#crying. anyway i gotta shower now bye...............
skenpiel · 2 years
ok! i got 117 posts in (except i accidentally posted one privately instead of saving it as a draft, whoops)! only uhh, 1481 posts to go. yippee
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steddieworks · 1 year
finally safe for me to fall - chapter 10
hi!! I am so, so sorry that this chapter is a week late and I'm posting it so late in the day. This time of year is really busy with my job, and I've got some personal stuff going on that made it difficult for me to actually focus, but when I sat down today to write, I really got to remember why I love this story so much!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's a long one!
read on ao3
Summary: Steve, Eddie, and the twins go to Chrissy and Robin's baby shower.
Warnings for this chapter: Swearing
Words: 11.5k
By the time Eddie and Gareth are done talking, it’s nearly one o’clock. He almost wishes he hadn’t agreed to go to the baby shower with Steve and the girls, but really, he’s excited to get home to them, excited to get back to his routine.
“Don’t forget to call me,” Gareth says as they leave the coffee shop. “I know you’ve got this busy parent schedule now, but I’ll hunt you down if you ghost me again.”
Eddie cracks a grin at that, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t,” he says, actually telling the truth for once. He pulls Gareth into a crushing hug, but the other man doesn’t complain like he would’ve just a few years ago. Instead, he hugs Eddie right back, his grip nearly bruising.
“I love you, man,” Gareth mumbles. “I’m so fucking glad that you’re doing better.”
Eddie isn’t crying. He isn’t. “Me too, man. Me too.”
They hug for what is probably an awkward amount of time, before eventually, Eddie has to let go. “I’ve gotta get home and get the kids ready for the baby shower,” he says apologetically.
Gareth grins at him, nodding. “Never thought I’d hear you say something like that,” he says, his voice light enough that Eddie knows he doesn’t mean anything by it. “Parenting looks good on you, though.”
Eddie flushes at that, but secretly, he’s thrilled at the compliment. “Thanks,” he says sheepishly. He lifts a hand in a wave, stepping back towards his van. “I’ll see you around, Gareth.”
“Bye, Edmund,” Gareth calls before he turns to leave.
Eddie shakes his head, fond.
God, he’s missed that little weirdo.
When Eddie gets home, the first thing he hears is chaos.
The twins are definitely the loudest part, but in the background Eddie can also hear Steve trying to talk over them, loudly explaining why they have to dress nicely for the baby shower. Eddie grins as he hangs up his coat by the front door, more amused than he probably should be by the conversation.
He follows the voices down the hall and to the twins’ room, where Steve is stood at the door, his back to Eddie. His hands are on his hips, and he’s got this distinct disappointed parent stance that Eddie can’t help but giggle at.
“Eddie!” Ivy cries when she spots him, practically flinging herself into his arms.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says to her as he scoops her up, balancing her on his hip. “It sounds like you two are giving Daddy a hard time this morning,” he says, giving her and Jasmine both a disapproving look.
“They’re def-“ Steve starts as he turns to face Eddie. He cuts himself off with a quiet, choked noise. Eddie glances up at him with a frown, confused when he sees how wide Steve’s eyes are when he looks at him.
“What?” Eddie asks, feeling incredibly self-conscious. “Do I have something on my face?”
Steve shakes his head, but his expression doesn’t change. “Uh, no, you’re just… um…”
“You’re pretty today, Eddie,” Ivy tells him sweetly.
Eddie can feel himself flush, but he smiles at her anyway. “Aww, thank you, sweet girl.” He glances at Steve again. “Uh… everything okay?”
Steve nods quickly, his eyes trailing away only to dart back to Eddie several times. “Um, yeah. Everything’s… fine.”
Eddie can smell the lie, literally, because Steve’s scent is so familiar to him now, but he chooses not to mention it. “Okay. Well, you two don’t look dressed yet. Have we picked something nice out for auntie Robin’s baby shower?”
Ivy groans in his arms. “Why do we have to wear something nice?” She complains.
Steve sighs. “Ivy-“ he starts, clearly running out of patience.
Eddie interrupts. “Because your dad said so,” Eddie tells her, quirking an eyebrow. “He doesn’t have to give you an explanation about why. It’s okay to wonder, but sometimes you just have to do what Dad tells you without arguing, okay?”
Ivy looks a little annoyed, but nods. “Fine,” she mumbles, wiggling out of Eddie’s arms. “What about my blue dress?”
“It’s pretty cold, honey, do you have a dress you can wear leggings with?” he asks as she goes to flick through the hangers in her closet.
She searches for a second, then pulls out a dark blue velvet dress with long, puffy sleeves. “This one?”
Eddie nods. “That should be fine, we’ll just have to find some tights to go with that.” He glances at Steve, who is just staring at Eddie with a soft look.
Steve sort of startles when he notices Eddie looking back at him. “Oh, uh, yeah. That’s fine.” Ivy grabs her dress and shoes before heading off to the bathroom to get changed, and Steve turns to look at Jasmine, who is sitting at the foot of her bed. “Alright, Jazz. What do you want to wear?”
Jasmine shrugs at him, but her eyes flick over to Eddie. “Can you pick something out for me?”
“Sure,” Eddie says with a nod, going to look through the twins’ shared closet. “Hm… how about you wear something pink, since sissy is wearing something blue?”
“That would be cute,” Steve says, encouragingly. “How about your pink sweater dress, honey?”
Jasmine shrugs again, and Eddie gives her a strange look. It’s not unusual for her to be quiet, necessarily, but it is a bit odd for her to not have more of an opinion on something like this. “Okay,” she says.
Eddie flicks through the hangers until he finds the sundress in question, but then turns to glance at Jasmine again. “Are you sure this is what you want to wear? If you want to wear something else, you can.”
Unsurprisingly, all she does is move her shoulders. Again.
Eddie sighs. He and Steve make eye contact, and Eddie subtly nods to the door, mouthing, I’ve got this. Steve takes the hint, giving his daughter a worried look before saying, “I need to go get ready, hon, I’m gonna let Eddie help you pick something out, and I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” Jasmine mumbles, not even looking up from her shoes.
Steve gives Eddie this sort of pleading look, and Eddie just nods. He wishes that he and Steve could speak telepathically, for a weird, brief moment. It would be nice to reassure him that he’s going to try and get to the bottom of Jasmine’s weird mood without actually saying it in front of her.
As soon as Steve is out of the room, Jasmine sighs loudly, crossing her arms. She still won’t look up at Eddie, but he doesn’t give her much of a choice, stepping over to where she sits and dropping to a crouch in front of her. “Alright, what’s going on?” he asks softly.
Jasmine shakes her head. “Nothin’,” she mumbles.
Eddie sighs. “Well, I already know that’s not true, honey. So let’s try again: is something wrong?”
She laces her fingers together in her lap, shaking her head. Eddie’s about to prompt her again when she hesitates, then nods. “I guess.”
Finally, they’re getting somewhere.
“Okay,” Eddie says softly. “Do you want to tell me about it?”
Jasmine shakes her head, but finally glances at him. “It’s about you,” she admits.
That throws Eddie off a little bit. How is it about him? He just got there!
“Oh,” Eddie says slowly, trying to figure out how to navigate this. “Okay. Um… Did I do something wrong?” He tries to think back to last night, since that was the last time he’d seen her. He didn’t interact with the girls this morning, as they were still in bed when he left, but Jasmine had seemed fine the night before.
Except when she said… Eddie shakes his head. It was probably just a slip of the tongue, her calling him “Mommy” like that. Surely they don’t see him as their mom, not really. That just wouldn’t be right- it would be a dishonor to Steve’s ex-wife.
Jasmine shrugs, mumbles, “I dunno.”
Eddie clears his throat, and his mind, before speaking again. “Okay… Well, Jazz, I’ll be honest, I don’t know what to say. If I don’t know what I did, then I can’t fix it.”
Finally, Jasmine does something other than sigh or shrug. She huffs, which to be honest, probably isn’t much better. What she blurts out next isn’t much better, either. “Daddy said you went on a date this morning,” she says, all of it whooshing out in one breath.
Eddie blinks. “Er. What?”
Jasmine twists her fingers nervously, blinking up at him. “Well, when me and sissy got up, we came to find you, and you weren’t here. Ivy got scared that you ran away, so we went to ask Daddy, and he said you were on a date.” She frowns, but Eddie still can’t figure out why that’s the bad part of the story.
“Oh, okay…” he says, slowly. “Well, um… do you know what that means?”
Jasmine nods, but that bothered look hasn’t left her face. “I asked Daddy, and he said it’s like what Mommies and Daddies do before they decide to be Mommies and Daddies together,” she says. She sounds miserable.
Eddie nearly chokes at her description of what she thinks a date is. “And that… that bothered you?”
She nods, sniffling. “Yeah.”
“Oh…” Eddie says, slowly. His brain is still trying to wrap around this reaction of hers, but he has a theory, at least. “Do you wanna tell me why it bothered you, honey?”
Jasmine shrugs, swiping at her nose. “Because… I don’t want you to be a Mommy with someone else.”
Eddie’s heart breaks, just a little. “Oh, honey,” he sighs, pushing himself up to sit beside her and pulling her into a hug. “Well, can I tell you a secret?” Eddie asks her quietly.
Jasmine nods. Secrets are like candy to these kids. “Yeah,” she says, speaking just as quietly as he did.
Eddie grins at her. “I wasn’t on a date.”
At that, Jasmine’s whole face changes. “You weren’t?” She says, clearly baffled by this information.
“Nope,” Eddie says, popping the “p.” He ruffles her hair, and for once, she doesn’t even complain about it. “I was just having coffee with an old friend from high school.”
“Oh,” Jasmine says, nodding. Then, her eyebrows wrinkle, and she looks up at him, confused. “Then why did Daddy lie to us?”
Eddie’s quick to correct her. “Oh, he didn’t mean to lie. Daddy just didn’t know - that was my fault, for not making it clear when I told him. But he didn’t lie on purpose, he just didn’t know what else to tell you.”
Jasmine nods in understanding. She seems happy enough with this explanation, which is made incredibly evident when she points at her closet. “Can I wear my pink overalls? Instead of my dress?”
“Of course,” Eddie nods, standing to go find it. “And how about a white sweater? Since it’s gonna be cold out?”
Jasmine nods, and after that, it’s easy enough to get her ready to go. When Ivy comes back into their room, Eddie works on her hair while Jasmine goes to get changed and brush her teeth. He ends up doing a delicate French braid, one that she miraculously sits still for the whole time.
“Alright, all done,” he says after he’s tied it off at the end and patted her head. “Go grab your shoes, honey.”
“Eddie?” She asks, her voice sort of hesitant.
“Hm?” He replies, gathering up another hair tie for when her sister comes back.
“Did you have fun on your date this morning?” She asks, staring at him instead of getting her shoes on.
Eddie sighs, but smiles at her. “Well, it wasn’t actually a date, but yes, I did.”
Her eyes widen, then narrow suspiciously. “But Daddy said-“
“I know,” Eddie interrupts her. “Because that’s what he thought it was. I just met a friend for coffee, that’s all.”
“Oh,” Ivy says, her shoulders dropping with relief. Eddie would laugh if it didn’t almost make him want to cry, how desperate they are for him to not find someone to be with. “That’s good, then.”
“Mhm,” he hums, noncommittally.
Jasmine returns then, and he thinks surely that’ll be the end of the conversation.
Apparently not.
“Would you go on a date with Daddy? If he asked you?” Ivy asks, tugging her shoes on.
“Did he?” Jasmine asks, freezing halfway to where Eddie is gesturing her forward with the hairbrush in his hand.
“Well-“ Ivy starts.
“No,” Eddie interrupts, a bit louder than he’d intended. He’s sure his face is probably pink with embarrassment, but he can’t help that. He pushes through. “No, he did not. And he wouldn’t, so that’s a silly question, Ivy.”
It’s hard to explain why his heart has suddenly decided to jog in his chest, but he knows it’s something to do with the implication that these kids see something there, something that isn’t, that can’t be.
“Well, he said-“ Ivy starts, her tone immediately giving away that she’s about to say something he won’t want to hear.
“Drop it, Ivy,” he says, more sternly than he’s probably ever spoken to her. She pauses, looking up at him with wide, shiny eyes. Fuck. He forces himself to smile at her. “I’m sorry, honey. I just… I don’t feel comfortable talking about your dad like that, okay? Remember what we’ve said about not talking about people who aren’t around to defend themselves?” He asks, trying to level with her.
Ivy nods, but frowns. “But I thought that was just when we’re saying mean things? I wouldn’t say something mean about Daddy,” she says.
Eddie nods, glad she at least remembers that much. “Right,” he says. “But even when you’re not saying bad stuff- if you’re talking about someone’s feelings, they should be there for that conversation, too, alright?”
Ivy doesn’t look thrilled with this news, but nods in understanding. “Okay,” she mumbles, a bit sourly.
“Thank you,” Eddie says softly. “Alright, Jazz, let’s get your hair done, Ivy, go ahead and get your shoes on, and go tell Daddy that we’re almost ready.”
The girls both nod, going to their places with easy obedience. Eddie thanks God, or whoever, once again, for the fact that he gets to help raise such good children. It’s certainly not something he takes for granted, and he hopes he never will.
By the time Eddie is done with Jasmine’s hair, Ivy has already dutifully left to go tell Steve that they’re almost ready to go, so Eddie waits for Jasmine to get her shoes on before making his way through the apartment to find them.
“Steve, Ivy, are you two ready?” he calls as he enters the kitchen, checking his watch. “We need to leave in like five minutes if we- oh!” Eddie lets out a little squeak of a noise when he bumps into something - or rather, someone.
“Oops, sorry, babe,” Steve says, his hand coming up to steady Eddie. “I think everyone’s ready. Where’s Jasmine?”
Eddie is about to answer, but his attention is pulled rather suddenly to Steve’s outfit. He’s wearing a shirt in a similar style to Eddie’s, except where Eddie’s is a deep, wine red, Steve’s is black. It’s almost like they’ve swapped personalities via their clothes, and for reasons Eddie can’t even begin to explain, something about it is getting to him.
“Eddie? Everything alright?” Steve asks, sounding concerned.
“What? Oh, yeah.” Eddie shakes himself, forcing his eyes to meet Steve’s instead of checking him out like some sort of weirdo. “Um, Jasmine is-”
“I’m right here!” Jasmine says from behind him.
He turns to look at her, relieved for the distraction. “Great. Everyone ready, then?”
The girls nod, so Eddie sends them to the door to grab their coats before looking back at Steve. He really does look good in that color. “What?” Steve says. His lips quirk into something like a smirk, though, so Eddie is almost positive that he knows what he’s thinking.
Eddie shrugs, and returns the smirk. Two can play at that game. “Nothing, honey. You just look very nice, is all.”
Steve blinks, the smirk dropping from his face, like he wasn’t expecting Eddie to actually comment on his appearance. “Oh,” he says, slowly. “Um. Thanks. You… uh… You look great, as well.” His eyes trail slowly over Eddie’s body, lingering on his chest, and Eddie nearly preens with the attention.
The smirk on Eddie’s face deepens. It’s odd how powerful he feels all of a sudden, with Steve looking at him like that. “Thanks,” he says, bumping his elbow against Steve’s arm playfully. “C’mon, we need to go, or we’ll be late.”
The drive to Robin’s doesn’t take as long as Eddie had suspected, but when they arrive at the house, there are already a few cars in the driveway and on the road. They live in a cute little gray two-story house in a cul-de-sac, and at first, it surprises Eddie that Robin could afford something like that. Then again, Steve probably pays her pretty well, and her partner must have a job as well.
“Nice house,” Eddie notes as Steve parks the beemer.
Steve nods. “Yeah. I was the one who told Robin about it, actually.”
“Oh.” For some reason, that surprises Eddie. “How’d you know about it? Not exactly right next door to the apartment,” he jokes.
Steve gives him a little strained smile, but nods. “Yeah… no, you’re right, it isn’t. I was actually looking for a house. You know, for me and the girls.” He looks embarrassed, for some reason.
And god, isn’t that some imagery? Eddie can’t help it, the way his brain immediately drifts to thoughts of a nice house, Steve coming home to find him cooking in a big kitchen, the girls doing their homework at a proper kitchen table. Christmases by a fireplace, summer picnics in a big backyard. The sound of little feet…
He shakes himself, rather harshly, to dislodge those pesky thoughts. Ridiculous, for him to be thinking something like that right now, when he’s literally about to go spend an afternoon with Steve’s best friend’s family. Why does he have to make everything about himself? God… he needs to get a grip.
“Alright. Let’s go, kiddos. Auntie Robin is probably waiting for us.” Steve unbuckles his seatbelt, but pauses before he opens his door. He turns to look at Eddie, giving him a little smile. “I can tell you’re nervous. You don’t have anything to worry about, though, Robin and Chrissy are cool. And the rest of our friends that’ll be here are too, okay?”
Eddie nods. He doesn’t know how to explain to Steve that the people he’s about to be mingling with are at the very bottom of his list of concerns and thoughts right now. “Okay,” he says, forcing a smile. He reaches out, squeezing Steve’s hand. “Thanks.”
Steve gives him a winning smile before climbing out of the car, ushering the girls out as well. Eddie takes a deep breath before following. He really wasn’t nervous about the people they’re going to be seeing, but now that Steve has mentioned it…
Well, at least his anxiety has something else to hyper-fixate on.
Eddie is acutely aware of how they seem, walking up the concrete driveway to Robin’s front door. Steve is toting the stroller box, while Eddie holds Ivy and Jasmine’s hands. Ivy wanted to hold the gift bag, which Jasmine didn’t seem to mind. They look… well, they look like a proper family, Eddie reckons.
Steve doesn’t knock. That seems odd, vaguely. At least it does, right up until they step through the foyer and Robin comes around the corner, crossing her arms. “You’re late, dingus.”
Steve huffs, shifting the box in his arms to check his watch. Eddie doesn’t check out the way his muscles flex as he does this. He doesn’t.
“It’s literally four minutes past two, Robs. And like, I’ve got two kids. I’m doing my best here,” Steve says, rolling his eyes.
At the mention of said kids, Robin’s gaze shifts. “Speaking of my favorite nieces! Hi, guys! Was your dad being a dingus this morning?”
Jasmine all but throws herself into Robin’s arms, but luckily, she seems prepared for this. “Hi, Aunt Robin,” she greets, snuggling into her neck.
Eddie realizes, after a moment, that she’s scenting her. It makes his stomach twist with jealousy, the fact that he doesn’t get to scent them at the forefront of his mind. But this is Steve’s actual pack, not just the nanny he picked off the street. It makes sense that he wouldn’t want Eddie to scent the kids.
“Hi, sweet girls,” Robin says, reaching out to hug Ivy to her side whilst Eddie has his crisis. “Did your dad pick out your outfits today?” She asks, glancing up and meeting Eddie’s gaze. “Or did Eddie do it?”
Jasmine nods, pointing to Eddie. “Eddie did it when he got home. Daddy was lost before that.”
“Hey,” Steve protests weakly.
Robin grins, clearly thrilled about this admission. “Oh, is that so?” She asks. “Well, Eddie did a really good job, you two are cute as buttons.”
The twins thank her politely, then Jasmine squirms out of her arms. “Are there any snacks?” She asks, her voice sweet enough to sugar-coat the slightly rude question.
Steve and Robin share a look, rolling their eyes. “Yes, you little gremlins, there’s snacks in the kitchen. Try not to make a mess, okay?”
The twins dart off with half-hearted agreements, and that leaves Eddie alone with Steve and Robin.
“Um… I’ll go… make sure they don’t make a mess,” Eddie starts, feeling awkward all of a sudden.
Robin stops him with a wave of her hand. “Oh, they’ll be fine. My mom is in there handing out snacks, anyway.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, pausing. “Okay, then.”
Robin smiles at him, then glances at Steve. Eddie thinks she might be saying something with the glance, but he doesn’t know her well enough to say for sure what that thing would be. “Well, are you guys just gonna hang out in the foyer, or would you like to join the party?” She asks, smirking.
Steve hums, tapping his chin like he’s considering. “Well, you know, we could just leave the twins here and bolt. Free babysitting!” He jokes, nudging Eddie with his elbow.
Robin’s smirk only deepens at that. “Right. I’m sure you two have plenty to get up to without them,” she says, giving Steve another look. “But I spy a present, and I’m sure my girlfriend will want to check that out.”
Eddie notices a slight shift in his ma- Steve’s scent, and glances at him curiously, only to find his face a bit pink. Steve’s eyes dart towards him and away, staring resolutely at Robin, with something almost like a glare etched onto his face. Eddie frowns, but nods slowly in Robin’s direction. “Yeah,” he says, gesturing to the box that Steve is still toting. “This one was a shot in the dark, but Steve picked it out, so you know it’ll be good.” Eddie smiles.
Robin glances at Steve, and Eddie almost swears that her eye twitches when her mouth does, like she’s trying not to laugh or something. “Of course,” she says. “C’mon, the party can’t start without us.”
Steve goes to follow her, and Eddie follows behind him. Maybe it’s the way he seems to be struggling slightly with the box, or maybe it’s because of some need to be near him, but something makes Eddie reach out, resting his hand on the small of Steve’s back as they walk through the house and into the lounge, where the socialization seems to be happening. “Looks like a good present haul,” Eddie murmurs quietly to Steve as they walk over to the area clearly sectioned off for gifts, Robin retreating to the other side of the room.
“Yeah,” Steve nods, going to add theirs to the pile. He’s eyeing the boxes skeptically, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
“I doubt someone else got them one,” he says. “And even if they did, Robin and Chrissy can just pick their favorite, and send the other back. No big deal.”
Steve is very clearly pouting when he turns to look at Eddie. “But what if mine isn’t their favorite?” he mumbles, sourly.
Eddie can’t help but smile at that. It’s adorable, Steve’s ridiculous concerns for his best friend’s baby shower. “Then you can just buy them something else that’s just as expensive.”
“Fine,” Steve sighs, but his smile gives him away. “You ready to meet everyone?”
Eddie nods, but glances around for the girls. “Are the twins okay? Where-” he stops himself when he sees Jasmine and Ivy coming through the dining room, each of them holding a little plate with various treats and snacks. The natural omegan response to finding his pseudo-kids is a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing of their tension. “Nevermind, I guess,” he says with a smile. He turns to look at Steve, startling a little when he finds him already looking back. “So, meeting people?” Eddie prompts, feeling a little awkward.
“Yeah, c’mon.” Steve nods, and reaches for Eddie, placing a hand on the small of his back, much like Eddie did to him only a few minutes before. “Most of the people here are Robin and Chrissy’s family, but a couple are shared friends of mine and Robin’s, from our school days.”
“Oh, okay,” Eddie says. He realizes something then, and glances at Steve. “Wait, so you and Robin went to school together?”
Steve shakes his head, then shrugs. “Well, yeah, technically. We went to elementary and middle school in Hawkins around the same time, but then I was at boarding school and she went to an all-girls high school… Anyway, we didn’t actually properly meet and become friends till college,” Steve explains, leading Eddie around the room, nodding and waving to people he knows, but never stopping.
“Oh,” Eddie repeats. “I had no idea. That’s cool,” he says, but his mind is reeling a little with the fact that Steve did go to Hawkins at some point. But clearly their years didn’t overlap. Eddie is positive he would’ve remembered Steve, if he knew him back then.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees. “Funny, how the world works out like that sometimes, isn’t it?”
Eddie nods, giving him a little smile. “Yeah, it is.”
Steve pops his head into the kitchen, smiling at whoever he sees. “Ah, the guest of honor!” he says, his voice all fond teasing.
A soft voice laughs in response, and Eddie follows Steve’s lead, stepping into the kitchen as well. “Hi, Steve. I was wondering when you were going to come say hi to me!” A small woman with strawberry blonde hair is standing in the kitchen, a glass of water in one hand, while the other rests on her full pregnant belly. Her gaze shifts to Eddie, and she smiles even wider. “Hi! You must be Steve’s nanny!”
Something about her is so familiar, and it takes Eddie a second for it to click. “Technically his kids’ nanny, but who’s to say for sure,” he jokes. “I’m-”
Apparently the recognition clicks for her, too, because before he can say anything, her eyes widen, and she says, “wait! I remember you!”
Eddie smiles widely at her. “I was hoping you did! It took me a second, too. God, isn’t this a funny coincidence?”
Chrissy laughs, nodding. “Gosh, yes! I never put the pieces together. Robin had told me about you, and obviously today would be my first time officially meeting Steve’s kids, but-”
“Wait,” Steve interrupts. It startles Eddie a bit, having forgotten that Steve was even here. “You two… already know each other?” He blinks, clearly confused.
“Yeah,” Eddie nods. “Or, well. Sort of. Back when I first started working for you, I took the girls by a convenience store for a snack and we ran into Chrissy.”
Chrissy nods. “Yeah, we only spoke for a few minutes. I didn’t even think about the fact that Steve had twins and a new nanny. God, I feel dumb now!” She says, laughing.
Eddie smiles at her, shaking his head. “No, you shouldn’t! I didn’t realize it either. Even with Steve saying your name and everything, I didn’t make the connection.”
“Well, that’s a relief. At least we’re both a little confused.” Chrissy smiles, then gestures to the dining table behind them. “Did you guys want some snacks? We’ve got plenty of stuff, and the girls were just in here getting theirs.”
Steve looks at Eddie at the same time Eddie looks at him, and he feels his face flush a bit. “I can make you a plate,” Steve offers with a sweet smile, his hand rubbing a gentle circle against Eddie’s back.
Eddie hesitates, glancing at the table. “I’m alright,” Eddie says, shaking his head. He is a bit hungry, actually, but that newness of being around people he’s not used to being around makes him feel a little awkward. It’s stupid, that social anxiety can make him feel so out of place accepting snacks when they’re offered.
“Oh,” Steve says, frowning at him. “Okay. I’m gonna go grab some stuff for me, then.” He gives Eddie a look, quirking his eyebrow like he’s waiting for him to change his mind. When Eddie just smiles at him and nods, Steve shrugs, turning to go collect some snacks.
Chrissy is still standing there, smiling at him when Eddie turns back around. “You two are cute,” she says, a knowing look in her eyes.
Eddie’s eyes widen, and he’s positive his cheeks are tinted pink with embarrassment. “Oh, no,” he says quickly, shaking his head. “We’re not-“
Another voice joins the conversation, then, cutting Eddie off. He’s a little relieved, but he can feel that familiar panic settling in, knowing that he wasn’t able to correct Chrissy.
“There you are,” Robin says, her voice much softer than how she’d spoken to Steve. She walks over to Chrissy, pressing a kiss to her cheek as soon as she’s close enough. “Your mom said you got hot?” Robin speaks quietly, one of her hands lifting to feel Chrissy’s temperature.
