#cs f
walviemort · 1 year
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true love grows
[A/N: just a brief little idea for Captain Charming Friday I had that @sancocnutclub made me run with. enjoy!]
Emma and Killian had always known parenthood would be an adventure. They just hadn’t expected it to go this way once they were, well, expecting. Even several months later, Emma laughed to think of that conversation with her mom that was just the start of their world turning on its head.
They’d met for lunch and been discussing their hopes of adding to their families—though in very little detail, for Emma’s sake.
“I’m a little nervous to be pregnant again,” she’d admitted. “But I know it’ll be worth it.”
“Well, there’s always the chance it’s not you,” Snow offered in a helpful tone, but it just left Emma confused.
“Uh, why wouldn’t it be me?” she asked. “Who else would it be?”
“Oh no—you don’t know,” Snow said, aghast.
“Know what?”
“When you have True Love, it’s pure chance whether the man or woman carries the baby. Literally 50-50 odds. It’s just luck that I had both you and Neal.” Then she tilted her head, confused. “I thought Killian would have told you that?”
“He would have if he knew, so I’m assuming he doesn’t,” Emma replied. “Oh—oh crap. And he’s been fighting a stomach bug lately.”
Snow just raised her eyebrows, curious.
And now, 30-some weeks later, Killian was the one on the cusp of delivering their baby (a girl!) into the world. He’d been just as shocked as she was at the revelation, having been previously ignorant of that bit of lore, but once he’d accepted it, it had been smooth sailing—though he groaned each day at the increasing size of his waistline as their baby grew. 
To add to the joy (or chaos), it turned out that David was also expecting; Emma’s new little sister was due just a couple weeks later. He’d had a few more gripes than Killian but was otherwise taking it well. 
Killian had confessed to her around the start of the third trimester that he was glad David had ended up pregnant, too; it made him feel less odd, even if their neighbors didn’t find it out of the ordinary, and he appreciated being able to share the experience with his best friend. 
The guys were constantly swapping stories and advice, while also not-so-subtly competing with each other—first to see who lasted longer in their regular clothes (David, ever the fan of forgiving cotton knits), then to see who would end up with the biggest bump (Killian, who carried it all out front). They also had each other to commiserate with when the babies wouldn’t stop kicking them at all hours of the night, or when their cravings got weird, or when they got a glance of their stretch marks in the mirror.
Killian was always a step ahead of David, though, which was good for the prince as a preview of what was to come, but meant that Killian was on his own for a few things—most dramatically, being the first to wear maternity jeans and a belly band, but most painfully, Braxton-Hicks and the day his belly finally dropped. (At least they both had their wives for those moments.)
It was odd for both the girls to be on the other side of being an expectant parent, but having been through it previously made them more adept at helping their husbands. However, they also got some giggles out of certain situations—like when Killian insisted his old tshirts still fit, exposing his belly for all the world to see, or when David attempted to milk the cows into his third trimester. The ladies also insisted on weekly pictures of the boys side-by-side; Snow already had a scrapbook going—because what were the odds of them ever being in this situation again?
So here they were—at 38 weeks for Killian and 36 for David—posing for their photos; Killian was feeling tired and over it, though looking forward to the end result, while David was still feeling great (of which Killian was both jealous and incapable of comprehending).
Killian waddled over to their sofa and collapsed on it once they were done, legs spread to let his belly rest between them, letting out a long sigh and resting his hand on the apex of his generous bump as he felt his daughter move within.
“That bad, huh?” David asked as he sat (much more gracefully) next to him; his belly still sait fairly high on his frame, but was beginning to drift lower.
“Aye,” Killian told him. “Give it a couple weeks and you’ll know.”
“I dunno,” David countered. “Even at 40 weeks, I’m not sure I’ll be that big—hey!” He was promptly punched in the arm.
“Boys? Stop it,” Snow scolded from the kitchen.
“Yeah, stop it,” Killian parroted, then stuck out his tongue.
David rolled his eyes. “Must be why that kid is so big—she’s already full of sass.”
He promptly got hit again, but then hissed with a different kind of pain and his hands rushed to his belly.
“I swear, if you go into labor before me…” Killian grumbled.
David relaxed a minute later. “No, it was a practice one,” he waved off. “There’s no way you’ll outlast me, not at that size.”
(Emma was the one to smack him upside the head that time.)
(However, he was right, but only just: it was three more hormonal weeks before Killian finally went into labor—only a few hours before David did, because why wouldn’t that happen in Storybrooke?
Both delivered healthy daughters—Alice Margaret Jones and Ruth Hope Nolan—in the wee early hours of the morning. And they eventually discovered the other perk of being pregnant at the same time: raising their babies together.)
source: x x
thank you so much for reading! tagging a few: @wyntereyez @jennjenn615 @superadam54 @ashley-knightingale @justsomewhump @teamhook @mathiaskejseren @88infinity88
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
(Yes I know I'm behind on kinktober days but I thought I'd get today's one out and then I can do the two days I missed later when I have time, sorry for the delay)
NOTE: This is an NSFW imagine with sub!Carlos and dom!reader. If you're under 18 or not interested in this kind of thing, then scroll past. If you like what you see here, then check out the rest of my blog :))
This is part of a kinktober series where a different prompt and driver are discussed every day. Further ideas about the prompt are talked about on my blog so if you have any of your own thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(Note, this fic forms part of an ongoing AU we have where Carlos is a house husband and sub, you can check out the rest of the AU under the 'house husband!Carlos' tag on my blog)
On days where you don't have any meetings, you'll sometimes choose to work from home instead, and those are Carlos's favourite days. A whole day with his wife!!
He's the perfect sub and house husband, wearing his collar the entire day. He adores days like this, where he knows you're working in your office and can come down any time, where he can make you lunch and eat it with you before you go back to work.
He busies himself around the house while you work, but he passes your office as much as possible just to see you working there. It always makes him smile, cause you're home!! His wife is home! And seeing all the things he's doing.
And, as always, he is yours to touch and play with the entire day. You call him into your office just to kiss him and palm him through his shorts. Then you turn him around, give him a light slap on the ass and tell him to go carry on cleaning, you have work to do.
He calls you when lunch is ready, waiting in the kitchen with his collar on and a large smile on his face. You give him a filthy kiss as a thank you for preparing lunch, sharing it with him while playing footsie under the table. He doesn't play back, because he knows his place and would never do that without permission. He does, however, widen his legs so that you can have better access to whatever you want.
Once lunch is finished, you realise that you still have time before you have to continue working, and since Carlos is a very good boy who now needs to today the kitchen, you decide to keep him company.
You tell him that he has to wash the dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher, which confuses him at first but he agrees to it, because of course he does.
Once he has all the dishes in the sink, you walk up behind him and hug him from behind. He starts to wash and rinse the dishes while you just have your fun with him, groping him wherever you want.
You slip your hand under his shirt, feeling his chest and stomach, and move your hand down to palm him. He groans, but otherwise carries on washing the dishes. He knows he isnt to say anything, this is just for you to play with him.
You can feel how hard he is by the time he's finished with the dishes, but, well, you still have work to do. So you just kiss him, thanking him for lunch and for being such a good boy, telling him that he has to wait until you're finished working before he can get any relief, which he does, of course.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Cruel Summer | Javier Peña (Chapter One)
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Javier Peña is back in Laredo, this time for good. He hadn't banked on you still being there, especially not with a wedding ring on your finger. A complicated shared history and plenty of unresolved feelings between the two of you should make for an interesting summer.
