then he questioned my ability to diagnose a patient. That's what happened. End of story."
"I don't think he meant it like that. I think he was just upset about his patient, and he let his emotions get out of control," Will offered. "And you know how he gets when his patients are kids."
For a split second, I felt bad for yelling at Crockett. I remembered that he once had a child who died, a little girl named Harper. And while she had never reached the age that Jaimie had, his fatherly instincts had kicked in. But that all went away at a moments notice when I also remembered that he had insulted my work.
"Yeah? Well you don't see me walking around talking shit about his work," I exclaim as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. "Just drop the issue, Will. I can't stand to be around Crockett, and I don't think I'll ever be able to."
"But Y/n," Will started, only for me to cut him off.
"It's okay. Things will sort themselves out soon enough," I assure him as I stepped out of the elevator. "See ya later, Halstead." I found Sam standing at the nurses' station in the neuro wing typing away on a tablet, and when he heard me approaching, he looked up.
"How was the consult?" Sam quizzed.
"Next time you get a page from the ED that Dr. Marcel needs a consult or whatever the hell else, you're taking it," I grumble and walk right past him.
I thought that after telling Sam I didn't want to do neuro consults in the ED for Dr. Marcel anymore, he'd listen and not assign me to do them. So when I got called down to the ED my next shift, I wasn't expecting to be directed Crockett.
"Not again," I mumble quietly as I approached Crockett, who was standing at the nurses' station putting away a tablet. He looked up as I approached, and a small smile graced his lips.
"You just couldn't stay away, could ya?" Crockett questioned.
"Just let me do my consult and I'll be on my way," I mutter. The consult only took a few minutes, and I was glad that I'd be able to leave ED, but just as I started walking away from the nurses' station, Crockett grabbed ahold of my arm.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Crockett seethed. "You didn't talk or even look at me the entire consult."
"Yeah, well, sorry if I don't want to be near the man who insulted my medical abilities," I retort.
"What? Come on. You're still mad about that?" Crockett asked.
"Of course I'm still mad about that! You can't just offend someone's career and expect everything to be okay after that! I mean, that really hu-"
I was cut off as Crockett surged forward, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me towards him before placing his lips over mine. For a second, I was frozen where I stood. I didn't know what to do. But then my body reacted by kissing Crockett back. Crockett and I had always had a strange relationship. One minute we were fighting, the next we were flirting. And now here we were making out in front of the whole ED staff. After a few seconds, Crockett pulled away from me.
"I didn't think you'd kiss back," Crockett spoke.
"I didn't think you'd ever work up the courage to kiss me," I counter. "After all of our non-stop bickering, I thought you'd pick up that I liked you sooner."
"Believe me, I did," Crockett admitted. "I was just hesitant about approaching you because I didn't want our work to get in the way of what we could have."
"Well, I think I'll actually enjoy coming down to the ED now," I say.
Crockett smiled. "I'll look forward to seeing you. It'll probably be more often than we think since Dr. Abrams never comes down when I page."
I laughed softly. "Yeah, he doesn't like people interrupting his work, so he'll only come down if he's got absolutely nothing to do."
"Right, well, I'm off the clock in an hour, and I'm assuming you are too. What would you say if I asked you to grab a beer with me after work?" Crockett implored.
"I'd say I would love too," I reply.
"Great. Then I will see you after shift," Crockett claimed.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @king-crockett
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Is she alive? prompt with crockett marcel
(i hope ive submitted this right it’s in prompt list 6)
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Tagging: @Cosmic-psychickitty @anime-weeb-4-life @upsteadlogic @mortal--soul @Thebewingedjewelcat
Reference to One Day
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Crockett’s world is crashing in on itself, there’s a loud ringing in his ears and his hands are shaking as he sits outside operating theatre trying to pull together the threads of the past two hours of his life.
You’d been working late tonight when he’d dropped by to pick you up from your office. It’s something he’s been doing since the photographs started arriving, the ones with the notes attached that said ‘die bitch’. He knew something was wrong when you hadn’t picked up the phone and everything after that it comes in fragments.
