#crossover verse. // star wars
savior-of-humanity · 6 months
@hymns-across-the-stars -- continued from here!
Atreus was no stranger to being lost in a foreign realm, with little - if any - means of getting his bearings regarding just where exactly he was. It was something he was accustomed to, really, especially given how far he had traveled and how many sights he had seen in his journeys through the Nine Realms and beyond. It usually didn't take him long to adjust to a new situation, to learn how to navigate both geography and conversations with any local peoples that lived there. But the place he found himself in now was unlike anything he had ever seen in his entire life. In every direction that the Jotunn looked and traversed, Atreus was surrounded by a sprawling labyrinth of ancient, worn metal; expertly constructed, yet weathered from wind and time. Even beneath the plant life that seemed to grow from almost every single surface of the complex, he could tell that the architecture and craftsmanship was utterly alien to him. Not to mention, given just how far the tunnels and shafts that made up its depths went, no civilization he knew of could've made such a massive complex. And yet, there was no sign of any people living here...
...well, except for the creatures that called this maze home.
Many were just as alien as the labyrinth itself, though they held similarities to other creatures Atreus had seen before; multi-colored lizards the size of dogs, roving packs of spiders, enormous armored centipedes, and too many other little things to list off. He swore he saw a glimpse of what looked like some sort of enormous bird-like creature soaring above, but given the huge towers that reached up to the heavens and obscured the sky almost totally, it disappeared just as quickly as he'd spotted it. Survival wasn't too difficult, which was largely due to the relative abundance of both safe food and drinking water; but as the sun eventually began to approach the distant horizon, he knew he'd have to find shelter for the night. There was no telling what sort of nasty critters would come out in the dark, after all - but the abrupt noise of some distant commotion snapped Atreus out of his thoughts of finding a place to hunker down. Atreus paused and listened; normally, he'd avoid it entirely as it'd usually just be a scuffle between some big lizards, but there were no snapping jaws, guttural snarls, teeth digging into skin and flesh. What he could hear insisted solely of ghastly shrieks and what he could only describe as small explosions. Logic dictated that he should ignore it and keep looking for shelter while he still had daylight - but something about it urged him to go, to look. And look he would. It'd taken him a while given how long and winding the passages of the labyrinth's underbelly were, but eventually he'd crawl out of a vent overlooking a small ledge to spot the source of the once-distant battle. There were two creatures that were of immediate interest to Atreus; one was a huge, gaunt and avian-looking creature, much like the one he had spotted a glimpse of earlier in the day. Its hostile gaze was locked upon the other individual; a small red-furred creature resembling some strange cross between a mollusk and a cat. And, based on the way they not only held their body posture but also wielded a spear, Atreus immediately guessed that the little thing was not only intelligent, but also exhausted from a previous fight. He didn't hesitate to notch an arrow into the string of his bow, draw, and then send it flying straight at the tusked face of the bird-beast. In that moment, Atreus learned two things; the first was that the skull-like face of the "bird" was not a face but rather a mask. Through a stroke of luck, the arrow had hit at just the right angle to dislodge it from the creature's true face, sending it clattering to the overgrowth below. The second was that this also happened to piss it off. Severely.
He didn't wait for its response - already he had leapt from the ledge to the ground below, landing into a roll to minimize potential injury from the impact, before he jumped back to his feet and began to run like Hel to the closest semblance of safety. Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the general direction of the red-furred spear wielder. "GO!" He had no idea if they could understand him or if they could even speak, but he hoped that at the very least, the urgency and volume of his voice would spook the creature into fleeing as well. "RUN! RUN! I HAVE ITS ATTENTION!" He knew that because he could literally hear it coming after him with those huge beating wings. All he could really do was hope that he was faster than it was.
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mythical-illustrator · 11 months
Let's actually meet my Oc, I’ve talked about her in a few asks but mostly she’s been in discord 🫠 but I finally feel comfortable sharing her in her entirety with y'all.
So here we go on this fine OC Sunday
Meet Helena Hemlock.
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Helena is my spider verse/ Star Wars crossover OC
She lives and works and protects Coursant.
Helena is an engineering assistant and a welder. She works for the Galactic military and mostly works on ships but recently got a job as a scientist/engineering assistant.
Though her boss seems to be coming undone at the seams.
She use to do underground street boxing for money. Hasn't seen or cared to see since her mom died and Dad dropped her off on her uncle's door step and left. He's much closer than she knows.
Lives with her Aunt who runs a weapons shop/gun range. She got bitten at 15 and her uncle died after a failed robbery.
A blurb from her introduction Spider Verse style:
Alright, lets do this. My name is helena Hemlock, and for the last 10 years I have been coursants one and only spider-woman, the only spider-woman in the galaxy actually to my knowledge.
I won't bore you with my sad life- to sum up Mom died, Dad left, went to live with my aunt, got bit by a freaky spider, gained superpowers, got into a lot of fights, lost my uncle...and well then I became an Ubran legend.
The one and only Krykna
Under the cut is more of her story and some WIP art I’ve got done for her.
Her story will have Star Wars villains taking the place of normal spider man villains
Doctor Ock- a Quarren scientist working for the Galactic military
Dr. Hemlock, taking on the role of Norman Osborn.
