#ctm 2020
nofatclips · 2 years
Parkour by Fly Pan Am, live for CTM 2020 at HAU 1 (Berlin) with Animals of Distinction and United Visual Artists
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owlsie-hoot · 11 months
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voidoftheeyes · 2 months
Dude I'm going fucking insane why am I having hyperfixations on things from when I WAS LIKE 9-10
I mean technically THSC came out in 2020 because of CtM BUT THE FIRST FEW GAMES
But that and now Minecraft Story Mode???? Hello???
I should combine them in art or something that would be funny
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queenkenzo24 · 11 months
Everybody, I need you to be real with me. What CtM storylines have hit you the hardest? For me, it’s got to be the lady who’d had 7 miscarriages in the 2020 cs. I bawled like a baby when Shelagh took the time to say the names of all her children and then when she told her that she’d been a mother for a long time. That made me so emotional.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 11 months
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Day 22. It's the 22nd day of October. don't give me that look. i'm not shading in the lines btw this took enough time as it is. Completing the Mission.
I was originally going to set this to the beat of the announcement trailer of CtM, and maybe I still will after the month's up since all the layers are ready and sorted (and Blender's video stuff is not that hard to set up). Pretty good background for me in the meantime though.
Anyways, a tribute to just how obsessed I was with this game right before it came out in 2020. And it ABSOLUTELY lived up to that hype when I finally managed to get around to playing it. The sheer amount of production value and writing and comedy in that game is amazing and still keeps me coming back to it like. Every autumn. There's so much stuff in it. It's a feature length movie made by one guy. Holy shit
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capturecharlesau · 7 months
I was wondering, at what point in this timeline did Galeforce die?
Ah!! Well I’m actually working on a timeline that explains crucial details on when things happened! And well when it comes to Galeforce he died in my AU right when Reginald captured Charles so before my story even begins! Reginald ordered RHM to kill Galeforce when they were gonna launch into space in CTM in 2020 heh
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Jasmine Guffond
CTM Festival, 2020
source: media-loca photo: Udo Siegfriedt
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the-irken-pony · 2 years
I was remembering something I saw back in 2020 after Ctm was released that was a little diagram about how fans interpretations of how Henry speaks for comics and one of them was categorized as chatterbox. Saying that some people made him talk to much compared to how much he does talk in game
And then I remembered that in CG when Ellie ask that he had a tank he would have had to use more than two words and we can assume that he was just telling her the events of StD and ItA. There is also him talking in TT, but it cuts to Charles instead; then there's TR and PP where Henry gets cut off mid sentence.
Henry is capable and does speak more the two words its just kinda turned into a gag the we never get to see him speak more than 2 words
He actually speaks 3 whole words in Stickmin Space Resort! "Hey, can you...?"
He's not super verbose but it's not like he can't talk.
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☞ Concebido por el maravilloso ingenio de su autor para fusionar el romanticismo nórdico y la experimentación vanguardista con una intachable singularidad, surge en 2012 el proyecto de música post-industrial Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ (liderado por el artista danés Loke Rahbek), lanzando en dicho año su primer EP titulado Mermaids of Jadransko, seguido por el estreno de su sencillo Mercure, mismo que posee las canciones January is August y Club 406 (contando con la participación de Kristy Long). El 15 de marzo de 2013, Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ debuta con su primer álbum de estudio, bautizado simplemente The World; siendo publicado a través del sello danés Posh Isolation, del cual, se mantiene activo desde 2009 publicando el material discográfico de diferentes artistas de música Ambient, Lo-fi, Dreampop, Avant-garde y Post-Industrial. Estos son algunos artistas/grupos que han publicado sus obras a través de ese sello: Schacke, Vanessa Amara, Age Coin, Boli Group, CTM, Argot, Norin, etcétera.