The shattered glass, the last of blood on his tongue, you lying there amongst the yellow rose petals, your blouse soaked with crimson. He’s tried his best to stop the bleeding but you’d lost so much blood.
“Two gunshot wounds to the chest.” He’d told the paramedics when they’d arrived. “She’s been unresponsive since I got here.”
It’s Mitch’s wife that pries him away from you, that draws him to one side so that Gabby and her can do their jobs. He loses track of everything after that, he rides ambo with you clutching your hand in his, whispering to you in Farsi, his voice thick with emotion. He tells you that he loves you, that he can’t imagine his life without you. When you’re rushed into surgery, it’s with Dean Archer, a man whose spent his entire career patching up war wounds. He refuses to let Crockett in the observation room, Hannah has to intervene, forcing him into the doctor’s lounge to wait for the police to arrive.
It’s after he’s given his statement and they’ve taken the clothes he was wearing that he’s allowed back to the waiting area. Hannah sits with him, her hand clasping his as he stares at the wall re-reading the sign on cleanliness over and over and over again because he doesn’t re-live the image of you bleeding out all over that carpet.
His head snaps up when Dean steps through the double doors, he can’t read the expression on the other man’s features as he raises to his feet. His heart pounds in his chest as he steps towards him.
“Is she alive?” He asks, his voice breaking.
“Yea.” Dean says, his hand coming to rest on Crockett’s shoulder. “Your girl, she’s gonna make it.”  
Love Crockett? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Will Halstead
Will Halstead & Monique Lawson
Crockett Marcel
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Oh Christmas Tree (Chicago Med)
25 Days of Christmas - Day 5
Chicago Med
   Y/N and Crockett go and pick out a Christmas tree together but have a hard time agreeing on which one.
Warnings: None
Requested = Yes
Gee, and I thought the other one was short...this is really short so to the anon to requested this: I’m so sorry if you wanted it to be longer. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that most of these 25 Days of Christmas things are going to be short.
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“That one is too small,” You shook your head, pulling your jacket closer around your body.
“Our apartment isn’t that big,” Crockett wrapped an arm around you, tugging you closer towards his body when he noticed you shivering slightly.
  You pouted, “I know, but that one's just downright puny.”
  Crockett gave a chuckle before turning to the salesclerk, “Do you guys have any more trees?”
  After looking at every single tree in the entire field, you were starting to lose hope. You and Crockett just couldn’t seem to agree on which tree to buy.
“We can’t get a big tree because we don’t have enough space for it,” Crockett reasoned.
  You nodded, “I know, and I agree, but all their smaller trees are way too small. I mean, we could maybe get five ornaments on them before we run out of branches.”
Crockett raised his eyebrows, an amused smile on his face.
“Okay, maybe I was exaggerating,” You admitted, “But those trees are too small.”
  Crockett let out a breath, watching the fog come out of his mouth, “Do you wanna go somewhere else then, to get our tree?”
“Can we?”
“You bet we can,” Crockett smiled at you.
  You and Crockett ended up going to three different places after that one before you found the perfect tree. The moment you laid eyes on it, you knew it was the one and Crockett agreed.
  It wasn’t too big to the point where you guys wouldn’t be able to fit it in the apartment’s living room. However, it wasn’t too small.
It was perfect.
  You and Crockett organized to have it delivered to the apartment and the entire time while you were waiting for it to arrive, you couldn’t sit still.
“Excited?” Crockett chuckled as he watched you bounce around from room to room.
  You nodded and grinned back, “Very.”
“You’re going to tire yourself out,” Crockett commented, “You won’t have any energy left to decorate the tree.”
  You scoffed, “Yeah right.”
  It seemed like an eternity before you heard a knock at the front door. In a flash, you were at the door and flung it open.
“Hi!” You greeted the delivery guy, “You brought the tree!”
  The delivery guy nodded, “I did. Where do you want me to put it?”
  Once you and Crockett had the tree all situated and tipped the delivery guy, you shut the door and squealed.
