#crowley x winchester!sister
marvelfanfn2187a113 · 7 months
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader, Crowley & Winchester!reader (platonic)
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: (very very loosely) set during 5x10 when Sam and Dean get killed and go to heaven (doesn’t follow cannon really)
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Crowley took in the room before him, a pit opening up in his gut at the gruesome scene. Sam and Dean were splayed out on their respective beds, chests gaping open from near-identical bullet wounds. And then there was you.
The brothers’ young sister was sitting on the floor between the two beds, the demon-summoning ingredients in front of her. She was shaking from head to foot and her eyes were red-rimmed and wild with desperation. Her eyes met Crowley’s, and he nearly staggered back just seeing the haunted terror residing there.
“Darling…” Crowley’s voice was quiet, apologetic.
“You have to bring them back,” you whimpered. “Please.”
“I…I can’t,” he sighed. “Just because I’m king doesn’t mean I can just reanimate whoever I want. Not without…” Crowley stopped suddenly, but it was too late. Your eyes lit up with realization. “No,” Crowley said, but you were already nodding.
“I’ll do it,” you said. “You can have my soul, just bring them back!”
“It’s not that simple. If the demons find out that I brought their biggest threats back to life…” he was stalling, and you both knew it. He didn’t want your soul in hell, but he would never admit that.
“Please,” you pleaded. “Crowley, I-“ your voice cracked. “Please. I-I can’t live without them.”
Crowley looked from the boys’ dead bodies to you, then back again. You followed his gaze, your eyes settling on Sam first, then Dean.
“It was hunters.” Your lip quivered. “They-they said Sam was evil, and-and he had to be stopped. Then-then Dean recognized them, so they said that…” your voice cracked as tears slid down your cheeks. You took a deep breath before continuing. “They said they had to kill him, too, so that he wouldn’t come after them. De-Dean didn’t even care.” A sob wracked your body, and Crowley had to resist the sudden surprising urge to comfort you. “He didn’t care that they were gonna kill him, he-he just told them over and-and over not to kill me. I guess they thought I couldn’t be much of a threat.” You pulled your knees up to your chest, and your next sentence was so quiet that Crowley had to strain to hear. “I wish they got me, too.”
Crowley had been ready to leave you here, to turn down your deal and walk out and leave you with your brothers’ corpses. He didn’t want to make this deal, he didn’t want Sam and Dean screwing things up for him in hell, and he didn’t want you, just a kid, to give up your soul. You didn’t deserve hell.
But the last thing you said—your wish to die alongside your brothers.
Crowley couldn’t turn away from that.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
Crowley was gone before Sam and Dean opened their eyes. They sat up simultaneously, identical gasps leaving their throats as they breathed again for the first time.
You were off the floor and in their arms before they even knew what was happening.
“What happened?” Dean asked after he had gotten his bearings. “We were caught by Zachariah, how did we…” Dean caught sight of the summoning ingredients on the motel floor, and it hit him like a truck. Sam and him hadn’t gotten out by themselves.
“No…” Sam breathed, his gaze following Dean’s. “Y/N, no, tell me you didn’t.”
“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t have done the same,” was your response.
You flinched when Dean slammed his hand against the desk.
“What were you thinking?” He demanded.
“That I wasn’t about to let the two of you die,” you shot back.
“We could’ve gotten out ourselves!” Dean exploded. “The angels need us alive!”
“Yeah, but they would’ve tortured you until you said yes to Michael and Lucifer first!”
“How long did you get?” Sam’s quiet voice interrupted you and Dean’s shouting match. His tone sobered the room.
“A year.” Your voice was no longer strong or defensive. You were scared, and the boys could see it instantly.
“We’re gonna get you out of this,” Dean promised. “You’re not going to hell. I’m gonna call Crowley and—“
“Who do you think I made a deal with?” You sighed. “He may be the king of hell, but there’s only so much he can do. It was dangerous enough for him bringing you guys back as it was.”
“I don’t care,” Dean said. “He helped get you into this, he’s gonna help get you out.”
The year passed faster than anyone had anticipated. Crowley never answered when the Winchesters summoned or called, and they hadn’t been able to track him down or summon any other demons either.
You were on your last day, sitting on a motel bed next to your brothers, when he finally made contact.
“Hello, boys. Y/N.”
All three Winchesters nearly jumped out of their skins at the sudden appearance of the king.
“It’s about time, Crowley,” Dean growled. “We’ve been trying to contact you for—“
“Three hundred sixty-four days, twenty-three hours, and twenty-six minutes,” Crowley interrupted. “Y/N’s almost out of time.”
“Exactly,” said Dean. “Now fix your mess.”
“I can’t undo a deal, Squirrel.” Crowley couldn’t meet your eye as he spoke. “There’s nothing I can—“
While his gaze was focused on Dean, he didn’t notice Sam pulling out the demon knife until it was up against his throat.
“Then why are you here?!” Sam demanded.
“I can’t undo the deal,” Crowley said, his hands raised defensively. “Nor can I tell you about the hidden escape hatch out of hell. It would be utter treason for me to accidentally leave Y/N’s cell door in hell open in exactly seventeen hours and twelve minutes, when the guards change. It would be an affront of all I stand for to give you boys this address,” Crowley reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Dean while Sam kept the knife on him. “It also wouldn’t be possible for me to tell Y/N to take two lefts and a right, and that the escape hatch is behind the giant rock shaped like a nose—trust me, you’ll see it.”
The trio of siblings was silent for several long seconds as they took in Crowley’s words.
“Why are you doing this?” Dean asked.
“I didn’t want to make this crummy deal in the first place,” Crowley sighed. “But you Winchesters are stubborn, so I made it. Now I’m doing the little I can to un-make it.”
The Winchester brothers began questioning Crowley about the specifics of the plan, but you remained silent. The men seemed to forget your presence until you suddenly interrupted them.
“So I still have to go to hell?”
All eyes turned to you.
“I’m afraid so,” Crowley said, still unable to look you in the eye.
“Dean?” Your pleading voice had your big brother in front of you in an instant. “Does…” your gaze focused on your fidgeting hands, and your voice came out in a tearful whisper. “Does dying hurt?”
Dean’s heart lodged in his throat. He wanted so bad to lie, to tell you that you wouldn’t feel a thing, and that you’d be reunited with your brothers before you knew it. But you didn’t want just assurance, you wanted the truth. You needed someone to trust more than you needed comfort. So he did the last thing he wanted to do; he told you the truth.
“Yeah,” Dean sighed heavily. “Yeah, it’s gonna hurt like crazy.” Dean’s hands found your fidgeting ones, and he held them tightly. “And those seventeen hours are gonna feel like a whole lot longer. And it’s—“ Dean’s voice cracked. “It’s gonna be real dark, and you’re gonna feel like the only person in the universe for a little while. Then the demons are gonna come, and it…it’s gonna be really bad for a while, kid.”
Tears were steaming down both of your cheeks now, but still Dean continued.
“But you just gotta hold on, ok? Hope is the only thing you’re gonna have down there, so you can’t let it go for anything, understand?”
“Ok,” you choked, holding Dean’s hands in a vice grip.
“Ok,” Dean forced a fleeting smile. “Good girl.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You’re gonna be ok, alright?”
You nodded, leaning into your big brother’s touch.
Dean felt you flinch in his arms, and he pulled back to see you glancing around wildly.
“Did you hear that?” You breathed. You glanced up at Sam and jerked back, gasping in surprise.
“Hey, hey,” Dean tried to grab your arms, but you backed away from him, trembling. “What you’re seeing, it’s not real, ok? Y/N, it’s me.”
“I have to go, they can’t see me here.” Crowley was gone before anyone could comment.
“Y/N, it’s Sam.” Sam appeared on your other side. “It’s ok, you’re ok.”
“Baby close your eyes.”
You looked up to see Dean staring down at you.
“Just close your eyes,” he repeated. “It’ll be ok.”
You closed your eyes tightly before the hallucinations started again, your last visual memory being that of your big brothers holding onto you. You felt Dean’s hand squeeze yours, and your breathing turned to hyperventilating when you heard the hellhounds burst through the door.
Your instincts were screaming at you to open your eyes, but Dean seemed to read your mind.
“Keep your eyes closed, sweetheart. We’re right here, we’re not gonna leave you.”
You couldn’t help the terrified gasps that were escaping you, but you listened to your big brother and kept your eyes closed, even as you heard the vicious bark of the hellhounds.
Even as you felt their claws rip into your flesh.
You shrieked in pain, and you struggled to back away from the hounds, to no avail. But you never opened your eyes.
And you never let go of your brothers’ hands.
Seventeen hours later, Sam and Dean were waiting at the address that Crowley had given to them. Your body was laid out carefully in the back of the Impala, having been carried there by Dean. Dean told himself over and over again that you weren’t dead; they were just waiting to get your soul back to your body.
“Is there something we should be doing?” Sam asked, glancing around.
“Not according to Crowley,” Dean sighed. “He said as long as her body is here, and she gets through that escape hatch, it should be a done deal.”
The brothers had done what they could for your body; Sam had stitched up your wounds, and Dean had done a homemade blood transfusion using his own blood. They could only hope that your soul returning to your body would somehow help the more internal injuries that they couldn’t fix. Dean insisted that they do this, since Cas wasn’t around to heal your injuries, they didn’t know what state you would be in when you got back to your body.
“So we just sit he—“
Sam’s question was cut off when your body suddenly jerked upright, a deep breath filling your lungs.
“Y/N!” Dean was by your side immediately, Sam coming to stand beside him.
“Dean? Sam?” You were out of the Impala and in your brothers arms before you even finished getting their names out.
“Hey kid,” Dean breathed a sigh of relief as you relaxed completely in his arms. “Miss me already?” He quipped, but his forced easygoing tone dropped at your response.
“It felt so long.” You held Dean tighter and started to cry into his shoulder.
“I know, I know it did sweetheart.” Dean brought his hand up to cradle your head. “I know. You’re safe now, ok? We’re right here.”
“Hey,” Sam pulled you away from Dean and held you at arms length to look at you. “How do you feel?”
You touched the stitches running up your stomach.
“It feels sore, like-like it’s healing.”
“Ok.” Sam sighed in relief. “Ok.” He pulled you into his arms, letting you relax against him.
“Let’s get going,” Dean said. “We don’t need any demons figuring out what happened.”
Dean regretted his words when he saw you tense in Sam’s arms.
“Hey.” Sam noticed too, and he pulled away and brushed your hair away from your face. “We’ve got you, ok? You’re not going back to hell. Ever.”
For the first time in months, a smile found its way onto your face.
“Let’s hope so.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl
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lunajay33 · 4 months
I’ll Be There🤎
Summary: After Castiel gets tortured by other angels he shows up at your door, you were always his favorite and someone he could trust so you help clean him up
Pairing: Castiel x f!reader
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I was sitting at this dinky motel table doing some research on a case with my brothers, Sam and Dean, when there was a knock at the door followed by a groan
I got up placing my hand on my holstered gun and opened the door, there stood Castiel blood running down his nose and his shirt covered in blood either it be his or some other being
“Castiel what happened” I gasp wrapping my arm around his waist leading him carefully inside, I know he’s an angel but he’s still obviously hurting
“Some angels got me, wanted to know information on where the tablet might be, barely got away” he said slumping down the bed Dean was sitting on
“How’d you get away?” Dean asked
“One of them wasn’t as loyal to the cause and gave me a window to escape”
“Come on let me get you cleaned up hun” I smile reassuringly, I lend out my hand which he is quick to take as I lead him to the motel bathroom
“Sorry we couldn’t help, I hate seeing you like this” I say as I wet a cloth then gently dabbing at the dried blood in his nose
“I wouldn’t want you in harms way” after I washed the blood off his wound already seemed to have healed but his shirt was still bloody
“Please be more careful Cas I don’t know what I’d do without you” he stood towering over me
“I’d never leave you and if I did you’d still have Sam and Dean”
“Cas they’re my brothers that’s not how I see you”
“Do we not have a bond?” He asked confused in that endearing way
“Of course we do I just feel different about you” I say as a blush heats my face as I look up at his intense stare
“And how is it you feel?”
“I like you”
“Well I like you as well, all of you are my friends”
“No Castiel…….i really really like you”
“And I really really like you” he smiled, god this was frustrating
I took his hand and lead him back out to Sam and Dean
“We have a bit of an issue, I’m trying to tell Cas here how………..how I have feelings for him but he’s not really grasping it” admitting my feelings about Castiel to my brother is extremely embarrassing but all they do is smile
“Cas you can do that mind reading thing just read her mind and maybe you will understand what she’s talking about” Sam said trying to hide his mischievous smirk
Cas stood infront of me with a determined look as he placed his hands on my shoulders
“Do you consent to this?”