Chrissy rolls her eyes, but the obvious grin on her face is a dead giveaway of how she really feels about Robin’s attention. “Yeah, your kid gave me a hot flash. You gonna deal with that?” She gives Robin this look, almost a smirk if it wasn’t so sweet.
Robin sighs, shaking her head as she tuts disappointedly. Then, she crouches, so that she’s eye-level with Chrissy’s swollen stomach. “Alright, rugrat. I know we’ve talked about this already, so I don’t know why you just keep disobeying me. But you’ve gotta go easy on your Mama, okay? It’s hard, you know, being so pregnant you waddle, and your feet swell, and you have to pee all the time, and-“
“And I think you’ve made your point, dear,” Chrissy giggles, her hand dropping to pet through Robin’s hair affectionately. Robin is staring up at her, the picture of devotion.
Eddie has to look away.
He knows he must reek with jealousy, and he tries his best to get his mind on something else, anything else.
That’s easy enough when he feels a hand on his back. He startles a little, but deflates when he glances over his shoulder to find Steve watching him. He’s got this sort of worried, sympathetic look on his face, and Eddie nearly swears. Of course Steve can smell it on him.
“How about we go mingle?” Steve asks softly, his thumb stroking a soothing pattern up and down the base of Eddie’s spine.
Eddie nods, his throat too tight to speak. Chrissy and Robin are still chatting quietly, and as they leave the kitchen, Eddie hears the unmistakable sound of a kiss. He tries not to roll his eyes or pout, or anything else that would be ridiculous and uncalled for, but that doesn’t change the fact that he wants to do those things.
As Steve leads them into the living room, his hand leaves Eddie’s back. Their hands bump, and reflexively, Eddie reaches to hold Steve’s, a little hurt when Steve pulls away. Eddie glances at him, then down at their hands, where Steve is subtly rubbing their wrists together. When Eddie glances back up, Steve just gives him a little smile.
“Since I can’t properly scent you right now. I can tell you’re nervous, so maybe…” he trails off, shrugging. “I thought this would help.”
Eddie’s throat feels tight at the small but meaningful gesture. “Thank you,” he breathes. He moves his hand, intending to just give Steve’s hand a little squeeze, but Steve apparently has other plans, intertwining their fingers.
“C’mon. I see someone I know,” Steve days, tugging him gently along after him.
After meeting a couple of Steve and Robin’s friends, Eddie and Steve find a spot on the nearest loveseat to settle in for the main events. Robin and Chrissy have rejoined the main group at this point, and are sitting together on a big armchair, one that is an absolutely atrocious shade of purple.
“Alright, guys. Time for some baby shower games!” Robin announces, the very picture of excitement as she begins to hand out little cards of some sort.
Eddie leans into Steve’s space, curious and a little cautious of the events to come. “What exactly are we doing?” Eddie whispers into Steve’s ear. They’re pressed together, shoulder to hip to knee, and Eddie pretends like it’s just to accommodate for the other people sitting on this loveseat, even though he is well aware that there’s space for them to separate a little.
Steve shrugs, popping a cheese cube into his mouth. “Not sure,” Steve murmurs back. “Robin is the one who came up with most of these games, so I have no idea what we’re up against.” He holds the plate out for Eddie. “Here, have a snack.”
“Oh, I don’t-” Eddie says, starting to refuse, even as he eyes the peanut butter cookies that are sitting there mocking him.
Steve rolls his eyes, and to Eddie’s surprise, reaches right for said peanut butter cookie, holding it out for Eddie to take. When Eddie glances at him, confused, Steve shakes his head with a little smile. “You know I don’t really like sweet stuff much. I got the cookies for you.”
“Oh,” Eddie says. He’s just a little taken aback by the sweetness of the gesture, but honestly, at this rate he shouldn’t even be surprised. “Thank you,” he mumbles, taking the cookie without any further protest.
“You’re welcome,” Steve says with a pleased smile on his face.
“Dingus. Eddie,” Robin says cordially as she comes by, handing each of them a little card. She starts off again, going to the next people, but Eddie stops her.
“Wait, Robin, what are we doing?”
Robin grins. “Alright, everyone,” she says loudly, the rest of the guests quieting down to listen to what she has to say. “For the first game, we’re starting off easy. You all will have five minutes to match the name of the baby animal on the right with the name of the adult animal on the left. Whoever gets them all correct first gets a prize!”
There’s a murmur of excitement around the room, and Eddie glances around, suddenly wondering where the twins are. “The kids would be great at this,” he mumbles to Steve.
Steve laughs at that, tilting his head to look at Eddie’s card, rather than his own. “True.”
“Where are they, anyway?” Eddie asks, glancing at Steve.
They’re closer together than Eddie thought, and he has to pull back a bit so that their noses don’t brush. If Steve feels weird about that, he doesn’t let on about it, instead just jutting his chin up like he’s nodding upstairs. “There’s a game room upstairs,” he explains. “That’s where they always go to play when they come over to Robin’s, so that’s probably where they’re at now.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, nodding. “Okay, then.” He feels a little awkward, suddenly, knowing that the kids are obviously fine unsupervised, which makes his presence at the baby shower feel sort of… pointless.
“Alright,” Robin is saying, back at her perch beside her girlfriend. “Ready… set… go!” She makes a little trumpet noise, and everyone immediately gets to work on their activity cards, some people teaming up, while others cover their card up, hiding it from any cheating eyes. Eddie can’t decide which he finds funnier.
He has no real intention of winning, or even playing, but then he hears Steve mumble something to him. “Hm?” he asks, turning his head.
Steve nods at the card, eating a cracker. “The first one is ‘kid’ I’m pretty sure.”
Eddie blinks. “You’re not gonna put that on your card, then?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Steve waves a hand dismissively. “Nah. We can just share the prize. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?” he teases with that little signature Harrington grin. Eddie likes him so much it hurts.
“Sure,” Eddie says after a few long seconds of staring at him like a lovesick puppy.
They work together after that, struggling through some of the weird-sounding animal names with a naive sense of intelligence.
“What the fuck is a nymph?” Eddie whisper-shouts at Steve, skimming the list for anything even mildly more familiar. They’d worked out all the easy ones already: kitten, cub, lamb, fawn - all the normal things that he’d actually heard of before.
Steve snickers, trying to hide it behind his hand, with little success. “I don’t know!” he says, shaking his head. “Skip that one, skip it.”
Eddie huffs, then scans the list of options again. “The rest of these aren’t much better. A fry? A poult? A cria? They’ve gotta be making this shit up.”
“A fry,” Steve giggles, clearly far more amused by this silly game than Eddie is. “Well, which one of these can you actually fry?”
Eddie stares at him. “Baby animals, Steve. Baby animals. And you want me to think about which one of them can be fried?”
Either his tone or his words send Steve over the edge again, cackling loudly enough that the couple at the other end of the loveseat send them dirty looks. Eddie sends one of his own back.
“God, fine,” Eddie mumbles. “Turkey? Chicken? Chicken can be fried,” he says consideringly.
“Oh, wait, but isn’t - yeah, no, chick is a chicken,” Steve says, gesturing to one of their options.
Eddie nods, crossing that one off. “Hm… Fish? Fish can be fried, right?”
“That’s gotta be it!” Steve says, nodding excitedly.
“If it’s not, and we lose, it’s on you,” Eddie says, even as he writes down that as his answer.
Steve just giggles again, but nods. “Sure, sure,” he says, easily enough.
Eddie scans the list again, sighing. “That still leaves us with foal, poult, infant, cria, whelp, and nymph.” He turns his head to look at Steve. “Any other nuggets of wisdom, Mr. Which-One-Can-Be-Fried?”
“Hey!” Steve says with a laugh. “It worked!”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “We don’t even know if it’s right,” he reminds him.
Steve waves him off. “Sure we do. Alright. Foal, poult, infant - infant, that’s us, right? Technically?”
“Technically, but humans aren’t on the list,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “So… something close to humans… Monkeys? That’s the only one close to humans on here.”
Steve shrugs. “Sounds good to me. What else?”
Eddie hums. “Well… pup is still on here, too. But there aren’t humans, or any kind of dog on the list…”
“Wait, isn’t a pup and a whelp the same thing?” Steve asks, confused.
Eddie shrugs. “I’ve got no clue. If there are, we still don’t have a spot for them, since there’s no dogs.”
Steve stares hard at the list, an adorable little wrinkle forming between his eyes. “Skip,” he decides eventually. We’ll come back to it. What next?”
They eventually work it out to the best of their ability, matching all the animals until they’re relatively satisfied with the answers. They have a brief spat over foal and poult, Steve swearing that a poult is a horse until Eddie realizes he’s thinking of a colt. Then, Steve concedes when Eddie argues that with chicken taken, turkey is the only type of poultry on the list, so poult has to go with that.
Overall, their combined logic makes enough sense to get them through it.
They aren’t the first ones to finish, but by the time they present it to Robin and Chrissy, no one has gotten every animal matched correctly yet, which doesn’t give Eddie a lot of confidence in them, if he’s honest.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Robin says as she scans their answers. “We’ve got the winner of our first game!” She calls excitedly.
“What?” Eddie asks, stunned.
Steve cheers, shaking Eddie’s wrist with barely-contained excitement. It’s cute.
“Steve and Eddie somehow are the first people to match every animal correctly,” Robin announces. “So, as their prize…” she digs around in a little basket beside her and Chrissy’s chair, sparing Eddie and Steve a little grin. “I swear this wasn’t rigged,” she tells them. “For this prize, we decided on tickets to the Indianapolis Zoo!”
“Oh, fun!” Eddie says, unable to contain his excitement. He hadn’t been to the zoo since he was a child, but he remembered loving it back then.
“Right?” Chrissy says, clearly pleased. “We thought it was pretty perfect for this game.”
“Here,” Robin says, handing them to Steve. “We weren’t sure who would win, but most of the friends and family we invited have a family of like two to four… so we got four tickets.”
Steve smiles at her, then turns a softer version of that smile onto Eddie. “Well, that worked out nicely, didn’t it, honey?” he says.
Eddie smiles, barely registering the surprised look Robin gives them.
Before Eddie can think to react to that, though, there’s the sound of footsteps stampeding down the stairs, and loud sniffling. Everyone in the room turns towards the noise, all the parents on high-alert to see which kid needs comforting, but Eddie already knows in his heart that it’s one of his.
Sure enough, Ivy comes around the corner, her eyes wet with tears, her face red as she holds a hand to her head. “Mommy,” she cries as soon as she lays eyes on them, rushing straight towards Eddie.
Eddie has no time to process that, immediately jumping into his omega instincts, crouching down to scoop her up into a hug, shushing her gently. “Oh, sweet girl, what is it?” he murmurs to her. He moves away from Chrissy and Robin, mumbling a quick, “sorry, we’ll be right back,” as he leaves the room. He can feel several sets of eyes following his trip out, but luckily most of the guests got back to chatting immediately after the reassurance that it wasn’t their child in need of comforting.
“Me and Jasmine were- were playin’ with Sophie, and- and then I fell and- the bump hurts really bad!” Ivy nearly wails, burying her tear-streaked face into Eddie’s shoulder as he walks into the kitchen with her.
He can sense Steve behind them, more just a mental awareness at first, until Steve’s hand comes up to rub Eddie’s back gently. “Woah, deep breaths, baby,” Steve tells her gently, his other hand coming up to rub her back as well. He and Eddie make eye contact, and where Eddie expects to see something like hurt or jealousy from Ivy calling him Mommy, all Eddie finds is fondness.
“You’re okay, darling,” Eddie says softly, brushing her hair back away from her face. “Now slow down, and tell us what happened.”
After a couple more hiccups and some pauses to breathe, they get the full story. Apparently, they were playing jungle explorers, using the sofa upstairs as their jungle gym, and apparently, that didn’t work out very well. The bump on Ivy’s head is small, barely even a bump at all really, but Steve and Eddie baby and coddle her anyway, taking turns kissing it better and reassuring her that she’ll be alright.
Eventually, she feels well enough to go back upstairs to play, but Eddie has her splash cool water on her face, as well as drink a cup of water, first. As soon as she’s finished with that, he sets her down, ruffling her hair. “Alright. You’re fine, just play more carefully, okay, sweetheart?”
Ivy nods, waving at them before she heads back for the stairs. Eddie sighs as he watches her go, acutely aware of the eyes on him.
He doesn’t really want to, but he turns to face Steve, feeling his face heat a little at the soft look he finds pointed his way. “What?” Eddie asks, a little defensively.
Steve smiles, shaking his head. “Nothing at all, baby. Just…” he looks a little helpless for a moment, shrugging. “You’re a good co-parent, that’s all. My daughters are lucky to have you.”
Eddie doesn’t consider himself a particularly emotional person usually, but he feels like he might burst into tears just thinking about that. “I- I’m not-“
Steve cuts him off immediately. “No, you are,” he says, firm but gentle. “No arguments, no protesting. You are a great parent, Eddie. The end.”
As much as Eddie still wants to argue, mainly just because he feels so awkward accepting such genuine praise, he doesn’t. Instead, he forces himself to meet Steve’s eyes when he smiles. “Thanks, Stevie.”
Steve returns the smile, then reaches for his hand, tugging him back towards the living room. “C’mon. I think we’re gonna play some more games, and I wanna win some more prizes.” His eyes are bright with excitement, his lips quirking up mischievously, and Eddie can think of nothing he’d like more than to follow Steve wherever he wants to go.
They do play more baby shower games, as it turns out. Unfortunately, though, Eddie and Steve are pretty much useless at the new games. They’re mostly of the guessing variety - guessing which of the parents-to-be will do which types of baby duties more often, some true or false baby trivia questions, and an atrocious baby-item-themed game of The Price is Right.
“God, I don’t even know,” Steve mumbles when he scans the list of items for that game. Eddie can tell he’s losing steam, having lost the previous two baby shower games in a row. “It’s been so long since I had to buy any of these things for the girls, so I don’t know how much this stuff is now.”
Eddie hums. “Well, we know about what strollers cost,” he says, jotting down the price of the stroller they’d just bought for Robin and Chrissy. “And the onesies were about two or three dollars, depending on the style…”
Between the two of them, they hazard guesses for each item, but when Steve takes the card up to check it with Chrissy and Robin, his shoulders slump, and Eddie can tell they didn’t win this one either. Chrissy gives Steve a sympathetic pat on the arm, and Robin definitely says something mildly insulting to him, and Eddie smiles when he sees his alp- er- Steve - pouting as he returns.
“She said I wasn’t even close on some of them,” he complains when he comes back, flopping down beside Eddie, pressing their knees together.
Eddie makes a sympathetic little noise, patting his knee. “Aww, it’s okay. At least we got tickets to the zoo. And the snacks have been pretty good, too.”
Steve turns his head where it’s resting on the back of the loveseat, smiling up at Eddie. “Yeah, you’re right,” he says. “And the company isn’t bad, either.”
Eddie starts to agree, then pauses, glancing back at Steve’s face again. He’s not talking about the other people here, that’s for sure. He has such a soft look on his face, his expression open and vulnerable, and Eddie wishes… he wishes-
“Alright, everyone,” Robin says. She announces the winner of that game, but Eddie is barely paying attention, his gaze flicking back to Steve’s repeatedly. Steve’s eyes don’t waver from him, he notices. “So, we’re gonna move on to opening gifts, but you guys really showed out in that department, so you might want to grab some more refreshments and settle in; we might be here a while!”
Most of the guests laugh at that, and Eddie does too, albeit a little belatedly. He twists his rings on his fingers a little, trying to avoid Steve’s pointed gaze. There’s a tension between them now, one that he’s felt since practically the first week, but he doesn’t know how to break it, or even loosen it; he just knows he can’t do it here.
Eddie startles when he feels a hand on his thigh. Steve is still studying him, but he’s not nearly as intense as he was just a few minutes ago. “I’m gonna go get us some more snacks, okay?”
“Okay,” Eddie echoes. He feels a little untethered, like none of this is real. Like he’s just acting out the motions of a normal, content baby shower-attendee, completely at ease with the feelings currently kicking up dust in the hollow part of his chest. “Can you get me some lemonade?” he asks.
Steve smiles and nods. “Sure, baby. And some more peanut butter cookies?”
Eddie feels his face flush, a little embarrassed at being called out for his obsession with peanut butter, but he nods just the same. “Yes, please.”
“Be right back,” Steve says. He gives Eddie’s thigh a gentle squeeze before making his way to the kitchen. Eddie tries to breathe normally, getting himself under control. What the hell was it about Steve taking care of him that made him feel this unhinged? He doesn’t know, and part of him doesn’t want to find out. The bigger, omega-driven part, is banging at the bars of its cage, begging to be let out, to crawl into whatever spaces Steve’s previous mate vacated, to fulfill any needs that aren’t being met.
Eddie shakes his head, probably appearing just a little insane to anyone who might be paying him any attention. He needs to get a grip.
Luckily, he’s pulled from his spiral by one of his favorite voices in the world.
“Eddie, I’m sleepy,” Jasmine says as she approaches him.
“Aww,” Eddie coos at her, holding his arms out. “C’mere, then, you can come rest for a bit.”
She allows him to pull her into his lap easily, immediately dropping her head to his shoulder and snuggling in. Eddie smiles, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to his chest in a close embrace. He begins humming softly, stroking her hair as he glances around the room, wondering what’s taking Steve so long. He notices Robin is gone, and when he notices that, he also realizes that her better half is making her way towards him now.
“Hi,” Chrissy greets with a warm smile as she comes to a stop in front of them, her hands resting gently on her swollen stomach. “Jasmine, right?” she asks, her voice softer as she leans over a bit to make eye contact with her.
Jasmine nods. “Yes,” she confirms before nuzzling back into Eddie’s shirt.
Eddie gives Chrissy an apologetic smile. “Sorry, she’s tired. Lot of excitement going on today,” he explains.
Chrissy nods, smiling. “Oh, I’m sure.” She gives Eddie a look then, one that he would almost call mischievous if he knew her better. “At least she’s got a good mama to take care of her,” she says sweetly.
Eddie’s first instinct is to correct her, of course. And he starts to, but all that he gets out is: “I’m not-“ before Jasmine is interrupting him.
“Wish you were,” she mumbles, clinging to him tighter.
Eddie feels his face flush. “Jazz,” he scolds gently.
Jasmine just shrugs. “‘S true,” she says.
Chrissy is giving him a soft look when Eddie finally feels brave enough to make eye contact again. “I, um…” he starts, but has no idea how to finish the sentence. He doesn’t know how much Chrissy knows about Steve and his daughters, and he doesn’t want to go around spreading his personal business. At the same time, though, he doesn’t want to seem like he’s trying to- to replace the twins’ real mom. The very idea makes him a little sick.
“They really love you, Eddie,” Chrissy says kindly. “I could see if that first time at the store- clearly you’re doing something right.”
Eddie can’t help but smile gratefully at that. No matter how many times he hears it, he’ll always love hearing that he’s actually doing a good job with this whole parenting thing. “Thanks,” he says softly, nuzzling Jasmine’s hair.
“Steve is really lucky to have found such a good mate,” Chrissy continues.
Eddie feels Jasmine freeze at that, or at least he thinks he does. It might just be the side effect of himself freezing up, looking up at Chrissy with what he suspects is panic in his eyes. “I- we’re not together,” he squeaks out, hyper-aware of the little ears tuning into this conversation.
The sweet smile finally drops off Chrissy’s face, replaced by confusion. “You’re not?” She asks, her eyebrows furrowing together.
Eddie shakes his head adamantly. “No, we’re just- I just work for him, that’s all.” He wonders if everyone in the room can smell that lie.
“Oh,” Chrissy says. She’s clearly baffled by this information, and Eddie catches the way she glances behind her, as if looking for someone. “That’s my mistake, really, I thought-“
“It’s okay,” Eddie rushes to say. He’s desperate for this conversation to just end already. If he thought it was awkward talking to Gareth about all of his Steve-related struggles, that was nothing compared to the way it feels to be having this conversation with Steve’s best friend’s partner, all whilst Steve’s child listens. No contest for awkwardness, that’s for sure.
“Sorry,” Chrissy says, fixing him with a sympathetic little smile that immediately sours his mood. There’s no way this virtual stranger can tell how he feels about Steve- right?
“Thumbelina,” a voice calls from across the room. Chrissy and Eddie both glance over to find Robin smiling in their direction, her eyes trained on Chrissy. Eddie’s gaze is stolen immediately when he sees Steve standing in the doorway of the kitchen, an annoyed expression on his face. Uh-oh. “The darling mother of my child, it’s time for presents!” Robin sing-songs.
Chrissy rolls her eyes, but her giggle is far more telling. “That’s me,” she says, needlessly. “I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the party. Don’t forget to stop and say goodbye on your way out, okay?”
Eddie nods, but his brain is hyper-focused on Steve as the other man makes his way towards them. “Yeah, sure,” Eddie says distractedly.
Chrissy smiles at Steve as she passes him, and though he mirrors it politely, Eddie can tell it’s fake. Steve takes his spot beside Eddie once more, giving his daughter a soft look.
“Here,” he says, holding a cup of lemonade out for Eddie.
“Oh, um,” Eddie starts, his hands a little full.
Steve takes note of his predicament and tilts his head to look at his daughter. “Honey, how about you come snuggle with Daddy for a minute? Let your…” he pauses, his eyes darting to Eddie’s briefly. “Er. Let Eddie have a chance to eat, yeah?”
Eddie can feel the way her little hand tightens its grip on his shirt. “Wanna stay here,” she mumbles, her voice thick with sleep. Part of Eddie is relieved- maybe she had been mostly asleep during that conversation with Chrissy.
“I know, but-“ Steve starts, trying to bargain with her.
“Mommy is comfier,” Jasmine whines at him. She nuzzles against Eddie’s shirt, and Eddie realizes she’s trying to scent him. “And Mommy smells good.”
Eddie looks at Steve, helpless. He’s still a little worried, vaguely, that Steve might finally get upset at hearing his kids call Eddie that name- that this will be the time he finally snaps, but instead he just sighs, a defeated smile on his face.
“I know,” Steve mumbles, almost to himself. He shrugs at Eddie. “I can take her, hon. She might not like it, but it’ll be fine.”
Jasmine tights her grip, and Eddie laughs quietly. “She’s fine, I just-“ He cuts himself off as he nudges her back, shifting her to sit up a little. “Can you sit up for me, sweetheart? And here, lean back against this arm and…” he shuffles her until she’s leaning back against his right arm, which he props up onto the arm of the loveseat. “Perfect. Now I can use my left hand, and you don’t have to go anywhere,” he says, smiling at her.
She blinks sleepily at him, nodding twice before snuggling back in, clearly not entirely impressed with his perfect solution. Eddie snorts, shaking his head a little as he turns back to Steve.
Steve is staring at him, his eyes soft and a little glassy. He startles a little when he realizes Eddie is staring back at him, clearing his throat. “Here,” Steve says, handing him the lemonade finally.
“Thanks,” Eddie says, taking a long sip. “I was about to die of thirst,” he jokes. Steve nods, and Eddie thinks he’s about to say something else when he hears their names being called.
They both snap their heads up to look at where Robin is clearly talking to them, her hands on her hips, the picture of impatience. “Thanks for joining the rest of the world,” she teases. “We’re opening up your gifts next.”
“Oh!” Eddie says, suddenly excited. “I hope you guys like them- the girls helped pick out the smaller ones.”
“And the big one was mostly me,” Steve admits, scratching the back of his neck as he watches Robin help Chrissy tear off the wrapping paper of the stroller. “I wasn’t sure if you already had one, but we’ve got the receipt if you need to take it back.”
Robin rolls her eyes good-naturedly. “Did you even check the registry?” She asks, voice full of mock-disappointment.
Steve sucks on his teeth, hiding his sheepish grin. “Uh… you had a registry?”
Everyone gets a good laugh out of that, but then it’s the moment of truth. The wrapping paper is all over the ground, and Eddie watches carefully as Chrissy and Robin get a good look at what it is.
“Oh, Steve,” Robin says. From her tone alone, Eddie can tell that they’ve already got one. He presses his knee to Steve’s in an attempt at comfort, as he knows how excited Steve was about this gift. “Chrissy’s parents got us a stroller already,” Robin says, clearly trying to be gentle. “But it was really similar to this one! Like, you’ve got great taste in strollers,” she jokes.
Eddie actually laughs at that, and he can tell Steve wants to as well, but is still just a tad bit too disappointed to do so. “Yeah, I kinda figured you guys might already have one. Might have to take a look at that “registry” stuff next time.”
Robin rolls her eyes, but nods. “Yeah, it might be helpful, dingus.”
Steve shrugs. “Like I said, you guys can return it and just use the money to get whatever else you guys need. Or if you want me to take it back and just give you the money-“ he’s saying, listing off every possible solution to the stroller faux pas, when Chrissy interrupts them.
“Are you sure you guys won’t be needing it?” She asks, her voice impossibly sweet.
There’s a brief silence as everyone in the room who is still listening takes a moment to process that. It’s a short moment, because Robin is seemingly the first one to crack, snorting a very unattractive laugh into her hand.
“Sorry,” she says, not sounding it in the slightest as she turns to grin at her girlfriend, who looks incredibly proud of herself.
Eddie is steadfastly refusing to meet Steve’s gaze, despite the fact that he can feel it burning into the side of his face. He knows he’s blushing, and he can’t really justify why, past the mild embarrassment of the implication that he and Steve would be doing things that would put them in the market for a stroller. Things that Eddie normally only allows himself to think about in the comfort of the shower, alone.
“Uh, pretty sure,” Steve finally manages to say, although Eddie could swear he sounds a little choked.
“We’ll take it back and exchange it for some other necessities,” Robin says, finally showing mercy. “Thank you, both of you. It was a really thoughtful gift.” This is said with a genuinity Eddie wouldn’t think anyone could fake, and so it’s easy to smile back at her.
The rest of the baby shower goes pretty quickly, after that. Robin and Chrissy open the onesies that the twins picked out, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over them kindly, although Jasmine is only half-awake to see it, and Ivy is still somewhere upstairs. The present-unwrapping portion of the evening lasts for nearly half an hour more, but Eddie is so lost in his own thoughts that he couldn’t repeat any of the gifts they’d been given to save his life.
Eventually, when the gifts have all been opened and people are starting to leave, Steve leans in close and murmurs, “I think it’s getting time to head home, honey.”
Eddie nods. He hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until now, but he’s definitely feeling it, his shoulders slumped and his arm asleep where Jasmine is still laying against it. “Mm. That sounds good to me,” he replies quietly, bumping his head against Steve’s shoulder for a brief moment of reprieve.