Pairing | Javier Peña x reader
Warnings | angst, fluff, swearing, alcohol consumption, eventual smut in future chapters, verbal and slight physical domestic abuse (Not from our boy Javi) but nothing else at this stage.
Word Count | 2.9K
Authors Note | So, Cruel Summer by T Swift has me in a chokehold right now and my boy Javi is getting the multi-chaptered fic he deserves from me. I wanted this to be different to what I've written before, there will be some tough reading but I want to challenge myself with this fic. Please let me know whether you like this - I've got a few chapters written and I can't wait to share them with you. Likes, reblogs, and messages in my ask box help keep me going so please do share your thoughts.
Bad Bad Boy, Shiny Toy With A Price, You Know That I Bought It.
The heat was stifling in Laredo. June had hit hard and no matter of the fact that you’d spent your whole life living here, you’d never quite got used to the summer heat. You could feel a bead of sweat pool at your collarbone as you leant over the sewing machine. Without looking up, you swiped the handkerchief sitting on the side of your worktable and dabbed at it, not wanting it to fall onto the material of Gabriela’s wedding dress that you were currently altering. 
The tinkling of the shop door hitting the bell alerted you to someone in the front of the shop. Sighing that someone had broken the concentration you had been using to focus on the seams of the dress in front of you, you stood up and went to see who had come to visit. 
“Hola Gabriela.” 
Gabriela had been your friend since school. The two of you had been inseparable, even when she’d traded small town Laredo for the bright lights of Austin to get her degree, you’d visited every weekend. As much as you’d always wanted to get out of town yourself you knew no matter what happened you’d be back so you’d decided against signing away your parents life savings and decided to open up a small tailoring shop in town. 
“Hola, querida niña,” She replied, “How are you doing today?” 
“Ah, I’m fine,” You replied, “Apart from melting in the back of the shop altering your dress.” 
“I still can’t thank you enough,” Gabriela gushed, holding a hand over the growing baby bump, “I still can’t quite believe I’m going to be one of those pregnant brides.” 
You chuckled, reaching out a hand to squeeze her shoulder, “You’ll look beautiful regardless,” You reassured her, “You’re already glowing.” 
“You’re too kind,” She replied, “Listen, I only came by to let you know a few of us are heading to the bar tonight if you wanted to join us?” 
“Ahhh Gabriela, I’m not sure, I think Ethan probably wants me at home.” 
She raised her eyebrows at you, “It was actually his idea, so no getting out of this one.”
You sighed but relented, agreeing to meet your friend at the bar once you’d closed up shop later that afternoon before giving her a hug and sending her on her way with a promise that she could come and try the altered dress on next week. 
The bar was packed by the time you arrived from the shop. People had filed in throughout the afternoon to seek shelter from the stifling heat outside. With whiskey and beer running through their veins, many of them had failed to leave after lunchtime. Standing at the bar whilst you waited for the bartender to open your beer you scanned the room looking for your friends. 
You’d found them huddled in a booth in the corner. The number of empty bottles that littered the table let you know they’d been drinking for some time. You hated it when Ethan drank too much. His short career as a college football star boosting his ego enough to make him quite possibly the most unlikeable person you’d ever met, even if you had married him. 
“Can I get a whiskey as well please?” You asked the girl behind the bar once she placed the open bottle of beer in front of you. 
She nodded and was back quickly with the whiskey which you shot in one, placing a couple of notes on the bar to cover the cost before reluctantly joining your friends in the corner. 
“Baby!” Ethan exclaimed when he saw you, pulling you down by the arm to sit on his lap, “What took you so long?” 
You took a long drag of your beer before answering, “Sorry, I was trying to get as much of Gabriela’s dress done as I could.” 
In front of everyone he pushed the hair away from your neck and placed chaste kisses behind your ear and down your neck which caused a shiver to run down your spine and not in a pleasant way. 
“Ethan please, not in front of everyone.” You chastised, standing from his lap to sit on the open chair opposite it, next to Gabriela. 
You watched closely as he shot a glare your way but was soon distracted by Gabriela’s fiancé and the rest of his friends and moved on. 
“You know, I heard some interesting new today.” Gabriela spoke into your ear so you could hear her over the music. 
“Hmmm?” You mused, turning to look at her. 
She paused, looking at the door of the bar, “Well, speak of the devil.” 
Your eyes followed her line of sight at your breath hitched in your throat. Javier Peña. Javier fucking Peña, in the flesh, back in Laredo. You, like most people in town, hadn’t seen him in years. There had been a rumour he’d been back a couple of years ago but had disappeared as soon as he’d arrived, but there was no denying he was here now. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” You murmured, “What the hell is he doing back here?” You asked. 
“Mamá heard from Chucho that he’s back for good,” She spoke, “She doesn’t know the details but something happened in Colombia and that’s all I know.” 
You watched intently as he walked to the bar and ordered a drink. Folks who were sat at the bar or standing around it turned and gave him a welcome, some of the men clapped him on the back or shook his hand, obviously congratulating him for a job well done. 
“Aren’t you going to go and say hello?” Gabriela spoke, lower this time so no-one else on the table could hear her. 
You turned to her with open eyes, panic flooding through your veins. You lifted the bottle of beer to your lips only to find it was empty, your brain had obviously been subconsciously telling you to drink it to keep your anxiety at bay. 
“Looks like you need another, go on!” She all but pushed you from your seat into a throng of people. 
You sighed; she was right. If Javier fucking Peña was going to be in your periphery for the rest of the night you were going to need more alcohol and if he was staying around for a while you needed to rip the band aid off instead of slowly peeling at it. 
You tried to hang back from the bar as much as possible, trying to hide yourself amongst the crowd but it was just your luck that the spot that opened in front of you was right next to him. You stepped forward, leaning against the bar to wait for the bartender to notice you. You turned to face Javier who had his eyes trained into the glass of whiskey. 
“You know, it’s usually tea leaves you read for visions of the future, not whiskey.” 
He lifted his head at your voice, clearly as taken aback by your presence as you were to his. You watched as his eyes looked at your face before the spark of recognition washed over him. 
“Well, I’ll be,” He spoke, “Of all the people I thought that would still be here, you were the last person I would have guessed.” 
You shrugged, “I could say the same for you, last I heard you were gone for good.” 
He shrugged back, “Things didn’t work out.” Was all he offered. 
“That’s not what I heard.” 
“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t believe everything you hear or read.” 
The bartender stood in front of you, you handed her the empty bottle and asked for another, dropping the notes required to cover the cost on the bar as she walked away. 
“Are you back at the ranch?” You asked, attempting to steer the conversation somewhere that wouldn’t lace his voice with venom. 
“Yeah,” He sighed, “Pops needs help and it’s a good enough distraction right now,” He drained his glass of whiskey, asking the bartender to refill it when she’d placed your beer in front of you, “What about you, what’s keeping you busy?” 
You snorted through your nose, “Nothing grand, I’ve got a little tailoring shop in town, it’s small and most people tend to go to the bigger shop a few streets over but it suits me.” 
He smiled at that, “You were always creative,” He spoke, “I remember that dress you made for the summer party at school, it was lovely.” 
“Thanks,” You said, “I have to admit I’m much better now, Gabriela has entrusted me with altering her wedding dress, it’s probably the biggest responsibility I’ve ever had.” 