“Ummm sure” my eyes shone bright as my memories and feelings of him flickered through my head, the feeling of my beating heart speeding up when he’d glance at me and smile, or when he’d do anything cute my belly would fill with butterflies, when we first went and got ice cream together and his reaction at the first taste made me feel like joy was all that came when being around him
The light dimmed and we were back in reality, he looked at me with awe as if what I feel for him is crazy
“Your heart beats for me?” He asked tenderly as he covered my heart with his hand
“Always Cas”
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Secret Love (1) - Hello, Darling
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Square 12 filled for @heavenandhellbingo: Temporary Allies
Pairing: Crowley x Sister!Winchester
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen
Warnings: angst, mentions of demon deals, cocky Crowley, flirty Crowley, pining
A/N: Please consider, I do not follow the exact timeline, or plot this time.
A/N2: In the flashback, the reader is around 17. We are in Season 4. Later we are in Season 12 and she’s 25.
Words: 1,7k
Secret Love masterlist
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The first time you met Crowley was when you lived in a nightmare that didn’t want to end.
That was shortly after you found out about the things that bump in the night. One night, a monster with glowing red eyes tried to eat you alive. Literally.
His teeth were about to sink into your flesh when a man in black appeared out of nowhere. He smirked, looked down at your trembling form, and patted your head.
“Hello darling,” he said. “How about you tell me why you came here?” He looked at the monster chasing you. “Oh, what do we have here?” The man cocked his head and said something to the monster you didn’t even understand.
The monster dipped his head, growled, and ran for the hills.
“What?” You whimpered as the man looked down at you.
He shrugged and looked at you with red eyes. You screamed and scrambled away. Even though he saved you from the monster, he wasn’t to be trusted either.
 “You called. I came.”
“I-I didn’t call you,” you said and tried to get back up on your feet. “Please just leave me alone.”
“Darling,” he huffed, "you put the box into the ground and called for me. “So, what can I do for you?”
Your eyes grew wide. “She was right? The woman was right?” You stammered. “I didn’t mean to…I…”
“Hmm…your mommy, huh?” He nodded thoughtfully. “I can bring her back, darling. You only have to say yes.” The man smirked and held out his hand. “Say yes, and I fulfill your wish.”
“Mom is gone, and they want me to live at an orphanage,” you sniffled. “They stole all of my stuff.” You pressed your duffle bag to your chest. “That’s all I got left. The woman in the cemetery told me what to do to get Mom back.”
“A deal is all I can offer to you,” he patted your head again. “All you have to give me in return is your soul.”
You gaped at the man. Back then, you were barely a teen but you knew, your soul was something you didn’t want to hand over to a guy with red eyes.
“You want my soul?” You wiped your eyes. “What happens to me if I give you my soul?”
The man dipped his head and looked at you for a brief moment. His eyes turned back to normal, and he wanted to say something but then...all hell broke loose.
“Girl, down,” you screamed when two men started to fire bullets at the man in the black suit. You dropped to the ground and covered your ears. Screaming and crying.
Who would’ve thought the nightmare could get even worse?
“Are you alright?” You felt two strong hands grasp for you. You opened your eyes and looked up at a man. He smirked, grabbed you by your waist, and threw you over his shoulder.
“Sammy, get her bag. We gotta get out of here.”
“HELP! HELP!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. “I’m getting abducted!”
“Sweetheart, you gotta be silent or the others will find us. This one left, but we don’t know about the others.”
“Others?” It was all too much, and you passed out.
When you woke, two tall guys were staring down at you. One of them threw water in your face, murmuring words in Latin you didn’t understand.
“Christo,” he said and stepped away to get a knife. You screamed again when he pressed the dull side of the knife to your cheek. “I think she’s herself, Dean.”
“Alright, kiddo,” the other man said and clapped his hands. “I know you have a lot of questions, but before we talk you need to put this around your neck.” He handed you a talisman. You put it around your neck without questioning him. “Good.”
“This isn’t easy to explain, Y/N. I’m Sam,” the taller guy splashing water in your face said and pointed at his chest. “This is my brother Dean.”
“Winchester,” Dean said. You furrowed your brows. Winchester. That name rang a bell. “I see you remember the name.”
“Uh-mom,” you choked out, “had a friend called John Winchester. He came around for a few years. Now and then. Sometimes he brought me gifts.” You shrugged. “He disappeared and one day, she cried and told me that he died. That was around…”
“Four years ago?” Sam ended your line. You nodded and looked at the man with shaggy hair. “John Winchester was our father.”
“Which means, that you are our baby sister,” Dean said, earning a bitchface from his brother. “What? We have Lucifer on our asses, demons want our sister to say yes to the very same bastard and, we don’t want to talk about the crossroad demon she summoned.”
“He kinda appeared out of nowhere,” you grumbled. “The woman said they can bring back mommy.”
“For the small price of your soul. You’d have ended up in hell, sweetheart,” Dean muttered. “I can tell, it’s no fun and rainbows down there.”
“I didn’t sell that dude anything. He appeared and chased the monster chasing me around town away. He offered a deal and then, you tried to shoot me.”
“Shoot you?” Dean scoffed. “I tried to save your ungrateful ass!”
“Bitch!” You threw in his face, earning a chuckle from Sam.
“Jerk!” Dean replied.
“Guys, we should focus on getting to know each other and not get killed. Or, to say yes to Lucifer…”
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That’s exactly how you ended up here, staring at the map table at the bunker.
“That’s a stupid idea,” you huff. “Why do we have to defeat Lucifer again, and again? He’s not our responsibility!”
“Well, Castiel freed him so,” Dean shrugs. “It’s kind of our problem. We got to find a way to send him back to his cage.”
“Or kill him,” you mutter. “I’m just done running in circles. It’s been too many years, guys! We defeat him. He comes back. We send him to his cage. He gets freed. I’m just fed up. And we don’t want to talk about the shitty dreams I’m having since he’s free.”
“Y/N,” Sam sniffs. “I’m so sorry he tries to get into your head now. Lucifer knows that I’d never say yes again. He tries to find a suitable replacement.”
“Why can’t I at least get an angel,” you grumble. “If I was Michael’s sword, I’d say yes only to kick Lucifer’s ass.”
“No, you won’t say yes to anyone!” Dean raises his voice. “None of these angel dicks will get a yes from a Winchester ever again. It’s worse enough that Sammy and Adam said yes once. Look where it got us.”
“Do you think Adam is still in hell?” You wonder while your brothers try to not think about Adam. They never had the chance to get to know their half-brother. Maybe that’s why they can push the memories of him away most of the time.
“Sweetheart let’s not think about this now,” Dean gently pats your head. “We have enough on our plate.”
“Hmm…” You nod thoughtfully. “What if he doesn’t find a new meat suit? How many people can carry him for longer than a few days?”
“He’ll always find a way to sneak his way into a weak person’s mind…”
All of you are silent for a moment. Castiel is out there, looking for Lucifer while you and your brothers try to find a way to finally bring the devil down.
You stare at the map table, sighing deeply. How shall you find the devil?
“Hello boys,”  your cheeks heat up and you giggle when Crowley appears out of nowhere. Just like all those years ago, he managed to sneak behind your back to poke your side. “Hello, darling.”
“What are you doing here, Crowley?” Dean huffs. He glares at Crowley and curls his upper lip. The king of hell still reminds him of his time as a demon, and Dean hates remembering this time.
“Wings is out there looking for Lucifer,” the king of hell slides his fingertips over the map table, eyes glued to you. You sigh happily because he’s finally back. “I thought you could need help.”
“Dean?” Sam furrows his brows.
“How do you want to help us? Stab us in the back?” Dean spats at the demon.
“Hey, if you work with a demon, you get burned,” Crowley shrugs. His eyes still glued to you he circles the map table. “Maybe I know where Lucifer is hiding. I could need backup, though.”
“You mean you need a pawn to sacrifice,” Dean snaps at Crowley. You sigh deeply. Yes, Crowley is a demon. The king of hell. Still, you cannot deny that he helped you and your brothers more than once. He even saved you from that monster years back.
Sometimes you wonder if things were differently if you weren’t the little Winchester.
Would the king of hell pay more attention to you? Would he look at you differently?
You bite your index finger while watching him. He’s wearing a new suit. It’s all black as always, but you can see the difference.
“Nice new suit,” you suddenly say, snapping your mouth shut seconds later. “Uh…”
“Thank you, pipsqueak,” Crowley flashes you a smile, making you feel warm. He’s a natural flirt. All the pretty women, humans, or creatures are not all over him for nothing. “At least one of you has a good taste. I like your shirt too.” He points at the plain Zepplin shirt Dean got for you last month. It’s secondhand and washed out, but your heart flutters because Crowley complimented you.
Things would be so much easier for you if you didn’t have a crush on the king of hell for years. It only got worse when Sam tried to cure Crowley years ago.
“I don’t trust you,” Dean huffs.
“I came here to help, Squirrel,” Crowley flashes you a smile, “Moose, Pipsqueak. Your choice.”
“Why not join forces, Dean? He’s the king of hell and knows more about Lucifer than anyone else. We have been Temporary Allies with demons and even Lucifer in the past. Why not trust Crowley?”
“Aw, my sweet darling,” Crowley chirps. He leans against the map table next to you to pat your head. You’d be happy he touched you, but this feels wrong. He should hug and kiss you, not pat you like a dog. “The only reasonable Winchester like always. Such a sweet girl.”
“Hey, hands off my sister,” Dean warns. He doesn’t like the way Crowley looks at you. The hunter doesn’t have the time to worry about the king of hell’s attention too while hunting Lucifer.
“Jealous, Squirrel?” Crowley flashes Dean a smile. “Do you want a pat too? You know, your sister is much cuter and nicer. Right, darling.”
You stare at Crowley, feeling a little light-headed. In all the years you have known him, he never paid much attention to you…
Part 2
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Crowley’s Virginity Deal
I am Holly Plake. I am the younger half-sister of Dean and Sam Winchester, and the older half-sister of Adam Milligan. Dean is eleven years older than me; Sam is seven years older than me, and Adam is six months younger than me. 
I know that Adam is in the cage in hell. I go to the crossroads; and I put my picture in the box. I wait and I see Crowley come up. Crowley asks, "Holly, what do I owe this pleasure?" I say, "I have a proposal for you that doesn't involve my soul. It involves my virginity. I want my virginity in exchange for my younger half-brother, Adam, to be out of the cage. I want all of him with his soul intact." Crowley looks surprised and he looks me up and down. I am 5'6". I have an hourglass figure--D-cup boobs and a butt to match it. Crowley asks, "How are you still a virgin?" I say, "Overprotective little brother." Crowley laughs and says, "You have got yourself a deal."
Crowley and I go into the field behind where the crossroads meet. Crowley and I both strip down to our birthday suits. Crowley says, "This might hurt, Holly." I say, "I know." Crowley slowly kisses me, and we start making out. He pushes me to the ground. He says, "You are so wet already, love." I say, "Only for you." He pushes his penis up my vagina; and he starts thrusting back and forth. A few minutes later I see blood coming out. I try not to freak out. Fifteen minutes later, we both hit our climaxes. I ask, "Why was there blood?" Crowley chuckles and says, "I popped your cherry. You will be sore for a couple of days. Adam will be back at the bunker once you get home." I nod and say, "Thank you, Crowley."
I get home to the bunker still hobbling a little bit. I walk through the door. I see Dean, Sam, and Adam. Adam runs up to me and hugs me. Dean asks, "What did you do?" I say, "I made a deal." Sam asks, "How long do you have?" I say, "I didn't give up my soul. I made a deal with Crowley, and he took me up on it instead of taking my soul." I hobble over to the table. Adam says, "No, Holly. Seriously?" I say, "It was worth it, Adam." Dean asks, "What did she do?" Adam says, "She gave her virginity to Crowley to save me." Sam asks, "Anything you need?" I say, "Some ice please." Sam nods and walks to the kitchen. Dean looks surprised. I say, "Adam has always been so protective and always scared guys off hence why I was still a virgin at thirty-three." Dean nods. Adam says, "Thank you, Holly." I say, "You are welcome, Adam." 
Sam comes in and gives me the bag of ice. Dean says, "I heard it was painful for a girl. How hard did he go?" I say, "He didn't go hard at all. I am just super sensitive. I cannot even wear a tampon." Dean says, "TMI." I laugh and say, "But you asked, Dean." Sam and Adam both start snort laughing. Dean smirks. I say, "It is great to have all my brothers back together." 
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arjwrites · 3 months
˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ my masterlist ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
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requests: closed (but not for long!)
100 follower event masterlist
Close- fluff, fem!reader Summary: Reader breaks her arm on a hunt and needs some somewhat intimate assistance. Who does she ask for help but Sam Winchester, with whom she shares a silent, mutual pining????
Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer- fluff Summary: While hunting with the Winchesters, you had picked up a disposable camera to capture some memories. Each photo represented an important point in your collective journey- all the while, hinting at a budding connection behind the scenes. 