“We can decorate now!” You pumped your arms in the air happily.
“We can,” Crockett smiled at your excitement.
He thought it was cute how you still got overly excited about things like this.
“I wish every day was Christmas,” You sighed dreamily as you and Crockett started wrapping the strand of colourful Christmas lights around the tree.
“I bet you do,” Crockett said, “I would be surprised if you didn’t want every day to be Christmas.”
  You pursed your lips, “Well, maybe not every day now that I think about it.”
“Why not?”
  You shrugged and reached up to tuck in the end of the light strand, “I mean, I think what’s so special about Christmas is that it only happens once a year. Once a year everyone’s in a good spirit and there are happy lights and decorations everywhere. I think if it happened every day then we would think of it as the norm and stop appreciating it.”
“Those are some wise words,” Crockett told you and slid the box of ornaments over so it was between you two.
  You raised an eyebrow, “What?”
“I think we take a lot for granted,” Crockett explained, rummaging through the ornament box, “Things that we just expect to happen every day. We don’t miss it until it’s gone.”
“Like toilet paper,” You blurted out the first thing that came to your head.
  Crockett laughed, “Like toilet paper.”
   It took almost and hour for you and Crockett to finish decorating the Christmas tree.
   You kept hanging ornaments, just to take them down again because you didn’t like where they were placed.
“I have to admit, that’s one pretty darn looking tree,” Crockett wrapped an arm around your shoulder while the two of you admired the Christmas tree.
“It’s perfect,” You sighed happily and leaned against Crockett.
   Crockett turned his head and planted a kiss on the side of your face.
“Just like you,” He said cheesily.
   You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that broke out onto your face. You kissed him back, still unable to stop smiling.
“Someone liked that comment,” Crockett laughed lightly when you broke apart.
   You chuckled, “It was a little cheesy but it was pretty smooth, I’ll give you that.”
“I’ll take it.”
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shelsgovroomvroom · 4 years
Can I request a Crockett Marcel x reader? Like pure fluff or where the reader is worried about Crockett working the ER about Covid or both 👀🥺
Sure! I changed this a little bit but I hope you enjoy! I really enjoyed writing this 🖤
It wasn’t that you were worried about Crockett’s health necessarily, logically you knew that he would be fine. He was strong and healthy and he’d be able to look after himself.
It was more that you were worried about crockett overworking himself. You knew he would undoubtedly throw himself into work and try his best to look after as many patients as possible.
He would overwork himself. It was inevitable. And you couldn’t even try to stop him because he insisted on not seeing you while he was seeing patients. He didn’t want to risk you being around him because he’d never forgive himself if he gave you the virus. Even though you’d be fine.
You could tell from the sound of his voice that he was tired. Far more tired that you had ever heard before and you couldn’t help but he worried.
Crockett would work himself to the bone without so much as a second thought about himself and nothing anyone could do would stop him. As much as pretended not to care about others, it was clear that he did.
Eventually you decided to show up at his apartment and simply demand to be let in with fast food and ice cream and whiskey. You weren’t worried about getting infected, you were sure he had taken every precaution.
He naturally tried to shoo you away, but you could see the dark circles under his eyes and there was no way in hell you were leaving now. Plus, he didn’t really put up a fight because he didn’t want you to go.
The two of you ate junk food and cuddled on the couch and he fell asleep the moment you started the movie. His head rested against your chest, all cuddled up with blankets and pillows.
So yes, you were very worried about Crockett. But from then on you would ensure he got enough sleep and enough food and look after himself.
Little shit.
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sande5098 · 2 years
Old Friends?
Fandom: Chicago Med
Pairing: Crockett Marcel x female reader
Summary: Y/n starts at Gaffney and meets up with an old friend that she hadn’t expected to see again.
Warnings: Talk of past Ed, talk of death, cancer
Word count: 3.6k
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Y/n was excited to start her first day at Gaffney. An attending physician place had shown up and y/n had been wanting a fresh start for quite a while now. One that didn't involve all of the hate that she'd gotten from your old hospital but still in a busy city. So it was a win-win.