Palpatine as himself
The Couri guards as themselves
The ship for the story is Helena and Fox . She’ll be working pretty clone with the Coursant guards. Thorn is having a blast, Fox not so much. Really he just hates getting rescued by a vigilante
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Thank you @sinfulsalutations for being civilian #2 to be rescued 😊
One day I might actually write her story and post it but for now -her story is getting told in art form so ...have some art
Art master list
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Tag list
@anxiouspineapple99 @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @dangraccoon @523rdrebel @secondaryrealm @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @starrylothcat @dickarchivist @dystopicjumpsuit
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mantleoflight · 8 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Everything || Pt 2
The Vex tunnel shone like a distorted Warp space, neon latices forming and shattering, pieces of half-manifest Vex debris appearing and vanishing in an instant. Echo gripped the dual helm sticks she used to steer for all they were worth, desperately trying to keep on course while praying she wouldn’t burst into splinters.
“Echo! I see an end!” Whisper shouted, her guardian barely hearing her over the turbulence. “Keep holding on, we’re almost out!!!”
The cockpit shook violently as turbulence intensified, and for a moment, Echo thought she was going to be crushed by the sheer g forces pushing on her. Then, like the snap of a rubber band, they were out, the light of the Vex net vanishing as they escaped into real space.
The Velocimancer wobbled its wings, it's nose dipping as Echo throttled back and tried to regain her bearings. “We’re not dead?” She asked, blinking stars from her dazzled optics.
“Not yet,” Whisper answered quickly, “but we’ve got hostiles! Dog fighters ahead!”
The shapes of round, black ships with wings like twisted candy wrappers roared and twisted as long, more conventional shaped ships chased and were chased by the black candy fighters.
"What in the absolute-" Echo began when Whisper cut her off. "FIGHTERS UP TOP, DIVE 90-0-23!"
Echo pushed her flight sticks forward and down, sending her ship into a sharp nose dive as two fighters roared passed, swerving to avoid hitting her. Blue light trailed in the wake behind her as she went, but as she looked up from the front, she saw her position had revealed a whole space battle happening above her.
Two huge ships glided through space, trading canon fire like ketches of the Old Crews but bigger. Part of her thought of the large war freighters the Cabal had stationed protectively over the Last City, Psion star fighters ready to launch in their hanger bays, or that the Shadow Legion had stationed on Neomuna with their destructive Nighthawks and tanks.
Around one flew the black, candy-shaped ships, their engines roaring like angry ascendant hive knights. Meanwhile around another flew the white, needle-nosed ships trading red laser fire for green with the black ones. But with them were also odd ships that looked something like an Arcadian jump ship but with no wings and only its engines secured to the main body. What kind of ship was that?
Echo shook her head and glanced at her ghost. "Oh boy, Whisper triangulate our current position and get us the heck away from these guys. I don't want to be part of whatever party these guys are having."
Whisper chirped and extended her scanning reach. "Got it - ECHO!"
"HOLY--" Echo hauled on her helm sticks, maneuvering her ship as she threaded through a knot of fighting forces. In the moments the hunter had looked at the battle and glanced at her ghost, her ship had soared down and around the main part of the conflict only to find herself in the other half of it! Unbeknownst to her, she had come in at a split vector, right through the middle of the main forces of fighting and unfortunately like all dog fights, forces move.
"Hang on!" she shouted and shifted in her seat, weaving and juking as she tried to thread her way out of the battle. Finally, she saw an opening and took it and a whole planet opened up to her.
A planet! Her ship was made for interplanetary travel! If she could get down there, she could do a warp snap perpendicular to it, allowing her to get past the atmosphere and get to cover before she ended up mince meat for these dog fighters.
With that in mind, the long nosed jumpship wove its way through the fray, dodging red and green laser blasts as Echo tried to escape from the battle. With any luck, the other fighters would be too busy to worry about a blueberry like her. After all, from the looks of the war carriers, they had much bigger problems to deal with.
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 1 month
Deities are deities????
Why do others care???????
Should have mad respect for all of them?????????????
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legomocfodder · 1 year
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Marvel/Star Wars crossover, Spider-verse edition!
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker, and Miles Morales
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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13urningstars · 1 year
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into worlds / au's? what au's would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
MAN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I WAS TO ANSWER THIS. I've been enabled. I LOVE au's so much you don't understand it. So i have many au's/variants for cherr, both with canon stuff (show variants including TFP, TFA, Shattered glass, ect) and just basic au's (fantasy, mermaid, ect) so this will be a VERY long post hehhehehe This list doesn't include Cherr's main verse (IDW post war) or her live action verse since i don't know where I'm going with that yet, as well as show variants that i have finished watching but may be added later (including : G1, The unicron trilogy and the prime wars trilogy). I included Beast wars purely because while i might not have finished the series, i already have a pretty solid idea for this variant.
Put under a read more because this is a LONG post
TFP : Same backstory as her main verse. Went on a personal mission to find Optimus prime and his team, eventually finding them after crash landing on earth after her ship got caught and damaged in an asteroid storm. Crash landed in France, and had time to fix up the majority of her ship before ruining into the team while they were on a mission. The teams permanent demolitions expert since wheeljack isn't the kind to stay. The guardian to two human children, Jennie and her babysitter Vera
Rescue bots academy : Would be included as a guest teacher occasionally. She drop's in to bother Joyride (My rescue bot oc), and to give lessons on general safety business (due to her.. experience with explosives), but most of the time she just likes visiting the kids, and teaching them about niche earth things.
