#crying tho this is so funny to me XD
night-triumphantt · 9 months
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@cashweasel FDSFSDFSDFS I couldn’t help myself please accept some art that you definitely had no idea was coming lmao
The og for context lol: X
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io-lu-art · 3 months
PUUUHHHH ok I neeeeed to rant about this cause I am watching the Acolyte as I am writing this down and I am RAGING rn. (take this with humour, pls, it's nothing bad, I promise you, lol)
requested page cut for spoilers:
So, 4 min into Episode 6 and I am wondering, that's totally Ahch-To, right? Like, that's, that's so obvious. At that point I was just waiting for the Porgs to appear (tho, did they exist 1000 or what not years ago? idk) LOL. WDYM "Unknown Planet"?
But let's put that aside.
Then the scene continues, I will not comment on it too much, HOWEVER I totally see why people say it's reylo coded. And the more I watch the more I go like NO, NO, NO plllllsssssssss don't--
No but really, I have proof:
This was not supposed to see the light of day before I would actually get to the point of illustrating the fanfic, but I guess now I gotta put it out there + plus this is the part of the story that I still have soooooo many other scenes to write for to connect and actually get there, hence why it freaking takes so long to work on it with uni and life happening, but--
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*sighs* I mean I guess it's your average day to day trope but I am still- I... *another sigh*
I don't even read fanfiction on a daily basis. It's a wonder if I do it once every 6 months LOL. I don't even know if it is in fact a trope or not.
here, have an even rougher version from literally almost one year ago when I put together a pdf for a friend to give me feedback on in which I added some story beats that I drew around the "am I your prisoner?" scene:
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You know what? It's fine. This is fine. Totally fine. It happens. I'll go on and continue watching the Acolyte ep 6 now. I stopped at min 10:50 to write this post. Let's see how much more reylo coded this actually gets. (I have seen a spoiler on Tumblr with (I believe it's) Osha holding the red blade against guy's neck.)
(I don't even know their names lol. That's how invested I am in this show. Not at all, really. But I thought, ok, let's stay up to date with the star wars fandom. I regret that now, ngl XD)
(It's not even the first time this happens to me. Remember the scene from Ahsoka when someone cuts Ezra's hair with the lightsaber? Yeah, I had that planned for a later interaction between Rey and Kylo. Welp. I refuse to post proof for that rn. It would spoil the story.)
This is so surreal and funny to me, I cannot.
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ok its 1 am so obviously perfect time for thinking about muriel, so picture this ok check this out. you are 6 years old, you are an orphan living on the streets since maybe age 5 in the slums of a mediterranean city in the 16thish century. school does not exist. you do not have anybody that cares about you or loves you youre terrified of people and making contact with them. you have been alive on this bitch of an earth for 6 years and so far its not looking all that great
and THEN one day your teeth start falling out at regular intervals. what the fuck do you even think at that. do other street kids let you know that yea this is a thing its fine or do they take the opportunity to have what little fun they can score as fellow street urchins and make fun of you and tell you its a curse or youre dying or something. do you just go in a safe corner by yourself somewhere and cry or are you desensitized enough at this point to your life of perpetual fucking misery to just space it out and see where it takes you. i started this off as a funny lil thought but now im just trying to figure out how quickly would a kid in circumstances like that figure out whats goin on like that is not shit you just have inscribed in ur brain i reckon somebody would probly need to tell you whats up like ok theres a lot of things you probably learn by the time you hit puberty if you live out on the streets in a big city youve seen ur fair share of peeps suckin n fuckin out and about in the dark of night if you happened to be awake in the wrong place wrong time but 1. sir That is a Baby and 2 unless theres a load of other kids your age around who is gonna just go up to you n tell you oh btw your teeth are just gonna fucking all fall out one day but they should come back dont worry like in WHAT CONtext fhdhhfsfhkgd idk man im a pansy, i have like. parents n shit i have no frame of reference
and then some years later you make friends with another sixyearold and then one day his teeth start falling out. you tell him its fine theyll probably come back
EDIT ok its 2 am and i have now googled how teeth work and i may have forgotten that they do not in fact quote "fucking all fall out one day" BUT a lurk on pubmed has informed me that malnutrition can delay them falling out and new ones growing in BUT ALSO he was in good conditions tho until 3 yo at least so uh. theres. theres that factor. idk its 2 am and im not very smart my gray matter is fully occupied by love for blorbo from dating sim and it has been 5 years and i am RUNNING out of things to make up about him fhgshkfjfdgjtaf
@tetsuooooooooooo you're all good, friend!!
And oh gosh you're so right xD
It's possible one of the other kids on the docks told him what was going on, but with how isolated he was it's also very possible he had no idea what was happening.
Thankfully if a tooth falls out on its own you can often see the adult one already coming in, so he probably didn't have to worry about it for too long ...
