scoundrels-in-love · 5 months
30 Years Old Achievement Unlocked!
Usually, I had a Follow Forever post ready for my birthday, as a thank you for filling my dash and heart with blorbos and fun this year, but today I decided to have a bit more introspective one, looking over the last decade offline and almost same time that I've had on Tumblr. As a reminder for myself and maybe it can give some encouragement to others that are going through the slog of their twenties.
But first, yes, a thank you to people that have deeply shaped this decade, with their presence and sometimes, their absence. I can't ping the person I miss the most, it doesn't reach across the fog that clouds the way beyond the final goodbye, the parting that cannot be spoken, but I can ping the people who helped me stay on this side of the mist, in the aftermath. (In vague alphabetic order.) Thank you for everything, for being there for me through thick and thin, however you're capable, thank you for being you.
@aviss @bienchanter @binary5tar @carrot--cube @cup-ah-jho @deenakahara @fiovske @firesign23 @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @justdontevenknow @kdramaxoxo @lostindramas @mesoperi @sdwolfpup @spacepandar @tazzmanien @youholdthewater @zigackly
Also a special thank you, you are amazing and have done for me more than I can explain, to wonderful people of Trigun fandom. You made this year bearable, you pushed me to create more than I have in ages not with violence, but your love for what I had to share. And many of you have become friends I hope to keep for the forthcoming decade!
@aluvian @cosmixseerart @chickiefoo @dingusttmax @fionnrose @ladymaliwan @needle-noggins @noaafishfieldguide @kiaraalazulu @koontyme @madnessmadness @tardisready @zeearts @zillychu
I am definitely forgetting someone in these pings and I will blame it on my old age (just 3% of my entire lifespan, though!) and I am sending all the lovely people I talk with, who interact with my posts and so forth, people I follow, so much love (and Irish coffee cream cake).
Now, onto some loving achievements of the decade:
Survived and accepted my neurodivergence, began to start to accomodate for it and seek help for doing so.
Began participating in fandom.
Published over 170k words for various fandoms.
Learned to gif.
Realized I have checked the box 'No' on sexual & romantic attraction and gender starter package slip.
Conceptualized designs for my tattoos.
Dyed and bleached my hair for the first time. Figured out I like it short.
Continued to develop my style and grow more comfortable with my body and appearance.
Got Wolverine arm implants after I broke it badly.
Left my country and saw a band I love live.
Saw my internet friends in person for the first time.
Sailed on a boat and stood on the edge of sea at midnight, crying from happiness.
Finished education and kept job despite health issues.
Started playing DnD and even DMd a little.
Made my friends laugh so often I lost count.
Laughed often myself.
Took so many photos of things I love.
Learned so many cool animal facts.
Heard new favorite songs and continued to love old ones.
Read things that changed something in my very soul.
Wrote something that inspired a fanart and podfic.
And more and more and more. There is always more, more things that you and I can ever predict, more sorrows, yes, but more joys as well. And I think, looking back at 20 year old me, I'd say... It was worth sticking around for.
So, for the next life year and decade I want to say I'll try to:
Continue learning being kinder to myself, accept my limitations and accomodate them.
Write, write, write.
Take so much more photos.
Laugh until I cry more often.
Make people wheeze.
Travel more and especially to the seaside.
There always will be more to do, but I like these goals.
Thank you again, for everything, and here's to the next year, next decade and next lifetime.
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technitango · 9 months
Tag someone you want to know better OR just want to say hello to!
Tagged by @fourth-quartet Thanks for the tag <3
Favourite color: pink and any variations of pinks
Last song: so i danced by dpr ian
Last movie: barbie
Currently watching: i just finished moving today, so now there's nothing on my watch list, i gotta get hooked on something new
Currently reading: killing commendatore by haruki murakami as well as some other school readings
Currently working on: a lot of college stuff, today was the first day of the fall quarter T_T
Current obsession: dpr ian
I'll tag @thedeviljudges @obviouslystillfuschia @aarafox @bearinglight @cup-ah-jho @prncssguya @theinfinitedivides @uweiy @itsza @icedespressoo @funyasm @yohankang @rocknghorss @maystea (if any of you have already been tagged in this just take it as me saying hi ^_^)
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elementalsoup · 1 year
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Impromptu apothecary lesson. You got this Hikari!
