#crypto remote jobs
web3jobguy · 2 years
Apply Remote Jobs for Crypto Developer Professionals | web3jobguy
Find a remote Crypto jobs at web3jobguy, the best destination for crypto developer jobs. Apply jobs in crypto currency quick and easily without hassle.
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Now Hiring!!
Job Tittle: Executive Assistant.
Reporting To: Shane Rishell
Salary: $600/Weekly, then $900 after 2 weeks of Job satisfaction.
Hours: Part time, 36 hours weekly
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joshhibson · 5 months
The advent of Web3 has brought about a significant transformation in the finance industry. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has taken over what was formerly dominated by banks, financial institutions, corporations, and other entities. As more people invest in DeFi options, perceptions of traditional investing methods and banking systems have changed.
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ivoryself-blog · 1 year
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How To Get A Remote Crypto Job That Pays Over $100,000
How To Get A Crypto Job That Pays Over $100,000 - How to land your dream crypto job -The highest-paying crypto jobs  -Crypto jobs for developers and non-tech guys #cryptotocurrency #cryptojobs #web3jobs #metaversejobs @binance #PeterObiForPresident
Are you looking for a high-paying cryptocurrency job that could net you a salary of over $100,000? In this article, I will guide you through how to get the crypto job of your dream. We are currently experiencing a bear market (August 2022). Thankfully, experts advise finding a crypto job as the best strategy for surviving it. Crypto jobs are undoubtedly in high demand. They are remote-friendly…
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web3jobguy · 2 years
Find Bitcoin Remote Jobs Online And Apply On Web3jobguy
You can find bitcoin remote jobs on web3jobguy and start working on your bitcoin skills as a bitcoin developer. It is the most reliable platform for applying for bitcoin jobs online that Web3jobguy provides
visit to know: why bitcoin remote jobs is the most in demand
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thinkpink212 · 9 months
✨Eclips Season Breakdown ✨
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Hello lovelies, we've entered eclips season where we will expeirnece both a Solar Eclips in Libra on October 14th, and then on October the 28th we will experience a Lunar Eclips in Taurus. Depending on your placements and how you interact with the transit, the eclipses effects can present themsleves weeks to months in advance, as well as after its passing (usually up to 6month) What should we ecpect? With both Taurus and Libra being ruled by venus, as well, we can expect venusuain, 2nd house and 7th house activities. This means topics surrounding our money/finances, stability, comfort, socializing/groups, relations, luxury and pleasures, will be highlighted. With different aspects such as a conjunction to the South node, we can also expect themes such as past lives, baggages and lessons (or unfinished lessons) being big themes for some.
How will this affect us as a collective? Numerous of things can be expected, so here are some most likly predictions;
Increse in prices, globally. This could for exampe be more costly public transport, as that affects our relationship with the public.
A lot of crypto currency and online markets may have a boom or fall, depending on where you find yourself. For those who have invested, you may see a large reward, where as there may be some harsh dips before it picks up again due to many pulling out due to fears.
Large companies may find themsleves renegotiating contracts, having unsatified partners or other conflicts that won't see the light of day till everythings either finalized or possibly leaked pre-maturely.
Many world organizations and allienses may be going through re-negotiations, which could have tensions of conflicts, but most will be resolved peacefully while others may worsen. The only example I have of this could be similiar to Kenya pushing for Visa Free Kenya/Africa.
Fertility or sexual scandals may come out, but this may first be within the coming 4-5 months, which may be a big shock to the public. Some of it will force laws to become harsher and lawenforcement to gain more backlash.
Food development may be on a rise with, an example could be, alternative ways of growing food. A fall in import and more demand to rely on self-sufficiancy.
How will it affect us as individuals? Firstly, its important to note that this eclips season is not one I would recomend to manifest. Instead, I suggest releasing and letting go for what no longer serves you to make space for new and better things.
During such seasons, it is adviced to not start anything new, unless you already had plans (5-6 months prior), but listen to your intuition as some of us are menat to begin a new chapter that will require starting something new. For some this new begining may not be a whole new path, but the same with a difference that makes it feel new. An example could be a new job doing the same thing but now it is in a different location (think from remote work to in person or from regular employee to manager)
The solar eclips will bring new beginings in terms of relations (platonic or romantic for some) compromisation/sacrafice, openness and even some emotionalness to it.