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
i hope you're rdy bc i have 3 dabi thoughts in total for you but i'll send them individually 🧍
alright let's start off easy xD
the fandom's thoughts on how dabi would react to finding out his s/o is pregnant seem to go in two different directions. either he's terrified and leaves for good or he sees it as a chance to prove that he's better than his dad. personally i usually go with the second one bc i want him to be happy xD
which leads us straight to girl dad dabi 🥺 i'll never get enough of thinking about dabi with a little girl that takes after him in a way that's almost scary. they have the same stunning blue eyes and it helps him learn to love them bc now they don't remind him of his dad anymore but his daughter instead.
she has the same unruly hair as him and it's a real pain to get under control. dabi even learns to braid her hair (it takes a while tho lmao) bc she always wants him to do it :3
your daughter also turns out to be a picky eater. her daddy doesn't like smt? she doesn't like it either. but this works the other way round as well. her daddy loves smt? she loves it as well. this becomes a little worrying tho after a while when the little girl starts to show interest in fighting heroes and worst of all: arson 💀
one time you find her in her room smearing watercolors all over her face and arms - purple to be exact - bc she wants to look just like her dad. and when you tell her that she can't get the staples she so desperately wants it breaks her little heart 😭
do you want me to cry? do you want me to shed tears so bad? like... the way dabi would absolute dote on his daughter, treating her with the outmost love and respect, never missing a chance to spend some quality time with you both like going to the sea or have late afternoon walks, granting every single wish of hers under your tender glance and smile like– he’s so gonna make sure she gets all the love, appreciation and attention your daughter wants and deserves.
“dad, i want some candies!”
“sure thing lil mochi.”
“dad! i want that plushie!”
“right away little pixie.”
“the moon looks so pretty!”
“i’m on it.”
“dabi no—”
at some point you gotta step in because he’s so ready to comply to every single request she does, even the craziest ones, a single syllable of your daughter and dabi is already on the move with the most chill and stoic face ever.
like that one time the three of you went to the zoo and your daughter said a simple “mr. lion looks so majestic, i love it so much!”, the next thing you know dabi was climbing up the fence, with the guards yelling at him that he can’t while you stand there trying to hide yourself behind your hands, not from the embarrassment but because of laughters since you didn’t expect him to do something so extreme “my daughter wants a lion and i’m gonna give her that fucking lion, ya heard me?!”, yeah no, he’d definitely go ballistic at any request from his little mochi.
in the end you guys got away with a plushie of a lion that your daughter loves, but to which dabi clicked his tongue at because he wanted to give her the real thing and not a miniaturised version of it, in all this you’re just laughing amused at funny all this situation was for you.
and i’m not allowing anyone to fight me about this, he would 100% read your daughter fairytales before going to sleep. dabi would lay with her on her small bed letting your daughter use his chest as cushion while he reads with soft soothing voice the fairytale of the night, once she’s asleep he would gently tuck her in and kiss her on the forehead lovingly, because she is one of the most precious existences to him.
and as you looked at them tenderly from the doorway, arms crossed to your chest, you really thought that dabi’s initial fear of not being a good dad was for nothing because he turns out to be an awesome dad for the splendid daughter you two have.
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
SCREAMING AND CRYING AND THROWING UP OVER READER'S EX BEING JUDAS SESDFHCGHMGVNJVC. Idk why that made me so happy I just love it XD. Also related question, does Jesus exist in the College AU (as in, a hellaverse version in the fic's time period with all the other characters, not as an implied historical/religious figure)? I think it would be funny if he was in Adam's band with Judas and they just hate each other lol (how Adam's band manages to survive with this much hate among the band mates only God knows).
jesus goes to the uni!! he’s not in the band tho. he’s very politically active and still besties with judas bdkdjdjd
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ask-a-bot · 1 month
Ok seriously Optimus' finials look so edible!! idk why tho!!
Screaming and crying and stuff is definitely something to do when in a corner i dont blame you tho, when i get in trouble when im in the wrong i always cry XD screaming and crying for retaliation also seems fitting >:)
Well i hope megatron gets better eventually.
You like me?! i feel honored!
They make such a satisfying noise! And his yelps are funny.
You're vicious.
Thanks! Well, anyway, thanks for the food. I'd best get back before the waves die down. Haha! Are there any good songs about surfing? If there aren't, there should be!
I got my head checked by a jumbo jet...
He's crazy. I thought Slingshot was nuts, but Starscream definitely takes the oil cake.
Hey, I like you too, in case you were wondering. Star is just more inclined to come out and say what he feels.
Yeah... I hope Megatron gets well, too. I'm worried about him. Really worried.
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I watched bojack in 2022 here are my thoughts on the show in honor of the s1 anniversary
BJ/Sarah lynn: Yeah i saw that coming a mile away it didnt gross me out like a lot of othersbut. it sure was weird cause every flashback he saw as what 8 years old? weird. i don't consider it nonconsenual as it felt s5 tried to imply, cause sarah lynn is a fully grown adult but man it was def weird / also through most of it bojack was a complete sucker/.. but man the woodyallenvibesbestrongheresigh
didn't like PB/Diane on rewatches how he goes about throwing a big party after knowing diane hates them when she says YES: Big Red Flag.
am i wrong for thinking that the show doesn't give enough agency to some of the women characters, cause Jessica Biel was just insane im not gonna pin it all on PB for why that relationship soured, katrina i got feel more for but ms cannibal justnahfam. and screw ana/angela too. him going to seek closure from his abuser will always be gross..
I was mad at bojack for 2 days after the penny episode. Bojack Chris hanson wants a word with you.
And yet I still want to hug him whenver I see his sad horsy face.
I didn't like the reporter stitx shrugs.. seeing bojack also get better only for it tocrash down was a bummer to watch..
its intersting how he treats his life as a sitcom tho even up till season 6 the many faces of depression/ escape to LA/ Prickly Muffin/Too much man.. boy tries so hard to life a sitcom life of course its gonna blow up in his face.
Notice how Todd however getts to mostly live a zany sitcom life?