Steve rests his head against Eddie’s for just a moment, then sighs. “I’ll go hunt down our other kid. You wanna go say goodbye to Chrissy and Robin and take this one out to the car?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says with a nod. It takes him a minute to stand and get his bearings, trying to be as steady as possible so that he doesn’t wake Jasmine. Steve watches him with soft eyes, but Eddie gives him a reassuring smile once he’s steady. “I’ll see you in the car,” he says.
“Don’t forget to grab my keys out of my coat pocket on your way out the door,” Steve reminds him before heading upstairs.
Eddie makes a mental note to do that before turning around, glancing around the room for Robin and Chrissy. He finds them close to the foyer, clearly taken up post there to say goodbye to people as they leave. When he gets close, Chrissy looks up, her face brightening into a smile as she comes over.
“Did you have a good time?” She asks, ever the sweetheart.
“I did.” Eddie gives her a smile. “It was lots of fun, and my compliments go to whoever put those snacks together.”
Chrissy grins. “That was mostly Robin’s mom. My mother can’t cook for shit.”
Eddie laughs at that. “Same. Did you and Robin get everything you’ll need for the baby?”
“Oh, for sure,” Chrissy nods. “Probably too much, to be honest.” She hesitates, then says, a little quieter, “I was sort of being serious about what I said earlier.”
“What?” Eddie’s heart drops a little. Surely she’s not referring to the baby stroller thing?
“I know you said you’re not together,” she explains, talking quickly. “And I believe you. But I can also tell that there’s more to it than that, and Robin thinks so too. Now, I haven’t known either of you very long, but they’ve known each other for years.”
“Chrissy…” Eddie says, almost a warning. His heart is swelling with something dangerously close to hope, and he knows better.
“I know, I know,” Chrissy says, waving a hand before bringing it down to cradle her belly. “And we may be wrong. But on the off-chance that we’re right… Let’s just say that we’ll have plenty of hand-me-downs, if you ever find yourself in need of some.” She takes a deep breath, then smiles. “Okay, there. I’m done with my lecture.”
Eddie smiles at her, even though it’s kind of half-hearted. “Thanks, Chrissy. I… I appreciate the sentiment, really.”
She nods, and then surprises Eddie when she leans in for a quick hug. He half-expects her to whisper some other mind-boggling relationship advice, but instead she just gives him a polite goodbye, saying she hopes they get to see each other again soon.
He moves on to Robin, who is already looking at him with something like fond exasperation. “I see someone’s already a little attached to you,” she teases, petting Jasmine’s hair gently.
“A little bit, yeah,” Eddie admits. “It was a beautiful baby shower, by the way. I know I wasn’t really invited, but I appreciate you guys letting me come.”
Robin rolls her eyes, waving her hand dismissively. “Of course you were invited. If Steve is invited, you’re invited, okay?”
Eddie nods, trying to hide his smile. He loves the sound of that, of just being automatically included in the friends and family events that Steve seems to cherish so much. It’s only temporary, he reminds himself, but he’ll enjoy it while it lasts. “Alright,” he says. “Still, thank you for being such good hosts. The snacks were great, and I know the girls are going to be so excited for that trip to the z-o-o.” He’s not sure why he spells it out, since if Jasmine was awake, she’d probably figure out what he was spelling, but he does it, nevertheless.
Robin smiles at him, a softer thing than he’s expecting from someone he still doesn’t know very well. “I knew you’d be perfect for this job,” she says, surprising him. “As soon as I met you, and as soon as Steve told me how the interview went, I just knew you’d be the one.”
“The one?” he asks. She gives the word a certain weight, a certain inflection, that makes him wonder what exactly she means by that.
Instead of answering him, she just shakes her head, smiling as she pulls him in for a quick hug. “Go, you two look exhausted, and I know Dingus probably wants to get home before traffic gets too bad.”
Eddie wants to argue for the sake of figuring out what the one actually means, but he lets himself be ushered towards the door, remembering to grab Steve’s keys out of his coat pocket at the last minute. He wraps Jasmine’s coat around her shoulders as best he can, throwing his own over his arm to put on once he gets her in the car.
It’s even colder outside than it was before, and Jasmine whines a little when Eddie first sets her into the backseat. “I know, sweetheart, Mommy knows it’s cold. I’m gonna turn the heat on in just a minute.”
He doesn’t catch himself until after he’s already in the passenger seat, the car cranked and heat set to full blast. It’s only then that he registers what he’d just called himself, without thinking.
Eddie doesn’t even get the chance to have a crisis about it. Before he can do anything, the back door on the opposite side is opening, and Ivy is climbing in, clearly exhausted too. “Hi, honey,” Eddie says, in a voice that doesn’t even sound like his. “Did you have fun playing?”
Ivy nods, but almost immediately leans to the side, resting her head against the door. “Uh-huh. Tired, now.”
He laughs quietly at that, understanding it as the signal it is to leave her alone. The driver’s side door opens, and Steve slides in smoothly, his hands coming up to hover in front of the vents. “Shit, it’s cold out there,” he murmurs. “Thanks for turning the heat on in here, baby.”
“Mhm,” Eddie replies, a little weak at the pet name that he still hasn’t gotten completely used to yet.
Steve looks over at him, and Eddie can’t exactly parse out the expression he wears. It’s almost familiar, his eyes kind and hyper-focused on Eddie, but there’s something else there, too, something softer, more intimate.
On a whim, Eddie reaches out, lacing his fingers between Steve’s. It’s a shot in the dark, but Eddie thinks he wants to be brave. At least with the little things. And although being brave doesn’t always work out for him, it does this time, as Steve squeezes his hand, giving him a sweet smile.
“Let’s go home.”
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jaywonnniez · 2 years
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when you have an argument with bf!jay
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pairing : bf!jay x fem!reader
genre : angst
warnings : swearing, lowercase intended
word count : 1k
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this morning, jay found you not beside him, he caught you wearing your shoes at the door, getting ready to go out. “where you going this early?” jay asked you standing infront of your bedroom door. “oh good morning, i’m gonna go meet up with wonie today, i haven’t seen him for so long!” you exclaimed. jay clenched his fists tightly, “wonie? that guy again? why always him?” he said, trying to control his anger and jealousy. “huh? i just mentioned him a few times, don’t worry honey he’s just my childhood friend that i knew a long time, he doesn’t have interest in me so don’t worry!” you said while smiling at him. jay hummed and slammed the door behind him. you shrugged it off thinking that maybe he’s just moody today, he’ll get over it quickly. 
but you were wrong. after being outside for 3 and a half hours, you unlocked the door, revealing jay sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, staring at the blank tv screen. “home already? it’s been 4 hours.” “no it hasn’t been 4 hours, it’s just 3 and a half hours. why are you looking angry? did i do something wrong?” you asked him in confusion. 
the tension in the living room was getting heavier, jay glared at you, “ what? did you do something wrong? what do you think? you were out with another boy for 3. and. a. half. hours. what were you both doing anyways huh? a boy and a girl alone for that long.” he kept staring at you, frowning. “jay your being dramatic, stop this nonsense, i did nothing wrong, i was just out with jungwon, we were just chatting.” you stated. “ hah, just chatting? are you sure? how can you trust that man, he might of done some bad things to you! you can’t just go out with some other man and not me for that long of a time.” jay bursted out at you. “so you don’t trust me? you think i’m cheating on you with jungwon? babe, he’s literally younger than me, he’s my childhood friend after all, we’ve been friends for more than 10 years. so i trust him. why are you always so overprotective? i can’t go out with my friends? why do i need to go out with you always? i can have my own friends you can too, you gotta respect my social life jay, stop being a kid and grow up.” you exclaimed. jay fell silent after hearing you say all those things, he was guilty. he stared at the floor, tears slowly running down his face. after you said those words to him, you scoffed and went in your shared bedroom, slammed and locked the door. you weren’t crying, you were just mad. so you texted jungwon. 
y/n: won
woni:3: yes y/n? yru texting 
y/n: jay is mad at me because we went out together to eat -_-
woni:3: oh- um then talk to him about it?
y/n: yep i told him already
woni:3: well give him some time, he’ll apologise sooner enough.
y/n: okay then ill go now bye
woni:3: byeeeee🤟🏻😺
you went to take a shower while jay is still in the living room, he curled up in a ball on the couch, regretting what he said, crying and shivering in fear that you will leave him.
45 minutes passed by very quickly, you’ve just finished blow drying your hair and you got into some comfy pajamas, you went out of your bedroom to get some water, but right after you opened the door, you saw jay curled up in a ball sleeping on the couch, you walked over beside him and knelt down, you saw his dried tears on his face making you feel bad for him. you stood up and went to the kitchen to get some water for him.
you came back in the living room holding a cup of water and a wet towel. “jay, wake up.” you said in a soft tone, jay fluttered his eyes and looked at you with a tired look. you turned your head around to meet his red, moisty eyes. “did you cry? i’m sorry if i was too harsh..” you apologised, and wiped his face with a dry towel. jay kept silent and just let you do what you’re doing, you handed him the cup of water you brought earlier. looking at jay drinking the cup of water you gave him. “feeling better?” jay nodded after your question, he just sat on the couch, hands on his lap and staring at the floor. you chuckled at his cute little posture. you sat beside him, your arm reached to his head and you gently placed his head on your shoulder, jay was still silent.
“why did you cry? i wasn’t that scary.” you asked while caressing his fluffy hair. he snuggled into your embrace, hugging you like a sloth, legs tangled around your waist, arms wrapped around your back, and breathing under your neck. “i thought you’d leave me, i was scared to lose you y/nie..” jay muttered, but enough for you to hear. you chuckled at his cute attitude and caressed his back slowly. making him calm down from the fear. “i will never leave you silly, that would count as suicide to be honest.” jay smiled after hearing your words, he lifted his head and looked at you. “what?” you said while smiling at the red eyed baby infront of you. his lips met yours and you smiled in the kiss. after a few minutes, you both went to your bedroom and cuddled.
jay pulled you closer to his embrace, trapping you in his arms, he was shirtless, even though he has a habit of sleeping shirtless, it still makes you shy about how close his bare body is to you. you love his scent because it makes you feel relaxed, jay slowly caresses your hair and your back, you fall asleep in no time and jay just stares at your cute face, he pecks you in the forehead and pulls you closer to him. “i love you.” he says to end the tiring day you both had.
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a/n: aaaaaaa hey guys i thought of this kind of fic and i hope y’all like it TvT thank you guys so much for literally 40+ notes on my previous fics!!!!! it means a lot to me to see my blog grow this fast🥲🙏🏻‼️ i love you allll~💚🍉
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
started from a call
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 3,610
Warning: angst with a happy ending! that's all.
Summary: written for @wkemeup's 9k writing challenge with the prompt "character a leaves an embarrassing, drunk message on character b’s voicemail and spends the rest of the night trying to discreetly delete it from [b]’s phone." inspired by a bit of ross and rachel from friends too. you found out from steve that bucky was in love with you in high school but after he returns home with a girl in his arm, you cancelled your plans to tell him how you feel. will you and bucky have your happy ending?
a/n: please like, reblog and leave a feedback. :) enjoy!
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"Alright, I'll see you tonight. Bye." He leaned against the kitchen counter and hung up the phone with a grin on his face. "You hear that, Sam? We're going on our third date tonight." He threw his phone up into the air and caught it so casually without spilling a drop of his coffee sitting on his right hand. "Looks like I'm getting that 300 bucks soon."
"Hey, easy. You ain't going to that date yet, who knows? She could bail on you. It doesn't count if the date doesn't end well."
"Oh, but it will. I just gotta turn on my charm and next thing you know, we're already meeting the parents stage."
"Meeting the parents? That's a big step from you, Buck."
"Hey, I'm a man of my words. If I said that I'm going to change this year then I'm gonna stick to it."
"So Leah isn't just a one-time thing to get 300 bucks?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no. We'll see how tonight goes. But one thing's for sure is that I'm getting that 300 bucks."
Sam and Bucky made a bet as their New Year's resolution that Bucky would never go on a second date with any girl or remember to call her in the morning after a wild night. His commitment issues had given him a reputation as the player in the gang. It wasn't a new thing anymore to anyone that when they visited Bucky's place in the morning, they would see a girl with a dopey smile and slightly ruffled hair walking out of his apartment, giddy that Bucky just made a promise to call her later.
You, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Steve were hanging out at Nat's place. The six of you had been friends since college. You, Nat, Bucky and Steve had known each other since high school and the four of you kept in touch despite going to separate universities. You met Wanda when you went to NYU and Steve met Sam while he was in Harvard. Long story short, after the four of you graduated, you and Wanda lived together as roommates and even started your own bakery business. Steve and Bucky lived in the same building as you and Natasha and Sam lived nearly alone. They were too independent for roommates. Don't even start on Natasha and how much she valued her personal space. That's how the six of you ended up here, gathered at your place on a Saturday afternoon.
"Are you gonna pick her up tonight?"
"Of course. Gonna clean up well, bring her some flowers and knock on her door at 7 pm precisely. Which girl isn't gonna fall for that?" Bucky walked over to the couch you and Nat were sitting on and leaned on the headrest, his arms caging both you and Natasha.
You didn't say anything nor did Natasha because she knew about your feelings for Bucky. Despite never feeling that way about Bucky in high school, your feelings changed a week ago after learning that Bucky used to be in love with you but never had the courage to tell you. That's why he never had a girlfriend during his high school years and he wanted to take you to prom and confess his feelings to you but he was too late. Another guy had already snooped in first.
You were his first love but it wasn't reciprocated until now. That's why in college, he learned how to get over you and slept with as many women as possible because he felt like he lost four years of his life of finding the one. He never intended to be a player and feed girls empty promises, it just kind of became his way of dating. He was too afraid that no one could live up to you yet he enjoyed being with women. Hence, the bet.
The day you found out from Steve about Bucky's past feelings for you while playing truth or dare, you immediately wanted to call him up but Bucky was out of town for a few days and as soon as he was back home, he had Leah in his arm. Your heart was crushed. Wanda told you that it would probably last for a few days and that he'd eventually be single again but you totally did not expect this thing to turn into something serious. You loved Sam with every fibre of your being, he was like the big brother you never had, but you wanted to curse him for making that bet.
So you just rolled your eyes and stayed silent throughout this entire conversation, even though your heart felt like it was being stabbed over and over again. "Alright, I gotta go. Got a big date tonight. I'll see you guys in a few hours." Just like that, Bucky walked out of the room without knowing the pain his words caused you.
The next day you were sitting in your bed watching The Notebook in your pyjamas because you were too heartbroken to do anything productive. It was Sunday so you could just have a whole day to yourself and do absolutely nothing but cry. Wanda knocked on your door bringing a plate of cookies and she had a pitiful look on her face. "y/n? Sweetie? I made you these cookies, they might make you feel better." Sometimes you thank the stars for bringing her into your life.
"Thank you, Wanda. You're so nice to me." You know you probably sound like a hormonal whiny kid but everything made you cry at the moment.
"Do you need anything else? I know how it feels to get your heartbroken, trust me. When me and Vision had a fight and we didn't talk for days all I wanted was to curl up and never leave my bed, so in case you need anything, I'm here." She offered you that warm smile of hers.
"No, all I want right now is to just eat these cookies and go back to my film, thanks Wan."
"Okay, I'll be outside." Your pity party was interrupted when Nat arrived in her leather jacket and burst into your room.
"Get up, you are taking a shower and you're getting that face beat."
"Natasha, what the hell? Leave me alone."
"Y/N, listen to me. I got a date for you. His name is Scott and he's a real nice guy, he's funny, he's a good friend of mine and he is really smart. He is so much better than Bucky, I promise you. Now c'mon, I already told him that you are meeting him tonight at Stark's restaurant at 7."
You whined, doing anything you can to get her to leave you alone with your tears and your cookies but you knew that once Natasha set her mind on something, there's no talking her way out of it. Damn that woman with her determination.
"Y/N, c'mon! Wallowing all day isn't you. I know you and what's good for you. That's why I found you a great guy who will charm you so good that you will forget Barnes even existed. You can't let him win, y/n. If he's going to be happy with someone else, then you better show him that you can be much happier with other people."
You stared at her, trying to absorb her words. There's some wisdom in that. You're not the type to cry over a guy, not even for even Bucky Barnes. So you let Natasha drag you to the shower and asked Wanda to do your hair when she does your makeup. She chose an outfit for you, a dress that was not too sexy but chic enough to leave a good first impression.
Scott was early to the restaurant and he looked elated to see you. He was wearing a grey suit with no tie and he had a really exuberant smile on his face, the type that drew people easily. You could see why Natasha called him a nice guy.
"Wow, sorry, I just- didn't expect you to be this beautiful."
"Ah, thank you, Scott. Have you been waiting long?"
"No, not at all. I just arrived here like five minutes ago."
The night went on and Scott did most of the asking and talking, you answered each question curtly with forced enthusiasm in your face and body language. You weren't even listening to half of the things he said because your mind kept playing images of Bucky with Leah and how you heard from Sam that the date went well so he lost 300 bucks. You kept thinking about Bucky and Leah and how they would probably get married and have kids and live in the suburbs with a golden retriever while you'd still be single and you'd compare every man you meet to Bucky. Maybe it was your karma for not reciprocating his feelings in high school.
Five glasses of wine and you spent more time nodding than talking. Honestly, all you wanted to do was to just go home and go back to The Notebook because their love story was much better than your love life. Scott woke you out of your daze, "Natasha told you that I was cuter than this, did she?" after you gulped your sixth glass of wine.
"Oh Scott, I'm so sorry. It's not you, it's me. I know it sounds cliche but it's just... I'm not in a place where I'm looking for a boyfriend. You are a really likeable guy and I swear, if we had met at another time, maybe I would be a better date but right now, I just- I have someone else in my mind." You sighed, it felt like a relief to get that off your chest.
"Is this guy... an ex-boyfriend?"
You chuckled, "no... He wishes."
Scott nodded, "look, I don't know what your situation is but I've been through a divorce and it's never easy. But eventually, you'll be fine. You can't see it now because you haven't had closure." Then it was as if the bulb above your head was turned on.
"That's it.  Closure, yeah. That's all I need. Okay, give me a minute. I'm gonna call him now and I'm going to get my closure."
Scott sat there watching you comically trying to find your phone in your purse and tapped on Bucky's contact number. The normal you would be sweating with every ring but intoxicated you had no worries in the world... For now.
"This is Bucky. Can't pick up right now, leave a message." Beep.
"Hello, yes, Bucky! Or James, should I call you James? I always thought Bucky was a weird name. Anyways, I'm just calling to tell you that I am fine and I am on a date with Scott. And speaking of dates, I just gotta tell you that I'm happy to hear that your date went well. And that, my friend, means that I am over you. That's right, I'm over you. Tell Leah I say hi." You said sarcastically.
You hung up the phone and threw your phone back into your purse. You felt like you just won a chess game.
The next morning you decided to sleep in because your heart was pounding and you could barely sit up without feeling like you might fall. You were supposed to be working at the bakery but since you owned the bakery, Wanda let you sleep it off until you recover. You couldn't remember anything from last night, how you got back to your apartment was a mystery. You tried to put the pictures together, from being forced to go on a date, meeting a guy named Sean? Simon? Sebastian? Scott! Yes, Scott. You ordered your meals and then... Nothing, it was all blurry. You weren't even sure if anything happened at all after eating your meals.
The apartment was empty because Wanda was working at the bakery and it was just you with your hangover pills. Bucky came to your apartment without knocking because Wanda told him on the phone that you were home. He greeted you with a smile and asked about your date.
"Uh, let's see. I think there was a restaurant, I know there was wine. And there's a guy, Scott and pretty much that's all I can recall."
Bucky made a yikes face. Seeing the state you were in, he could do the math (of the wine you had). You probably enjoyed the alcohol more than the guy. What a doofus, he thought. If he was the one going on a date with you, you'd definitely remember every detail from last night.
"Leah's downstairs and I'm taking her back to her place but I left my keys here last night. Have you seen it?"
"No, check the drawers. Maybe Wanda put 'em there."
"Ah, okay." He opened the drawers and found the keys to his bike.
"Did we... Speak on the phone last night?"
"Nope, my phone was dead and I didn't charge it all night so I haven't really checked it. Why?"
"Nothing, nothing. It's just... Never mind. My memories are a bit hazy right now. You should go, say hi to Leah for me."
Bucky nodded as you walked back to your room to go lie down. Your question reminded him that he should probably check his phone now because there could be work-related messages but the first thing he heard was a voicemail from you. "Oh, y/n. I got your message!"
That instantly stopped you in your tracks. Your eyes went wide and you froze. You immediately turned around and ran to grab his phone away from him. Bucky had a confused look on his face, "who's Scott?"
"Oh my God, no, Bucky, give me the phone. Give me the phone!" But it was already too late, he was already halfway through your voicemail and by the time you successfully snatched his phone out of his grasp, he had already heard every word.
Bucky stood there dumbfounded, he needed time to process everything you just said to him. "What do you- what do you mean you're over me?"
"Oh, God... Alright, um- lately, I've um- sort of, have... Feelings for you." You never had to chase a guy or confess your crush first so this felt new and my God, it was nerve-racking.
"You have feelings for me..." He said it as if he was convincing himself that his ears got it right. Bucky couldn't believe the words that just escaped through your lips, for years he had dreamed of this moment. Though never did he ever want you to make the first move but adolescent him wanted to hear you say what he'd been wanting to say to you too.
He didn't say anything for what felt like minutes and you couldn't decipher his thoughts from the look on his face. "I need to sit down," he pulled one of the dining chairs and leaned on his side in a defeated posture.
"Bucky... Please say something." You alerted him in a hushed tone, not wanting to startle him than you already did. But he didn't. He was lost at words. What the hell was he supposed to tell her?
"Look Bucky, I'm sorry for telling you this way but I had to. I just- I've been wanting to talk to you about it since you came back to New York, well- actually, since Steve told me but-"
"Whoa, Steve told you?!" He interrupted.
"Yeah, it just accidentally slipped when we were playing truth or dare..."
"Okay well," he stood up from his seat, yet he still couldn't look you in the eye. "I can't do this right now, Leah's waiting for me downstairs and I gotta go." He basically ran out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone.
Once your hangover had begun dissipating, you decided to help Wanda at the bakery and took the night shift. She must've been exhausted from managing the bakery alone while also helping the employees in the kitchen so you told her to go home and leave it to you. The bakery's usually slower at night.
When it was nearing closing time and your employees had gone home, you decided to clean up and turned off the lights and checked everything one last time before locking the door. The bell above the door dinged and you were slightly annoyed because who the hell comes to the bakery at this hour?
"I'm sorry we're clo...sed." It was Bucky. He stood there in a black coat, with an expression you still couldn't figure out. "Bucky, what are you-"
"You have no right to tell me that you've got feelings for me." His tone was harsh, he never spoke that way to you or anyone... Ever.
He walked closer to you, maintaining his gaze, "You can not tell me that you've got feelings for me now when I'm doing well with my life and Leah..."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I was in love with you for years! Years, y/n! And you never said and did anything and now when everything's going well you're ruining it!"
"I am ruining it?" You repeated the question because you couldn't believe what you just heard. How dare he said those hurtful things to you.
"Yes! I was doing fine with Leah and now I don't know what's going to happen with me and her anymore..."
"Yeah, well, I was doing fine before I found out that YOU were in love with me and never had the balls to tell me!" You did everything you could to not cry, you hated crying in the middle of an argument.
"Hey, it's not like I didn't try. There were your ex-boyfriends and your dates and I had to move on. I couldn't wait forever! And now, now you're too late."
"Oh, so what? You're just gonna walk away and pretend that this never happened?"
"Yes, I'm going to do exactly that and I'm going to go see Leah." He turned around like he did earlier in your apartment and left you alone once again with your heartbreak.
"Fine! Go ahead and see Leah because I don't give a fuck about cowards like you or whoever you sleep with." You slammed the door and tried everything you could to not have a breakdown here because you really hated letting an argument hurt you. You sat on one of the chairs where the customers would sit and you hid your face with your hands and cried.
Not because you just lost an argument but because of what Bucky said and it felt like you had lost Bucky before you even had him. Now there was no hope left for you and Bucky, things were too complicated.
You didn't know how long you had cried there, alone, in the dimmed lighting of your shop but after you felt like the tears had dried, you wiped the traces of your tears from your cheeks with the back of your thumb. You stood from your seat and was ready to go home. You couldn't wait to eat some leftover pizzas, take a warm shower and cry into your pillows until you fall asleep.
But when you were about to leave, you saw Bucky standing on the other side of the door, watching you through the windows with a softer expression on his face. You opened the door and Bucky instantly grabbed your waist and kissed you as if his life depended on it.
You gave in to his kiss, letting him pour every desire and yearning into your lips for as long as he wanted. You grabbed his face because you wanted him impossibly closer and you shut your eyes, letting your guard down. Because it was Bucky, and you'd known him for as long as you could remember and you both deserved this moment.
Bucky eventually pulled away until both of you were running out of air. You were breathless from his kiss, you never knew he was such a good kisser. (It's Bucky and he's had a lot of women on his bed, of course, he was excellent at it. Who were you kidding?) But now that you've had your own front-row experience, you felt a tad of possessiveness at the thought of sharing those lips or any part of him with anyone else.
"I couldn't go back to her knowing you are here alone and I had thrown away what I've wanted for as long as I could remember."
"I'm glad you came back." You pressed your foreheads and you rested your hands on his chest. You could get used to this.
"I hope it's not too late to say this but, y/n y/l/n, will you let me take you to dinner and see a movie after maybe?"
"I wasn't the one who said it's too late," you halfheartedly teased him.
"Shut up, so is that a yes or a no?"
You bit your lip and nodded, "yes. Definitely a yes." You stared into his ocean blue eyes, so deep and beautiful, you could easily get lost in it.
"y/n y/ln, I'm going to put all of your ex-boyfriends to shame."
"Hm, we'll see about that." You put your arms around his neck. Then a thought crossed your mind and your smile faded away, "what are you gonna do about Leah though?"
"I'll talk to her in the morning. Let's take you home now, yeah? It's getting late."
You bit your lip and nodded, "okay."
Ninth grade you dreamed of popular jocks and athletic seniors, but little did you know that, sometimes, the one who sincerely loved you was the book nerd who loved The Hobbit a little too much.
