#cry about matt chapman???
travisdermotts · 8 months
so everyone else is feeling real lonely tonight too huh?
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
ok here are some of the revised one-part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part two yah) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
part two
the whole dark wand dance was such a fucking knockout everyone was popping their whole pussy to it. i wanted to twerk.
polly chapman also had a cute little bob in this era. i don’t know why they changed wigs for her but i guess she’s emo in the dark world
craig was carrying this big ass book and when scorpius went up to him trying to ask where snape’s classroom was he squeaked and tried to HIDE BEHIND THE BOOK like twice 😭 he only emerged to sideye the shit out of scorpius for being weird
when scorpius was talking to snape and snape was writing on the class board, i was close enough to see what he was writing and it was mostly random scribbles but he did write “E=mc?” 😭😭 bro is doing the calculations
ravager ron 🥵🥵 (aka hottest mf in the hpverse idc idc)
also snape was the biggest comedian ever? bro did not care if he was dead in the other dimension, he just started immediately roasting hermione and ron because ofc he has to
remember when i said scorbus mirrors romione? yah well they do it again with the dementors with ron and hermione fighting beside each other, and scorpius having albus emotionally fight beside him (as he will confess to him in the owlery later)
snape didnt tell scorpius who hes giving up his kingdom for but asked it instead, and scorpius said “im doing this for albus i-i think” boom timeline change
scorpius went to tackle his dad in a hug after returning from the dark world but he was dripping wet so draco just thrust out his cloak in between them to protect himself lmfao
he was like “daaaaddd 😆😆😄😙😯☹️ aw ☹️” nah draco was not gonna get water on his valentino white bag for anything
yann starting the fuckinng gossip
yann doing a fucking backflip over the staircase to spread more gossip
and i was sitting on the side a bit and could literally see matt holly who acts as yann run up a disappearing staircase and just leap off into the darkness of the wings 💀 idk if every yann is like a fucking stunt man or just this specific one
james and karl comforted rose when mcgonagall started lecturing hermione about the time turner by saying her kids didnt exist
rose looked like she was about to cry for the entire duration of the scene and hermione looked so ashamed of herself as well. which when you’re up close u can see how the bg characters are still acting, and it made their hug at the end of the scene all the more meaningful
meanwhile scorpius the whole time hermione and harry were being roasted by minerva was enthusiastically emoting like 😗😨🫢 bro could not believe the headmistress was just flaming the minister of magic like that
also when craig, karl, yann, rose and james were listening to mcgonagall… idk this was really minor so it COULD be a coincidence but when mcgonagall focused her attention on albus (because she was flaming harry and hermione first for a while) and started with “albus you were very brave,” james put his hand on the rail and leaned in closer to listen, like he was smushing his face against the rail trying to listen when it involved albus and idk. i thought that was very cute if that was purposeful
then the fucking owlery scene. omfg the owlery scene. the gayest ass place in the school for these nerds.
scorpius told albus in the owlery that (its literally a fucking love confession atp) he’s been doing everything for him and that he makes him stronger and was fighting alongside him and albus was like “y-yeah? 👉👈🥺” and then scorpius was like “yeah” and he leaned in and then ALBUS LEANED IN all very hopeful and then scorpius ruined it by saying “AND saving cedric wasnt a bad idea” COMPLETELY oblivious smh. which made albus flinch away and scratch his neck all sheepish and very adorably embarrassed. but basically it was a near kiss. and i’m not over-exaggerating just because i like the ship, albus wanted to kiss that boy 💀💀
(in this moment i also realised that albus literally only really laughs around delphi and scorpius. and he only really goes soft and quiet with scorpius ☹️)
then delphi comes in and literally plants herself in between al and scorpius… which is an interesting choice of placement
and scorpius sideyes her as aggressively as rose was sideyeing him at the start of the play lmfao i’ve never seen this boy look so disgruntled before
delphi actually screamed in delight when she betrayed scorpius and albus. like she shrieked and it was echoing as the scene was moving and fading to black it was SO GOOD
ron’s voice is like gruff and low and stuff mm (when he said “oh shut up will you” to hermione when trying to propose 🤭)
hermione also spoke in a specifc tone with ron when shes scolding him. like its lower and really fast. an example is when she said the “ronnotnow” moment when hes picking on dracos ponytail 😭😭 she’s so funny bru
ron getting down on one knee and saying “marriage renewal 🥰” with empty ass hands
ginny walked in on ron and hermione making out and then hermione got all flustered and did a little run up to draco and slapped him on the shoulder 😭😭 and he flinched too… you know that man still remembered her punch in third year
albus got down on all fours as soon as delphi turned her wand onto scorpius after he said “do your worst.” he literally BEGGED delphi to not hurt scorpius before she started torturing him. and then he was full on crying when it did happen
delphi taunting al by saying “if you want to stop me from hurting your FRIEND then do what you’re told.” and the emphasis on the word ‘friend’ was really taunting and sarcastic bc SHE KNOWS. it’s literally a fuck you to the ridiculousness of the queerbaiting in the og and i love it
ofc the change of albus’ weakness going from “friendship” to “LUVVVVV” (the actress had fun emphasising the queerness of it all i swearrr)
when draco, harry, ginny, ron and hermione are all in delphi’s room trying to find evidence of her identity, draco cuts hermione off by bellowing “SPECIALIS REVELIO” and then nothing happens. nothing happens. then ron goes “MUMBALIS RRRREVVVELIO” really dramatically in a thick accent to bully him 😭
ron is constantly bullying the shit out of draco for the entire play lmfao and the delivery is so fucking funny. draco cant say nothing either because he knows he deserves it deep down 💀
scorpius and albus’s hostility towards that one scottish station master on the platform was absolutely wild. albus looked innocently confused but scorpius cant mask for shit. bro was giving him a bombastic confunded look as he was speaking, leaning in to hear him better and staring flabbergasted at bro as he walked off 😭😭 14 year olds are brutal gawd
idk this might be the usual case for every cursed child play, but tom russell played both james sr and james sirius which insinuates james sirius looks like the og james which is so …
harry looked so small in the scene with dumbledore and him in his office and very boy-like. the positioning of the stage made it seem like harry was still looking up at dumbledore for guidance and when he started crying it just seemed like he needed a father mannn. phenomenal acting but bro 😭😭😭
and dumbledore looked so in pain too, and so GUILTY and because paintings are “nothing but paint and memories” makes it mean that dumbledore had felt that guilty and pained about treating harry like that in real life 😭 kill me now it was just a horrible time for everyone
all the drarry shippers deserve a medal for predicting that draco’s canon way of comforting harry or being nice to him is to literally just insult him more 💀 bro comes in and sees harry sobbing and just stands there like “my son said i was head of magical law enforcement in the other reality 🧍‍♂️ maybe this will be my office one day🧍‍♂️”
it makes it even funnier if youve read the script and know that the next direct line is a stage direction saying “harry is consumed in his grief”
when draco took out the time turner he owned to show harry he was like “yeahhh 😏real gold 😏😏 just the way the malfoy family likes it 😙” HELP
scorpius facing the audience, talking very softly about how he and albus should lean over the baby (harry), and so they both do, and then scorpius just starts screaming “HELP HELP HELLPPPPP” over audience members omgggg 😭
“it might traumatise the baby slightly 🤔”
scorpius got so excited about albus’s plan with the blanket and love potion that he tried to do a cartwheel and landed flat on his ass 😭
scorpius said “theres a rumour bathilda bagshot believed in never locking her doors” and then opened her front door with his bum 💀 he just playfully sticks it out on her door and he nearly fell inside bc it actually opened
ginny’s actress deserved an oscar for her scene with harry in albus’ room… like she was actually sobbing and shaking and yelling at harry, it was such a powerful scene for her character as a grieving sister and a grieving mother too. only scene that almost made me cry. katie jean-harding. remember the name fr
cue me pissing myself and just completely overreacting when the crew went to godric’s hollow and harry, hermione, ginny and ron were all talking about the dreary memories there and draco was just geeking out over how the houses had thatched roofs and that theres a farmer’s market 😭 his whole face just lit up when he spotted the market lolll he’s def thinking about a holiday home there or sum
get you a man (ron) who will hold a grudge (against draco) for you (hermione) for decadesss because of the things he said to you in your youth (very loyal husband material… hermione fr the smartest hp character, she saw the vision)
albus and ginny just throwing themselves onto each other and hugging and then harry just jogs up to albus, stops himself, and excitedly pats his shoulder
draco saying “we can hug too if you want” and scorpius slowly reaching out to him like the uppies meme
after the chat with ginny in the church in which ginny tells harry that albus needs to feel specific love from him, and albus was explaining the plan to defeat delphi, he says something like “and we should do this because do you know what im good at? polyjuic—” then harry yells behind him wayyy too loudly “I THINK THERES PLENTY YOURE GOOD AT ALBUS” and they all stare at him and ron just gives him a big thumbs up
and later when harry is trying to convince draco to go along with the plan to transfigure himself albus butts in saying “you should trust my dad, draco because he won’t let us down” and harry gets SO happy from it he and ron literally high five and he does a little jump in the background
also scorpius was constantly looking at draco when harry was talking about transfiguring himself into voldemort and it was fucking priceless. scorpius was so animated in his expressions he was literally staring at his dad like 😨 whilst draco is silently watching the whole encounter like 😐
when ron said “blimey theres two of them” when referring to scorpius and hermione, it literally had scorpius’ face LIGHT UP, hands over his mouth, and his posture straightened. i find it so cute how much he idolises hermione!
when harry turned into voldemort everyone flinched a step back except ron who went like “bloody hell! 😯” love him
the dramione scene was so minor, but it’s probably the biggest dramione moment to happen between the two of them in the entire hp series so im actually so surprised dramione shippers dont talk about it
breaking it down: draco says “im being bossed around by hermione granger” and theres a silence in which ron stops and looks at him very threateningly. then draco says “and im mildly enjoying it” with this big flirty ass grin on his face 😭😭😭 and then hermione has to HOLD RON BACK AND DRAG HIM AWAY LMFAO
draco the only type of guy to shoot his shot at a woman in front of her husband and his motherless son 💀💀
the fight scene with delphi and harry (+co) was hottttt and i dont mean in an attractive way but in the sense that it was literally fucking sweltering like i could feel the hot ass fire on my face as they were throwing spells at each other. i dont know how the actors could simply just cope on stage
albus was hiding behind ginny during fight scene with delphi and she was holding him close behind her. idk if it was because he hid behind her of his free volition or if she dragged him behind her but it was cute asf either way
when voldemort walked down into the middle aisle he stopped randomly and started staring at this random poor woman for a moment 💀
im sorry i know it wasnt funny but when everyone was witnessing voldemort kill lily and she was heart wrenchingly screaming “NO NOT MY BABY” voldy was like “step aside u silly gal 🙄” i fucking shat myself omg 😭😭 he’s so unserious 😭😭😭
and then they’re back at hogwarts and everyone’s having a good time after bearing witness to all this trauma and what do you see? - polly chapman trying to fight THE minerva mcgonagall by boinking her with a big ass textbook. rose had to intervene and stop her 💀 girl wanted all the smoke
the last scorbus scene. oh my gawd. people talk about this but not in enough detail so i WILL QUOTE IT for you because i remember it by heart (and i also wrote it down immediately after the show ended so my memory was fresh). i haven’t seen people actually quote it so far so maybe i’ll be the first (unless someone else has already done it and i just didn’t see it), because people are literally missing out if they don’t go see the play themselves. it is a bit long and i dont want to make an already long post longer so i will leave it here if you’re interested in scorbus at all
but also, if you go read it, just take into account the way they’re speaking to each other. ive seen the play a total of three times, twice in two part and once in the revised one part and you can just tell it’s romantic from the way theyre talking to each other. the actors know what theyre doing
and ofc the coming out scene between albus and harry with albus saying “scorpius is the most important person to me, and he might ALWAYS be the most important person to me” and harry saying “i think thats a very good thing”
also not to brag but during roll call draco looked at me 😻😻 and ron looked in my general direction (he was smiling at the people in front of me because i think he knew them personally since the first three rows are like VIP (sorta) tickets and not open for general public sale but it was close enough)
anyways those are my notes! if youve read this much im impressed by you fr
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blueeyedheizer · 3 years
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► ► Prompt list
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#14 "Please don't cry." + #31 "Your head between my legs sounds so good right now." (Warren) NSFW
#6 "There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less, trust me." (Four/Billy)
#34 "Nah forget about a bed, we're fucking right there." (Four/Billy) NSFW
#1 "I can wait, you're worth waiting for." + #4 "I know it's 2am but can we meet up somewhere?" (Frank)
#33 "That's it baby. Make a mess." + #37 "Don't pull out." (Four/Billy) NSFW
#9 "You manage to make me smile on my worst days." (Warren)
#31 "Your head between my legs sounds so good right now." + #30 "Let me finish this and i'll go down on you." (Four/Billy) NSFW
#29 "Don't close your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum." + #37 "Don't pull out." (Four/Billy) NSFW
#20 "Don't go. Please. I can't lose you." + #41 "I haven't seen him smile like that in ages." (Warren)
#44 "Look at you. I've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking." + #45 "Shh.""If you ask me to be quiet one more time I will scream." (Four) NSFW
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#21 "Are you even sorry ?" + #29 "Don't close your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum." (Matt) NSFW
#14 "Please don't cry." + #20 "Don't go. Please. I can't lose you." (Thomas)
#21 "Are you even sorry?" + #22 "Do you regret it?" (Matt)
#24 "This is fucking ridiculous. I did not cheat on you!" + #34 "Nah forget about a bed, we're fucking right there." (Matthew) NSFW (no smut)
#15 "I'm sorry.—"I don't care" + #16 Nothing that comes out of your mouth is sincere. Nothing about you is genuine." (Matthew)
#28 Goodbye sex + #37 "Don't pull out." (Matt) NSFW
#3 "Do you have any idea what time it is?" + #30 "Just let me finish this and i'll go down on you." (Matthew) NSFW (no smut)
#32 "Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?" + #37 "Don't pull out." (Matt) NSFW
#6 "There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less, trust me.” + #10 "Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just want to hear you say it again." (Castor)
#34 "Nah forget about a bed, we're fucking right here." + #27 "You're not getting anything if you keep whining like that." (Matt) NSFW
#10 "Could you say that again?" "Were you not listening?" "No, I was. I just want to hear you say it again." + #2 He/She's so beautiful I almost don't know what to do with myself" (Matt)
#39 "I'm so proud of you." + #49 "I missed being with you like this." (Matt)
#12 "I love you, but I need you to go away because you're really fucking distracting" + #26 "We can't do it here!" (Matt) NSFW-ish (no smut)
#41 "I haven't seen him/her smile like that in ages" + #49 "I missed being with you like this." (Matt)
#40 "I don't want to ruin what we have" "I do." + #43 "Don't! There can't be any marks." (Matt)
#38 "I love you" "Tell me that when you're sober" + #20 "Don't go. Please. I can't lose you." (Matthew)
#9 "You manage to make me smile on my worst days." + #42 "Your hair is so soft." (Matt)
#38 "I love you.""Tell me that when you're sober" + #50 "I have to go to work."No, you have to stay in bed with me." (Matt)
#36 "I just want to give you a well deserved blowjob." + #46 "I never knew someone could cum that fast just from a few fingers." (Matthew) NSFW
#48 "Can I come over? My parents are fighting again" + #39 "I'm so proud of you" (Matt)
#5 "I really want to kiss you right now. I know I shouldn't, and somehow that makes me want it more." + #23 "We're not just friends and you fucking know it!" (Matthew)
#27 "You're not getting anything if you keep whining like that." (Matt) NSFW
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#30 "Just let me finish this and i'll go down on you." (Michael Gray) NSFW (no smut)
#22 "Do you regret it?" + #25 "I love you. I just love her more." (Michael Gray)
#32 "Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?" + #33 "That's it baby. Make a mess." (Michael Gray) NSFW
#27 "You're not getting anything if you keep whining like that." + #29 "Don't close your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum." (Michael Gray) NSFW
#4 "I know it's 2am but can we meet up somewhere?" + #23 "We're not just friends and you fucking know it" (Michael Gray)
#5 "I really want to kiss you right now. I know I shouldn't, and somehow that makes me want it more." + #14 "Please don't cry." (Michael Gray)
#46 "Such a needy little thing aren't you?" (Michael Gray) NSFW
#44 "Look at you. I've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking." + #46 "Such a needy little thing aren't you?" (Michael Gray) NSFW
#23 "We're not just friends and you fucking know it." + #48 "Can I come over? My parents are fighting again." (Michael Gray)
#3 "Do you have any idea what time it is?" + #6 "There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less, trust me." (J Cody)
#33 "That's it baby, make a mess." + #35 "You're so good at this, fuck." (J Cody) NSFW
390 notes · View notes
wellhalesbells · 4 years
✨✨ TOP FIVES FOR 2020 ✨✨
2020 was, i think we can all agree, a massively chaotic year but i have never consumed as much media before in my life, so i thought others might benefit from my slothery uh, connoisseur.... ship?  yes, that.  below are the books, comics, shows, and movies that got me through!