Hank the hippo makes me eye more than just bill cobsy
sarah lynn/sobs at jenneate and all the abuse in hollywood in general glad the kids are doing sober tho.. as miley/lindsey /britney are doing well..
sharona never should have given bojack that spiked orange juice
watching bojack in his 30s/50s near angela im just, man this guy has ZERO backbone its sad
PB: gay for Bojack
Fav quotes: This penis has been inside this vagina
Everyone Deserves to be Loved
Made me cry ugly tears: Bojerb/ Bodiane
Hate: Beatrice horseman
fav: Bojack probably obvious.
fav episode: I think bojack hates the troops is pretty funny.
its cool how his flashbacks have a sitcom vibe to it.
I feel i try to border on not excusing bojack but understanding how itcan be so hard to be anything than what he became cause his parents gave zero love zero esteem and he was set up to fail at relationships. clearly he hatese himself bec too bad for him ne bascially became his parents alcholicsm, advantage of women, insulting hisson i mean friend Todd similar to how bea treated him.
I don't like the plot for sarah lynn death as i feel its take to much responbility off a adult women who had a wall full of drugs , found the heroin and took it of her own free will.. and prefer the ide of bojack being at fault for just being a enabler..
sarah lynn predicated it well that she would hang out with enablers and die young, speaking of enablers im annoyed at pc for inviting bojack to her buisness party and trying to get him back in the hollywood spotlight like why girl just why??
love todd/bojacks ending it was very sweet
i suppose thats all i have to say ... this is just a ramble of my scrambled brain thoughts of the show.. xd.
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nani-nonny · 4 months
Tbh, never thought a new chapter would be dropped and you dropped it without any hints that there may be a new chapter soon xD tho it was a great surprise.
So we start off as Leonardo begin hungry and believe me, this so canon! After begin sick and in bef for days? You gotta go hungry at one point! And it made me giggle at how Mikey and them were doing the funny stare off contest xD
The moment Mikey left to get his family i knew his sandwich is as good as gone to F!Leo's stomach 😂 if i were him i would have enough shame to apologize or ask for somebody to make for me something 😭
And baby Lou under him begging for that lettuce was just heart melting 🥺🥺 i saw it and immediately went "JUST GIVE HER THE LETTUCE DAMN IT!!" Ahahaha!✨🤍
Finally after finishing the sandwich Mikey return to see what only left which it's bread crumbs and i can imagine Mikey doing this meme
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And finally after so much prolonging things AFTER 9 chapters!!! F!Leo is gonna speak of everything and explain! (Btw, April entering the medbey with bag as her shield and pen as her weapon was silly if i were her i would have 3 pens and look like Wolforin😂)
And i wasn't wrong thinking after the explanation little Leo would be guilty (as he should/aff/p), after all he was the one who lost the key and almost get everyone in the same fate the elder had to go through. So it wasn't a surprise to see them all cry and hug each other for comfort (and for Donnie to slip out of the hug shirty because this isn't for his emotional bad boy image).
And here comes the moment "You ARE the father!!" I never thought you would use the "Maury show" as a reference 😂😂🤩 i personally love it and i also watched multiple videos of the show before.
And this... THUS shocked me
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Leo was having the... You know *ahem* love making...
Also whoever said the 'Never speak to me again' is a pure asshole! Am glad they died in the war!! >:((
Then there's the big think about draxum (lol loved how he's trying to take care of him beauty) But seeing baby Lou knowing him is making me imagine F!Draxum begin so happy to have baby lou.
I don't know if i said this before (maybe i did in the very first ask that created baby tot and peepaws) but i feel draxum created baby lou because he couldn't be in the kids's lifes or be part of fatherhood because he started bonding for like what? a year? And then BAM! Apocalypse! Surely he wanted to take care of the baby tho i feel this wasn't the real reason... Maybe creating a real warrior to help winning the war (a side plan from F!Draxum he went with).
In my defense! The “teaser” came out as snippets and vague posts about how the writing process was going hehe (I think the most recent “teaser” was a vague post about F!Leo spiraling lol) but I believe the best teaser was a vague post prior to posting the chapter about the word count going from 3.4k to 4.1k! (I don’t think you saw those hehe)
Anyways! Chapter review from sniper, yippee!!!
Poor Mikey lol all he wanted was a sandwich but instead he was shocked to see Leonardo’s awake and standing at the doorway with the baby and CJ just as surprised to see him
Baby Lou is hungry, growing little girlie! She wants what her papa is eating, especially because it must be good if he’s scarfing it down hahaha!
rip Mikey’s sandwich, it didn’t last a second with Leonardo lol
April ready to fight when the portal pops up makes me laugh, she knows hahaha! You can count on her to back you up
Poor Lil Leo, forced to realize he may be just as much as a jerk as his future self is, and maybe there wasn’t that big of a change. And maybe… just maybe… he wasn’t exactly right about Leonardo being a total assface. Lol
I thought about different ways Donnie would break it to Leonardo that the baby is indeed his, but this route was much funnier. And faster lol. And I think it’s very on brand for Donnie hahah! Maybe I’ll post a snippet of how it would have gone in a different route… i don’t know.
And I love the memes that come from the Maury show! Although, I’ve never watched an episode except for small clips. The cameramen run really fast haha!
I don’t usually include my peepaws’ love lives so blatantly like (a)paf, mainly because I don’t really see them all that sexually active. Sometimes I like to think that, despite being absolute heartthrobs and “most wanted bachelors”, them being virgins makes it all the more funny. (That and I don’t have interest in writing sexual themes with the turtles… Bruce on the other hand /hj)
But in (a)paf’s case, I didn’t want anyone thinking he truly is a deadbeat dad who got knocked up and tosses a kid aside or, vice versa where he knocks someone else up and tosses a kid aside. He simply wasn’t aware of what Draxum was doing behind closed doors.