She grabbed her bag from the passenger side seat as well as her new white coat and headed through the doors of the general hospital, she was supposed to meet the Director of Patient and Medical services, Mrs Goodwin and Dr Abrams, who was head of neurosurgery, the department in which she would be continuing her residency in. While she was an attending in neurosurgery, she would have to work her way up another 'food chain' as she liked to refer the leaderboard too.                    
She entered through the doors of the entrance to the general hospital where there were two people waiting, one who she knew was Dr Abrams, who she had already met with for the interview and the other, who she could only assume was Mrs Goodwin. The woman looked friendly with a warm smile across her face, and held out her hand to formally welcome Y/n, "Dr Y/LN I'm Sharon Goodwin, Director of Patient and Medical Services. We are very glad to have you here at med. Dr Abrams has made me aware of your outstanding credentials." the woman shook her hand and Y/n nodded her head, feeling a tiny bit awkward; she didn't like to boast.
"Hello Mrs Goodwin, it's lovely to meet you and I can't wait to start today," Y/n said with a smile, and then shook Dr Abrams hand, whose face held a tight, small smile. "Well then, I'll leave you to get settled then. I'm sure Both of you have plenty of work to do." With that, Mrs Goodwin left for the stairs up to what Y/n could only believe was where her office is.
Y/n had to admit that after being a week into the new job, she loved it. Everyone seemed friendly enough, with a bit of healthy competition. So far she had to step in only on a couple of surgeries that a couple of the residents and fellows had messed up, which usually ended up with giving them a strict telling off after she had fixed whatever problem that they had created.
Today, however, she was the attending on call since Dr Abrams had to go away to a conference, this afternoon. so you were simply filling in for him. Y/n's pager went off and she had fully expected it to be one of the residents that had screwed again. But no, she was required down at the ED for a consult.
She sighed as she logged herself off the computer she was busy on, telling the charge nurse of neurology, Elise where she would be. She stepped into the lift and pressed the down button all the way to the first floor. Y/n didn't know what to think of the place as she stepped out, it was definitely one busy hell of a place with doctors and ED nurses running everywhere. She would call it organised chaos. As she looked up from her tablet she went to talk to Maggie, the charge nurse down here. "Hi. I was called for a consult." Y/n interrupted the woman politely causing her to turn round and look. "Oh, you must be the new attending up the neuro. It's nice to meet you, my name is Maggie." Y/n smiled at the woman's cheeriness "likewise, my name's Y/n." Maggie smiled, "yes you were called for a consult in treatment 4. I'll send you the patient's file now."  "Thanks, Maggie." She watched her iPad for results before heading off to treatment 4.
As she was about to go in she heard someone come up behind her. "I thought I paged for Dr Abrams." Y/n turned around, "yes, well, you got the attending. Dr Abrams is away right now," she replied smoothly, not looking up from her tablet. "Shall we." She looked up, only to be met with a face she knew she could never forget. "Crockett? If that is you I hate your hair, it's not fluffy anymore." Y/n watched as the man's cheeks tainted pink, Y/n smiled at that. "Well, Darlin' I didn't think I would be seeing you after we left med school." Y/n rolled her eyes, "I have a name, Marcel, start using it."
Crockett just smiled and followed Y/n into treatment 4 where the patient was.  The man was in his early thirties and asleep, as Y/n reviewed his chart and most recent Brain MRI she concluded that he had too much fluid building up in his brain. "Mrs Chambers. I'm Doctor     Y/LN, and I was reviewing your husband's MRI, from the results of said MRI, I need to drill a hole in your husband's head to relieve the pressure on the brain." The woman seemed too stunned to speak, "what would happen if we didn't do the surgery?" Y/n looked at the man who was lying in the hospital bed, before turning back to his wife. "Then Mrs Chambers, I'm afraid that your husband will die. From intracranial pressure caused by the fluid." The woman burst into tears, "with your permission I would like to go ahead with the surgery right now."