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚, 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐥𝐥 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 10th feb 2021
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pairing : midoriya, bakugou, todoroki x gn!reader [ separate ]
genre : fluffy cloud shit
warnings : being sick/vomit, food, eating, medicine
themes : overworking yourself, concerned friends, exhaustion,
request : hi hello i saw your requests are open as of feb 10. Can I request shouto, Midoria, Katsuki, and Sinshou’s reactions when seeing their s/o or crush come into class a day they are sick so they don’t miss a test and physical examination test? And as soon as their test is over their crush or s/o passes out from exhaustion but passes anyway—they got sick from preparing too hard and worrying about the exams to much? Thank you 💙
note : this got a little long and i got so’s sad and soft over bakugou HELP
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[ midoriya ]
> baby boy is IMMEDIATELY researching ways to make you feel better
> you’ve probably been together for a while
> whether you were together or not he would’ve done anything to make you feel better simp
> as soon as you walk in he’s writing down your symptoms and glances at you so he knows you’re okay
> he’s not mad he’s just worried :((
> ‘you shouldn’t have come in today puppy’ crying hes so soft
> he has a whole plan for as soon as your lesson ends
> the plan probably consists of making sure you have a warm shower giving you ice packs and tissues when you need them
> he’s 100% the kind of boyfriend to pat your back and tell you you’re okay holding your hair back (if you have hair) while you’re throwing up your fuckING LUNGS
-> scenario
> you walk into class as usual but with a flushed face and you look a little grey
> you’re wearing a mask so you don’t get others sick but everyone can still see you’re ill
> you sat down as your friends asked you if you’re feeling okay, lying you sat down feeling overwhelmingly tired
> midoriya pats your arm so you look at him and asks what happened since last night you were in his dorm as usual until you went back to your room and you were okay
> ‘i think i woke up with it, i’m not sure but i’m okay’ you smiled holding back a yawn
> you weren’t really sure how you got sick you just stayed up most of the night studying, and the whole week before that
> ‘pup just please be careful i’ll take care of you after okay?’ you nod at your sweet simp boyfriend
> during the test he noticed you holding your head up with your elbow, surprisingly 2 hours went by pretty fast end he kept checking up on you after he finished a page
> as soon as aizawa told the class to put down their pens midoriya looked at you and was surprised to see you laying on your arm/elbow eyes shut
> it wasn’t too shocking for others since denki and sero were asleep too
> but he got worried and immediately jumped up to check on you
> ‘hey, hey y/n wake up pup’ he shook you a little as aizawa watched like ?? ‘midoriya are they okay?’
> ‘i’m not sure, they’re sick but they shouldn’t have passed out like this’ he replies as you stir in your sleep groaning he sighed in relief
> ‘i’ve seen y/n in the common room at around 4am every night studying, i wake up at that time by accident and they’re always there’ todoroki answered simply
> ‘midoriya take y/n back to the dorms so they can get some sleep please’ aizawa answered before collecting everyone’s tests
> not letting you walk he carries you back, ‘baby please don’t overwork yourself like that, i’m sure you did great and you would’ve done great without all that studying, i’m proud of you but your health matters more’
> before you could whisper a mumbled reply all might walked out from the staff room as you were heading back to the dorms
> ‘oh ! young y/n, young midoriya, are they okay?’ he said quickly as he saw you holding you
> ‘oh all might ! they’re sick so i’m taking them back to the dorms’ all might let you go back soon after laughing about young love
> as soon as you got back he didn’t let you get in bed, he turned on a hot shower and told you to shower while he made food and a hot drink for you, you walked into the bathroom taking off your mask
> before you could get in the shower you felt your mouth watering and you knew you were about to be sick, midoriya walked up to put a hoodie on your bed for you when he heard you groaning
> he opened the door to you vomiting in the toilet and quickly ran forward and moved your hair back ‘let it all out baby, it’s okay you’re doing great’ HES SO FUCKING CUTe he’s just rubbing small circles on your back
> soon afterwards you thanked him for being there which he replied with ‘i’ll always be here silly, now go shower’ while flushing a little red bye the pain
> as soon as you got out you changed into his hoodie which he left out for you and some shorts
> he doesn’t care that you’re sick he still wants to cuddle so you snuggle up into the sheets while he feeds you whatever food he made you constantly kissing your forehead since you refused to let him kiss your lips
> ‘wait.. izuku aren’t you meant to be back in class’
> ‘uhhh..’
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[ bakugou ]
> angy blasty baby just got angrier
> if you’re ill he’d firstly scold you for not being careful
> as much as he cares about his health he doesn’t care when it come to you
> unlike midoriya when he helps you out with showers and food he does it subtly
> he checks on you a lot and makes you shower and eat, he makes you eat with him and makes you take medicine
> ‘dumbass you’ve gotta take your medicine’ he has an alarm on his phone for everytime you’ve got to take your medicine
> ‘take this’ *throws you bottle of water* he makes you finish at least 3-4 bottles a day because that’s the average
> he doesn’t do research because kinda knows how to handle this stuff
> the only thing he does research on is how to treat someone when they’re ill, as much as he acts like he doesn’t care he does a whole fucking lot
> hes a little less angy seeing you ill, you feel a little useless which he reassures you about
> midoriya is a carer wheres bakugou is a ‘get the fuck up’ kind of guy 😭😭😭 he makes you do things with him so you have something to keep you occupied
> unless you’re feeling and looking too ill to get up
> he brings you homework for when you aren’t in class and even does a couple questions writing notes around if you weren’t in class to see how it’s done bruh he’s so fucking cute:(
> for the days the class doesn’t order take out he’s usually cooking so he makes you help him out you wear a mask ofc, this kinds goes with the so you don’t feel useless thing
-> scenario
> you usually walk to class together but today you texted him telling him not to wait and you’ll be there soon because you thought he’d be less angry in the classroom
> boi u were wrong bless your soul says the atheist
> so you step in with your mask on fearing your life and you think for a second maybe you can just sit in your place and he won’t look
> lMAOO this man always notices you
> ‘what’s with the fuckin mask’ he walked in front of your desk while pinging the string of the mask
> ‘i’m ill’ you mumbled as he raised his eyebrow ‘you’re mumbling dumbass’
> before you could answer again aizawa walks in with the tests so he goes back to his seat with his eyebrow raised at you
> he keeps an eye on you, you don’t notice ofc bc he’s always discreet
> he has noticed you being very tired and a little out of it during the day but he didn’t think too much of it
> he watched you slump back in your chair
> you finished early so you decided to close your eyes for a second and as soon as he looks back your head is in your arms and he watches you as you slowly slump into your arms
> he could see you softly breathing, whenever you cuddled together he’d watch you until he fell asleep, moving your hair out of your face and smiling to himself
> his eyes softened seeing you so peaceful but also he got worried, your mask moved to the side a little as you slept and he could see how red your cheeks are and you look a little green
> he got a little surprised when you woke straight up your own eyes widening and you looked a little scared, you jumped up walking over to aizawa and asked him something which he couldn’t quite hear, he nodded before you ran outside
> bakugou had finished so he went to ask if he could check, ‘yes y/n is feeling sick so they went back to the dorms’
> he grabbed your bag and ran after you, he got a little worried seeing you with your hand over your mouth not knowing if you’re crying or not
> you walked into the dorms he got there a couple seconds later running up to your room
> as soon as he saw you in the bathroom hunched over the toilet he pulled back your hair (if you have hair), he massaged your head as you let everything out ‘dumbass you should’ve fuckin told me, i wouldn’t have let you do that stupid exam’
> as soon as you stopped throwing up you said ‘i know that’s why i didn’t say anything’ he only just saw you without your mask and noticed your exhausted expression
> ‘i know you’ve been studying more but how fucking much, teddybear you would’ve passed whether you studied that much or not for fuck sake’ he groaned as he turned on the shower for you grabbing you a towel throwing it to you
> ‘just to make you feel better i’ll sleep, okay mopey?’ you teased as he closed the bathroom door ‘shut up i’m not fuckin mopey!’ he yelled through the door
> as you showered he looked in your closet for clothes when he noticed some of his shirts and jumpers instead of being angry it made him a little proud seeing how much you liked his clothes
> he grabbed his skull shirt it was a little big on you which he loved
> as soon as you finished showering you changed into the clothes he left you and walked downstairs sitting on the counter and bakugou roamed around the kitchen
> he grabbed some medicine from the cupboard and if you hate the medicine he’d mix it with your tea coffee or hot chocolate, ‘alright the medicine is in this so drink it all’
> he noticed you pouting as he handed you the cup ‘why’re you fuckin looking at me like that’
> ‘you’re cute when you pretend not to care’ he groaned hearing this as you giggled and reached forward from the counter and grabbed his hands pulling him towards you, his arms landed around your waist as yours were around his neck, his head on your shoulder as you hunched down a little and you kissed his head
> ‘tch, fuckin drink it before it gets cold’ you couldn’t see this but he was red as fuck and he loved these moments even if he wouldn’t admit it
> he watched as you stared out the open windows drinking your medicine infused drink
> ‘katsuki?’ he quickly shook his head as he caught himself staring at you ‘what dumbass’
> ‘i love you’ you grinned holding your arms out again still sitting on the counter, he rolled his eyes walking forward pressing his head against your chest as you both sighed happily your legs around his torso your head resting on his head
> ‘i love you too teddybear’ he mumbled into your chest
> the moment was soon ruined by denki walking in yelling about how whipped bakugou is for you
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[ todoroki ]
> he has no clue what he’s doing CluELESS BABIE😭😭
> of course he gets sick but he doesn’t know how to handle others being sick so he 100% goes to midoriya and his sister for help
> fuyumi makes him soup and soba to eat with you
> like midoriya he researches a lot about what to do and how to help
> since he’s already quite comfortable with you he gets a little pouty when you refuse to kiss him ‘but y/n i won’t get sick, i’ll make sure i don’t’
> please give this boy forehead kisses at least
> he used his hand to cool you down when you need it
-> scenario
> you walked to class with him as usual and he asked about the mask noticing your scratchy voice
> ‘im a little sick but i need to do this exam’ you replied making him hum back
> ‘have you taken medicine?’ you shook your head ‘y/n theres medicine in the cabinet downstairs, we can go back and get some aizawa sensei will understand’ he took your hand before you shook your head guiding him back to school
> ‘shoto it’s okay, i promise i’ll be okay i’ll get some medicine after the exam baby’ he nodded giving you a small smile
> he made sure to keep an eye on you throughout the exam
> you both finished the exam early, since you studied together a lot he always made you go sleep when he caught you studying late which was a lot more often recently
> he sometimes wakes up randomly at 4-5am same and checks your room to check if you’re safe you don’t really realise until you stay up for a couple nights in a row and he opens your door to you studying
> ‘y/n? what are you doing awake’ he scared you a little, ‘shoto hi i’m studying’ you smiled
> your late night talk usually ends when he whines at you ‘baby it’s late go to sleep’ if you refused he’d grab your books and put them in your bag and tuck you into your bed kissing you softly before going back to sleep himself
> usually those nights would end up in cuddling but the last couple nights you’d both been studying a lot
> anyway you had your head tilted to the side in your hand as your elbow propped you up
> he smiled at your sleepy state until he realised you were genuinely sleeping and since he hadn’t checked on you the last couple nights he got a little worried
> he looked around to see the usual people sleeping as well and you slid down your arm into an even deeper sleep breathing softly moving up a down a little
> ‘aizawa sensai? can i take y/n back to the dorms they’re sick and hasn’t had their medicine’ he explained
> ‘yes todoroki make sure they get sleep as well they look exhausted’
> the boy took both of your test papers handing them to aizawa before he grabbed your bag and picked you up slumping you over his shoulder as everyone cooed at the sight
> he layed you in his bed ‘y/n, love wake up’
> as soon as you woke up he told you to shower and got everything ready for you
> since he didn’t have enough time to go ask fuyumi for help he asked her to send him a recipe and he cooked soup for you making sure to leave a note telling you to come downstairs
> he left the note on top of his shirt and your shorts
> you trudged downstairs and sat down on the island watching him cook, ‘are you feeling better love’ you nodded a little smiling
> he took out some medicine from the cabinet with a little spoon pouring the right amount as the soup cooked behind him
> walking over to you he put the little bottle down moving the spoon to your mouth and grabbed a water bottle to wash the taste out, ‘open up’ you grimaced at the smell scrunching your nose up a little but did as he said
> he moved the spoon into your mouth, you closed your lips around it the taste of the medicine filling your mouth
> you quickly grabbed the water chugging it down as todoroki laughed, before he could say more you slapped your hand over your mouth and ran over to the nearest bin
> his eyes widened as he ran over to you steadying you holding your waist and hair back (agAIN IF YOU HAVE HAIR) he rubbed your stomach up and down ‘it’s okay get it out, you’re doing great’
> as soon as you drank some water you sat back up on the island ‘i think we need different medicine’ todoroki smiled as you nodded at him
> his hands landed on your thighs pulling you closer to him his legs between yours, your legs hung off the counter as he nudged his nose with your own, ‘i’m not kissing you’ you laugh as he pouts at you ‘one, just one i promise that’s it’ you shook your head kissing his cheek
> he pulled away and took some soup with a little spoon blowing on it before bringing it up to your lips and letting you taste it
> your eyes widened as you smiled ‘it tastes exactly like fuyumi’s’ you smile as he beamed at you
> as you ate, todoroki opened the door to the campus postman, he came back in and gave you some flowers and medicine
> you checked the card ‘fuyumi told me you weren’t feeling great, so i thought i’d send some homemade medicine, feel better soon my love - rei’ you showed shoto the card
> his smile got 10x wider reading it
> ‘you make me so happy, even when you feel like a zombie’ he smiled as he fed you the medicine
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A/N :
BROOOOOO i got so fucking sad im so so so so so sad goodbye the pain i’m feeling today
jesus CHRIST
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tag list : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life @luluwiie
362 notes · View notes
cassanovancats · 3 years
felicitate. four.
three < current > five
March 2017
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White Day is only a few days away when you begin to notice Rika’s form is absent from your training sessions lately. There shouldn’t be any reason for this, at least not one you’re aware of. Your class celebrated Yuta’s birthday just two days ago, and both the curse and cursed seemed fine, great even. You decide it’s best to bring this up casually - Yuta was still so skittish and Rika would be able to hear whatever you said anyways. So while you lead Yuta through a yoga session, you ask, “How’s Rika?”
He flusters and falls from his side-plank variation pose. The band he was using as an aid tangles around his calf. You debate and decide to leave him. If you touched him now, he might spontaneously combust. That thought makes you giggle a little. You move to change to a position that meant you weren’t looking at him. Hopefully, that’s less pressure.
Yuta speaks up when you’re fully downward dog, leading you to believe your plan worked. “She’s fine, yeah, fine. Just uh - tired?” You nod but inwardly roll your eyes. You shift your hips in to move to upward facing dog and make eye contact again.
“Just checking. I miss her hanging out, you know?” It’s obvious Yuta just lied, curses don’t get tired, but it’s better to not call him out this time. You just have to hope it wasn’t anything you did. “I know you fell but at this point you’re just slacking. Get back on your mat,” you say, changing the topic to something safe.
You’re back in downward facing dog when the door slides open. A familiar voice drawls, “Why are you still working out, dummy? Forgot our plans?” You scramble to your feet.
“Gumi!” You rush to hug him despite his obvious distaste. “What time is it? Do I still have time to shower or will we be late?”
Your little brother snorts and pushes you away, “Please do, you smell. You have,” he checks his watch, “fifteen minutes.”
“Gumi! That’s not enough time!” You yell, already sprinting towards the showers at the back of the gym. Yuta pouts at how quickly you seemed to forget his presence. That face doesn’t escape Megumi.
“So, you like my idiot sister?”
“W-what! No, no no no, it’s not like that! She just helps t-train me and -!” Yuta knows he’s rambling but he can’t seem to stop talking.
“Whatever,” Megumi has better things to worry about than repressed hormones. He's known that Yuta had a crush on you since the first time he came to campus to train with you after Yuta arrived. Your classmate couldn’t stop staring and seemed disheartened by the fact that you called Megumi by a shortened version of his given name. He had pouted until Satoru showed up and made a spectacle of ‘Team Gojo’ being all together again. Like you three didn’t, at minimum, have a weekly dinner together.
“If you ever want to acknowledge them, you’ll have to get approved by Satoru.” Yuta feels like he also needs the approval of this boy, but he leaves that unsaid. Just nods dumbly. Probably a good thing he didn’t respond, because you barrel through the doors you disappeared from.
When you rush past him, Yuta gets a strong whiff of the floral scent he’s come to associate with you. Megumi laughs under his breath at the blissed out look. Your hair drips water onto your tee shirt and it’s clear you rushed. “Really, really sorry to dip, Yuta. Run through those stretches we did last week to cool down!” Your fingers distractedly pull your wet hair into a braid as you instruct him. “Oh! Tell Maki I won’t be at afternoon training, Satoru already knows and gave permission. Megumi, grab my duffel?” Already carrying it, he rolls his eyes. “I should be back tomorrow morning, but don’t count on it.”
“Wait, but why -?”
“Gotta dash. Bye, Yuta!” You run ahead of your brother, headed to your room to grab Tsumiki’s gifts. Megumi gives a nod and follows after you. Alone and without anyone around to judge, Yuta groans and buries his face into his yoga mat. God, why can’t he just be normal.
When he looks back up, Rika has taken your spot on your mat. You left in such a hurry, you didn’t even clean up. He’ll have to drop it off in your room. “Ya’ know, it’s not that I’m mad about you liking her,” she begins. “It’s just…. I know we can’t be together so I do want you to be happy. I just feel jealous. Especially since you got her that super fancy chocolate for White Day,” Rika finishes with a pout.
Yuta doesn’t really know how to reassure her. So he does what he promised when he was ten, and is just honest. “I’m here to learn how to let you go, Rika. Neither of us know how to do that yet. I can’t be in any kind of relationship until I learn. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you.”
Rika hums and picks at the corner of your mat. “Well. I think it’s more than just us two you’re worried about.”
“Inumaki seems pretty interested in the both of you too. You may not see it, but all three of you are pretty smitten. It’s actually kind of gross.”
“That’s - he - no!” Rika just laughs and dissolves her form. Yuta, still flustered, continues to mutter as he collects the things you left and wipes down any used equipment. When he finally leaves, it’s just his luck he runs (literally) into Inumaki who looks unfairly handsome in a fitted tee and sweatpants. Even his markings are uncovered, which makes Yuta groan, tuck tail, and run away. Yuta can hear Rika laughing in his mind.
“Tuna mayo?” Inumaki tilts his head to the side but shrugs off the odd behavior.
July 2017
JJH Thots the good gojo: guysss help which tie do i get :( fushiguro: isn’t satoru with you the good gojo: yea but u know he’s shit at gifts maki: Both of those are ugly, (y/n). Do you hate the man? osamu: the cheetah print trophy husband: I like that one too! the good gojo: this is why you two are my favorites
From a few cities over, Yuta flushes at your words. Inumaki notices and kicks his foot. He’s laughing when he says, “Nori,” but Yuta can spot a faint pink over the hem of his collar too.
You turn around in the middle of the street when you hear a loud, “(y/n)-chan!” Satoru is speed-walking towards you, waving an arm that is covered in different shopping bags. His long legs have him beside you in a split second, even without the use of cursed energy. “Are you done yet? Nanami won’t even thank you properly you know. Why don’t you just get gifts for your precious Nii-chan?” He pouts and takes the two bags you’re carrying.
“One, it’s not your birthday. Two, you could buy anything you want already. Three, who's to say I didn’t already get you one?” You pull a box of macaroons out from one of the bags he took. Satoru moves to snatch it immediately but you put it behind your back. Of course, if he wanted, he’d just grab it, but your Nii-chan would never deny playing a game with you. “You can’t get it until we’re back on campus! I’m already tired and this is my bribe to go home early.”
“But (y/n)-chan,” he whines.
“Nu-uh. I promised a movie night with Toge and Yuta and I don’t wanna be late.” You realize too late you revealed too much, because your brother suddenly looks like a very successful cat.
“Why didn’t you just say so? I would never make my little sister late for her first date.”
You blush furiously, “Who says it’s my first?”
“It better be your first.”
“It’s not even a date,” you roll your eyes. “Neither like me like that, and if it was a date, wouldn’t one be a third-wheel?”
“Tricycles are pretty fun.” Your brother says casually. You roll your eyes again and add a gag for good measure. “Seriously, (y/n). You should know you have my full support to love anyone and everyone you want. Not that you need it, though. You’re a Gojo. We do as we please anyways.”
You tear up at his sincerity and throw your arms around your brother, or at least the best you can with his bags in the way. The two of you are frequently physically and verbally affectionate but not often in such a serious manner. You know there’s a deep love between you; for a long time, the two of you only had each other. Eventually, your family expanded to include Megumi and Tsumiki, but neither ever took the Gojo name. You and Satoru had a special bond. “Thank you,” you stutter around tears. You hope he understands it’s not just a thank you for the reassurance but a thank you for giving you such a life.
“Come on, no crying. You can’t go on your date with puffy eyes, you’ll scare both of them away.” He pats your head softly and just laughs when you punch him in the gut.
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89 notes · View notes
tefilovesreading · 3 years
It’s a match! Part. 2
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None, language but that’s it.
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland​ 
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“What do you mean he sent you a good morning text?” Jo asked, almost choking on her toast.
“He asked for my number last night,” Y/N explained, her hands shaking while she tried to unlock her phone, “and when I woke up, I had a text from him saying good morning and wishing me a good day.”
“Damn the boy is a keeper,” her friend whistled and winked at her after she read the message.
“He told me he wanted to FaceTime.”
She sat on the stool next to where her best friend was sitting and rested her chin on her hand. The butterflies in her stomach felt more like hundreds of bees buzzing fiercely in there. 
“And you?” Jo questioned with an intrigued look on her face, “do you wanna do it?”
“I think so,” Y/N answered, biting the inside of her cheek, “he’s really cute, and I had fun texting last night.”
“Well that’s a new one,” the ginger girl joked. All their friends knew how much Y/N hated texting, leaving messages on read for days, or taking absolutely forever to respond. She always felt weird texting, not knowing very well how to keep the conversation going over text.
“Tell him you have thirty minutes, and then you have to go do something else,” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and Jo rolled her eyes, “that way if you don’t feel comfortable you have an easy exit.”
“And what if I’m enjoying it?” Jo looked at her as if she was trying to explain how the water cycle worked to a kid, “Jo I’m being serious!”
“In that case, my love, you hang up and call him again after you tell me everything.”
“Who said I was gonna tell you anything, uh?” Y/N smirked and blew her a kiss after her friend gave her an offended look.
“Whatever, Y/N,” Jo flipped her off, “just tell him your professor was sick or something like that.”
“You’re a lifesaver, did I tell you that?” Y/N kissed her friend’s cheek and then jumped off, “I’m gonna go take a shower, see you later.”
“See you later, babe,” Jo said, “don’t forget to eat!”
“I won’t!” Y/N yelled, on her way to the bathroom they shared.
Y/N: Good morning! Hope you have a great day too
She smiled satisfied at her reply and hit the send button.
Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she felt so giddy about a guy, it was exciting, to say the least. Charlie seemed like an easygoing person and really easy to talk to. Sure she was nervous talking to him, but who wouldn’t? The guy was super cute and so nice to her, she already knew she’d be crushing hard.
Thirty minutes later, she was on her way to class with time to go to her favorite coffee shop and have a quick breakfast.
Charlie: Didn’t think you’d answer me so early hahaha Y/N: I have a class in like 20 minutes, wouldn’t have woken up this early if i didn’t have class lol Charlie: So you’re not a morning person Y/N: Oh no, absolutely not!!
She smiled at the boy in the cashier and laughed softly when he asked her if she was ordering the same thing she always did.
“Oh, can you add a brownie please?” Y/N asked politely, while she looked for her card on her bag. After paying for her food, she went to one of the tables in the back.
Charlie: Noted! I swear i try to not wake up early but i can’t Y/N: I bet you’re the kind of friend that wakes everyone up with a lot of noise  Charlie: How did ya know that hahahaha Y/N: I was just guessing, but you do seem like a loud person Charlie: I am, i won’t try to deny it Charlie: What about you??  Y/N: Mmm Y/N: It depends Y/N: But my laugh is extra loud, so I can’t say I’m a quiet girl
“Vanilla latte!” Y/N put away her phone and stood up to get her order.
“Thanks, Dylan,” she thanked the boy and grabbed a few napkins before making her way back to her table. 
Charlie: I bet your laugh is really cute
Her cheeks were burning after that message, and it took her a couple of minutes to tame the butterflies in her stomach before she was able to type a response. Because as much as she wanted to laugh it off and change the topic, she knew he was flirting with her and if she didn’t flirt back, their conversation was basically dead.
Y/N: Guess you’ll have to find out yourself ;).
That was a nice reply, right? She screenshotted their chat and sent it to Jo. If anyone knew how to flirt while texting, it was her best friend.
Y/N: How does it look? Is it too much?? Too little?? Y/N: H E L P
Jo’s response was quick as always. One of the many reasons she loved her.
Jo: Girl it’s fine Jo: Stop worrying about it Jo: It’s mysterious and a good way to tell him you wanna FaceTime Y/N: Ok ok thank you love ya Jo: Love you more  
Checking the hour on her phone, Y/N finished her bagel and gathered her stuff. She waved Dylan goodbye and left the coffee shop. She spent more time than she expected to in there and if she didn’t hurry she’d be late for class. 
It was times like this one that made her regret not knowing how to drive because even if all her classmates liked the Lyft program they had for free, she still felt unsafe getting in the car without a friend.
Back in the day, when she was still dating Lance, he’d made sure to call her and talk to her during the whole ride to wherever Y/N needed to go just to make her feel safe. After all, he was never a bad boyfriend, their paths just went in different ways and they both wanted different things in life.
Charlie: Yeah i guess Charlie: What if i call you later when you’re done with your classes??Charlie: No pressure
She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks for the second time in less than an hour and had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling. 
Y/N: Sure, i’ll let you know once i’m done Y/N: But i have to say bye for now Y/N: Gotta pay attention haha Charlie: Get that degree! Charlie: Talk to you later!
Focusing on whatever her professor was saying was a hard task, she just wanted to pull her phone out and text Charlie, see what he was up to and get home as soon as possible, so they could FaceTime.
Sitting on the edge of her seat, she couldn’t help but bounce her leg to relieve the eagerness rushing through her veins. She still had fifteen minutes left, and then she’d be sprinting out of the classroom and going back to her apartment.
“Dude, do you gotta use the bathroom or what?” Sadie, the girl she always sat with during class, whispered through gritted teeth.
“Sorry,” she apologized, crossing her legs to stop herself from bouncing her leg. Although the new position didn’t stop her from moving her foot. 
“What’s up with you?” Sadie snorted once she realized Y/N couldn’t sit still.
