#crowley one-shot
tartppola · 1 month
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i miss u vampire au adeuyuu…..
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idliketobeatree · 7 months
The lighting in the S1 1941 flashback is so painfully dark I was rewatching it on a 150% brightness and perhaps I am five years late, but how come I've never noticed that this
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is how Aziraphale gazes at Crowley before the "little demonic miracle of my own"???
This is him before the love realisation, just after Aziraphale miracled them both safe from the bomb exploding on the church with the Nazis. No heartwarming acts of service yet — best to his knowledge, Crowley was only there for moral support, because he "didn't want him to get embarassed". And his gaze is— I don't know what to say. Like it would kill him to look away. So fond, so immersed, "oh God, there you are", like hundreds of years have passed, not decades since they saw each other last. Books? What books? What air raid, what war?
Arguably the best part of the scene happens literal seconds after. If you pay close attention to the whole shot, you'll spot the brown satchel on the side. Which Aziraphale would notice earlier too, if he could focus on anything other than Crowley.
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foe-of-fate · 1 year
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samwwise · 1 year
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Good Omens 2 (2023) [insp.]
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New Addition🤎
Summary: Being Sam Winchesters long time girlfriend was wonderful until he had family business and was on the road all the time, but what happens when you find out you’re pregnant?
Pairing: Early Seasons Sam Winchester x f!reader
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Sitting in my apartment missing waking up to sharing the bed with Sam, cuddling against his warm body, sitting on the counter as he makes us pancakes, getting ready for college parties together, everything we use to do now just memories
“Come on Sam I miss you, when are you gonna be home?” I sighed into the phone
“I’m sorry baby I miss you too but Dean and I are working some jobs and….”
“Jobs? I thought you were just looking for your dad? Sam are you okay I’m worried” he’s been gone for a month now and it was miserable he helped pay half the rent and it was a struggle by myself now and he’s my soulmate and being apart really wanes on the heart
“Well we’re still looking just making some stops along the way” I could hear Dean in the back making fun of him calling me baby
“You know I can’t be mad at you I’m just……I just miss you but I hope everything is going good with Dean and you find your dad” he told me all about his problems in the past with his family but all I wanted was for him to be happy
“You know I miss you too baby, wish I could see you, sleeping in these shitty motel rooms doesn’t compare to WOAH Dean stop hitting me!” Dean obviously didn’t want to hear the end of that making me cheer up a bit
“Well just call me more when you get the time but I have class, I love you Sam”
“Love you too Angel” the call ended and I was forced to go along with my daily routine, get ready, go to class and come back to an empty apartment
It went on like this for 2 more months and it just got worse, his calls became less frequent maybe once a week, I fell into a deep sadness that only Sam Winchester could brighten, and I became sick at first I thought it was a flu maybe a stomach bug but after talking to some friends and one test later and I find out I’m pregnant, I have to be atleast 3 months along since that’s the time he’s been gone
After having an hour long breakdown I dialed Sam hoping he had some time to talk and not on another job
“Angel why are you calling so late?” His voice groggy
“Sammy……we need to talk” I stutter out still emotional
“What’s wrong are you okay?”
“I’m pre……I can’t tell you over the phone I need to see you…..please” I beg praying he’ll just come home
“I don’t know Dean and I are…”
“Sam this is really important what ever you’re doing can wait, I need you”
“Okay we’ll be there by the time you wake up”
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I woke up exhausted from the stress of the day before, I’m pregnant actually pregnant under normal circumstances I’d be happy starting a family with Sam but with how absent he’s been I feel him drifting away
I willed myself out of bed and pulled on one of Sam’s hoodies that hung down to my knees and wore a pair of pair of black legging, running a warm cloth over my face to freshen up when I heard a rapid knocking at the front door
My heart filled with panic and I was becoming hesitant about coming clean, I opened the door and there he stood, towering over me like a god yet still so soft on me
He swooped down and lifted me easily into his arms and held me close, being back in his arms just felt right it felt like home and so I broke down again as I clung to him
“Sammy” I whined as I hide my tear streaked face in his shoulder smelling his oh so wonderful cologne
He brought me inside and sat me down on the couch, Dean looming in the room after he rummaged for food in our kitchen
“Angel what’s wrong? You don’t look so good” he asked as he stroked my hair helping calm me
“You’ve been gone so long and I understand but it’s been a hard 3 months alone, I can’t sleep, I can’t think straight, I’m broke and……..”