☞ ¡Ahora, volviendo al tema original!: El 5 de mayo de 2013, el proyecto Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ lanza su segundo álbum de estudio titulado Pomegranate, que cuenta con la participación especial del colectivo sueco-danés de synth-pop y post-punk Lust for Youth (integrado por el artista versátil sueco Hannes Norrvide y el productor y guitarrista danés Malthe Fischer). El 10 de Enero de 2014, lanza su tercer álbum de estudio titulado Genitalia Garden, cuyo tema de introducción titulado IPhone Flashes Lead The Way To The Underground Clubs, cuenta con la participación de la artista experimental Rose Alliance; mientras que el 18 de Septiembre de 2014, el colectivo sueco-danés Lust for Youth se vuelve a juntar con Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ para crear el sencillo Sister, conformado por las canciones Sister - Club Mix y Strike Gently. Después de eso, el proyecto se mantuvo en reposo hasta 2016, ya que el 30 de Septiembre de ese mismo año, Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ publicaría su cuarto álbum de estudio llamado Loves Means Taking Action, en conjunto a un nuevo EP y un remix lanzados en 2017, siendo el primero Finding People y el último Finding People - White Armor Remix.
Y ahí no acaba la carrera musical del proyecto Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ, ya que continúa a través de los siguientes álbumes: Isa (2019), Body of Lila (2020), All in The Same Breath (2020), Body of Content (2021), Remember Rainbow Bridge (2022) y Two Autumns / Spring Snow (2023).
☞ Loke Rahbek (nacido el 22 de Junio de 1989) es un influyente artista danés de vanguardia proveniente de Copenhague, quien es reconocido notablemente por sus obras oníricas envueltas por la gracia oculta y el enigma fulgurante de la existencia mediante una visión cosmopolita perenne, exponiendo una peculiar estética musical a través de géneros como Ambient, Post-Industrial, Minimal Synth y Lo-fi.
☞ Además, Loke es el cofundador del sello danés Posh Isolation, donde publica todo su material discográfico (no solo de Cɾσαƚιαɳ Aɱσɾ: “su proyecto musical más romántico”), incluido su participación dentro de numerosos proyectos de culto como Damien Dubrovnik, Lust for Youth, Vår y el quinteto electrónico Body Sculptures.
→Enlaces Externos
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candikin · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: The game being taking place in 2008-2018/2019/2020 doesn't make that much sense
Short reason: It taking place in a year is too fast, but in 2008-whatever makes quite a few characters look like they hold these long grudges
Long reason:
One, lets talk about the fact that one year thing doesn't make that much sense. The date for EtP is around August, as the Lawyered Up ending states. But... it's snowing in the Wall, which yeah takes place in Canada but the snow season for them ends in March/April. There's no way this took place in that short of a time period. It could work, but with the information that Puffballs gives us, it doesn't really work at the moment.
Now let's get into the actual theory.
2008, aka Breaking the Bank to Escaping the Prison, 2009. Alright, that makes sense! It gives enough time for a trial to at least be almost ending and Henry to be in prison, I guess that could work.
Stealing the Diamond in 2010 could also work! Henry running from the cops for that long gives enough time but also not too much time.
ItA takes place in 2012 according to this... alright. It could work. but... 2018-2020 for FtC and CtM... uh well... not so much. Having a longer time period between ItA and FtC is alright, as it seems the Toppats in routes where Henry is the leader aren't super panicked and seem to have gotten to used to Reginald leading them again. But jeez, that's a little too long. Your telling me Reginald has this quick turn of "Actually, Henry's a good leader, I won't betray him"... he just realized that? He dealt with Henry for quite a while as a leader, how the hell does Reginald still not be so sure Henry's good?
That would imply Henry's actions were mixed signals. I think that fits Henry (in canon), but how was there no chance for Reginald to betray him before? How did Henry avoid betrayal for this long? Also, why does Henry only have 2 supporters (on the airship, there's most likely even more at the other fractions) in TCW if that's the case? Shouldn't it be more mixed if Henry's actions were mixed? Did Thomas and Geoffrey just get better treatment then everybody else? How did nobody notice then, in the span of those years?