B O O K S .
the starless sea, by erin morgenstern - i loooove this book because it loves me back.  it says: ‘oh, you’re a reader, well i have just the thing for you.’  it luxuriates in language and story and riddles and fairy tales and it feels like an entire library in a single tome.
they never learn, by layne fargo - oh fuuuuuck, this was satisfying.  i thought it might feel a little exploitative as it is very aware of the zeitgeist and likely would not exist without the #metoo movement but it never ever did.  this was a fucking ROMP, period.  reading about a woman getting away with murdering skeezy guy after rapey guy after shitty human just made me happier and happier.
moonflower murders, by anthony horowitz - this is the second in the susan ryeland series (and the first was hardcore good fun too) and really feels very classic mystery with the artful twist of catering to the literary community.  mainly because: susan isn’t a detective, she’s an editor and she gets drafted in this time because the clue to what happened to a missing woman is in a book she edited, if she can find it.  both of the books in this series have such an excellent coming together moment that is rare af to find.
the invisible life of addie larue, by v.e. schwab - the writing in this is just so good.  it has that feel to me where i just want to drop the book and open up my own page and let my fingers fly.  it’s that inspiring kind of writing that reminds you of all the things language can do.
crown of feathers/heart of flames, by nicki pau preto - aaahhh, this series is SO FREAKING GOOD!  why is there not more of a fandom for it, why???? it is so many of my favorite tropes all resting perfectly together to the point where you almost forget they’re tropes because they just so naturally evolved there.  ugh, it’s just.... it’s so heart-bursty good.
.... number 5, part 2?  raybearer, by jordan ifueko - this was just so original and i was invested af.  like, what a brilliant idea though and an even better execution??  i loved every character and am so looking forward to the next in the series so i can get to know them even better!!
honorable mentions (sh*t i still liked a whole heckuva lot): you/hidden bodies, by caroline kepnes // writers & lovers, by lily king // i’ll be gone in the dark, by michelle mcnamara // the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home, by joseph fink & jeffrey cranor // girl, serpent, thorn, by melissa bashardoust // a little life, by hanya yanagihara // the guinevere deception, by kiersten white // obsidio (and the entire illuminae series), by amie kaufman & jay kristoff // the bone houses, by emily lloyd-jones // house of salt and sorrows, by erin a. craig // we hunt the flame, by hafsah faizal // savage legion, by matt wallace // blacktop wasteland, by s.a. cosby // crier’s war, by nina varela // the empress of salt and fortune/when the tiger came down the mountain, by nghi vo // upright women wanted, by sarah gailey // the monster of elendhaven, by jennifer giesbrecht // a deadly education, by naomi novik // you let me in, by camilla bruce // when you ask me where i’m going, by jasmin kaur // the lights go out in lychford/last stand in lychford (and the entire lychford series), by paul cornell // the devil and the dark water, by stuart turton // serpent & dove, by shelby mahurin // one by one, by ruth ware // ruthless gods (this was SUCH an upshot from the first book - it’s worth sticking with if you’re on the fence), by emily a. duncan // cemetery boys, by aiden thomas // the inheritance games, by jennifer lynn barnes // the fortunate ones (2021 release), by ed tarkington
C O M I C S .
cosmoknights, by hannah templer - the art was gorgeous, the gayness was glorious, and just.... hot HOOOOOOOOT lady knights in space?!  a princess winning her own hand?  find something not to love in there, i dare you.
don’t go without me, by rosemary valero-o’connell - wow. wow wow wow wow wow.  the writing was stunning, so lyrical and atmospheric and deep, and rosemary has to be one of my favorite artists but even that managed to come as a beautiful surprise because it was just so freaking bold.
through the woods, by emily carroll - i loooove emily carroll, the convergence of spine-tingling horror and art that feeds into it, that is both visually and aesthetically pleasing, is hard to beat!  p.s. i also read beneath the dead oak tree from her this year and it was also a BANGER.
the impending blindness of billie scott, by zoe thorogood - zoe is someone that i just want to follow.  she’s just starting and i want to be there for every single step.  i love her art style and her ability to tell a story with it.
above the clouds, by melissa pagluica - this was so unique, and such a baller concept, as nearly half the entire book is conveyed only through the art and yet you’re never once lost, never once confused as to what any character is thinking or feeling.  it’s a story within a story and only one of those gets words though they both are chock full of emotion!
um.... number 5, part 2? crowded, by christopher sebela - everything about this series is fun af.  crowd-funded assassination and a hirable bodyguard who’s rated like an uber driver???  and the chemistry between the two mains is so great and gay!!
honorable mentions: monster and the beast, by renji // long exposure, by kam ‘mars’ heyward // fence, by c.s. pacat // invisible kingdom, by g. willow wilson // ms. marvel, by g. willow wilson // heathen, by natasha alterici // not drunk enough, by tess stone // giant days, by john allison // die, by kieron gillen // be prepared, by vera brosgol // ascender (sequel to descender, which is also great), by jeff lemire // the unbeatable squirrel girl, by ryan north // bang! bang! boom!, by melanie schoen // gideon falls, by jeff lemire // life of melody, by mari costa // cry wolf girl, by ariel slamet ries // the tea dragon society, by katie o’neill // ptsd, by guillaume singelin // heartstopper, by alice oseman // solutions and other problems, by allie brosh // finding home, by hari conner // the magic fish, by trung le nguyen // something is killing the children, by james tynion iv // the weight of them, by noelle stevenson // spill zone, by scott westerfeld // skyward, by joe henderson // miles morales, by saladin ahmed
F I L M S.
parasite, dir. bong joon ho - oh it was satisfying, oh it was suspenseful, oh i had to watch some of it through my fingers but i loooooooved it.  such a good story and so well made.
knives out, dir. rian johnson - okay, everything about this movie was amazing.  every single character was fun as hell and i could’ve watched an entire movie about each of them.  what a great fucking mystery!
blindspotting, dir. carlos lopez estrada -  this made my heart hurt so damn much.  what glorious writing, acting, and story!
portrait of a lady on fire, dir. celine sciamma - gooooorgeous cinematography, amazing chemistry, and such a soft, atmospheric film.
the farewell, dir. lulu wang - i cried and my heart felt so full and i love it so so much.
um.... number 5, part 2? someone great, dir. jennifer kaytin robinson - no part of me expected to love a netflix movie this much but it’s a love story that doesn’t get told that often??  the end of a relationship and the true love of friendship and i love these girls and i love jenny and nate’s broken relationship.
honorable mentions: eighth grade, dir. bo burnham // booksmart, dir. olivia wilde // midsommar, dir. ari aster // the curse of la llorona, dir. michael chaves // the secret life of pets 2, dirs. chris renaud & jonathan del val // jojo rabbit, dir. taika waititi // the invisible man, dir. leigh whannell // the favourite, dir. yorgos lanthimos // can you ever forgive me?, dir. marielle heller // troop zero, dirs. bert & bertie // ready or not, dirs. matt bettinelli-olpin & tyler gillett // brave, dirs. mark andrews & brenda chapman & steve purcell // the half of it, dir. alice wu // palm springs, dir. max barbakow // doctor sleep, dir. mike flanaghan // uncut gems, dirs. benny sadfie & josh sadfie // birds of prey, dir. cathy van // bloodshot, dir. dave wilson // the old guard, dir. gina prince-bythewood // enola holmes, dir. harry bradbeer // hocus pocus, dir. kenny ortega // always be my maybe, dir. nahnatchka khan // finding dory, dirs. andrew stanton & angus maclane // die hard, dir. john mctiernan
S H O W S .
black sails (2014) - this show, this shooooooooow.  i cannot, it just makes me want to cry with how good it is.  the characters, the EMOTIONS, the story, the plaaaaaan.  like, the creators clearly had a plan for every single step of this show and it was a gOOD, GOOD PLAN.
the untamed (2019) - truly, cheesy good fun with one of the best gay romances ever.  i love these characters and their relationships to each other and the way it glories in its own ridiculousness.
the righteous gemstones (2019) - one of the things that bothered me about my next choice (the ratio of female to male nudity) was so much more realistic in this one (i mean, we’ve all gotten five thousand dick pics and i know like three people?  so the fact that there is so rarely male nudity in shows when there are tits everywhere..... no, how does that even make a tiny bit of sense?).  this show was such great, wonderful, awful fun.  they’re not great people and the show is under no delusion about that and it’s GLORIOUS!
the witcher (2019) - this was just hella fun, i loved the characters and the fantasy elements.  i’m excited for the next season, it’s just entertaining swashbuckling through and through!
fargo (2014) - all of this was really very enjoyable with the through line being somebody fucks shit up and gets involved in something they really shouldn’t be involved in that’s going to swallow them whole.  season one and season three were my stand-out favorites but they were all so violent, clever, and vicious!
um.... number 5, part 2? central park (2020) - um..... so many of the hamilton actors in a muscial cartoon drawn and written by the bob’s burgers team? WHAT ABOUT THAT DOESN’T SOUND AMAZING?!  it was such a joy to hear daveed diggs and leslie odom jr.’s voices again!!
honorable mentions: schitt’s creek // the mandalorian // mr. robot // broadchurch // mindhunter // jack ryan // the good place // the end of the f***ing world // big little lies // elite // kidding // servant // letterkenny // curb your enthusiasm // i am not okay with this // ozark // buzzfeed unsolved: true crime/supernatural // you // runaways // dear white people // dickinson // brooklyn nine-nine // will & grace // 9-1-1 // dead to me // solar opposites // never have i ever // killing eve // what we do in the shadows // grace and frankie // avenue 5 // roswell, new mexico // the bold type // evil // tuca & bertie // impulse // the umbrella academy // watchmen // infinity train // corporate // search party // on becoming a god in central florida // a.p. bio // criminal: uk // the morning show // mythic quest // last week tonight // prodigal son // the great
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sshakespeare · 5 years
Cursed Child: Joey!Albus (feat. Lauren!Delphi)
I treated myself to CC this Wednesday to see Joey (and got Lauren!Delphi out of the deal too!) and I wanted to share some of my thoughts/observations below!
Joey sounds exactly like Daniel Radcliffe. It’s actually a little disconcerting.