“And what?” Dean intervened making my heart jump, Sam sending him a glare
“I thought I was just sick but…….im pregnant” I felt so vulnerable as he just looked at me seeming to be in shock
“You’re joking” Dean groaned
“I didn’t mean too…..im sorry” I say as my lip trembled
“Oh Angel this isn’t your fault it’s mine and I shouldn’t have left you alone so long like that I don’t know what I was thinking” he sighs as he holds me to his chest
“Family business Sammy” Dean stated
“Dean stop”
“Sam if being with your family is so important and doing all these jobs I understand but if that’s what you want then I don’t want to hold you back if this isn’t what you want anymore”
“What? No of course I want you I want this, you’re my soulmate and I’m never letting you go again, you deserve to know the truth”
“Sam don’t” deans assertive tone booming in the room
After Sam told me everything about this new supernatural world I was sceptic at first but honestly it connected a lot of dots
“So these jobs you work are important but I can’t go months being apart again”
“You can come with us, just for while you’re pregnant and then when you give birth we can go home and settle” he said with a bright smile, that smile I fell in love with
“Are you sure Dean won’t hate me” I whisper to him
“He’ll lighten up trust me Angel”
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Sam helped me pack all the my clothes and personal items I needed and we were off on the road, it was a nice car with lots of room for me to stretch out in the back
“So where are we going?”
“There’s signs of a vampires nest in a small town, going to check it out see what’s going on” Dean says his eyes still on the road, he still made me a bit nervous though
“Umm are vampires one of the easier monsters you deal with?” I ask trying to make conversation
“They can be, but a nest of them can be a bitch”
They go on to tell me all the cases they’ve worked since they’ve been gone and it’s crazy to wrap my head around, after driving all day we finally got to the town settling into a little motel room
“I’m gonna go pick us up some dinner” Dean said as he threw his bag on his bed and left
I sat on the bed me and Sam are sharing sighing once the door closed
“What’s wrong Angel?”
“I just hate being a burden to you guys I know how stressful this is for you plus having this baby….”
“Hey you’re not a burden I’m just glad you’re with me now, being cooped up with Dean 24/7 can become a bit macho” he says making me laugh
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?” I ask as he places his hand on my tiny bump
“I’m happy with either, you know my mother would have loved you you’re as kind as she was, well atleast that’s what Dean says about her”
“You know this baby is the luckiest in the world to have you as their father, and such a handsome one at that” he smiled as he pulled me into his lap pulling me close
“I’ve missed this, holding you” his hand runs down my back sending shivers
“Kissing you” his lips gently press to my collar bone making me gasp
“Being with you at night” the door bursts open interrupting our moment, I jump out of his lap and their stands Dean and what I believe to be their father from old pictures Sam has showed me
“Sammy trying to get some” Dean laughed making my body heat in embarrassment
“Who’s this?” John asked his voice full of disapproval
“Dad where have you been? Never mind that right now, this is y/n my girlfriend”
“And what the hell is she doing here son?” I felt little under his gaze
“She can’t be alone she’s pregnant” Sam said confidently as he held my hand
“Sam what the hell were you thinking, you can’t have a pregnant girl doing this job, you need to be focused”
“Maybe I should just go home” I say as I go to pick up my bag
“No! You’re staying Angel I’m not letting you go again” he said as he wiped a stray tear I didn’t know had escaped my waterline
“She’s family now dad, you can’t push her away cause if you do then you’re just gonna push me away too, for good this time” John sighed and gave a look to Dean
“Tomorrow we’re going to stake out the vampires nest, be ready” he said sternly before stomping out of the room leaving an awkward cloud looming over the three of us
“Come on you two let’s eat” Dean said in a lighter tone obviously trying to pick up what his father ruined
We ate at the little table chatting about random things, how Sam and I met, our first date and how nervous Sam was, almost everything we had together up until this point
“Have you told your family about the baby?” Dean asked after he took a swig of beer
“I don’t really have family, I was raised in an orphanage and when I turned 18 I was pretty much on my own, I stayed in the schools dorms until Sam and I moved in together, plus our friends kind of changed after first year so it’s mostly just been Sammy and I”
“I’m sorry”
“Oh no it’s fine I’m happy with the way my life turned out it lead me to Sam after all” I smile looking at Sam who had that loving look, he was so gentle compared to his brother
“You guys are going to make me hurl”
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It’s been a crazy and stressful 6 months but I’m now in the last week of pregnancy and to say I’m scared is an understatement, I’m terrified but I feel like I can’t tell Dean and Sam with what they face everyday, this is probably a walk in the park to them
They were out right now hunting a werewolf as I paced back and forth in yet another motel room, I’ve been having cramps in my stomach since I woke up but I just thought it could be indigestion from the food we ate last night but they’ve only gotten stronger, walking helps but this could just be Braxton’s hocks I try to tell my self that is u til my water breaks, I’m hesitant to call Sam because of the case but like he said this is more important, I dialed hoping he’d answer
“Hey we’re on our way back now did you need us to pick you up anything?”