But aside from that, I think it’s nice that he got some experience in sex. He’s a big man, he can take part in carnal pleasures.
And about the person who said not to meet again… that was Leonardo. Lol. One night stand wasn’t as good as it could have been haha! On a side note, a lot of his one night stands were understandable agreements that no relation of any sort other than business was to be expected.
Anyways, again, Draxum deserves to feel pretty :) he got a face mask from April’s mom! He definitely wasn’t expecting any Hamato-related shenanigans, he just wanted a peaceful night to himself hahaha!
And Baby Lou so delighted to see Draxum? :(((( she’s such a cutie patootie :((((
And I like your theory! Totally understandable to think that! Now the real question is whether you’re right or not mwahahahaha! I wonder….
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep24! FINALE TIMEEEE!
Is this a flashback? Oh, no, just interesting shots of a war
Wait whoooo... I feel like I should know her? Is she from the Amazon episode?
"Someone has to stop it. I did not mean this as a challenge" love Gabrielle reading her gf like that
"Spill their blood" or maybe... You don't so that?
She yeeteth him off the horse
Oh ok she's saving his life
WAIT. Is she the one who wanted to marry a centaur?
Xena fuck yeahhh, she is skilleddd
Bruh, dudes... Be useful instead of reducing Xena to her beauty
Gabrielle's bedside manner <3
Artemis 😌💚
"Life is only what you make of it" so real babygirl
NOOOO the one Xena's is trying so save will die, won't he...
OH FFS Temple dude shut itttt
:( Nooooo
"I'm sorry, I did try, I-" "It wasn't your fault" AAAAA
"You're beyond freedom. You passed that line when you turned this into a bloodbath."
Gabrielle ❤️
Oh nuh, an amputation
SHE NUMBED HIM. Anesthesia Xena style
She's gonna cut that leg off with a hot blade
Omfg his son :(
Please tell Xena where you're going, Gabrielle
OH FUCK SHE'S GONNA GIVE BIRTH to... A half centaur?
" Then I learned forgiveness and from that I learned love" AAAAA
"Is bloodshed all you want them to know?"
She thinks she's gonna die 😭 And wants to pass her rank. On to Ephiny
"What about Gabrielle?" he's half dying and just wants her to save Gabrielle
Xena is si desperate to help Gabrielle. SHE STROKE HER HEAD GENTLY
Xena staying with the patients 😭
WELL ACTually... They wouldn't have made her lie on her back. She should be kneeling, let gravity do the rest. It's way easier than lying on her back
Instead of, y'know. C sectioning her
HOOFIES! I sure hope she surcives tho
Fucking FINALLY he does something about it. Good. What everyone always had to do from the very start. SIT DOWN AND TALK!!! (to quote 12)
"She's not dead. I wouldn't let her." NOOOO
"You're scaring me, wake up" I'm not crying, you are
KISS. well. Air.
Oh she snapped. She's NOT ready to lose Gabrielle. KINDA LIKE ANOTHER WARRIOR I KNOW, CALLED VASTR-
"Let it go." "No."
SHE'S BACKKKK! She punched her heart back into rhythm
I'm not sobbing you are
Ayooo, Hippocrates writing stuff down
Wait I need to find that funny illustration of centaur babies because a human baby can't hold its head upright yet XD
Argh, they're so. 🥰😭❤️
I've finished S1 now!
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I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at Yanqing hcs, scrolling through tumblr intros, and I’m proud to say i don’t know how to start an account
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I did a little sketch of one of two of my children, so I’m going to introduce them ( I’m stupidly obsessed with creating ocs ) Either way, meet Ageha :) He has a whole document, linked below, but I need to ramble about him.
Ageha, if you’re a TLDR person, is a funny little guy that’s a sword but then becomes a human because well, the blacksmith that made him felt silly and then decided to infuse him with some spirit. But his creator is also in debt! With the IPC! Big surprise there, and then his creator decided to use him as payment for his debt because well, he decided to go see the holy gates.
If you’ve made it this far, congrats :D. I’ll start to talk about all the details and stuff now. Ageha is specifically a “蝴蝶双刀“,or you can say “蝴蝶之剑” if you want to be fancy. In English, it means dual butterfly knives, small knives for close combat. Concept seems familiar? No, I didn’t get inspired by soul eater, it’s the fanfic soul steel on ao3. Go check it out, it’s one of my favourites as a yanqing fan :). Although he is usually meant for close combat, he has a special design, a small little orb in the middle of the hilt. It’s meant for storing blood, and his sword form can take on different shapes and sizes based on the amount of blood stored.
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I found this picture on Pinterest, but I’d love if if anyone could tell me where this came from. Basically, this is his entire weapon concept. Like any metal, he rusts if he goes without combat for too long, he kind of just becomes slower and less reactive in general XD. So then, being sealed away is kind of a punishment to him bc he becomes laggy.
Ageha was found by Pearl, and then kind of just fell in love at first sight, but not the romantic love, its more like mesmerised. Think of him as Argenti but instead of Idrila it’s Pearl. Or anything beautiful in general. He loves beauty, but of course he’s not as expressive as Argenti. As a part of the Strategic investment Department, he’s more used as a negotiation item than actual work. So he gets passed around, attacks people, carries out stuff that can help in investment. He doesn’t really mind it, but he gets really curious and tries to understand the deals that Jade or Aventurine carries out even if he’s uneducated and can’t understand anything. The only thing he knows how to do is barter and argue.