“Nothing,” she replied quickly, scribbling on her notebook the pages she needed to read for the next class, “I just wanna go home.”
“But you have never been this eager to leave this class,” the girl commented without looking at her, too focused on taking notes, “you love this class.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N let out a sigh and checked the hour on her watch, “I just don’t feel like sitting here right now.”
Her classmate didn’t make another comment about her eagerness to leave the classroom, she just nodded her head as if she was telling her she understood.
“I think that’s all for today, guys,” the professor mentioned, leaning on the desk, “have a good day, and don’t forget to read the articles I mentioned.”
Y/N hurried to gather her things and waved Sadie goodbye before walking as fast as she could to the door. She needed to leave before the halls flooded with students. Y/N considered taking the stairs instead of the elevator but knowing how clumsy she could be, she opted for the latter. Falling down the stairs wasn’t on her plans.
Twenty minutes and a mile later, she dropped her keys on the bowl next to the door of her apartment and kicked off her shoes. She checked her out in the full-length mirror Jo had in their living room and shrugged. Charlie knew she was a college student, and it wouldn’t be weird to see her wearing a hoodie with her college’s logo, also, she was comfy and didn’t want to change into something else. 
She fixed her hair and made sure she didn’t have smudged mascara under her eyes and then made herself comfortable on the couch.
Y/N: Just made it home
Y/N: That was one hell of a long class haha
She bit her nails, the nervousness kicking in while she waited for a response from Charlie. Maybe he was busy now that she wasn’t. God if their schedules didn’t let them at least FaceTime, she felt like she’d start crying and delete the app. It wasn’t like she was talking to other guys though.
Charlie: Finally!! Charlie: Wanna FaceTime?? Or are you tired?
“Fuck no,” she whispered to herself before she started writing her reply.
Y/N: Nah! Let's FaceTime
Her heart started pounding on her chest when the video call entered and the phone started vibrating in her hand.  
“Shit, shit, shit,” she cursed before putting a smile on her face and answering the call. “Hey!”
Holy shit. His pictures didn’t make him justice. 
“How you doin’?” Charlie said and her cheeks blushed.
“It’s that a Friends reference?” she asked trying to hide her smile.
“I swear I don’t mean it in that way,” he laughed, and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made her heart flutter. “But seriously, how was your day?”
“It was good even though I hate waking up early,” the way Charlie was looking at her with so much attention, even if it was through a screen it  made her feel so confident, “I had breakfast at this little coffee shop near my apartment and then went to class.”
“But that sounds like a nice morning,” Charlie mentioned, his sweet smile never leaving his face.
“What were you up to anyway?”
“Not much actually,” he shrugged and the gesture made him look young, “I went for a run, then I had to film some tapes for a few auditions, and now I’m chilling.”
“You’re an actor,” Y/N pointed out, not even surprised about the new information he just revealed. It was Los Angeles after all.
“I am,” he smiled, and she swore she could see a pink tint on his cheeks, “I started back in Canada when I was about fourteen or fifteen.”
“Any chances I’ve watched it?” Charlie scrunched his nose and shook his head.
“Maybe, if you are into foreign films,” Y/N tilted her head confused at his answer, “It’s in French.”
“You learned how to speak in French for the movie?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together when Charlie started laughing.
“I grew up speaking French and English,” he explained with a soft smile, “I’m French Canadian.”
“That makes a lot more sense now,” she laughed off her embarrassment, “I’m gonna blame the fact that I woke up early today. I’m not this dumb, I swear.”
“Don’t worry,” he said and the smile faded just enough for her to notice his intense stare, “I thought it was cute.”
She bit her lip at his words and tried to look away from the screen, but Charlie’s eye contact felt as if he was looking right into her soul and she couldn’t break that connection even if she wanted to. And she definitely didn’t want to do that.
tagged: @chevyimpala00067​ @samanthawilliamspring​ @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @cordeliascrown @crybabyddl @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says
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americasass91 · 4 years
Bad Day
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I know what you’re thinking. Another one? Yes, I can’t help my Shameless Hoe self. Steve brings it out in me and the picture above sure as fuck didn’t help. Plus it’s that time of the month and I’m hormonal and horny. This is another entry for the #shamelesshoeforchris by @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​. I hope you enjoy!  
“Oh god, did I say that out loud?”
“We’re not done yet”
“Please don’t go”
Rating: Explicit(seems to be a theme with me lol)
Warnings: Bad day, smut, period talk, language, unprotected sex, cockwarming
Well, today can officially go fuck itself.
It’s one of the worst days you’ve had in quite awhile.
Your alarm decided not to go off this morning so that made you late and threw off your whole day.
Then you couldn’t find your damn keys. You thought you put them in the bowl by your door but they just weren’t there. You had to spend an extra 20 minutes looking for them(they were in the fridge, how the fuck they ended up there, you’ll never know).
Now you were super late to work. You don’t even have time to stop at Starbucks to get your cold brew. And to top it all off, you started cramping. Signaling your oncoming period. You always got cramps a few days before the inevitable blood bath began. ‘That’s why I’ve been super moody and horny the past couple of days’ you think to yourself as you make your way to your car.
You manage to make it to work unscathed. You head into the Avengers Tower and put your head down to avoid any unnecessary eye contact as you practically run towards the elevators.
Just as the doors shut, your phone dings. Signaling a text.
From: ManChild
Hey, Y/N. Just wondering if you’re planning on coming in today.
You roll your eyes and throw your phone back in your purse not even responding knowing you’ll be seeing your boss in just a minute.
When you got the job as Tony Stark’s assistant you thought it’d be a dream come true. Try nightmare! He’s the biggest child you have ever met. He’s all over the place and it’s your job to try to keep him together. You’re damn good at it too. Some days you don’t even know how you pull it off.
The elevator stops on your floor and you head towards his office. Nat passes you on your way there. “Good morning, Y/N/N! Where’s your cold brew?”
“Good morning, Nat. And ugh don’t even get me started on my horrible day. I didn’t have enough time to stop at Starbucks.” You know you sound whiny but you don’t care. You wave bye to her and pick up your pace a little.
As you continue down the hall, you get a feeling in your lower abdomen that can only be described as a hot knife slicing through your skin. You grab at your stomach and rub as if that’s going to make the pain subside. Shocker, it does absolutely nothing to alleviate the pain.
You start rummaging in your purse trying to find your ibuprofen. You round the corner with your head still down and run straight into what you assume is a brick wall. You brace yourself to hit the floor, accepting your fate, when a hand grabs your arm to steady you.
You look up into the apologetic, blue eyes of Steve Rogers. That’s about the time you feel how wet and sticky you are. You look down and notice you are covered in some kind of brown substance.
“Oh my god,Y/N! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see you round the corner. Are you alright?” He asks as he stands you completely upright, noticing your stained clothing.
“What is all over me?” You try to start brushing yourself off, making the stain even worse. “My protein shake, I chose chocolate instead of vanilla today. I’m so sorry! I’ll go get you some paper towels.”
“No, I don’t have time. I’m already late and Tony is already pissed at me. I gotta get going. Just make sure to watch where you are going next time. Wouldn’t want your cute, righteous ass to get hurt.” You wink at him and continue your way to your office. Your eyes widen as you realize what you just said. What the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve never said anything like that before to Steve. Jesus, you must be hornier than you thought.
You finally walk through your office door and head to your desk. You hang up your purse on it’s hook and head over to the little bathroom in the office. You wet some paper towels and try to start wiping at the stain on your shirt and pants. You know they are ruined. Not even worth saving. You shrug your shoulders and throw away the soiled paper towels and head back to your desk.
Before you even get the chance to sit down Tony comes strutting out of his office.
“Oh, so you did decide to show up today! You could have at least let me know you were going to be late, Y/N. And not only are you late but you come in all sloppy! I thought you were better than this?” He raises his eyebrows at you expectantly.
Apparently he wanted an answer. “Sorry sir, I have not had the best morning. And on my way here I ran into Steve’s protein shake.” You sigh and look down at your ruined clothes once again. You can feel tears start to well up, god damn hormones. “And to top it all off I’m cramping really bad and could just really use a warm hug, chocolate, an orgasm, and a really long nap.”
Tony’s eyes went wide. “Uh, listen kid I-”
“Oh god, did I say that out loud?” You smack your hand to your forehead. “I’m sorry sir, can we just start over?”
“Actually no. What you can do is go home and get some rest. You clearly need it. And we can try again tomorrow.”
“But I need to work, I can’t afford a day off. Please I promise I’m fine. I won’t cause anymore trouble.” You beg, you really needed the money.
Tony walks over and takes your purse off the hook and hands it to you. “I wasn’t asking dear, I was telling. And don’t worry about the money, I’ll make sure you get paid. We’ll call it a sick day.”
Wow, he’s the best boss ever. You feel the tears welling up again. You reach forward and pull him into your arms for a quick hug, careful not to get any of the protein shake on him.  “Thank you Tony, I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. We all have off days. Now get going before I change my mind.” He winks at you and pushes you near the door.
You already start feeling a little better. Knowing your bed and heating pad are waiting for you at home.
You pass by Steve and Bruce on your way towards the elevators. They seem to be having an important discussion about something. You can’t help but take a minute and let your eyes travel over Steve. God he’s fucking beautiful. You’d give anything to be able to climb him like a tree. Just let him fuck your bra- ‘Ok I really need to get out of here before my hormones make me mount him’ you think as you shake your head and start chuckling at yourself.
You somehow make it home without anything else bad happening to you.
You head straight to your bedroom and strip out of your ruined clothes, throwing them away. You take a moment to grieve silently. Those were your favorite work slacks.
You jump in the shower and turn it as hot as you can stand it. You start to shampoo your hair when the water suddenly turns ice cold. “Jesus fuck!” You shriek as you jump backwards out of the offending water. You try turning the shower off and back on. But nope, the hot water was not working. “God fucking dammit” you murmur as you try your best to finish your shower in the freezing cold water.
You finish quickly and dry off as fast as you can. You grab a pair of snoopy pajama pants and a big sweatshirt. You also decide on a pair of fuzzy socks. You brush out your tangled hair and throw it up into a bun.
You then go call your landlord to let them know about your shower. He can make it there sometime tomorrow evening. You thank him for being able to come so quickly and head to your bedroom to grab your heating pad.
You stop by the kitchen on the way to the living room to grab something to munch on. You open your pantry and spy the jar of Nutella. You snatch it up and realize it’s empty. Oh well, probably don’t need it anyways. You grab a bottle of water from the fridge instead and head over and plop down on your couch.
You grab the remote and start up Netflix. You plug in your heating pad beside the couch and put it under your sweatshirt right up against your pulsing abdomen.
You start searching through Netflix, looking for something to put on as background noise. You know you’ll end up playing on your phone anyways.
You pick Young and Hungry. You’ve seen it multiple times but decide to start at Episode 1. It never fails to make you laugh.
You press play and then it hits you. You don’t feel any heat on your lower abdomen. You turn around and make sure it didn’t come unplugged. It didn’t. You pull it out of your sweatshirt to see the green light is still on. It isn’t heating up at all. Of course it would break on today of all days. That was the last straw. You break down and start crying. God you really hated your period.
You sit there and self wallow for about 5 minutes before you hear a knock on the door.
You quickly wipe at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt and walk over to the door, having no idea who it could be.
You open it up and are pleasantly surprised to see Steve standing there with a bouquet of daisies.
He takes in your appearance quickly and smiles at you. “Hi doll, I stopped by your desk but Tony said you went home for the day not feeling well.” He hands you the flowers, which you accept gratefully. “I just wanted to apologize again for this morning. And offer to give you money to replace your clothes.” He goes to take his wallet out of his jeans. You put your hand on his arm, “Really you don’t have to do that. It wasn’t your fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going. But thank you for the daisies. I’m having the shittiest day and you’ve just made it a little less shitty.” You then give him your best smile.
He feels his heart rate pick up. “Are you sure? I don’t mind paying. And I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. Do you want to talk about it? I know sometimes that can help.” He gives you a smile that makes your insides melt. “You don’t have to listen to my problems, but you can come in and hang out if you don’t have any prior engagements.” You step aside and gesture for him to come in.
He crosses the threshold and heads towards the living room, seeing your heating pad lying on the floor. He furrows his brows and wonders why you’d need a heating pad.
You head into the kitchen and quickly put the flowers in a vase with some water, wanting to get to Steve.
You head into the living room and see him looking at your useless heating pad. “Oh, that’s broken. I need to throw that away.” You head over to pick it up and go toss it in the kitchen trash.
You head back into the living room and see that Steve has taken a seat on your couch. You go sit beside him and turn to look at him. “Thanks again for the flowers, Steve. You didn’t have to do that.”
He turns towards you and smiles. “It’s the least I could do. Why were you using a heating pad? I didn’t hurt you when I ran into you did I?”
You blush and look down. “Oh, no. Don’t worry about that. I’m just having some pretty bad cramps.” You can’t believe you just admitted to Steve that you’re cramping. How embarrassing.
He gives you a sympathetic look. “I can’t say I know what those feel like but I’m sorry you’re in pain. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Unless you give off heat, no unfortunately there’s not. I already took pain meds when I got home.”
He then reaches and grabs your arms and lays back on the couch, bringing you with him until your back is pressed against his front. “Steve, what are you doing?” You ask as you go to sit back up. He tightens his hold on you. “Just wait a second, doll. I’m helping.” He takes his right hand and moves your sweatshirt up just a bit making you gasp. He places his giant hand on your abdomen and starts massaging gently.
You melt into him. “Oh my god, you feel better than my heating pad. Why are you so hot?” You moan and realize how that could’ve sounded. He just chuckles. “Just one of the side effects of the serum. Is that feeling any better?” You nod and snuggle back against him, your arms curling around his.
“What else happened today, doll?” You start by telling him about your alarm and end with you breaking down after you realized your heating pad broke. “I still can’t believe I told my boss I needed an orgasm, I mean how fucking embarrassing. He probably sent me home because he was afraid of me.” You shake your head at yourself as Steve chuckles behind you. “Well, aren’t orgasms supposed to help with cramps?”
“What are you reading on the internet where you would’ve gotten that information Steve?” You tease. His hand has now dipped below your pajama pants just a little, settling on your lower abdomen. “Actually, I heard Nat talking about it one day. She said it really helps hers. Is that true for all women or just some?”
You close your eyes as he starts massaging your tummy again, “It makes my best friend’s cramps worse. I guess it really just depends on the woman.”
“Well, what about you? Do they make you feel better?” You couldn’t help but notice something hardening behind your ass. You gulp and whisper out “yes, they have in the past.” You can feel him press against you a little more, a small groan escaping his lips. “Well, why don’t you let me help you feel better?” His hand starts moving towards your panties. Then he stops suddenly and pulls his hand out.
“Wait, are you bleeding? I don’t want to make a mess on your couch.”  You turn around and face him, “No, I’m lucky enough to get cramps a few days before shark week starts.” You say sarcastically. “But Steve, you don’t have to help me. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for awhile now.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear that had fallen free from your messy bun. He looks into your eyes and smirks, “But what if I want to help you? Would you let me?”
You think about it for less than a minute and scoot a little closer to him, “If you really want to Steve. I’ll leave that up to you.”
He moves his hand to the back of your neck and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. You reach up and run your fingers through his hair as his left hand moves under you to rest on your back, pulling you closer to him. He moves his right hand down your body and grabs your leg to hitch it over his hip.
You gasp into his mouth as you feel how hard he is, pressing right into your core. He takes this opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. You kiss back eagerly and start rolling your hips against him. He pulls away from your mouth and moves slow kisses down your neck. “That’s right doll, take what you need from me. Make yourself feel good.”
You whimper as you roll your hips harder into his. The friction is delicious on your clit.  He moves his right hand to your ass and pushes you into his erection even harder making you moan out his name. “That feel good, doll?” You nod your head and continue grinding your hips against his. It doesn’t take long for you to feel the coil tightening in your belly. You’ve been horny all day. Your breathing picks up and you pull his hair to move his mouth back to yours. He pulls back to look at you, “You gonna come for me, Y/N? Gonna make a mess in your panties?”
You can only nod as you feel the coil winding tighter and tighter. You’re almost there. You just need a little something more to push you over the edge.
Steve moves back to your neck and starts kissing it again. He then bites down where your neck meets your shoulder and that’s what does it. You fall over the edge with a surprised shout. Steve’s name falling from your lips.
He continues grinding into you until you come down from your high.
He removes his head from your neck and smiles down at you. Placing another sweet kiss on your lips. You pull back, “Thanks, Stevie. I’m already starting to feel better.”
He looks at you confused. “Oh, we’re not done yet, doll. I can give you a better orgasm than that. If you’ll let me.” He looks at you, waiting for your answer. Your pussy clenches in anticipation for the possibility of another release.
You smirk at him and push him back and maneuver yourself so you’re resting on top of him, straddling his hips. You pull him in for another kiss, this one more urgent than the last. You take his hands and place them under your sweater. He gets the hint and moves until he’s cupping a breast in each hand and pinching your nipples, eliciting a loud moan from you. He smirks up at you. “Yeah, you like that?” You can only nod. “Oh yeah, they are always extra sensitive around this time.”
He sits up and yanks your sweatshirt off and tosses it away. He attaches his mouth to one nipple and starts sucking. His other hand continuing his pinching on the other.
You roll your hips against his, trying to pull his t-shirt off of him. He pulls back long enough for you to remove the offending article of clothing before attaching his mouth to the other nipple, sucking hard.
You throw your head back and moan, grinding your hips down against his bulge. “Please Steve, I need you.”
He takes his mouth off your breast and stands you both up. He quickly discards his jeans and boxers. You can’t help yourself as your eyes travel down his body. You take in the sight of his cock and you feel a new rush of slick gather in your panties. He was big. Not so big that it would be painful, but still bigger than you’ve ever taken. He must notice your expression. “Something wrong, Y/N? Does my big, thick cock scare you?” He smirks cockily at you.
You step forward and wrap your hand around his impressive size and lean up to whisper in his ear, “Not at all, Captain. I just can’t wait to feel you inside of my tight pussy.” You grin in satisfaction at the shiver that wracks his body.
You decide you’re not waiting anymore and push him with enough force that he lands on the couch. He looks up at you surprised and then smirks when he sees you look him up and down again. He starts stroking his cock slowly, waiting patiently for you.
You snap out of your gaze and quickly remove the rest of your clothes and walk to straddle him. He puts his hand on your stomach to push you away a little. You look at him in confusion. “Do you have any condoms? I don’t keep any on me.” He asks as he looks hopefully at you. You shake your head. “We don’t need one, I’m on the pill. We’re safe.” He nods his head in understanding and wraps his hand around your arm and tugs you forward.
You fall ungraciously on top of him and let out a laugh. You straighten yourself and throw your arms around his neck, leaning down for a kiss, “Someone’s eager.” He chuckles and returns the kiss eagerly. “Sorry doll, it’s just been awhile.”
You pull back and look down at him. “We really don’t have to do this, Steve. I’ve heard you talk about sex before and I know you think it’s special.”
He smiles at you. “It will be special because it’s with you, Y/N.” You can feel the butterflies in your stomach at his words. You nod and move your hand down to wrap around him once more. He hisses at the contact and grabs onto your hips. You move him towards your entrance and run the head of his cock back and forth against your slit, getting him nice and coated with your slick.
Once you decide it’s enough, you slowly start to sink down on him. You moan at the deliciously painful stretch of him filling you up. He throws his head back against the couch and tightens his hold on your hips. You continue slowly sliding down his girth until you are fully seated on him.
You give your body a minute to adjust to his size. You pull him into another kiss and start moving your hips against his. He matches your pace and moves one hand back until he’s gripping your ass. You start moving your hips harder against him, his cock hitting your g-spot in just the right way. He keeps up with your pace as he moves his mouth from yours and attaches it to your nipple again. He bites down and it makes you clench around him. He groans and pulls back to look at you. “That’s right, doll. Take what you need from me. Use my cock. You feel so good wrapped around me. So tight and wet.”
You can feel the coil in your belly, threatening to snap at any second. But you don’t want it to. He feels too damn good inside you. He can tell you’re trying to hold back. He can feel you fluttering around his cock. He moves the hand that’s on your ass and moves it to the front and continues his path down until his thumb is circling your clit. “That’s it, doll. Come for me. I wanna watch you fall apart. Wanna feel you come around my cock. Let go, Y/N. I’m right behind you.”
You speed up your hips a little more and tug your fingers through his hair as you feel the coil snap. The most intense orgasm you’ve ever had wracks through your body, making you shake. Steve’s name falling like a prayer from your lips.
He wraps his arms around you and continues thrusting into you as best he can with how hard your pussy is squeezing his cock. Trying to prolong your pleasure as he seeks out his.
It only takes him a couple more thrusts before he releases himself inside of you, coating your walls with his seed. You moan at the feeling and pull him into another kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. You need him close to you. He must feel the same way because he moves you both onto your sides and hugs you against him, still inside of you, his face pressed into the crook of your neck.
You feel so warm and content. A happy sigh escapes your lips. Steve chuckles, “You feeling better, Y/N?” You nod, running your fingers down his back. You don’t even feel the cramps anymore. “Oh, yes. Thank you so much, Steve.” He pulls back and plants another sweet kiss on your lips. “I really hope this isn’t just a one time thing, Y/N. I know we are doing this backwards but I’d really like to take you out to dinner and see if this goes anywhere?” He asks looking into your eyes. His are full of hope and fear. Not that you’d want to, but how could you say no to that face?
You smile wide and pull him in for another kiss, “I would love nothing more than that, Steve. But I’m super tired now. Can we take a nap and then go to dinner?” You stick your bottom lip out earning you a chuckle from him. “Of course we can, sweetheart. But I don’t  plan on moving from inside you, you’re too warm. Is that ok?” You nod and grab the blanket from the back of your couch and drape it over the both of you. “Yes, please don’t go. I’ve got you right where I want you.”
He smiles and tucks his face back into the crook of your neck, moving his hands up and down your back. You close your eyes and fall into the most blissful sleep you’ve had in ages.
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hawkss-whore · 3 years
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(pic credit: found on pinterest)
College AU (TW, ANGST)
!TW!: mention of sexual assault, sexual harassment & degrading yourself such as referring to yourself as an object or toy
College was going great. Well, for the most part. You just hated all the stupid drama and rumors about you. Or I guess they’re not necessarily rumors if they’re true right? Anyways, college has been filled with lots and i mean lots of sex.
You could say you had a new partner every day. Sometimes you’d have multiple in a day. Was it degrading? A little but I mean it was fun. You got the usual praise after every hook up.
r/n: God y/n your body is incredible. You are a true beauty you know that?
y/n: Mhmmm *got dressed*
r/n: I don’t think I’ll ever fuck a girl as pretty and who has as good a body as yours
y/n: Sure darling, anyways I gotta get going can’t be late to my class
r/n: Bye sexy
You rushed over to your class, putting on your shoes as you ran. You tried fixing your hair as best you could, geez did he really have to be so rough with your hair? It’s so obvious you just had sex.
You walked into class (late) and sat down. The lecture had already started so you were behind. You looked beside you and say someone familiar. It was a guy you had also at some point had sex with.
y/n: Pretty please can you take notes for me? I’m a bit tired and I’ve already missed the beginning of the lecture
*he nodded his head, looking like an excited puppy*
y/n: Oh my god you’re such a doll thank you so much *kisses cheek*
You then laid back, trying to still figure out what to do with your hair. As you were putting it up in a ponytail you felt like someone was watching you. You turn behind you and in the far left corner you see some spiky haired guy staring at you. He probably wants to fuck you thought. Whatever, I'm too exhausted today.
After the class was over you were surrounded by guys on your way out. They were tantalizing you. Saying the usual things like “let me get a piece of that,” “let me suck those amazing tits,” and “I'll give you the answers if you suck my dick.” You were used to this so you ignored them and kept walking. Eventually, they left you alone. I guess they got bored since you didn’t give a reaction. You were turning a corner when suddenly someone grabbed your arm and pulled you.
y/n: Hey what the fuck is your problem??
But then you realized who it was. It was that spiky kid from earlier.
y/n: What? You wanna fuck me or something? Well sucks because i’m not in the mood today
Bakugou: That’s no- Is that really all you expect of guy?
y/n: I mean yeah, I have yet to see otherwise
Bakugou: Well thats not why I wanted to talk to you
y/n: Sure uh huh look drop the act, don’t act sweet just to get some pussy. I’d actually rather you tell me you want to fuck me
Bakugou: What? I already told you I don’t want to fuc-
y/n: So then why are you wasting my time? Is that all?
Bakugou: No I wanted to as-
y/n: Alright bye
Bakugou: Wait!
You kept walking.
Bakugou: Fine, when and where
y/n: Oh? Showing your true colors now are we? How about you tell me your name? I need to know who I’m gonna fuck
Bakugou: It’s Bakugou
y/n: Alright Bakugou, my dorm at 8 don’t be late or your spot will be taken *blows kiss* Bye
You were exhausted. You decided to take a nap before showering. You woke up after 3 hours. Shit, I really knocked out. You got up and went to shower. You started thinking about this spiky haired kid. What was his name? Right! Bakugou, weird name. Wonder what he’ll be like in bed. Guess i’ll find out soon enough.
You got dressed. You wore some shorts with a tank top. Don’t need to be too dressed up if you’re just gonna fuck him. Suddenly you hear a knock at your door. He’s here already? You open the door and see it is him. You tell him to come in.
y/n: Sit on the bed, don’t be shy
Bakugou sits in the edge of the bed. He had his gaze in the floor, not looking at you.
y/n: Alright do you wanna start with kissing or jump straight into the se-
Bakugou: Why
y/n: Excuse me?
Bakugou: Why do you do this?
y/n: Sex? Bevause I get pleasure from it obviously
Bakugou: No, why do you let them use you like that? Not every guy wants you just for your body you know that? You’re more than just your body
y/n: Look, I don’t know where this suddenly came from but if we’re gonna have sex let’s get it over with
Bakugou: Do you think that little of yourself?
y/n: What..?
Bakugou: You heard me
y/n: And what if I do? The fuck that got to do with you huh?
Bakugou: Why do you do that?
y/n: You really wanna know why? Fine, I'll tell you. It’s because that’s the only time I feel seen, the only time I feel attractive. That’s the only way any guy has ever pictured me, as an object, a toy they can play with. Do you know the amount of times I've been sexually assaulted? God even from the age of 10! That’s all I'm good for. It’s the only thing I'm useful for.
Bakugou: That’s not true
y/n: Really?! Says fucking who??