Robots in disguise 2015 : Travel's between earth and cybertron, spending most of her time on earth despite the opportunity to go back "home". She travel's around, and ends up coming around to occasionally bother bee and his team once she got word that he was back on the planet. Jennie is 12 and vera is 20 and in college.
While pretty similar to her other verses, cyberverse cherry holds on a bit more to what she was like before the war. A bit more cheeky and mischievous, and just slightly more bitchy and bright. She's as can be and still holds all her normal traits, but she's also just also slightly more willing to dance the line of danger.
Pretty similar in terms of everything compared to her main verse. Lore accurate storewide, Cherr stays behind with elita and her team to defend cybertron and dies during the process, but her Beast wars variant would be in this verse as well.
One of the pods that fell from the maximal ship, cherr ends up adopting the form of a Galah (pink and grey cockatoo) as her alt mode. She has no original name in this verse, or if she does, no one knows what it is, instead calling her "cherry". Quick and light on her feet, she the maximals eye i the sky along with airazor, and just a BIT of a pyromaniac. [This one's iffy, since i haven't actually finished the series. Im just really attached to bird cherry]
Fun fact! Earthspark was originally her main verse before i switched it to tfp (and then switched that to her post war IDW verse). While the same as most of her other verses in term of personality, Cherr's role is what changes the most in this one. SURE, she's still a demolitions expert, but after having given a proper chance to explore earth after the war, Cherr took it. She travels around the world as basically a tourist, keeping an eye out for any bots making trouble. She knows something's up with G.H.O.S.T, and makes an effort the make things better for the trapped cons whenever she visits any of the detention centers, even if she's breaking the rules to do it. Extra rations, gossip, general company. At one point she got roped into one of the fighting rings in France and became its champion for a year or two before busting out. She's on a personally fueled vendetta to find and shut down any ring she can.
A singer high on the charts who's mysteriously gone missing. Early on in her life, cherry took rossana under her wing, and taught her everything she knew. She holds no preference for sides, a true neutral in this verse. However, something happed, and she fled the planet. She lives in hiding on earth, having stolen some tech and making herself a holoform projector, continuing her music career there. Constantly mistaken for an Autobot.
Instead of staying on cybertron and finding work in the body guarding business, the moment rodimus sent out the invite to join the crew, cherr jumped at the chance. In this verse, she's practically the same as her main, since this is a bit of an "alternate timeline" thing, but she does have more chances to find cool spots to herself. She wander's around a lot, unless she's at swerve's or mirage's. [Haven't actually finished the MTMTE/LL comics, so things may change later on who knows]
This is the verse where she's the most different in every sense. She starts out the same of course, minus her paintjob, which instead of pink white and blue, is dark grey purple and red. But over the years, especially during her music career, she gets twisted. A Yearning to be known, to be loved, adored. In this verse, many of the rumors about her in her normal verse ARE true. Yes, she purposefully killed her producer, and yes, her vocal mod is illegal. In this verse, instead of merely projecting her voice, her voice is able to lure in most bots that hear it like a siren, cue the alias (although, whether or not it'll affect a bot, changes on their amount of will, as well as a few other factors). She never left Cybertron in this verse, and thus has a modified version of her design during the contract. Siren in confident and a flirt and just a bit of a pyromaniac, but also cruel to those who earn her displeasure. Her collections are a bit more... morbid here. Your safe really, as long as she likes you enough
Au where Cherr never got into the music industry, and thus, learning about the war earlier in this verse, joined the side of the cons. She's an under cover spy within the autobot ranks, due to her deceivingly sweet nature. An amazing liar, with many skill's acquired from the streets and unlost during her (non-existent) career, the femme is not one to be underestimated. Due to not having entered the contract, All of her mods are illegally acquired, and her name changed. Here she isnt cherrybomb, no. Here she's known as Incandescence, but most call her Des.
Cheryl Benoit. An orphan adopted and raised by her parents, Reyna and Richard. A good life to the beginning on her life, after having been offered a music contract a year of two after graduating, Cheryl, unaware of the consequences, accepted only to be roped into an abusive contract. After a fire burned down the main studio, the girl took her chance, and is currently on the run, travelling the world with some other worldly femme (Swap au Thalia, who's a transformer in this verse)
In an au where cybertronians aren't really aliens at all, and instead an advanced species that live deep in the earth's oceans. I have three variants for this au in terms of designs. 1) the classic mermaid, with human upper halves. Simple and basic. 2) Where still human-ish, merfolk are more alien in nature. Extra limbs, unatural eyes and skin colors, antenna's and coming in variant sizes. (An offshoot of this is a mer versions of the classic cybertronian softbody art style). And finally 3) Where ocean living, cybertronians are still somewhat mechanical. In this au, cherr's story has many variants, but the current fav is one where she's captured by humans, and her voice is used at entertainment at a classy exotic restaurant.
Simple fantasy setting? Cherr is definitely a fairy of some kind. Delicate, but also with her own genre of danger. Able to change sizes due to magic. Pink little gal. Not much on this au in general yet other then the very basic concept.
A story of a simple maiden girl, married into a lavish life against her wishes, who runs away to become a knight. Not much on this au in general yet other then the very basic concept.