I also love the Xianzhou, so obviously he’s been to it before. He’s mainly there in Penacony tho. In Xianzhou, he’s more of running around trying to listen to rumours and look at sword designs than actually carrying out his work. The negotiations didn’t go well on his side, but based on the other people’s reactions, it didn’t seem that bad when Jade stepped in. ( Yanqing was baffled. The officials were confused. Jing Yuan was struggling to understand his words. All he did was shout at them while swinging around his arms. He wasn’t even speaking a language. )
Surprisingly, he doesn’t have any trauma, it’s just abandonment issues. The boy doesn’t want to be abandoned like a weapon, he wants to be of use to the IPC ( as if he wasn’t brought in to pay off a debt ) and he was offered a choice to leave some years ago, he just decided to stay because Pearl was there. Not like Pearl actually treats him well, he’s just weird and attached. He’s the type to start crying if you leave him alone for too long at the side of the road.
Yea but evidently if he doesn’t have trauma someone else must have taken over his trauma. That poor unlucky soul’s my other oc, he’s called Esperanza. He used to be Lucian but then I decided to split him off from the original oc he was based off of. I’ll link his document below, but keep in mind it’s not updated. I love foxians, I like the idea of Mara-struck yanqing, boom Mara-struck foxian that’s actually drunk squirrels in disguise.
I’m aware foxians don’t usually live long enough to be affected by Mara, they die around 300(?) years, while like long life species can live up to thousands of years. But I like to think that his family has something akin to progressive ageing. Basically, from a certain age onwards, they start ageing much faster. Instead of one year, they age something like ten years, so they become much more prone to Mara. This guy went and got sad about it, then decided to end the entire bloodline so no one would have to suffer anymore whilst he was affected by Mara. He basically went, “This sucks, I can’t believe the whole’s family’s crazy, we should all die together.” But then thier family doctor came by and saw him and stopped him ( really should’ve let him die )
He stepped onto the path of nihility, became an emo self-annihilator, went to a doctor of chaos, ruined the poor guy’s whole office and wrecked it, then ran out crying. Esperanza returned to the Xianzhou, where his entire family has been running away from for years cause it makes their condition that much worse. He doesn’t really get why they’ve been running away from these silly little ships for so long and now he kinds of just wanders the streets homeless and sleeping on the streets half drunk on soulglad and confused on what’s he’s doing half the day. In case you’re curious on how he survives, he snatches food from people. He’s still healthy enough to commit minor crimes.
Anyways, that’s the end of my ramble for now. If you’re curious about my head cannons, if you want to see me write something, if you have questions about my ocs, feel free to ask away (?) If its related to Yanqing, I’ll actually come sprinting over at a speed you think impossible. I don’t know how tumblr works, so I’d appreciate it if someone summarised the important things i need to know or what i should be careful about here :Kneel: Please, I’m very lost. Is apersonthatexistsonthisplanet supposed to be my username? Sorry for any errors, I don’t know what I’m writing.
Documents: Ageha: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1izlrKAsflk0s8GEzoMvzgVXKYHrXkVX5e9tEqZKEc3M/edit
Esperanza: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ipNYMKhMi27Pork38Ecu_74OhcKbwS4CwPb1-UGytM/edit
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haro-hawayu · 1 year
CCS: Clear Card Ch. 78
Chapter 78!!! Waaaa I got so busy the past week that I finally had time to check out the chapter today. The latest chapter can be found on CLAMP-net’s YouTube Channel. As always, please check out @meimi-haneoka's post on the latest chapter for EN-JPN translation differences!!
Links for previous chapter reactions can be found here.
Reading Reactions:
Sakura looks soooooo pretty on the cover!! I love the glowy lights!! It makes everything look so ethereal and soft.
Okay so it's not that he was JUST running away, but also wanted to save Akiho from danger, I'll give you that Kaito, I'm sorry for doubting you lol.
I'm so glad we get a chance to hear Akiho's thoughts now, speak up and say more!!! T^T
BLINK! I love the details of his eyes, even though he's not speaking, he's still conveying SO much!
Ahhhh I'm getting teary-eyed from this scene!!
Akiho knows she would never have asked for her memories of Kaito "whoever this is" to be erased.
I love how it's worded too (not leaving someone behind/removing oneself) and I hope there's no major translation discrepancies here...
Waaaa Lilie!! I love how things are starting to piece together now.
Rewind! Syaoran's reaction is kinda funny.
Wahhhh I'm teary-eyed again TuT
Kaito!!! I was so scared the chapter would end before he appears in human form!! THEY MEET!!!!!
Oh noo the wings stayed, but... but look really cool on him tho.
YES Akiho!!! You tell him all those things right now!!
Tell her your name!! LET HER SCOLD YOU!!
I'm crying so much this chapter. Ahhh. ><
Man, I knew it wasn't gonna last long enough for the danger to get resolved, but it could've ended in a more cliffhanger-way, and I'm glad we were spared... for now.
There was so much happening! I got teary-eyed maybe 3 times reading this chapter, and 100% emotional and kinda crying as I'm thinking and writing about my thoughts.