Art trade with @cup-ah-jho ~
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kuronekonerochan · 1 year
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Publiquei 400 vezes em 2022
São mais 116 publicações do que em 2021!
19 publicações criadas (5%)
381 publicações reblogadas (95%)
Blogues que rebloguei mais vezes:
Marquei 302 das minhas publicações em 2022
Apenas 25% das minhas publicações não tinham marcadores
#tuga things – 35 publicações
#mood – 29 publicações
#pt stuff – 26 publicações
#cdrama – 24 publicações
#me in a nutshell – 20 publicações
#esc 2022 – 19 publicações
#kdrama – 16 publicações
#funny – 11 publicações
#capitalism – 11 publicações
#tumblr – 11 publicações
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#creatividade sobre pressão e stress intenso e só te dá pânico existencial seguido de exaustão qd acaba o turno e te sai o peso do mundo de
As minhas publicações mais populares em 2022:
N.º 5
Petition for 2022 to be the year kdramaland finally stops teasing and delivers on the promise of “filling the black holes” with “affectionate swords”
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20 notas – Publicadas em 6 de fevereiro de 2022
N.º 4
Alchemy of Souls is just Wuxia Kdrama with terrible kpop idol hairstyles...and I love it.
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23 notas – Publicadas em 28 de junho de 2022
N.º 3
Random Hanadan/BoF Shitpost
After hearing that Love in Flames of War, a republican era cdrama had Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers/ Meteor Garden/ F4 vibes... but eventually failed to deliver on that front I rambled at @dangermousie​ that, actually, we SHOULD have a Hanadan version of every genre of cdrama.
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 No...wait...I’m joking...but also not. My reasoning for this is solid:
 1) No matter what you thing of Hanadan and all it’s objectively toxic and dated glory, you can’t deny it is a hallmark in the history of shoujo manga/anime/asian drama/ live action adaptation/remake pumping machine. It paved the way for all the ItaKiss, Fated to Love You, etc...and it is still to this day a nostalgia magnet for an easy cash grab with each remake (also the latest one might be the best lol).
 2) *Surrender by Cheaptricks plays in the background, talks in “there is no war in ba sing se” mode* There are no new ideas in media. Everything is a sequel, prequel, remake, reboot, retelling, soft reboot, parody, homage, the same thing over and over again but call it by another name (it’s still a rose, yeah Shakespeare, you’re a genius, congrats!).
 3) Let’s face it. Dramaland is going through the lowest of lows. Cdramas are bad and boring, Kdramas are scarce and boring and Jdramas are 10 ep cute little intros to the story you really wanna see that’s about to begin...at the end of ep10, last episode, no 2nd season. So, they might as well try Every Hanadan Set Everywhere all at Once.
 So, without further ado, introducing...every genre of Cdrama Hanadan (with crazy plot eggs for some and none for others bc I say so):
Starting with contemporary…
1)      Reverse hanadan where the fl is a rich asshole and the ml a poor little meow meow
2)      Time loop hanadan
3)      Modern Fantasy hanadan (sort of like the beginning of Bulgasal but more petty and less angsty lol)
4)      Transmigration low budget web drama romcom hanadan
5)      *barfs* modern office corporate romance hanadan
6)      *barfs again* gaming hanadan
7)      Sports hanadan (aka if HanaKimi wasn’t genderbender or cute but toxic instead)
8)      Coming of Age/ Youth to Adult Married life Hanadan 
Syke! Too late! There is already an OG classic toxic Hanadan of this Genre, it’s called Itazura na Kiss (and it’s my guilty pleasure, my personal hanadan lol)
9)      Ice sports hanadan....yesss...get gory with the bullying with ice skating blades muahahaha. The red card locks her on the ice rink and they oil the railings/plexiglass around it so she can't even climb out and she nearly freezes to death. They rope her to the back of a zamboni and drag her through the ice. While she is trapped on the ice rink, they rig a bucket of water to fall over her so she freezes faster.
