#cs s3 hiatus fic
cssns · 1 year
Hello again everyone! Please help me welcome @goforlaunchcee to the CSSNS23!!!
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What’s your Tumblr?
@goforlaunchcee​ /xhookswenchx (on AO3)
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
I hopped onto tumblr when I needed more CS content after the S3 finale. (That was a long hiatus!)
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
Season 2. How could you NOT?
What drew you to this event?
I've done it before and had a lot of fun. :)
What inspired your topic?
Honestly? I was wracking my brain for a topic, and finally gave up. Then, it just hit me before I went to bed one night, and VOILA! The plot bunny was born!
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
Emma Swan didn’t believe in ghost stories. It didn’t matter that the entire town warned her about the old building, she just couldn’t buy into the nonsense. Was the previous owner’s story sad and somewhat mysterious? Sure. But his disappearance wasn’t anything weird. He disappeared before most of the people telling his story were even born.
So in her eyes, it was nothing more than an urban legend. A cold case that lingered over the town like a bad memory.
She could relate to that. There were a million bad memories she was attempting to escape. The story of Killian Jones just helped her get a prime spot in town at a cheap price. It was perfect. She’d fix up the old bar and people would see that it was just another building.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
The new content to read!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is gonna be GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!! Everyone go say hi to Cee and welcome her to the event! Her ghost story MC will be dropping on Friday July 7!
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snowbellewells · 3 years
Self Promo Sunday: “Under the Weather”
I guess I should apologize for being self-indulgent, because many of you may have read this little two shot before. It has been a while since I’ve gone back and looked at it though, and this morning I felt like looking it up again. It was one of my first CS/OuaT fics to gain some definite love and popularity back in the hiatus between 3a and 3b. Maybe some of my newer readers who missed it will enjoy, and maybe someone else will have fun looking back (I hope).  Plus, it now has perfect, amazing, lovely cover art, courtesy of the wonderful @searchingwardrobes !!! 
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Summary: Just a little post-Neverland fic, taking place sometime after they've returned to Storybrooke with Henry. Pan's gone, and there is no second curse. It was originally inspired (some years ago) by cold January weather and my wondering how Hook would manage to keep warm and not get sick on a freezing cold old ship. Anyway, pretty sweet and fluffy, I'll admit it, but I still hope you enjoy - even all these years later and after how much closer our pirate and princess became...
"Under the Weather"
(posting both parts here for ease of reading)
By: @snowbellewells
Also available on ff.net or AO3
If anyone had asked her, Emma Swan couldn't have explained why she felt the sudden prickling of concern in the back of her mind, nor the unexpected, pressing need to make sure he was alright. Shaking her head at the sheer ridiculousness of the idea, she had fought against her impulses all day. She had busied herself with paperwork and answered calls about power outages and other inconveniences that came with the cold, wintry Maine weather, but there weren't enough jobs by early afternoon to keep her mind from wandering back to him and her eyes from every so often floating up to check the clock.
David knew something was bothering her; Emma could feel her father's eyes studying her for clues to her agitation. However, he was also wise enough to bite his tongue and not ask questions. She wanted to tell him to go on home to Snow, and she would finish up. Yet she didn't, knowing that would only make him more curious. Resolutely, stubbornly, she kept finding any bit of busy work she could lay her hands on to stop the disconcerting waves of concern for him that were now rolling through her at regular intervals.
'He's a 300-year-old pirate captain, for Heaven's sake!' her mind berated her seeming irrationality. 'He can certainly take care of himself in a sleepy little town. What in the world could he need you for? You haven't had word of any kind of trouble…' Still, while all of these arguments made perfect, reasonable sense, Emma found they didn't soothe her unease in the slightest.
When the clock finally struck five, David stood casually, announcing that since they weren't busy he was going to head home and help Snow with supper, if Emma didn't need anything. Emma shook her head 'no' with a small smile, thanking him and saying she would see him shortly.
"You're sure I can't do anything else to help before I leave?" her father asked sincerely, again looking at her so closely that Emma knew he was trying to divine her thoughts.
"Positive," she reiterated with a definite nod, giving him a playful smirk and waving him out the door. "I'll call if anything comes up, but I should be right behind you in an hour or so."
Once her father had left her to her own devices, Emma tossed the case files she had been pretending to read across the surface of her desk and gave up all pretense of working. Standing up and beginning to pace, she at last admitted to herself that the worry swirling inside her for Hook was not going away – in fact, it was only growing stronger. Taking one last glance around the interior of the station, she realized that she wasn't going to get anything else done, and she wouldn't have any peace until she put her awful hunch to rest. Hook was going to tease her mercilessly about her concern for him, but apparently she was going to have to live with that. The fact that he tended to haunt her steps and turn up anywhere she might be, made it especially disconcerting that she hadn't seen or heard from him in three days. At least, she was telling herself that was all it was.
She grabbed her jacket, hit the lights, locked up, and was headed for her car before she could fight with herself any longer. Parking the bug at the docks, Emma stepped out, straightened her clothes, and steeled her nerves before striding purposefully to the spot at the far end where the Jolly Roger had been anchored since their return from Neverland. Normally, the Captain was so alert and aware that the moment he heard anyone nearing his ship he would have already been standing on deck looking down in challenge, but Emma didn't see any sign of him.