“I’m sure you’ll do a great job.” He shot a smile your way. 
“Well, it’s good to see you Javier,” You spoke, picking up your beer, “Don’t be a stranger.”
He placed a hand on yours that was resting on the bar and gave it a soft squeeze before you turned and made your way back to your table. You sat back down next to Gabriela before glancing at Ethan who had a face like thunder. There was no doubt he’d watched your every move when you’d left the table and you knew you were going to pay for that when you both got home. 
“Who were you talking to at the bar?” 
You’d barely walked into your house when Ethan started on your interrogation. 
“His name is Javier,” You replied, dropping your bag by the front entrance, “Gabriela and I knew him from school although he was a couple of years above us.” 
“Peña?” He asked, “Laredo’s resident hero?” You didn’t like his tone. 
“If you’re going to say something Ethan, then just say it.”  
“You know how I feel about you talkin’ to other men,” He started, turning away from you to pour himself a glass of whiskey, “You’re my wife.” 
“But talking to your friends is fine?” You asked, knowing that antagonizing him was probably a terrible idea, “Because you chose them, right?” 
“Don’t fuckin’ test me tonight,” He warned, “I saw the way he touched you.” 
“He touched my hand for all of two seconds Ethan, for crying out loud!” You exclaimed, “He was my friend and I’d not seen him in years.” 
You watched as Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself down before draining his glass and pouring another one. 
“I want you to stay away from him,” He spoke lowly, the voice you knew was a warning to you to not push him any further, “Chris told me you weren’t just friends so don’t fucking lie to me.” 
“Well Chris is full of bullshit, he didn’t know me then and he sure as hell doesn’t know me now, Javier has never been more than a friend to me, but go ahead, believe whatever you want.” 
You turned on your heel to walk down to the bedroom before feeling a hand clamp around your upper arm and drag you back. 
“Don’t you dare walk away from me,” He spat right into your face, “You stay away from him, do you understand me?” 
“Yes, I understand,” You relented, “Please let go of me Ethan, you’re hurting me.” 
He did as you asked, turning away almost immediately to let you walk away. It was the same as always. You’d do something to upset him, he’d grab you, put pressure on you enough to hurt you and then let you go once you turned on your sickly-sweet voice to tell him you were hurting. Then you’d wrap yourself up in bed, pretend to be asleep when he came to bed and lie awake all night wondering what the hell had gone so wrong with your life. 
It had been a busy few days following the weekend. Gabriela had come in for her fitting and had decided the arms on the dress needed to go. It would be too hot, and she would be too pregnant to handle the lace sleeves she’d chosen originally so you’d been pulling long hours in the shop basically constructing her a an entirely new gown. You’d be lying to yourself if you weren’t also avoiding spending too much time at home with Ethan and trying to avoid Javier out in public. 
It was just after lunch time when the door of the shop opened, pulling you from your job of dressing the mannequins with some of the dresses you’d made a few weeks ago and to your dismay, Javier was standing in the doorway with an armful of clothes. 
“Oh, Javier, nice to see you,” You spoke politely, “Just give me a minute to button this up and I’ll be right with you.” 
“Take your time, Querida.” He responded, walking over to the counter to set his items down. 
You quickly fastened the buttons of the dress and placed the mannequin in the window before heading to the counter. 
“What can I do for you?” 
“I’d forgotten quite how ranch life worked,” He admitted, “I’ve popped the buttons off two pairs of jeans since I came back but there’s still life in them, do you think you can replace them?” He asked. 
You unfolded the jeans he’d put on the counter; it would be a simple fix for sure, “Yeah of course, it shouldn’t take me more than a few minutes if you wanted to hang around, I can do them now.” 
“If it’s not too much trouble?” 
“Not at all,” You smiled, taking the jeans in your hands, “If you come back here you can sit whilst I work.” 
You led him into the tiny workshop in the back where you kept your sewing machine. Motioning for him to sit on the chair you kept for customers you took your own chair and rifled through the drawers to find suitable buttons. 
“So, apart from ruining your jeans, how is the ranch treating you?” You asked as you picked out a needle and thread. 
“It’s the same as it’s always been,” He replied, “I guess ranching never changes and Pops has done a good job in keeping it going on his own.” 
“Chucho never fails to amaze me,” You mused as you threaded the needle, “I’m sure he’s glad to have you back.” 
Javier scoffs lightly, “I think mostly I’m a hinderance, I’m not as young as I was and all those cigarettes are finally catching up with me,” You didn’t reply, instead focusing on situating the button before you began sewing it onto the material, “And how about you? Pops said you got married a few years ago?” 
Your hands stilled as you looked up at him, “Uh yeah, it’ll be two years in September,” You forced a smile, “It happened pretty quickly but then most things do down here.”  “What’s he like?” Javier asked, you could feel his eyes boring into you as you tried to concentrate on sewing without stabbing your fingers. 
“He’s nice,” You replied simply, “He runs a sales business with one of his buddies from college which managed to buy us a house last year.”  “Nice, huh?” You knew he could see right through you, “Well I’m glad, you always deserved someone… nice.” 
Another moment when you stilled your hands at their work, this time refusing to meet his gaze that you could tell was still fixed on you, “And you?” You asked back.
“Marriage, me?” You could sense some tension in his voice, “The first time I got near I realized I could never be that man for someone, and I knew Colombia wasn’t forever, so no, I’m not married.” 
“Well, now you’re back I’m sure you’ll find plenty of willing volunteers.” 
He chuckled, but didn’t respond, “And your family, how’re they?” 
“Mamá is the same as always,” You mused, finishing up the sewing of the first button, deciding to look at him this time, “But dad died last year.” 
You watched his features soften a little, “Ah hermosa, I’m sorry.” He offered and you can tell there was genuine sympathy, he’d lost his mother many years ago but must know the pain that comes with losing a parent. 
“Está bien, Javier,” You replied, slipping into the small amount of Spanish you had, “He was sick for a while, so it was more of a relief than anything else.” 
“It’s still never easy,” He offered, “And he was a good man, I’m surprised Pops didn’t say anything, they were close.” 
You shrugged but didn’t say anything opting to focus on finished his second pair of jeans. You worked in silence and were done in a few minutes. 
“There, all done now.” You smiled, folding the two pairs of jeans and handing them back to him before leading him back to the front of the store. 
You handed him the jeans back and watched as he fished into his jeans for his wallet, “Oh don’t worry about it, it was a five-minute job, treat it as a welcome home gift.” 
“Don’t be silly, Querida, let me pay you.” 
“Honestly Javier, put your wallet away.” 
He looked at you and finding the serious look on your face he put his wallet back in his pocket, “Well, thank you, I really appreciate it.” 
“No problem, drop in anytime you need anything.” You called as he turned to walk out of the shop. 
He stilled for a moment at the door and you stared at his back, wondering what was stopping him from leaving before he turned his head slightly over his shoulder to speak to you. 
“I’m sorry, hermosa.” 
And then he was gone. 
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electricvinyls · 5 months
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Crackle but he's even meaner and also CUNTY??? Me and crackle swap au. He's still a cocky bastard but now he's more self-centered and annoying about it......yes we rstill madly in love it's just a little worse
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F!Reader x Graham Calloway (Part 1)
Hero in skinny Jeans
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Graham walked down the stairs from the opera house on his way home. It had been a long day and an even longer night at the opera house. But definitely a fun time. Although Graham was starting to get tired of having to sit through hours and hours of classical music through rehearsals and shows.