So for the solar eclips, nothing overly explosive or life-jerking will offcure, simply big or small changes that will be within what you already know/feel comfortable within. The biggest lesson here is to let go, sacrafice (usually without a struggle( and let the universe do it's things. You may feel paranoid at first, or resistant to the change even if it is quite minor in the begining but it will sort itself out.
For the lunar eclips, the energie is much more noticable as it is the high point as we end chapters. It is high emotions, quite dramatic for some and very explosive for others (think New Years Eve). It is one that will most likly reward us due to its close conjunction to Jupiter - i.e we will be rewarded for what we have been working very hard on. There is growth and very little challange, so we will This is where many of us will experience quality over quantity, and few will ever return. The energy for this is much more selfish and will be a happy ending to something you may have been going through all year. Look to the following month cycle (every 6th month) to see if there was a reoccuring theme; April 2022, October 2022, April/May 2023. Think about what happened during those times and how life is going now to see what will be 'released' for you'.
Below are more specified areas where you may experience more shifts, just look to your Rising, sun or moon to see where you may feel these eclipses the most;
Aries The Solar Eclips will be in your 7th house, which points to themes of partnerships, collaborations and socializing. Some of you may be going through changes such as marriage, divorce or seperation. The energy around your many changes has a karmic energy (neutral), where some of you may meet a soulmate you've already been with or a new soul-connection. Thise mostly affected will have later degree Aries placement (rising, sun, moon). This may also simply indicate meeting someone and your relationship having a more spiritual nature, which will help you in the long run.
Taurus The Solar Eclips will be in your 6th house, which is the house of health and organization. This all points to a shift in how you view your health, how you take care of yourself and how you organize your life. You may find that you have had more health issues then normal or a flareup that has felt too familiary. This will push you to change - this can be eating differently, cutting out habits such as smoking, drug use etc. and wanting to simply change your routine. You may find that this will be easier done alongside someone else, so don't hesitate to get an accountability buddy. For those with 10th degree Taurus placement (rising, sun, moon) you may feel this much stronger after the Lunar eclips, where the release of what no longer serves you will give you great rewards. Oh, and some of you may be getting a new job. You will no longer be somehwere that was sucking your energy and most likly making you sick (physically and mentally).
Gemini The Solar Eclips will be in your 5th house, which will affect your love life. You may have been asked to change your outlook, idea and attitude towards relationships (including platonic relations) in order to get to where you want to be. This could also be habits (dating sights, being too passive, being overly selective or even not being picky enough). Overall, most of what you want will come without much of your intefrenece, but you need a shift of mindset. Release that and better will come replace it.
Cancer The Solar Eclips will be in your 4th house, which is the theme surrounding family and the home. Some of you may be relocating, either moving away from your childhood home, a place you made home or somewhere that no longer feels like home. Some my be reconnecting with a place or people in their lives, while others may have disputes or cutting ties with family or older friends. Your biggest lesson this eclips season is to let go of attemnets to places, people and memories in order to move smoother ahead.
Leo The Solar Eclips will be in your 3rd house, which is your social life, communication and siblings. Some of you may reconnecting with friends you havent spoken with for a whole (not necccesarily because something bad happens) Rekindeling and resuming connections may bring you a lot of clearity, new perspectives and rewards. Some of these relationsh could be closely linked with your past life.
Virgo The Solar Eclips will be in your 2nd house, which is the house of finances and security. Many of you will expericence financial shifts that will follow after the release of control, mentalities and attachments. Stepping out of comfort zones will also reward you greatly. Some may already have expeirnece that letting go of posessions or what no longer serves you (a job, an attitude towards something etc) will make room for even more. This may have been felt already, by some, but will continue for others for up to 12 months.