Now for the period dramas…
10)   Republican Era hanadan
They could use the boat scene ending from the finale of the anime as a convenient plotpoint to escape the republican era without dying in the republican turmoil. "Oh, they just reunited dramatically on a boat post amnesia and went abroad together and missed all the political fatal shit and lived happily ever after. Their kids returned to China and lived happily under the great CCP rule (/s)!
11)   Palace hanadan
It’s hanadan meets legend of Ruyi where he is the Crown Prince but the Empress Dowager holds all the power and on some humiliation move has him take a barbarian slave as a concubine...and the red card is that it's open season on her from every noble or regular consort of his harem and his friends in the court...all is fair the only rule is she cannot be murdered, everything else is fair game. So she is beating to the brink of death, poisoned daily with agonizing pills only to be given antidotes at the last minute, drowned, flayed, etc.
12)   Wuxia hanadan. Similar. Dude is the leader of the jianghu, declares her a demon bc she offended him and has all the pretentious righteous sects go after her with agonizing Gus pushed on her body, plenty of chains, kebab her in multiple ways with stakes in torture chambers to cast out the evil.
13)   BL Wuxia hanadan. (this one is just here by popular demand. Mine. No, I will not elaborate on that).
14)   And at last…my personal favorite….drum rolls… Xianxia hanadan (here is the plot):
She spilled peach wine on his cloud robes once by accident before the Great Heaven's Ceremony so he scribed her name carelessly on the stone of the doomed as petty revenge hoping she'd get some bad karma. But at the time the Demon Overlord was fighting the Lord of Fate and the Dijun on Kunlun and as they made their final strike the demon overlord turned into a cloud of heavy miasma that swirled away swiftly for miles and landed on the stone of the doomed. Hence, for the next 10.000 years the calamities and heavenly tribulations of every god were transferred into the unlucky FL.
In the first 300 years, the gods were unsure of what was happening, but soon word spread of a small menial demigoddess who seemed to be getting an abnormal amount of calamities and trials and yet never ascended into a higher level god. But other gods were getting past their fated tribulations dates without experiencing the event itself but still ascending afterwards. Soon this bizarre phenomenon was being gossiped throughout all the heavenly realms and the gods were rushing to get their hands on every magical item capable of moving forward their tribulation dates... After all, who knew how long this free meal would last? So it follows that our female lead spent the next 10.000 overbooked from torturing calamity to the next without a break or a reward.
Our cloud cloaked protagonist came to learn of this business about 500 years into it. It was not his intention for the karmic payback to be that harsh...but then again it was his best cloud vest that the annoying, insignificant little demigoddess had ruined...and if the consequences had been that rough, who was he to question the Great Design. He soon forgot all about it, surely none of that pesky matter would come back to bother him...
10.000 later: Our fuming fl finally had enough...after experiencing every form of dismemberment as a human, for eons, though she didn't collect an ounce of heavenly grace to ascend to higher goddess....she sure damn well accumulated enough yin to form a monumental grudge...and she would use all of that energy into one single punch for a certain cloud clothed god that would send him so high the gods would finally know what lies above the heavenly realm...not that he'd get the opportunity to tell the tale.