Joey’s Albus has HUGE Harry Potter energy circa Books 5 & 6. His single minded determination to save Cedric reminded me a lot of Harry’s obsession with Draco in 6. He also just channels that same dry and edging-on-sassy delivery that Daniel had with Harry’s funnier lines
He carries himself with more confidence than Nick!Albus at the top of the show. He’s definitely nervous about being sorted into Slytherin and going to Hogwarts, but he asserts himself more when Rose is hitting him and he’s more defiant with the other students - Nick’s “I didn’t choose to be his son” is always like a plea. Joey’s reading has a lot more resentment for both the students and Harry
Speaking of - the bedroom scene made me really see the direct connection between Albus’s eavesdropping and the fight. A lot of what Albus throws at Harry about the wizarding world being grateful clearly comes right from Amos. I love Joey’s barely concealed fury in this scene. You can tell it’s been building up for so long and he feels he finally has a reason to let it out
Lauren!Delphi - such a different interpretation from Sara! Lauren’s Delphini Diggory persona kept reminding me of a Derry girl if that makes sense? She had small-town-working-class-up-for-mischief energy and you could see Joey!Albus’s attraction to her right away. She did a lot of voices (she did an American cowboy accent when she was pretending to rob Albus and a little old lady voice when talking about St. Oswald’s). She also pretended to disembowel herself when Amos kept calling for her. It was really dark and fit her Delphi perfectly. Not all her jokes landed with my audience but I appreciate how much she makes Delphi her own and I’m so excited more people get to see her now!
Scorpius suggestively growled at Rose after saying “Good bread! BREAD” and immediately clapped his hand over his mouth all the while Joey!Albus snickered in the background. Joey!Albus in general laughs more than Nick!Albus. He definitely has Harry’s sense of humor
Joey!Albus is tactile for sure. He swatted Scorpius when he said “Do we?!” And he kept putting his hands on Scorpius’s shoulders to steady him on top of the train and while they were watching Delphi transform into Hermione
Also during the train scene Albus kept saying “it’s just like the stairs at school” when trying to get Scorpius to climb up. Super noncomforting but super funny!
When Scorpius and Albus arrive at St Oswald’s, Delphi almost hugs Albus but stops when she sees Scorpius. That tiny moment made it click with me just how much Scorpius’s involvement ruins everything Delphi has so carefully planned over years and years. It really is friendship that saves Albus and the whole world in the end.
Matt!Ron kept rubbing his mouth after kissing Hermione during the polyjuice scene which I honestly don’t remember him doing before. He probably has and I haven’t noticed but I still love it
Scorpius’s “good to know” after Delphi tells him polyjuice is painful was very aggressive tonight.
When Scorpius makes his engorg-impressed joke, Albus made a “so-so” hand gesture, implying he’s rated Scorpius Jokes before and that’s adorable
I’m always intrigued by how Bubba delivers “pale and red at the same time” because sometimes he’s in on his own joke and knows why Albus is blushing and sometimes he’s just baffled by it. Tonight he was very much baffled
Ugh and Joey’s Albus bounces on his toes and holds his cheek and looks so damn happy Delphi kissed him. All I want is his Albus happy but not because of this
Bubba = flirtiest Scorpius. He blew Polly Chapman the most exaggerated kiss while hiding Delphi.
The fight is INTENSE because Joey is one angry Albus. At the start of the Scorpius monologue, Albus looks offended that Scorpius suggests he doesn’t care but you can see him coming to realize how selfish he’s been. When he’s telling Scorpius how kind he is, it is So Soft.
Sarita!Myrtle looks at Albus on the “and boys” line but Joey just made a little “hmm didn’t know that” face. Nick will sometimes look a little flustered so the implications are there
Not Joey!Albus related, but the Dark World Department of Magic Law Enforcement scene is the best scene in the play. This is a hill I will die on.
Scorpius falters forward right after Draco says “murky” almost like he wants his dad to give him a hug and it never comes. My heart ached for him because Scorpius is truly feeling the loneliness his father felt all throughout his childhood - love and loyalty that has to be kept obscured lest it be viewed as “sloppy” or a weakness
Joey’s Albus is spoiling for a fight when Harry meets him in the Slytherin dorms. His “green is a soothing color” and “not meaning to cast aspersions” delivery is brutal - it’s clearly meant to bait Harry. Nick plays his Albus as very defeated in this scene, as if he’s realized he can never win in the fight against his father’s shadow. Joey plays it like he’s still got one last fight in him and both he and James are near angry tears by the end.
When Bubba does his “Malfoy the Unanxious” he always puts his hands on his hips like some kind of brave knight in a bad musical and Joey!Albus mimics him when he says “I don’t think being fearless is going to be good for your health”
Back on my tactile Albus bullshit: Joey!Albus swats Scorpius again when he says “I had something to prove” (though I do miss how Bubba and Nick practically hold hands during that moment where they’re both on Albus’s bed)
Albus gives a thumbs up to Scorpius’s “it’s time time turning was a thing of the past” joke. Albus joke ranking system confirmed
Lauren!Delphi doesn’t have as clear of a delineation between her Delphini Diggory persona and her Delphi persona (Sara’s voice is always much higher when she’s pretending to be a Diggory), but she’s still terrifying. After she killed Craig and said “these are not childish games we are playing” I got chills. She clearly has no regard for human life
Joey’s Albus can’t watch Craig die. He completely shields his face from it when he realizes what’s about to happen. Bubba’s Scorpius watches the entire thing.
Albus screams when Scorpius is being tortured just like Harry does in Order of the Phoenix when Sirius dies. It’s agonizing
His Albus also screams Scorpius’s name and then whispers it a second time when Delphi uses Crucio for the final time on him.
I love when any Albus screams “HELP” just like Scorpius does. Nick doesn’t do it as much, but Joey went for it
James’s Harry was going through it tonight. He was crying so hard after his conversation with Dumbledore in Act IV that Draco had to ask “You okay?”
He was crying even harder during his scene with Ginny in Albus’s room. The progression of how James plays that scene since his early shows and now is amazing. We’re so lucky he’s sticking around for another year
I don’t even know how to describe the way Joey’s whole face lit up when he sees Ginny for the first time in Godric’s Hollow. It’s like he’s eleven years old again and he gives her the most crushing hug.
Joey’s Albus is the real rock for Harry as they all watch his parents die. Usually James’s Harry leans more on Ginny for support, but this time it was Albus.
Bubba and Joey’s last hug was...weird? When Scorpius hugged him, Joey was more playful with “Scorpius? What is this?” It almost had this undercurrent of “have I finally cracked you? Are you going to start hugging me now?” Nick usually plays it with more happy confusion. Then Joey said the “You better ask Rose...” line while Bubba was still hugging him. Bubba pulled away and lingered for a beat before snapping back to life (like he does with Nick). But while Nick will often look off wistfully as Scorpius leaves, Joey’s Albus has a more happy go lucky look, like he’s looking forward to a good day with his dad. I think Joey’s version is more in line with what the playwrights want, but I do miss all the intense subtext Bubba and Nick have managed to infuse into that hug
That being said, weirdly no Scorbus pair have looked closer to kissing than Bubba and Joey right before Bubba runs down the stairs. They were standing so damn close to each other.
Right before the lights went out, James and Joey hugged!! It’s all I ever needed and more.
I went into the Part I thinking Joey!Albus would be an interesting mix between Sam’s Albus and Nick’s Albus, but I really found he’s entirely an Albus of his own. This is the one Albus where I didn’t quite believe Harry’s “You’re actually more like your mum.” He certainly still had Ginny’s boldness and humor, but I felt like Joey’s Albus was the beginnings of the version of Harry who had been sorted into Slytherin, who hadn’t initially found adapting to Hogwarts so easy, and who had trouble not letting his loneliness overwhelm him. It hit home one of my favorite Draco lines: “People saying parenting is the hardest job in the world. They’re wrong. Growing up is. We all just forget how hard it was.” Harry’s forgotten and it prevents him from seeing how he could have taken the exact same road Albus started down.
To try and summarize all this: gigantic, enormous shout out to Joey and to all understudies who make such massive roles their own and shed completely new light on certain moments and scenes and characters!
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taromilkmagic · 5 years
Notes: Cursed Child NY 27 November 2019
My first time watching CC was in Melbourne during previews, and I had an amazing time. A few months later I absorbed myself in the cc fandom here and on twitter and I became more and more obsessed with the incredible casts and crew that are a part of this amazing production all over the world. So yesterday, I finally treated myself to a second viewing of HPCC, but this time with NY Cast 2. I was taking frantic notes in between parts because I wanted to unpack and reflect over it, but when I first saw the play I wasn’t as absorbed into the fandom, so there may be things that are obvious that I’m finding new. Anyway if you’re interested in reading my thoughts on this cast/performance and how I found it different to Melbourne I’ve dumped a rant below...
Part One
Act 1
Nick Albus looking at his family and smiling, so excitedly, when they are about to enter platform 9 3/4, is everything I need in my life. But it really is heartbreaking to watching Albus’s progression from excited and hopeful to isolated and resentful.
Everyone in the background at the station is captivated by Matt Ron’s trick. This time around, I noticed that they are all incredibly grossed out when Ron plucks Lily’s ‘nose’ from his behind (accompanied by a loud fart noise), simultaneously leaning away from the Potters and Granger-Weasleys. It’s these little extra details that really lift the comedy in the show for me.
Bubba Scorpius is anxious and tense, but in a quiet/soft way. While I remember Will having very frantic nervous energy, Bubba is much more reserved and closed in on himself—both emotionally, but also physically. He is permanently hunched over and withdrawn, and his movements are smaller—not as wild— and stiffer than Will McKenna’s (James Snyder does a good approximation of this in the Polyjuice scene). When Scorpius is being sorted, he clenches and unclenches his hands. Then, when the sorting hat declares SLYTHERIN! he slowly closes his eyes. Rather than going ‘oh, as expected!’ like Will does with his head tilt and eye-roll, Bubba Scorp seems a combination of relieved and resigned.
As a sidenote, Bubba was staring emptily in my direction at the start of third year while taking to Albus. So I was a crying mess, but I also felt extremely uncomfortable because it felt like he was looking directly at me with his sad eyes 😂
Something that struck me about Nadia’s and Jenny’s Rose and Hermione: the similarities in how they carry themselves and the way they speak. They both radiate fast-paced Type A energy and you can tell that Rose is every bit like Hermione by her brisk mannerisms and alert eyes.
Jenny’s Hermione has a mischievous streak that isn’t as obvious in Paula’s drier, authoritative Hermione (disclaimer: I love them both). In Harry’s office, the toffee line is sung in an enticing tone. Tof-fee? Translation: Are you sure you don’t want one? Apparently, Jenny was quieter than usual during this performance, but I have to say that I didn’t notice this at all. As my first introduction to her Hermione she was both vibrant and funny. 
Nick Albus and Bubba Scorp are much more tactile than Will and Sean (at least compared to when I saw the Melbourne cast in previews). Some moments that stood out — Nick touches Bubba’s shoulders and back a LOT, including on the train at the start of their third year, and then at the start of fourth year when he escapes Rose’s efforts to (re) befriend him and plunges into Scorpius’ train compartment.
Another instance of cute Bubba-Nick Scorbusness in the visit to St Oswald’s. Scorpius stands directly behind Albus, turned toward the audience and away from Amos, for most of the conversation. He flinches away several times when Amos is talking, essentially sheltering behind Albus. Have I talked enough about how Bubba’s Scorpius really is adorably awkward? When Albus earnestly assures Amos that they know about the danger they’re about to embark on, Scorpius leans in to Albus and says “Do weee?” Albus turns around, and Scorpius immediately spins around and peers at the wall details—he even squeaks Oh LoOk!! (*in small twitter font). Overall, Bubba Scorp feels vulnerable—more vulnerable than Will!Scorp, who is a bit of a drama queen at times—and must be protected at all costs.
Right before drinking his Polyjuice, Bubba did his trademark forehead shzzzzap, and it was art.
Act 2
When Albus and Scorpius decide that Delphi should not travel back to the first task with them, and Delphi is storming off after kissing Albus, Sara and Bubba do that thing where they both almost run into each other and block each other, then feint/dodge in the same direction as each other twice. Bubba Scorp says “OHkay!” in an exasperated voice before going around her. It was an incredibly awkward and funny moment and you could feel the tension between Scorpius and Delphi.
The Edge of the Forest scene was beautiful, as always. I didn’t notice this but at stage-door Nick told me that he stuttered and struggled to say “Look-L-look its-look it’s Hogwarts.” And then he said that Bubba was side-eyeing him like >_> the whole time. Bubba definitely seems like the sort of person who would passive-aggressively judge you at your worst moments, but I love him anyway.
Interestingly, the lighting is different here compared to the Melbourne production. The theatre is lit up with soft golden lights which make it sort of look like golden hour, casting everything in a comforting glow. In the Princess theatre, they go for a more literal Hogwarts-through-the-trees, with gorgeous dappled shadows on vibrant blue and orange stained glass windows. Both of these work wonderfully.
In Dragons, James Romney’s Slytherin student being in the wrong House section and having to squish through everyone was very funny. Kevin Reyes as [Craig Bowker Sr?] was doing something funny in the crowd during the first task as well but I can’t remember it for the life of me sadly. But it made me realise how amazing and constantly on point every single member of the cast is, even when the spotlight isn’t on them. Sitting in row D was a massive change from being in the balcony in Melbourne, and it made me realise and appreciate the actors who are carrying out their own stories in the background. 
Nick’s Albus looks both a little put out and surprised when Hogwarts’ audience has a mixed response to Harry in the first task. 
Interestingly, James Brown III’s Bane is more human than horse here than Melbourne Bane (MelBane?), who would neigh and snort every few sentences. The only horse noise he makes is a loud snort as he backed away into the shadows. 