Close Behind- angst, gn!reader Summary: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Sam- and that scares the hell out of him. Based on the song “Close Behind” by Noah Kahan. 
Heaven Hellbent- angst, fem!reader Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Sam discovers a secret you've been keeping for years. Part 1 of the series! DEAN WINCHESTER X READER
Back on the Beach- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: Reader and the Winchesters find themselves at the beach for a rare day off after a long string of difficult hunts. Something about the special day changes things forever.
Bless the Broken Road- angst, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the broken road that led Dean Winchester to you. Based on "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts.
Times You Threatened to Kill Dean Winchester- fluff, angst, gn!reader Summary: A brief account of all the times you wanted to kill a certain hunter.
The Space Between- fluff, a little bit of spice, gn!reader Summary: Reader breaks their arm on a hunt and needs a little assistance. Dean version of Close (Sam x Reader)
In The Stillness- angst, fluff, fem!reader Summary: A glimpse into the ways you've impacted Dean Winchester CASTIEL X READER
Numb- angst, comfort, winchester sister!reader Summary: Reader is Sam and Dean’s sister. After a series of unfortunate events, she finds herself separating from her brothers to deal with her own shit the only way she knows how. Castiel, however, has a few things to say about it. 
Saving Grace | Part 2- gn!reader Summary: Cas is hurt after a hunt, and when he's hurting, you're hurting. Sometimes even an angel needs a helping hand.
Saving Grace Epilogue- gn!reader Summary: Ways the world has softened since uniting with your angel. Can serve as an epilogue or stand alone!
Lessons on Humanity- gn!reader Summary: Human!Cas arrives on your doorstep in need of a helping hand. Taking him under your wing, you offer him more than he bargained for.
GABRIEL X READER Long Day- gn!reader Summary: After a stressful day, a familiar face pops in for a visit. With snacks.
CROWLEY X READER coming soon (leave a request!)
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delulu4dean · 1 year
“A Game Of Angels & Devils”
Warnings: Smut, it’s smut, pure smut. Swearing and maybe some violence but mainly smut
Pairings: Demon!Dean x female angel!reader
Summary: Dean is a demon, and he’s loose in the bunker with Castiel’s angels sister.
Word Count: 1,781
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Castiel always had a rough relationship with the other angels, you were the only one he really saw as a sibling. You always stood by him no matter what, so when he asked you to help with Dean, his best friend, you jumped at the chance. But Dean was also a legend, to heaven and hell. And now that he’s a demon, you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t wait to meet him, you couldn’t wait to see what he was capable of.
Castiel and Sam were out of the bunker while Dean was trapped in a chair, the same one previously used to hold Crowley. You were left alone with Dean. Castiel had other things to deal, and Sam went off to get groceries. Nobody anticipated that the attempt to cure Dean would turn out this way.
The cure of course, is human blood. But unfortunately Dean had just enough human in him to escape, and enough demon in him to come for your ass. And when you saw he’d escape, you were terrified. After everything that happened with the angels and heaven, you knew you couldn’t stand a chance against Dean Winchester.
So here you are now, walking down the halls, as Dean’s voice booms through the bunker, “Y/N! I’m coming for you!” Your steps are quiet as to not draw any attention while you look for a place to hide. The only place you can think of is under a bed, and the bed happens to be in Dean’s room. You try to quiet your breathing down, covering your mouth. You know you’d have to keep Dean from escaping but right now he’s after one thing: you. Dean didn’t like angels much before, except for Cas. All other angels were dicks. Dean being a demon means all that hatred is on another level.
“Come on Y/N, I just want to have some fun. Let’s play a game!” his voice sends shivers down your spine. You know he’s going to hunt you down and he’s not quitting any time soon. Of course you wanted to see what he was capable of but not with him roaming
The clicking of his boots on the bunker floor get louder as he gets closer. You see him entering the room, walking closer to his bed. You hold your breath, scared to what he would do. And then he crouches, and you see him looking right into your eyes.
“Fuck,” you breathe out, as he grabs your shoulders and pulls you out from under the bed.
“There you are, princess. I was beginning to think you were hiding from me,” he taunts you. His smirk is playful but his eyes are determined.
“You got me, what now, Dean?” you look up at your brother’s best friend. You keep your voice steady and refuse to let Dean see the fear in your eyes.
“I can torture you, use you to get what I want out of Sammy and Cas,” he explains. But what did he want, other than to kill all three of you?
“Yeah except you’ve got more human blood in you now. You’re not as strong,” you spit. You can’t tell if you’re being brave or stupid, talking to Dean like this.
He glares at you, grabbing you by the shirt. He may not be so strong for a demon, but he’s Dean Winchester, so he’s strong enough. And so you are scared, of course you are scared. But a small part of you is excited too.
“I’d be careful if I were you, princess. Watch your mouth.”
You don’t wait for him to do anything, as your knee goes straight for between his legs. He lets go of you and hunches over in pain.
“You’re going to regret that,” he growls.
You attempt to run off but he grabs your arm and pulls you back, before throwing you on his bed. You lay on your back, looking at him, as he walks closer to you. His eyes burn with anger, but there’s another feeling mixed in there that you can’t quite place.
“You know, we never got along,” Dean starts, as he gets on top of you. “It’s a shame, your Cas’ sister, I’m his best friend, we should get along.”
“Yeah I’m going to get along with the guy who toys around with my brother, he ruined his reputation with heaven, he was a good soldier of heaven, and then you happened,” you lecture Dean. You’ve always felt like Dean ruined Cas.
“And yet here you are, helping him,” Dean smirks. Dean climbs onto his bed, crawling on top of you.
“He was my mentor, I’ve been by his side for years and years. He’s my family.”
“And he’s my best friend. Or was, before all this happened.”
You sigh, looking up at the demon on top of you. Your breathing is heavy, as you stare into his eyes. He smirks at you, leaning down. You don’t know what to say or do, as he gets closer to your ear.
“I think I have another idea on what I want to do with you,” he whispers in your ear, causing you to tense up.
You look down at his hand, unzipping your jeans. You gently gasp as his hand goes in your panties and his middle finger finds your clit. You bite your lip, feeling your body relax under his touch. His lips brush against the skin of your neck, before he starts kissing it.
“We may not get along but you have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do this with you, Y/N. Way before all this happened actually. And now, as a demon, ruining your angelic innocence,” you feel his breath on your neck.
“Oh, honey, I may be an angel but I’m not innocent,” you look back up into his eyes.
His eyes are dark with lust, as he sits up, pulling your pants off, and then your panties. As he does, you throw off your shirt and quickly undo your bra and toss it to the side. Dean’s hands roam up and down your body, before he takes off his own clothes, and positioning himself to enter you.
“I’m going to make you my bitch,” he tells you.
“I’d like to see you try.”
And with that, he pushes himself inside you, and you let out a moan. He pounds into you, holding your hands above your head, pinning them to his bed. With his other hand, he grabs your thigh, wrapping your leg around his waist, allowing him to go in deeper. He’s hitting your sweet spot, over and over, but you can’t let him just win like this.
You break free from his grasp, and roll over, using both of your hands to pin his to the bed, while you take control. Up and down you bounce, causing him to grunt, as he glares at you. You continue to work your magic, and Dean let’s you. No way were you going to let Dean make you his bitch.
“Yeah you like this?” you tease Dean. “I bet you do. You have this tough boy act but really you’re just a little bitch.” Wrong move.
In a second, he’s back on top of you, thrusting fast and hard, hand around your throat. You gasp, moaning. But you still refuse to lose. If this is the game Dean wants to play, you’re playing too.
“Look at you,” Dean says, putting his thumb on your lips. “Be a good little angel and open.”
You comply, and he puts his thumb in your mouth for you to suck, so you do.
“Good angel, taking orders like you should.”
You smirk, his finger still in your mouth, as you get an idea. You bite his thumb, and he pulls it out, growling. He grabs your face, and makes you look into his eyes.
“Did you just fucking bite me?”
“Yes,” you simply answer.
Instead of saying anything, he decides two can play that game. He leans down and bites your neck, gently. Instead of pain you feel bliss, with the mix of the love bites and his length in you sliding in and out.
You’re not going to lie, there always been a sort of attraction to Dean, but in your mind he was always off limits. You didn’t know how your brother felt about Dean, you just knew he was his best friend. But you definitely are not complaining about having sex with Dean.
You wrap your legs around Dean, wanting some sense of control. You want a chance of winning but as you and Dean look into each others eyes, you realize this might end in a draw. And neither of you are complaining.
As your walls tighten around him, he grunts, his lips crashing into yours. You kiss back, holding his face in your hands. He continues fucking you with passion, as you both come closer to your orgasms. His skin hits your clit over and over as he fucks you, pushing you closer to the edge. His finger goes to your clit, rubbing it, bringing you to your orgasm.
He follows shortly after, pulling out and finishing off on your chest, his eyes going black. He knew better than to finish in you. If a half demon/half human kid is dangerous, and a half angel/half human kid is dangerous, you couldn’t only imagine what would happen if there was an offspring of a human and a demon. Dean was smarter than risking releasing something like that upon the world, even as a demon.
You’re both panting, as he lays down next to you. His arm wraps around you, pulling you close. It’s a warm feeling that you didn’t expect from a demon. Maybe enough of Dean was in there, especially with the human blood Sam has been injecting in him. You really don’t know, and you don’t need to know. You just really enjoy being in his arms like this.
“Guess we both lost,” Dean breaks the silence.
“Yeah, and I’m glad we did,” you tell him, turning your body to face him. “Cas is so going to kill you if he finds out.”
“Like he can,” Dean rolls his eyes.
You smile, enjoying the moment. Right now, it doesn’t matter if Cas wouldn’t approve, if Dean is a demon or if you didn’t like him before you met him. It doesn’t matter that you are an angel and all angels were dicks in Dean’s eyes, because you aren’t. In Dean’s eyes, you’re this angel, and as a demon he can see you for what you are. And he is mesmerized.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
Finally Reunited (Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Little Him (Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Too Many Jokes (Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Should Have Known (Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Try Again Next Week (Dean Winchester X Male!Reader)
Make It To Me (Dean Winchester X Reader)
Pushing Yourself (Dean Winchester X Reader)
Until Next Time (Dean Winchester X Fem!Reader)
Not The Planned Delivery (Dean Winchester X Pregnant!Reader)
Baby Banshee (Dean Winchester X Wife!Reader)
Rowena's Apprentice (Sam Winchester X Son!Reader)
Prom Date (Sam Winchester X Son!Reader)
Shirts Worn By Brothers (Sam Winchester X Trans!Brother!Reader)
First Hunt (Sam Winchester X Brother!Reader)
Being Sam's Half-Demon, Bi-Racial Son Would Include...
Too Selfless (Sam Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Nerdy Interactions (Sam Winchester X Fem!Reader)
Big Secrets (Sam Winchester X Fem!Reader)
Spill (Sam Winchester X Fem!Reader) *TW
Senses (Sam Winchester X Twin!Reader)
Choice Between Siblings (Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Poor Heart (Mary Winchester X Daughter!Reader)
Caught With The Angel (Castiel X Winchester!Fem!Reader)
Pants (Castiel X Asexual!Reader)
Neglected Dreams (Castiel X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Feeling Left Out (Castiel X Fem!Reader)
Where Were You!? (Castiel X Fem!Reader)
Did You Multiply?(Crowley X Winchester!Fem!Reader) Pt 1/Pt 2
Little Winchester (Crowley X Winchester!Fem!Reader)
Good Hunter (Crowley X Winchester!Fem!Reader)
Liking A Demon (Crowley X Winchester!Reader)
Troublesome Crushes (Crowley X Fem!Reader)
You're A Demon/ Hunter? (Crowley X Fem!Reader)
A Different Kind Of Deal (Crowley X Fem!Reader)
Chocolate (Gabriel X Teen!Winchester!Reader)
Losing My Angel (Gabriel X Winchester!Fem!Reader)
Angel Date (Gabriel X Fem!Reader)
Binary Spells (Gabriel X Non!Binary!Reader)
Being Michael's Daughter Would Include...
Asshole (Michael X Fem!Reader)
Being Lucifer's First Son Would Include...
Being Jack Kline's Twin Would Include...
Lost Twin (Jack Kline X Twin Sister!Reader)
For Mom (Jack Kline X Twin Sister!Reader)
Stories Behind Scars (Jack Kline X Winchester!Reader)
Distraction (Team Free Will X Reader)
Safety And Security (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
Growing Up (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
3 Year Reunion (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
Fidgetting (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
Trying to Help (Winchester Bros X Blind!Sister!Reader)
Deals (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
Our Dear Sister (Winchester Bros X Sister!Reader)
A Normal Life (Winchester Bros X Demon!Reader)
Hello, I'm The Son Of Lucifer (Winchester Bros X Male!Reader)
Safety (Winchester Bros X Fem!Reader)
Being Sam And Lucifer's Son Would Include...