At least the weather was nice. There was a breeze in the air and the moon was out. It'd make for a pretty good walk back to his apartment.
He's just at the bottom of the last flight of stairs when he hears someone running in his direction. He barely has enough time to look at who it could be when the collision happens.
He loses his footing falling on his back, and whoever had ran into him fell on his legs. Papers fly across his vision, likely being carried by the stranger.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry!" His assailant, a girl steps back kneeling in front of him. Graham gets an eyeful and crikey was she pretty.
"Wow…" He can't stop the surprised gasp. Her skin looked smooth and fragrant like a ripped peach, her hair loose flowing with the wind, and her eyes, like diamonds reflecting the moonlight.
He composes himself enough to stop ogling at her. The papers that had been spread across were threatening to fly off further into the wild. Graham starts picking them up. "Let me help!" He says.
The girl realises the mess she had caused and starts picking them up too.
"I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going!" She sounds panicked.
"It's alright, are you-"
"Are you alright?" Another voice speaks over him. A guy, leaning over them; he looked dirty and sweaty. The girl seemed to panic more.
"Y-yes! I uh.. I found my cousin, Ruben!" She puts a hand on Graham's shoulder.
"Cousin?" The guy asks. "You don't look anything alike." He sounds mad.
The poor girl looked close to tears. "You know this guy?" Graham asks her. She shakes her head so he stands up.
The sleezy guy puts his hands up in defence. Graham was very much taller than him. "Oh, you're really her cousin?" He sounds scared. Good. He should be.
"Yeah, Ruben. Care to tell me why you're following my cuz around, creep?"
"Wow, hey, hey, I'm not doing anything wrong! I was just making sure she got home, alright!" The idiot tries to justify himself. "If anything, she's the creep, keeping tabs on me. She hasn't stopped looking at me all night…"
Graham clenches his fists and steps closer to the guy. "I would piss off if I were you." He says darkly.
"Yeah, alright, I'm going, I don't want any trouble."
The guy walks away, albeit slowly and constantly looking back at Graham and the girl. Only when the sleezebag is out of sight does Graham turn back and help pick up the rest of the paper sheets.
"Sorry about that." He says, handing over the sheets he had been able to get. Music sheets he notices.
The girl takes them and gives him a relieved smile. "I'm the one who's sorry for dragging you into this…" She sighs. "That guy started following me ever since I left my lessons two blocks away. I really wasn't looking when I ran into you." Graham chuckles.
"Thanks for helping me out." Her voice was pretty too, melodious and sweet, like honey.
They stand up and the girl puts most of the papers away in her bag.
"No problem, gorgeous. Guys like that deserve a lot worse than anything I did." He frowns in the direction the creep had gone in.
She gives him a heartfelt smile. "My hero." Graham feels his heart beat pick up.
"A-although, knowing his kind, I'm kinda worried he hasn't given up…" He looks around to make sure the guy really was gone. Out of sight, but really, there was no telling if he left or if he was waiting. "There's a police station close by. Would you like me to walk you there?" He suggests.
"Really? I wouldn't want to bother you any further…" He couldn’t let a pretty girl like her down.
"It's no problem, it's on the way to my place, actually." He holds his hand out. "Name's Graham, by the way. Can I learn yours?"
The girl smiles, holding the papers that didn't fit in her bag close to her chest with one hand. And shaking his with the other.
"Y/N." What a cute name. It suited her…
After you reach the police station, Graham waits by the door as you submit a complaint on the creep who had stalked you.
You had the feeling someone had been following you both until you got to the station, but whoever it was probably ran off when they saw you enter instead of passing by.
The police officer who takes your complaint is very nice. She explains that, unfortunately, there isn't much they can do without evidence, but they would take into account the man's description in any case. She also asks if you know of someone who could take you home so you'd stay safe.
Immediately, your mind thinks of Graham. For some reason, you feel safe around him. Maybe it's the way he jumped to defend you before he even knew your name; or maybe it's the way he volunteered to keep you company until he knew you were safe. But you couldn't possibly bother him anymore than you already had tonight.
You decide to call your roommate instead, she let's you know she'll be there in ten and hangs up.
Feeling much better about everything, you step outside. Graham was still there, despite you practically being strangers to each other.
"Graham!" You call out, he smiles at you.
"How did go?" He asks.
You tell him it went fine and that you called your friend to pick you up. He sighs.
"That’s a relief. Is your friend driving?"
You nod. "Thank you again for helping me out…"
He laughs. He had the sort of laughter that could get you smiling with him despite any circumstance. "Well, I got to walk halfway home with you so." He winks.
You feel a light heat in your cheeks. "W-well, I still feel bad for putting you through so much trouble. Is there any way I could make it up to you?"
He seems surprised but grins at the offer. "Oh? If you'd like?" He reaches in his back pocket, taking out a small notebook and pencil. He rips a page and scribbles on it. Then he gives it to you. It's an address. "I always grab a coffee at eight before work. If you feel up for it, you could make me company tomorrow?"
He was inviting you? For coffee?
"L-like a date?" You find yourself thinking outloud. It brings a blush to his cheeks. He smiles wide, giving you an eyeful of his cute dimples.
"If you'd like? It doesn't have to be anything…"
It's been a while since you met someone so nice.
Gosh, and he was attractive too. Not the sort of attractive you'd see in movies or in fashion magazines. It was the sort of hot from a guy in his twenties with a wolf cut and white teeth and a pair of the cutest dimples in his cheeks. And his eyes, soft brown, reminded you of butter caramel cake.
And he was inviting you for coffee.
Your cheeks heat up when you reply. "It's a date!"
Made for @wisteria-cherry // Part 2 (coming out soon)
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nouies · 1 year
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— Cold Spring —  
written by nouies for @bottomlouisficfest louis/pedro pascal | explicit | 8.2k
Life went on as normal at Cold Spring Café. Sam’s scribbles remained indiscernible, Jake persisted on his idea of getting more pots for the shop, and Pedro…Pedro continued coming to drink his moderately-caffeinated americano, to write furiously in that notebook of his, and to captivate Louis to no end. or…Louis is a coffee shop owner and Pedro is his newest customer.
🏷️ coffee shop au, owner louis, writer pedro, flirting, age difference, happy ending
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dougielombax · 10 months
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on this day sixty years ago.
The very same day that C. S. Lewis died.
Looks like poor old Jack (as Tolkien nicknamed him) got upstaged. Even in death.
And the very day after it happened was the broadcast of the first episode of Doctor Who. An Unearthly Child.
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thatsrightice · 11 months
@avianii I saw your post about your Physics test and wanted to reply to say that I, an Aerospace Engineer, have gotten an F on a Statics exam so I sympathize.
You are doing great and no matter what happens you got this 👏👏👏
Also have this video of vintage aircraft carrier crew shenanigans™️ to make you feel better :)
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sambhav25 · 18 days
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Pieces of writing, that remind me that I'm young, that I have been younger still and that someday I'll be old.
