brevmoment · 5 months
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cat cx
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sasswonfp · 28 days
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CHICAGOAN HATSUNE MIKU. Specifically the winter version <3. (alt text provided! :3)
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exeggcute · 2 months
oh man this crowdstrike fiasco lol. for non-software people following this, the issue isn't that machines were updating automatically (because for enterprise security software, that's pretty normal), the issue is that they rolled this out to every single destination machine at the same time (rather than a "staged" rollout where you hit a small group of users at first to see how things go), apparently without doing the bare minimum of testing or quality control, on a FRIDAY
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amtrak-official · 5 months
A bill has been proposed in the Illinois state legislature to merge the CTA, Metra and Pace into one agency to reduce redundancy and better fund transit in the Chicago Area
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softgall · 3 months
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Random Moments : Cameron & Tobias
Cameron is all moved in with her lover Tobias after she got tired of living in the big city. Tobias is so excited to show his lover the beautiful comfort of tiny living. xoxo
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
Just wanted to say you kinda opened my eyes with your post about public transit a month ago. I am deathly afraid of public transportation. I guess seeing all the news and videos of horrible things happening on buses and subways made me ignorant of the fact that it’s just people. It’s just people. And that’s awesome. I’m gonna go ride a bus and thank the driver
I would never claim that nothing terrible happens on the bus---I've read those news stories too, to deny that it's possible would be flatly incorrect. Even in just my personal experience, there are dismissive, rude or belligerent people everywhere. People smell...different, especially when everyone is sweating through their winter coat, and unfortunately we can't convince certain members of the human race to buy some damn headphones. Still, I've been living in Chicago since 2010 and have never owned a car; I take a lot of buses and ride in a lot of taxis, I've biked from River North to Edgewater, taken the El from O'Hare down to Woodlawn, and ridden the Metra to the surburbs, to other states.
And I love public transit. I write about how much I love it with an almost unwell frequency---how it's a vehicle for grace, how the people who work there can be delightful, that it brings you into contact with people you wouldn't ordinarily meet. I still think about this article from Chicago magazine, where CTA workers were interviewed to talk about the highs, lows, and general insanity of the job. To recount every person I've had an unexpected conversation with, or shared a meaningful glance, or just admired from a distance as they gave up their seat, would take more time than any of us have.
Ultimately, everyone has to make their way through the world. When you realize that that's all people are really doing on the bus---or the train, or the subway, or the streetcar, or whatever other public transit is available to you---the idea of sitting alongside them doesn't seem so monumental. Everyone there just wants to get where they're going, and maybe arrive a little better than when they left.
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sketchytea · 9 months
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so that new cta chapter huh. shit really happen. h
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kodachrome-net · 8 months
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CTA Sundown, September 2013
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itsfullofstars · 2 years
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Angie McMonigal Photography-6830-Edit by Angie McMonigal https://flic.kr/p/f6reP6
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lucyslenses · 8 months
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Red Line - Blue Line Transfer Corridor.
Shot with Nikon D100.
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copperbadge · 14 days
New L challenge? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-1O5LdPBul/?igsh=MW5oejFxbHU4OXZ4dw==
That's really fun! For those who don't want to watch the video it's basically just a "crawl" suggestion where you ride an entire line, getting off at each stop to do something fun.
I was thinking it would be interesting to do. When I first moved to Chicago I wanted to write a book where I went to every El stop and just explored the vibe. I don't think it would be as interesting as I used to, but it'd still be fun to spend a day Touring A Line. Maybe even two if you do it right.
I honestly had such a good time on the yellow line. It was near the end of the day and nobody really takes that line unless they live out in Skokie, but it was a lovely ride and there's a very quaint little shopping area with a nice Target and what I'm told is a GREAT bagel shop. I'd love to go back and try it.
My autumn is extremely busy and by the time I can come up for air the cold will have set in, so this might need to wait until next spring while I spend winter re-exploring the Pedway, but I will keep the idea in my back pocket. I would actually very much like to go to the library near the Forest Park terminus, and there's an abandoned El station nearby that I want to learn more about.
Also I wouldn't have to fuckin' map out where to pee, or at least wouldn't have to do it so intently.
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dhddmods · 3 days
Years back, we coined the terms CTF & CTM at request of intersex friends. Since then, we have seen those terms take off, which we are so happy about! Now, we wish to coin two new terms - CTN (Close-To-Neutral) and CTA (Close-To-Androgynous.)
(PS - Please read and reblog our intersex guide! It is so important to educate yourself and others about the intersex spectrum and intersex bodies!)
Both of the flags are based on the CTF & CTM flags. Pink is for potential feminine sex traits, blue is for potential masculine sex traits, purple is for potential androgynous sex traits, grey is for potential neutral sex traits, and white is for the gender spectrum (representing how intersex people can have any gender.) Black represents intersex individuals that have suffered from genital mutilation, reproductive mutilation, or hormone abuse. Yellow is for the intersex community as a whole.
For the CTA flag, the purple circle represents how androgyny is the focus. For the CTN flag, the green circle represents how neutrality is the focus.
CTA/Close-To-Androgynous is a term for an intersex person that was born with mostly androgynous sex traits, rather than "feminine" or "masculine" sex traits being the majority.
They might still have feminine, masculine, or neutral sex traits, however androgynous sex traits take up the majority.
Androgynous sex traits can include the following:
-Having ambiguous genitals. -Having ovotestes. -Having a combination of a uterus and prostate, or a uterus and testicles. -Having a combination of X & Y chromosomes that are higher than typical (XXY, XXYY, etc.) -Having an equal split of feminine and masculine sex traits.
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The CTA flag.
CTN/Close-To-Neutral is a term for an intersex person that was born with mostly neutral sex traits, rather than "feminine" or "masculine" sex traits being the majority.
They might still have feminine, masculine, or androgynous sex traits, however neutral sex traits take up the majority.
Neutral sex traits can include the following:
-Being on the agenital spectrum. -Having gonadal agenesis or streak gonads. -Having cervical hypoplasia or cervical agenesis. -Having uterine hypoplasia or MRKH Syndrome/WNT4 syndrome. -Having low levels of sex hormones (hypoestrogenism/hypoandrogenism.) -Having low responsivity to sex hormones (estrogen insensitivity & androgen insensitivity.) -Having less than two sex chromosomes (for example, Turner Syndrome.)
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The CTN flag.
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istandonsnowpiles · 9 days
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Turnaround Yard
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doomspiral · 7 months
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the reason @bone-evidence wants to hit him with a chair, just once.
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quiltofstars · 1 month
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CTA 1, a supernova remnant is Cepheus, the King // Daniel.P
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bunabi · 6 months
everyone should attend a neighborhood meeting or town hall at least once in their life so they can
1) get the juicy local drama
2) understand how some key community improvements get held back by racism and
3) eat up the free snacks that are there sometimes
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