Montserous in nature at first glance, cherr is hard to spot. A creature of flames and embers, who's crackling voice is rumored to lure human's to dance around her form, to revel in an prison like happiness. She doesn't mean harm, just for friendship. Nevertheless, if you're ever to spot a mysterious flame like glow moving around the dark, paired with enchanting songs that seems to seep into your thoughts. Do not follow it. Cover your ears and hide. [She doesnt really trap those, but many of the friends she have gained are ones who have run away from home, or a bad situation and never seen again, and well. Rumors spread]
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tachiisms · 2 years
#on like strictly an ooc basis though i know i haven't been here in a while and randomly just popped on to shitpost#'cause laura's post made me laugh (ty! ily!)#but i'm still mostly over on my other blog. i've had a lot going on and like being with my soft girls right now#and also star wars hasn't really been sparking joy recently and it's been making this dash feel claustrophobic in a way idk how else#to really describe? like it's nothing to do with the actual people or characters on this dash it's more just that it's almost all star wars#if that makes any sense at all?#(which is probably stupid because no one really cares about the muses on my other blog so i'm only playing myself here lmao)#(but idc they make me happy and it's fine that they aren't popular)#but i also find that it can be kind of hard to branch out from star wars to get a wider range to rp with on siri#'cause it's mostly just modern type or crossover type verses#and that's been feeling Hard lately just because of the star wars stuff i just mentioned#but i do have a star wars related project with a friend that'll be...sometime upcoming? so i'm hoping that it will spark the joy again#but for now i'm mostly over on my other blog but since i follow a lot of the same people i sometimes see things and pop over here lol#anywhomst if you're at all interested in sigrid from the hobbit or susan pevensie from narnia (or breha who's also star wars)#(idk i'm not having the same problem with breha as siri probably because she's on the multi? anyway back to the point)#then feel free to go follow my other blog which is @viaminvenia but no pressure!! sigrid and susan don't have star wars verses#ily all you're all so talented and such good writers and just *chef kiss* all over the dash#ooc
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auroradicit · 2 years
what if I....actually clean things up so I can work on a new promo and maybe follow some folks...what if I did that..
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rosheendubh · 1 year
AWAY…(have a ficlet From Latticeof Infinity/Elegy of Dead Kingdoms—from this shattered disaster of a crack SpaceRockOpera—the lyrics are from Nightwish’s, ‘Away’. Because some divine being posted 4+ hours of Nighwish’s Top50–and this song embraces quite the Theme of this segment from my particular AU crossover of StarWars-through TTT/HandofcThrawn/Merged Dark Empire1/Shadows of Mindor/events of the YuhzanVong War with Firefly/Serenity, and the Keltiad-squished into the Firefly ‘verse as an Independent system…)
“Away, away, away in time Every dream's a journey away Away, away, to a home away from care Everywhere's just a journey away
Cherish the moment Tower the skies Don't let the dreamer Fade to gray like grass…”
The first time Thrawn kissed Rhyanon it was after he’d destroyed a fair bit of the Galaxy by collapsing the Wormhole connecting the Terran quadrant with the quadrant of the Imperial Remnant still in conflict with the Republic Alliance. He had good intentions, because there was really no other way to slow Abaddon. But, the fallout by anyone’s measure, even megalomaniacs like the long-deceased Sith, Palpatine, proved a little apocalyptic.
Thrawn, of course, had a contingency plan for the survivors, leading them to the old ruins of the 2nd Death Star, which existed in a sort of fluctuating twilight-world of shifting space-time corridors. An after-effect of the cataclysm imploding through the continuums of the meta-verse.
Amid other events leading to this moment, Rhyanon eventually found him kneeling in the sands of the Oceans of Time, staring off into a horizon of fire and storm and cosmic winds. Pain and anger stained their shared past, dating back years to her time as a courtesan-trained-medic while in Palpatine’s court, when Thrawn was promoted to Grand Admiral on the eve of the Emperor’s death.
Until this moment, she never would have suspected Thrawn capable of suffering as other sentients. Loss, the great price of sacrificing the Ascendency to stall Abaddon’s dark ravaging of planetary systems, wrought lines of weariness heavy upon his brow, around his mouth. The shadow haunting the scarlet eyes cut raw in her heart.
Thrawn asked if her people, the Keltoi, had a word for the kind of grief that formed a void beyond emptiness. “A ballad or a lay, perhaps?” His words stumbling out in that eloquent cadence of velvet and steel, edged in bitterness. “The Keltoi—the legendary race of warrior-poets.”
Rhyanon couldn’t recall any from her youth. But then, her youth had been stolen prematurely, swept away by a brutal act of violence, taking her from everything she’d known and loved.
A memory came to her then, of her brother. Bard-trained Talhaiarn, an officer of the Keltoi fleet in service to the Ardrian Aeron Aoibhell. Warriors, the Keltoi as the Chiss, and Talhiarn renowned as a fearless pilot, a devoted commander. He’d indulged music’s magic as an escape from the horrors of war.
As she knelt before Thrawn, Rhyanon spoke gently. “I may have no verse to offer, but my brother often says the first song was born of sorrow so deep, words were inadequate to lift such sadness to the skies.”
Thrawn’s grief, his remorse, buried under the armor born of leadership, broke through, etched in rivulets of moisture, liquid garnet, like blood, rolling down his azure cheeks.
Rhyanon, with her biokinesis, accessed the nanoplexus integrated into her central nervous system. A graceful curl of her wrist, bend of a finger, she directed a green-gold plasmic current, capturing, analyzing the composition of his tears. The microscopic manifesting as vision, the molecular shaped into an endless weaving of threads imparting life. The profundity of sorrow captured like a globular prism, a raindrop, a teardrop, restless as the cosmic storms ravaging the horizon of this liminal plain.