Bakugou: Me, I think you’re more than just your body
y/n: Liar, i’m sure you’ve thought of fucking me
Bakugou: I haven’t
y/n: You’re lying
Bakugou: I’m not, I know you’re more than just that. You’re strong, resilient, independent, and beautiful
y/n: Oh don’t fucking joke with me. You’re trying to make a fool out of me
Bakugou: I’m not, I am being honest
y/n: Just shut up okay! I don’t need to hear your lies
You collapse on your floor. Your legs just give out on you. You start crying. The tears just flowing out of your eyes. And you had no way of stopping them, they just kept coming out. Bakugou then sits next to you and pulls you into a hug. He holds you as you drench his shirt with your tears.
Bakugou: Y/n, you’re beautiful and you are more than your body. I promise you that you are. I see the pain in your eyes, I know you’ve been through a lot and I'm sorry you have. But please, take care of yourself, do what’s best for you. If you ever doubt your worth I will be here to remind you. Every single day.
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turkisherlockian · 3 years
Books and Sins | Chapter Two [Benedict Cumberbatch AU]
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Hello everyone! I'm Cer but you might remember me as @rosamundhr a.k.a. Rosamund, it was my nickname but I've changed my mind and I will use my own name Ceren, now. (Cer for short hehehe) Unfortunately I lost access to @rosamundhr so I will keep posting my stories here! I hope you enjoy it and I apologise for making you all wait for so long! Love you all, stay safe. 😸❤️
Summary: Katherine is a fan of Timothy Carlton, the writer who she knows nothing about. No photos, no interviews, no information, not even his age. And one day, a man comes into her life who claims to be her classmate from high school. But through the time, she has a gut feeling something is... Wrong.
Warnings: Mature content, self harm, violence, swearing.
Word count: 1855
Feedbacks are much appreciated and so motivating!
Chapter One
  Katherine woke up with a weird feeling inside her chest. She was mad at herself for being like this: She could like someone so easily and fall in love with them soon after. It was not her fault though, he was really charming. Too good looking to like her back. However, she tried to convince herself that she just liked him and was attracted to him because he was a writer and well... Handsome as fuck. Not to mention his gentlemanly behaviour. Taking a deep breath, she reached out for her phone to tell her best friend about it. She didn't really have lots of friends and she never complained about it, she liked solitude.
  She scolded herself for being that excited about the thought of seeing him again. He was the very first thing that was on her mind in the morning and she wanted to talk to him again. So badly.
  K: Morning!
  S: Morning to you too 🤣
You're texting me 'morning' since when?
  K: Stop being sarcastic. Can't I be nice to my best friend?
  S: Of course you can, I'm kidding. I just wondered what made you this cheerful... Or who, I should say.
  K: You know who.
  S: Oh do I?
  K: Come on, Samantha! The man I met yesterday. I can't get him out of my mind, I don't know what happened to me but he's like... Cigarette.
  S: You're smoking? Since when???
  K: Of course I don't! It was just an example, idiot. Just can't get him out of my mind. What do I do?
  S: Text him maybe?
You won't seem desperate, don't worry. I am sure he found you attractive as well and he might even be in love with you.
  K: Okay, no need to exaggerate.
What do I say, good morning or hi?
  S: It doesn't matter!
  K: Okay, I'll text you later.
Are you sure I won't seem desperate?
  S: Don't forget to tell me about it. I gotta go now, talk to you later. xxx
  K: Bye! ❤️
There was something different about him. Did she like him because he was attractive or because he was nice to her? She had to admit that he was attractive, but there was something else in his voice, in his looks, in the way he talked. She actually found him beautiful.
  Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to text him.
  K: Good morning. :)
  Was he still asleep? Maybe he was at work. Wait, do writers go to work? Maybe he had another job. Maybe not. Maybe he just did not want to talk to her... Why wasn't he replying?!
  She sighed in frustration as she took a big sip from her coffee and burned her tongue.
  B: Morning, Katherine.
How are you? :)
  He finally replied after 10 minutes. She bit her lip as her heart skipped a beat, and started typing.
  K: I'm good! Getting ready to go to school.
  K: I mean work.
  God, I'm an idiot, she thought.
  K: How about you?
  B: Just got out of shower, that's why I replied late by the way. Sorry about that. :)
  K: I was wondering if you would like to meet again sometime.
  She grinned as she bit her lip, that's what she always did when she was nervous or excited.
  K: I would love that! When will you be free?
  B:I'm always available for you.
Whenever you'd like. :)
  She started squealing in excitement. What did he just say?!
  K:I'm free in the afternoon.
  B: Wonderful. How about the café we met?
  K: Sounds good. Is 2PM okay for you?
  B: Yes. I am looking forward to it, Katherine.
  K: So am I. :)
I gotta go now, see you later. x
  B: Have a good day. See you. x
  She looked at her watch and she was 30 minutes late already. Without telling Samantha about it, she started to get ready in a hurry.
  She was never late for work, so no one was upset with her being late.
  ''...And my mum said I'm out of my mind!''
  Katherine just could not get him out of her mind, and she hated it. She did listen to her counselee but couldn't pay any attention, and now she was crying. She gave her a tissue, ''I understand you, Jane, and I hope telling me about it made you feel better. I know how difficult it is for you, but I have a suggestion. When I was your age, I found a way to deal with my problems: being your own counselor.'' She smiled warmly.
  ''My own counselor? How?'' The young girl sniffled.
  ''I imagined that I was told about everything I am going through, and I had to find them a way out. Think of it as if you're reading your life in third person of view. I did it for years and I still do when I don't want to tell people about my feelings. Plus, I found out that it was scientifically proven in college, so it is safe and it actually works. How does that sound?''
  She wiped her tears, ''I can try...''
  ''So tell me, what would you say to yourself if you were someone else?''
  ''I think I would say that maybe..." She sniffled, "Maybe her mother wasn't feeling good as well.''
  Katherine smiled, ''That's it! You are right. We all have problems that we don't want to tell the others and sometimes we might burn out on people we care about the most without being aware of it. You can ask your mother if she is feeling alright, it doesn't matter whether you are still upset with her or not; maybe you can help her as well just like you just helped yourself. That was very brave of you, in my opinion.'' She smiled wholeheartedly.
  The girl who was just crying smiled and said ''Thank you very much, Miss Daelan. It's going to be the first thing I'm gonna do when I'm home.''
  ''You're welcome. Feel free to talk to me anytime.'' She got up to open the door for her and then left the room as well before checking her phone.
3 new messages from Samantha
  S: Hey! Send screenshots!!!
Are you there?
  K: I'm sorryyyy I was late to work already and then forgot to text you.
Here you go:
  S: I told you that he liked you as well, he is flirting with you!
  K: No he's not!
  S: He adores you!
  K: You are really exaggerating.
  ''Miss Daelan, do you have a minute?'' Katherine looked up at the principle, "Yes, Mr Brealey."
  K: The principle wants to talk to me, I'll ttyl xxx
  S: What did he say?
  The old man opened his room's door for Katherine, she smiled and walked inside. He gestured her to sit down, "Please, have a seat." he said and closed the door. After sitting down, he cleared his throat and said "Miss Daelan, I... Erm..."
  He loosened his tie, couldn't dare to look at Katherine. His cheeks were red and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. The young woman frowned a little, listening to him in curiosity. "I've known you since the day you started working here and... I must say that you are the most intelligent, kind, beautiful woman I have ever seen... I can't take my eyes off you because you're an amazing woman and I... I love you."
  Katherine was shocked, didn't know what to say at first. She did not feel honored at all, she was disgusted. "Excuse me? I thought you were married!"
  "Yes but I don't love my wife, I'm going to divorce her soon; you must understand Miss Daelan, I love you! Please give me a chance..." And now she felt her blood boil in her veins.
"I am sorry but it's never gonna happen. I suggest you to divorce your wife as soon as possible to keep her away from an asshole like you." Katherine stood up angrily and walked towards the door, "But Miss D--" and she shut the door.
He said he loves me!
He's fucking married, Samantha!
Are you there?
  K: I guess you are busy
I'm going home to get ready, talk to you later xxx
  S: Sorry, I had to deal with a costumer
What a prick!!!
How dare he?
I want to kill him.
  K: Violence is never the answer but yeah, I pity on his wife to be honest. He even has children.
S: Whatever you're comfortable with. :)
  K: How about a dress?
The one I wore when we last met?
  S: You look so hot in it 🔥
Wear that one!
  K: It covers all of my body, it's kinda tight and there's NO WAY I can look hot in it. I don't want to look pretentious anyway.
  S: Anything you wear looks good on you, love!
  K: Gay. 🤭
  S: Shut up. Wear it!
  K: LOL sorry!
I gotta go nowww
  S: Tell me all about it when you're home, IF you go back home ;) Good luck!
  K: I WILL and thanks! ❤️
  The young woman sighed as she tried to find her keys. She was still mad at the principal and it was frustrating her.
  After a short shower, she dried her hair with a towel and let her curls down on her shoulders. She wore the dress and looked in the mirror, It actually looks good, she thought. After applying some makeup and wearing her favourite her perfume, she was ready. She didn't like to wait and hated making the others wait for her as well, so she left her flat at 1:30PM. It took her 15 minutes to get to the café and she realized that she wasn't the only one who was punctual.
  "Hi..." She said as she walked towards the man she couldn't get out of her mind. He was wearing a brown jumper with beige trousers and she breathed his masculine, minty cologne in. Her heart was beating faster already.
  "Oh, hi, Katherine!" He stood up and for one second she didn't know what to do. Should she shake his hand or kiss his cheek? Or hug him? The young man leaned down and kissed her cheek before hugging her, she was shaking inside.
  He felt her body close to his. He felt her delicate, pale skin; and her linden scent made him feel dizzy. Her arms hugged his chest and he felt her plump, beautiful breasts. He watched her dress tighten around her curves as she moved.
  She was so beautiful and he could barely keep his hands to himself. He could kiss and take her right there, but didn't. He had to control himself until she submitted to him, which wasn't going to take long because it was in her blood. Submitting, obeying, and being his. He just knew it, and he was going to take what belonged to him. Katherine, belonged to him.
Chapter Three
Please let me know what you think! ❤️
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mendesbhraanth · 3 years
Hi beautiful sending you love mwah 😘😘 just wanted to know if you can write something were you hear Shawn talk badly about you so you distance yourself. Please.
Thank you so much for requesting!! 😘😘
Pairing : Shawn x y/n
Warnings : language and angst
Word count : 2.8 k
The first thing you heard when you opened the door to Shawn's condo was basically loud laughter of people including your boyfriend's. You just came back from work, a bit earlier than usual because shawn had been complaining about how he doesn't get to spend time with you because work has been crazy for you and you had a lot of files to finish and you were hella tired of your boss being a complete asshole, who never lets anyone stay home and he was no different to you. Anyways you were not at all aware of the fact that he had guests over.
The sound was coming from the living area of Shawn's penthouse apartment and apart from Shawn's, you recognised the laughter as Brian's, and Connor's. A small smile creeped on your face. You absolutely adored Shawn's friends so you walked towards the living to say 'hi' to them.
You were close enough to hear what they were talking about when your legs came to halt at the mention of you name.
"So how's life with y/n? Tour's over....You're free and now that y/n is staying with you, you must have a lot of cheesy things to say" Connor said whilst laughing.
"Oh yeah I actually do but not right now because why the hell would you mention my so called clingy girlfriend?" Shawn said and Brian laughed so loudly at that but your heart stopped.
"What??! What are you saying?!?" Connor said because shawn has been the most "I'm obsessed with my girlfriend and she is my goddess!!" Type of guy he had ever met.
"I said y/n is extremely clingy and annoying and I don't have anything good to say about her right now so please stop talking about that hoe!!" Shawn said and started laughing like crazy with Brian. Both of their laughs clouding your mind. You just stood there not able to comprehend anything.
You turned around silently, grabbed your keys and left the apartment in the same clothes you came in.
You got in your car and started driving slowly. You were now driving to nowhere for about 30 mins.
The moment you processed the words shawn said you slammed the break and your head came down on the stearing wheel with a plasticy bang.. must have been painfull.. ow poor y/n.
Did he really say that?!? Does he think I'm an annoying clingy hoe?!? Hell! "HE" was the one who wanted me to stay home and spend time with 'HIM'!! And I'm clingy?!? Is this the guy you've been in love with for what? Like 3 years?!! How could he call you a hoe!?! Why would any boyfriend disrespect his girlfriend like that??!? This is the worst day ever!!
All these thoughts were knocked out from your mind by a loud honking sound. You were basically in the middle of a road and by now, there were tons of cars parked behind you. Wow! You just created a big traffic block in the middle of Toronto city. Go you!! *Claps of sarcasm*
You quickly turned around and took another route to make your way back to Shawn's apartment like nothing happened. Haha asshole! but sometimes you gotta act like you weren't the cause of a huge ass traffic block..
You didn't know exactly why you were going back. To lay it onto him?? To get your things?? I don't know but you got home with slouched shoulders and an emotion less face.
You were about to reach and open the door when Shawn opened the door and a bright smile appeared on his face on seeing you which almost made you forget about the things he just said. Eh but not really.
"Baby!!!! I missed you so much today!!" He said and went in for a hug and you hugged him back it was as if someone was clawing at your heart.
"I'm just gonna walk these guys out and I'll be back in a second okay? You get freshened by then" He said sweetly but right now his words seemed anything but sweet!
How dare he say that to them and then act like nothing happened?? That too infront of them?!?! Which speaking of-!
"Hey y/n!!!" Connor and Brian said at the same time and both hugged you and you silently hugged them back, with a fake smile that could basically convince anyone but not Shawn.
"You guys go ahead I'll come in a sec" he said and turned to you.
"Okay then Bye y/n" they both bid their goodbyes and made their way to the lift.
"Hey what happened baby? Any problem with your boss??" Shawn asked tilting your chin up to look you in the eyes.There was evident hurt in them.
You were debating to weather tell him or push him away but you didn't choose any of that.
"Yeah..had a bad day at work"
"Aww baby you go inside and sit down okay! I'll be back after properly saying goodbye to the guys and you can tell me all about your day. Alright?" He asked sweetly but it sounded like straight up sarcasm to you but you chose not to call him out right now.
He gave you a short peck and there he goes ....'probably gonna talk more shit about me' you thought to your self which and it made you feel like your heart was stabbing itself.
You went inside and sat yourself on the couch. The same couch where the love of your life talked shit about you being a clingy hoe. (Sorry I'm just over dramatic 😅)
About 5 mins later shawn came in and sat by your side.
"What happened baby?? What did your crazy boss do this time?" He asked while taking your hand in his and slowly stroking the back of your hand with his other hand but you didnt move.
"Nothing..just the usual..I have...work...just...I-!...I'm going to take a shower" you said. A slight frown appeared on Shawn's face. But he understood....some days you were like this when work really stressed you out.
'Maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it' he thought.
"Okay baby" he said and you stood up from the couch and before you walked 4 steps shawn caught your hand and pulled you into him.
He craddled your face in his warm huge palms that always made you melt like it wasn't even a big deal at all and kissed your lips sweetly.
You kissed him back but pulled away quicker that shawn would have liked which caused a small pout on his perfectly soft pink lips and all you wanted to do was kiss it away so that's what you did but quickly reminding yourself that he thinks your a clingy hoe and pulling away again.
"Let me kiss my girl properly first" he said smiling at you and you'd be lying if you said it doesn't do things to you even if your upset with him. How could he do this?!? One time he's saying he hates you and now he's all over you as if he really is?!?
"I'm tired shawn I wanna take a shower" you said while planting the same fake smile on your face. He frowned at you and them pulled you into a hug and you only dropped your hands low...not embracing the hug.
"Want me to join?' he asked playfully smirking at you and it literally made you feel all sorts of way but you knew it was all an act and he just.. thought you were a hoe.
"No I'm really tired shawn" you said now turning around and walking to the bathroom with tears forming real quick in your eyes.
"Okay... baby I'll start preparing dinner then" he said and you didn't fail to pick up the hurt in his voice. But why??? He doesn't care at all!! What a great ass actor?!? Your seriously doubting if you dreamed all that. But nah...its real..he hurt you.
You took a long ass shower washing yourself and feeling all your emotions get warmed up by the warm water and you just...started crying. You cried silenty under the shower where one couldn't distinguish tears from water. Maybe you were clingy. But that's only because you love him but why would he call you a HOE!?! Why?? Why would he disrespect you like that?? After 3 years of relationship, was your love for him making you look like a hoe??
After you got out of the shower, usually you would've just put on one of Shawn's hoodies and then go chill on the couch but today you just.. couldn't bring yourself to wear his clothes. So you put on one of your band t-shirts and some shorts and walked to the kitchen where Shawn had already prepared and put out dinner on the table and was waiting for your company.
He came to you with a toothless smile on his face which quickly dropped by half when he noticed you weren't wearing one of his clothes..but he didn't let it bother him that much or let's say... tried to act like it didn't bother him as much as it did. You still noticed it though..and it gave you a weird feeling.
He hugged you which again you didn't return.
"You smell so good!" He said pulling away from the hug and you gave him your half assed fake smile AGAIN.
Shawn was fully aware that something was wrong but he thought you'd tell him while having dinner.
He led you to the table and pulled the chair out for you like he always did and you both sat down to have dinner.
Awkwardness was all around the table.
You did not talk at all and even though shawn tried his best and asked you stuff to get you to talk about what's wrong or let's say..make it less awkward, all your replies were just..yes, no and silence.
After dinner you washed your plate and mumbled a goodnight that didn't feel like it was to ANYONE and went to sleep.
It went like this for a few days.. you being extra awkward to Shawn and purposely avoiding him and distancing yourself from him and being really down. He was really sad and hurt and frustrated because he would ask you whats the matter and you would either tell him "nothing" or just shrug your shoulders. You didn't even look him in the eyes anymore. Shawn was really really confused and even more worried.
Well how could you talk to him?!? After all he called you clingy and annoying which means he doesn't want you around and also he called you a hoe.
One day Shawn came back from the studio and saw you reading a book on the couch. A small smile creeped on his face knowing that you were reading some sort of romance novel.
"What are you doing?" He asked while coming and sitting next to you.
You were pretty lost in the book so you did not see him coming in.
"Oh just a stupid book haha... I have to get back to work now.." you said and got up to leave only to walk two steps and stop at the mention of your name.
"Y/n" you turned around to see Shawn now standing up from the couch with a very hurt look on his face.
"I don't know why but I noticed that you've been purposefully avoiding me for a few days..why are you doing that?? What did I do??please talk to me.." He asked now looking straight into your eyes and you could see right in his eyes that he was hurt.
"What? I don't know what your talking abou..-!" You were cut of by Shawn showing his palm infront of your face.
"Y/n stop...you know what you've been doing.....Is it me?? Did I do anything wrong?? Please talk to me.....you can always talk to me you know" he said now reaching for your hand but the moment his hand touched you you shook it away and backed off like he attacked you or something.
Shawn looked at you as if his heart just broke.
"No shawn..you should've thought about that before calling me a clingy, annoying hoe" you said for once and stormed in your bedroom slamming the door shut.
Shawn followed right behind you and got the door shut right on his face.
"What are you talking about-!? I- I-..! Dont understand! I never called you any of that!" Shawn said now leaning on the door.
"Stop fucking lying shawn I heard you talking with connor and Brian that day and you called me all those things!!" You barked from the other side of the door.
"Shit! Baby I can explain! Please open the door for me! I swear I didn't mean for you to hear it!" He said now banging on the door.
"Of course you didn't! And Explain what?!? That I'm being delusional and maybe even say some half assed lies?? How did I ever believe that you love me?!? Maybe I am clingy...But you called me a hoe!!"
"No baby please listen! I know it would've sounded so very wrong but just wasn't being serious! We were just joking around and I said that" he tried to explain and it did not even harm a hair of your anger.
"Haha what are you saying shawn?! That would never convince anyone! Try harder with your lies and leave me the fuck alone!" You said.
"Baby please believe me.. you are the most gorgeous and amazing women I've ever met and I could never ever say such things about you! I love you! Please believe me!" He said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"I wish I could believe you shawn..but I actually heard this with my own ears.." you said.. now wiping your own tears.
"Please open the door for me I will explain it all please just...hear me out!" He said now bringing his hands to his face to catch the spilling tears.
You opened the door to him kneeling on the floor. You sat next to him resting your back on the wall.
After a few seconds he came and sat next to you..... Both of you staring at whatever that was ahead of you.
"Explain" you said.
Shawn wiped his tears and started talking.
"So...that day..you went to work and connor and brian came over and we were chatting on the couch and you know how connor loves you and me together like he ships us so hard haha so me and Brian were just pranking him and joking around so I just said I don't like you to prank connor....it sounds so fake...I know but that's the truth..I should've never said that..even if it was a joke I'm so sorry baby. You can even call Brian or Connor right now and ask them if you don't believe me " he said
By now you felt almost dizzy..you're so dumb!! 😬..you were making such a huge ass deal about this. OMG you're so stupid!! Wtf?? How could you be so stupid?? Like..all of this would've never happen if you just opened your mouth and talked to your boyfriend!!!!
"I..-! I'm sorry" you said, looking at Shawn who was already looking at you.
"I'm so so sorry baby I thought you didn't love me anymore I mean..I know I'm not that good looking and you could basically have any girl you wanted and I just-! I'm so sorry!! Ya know I always am terrified that one day I'll wake up and you don't love me anymore and I just-.... I should've just talked to you about this. Shit! I'm so stupid this is all my fault!!" You were full on crying right now and shawn just pulled you to his chest while you cried.
"Hey Don't say that!! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on and I can't even imagine living a life where you hate me and it's okay bubba I mean..if I was you this is exactly how I would've acted but from now on ..please talk to me if I did something that upsets you....I hate it when we cry" shawn said cracking a small smile.
"I'm sorry again" you said pouting your lips only for shawn to grab your face and kiss your frown away replacing it with a genuine smile, Something that has been lacking from your face for the past few days.
"It's alright now do you wanna make dinner or get Mc Donalds??"
You smiled at your sweet boy. He already knew the answer.
"Mc Donalds it is!"
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
The call comes sooner than Pam’s expecting, though honestly she’s not even sure what she expects now that a good chunk of her life is back in shambles, just when she thought she had finally gotten her shit together.
She knows it’s a mess of her own making, for once again allowing emotions to prevail over reason, but it still hurts, the pain somehow worse than it was a decade ago. Back then, when she and Ellen first walked away from each other, Pam knew that Ellen would always have a piece of her heart. But now? Now it feels like she left it entirely in Houston, her chest aching and hollow.
She answers the phone on her desk without thinking, on autopilot after a late drive back to Austin, a sleepless night tossing and turning on a motel bed, and not enough caffeine in the shitty coffee from the faculty lounge.
“Pam Horton,” she says in the most upbeat voice she can muster, cradling the receiver to her ear.
“Pam, it’s Larry.”
Breath catching in her throat, she’s torn between dread and hope. She briefly considers hanging up, but Larry’s next words make her hand still.
“She’s a mess. You’ve gotta at least talk to her.”
Tears sting Pam’s eyes and she squeezes them shut. “I can’t do that.” She knows she couldn’t bear to hear the heartbreak in Ellen’s voice, or worse, see it spread across her face.
“Why not?”
“You already know.”
Larry sighs on the other end. “Look, I know you think you’re doing what’s best for Ellen. But she deserves a say. Don’t take that away from her.”
She wants to snap at him to mind his own damn business, irritation spiking. She doesn’t need Larry twisting the knife when he’s had a decade of reaping the benefits of his marriage to Ellen. But she bites the inside of her cheek and manages to refrain. It’s not Larry’s fault that things are the way they are, at least not entirely. Pam keeps her voice steady when she says instead, “Thanks for calling, Larry.”
“Pam, wait--”
Pam hangs up the phone quickly, already feeling worse than she already had. But she refuses to cry. It’s all for the best, she tells herself as she leans back into her desk chair. For all of them.
She got over Ellen Wilson once before.
She can do it again.
But today is definitely not that day.
Especially not when Pam’s hunkered down inside one of the college’s fallout shelters, breathing in stale air and wondering like the rest of her students whether the next breath could be their last. They’re surrounded by thick slabs of concrete and rebar. In one corner are two massive water tanks that the custodial staff have been trying to fill since the harsh blare of the air-raid siren blanketed the campus in panic and confusion. A few other instructors huddle around a transistor radio, anxiously awaiting any word that the emergency is over.
If Pam could, she’d laugh at the absurdity of it all. Because of course the world could end in nuclear armageddon the day after she left the love of her life.
She knows she should try to comfort her small class of budding writers, who fidget on the cold metal of their folding chairs. Should maybe tell them that everything’s gonna be all right. But Pam knows better than to lie, so she keeps silent, mind zigzagging from one thought to the next.
Pulse pounding in her temples, she wonders if her parents made it to their bunker and wishes that she had returned their last calls sooner. Hopes, with a pang between her ribs, that Elise has made it to safety. Tries not to imagine Flannery, their Maine Coon cat, cowering beneath what used to be their bed.
But most of all, she thinks of Ellen.
Always Ellen.
She allows herself, in a moment of weakness, to envision how the morning would have gone if she had just stayed. Pam would have held Ellen close, forever amused by the fact that the fearless astronaut--the girl who caught the tank, no less--always preferred to be the “little spoon,” back tucked snugly against Pam’s front, their legs curled into one another’s. And before she’d have to slip out of bed to solve the latest crisis at JSC, Ellen would’ve turned in Pam’s arms and warmed her with a gentle kiss.
Regret squeezes her lungs so hard, she almost can’t breathe, and she forces herself to suck in air and push it back out. It must come out harsher than she intends because one of her students leans toward her, forehead creased with worry.
“You okay, Ms. Horton?”
Pam’s lips form a wholly unconvincing smile. “I’m fine, Judy.” Snapping out of her stupor, she reaches inside her messenger bag on the floor, pulling out a small notebook and a pencil.
“What’re you doing?” Judy watches Pam flip to an empty page.
“Pouring out a double,” Pam deadpans. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“How can you write at a time like this?” Another student, Valerie, asks.
Pam can’t tell them the truth. That if she doesn’t do this, she just might break down entirely.
So she merely shrugs as she presses lead to paper. “How can you not?”
Somehow, the world survives.
All thanks to a handshake in space.
When the news breaks over the radio, Pam is weak-kneed from relief, clapping and cheering with her students and colleagues. She wipes away the wetness on her cheeks as pride swells within her, knowing that astronauts she’s known and loved saved them all.
In some small way, it makes her feel justified in her decision to leave Houston. Even though Ellen herself wasn’t on the Apollo, Pam knows she would have been involved in the ultimate outcome. Ellen was born for leadership, and had so much good yet to do. Pam did the right thing in removing herself as an obstacle on Ellen’s path. Right? Right.