“Sam my water broke” I could hear him tell Dean to drive faster
“Okay just hold on we’ll be there soon, just do the breathing exercises like we practiced”
“Okay I’ll try” I breath deeply as another contraction hit a whimper left me but I know it’s going to get much worse
Minutes later Sam and Dean busy through the hotel room, Dean get my to go bag and Sam gently picks me up and brings me to the car sitting with me in the back
“Sammy I’m scared”
“We’re almost to the hospital hold on kiddo” Dean said trying to reassure me, he’d warmed up to me over the months like Sam said
“You can do this, think of our little girl or boy we’re about to meet” I nodded gripping his hand, we got to the hospital and were settled in a private room, Sam at my side and Dean on the couch used for husband or partners
“What if something happens?” I ask as he brushes my hair back
“Everything will be okay, you’re the strongest woman I know”
“It’s time Mrs Winchester” the doctor said making my heart swell at the name, he was wrong but I didn’t care
After some agonizing pushes that pressure was gone replaced by a little babies cries, the nurse laid the baby on my chest and she was beautiful, she had Sam big green hazel eyes and had light brown hair
“Congrats on a baby girl” the nurse said, they cleaned me up and left the room letting the four of us settle
“What are you going to name my little niece?” Dean asked now standing on the other side of the bed mesmerized by her
“How about Luna Mary Winchester” I say looking up to Sam for his opinion
“I love it, I love you, both of you” he smiled as he played with Lunas little fingers
“The three of us just became four”
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Bentley Shenanigans (Good Omens)
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Crowley x Fem!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Crowley needs to relieve some frustrations after that shitshow of a birthday party.
CW: vaginal sex, fingering, dirty talk, car sex, vague degradation/humiliation
Good Omens tag list: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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This was possibly one of the most shocking things you had ever seen. Crowley was wearing white. You’d never seen him in anything other than black and when he’d first come to pick you up after the birthday party, you had known something was different, but couldn’t pick what it was. It had actually taken you at least two solid minutes to realise that it was because he was wearing white. 
“What the fuck- you’re- what are you wearing?” 
Crowley glances at you as he pulls into the parking spot at the lookout trail and turns the car off. Sometimes the two of you came out here just to get away. 
“What- this old thing?” He chuckles, tossing his sunglasses onto the dash before sighing defeatedly. Oh dear, it wasn’t a good sign if he could barely keep his sultry demeanour going.
“I think,” he trailed off. “It is safe to say… that did not go as well as I hoped it would.”
You’re not really sure what to make of that, given that the balance of the world as you knew it hung squarely on Crowley and Aziraphale’s shoulders. Sitting quietly, you wait for Crowley to continue. 
“I mean, really- you wouldn’t have thought it would be that hard, would you? Fucking nuns, Pet. Useless, the lot of them.” 
Crowley pinches his nose and turns toward you, eyeing you up and down. Your dress has ridden up your thighs and you do not fail to notice the way he eyes you appreciatively. 