“Chiss lacrimal secretions,” she murmured as he stared at the mirage coalesced between them, rapt by her enchantment, “while differing in certain constituents, hold a similar salinity to human tears, an osmolarity nearly matching the ocean waters.”
Rhyanon tried offering some other surcease beyond an academic text, wiping at a blood-tinged track from against his cheek. “Our tears flow, as our lives, and our griefs, rivers washed into the Sea where all things end. And emerge again.”
He searched her face, trying to find some salvation from the decisions he’d made. Dreamlike, she slowly leaned toward him, hearing his muted gasp at the softness of her lips upon his cheeks, his dark lashes, wet, salt like human tears—why would she expect differently—where she kissed away his silent sorrow. His surrending sigh as she chastely brushed his mouth with hers, held the synchronicity of their breath, shared in this precious moment.
When Rhyanon drew back, she seemed as mystified as he, her action leaving them both pensive. Her eyes drifted shut, as she turned from the wonder in Thrawn’s look.
And in those moments where Rhyanon still seemed held by that light first brush of lips, Thrawn, utterly mesmerized, reached toward her, her eyelids fluttering wide as he guided her face close. Before she could tense back, his mouth claimed hers, thirsting, seeking, wanting. Her breath caught in surprise, but she responded, easing to the exploration of lips and tongue, eyes closing once more, lost to the taste of warmth, and the heady euphoria of wandering hands, his arms encompassing her supple form, her hands clinging onto his shoulders and neck… ~ It was said, of the 5 Greatest Kisses in the Galaxy, this one was ranked somewhere in the top 10. A true Cold Mountain performance, as Kaylee might have approximated. Had she been there to witness the Kiss. But because no one of the Serenity crew, or the Wilde Kaarde had any idea what transpired between the biokinetically gifted Keltoi medic, and the former Grand Admiral, now Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant united with the Empire of the Hand, and they only found out about it after-the-fact, it was ranked in the top 10, without ever receiving any explicit ordinal denomination.
The Republic Alliance and the Fringe systems of the Terran Core were amid a truce with the Empire of the Hand, but the split of forces on either side of the spatial conduit had delayed progress. The conundrum of truncating communication and travel in the absence of the wormhole left River Tam with a puzzle more entertaining than figuring out how to overcome the thousands of meteors orbiting Coruscant, utilizing the antiquated tracking of spatial aquatonics, accelerated by River’s unique talents. A mind operating in fractal domains, dimensional analytics reducing equations to a few hours, that would have taken the Republic’s best physicists a month, she needed something else now, to keep her distracted, or the sound of Abaddon’s Reaver-Hybrid Clones, never far from her consciousness, might threaten the precarious hold she’d only recently recovered of her sanity after Miranda.
Thus, on that rare evening while Rhyanon and Thrawn continued groping and caressing each other like teenagers riding passion’s hormonal tidal wave, Ar’alani was subjected to learning why Terran humans seemed so obsessed with quoting script-lines from long-dead movies. A favorite of these oft-repeated one-liners: “as you wish,” Jayne, Serenity’s weapons-happy muscle-man, babbled every time Ar’alani drifted somewhere in his general vicinity.
This was the penance for losing the Girls’ Night Drinking Game to Zoe and Saffron—aka Mara Jade. Subjected to Jayne’s movie-night choice of Old Terra’s cinematic selection stored in Serenity’s archives. Who knew a man who strolled through civilian markets with a rocket-launcher on his shoulder because ya’ never knew what fruit-vendor might turn into an assasin indulged a secret fetish for romances.
Resignedly, Ar’alani settled back on the worn cushions of the sofa, housed in a back storage pit of the ramshackle smuggling ship. Serenity gloried in its disarray and disrepair like a flick-off to Talon Kaarde’s well-maintained vessel, and orderly crew.
Stale beer and cigara fumes filtered through the air of Serenity’s makeshift entertainment center, holos projecting what Jayne swore as the greatest movie of all time.
“Want some?” Jayne asked, rattling a bowl of heat-reactive seed kernels under her nose, crunching down on a fluffy piece of styrofoam-looking cellulose lathered in butter and salt.
Ar’alani’s expression puckered at the charred pungency of fumes wafting from the bowl, and altogether overwhelming for the refined senses of Chiss olfactory centers. “No, thank you,” she said, trying to keep the forebearsnce from her voice, seeing Jayne’s puppy-dog eyes. “And if you say, as you wish one more time, I’ll dump those seed kernels—popcorn—“the word awkward from her throat”— over your head.”
A mistake, she realized, quickly learning females speaking in a commanding voice only made Jayne more moon-eyed. Which was enough for Ar’alani to toss back another Ewok microbrew.
Keth roach piss would have tasted sweeter*, she thought spurring another curse at Thrawn for bringing them to this lost twilight realm. The crash site of his old Emperor’s mad battalion of destruction. She chokied down the beverage, because drunk was the only way she could envision sustaining Jayne’s company for the next 2 hours, and hoped whatever involved the Supreme Commander in that moment, it was either thoroughly tormenting or worse, boring to the point of death.