I'm so happy that Akiho has her moment to finally say all the things she wants to say, even though she still doesn't have all her memories there. I think it's great that Kaito is finally listening, not running away, not stopping her, and only saying what's important. Like how he felt like it wouldn't have been necessary for him to be in that rewritten world. Even though those thoughts of his are wrong, it's important that Akiho is hearing this, so that she can respond to him with what he needs to hear (and she most wants to say). That he is her most important person, that he didn't have to do that (removing himself, her most impt person) just to ensure her happiness, and that she rather live in a world (even though things may be way more painful) WITH her most important person by her side. Ugh, these are the words that they both needed: for Kaito to hear, and for Akiho to declare. And omgsh, I'm tearing up just thinking about how Akiho's reflecting on the happiness that she was basking in (with friends and "family") but how she doesn't want that if it was all false, and she doesn't want that if her most important person isn't there. THERE'S SO MUCH MORE TO UNPACK REGARDING AKIHO AND KAITO BUT I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS?!!! I hope after they all get their memories back, that they can have a proper follow-up conversation. I need this to happen even though I know I'll be a sobby mess when it happens.
I also absolutely loved it that Sakura is encouraging them with her "you'll definitely be alright" spell! YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY OUR PROTAG!!!!!! My heart just felt all super warm and hanyannnn that Sakura can be that voice of courage for others. It just shows how much our little 4th/5th grader has come along since the original CCS, and how much she has grown within the Clear Card series. I'm so very excited (but a little worried) to see the extent of Sakura's magical prowess as she's trying to figure out what to do to fix the time stuff.
Now, it's time for me to like recover from this chapter. It was just so much, so good, but so much XD
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quinloki · 8 months
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oh yeah no I've def read him & him & him and I kind of thought of it but I wasn't sure if you would have read it
I think that dynamic would work without having to figure out how to broach the like, pseudo-incest with what is essentially step/adopted siblings of them doing anything with eachother lmao they just share the girly they like bc they're both mature (and maybe recreate the shower scene I meannnnnnn… >>) and they're both SOOOO busy with their jobs and stuff and this way you're always taken care of
they def would be sly towards eachother sometimes tho it'd be hilarous
I also think pops would really like reader bc reader 'loves' ace (obvi platonic, brotherly love) and ace realizes and FEELS loved and that's something he doesn't get a lot of course pops is gonna favor someone who makes his boy feel loved (smol creature HAHAHAHA ITS LIKE A PET)
god I can just imagine a like competition in both boys heads about who can fluster you the most and you're like obvi so so so spoiled bc I think of them both as very attentive and buy you all the stuffs even tho you're like omg STOP
you're also spoiled by the fucking other brothers cause they think you're cute as a button and if there was any flirting from other brothers I think it'd be funny cause ace would be like….. dude I don't see the appeal and meanwhile you're oblivious to it
I saw you replied to this and I had to make sure I was fully awake before reading bc I knew it was gonna make my brain go brrr and it did if you write this I'll die in the best way you might even get me squealing at work seeing a chapter update (I am very subtle but it happens with birds of a feather sometimes xD)
my brain is all over the place rn but AHHHH fuck Sabo just snuck up on me goddamn this is very much like what happened with marco I just casually was like oh okay I like him and then it spiraled and then you started posting about him and I was like !!!! okay in my brain hardcore then thanks
Sorry to throw more in your brain <3 (I'm not HAHAH even your replies are killing me with the thoughts)
Yeah, I feel like I could dip my toes in a little. Marco and Ace are adopted brothers, and Sabo is Ace's honorary brother with Luffy, and Sabo and Luffy live with the other boys, and they're not like, outsiders, but the vibes/connection between Sabo and Marco isn't really brotherly.
Sabo's a little too independent and I feel like he has weird feelings about Siblings because of Stuffy, or Sterry or whatever the heck that guy's name is.
Sabo and Marco are both pretty open minded on top of it, so they're not likely to get physical with one another without the reader there, but they're not against adding to whatever pleasure is happening, even if it means interacting with one another. Not that it happens often, but I imagine the first time those two share a kiss the reader nearly dies from how hot it is. >.> ("awww, our little bird is all flustered about for being left out." and then you're just drown in kisses against your neck and lips and such.)
I feel like Sabo calls you his little dove, or songbird, and Marco calls you pretty bird, and they'll refer to you as their little bird or sweet dove when it's relating you to both of them.
There's gonna be at LEAST one time where the Reader gets a leg up on Marco and Sabo - and probably only because Thatch, Izou and Ace help her set everything up. XD Some kind of surprise or something and they both come home at the same time and are just agog by it and it's her victory until they pick their jaws up off the floor and turn the tables XD
Similar as they are, Sabo's a little meaner behind closed doors, enjoying teasing and overstimming and edging and please do cry oh so sweetly for him, but just for him, no one else is allowed to make you cry.
Marco's a little sweeter, he loves to hear you sing for him, struggling in whatever binds or sensory deprivations he's got going.
The two of them together are overwhelming, which is a reason why most of your forays with either are 1:1 and not 2:1.
One of the first real issues between the three of them is Shanks, who is just as sweet on you as he is on Marco, and that first little pang of jealously when he starts wooing Marco that the reader feels is the first "oh, I'm jealous." A little self-doubt like maybe you shouldn't try to get near Marco cause Shanks is closer to his age, and gorgeous (and maybe you shouldn't get near Sabo cause Koala is closer in age, and gorgeous)
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kyuuxmizu · 2 years
I went to watch both events for the Gintama Ato no Matsuri!!
The afternoon event via live-viewing in the cinemas
The evening event inside the actual venue, Ryogoku Kokugikan~
(2023 is also my 15th year as a Gintama fan so what better way to celebrate than attend the matsuri!!!!)
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Hihi we used the penlights inside the live-viewing theater too.. hey most of the ppl in our row were using it too okayyy😂😂 It was so much fun!!!
ofc nothing beats the experience of watching it LIVE inside Ryogoku~🥹🥹
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3Z Anime announced!!!! Everyone was like majiiiii????