Walking up the gangplank, she let her boots stomp and echo loudly; giving him fair warning that she was coming aboard and expecting him to appear any minute with an "Oi! Who goes there?" and brandished sword, but she was greeted with nothing but silence. Finding her footing on the familiar wooden deck, Emma actually experienced a strange sense of welcome reunion. Since they weren't hiding from Pan and Henry was safe, it was actually nice to be on the sturdy ship once more. She could have really grown to like the adventure and thrill of sailing, if the situation had been different and her son hadn't been in danger. She didn't linger in her nostalgic thoughts for long though. Trailing a gloved hand fondly along the ship's side, she moved toward the open door of the stairway which led below decks. Poking her head in, she tried calling out, "Hook?! Are you here?"
Again she got no response, so tamping down the feeling of trespass, she entered the darkness of the stairwell and stepped lower, growing more concerned all the time. 'Where had the insufferable idiot gotten to? And even more disturbing, why did she care?'
Remembering the lower level of the ship from their time in Neverland, she found her way down the hallway with a guiding hand along the wall, even though evening dusk was closing in and none of the hanging lanterns were lit. She passed the crew quarters that the rest of them had stayed in and didn't stop until she reached the room at the furthest end of the ship – the Captain's quarters. Pausing for a second, she drew in a quick, tight breath and then rapped her knuckles on the door. "If you're in there, Pirate, you'd better answer me," she warned, before adding with wry humor, "and I hope you're decent, because I'm coming in."
Whatever she had been expecting, the sight that met Emma's eyes when she entered Hook's chamber was not it. He was there, but the laughter that had been about to erupt at bursting in and catching him by surprise died in her throat when she got her first good look at him.
He was curled up in his bunk, even though it was barely 5:30, and he looked dead to the world, completely unaware of her presence despite all her yelling and stomping around. Even from across the room, she could see those unfairly long, gorgeous eyelashes flutter fitfully as he hovered not-quite-asleep, not-quite-awake, and he rolled from his side to his back with a pitiful, low groan.
"Hook?" she questioned worriedly, her voice small as she walked toward him, already stretching out a hand hesitantly. Once she got close enough to touch him, she nearly jerked back on contact; his skin was burning with fever under her fingertips. Emma gasped in surprise and leaned in closer, now truly concerned that he wasn't responding to her. She swiped her hand up his sculpted cheekbone to brush under the fringe of his dark hair and feel his forehead, equally hot and clammy from dried sweat.
It might have been the cool feeling of her hand on his flushed skin, but those stunning blue eyes, looking much more bleary and unfocused than usual, finally forced their way open to gaze at her in confusion. "Swan?" he mumbled, his voice sounding ragged and raw, probably from coughing, she realized sympathetically, "What are you…? Am I dreaming?"
She shook her head, smoothing his damp hair back and trying to calm her heart, which was now fluttering erratically at seeing him so vulnerable. "No, I'm here, Hook….I…" she hesitated, feeling that maybe she was giving too much away, "I just had a feeling…that something was wrong…that you needed help."
Hook started to smirk at her and, she was sure, offer some sort of smug comment on her admission, but he was shaken by violent tremors just then, shivering uncontrollably and a gruff sort of moan escaped against his will instead.
Her heart went out to him. Emma had honestly never pictured the man getting ill; he had survived a violent amputation, the Dark One's hand squeezing his heart, the rough, dangerous adventures of a pirate, and centuries of life in more than one realm. She would almost want to tease him for being felled by something as simple as the flu – if she weren't so concerned at the condition she found him in. She couldn't help wondering how long he had been lying there like that. Had he taken too much of a chill before she even arrived? What would have happened if she hadn't felt so compelled to come looking for him?
Reaching her other hand out in an effort to take his good one, Emma heard Hook's breath wheeze disturbingly as his mouth fell open, obviously trying to get a deeper breath through what must be badly congested lungs. "We'll be lucky if you haven't holed up in this drafty old boat and let your flu turn into bronchitis, Buddy," she chided him.
He tried to chuckle good naturedly, she could tell, but it became a wracking fit of coughs that made him clutch at his ribs and squeeze her hand in his, as if for reassurance that she was still there. "Hang in there," she whispered, squeezing back. "You're going to be okay." He barely nodded, but then his eyes fluttered closed and he didn't respond to her anymore. His loud, openmouthed, stuffy breathing let her know not to be alarmed, but Emma took the chance to look away from him and glance around the cabin.
There was a fireplace, but he had obviously not even felt strong enough to get up and tend it, as it had sunk to embers and was about to go out. She felt her own teeth nearly chattering it was so chilly in the room. He should probably be taken to someone's house – or to the hospital – but she didn't think she could move him alone, or that he was going to be able to stand and help her much.
Forcing herself to clear her head and draw in a deep, steadying breath, Emma tried to focus on one problem at a time. She pulled her hand from his clasp, and then patted his arm gently as if to reassure him she would only be a minute, though he made no movement and seemed out of it again. Stepping to the other side of the room, Emma took the poker from the mantle and stoked the fire until the embers flickered to a bit more life, then added a couple new logs. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't looking, and then began to rummage carefully through the heavy old trunk she spotted in the corner until she found a few more blankets than the single one that Hook was using – which must have already been on the bed. He was obviously sweating and feverish, but she knew that he was still chilled and needed to stay covered.
Coming back to his bedside, she sat tentatively on the edge of his bunk, just next to his hips and gently spread both blankets over his inert form, tucking them in with a level of care and concern that bewildered, frightened, and warmed her all at once. Hook didn't even open his eyes, but let out a breathy sigh and murmured in a voice even lower and rougher than usual, "Emma…you came…"
Her name on his lips with such pure and simple affection stilled her motions and she froze for a moment, hands hovering over him as if she had forgotten how to move. Blinking, Emma came back out of her trance and stood again, looking around to see that the fire was crackling and the room was already less cold. With a nod of approval to herself, she quickly escaped above deck for a moment.