The woman let out a whispered 'yes' and Y/n nodded, and started to call in for some nurses to help her move the man to the operating room.
Crockett nodded to Y/n and she nodded back, now she had to get ready for surgery. It was a simple procedure and it should only take two hours if that.
Once Mr Chambers was out of surgery, which went off without a hitch by the way. She went to the waiting room where she knew Mrs Chambers would be, she walked out to see the woman who was anxiously waiting and whenever Mrs Chambers saw her, she rushed over and Y/n smiled at the woman while she delivered the news that her husband was in recovery. Y/n had a nurse bring her round to her husband with the promise that she would be back later to check on him.
Now, all Y/n had to do was go back down to the ED to inform Crockett that his patient had made it through surgery and was now in recovery.
She walked down to the ED, leaving the neurology floor behind, semi trusting the residents not to screw up, and if they needed to they could page a fellow. She was busy, and if needed another attending could see to it.
"Dr Marcel," Y/n called from behind him, her friend turned and walked closer to her, "I have my lunch break now, do you want to join?" She watched his lips turn up into a smile. "Sure would like that Darlin', in fact, I might take my lunch early." He turned to Maggie, "I'm going to take my lunch early, promise I'll be back as soon as I'm finished." Maggie nodded and made sure to sign him out on the tablet.
"Well then, Darlin, what do you say we go get something to eat, I know the cafeteria makes a pretty mean toastie." Y/n laughed, "of course you do. Lead the way."
They ended up sitting at a table quite close to the window furthest away from the rest of the crowds. Crockett had made it his mission to find some sort of toastie that she liked, starting with ham and cheese; she notes that it was his favourite. Crockett came back over with two plates, one for her and the other for himself. "Voilà."
Y/n couldn't help but giggle at Crockett's antics, he hadn't changed a bit. She took a bit of her toastie and was actually surprised at how good it tasted. She wasn't the type of person for trying new foods, including toasted sandwiches.
"This is actually quite good, please remind me why I don't try new things this often." The conversation fell silent, both of you knew why. Y/n had struggled with an Eating disorder, and it took years to get her out of it. Crockett had been there for her the entire way, helping her get better, he'd been her best friend, someone that she could always rely on until she lost her phone and number, which she lost Crockett's.
"Look Y/n, I didn't mean to pressure you-" "Crockett, don't start. What happened was in the past and I'm over it. I just sometimes like to stick to my 'safe foods'." Y/n smiled at Crockett and went back to eating her toastie. "So you finished your residency and fellowship? I'm impressed."
Y/n rolled her eyes at the man, "of course I did, did you really think I would give up? Not a chance." "Of course, not Y/n, I wouldn't doubt your skills." "Sure." She answered back dryly.
"How's your wife, last time I heard from you, yous were expecting a baby girl." The table suddenly got very quiet, and Y/n knew she had said something wrong judging by the quick change of demeanour in her friend. "We aren't together anymore. And umm... we lost Harper to leukaemia just after her first birthday." Y/n was too stunned to speak, "Crockett, I'm so so sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." "No Y/n it's okay, you didn't know." The table fell back into a thick silence, the somewhat light-hearted mood ruined. Y/n couldn't help but feel guilty about the situation.
They finished their toasties in silence and Y/n apologised, again saying that she was there if he needed to talk before handing him her number and paying him back for the food, before hurrying off back to the neurology floor, to check in a could of patients.
Later that night she received a text message, it was from Crockett.
Crockett Marcel: Hey, it's Crockett. I hope you don't mind me texting you, sorry it's so late.
Y/n Smiled to herself before typing a reply back.
Y/n: Hey Crocs. Didn't think you'd text me tonight and no worries I was just finishing off some dishes.
CM: I'm just gonna keep calling you Darlin' cus of that.
Y/n could feel her face heat up as she typed out another reply, thankful that he couldn't see her coloured cheeks through the phone screen.
Y/n: of course, you will. But then I'll just have to keep calling you Crocs at work as well. I think that's a win-win situation. What do you think?