“Fancy a quick fuck?” He asks casually. You splutter on a response for a moment. Here you were, discussing how the end of the world was fast approaching in less than a week, and Crowley wanted to shag? You blinked at him. That wasn’t to say you weren’t interested, either, mind you. You definitely were, but, it was just a bit out of the blue was all. What did that say about you, you wondered… In the face of the end of the world, you’re thinking about getting fucked one more time. Hmm. On second thoughts, you think it might just mean that you appreciate the fun things in life. 
“Sure,” you say, cheeks pinking at the thought of him in that white coat bending you over and taking out his frustrations on you. “One condition, though.” Crowley’s brow arches, a sultry smirk appearing on his face. “The coat stays.” 
“Your wish is my command, love,” he replied. “Back seat, then?” 
You nod, shocked at the casual nature of this exchange. It wasn’t something you were necessarily unused to, but there was usually a little more pent-up energy and flirting beforehand. However, getting straight to it wasn’t a bad thing either. It was kind of refreshing, actually. 
You get out of the car and go around to the driver's side. Crowley opens the back door for you and promptly bends you over into the back of the car. You gasp, your hands reaching out to steady you on the leather seats. 
Crowley slides his hand up your sundress, exposing your black panties to him. He groans, gripping at your ass before letting go and giving it a rough slap. You jolt forward with the shock. Crowley tuts and grips you by the hips to drag you back towards him. 
His hips ground against your ass roughly, his cock hardening beneath his pants. You bit your lip, enjoying the roughness of his clothes against your almost bare skin. Crowley laughed, reaching down to rip your panties off you. You let out a sound of protest, though Crowley shushed you. 
“Fix ‘em later, promise,” he assured you before tossing the ripped remains of your underwear over your head and into the other door. Any further protests died before they even formed thought as his fingers slid down over the curve of your ass and sunk themselves into your tight, wet heat. 
You moaned, thighs twitching as he fingered you open. If you weren’t wet before, you definitely were now. 
Crowley removed the fingers once he thought you were wet enough and presented them to you to clean off. You did so without complaint or question, sucking his fingers into your mouth, tongue swirling over the digits to clean them of your slick. 
Crowley grunted, the other hand undoing his pants and removing his cock from its confines. Once he was free, he pulled his fingers from your mouth, giving your cheek a little pat. The feel of the saliva cooling on your skin- the dirtiness of it- had you clenching. 
“Look at that,” he groaned, pressing his head against your entrance. “Sopping for me, aren’t you? Filthy thing, you are, Pet.” 
You nodded, pressing back against him. His head slipped inside, causing you both to groan. You with impatience, and he with pleasure. Crowley’s fingers gripped at your hips harshly as he slowly sunk inside you. Once he was finally inside you, you were finally able to relax. Feeling so full up on his cock felt like your version of Heaven. 
God, Crowley made you so cock-drunk that it was ridiculous.
Then, your Demon started to move, hips snapping back and forth with fervour. It wasn’t long before Crowley was bent over you, yanking your hips into his own with every thrust. You were scrabbling at the leather, cheek sticking to the seat with the sweat. Loud moans and sharp grunts could be heard coming from the car, and you hoped that no one was on this particular walking trail today. 
Then again, maybe you’d like an audience. The thought had you biting your lip to stifle the groan, and you clenched around the Demon, who straightened up and wrapped a hand into your hair. 
“Fuck, that’s it-” he growled, fucking into you harder. “Reach down there and play with that pretty clit for me, Pet. Mm- like that.” 
Your fingers reached your clit, rubbing tight circles. You could feel the push and pull of his cock from within you, could feel as your slick creamed around him. You cried out in sharp pleasure as he slapped your ass cheek again. 
“Are you going to cum already, Pet? Huh?” 
You nodded, the motion pulling at your hair just that little bit more. Crowley laughed loudly, fucking into you harder. 
“Better do it then,” he warned. “Come on, cum for me, Pet.” 
Your fingers were lightning quick on your clit. Your thighs were twitching and struggling to keep yourself up from Crowley’s punishing thrusts. With a loud drawn-out moan, you came. 
Crashing waves of chaotic pleasure roiled inside you. Your fingers crushed themselves into the leather as you felt your release roll through your muscles. Your clit felt like it was on fire as you forced yourself to concentrate hard enough to rub yourself through it, contracting around Crowley hard enough to make him cum. 