Let's go into other routes, surely they would make more sense! And looking at it, it could. Henry and Charles's friendship makes more sense in this theory. Though here's the thing... RHM is not a good leader. I think it's quite obvious so I won't explain why. So then, how has the Toppat Clan lasted with RHM as leader? I get why nobody betrayed him, he's a cyborg but jee, I'm pretty sure you can quit.
I could also say it ages the characters too much, but Puffballs made it so it only takes place in a year, so of course the characters look the same in the games. It would be dumb for me to say such a thing. I guess technically I am pointing out things that would change if this theory was correct and clearly Puffballs tried to make the timeline match being within a year. I guess I am dumb for making this own post about this game for a "theory" that isn't really canon
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enricomaiorinous · 7 months
CTM 2020: Research Networking Day Module II
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octalsoft · 7 months
Best Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Software in 2024: Why Octalsoft Stands Out
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In today's rapidly evolving clinical research landscape, efficient and secure data capture is paramount. Electronic Data Capture (EDC) software has become the backbone of clinical trials, streamlining data collection, management, and analysis. According to a 2024 report by Statista, while the share of office-based U.S. doctors using such systems was around 18 percent in 2001, the uptake stood at some 88 percent in 2021. By 2027, the market value of EHRs is forecasted to reach 47.2 billion U.S. dollars, up from 29 billion U.S. dollars in 2020.
However, with so many alternatives available, you may find deciding on the best EDC difficult. This article digs at outlining the strengths of Octalsoft's EDC system and demonstrating its edge over other options.
Understanding EDC Software:
EDC software acts as a digital repository for clinical trial data, enabling researchers to collect, manage, and analyze data electronically. It facilitates the creation of electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs), which replace paper forms, promoting data accuracy and reducing errors.  Additionally, EDC software offers features like automated data validation, real-time data monitoring, and robust reporting functionalities. EDC systems have diverse functionalities, which result in their user base being quite extensive. From sponsors to CROS and on to sites, EDC systems are leveraged across functions to streamline modern clinical trial data collection, management, and data-backed strategy formulation.
Based on End-users, the electronic data capture systems market is segmented into CROs, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Firms, Hospitals/Healthcare providers, Medical Device Firms, and Others. 
Key Considerations When Choosing EDC Software:
As you can gauge from the report above, it is clear that an EDC system is now a must-have for every clinical trial, regardless of who the end user is. But not every EDC system in the market is capable of handling the requirements of a modern-day clinical trial and therefore you must choose a system with caution and due diligence. Several factors come into play when selecting the best EDC software for your clinical research needs. Here are some crucial aspects to consider:
Scalability and Flexibility: The software should adapt to your study's size and complexity, accommodating diverse research needs.
Compliance and Security: Ensure the software adheres to regulatory requirements like HIPAA and GCP, guaranteeing data integrity and participant privacy.
User-Friendliness and Customization: The platform should be easy for researchers and participants to navigate, offering customization options to fit specific study requirements.
Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with existing clinical trial management systems (CTMS) and other relevant software is crucial for efficient data transfer and analysis.
Cost and Value: While budget plays a role, consider the long-term value proposition offered by the software. Look beyond the initial cost and evaluate the return on investment (ROI) in terms of time savings, improved data quality, and overall research efficiency.
Why Octalsoft's EDC Stands Out:
With a deep understanding of the current clinical research landscape and a commitment to innovation, Octalsoft's EDC emerges as a leading contender in the market. Here's what sets it apart:
1. Unmatched Scalability and Flexibility:
Octalsoft's EDC is architected to adapt to any study size and complexity. Whether you're conducting a small, single-site trial or a large, multi-national study, the platform effortlessly scales to your needs. Its flexible design allows for the creation of customized eCRFs, catering to diverse clinical trial requirements.