When she learned later, the indulgence that had indeed occupied Thrawn, she had no regret for the data-pad aimed at his head from across the conference desk of his office. Thrawn caught the object effortlessly of course, which irked her all the more. Fuming, Ar’alani stalked out from the office, vowing over her shoulder as she exited between the sliding doors, Thrawn could spend the next movie-night subjected to Jayne’s visual art tastes, his rancid popcorn, and cheap alcohol. She heard the low laughter in her wake, the words, “As you wish,” reaching her as the doors whisked shut.
For a moment, she considered turning back around, marching through the doors, up to Thrawn, glaring fire to match the subtle teasing glint in his eyes. And stuffing as you wish right back at him.
As entertaining as the vision was, of smashing a few more data-pads over Thrawn’s polished composure, Ar’alani prided herself on possessing the rare trait of taking the high-road, as the saying went.
Especially because of the laughter. That had been good to hear. Clean, honest laughter, something like joy and the bravado she recalled when Thrawn had been an infuriating captain under her command.
After all the loss, the death, and decimation swallowing their Galaxy, with Abaddon, and forces of the Coroniad-Virathi [read: my analog to the Grysk, but adapted from the Keltiad verse] still afoot. It was the first time she’d heard that sound from him in decades. And if it took basting the Keltoi medic—Mal Reynolds kept calling her Gaia—in reference to some ancient Terran goddess that recalled Rhyanon’s abilities of organic molecular manipulation. Well, Ar’alani decided, if this was what followed a good basting for Thrawn, it was better than the melancholy devouring him since the Battle of the Event Horizon.
So, she held her peace that day, hope’s candle, a flicker in the storm, but present, wakening for the first time since she’d led the few Chiss survivors to this rendezvous of Endor, fleeing their home-worlds, a cold rage constricting her chest, watching Csilla’s incinerated caracass fade away like a million ashes blasted across the Star-ways.
Hope, that flickering candle in Ar’alani’s mind. She strode down the passage to the main hanger-port, notified of General Skywalker’s return with a new collection of refugees from the Infernal Regions bordering the dimensional rift left by the Wormole’s collapse, dubbed Ginngungagap, after some other archaic Terranism.
Echoing through her mind, with that candle, the words, As you wish, yourself, Vu’rawn.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
multiples of five for viktor and an oc of your choice please! 💕
ROSIIEEE hii! i hope your doing well dear! <3 THATS MY DEAR BOY. ive had him for EONS he means the world to me AHH. hmm and for the second one in honor of tlou releasing today on hbo! i'll introduce alaia! <3
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i would say MODUS by joji would be a cute first slow dance song for him! i would say first slow dance parter would go to the lucky dear ness (or nessie as he likes to call her <3 shes aj @jendoe's girlie!)! for a goood chunk of his life slow dances wigged him out u know? it's what his parents did at galas, and furthermore, its what people in committed relationships do u know? so it would take a "love of their life" sort to sway prince skittish of long term relationships <3
to be honest i think until nessie he didn't think himself as much of a romantic? and after they become an item (nessie will likely have to go "LISTENN BUB I THINK UR NEAT" or something like that jksankjn bc for all of his banter and etc etc dear boy was like UHH when it came to the art of courting ahjsabjx). but he'll try his best! its like watching a baby dear learn how to walk which is precious but also PRIME opportunity for teasing (affectionate). wanted to be in love but didn't think it was for him u know?
he's a social butterfly my dear boy sure is! of course soap and willa and Garrick and ghost begrudgingly are the besties and price and isi are like parental figures to him <3. radolfo and alejandro (dad wars between him and price kajnsj their time together in that cell was all the convincing ale needed that vik was to be his son jjhsjh) became instant besties of his <3. he has a number of close friends and fringe acquaintances as well! though the one who will hold the candle as his friend of all friends for him would be his late brother aldric <3
vik gets crushes like his dogs track mud in his house... ALL THE TIME. the essence of the "falls in love with a new person everyday." hehe <3 he took the cake for that until he met *COUGH*!
hES TrYinG hIS BeST his upbringing he's a nepo baby and his tendency towards the dramatic (stubs his toe? shakespearean tragedy.) he makes an effort for practicality but like his mannerisms in the romantic department its like watching a deer learn how to walk <3 viktor "how much does a banana cost? $50?" mason <3
no greater slight he could make to his mother if he didn't put thought into his sense of style bjsbjd and thank the heavens for aldric and his IMMACULATE TASTE bc i am confident dear boy would have considered joggers and a t-shirt as a suitable formal wear jankxdk. he learned all he knows from him! <3
his grandma on his moms side in france pronounced it as meh-meh and as a like seven he used to say it that way until aldric told him its MEME not meh-meh habjsbj (after waiting EONS until vik was fifteen to tell him DARN OLDER SIBLINGS). now, its just around graves to get on his nerves <3. he's a twerp!
he survives only bc select clowns would find his "hot mess with a heart of gold" nature endearing <3 he's beelining for roman, ayrenn, vindamea and enya the moment he sees them! strong badass ladies who can break his neck like a twig? AND upon them knowing him for five minutes if anyone touched a hair on his head they'd zero everyone on the scene hehe <3 he's drinking mead with baelor afterwards and running for the HILLS shrieking and tears in his eyes seeing una on the back of the cannibal <3 its fun!