Being Donna and Gabriel's Child Would Include...
Little Witch (Castiel X Dean X Daughter!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
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lovelywriting666 · 7 months
Strawberry Cream Cheese
Pairing(s): Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, lil cameo of Claire Novak x reader (platonic)
synopsis: A day in the bunker with the boys
a/n: Girly reader, younger but like teenager age, takes place in no specific season, but like they all have up to date phones and stuff like that. Also this is a WIP and not proof read at all lolz <3
warnings: None
Hope you enjoy! :D
You were laying in bed listening to music, like classic lady gaga, Government Hooker, Americano, and Judas, while scrolling on your phone when you hear a knock on your door.
"Yeah?" You ask which is an invitation for the person on the other side of the door, presumably your brother, to open it. To no one's shock or surprise it's Dean.
"Hey kid, Sam's making breakfast do you want any?" He asks, his voice still laced with sleep, he probably just woke up.
You fell into the habit of getting up when Sam did so you could get ready for school, Sam was your personal alarm clock on school days and Dean was your personal chauffeur because Dean never trusted those school buses. But that's beside the point, you were used to waking up at the crack of dawn so you've been up for a while.
"Yeah, uh, just a begal and strawberry cream cheese" You respond as you pull yourself out of bed and stretch a bit.
Dean nods, "Alright kid, also change that music put on some good shit not this-" you cut Dean off with "Whatever old man" and Dean lets out and airy laugh and closes the door probably heading back to the kitchen where Sam was.
Once you put on something for the day you pause your music. Slide your phone into one of your pockets and head out into the hallway and to the kitchen. Sam was over the stove probably cooking eggs for himself and Dean, the toaster on and Dean with his head in the fridge.
You walk over to the kitchen table and sit down, you leg your legs across the bench and pull out your phone and you get a text from Claire.
Claire : Morning, going on a hunt, just wanted to let you know
You : Good Morning, have fun on the hunt!
Claire : Will do nerd
You : Knuckle Head
A plate clatters onto the table and you put your phone away and its your toasted bagel that Sam places in front of you and Dean sits across from you putting two plates down, one in front of him and one next to him. You gran the strawberry cream cheese container and open to find no cream cheese and you frown.
"What's wrong Bami?" Sam says kinda jokingly, it's the nickname Crowley gave you when you first met him with the brothers, it wasn't your proudest moment because you tripped in front of him, hence the nickname.
"We're out of Strawberry cream cheese" You say with a small huff and take a bite of your dry but good bagel.
"Damn, I think that calls for a food restock" Sam says, Dean and I agree.
Sam gets up from the table and grabs a notepad and pen from the junk drawer and walks back over to the table and sits down. He tosses me the notepad and pen, I scribble down food we need and other stuff while I eat. Once I think it's good I click the pen closed and Dean grabs the notepad off of the table and I continue eating.
"Nope, not buying *snack food* for you again" Dean said looking at the list.
"That was one time Dean! Plus you put it in the back of the cabinets, me and object permanence don't mix!" You sam with a huff and cross your arms.
"Fine, we'll get it but actually eat it this time" Dean says handing the list to Sam, you smirk getting up from the table and put your dishes in the sink. You hear Sam write down some things.
"Alright we'll let Dean finish eating breakfast, I'll wash the dishes and then we can head out" Sam say with a smile, I nod and head to the 'Dean Cave' because it has a bigger tv then in my room.
After a while you get a text from Sam.
Sam : Come on kid, we're heading out
You get up from the small love seat you were relaxing on and head to the main area. Sam and Dean were at the 'mission' table.
Sam was on his laptop and Dean was scrolling on his phone. Sam notices you first and shuts his laptop which makes Dean look up from his phone. Sam gets up from the table, Dean puts his phone in his pocket and pulls his keys out of his other pocket and jingle's them.
"Are lets get goin you two" Dean says with a smirk. You and Sam nod and follow Dean out to the garage and all pile into the Impala. You in the backseat, Sam and Dean in the front.
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kater-tot66 · 17 days
new WIP?
I have begun a new fic idea surrounding the adopted daughter of the Winchesters when they retire (Winchesters includes the entire main core people in a post canon fix-it fic because I want Bobby and Crowley to be alive and others too. Winchesters does not mean wincest, fuck off degenerates)
This fic was inspired by the headcanon that Jack would be a great big brother to a little sister, and that they would also be like Dean as a big brother because that is his main example of one.
On a case, the group ends up adopting a baby girl. Sam and Eileen have a daughter a year later. They retire and the group raises their daughters without any involvement of the Supernatural, telling the girls nothing about their past life. The story follows the two daughters as they are high schoolers trying to figure out why certain aspects of their childhood were so...weird. At first, they think it's something to do with a secret government agency, like X-files or S.H.E.I.L.D., but they discover the truth is way more bizarre, terrifying, and supernatural than they ever could have guessed.
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dwonfilm · 5 months
Come hell or high water. | Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Looming over the Winchesters and [Y/N] is the war between heaven and hell. Dean will ultimately be faced with a choice he’d never be able to make. What will happen?
This will be a multi-part story, not necessarily set in a specific season but around 4-5 (verging on 6 now) would be the best fit.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of alcoholism, violence, sadness.
Mentions: Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Bobby Singer, Crowley, other made-up characters to further the plot.
Here’s Part IV if you haven’t read.
Flashbacks are in bold.
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Part V:
It had been about a year since Lucifer had ruined Dean’s life. At least.. he thought it was a year. Honestly? He’d given up trying to keep track of time after a month. Frankly if Sam wasn’t keeping the tally on where or when or how.. Dean had no clue. Well.. that wasn’t the entire truth. There was one thing that he could keep track of and that was the alcohol cabinet. It ran out far more often over the course of the last year than it ever had. Sam tried, several times in fact, to get his brother to sober up. Every couple months like clockwork the younger Winchester would try to pick up more pieces of his older brother’s life. Today had just so happened to coincide with that schedule. Sam sighed, walking into the dank motel room that the brothers had been sharing for a few days. They’d been in Phoenix for a couple of days and once this case had come up, Sam knew it was gonna be hard. [Y/N] was from Arizona and having to face this state without her would be hard for them, of course more so for Dean. “Did you bring more whiskey?” Dean’s words were slurring together slightly, but it wasn’t anything that Sam wasn’t used to—there was hardly a day that went by where his older brother wasn’t drinking himself to the point of blacking out.
“Dean, you can’t help me hunt this thing if you’re shitfaced.” Sam again sighed, because as much as he meant that, he knew better than to come back without the booze. He’d tried that a couple of times during the first few months of her absence. Once in New Orleans and the other in Houston. Both times had resulted in fists being thrown. Louisiana was the time where the punch connected, Dean nailing his baby brother square in the jaw—apologizing for it immediately after. Texas had him shoving Sam into the wall and holding him there before breaking down into a fit of tears. “Mhm, yeah, the hell I can’t.” Again Dean’s words slurred into one another and he pulled his hand over his face. “Sammy.. I can’t. I can’t be here knowing that she isn’t with us.. I can’t be here knowing that and be sober. I promise you I’ll lay off on it next case.. please. I can’t do it here.” Dean sighed, his voice raspy and raw with emotion. It was the most sober sentence that he’d uttered in a long time. Sam moved across the room to the bed that was his brother’s for the time being and sat on the edge. Next to it on the nightstand was an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. “Dean I know this is hard but..” he paused, not wanting to push his brother but this isn’t healthy and at this rate he was killing his liver and quick. “..this isn’t what [Y/N] would want for you, man. She-“ Dean’s gaze shot upward and the bloodshot nature of his eyes was made clear.
“Don’t. Don’t use her for your own personal gain here.” Again his words sloshed together and Sam just looked at him. “My personal gain? Dean the only thing I’m trying to gain here is my brother not killing himself by drowning in alcohol. She wouldn’t want you killing yourself and making yourself more vulnerable to the shit we hunt day in and day out. I know she was your girlfriend, I know she was the love of your life but she was like my sister and I loved her too.” For so long Sam had buried his own grief, his own guilt for letting [Y/N] make that call and letting her leave, his sadness about not only losing someone he cared deeply for but living every single day to watch his brother killing himself slowly. “I promised her I’d take care of you, Dean.” Sam’s voice was just barely above a whisper. He’d expected his older brother to yell, to shove him off of the bed where they sat, to have yet another heated argument with Dean. What Sam wasn’t expecting however was the deep sigh and the shakiness of his brother’s voice when he did speak. “I know.. I’m sorry Sammy.” Dean’s voice was small, it was clear that they both had used the little bit of silence to begin crying. Another silence washed over the two brothers and it stayed like that for a number of minutes.
“I’m worried about you, Dean. I don’t say these things to make you feel shitty man, I just know she wouldn’t want this for you and I don’t want it either. Cas is working a lead that may be able to help us with getting her back, but right now we need to help these families. I’ve been going over some of these details in my head and I think it might be a witch.” Sam explained, but this only had Dean’s irritation return. “Great. We just had to come to Arizona and it just had to be a witch. Someone up there’s got a real sick sense of humor!” He shouted, looking up knowing that if the angels were still tuned in, they’d have heard him. Sam couldn’t help but sigh softly, it really seemed like the world was stacking the deck. However that was nothing new. “It’s late man, try to get some sleep. I’m gonna look some more and see if there’s something I missed—hell maybe I’m wrong.” It wasn’t likely that he was and both of them knew that. “Yeah, alright.” Sam stood up from the bed and moved over to the little table in the corner of the room. Dean reached into his bag, grabbing the same flannel he’d taken everywhere else. When it started to lose the smell of her, he’d spray it with her perfume. He’d just done so last week, so the smell was strong. Laying it between his arms he would slowly sink down to a laying position. Resting his head on part of the fabric and letting the exhaustion and drunkenness take him to sleep.
It was summer, they’d had a surprisingly quiet week. Sam was at Stanford and so the only person that Dean had except for his dad was [Y/N]. They were laid on Baby’s hood, the night slowly enveloping the daytime sky. It was a good week too, they hadn’t really fought much. Right now they’re just enjoying each other’s company and gazing up at the stars. “I think it’s so funny, we’re so small physically in the world and yet we alter it for the better almost every single day.” [Y/N] spoke softly, her [Y/E/C] eyes fixated upon the sunset overhead. Dean turned on his side to face her with a smirk upon his features. “Sweetheart we both know there’s nothing ‘little’ about me.” Dean replied, winking quickly at her. He was met with a smack to the shoulder while she chuckled softly. “Not what I meant, idiot.” She replied, turning her head to face him. Dean’s expression feigned hurt but he was smiling through the mock ‘offence’. His green eyes flicked upward for a moment to watch the sky darken. “I know, sometimes it feels like we should be welcomed into these towns with a party.” He spoke, sighing softly. “You mean like a hero’s welcome?” [Y/N] asked. Dean simply nodded. “I mean.. we probably should. If even half of the world knew what was really out there.. this entire planet would freak. People like us have been.. we’ve had our whole lives taken from us in a sense and yet we just.. keep going.” Now Dean turned his attention back to [Y/N]. “You mean to tell me you’d wanna be normal?” He asked, quirking his brow. She sighed before looking back up to the sky. “I don’t know.. I was never given the chance to know what normal looked like—this is all I’ve ever known.”
Things got quiet for a little while but Dean’s eyes kept finding their way over to [Y/N]. “If you have a question, you can just ask.” She spoke softly, not moving her gaze from the stars that were now making their appearance in the sky. He never knew how she did that—just knew what he was thinking in a way that wasn’t invasive or supernatural. She just.. knew him. “Did you.. did you think about hanging it up before you met me? After.. your dad?” Dean’s tone was soft, he didn’t bring up [Y/N]’s father much because it was obviously a sensitive subject. She released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding and slowly looked over to meet his gaze. “Did the thought cross my mind? Sure. I was younger, you know probably could’ve scammed my way into some college.” She sighed. “I also was distraught and sad and not thinking with much clarity. By the time you and your dad showed up, I was already convincing myself to look for work. Maybe fate brought you to me.” [Y/N] smiled as she reached over towards Dean, her hand gently cupping his face. She knew he was in his head too much, probably trying to blame himself for keeping her from a ‘normal’ life. She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Dean had woken up as her lips touched his, that was a memory that he’d forgotten he had. Sighing, he squeezed his eyes closed to get rid of the tears he knew had built up quickly. Rolling over he looked at the clock. 7:45AM. Turning around he saw that at some point Sam had gone to bed. There was no way he was going back to sleep now nor did he want to, so he opted to take a shower. There was the beginnings of a headache coming on, because for the first time in.. god knows how long he’d actually taken a break in drinking alcohol. Time had gotten away from him until he heard knocking on the bathroom door. “Hey man, leave some hot water for me.” Sam spoke before walking back to the table to get back to work. After a couple minutes Dean emerged from the bathroom and took a glance at the clock. 8:45AM. He turned towards his younger brother to see him eating, a breakfast burrito on the opposite side of the table for him. “Thanks.” He spoke up before sitting in the other chair and unwrapping the food. “No problem.” He responded before taking a bite of his own food, immediately after leaning closer to his screen. “So, unfortunately, I was right. This is definitely a witch.” Sam said, using his touchpad to scroll further down on whatever he was reading. Dean groaned before taking his first bite of the burrito. While he ate, Sam went over the details of the case and where they’d have to go in order to get more answers.