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29 notas – Publicadas em 20 de maio de 2022
N.º 2
Reset (cdrama)
Just finished Reset and it’s my fav cdrama of like...the whole of the plague years?! I haven’t even liked any cdramas this year, barely tolerated a few, but this? this was flawless. On every level. Better than most western dramas of its genre. They have a cool concept, keep it simple, add only necessary elements and the attention to detail, character building, etc is on point. The acting is good, the leads especially, subtle but detailed, their chemistry is great and it’s one of those dramas that keeps you on edge for every minute of it. Did I mention I love the main characters? smart and good people, yet not annoyingly perfect. They mess up (the whole drama is trial and error) sometimes in impulsive ways, but never in unbelievably dumb ways. Perfect length too (ok could have been 12eps instead of 15... but still, excellent runtime management coming from a cdrama!). And most of all...it doesn’t F*Ck it all up at the ending. Do you know how many of the few dramas I almost reaaally loved (not liked, not tolerated, actually loved) while airing turned out to have such a shitshow of an ending that ruined the whole thing? Probably 90% of them... it’s a thing, cdramas have terrible or mediocre endings by definition and then only a few miraculously escape that fate.
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45 notas – Publicadas em 6 de fevereiro de 2022
A minha publicação número 1 de 2022
The bastard son & the devil himself
I predict the tumblr craze for the next weeks is Netflix's the bastard son and the devil himself. It's a story between two rival clans of witches that are brutal and try to kill each other (ones are sort of cannibal too, the others succeed in the genocide of their rivals from their country) and the mc is the son of a mass murderer for the other side, raised by the rival clan and constantly abused by his half sister who is a psycho who wants to kill him. Also along the way he runs away with the daughter of that clan's leader and they both fall in love with a bi wizard who helps them escape.
Supernatural+rivalry+gore+threesome mc relationship? This the the most tumblr thing ever.
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49 notas – Publicadas em 3 de novembro de 2022
Vê agora o teu Ano em Revista de 2022 do Tumblr →
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press-one-to-replay · 2 years
baek yi jin is an adult
You know, it’s really interesting to see baek yi jin’s journey though out the season.
When we first meet him, he’s clearly in a rough spot and trying to make the best of things, but it’s truly bleak. The entire future he expected was snatched away. Forget about being a chaboel heir or whatever. He’s the smart, talented high school with a well-adjusted family and a bright future that got snatched away. No more college, doesn’t get to fulfill his military service, doesn’t really have a home to return to, and all his friends ghosted him. Yijin wasn’t just slammed face first into adulthood, he was stripped of the basic social connections that (hopefully) most people in their early 20s can expect. Not only that, he feels the burden as the eldest son and brother to take care of his family and also feels responsible for the guilt of all the people affected by his family’s loss. He’s barely holding on and when he gives Heedo a lecture about the difference between adulthood and childhood, he’s talking to himself. But his concept of adulthood is really a coping mechanism. The difference between childhood and adulthood isn’t turning a magic number. He's a young adult dealing with loss and isolation, and he’s telling himself that this is what life is like after childhood.
But then there’s Heedo. This obnoxious, loud, and impossibly young child. Look at her, literally dressing up in her mother’s clothes and pretending to be an adult. This kid is crying over a torn-up comic and can’t spell. She’s ridiculous. Clearly, he’s all grown up compared to her. But she makes him laugh and he can’t help root for her by the end of episode 1. But it’s not like he’ll congratulate her in person. They’re not friends.
But right when he feels like he’s reach a new equilibrium, the past comes back and he’s reminded of all the guilt and suffering he, his family, and everyone else is going through. In fact, it’s all being pushed on him and he just has to take it because that’s what adulthood means. And he promises he’ll never be happy again, because honestly believes he never will be.
Right when he sinks to this new low, he sees Heedo. It’s humiliating but everything is already so unbearable so who care. But thanks to her, less than an hour after promising never to be happy, he feels joy again. And this girl - this kid - promises that they can find happiness together.
It’s a lifeline. It’s unbelievable. It’s childish. But he’ll take it.