She knew her first call should be her parents, to let them know she wouldn't be coming for supper after all. However, she dreaded explaining to her suspicious, overprotective father why she had felt the need to check on Captain Hook and now didn't want to leave him sick and alone. So she put it off by calling Ruby first, knowing the other woman was about to get off work at the diner and asking her to pick up some orange juice, bottled water, cough syrup, and Kleenexes, and bring them to the Jolly, promising she would explain when Ruby arrived. Then, once she couldn't put it off any longer, Emma was relieved to get Snow on her parents' phone. Her mother actually seemed concerned about the Captain as well and wanted to help, but Emma managed to dissuade her – for reasons she didn't even want to study too carefully. She informed her mother she would be back in the morning, once she made sure Hook had some fluids in him and his fever had broken, and they ended the call.
She paced on the deck until she saw Ruby striding down the dock – sashaying was more like it. The female wolf had a sort of wild grace even in her human form that Emma wasn't ashamed to admit she envied. Emma gave Snow's best friend a wave, and Ruby grinned widely, holding up the bag of requested items. Emma thanked her, explained what was going on, paid Ruby, and tried not to dwell on how anxious she was to get back to Hook and make sure he wasn't any worse.
"You've got it bad and don't even know yet," Ruby murmured, eyes twinkling mischievously at Emma.
Emma felt her hackles rise as she shot back defensively, "What are you talking about?"
Ruby just raised an eyebrow at Emma, giving her a look that said she might be fooling herself, but it was right there for anyone else to see. "You can't lie to someone with a canine sense of smell," Ruby smirked teasingly. "The pheromones are literally rolling off of you in waves. Not that I blame you…" she paused, licking her lips almost predatorily, "…that swagger, those eyes, and all that leather…"
Emma snorted indelicately, rolling her eyes at the waitress' antics and turning Ruby to give her a push towards the gangplank. "You're crazy!" she added, laughing even as her pulse raced with the truth and she hoped the other woman couldn't sense that too.
"Whatever you need to tell yourself, Sheriff," Ruby called back as she sidled off with a wave. "I'll let you go…for now. But I want details later." She turned once to wink at Emma, then she was gone, her chuckling at Emma's expense fading behind her.
Once Ruby had left, Emma redirected her steps below; trying to wipe her mind clean of the werewolf's teasing and her heart's whispering that what Ruby said was true. She stepped back into Hook's cabin, eyes immediately drawn to him across the room as she rooted through the bag to pull out the medicine and a bottle of water. She moved closer, only to see that he was shaking, teeth chattering, limbs shuddering enough that the blankets were sliding off him. His eyes were no longer closed, and they rolled up to meet hers weakly as he coughed harshly, sounding as though it raked his chest raw. "No need to gawk at me, Emma love, it's embarrassing enough having you here when I'm like this." He didn't get any more out though as the effort of speaking set off another coughing fit. Trembling, he suddenly wouldn't look her in the eyes.
She took pity on his pride and leaned in to help him sit, offering the plastic cup of cough syrup.
Hook wrinkled his nose, looking at it doubtfully for a moment, then glanced to her, "What is this, Lass?"
"Medicine, you stubborn pirate," she laughed, shaking her head at his hesitation and holding it out to him again. "Come on, I'm trying to help. We need to get some liquids in you."
He held out his hand to take the cup from her, but his fingers trembled so badly that Emma could see he was going to spill it all if he did. With a sigh, she brought it to his lips instead, tilting it so he could swallow, and gasped slightly, feeling a tingling sensation run through her hand as her knuckle brushed his chin. Their eyes locked together at the shock of the contact and neither moved until he shivered violently again, the shakes actually rattling his teeth and jerking them from the strange sort of reverie they had entered.
"Go on, Beautiful," he grit out, lying back as comfortably as he could manage and averting his eyes, "can't have you getting sick too. I'll survive. It will not be the first time in 300 years that I've been ill."
Something about the way he said those words and the look in his eyes stopped Emma cold. Her insides squeezed painfully at the thought of him suffering like this before with no one to rely on or even care if he recovered or not. That realization alone made her more determined than ever to take care of him, despite him being too proud to ask for help or want to trouble her. She shook her head, leaning with him as he tried to back away from her. "Nope, sorry, Hook. You're stuck with me." She held out the water bottle next. "Here, drink up."
His eyes narrowed, and he tried to growl at her, but the menacing effect was ruined by his raw throat and how pathetic it ended up sounding. "I'm not an infant, Swan." He grumbled a bit more, but drank about half the bottle with her holding it for him, before he stopped with a short sigh of frustration. "Go on. You must have better things to do, and I don't wish to impose."
"Really?" she shot back at him, arching a brow at his attitude, but not put off by it for a second. It was scary how alike they were; she could tell he detested looking vulnerable in front of her, or anyone. If she was honest with herself, she probably acted the same way anytime she was sick. "Stop being such a baby, Hook," she added, kicking her boots off and hanging her coat over his desk chair, "and slide over."
She nearly laughed out loud at his startled expression, and his confused, "Swan? What are you on about?"
"You're sick. You're cold. You need someone to look after you. I'm the only one here, so I'm not leaving. However, I'm tired, and it's chilly, so scoot over."