They kindly asked us not to post any spoilers on social media until the evening event ends, so I kept mum about it XD
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Upon arriving at the Ryogoku, my friends and I took pics of our matching Sonjuku ita-bags!! 🥹🥹 (Mine is the Takasugi one hehehe)
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So many ppl!!
Then I went to pickup my preordered goods, which I'll post later!! XD
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Outside Ryogoku~
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Inside Ryogoku~
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With my sibling wearing our matsuri shirts and sukajan~
We won the tickets during the Advance reservation lottery so we got pretty good seats~ マス席 in the first floor and facing the front! My friends were seated on a different row T^T
On to the event~ (A lot of screaming and crying XD)
I already knew most of what was gonna happen since I watched the afternoon event so I thought my hype would be dampened??? But the emotions just kept flowing!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 (Tho ngl I wished they unveiled the 3z anime in the night event instead... I was expecting another bomb to drop actually hahahah xD)
The atmosphere inside Ryogoku... everyone's so passionate!!! You could feel the love not only from the fans but also from the seiyuu and bands as well!!! Aaaa I love Gintama and it's fandommm 🥹🥹💞💞
Never watched One Piece but the hype inside the venue and Kitadani's energy was so high it made me sing along too, idk how I managed to do it cuz I barely know the song😂😂 they went all out with this even parodying the OP of One Piece and the seiyuu mimicking the strawhat pose😂
Then the 生アフレコ went a trip down the memory lane🥹🥹 Makes me wanna rewatch everything all over again 😭
I started getting emotional when ChicoHani started singing ヒカリ証明論 (Kiheitai tapos Bansai death scene talaga..mashaket po mga mamshie...😭)
And サクラ舞う暁に..it's my fave ChicoHani song okayyy Chico shouting Matsuri ja Matsuri jaaa🌸🌸🌸 So fun to sing along with the crowd!!! Almost everyone switched their lights to pink!! one brain cell~ XD
Their surprise was the Samurai Heart cover!!! 😭😭😭
ChicoHani's gntmと出会わせてくれた song, Pride Kakumei!!! When the Honeyworks guitarist shouted "saikou da saikou" waaaa the hype!!!!! Crowd went crazy!!
Otsu-chan so cute I didn't expect the fox at all (Gintama always subverts expectations so true even for events like these x3)
Toshi always up for anything riding the Thousand Sunny Sadaharu-Eli ship hahahah And Sakaguchi-san!!! 🥹🥹
Then 生アフレコ again~!! XDDD
Surprise was KUROKO's special appearance (with Suzuken as Murasakibara and Nakai-san as Imayoshi!! Chiba-san's side comment: なんかイチャイチャする 😂😂😂😂)
SuzuKen funny he said he could hear Kensho Ono from the Kuroko mascot hahahah
plus GINCHAAAN (for the evening event)
It was so adorable how Sakaguchi-san took a pic of Gin-san and Sugita on stage... He really loves Gintama, ne (The whole cast loves Gintama!! that alone makes it so special)
Sugita's side comment: he wants Oguri Shun to join too hahahaha
DOES so cool!! Everyone switched their lights to red when DOES started their set list~
It's also no secret that Wataru-san loves Gintama sm, he mentions it in his SNS accts frequently🥹🥹 ワタルさんかっこ良かった...有難う! Crowd shouting Wataruuuu Bravo!!! XD
The SPYAIR covers gosh 😭😭😭 I almost cried listening to the Wadachi cover 😭😭😭 (I did cry when I rewatched it through Abema haha 😭😭😭)
From the band's message in the end, it was apparent that SPYAIR really wanted to attend but alas they have no vocalist yet 😭😭😭
The highlight of the event for me was Yama-chan's surprise appearance 🥹🥹 LITERAL CHILLSSSSS I mean... THE KOICHI YAMADERA...
Apparently, Yama-chan never attended events like these and Ato Matsuri was the first one. That alone just made me.....🥹🥹🥹😭😭
is Gintama that special he agreed to make an appearance 🥹🥹😭😭
Or did Higuchi-san (producer) really splurge their budget on him ahahahah
We were joking that they must have spent most of the special guest budget on Yama-chan that's prolly why no other guests appeared 😂
And gosh that man has range.... I also learned that Yama-chan voiced Donald Duck from Kingdom Hearts..!!! That's why his animal and nature dubs (from the special Matsuri manga) are on point 😂😂😂😂
He can sing too (He sang JPN version of Prince Ali and Circle of Life) and had a duet with Hirano Aya (Nobume VA) for the Yakuza game 😭
Koyasu-san was a no-show as usual (I had high hopes since he attended the Isekai Oji-san seiyuu event at Anime Japan last year) He had a voice message tho, saying his ponpon was in pain (basically he had a stomachache) 😂😂
And then there's Sugita's closing message 😭😭😭
That even though gntm has ended 4 years ago, he hasn't forgotten about Gintama
That he'll be Sakata Gintoki until he dies..no, even if he dies 😭😭😭GURL I GOT SO EMOTIONAL!!!
Then he says "Chinko"!! how very Gintoki!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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And finally the Ginpachi-sensei anime which will be part of a series of projects for Gintama's 20th anniversary (which will last until 2026!!!) I am so excited 😭😭😭😭
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As Suzuken said 終わらないね銀魂ァァ
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Thank you so much Ryogoku~ See you again in the next Gintama Matsuri!!!