2. Unwavering Commitment to Compliance and Security:
Octalsoft prioritizes data integrity and participant privacy. The platform adheres to the strictest regulatory guidelines, including HIPAA, GCP, and GDPR, ensuring data security and compliance throughout the research process. Robust security features like role-based access control, audit trails, and encryption provide an additional layer of protection.
3. Intuitive User Interface and Streamlined Workflow:
Octalsoft's user-centric design philosophy translates into an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Both researchers and participants can navigate the platform easily, maximizing user adoption and minimizing training needs. The system incorporates pre-built templates and functionalities to streamline data collection and workflow, saving researchers valuable time and resources.
4. Seamless Integration and Interoperability:
Octalsoft's EDC seamlessly integrates with leading CTMS solutions and other relevant software. This fosters efficient data exchange and eliminates the need for manual data entry, minimizing errors and streamlining data analysis processes.
5. Competitive Cost and Proven Value:
Octalsoft offers competitive pricing models, making its EDC solution accessible to a wide range of research organizations. Additionally, the platform's features and functionalities deliver significant value, translating into tangible benefits such as:
Enhanced data accuracy and reduced errors
Streamlined data collection and management processes
Improved data visibility and real-time monitoring capabilities
Reduced regulatory burden and faster trial completion timelines
Beyond the Features: Octalsoft's Commitment to User Success:
6. Capable of including Amendments with zero downtime
Existing EDC software systems are frequently cited as a source of customer dissatisfaction, given the frequency with which they crash anytime there is a change. The contemporary and adaptable data structure of Octalsoft's EDC makes it possible for adjustments to be made with no downtime, removing the necessity to migrate data whenever an amendment is made and preventing end users from being kicked out of the system. This is more than just "no system downtime," it is in fact "no downtime for end users."
7. Maximizing Custom Functions
Every clinical trial is unique and hence requires an EDC that can adapt to the trial's specific requirements. Octalsoft’s EDC tool includes every functionality that a modern clinical trial could possibly need inclusive of a could-native platform and customization opportunities so that your EDC scales in tandem with your objectives.
8. Intuitive and Effective Study Builds
Building out intuitive and effective studies is yet another essential component of efficient EDC tools. The integrated environment of Octalsoft’s EDC offers a simplified study builder functionality that allows users to do so in much shorter time frames without having to hand over control to development execs to convert protocols to code.
9. Enhanced UX
Octalsoft’s EDC user interface is designed to be both modern as well as deeply intuitive so that the user can navigate the system easily without spending hours in training sessions. There are many additional functionalities within our EDC system that make for a stellar UX.
10. Quicker Access to Data
Octalsoft’s EDC offer a quick and clear overview of patient data at all times. With robust data validation checks and automatic calculations, Octalsoft’s EDC allows users to generate compliant, near submission-ready data; thus, facilitating faster submission of study results for regulatory approval.
11. Compliance and Standardization
Octalsoft’s EDC is compliant with regulatory requirements like 21 CFR Part 11 and HIPAA Privacy Act. It also offers users the ability to maintain a complete audit trail of clinical trial data generated. With Octalsoft’s EDC users can protect the confidentiality of subjects while adhering to independent industry standards like CDISC.
Better features lead to an enhanced user experience and better UX leads to enhanced productivity and efficiency. This in turn results in better data and thus a better study. But our spirit of consistent innovation doesn’t stop with our EDC. As a core component of our eClinical suite Octalsoft's EDC is simply the starting point for revolutionizing clinical data management. 
Choosing the appropriate EDC software is critical to the success of your clinical research projects. While the market has various solutions, Octalsoft's EDC stands out due to its unparalleled scalability, steadfast dedication to compliance, user-centric design, easy integration possibilities, and reasonable price. Its comprehensive features and dedicated user assistance make a compelling value proposition, making it the chosen choice for researchers looking to optimize clinical trials and fulfill their research objectives more successfully. As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation, EDC stands out as a cost-effective solution that enhances data quality, streamlines processes, and ultimately contributes to more successful clinical trials. But not every EDC can match the requirements of a modern clinical trial. Introducing Octalsoft’s EDC solution, your one-stop shop for all your data capture software needs. Interested in knowing how Octalsoft’s EDC can streamline your clinical trial data and ensure 10X accuracy? Book a Demo with us today.