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i think maybe not a first slow dance song but something for a first emotional moment where the bleakness of the post apocalyptic landscape of the world (which members of her family may or may not have been responsible for the outbreak) and its really getting to her.. i think of DEAL ME by MeLoveMeAlot ft KÅIKÅI? the "you can't kill me I'm alive / you gotta deal me i'm alive ... we all know no paradise." i think would be lovely for her in that moment u know? like a hold her while she sways a bit sort of post panic attack moment?
she was the child of seattle socialites and so the notion of romantics came from her admirers verses from her u know? but! she is for sure with the love language of gifting as that was the way she saw her parents expressing their affections and what people around her would do for her. so sort of a romantic but? not really?
i think between her and viktor she would have more friends but none of them she would consider close, acquaintances at best u know? a lot of her friendships in seattle were superficial. a lot of them were more so to have a connection to her name? to say they knew the family? she was little when the outbreak hit the friends she had and their parents it was like that? she needs friends i am PLEADING. these days its easier for her to have dalliances and acquaintances <3
crushes? in the year of our lord 2023 post outbreak? not on her life <3 she does have more than a few admirers though in higher circles and in leaving the comforts of home traversing the landscape <3.
alaia actually would have that over dear boy vik! i am still working things out (im doing lore diving as im watching the show rn <3) her step father before the outbreak was a neurosurgeon and he was looking into understanding the outbreak. on her defying her dads wishes and finding survivors outside of FEDRA the things she learned from him and the people around her she took to things rather well!
the outbreak broke out in 2003 i believe right? y2k in the post apocalyptic pnw/us fashion icon besties! luxury clothing from the 2000s and 90s inherited from her family! it may be the end times but that didn't mean she had to stop dressing cute!
sending memes? in the year of our lord 2023 in a post apocalyptic era? shes asking "huh?" habjwbdjbj in a no-outbreak au, dear girl was pronounces it as memes! <3 or nuisances <3 (rich people u know?)
oh shes not fighting jkanknw <3 fighting? in these chanel boots? she wouldn't dare! she and narcissa and sybille are sipping champagne as the fighting rages!! she would likely if she must use ye olde charm and request damiano to protect her (AND HE OBLIGES *cough* clown <3 but also love that for her! and he's valid for it!) and that's how she walks out of the conflict without a scratch <3
#🌹: rosie#rosebarsoap#oc: viktor mason#oc: alaia alcántara#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#TY TY ROSIEE FOR THE ASK <3 i hope ur doing well dear!! this was the cutest to do and to develop them with!#i don't have much on her at the moment but i did do some reading and i may have her bio dad be the head of fedra?#so on her learning he made it VERRY clear they weren't to provide aid any further survivors she was like YEEA no bud <3#they fully expected to learn she was dead within the week.. i would almost also say they sent out parties to look for her?#but she knew how to thwart them <3 she had been doing it for years so it was no challenge!#(at a point she also meets tommy right and learning she came from a well off upbringing he was like?? how are u not dead?)#(shes a smart cookie bestie! i don't think she informs who she is for a WHILE but <3 yea <3)#theyll either be besties or something more i haven’t decided sksjjxjx 🤍😵‍💫#totally not for the giggles after the final question thinking of a crossover thing jasnknkw it would be inch resting!#ocs from the fantasy verses interacting? with the modern clowns? funsies! neat!#vik is being held together with star wars duct tape and glue but he's doing his darnedest and I love him <3#he was easily spooked by relationships prior to nessie <3 congrats dear! u did it!#the new banners and how they look for them both turned out so pretty GAHH im emotional <3#i had to make new ones as the old banners are on my old m*acbook and i love love how they turned out <3 and the babies deserve it <3
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avtrr · 2 years
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“ Je'di? ”
kiri repeated in her rusty basic that her father had taught her. An ear twitching curiously as she looked at the togruta with a curious smile.
“ is that what you are? ” her tail swished as she lowered herself to look better at the other alien.
starter for @exitiosae
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savior-of-humanity · 1 month
[ OUT ] for Arti and Atreus... but consider, reversed.
The Rain was coming.
Atreus had been totally unfamiliar with it before they had traveled down from Five Pebble's shell a few cycles ago, but he had been very quick to learn just how much of a threat it was. Nothing that lived below the clouds, from the lowly bat-fly to the mighty Vulture, was safe from the danger once it started, as the torrential rains were so powerful and deadly that anything caught in the downpour for too long was crushed to death. Caverns and structural interiors offered no safety, either; anywhere else the rainfall couldn't reach, the rising floodwaters would quickly drown. The only thing that could protect a creature from such destruction was a shelter.
And he had no idea where that was.
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem; Artificer knew the lay of the land far better than he did, and usually she was the one to point the way whenever they had to retire for the cycle. But she was in no condition for that now.
They'd been ruthlessly hunted by Scavenger kill-squads, and while she was perfectly capable of dispatching them, their numbers were so numerous and frequent that she had utterly exhausted herself, sparks and smoke still clinging to her fur. Walking, let alone running, was completely out of the question - he could already tell she was struggling to just stay awake. He could probably carry her on his back in his current form, but considering that he wasn't fully grown, he wasn't sure if he could make it in time with her weight on top of him.
So he did the only thing he could think of in the moment; he shifted back into human form, scooped her up into his arms, and ran for his life.
The earth trembled beneath his feet. The very heavens almost seemed to roar as the rainfall grew stronger, battering against his skin and clothes like hail. The world was ending all around him, and still he kept running - putting his own body between what sounded like Ragnarok all over again and Artificer. She'd done so much for him, he had no doubt that she'd do the same favor for him, but it was about time he return the sentiment for once.