1. 'When You Are Old' - W.B. Yeats
2. 'The Prelude' - William Wordsworth
3. A Dedication to Lucy, His God Daughter - C.S. Lewis
4. 'The Great Gatsby' - F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. 'Animals' - Frank O'Hara
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mediapen · 7 months
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so true jenny holzer
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silvernyxchariot · 2 years
Dating Ghiaccio be like:
S/O: "No. No. You're embarrassing me. Stop. Sit down. *points to La Squadra's table*"
Barista/Cashier: "How do date someone like that? 😓"
S/O: "I love having power over him. Because now he knows he ain't gettin' head later."
*angry-sad Ghia noises in the background*
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safyresky · 5 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 16/52: what have you done this time, Jack.
ft @lmelodie's lil guy! because apparently this week's theme is OC FRIENDSHIP lol
I actually thought this was next week's doodle idea but then I checked my list on Monday and saw it was this week! SERENDIPITOUS INDEED!
lmels. Your lil guy. Your scrunkly. Was SO MUCH FUN to colour. EVEN WITH THE LIMITED PALETTE I HAVE! Trying to figure out how to make his jacket a lil grimey was fun! (I stared with PEELED EYES at SOO MANY KILLIANS while trying to do the beanie and the hair, I HOPE HE'S AT LE A S T RECOGNIZABLE!)
And yes I kNOW probably wine SHOULDN'T go into whatever warm chocolatey drink Jacqueline is having, but tbh, I was hella distracted by CR while colouring so it became wine instead of like, brandy or Bailey's or rum like I was ORIGINALLY intending. Although...I have seen rum similar to that reddish/amberish colour before so....maybe???
Anyway. Whatever's got them both feelin this kinda way is deffs directly Jack's fault. I'll leave that tidbit up to your imaginations 🤭🤭
Next week's scrimbly is a redraw! Then the week after is Into the Shadows spoilers! I've been working away at my second draft (which is notes tbh, really, really detailed notes) and I'm like 11 chapters in and so far, so good! It'll a bit of a CHALLENGE to write what with all the characters and the conflict of chaos versus order between the villains all while trying to make it a Charlie-centric story with a sorta uni au I guess, so basically the ride is going to be WILDIN >:)
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safetycar-restart · 11 months
NOTE: This is an NSFW fic with sub!Carlos and dom!reader. If you are under 18 or uninterested, scroll past. Alternatively, if you like what you see here then consider checking out my blog :))
This work forms part of a kinktober series where I discuss a different kinky concept with a different motorsports athlete every day. We also discuss the concepts in more detail on my blog so if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(this takes place in au we have where reader is a successful businesswoman and Carlos is her subby househusband, if you'd like to see more you can check out the 'house husband Carlos' tag on my blog)
Carlos ADORES eating you out, and it's something that you must let him do at least 5 times a week or else you'll have a very pouty and unhappy house husband. He must taste you regularly! You cannot deprive him of this!
Sometimes you'll decide to challenge him and not let him cum for a few days, edge him until he's so hard it hurts and then wait for his erection to go down before tucking him in a cage for a few days. But you can't do that with eating you out.
You can't decide he isnt allowed a taste for a few days, that would be cruel and unusual punishment and poor Carlos would not be able to take it.
Carlos has two favourite places he likes to eat you out (though he'll happily do it literally anywhere).
Firstly, when you work from home.
Well he just adores when you work from home full stop, because then he can bring you snacks and show you how well he cleans and make you lunch and kneel for you while you eat and pop his head into your office for kisses. Amazing.
But the absolute BEST part about you working from home is when you call him and let him knee under your desk and eat you out while you work. It's amazing.
He'll happily kneel under your desk, eating you out like a starved man, getting as many orgasms out of you as he can. He only stops when you push your chair back and pull him away by his hair. He will not stop on his own accord, absolutely not.
The other time he loves it the most, is lazy Sunday afternoons spent by the pool. Carlos keeps the backyard in perfect condition of course, the pool is always sparkling and the grass perfectly cut and the furniture always clean.
You have a little bar and barbecue area next to the pool, which Carlos keeps stocked with all the ingredients needed for your favourite cocktails.
You always go for a swim together when you have Sunday afternoons free, with Carlos usually choosing to swim a few extra laps than you.
You'll settle down on one of the loungers next to the pool, enjoying the sun and then Carlos will come and join you. Rather than laying on the lounger next to yours, he moves your legs apart by your ankles and then settles between your legs. He lays down there, his head against your belly and lets the sun dry his back.
Pretty soon he's shuffling down and staring hungrily at your bikini bottoms, a silent request to have a taste. You always let him of course, and he quickly pulls your bikini bottoms aside, not even bothering to take them off.
That's how he spends the rest of the afternoon, eating you out in the sun. Sometimes you'll pull him off for a breather, and then he just lays on your stomach and enjoys the sun. Other times you'll tell him to go make you a cocktail, and he'll go happily, an absolutely obscene bulge in his swim trunks.
He makes your cocktail and then settles right back down between your legs and goes back at it.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
Cruel Summer | Javier Peña (Chapter Five)
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Series Summary | Javier Peña is back in Laredo, this time for good. He hadn’t banked on you still being there, especially not with a wedding ring on your finger. A complicated shared history and plenty of unresolved feelings between the two of you should make for an interesting summer.
Pairing | Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word Count | 5.2K (oooops, I got carried away)
Warnings | Descriptions of domestic abuse (not from our boi Javi), talk of injuries, infidelity, cheating, SMUT, oral (f receiving) and unprotected PiV sex (please don't do this, be smart and safe), mentions of alcohol, cigarettes, and pregnancy.
Authors Note | Thank you all for being so patience with me whilst I got my head back into writing this. This took me ages to figure out in my mind but I'm so proud of what I've managed to produce. I really appreciate hearing what y'all think of this series, comments and reblogs really do make my day with this - so if you enjoy it, let me know!
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Ethan is furious. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him so angry before. He’d arrived home late last night from his business trip, falling into bed sometime past midnight. He’d tossed and turned for a while as you pretended to be asleep next to him before he turned over, pulled at your arm to turn you onto your back and then crowded on top of you. You’d let him because it was easier than denying him, but when he pushed himself inside of you all you could think about was Javier. 
What would he do in this situation? You’d like to think he’d at least take some time to make sure you were enjoying yourself. Was he the type of man who would spend hours with his head between your thighs just because he liked the way his name fell from your mouth? You think he would be. Would he whisper sweet nothing’s into your ear in Spanish whilst he was buried deep inside you? God, you hoped so. By the time Ethan was spilling himself inside of you and rolling over, leaving you, as he always did, completely unsatisfied and feeling completely used, all your brain could focus on was the animalistic need to know exactly what Javier would do to you in bed. 
Now, as Ethan stands in the kitchen, fuming after he found the wads of cash from your farmer’s market sale, all you wanted to do was run. Run from this pathetic life and into whatever it was that Javier could give you. 
“I fucking told you I would get around to sorting it out!” He shouts at you, “And you had to go and completely disobey me! How does this make me look?” 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, “Ethan, it’s been pushing one hundred degrees the entire time you’ve been away, I need that new AC unit because otherwise I’m going to die in that shop, and I think a little bit of embarrassment is better than admitting to the town that I’m dead because you couldn’t be bothered to fix it.” 
“Don’t be so fucking dramatic,” He fumes, his skin flushing red, “I bet that asshole Peña had something to do with this.” 
“Because now every time I do something you don’t like it has to involve him?” You raged, “Newsflash Ethan, I’ve been doing things you don’t like since before we got married, and that certainly had nothing to do with Javier and everything to do with the fact you can’t stand me.” 