Her fellow professors want to celebrate their new lease on life. But Pam’s exhausted and wants nothing more than to crawl back to her motel room with some bourbon and pass out. So she takes her leave, picks up Chinese takeout, and swings by the liquor store where she buys a bottle of Michter’s, convincing herself that she selected it for its quality, and not because it’s Ellen’s favorite.
A shower, full belly, and three sheets to the wind later, Pam finds herself on top of the squeaky motel bed, surfing the late-night news for NASA coverage. Purely as a concerned citizen, of course, and not to catch a glimpse of the agency’s beautiful acting administrator. There’s nothing, though, and Pam lays her right arm over her eyes to block out the spinning room.
She dreams of Ellen.
Always Ellen.
They’re on the gray surface of the moon, surrounded by the twinkling darkness of the star-studded universe. Ellen, in her white space suit, is walking in the distance, her legs skip-floating across the dusty surface. Pam, however, is left exposed in the vacuum, unfathomably alive as she runs after Ellen. Or makes the attempt, hopping in weak gravity. No matter how hard she tries to cross the distance, the farther Ellen seems to pull away.
Her chest hurts, but Pam calls out anyway.
I’m sorry.
I love you.
Her words are swallowed by cold silence.
Pam wakes with a gasp, swallowing air into her lungs, heart pounding against her ribs. Blinking rapidly, it takes her several long seconds to remember where she is, the motel room slowly coming into focus. The television’s still on, now airing the morning news. Empty takeout boxes remain scattered on a small desk. For some reason, the room’s phone is off its hook, dangling off the side of the nightstand to her right.
Pam chokes back a sob.
Ellen doesn’t try to contact her, as Pam feared she might after her last conversation with Larry.
She should feel relieved. It's what she had wanted, and intended, when she left the letter on Ellen’s bed. And yet, she can’t stem the undercurrent of disappointment that lingers.
The news about Tracy and Gordo Stevens breaks while Pam's searching for a new apartment. Sitting in her favorite pub in Clarksville, tucked away on a quiet street in the historic neighborhood, she’s halfway through the newspaper classifieds when a sudden hush descends. One of the servers turns up the volume on the television above the bar. Photos of Tracy and Gordo in their blue flight suits flash on screen, their smiles confident and bright.
A news anchor says something about an accident at Jamestown, and how they and two other astronauts had lost their lives during the repairs. The exact details are lost on a shell-shocked Pam, a pencil slipping through her now slack fingers. It seems like only yesterday that she was pouring drinks for them both. They had been two of Pam’s favorites--Gordo with his terrible jokes and off-key singing, and Tracy with her kind smile and quiet determination.
They had always treated Pam as one of their own, and she can’t believe they’re gone.
It doesn’t feel real, and yet it’s now reality.
A few weeks later, every channel airs the funeral in Arlington National Cemetery. Elise has it on the television when Pam drops by their house to pick up the last of her things. Well, it’s not their house anymore, technically. It’s Elise’s until the lease to the small rambler expires at the end of the month.
They haven’t seen each other since Pam had left Elise for Ellen, and it’s every bit as awkward as Pam expected. Elise has every right to be hurt and angry, and Pam wouldn’t blame her if she felt the need to lash out. But Elise is civil, almost disconcertingly so, keeping her expression neutral as she walks ahead of Pam to the living room.
“I went ahead and packed the rest of your stuff.” Elise crosses her arms, maintaining her distance.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Pam ducks her head. Elise is nothing but efficient. It’s one of the things Pam loves about her. “But thank you.”
“I’ll let you get to it.” Elise nods and returns to sit on the couch.
A suitcase and several boxes are waiting next to the dining table. Flannery greets Pam instantly, curling around her ankles. Smiling, Pam bends down to pick up the orange Maine Coon.
“Hey, little guy, I’ve missed you,” she murmurs into his soft, fluffy fur. Flannery purrs in response.
On the TV screen, the president is giving a speech at the cemetery’s white-marble memorial amphitheater. Behind him are four coffins draped in the stars and stripes, and Pam’s heart clenches.
“Did you know them, too?” Elise cradles a mug between her hands as she watches the coverage.
“I knew the Stevenses, yeah,” Pam admits quietly.
“Guess there’s a lot you didn’t tell me,” Elise huffs out.
Guilt courses through Pam as she gently lowers Flannery back onto the floor. He meows in protest. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. It was just a part of my life I wanted to forget, I guess.”
Elise doesn’t respond, her eyes glued to the news coverage, where the camera pans to the crowd. Pam’s breath stills when she catches a glimpse of Ellen in black standing solemnly between Danielle Poole and Molly Cobb. She’s on screen for less than three seconds, but it’s enough to discombobulate Pam, who tamps down another swell of grief.
“I’m surprised,” Elise says suddenly, turning her head to regard Pam. “That you’re not there with her.”
I would be, Pam thinks, in a better world. But that’s not the one they live in, and Pam’s not even sure she’ll live to see the day when relationships like theirs will be accepted or, at the very least, tolerated without condemnation.
“It’s not my place,” Pam says vaguely.
She can’t bring herself to tell Elise the truth of what she had done, how in the end she had let Ellen go for the greater good. The pain is still too fresh. Without elaborating further, she picks up the first box with a slight grunt. It’s heavier than it looks.
It takes only a few minutes to load up her car, both amazed and sad that the tangible portion of a life with someone amounted, in the end, to so very little. Elise meets her just outside the storm door with the suitcase, saving Pam one more trip inside.
“Listen, I just…” Elise bites the corner of her lip, brow pinched. “I want you to be happy. And I’m trying to understand, but…”
“I know.” Pam attempts a smile she’s sure comes out half-hearted and weak. “I want you to be happy, too.”
“Just not together.”
“Elise…” Pam exhales slowly through her nostrils. A car rumbles down the street behind her. “I think,” she swallows against a lump forming in her throat, “if Ellen hadn’t walked back into my life, you and I would still want different things.”
Disappointment ripples across Elise’s face, and another wave of remorse washes over Pam. Children have been a sticking point between Pam and Elise, and it isn’t an issue that would simply resolve itself with time. Elise deserves someone who wanted, without hesitation, to build a family with her. And as much as Pam loves her, she just isn’t that person.
Pam takes in a deep breath. “We were friends before. Maybe… maybe one day we could be again.”
Elise only stares, blinks once, twice. “Maybe. I need some time, I think.”
“I understand.”
Nodding, Elise opens the screen door, but pauses before stepping back inside. “Take care of yourself, Pam.”
“You too.”
The door closes with a soft click that nevertheless feels loud in its finality. On a long exhale, Pam picks up the suitcase and walks away.
Life moves on, as it always does, without a care for tragedy or triumph.
In some ways, it’s easier than the last time Pam put herself through a hard reset. She’s not starting from scratch in a new city, or struggling to make ends meet as she works her way through grad school. She has her health, her career, and her freedom to live her life out in the open.
Pam settles into her new apartment in Clarksville. It’s better than the hole-in-the-wall she had rented way back when in Houston, but not by much. Still, it’s hers and she’s grateful for the distraction of unpacking, organizing, and decorating. Between those tasks and teaching, she doesn’t have time for much else.
But sometimes, in quiet moments alone, usually in bed staring up at her dark ceiling, her mind wanders and wonders--just how different would her life be if she had gone down the roads not taken. What if she had stayed with Ellen a decade ago? Could she have tolerated Ellen’s marriage to Larry? Would she have been able to stand the constant fear and anxiety from Ellen’s stints on the moon, not being able to have the same privileges as other spouses and wives? And what of Ellen’s potential foray into politics? Could Pam have found the strength to support her without resentment?
Pam doesn’t know, and will never know, but she explores the possibilities in poems jotted down in notebooks, stories scrawled in journals, and snippets scribbled on restaurant napkins and whatever scraps of paper she can find when the muse strikes. It helps, she thinks. Or hopes.
And so she pushes forward one day at a time: eat, sleep, teach, write. Eventually, she becomes so engrossed in the routine that she blocks out nearly all else, completely missing the news about NASA’s acting administrator stepping down to the surprise of the Reagan administration.
"Pens down, that's all she wrote folks!"
There's a palpable sense of relief around the room, even as some of the first-year students groan when Pam calls time on their final exam.
"Come on, it wasn't so bad, right?" She smiles from her desk as they turn in their papers. "I'm proud of you all. Have a terrific break."
Pam gets up to erase the instructions she had written in the blackboard. The chalk dust makes her nose crinkle, and she brushes her hands off on the front of her pants. Once the classroom empties out, Pam gathers the exams and slips them inside her messenger bag, cursing under her breath when she accidentally knocks a pen from her desk.
As she bends down to retrieve it, the door opens once again.
"Be with you in a sec." Pam stretches her arm to grasp the pen. Straightening back up, she turns to greet her student. "What can I do for…"
Her heart stops.
Ellen Wilson smiles.
"Hi, Pam."
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simplyxdolxstyles · 3 years
Next Door Neighbour
Here’s a crappy smut I tossed around about being neighbours with the twins so yeah. Enjoy. in 1st person again.
Warnings: badly written smut. language. and a distressed Ethan 
“So, you want to come to my house tomorrow?” My new friend Ethan Dolan asked. I was new to L.A and didn’t know many people. We were neighbours so it was easy.
“Sounds great, thanks.” I smile.
“Cool, see you tomorrow.” He says as he gets up and makes way to his house. I waved before heading back inside my house.
 ~Next Day~
 I woke up bright and early, the birds chirping and the sun shining. Today was the day Ethan had invited me over to his house.  I did my morning business before heading down the kitchen to eat breakfast.
“G’Morning mom.” I say as I kiss her cheek and sit at the table.
“Morning honey, any plans today?” My mom asks as she places my cereal and sandwich in front of me.
“Well, Ethan invited me over after lunch so I’m going there.” I say with a mouthful of food.
“Splendid, I’m glad to see you are making friends.” My mom smiles and ruffles my hair.
 I killed sometime reading and writing before I went to shower and get ready. I put on something casual, did my hair, and put some makeup on before heading out.
“Bye mom, I’ll be back later!” I shout out to my mom before going out door.
“Ok, see you later sweetheart.” I managed to hear my mom respond back to me.
I now stood in front of Ethan’s house waiting nervously and anxiously as what to expect. ‘Was I gonna be good enough?’ ‘Or will he toss me after a few days of showing me around?’ ‘Get it together, (Y/N!) Ethan’s not like that. He’s kind, genuine and would be more than happy to be your friend. Shut up.’ I hear my thoughts. I was so into I didn’t hear the door open.
 “(Y/N), you’re here.” Ethan says. I whirl around and face him, covering up my little ‘argument’ that I had with myself.
“Yep, I’m not too early am I?” I say nervously.
“No, it’s ok, you’re fine.” He tells me with a smile. He steps aside so I walk in and I do.
“Nice place you have here.” I say once I walk in and Ethan shuts the door behind him.
“It’s not much, but thanks.” He murmurs.
“ETHAN! Where the fuck is the—oh hi. I didn’t know we had company.” A boy who emerged for out of nowhere and looked a lot like Ethan said.
“This is my younger by 20 minutes twin brother, Grayson. Grayson this is (Y/N), our new neighbour.” Ethan sighs as if he didn’t want to introduce us in the first place.
“Nice to meet you.” He says tossing me a wink. Ethan rolls his eyes.
“H-Hi, nice to meet you too.” I stutter out. How embarrassing, I was always so shy.
“Hey, how come you never introduced us before?” This man that I now know who goes by the name ‘Grayson’ says as he continues to study me. I felt my face grow warm.
“Because you’re a giant prick.” Ethan retorts and guides me into the living room.
“You know, Eth, you could’ve at least introduce us, let me get to know her too.” Grayson whines.
“No, because then you’ll try to woo her and put the moves on her and use your slimy pick-up lines, then she falls in love with you. So no. “Ethan glares at his brother as Grayson paid no mind though.
“No I won’t, promise. Just let me hang about.” He insisted giving his brother the puppy eyes. Ethan tried to resist, but he ended up grumbling a quick and quiet ‘fine’. Grayson looks at me and gives me a wink before looking back at his brother all innocent-like.
“Anyways, I’ll be back. Larri seemed to have an accident with his toilet and I gotta go see if he needs help.” He says as he got up.
“Wait! You’re leaving?” Grayson asks rather surprised yet not so surprised at the same time.
“I know I don’t want to, but Larri is a klutz sometimes and does things without thinking. He’s broken his toilet more than once and I always have to help with the mess. Anyway, I hope it won’t be too long, but please, Gray. Don’t freak her out! I’m begging you.” Ethan stomps his foot like a child.
“Alright, alright, I won’t do anything. Well, unless she wants to.” He teases. Ethan slaps his forehead.
“I’m warning you, if you scare off any more of my friends I’ll hate you for the rest of my life.” Ethan scorns.
“You have my word, bro. But who says she’s only your friend? She’s mine too. We’ll be fine, trust me.” Grayson assures as he sits beside me and huddles me into his side. There, was a smell of soap, cigarettes and…well…Grayson.
“I’ll ask her later or the next time I see her. (Y/N), tell me if he’s weird and I’ll be sure to tell him straight.” He pleads me.
“Totally, you have my word.” I say, smiling. He gives me a sympathetic look before turning to glare at his brother once more before heading out.
  “Let me know if you’re uncomfortable ok? I’ll stop right away.” He said as he got closer.
“Sure.” I reply. And before anything, Grayson slammed his lips against mine.
 I moan at the impact instantly tangling my finger in his chestnut brown locks. If Ethan were here he’d have both our heads. I was merely making out with this really hot guy that I barely knew, and I liked it.
“Mmm.” I moan against his mouth. His tongue teased my lips before he slipped his tongue inside. There, he searched my mouth where the kiss now became all hot and messy before we pulled back for breath.
“Fuck, I have to have you.” He groans in my ear.
“Then take me…” I moan and bite my lip. Grayson growls and pushes me further into the couch where he started peppering kisses on my neck.
 He took his time marking me up before moving lower. I tugged on his shirt so he can take a hint a take it off. Every so quickly, he discarded his shirt. Faster than I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Dang he was built.
 “Ahhh!” I moaned when he started grinding his erection against my soaked centre.
“Fuck…” Grayson growled causing a rush of wetness to seep into my panties. I rubbed against him for more friction.
“Holy shit! God, I need more!” He rasps. He then proceeds to strip out of his black skinny jeans.
“More.” I whimper, taking off my jeans and tossing them with his.
“Get on top of me.” He grunted in my ear while pulling me on top of his lap in a straddle position. There, I started grinding again.
“Mmm, yes, that’s it.” Grayson whines out as he bit his lip.
“Grayson…” I gasp in pleasure, relishing in the sweet feeling.
“So good, baby, I want you so bad right now…” Grayson groaned as he looked into my eyes making contact. I moan. He was sinfully gorgeous. I couldn’t believe Ethan wanted to hide him. After a couple more times, Grayson stopped me before I would make him cum in his pants.
“Come on, sugar. Let’s get this show on the road.” He smirked devilishly. I took off my undies and bra and he took of his boxers revealing his big and thick length. Holy Shit!
“Oh my god!” I gasp in surprise. Grayson smirks at my reaction.
“Yeah, it’s big isn’t it?” He muses, I just nod. A gush of wetness went down my thighs.
“Don’t worry. It’ll fit.” He assures. I gulp. My stomach started to fluttering at the sight and the feeling of having his massive hard on inside me.
“On your knees, doll.” Grayson commands me. I get on my knees and await his instructions.
“Suck!” He grunts at me and inserts his throbbing length in my surprised, gaping mouth. It hits the back of my throat and I almost gag but I force myself to keep it down.
“Nghhhhh…fuck...” He moans gloriously causing shivers all over my body.
“This is just to get me slick.” He says. I slightly bob my head back and forth taking and feeling the tip his the back of my throat.
“Holy Shit!” He croaks. I pull back and off and spit on the shaft before rubbing it all over his length.
“You’re so good, baby. Good indeed.” He muttered the last part quietly. I felt my face heat up before taking him back into my mouth.
“Ok, hon, that’s enough okay, you need to stop or I’m going to release and we don’t want that to happen like this.” He pats my cheek gently. I whine which caused him to chuckle but I do as told.
“On the couch. All fours. Now!” He hissed and pointed to the couch. I whimper and go to the couch and into position.
“That’s it.” He said more to himself. He grabbed a rubber and rolled it onto his member before making his way towards me.
“Are you ready, princess? Hmm?” He whispered into my ear, licking the shell of it causing me to shiver all over.
“Yes, please put it in, Grayson…” I moan out. He teased his tip against my folds which cause a feeling to rush through that part of me.
“Hurry!” I cry out.
“Hurry-what?” He grunted as he teased some more.
“Please! Please, put it in. NOW!” I yell the last part. With that, he thrusted his whole length inside in one stroke.
“SHIT!” I scream. Grayson started thrusting without giving me time to adjust which I was totally ok with.
“Ooooh, fuck.” Grayson groaned as he thrusted, his pace not all fast but not slow either. I held myself on that rest as I was kind of going back and forth like a ragdoll.
“How do you like that?” Is that good enough or do you want more?” He asks as he had a tight grip on my hips and I honestly didn’t care.  
“F-Faster and Hard-der. Unghhh!” I moan a guttural moan. Rather pornographic sounding but I couldn’t help it. I could sense him smirk even if I couldn’t see his face. Grayson continued to pound into me mercilessly before flipping me over saying he wants to see my face when I cum.
“So pretty, sugar. Mmm.” He growled and that ignited something in the pit of my stomach. He grabbed my leg and hooked it around his wait as he relentlessly continued to fuck me. Grayson was sticky with sweat as well as his hair and was sticking to his forehead, his face contorted in the most gorgeous face of pleasure ever. He was pure sin.
“M’Close…” I cry out and clench my eyes shut. My boobs bouncing everywhere as I was getting drilled into pretty hard and good, even some saliva escaped my mouth.
“Yeah, that’s it, whenever you’re ready. But I want us to cum together so t-try and h-hold it. Grayson let a low sound as he roughly thrusted inside.
“O-Okay…!” I wail. A few more thrusts and he looked about ready to blow. I knew because his thrusts were sloppy and faster than ever.
“O-On three. One…Two…Three! GO!” He let out a scratchy yell as he filled me up and my walls clenching his member and milking everything. After our euphoria, Grayson collapsed on top of me with a blissful sigh.
“Holy Fuck, that was incredible.” He says into my neck as I stroke his hair.
“Yeah, it was.” I murmur and place a kiss atop his dark locks.
“What about Ethan?” I ask as it dawned to me if he ever finds out.
“Oh, we’ll tell him eventually. He’ll probably hate me for the moment but he’ll get over it. Right now, I just want to bask in the aftermath of amazing sex I just had with this really cute chick I met.” He smirked and pecked my cheek causing me to blush. My eyes felt heavy and soon closed, before I was pulled into his side. Yes, we’ll eventually tell Ethan about us. For now, I just wanted to cuddle with his brother and bask I the afterglow of probably the best sex ever that ever took place.
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rosie-moons · 3 years
Beauty and the Beast 1 {} Tale as Old as Time || myg
~Pairing: worstboyfriendever!yoongi x travelenthusiast!reader
~Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of fluff
~Word Count: 3.4k
~Warnings: yoongi being the worst boyfriend 😥😥😥, reader crying 😔😔😔, very cliche scenes, a breakup (not the major part though), yoongi crying 😢😢😢, yoongi cheating on reader (YOONGI I SWORE IF YOU HURT OUR OC LIKE THIS I WOULD PUNCH YOU TILL YOU BLEED but you’re saved for the sake of this story 😡😡😡), reader being too forgiving, swearing
~A/N: well. i just had to give you guys angst after dp, didn't i? i know yoongi's stupid in here but pls don't get mad at him bc he's my bb and i love him too much 🥺. also HOMOPHOBES STAY AWAY, CHOHEE AND NARI ARE MY BABES AND I'LL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!
In your relationship, Yoongi had always been the beast.
Missing dates, drinking at the bar and getting wasted almost every night, overall just fucking around… it was common sense that this was what boyfriends were supposed to do, right?
“Right.” was what you always thought- that boys were uncaring and stupid and undeserving of any love.
Well, any love except for yours.
Somehow, Yoongi always thought that you didn't deserve him, that you were the ugly, cold-hearted beast, that you were supposed to love him without anything in return.
And you always thought he was right; forgiving him after his sobbing apologies again and again, taking care of him after drunken nights again and again, convincing yourself that he really did love you again and again- until you decided this couldn’t go on.
No, you had a life outside of Yoongi.
You had dreams.
You had friends, a good social life, a whole group of boys who’d give you the universe if it meant you could be with them.
Why did you choose Yoongi though?
Why not any of those boys, some of whom were more attractive, more caring, treated you better?
“Soulmates,” your best friend Nari huffed, turning her head to look at you. You were having a long-anticipated spa night together, cool cucumber slices resting on your tired eyes and some sort of coconut scented oatmeal mush plastered over your face. “You gotta stop believing in that shit, Y/N.”
You sighed.
“I’m trying, okay? It’s just that… I think… I think believing that one day someone will love you for eternity is better than living every day in heartache. At least it gives you hope, a reason to smile, I guess. Don’t you think so too?”
Nari paused for a minute, nodding subtly as she chowed on a cucumber slice. “Now that I think about it, I guess you’re right…”
You smiled, proud that you’d convinced her.
“...but nah, I still think you should face reality more than your imagination, you really have your head up in the clouds too much. All those fairytales- you know why they’re called fairytales and not realistic tales or something? Because they’re just to lull kids to sleep, all that perfect romance doesn’t exist,” her expression softened. “Hey, I really didn't mean to upset you... I was just- are you thinking about him again?”
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to stop the overflow of tears threatening to spill out. “I… no, I’m not. I just… I don’t…”
“Hey, Y/N, it’s alright…” She immediately scrambled off her massage chair, coming over to yours and pulling you into her arms. “He’s a stupid fucker who doesn’t deserve you. There’s so many good guys who’ll die to be with you, Y/N, I’m sure even Seventeen’s Mingyu would date you if you gave him a chance. Really!”
You sniffled, burying your face in your friend’s chest. “Not everyone’s obsessed with Seventeen like you, Nari.”
“Well,” She hmph’ed. “Are there any K-pop groups you like, then?”
“How about TXT? Enhypen? Astro? You like none of them?”
“Enhypen’s okay, I guess…”
“There we go! Okay, okay, who’s your favorite member?”
“The one with the really nice smile.”
“All of them have nice smiles, Y/N. Do you know his name?”
“Uh… Sun-something. I think his last name is Kim.”
“Sunoo? You like Sunoo? OMG! OMG! MY BEST FRIEND LIKES SUNOO!” Nari jumps off the massage chair, making “whoop whoop” noises as she dances across the spa room.
A beautiful raven-haired spa attendant creaks open the door, stepping in. “Hello, ladies. I hope you’re enjoying your evening. I just heard… something, and was wondering if you’re doing okay.”
Nari freezes with her left foot still in the air, arms bent in an awkward position. She coughs, blushing as she scrambled to a standing position. “Yes, um, we’re doing fine. Thank you, er…” Her eyes flicker down to the attendant’s nametag, “Chohee ♥” scribbled in pretty cursive handwriting. “...Chohee.”
You flashed your signature wide smile, giving her a thumbs up. “Yep! Nari just gets excited easily, everything’s okay!”
She smiles back, pretty pink lips devoid of any lip gloss or lipstick. “Alright, then. Call me if you need anything!”
“Wait!” Nari calls after her as she proceeds to shut the door. “How are we supposed to call you if we don’t have your number?”
Chohee laughs awkwardly. “Oh… haha… I meant, like, physically call me, not, like, with a phone… haha… but… I mean… like...” She takes a page from the tiny notebook in her pocket, writing something on it. She hands it over to Nari. “Here’s my number, just don’t… spam me… or anything… um…” She clears her throat. “I hope we can… be… friends… or… something…”
Nari smiles shyly, accepting the paper. “Yeah… thanks, Chohee. Um, it was great meeting you…”
They giggle dumbly together before a shrill “CHOHEE! WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING, YOU KNOW!” interrupts the glassy moment. Chohee immediately jumps back into professionalism, clearing her throat. “Sorry, uh… Nari…? Was that it?”
Nari nods.
“Yeah. Nari. Um, I have to go…”
“Oh, we shouldn’t be interrupting your work, should we?” She laughs. “Thanks for… uh… everything…”
“No problem.” They giggle again. “I really have to get going though… Bye.”
“Bye, Chohee.”
Chohee’s eyes widen. “Oop, gotta go. Bye!” She runs off, Nari yelling one last “BYE!” as she waves.
When she finally closes the door and meets your eyes, she’s practically jumping up and down, heated cheeks glowing a fiery red.
You quirk an eyebrow. “Now do you believe in fairytale love?”
She coughs, picking at a scratchy stud on her arm. “I… no… I mean… maybe…”
You clap your hands once, grinning as you watch your friend’s face burn hotter. “Well, would you look at that! For once, I’m not the one that’s crazily in love and stupidly giddy!”
“Stop, Y/N!” She whines, playfully hitting your arm. “And plus, um, our face masks are hardening. It’s time to wash them off. I’m going to the bathroom. Um. Bye!”
And she’s taking off towards the bathroom, the sound of running water jolting you from your thoughts about… him.
You bite your lip, wondering how pathetic you could possibly be. He doesn’t love you. He probably has a girlfriend and is about to get engaged. He probably doesn’t even remember you.
You look up at the blinding white ceiling, the soothing forest sounds playing from the speaker you forgot about now your only source of comfort.
Because the last two were “probably”’s, but the first one was a fact- Yoongi didn’t love you, and he never did.
“For the last time, Nari, I’m 100% sure she likes you back. Just text her, tell her to meet up with you, confess at some cute caf-”
“No, Y/N! You don’t get it, I’m, like, really, really sure she likes the coffee shop server we met the other day, they were practically making out and- oh god, don’t even remind me about the lovey dovey googly eyes!” Nari stomps her foot childishly as you sigh for the upteenth time.
“Nari, just-” Your eyes widen, a brilliant yet sneaky-ish idea popping into your head. “Actually, it’s okay if you don’t want to just yet. I advise you to go take a shower though, wouldn’t want to be stinky, right?”
“But I’m not going anywhere special-”
“HAHAHAHAHA it doesn’t matter HAHAHAHA just go, go take a shower, go go go right now!”
“You’re acting weird…”
“HAHAHAHA am I now?”
“Um. Yeah. Alright. I’ll go shower. Bye.”
“You’re being very enthusiastic.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah… bye though.”