For a second, she thought he was going to fight her, and she wasn't sure if he was embarrassed, worried she would get sick, or if he truly was – despite all his innuendo – the gentleman he had always claimed to be. A round of chills and coughing gripped him again though, and when his head dropped to the pillow once more in defeat, she knew she had won. "Scoot," she ordered again, lifting the covers to crawl in next to him once he did.
So close to him, Emma realized how clammy and chilled Hook truly was. He had felt like he was burning up earlier, but the shivers would be hard to miss, curled up next to him as she was. To her amusement, as reluctant as he had seemed moments before, Hook was now pulling her closer. "You're so warm, Emma," he murmured, his arm coming to rest across her middle and shooting heat through her veins.
"You're a little bit out of your head right now, aren't you?" she teased him, still genuinely concerned, but also touched at the fact that he had allowed her comfort, feeling needed and wanted right where she was. Without thinking, or stopping to second guess what her hand did instinctively, she began to lightly stroke her fingers through his coarse, black hair, sifting it soothingly and watching as his breathing smoothed out and his forehead came to rest in the crook of her neck. It gave her an adorable little thrill in her stomach at the sight of him looking so young and unguarded, as if his burdens had lifted away.
"Emma," he murmured out under his breath, and neither the scratchiness nor the softness could mask the gentle affection in his voice.
Her heart stuttered, wondering what he was thinking as he whispered her name in his sleep. For a second, she wanted to panic and bolt, but then she realized how lovely the moment actually was. She could honestly lie right there with him and never want to move away. Occasionally, a small little tremor still ran through him, but they seemed to finally be lessening. She smirked wryly to herself, knowing that if she was smart, she would be out of his bed by morning, before he woke up feeling better and ready to plague her mercilessly for all of this. She lightly traced her hand in circles on his back, hoping he was warm enough and that she had gotten enough medicine down his throat.
Shaking her head, Emma chuckled at the way he had curled himself around her protectively, smiling in his sleep unawares. She felt her own eyelids growing heavy, and the thoughts that had troubled and distracted her all day simply floated out of her mind. She was almost grateful she had the excuse to be so close to him and hold him; she would never have done it otherwise. Defining this could wait; she was going to enjoy the moment while it lasted.
Tenderly, she tilted her head just a bit to place a light little kiss to his forehead, amazed at how beautifully at peace he looked in sleep, then cuddled deeper into their embrace. Deciding just this once not to be in control, but simply to feel, she allowed her eyes to close and followed her pirate's lead, drifting off to sleep at his side.
(I was originally so flattered that "Under the Weather" received so many nice reviews, that though I really only had that one-shot in mind, the requests for the next morning caused me to re-think and come up with this. After all, good reviews are nearly as irresistible as Killian Jones' smile. It's (again) pretty sweet and fluffy...)
Epilogue: The Next Morning
Rays of warm, golden sunlight filtered into his cabin, tickling Killian Jones' face and waking him groggily from sleep. He yawned, intending to roll over and go back to sleep, when he froze, his movement arrested in shocked surprise at discovering that he was not alone in his bunk. He stiffened, years of being on guard and ready for attack taking over unconsciously as he turned his head tentatively to the side. Despite the lingering stuffiness and congestion in his head and the weak sensation in his limbs, he was pirate enough to have already reached for the cutlass he had stowed at his other side before lying down the night before, tucked hidden between the edge of the bunk and the wall. However, the vision that greeted his eyes stilled his actions and stole his very breath.
Emma Swan was curled up next to him, actually cuddled into his side, her long, blonde tresses arrayed across the pillow with the sunlight glancing off them in a glowing halo. She let out a sweet little sigh and nuzzled her face into his shoulder, bringing her hand to rest unknowingly on his chest. There was a look of such peace on her face, that he had never seen her wear in waking hours, and it completely enchanted him.
Killian knew without a doubt that if he woke her, she would run – shut him out again, pick up her cares once more, and reinforce her walls. It pained him, but he knew it to be true, as surely as he breathed. He wanted desperately, more than he had any right to hope, for her to stay. Emma had come to him, cared for him, when he was ill and alone, and it had kindled a longing in him that she would trust him enough to stay always. From the moment he had met her, with her fiery eyes and stony determination, a modern woman out of her element in the Enchanted Forest, he had been drawn to her as strongly as had been pulling away from him. She didn't want to be abandoned as she had been before, so she had made sure to leave him first. He had been following her ever since. Her turning up last night changed the game. Suddenly, he was not the only one who cared.
Emma's brow furrowed in her sleep, as if something in her dreams troubled her, and hoping to soothe her, Killian reached over to brush a finger across her cheek, feather light, then smoothed the crinkled skin between her eyes. He was hoping to ease her back into quiet slumber, not wanting her to wake, or for this dream to end. It was as if he had wakened into a serene moment of refuge from the world that had been nothing but a bitter storm of hate and cruelty for as long as he could remember – until she entered it.
Her lovely face smoothed again, and she mumbled sleepily, a tiny smile quirking one corner of her perfect, tempting mouth. She practically hummed the word that he leaned in to hear. "Killian…" she whispered, her tone sounding so warm and happy caressing his given name that he could not help but smile and long for the day when she might speak it to him with that much affection while awake.
It didn't matter that his throat was still raw and he would kill for a drink. He tried to stifle the need to cough, for fear it would jostle the golden-haired angel who had now rolled over to face him and twined her legs with his as surely as she had twined her grasp around his heart. He hardly dared to breathe, much less move, but he was still staggered by how much better he felt just being able to clumsily sift his calloused fingers through the strands of her silky mane.