“Did he have anything to do with it?” 
You don’t know why you don’t lie in this moment. Maybe it would have been easier, less of an argument to deal with, but you can’t help yourself, “Maybe he did.” 
“I fucking knew it!” Ethan slams his fist down on the kitchen counter, “That asshole, trying to worm his way into my family, walking around this fucking town like he’s some sort of king because he took down Escobar,” You can’t help yourself but think that you might actually be able to see steam coming out of his ears soon, “And you!” He’s pointing a finger at you as he rounds the counter, “How many times do I have to tell you to stay the hell away from him, or are you just too fucking stupid to understand me?” 
It all happens at once. You’ve slapped him hard across the face and in this moment, you can’t tell which of you is more surprised. He’s stood inches away from your face with a look in his eyes that has panic settling in your stomach. He could kill you if he wanted to. It’s the first time you’ve thought he might, with his chest heaving and his eyes like daggers. You’re scared. 
“How. Fucking. Dare. You.” He spits out into your face, he’s got wide hands placed around the tops of your arms and before you know it your back is pressed against the wall, he’s squeezing the skin so hard that you’re crying out, “Someone needs to teach you some fucking respect.” 
If you weren’t so frightened, you’d have some stupid retort about the fact that it certainly couldn’t be him, because even with a ring around your finger you could never respect this man in front of you, but you keep your mouth shut. 
“Ethan please,” You whimper, “Please let me go, you’re hurting me.” 
“Oh, I’m hurting you, am I?” He jeers into your face, squeezing his hands around your arms even harder, “You should have thought about that before you fucking slapped me, stupid girl.”  
He pulls you back from the wall slightly before slamming you backwards again, the force of it causing the back of your head to hit the wall behind you, “You better lose the attitude or I will take us so far away from this place you’ll never see your stupid friends or your precious Javier Peña again, do you understand me?” 
You nod, sniveling through your tears, then he finally lets your arms go and steps away from you, “Get out of my fucking sight.” 
You don’t waste any time in doing just that, stopping just long enough to grab a thin cardigan and your car keys before your hurtling to your car with nowhere really to go. Your immediate thought is Javier, but it’s the middle of the day and he’ll be out helping Chucho on the ranch. You don’t think you can bare the heat of the shop, or the fact that you might have to interact with a customer, so that’s out too. There’s only one person left – Gabriela. There’s an internal battle you’re having with yourself, she’s so close to having her baby that you don’t want to intrude on her, but she’s the only person you can think of who will know what to do right now. 
You’re not really sure how you manage to make it to her house unscathed with the amount of tears that are dropping from your eyes and the way your hands are shaking, but you’re pulling up in front of her house in no time. 
“Good God alive, what on earth is the matter?!” She exclaims when she opens the door, pulling you into a hug, protruding belly crushed between you. 
“Oh Gabriela everything’s gone so wrong and I don’t know what to do.” You cry, sniffing into her shoulder, you pull away and briefly apologise for getting her shirt wet, to which she gives you a look that says ‘don’t be so fucking stupid’ before she’s ushering you inside. 
She waddles in front of you, clearly uncomfortable, and sternly tells you to sit at the breakfast bar whilst she boils some water to make tea. In no time at all there’s a steaming mug placed in front of you, and she’s sat herself down on the chair next to you with her own mug. 
“So, where do we start?” She’s coaxing you, hand holding your own. 
“I’m fucking miserable Gabs,” You speak softly, “And I don’t know what to do.” 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” She scoffs, “What’s he done this time?” 
“He found the money,” You’re looking into the amber liquid of the green tea in front of you, “Lost his mind that I’d done it without him, got cross because it was Javi’s idea and then told me to get out and leave him alone.” 
“Did he hurt you?” She asks, “And I swear if you lie to me once more about this, I’m actually going to lose my mind.” 
You nod, it’s small, but she catches it, and you can hear the inhalation of breath, “But it was my fault, I slapped him first.” 
“Did you slap him first all the other times he’s clearly hurt you?” You shake your head this time, “Show me.” She’s asking. 
You slowly slip the cardigan off your arms. You look down and there are perfect red welts on your skin where Ethan’s fingers had been digging into your arm earlier. No doubt in time they’d bruise, “Jesus fucking Christ.” Is Gabriela’s response. 
“I’m sorry Gabs, I didn’t wanna burden you with this I promise, but I didn’t know where else to go.” 
“You think this is a burden to me?” She’s imploring, catching your eyeline when you try to look away, “Cielito, this is nothing like a burden, it’s a bloody relief, I’ve been wanting you to tell me this for years.”
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew, dumbass, all those times you cancelled on me last minute and disappeared for days? You had to be hiding something, and the longer you’ve been with him the longer I’ve known he’s a horrible man – doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.” 
“What do I do, Gabs?” 
“Only you can answer that question, but that,” She points to your arms, “That’s assault, so you can go to the police, and then there’s always divorce.” 
“I don’t want to be with him anymore, but I can’t do this on my own Gabriela, I’m so fucking scared, he’s got everything, he’s going to take everything, I won’t have my shop anymore, I’ll be homeless, where do I even start?” 
Gabriela bites at her lip whilst she thinks, “You won’t have to do this alone, I promise you,” She’s got your hand clutched in hers again, “Can you give me a few weeks?” She’s asking, “I know it’s a lot to ask, but let me get this gremlin out of me first, and then I promise we’ll get you out, okay?” 
You nod in agreement because it’s more than you thought you’d get. The idea of freedom could surely see you through the next couple of weeks, “If it gets too bad then you let me know and we’ll sort something out, I promise, okay?” 
She’s hugging you then, the kind of bone crushing hug that only she would be capable of, and you can feel yourself crying again. What on earth had you done to deserve her? 
“I’ll get out of your hair soon, but can I borrow your phone really quickly?” You ask. 
“Of course, I need to use the bathroom again anyway, so I’ll give you some space.” 
Once she’s out of earshot, you’re dialing the number that you’d had memorized since high school, even with his years of absence. After a few rings someone picks up on the other end. 
“Hi, Chucho, it’s me.” 
“Ahhh Mija, how are you today?” 
“I’m well thank you, how about you?” 
“Not too bad thank you, just come inside to beat the midday heat for a while.” 
“Ah yes,” You smile, you’ve always loved the sound of Chucho’s voice, calm and stoic, reminding you of your own father, which is probably why you like it so much, “I hope you’ve got plenty of ice-cold lemonade,” You bite at the side of your thumbnail, “Is Javi there?” You ask, hoping it doesn’t sound like you’re trying to get rid of him too soon. 
“He is, let me just pass you over.” 
There’s the sound of shuffling on the other end of the phone and you can hear Chucho telling Javi it’s you on the other end, then there’s silence before he’s speaking. 
“Hola querida,” God his voice is like butter, “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” You reply quietly, “I just wanted to hear your voice, I hope you don’t mind me calling in the middle of the day.” 
“I wouldn’t mind you calling in the middle of the night, querida, don’t worry,” You can hear him drinking someone on the other end of the phone, “You sure you’re okay?” He asks again. 
“I was wondering if I could see you tonight?” You ask meekly, not wanting to make yourself a burden to another person today. 
“You can,” He’s replying, “Where?” 
“Can I come to you?” 