He grunted from above you, hips stuttering- and then you felt it. His release coating your walls. You whined, grinding yourself back against him as he started to slow. Crowley gave your hip a warning squeeze, but you ground yourself back on him, pressing him in as far as you could to make sure not a drop of his seed escaped you. 
You sighed with relief, fingers slowing to a stop on your clit. Crowley was hunched over you, panting with exertion. 
You laughed, the endorphins starting to kick in. Crowley chuckled breathily against your back and pressed a kiss to the fabric of your dress. 
“That was fun,” you said, unsticking your cheek from the seat. 
“Mm-” Crowley grunted in response. “Aziraphale will be jealous.” 
You don’t think you’re wrong in thinking he doesn’t seem all that upset about making the Angel jealous. 
“I think you’re right,” you pant back, slowly starting to catch your breath now. 
“Alright, come on,” he says, picking himself up and slowly pulling out of you, shushing you comfortingly when you whimper at the loss. “I know, Pet. Come on, let’s get you back to the Shop, eh? The Angel will be missing us by now.” 
You groan and force yourself to stand up. Your walls clench to keep Crowley’s seed inside. 
“Don’t miracle it away,” you say, knowing that Crowley was planning to do so for your ease of comfort. “You know how Zira likes his seconds.” 
Crowley tutted at you, a smirk playing across his lips. 
“Naughty thing, you are. Whatever are we going to do with you?” 
You hop into the passenger side again, your muscles thanking you for the relief. 
“Guess we’ll have to find out, won’t we?” 
“Guess so, love.”
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bruciewayne · 11 months
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in another universe, do we still have dinner together?
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saryasy · 1 year
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and it was all yellow
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arjwrites · 3 months
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ my masterlist ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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requests: closed (but not for long!)
100 follower event masterlist
Close- fluff, fem!reader Summary: Reader breaks her arm on a hunt and needs some somewhat intimate assistance. Who does she ask for help but Sam Winchester, with whom she shares a silent, mutual pining????
Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer- fluff Summary: While hunting with the Winchesters, you had picked up a disposable camera to capture some memories. Each photo represented an important point in your collective journey- all the while, hinting at a budding connection behind the scenes. 
Close Behind- angst, gn!reader Summary: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Sam- and that scares the hell out of him. Based on the song “Close Behind” by Noah Kahan. 
Heaven Hellbent- angst, fem!reader Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Sam discovers a secret you've been keeping for years. Part 1 of the series! DEAN WINCHESTER X READER
Back on the Beach- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: Reader and the Winchesters find themselves at the beach for a rare day off after a long string of difficult hunts. Something about the special day changes things forever.
Bless the Broken Road- angst, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the broken road that led Dean Winchester to you. Based on "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts.
Times You Threatened to Kill Dean Winchester- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: A brief account of all the times you wanted to kill a certain hunter.
The Space Between- fluff, a little bit of spice, gn!reader Summary: Reader breaks their arm on a hunt and needs a little assistance. Dean version of Close (Sam x Reader)
In The Stillness- angst, fluff, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean Winchester CASTIEL X READER
Numb- angst, comfort, winchester sister!reader Summary: Reader is Sam and Dean’s sister. After a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself separating from her brothers to deal with her own shit the only way she knows how. Castiel, however, has a few things to say about it. 
Saving Grace | Part 2- gn!reader Summary: Cas is hurt after a hunt, and when he's hurting, you're hurting. Sometimes even an angel needs a helping hand.
Saving Grace Epilogue- gn!reader Summary: Ways the world has softened since uniting with your angel. Can serve as an epilogue or stand alone!
Lessons on Humanity- gn!reader Summary: Human!Cas arrives on your doorstep in need of a helping hand. Taking him under your wing, you offer him more than he bargained for.
GABRIEL X READER Long Day- gn!reader Summary: After a stressful day, a familiar face pops in for a visit. With snacks.
CROWLEY X READER coming soon (leave a request!)
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p4nishers · 1 year
yeah that's uhh that's definitely something
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 months
Crowley: Look, I know I only bought your soul last month but-
Y/N: No returns.
Crowley: Please? It's making me sad.