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experimentik · 9 months
Experimentik #70 / January 17. 2024 / Lucio Capece / Claudia Risch + Francis Heery + Jung-Jae Kim
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January 17. 2024 / 20:30- (doors 20:00)
Lucio Capece - 8 voices Sampler Isla 2400, recorded cello and bass clarinet, sine-sawtooth tones and pulses
Claudia Risch - bass clarinet
Francis Heery - electronics
Jung-Jae Kim - saxophone
FB event: https://fb.me/e/3Ywj3sQuL
Lucio Capece
Argentinian musician based in Europe since 2002, specifically in Berlin since 2004. Since 2010 he dedicates to offer works focused in the Perception experience, that he performs mainly in solo and in the context of occasional collaborations based in the same interest. He composes his own pieces that may include improvisation and different ways of writing. He uses tools like Flying Speakers hanging from Helium Balloons moved by propellers, Speakers as Pendulums, Analog synthesiser, Sine Waves and Noise Generators, Drum Machines, Ultra- Violet Lights, Sensors as much as the instruments that he has played for 25 years: Bass Clarinet and Soprano and Slide Saxophone. Beyond instrumentation and tools, the main intention is to focus in the physical-social-spatial human experience. Between the late 90 ́s and 2010 he offered music in the context of Electro Acoustic Improvisation, focused in quietness, attentive listening and granular material. Capece has been very active in the Reductionist Improvised Music scene in Berlin, and in the radical minimal scene related with the collective Wandelweiser collaborating mainly as member of the collective Konzert Minimal (2008- 2018) and, since 2006 with Radu Malfatti. In a parallel way Capece developed a 10 years collaboration with legendary Finnish musician Mika Vainio from Pan Sonic, working and releasing radical abstract and beats oriented music as a duo and two different quartets. Capece has performed his own sound interventions in spaces like Kraftwerk Berlin ( The Long Now - Maerz Musik), Hau Berlin (CTM festival), The Cathedral of Bern (Zoom In Festival) The Mambo Museum in Bologna (Live Arts week ),the German Pavilion built by Mies Van der Rohe in Barcelona (Sonar +D Festival), the Halle d ‘Expositions built by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel in Evreux, France (ĹÁtelie series) the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin (directing a piece in which together with musicians Axel Dörner and Robin Hayward played a piece with the kinetic sculpture called “Licht-Raum Modulator” built by Lászlò Moholy-Nagy) , and the Colón Theatre in Buenos Aires where he offered an interactive installation for children. Since 2020 he plays mainly in the context of small Ensembles where he composes the music, or collaborates with others performers-composers like Rahma Quartet, From Scratch New Discantus Quintet, Lost Jockey and Phase to Phase. His goal in this context is to re consider Music making in a Phenomenological way, re- searching in the basic elements that make Music be. He offers currently a Sampler solo set based in a personal research in Just Intonation Ratios, folding and unfolding sounds from Pitch to Pulse and vice versa. He has performed as a musician in recognised experimental music festivals and venues in Europe, USA, Japan, Mexico and Argentina. He has released around 35 Cds and Lps, including 9 solo releases, in labels like Mego Editions, B-Boim (Austria), Pan (Germany), Ftarri (Japan) Another Timbre, Entr ́acte ( UK), Potlatch, (France), Erstwhile Intonema (Russia), etc.
photo © Susi Maresca
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Claudia Risch has developed special playing techniques on the Bassclarinet, which is acoustic of it´s nature and works without additive external resorces. She focusses on the extended sound-material of her instruments like micro-intervals, multi-phonics, sound of breath. Within this variety of elaborated technical possibilities Risch combines, applies and modifies her material to create a refined, nuanced and multilayerd sound. The co-operation with composers (e.g. Thomas Gerwin, Francis Heery), electronics and dancers is an important component in her work.