They’d found the witch, who was killing people for their hearts—collecting them to use in some kind of dark spell to grant her and her coven immortality and power. Sam and Dean had located her home after noticing a pattern with where the bodies had been found by police. This house had a storm cellar and it was likely that she was taking her victims down there to extract their hearts. Despite keeping quiet, somehow the witch had been alerted to their presence. “Sam and Dean Winchester. I should’ve known you’d be on my trail.” She spoke, turning away from the woman who she’d kidnapped. “Yeah well, if you know who we are you should know this little killing spree you’re on is finished.” Dean spoke, his gun aimed at the witch. Sam had his gun aimed too and the witch turned fully to face the brothers. “Is that so?” She asked, an eery smile upon her lips. “We can spare the song and dance cause no one’s interested.” Dean spoke up again. It was clear that his nerves were at the end of their rope. Sam didn’t necessarily disagree with his brother but the tension was getting worse. “I mean, we could.. but then I couldn’t mention the fact that I have very powerful friends.” She continued. “Why would we care who your friends are?” Sam asked, confused that this was the plan to try and get them to spare her life. “I have a spell for immortality and power growth, doesn’t that make you think about what other powerful spells my coven possesses? Ones that could maybe, free trapped people?” She continued and suddenly it clicked in Sam’s brain. “Don’t.” He warned the witch.
Dean quirked a brow but didn’t turn or move, keeping his eyes and his aim on the witch. “What? You don’t want to help your brother?” She asked, the younger Winchester getting increasingly irritated. “What are you talking about?” Dean asked, which caused Sam to groan. This is exactly what he wanted to avoid. “People talk, people whisper. I’ve heard all sorts of things about you two—two who used to be three.” Dean’s stomach twisted in knots. It was clear what she’d been hinting at now and it left a bittersweet taste in his mouth. Sam’s protective instincts took over and he pushed his way in front of his brother. “That’s enough.” Sam warned, his nerves being pushed. However this witch knew that she was in a matter of living or dying and wasn’t going to give up so easy. “What? Hey, if you want to leave her suffer in the pits of hell.. that’s cold but I support it.” Dean winced at this statement. He spent so many nights restless, wondering what kinds of torture Lucifer was making [Y/N] endure—knowing full well that he loved the emotional side of things almost as much as the physical. “I said that’s enough.” Sam repeated, knowing that despite his older brother having a hatred for witches, he’d very likely do anything to free [Y/N]. “You think I’m just trying to keep myself alive, but like I said I know lots of powerful witches. There’s a spell out there that can help. You just have to come back with me. I help you, you help me. We’ll get [Y/N] and—“ Suddenly the witch dropped to the ground, dead. Sam had heard enough and once her name was spoken it was the final straw. Dean moved to free the girl who had almost been another victim, getting her out of there.
Six months later.
Fort Wayne, Indiana—the boys had just finished a hunt. Vamps nest was completely wiped out. After cleaning up, Sam basically forced Dean to go to the local bar. Not because he wanted anything from his brother but he knew that today marked a year and a half since [Y/N] was forced to go to hell alongside Lucifer. Staying in the motel room would only mean that Dean would get too in his head. Sam was hoping that the music and the pool alongside a bit of alcohol would be enough to keep his mind at bay, at least for a little while. Dean sat in a booth sipping his beer while Sam had gone for refills. There was a blonde who’d been eyeing Dean every so often, clearly interested in something. Seeing that he was alone she figured it was the best time to approach him. Confidently she walked over to the table, swaying her hips just a bit with each step. Once she reached the booth she paused, seeing if Dean would react in any way to her presence. About a minute went by and he hadn’t said anything, hadn’t even turned his head to look in her direction. She cleared her throat which broke Dean from his daze. “Can I help you?” He asked flatly, looking up at the woman for a brief few seconds before gazing forward again. “I was just wondering if I could join you, you seem lonely over here.” She tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear. “I’ll pass.” He stated plainly, hoping that Sam would be back any moment. It was clear her confidence took a blow but she was trying to remain determined. “C’mon.. I’ll get you a refill. What would it hurt to get to know one another?” She continued and it looked like Dean was about to snap but Sam finally approached the booth. “My brother said no, so, go back to whatever you were doing.”
Scoffing the blonde turned on her heel and walked back to her table and friends. Sam slid the fresh beer over towards his brother and sighed before sitting down. “Sorry, I never thought about that.” He spoke up, lifting the glass bottle to his lips. “About what?” Dean asked, but then he clued in. “It’s fine. I never thought about the possibility either. Usually..” Now it was the older brother’s turn to sigh. Usually [Y/N] would either scare the girls off altogether, making it obvious she and Dean were an item or she’d tell them off directly—hell she’d even fist fought a couple. Sam felt bad and in this moment was questioning whether dragging Dean out was doing more harm than good. He watched as the eldest of the two took a swig of the beer he’d been handed. Time ticked, a few minutes of silence between the brothers where the noises of the bar took hold. Suddenly Sam’s phone rang, so he flipped it open to answer the call. “Hey Bobby, what’s up?” He spoke, Dean’s mind having him only paying half attention. It had been several minutes since his brother spoke and that finally had Dean’s full attention. “What is it?” He asked, the expression on his younger brother’s face unreadable. “Yeah that was Dean, he’s with me.” Sam replied, to Bobby, with Dean leaning forward to attempt to hear whatever the conversation was about but he the table stopped him from getting too close. “Sam.” Dean said sternly, trying to get the information. He held up one finger to try and get his brother to wait. “Yeah, alright. We’ll be on our way. Bye.” Sam closed his phone and looked at his brother but the expression was still blank.
“Sam what’s going on?” Dean’s tone laced with worry, confusion and a couple other emotions. “We need to go to Bobby’s—now.” He replied before standing up and beginning to walk towards the door. Blinking a bit, the older of the two was still in a sort of a daze. “Dean! Come on!” Sam called out, which had his brother sliding out the booth and quickly catching up to his younger brother. They walked to the impala and Sam got in the driver’s side, leaving Dean to get into the passenger seat. Flicking his wrist now, Baby’s engine purred to life and the younger Winchester pulled out of the parking space and onto the road. First they had to stop at the motel to grab their stuff and check out. Sam took the duty of loading up their things while he gave Dean the key to return to the office. He’d ran the key back and thanked them for the room before returning to Sam who was just closing the trunk. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” Dean asked, resting his forearms on Baby’s roof. Sam was double checking that he had everything before closing the door to the room. “Sam!” He exclaimed, causing the taller of them to turn towards his brother. “What Dean?!” His mind had been racing ever since he hung up from the call with Bobby. “Are you gonna clue me in? Why do we need to rush to Bobby’s?” Sam knew his brother was right to ask, it wasn’t like him to keep things from his older brother but it wasn’t his call—he also wasn’t sure on things. Hell Bobby wasn’t sure either. “I.. I’m not sure if it’s something and Bobby asked me to just get there, with you, as fast as we can.” He explained, fidgeting with the keys to the impala in his hand.
Dean was confused, searching his younger brother’s eyes for any kind of hint as to what was so important. He wanted to argue, wanted to push for more information but at the end of the day he trusted Bobby. “Okay.” He said, pulling on the handle and getting into the passenger seat. “Okay.” Sam mirrored, slipping into the drivers side yet again and backing out from the motel and taking off down the road. Sioux Falls was their destination and if they could make it without any stops that would be best. Dean’s mind was racing—it could be so many different things. They had so much going on that it was hard to pinpoint what issue Bobby had cracked or what he was getting close to cracking. Man their lives were a mess, a chaotic and insane mess that most humans would never be able to grasp. Sam had a firm grip on the wheel as he drove, which he’d been doing most of the time over the last year and a half. Often times Dean had too much whiskey in his system and honestly, his older brother wasn’t putting up much of a fight about it. When it came time to drive to a different state, Dean was close to the point of blacking out anyway. Most drives during this time was Sam being alone with his thoughts while Dean passed out and slept. Slept until a nightmare woke him up, or sometimes worse, a dream that felt so real that Dean forgot [Y/N] was gone. Those hit him the hardest, the realization that she was in hell along with the sobriety like an 18 wheeler running him down. Nightmares were a toss up. It was either stress and trauma from his own time in hell or it was imagining what kind of suffering that [Y/N] was being forced to endure. Sam wished he could do more, but all he could do was offer moral support and watch.
It was almost two days later by the time that Sam and Dean were pulling into Bobby’s yard. Neither of the brothers could pinpoint where it came from, or when, but their anxiety was piqued. Neither of them really knew what they were walking into but both of them basically sprinted up the steps and knocked once before walking into the house. “Hello boys.” Sam and Dean both wide eyed when they saw Crowley sitting in the living room. “W-what are you doing here?” Sam asked, Dean wasting no time and drawing his gun. “Where’s Bobby?” Dean demanded, but his question was answered immediately after when the older man walked in with a couple of books. “Dammit, boy. Put that thing away.” Bobby spoke to Dean, which had a look of confusion cross the eldest Winchester’s face. “What?” He asked, looking at Singer. “Put the goddamn gun away if you wanna get down to it. We don’t got much time.” Bobby replied, flipping through the pages of one of the books he’d brought in. “What does Crowley have to do with things?” Sam asked, to which the King of Hell laughed. His gaze shifting between both of the brothers before speaking. “Well I’m here to help you lot bust [Y/N] out of Hell.”
Author’s note: Hi! Sorry if the chapters are getting shorter, I can’t tell, but I feel like the story is still being told sufficiently. I still haven’t decided how many parts this will be but I know for the most part where I’m taking it but just wanted to add that in—I feel like the first couple chapters were longer. I guess the lengths just vary with what I’m trying to convey. Hope you guys enjoy! 😊
• —– ٠ tag list: @roseblue373 @mrsjenniferwinchester ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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pinkiebieberpie · 2 years
supernatural masterlist .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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i started watching the show in december 2022 and i sold my soul after a few episodes, saying it's a hyperfixation it's an understatement, so if you see me posting about spn don't be surprised (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)mostly moodboards, social media au, maybe some fics, enjoy &lt;;33
🦋 thoughts:
jealous dean
dean being afraid of flying
just dean being sexy
dealing with girlfriend's death
reader complimenting dean
dean and only one bed prompt
dean x f!reader with a daughter
giving dean a massage
dad!dean (baby name)
cuddling with dean (hcs)
dean x vampire!reader (hcs)
dating dean winchester (hcs)
slapping his ass out of a blue
dean x childhood friend!m!reader
dean x childhood friend!m!reader part 2
dean x very closed off reader
dean x witch!reader
dean x witch!reader vol. 2
dating season one dean
dean's instagram account
🧸 moodboards:
winchester little sister
dean being boyfriend material
being besties with dean (bi!dean x bi!reader)
🌻 social media aus:
bi!dean x bi!reader (platonic)
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🦉 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating dean
if you were dating dean (college au)
if you had a sleepover with dean
if you were little winchester sister
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌕 fics:
🌿 thoughts:
sammy boyfriend material
study sleepover with college!sam
husband sam (hcs)
sam if dean and y/n were dating
sam's instagram account
sam x sweet!reader
🐛 moodboards:
sam x witch!reader ++ hcs
winchester little sister
sam x goddess of life!reader
paper rings by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
wildest dreams by taylor swift (lyrics mb)
📗 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🪴 pov: your camera roll:
if you were dating sam
if you were little winchester sister
if you were out on a hunt with boyfriend!sam
if you were dating sam (stanford!sam version)
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🌑 fics:
💜 thoughts:
castiel's instagram account
🔮 moodboards:
castiel x goddess of life!reader
🌌 social media aus:
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel vol. 2
🫐 pov: your camera roll:
if you were on a vacation with sam, dean and castiel
🐾 fics:
other characters !!
husband crowley (hcs)
crowley's instagram account
tropes with spn men (sam, dean, cas, crowley, john, jack)
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Queen of Hell
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Sam and Dean try to get you out of hell, but they learn things about you they didn’t expect
Warnings: slight mentions of death? Hell, Crowley (he needs his own warning)
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“Do you think this is gonna work?” Sam rubbed his hand over his face, sighing in exhaustion.
“It has to,” Dean growled as he finished his devil’s trap.
“Why?” Sam asked.
“Because I don’t know what I’m gonna do if it doesn’t.”