Albus was having nightmares in the hospital wing during Harry’s conversation with Dumbledore. Several times, he mumbles “Dad?” in his sleep as he tosses and turns. It’s actually kind of heartbreaking. 
James Synder and Nick Podany both pretend to eat the chocolate. The chocolate itself is fake and a Lie. I just thought everyone should know that. 
There is a noticeable difference between Paula’s Hermione and Jenny’s Hermione in the first AU, particularly the DADA classroom. Jenny is much more aggressive and explosive, getting in Ravenclaw girl’s face with a loud nOOO??!!? Her soft, dangerously cold voice was terrifying and a different take to Paula’s terse, irritated, authoritative tone. This AU Hermione seems angry and vindictive, rather than just disillusioned and bitter. In Melbourne, Paula presented her AU Hermione as a possible version of the same person—someone who could grow more and more unhappy with the world over the years. Jenny’s AU Hermione was different; her energy simply felt so wrong and at odds with her usual character, and I think this performance emphasised how unnatural and completely off the new timeline itself is. It definitely made me empathise with how shocked and bewildered Albus would have been, and it reminded me of my experience reading the script for the first time as it gradually dawned on me how messed up the timeline had actually become.
Staircase Ballet in New York made me just as emotional as it did in Melbourne. I don’t think that scene will ever get old for me. Bubba did some incredible face-acting that I was glad to be able to see from my seat. His Scorpius really looks completely broken and despondent as he stares downwards and then, later, at Albus.
Sara’s Delphi is soft (wait what?? I know...) when she speaks to Scorpius about him and Albus. Madeleine Jones had more of a “silly billy, of course you should just talk to him, he’s your best friend!!” big sister vibe when I saw her in Melbourne—gentle, but talking down a little bit (still in a friendly way). This Delphi is much softer, which only makes the reveal more shocking and upsetting when she later reveals her real motives.
Bubba Scorp blowing Polly Chapman a kiss twice in a row to distract her from Delphi under his cloak was so LOUD and breathy and cringe that I may have died from second-hand embarrassment.
The library confrontation! Incredible! @lumoshyperion observed something about Melbourne’s Louis!Scorp in her (incredibly detailed and poetic) review/recap, where he falters and holds himself back at the end of each sentence or phrase during the library confrontation. This was definitely true of Bubba as well! He would sort of trail off and fade away as he spoke, rather than crescendoing continuously to a shout.
When McGonagall came into the library and the two boys were hiding, Nick SKIDDED across the stage and FELL flat on his face, knocking a chair over. It looked really painful and I was like 😶. I asked him about this at SD after, and he said he was okay but that he and Bubba immediately started laughing while they were hiding under the invisibility cloak. After McGonagall left, Bubba casually put the chair back up right before he sat down.
The two boys were both vigorously wiping their eyes during the library confrontation. When Nick hugged Bubba, Bubba made a 😬 and stuck his arms out straight.
When Draco said “The girls’ bathroom on the third floo...ooorwhat on earth would they be doing there.......”, it was so ridiculously deadpan and disappointed and exasperated all at once. I haven’t written many notes on him but Jonno truly is an amazing Draco.
Being from a close seat this time, I was able to see the second task. It definitely didn’t look like a projection this time and that made it feel much more dynamic and engaging.
Bubba Scorp gets immediately self-conscious after the “Consider me engorg-impressed” joke and steps quickly back from Albus and the sink (where he was casually leaning), wrapping his robes around him tightly.
Lauren Myrtle was hilarious as I assume is usual. Lauren’s Myrtle did that thing where she poked at Harry with her foot with every word she said. He flinched back every time, it was hilarious. Diane did a full flinch and staggered back four feet from Myrtle’s hISSSS. 
Lauren looked upside down—DIRECTLY at Albus—when she said the “....and BOYS” line, and Albus immediately started fidgeting with his hair, with his hands behind his head. HE KNOWS THAT SHE KNOWS. In general, Lauren’s Myrtle was just as hilarious as Gillian, although a lot growlier. There was, as there was in Melbourne, a large round of applause as the second task began, presumably for Myrtle! 
I realise I have zero notes about any of the 'adult’ characters but they are just all-around excellence anyway so there’s not that much to say. Matt Mueller is a fantastic Ron, but very different to Gyton. He’s just as cheesy and cheerful, but not as jolly and laidback (if that makes sense...it’s a little hard to describe). Diane Davis as Ginny is Soft™, and very clearly understanding and caring. It’s easy to see that Harry depends on her as a source of advice, wisdom and emotional support. She generally doesn’t “roar” like Lucy Goleby’s Ginny does, so when she shouts it tends to come out in one angry punch—i.e. “My son is missing!” “SO is MINE!” (as opposed to SO!!! IS!!! MINE!!!!). As for James Snyder’s Harry, his anger and frustration in the alternate timeline is scarily believable, and it’s upsetting to see how it affects Albus and Ginny. It made me think of Angery Harry in Order of the Phoenix (I’m not @ing the people who say Cursed Child Harry is OOC, but...maybe I am). His American accent popped in a few times, but I barely noticed it and he was such an incredible Harry that I did not care in the slightest. The woman next to me was marvelling at how much he resembled Daniel Radcliffe, but to me this wasn’t even a fraction of why he felt like an authentic and well portrayed Harry.
Part Two
I have much less notes for Part 2. Part of this is because I was too much of a weepy mess being swept up by the art of Bubba and Nick’s Scorbus and part of it is because my phone died. I hope you enjoy what I DO have though!
Act 3
After being assigned this investigation, I can report that I am pretty sure I saw Bubba drool (?????) in the Dark AU office scene and I don’t know why or how or what... I didn’t even know this was a thing that happened on the daily but yes, yes it did. If anyone can provide more information on this... And yes, Bubba did look amazing in the Dark AU outfit. Thank you for the warning. I was still unprepared.
Spinella Snape was great! He has the deep voice down, and the dryness was Dry. Something interesting that happened in the Snape classroom scene is after he opens the secret passage in the chalkboard, Snape takes Scorp by the shoulders and gently guides him toward it. It’s a surprisingly protective and ~mentorly~ action and it reminded me a little of Snape getting in front of the Golden Trio in the PoA movie. ~Obviously~, Snape is a terrible person. But I guess he’s also capable of looking out for others! Stephen Spinella did an incredible job at actually endearing his character to me.
Ron fumbling with the wand for ages before pointing it at Scorp in the Dark AU. Unlike Gyton (and the script), Matt didn’t point it at himself this time. But he fumbled with his jacket a ridiculous amount before finding his wand and it got a lot of laughs, including from me!
Bubba was so out of breath after getting out of the pool that he had to take a long pause between the first “Harry!!!!” And “HARRRYYY POTTERRRR!”
Fiona Reid’s Petunia, in the graveyard scene, was visibly emotional. You could hear her voice getting choked up as she thought about Lily. I didn’t pick this up the first time I watched the show, but here I got it and I even teared up a little.
The jump scare GOT ME.
During the Slytherin Dorm scene, Bubba Scorp leaned over the top of Albus’ bed and yelled directly over his face to wake him up. This was both hilarious and adorable. And Malfoy the Unanxious: this whole scene was pure gold. Bubba doing weird hip-swaying dances in the air on tippy toes. Bubba waving his hands in weird and wild gesticulations (a contrast accentuated by how stiff and closed up he was prior to this). Aaah. He must be protected at all costs. 
Bubba said the ‘It’s time that time turning became a thing of the past” line very solemnly, and leaning in very close to Albus’s face (!) rather than standing (sitting?) next to him and gesturing proudly, which is what I remember from Melbourne. It’s an interesting take and a more serious one. It’s also more Scorbusy, so I’m not complaining. 
When Harry and Ginny and Draco walk in on Ron and Hermione kissing, Diane Ginny said OH! really loudly and, without a pause in her stride, immediately circled around and started to leave 😂
Jonno Draco acted so disgruntled when Specialis Revelio didn’t work. It was hilarious how grumpy he sounded when he said it was worth a try
Sara’s Delphini was much more menacing than I remember from Melbourne. I think what Madeleine did great in Melbourne is make Delphini seem like Ralph Fiennes’s Voldemort — powerful, ambitious, confident, a little bit dramatic. She DECLARED her lines: it was very Shakespearean. Sara was more sneaky and sinister. You get a sense of how she easily tricked Albus and Scorpius. Also, when she was mocking Albus for being naive, she did the little leg-kick dance that she did when she was saying he was becoming quite some wizard. I don’t remember if this is something that always happens with her or with other casts, but this is the first time I was paying close enough attention to notice it and I got CHILLS at the return. Sara’s Delphini is just that sinister and bone-chillingly terrifying.
Act 4
I have a lot of Feelings about Part 4, but not many details, sadly. Mostly because I was too absorbed by the incredible acting by everyone on stage.
James Snyder jumped around a lot when he said “Clever boy left me a message!” and it was such a pure and adorable move compared to his previous Angst that the audience laughed and cheered.
Jonno was wiping his eyes a LOT in the scene in Harry’s office. Several times, as Draco spoke about Astoria and her death, he got so choked up that he had to pause and take a breath before going on. It was a teary scene for all involved and a great testament to Jonno’s acting ability. 
Since we’re on Jonno, his delivery of “Look at the thatched roofs.......and......is that a farmer’s market?” SENT ME. He genuinely sounded kind of intrigued, interested and hopeful. I guess Joward Draco isn’t the only one who loves a good farmer’s market.
When Draco and Scorpius hugged in Godric’s Hollow, they hugged for a long time. He held onto Scorpius for a long time after, repeatedly craning his neck to be closer and holding him close as if afraid to let go again. Throughout subsequent scenes, Jonno kept his hand firmly on Bubba’s arm/inner elbow. You can see how shaken Draco was at losing Scorpius, and how fiercely protective he is now that he has his son back.
When Nick hugged Diane from her side, sitting on the bench in St Jerome’s, he knocked her down a little and she said oH! as she lost her balance. It was such a spontaneous moment and showcased the bond between Albus and his mum.
In the second to last scene, and perhaps most importantly in this entire recap...When Nick Albus says: “You better ask Rose if that’s the right thing to do!” (in response to “this new version of us”), Bubba keeps his hands firmly gripped on Nick’s arms, and stares at his face for a full three seconds before going “oh-ahaha...yeah!” and laughing awkwardly. Then, when he goes off and the stairs start spinning to bring Nick into the Nice Day scene, Nick keeps his head facing to the side where Bubba had exited—Albus’ gaze lingering distantly on Scorpius. Not saying Scorbus is canon (I really am), but Bubba Scorp’s last scene presented him as a very believable Confused Bisexual.
Finally: Nick and James rushing into a hug right as the lights went down.
“We almost broke like four times” — Nicholas Podany, 2019, on his scenes with Bubba. We are so blessed to have them.
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kidchameleon92 · 5 years
“life story” 1
i’m not going to edit this at all going along. typos, bad grammar, mistakes. doesn’t matter. this is spontaneous thought.
disclaimer: i changed the word to “spontaneous” from “spurious” which means something completely different, so the first paragraph is already a lie.
anyway, it’s been a really weird and sort of bad couple months for me. mostly in my state of mind. i feel very stuck and very immobile when it comes to my art and career. and that is having a very negative effect on my brain. even though i’m putting out my favorite songs i’ve ever written. i’ve been meaning to write for awhile. i used to post when i lived in los angeles several years ago, just journaling my day to day life. but i haven’t for awhile. i guess i also used to write in a notebook while on different tours. but i think i’ve since thrown that away or hidden it somewhere.
point is: i just want to write to get things off my mind. and hopefully, maybe, it’ll help you (if you care to) get to know me a little more and on a more personal level. even if we haven’t met. and maybe it’ll make what i make (if you care about it) mean more to you. either way, mostly, i just want to rant a bit. so, this is my life’s story. i guess.
chapter 1: kid
i was born in a suburb of the twin cities in minnesota. my parents both grew up in minnesota and lived there their whole lives (until my mom recently moved to tennessee). my mom was a mortician, and my dad was an accountant. also an alcoholic. he cheated on her and left her and i when i was one year old. i remember growing up going to stay with him on weekends, except it was with him and his girlfriend at the time. except he was drunk a lot. and would drive drunk with me (a baby) in the car. so, that’s cool. anyway, my mom was really depressed, and that was not a good time (or so i’ve heard, because i was a baby, so idk).
i stayed with my grandparents a lot, because my mom worked full time. my maternal grandparents lived on a ton of land. my grandpa and i would ride motorcycles and four wheelers and sleep in a treehouse and all that. my other grandparents lived in the same town but in a small house. i used to go up to their cabin during the summer and go fishing and swimming and boating and all that. different g-parent vibes, but loved both a lot.
anyway, when i was three, my mom married my step-dad. he is from india and has had a lot of unique and challenging experiences, so that certainly brought a lot of particular lessons and outlooks into my life. i went there once when i was about 14. it was wild. but so, yeah. that kinda solidified my family unit. my dad got remarried later on as well. but the older i got, i saw him less and less.
so ... i loved video games. i played them all the time. a big part of my childhood. mostly nintendo. explains a lot. as a kid in school (4 years public, 3 years private, 1 year home, 3 years private, 1 year PSEO [look it up]), i was never popular whatsoever. i always wanted to gain some sort of acclaim or attention from my classmates, but was pretty much always looked down on for one reason or another. i remember in elementary school, i was the kid who was literally terrified of storms. probably because i had been in a tornado when i was six. but the moment it would thunder, all the kids would look at me to see if i was gonna cry. usually, i did. and the school nurse would take me outside and we’d walk around as a sort of therapy. i guess it helped sorta. i still get nervous in storms. but i don’t cry.
i also remember a time specifically that i got made fun of for wearing a denver broncos t-shirt. this kid just railed on me because it wasn’t a minnesota vikings shirt. so, one: i don’t even give a fuck about sports. but two: it stuck with me for some reason that someone would be a massive jerk over a t-shirt of a sports team. i guess that’s just because we as humans are messed up things.
anyway, in middle school, i started becoming semi-interested in music. i listened to the radio every night, listening to the top 10 countdown of big songs from that week. kanye, weezer, the click five, black eyes peas, green day. those were some anyway. besides that, i was just listening to like kelly clarkson and relient k or something. my mom had a steven curtis chapman cd in her van i thought went hard. but i started getting into popular music around then. i also started to write my own music. i used to take piano lessons from when i was like six or seven until i was 14 or so. but after i started writing my own songs, i hated practicing assigned pieces. i didn’t care. i wanted to play my own. so, the teacher said if i quit, i couldn’t be her student again. so i did. that’s fine. she said i was her most talented student. but i didn’t work that hard. so, that goes to show that natural talent and hard work have different roles, i suppose. 
chapter 2: girls and high school and such
in high school, i started LiKiNg gIrLs and stuff. i also was still not very popular. i also had started a band (with jack). i wasn’t very good, but i was just as obsessed with it as i am now. anyway, i liked this one girl from my church, and we talked all the time. but because we grew up in a pretty fundamental church culture, we weren’t allowed to date. which honestly, i fine, because looking back, no one knows what they are doing at 16 really. i definitely didn’t. i still don’t know what i’m doing. anyway ...
so, this girl and i half-dated for a couple years, and i was really clingy and annoying. but that’s just how i be. and i thought i was gonna marry her and stuff, because in a fundamental church context, you over spiritualize everything.