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orayart · 1 year
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This shot is so fucking pretty and aesthetically pleasing, there is so much emotions that emanates from it, something romantic and tense and bitter-sweet, desperate, melancholic, helpless and also hopeful. idk I'm just in love
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extraaa-30 · 8 months
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at the pitch meeting for the job episode:
someone: we need to establish continuity with the s1 biblical scenes, some kind of callback
neil and/or douglas mackinnon, about to be the funniest people alive: oh, haven't you heard...?
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doraminatook · 3 months
Whatever (Put My Body to Work) (a fanfic)
Specifically, a Good Omens fanfic.
Aziraphale chooses his words carefully. He doesn't shag or f*ck...he makes love. But Crowely knows that he's wants to explore activities beyond "the vanilla stuff". When a terrible storm blows in, the demon decides today would be a great day to do WHATEVER his angel wants. After all, how dirty could Aziraphale’s mind be, anyway? ;)
Words: 4,368
They had planned to go on a picnic that day, but the weather had other ideas; a terrible storm had blown through the city, bringing with it a torrential downpour of rain, thunder, lightning, and even hail now and again.  Staring out the window of the bookshop, Crowley was mixed with emotions: on the one hand, he knew that Aziraphale would be disappointed as he had spent a great deal of time planning this excursion, but, on the other hand, a terribly perfect idea had been sitting on the backburner of the demon’s mind.  Today might be the day.  
He broke away from the sight of the awful tempest and meandered back to the kitchen.  To his great surprise, Aziraphale was still busy at work, packing up various pieces of fruit, cutting cheeses for sandwiches, and deciding whether today was a Château Margaux kind of day or a Dom Perignon Brut kind of day.   
Crowley raised an eyebrow as he inquired, “Whatcha doing, Angel?”
His beloved was inspecting a wheel of Reblochon as he answered cooly, “I’m getting ready for our date.  Do you prefer French cheese or Italian cheese?”
Thunder cracked.
“We aren’t going on the picnic today, Aziraphale,” Crowley said, “In case you hadn’t noticed, The Almighty is apparently sending another flood out there.”  
The angel looked genuinely caught off guard, and Crowley began to wonder if maybe he’d been so invested in planning the perfect spread, he hadn’t noticed the weather.  
“Oh, I just…I just assumed…” Aziraphale began weakly, “I just assumed that you’d be able to do something about that.”  
Crowley shook his head, “I can do short bursts of weather manipulation, but I can’t make a godforsaken squall dissipate.  Sorry, Angel,” he walked further into the kitchen and sniffed the cheese in Aziraphale’s hands, “That smells disgusting.”  
If he was attempting to begin fun banter, the angel wasn’t taking the bait.  He still looked disappointed beyond belief, even heartbroken.  The slight pout on Aziraphale’s lip only furthered Crowley’s resolve.  He took the disgusting cheese from his angel’s grip, set it on the counter, and purred, “It’s alright.  I have an idea of something else we could do today.”
Want to read more? Check out my Archive of Our Own page below:
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Can I request something where a reader-insert gets injured protecting Crowley, please? c:
Take the Hit - [ Crowley ]
Summary: Crowley finds out exactly how you feel about him when you take the hit that was meant to kill him
Word Count: 1470
Warnings: female!reader, mentions of blood, brief violence
A/N: i feel like this sucks but i hope it was okay!
Masterlist | Crowley Masterlist
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You always were one to put others before yourself. To offer your life in exchange for theirs. It’s one thing your brothers hated about you, the fact that you were so willing to give yourself up for others, whether it be family, friends or complete strangers.
Which was completely ‘pot calling the kettle black’ as you couldn’t count the amount of times they’d given up their own lives for someone. But you just figured it was because you were technically the baby of the family, despite the fact that you were two years older than Sam… The boys didn’t want to tell you straight up that it was because you were a woman as they knew you’d kick their asses for even saying it.
Half of the time you had to threaten Dean with violence against the Impala for him to let you join them on hunts, even though you were one hell of a hunter who’d proven many times that you were capable of looking after yourself. You knew Dean was just being protective, as he had been all your life, but part of you knew that the reason he didn’t want you leaving the safety of the bunker anymore was because of Crowley.