Libra The Solar Eclips will be in your 1st house, which is the self. This eclips will be felt by all libra placements, but significant for the Libra risings (as well as some sun and moons) a new begining is ahead. You will expeirence many chapter endings and new ones ahead, where you can expect appearence changes, alongside habits and mindset shifts. Imagine a snake shedding it's skin, that is you, and you are entering an era that you've been slowly walking towards. Those who aren't there yet, you will be guided towards it in due time. Remember that there is no start without the space for one, so releasing is crucial. Many may find themsleves feeling this within their social life (so, you may change who you associate yourself with, how you are in public (moving in silence is big)).
Scorpio The Solar Eclips will be in your 12th house, which indicates that many will have revelations and letting go of a lot that doesnt serve them. This can be releasing past traumas, habits, attachments and addictions. This will follow getting more in touch with your intuition, becoming more intuned and delving into spirituality (or continuing where you let of).
Sagottarius The Solar Eclips will be in your 11th house, the house of groups and friendships. Many of you will gain new friendships, make new or deepen connections. A lot of you will also compleate some past life cycles, which will result in compleating or making new long term goals. Those around you will be crucial to this part, especially when it comes to business ventures and other sucesses.
Capricorn The Solar Eclips will be in your 10th house, which is the house of social status, business, image (public) and such. For some of you, you may change your image, shift how others see you or gain a different perspective on others. Others may find themsleves getting promoted or pushed to reach higher hights, whihc could be quitting and finding new oppertunities more alligned. Oters may expeirnece their mentors or those they look up to passing the torch making them the "king/overhead". This is an oppertunity that may feel unexpected for some but a wish-furfilled for others.
Aquarius The Solar Eclips will be in your 9th house, which is all about expansion, philosophy, higher education and more. For many of you, you will gain a better perception on the world and on yourselves. This intales a spiritual awakening(s), persuing education and knowlege. Some of you may have to travel further for this insight, and many may need to 'reprogram' the way you interact and see the world. Some of you may also be going from being the student to becoming the teacher.
Pisces The Solar Eclips will be in your 8th house, which all points to sudden changes with regarding your finances. Some of you may find that your income (specicially the income that came from others, a spouse, family, friends etc) may become spares and replaced, either by your own efforts or by the financial aid of others. This could be do to them being replaced, cords being cut or you taking full ocntrol of your financial stability. Others may find that they are pregnant or will soon be giving birth. This could be to a child but can also be to an idea / project you've been working on. Some may find that a psycological change is happening and you will soon find yourself releasing a lot of traumatic memories and habits. Not all of them belonged to you, but could have beeen generational traumas, or possibly a past life baggage you had to let go of. Lastly, some of you have been doing a lot of work and will find yourself getting into a spiritual awakening, which will reward you greatly in the future as it is making space for what you've been trying to attract.
I hope this was helpful, have a lovely rest of October and stay blessed
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betapoliwrath · 1 year
Fall Out Boy made We Didn't Start The Fire about today and it sucked so I made Scenes From An Italian Restaurant about today instead.
Bottle of white, a bottle of red perhaps we'll split some white claw instead We'll get a dordash we can eat in our old familiar place you and I face to face
Bottle of red, a bottle of white it all depends upon your appetite get the app when you want to order in from our italian ghost kitchen
Things are okay with me these days another new job, remote home office got a right swipe, bought a superlike and my dad is doing fine
Oh, followed you long ago You lost weight, your stories show you could still look so nice after so much time
Remember those days hanging out in the Zoom Meeting? Sound-proofed booth, fancy background with your bluescreen Oh, for five dollars on steam play a game about murdering Blue's here, sus fights Up late for zoom call teenage nights
Hanna and Betty were the popular steadies and they both made queen at the prom riding around with the car top down and the spotify on Everyone wanted their depop's they were always a hit on sapphic TikTok We never knew we could want more than that out of life Surely Hanna and Betty would always know how to survive
Hanna and Betty were still going steady in the summer of ol Twenty Three When they decided their marraige should be in February Everyone said it's ill-fated "Hanna, you're unmedicated And Betty's could never afford to live that kind of life" Oh, but there we were waving Hanna and Betty goodbye.
they got an apartment with cheaply made hardwood and a weird case of mold in the den a matress for their bed that they bought from the net with a promo code from instagram they started to fight when the money got tight cause they lost it in a crypto scam woah-oh woah-oh woah-oh Yeah, Rock and Roll!