[[disclaimer: i am a christian, and i still go to church, but my theology and ideology on a lot of things has just evolved and changed a lot since i was young and since leaving the ultra-americanized/ultra-fundamental “christian” realm. main point being: we all are effed up bro and need saving. i’m an idiot always!]]
but now we’re back. girl “dumped” me and started dating another guy named “patrick” right after, even though she technically wasn’t allowed to date until she was 18. but apparently, she just wasn’t allowed to date me. so, that was cool. anyway, i was angsty, but then i got over it. because i was 17, so life big time goes on.
then i met another girl from canada while i was finishing school and going hard at my band stuff. we hit it off, and i started visiting her up there. and she visited me and all that. it was cool. and then all of a sudden, she really started hating me. and to be fair, i was weird and clingy and sort of a lot to deal with. but we kept dating. all the while, i was sort of leaving behind music to try to get into nursing school. yep, nursing school. but i got rejected, which is great. and so, i decided to go to audio engineering school in canada. and she was gonna go to college in the same city. this is great! so i thought. she dumped me (well, i sort of broke up with myself for her) about a month after we were living in the same city. wack. but it made me buckle down and work my ass off in school. i was top of my class one semester. yeah, i’m not that dumb. sometimes.
towards the spring of the next year, i happened to meet a girl who was at my church with one of my friends. she seemed chill. just talked a little. nothing crazy. happened to hit her up on twitter just to say hi. no intention. we talked a bit. nothing after that. then all of a sudden, a couple months later, i was tweeting about reading harry potter for the first time (note: fundamental upbringing). she happened to tweet me back about it. and long story short, we went out on a date. a sort-of-date. and what was supposed to be a lunch turned into an all day and half the night date. anyway, we got married a year later. after a lot of immigration paperwork and expenses. that’s a whole other post. that sucked. it’s a lot. and it’s why i feel bad for people who have nothing who are trying to come here to flee danger in their own countries. again, another post.
chapter 3: married, and other hard things
so, i forgot to say that before we got married, i lived in los angeles for a year after school. i was doing more sound for film work. on set stuff, post-production. got to do work with like ... james franco, matt damon, emma roberts, william shatner. some cool stuff. but jack’s old band came through on tour, and i saw two shows. and i was like ... bruh. i gotta do music, what am i doing? so, i literally moved back to minnesota within like two weeks, worked as a nursing assistant for a little bit and got married. then moved to nashville like two weeks later. i guess i could’ve stayed in los angeles. but nashville felt like the move at the time. everything happens with a purpose.
so, we moved here, and she couldn’t work for three months because of immigration stuff. so, i was like, well, guess i need a job. so, i got a job managing a home for a couple people with intellectual disabilities. it was super hard. mostly because the company was really, really bad. so, i got another job working as a staffing coordinator in an office for a home health care agency. that was a little better. still tough. but less overwhelming. a couple months after i got that job, i got an offer to go on a country tour playing bass for someone. and i was like ... well, this is why i moved here. so, i quit and went on tour. and shawna actually took my old job. interesting.
i was gone for three weeks, and it sucked and the pay was bad, but at least i was doing what i wanted. but then i got an offer from my friend to do some tech work on a much bigger country gig. i hadn’t done it before, but it was better pay and a better position. and on a bus and nice things and all that. so, i went for it. i pissed the other girl i was playing for off. but that’s show biz, baby. but like, i found a replacement for myself and paid to fly him out to her shows and stuff. so, really she won.
anyway, i toured with this other artist for four years. and i learned a lot. it was very, very challenging, both mentally and physically. and some people are just hard to work with. but i still gained so much valuable experience and insight into touring from that. i also started playing guitar for another artist who was small at the time, but has now had a couple number one hits. but his label fired me because i didn’t look country enough. we’re still homies though, so it’s literally fine. because i do indeed not look country enough.
at the same time, i was doing my own solo music and also producing and writing with and for other people. i’ve had the opportunity to write and produce for everything from independent artists to major label to billboard charting albums to whatever. songs on major television networks. i’m still very un-rich though, if that tells you anything. 
but really, i just wanted to do my own music. and i literally couldn’t get it to go anywhere. i had no idea what the “secret” was. what was i missing? money? connection? power? actually probably all of that, to be honest. this industry is wacko. i was pretty close to giving up.
chapter 4: milkk
i read a satirical article on vice.com about “how to start a trendy band” or something. i thought it was funny. so, i called jack. he had just been kicked out of his old band for no reason. i was like, “bruh, let’s do this article.” and he was like, ok. so, we sort of did. and i’m not gonna go into all the early details, because i’ve done a million press interviews about how our band started. and i don’t wanna say it again. google it.
this was the first time that i actually saw people care about my music. it was a high. it was like a dream. and we hadn’t even had any big song or anything. just the fact that people were listening and engaging was mind blowing to me. but just like with anything, the more things went, the less i found satisfying. the more “likes” or “follows” on socials didn’t feel like enough anymore. the streams didn’t seem good enough. the chart positions on the debut album didn’t seem that great. the hype wore off a little after the debut album hype. and that made me insane. probably because we as humans are not built to be satisfied by the things in our life. “Vanity of vanities!” it’s in ecclesiastes. like the bible one.
chapter 5: now
anyway, that’s bad. i had (and have) let my mind convince me that i have to achieve something in order to be happy or fulfilled, when i know that that stuff will never fulfill me. i could play the biggest stadium and have the biggest song in history, but after a burst of dopamine and excitement, it would be empty. and i know that nothing here will do that. at least, that’s what i believe. my hope is outside of myself.
but that’s hard to internalize when you are so passionate about something, and have been for so long, and all you want to do is create things for other people that they can appreciate and be influenced by. but it’s probably also selfish. like i openly admit i like the idea of fame and presence. and it probably ties all the way back to wanting acknowledgement and attention as a kid, from being unpopular and ridiculed and, honestly, left by my dad. maybe i just therapied myself.
but regardless, i know i can’t put my identity in all this stuff. it’s hard, and it’s harder when you create stuff. because it’s so deeply tied to you. but it’s still not “who i am.” i know who i am and what i believe, but i’m still a mess, so i can’t enact that in my brain perfectly. in fact, far from it.
anyway. it’s late, and i’m going to post this and attempt to not worry about how it does on social media. stupid!!! i just want this out in the world for you to read. hopefully it’s helpful for you in some way. but mostly, it was just cool to write this out, for my own sake.
i’ve been blessed in some amazing ways. my family. oh, yeah i forgot that i have two kids. i love them a lot. i don’t talk about them on social media much. but they are very special to me. and we’ve always been taken care of, even when times were tight or i didn’t know when the next paycheck was coming in or i thought my wife was about to die or whatever. the Lord provided for us every time. and i am grateful to have what career i have. it may be “small” and nothing to look at by the big industry standards, but i believe in what i make so much, and i’m just grateful that anyone cares about it at all. and i will continue to do so until the day i die. because i have to. 
it’s what i was born to do, for better or worse. and no one can tell me otherwise.
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katehuntington · 5 years
Kate’s 300 followers challenge
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300 followers; this calls for a celebration! And how better to celebrate this SPN blog that is about fanfiction and fanart, than to host a challenge!
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The Theme:
The Unofficial Soundtrack of Supernatural
So many songs remind me of Supernatural and fit their amazing journey perfectly, but where never used on the show. That’s why I build a list of a 100 of my favorite songs that instantly make me think of the beautiful characters of this series.
The Challenge:
Pick a song from the list and take out either a line, a verse or use the entire song for your fanfiction or fanart. Write, paint, draw or edit the song into the story that you are telling.
The Rules:
Both written art and graphic art can participate, as long as it’s Supernatural related. Poems, fanfiction, drawings, graphics, video, you name it. The creator is completely free to choose. You are allowed to pick more than one song, too!
Send me a message with your choice of song. I will update the original post as soon as possible once people will send in their picks.
Mention the song at the top of the post or in the title. 
No Wincest. No Smut!Weechester. Not that I am against anyone writing it, but I would like to read and review every entry, and I don’t read this type of ships because they are not my thing. Other ships like Saileen, Destiel, Deanna, Megstiel, Reader x ... etc. are fine. 
You can create fluff, angst, smut, reader insert, OFC. Knock yourself out. Do remember to list trigger warnings at the top of your post.
For the writers: there is no minimum or maximum to words. When your story is over 500 words, remember to use the ‘Keep reading’ option.
When you use imagery (or even just gifs), remember to stick to the Tumblr guidelines. It would be a shame if anything got flagged.
I would like to be able to read and check out all the beautiful things you all are going to create, so use the tag #Kate’s 300 followers challenge. 
I will reblog all the artwork that stick to the rules above.
The Challenge ends on July 27th 2019. That gives you 3 months!
The List:
The list can be found on Spotify. Type ‘Kate’s 300 followers challenge’ in Spotify’s search engine to find it, or click the link. *CLICK*
You can also find the list if you scroll down and click ‘Keep reading.’
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I cannot WAIT to see all you wonderful entries! This is gonna be so much fun. Bring it, people! Bring me all the wonderful art you girls and boys create.
Don’t hesitate to spread, tag and reblog this post! The more the merrier! 
@littlegreenplasticsoldier @idreamofhazel @winchest09 @kittenofdoomage @coffee-obsessed-writer @alwayskeepfightingkaz-2y5 @atc74 @kathaswings @mrswhozeewhatsis @emilyshurley @brokencasbutt67-writer @oneshoeshort @thinkwritexpress-official @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @luci-in-trenchcoats @spiritofoblivion @idreamofplaid @erins-culinary-service @canadianspnhunter @impala-dreamer @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @supermoonpanda @supernatural-jackles
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Long As I Can See The Light - Creedence Clearwater Revival
With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker
American Pie - Don McLean
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Hurt - Johnny Cash
Dust In The Wind - Kansas
Death And All His Friends - Coldplay
Livin’ On The Edge - Aerosmith
Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits
Another 45 Miles - Golden Earring
Let It Be - The Beatles
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd - @coffee-obsessed-writer
Alive - Pearl Jam
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Lightning Crashes - Live
Leave A Light On - Tom Walker
God’s Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
Turn The Page - Metallica
Against The Wind - Bob Seger
Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley - @nickelkeep
Fix You - Coldplay - @thefaithfulwriter
Need The Sun To Break - James Bay
Way Down We Go - KALEO
Timshel - Mumford & Sons
Green Eyes - Coldplay - @thefaithfulwriter
Imagine - John Lennon
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab for Cutie - @littlegreenplasticsoldier
Breathe Me - Sia - @castielslittlestbee
Big Black Car - Gregory Alan Isakov
Black - Pearl Jam
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes @thefaithfulwriter
Sorry - Kensington
Landslide - Fleedwood Mac
Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Lucinda Williams
Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
Halo Of Flies - Alice Cooper
Ain’t No Sunshine - Bill Withers
Just Breathe - Pearl Jam
No Good - KALEO
Human - Rag’n Bone Man
Brother - NEEDTOBREATHE ft. Gavin DeGraw - @tumbler-tidbits
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
Yesterday - The Beatles
Running To Stand Still - U2
Trouble - Ray LaMontagne
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Welcome To The Jungle - Guns N’ Roses
Angel Dream (No. 2) - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - @coffee-obsessed-writer
Ain’t No Grave - Johnny Cash
God Only Knows - The Beach Boys
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Creep - Radiohead
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - @whatareyousearchingfordean
Paradise By The Dashboard Light - Meat Loaf
Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
Elysium - Bear’s Den
Not About Angels - Birdy
Heal - Tom Odell
Brother - Matt Corby
Redemption Day - Johnny Cash
Seven Bridges Road - Ricochet
Bed Of Roses - Bon Jovi
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
Stand By Me - Jason Manns
The Wicked - Blues Saraceno
99 Problems - Hugo
Save My Soul - Blues Saraceno
Blaze Of Glory - Jon Bon Jovi
Righteous Smoke - Monster Truck
So Far From Your Weapon - The Dead Weather
Street Spirit (Fade Out) - Radiohead
The Sound Of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Heartbreaker - Led Zeppelin
Heartache Tonight - The Eagles
Time Is Running Out - Muse @brokencasbutt67-writer
Storm - Lifehouse
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own - U2
About Today - The National
Wish It Was True - The White Buffalo
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Desperado - The Eagles
To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra ft. Patrick Watson
Broken Halos - Chris Stapleton
Guiding Light - Foy Vance ft. Ed Sheeran
Hurricane - Thirty Seconds To Mars - @winchest09
Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
Inside My Head - Di-Rect
I Still Cry - Ilse DeLange
My Best Wasn’t Good Enough - Kane - @emilyshurley
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Knokken’ On Heaven’s Door - Avril Lavigne
Simple Man - Jensen Ackles
What Makes A Good Man? - The Heavy
Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae
“Heroes”- David Bowie
A New Day Yesterday - Jethro Pull
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Blinded By the Light
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Have you ever heard a song that changed your life? I know I have. Songs that helped take me far, far away from the misery I was living in, songs that made me want to be the person I knew I could be. That once-in-a-lifetime feeling is what Blinded By the Light is about - the true story of a young Pakistani boy living in Luton, England during the iron grip of the Thatcher years who learns the great lessons of life, love, living for a dream, and reconciling his past and future, all through the music of Bruce Springsteen. If you’re not a huge fan of The Boss, I understand why you might be asking, “And I should care why?” Well...