photo © Matthias Förster
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Francis Heery (b.1980) is a composer and sound artist. His music is inspired by science-fiction, occultism and animal aesthetics. He is an accomplished improvisor and performs with a setup integrating Max/MSP with acoustic instruments and modular synths. He specializes in long-form, site-specific performances in public spaces. His instrumental works have been performed by the RTE Symphony Orchestra, the Crash Ensemble, the Quiet Music Ensemble, the Talujon Percussion Ensemble and by soloists including Carin Levine, Pascal Galois and Izumi Kimura. He has received funding awards from the Arts Council of Ireland as well as commissions from Galway County and City Councils, the Music Current Festival, the Berlin Natural History Museum, and the Berlin International Sound Art Festival. He produces experimental electronica under the name The Cube of Unknowing, with albums released on Fort Evil Fruit and Eiderdown Records.
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Jung-Jae Kim is a South Korean saxophonist, composer, and improviser based in Berlin free/avant-garde & experimental music scene. He pushes the boundaries of sonic aesthetics and sound definitions, taking a transdisciplinary approach to explore new possibilities and delve into human senses and communication through free improvisation.
photo © Morvarid K
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Experimentik 2024 is supported by inm
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market-data-forecast · 11 months
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cyo-web · 1 year
インドネシア・バリ島よりGabber Modus Operandiが来日。共演にはMERZBOW、∈Y∋(BOREDOMS)、VMOをはじめ、アーティストデュオMESによるパーティー「REVOLIC」も! レイヴ、ノイズ、ハードコアが閃くエクスペリメンタルな祝祭。
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インドネシア・バリ島よりGabber Modus Operandiが来日。9月2日(土)名古屋CLUB GOODWEATHER、9月3日(日)大阪CONPASS、9月6日(水)東京WWW & WWWβと巡るジャパンツアーが決定した。 Gabber Modus Operandiは、レイヴ、ノイズ、ガバ、グラインドコア、ファンコット、ガムラン音楽などを同列に捉えて、曰く「架空のハードコア・ミュージック」を生み出しているDJ/プロデューサーのKasimynとアーティスト/ファッション・デザイナーのIcan Harem(本ツアービジュアルはIcanが手がけている)の二人によるグループだ。実験精神をもとに、生まれ育ったインドネシアの伝統音楽と先鋭エレクトロニック・ミュージックを交差させた革新的なサウンドとパフォーマンスで、世界中のカッティング・エッジなフェスティバルからアンダーグラウンドなローカル・パーティーまで熱狂させ、激震を与えている。ビョークの最新アルバム『Fossora』(2022年)にも参加するなど、現行の音楽シーンにおいて重要な位置を占める存在と言っていいだろう。
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東京公演には、ノイズ・ミュージックの象徴的存在であるMERZBOWや、2022年にはウガンダのNyege Nyege Festivalにも出演するなどオルタナティブな表現を拡張し続ける∈Y∋(BOREDOMS)をはじめ、ポスト・レイヴの最重要レーベル〈NEVER SLEEP〉から2ndアルバムのリリース間近のVMOは本ツアーに帯同し、ブラックメタル×レイヴをスパークさせる。東京の新世代オルタナティブ・ハードコア・バンドmoreruや日本スケートボードシーンの革命児、吉岡賢人によるパンク・バンドJapanese Super Ratsといったエクストリームな面々もラインナップされるほか、昨年、閉店前のContact Tokyoを賑わせたアーティストデュオMESによるパーティー「REVOLIC -revolution holic/革命中毒-」がWWWβをジャック! 新進気鋭のDJ、ヴィジュアル・アーティストとともに、この日のためだけのエッジィでスペーシーかつSLAYなレイヴを蠢かせる。 猥雑な、爆音な、ダンスな、カオスな、昂揚と実験と解放とリアリティーの��るフロアへ!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Gabber Modus Operandi Japan Tour 2023】