Sunlight might have been pouring in to wake them, but he was going to ignore it for the chance to have this incredible, broken, infuriating woman in his arms as long as her possibly could. "I love you, Emma lass," he whispered hoarsely under his breath, placing a kiss to her temple. Then he closed his eyes, not sure if he could actually manage sleep with her so near, but needing to savor this moment. So gently it was almost imperceptible, he cradled her even closer to the warmth of his body, glad he had woken to find her still there.
Someday, he did desire to wake her with languid kisses trailing down her neck and along her collarbone, whispering endearments before either keeping her in his bed all day to love her as she deserved or venturing out to fetch her breakfast and talk to her and she readied for a new morn. Yet he knew that day had not yet come. He would not rush her. Instead, he would celebrate the step she had taken in allowing him to know of her concern for his well-being. He would hold her close enough to memorize and treasure the feeling – in all probability, she would fight its happening again anytime soon – and be glad she had given him reason to hope. Killian touched one flaxen strand of her hair, twirled it around his finger for a moment, and then tucked it behind her ear. "I can wait as long as you need, Emma," he whispering fervently. "I have all the time in the world."
Tagging a few who might be interested (or were before): @jennjenn615  @kmomof4 @searchingwardrobes @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @therooksshiningknight @spartanguard @optomisticgirl @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @kday426 @stahlop @xhookswenchx @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @wefoundloveunderthelight @linda8084 @lfh1226-linda @thislassishooked @resident-of-storybrooke @let-it-raines @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @tomeandflickcorner @scientificapricot @drowned-dreamer @blowmiakisscolin @ineffablecolors @artistic-writer @hollyethecurious @killian-whump @darkcolinodonorgasm @sailtoafarawayland @xsajx @thisonesatellite @profdanglaisstuff​ @shireness-says​
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
I have amassed quite a substantial list of written works over the last year, all Carmen Sandiego related. To help me and others find them without having to dig through my entire account, I have decided to compile all fanfictions, detailed answered asks, analysis/HC posts and case studies as of right now, all in one place. I will try and have them chronological (oldest first newest last) and in sections?
** = new editions, as of 13/02/23
Character Analysis:
Chase Devineaux Case Study (pre s3, It needs to be updated so bad and its out of date but still a fun read I guess. Warning. It is big.)
Character Parallels: Chase ‘vs’ Julia Analysis (pre s4, I really got some things right and a good read I actually enjoy re-reading)
Chase’s apartment vs Julia's parallels (pre s4 and tbh still resonates/is valid today)
Notes on the Steal or not to Steal Trailer (pre s3)
Chase’s dynamic with his ACME glasses in season 4 (post s4)
Post about being respectful and not abusive to one another within the CS community as if it needs to be said but somehow it does with the end of the show and all.
A random spiel about how cool it would have been if chase and Julia had been on the same side since the beginning. (post s4, just me wishing for adult friendships tbh)
Random Zack HC (post s4)
What I think particular Carmen Sandiego characters favourite movie(s) are
Summer of Sandiego Live Posts: (1)  (2)
** HCs on what way CS Character's 'swing' (only a select characters included for no particular reason, all for fun)
Answered Asks (opinions request):
Favorite Chase & Julia scene (pre s3 ask)
Hopes for Chase in S3 (yo okay I guessed 2/3 of these I manifested it)
Speculating Chase’s MBTI (pre s4 ask)
Will Chase try to Arrest Carmen (pre s4, again, I keep manifesting things)
S4 Chase prediction (pre s4, ofc)
Opinion on Chase in S4
Fight between Chase & Tigress (s4)
List of Chase fics I recommend
Favorite Chase Scene (I picked more than one because I’m greedy)
Top 3 charming points about Chase (post s4 ask)
Tips on beginning a fan fic/how I like to write Julia (advice, post s4)
Chase getting sick ask (post s4)
Ask about Julia being a good person in general (this is a Julia stan account if you didnt notice)
Chase + his relationship with food (post s4)
Answered Asks (HC requests):
Happy Chase HCs (pre s3 ask)
Chase as a Father HCs (pre s3 ask)
Childhood HCs (pre s3 and outdated but I guess still fun to read?)
Platonic Chasulia HCs (pre s3)
Chasulia wedding HCs (pre s3)
Chase a day off work HCs (pre s4)
Chase in a relationship HCs (pre s4)
Favorite Carmivy HC (post s4, I need more carmivy asks)
A Chance for Shifted Perspectives - (currently on hiatus)
Multi Chapter, AU/Canon Divergence/Rewrite from S1EP1, Teen&up, Mild Violence Language Themes & Dialogue, Chase(main)/Julia(main)/TeamRed
Reactivation - (currently on hiatus)
Multi Chapter, Teen&Up, Mild Violence Themes & Language, Chase centered pov & Julia + entire cast.
A Simple Mission - (13,583 words)
Complete, Teen&Up, Mild Violence & Language, Chase/Zack/Ivy centered.
Good Conversation - (5,732 words)
Complete, Teen&Up, No Warnings, Chase & Julia conflict platonic resolution, pre s4.
We Never Really Did That Lunch - (6,060 words)
Complete, Teen&Up, No Warnings, Chase & Julia platonic, set in S4E08 after the 6 month time jump.