I don’t know what it is about these British musical biopics that are so in vogue right now, but this may be my second favorite film this year after Rocketman. Viviek Kalra is a revelation as our protagonist, Javed, and his journey from a sensitive, stifled young man into a force of artistic expression is so moving and heartfelt. 
Some thoughts:
I love the establishment of time and place right from the get-go, with the Margaret Thatcher billboards, the unemployment advertisements, and the “Luton sucks” graffiti. 
Unless I’m misunderstanding English school years, shouldn’t this banner read “Welcome Class of 88″ instead of 87 at the beginning of the school year in September 1987??
Oh hello Hayley Atwell in a much bigger role than I was anticipating, how I have missed you and Agent Carter every day.
I love the homage to Mean Girls in the cafeteria clique breakdown. 
This soundtrack (not just the Bruce parts) is totally banging. 1987 was such an excellent music year. 
Public singing demonstrations to woo a girl always seem so swoonworthy in movies, but I’m thinking IRL this whole scene would be kind of creepy and weird. I suppose Javed’s earnest charm is part of what makes this feel less threatening.
And he saves it because this is an incredibly sweet first date. Is there anything more romantic than sharing headphones? It’s the perfect amount of intimacy with someone you want to be with without it being too invasive or aggressive. 
You know this movie is impressive when they do the big “Born to Run” singalong and manage to get through what are arguably the most terrible lyrics of all time and it’s still a fun and joyful scene. If you can lip sync to “Just wrap your legs 'round these velvet rims/And strap your hands across my engines” with a straight face, you’re a better actor than most, Aaron Phagura.
That’s a big part of appeal here, honestly, is the sheer exuberance Javed and Roops (Phagura) share alone and together as they become huge Bruce stans. There’s something so pure about their love for this music and this man with whom they have nothing and everything in common. 
I absolutely loved all the costuming and hair choices, especially some of these gravity-defying Flock of Seagulls haircuts. I appreciate that all of the teens at Javed’s school look like actual teens and not 20-something Vogue models or what Instagram influencers imagine the 80s looked like. These kids all look pretty much like dorks, and that’s how high school is supposed to be goddammit.
I so appreciated that Javed’s girlfriend Eliza (Nell Williams) had her own values and hopes and dreams, although disappointingly her story did basically serve to help Javed learn and grow. I wish she had more of an arc on her own from being exposed to Javed’s enthusiasm for life and for Bruce, but she did have a strong sense of self before he came along which never diminished throughout the rest of the film, so at least there’s that. 
Not only is Javed’s experience growing up and finding his artistic voice through his love of Bruce interesting enough, there’s the added element of his relationship with his father (Kulvinder Ghir) and the intersection of their lives as Pakistani immigrants living in a city strangled by unemployment and economic depression from the draconian policies of Margaret Thatcher and the growing threat of the National Front (think the alt-right with chav accents and worse teeth). The film juggles all these growing pressures on Javed masterfully as he tries to support his family and be a good son while also chafing against his father’s insistence that he will never be English, he will only be Pakistani. Javed lives in the possibility of a world made of shades of grey while his father sticks to black and white. Their dynamic is the most interesting, heartbreakingly real of the entire film, and the performances by both Kalra and Ghir are masterful.
Fun fact: this film is based on the writings and life of Sarfraz Manzoor, who has now seen Bruce Springsteen over 500 times!
Did I Cry? Oh god yes. When did I not cry? I cried when Javed listened to Bruce for the first time - just like The Boss himself, the moment feels like it should be cheesy but ends up incredibly powerful and affecting. I cried when the WWII veteran praises Javed’s poem and says, “You need to get your message out” in regards to his anti-fascist poetry. I cried when Matt (Dean-Charles Chapman, aka Tommen from Game of Thrones which I literally just now realized) confronted Javed about being a better friend. I cried during Javed’s big speech at the end and essentially didn’t stop until the credits rolled. 
This is a must see for everyone - especially anyone who has ever felt like the only outlet they had was the music blasting through their speakers and the dream keeping them alive. 
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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travisdermotts · 8 months
thought about matt chapman possibly signing with another team and made myself cry
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darlingnisi · 6 years
Celebration Day 4 : VIP Edition
Part 3 here!
FDeluxe Panel
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St Paul Peterson Eric Leeds Susannah Melvoin Jellybean Johnson
This was an interesting panel. The vibe was kind of interesting? I know people are adults, lol, but kind of a good bit of cursing here...and it kind of...went to a place toward the end? But we’ll get to it :
Paul Peterson Origin Story
18 years old. Gets phone call from Bobby Z. (They’re related but not by blood through marriage)
Walked in and played once in audition. Jellybean took him under his wing
Called back the next day and Prince was there.
The Wrecka Stow joke was done on him as part of his initiation before it was in Under the Cherry Moon
Susannah Melvoin
Had known P for a while
Lived in West Hollywood with Wendy and Lisa. The doors of the house were saloon doors so nobody had any privacy. 
Prince would come over and spend the night on the couch sometimes
Susannah had first singing gig with Quincy Jones. Sang with Siedah Garrett, Kevin Dorsey, and others. Her audition with Q was singing “Until You Come Back to Me” (Aretha Franklin)
Played demo for Prince. P says “Awww that was adorable”.
Asked to join The Family
She was 18 he was 25. 
She says it took 2 weeks to track The Family album
Eric Leeds
P called him for a name for a song he was writing “Purple Pain? Purple Plane?” Eric, “Maybe Purple Rain?”
Brother of Alan Leeds P’s tour manager
Atlanta Bliss and Eric are from Pittsburgh. They moved to Atlanta and shared a house
Eric was considering a career change at the time after touring with high profile acts, got a call from Alan saying P needed a sax player
Eric had no interest and wasn’t into P, but needed a gig.
Had no illusions or exceptions about the experience or Prince. Got along because he came to work.
On the Making of the Family album
The Family album was made when Purple Rain was coming out
They generally worked on their parts separately. Eric didn’t even meet the rest of the band for several months after he added his parts
Peterson had to really study P’s demos. He thought it would be easy. David Z and Jellybean had to coach him a lot to get the inflections right going line by line
They had rehearsals for a year and exactly one gig.
St Paul dipped after getting a deal with A&M records...left the camp “hence P’s ‘PAUL PUNK OF THE MONTH” chants during Parade tour
Last time he saw P was during a party for LP Music in the NPG music room (LP Music is an Eric Leeds band). P gave him a big hug.
On what happened to The Family 
The Family was never signed to a label. Their deal wasn’t with WB it was a production deal with Prince.
Prince was in France and wasn’t around to manage so things fell through the cracks
Not having a contract made their relationship “adversarial with P” “Prince wanted to pay as little as possible and they want as much as possible as artists”
WB didn’t know how to handle them because they were not WB artists.
Resided in no man’s land and Prince got the proceeds.
On Fdeluxe
Sheila E called to do an alumni concert at the forum it went well. After, they were invited to play a Questlove Grammy party. 
Taped a Fdeluxe album in Susannah’s garage.
Annnd the panel got weird around this time...
Susannah and Eric began riffing on each other. There was cursing? Susannah said the riffing was okay because she used to date Eric? Eric made some suggestive jokes for a while? I honestly wasn’t writing any of this down because I was like...
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When they came around again, Susannah mentioned she was the one who connected Clare Fischer to P as he was cool with her father. 
MPLS Early Years
Gayle Chapman Dez Dickerson Dr Fink Bobby Z
Gayle Origin Story
Her friends played her P’s album thinking she’d like it
She was listening to “For You” on her own one day and she heard a voice that said “In order for Prince to tour, he’s going to need a band” it scared her as she was alone in her apartment
She called Chazz and asked if he knew Prince. He said he was his cousin and was looking for band members. Set her up with an audition.
Went to house on France ave and jammed with them
Got the call 3 months later to join
Dez Dickerson Origin Story
His little sister had For You. Was “young and arrogant” and thought he could do better.
Answered call in local paper and auditioned at Del’s Tire mart
Jammed for 15 minutes, didn’t take a solo until asked and didn’t show off, falling back into the groove. P walked him out and asked him what he noted as mature questions. (He didn’t embellish more than this, but he does have a book that details this out well if you want to check it out).
Matt Fink Origin Story
His and Bobby Z’s mom did fundraisers for Mt Sinai when they were kids
Bobby played a demo for Fink one day. Fink “who’s the band?” Bobby “it’s one guy he plays all the instruments” Fink *scooby doo sound*
He bugged Bobby for an audition and got one
On their early look
A lot of jokes, lol
“We were soul searching”
“Looked like an explosion in a soup kitchen”
“A lot of spandex and gold”
“Looked like 6 people who had never met each other”
Other stories
Gayle was taken for a ride by a label person. They told her she should go on a diet and work on her finger nails. She noted that it would be a wasted because her fingers would bleed from playing and polish wouldn’t last long.
Dez retells story of the label telling Prince he should wear underwear under his pants...so he just wore the underwear and no pants
Gayle notes that he sometimes wore underwear that laced up in the front.....
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On the Capri Show
Bobby Z drove P there because his Datsun got wrecked with an unfortunate encounter with a snow plow. They left the car they rode over in on for 6 hours because it was 20 under.
It was an “us vs them band against the world’ vibe
Music store loaned the band gear, wireless guitar transmitters
Dez said he ran everywhere in the venue, up and down the aisles...which was nice to do...but they also got trucker interference out of their speakers “a lot of 10-4 good buddies”
They noted that they hadn’t rehearsed much for this show
WB thought they’d signed a Smokey/Steve artist...found P was not that.
Other stories
The Rebels was the first side project by P. If I Love You Tonight was originally recorded by Gayle. P told her to cry to get the emotion out of her while singing. The other guys also mooned her because pranksters.
Gayle got her hair “braided and beaded” before coming out to film shows in LA to promote the Prince album. The label immediately took her to get her hair done after. She got no sleep as they finished with her at 5am and she was due to the venue at 10am. “I looked like a white Donna Summer”
During the Midnight Special taping, the staff was “smashed”
For the Dick Clark show, Prince was on antihistamines and had a hard time talking after dancing and such
Told the story about Prince and Dez having an interview with Jon Bream and Bobby losing it over the lack of condiments “There’s no mayonnaise...” and it escalated including a flipped table and an almost flipped couch with Jon Bream sitting on it. P and Dez calmly continued the interview talking about serious topics with straight faces.
First time at First Avenue was to promote Dirty Mind. It was still Sams at the time. They finally connected to a local white audience with that show.
P drove a Jeep at one point
P had jokes on his answering machine that he would rotate. An example “Get off the phone you punk mother [machine beep]
Recounts wheelchair story of P being wheeled to the middle of busy foot traffic, sitting quietly, then slowly falling out of the chair. Sometimes people would help him back in the chair...he’d never say anything and play it straight.
Note : This panel was probably my favorite one. I’d heard most of the stories before, but so glad they spent time on the pre-revolution band. Just missed Andre being there...
Concert Screening Montreal 2015
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Rooocked it!!!! 
Setlist for the curious
F Deluxe Concert
This was very funky...but this was an odd choice to close out Celebration. Most of the crowd sat during most of this show...appreciate Susannah’s body rolls though! They were inspiring!
Set list 
High Fashion Gaslight Sanctified Screams of Passion Nothing Compares 2 U “Come Go with me” lyric River Run Dry Desire Lover Drummers and Healers "Songs going down around the world” lyric  Mutiny
And that was it! There was a thanks from Wally and he shouted out Purple Underground, Rodney Fitzgerald, and Michael Dean (Yay Prince Podcast) in a kind of awkward way that thanked them for the opportunity and we were on our way. (I imagine that what was kind of confusing to people who didn’t know who those people were but...)
And so concluded Celebration 2018!
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
Bad Blood - Matt x reader
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REQUEST: Hiya. For a Matt request I was thinking of a Romeo Juliet situation where you guys are in love but have to sneak around because there is bad blood between your families
WARNING: I chose dean's last name for matt. bad writing. this is just really bad.