[Tour Schedule] 9/2(土)愛知・名古屋CLUB GOODWEATHER 9/3(日)大阪・東心斎橋CONPASS 9/6(水)東京・渋谷WWW & WWWβ
GOODWEATHER #51 https://goodweather.shop/items/64adf1183ffd8e00457033c4 日程:2023年9月2日(土) 会場:CLUB GOODWEATHER(名古屋市中区新栄1-14-24 第三和光ビル2F) 時間:Open/Start:22:00 料金:Adv. 3,500円 / Door 4,000円(ともに1ドリンク付) チケット:https://goodweather.shop/ 出演: Gabber Modus Operandi VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra CRZKNY Indus Bonze and more
世紀末 vol.68 https://www.conpass.jp/9824.html
日程:2023年9月3日(日) 会場:CONPASS(大阪市中央区東心斎橋1-12-20 心斎橋ダイワビルB1F) 時間:Open/Start:18:00 料金:Adv. 4,500円 / Door 5,000円(ともにドリンク代別) チケット:e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3917390001-P0030001 出演: Gabber Modus Operandi VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra rirugiliyangugili Vampillia(O.A.) DJ hOlysHiT and more
Gabber Modus Operandi Japan Tour 2023 meets MES presents REVOLIC https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016692.php
日程:2023年9月6日(水) 会場:WWW & WWWβ(東京都渋谷区宇田川町13-17 ライズビル地下) 時間:Open/Start:17:00 料金:Adv. 5,500円 / U25チケット 4,000円(税込 / ドリンク代別 / オールスタンディング) チケット:e+ https://eplus.jp/gmotourtokyo ※チケットオフィシャル先着先行:2023年7月14日(金)20:00 ~ 7月23日(日)23:59 ※一般発売:7月27日(木)18:00 出演: > WWW Gabber Modus Operandi MERZBOW ∈Y∋(BOREDOMS) VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra moreru Japanese Super Rats > WWWβ MES presents REVOLIC -revolution holic/革命中毒- To be announced
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [プロフィール] ■ Gabber Modus Operandi Gabber Modus Operandi(ガバ・モーダス・オペランディ)は、バリ島デンパサールで開催されたアンダーグラウンドのパンク・コンサートに影響を受けて、DJ/プロデューサーのKasimynとアーティスト/ファッション・デザイナーのIcan Haremによって結成された。彼らの実験は、ジャティラン、ガバ、ダンドゥット・コプロ、エベの踊り、ファンコット、シカゴ・フットワーク、グラインドコア、ノイズ、そして特にインドネシアの小都市で疎外されていたコミュニティ・パーティーのエネルギーと激しさへの執着から始まることとなる。デビューLP『PUXXXIMAXX』は〈Yes No Wave Music〉からデジタル・フリー・ダウンロードでリリースされ、セカンドLP『HOXXXYA』は上海を拠点とするレーベル〈SVBKVLT〉からリリース。2020年にはデビューLPが〈Danse Noire〉よりリイシューされている。 Gabber Modus Operandi は、ジョクジャカルタの Nusasonic festival(2018年)でパフォーマンスしたことを皮切りに、CTM Festival(ベルリン)にてヨーロッパデビュー。Unsound(クラクフ)、Dark Mofo(タスマニア)、ALL(上海)、Final(台北)、WWW(渋谷)、MACAN(ジャカルタ)、WSK Festival(マニラ)、Nyege Nyege Festival(ウガンダ、カンパラ)、Soft Centre(シドニー)、Rewire(デン・ハーグ)、Kilbi Festival(スイス、クレムス)、Primavera(バルセロナ)など世界各国のカッティング・エッジなクラブやフェスティバルに出演している。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scMgtqD4WRQ https://www.instagram.com/gabbermodusoperandi/ ■ VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra ダークスローン、メイヘム、エンペラー(真部脩一)らブラックメタル バンドの名前を日本語のカタカナで名乗る人間達、ヴィジュアル担当のKEZZARDRIX。