“Wha-“ Crowley gritted his teeth when he laid eyes on Sam and Dean. “Well, hello boys. To what do I owe this…” he looked down at the devil’s trap under his feet. “Pleasure?”
“Our sister,” Sam struggled to keep his voice calm now that he was in sight of the one responsible for your current position in hell.
“It’s about time,” Crowley glared at them. “Please tell me you have a plan to raise her.”
“You…what?” Dean stepped closer to Crowley.
“I want her gone, but I can’t just raise her, we have rules. It has to be a deal.” Crowley rolled his eyes. “Red tape, you know?”
“You want her gone?” Sam didn’t sound convinced.
“You’re the one who put her in there!” Dean reminded him.
“Yes, well, everyone makes mistakes.”
“I don’t understand,” Sam admitted, “Why do you want her to come back to us?”
“She’s a holy terror!” Crowley’s sudden outburst surprised the brothers. “She’s wreaking absolute havoc on the place, and some of my demons are enjoying so much that they’re joining her!” Crowley’s voice suddenly dropped, and he hesitated, as though embarrassed. “She…she’s trying to take over hell.”
“She’s what?” Dean scoffed. “Crowley, what is this really about?”
“You think I’d lie about something like this? You’ve gotta get her out, boys.”
“She’s just a kid,” Sam shook his head. “And a sweet kid at that, you expect us to beli-“
“A sweet kid? What, you think she’s just your innocent little baby sister?” Crowley rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how she acts around you boys, but she’s given hell nothing but trouble since she got there. Now get her out.”
Dean sighed, unsure what to believe but glad to have strung some kind of alliance with Crowley.
“Alright, but we’ll need your help.”
“Dean!” You ran to your oldest brother, throwing your arms around him, and he held you for the first time in months.
“Hey baby,” he grinned, “welcome back.”
You pulled away enough to look around, and you grinned when you saw Sam just behind him.
“Sam,” he pulled you into a tight hug that you reciprocated, only pulling back when you noticed the other presence in the room.
“Hello, rugrat.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to call your queen,” you grinned at the demon.
“You are most certainly not my queen,” Crowley glowered at you.
“Wait, so it’s true?” Dean turned to you. “You tried to take over hell?”
“Tried to?” You laughed. “Is that what Crowley said?” You turned from Crowley to Dean, and smiled at him. “Yeah, I ‘tried to’. Was doing pretty great, too, I had almost as many supporters as Crowley.”
“You wish,” Crowley scoffed, but the scowl on his face was self explanatory.
“Why?” Sam asked. “What were you trying to do in there?”
“It was all I could think to do,” your confident smirk was gone, and your voice became quiet, reserved.
“I don’t understand,” Sam admitted.
You cleared your throat and glared at Crowley.
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
He rolled his eyes, “See you around, boys,” he turned to glare at you. “And I better never see you in hell again.” And he was gone.
“I was trying to get back,” you turned your attention back on your older brothers, now that Crowley was gone. “Trying to win favor with some demons was the only thing I could do, but I guess I went a little overboard,” you gave a wry smile. “Some of them started following me, like really following me, and I figured the best way to get out of hell would be to…I don’t know, be in charge of it.”
“You’re crazy,” Dean shook his head. “And a genius.”
You let him pull you into his arms again, relaxing in his embrace.
“I would do anything to get back to you guys.”
Sam put his hand on your shoulder.
“We tried to get you back, we never stopped.”
“I know,” you smiled. “Hey, it worked.”
“Yeah, and we’re never going to let that happen again,” Dean promised.
“I don’t think we have to worry about that,” you laughed softly. “Crowley’s never gonna let me into hell again.”
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daughterofcain-67 · 11 months
𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 (𝔭𝔱7)
(Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dean has now become a demon and he’s convinced you to travel with Crowley and himself. Afterwards, you and Crowley notice the changes Dean is going through and Crowley convinces you to try and persuade Dean to try and be a little less cocky with his killing sprees and tone things down a bit. How far are you willing to go with Dean and his downward spiral into his newfound demonic nature?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: implied smut, no graphic detail, intimate negotiations, Dean and the reader killing a demon… I think that’s it? This chapter’s a little shorter than the last couple of chapters.
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You were back in Cincinnati where this story began for you. Your clients at your little tattoo shop wondered where you had been all this time and you simply said you needed a short hiatus. Of course you couldn’t tell them the truth with this sort of thing. How could you? What kind of a normal human in their right mind would believe you when you say you had been helping two monster hunters in an angelic war?
Yet you were still replaying the events of two days ago in your head.
Dean Winchester’s death affected you more than you thought that it would. It was ridiculous, honestly, especially since you were still hurt by the idea of the Winchesters using you and tossing you aside so easily one day like they did to Crowley. You hated that you were even feeling the way that you did.
In order to distract yourself from your thoughts of your previous adventure, you went right back to work. You were drowning yourself in client’s designs and other tattoos or piercings. Your work was enough to keep you occupied at least for the time being.
You were sitting in your chair while you were working on a tattoo on someone’s back. The lady in front of her had asked for different colored dragons along with different jewels of the birth months for the loved ones that had passed on. You were focusing on the delicate details as much as you could while you listened to the music in your building.
“Y/N? Can I ask you something?” Your client asked, causing you to hum and thus giving her a signal to ask.
“How come you never really talk about yourself with your clients? Like obviously there’s more to you than meets the eye. But what is your family like? Do you have any loved ones that live here? Do you have a boyfriend or some sort of significant other?”
You were a little shocked by the client’s inquiry but you supposed it gives you something to talk about to kill some time, “I don’t really talk much about family because we aren’t exactly close… My mom died several years ago but we both hated each other and I never met my father.”
“Wow… that really stinks to hear. I’m sorry. What about siblings or even lovers?”
“Neither one. I don’t have brothers or sisters and… I guess over the years no one’s caught my interest. Never wanted to look because I hear too much about people’s heart breaking over something going wrong.” You admitted.
Then you recalled the way you felt when Dean betrayed Crowley. After that your mind went to Dean’s death and Sam’s reaction. You remembered realizing just how strong humans are, and in a way you admired them. But still, you didn’t need that type of attachment, nor the sentiment.
“I’ve seen what love does to people… and I’ve seen what happens when someone you love dies. It’s not worth the attachment.”
Your answer, though seemingly logical to you, was almost unsatisfactory for the lady in front of you.
“Well that’s a pessimistic point of view, isn’t it? Sure people’s hearts break but after those heart breaks there are lessons learned. Those lessons make you stronger. It’s better to love eve with the risk of getting hurt or losing someone. Feelings aren’t a thing to be fearful of. They’re what make you human, they make you appreciate life no matter the ups and downs.”
You stopped what you were doing and listened to each word your client said. You hadn’t expected to hear some sort of lecture on emotion on someone who’s supposed to act as a canvas.
When you were finally done with the client’s tattoo, she paid you and walked out of the door. The next thing you knew it was closing time and you were still thinking about the conversation with her. Maybe she was right… Maybe caring wasn’t so bad. The Winchesters taught you a lot about humanity and you could see why even Castiel appreciated life.
The adventure you were on is in your past, though. The Winchester brothers surely wouldn’t come looking for a demon. Even if they did, you weren’t sure you’d go with them.
But the moments where Dean actually smiled at you, gave you that sense of peace, making you forget about the eternal pain of what you were cursed with.. those moments stuck with you even if they were only a handful of moments.
Then you remembered the vision with your mother. What if you were becoming weak after all? You were learning to appreciate everything and yet those murderous urges were still there. You couldn’t help that. But what would happen if you chose to be human after all? Was an option like that even possible for you? And would you go to the bunker?
You shook those ideas from your head. That had to be the stupidest idea you’d ever come up with… being human to be with the Winchesters again. Even if you decided to be human, they would never take you.
While you were cleaning up your shop, you heard the door open. You must’ve forgotten to lock the door, so when you turned to see who was entering your shop you were shocked to see who was there.
“Hey, Sweetheart.”
The next thing you knew, Dean had his hand on your hip and he pulled you closer, taking you by surprise. Was Dean always some kind of ladies man - or acted like it? That was something Sam hadn’t told you about when you met the boys. But that was when you realized there was something off about him.
“You’ve changed….”
Then you watched him begin to smirk before you saw the way his eyes turned black, realizing that the mark finally changed him to what it wanted him to be. “You like the new me? I think it’s starting to grow on me a bit.”
He certainly had changed, He wasn’t the same Dean that you had been thinking of earlier that day when your client was giving you that pep talk. You knew the mark wouldn’t let Dean die, you knew that inevitably he would become a demon, but you didn’t know that it would happen this fast.
“What are you doing here, anyway? I told you not to look for me, remember? Just because you’re a demon doesn’t mean I wanted to see you again.” You said, pulling away and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Well, I’ve got a bit of a proposition for you.” Dean said, then he pulled out The First Blade.
“Where did you get that? I left it behind after your fight…”
“Crowley retrieved it and brought it back to me.” He spoke, “Now, about that proposition…”
“I’m listening?”
“Come with me. I left Sam at the bunker and told him not to look for me. He’d hold me back from all the fun stuff we could do. We could live care free, no regrets and nothing to hold us back from doing whatever we want to do.” He said as he took your hand and he handed you the blade.
Once you felt the blade again you remembered how good it felt to stab Metatron even if he hadn’t died. All of those things Sam and Dean taught you were nice and all, but you remembered the warning from your mother. When you were learning about humanity, maybe you were forgetting what you were meant to be. Now that Dean was a demon too, what would be so wrong with killing together?
You were conflicted, did you want to hold on to the lessons you’ve learned from the Winchesters or throw all of it away and forget about it?
You looked down at the blade and you could feel Dean’s gaze on you as if waiting for an answer, “How do I know you won’t just use me like you did Crowley when you were human?”
“Is that what’s holding you back? Please, that was just something I had to say to get Sam off my back to let me use the blade. Do you really think it matters how it’s done?” He asked you and you sighed for a moment before looking up at the taller demon again.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
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Three months have gone by since Dean found you in your tattoo parlor. Obviously you had to shut down since you wouldn’t be there and you didn’t have an apprentice or anything to take over.
Needless to say, you had succumbed to your demonic nature and embraced your past but only to a certain extent. You killed but you didn’t feel quite as ruthless as you thought you would feel. It was a mixture really. It was like you were on an emotional fence ever since you left with the other two demons.
You both, much to your dismay and irritation, were traipsing around with Crowley. The King of Hell seemed to like calling your little group the Three Musketeers from Hell. It had a nice ring to it even if you did hate the man’s guts.
The three of you had been dodging and even killing Abaddon’s demons when they came after Crowley and Dean. If not that, you three were in bars, you would watch the other two demons play pool with humans for money, goose ball, they had the time of their lives and you could tell Crowley was having a ball having a Winchester by his side.
You were watching Dean in one of the many bars you two had gone to over the span of these few months. He was singing karaoke and you were finding out with a quickness that Dean wasn’t very good at it when he was drunk. If he wasn’t singing to make a human’s ears bleed, you he typically slept with as many girls as he wanted to.
He clearly wasn’t joking when he said he wouldn’t be held back.
Typically, however, whenever Dean was done slumming it with some slutty blonde in a skin tight dress you would take the opportunity to get your fill of the first blade. Naturally Dean wouldn’t know too much about your own fun you had with the humans. You knew he wouldn’t care if you killed them or not, he just didn’t really have enough interest to ask so you had some fun of your own.
And it was delightfully therapeutic to take out your frustrations of your internal struggles on these humans.
“What’s got you all lost in thought, Chipmunk?” Crowley asked you, causing you to turn towards him.
“When did you get- oh why do I even ask?” You rolled your eyes and watched as Dean was being escorted off the stage and he made his way back to the bar.
“Wait - since when do you call me Chipmunk?”
“Eh, it was similar enough to the squirrel. You’re close enough to Dean. Might as well give it a shot.”
“Okay well I’ll cut out your tongue if you call me that again.” You said, causing Crowley to put his hands up in defense.
“Alright, alright. Point taken.” He said, “Just wanted to talk about these recent developments with Dean.”
You lifted a brow as you took a sip of some beer that you’d been drinking that night while the other demon spoke, “You aren’t the only one that thinks he’s taking things a bit far with his carelessness. We need to find a way to harness it.”
“We? Oh no, you were the one that got him into this mess in the first place. So you get to be the one that finds a way to harness it.”
“You know he won’t listen to reason. The only one he’d listen to is most likely you. Especially since you two have some kind of chemistry. Maybe if he doesn’t score with one of the locals tonight, you could use your… feminine charms.”
“What makes you think that I’d even be willing to use those certain charms you’re suggesting?” You asked and Crowley motioned to Dean who was already starting to get himself into trouble with security. He was already getting into a fight and they had to call more than one security guard to assist.
“Because he seems to respond more with action than words.” He answered.