~Lo-fi synthpop chillwave solo~
Well, they lived for a while with minimalist style fancy life when you can't afford things they got a divorce as a matter of course blocked each other on all of the things Just a couple of queens getting priced out of queens Moving in with their parents and friends
Hanna and Betty had had it already by the summer of ol twenty three From the mid to the low to the end of the show streamed it on TikTok Live They couldn't go back to the girlies the best they could do was to give it a whirlie we always knew they would both find a way to get by And that's all I heard about Hanna and Betty Can't tell you more 'cause I told you already And here we are waving Hanna and Betty goodbye.
Bottle of Red, Bottle of white You know they'll always get it almost right Snuggle up anytime, order in From our Italian ghost kitchen.
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
NL anon again, I’m just gonna start signing these with 📌 because I’m not great at direct messaging lol. If you’re looking for something to learn that 1) doesn’t have a high cost of entry, 2) pays well and 3) doesn’t require physical labor, I recommend coding. I’m learning python for data analysis right now and I keep all my notes in a little book, and I think it’s the “easiest” code I’ve ever attempted. It’s very logic based and everything makes sense, and once you’re certified you can work remotely for a decent salary. The good thing about code is that even without a bachelors, if you have proper certification you can apply for jobs anyways and there’s a good chance you’ll get it unless the employer is an asshole or looking for something specialized. Also you can learn it for free online! Maybe this isn’t helpful, if it isn’t feel free to just ignore this but if there’s any way we can help please let us know!
No this is actually EXTREMELY helpful because I've been heavily considering learning to code for the last few years now! For not only the reasons you mentioned but also I just like technology and I've always wanted to make my own rpg maker game or something and like, it just sounds so cool to be able to make a little game or program that I completely coded myself? And SO many jobs need people who know how to code! I've also I can be pretty good st problem solving so part of me like, really hopes I would actually be good at coding
Where I was hitting the wall was um. When I started to look into it, I just. Couldn't decide what kind of program to learn? I know there are several different, im not sure on the terminology, coding programs and depending on the job, they want you to know specific ones or even several? So I was just really intimidated not knowing which one to pick or start with. I didn't want to pick one and invest a lot of time becoming good at it and then it "turn out to be a waste of time"
But no thank you this is actually really great advice and it actually reminds me that my old roommate that I used to rent from who worked in IT also said python would be a great thing for me to learn?
But yeah I'm just sort of like. I'm at the point where I feel like the only way I could make a decent living in America is either coding or trading stock and getting lucky. Like deadass like some catch lightning in a bottle, get lucky off some pump and dump crypto scam sort of deal. That's how incredibly defeated and anxious and depressed i feel about the state of things in America that I legitimately start hoping for these wild scenarios. And then I'm not even allowed to post about wanting to move elsewhere on my own blog without getting accused of some random bonkers shit based off of... a weird personal assumption someone else made 🤦‍♀️
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joshhibson · 6 months
The bar has been raised, and the Web3 industry is dominating. Blockchain companies are on the lookout for the best of the world’s talent to join their venture and help them achieve their goals. This is great news for the Web3 industry and also for the talented individuals who are looking for Web3 career jobs to begin their new journey.
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ux-jobs · 1 month
#uxjobs | Design allrounder for web3 crypto Startup https://remoteok.com/remote-jobs/remote-design-allrounder-for-web3-crypto-startup-klink-finance-756664?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Brain dump sorry
This is my first post here, it's more for me. To empty my thoughts, I've heard it's good for your mind.
Less than an hour into my 29th birthday, I have never felt more lonely and lost. In some ways I feel lonelier than ever when I'm far from that physically. I feel that I'm constantly suffocated, lying to myself that I'm happy but it's not so simple. I feel massively privileged and lucky compared to how others are living in the world amongst all that's going on. Yet, I felt I had a greater purpose here. I grew into this young, confident, strong man who feared nothing. Nowadays, I'm far from that version of myself.
I think of my old version of myself a lot, the fun party goer, part of a football team, popular, lots of friends for that moment and I was constantly chasing my dreams. Finish my undergraduate, finish my masters it's the right thing to do. It's going to give me a fulfilling career, it will help me land a well earning job. Though I can't help but feel angry at my younger self for choosing such a stupid degree not once twice.