Ever since Crowley’s run with human blood, the two of you had developed a bond, one that your brothers were not pleased with. Nor were they pleased to find out you’d been sneaking into the dungeon to talk to him at night when he’d been chained up inside, against your brother's orders that you weren’t to go anywhere near him. That had not been a fun conversation. Not one bit.
You didn’t know what this connection was you had with the King of Hell himself, whether it was from loneliness, as oftentimes you were left alone in the bunker and it’s not like there was anyone else for you to talk to, or whether it was something else entirely, you had no idea. All you knew was that you liked it.
You enjoyed Crowley’s company. You enjoyed talking to him. Having conversations that weren’t filled with jokes and innuendos, much like those in which you’d had with him around the others. These talks were more deep. More personal. Something you didn’t want to share with anyone else.
Crowley understood you. He listened to you. He allowed you to vent about things that you wouldn’t dare say around your brothers. You knew he’d never repeat what you said, not when he was still so hopped up on human blood that he was technically one himself, which is partially the reason as to why he even seemed to care about you. And you were surprised to find out that he still did once he returned to full demon… Well, almost full.
The entire time you’d known him, Crowley had never treated you any differently from your brothers. Never acted as though you couldn’t handle yourself, or looked down upon you because you were a woman. One who was much shorter than that of your gigantic brothers. He knew what you were capable of. Knew you could handle yourself in a fight. All in all he treated you like the hunter you were, which is why the second you saw that angel blade moving towards him, you knew you had to save him.
“Crowley!” You shouted, gaining his attention as you moved quicker than ever before, throwing yourself in front of the blade that might have killed him had you not taken the hit for him.
You gasped harshly as the blade penetrated your stomach, the tip of it almost coming straight out your back. Your skin burned fierce as you fell back against Crowley, who stood directly behind you, his arms catching you before you hit the ground.
“Easy, darling.” Crowley said softly, lowering you to the ground as he held you in his arms, watching as you choked on your own blood, your hands fumbling blindly around the wound in which the angel blade still stuck out of. “Don’t. You pull that out, you die… You understand me?” He added, his voice wavering a touch that only you could hear it.
“I’m sorry… I… She… She got in the way.” The hunter who’d stabbed you babbled out, his mouth gaped from shock. From confusion as to why a Winchester would take the hit for a demon. But before he, or anyone else for that matter, could say anything, Crowley raised his hand and with a quick twist of it, the hunter fell dead to the floor. His neck broken.
“C-Crowley.” You spluttered, blood spewing out of your mouth, dripping down your chin as you breathed raggedly, gasping for air which you couldn’t seem to get into your lungs. You couldn’t begin to explain the pain in which you felt. The burning sensation inside your stomach. Yet at the same time you felt numb. Cold. Like you didn’t have many ragged breaths left in you.
“You’re okay, darling.” Crowley soothed, brushing your hair from your face before the two of you vanished, the warehouse around you changing before your very eyes and before you knew it, you were in the hospital. “Can I get some help here?”
The hospital staff were quick to swarm you, your body landing on a gurney, wheeling you away from Crowley who stood anxiously by the nurses station. He knew your wound was bad. Knew it may very well kill you. And he knew he shouldn’t care. That he should find joy in the death of a Winchester but things were different now. Especially between the two of you.
He’d never dream of seeing you dead. Or your brothers for that matter. He’d never dream of laying a hand on you. Never dream of putting you in harm's way and yet somehow, without even meaning to, without even doing anything but being present at that warehouse, he’d gone and hurt you. He’d done the one thing which he swore he’d never do again, he’d hurt you, and if you didn’t pull through, he wasn’t quite sure what he’d do afterwards… That is, if your brothers didn’t kill him first, which to be honest, he probably wouldn’t even fight at that point.
The wait for news on you was long, even for a demon, but the second he heard your name being called by the doctor, he was on his feet faster than ever before. And when the doctor told him you’d survived, that you’d pulled through, well he very nearly found himself thanking God.
“You scared me.” He said softly, the second he saw your eyes flutter open as you lay still on the hospital bed.
“You’re a demon…” You said weakly, trying your best to smile. “You shouldn’t get scared.” You finished, coughing lightly as you turned to look at him. He looked so normal sitting by your side, his coat draped over the back of the chair and his suit jacket unbuttoned. It was as though he was human.