そして3台のストロボライトとスモークマシーンで結成。その後ボーカリストのザスターが加入。2099年のHELVETECHという惑星からやって来たという設定。テクノ、ブラックメタル、インダストリアル、ノイズが渾然一体となり発光されるアートミュージックプロジェクト。それはまるでブラックメタルmeets Kraftwerk。コープスペイントを施したAphex Twin。ちなみに現在もっともライブハウス、クラブで電力を喰うユニット。VMOの総電力量は、5000W(わかりやすく言うとアンプ56台分)。 The BodyのChip King、SUNNO)))、MAYHEMのAttilaが参加した1st album「Catastrophic Anonymous」を、国内盤はworld's end girlfriend率いるVirgin Babylon Recordsより、ワールドワイド盤はCONVERGEのDEATHWISH傘下Throatruiner Recordsよりリリース。 Roadburn Festival、BANGFACE、Brutall Assault、le gues who?など世界中のフェスティバルに出演する。2020年6月フロントマンザスターが参加する初の音源がNEW RAVEの旗手Gabber EleganzaのレーベルNEVER SLEEPから『PRINCIPLE OF LIGHT SPEED INVARIANCE ep』を配信リリース。2021年に京都国際舞台芸術祭で発表されたAsian Dope BoysのTianzhuo Chenの「Sheepman」の2日間のインスタレーション・パーティーに両日出演。
2023年、2月にはベルリンのCTM Festivalに出演し、ベルグハインでプレイし絶賛を受ける。6月、タスマニアの暗闇の祭典Dark Mofoを熱狂させた後、シドニーのSOFT CENTREにて17m×30mの巨大スクリーンを仕様した圧巻のAVライブを披露。Sonar festival 2023にommatidium studiosとのコラボVR作品と音楽を提供した台湾のヴィジュアルアーティストYuen Hsiehの作品DIGITAL AFTERLIFE AGENCYが展示される。まもなくNEVER SLEEPからテクノ、ハードコア、ブラックメタルなどからジャンルを超えた豪華ゲストが参加する待望のセカンドアルバム「DEATH RAVE」を発売予定。秋には複数のフェスティバルを含む長期のヨーロッパとイギリスでのDEATH RAVEリリースツアーを予定している。
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
CagliarinBus: 90% di contributi sull'acquisto dell'abbonamento annuale
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CagliarinBus: 90% di contributi sull'acquisto dell'abbonamento annuale. Il 31 maggio alle ore 11 si terrà la conferenza stampa di presentazione del progetto “CagliarinBus” finanziato con fondi PON Metro 2014-2020 REACT EU, attraverso il quale l’Amministrazione cittadina coprirà il 90% delle spese di acquisto dell’abbonamento ai mezzi pubblici. Grazie a questo finanziamento i cittadini cagliaritani potranno così usufruire dell’abbonamento annuale al CTM alla tariffa di 30 euro. La conferenza stampa si svolgerà a bordo di un bus full hybrid di ultima generazione 18 metri, che attenderà i giornalisti di fronte alla Stazione ferroviaria, nella seconda banchina centrale in Piazza Matteotti (capolinea della linea 29) per un breve giro. L’operazione si inserisce nella strategia complessiva attuata dal Comune con l’intento di promuovere la mobilità sostenibile, in linea con il Piano Urbano Mobilità Sostenibile (PUMS). Saranno presenti il Sindaco Paolo Truzzu, il Presidente del CTM Carlo Andrea Arba, l’Assessore alle Politiche per la mobilità e servizi tecnologici Alessio Mereu, il Presidente della Commissione mobilità e trasporti Marcello Piras, il Direttore del CTM Bruno Useli, il Dirigente del Servizio Mobilità, infrastrutture viarie e reti Daniele Olla.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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