It was an ordinary Saturday morning with Nari lounging at your place, complaining that Chohee wasn’t paying attention to her. So you’d tried to convince her to confess- which didn’t work, by the way.
Anyway, with Nari now in the shower and screaming along to “Chandelier” by Sia, you were ready to launch your plan into action.
Swiping her phone off the counter, you typed in the password (which she’d told you, as you told her yours as well) as fast as your glittery fake nailed thumbs could manage, plastic click-clacking against the oil-smudged screen. Nari had a habit of never washing her hands before texting, even after some good ol’ cheetos or fried chicken.
You click on the Textalk app and swipe down until you find Chohee’s contact (written “Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑").
10:42 am
Nari Lee said: hey chohee :) u there? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: nari Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: r u ok Nari Lee said: of course im ok :D Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: O-o hmm but u never use emoticons Nari Lee said: oh i just found out that i like them haha
10:43 am
Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: *raises eyebrow* Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: ok yeah im here, wassup? Nari Lee said: so… i was just wondering if ur free today for lunch, i have something to say to u Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: oh yeah ofc! where?
10:44 am
Nari Lee said: um how about magnolia cafe? @12? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: awesome! ill be there <3 Nari Lee said: sweet!
“So…” You say, casually sliding into Nari’s room. She’s in a fluffy white bathrobe, brushing her hair and singing to herself. “What do you say for lunch at the Magnolia Cafe today?”
She shrugs. “Why not? I just showered, anyway.”
You smirk evilly. “Great! Make sure to put on some makeup and wear something nice.”
“Got it!”
“Y/N!” Nari whisper-yells to you. “What in the name of my fuckin’ soggy underwear is Chohee doing here?!”
You hum, unbothered, as you skim over the menu. “How should I know? Anyway, I’m going to order some brunch. How about you?”
“Y/N! Ugh, shut the fuck up, I’m having a life threatening crisis right now! And why is she looking at me? And waving?”
You just smirk, shrugging. “Oops, gotta use the toilet. Bye!” You then dash off towards an empty table right behind theirs, wanting to laugh like a commando mad scientist. Your plan was done, and now it’s just time to see if it works.
Chohee walks over to Nari, and you see her visibly gulp. “Hey, Nari! You said there was something important you wanted to say to me?”
“Uh… I don’t… no? I don’t have anything to say?”
“Oh? Ah, I see. You’re making it suspenseful. Haha, I think I’ve had enough suspense. Spill!”
“Um… I like omelets?”
“I… I like plants?”
“Excuse me?”
“Uh, I like you- WHAT AM I SAYING?!” Nari’s hand flies up to cover her mouth. Chohee furrows her brows.
“You… like me? Like, like like me? As more than a friend?”
Chohee leans over the table and kisses her full on the lips, the sight so endearing you chuck out your phone and snap 18 photos. When they separate, Chohee’s grinning, Nari’s face a dark crimson and her bottom lip trembling. She touches it.
“You… kissed… me…”
“So does that mean-”
“I’d love to go out with you, Nari.”
And they’re giggling again.
“HAVE A SAFE TRIP!!” Nari and Chohee call after you for the 26th time, waving like maniacs. You smile.
This was going to be the most exciting 2 weeks of your lifetime- you were going to Italy.
The small coffee shop is cute, light Italian jazz music playing in the background. The wooden walls are adorned with pictures of the owner’s family, the sweet smell of coffee beans drifting in the air.
To put it simply, it’s perfect.
Perfect for an exhausted coffee lover like you.
“A latte, please-” You pause when the server furrows his brow.
“You… eh… wan’ coffee wit’ milk, no? Not jus’ milk?”
“I mean, um…” You immediately pull up your phone and type into Google Translate. “... caffe latte.”
He nods. “Non c’e problema!” And a minute later, your latte is in your hands, the delicious smell wafting up your nostrils.
You sit down on a cushioned seat, marveling at the decorations and how cozy and warm it makes you feel. Taking a sip of your drink, you smile.
The moment is peaceful and happy, the chatter of the other customers fading in your ears as you just smile. No one to interrupt your daydreaming, no one to come over and call your name-
Your eyes shoot up, a familiar pair of cat-like ones staring at you. His hair is black as night, swept carelessly against his perfect forehead. His cute pink lips are jutted out in a tiny pout, pale moonlight skin practically shining. He’s ethereal, and hasn’t changed one bit.
“Y/N?” He says again, tilting his head slightly.
“O-oh. Um. Hey, Y-Yoongi, um, didn’t expect to see you here…” You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head.
He laughs too, sitting down in the seat opposite yours with a black espresso in his hands. “Yeah, I found a job here. You?”
“I’m on vacation.”
You stare at each other, having nothing to say. It’s like you want to stretch this moment out forever, stretch it until it erases all the horrible things he said and did to you.
He speaks again. “How long has it been?”
He closes his eyes, clasping the mug between his hands tightly. “How-how long has it been- since I last saw you?”
You look down at your lap. “2 years.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your eyes start to wet, a lone tear slipping past your eyelids. There was no barrier now, more droplets following the first one’s lead and cascading down your cheek. “Stop.”
He doesn’t stop, instead choosing to nab at your heartstrings with more words. “I’m so sorry, I only realized how bad I fucked up when you left… I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N, I thought about you every fucking day-”
“Stop it now-”
“And I realized that I love you more than anything, that you were the treasure I held onto without even knowing I valued you that much. Why do you think I chose to come to Italy? Because I knew it was always your dream to visit here, and I hoped I would run into you somehow. I lived like that, in heartbreak and hope and desperate love and whatever the fuck else every single day, just praying you’d forgive me, praying that you’d come here and tell me that you still love me-”
“Yoongi.” You stand up, slamming the table. Your chest is heaving, breathing heavily as you try to take in everything that he said. “Stop. It. Stop saying sorry. “Sorry.” So what? Sorry won’t help anything, I don’t love you and we are over. In fact, there is not even a “we” anymore. You are you and I am me, completely separate, all ties cut, whatever you want to call it.”
“Y/N-” Yoongi’s voice is desperate, those forlorn eyes swimming with melancholy. You cut him off.
“Shut up, Yoongi!” His lip trembles, looking up at you. You feel a pang of guilt, but throw it away along with all your other feelings. Everyone at the coffee shop is looking at you two, the server mumbling something.
You don’t care.
No, you don’t care about anything.
Not about how much you missed him, how much your heart ached, how much you wanted to just fling yourself into his arms and kiss him- convinced he was a changed man.
Not about how he was pleading you right now, fat droplets rolling down his blanched cheeks as he whispered “I love you”’s over and over again.
Not about how the coffee shop server was hurriedly jogging towards you, incomprehensible Italian filling the air.
This was supposed to be a safe place.
The sweet scent and lulling conversations you fell in love with just moments ago, replaced with bitter words and the sound of tears.
You don't care.
You don't care.
You don't care.
Why are you crying, then? Why are those salty droplets cascading down your face? Why are you fighting so hard between your heart and your brain, trying to decide which to listen to?
Should you take him back, act like nothing has happened like your heart tells you to? Or should you give him the ignorance he deserves, leave the coffee shop and try to forget about this whole catastrophe like your brain says?
"Do you love him? Yes, you do. So choose me, your heart."
"Choose me, Y/N, your brain. I'm telling you to be rational."
You shut your heart out, brain taking over control. Yoongi deserves this. This of indifference, apatheticness, maybe even hatred.
“I don't love you, Yoongi.”
And you were out.
That night in your hotel room, you cry and cry and cry until the familiar “ding a ling ding a ling ding a ling ding dong” of a Textalk video call wakes you up from your thoughts.
You pick up, wiping all your tears until there is no trace of them left. “H-hey, Nari,” You hiccuped.
“Y/N, what is going on?” Nari’s eyebrows are furrowed as she tries to read your face. “It’s the first day of your dream vacation and you’re crying? Tell me what happened, please.”
“Yeah, you don’t look too good…” Chohee chimes in, sticking her head into the screen. “Don’t tell me you were robbed or something? Oh, no. No no no no. Please let it not be that.”
You smile halfheartedly, trying to change the subject. “Hey, Chohee. Staying the night?”
She nods, concern still painted over her face. “Mhm. But that’s not important, can you please just tell us what happened? It’s okay if it’s something small or stupid, we’re your friends and we’ll be here for you no matter what. We’re just… really concerned, and-”
“Yoongi.” Nari says suddenly, eyes wide.
“W-what? Y-Yoongi? What- what about him? I-I mean, I d-didn’t run into him, I-I’m just a-asking…” Your eyes are wider than cantaloupes, praying she wasn’t some psychic and had mystical powers or whatever.
She sits up from her previous lying-on-her-stomach position abruptly, looking at your stunned state. “Yoongi… do you remember he said he always wanted to visit Italy? He… was he there? Did you run into him?”
You are unable to speak, stuttering as your lip trembles. “Y-yes.”
Chohee and Nari both scream.
“Guys!” You yell, trying to somewhat calm them down (although you needed calming down yourself, too). “Stop! It wasn’t much, okay? Just- just some… talking, and then I left! That’s all!”
They look at each other, not sure whether to believe your explanation or not. Chohee opens her mouth a few times, as though pondering if she should speak or not- and no words come out.
“Really!” You exclaim, trying to convince them. You throw your hands up into the air for exaggeration, trying your hardest to look like you’re telling the truth. “We were like, um, best friends! Like nothing happened! And the coffee server didn’t come and shoo us out! He didn’t! And Yoongi didn’t cry or apologize or anything!”
Nari sighs. “Look, Y/N. I’m only saying I believe you because if I don’t you’ll bug me forever. But seriously, as your best friends, Chohee and I hereby promise to smack Yoongi in the face and shove skunk poop up his pretty nose. Right?” she looks at Chohee expectantly.
Chohee nods. “Yep. And don’t forget about the eating facial cream and drowning in turnip juice part. Y/N, I don’t care who it is, but if they dare to hurt you I will not hesitate to knock their teeth out.”
“If they even dare to insult you in any way, I’ll help Chohee knock their teeth out. I'll do most of the work, obviously, since... actually…” Nari pauses, biting her lip as she thinks. “Maybe, if it’s Mingyu that insults you, I’ll let him go…”
Chohee smacks her arm, rolling her eyes as Nari yelling a loud “what was that for?”. “For heaven’s sake, Nari! That totally ruined the moment.”
Nari shrugs, shooting Chohee a glare. “What, are we shooting a drama or something?”
You smile, looking down into your lap as your two friends bicker and give each other friendly smacks.
Maybe, just maybe, this world wasn’t unfair to you after all- you found happiness outside of Yoongi and the world of romance.
Okay. I did okay with the ending, right???? I did okay with the plot, right???? I didn't make Yoongi too horrible, right????
Welp, anyway, remember to check my blog for updates on when part 2 is coming!
-*+ Rose +*-
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Scars: Year five, Chapter six
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Implied eating disorder, swearing, violence, alcoholics, 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Did you stay for the end?
Or are you just waiting for a beginning?
Because without her, the boys fear they'll never get either. ________________________________
Lily told me to get a journal to write in.
So here we go.
Dear Diary,
Wait am I allowed to call you Y/n?
I think I would prefer that better, let me restart.
Dear Y/n,
I miss you.
I also punched James earlier.
I'm not sorry.
I can just hear you scolding me about it and I can see you asking James what he did.
I know he didn't mean to knock you out, I just... I can't help it Y/n.
It hurts too much to do anything now and now that you're in a coma I can't get my daily dose of Y/n wonderfullness. I know that that isn't a real word but I don't care.
Goodbye for now my love, Please wake up tomorrow. ________________________________
" You comin Remus?"
James leaned out of the door and looked at the boy still sitting on the windows ledge.
" Not today James... I'm not hungry."
The boy signed and moved over to where he sat, squatting next him.
" Remus you haven't eaten in three days. Y/n wouldn't want this, she would want to see you happy and with food in your stomach. Come on Re, just one meal, for Y/n at least?" _______________________________
Good morning darling,
Don't ask about the name, I'm just trying something's out for when you wake up.
Anyway, I still miss you. I miss you every waking second of the day and I miss you like the sun misses the moon at day-rise.
Sirius says I need to eat more but I think I'm fine.
I got mad at Malfoy earlier and broke his nose.
James covered for me and punched him so it would look like he did it. I'm still not sorry for punching him last week by the way if you're wondering.
Transfiguration was nice. I mean, McGonagall accidentally said your name in class when assigning partners and I had to be excused when I started to cry.
Lily's been helping me with classes and homework recently because I can't focus in class anymore without you here. Kayla actually came to our dorm earlier this week too and dropped off your trunk and other stuff. I put it all by my stuff at the end of the bed.
Sorry Love, I have to go, James just came in.
Goodbye Y/n, Wake up soon. _______________________________
Hello angel,
I know I just put an insert to this yesterday but I had something else to tell you today.
Earlier Sirius went out to do a detention and It was just James and Peter and Me in the dorm. Peter wanted me to see something outside so we went and sat on the window ledge outside of our window where Sirius goes to smoke at night.
Do you remember when we used to sit there and watch the sun go down while I held you in my arms?
Well Peter wanted to watch the sunset and I ended up crying while James and Pete sat beside me and hugged me.
James said that it's important to remember that I need to wait out for you.
I'm really starting to miss you Y/n.
Sirius says that I shouldn't be worried because he knows you're a stubborn ass who always comes back but I'm starting to doubt that.
Please come back love, I miss you ________________________________
" Remus can you put down the book for a moment?"
" Lily you're the one who told me to start it-'
" I know that Remus and you're a lot better now because of it but you also never put it down." ________________________________
Lily says I spend too much time writing to you because I write in class too sometimes.
I've only written about a third of the journal so far and it's been two weeks since you, y'know... but I think that it doesn't matter because I feel like I can talk to you all the time in here. Like I used to be able to talk to you all the time...
Of course I don't do this during my prefect rounds but I wish I could.
Goodbye button I love you, But please wake up soon. ________________________________
" Moony we won!"
" We bloody won Remus! We won!" ________________________________
Sirius and James won the Quidditch cup yesterday and made me go to the party.
I'm so sorry love.
I'm sorry...
I know you wouldn't've wanted me to drink but I did... I drank a lot.
I realized what I was doing about an hour in and went upstairs to take a shower and cry.
I really am sorry love, you hate alcohol.
I ended up wearing the last sweater of mine you wore afterwards. It still smelt like you y'know.
And I finished all my homework so I could tell you about what happened last night.
Anyway, I love you.
I want to press kisses all over your face, I wanna kiss your nose and your temple and I wanna kiss your forehead and I want to kiss your jawline again and I just wanna be able to kiss your lips again love.
Goodnight baby, Wake up soon please. _______________________________
" Come on Remus you gotta go see her. You haven't even visited the hospital wing since what happened."
" Peter I said no. How many times do I have to say it?" ______________________________
Peter got me to visit you today.
He didn't even seem affected when I cried with my head on your stomach. He just grabbed my hand and stayed with me.
I'm really glad he made me go visit you. It made me happier.
I also really miss laying in bed with you, my head on your lap or stomach or chest while you just hummed and kissed my forehead and hands and anywhere you could reach.
I Really miss those days. _____________________________
Hey Y/n!
This is Sirius, James made him start eating his lunch but he wouldn't unless one of us talked to you so here I am. When you wake up you better beat your boyfriends arse because he hasn't been eating much and he looks like he did in third year again and I know you wouldn't like that.
Speaking of your boyfriend, Remus recently got an owl telling him your mum and aunt died so we don't know who you're staying with when you wake up but I think Mrs. Potter has her hands full with both me and James so you'll probably stay with Remus.
Wait I have to give the book back to Remus. Bye sis, Love ya. _______________________________
Hi Y/n,
Your finger twitched today, I almost got my hopes up but Pomfrey said that was usual.
She made me leave to pack my things for the train tomorrow.
I won't be able to visit you over summer break and I don't think I'll be able to tell Mare and Ky and Jamal and Mum and Dad what happened to you.
Speaking of Mare, her and her girlfriend are engaged now. No actually her girlfriend is a boy now. James's parents are going to help fund the wedding whenever it comes. I love you, Please wake up before I come back to school. _______________________________
Today at home Mare was getting me to help pick the seating arrangements and she wrote your name next to mine in the first row.
That was the first time I ever cried in front of her and she didn't know what was wrong so I had to tell her what happened.
Will you wake up soon enough to go with me?
I love you Kitten, Come back to me Y/n. _______________________________
I have to babysit Ky and Jamal later tonight. Maybe I can write something new later Afterwards love. Anyways, I've a new book, Rising Stars is what it's called. Mare Recommended it to me yesterday. I think You're gonna steal it from me when wake up.
Mare's been making me eat more food. Everyone says I should eat more.
But Mare says I look more like myself now.
Love, Remus _______________________________
" Remus can we make cookies?"
The boy's head lolled back onto the couch's frame and Jamal stood on his thighs trying to get him up.
" Pretty please big brother dearest?"
The boy lifted his leg and swiftly sat up, lightly moving the children off of his body as he made to move towards his bedroom.
" Alright, the eight-year old's have it! Just let me get the book-
His sentence cut short at the sight before him.
There, standing outside the screen door of the kitchen, was Y/n.
The woman stood standing, hand in her pocket, arm in a position to knock on the door when she froze and saw Remus standing like a deer in headlights looking at her.
She looked full again.
She looked like Y/n again.
Remus was still staring at her when the two children came and mad ran out from behind him, peeking behind his figure to see who had been outside. Once Jamal and the other saw the girls face they ran for the door and pulled it open, grasping onto her fingers to pull her inside the house they were so exited.
Remus still stood there.
And yet he still stood and watched as she smiled and laughed with the two kids as they pulled her over to where he stood.
He watched as she sneakily slipped her arms under Ky's and pulled him upwards, sitting the kid on her hip as the boy started to mess with her hair.
Remus watched as she looked up at him with a wide grin that showed all her pearly-white teeth and he watched as she walked the last foot keeping them apart and grasped his jaw, pulling him into a kiss.
It took his body a moment to react before he was pulling the girl flush against him and kissing her full force, needing to feel her body, to feel proof that she was back. Just needing to feel her.
He could feel her hands move up to the collar of his shirt and he could feel her smile against his lips, breaking the kiss if only for a moment. His arms rested on the outline of her coat as he pulled it closer to his body, in turn pulling her.
Then he went back to kissing her full force again, his arms wrapped around her waist as he dipped her backwards and grinned.
" Gross."
Their heads snapped back to where Jamal and Ky stood, their noses scrunched up in disgust. Until they saw the smile on Remus's face.
They hadn't seen him smile like that in forever.
So when he went back to pull her into another kiss and when he started to pepper her face in kisses they simply looked away, not ruining the moment and intent on keeping that smile on his lips.
Remus reached behind Y/n and grasped the bag in her arm, grasping her wrist in the process and pulling her along with him to the bedroom.
" Are we still getting our cookies?"
" Yeah!" ________________________________
D'ya still hate me? 😀
Anyway- Nice reunion scene in my opinion.
I know it's not long but if you complain then I will legit show you how many fucks I give, Oh wait, I don't have any. _____________________________ Drop a vote, drink some water, eat some food, take screen breaks and remember You Are Loved! ^ - ^
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
He left X Reader X Damien Haas
So after a long time of staring at an empty page I have finally wrote something again. This request: Hey! I don’t know if you’re taking requests, but if your are then could I request an imagine where reader and Damien Haas break up and they’re sad and stuff, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together, please? @lula132 
I’m so sorry it too so long.. but here is one of two ideas I had. I can post the other when I finish it. I finally got over my writer block. 
You were lying face first on the sofa yet again. In the background you could hear some anime show playing but you had no energy to move and actually watch it. Swimming in your own thoughts the sound of your front door opening made you jump.
"Jesus Christ!" Courtney's voice boomed across your open plan living room.
You lifted you head revealing two wet patches from your tears. "Hey." You sniffled.
"Awhh buddy." She pushed your gross tissues off the sofa with a pen and sat down next to you. "How you feeling?" She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
"Erm.. I'm gonna be honest, not so great." You sniffled again "I feel like my heart got shit on."
"I don't understand man.. None of us do." She squeezed you tighter.
"He just left.. No reason, no sorry, just gone."
"He's in Japan at the moment."
"I know, I saw his instagram." You snuggled closer into her "Maybe he met someone over there the last time he went. That's literally the only thing I could think of."
"I never thought he would ever do that to you man... Did he leave any of his things here?"
"A few hoodies, some games, not much." You pulled on the jumper you were wearing "I swear this one stills smells like him."
"No offence dude, but you straight up smell like beer and Cheetos."
You half smiled at her "You're an asshole."
"But Ian said you were coming back in tomorrow."
"Yeah, I am. I can't stay away forever."
"Okay then, " She pulled away from the cuddle "Lets sort your stinky ass out. Get a shower, clean up this place, get you outside, fresh and ready for tomorrow."
"Christ." You sighed as you stood up "I guess I have to."
The beeping of Courtney's car snapped you out of you day dream, almost spilling your coffee. You picked up your work bag, placed your mug in the sink and headed out. She sat in the car smiling and waving like a mad man as you locked the door.
She wound the window down and music blasted out. She sung at the top of her voice, while you prayed none of your neighbors were watching you.
"Oh jesus!" The creepy old lady that lived next door popped up from behind her fence scaring the life out of you. "Good morning Mrs Kersh."
"Nice to see you out of your pajamas, not crying."
"Thanks!... You nosey old bitch." The last part was under your breath.
You jumped in the car, "Who the hell is that?" Courtney tried looking around you at the old lady.
"One of the noseyest old bags I've ever met." You slapped your knees "Anyway, lets do this.. I'm ready to go back to my shared office, that I share with the man you broke my heart."
"No!" Courtney shouted at you "You got 3 days before he's back from Japan. None of this sad shit. We are all coming together to cheer you up."
"Fine." You smiled at her.
The first thing you saw as you pulled into the parking lot was Shayne’s smiling face. You jumped out the car and he ran to you squeezing you as tight as he could.  "Oh" he spoke into your jumper "I wanted to come see you.. but I didn't want to upset you."
"It's okay man. I understand, he's your best friend." You squeezed him a little tighter till you both let go.  
Walking into the office everyone was smiling at you but in such a weird way. You walked to the ballpit and sat at your desk. You were faced with a photo of you and him just smiling your dumb faces off. "Ugh jesus." You put your head on your desk.
"Hey." Noah's sweet little voice came from behind you "I made you a coffee."
"Oh thanks.. That’s super sweet."
"How are you?"
You smiled "I'm fine man.. yanno its a break up. Yeah he broke my heart but I'm not dying. Everyone is just looking at me super weird."
"Yeahhh, they just don't want to upset you. It's a difficult situation."
"I'm just going to get my head down today, got so many emails and scripts to look at at."
"Good, if you need anything." He gently patted you on the back.
"Thanks Noah." You smiled as he walked over to his desk. You put your head phones in and focused on your computer.
Only a few minutes had passed and you were trying to ignore the commotion going off behind you. Usually it was just Shayne doing something stupid. But then again you could do with cheering up a bit. You took your head phones out and spun in your office chair. Looking across the office everyone was stood in a group. That's when your heart fell out of your ass. He was stood there smiling as though nothing had happened. Your mouth was dry and you felt cemented to your chair. 'I gotta get out of here.' You thought to yourself. As you stood you felt as though the whole room had shrunk and everyone was looking at you. It wasn't true, you grabbed your mug and ran to the kitchen as fast as your could.
While the coffee machine did it's thing you stood with your hands on the counter, just staring at nothing. Your heart was pounding out your chest when someone in the door way made you jump "I'm making coffee!" You almost screamed it.
"Okay dude.." Luckily it was Courtney.
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out..." You looked at her "Like bad."
She ran over to you and hugged you  "Awhh, I didn't know he was going to be back today. I'm sorry."
"Its okay." You hugged her back. "Do you reckon I could sneak out the window?"
"This is your work as much as it is his." She put both her hands on your arms holding you in place "Now, get out there, flip that hair and show you are a strong woman!"
"Sir yes sir.." You mocked her. She kicked you as you left the room. You ran back into the kitchen.
"What! Do I need to walk out there with you?"
"No, I forgot my coffee." Taking the mug you left again. You took a deep breath and held your head high. Making no eye contact with anyone you sat at your desk.
"Jesus.. I swear like 5 people have made me jump today." You turned to the person on the desk next to you and your smile dropped.
"You look nice." Damien tried to smile at you.
You took a breath to gather some courage "What are you doing?"
"Y/N I'm sorry but.."
You cut him off "You don't get to say anything, look I don't want to argue or even talk about this while we're surrounded by all our friends and colleges. But I know we have to talk so.." You looked around "I know Smosh games is empty because Mari said she won't be back for a few days."
"Okay, I'll go put my lunch in the fridge and I'll meet you there."
You had been waiting for around 10 minutes and you were getting more and more wound up. Going over all the things you wanted to say to him. The door opened and the look on hias face just stopped all that anger instantly.
You groaned "This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be."
"What?" He sat in his gaming chair.
You sat in yours that was of course right next to his. "Well, we had this whole life together. A house, cats, we wear each others clothes, we work basically on each others knee everyday, we even have the same friends." You sighed "How can we possibly live normally with out being together? And I know we did it before but..."
"Y/N" He cut you off this time "Stop talking... Just for a second and breathe." He took both of your hands in his, you wanted to pull away but your heart was aching for him "I know I messed up really bad but I still love you."
"How can you say that?" A tear fell down your left cheek "You left me alone in our house, went to another country with out even a good bye. No explanation, nothing." You sniffled and looked at him dead in the eye "You broke my heart Damien."
"I am so so sorry." His voice was low "I panicked and I wish I could change what I did. I know how much I hurt you and it hurts me knowing I was the person to make you feel like this. But I pray deep down that one day you can forgive me for leaving you."
"What do you mean you panicked? Damien... We've been together for 4 years. Nothing new was going off."
"The day before I left I bought this." He reached into the front pocket pf his bag and passed you a small box.
"What the flying fuck is this?" You opened it and was faced with a beautiful engagement ring. "Are you serious?"
"Look.." He sounded panicked "I don't want to to answer but I bought this then I freaked out and I just fucked up big time. I don't even know if we're actually together right now but just hold onto it and I stay in our spare room for now."
"Okay.." You put the ring on your pocket "I suppose I'll think about it." You walked over to the door and pulled the handle down but the door was locked "What the hell?" You pulled on the door a bit to no avail.
"Sorry guys!" Courtney's voice came from the other side of the door "You're not coming out till you sort this out."
"You were made for each other so fix it!" Shayne screamed at you.
You turned and smiled and Damien "Fuck."
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