You can hear him shuffling a little on the other end of the phone, you can hear the shifting of paper, he must be looking at the calendar that’s hanging near the phone – his mother had insisted on it when she was still alive, and Chucho makes sure there’s a new one there every January 1st. 
“Yes,” He replies softly, “Pops has a poker game in town tonight according to the calendar, he should be gone by seven, is that okay?” 
“Yeah, of course, I’m happy with whatever is best for you, I’ll see you then.” 
“Alright, querida, take care and I’ll see you later.” 
“See you later, Javi.” You whisper softly before you’re hanging up the phone. 
You put the phone back on the receiver and rub your hands over your face, trying to ignore the pooling of nerves in your tummy. If Gabriela could sense all these years that something was off, then there’s no doubt that Javi will know as well. He’s the most perceptive man you’ve ever met. The dull ache of Ethan’s fingerprints on your arms were ever-present now, there was no way you’d be able to hide them from him. 
“You can stay here for a while if you want,” Gabriela’s voice calls from the living room, “I would only be folding baby clothes on my own.” 
You spend the rest of the afternoon helping Gabriela like she suggested, folding baby clothes, setting out diapers and toiletries in the bathroom and eating her famous enchiladas for dinner. Diego comes home sometime after five, giving you a hug, before he’s pulling out two beers which you enjoy with your friends in their back garden. The sun is setting and it’s nearing six in the evening when you bid them both farewell. 
“Please let me know if you need us, okay?” Gabriela whispers into your hair as she hugs you goodbye, “There’s isn’t a thing in this world that would stop us from helping you.” 
You bite back tears before you nod your head, giving Diego a similar hug, before you’re hopping in your car and driving out of town towards the Peña ranch. 
It doesn’t take as long as you’d anticipated but when you drive up you can see there’s only one truck parked outside which means Chucho must have already left for the evening. Javier is stood on the porch before you’ve stepped down from the truck. You make sure the cardigan you’d worn was buttoned up before you head over to him. 
“Evening, querida.” He speaks softly, dipping his head to kiss you on the cheek. 
Before he can fully pull away, you’ve got a hand on the back of his neck, pulling his lips to yours. His hands weave around your waist and you wrap your other arm around his neck to press your body more firmly to his own before you’re pulling away from him, breathless. 
“Evening to you too.” You smile, and it’s genuine. This man has done nothing but make you happy since he came back. 
“You want a drink?” He asks, giving your waist a squeeze, “I bought that wine you used to like drinking, although thinking about it now we were young so your tastebuds have probably matured.” 
You giggle and follow him inside, “They definitely haven’t, is it the white one that we used to drink out of the bottle against the tree?” 
He nods as he leads you to the kitchen, dipping into the fridge to pull it out. It is indeed the exact same brand of wine you’d get drunk on together when he was still around, “You want a glass, or shall we drink it like old times?�� 
“Old times,” You reply with a smile as he undoes the screw top, “Can we sit outside?” 
He’s taking the first swig from the wine, pulling the same face he used to all those years ago, as he motions for you to head out to the back porch. You always loved this ranch at dusk. The way the sun set and bathed everything in gentle orange light, the fact there was no noise from the town to distract you, the sound of the crickets chirping. It was peaceful. 
Javi settles onto the bench, and you sit across from him, he leans his arm across the back of the bench and moves his head to tell you he wants you closer, so you shift your body to lean against his chest, head placed on his shoulder. You hope he doesn’t catch the discomfort when you lean too hard onto your arm and shift slightly, but if he does, he’s not mentioned it, instead, he’s passing you the wine which you take a drink from. 
“You sounded upset on the phone, querida, are you sure you’re okay?” 
You take another drink before you pass it back to him, “Ethan came home last night,” You’re speaking as you look into the distance, “Guess I just realized how much I enjoy it when he’s away.” 
“I’m sorry,” He says softly, bringing his hand to your arm to squeeze him into his side, it’s stings as he grips to the sore skin from earlier, but you think you manage to play it off, “What can I do to help?” 
He takes a long drink of the wine and then hands it back to you, watching intently as you do the same before you place the half-empty bottle on the floor, “Just kiss me Javi,” You speak, “Make me forget about it for a while.”  
“You want me to just kiss you, querida?” He asks, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, “Or do you want more?” 
You shift to look him in the eye, “I want it all Javi,” You lean up to press a chaste kiss to his lips pulling away before he can take more, “I’ve waited long enough, don’t you think?” 
He untangles himself from you and stands up before he stretches out his hand for you take, he must see the confusion on your face because he’s talking again, “If you’ve been waiting then I’m not going to fuck you on the porch, querida, come on.” 
You slip your hand into his and then he’s dragging you through the house and up the stairs. He opens the door to his room, which you don’t really take in, he’s motioning his hand for you to sit on the bed, which you do. 
He walks over to you and pushes your chin up with one of his fingers. He’s looming over you and if this was anyone else it would make you feel uncomfortable, but he’s looking at you like you were about to give him the world, before he’s leaning down and pressing his lips softly to your own. In the back of your mind you can feel him unbuttoning the front of your cardigan, it’s a relief because it’s so fucking warm in here, he’s pulling back from your mouth to push it off and then he stops. He’s not pulled it all the way off, the material bunching in the crook of your elbow because he’s seen. He’s seen the marks on your arms. Perfect red indentations of fingertips. 
He's kneeling in front of you now, between your thighs, as he takes one arm in his hand, “Did he do this to you?”  
“Javi please…” You beg him. 
“Did he do this to you?” He asks again, slower and with a register that tells you he isn’t messing around, you nod at him, “I’m gonna fucking kill him.” 
He’s standing like he’s going to get in his car and do it. You grab at his wrist, “Javi please, don’t,” You pull him back to you, “It was my fault.” You say softly, just like you had to Gabriela. 
“This?!” He’s back on his knees again, clutching at your arm, “This is never your fault, do you understand me?” He’s looking into your eyes again, then he softens, “It doesn’t matter what you did, you don’t deserve this.” 
“Please, will you just come back to me,” You plead, taking his face in your hands, “I need to forget him, just for tonight.” 
In the back of his mind he knows it’s not right, it’s just a distraction, and all he really wants is to know what’s going on, but the way your eyes are pleading with him, he can’t say no, “Only if you promise to talk to me after?” 
“I promise.” You reply almost immediately, and then he’s crowding you, he’s settling between your thighs but this time his lips are on yours and it’s overwhelming. 
You widen your legs as your mouth opens to him, tongues mixing together. You can taste the cheap wine and the cigarettes he swears he’s trying to give up on. He can taste a sweetness he’s never felt before when he’s kissed a woman. It fast and it’s messy, and you don’t understand why you’re moaning into his mouth when he’s not really touched you. Without breaking the kiss, he’s moving, you’re pushed back onto the bed and he’s settled between your thighs, and then he’s pulling his mouth from yours to trail hot, wet kisses over your throat. 
God, he wants to sink his teeth into your skin. Wants to mark you so that when you go home, he knows, knows that there’s someone out there who’s going to cherish you until his dying breath, going to protect you from men like him. He knows better, knows that you’ll be going home alone and any mark on your body would mean more marks from him, and Javi doesn’t think he can bare the fact that it’ll be his fault, so he sticks to kisses. He can feel your hands on his shoulders, sinking in through the material of his shirt and he wants more. 