A Routine - (5,724 words)
Complete, General, No Warnings, Chase & Julia POV/centric, post s4, Chase &Julia friendship, Carmivy, Zack/Ivy, ACME family antics.
Stepping Forward - (6,073 words)
Complete, General, No Warnings, Player centric/POV, Carmen&Player Friendship, Chase&Julia friendship, Chase/Julia/Carmen/Ivy/Zack, post s4 +2 years, newly adult player.
** High-Rise Familiarity - (3,318 words)
Complete, General, No Warnings, Ivy centric/POV, HEAVY Carmivy, post s4, time skip +2 years, Ivy/Zack/Carmen/Player, Chase/Julia mentioned.
** How to get Suspended - (3,092 words)
Complete, Minor mentions of blood and injuries, General, Chase/Julia POV, story retelling by Julia to Zack and Ivy, Chase/Julia/Zack/Ivy/Chief, post s4.
These two stories are complete and are apart of a series. They are Chasulia and rated Mature &/or Explicit. All rated accordingly, but there is nothing to be wary of TW wise.
P1: A Conflict of Interest - (14,034 words)
P2: Suppression at its Finest - (12,350 words)
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swanslieutenant · 3 years
I’m a sucker for s3 fics so I gotta ask about the Post Neverland fic and nyc serenade spec 👀
thanks for asking!! I also enjoy reading S3 fics, what a great time for CS stories. 
Post Neverland - this was a fic I started when S3 was airing. I wrote it as a scene in Granny’s diner, at a celebratory dinner for Henry’s safe return. It was from Emma’s perspective, watching her parents (David having been saved by Gold), reflecting on Snow’s confession in the Echo Cave. Then she notices Hook, and how out of place he seems in his pirate garb, with most of Storybrooke still giving him a wide berth. I also started going into how Henry was acting odd, as I think the promo for the next episode, after they returned to Storybrooke, was something about Pan being in Henry’s body. But that’s about where it ended - I probably ran out of time to keep writing before the next episode aired and my ideas were kiboshed. 
NYC Serenade Spec - this one was also written as the show aired; it was titled Remember and written during the hiatus after 3x11, when all we knew was Hook showed up in NYC and a bit of the spoiler pictures (for example, Hook being arrested and having the memory potion). It was split into two parts - the first half of the story focused on Killian trying to get Emma to remember. There is no Walsh in mine, because I didn’t know about him, so it’s slightly different than the real episode. Then the second half was speculation about the main group in the Enchanted Forest, who I had like no info about. I wrote it as a scene where they decided they needed to go get Emma to help them against Zelena and deciding Hook should do it as he had a ship to travel realms. 
Here are some excerpts from the NYC Serenade fic under the cut! Maybe one day I will polish it up and finish it, it’s nearly 6500 words as is! 
When she opened her eyes, however, it appeared that she would not be forgetting yesterday morning at all. The same man, still dressed in that heavy leather jacket, was striding towards her, jaw set and eyes burning.
“Swan –”
“Oh no,” Emma said, hand coming out in front of her, as she took a step backwards. “No.”
“You need to listen to me –”
“What are their names then?” Emma shot at him angrily. “My parents. Because I’d really like to know who the assholes are that abandoned their newborn daughter on the side of a road so I can look them up and kick their asses.”
Jones regarded her for a long moment, eyes unreadable. “I have a feeling you won’t believe me if I tell you,” he said, reluctantly.
“That won’t change anything, because I still don’t believe you.”
Snow turned to Neal immediately. “Neal should go. Regina only changed Emma’s memories from Henry’s birth onwards; she’ll remember you.”
Neal was frowning. “She won’t be pleased to see me.”
Snow waved her hand flippantly. “You were separated, I know, I know, but Emma loves you –” Hook tried not to flinch at the casual way Snow tossed that fact out there, as if she was just saying the sky was blue or the grass was green – “she’d surely listen to you.”
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shoichee · 4 years
RECENT: Announcement: Back from HIATUS!!
I’m back everyone! Requests + Submissions are still CLOSED, but expect content from my WIP list soon? Thank you to those who stopped by my inbox to check in on my status throughout my 6-months of inactivity! <3
LATEST UPLOAD: Paradox [chapters 3-4]
LONG manga kise soulmate! enemies to lovers! au fic series Paradox [chapters 1-2]
how their crush flusters them w/ akashi, momoi, aomine
imayoshi, haizaki, hanamiya w tough f!reader h/cs
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intro to this side blog
submission status: closed 𝕏
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✰ masterlist ✰
✰ knb oc masterlist ✰
✰ my own knb matchup ✰
✰ my thoughts on knb eng dub - s1 - s2 - s3 ✰
⚠︎︎important for haikyuu + knb fans to read!⚠︎︎
search tags #shoi-talks #shoi-recs #shoi-replies #kurokoffee #kagummypack #reblog #shirobi arisu #shirobi shenanigans #milestone matchups
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WIP LIST (TOTAL: 32, updates are slow!)
1. prompt 45 + kise
2. aomine angst, just pure angst, like first angst fic y’all not ready holy fuck
3. 19 + haizaki
4. soulmate!au, enemies to lovers + kise
5. song fic + aomine
6. 1 + akashi
8. imayoshi comforting a shy reader
9.  Haizaki, Imayoshi and Hanamiya w/ “tough-front” f!reader
10. akashi, aomine, momoi and how their crush flusters them // hcs
11. akashi with a very short f!reader hcs
12. moriyama, kasamatsu, hayakawa hugging hcs
13. izuki w/ s/o who finds his puns as top tier comedy
14. haizaki hitting on kise’s s/o this time... oh boy, this is gonna be something
15. touch-starved kagami, kuroko, and akashi getting a pat from their crush and wanting more // hcs
16. murasakibara teaching s/o how to cook
17. genderbend gom hcs HOO BOY
⌫ these will be updated regularly, so y’all can have a peace of mind of when to expect your requests to be worked on and posted; however, these listed above might be done out of order depending on the spur of inspiration! if yours isn’t up yet, they’re still in my inbox and will be in my next batch of updated WIPs!