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breezy-cheezy · 10 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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shoezuki · 3 months
It me ya boy alcoholic beverage, back again to scream about dungeon meshi XD
Wtf wtf wtf wtf. So much is happenin right now and I simply should not be stayin up so late (early?) to binge it T-T
Firstly Namari is freaking awesome. Love em. Strong dwarf? who knows her way around ore and love to see that she still loves her old party. Goin to check for Falin jus in case. Also love how she 1000% would kill Senshi for turnin mithril into a blade lmfao
Whatever is goin on with the gnomes and the magician blueprint stuff is sketchy as hell n I kinda trust the elves with that info more than them.
Tho tbh, can Marcille have it instead. If I met a dark magic user that was scared of bugs and genuinely loved her party, I wouldn't think twice about trustin em with my life. You can probably destroy the entire world given enough study time but you kickin it with the lads and tryna make a safe dungeon? Based.
Iconic bath scene. Love the sapphics havin a Moment™️. It's what they deserve. Peace and a heartfelt talk before everything comes crashin down around em.
The magician makes me angry!! I mean, they defo hold true to their name. Fully out of their mind. Would happily clock em for exactly 3 pennies. Tho I am hella interested in how they went from lil jester to obsessed with the prince n knowin all the dark arts. I wonder if they tried to resurrect princey n it all spiraled from there. Can't wait to see all that unfold in later episodes.
Also Chilchuck my beloved. Solidified as my fave. Jus barely tho, Laios was gettin pretty close. He acts aloof and disappointed but dude would be completely besides himself if any of em died. Feel like he'll try n scanper off once on the surface but not be able to bring himself to abandon them.
Marcille n the dark arts was a complete surprise like wtf. That's insane. But also hell yes, let the pretty elf lady go absolutely nutso and summon demons or something. She deserves it.
I know what Falin turns into cuz of That One Gif lmfao hut also hyped to see that all turn out.
Ever so slightly disappointed that Laios didn't lose his leg n have to get a cool magic one or something. N am desperate for him to have the sword looked at. Wonder if there's more to the lil critter or if it can help him further. Someone teach this man speak with animals, he needs to connect with the lil guy.
Senshi!!! Grand lad, not much more to say bout him so far but love that he's connected with everyone. N is intent on bein honest about everything he feels.
Love how the orcs went from standoffish to genuine allies. Love the sister's (dammit, I forget her name) attitude to everything. She read Chil like a book and recognises strength regardless of race. Also her fit is very cool lmfao.
Swordsman. Waitin for him to show up because wtf, he wanted to marry Falin?!
I went into this expecting a funny, chill anime. I blame you entirely smh. You made it seem so cool and lighthearted and now I sit at 6am with tears in my eyes because wtf the look on Laios' face when he agrees to go back to the surface. Not been so invested in an anime for a while!!! I stopped after ep 13 cuz my heart can't take much more.
I may have a brain cell when I awaken and come crawling back to cry more about the show as a whole or jus character things. Maybe screech about creatures tbh. I was genuinely distraught when the dragon ham rolled into the blood. Like wtf, I wanna see more dragon meals. I'm bein robbed of cooking content!!!!
fuck sorry this has been in drafts for so long but. fuck yes dude i grin ear to ear readin what ur feelin a dunmeshi vsmsdvsudy. its so so so so good. feel free to ramble to me bout it all u want it makes me giddy
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celestie0 · 4 months
🪷 girl there had to be some cosmic connection between you and me because soon as I come back online your post is dead first on my tl where you're saying you'll make reader and gojo fuck like bunnies in your new series? That slut to slut conversation meme ended up being a little too true for both of us 😭
Anyway how are you omfggg I haven't found the time to read the new series or know how many chapters have been posted let me lock in. I missed reading your work a lot! ☹️
I CANNAHT wait for gojo slutting reader out. She deserves a nice dicking and I'm guessing in your new series they're older too? No need to wait. Fuck NEOW.
We've been edged by kickoff for almost an entire presidential tenure since those two wanna act like the Amish. So much for your "athlete sex drive" bitch ass KO!Gojo 🤨😒 (I'm joking toru lemme take a ride on that elephant trunk between your legs as a formal apology)
I hope your time during hiatus was great and you don't feel as burdened with your writings anymore! You've already started a new series too, you spoil us too much 🥹
HIIII bb i just saw your follow up ask haha youre totally good, i did indeed receive it!!
LOOOL fr we be connected by some invisible string 💯 the slut to slut bond is simply too strong
im doin alrighttt bb ive got a lot of time on my hands cuz i quit my job loool. i will probably be unemployed until i start school again in august haha so im just taking some time to resttt. im also going on vacation soon yayy!! how are you doing bb omg i misseddd you <33 and read whenever you can my love!! my silly lil fics will always be there for you xD hope youre taking care if yourself n finding time to relax!!
YES indeed they are older in the new series HAHA and absolutely, reader in IHM deserves a GOOOOOOOD dickin down bc my girl is STRESSED out ✋🏼😭 she need someone to lick her pussy fr
HELPKGDLGDS NOT THE KICKOFF COUPLE CELIBACY ROAST LMFAOOO youre so right tho, me trying to write an edgy college romance w lots of fucking n messy n then i lost the plot somewhere along the way xD they’ll bang it out soon tho i promise 🙏🏼 (IM CRYING NOT THE ELEPHANT TRUNK PLS YOURE TOO FUNNY)
aww yes my time on hiatus was wonderful <3 i touched a lot of grass xD awiee you guys are the ones that spoil me w your lovely words n support!! have a wonderful day/night bb <33
- ellie 🐸
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