“You and I both know I’m not a regular demon, darling.” He said with a touch of humour now that you’d seemed to have regained yours. He stood up, stepping closer to you as his hand lingered in the air, as though he was unsure whether you’d want him to touch you.
“You can touch me.” You whispered, watching as the faintest smile rose on his face, one that would go unnoticed by those who didn’t truly know Crowley. Not like you did anyway. His hand landed atop your forehead, feeling the heat radiate from your skin as you closed your eyes briefly, relishing in his touch.
“Why did you save me?” He asked in a whisper, your eyes opening slowly as your gaze shifted from him a little. “Why did you take the hit?”
“Because I couldn’t… I...” You croaked out, lip trembling as your eyes began to water. “I couldn’t let him kill you.” You finished, your voice breaking as you finally turned to look at him again. He reached down, gently wiping away the tear that had rolled down your cheek.
“You know, there was a time in which you’d have been the one behind the blade, not the one diving in front of it.” He said as you sniffled, bringing your own hand up to wipe at your eyes.
“Times have changed.” You whispered, a quiet sob escaping up your throat and leaving your lips as nothing but a breathy sigh, one which told Crowley all he needed to know about you. And the way you felt about him. You could see him moving, feel him getting closer and the second his lips brushed against yours, allowing you to feel the roughness of his beard, you very nearly passed out again.
“That they have, darling, that they have.”
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
These Old Things (Gomens Drabble)
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Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Crowley has a bit of a self-revelation when his wings pop out upon seeing you.
Fic type: romantic fluff.
EVERYTHING: @winchxters
GOMENS: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 @florduarte @complimentary-breadbasket @thekirbishow @jaziona92 @slightlymediocree @strwbrrfd @paper-and-stardust (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Crowley didn't even realise it at first. He was so busy watching you. You- so perfectly human. So perfectly ordinary. You weren't even doing anything super out there either- you were just... out on your balcony watering a plant.
And yet to Crowley, a demon of Hell and a fallen angel, you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. How could you not be, really?
When you turn around, Crowley's worried he's about to get whisked away by some horrifying Hell-beast sent to drag him back down under and no, he doesn't mean Australia. Although sometimes he had to wonder if Australia wasn't some elaborately planned prank to poorly imitate Hell. But that was a different question.
Anyway, where was he? Oh, yes, when you turned around and made eye contact with him, Crowley thought that given the look on your face, maybe Hastur had somehow made a triumphant return. That would have been less than stellar and Crowley wasn't quite sure what to make of the implications of that if it were true.
"Mm- what," Crowley asked, brows creasing in concern as he twisted his rather bendy neck to look behind him. Seeing a swish of black cross over his shoulder, Crowley wondered just what it could- oh. Oh. His- his wings were out. Why were his wings out?
"You- you're-" you stuttered, pansies forgotten and drowning under the water you were still pouring on top of them.
"I am," Crowley replied, just as confused as you.
"God, Crowley," you breathed, setting the watering can down without breaking your gaze away from the feathered appendages stretching and flittering against the breeze in your apartment.
"Mm," Crowley hummed. "Not so much on the first, but go on."
He's nervous, you realise. About your reaction. He's worried you're going to react negatively and he's going to have to leave you. Silly demon. You could never.
"They're gorgeous," you rushed out, stepping towards him, hand outstretched gingerly. "Can I touch one?"
"Sure, I guess," he answered, actually looking rather unsure. He swallowed thickly when you make contact, fingers softly trailing the ridges of a feather. "These old things- had them for ages. Since the dawn of time, really... Almost."
"Where'd they come from?" You asked, ignoring his rambling. "As in- just now?" You clarified quickly. If you didn't, you were sure to receive a deflective answer.
"Not sure, really. Think maybe- because I was thinking about something. 'Bout you."
"About me?" Your eyes darted to his and you immediately understood. You could see it in those slitted eyes. He was in love. With you. Crowley was in love with you. Not that you didn't already know that- what with having been together for a good few months by now, but he had finally really and truly come to the realisation on his own. You were his forever.
"About you," he confirmed, voice soft.
It was a good think he was your forever, too.
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