She giggled slightly at her own reply and watched as he typed back.
CM: Okay then Darlin', but I do have to go off to bed. I've got to get that beauty sleep.
Y/n sent an eye-rolling emoji in reply as well as a good night before switching off her phone. She should probably take Crockett's own advice and go to bed too. It was late and she had an early start tomorrow.
Y/n and Crockett got friendlier, with any neurology consult that he needed, he paged her. She was always down as soon as she could be. Crockett knew that he was just doing this as an excuse to spend more time with his friend. He also knew he was being way too open about it, since that's all the nurses and doctors in the ED seemed to talk about. But with it being a Friday night, and he didn't have a shift the next day, he had invited her out to Molly's for a couple of drinks. Just as friends he told himself, constantly. He might have been a bit aware that he was catching feelings but who wouldn't. You just looked so damn hot in your scrubs and white coat.
"Hey Crockett, what's up with you?" Y/n said as she walked beside him. He cast a look over to you, "me? Why would you ask that Darlin?" Y/n rolled her eyes, "do you want a list?" She raised her eyebrows and Crockett just sighed, he didn't need to be reminded of his anxious ticks. "It's nothing, I swear." Y/n rolled her eyes, "fine, don't tell me then. She playfully huffed as they walked towards treatment 2 where Crockett had a patient that was in need of a consult.
"Alright then Mr James, I'm Dr Y/LN and I'm the neurosurgeon looking into your case. Care to tell me what's been bothering you?" She said as both she and Dr Marcel followed her in. That's whenever she was met face to face with a man spewing insults at her. "Who do you think you are bringing in a girl to look at my head. Do you want me to die?!! You better get me someone who knows what they're doing!" Y/n blinked, "well Mr James, I'm the only neurosurgeon on call right now, and to be honest I would much rather your chances with me than with one of the residents." She knew she could very well get a fellow to come down but it wasn't worth wasting their time either, since the only fellow currently in was a female. But you didn't want to put her through this right now.
"Get me your superior, now!" Y/n watched as Crockett stepped forward. "Mr James, believe me when I tell you she is one of the best people in this hospital to take on your case, in fact, she's one of the best neurosurgeons in the county." He said putting a hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you needlessly.
Y/n watched as he tried to say something and then started shaking violently. "He's seizing. Need some help in here!" Y/n called out as she rushed to remove the pillow from under his head and fur the bed flat. "Push 2 of Ativan."
"Ativan in." One of the nurses called back, she looked at Crockett. If she was going to do this surgery she needed to do it now. He stopped shaking and slowly woke up, wondering what happened. "Mr James I need to do the surgery now, or you will die. Do I have your consent?" The patient shook in disagreement. "I'll leave you to it then." Y/n turned her back and stripped her gloves, shoving them into the bin. She was angry, he wouldn't let her do the surgery because she was a woman.
"Sexist retard." You hear a voice whisper in your ear. "I'm going to page one of the residents. If they screw up his surgery, It's not my problem." Y/n was about to walk away when Crockett grabbed her arm, "drinks at Molly's at 10. Me and you?" Y/n felt a small smile fresh onto her face, "you're paying." She whispered back, "of course Darlin', do you really believe a gentleman such as myself would expect anything less?" Y/n chuckled at Crockett's cheeky response, "I'll see you there then." It was only at that moment that Y/n became hyperaware he was still leaning over her ear and she turned to face him, "so I'll be seeing you later then." Crockett smiled at her, "of course Darlin'."
They both found their separate ways to Molly's, Y/n came straight from her shift and just changed into a casual dress that she kept in her locker and was at Molly's just before Crockett showed, she said hello to a couple of people she knew, and sat down at a secluded corner table. Crockett appeared only a couple of moments later, sitting himself down opposite her.