I chose Sport Science thinking I'd be working with athletes which would be so cool, while on my undergraduate course I quickly noticed how I wasn't actually that good at any of it, I felt at a disadvantage as I came from abroad and my knowledge was so behind compared to my peers, then I thought okay let's do a masters and specialise in something. So I study Nutrition, thinking it had a placement for work experience which would help me even further. I find myself now 5 years since graduating and I'm back to an entry level job.
I think this is where a lot of my unhappiness stems from, I was destined for more. I started off with a good role to begin with, with very good pay much more than my current salary. Then Covid-19 hit, so I lost that job after performing so so well. I found a remote role where I performed exceptionally apparently, it was a good entry role but with no progression clearly laid out at the time. I got offered a job at a university thinking this is it, this is my career path. I'm gonna become an academic, I will have all these publications and I will be a prestige name in my field (LOL), I can become a lecturer a very credible role. Few months into this research post I started to realise, just how much of an isolated job it was working on a review study. I went to the office so I can be around people but I just could not focus, my head was scrambled. I somehow managed survive for a while, people initially thinking I was doing well but this started to fade away. More or less for 3 or 4 months, I just could not perform my job. Initially my manager was supportive in terms of my inabilities but her attitude did change, understandably so. I was kind of hoping she'd be able to guide me past this barrier in my job but she couldn't. I ended up spending my time gambling, trading crypto and stupid shit like that. I'd head to campus but instead of going to the office I'd go to the library thinking it would help me focus, instead I felt no accountability so I did what I wanted, anything but my duties at work. It was such an isolated role, my manager would rarely check in and she was a super busy woman managing many research assistants and more. So I easily just went under the radar getting past with minimum progress in my role.
I was absolutely failing, I've never failed at something to this degree before. I'm clearly an academic person, I managed two degrees yet what the hell was going on? I needed help but I didn't know what in and so it became impossible to be helped. At the time my partner was pregnant and so this was weighing on me naturally, but I felt I had to change my circumstances and find a new role elsewhere. I applied optimistically for a PhD style role at a different university in a different topic. This time my manager was not as chill as my last one, I was hoping this would help me get my shit together. I lasted 3-4 months, my newborn child had just been born, many sleepless nights and I brought the same lack of ability from my last role to this one. So I ended up handing in my resignation just before my full enrollment in the PhD programme as I was quickly noticing my failure once again.
Now I'm back at that remote job before the academic roles, back at level 0 after 5 years from graduating. I'm now contemplating a career change entirely, I've gotten myself into stupid amount of debt from being reckless..
What happened to my old version of my self? I used to be so driven , a go getter and chase my dreams. Now I struggle to get out of bed, hardly exercise and see no prospects for my career going forward.
I have a son which brings me so much light, I will continue this later. I think writing some of this shit down helps.
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web3nerds08 · 3 months
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Join the future of technology! Discover top web3, crypto & blockchain job opportunities on our platform. Connect with leading companies & land your dream remote career.
Web3 Jobs
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findjobseasy · 3 months
[ad_1] Job title: Crypto Social Media Intern (Hanoi-Remote) Company: Token Metrics Job description: as a Brand Manager on social media. Ability to measure the success of campaigns. About Token Metrics Token Metrics helps...We are searching for a talented Social Media Intern to represent our company by building a social media presence... Expected salary: Location: Hanoi Job date: Sun, 04 Feb 2024 03:38:58 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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web3jobguy · 2 years
Here Are Some Tips for Finding High-Paying Remote Web3 Jobs
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Web3 is a rapidly growing industry that offers many opportunities for developers. Web3 developer jobs are available all over the world if you are interested in building your developer career. Also, if you’re looking for crypto jobs, you can join Apply for crypto jobs.
If you want to get a Well-Paying Remote Web3Job you need to do proper research about your job profile, Apply for positions you are qualified for, and Make sure the job meets all of your requirements like location, Salary, Hours, Business culture etc.
Visit for more details:
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kristenbrady · 4 months
Looking for Work From Home Jobs? Here’s 10 (Worldwide) Companies Always Hiring.