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killian-whump · 6 years
No one tagged me that I know of. I just like answering questions and doing whatever the hell I want :) Also, I don’t know what this has to do with the Greater Kentucky Credit Union, but I’m here anyway.
Rules: Copy the bolded questions and answer them yourself! Don’t forget the specific question that was posed to you by the person who tagged you. (See “Individual question for the people you tag”). Then tag up to 7 people, one for each season. Or just, like, do whatever you want. - kw
Musical episode: Yay or nay?
Definitely yay! There were parts I liked more (Revenge, the opening Snowing number, the wedding number) than others (the Regina/Snowing duel song, Emma’s song, Zelena’s number (sorry)), but overall the whole thing was so much fun to watch and I wish there were, like, 20 more of them.
When did you start watching Once, and do you remember why?
4a for the Frozen arc. Not what you were expecting, eh? ;) I was a casual watcher from the pilot up through 3b, and my faves were Regina and Hook (yes, in that order ;)) but I started watching religiously for the Frozen arc, because Frozen actually holds a VERY dear place in my heart. Once I was in the habit of watching, I kept watching... and in the S5 hiatus, I went Hook-mad (can’t imagine why ;)) and re-watched everything. Later, I made this blog :)
What made watching Once worthwhile?
Colin O’Donoghue. Hook. All versions. Regina. Meeting you guys <3
First + Current Main Ships?
First ship... Hooked Queen, original recipe. I was so pissed that they were putting the sexy pirate with Emma instead of my favorite character. During my rewatch, I saw the charm of CS and started shipping it. But I’m a multi-shipper at heart. My main ship now is Hooked Queen, new recipe ;) I favor CS for Storybrooke Hook.
First + Current Favorite character?
Regina was my favorite. Honestly, I LOVED her and was “meh” about everyone else in S1, hence my only casual viewership and ultimate dislike for that season. One good character is not enough to get me watching a show :/ From S2 on, it was Regina and Hook. I added Zelena as a third fave in S3. Currently, my faves are Hook, Regina, Zelena in that order :)
Favorite arc (Why?)?
Underworld arc, for super top secret reasons.
Favorite plot twist?
Killian being a Dark One. I dunno, man, I just didn’t see it coming until it was coming, and I was absolutely making that shockedmonkey.gif face the whole scene.
Hardest death to watch?
Hook’s... umm... third death? Because the first two were obviously “non-sticky” deaths you knew he’d come back from, but DAMN that third one looked pretty fucking real and I legit thought he might be leaving the show. Then Emma said she was going into the Underworld to get him back and I was like, “Oh, okay. This might be excellent, actually.” And then it was.
This character should have gotten more time?
Hook. I mean, there will never be a time when you’ll ever hear me say, “Oh, there was just enough of Colin O’Donoghue in this” because I will ALWAYS wish there was more of him. Always. But I think they should’ve kept Hyde around as a “redeemed” villain. His backstory was begging for it, and watching him and the Evil Queen flounce around town was so delightful.
How do you summarize the show to your friends? (max. 3 sentences):
Silly fairytale show and fairytale people and fairytale stuff. Has that guy I like in it.
Favorite Once specific trope (think Memory Wipe, Family Trees, Glowing Walkey-Talkey Hearts, Head Achey Timelines…)
Heart-ripping. It looks so dramatic onscreen and is so ripe for whumpy fics and art, but at the same time, the bts reality of it is hilarious to me XD “Dig your fingers into his chest and then YANK your hand away really violently. Then hold still while a stage hand runs over and sneaks a rubbery heart into your hand. It’ll look all glowy and cool in the show, but it looks like a mis-shapen bouncy ball for now. Just go with it. Major drama. Annnnnnnnd action!”
Three quotes that mean a lot to you?
Honestly, I don’t think there’s a lot of quotes from the show that mean a lot to me. For some reason, I’m very fond of the “You’re impossible.” “And you love me for it.” exchange in 5x14. It seems to make its way into my fics a lot. Honestly, there’s more quotes of Colin’s that mean something to me. All the times he mentions how much he likes getting knocked out or how he’s not averse to Hook getting tied up... because I would be genuinely upset if I thought he would be uncomfortable with the subject of my blog, but I legitimately think he'd be okay with it - and that means a lot to me. It also means a LOT to me whenever I hear other actors talk about how kind Colin is and how great he is to work with. It warms my heart to know I’m supporting such a good guy. Also, there’s something Colin said at a convention about love itself being a spiritual thing to him and I can’t find it now and that makes me sad, but it really meant a lot to me that he feels that way, because it’s something I feel very strongly about. I’ve got it somewhere. I’ll probably find it 30 seconds after I post this.
Favourite funny scene?
Zelena hitting the Black Fairy with her car. Hands down.
Favorite Platonic Ship:
Captain Charming.
Favorite dish from Granny’s?
Hook. What? He’s a dish, and he lived in the B&B for awhile.
What part of the newly merged realms would you like to live in?