For some ungodly reason, some Scavengers still stick around even despite the torrential downpour threatening to crush anything still stupid enough to linger on the surface. Whether they just couldn't run away in time or were foolish enough to take a shot at slaying them both, he didn't know, but he didn't stop. Not for them, not for the spears that found themselves lodged into his flesh, not even for the rain that battered and bruised him with the strength of stones.
He sees what he's looking for; a box-shaped symbol over a pipe entrance, just barely big enough for him to squeeze into. He has to stop to rip the spears out of his flesh, body hunched over both from the sheer strength of the ever-worsening rainfall and the effort he took to protect Artificer from it. He knew that if he'd been in his previous form, they both would be dead at this point. Still, he manages to crawl inside just before the rain worsens to the point where it would've crushed even him flat.
The shelter is large by a slugcat's standards, but in reality it's still rather small for a young human like himself - at the very least, it had enough space to accommodate them both. Atreus wheezes a bit as he settles into a comfortable position, with Artificer's exhausted form resting in his lap; the wounds ache, and he knows his skin is going to be a painted canvas of bruises just from the rain, but he at least has the luxury of being able to heal from them.
Outside, the roar of the rain is but a distant, comforting din - he can't help but think of summer Midgard rains, and he allows the noise to lull his tired body into a deep sleep.
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mythical-illustrator · 11 months
Hey there! I'd love to know 🌧️🧳and 🩰 for Helena please 💙
Hello 👋 friend
I love answering these
So for Helena
For dancing 🩰 I answered it here
But for rainy days 🌧️: she can do a couple of things. If it was rainy before she left their apartment with her aunt- they'll stay in and do things together, reading, talking, baking etc. She misses spending time with her aunt and always feels guilty when she can't.
Sometimes they might even run over to her aunts weapons shop/rang and clean up or do stock.
If it's raining while she's up in the higher levels, she'll either do some work for her job or go find one of the couris Fox and keep them company.
She might do a little small patrol but doesn't like to because spandex is uncomfortable when wet. And her senses go into over drive during the weather.
So she'll pear Fox and try to get them to take a break.
If it's after her and Fox get together, she might bully him into staying in and cuddling with her and they can just watch the rain or something - they both could use more sleep. She's just more aware of this fact. Even if she ignores it .
Now for Traveling 🧳: Helena has never been off Coursant. She'd love to, boy does she. She watches the ships take off sometimes but she has too many responsibilities on Coursant to ever leave it. Fox has only ever been to I think Kamino and maybe Genosa.
I'd think after they get together and the war is over and Palps is dead, he might take her on a vacation to some planet where they can relax and not see people. And because of their luck they'll stumble upon some plot or mystery I'm sure.
Thank you for the Ask Friend: I love talking about my star wars spider woman. 🤗
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@anxiouspineapple99 @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @dystopicjumpsuit @wizardofrozz @dickarchivist @secondaryrealm @dangraccoon @sev-on-kamino
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mantleoflight · 7 months
SW/D2 Crossover thoughts
//Watching the gameplay of Fallen Order and ngl, it really looks like something Echo could really get into.
//Which got me thinking about my SW!Verse with Echo and how she'd probably be on a planet trying to close a breach connecting her system in the Unknown Regions to the Known Galaxy. It's an old, overgrown machine world, something like Treasure Planet. She finds the place beautiful and learns a lot about the Force and how it interacts with the Light. But instead of leaving, she stays there endeavoring to keep the gate closed to keep the Vex from escaping the lobster trap that is her star system.
//Wedge didn't call Sol the seventh ring of the Correlian hells for nothing after all.
//But in her time there, she's come to learn a lot about Light and the Force and though Light is weaker here, she's found that it's Symbiotic with the Force.
//"Light brings life, life brings the Force. We're symbiotic that way."
//In the SW universe, Light isn't as thick and thus not as powerful in the Known Universe. But certain abilities still thrive there. Alas, you can only get certain ability charges once a day, and you have to be careful how you spend the day's Light.
//Gone are the days when Echo could sheld Light into empowering orbs. Now she conserves her Light, storing it Light Packs one ability charge at a time. She can't revive willy-nilly now. If she dies, Whisper only has enough Light for one rezz every 24 hours. Beyond that, it takes three charge packs to revive her after that, and those charge packs don't come cheap.
//Curiously, despite the handicap, swapping her subclasses no longer affects her light charge. Here, the Light is Light and the only thing that matters to it is being used regardless of the shape it takes.
//Darkness is a different story though... Strand is thin but strangely, it flows with the Force like a river following its natural course. The stronger the flow of the Force, the stronger the flow of Strand. It might not be the force itself, but the two flow together like sister forces.
//Stasis, however... something dark congeals around stasis, like gravity compression. The power of it, the need to control... it tightens the world around it like a cramped muscle... and Echo has noticed its chill.
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sunoflegend · 3 months
verse tags / relationship tag dumps !
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breawycker · 4 months
I was with my brother and the topic of super long video essays came up specifically Jenny Nicholson's 4 hour Star Wars hotel video and Quinton Reviews iCarly and Victorious videoes and he was complaining about going off on tangents and making their videos overly long because they won't shut up and I'm starting to think I'm the only child who got the family autism™
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