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We know what you came here for. No crap, just get straight to the point, right? Okay no problem! Without hesitation let’s look into 10 (worldwide) companies that are always hiring work from home positions:
Video Courtesy: Mr. Money — Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners | Make Money On Scribendi In 2023
Work as a Freelance Proofreader for Scribendi proofreading for businesses and earning $25/hr or $44,000 — $65,000/yr. They enlist freelance workers to proofread and edit documents, and provide details regarding the word-count and pay before accepting a job. Freelancers may work part or full-time, but they are paid by the job — and not by the hour.
Pro: Enhance your language skills
Con: Requires attention to detail
Work as a Digital Marketing Associate, Content Writer, or SEO Strategist for Brafton, earning $100,000/yr. They’re unparalleled in offering content writing services that promote social media pages, blogs, and websites.
Collaborate with various industries
Network to explore career industries
Shape a brand’s online presence
Con: Tailoring to client needs
Video Courtesy: The Savvy Professor — Bitfinex Review — Pros and Cons of Bitfinex (A Detailed Review)
This position is cryptocurrency-related. Work as a Project Manager for Bitfinex earning $78,000 yr. They’re a massive cryptocurrency exchange that supports a huge ecosystem of trading options (paper trading, derivatives, margin accounts, spot trading, etc.) and cryptocurrency products.
Opportunity to work in the cryptocurrency industry
Opportunity to collaborate with diverse talent
Con: Navigate the inherent volatility of the crypto markets
9 High Paying Jobs To Do From the Comfort of Your Home
Interested in working in your pajamas? Check these positions out!
Work as a Sales Support Specialist for Incsub earning $45,000/yr. In this role, employees will be helping people with their technical issues and trying to sell and recommend different products the company has. They’re a staff of Wordpress specialists who are mainly remote.
Work from home set up
Knowledge acquisition
Acquire tech-related skills
Lot of volume with answering tons of calls everyday
Need to be good at troubleshooting technical issues
Work as a Custom Web Developer for Scopic earning $114,000/yr. Scopic is among the world’s biggest virtual software development businesses that is united with design solutions and digital marketing services to make up the perfect combination. The company has more than 10 years of offering top marketing services and developing quality software with their global staff of highly skilled marketers and coders.
Remote work set up
Diversify your portfolio
Engage in a global community
Code induced headaches
Tight project deadlines
Work as a Customer Service Representative for Pearson earning $41,000/ yr. They are an education assessment and publishing service to corporations and schools, in addition to students directly.
Flexible and remote work set up
Opportunity to collaborate with education enthusiasts
Con: Challenging communication to customers
Work as a Customer Success Manager with 8x8 working with other businesses earning $146,000/yr. This position is basically one level up from a Customer Service Representative. They provide collaboration services and unified communications.
Innovative and cutting edge technology
Culturally diverse work environment
High compensation and benefits
Constantly evolving industry
Fast-paced work environment
Challenging to manage
Work as a Sales Development Representative with Shopify selling products and services to other businesses, earning $60,000/yr. It’s an e-commerce platform helping small businesses sell on the internet and build online stores through a single streamlined dashboard.
Best for newbies
Learning sales is a valuable skill
Impactful contribution
Heavy workload
High pressure
Time Doctor
Video Courtesy: Time Doctor — Time Doctor | Get better together
Work as a Technical Support Specialist for Time Doctor earning $49,000/yr. Time Doctor helps other companies keep track of their employees by measuring and analyzing how time is spent.
Easy to apply
Opportunity to learn tech skills
Satisfaction of helping others
Possible work/life balance conflicts
Technical frustrations
Self-discipline working remote
Work as a Data Analyst for Teleperformance earning $77,000/yr. Teleperformance is a digital business service company. They are among the global leaders in outsourced citizen and customer experience management and advanced-associated services, and serve as strategic partners to the globe’s biggest companies in multiple industries.
Opportunity to work in a top tier company
Leading the way in data-driven decision making
Professional growth in a dynamic industry
Analytical skills required
Dull and tiresome
Kristen is a contributor on Medium. Sign up here to catch every story when she publishes.
Follow Kristen on Substack: https://substack.com/@kristenb
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