Storybrooke. Never underestimate indoor plumbing.
SherlockianWhovian’s Question: Favourite version of Hook?
Tortured Hook. Although as more traditional versions go, I have to admit I have a soft spot for Detective Rogers, because his sweet smiles and guileless muffinness just... I just wanna pull him to my bosom and love him.
I’m not gonna tag anybody, so just do this if you like answering questions and, you know, just wanna do it cos you feel like doing it :)
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cat-sophia · 7 years
Happy 21st Captain Swan Day!
 Hello My Friends!
Happy CS Sunday!
Today i want to talk about @msgenevieve447​ - she is brilliant and she wrote the first fic i ever read - Every Day I Write The Book, it was hiatus after perfect s3 finale and i just bingle watched two seasons of ouat. When i searched the internet for more information i found tumblr and her blog and this story was one of the first longer things in English that i read and it is so good!
I really recommend you all to read  Every Day I Write The Book - Jen wrote her own version of the beginning of the s4 and i love every word. i think you all will enjoy it now as much i then.
Jen was the first person that follow me here, first person i talked to - i’ll forever be grateful and smile when think about her.
@msgenevieve447 wrote lots of my fav stories. i really rec you to read them all!
Like Team Bonding - Emma and Killian work together, don’t like each other and than laser tag and team bonding happen and yes, and i need to reread it. Soon!
Or  Walking in a Straight Line about friends who love each other but will not admit it and then drunken kiss happening that only one of them remember.
Read also Love and Other Bruises - Emma in a hospital bed and attractive male nurse - sounds great? It’s better than great! Or The Honey Trap (Killian using his nephew to get women, but it doesn't work on Emma) and of course the perfection that is Freaky Friday -  Accidental Roommates AU.
She wrote so many so good stories and i strongly rec you my friends to read them all - i for sure plan to reread it as soon as i can :D
Jen thank you for your friendship and your stories, thank you that you share them with us - your talent is making our days much better! Thank you for all the feels and fics so good that i read them while walking because i couldn’t stop read.
We love you!
edit: @msgenevieve447 fics that i read after making this post:
Scratching the Surface - canon - Inspired by the way those two adorable idiots were making eyes at each other in the Sheriff’s station at the start of 405.
Spice up Your Life - canon, s3, SB, Killian eats spicy food for the first time: “In hindsight, maybe she should have warned him. Then again, she thinks, this is the most fun she’s had in days, so maybe not.”
Muddle Through Somehow - her Christmas fic, future canon CS “It starts off during 702 but then continues with the Storybrooke timeline and our Captain Swan, completely ignoring the hodge-podge of a timeline created in Season 7″
The Right Direction - AU - How Henry thought he’d get away with this ploy a second time is beyond her, but he always was her little optimist.  In which Henry is tired of his mother pretending she doesn’t like Killian Jones, and decides to give her a little push.
Life’s a Beach - AU - Sand, sun, a child who’s promised not to wander off the moment her back is turned and a new book to read. What, Emma thinks, could possibly go wrong?
Starstruck - Canon - It’s a cold night in Storybrooke, but the beauty in the night sky can’t be ignored.
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cssns · 3 years
Hello Everyone!
Please welcome @everything-person to the CSSNS!
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How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
Since the hiatus between S2 & S3 when I was caught up I stumbled on some fanfiction had a tumblr account for random stuff I liked was mostly Disney and started following Ouat tags and blogs and been stuck ever since.
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
Somewhere between Emma telling Hook they understand each other and the infamous first kiss.
What drew you to this event?
I did secret santa for the second time last year then join January Joy and Neverland New Year I knew about this event and always love what everyone creates so I decided to try it out.
What inspired your topic?
I honestly have no idea what my topic is going to be but it will most likely be Charmed or Supernatural inspired.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
I’m looking forward to writing something new and working with other creators!
Looking forward to see what Kaitlyn brings us. Her fic drops July 8th!
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cssns · 7 years
Please welcome to the CSSNS... @abeylin1982!!!
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Hello all! Tonight our CSSNS artist spotlight falls on @abeylin1982!!! She did artwork for You Need Only Ask in this years CSLB! So go show her some love and welcome her to the CSSNS!!!
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom? *
I believe I've been a lurker on Tumblr since the summer hiatus between S3-4. While a fan of OUAT from the beginning, once Hook made his appearance my shipper fate was sealed. As things heated up in S3, I started scouring the interwebs for more spoilers, and found Tumblr. I was blown away by all the amazingly creative and perceptive people in this fandom, getting lost in all their beautiful fics and character analysis, and was so inspired and motivated by their dedication that I thought I'd try my hand as an artist in this year's CSLB. I had never participated in anything like that before, and had such a great experience I wanted to give this next fan collaboration a try (and I like the supernatural theme!)
When did you start shipping CaptainSwan? 
The moment we were introduced to Hook.
What drew you to this event?
I really enjoyed my experience in the CSLB, and wanted to try another fandom project. It was a great experience for me to get back into more artistic endeavors (I'm a graphic designer by trade), while also getting to know more fellow shippers.
What inspired your topic? 
I love the idea of playing around with supernatural au's, and can't wait to see all the great works that come out of this collaboration!
Welcome to the CSSNS Lindsey! I’m so thrilled that you had a good time participating in the CSLB and decided to give this event a try! I hope you have as much fun as you did there! Thank you for sharing your artwork with us! Lindsey is doing artwork for @winterbaby89! And I can’t wait to see it!
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