A/N: This is pure trash and it's really short, I'm so sorry. :( Writers block is absolutely kicking my ass, I cant seem to write anything good. The last time this happened I stopped writing for a year and half....yikes. I could literally cry rn. Also this whole quarantine situation isn't helping. Anyway, your request deserved better i'm sorry
''What were you thinking, Y/N ?!'' your mother shouted at you, making you roll your eyes. She started pacing around and scoffed loudly before turning to face you. ''him, out of all people ?!''
''You don't even know him, mom.'' you answered calmly, closing your eyes to stop the tears from settling in your eyes.
Despite your families' hatred for each other, you and Matt had always been close. From lying to your parents about going to the cinema with a friend to sneaking out late at night, you always found a way to make your friendship work without your families knowing about it. But when things became more serious between the two of you, it all became a lot more complicated. You often felt the need to protest when your dad said harsh things about him or his family, but you always ended up deciding against it, until today. You wanted your parents to give him a chance, to see that he wasn't half as bad as they made it look like, but you quickly realized that was certainly not something they were ready to hear.
''I don't know him'' she mocked your words, scoffing again. ''I don't want you to get involved with anyone from his family. You're going to break up with him, and we're going to forget about this. Do you hear me, Y/N?'' she pointed a finger at you threateningly as she took a step forward, and you shook your head feeling the tears well in your eyes.
''No. I'm not going to let this dumb family feud, that shouldn't even involve me an Matt get in the way of our relationship.'' you defended yourself, voice shaking but still filled with anger. ''I love him, mom. He's caring, he treats me well, he doesn't cheat. This is all you've ever wanted for me, why can't you be happy?!''
''Because I wasn't expecting my daughter to date a fucking Chapman!'' she suddenly yelled, making you flinch. ''Out of all boys, out of all families, you really had to get involved with them, huh? And how are you going to explain this to your father?!''
''You know what? Just forget it. This is bullshit, I don't even know why I expected you to understand.'' you finally spat before running past her, ignoring her calls and making your way towards your room as tears started falling down your cheeks.
You locked your door shut before collapsing on your bed, letting yourself cry. A hiccup escaped your throat and you rolled onto your side, burying your face in your pillow. You weren't sobbing, but the tears were rolling down your cheeks freely. 'Everytime something good happens to me, this damn family has to ruin it', you thought, curling yourself up into a ball.
After you finally calmed down, you got up and grabbed the phone, dialing Matt's number. You bit your lips when the phone rang and inhaled a deep, shaky breath when he finally picked up.
''Hey, are you...um, can you come over ?'' you asked. ''I, uh- I told my mom about us.'' you blurted out quickly, wiping a tear off your cheek.
''What ?''
''I know, I- I thought she would understand and it would'nt be such a big deal since she-''
''Hey, hey, love, shh calm down. It's okay, don't cry. Leave your window open, I'll be right over.''
Matt's hands are playing with your hair and loosely running along your arm as his back rests against the headboard of your bed. Your eyes are closed as you lean onto his chest, trying to forget about everything that happened earlier, the warmth of his body and the gentle thump of his heart agaist your back being enough to calm you down.
''We’ll figure it out.'' Matt broke the silence and you nodded, finally opening your eyes as he pressed a kiss on the top of your head. ''Who knows, maybe they'll all come together once we get married.'' he smiled and you let out a half-hearted chuckle, leaning your head back to look up at him.
''This is all so unfair.'' you sighed as a tear slipped out of the corner of your eye. Matt wiped it away with his thumb and let his eyes roam over your face, taking in every detail in the dim light. ''I don't want them to force us apart.'' you continued as your tears started flooding down your cheeks again. Matt reached to hold your hand and intertwined your fingers together before leaning in, pulling you into a soft kiss while his thumb stroked your cheek soothingly.
''This is not going to happen, Y/N. I promise.'' he murmured against your ear and pat his lap, inviting you to straddle him. You climbed on top of him and he brushed a strand of hair out of your face before sliding his hand to the back of your head, pulling you in for a kiss. When you didn't kiss back, he pulled away and gently cupped your chin between his thumb and index finger, lifting your head up. ''Hey...look at me.'' his voice was gentle and caring as his eyes searched for yours. Your tears had stopped falling, but your eyes were still red and puffy. ''I love you, Y/N. No one's going to force us apart.'' he continued, and you nodded with a small smile. ''You're not getting rid of me so easily.'' he smirked as he kissed your jawline softly, his hands finding their way to your waist. You chuckled at his words and bit your bottom lip as he started kissing down your neck slowly. You tilted your head back, your eyes falling shut as a soft sigh of pleasure left your lips.
He detached his lips from your neck after a moment, only for you to capture them with your own again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your hands in his hair as he pulled you closer, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Your lips moved slowly against his, and a soft giggle escaped from your lips as he pushed you back on the bed, climbing on top of you.
"Matt..." you muttered against his lips, pressing a hand on his chest to push him away slightly. Your lips curled up into a smile and you rolled your eyes playfully when his lips met your neck once again. "Matt, seriously... my mom's downstairs."
He muttered an incoherent complain and you sighed when his lips found your sensitive spot.
''Alright, I don't think I'll be able to be quiet if you keep going.'' you smirked as a small laugh escaped his lips, and he finally detached his lips from your neck to look at you.
''I love you so fucking much, do you know that?'' he exclaimed, cupping your face and pulling you in for another kiss, this one longer and more heated than the previous one, breaking the kiss only enough to take his shirt off.
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rockrevoltmagazine · 4 years
TONY HARNELL (the former voice of Norwegian/American band TNT) is racing ahead with one eye in the rear-view fronting ECHOBATS, a new allstar, quarantine inspired project alongside WHITESNAKE/TSO guitarist JOEL HOEKSTRA (guitar), NIGHT RANGER’S ERIC LEVY on keys and the tight, crackling rhythm of MATT (MR.BIG, ACE FREHLEY) STARR’s kit and JAMES LOMENZO’s (WHITE LION, MEGADETH) bass.  Highway fidelity for self-isolating rockers! …Featuring cool classic melodies, hi octane rocking and unmistakable vocals to chill out to.
“Save Me From Loving You,” mixed by Chris Collier, is the surprise new summertime, 70’s Glam-infused single that brings a Penny Lane-style spark to the pop side of Harnell’s sound with the bite of this banging EchoBats band. Highway fidelity for self-isolating rockers!
“The lyrics for ‘Save Me from Loving You’ are ironic for such a happy song! They’re kinda dark; describing someone who’s pretending to be something that looks good to the world while hiding a dark and empty soul. I think, against the happy melodies, it gives it a kind of cinematic mood. “Isn’t there more to you than shine, or are you an empty room”. A friend of mine described the song as Bop-Noir:) I kinda like that!
The video for ‘Save Me from Loving You’ is just us using what we had around us in quarantine; I’m in England and had a phone booth nearby and the guys were at home across the US!
It was totally off the cuff and fun. The music and melodies are kinda 60’s/70’s, and I went with that for my shots, and Arielle edited the video with that energy and flair.” – TONY HARNELL
“Nothing could be more welcome in this paranoid pandemic than a paisley perfect throwback love song. Tony Harnell and his electrified Echobats have crafted a deliciously infectious, instant summer classic. I dare you to find someone to save you from loving this song.” – Lonn Friend, author, Life on Planet Rock
“While Echobats members like singer Tony Harnell and guitarist Joel Hoekstra are known for raucous ’80s-style hard rock, ‘Save Me From Loving You’ finds them riding an effervescent ’60s pop vibe. The style is classic, the sound a bit more modern, and it makes for a fun summertime tune.” – Bryan Reesman
Download / Stream “Save Me from Loving You”: iTunes | Spotify | Amazon | Deezer
“Tony has been innately gifted with a gorgeous tone, pure soulful emotion and a limitless range. Truly a rare and unique voice. No question he is easily one of my favorite vocalists.”- James LaBrie-Dream Theater
California born, NYC bred, Tony Harnell’s music journey took off at 21 when he signed his first record deal with Mercury Records. Since then he’s been a fan favorite whether on his own, leading the Norwegian/American hard rock group TNT, or as the front man for the Tony Harmell & The Wildflowers featuring Bumblefoot.
A critically-acclaimed vocalist, Grammy winner, and Hall of Fame Inductee in Norway, Tony has sold millions of albums and received numerous gold and platinum awards. With multiple top requested MTV videos, sold out concerts worldwide, and a lifelong passion for music, Tony is considered by fans, critics, and peers alike to be one of the greatest rock voices of all time.
“From his early days in TNT, to his various projects and collaborations along the way, he has proved time and time again that he isn’t afraid to take risks and reinvent himself.” — Myles Kennedy-Alterbridge/Slash
For Tony, it’s always been about the music. Growing, creating, becoming the next best version of himself as a singer, songwriter, and performer.
In 2019 Tony released two albums. Starbreaker “Dysphoria” and Lovekillers.
New York guitarist Joel Hoekstra currently plays for Whitesnake and Trans Siberian Orchestra. Joel is also well known for his work with Cher, Night Ranger, the Broadway show Rock of Ages, his fill in work with Foreigner and annual sets on the Monsters of Rock Cruise. He is also a frequent columnist for Guitar World Magazine. In 2015, Joel released the debut album from his side project Joel Hoekstra’s 13 and a follow-up is in the works! He has also released 3 solo albums that YOU should own!
For over 30 years, James has recorded and toured with some of the most noteworthy rock icons of our time, including Jerry Cantrell, John Fogerty, Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), Zakk Wylde (Pride & Glory and Black Label Society), David Lee Roth, Ozzy Osbourne, Slash, Ace Frehley and many more. Thought of as the “go to” bass player for Heavy Rock and Metal, His fluid/aggressive style and at home stage presence have proven to be a perfect match to these musical giants!
Born in Brooklyn, New York, James officially started his touring and recording career in the 1980’s band, White Lion. They signed to Atlantic Records in 1986 and in 1987 the album Pride was released featuring the top ten hits, “Wait” and “When the Children Cry”. The album has sold millions of copies worldwide as did their follow up album, Big Game (1989) featured their top 20 hit “Little Fighter“ and a spirited rendition of Golden Earring’s “Radar Love”.
James is currently a member of American rock legend John Fogerty’s band.
Matt Starr is a drummer, producer & speaker. Matt is currently the touring and recording drummer for guitarist and founding KISS member Ace Frehley. Matt has also worked with Joe Lynn Turner, Paul Stanley, Mr. Big, Michael Des Barres as well as various projects with members of Bon Jovi, Guns N’ Roses, Foreigner and others.
In the studio he has worked with the following producers: Jimmy Bralower (VP A&R Atlantic Records, Madonna, Mick Jagger, Joan Jett), Toby Wright (Metallica, Alice In Chains, Korn), Mike Chapman (Blondie, The Knack, The Sweet), Dave Bianco (AC/DC, Tom Petty, KISS) and Warren Huart (Aerosmith, The Fray).
Eric Levy was born and raised in suburban Chicago, and currently resides in northern California. He’s been a member of classic rock band Night Ranger since 2011, and spent the previous decade touring with jamband Garaj Mahal. In his diverse career, Eric has performed and/or recorded with jazz fusion greats such as Dennis Chambers and Dave Weckl, funk legends like Dawn Silva and Bernie Worrell, and early rockers including Fabian and Wolfman Jack. He’s sat in numerous times with jam bands like Umphrey’s McGee and String Cheese Incident, and performed at arenas and amphitheaters around the globe with Night Ranger.
ECHOBATS–TONY HARNELL (TNT), JOEL HOEKSTRA (WHITESNAKE, TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA), JAMES LOMENZO (WHITE LION, MEGADETH), MATT STARR (MR. BIG) & ERIC LEVY (NIGHT RANGER)–Releases Official Music Video & Single for “Save Me from Loving You” was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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badwolf1988-blog · 7 years
Demons Closing In
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Summary: Leland Chapman was having a very weird Halloween. To understand his story, you'd have to rewind time twenty-four hours to when he met a woman named Rainn Cameo.
Rated: Teen
Disclaimer: I do not know Leland Chapman and Rainn Cameo is a product of my overactive imagination. This story never happened.
Disclaimer II: 'Thriller' is copyright © the late, great Michael Jackson.
“Dakota, you really think this girl can help me find my guy?” Leland waved the slip of paper on which was written an address located in the Waipio area. “This is really out of my way and I don't have time to waste on a bad lead.”
“Dad, I've known Rainn since elementary school. She's honest and she knows this guy. Her senior year was last year and he was always picking her up. If she knows where you can find him, she'll tell you.” Dakota was packing up his bookbag as he spoke. “Oh, I'll be home late tomorrow night. Matt's having a Halloween party,” the eighteen-year-old informed his father.
“Alright,” Leland nodded and pocketed his wallet. “Just keep your phone on so I can reach you if I need to.”
It had taken Leland almost twenty minutes just to find the girl's house. It sat on Waipio's famous black sand beach and was hidden by tropical foliage. It was the small but expensive kind of beach house that was usually owned by the wealthy/celebrities as a winter home. Why would someone who lived somewhere this nice run with an ice head?
The door was opened almost immediately after he knocked and Leland found himself face-to-face with a knockout. The young woman was short and curvy and had bright violet eyes that were highlighted by her fire red hair and sapphire nose stud. “Rainn Cameo?”
The young woman nodded. “That would be me, Mr. Chapman.”
“Leland, please.” Leland had to mentally kick his own ass and remind himself that he was old enough to be the girl's father. She was friends with his oldest son for pete's sake!
Rainn stepped aside to allow him room to enter. “Dakota texted me and told me you were coming. I was able to find a picture of Stephen for you.” She led him into her living room and grabbed a photograph off of the steampunk style coffee table. She handed it to him. “It was taken last summer.”
“Do you know if he still looks like this?” Leland waved the photograph while trying to keep his eyes off of her very full chest.
