aberration-abbey · 9 months
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i am easily drawn in by pink tundras, it seems
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princesslacroix · 1 month
remembering i just have some little guy named jules who is such a loser over catalyst is so funny yeah they’re a great doctor who is very smart no they don’t know how to breathe around tress
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dstntflwr · 2 years
Under the Sky and Moon (Part 198)
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CW // Major character death
Lucas dalam diam mengelus kepalanya, sementara mata Oliver begitu berkabut, jarum dengan selang mengalir di punggung tangannya karena dirinya enggan untuk makan dan minum. Di depan mereka adalah sebuah buku yang Lucas baca keras-keras, mencoba untuk mengajaknya bicara.
Namun tak berhasil sama sekali.
Setelah Sondia memberitahu bagaimana dia diikat saat itu, Lucas begitu merasa bersalah karena telah meninggalkannya, tetap tinggal bahkan ketika dia mengusirnya pergi.
Bukunya menutup. “Apa kamu ingin membaca buku lain?” Oliver menggelengkan kepala, jemari lemahnya memainkan kelingkingnya. Bagi Lucas, itu adalah sebuah kemajuan. “Baiklah,” dia mencium keningnya.
Bibir Oliver bergerak, seolah berusaha mengatakan sesuatu, namun begitu kering dan suaranya tercekat. “Aku mencintaimu,” bisiknya.
Dia hampir meneteskan air matanya, mencium rambutnya. “Aku mencintaimu juga.” Oliver menurunkan pandangannya, menutup matanya perlahan. “Liv?” panggilnya, menyentuh tengkuknya. “Sayangku, kamu baik-baik saja?”
Ketika dia tak menjawab, Lucas tahu bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah. Dia perlahan membaringkannya ke tempat tidur sebelum berlari keluar, memanggil healer yang bisa membantunya.
Lucas berlutut di sisi tempat tidurnya, menggenggam tangan dinginnya dengan erat, bibirnya bergetar. Ketika seseorang hendak memintanya untuk melepasnya, dia nyaris melupakan sopan santunnya. “Tinggalkan aku!” isaknya.
“Bahkan dengan kami mencoba,” mereka mencoba mengatakan. “Dia tak memiliki keinginan untuk hidup. Jiwanya pergi ketika dia terbangun saat itu.”
Lucas menggelengkan kepalanya, air mata mengalir. “Kalian berbohong,” dia meletakkan keningnya di atas tangan Oliver yang masih menutup matanya, kini bebas dari aliran selang apapun. “Dia tak mungkin– Dia tak meninggalkanku–”
Sondia dan Christoper datang berlari secepat yang mereka bisa ketika mendengar beritanya. Teman-temannya mencoba meraihnya. “Luke, sudah–”
Sondia berdiri di belakang, menatap wajah Oliver yang begitu damai dibandingkan ketika dia masih tersadar, ketika matanya begitu kosong dan berkabut, pikirannya selalu melalangbuana. Dia berlutut di samping kepalanya, mengelusnya dan memeluk pundaknya, mencoba untuk tak mengotorinya dengan air matanya.
“Kakak,” bisiknya. “Apa Kakak tenang sekarang?” Tak ada jawaban. “Sondia baik-baik saja,” ucapnya lagi, masih berbisik. “Apapun, bahkan jika Kakak pergi dari kami, apapun asalkan Kakak mendapatkan kebahagiaan Kakak kembali.”
Christoper telah berhasil memeluk Lucas, yang kini terisak di pundaknya, walaupun tangannya tak melepaskan genggamannya dari Oliver yang kaku dan dingin. Dia mengangguk pada para healer, meminta mereka untuk meninggalkan mereka sebentar.
Walaupun butuh waktu lama bagi Lucas untuk tenang, isakannya berubah menjadi tetesan air mata, hingga dia berdiri, matanya redup. Dia menoleh ke arah suaminya yang kini terbaring, takkan bangun hingga kapan pun.
Tangis takkan mengembalikan Oliver.
Dia menunduk dan mengecup keningnya, lalu bibirnya, meraih kain dan menutup wajahnya.
“Kirimkan berita pada Moonlight Court,” ucapnya. “Pemimpin mereka, Oliver Crystalbone, telah meninggal dunia.”
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blinkforman23 · 5 years
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If you haven’t checked out @blnkalbk’s website and what @bib.lian is doing with the newsletter, then you’re clearly missing out on these contributing artists and their work. Please share it to spread the artistic effort that’s being put in and comment to let me know what you think of my new lyric poem “Crystal Bones.” (Once again, only y’all on Insta know this is written by me.) Thank you and never stop being creative!