He's pushing himself back from you, taking a moment to take his shirt off before his attention is back at you. You’re spread out on his bed, hair splayed out underneath you and the look in your eyes almost makes him cry. It’s admiration, that he’s sure of, but there’s something else in your eyes too, maybe it’s lust, maybe it’s happiness, he doesn’t know, but he isn’t sure a woman has ever looked at him like that. 
“God you’re beautiful, Javi.” You whisper as he leans back down to you. 
The feeling of your cool hands on his hot skin electrifies him, and he can feel his hands working your tank top up to expose the skin of your tummy. You lift yourself up a little so he can take it all the way off before he continues the trail of his lips over your collarbone and down between the dip in your breasts. He’s gently moving the straps of your bra down and takes the opportunity to undo the clasp at the back when you arch up into him. It’s discarded to the floor without a second thought and then his mouth is on you again. 
He uses the flat of his tongue to run hot stripes over your peaked nipple, whilst his fingers take the other peaked bud and starts rolling it between them. A whine drops from your lips, and you can feel him smiling into your skin and you arch up into him. He’s taking your nipple into his mouth, sucking and then using the tip of his tongue to run circle around it and all your head can think is how much you want his mouth doing just this further down your body. 
“You tell me what you like, querida,” He mumbles into your skin, “Wanna make you feel good.” 
“Your mouth,” You breathe out, head thrown back as he’s sucking your nipple into his mouth, “I need… fuck… I need it lower, Javi.” 
He’s lifted his lips from your tits and you’re moving your head to meet his eyes and he genuinely looks hungry. Like a man starved, with a smirk splayed across his lips, “You want me to eat your pussy, hmm?” 
He’s pushed himself back on his knees and for a split second before he’s pulling at your shorts to take them off, you can see he’s half-hard under his own denim. You’ve barely touched him, and this is how he is? It’s got pride swelling in your chest. 
He makes quick work of your shorts, throwing them to the ground along with your underwear. He takes a second to look at you, spread out and bare for him, and he thinks that if he died right now, he would die a happy man having seen you like this. He takes his thumb and runs it gently along the seam of your pussy, watching as your eyes close and you let out a breath. 
Javi stands briefly before he’s dropping to his knees on his floor. His hands are on either side of your hips, dragging you forward. He pulls you with such force that you bump your thigh into his face, but he’s not complaining. You expect him to tease you, but it turns out that he’s been waiting just as long as you have for this. He wastes no time in using the entire flat of his tongue to lick a hot, wet stripe from the bottom of your pussy to the top, which has an obscene moan dropping from your lips. He could listen to you make those noises for him all fucking day. 
One of his hands moves from your hips, he uses it to spread your pussy before he makes the same motion with his tongue as before but focusing its entirety on your clit. You think you might see stars. Once he’d started, he doesn’t stop. Spurred on by the obscenity dropping from your lips like, fuckjavi that’s so fucking good, and please don’t stop, he’s eating your pussy like it’s his death row meal. He’s lapping at the slick that gathers at your entrance, he’s suckling on your clit, or flicking it with the tip of his tongue, but it’s when he pushes two of his thick fingers inside you that you’re truly coming undone. 
You’re bucking your hips up into his mouth, grinding down on his fingers and then it’s all coming undone with that bright burst of pleasure you hadn’t felt in years. You can feel your pussy clenching around his fingers, and you can hear him suckling your clit through the aftershocks as your legs shake around his head. He slips his fingers out of you and finishes with one chaste kiss to your clit before he’s pulling at your arm to sit you up. 
You’re jelly until he kisses you. You can taste yourself on his mouth, sweet and sour with the mix of his cigarettes and it’s intoxicating. You can feel his slick fingers on your thigh as he uses it as a crutch to push himself off the floor. When he stands, his groin is right in your eyeline and now he’s not half-hard. Fuck, he’s bulging. You watch as his hands undo his belt and tear it through the loops of his jeans before he’s unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans right in front of your face. He steps back a little to let the remainder of his clothes pool on the floor, but then he’s stepping out of them and back towards you and you can’t help but reach out and take his cock in your hand. 
You look up at him, head thrown back with his eyes closed in pleasure. Your name drops from his lips as you continue working him with your hand, you’re just about to take him into your mouth when he speaks, “How do you want me?” 
It’s a crime that he’s making you choose because fuck, you want him in every way. You want him to fold you in half and pound into you, you want him to take you from behind whilst he uses his fingers on your clit, you want him to wake you up in the morning with kisses to your neck whilst he buries himself inside you from the side. 
“Can I ride you?” You ask quietly. 
“Querida, there’s a gun downstairs,” He speaks, settling himself down on his bed on his back, before he’s guiding you to straddle his hips, “If I ever say no to that, I want you to use it on me, okay?” 
You’re laughing, because it’s dramatic, but it cuts the tension with a knife. You’re both still laughing to each other when you’re shifting your hips and using your hand to line him up with your tight heat. He’s big, there’s no beating around the bush here, and as you sink down slowly onto him, his hands on your hips to guide you, you don’t think you’ve ever felt so full. 
You’re throwing your head back and breathing out his name as he bottoms out, hearing a similar moan from him as you start grinding your hips. He’s using his hands on your hips to guide you and the friction inside of you in addictive. You think if you could spend the rest of your days like this then you would give up everything to do so. 
“Fuck, hermosa, you look fucking incredible like this.” Javi purrs from underneath you, it makes your heart swell because no-one ever said things like this to you before. 
You continue to grind against him until he’s holding your hips still and bringing his knees up, settling them against your backside. He lifts you up a little off his cock, with a strength you’d never witnessed before, and then he’s fucking up into you, cock punching as deep into you as you think you can take it, his balls slapping against your ass. 
“Ohmygod, fuck Javi,” You’re squealing, putting your hands on top of his knees to keep you steady, “I think you’re… oh god… I think you’re gonna make me cum again.” 
You look down and he’s looking up at you, grinning like a devil, because he’s got you so close to the edge, cock hitting a spot within you that feels like heaven and hell mixed into one, “Go on, querida, come for me.” 
His husky voice is what does it. You’re clenching down on him as you call out his name. His hands on your hips keeping you upright as dark spots cloud your vision, “God, what I wouldn’t give to hear that every second of the day.” He groans as he flips you onto your back in one smooth move. 
He’s still buried deep inside you, one hand brushing sweat-soaked hair from you face, the other gripping to your ass as he lifts your hips to meet him. He’s slowed but you can tell from the way his hips stutter into your own that he’s close. 
“Where do you want me?” He whispers into your ear. 
Everywhere, is what you want to say. Paint me, cover me, mark me as yours, is all you can think. What you say is, “Wherever you want.” 
You think you see his mouth open to answer you, but it’s too late. He’s pulling out of you, fisting his cock two, three times, and then he’s painting your skin with his spend. Thick ropes of cum cover your tummy as he's growling into your ear, collapsing next to you when he’s given you everything he’s got. 
When you lie there next to him, his cum drying on your abdomen, his mouth still kissing at the skin of your neck, you think you should feel guilty. Guilty that you broke your vows, guilty that you’ve let a man other than your husband touch you. Guilty that you did so without a second thought. Guilty that he didn't once cross your mind. There isn’t an ounce of guilt within you. You lean into his kisses and thank the Lord for bringing him back, for bringing him back to you, because you know this right here? This is happiness. 
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electricvinyls · 1 month
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mysterypigeon · 4 months
found an old box of crayons in my closet AND!!!!!!!!!!!
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