“And what exactly are you wanting me to tell him or persuade him to do?”
“Tell him he’d get a lot more satisfaction working with me instead of slumming it in these bars. I’ll give you both more details if he’s willing to comply.” He continued as he buttoned up his jacket, preparing to leave.
“I know you’ve been putting on more of an act to pretend you’re, what the Winchesters say, full metal demon. But I know you’ve changed ever since your first encounter with the Winchesters. You may be one hell of a murderer but you’re a lousy liar. You’re more like your father than your mother.” He said and he looked down at you.
“Don’t take that as weakness. Your father, even though he is the Father of Murder and the king of his trade, he still cared and he even got married because he loved. Feelings, because you know what they are like, can be used to manipulate others. How do you think demons have been able to manipulate the Winchesters over all these years? It’s through the love they have for their brothers and adopted family members.”
You listened carefully, taking each word and you recalled the conversation with the last client you ever had before Dean came to your shop. You had learned a lot from the boys, and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to learn about what more of those feelings are like.
“Is it wrong to worry about Dean?” You asked and both of you watched the former hunter walking out of the bar.
“I wouldn’t say that it’s wrong. I even worry about him from time to time. Especially since he’s no longer the Squirrel I know. He’s more brazen, reckless, and he makes a hell of a mess for me to try and clean up.” He said and you let out a slight chuckle.
“Yeah, rookie demons are always so messy aren’t they?”
“That’s why I’m.. sharpening him up so to speak. So he can work on those skills of his before he gets himself killed, or turn into a full demon. He’s only half at the moment.” He said and you looked at him.
“Wait… Abaddon’s demons… you sent them?”
“Lower your voice, will you? I haven’t broken the news yet but I will eventually. It’s a means for our professional future you know.”
“Professional future?”
“Of course! I have a kingdom to run, you know. I can’t go partying around here forever. And having Dean by my side may prove to be beneficial. And the offer is extended to you as well, given you’d like the job offer.”
You scoffed for a moment, “You both just have a thing for double crossing each other, don’t you?”
“Hey, it’s sort of in my job description. You can’t expect me to be on the straight and narrow all the time.”
You chose not to respond, and you weren’t even sure if you wanted to know exactly what his plans were for this ‘professional future’ he was talking about. You didn’t really feel like asking about it either, not at the moment but you knew you had to keep this a secret from Dean, otherwise who knew how he would take it.
You and Crowley walked out of the bar to keep an eye on Dean. You started to wonder about something, “You used to be doped up on human blood, right?”
“Yes, although it clearly wasn’t my finest hour. Regrettably I think it was the lowest point of my long lasted lifetime.”
“I heard about that. Abaddon almost got the best of you then, huh?” You saw the discomfort on his face when he remembered that time but you continued anyway, “Could… could you tell me about what that was like? How much did it change you?”
“Why are you asking?”
“It’s just… I had this vision. My mother was in it and there was a human version of myself. I traded my life to save Dean’s or at least attempt to. And in the vision, my mother said that caring for anyone, especially a Winchester, would be the equivalent to some kind of torture.” You began.
“But ever since I saw the way Sam mourned for Dean when he initially died, I realized that humans… they have to be strong to deal with something like death, right? I mean, given that they aren’t hunters and constantly raise people from the dead on a regular basis.” Crowley looked at you with interest and he hummed a little.
“Well, I can admire some humans for their strength. As for what changes you can feel, well… You definitely start feeling those uncomfortable emotions like regret, maybe even worry, etc. Then there are other emotions that aren’t so bad. I’ll let you discover those on your own.” He told you.
“Now, I’ll leave you to it. Remember, we want to get Dean to harness his recklessness. Try to convince him somehow if you won’t stand in for one of the hookers he goes to the hotel with.”
The next thing you knew, he disappeared and you sighed. You honestly hated when he did that but oh well. You walked out of the bar and Dean pulled up with the Impala.
“Come on, let’s get out of this dump town already.” Dean said in his usual grumpy little grumble he had when he didn’t get his way.
“I swear, you’re just like a child. Maybe you shouldn’t even drive.”
“I can drive just fine. I can hold my liquor better than all those people in that bar.”
You just roll your eyes and got into the vehicle and stayed quiet while he drove off. Maybe Crowley was right too, maybe it wasn’t wrong to worry. You even wondered if you should call Sam.
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Several hours went by and you were in Montana now from whatever state you were at before. It was still dark out since it was the early hours of the morning but you were able to make it into the hotel. You both shared a room but you groaned a little when you realized you were stuck with one bed instead of two like normal, but you tossed your little backpack and wallet to the side.
You heard a plop on the mattress followed by Dean’s groan. You supposed being in a car for so long was a bit draining even for him.
“It’s a shame there aren’t any bars open right now.” Dean said.
“There aren’t many people in the world that want to be drinking at three in the morning you know.” You said as you sat down on the bed next to him.
You could feel more movement on the mattress and you felt Dean’s presence next to you, “Yeah I guess that’s true. Everyone else is either sleeping off the booze or having their own fun.”
You felt his arm snake around your waist, causing your insides to churn. Surely the human Dean didn’t want to become something like this. Something wasn’t right but you remembered what Crowley asked you to do.
“Speaking of having our own fun…” You began as you shifted on the bed to face him better. He lifted a brow as he looked at you, “You’re being a little reckless, aren’t you?”
“Reckless, huh? How’s that?”
“Well, you’re just a little new at this demon thing and I was just thinking that maybe Crowley and I could show you how to make things… a little more clean.” You said.
“Awe, Sweetheart, you know being neat doesn’t matter that much, and it doesn’t matter how reckless I am. Did that bastard Crowley put you up to this?”
You bit down on the inside of your cheek as you tried to think. Maybe Crowley was right yet again, and you were starting to hate how he seemed to be right about some things lately, but maybe Dean really wouldn’t listen if you just talked to him. And with the way he still had a hand on you, maybe being physical would be the only way to get through to him after all.
You had to admit, you could see why some girls at the bar found him so appealing. You weren’t sure if this would be a good idea. You had no clue if there was any way that Dean would be okay with this if he was human. But if this was the way to get through to him, then maybe it was worth a shot.
You moved to where you were straddling Dean’s lap and you placed a hand on his shoulder, “Does it matter who says it? Remember, I know how that mark feels. And I know how exhilarating it is to do whatever the hell you want.” Then you carefully let your hand down before letting your fingertips graze his own mark.
You lifted his arm up and placed a kiss on his mark, then you could feel him start to lose some of the tension as he watched you before you spoke again, “On the flip side, there’s a right and a wrong way to do things so you won’t get yourself in trouble with whatever hunters come your way.”
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about my tactics. There’s nothing wrong and you know that.” Dean said as he had his free hand on your hip before scooting you up more. But then you felt his touch on your own mark. But this time was different from all of the others. It felt good when he touched it. Maybe it was because he was a demon now too. Anyway you were trying not to get distracted.
“Well, I know that Abaddon’s demons are still after you because you killed her. And personally, I love killing them with you. Kind of rejuvenating.” You said as you leaned in before you started planting kisses on his neck.
“But with you being reckless in places like gas stations or with security cameras..” You said before you held his hand, “You’ll have human Feds on you along with other demons or hunters. We can’t have that, otherwise it’ll ruin the fun of this little adventure, won’t it?”
Dean intertwined your fingers, relaxing as he felt your lips along his neck and jawline, “You really like this so called adventure, huh?” He chuckled deeply.
“I do, and that’s why we can’t let you get caught so easily.” You reminded but then you felt Dean flip you over to where you were on your back.
You could feel your heart racing as you gazed up into those gorgeous eyes of his. You nibbled on your lower lip as he took the arm with the mark and placed it beside your head while his other hand was on your hip, gradually finding its way beneath your shirt. The feeling of his fingertips touching your skin was growing more exciting, yet so wrong in so many ways.
“You’re holding something back…” Dean said and you lifted a brow.
“Am I that easy for you to read?”
“Let your desires win for tonight, Doll. The mixture between feeling right and wrong? I’ve been there. Why don’t we use tonight so you can explore that feeling.” He said and his large hand went down to your thigh, guiding it so your leg would make its way around his waist and he’d have access to your covered core.
“How did you know I had mixed feelings?”
“Because you don’t know how much human is left in me. You don’t know if the human me would be in bed with a demon. Newsflash, Doll… I’m really starting to like this little condition of mine. No regrets. So there’s nothing for you to overthink about.” He said as he dipped his head down into the crook of your neck before planting hot kisses on your skin.
“We’ve killed and tortured demons together… we’ve been traveling the road and raising hell together… why don’t we try a new aspect of this adventure you love so much and then I’ll think about toning down that recklessness you’re so worried about.”
You moved away so Dean would get off your neck and you looked up at him. You could tell that there was very little humanity left in him. If you did this, there would be no strings attached on his end after all.
“So this is the way we’re negotiating?” You asked with a chuckle and Dean smirked.
“I get the feeling you had an agenda wether we have sex or not. But I gotta tell ya… I may be open to listen if this is where it’ll go. Besides, getting you laid might help you lose some of that worry you’ve got over nothing.”
A negotiation… that’s all this would ever be for either of you.
You bit your lip before you reached up and pulled him down by the back of his neck, your lips collided as you closed your eyes. His lips tasted of cinnamon, whisky, and some cherry pie he must’ve consumed sometime that day at the bar. You could smell the alcohol and smoke from the bar but you didn’t care. You felt him nibble on your bottom lip, causing a heat rise to your cheeks. Just how experienced was he with this kind of thing?
The kiss continued to grow more heated and hungry as the two of you discarded your clothes and proceeded to explore one another in ways even you never thought imaginable…
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Dean was sitting at the bar, drinking yet again after a bar fight. His knuckles were still a little bloody but he didn’t care. He could feel the stares from the patrons inside but it didn’t matter. He did what he had to do. Some random guy was being a dick to a lady and he had to defend her honor. Maybe it was a little more violent than it should have been but who cares.
He couldn’t ignore the stares of a certain demon that was there, it wasn’t you and it wasn’t Crowley.
However, he was meeting with Crowley and he just found out some news.
“You mean to tell me, you’ve been sending demons to kill me?” He asked, brows narrowing as he shifted in his seat to face the King of Hell.
“To make you sharp. If it weren’t for me sending the demon chum your way you would have been killed. The mark needs to be sustained and you need to get better at using it, otherwise..”
“Otherwise I turn into a full demon, yeah I get it. I got that six weeks ago. You lied, Crowley.” Dean said before taking a sip of his beer before he stood up.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, I’m not a saint so of course I lied.” Crowley said, “Now sit down, will you?” Dean just gave him a look, almost one of defiance as he continued to stand.
“Alright, I needed to keep you sharp for our future, of which we need to talk about.”
“Our future? Really?”
“Our professional future. If I have to spend one more night in this ‘feated party dish of broken dreams and ‘b’ ‘o’ I will cut off my own face.” Dean rolled his eyes at the dramatic remark, but the dramatic reactions are a part of Crowley’s character he supposed.
“Well I don’t know what you’re talking about because I’m good. Hell, I feel fantastic.” He said, holding his arms to his sides while he spoke. He was so sick and tired of people commenting on how they thought he was doing, questioning his skills in combat and whatnot. He wasn’t an idiot and he was tired of being treated like a child.
“Oh really? How many one hit wonders can you sing to death? How many of those stupid challenges on the menu can you consume?”
“Alright listen,” Dean said as he sat back down next to the demon, “the deal was we howl at the moon. No time stamp, no expiration date.”
“And we’ve done all of that. We’ve had our time of fun and all, and I’ll treasure these fleeting moments forever, but this is not what we should be doing for the rest of our lives. It’s time for us to accept what we are and go back to work. You, me, Y/N, the three of us.”
“Oh the Three Musketeers thing? As if…”
“Think of it, the King of Hell and Dean Winchester both by his side. Together the two of us could create the perfect Hell. We aren’t ending the party, just moving the party is all. Just a thought.” Crowley said as he got up.
“Right, and where exactly does Y/N fit into all this? She mentioned something about me being too reckless or whatever. What the hell was that about?”
“First of all, she’s more concerned about whatever none sense you’re putting yourself through than I am. I just gave a suggestion so she could help you get your head on straight. Speak to you in a way you may be able to understand after all.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“I offered a similar job offer, being by my side as well. It gives her something to live for rather than living amongst bloody humans and a Winchester that can’t get a grip of himself.” Crowley grumbled.
“Trust me, she knows I can get a grip of myself.” Dean smirked and the other demon acted like he was going to hurl.
“Please, spare me the details.”
Just as he was about to walk off, he realized there was something he should also mention to Dean, “By the way, I spoke to Moose earlier.”
“Um, what?” Dean asked and he turned around, looking at Crowley and he leaned his back against the bar counter.