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lunipear · 7 years
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Kaya requested by CrystalBones Gentleman requested by  Johan
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rocketman2008 · 9 years
Just pulled this sucker out. Soo many crystals I can't barely twiddle round. I'm going to put this back in as would like a few more!!!!! #crystals #crystallized #crystalbone #crystallizedskull #skull #bone #muntjac #crystalisedskull
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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@dragonaday-fr day 22: your newest dragon. Harvest...isn't actually my newest dragon anymore, I bought another last night, but I already had a good sketch done so I went ahead and drew her anyway.
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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@dragonaday-fr day 10: a chef! Castor runs the cafe in the town of Crystalport, where Luther's from. His brother Pollux is one of the clan's main defenders
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
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Finally finished this map of the main location in my Flight Rising lore, the Rubellite Delta! Acuity Ridge and the Starry Night Inn are both here, as well as various other settings I don’t talk about as much.
The Rubellite Delta was once a bustling trade route, with great sailing ships taking cargo from Focal Point and the Oculus of the Eleven to trade routes in Dragonhome. However, the shallow, tumultuous waters of the Delta often make for dangerous sailing, and new treaties granting access to overland trade routes in Plague territory have led to the decline of shipping in the Delta. Now, few dragons go there except researchers, soldiers, and people who have something to hide from.
Descriptions of marked locations under the cut.
ACUITY RIDGE: The site of my main clan, Acuity Ridge Clan, a close-knit group of mages, fishers, and runaways who have banded together to face the shifting elements.
BORDER OUTPOST: A military outpost keeping an eye out for activity along the Plague border.
CRYSTALBONE KEEP: A clan of tundra miners. Originally from Ice Flight, they relocated to the Starfall Isles nearly 300 years ago, and have been one of the dominant forces in the Delta ever since. Luther, progen of Ac Ridge Clan, is from here. 
GEMHOLLOW: An Earth town that’s friendly with the dragons of the Delta. They host a yearly festival that is the biggest event in the area.
GHOST KEEP: The former home of a clan that was wiped out by a particularly vicious Plague attack a few years before the new treaties were formed.
GLOWING REEF: Warped by the ambient magic of the Isles, this area has bioluminescent coral. It’s the home of the local Maren, the Glowing Reef Clan.
HARPY TOWN: A currently-unnamed town of harpies. They have a strong trade relationship with Crystalbone Keep.
INKSCRY: The nearest large town. Mostly notable to the Delta dragons for its university and its market.
STARRY NIGHT INN: The only waystop between Inkscry and Gemhollow. Once played host to hundreds of sailors, merchants, and wealthy travelers; now mostly houses ghosts and its weird little family of employees.
WITCH’S CANYON: Supposedly cursed, definitely full of eldritch runoff from the confluence of Plague, Arcane, and Shadow magicks. Home to the witch Crow.
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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@dragonaday-fr day 12: a carpenter. Castor's dad Abanoub can be a carpenter I guess, he didn't have a job yet
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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finally caved and just bought the last bit of Harvest's outfit of the AH instead of waiting for it to stock in the marketplace.
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
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wanted an excuse to draw Acuity Ridge Clan’s baby pile
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
Oh! I think. New banners! That’s cool. The current Arcane one fits my lore pretty well, but I’ll change to the new one for a bit just to check it out...
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guys I don’t think I can change back. I think I live here now
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aberration-abbey · 1 year
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Slotting some guys into lore finally.
The top row, Keiz, Queue, and Vikenti, are caravanners through Plague territory, hauling goods from the Starfall Isles to the Sea of a Thousand Currents to be shipped to all corners of Sornieth.
Inkcap, on the bottom, runs the old library in the town of Crystalport. His cold demeanor and haunted eyes tend to unsettle most dragons, but he does get along well with the folks who run the local Inn. Maybe it's a solidarity thing--when you've taken care of haunted places long enough, it changes you.
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
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Gave outfits and jobs to some of my Tundra collection. Jay’s the heir to the clan leader; Cantre keeps the lore and history of Crystalbone Clan; Lethia runs the post office; Crocus is a miner; Baldr is a mage; Honeymeadow didn’t get clothes yet but he’s the local schoolteacher now.
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
might shake up Stormfall’s lore so that instead of coming to the Delta to go to school (confusing, logistically complicated, establishes that this backwater archipelago somehow has a college), he’s been hired to teach at the local school (logical, does not throw off the vibes or lore as schools for children are a thing even in areas of low population density, fits nicely with his role as Local Adulty Adult)
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