“He's about thirty pounds lighter now.” Rainn crossed her arms over her chest. She looked truly worried.
“You seem like a nice girl so I have to ask – how do you know this guy, Rainn?” Leland asked just to appease his own curiosity.
“Stephen's my cousin.” Rainn took a seat on the couch and grabbed a pad and pen off of the coffee table. “Our parents co-own a film production company and, like most rich kids, we both like pissing off our folks. I do it by writing underground comics for Last Gasp Comics and Stephen does it by smoking ice.” She scribbled something on the pad before ripping the page off and handing it to him. “Here, this is his best friend's address in Hilo. It's the only place I would know to look for him. My number's on the bottom if you have any more questions.”
“Thank you.” Leland folded up the paper and stuck it in his pocket with the photograph. He borrowed her pen and on the bottom of a wanted poster wrote his phone number. “If you hear from Stephen or find out where he is, call me, day or night.”
Leland pulled up to a raging house party at a little after ten with Duane Lee in the SUV behind him providing his only backup. Rainn had texted him a half hour earlier telling him that Stephen was there.
As Leland and Duane Lee entered the house, they had to shove a path through drunk teenagers while Michael Jackson blared from the sound system.
“It's close to midnight,
And something evil's lurking in the dark.
Under the moonlight,
You see a sight that almost stops your heart.
You try to scream,
But terror takes the sound before you make it.
You start to freeze,
As horror looks you right between the eyes,
You're paralyzed...”
“Thriller,” Leland snorted. “How original.”
The two men pushed their way to the back den where they were in no way prepared for the sight that awaited them. Their elusive fugitive sat on the couch with his hands in front of him, zip ties had been used to construct an impromptu pair of handcuffs. Rainn sat perched on the armrest of the couch dressed as Supergirl and Dakota (of all people) stood guard over Stephen dressed as a 1980's-era Dee Snyder.
“Well, this is new.” Duane Lee quipped.
“He found out that I texted you and was trying to leave so Dakota stopped him,” Rainn looked at Leland and explained.
“Good job, son.” Leland nodded approvingly.
“Thanks, pops. Can I take off now? I kinda have a date waiting on me.” Dakota jerked his head towards the door.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Leland, do you mind if I ride with you to drop him off?” Rainn asked, nodding towards Stephen. “I wanna talk to him.”
“Sure, honey, come on.”
Duane Lee went back to the office to complete the night's paperwork while Leland handled the fugitive drop off. It was one of the most uncomfortable drives he had ever taken. Poor Rainn. She tried to engage her cousin in conversation the whole ride but Stephen had simply called her a traitor before refusing to talk to or even look at her.
Rainn waited in the car while Leland booked Stephen into jail. When he returned to the Hummer, his heart broke when he found Supergirl crying in the passenger seat. Was it wrong that all he wanted to do was hold her? Not grope or fuck her (okay, so he kinda wanted to do that too), he just wanted to take her pain away. “Rainn, honey, you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.” He couldn't resist reaching out and brushing some of her pretty red hair behind her ear.
“You don't understand,” she said as she shook her head. “My parents don't give a shit about me. Did you know that I was the youngest comic writer ever invited to host their own panel at Comic-Con and my parents didn't even take notice? Stephen is all I have.”
“Fuck, baby... that isn't true.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You have Dakota and I know he has your back. I raised him to be loyal.”
“Urgh!” Rainn suddenly pulled away from him angrily. “Just what I need, another reminder that you're one of my best friend's fathers! I get it, Leland! I'm not ever going to get what I want!”
“You want me?” Leland asked in shock. No fucking way. This wasn't possible. He wasn't this lucky.
“Duh!” Rainn yelled.
Leland couldn't help himself, he reached out and tangled his hand in her hair, pulling her to him so he could claim her mouth in a hungry kiss.
When they parted, Rainn screamed in terror. Looking out the window, Leland saw why. They were surrounded by zombies...
Leland sat up in bed with a start, waking his young wife.
“Baby, what's wrong?” she asked.
It was just a dream. A bizarre dream that was probably driven by 'The Walking Dead' marathon that he had had with Cobie before bed. “Nothing, honey, just a bad dream. Go back to sleep.” He pulled her to lay on his chest, right where his girl belonged.
“Love you, Leland.” She kissed his chest before drifting back off to sleep.
“Love you, Rainn.” He dropped a kiss to the top of her head and held her just a little bit tighter, thankful that she wasn't a dream.
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woggr · 7 years
Core memories
Gary way house. I don't remember my exact age, I couldn't have been much older than 3 or 4. Threatening my brother while holding a knife in my hands because I was filled with so much hate caused by the innocent teasing. Then being cut by that very blade and running to the very brother I had previously threatened. I didn't understand the important lessons I learned in that moment. But I understand now, hate brings with it fear. And with fear we often do things we don't want to based on natural instinct, thus, the natural man is an enemy to not just God, but all mankind. However, that hate was soon forgotten and dominated by a love that exists only through family bonds. I'm almost thankful for the constant reminder I get every time I look at and feel the scar left on my left index finger. That experience helped shape and mold the man I would one day become.
Jumping sideways off the diving board because I knew I was a weak swimmer, being pulled out by a close friend then a frantic mother taking me into her arms as I cried. Seeing the deepest concern in my mothers eyes has left an imprint on my soul that will never be forgotten. Her endless and all consuming love is fundamental in my development. Just as much then as it is now.
North Carolina. I don't remember the year, or the name of the place, but I'll never forget the events that took place and the lessons learned. We were out site seeing. I only remember my mom and my grandma, though I know others were present. We were at a rock and I was climbing around, off on my own like I always do. There was a big rock that drew my attention and my adventurous spirit took me to it where I was climbing around on the edge of a cliff. I didn't see and I couldn't comprehend the amount of danger I was in. Im still not sure if I even was in any danger. What has stuck with me is the tone of my grandmothers voice when she called out to me, begging me to get down and return to her. She loved me deeply and I felt it deep within me that day. Though she is no longer with us, my love for her grows daily as I realize her immense impact on my life.
Sometime as a younger child, while living at our home at fox pointe circle. Something happened with me and my mom. A disagreement of sorts where I had become very upset with her. I screamed at her and told her how much I hated her and never wanted to see her again. I took off, bound and determined to run away forever. I ran outside down the drive way, I had turned the corner and was storming down the street when I saw my dad appear from above. I feared his wrath as he spoke to me with such power that I had no choice but to obey his command. He told me to get back inside immediately, though reluctant at first I joined him in his office for a little chat. Many of my pivotal and fundamental moments were spend in that office, conversing with my father. This particular time I remember being terrified of what I had just done, I had again acted out of anger and let my emotions drive my actions. But in a calm and loving manner my dad reminded me of the love my mother had for me, he told asked me to explain the situation and in only the way a father could he expressed not only his love for me, but made clear and supported the love my mother had for me. He told me that he understood my feelings and ensured that what she did, and what she was doin was in my best interest. He didn't hit me or throw me across the room, though I know he could have and I probably deserved it, but he talked to me with love. PARENTS, plural, parents form their children at an early age. Two is always better than one and I couldn't be more blessed than by having two outstanding parents.
The rocket derby in Boy Scouts. I had dominated everyone in the races that took place that day and without a doubt had the best rocket there. But I didn't get a blue ribbon that day for taking first. I opted to give it to someone who holds a very special place in my heart. He was a chapman boy, Matt I think I name was, and he was mentally handicapped. He'd never won anything before in his life and I was fortunate enough to have had many blue ribbons already. That day was his day. He was awarded first place and the blue ribbon was his and the joy I saw in him, the smile on his face, was better than any prize I had ever received in my life. I remember people coming up to me and thanking me and telling me what a good thing it was that I had done. I didn't care about what they were saying. I cared about him, making other people happy makes me happy. The pure love of Christ is charity, for the first time I tasted that love and today am driven by it. I know Matt has a special place in gods kingdom and I hope to be aside him and his glory.
Not soon after it was time for the first day of Jr. High. Those feelings of insecurity and fear were haunting. Walking through those doors were like walking through a worm hole and flying out into the unknown corners of the universe... And in the end I loved it. I learned from it and grew. I still dread going into unfamiliar situations, but now I have more faith that if what I'm doing is right, everything will work out for the best.
Not being able to play bball with my Bros until I'd made three straight free throws. I'm always trying to be the best. I am no respecter of people, or age, or position. No matter what the circumstances I strive to be the very best.
Rich leaving me crying in our garage in our huge house all alone. I was terrified of that huge place alone. I felt like I was abandoned.
Playing soccer with Matt in the back yard. Not just once or twice. But on many occasions. He was almost like a second father figure to me. More than just a brother, but someone who mentored me, inspired me and pushed me to become something more than I thought I could be. His love, patience and relentless pursuit of excellence is in large part why I've experienced the success I have. Why he had to go through the struggles he has I do not know, but as selfish as it is I'm glad he did. I saw it, I witnessed and experienced it, and I have learned from it. God knows I would never have become the person I am today had it not been for him. I pray that He might bless him and his beautiful family in all their endeavors. Thank you Matt. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
With that same attitude I was now in high school with new trials and placed in unfamiliar circumstances. The night I was heavily pressured to drink, do drugs, and have sex. The details don't have much significant but the preparations do. It was the biggest party of the year and everyone was there. I knew there would be people doing things contrary to my beliefs but I was unsure of how I would react. I remember being asked if I'd like to join in on some of the activities taking place out back, I walked with them and saw what was happening. As I stood there surrounded by all these popular kids my mind was on one thing. The words of my mother. She had warned me about these types of circumstances and I quite honestly wanted to participate. It appeared as if they were having the time of their life. I didn't trust them, my trust lied in my mother and father who had warned me again that and in the moment, I am grateful to say, I refused their enticing offers to engage in these foolish activities all because the spirit of a loving mother was with me. And though she was far away, I felt her close to me that night.
Next as I was preparing to submit papers to serve a mission I was faced with the challenge societal pressures. Growing up in a devout LDS family, all my brothers had served missions and to tell the truth I wasn't sure if that's what I really wanted to do. I got that their experiences had changed their life, or so they said. But I was worried about my education. I have alway been a very curious person and had always sought to learn and understand as much as possible. I thought I might be better had I stayed and continued with the path I was on. In this time of confusion I was one again summoned to the office of my father. I have thought about this brief meeting often. This may have been the realist conversation I've ever had with my father. He sat me down and told me that he didn't want me to feel pressure to serve. That no matter my decision I would always be loved the same by him and my mother. If I didn't want to go then he didn't want me to go! I was taken back at his, I thought that's what I was supposed to do. What he expected and wanted me to do. Prior to that conversation I had practically made up my mind. I saw myself as more intelligent, with more potential than my other family members and needed to feed that by furthering my education and starting the next step of my life. This conversation changed the course of my life. All the sudden that pressure was gone. I had the freedom to choose to do what I wanted, just like I always had. What I do in life is on me, and that's who I have to do it for. I can't worry about what others think or say or do. I have to choose what would be best for me in any given situation. My parents won't always be there to yell at me or sit me down and lecture me. What I do needs to be for me and what I feel is best for me and mine.
During those two years I was nothing more than an obedient instrument in the hands of the lord. Because of it, I will never be the same.
The best day of my life happened inside a church house on an ordinary Sunday. Being the person I was I always attended church. It was a singles ward in north salt lake. I was sitting with whichever friend decided to come that Sunday and still remember, clear as day, the first time I saw her. This gorgeous blonde comes walking in and sits with some other girls. I stare the whole time at the back of her perfect head. Hair done up, wearing her Sunday best. Every time she turned to talk to a friend I get tunnel vision, I think to myself, "turn more so I can see more your face!" Nothing else mattered that day. I knew no matter what I had to meet this girl, and I had to make an impression. Sacrament ended and we were to attend Sunday school, based on what month we were born we would attend one of two classes. That didn't matter to me. I went to e the class I thought she entered. As the lesson started and I finished scoping out the room I didn't see her, so I stood up and walked out. Looking back this was probable offensive to whomever was teaching but again, nothing else mattered but meeting this girl. I open the door to the other class and spot her right away. Sitting close to some friends as close to her as possible I was as outspoken as I had ever been. Answering questions just to talk, just to get her to notice me. Acting out with my friends dying for her to see me and acknowledge me (later on I got in trouble for acting out in that class... Worth). After class we spoke. She was apparently close friends with one of my best friends girlfriends. The girl I met that day was brooke. I now call her my wife (more appropriately Wifefriend). I now see that ever second of my life prior to that encounter had been preparing me to meet that one special girl. She is my soulmate. She understand me like no one else does. We get each other and help each other become more. She sees potential in me that I pray I will fulfill. Her faith helps me see that our fate is decided and inevitable. Her love inspires me and her hope drives me.
This was the best day of my life because it was the day I met my wife. No one else could do for me what she has done. No one else can drive me like she does. No one else sees what she sees and no one else could ever replace her. I thank and praise God for his marvelous gift of a loving wife who I know will always be there for me. Our love runs deep, she will one day bare my children and be the mother she has been predispositioned to be. The mother that helps develop and form her children. She's read of freuds theories of psychological development and understands them. She gets the flaws and knows the truths. I trust her and her judgement and this higher level of knowledge is only a piece to the perfect puzzle she's mastered of motherhood.
Atop mt. Constitution with my family on advise from my uncle lee.
Donating to charity for Christmas. Because I have been given much I too must give.
Today I interviewed someone I worked with previously. He was the bar tender when I was working my way through school at the og in sugar house. It's an interesting situation to be in where I can determine the future of this individual. Had I disliked him he wouldn't be working for us today. Because he left a good impression on me early on in life he had been put in a position of opportunity. He will now determine his own future.
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