“Seems he’s been tracking us for some time now. Apparently he got some phone from one of the demons you killed. Some things were said, perhaps too many things. Sorry about that. He may be here by morning.”
“So you sold me out. Perfect.”
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you. Y/N doesn’t know what’s going on with you. I don’t know how she feels but I know that I’m sure as hell tired of it.” He said starting to get ticked off.
“I sold you out, try doing you a damned favor. Everything I’ve done for you and for Y/N has been nothing but a favor. The mark, the First Blade, nursing you back to health, offering you a place by my side has all been a favor. Whether you see it or not.” He said, Dean simply looked at the demon and listened, not really sure if he should take it all to heart.
“Take the night. Think about it. You know where you can find me.”
Dean watched as Crowley walked away to go off who knows where.
He thought about last night with you. He figured that Crowley may have talked to you otherwise he knew you probably wouldn’t have thought to sleep with him in the first place no matter how good the night turned out to be. It was one hell of a way to get him to listen though. But he couldn’t help but wonder if you were against him too, if Sam had tried to contact you like he ended up contacting Crowley.
He stayed at that bar table for a few more hours and saw a few girls here and there he could hit on but then he saw you walking you through the door. He rolled his eyes and turned around to the bar and told the bartender to get him a refill.
“Well you look like Hell.” He heard you say and he scoffed a little.
“Did you know about Crowley’s sons of bitches coming to kill me?” He asked you as you sat next to him.
“He decided to take it upon himself to have a little discussion last night, yes.” He heard you reply and he rolled his eyes again.
“And did you know Sam’s been tracking us and now he’s looking for me?”
“No, he failed to include that detail. But are you surprised? You and Sam have this thing about going after each other for years. Of course he’s after you and you should’ve known that since the day you left.”
Dean hummed a little as he took a sip of his whisky before he looked at you again.
“So, you think I’m reckless, huh? I think Sammy’s on my tail because of those demons I killed so you may actually be right.” He said and you tilted your head a little.
“Was there any doubt?”
“You don’t want me to answer that.”
“Oh Dean… you and your trust issues.” You sighed as he watched you take a sip of your brandy.
“Can you blame me? The sex last night wasn’t even for a good time. It was just so I can dial things down a little.” He grumbled.
“For the record, even if Crowley did had something to do with it, or even if he hadn’t talked to me at all, my point would have still been the same. I’m not a liar like Crowley. I’m right about this and deep down you know it.” He heard you speak and he rolled his eyes with annoyance.
“What are you, my wife?”
“Oh shut up. If you want this howling at the moon thing with you and Crowley to continue, I get that. But a part of enjoying whatever life this is and whatever you’re deciding, at least be smart about it. Everything I said last night was to try and help you before you get yourself in trouble.”
“Fine, fine. What do you want me to say? Thanks for having a heart? You spoke your piece. Can we move on?”
He heard you sigh and when he glanced over at you again, his gaze softened a little, “Why don’t you and I get out of here? Sam’s probably on his way as we speak so we may need to get on the road again. I’d rather not have him find me and take me back to that blasted bunker.”
“You still want me to travel with you after you made the stupid assumption that I stabbed you in the back?”
“Well… Killing those demons by myself won’t be half as fun. Plus you aren’t nearly as big of a pain in the ass as Crowley.”
“Um.. thanks? I think?”
Dean got up and he tipped the bartender for the both of you and you guys got out of the bar so you could go to his Impala.
“You know… I guess I should thank you for picking me up in Ohio. This has probably been the most fun I’ve had in years.” Dean smirked a little.
“Speaking of fun.. I couldn’t help but notice we’ve had another demon with a death wish watching us the whole time we’ve been in the bar today.” He said and he watched you look up at him and it seemed to peek your interest.
“We’ve got some work to do, huh?” You asked and Dean smirked as he pulled out the First Blade.
Both of you turned around and saw a vessel that was about as tall but not quite as muscular as Dean walking towards you with an angel blade.
Dean started to fight off the demon and knocked him out before you managed to teleport the three of you to some abandoned alley where there would be no cameras around. Somewhere that wouldn’t get Dean into any kind of trouble, nice and secluded.
When the demon finally woke up, you held your hand up and pinned the demon up against the wall. Watching the demon struggle was already fun in itself.
“You and Abaddon’s followers… you know Crowley already told us he was sending you. All for the sake of exercise… He thinks you’re nothing but worthless scum. Which… you are, but I bet that makes you feel so small.” You said.
Then Dean walked over to the demon with his blade before he started to stab the demon repeatedly. You released the demon when it was initially wounded. It tried to swing at Dean but then Dean blocked the attack before pinning him against the wall and he stabbed the demon in the neck with the blade.
After a few moments of slicing and dicing with a bit of overkill, Dean stepped away from the body. His clothes were covered in blood and you looked at him. He was relentless but, it was what the mark wanted him to be.
You snapped your fingers and the demon went up in red smoke and you looked at the hunter in front of you.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. We can’t have cameras catching you all bloody.” You insisted and you snapped your fingers yet again and it was like the demon blood turned into red smoke and disappeared as well.
“There. Clean slate. That’s how you have fun killing without leaving evidence behind.” He heard you and he watched you walk away to the car, making him smirk a little.
Then, once you two made it into the Impala again you got into the car. Dean backed the car out of the parking lot and began driving away.
The first part of the ride was silent and Dean was growing lost in thought before he heard you start to speak again, “You know Sam isn’t going to stop looking for you. And you know you won’t be able to run forever.” He assumed you were referring to the discussion of Sam tracking the three of you down to find Dean.
“So… what do you plan on doing about it if you don’t want to be found?”
“That may have to be something I think about another time. At this point I’m thinking of changing my number just to stop getting calls from the guy.”
“I just hope you know what you’re doing with your brother…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Let’s get out of here.”
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Hey there!! Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far in the fanfiction! Sorry this chapter was a little short, it’s more of a filler chapter but there is more Demon Dean to come within the next chapters. Will Sam contact you before Dean changes for good? Or will Dean accept Crowley’s offer to stand by his side as a ruler of Hell?
Tag List:
@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @johannelis2302nely @alternativeprincess94 @doctorlexilouwhosblog @justtrying2getby-blog
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Secret love masterlist
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Summary: A Winchester and the king of hell? Impossible.
Pairing: Crowley x Sister!Winchester
Warnings: angst, secret love, loss of a loved one, despair, meet cute, cocky Crowley, love-struck reader, more to be added
A/N: Originally I wanted to turn this idea by @stu-machers-girl into a one-shot for Flufftober but then my brain decided. Okay, this is a series. So, we are going to get more than one chapter.
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SL (1) - Hello, darling
SL (2) - Goodbye, darling
SL (3) - Welcome back, darling
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67 notes · View notes
Crowley’s Bisexual Girlfriend
I am Holly Winchester; and I am the younger half-sister of Dean (forty-five) and Sam (forty-one) Winchester. I am thirty-three years old; and, I am currently dating Crowley, the King of Hell. Surprisingly both Dean and Sam were supportive of me dating Crowley.
One night, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Crowley was in my room. After my shower, I see Crowley looking through my photo box. I see him looking at a picture of my old girlfriend, Ashley, and me hugging. Crowley asks, "What's this?" I sigh and say, "Crowley, I am bisexual. I have dated both guys and girls. Honestly either way doesn't feel different than me. That is a picture of my ex-girlfriend, Ashley. I dated her before I knew I had older half-brothers. We only dated for two months." I see Crowley's bulge in his pants. I say, "Umm. So do you want me to take care of that?" Crowley chuckles and says, "Sure thing, love." After we had sex, Crowley had to go back to hell to take care of a demon related issue.
The next morning, I walk into the kitchen wearing my bathrobe. I see Dean and Sam sitting at the table. Dean asks, "What's up?" I say, "Umm well, Crowley found a picture of my ex-girlfriend and I last night." Dean chokes on his coffee. Sam asks, "Are you bisexual?" I say, "Yes, I am. Sorry I never told you two before. Honestly date more guys than girls. But both feel the same to me." 
Dean asks, "What is bisexual?" I sigh and say, "Bisexual is being sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women." Dean asks, "So it is a real thing?" I say, "Yeah." Dean picks up his cell phone. Sam asks, "What are you doing?" Dean says, "I gotta tell Cas." I say, "Well, I am glad that I got you out of the closet." Dean rolls his eyes. Dean walks out of the room.
Sam asks, "How did Crowley take it?" I say, "Crowley was really turned on by it. Now, I am just scared that he will think that I want a threesome." Sam says, "I doubt that, Holly." I say, "One time I did that with this girl, Lauren, I dated in high school. After that, she broke-up with me and started dating this guy that we did it with." Sam says, "Sorry about that." I say, "No big deal. Just the type of girl Lauren was." Dean walks in and asks, "Who is Lauren?" I say, "Oh, Lauren was my first girlfriend. We dated for about a year. We had a threesome with a guy. Then, she broke-up with me and started dating the guy we had the threesome with." Dean says, "Her loss obviously because you are beautiful." I smile and say, "I doubt that. Lauren had beautiful red hair and brown eyes. She was the gorgeous one." Sam says, "You are beautiful, Holly." I say, "Thank you, Sam." Dean asks, "How many girls have you dated, Holly?" I say, "Two. There was Lauren in high school. I was dating a girl named Ashley when you first met me." Dean asks, "The Ashley that was one of the suspects on the case?" I say, "Yes, Dean." Dean says, "She was so hot." I laugh and say, "You are not her type." Dean asks, "Why not?" I say, "Ashley is lesbian. Seriously, dude, did you not see that she dresses like a guy." Dean shakes his head no. Sam laughs and says, "You are blind, dude. I could tell that Ashley wasn't straight." Dean rolls his eyes. 
I ask, "Sam, did you suspect that I wasn't straight?" Sam says, "At first, yeah. I saw that you and Ashley were close. But you have had one-night stands with guys. So, I thought it was just a false alarm. Plus, you dress like a girl, so it is harder to tell." Dean says, "Yeah you don't dress overly feminine or overly masculine." I say, "I don't feel the need to. I dress how I want. I am the same Holly regardless of whom I choose to date." 
Crowley pops in and says, "Hello, love." I smile and ask, "How are the demons?" He says, "All good. And, Holly, I love you just the way you are." I smile and say, "Thank you." Crowley kisses my forehead. Dean makes puking noises. Both Sam and I say at the same time, "Grow up, Dean!" 
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marie-swriting · 2 years
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Solace (Yelena Belova x reader) by @natashas-soul ⚠️ TW : body image issues/Minors and men do not interact as the author wishes
Scary (Sam Wilson x reader) by @fangirlovestuff
Too Much Loss | Not Again (TASM!Peter Parker x sister!reader) by @justabigassnerd
The Story of Nana and Pops (Bucky Barnes x Black!reader) by @asongofmarvelanddc ⚠️TW : racism, segregation, use of the n-word, implicit mention of attempted rape and lynching.
Graveyard | Sacrifice (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @wkemeup
Love is Lost On you (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @kaznejis
Your Still My Kid (Clint Barton x daughter!reader) by @justabigassnerd
If I Could Be Just A Dad (Dean Winchester x daughter!reader) by @winchesters-favorite-girl
Strong Enough (Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester x sister!reader) by @marvelfanfn2187a113
It's Only Temporary (Crowley x platonic!reader) by @book-place
Up In Flames (Sam Winchester x daughter!reader) by @winchesters-favorite-girl
Read It All About It (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @redheadspark
Portrait (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @redheadspark
Brother Knows Best (Anthony Bridgerton x sister!reader) by @anthonysharmaa
Duel (Anthony Bridgerton x daughter!reader) by @alyswritings
Criminal Minds
Watching The Sunset (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @babymango-writes
With You, I Dare (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @temilyrights
Home (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @imagining-in-the-margins
Come Back... Be Here (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Can I Stay With You ? (Spencer Reid x daughter!reader) by @letarasstuff
Lockdown (Spencer Reid x daughter!reader) by @alyswritings ⚠️ TW : School shooting
I'm Many Things (Spencer Reid x sister!reader) by @dreadpoetssociety ⚠️ TW : mention of sexual harassment
Deep (Spencer Reid x reader) by @thefictionalnerdy [French version]
Unsteady (Derek Morgan x reader) by @ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused
Hostage (Luke Alvez x reader) by @thelukesalvez ⚠️ TW : hostage situation
Holding Me Close (Penelope Garcia x reader) by @supercriminalbean
Peanut (Elle Greenaway x reader) by @neuroprincess
Outer Banks
School Fight (JJ Maybank x daughter!reader) by @alyswritings
Top Gun
Pieces (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @topguncortez
Out Of The Closet (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Mitchell!reader) by @a-reader-and-a-writer-for-all
Sign Language (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x deaf!reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Boyfriend (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Daylight (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Maverick!reader) by @rose-pearls
The Longer That You Stay, The Ice Is Melting (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader) by deactivated tumblr account
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