They ordered drinks since none of them had any shifts tomorrow, and if they really needed to they could just get taxis home if they drank a little too much. Though Crockett was definitely not going to get pished out of his mind, besides, he wanted to make sure Y/n did nothing she would regret; though if she was still the exact same from uni, he knew she should be able to hold her drink. Maybe 4 or 5 drinks in Y/n felt bussing, she knew that it would probably be best if she went home now, though she didn't want to cut their fun short so decided on another shot of cherry vodka, which didn't take long to finish. "I think that's gonna be me for the night." Y/n chuckled, feeling slightly tipsy. "Well, I'm sober enough to drive, do you want a ride home instead of getting one of those Ubers or taxis?" Y/n smiled at her friend, "sure Crocs."
Y/n stood up and as they walked to Crockett's car, she practically fell asleep on his shoulder, while walking. Crockett looked down fondly at her as he helped her into his car. Funnily enough he'd forgot to ask where exactly her apartment was... fuck. Oh well, he could just drive them back to his.
Crockett sighed as he left his bedroom, he'd left Y/n sleeping in his bed while he went to the sofa. He already kept a quilt and multiple pillows there, in case something like this happens, where someone who he brings home has had a bit too much to drink and he refuses to sleep with them.
Crockett made himself comfortable as he settled himself on the sofa, he was awfully tired too and fell asleep with his mind on the beautiful woman asleep in his bed.
When Y/n woke up, she was confused. She didn't recognise where she was, nor who she might be with. Y/n saw that she was still in her dress from yesterday which brought back her memory somewhat, that and a killer headache. She'd almost forgotten what a hangover could do to someone. Almost.
This wasn’t even a bad one, she just rolled her eyes at her own dramatics and pushed herself out of this strangers bed, she wasn’t sore, so she hadn’t managed to talk anyone into having sex with her and she was still in her clothes from last night.
She had went out to drink at Molly’s with… god, she couldn’t remember, wait, Crockett? She smiled, this must’ve been his place. It’s quite nice, if she did say so herself. She didn’t have a shift today so she could relax, besides she had had a very tiring week and this was her only day off, she was going to spend it wisely.
She walked to the door of the bedroom and opened it quietly, she was able to see the clock from the doorway, it was only 8:37 in the morning. Crockett didn’t have a shift either if she remembered the right schedule, but we’re was he? Maybe the living room?
Y/n struggled to find her way through her friends confusing apartment, it was so weirdly layed out, and just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Y/n found her way to the living room where she found Crockett lying on the sofa, sleeping relatively peacefully. Y/n sighed at the sight, then realised that she was staring. God, she felt like a creep. With that thought she made her way to the kitchen and started searching though the cupboards to find some sort of food that she could prepare, it was probably the least she could do to say thank you.
Crockett had also slept on the sofa, you had known from experience that he was like this, but it had never happened to you. He was respectful, and you liked that about him. It was something that you didn’t often see with your past boyfriends and if you were being honest, it made you like him even more.
Y/n found something she could make, scrambled eggs and bacon, she knew that Crockett had loved that sort of stuff in med school, but she didn’t know if that had changed or not. But by the fact that he still had both eggs and bacon within the used by date, he did.
Y/n jumped as she felt hands touch her waist, “good morning’ Darlin’. What’re you making?” Y/n chucked and breathed a sigh of relieve, “you scared me. But I’m making eggs and bacon, figured you’d still like it from med school.” “You bet I do.” Crockett whispered, she could feel his breath against her ear, giving her the involuntary shiver, which she was sure Crockett had felt.
His grip lightened but his hands still hovered above the red fabric of her dress. “Crockett, I’ve got to concentrate on breakfast,” she whispered, “come on Darlin’ you know that I’ve been waiting from this since med school, I think you can at least give me a kiss before I leave you alone.” He suggested smirking into her neck. Y/n could feel her face heat up, “fine.” She turned her head and gave him a peck on the cheek. Crockett raised one eyebrow at the peck as he watched Y/n’s face glow pink. “I suppose I’ll set the table then.” He gave her a peck on the cheek back, causing a fierce pink glow to take over her face.
Crockett smirked to himself as he watched her find a glass and pour herself a glass of water from the fridge. He guessed he just had that sort of effect on people.
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