He has someone on his side now, who will run across the neighborhood to protect him and wander the streets for hours for his sake. He gets to see his father again and sure, life is still impossible, but he really isn’t alone anymore. He can literally hop back home.
He and Heedo fight. She’s a kid and he’s the adult. He has to tell her what she needs to her not what she wants to hear. He’s got bigger things to worry about and once again it all feels like it’ll be too much.
Then she shows up again. And his melodrama becomes the neighborhood’s comedy. He’s too annoyed to even be upset anymore. And he can’t turn away from her determination and her spirit. It feels like Heedo can do anything and maybe he can too.
Then life becomes dark again. He needs to protect his brother, but really it’s an excuse. He just wants to run away from his problems and he’s an adult so he can actually do it. He feels absolutely helpless and trapped and unable to move forward. But in that darkness, there’s her voice. Not admonishing him or giving fake platitudes. She doesn’t judge him but just accepts him and tell him she’ll take care of everything. And then there she is on TV - desperately going after her dreams and winning.
He picks himself up and goes back to Seoul. He doesn’t try to find her again - he’s not quite ready for that yet because he needs to focus on himself first. He takes the first opportunity he can and he drags himself back up. He’s a trainee reporter now and he’s not perfect, but he’s going to make it. 
And then they find each other again. She’s come so far and he’s so proud. This time, it’s him saving her. He’ll be the one that gets her to the match and chases down the story to clear her name and break her out of the storeroom. They’re closer than ever, but the gulf also widens. He’s clearly the adult now, a proper adult and he’ll take care of everything.
He loves her. That’s fine. Of course he does. He’s better for it. He’s the adult so he’ll take care of everything. Heedo and Yurim and their friends even adopt him, like older sibling they can drag around. Looking at these idiots, it’s so clear that they’re kids. Not like him at all. It’s lonely in a way but that’s okay. Being lonely is being an adult. He’ll protect them too. And he’s great at it. He has his soulmate, he has his tribe, he has his job. It still feels impossible sometimes but he can do it.
He can’t help notice that Heedo is growing up too? Or was she always a grownup and he just didn’t notice? It’s just one more thing to be proud about it. Life is golden. Life is a rainbow.
And then she kisses him.
And he is not panicking. He’s the adult and that means he knows what he’s doing. He is not panicking. It’s not like every warning about how they’re too close to each other as an athlete and a journalist is playing over and over again in his head. It’s not like he thinks that if they take this step and he fails, then they lose each other forever. It’s not like he suddenly can see the darkness always threatening to creep back in from the corners and leave him utterly, desperately alone again.
But she is so persistent and he wavers. Deep down, he truly believes it’s the beginning of the end but he wavers. He tells her he’ll do everything he can with her because he’s an adult. He knows how the world works.
And then like a curse, it all falls apart immediately. With his own hands, he has to wreak his own destruction. And he does it. It’ll happen anyway. Better him than some other vulture who’ll rip yurim apart. He’ll do what he can within the limits of his job. He doesn’t bother trying to explain himself to heedo or anyone else. There’s nothing to say. They’re kids and they won’t understand. He doesn’t want them to understand, he doesn’t wish that upon anyone. He just wants it all to be over.
And then he sees at that awful graffiti and he can’t take it anymore. It is all over. And he can’t even pretend to himself anymore. He’s not an adult. He’s just so terribly, impossibly, achingly alone.
And then he looks up. He sees her, ladder and bucket at hand.
And the hope completely breaks him.
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
Trope Game
@cup-ah-jho tagged me for this game, thank you!
This is a game where you pick your preferred trope and explain your choice.  It got long, so I’ll toss it under a cut.
Enemies to Lovers // Friends to Lovers
I tend to not see much difference between a platonic and romantic relationship.  Like, building a life together is more of a relationship distinction to me than whether or not romance is involved.  But I feel like everyone loves watching people who like one another grow closer over time.  It’s nice.
Chosen One // The Corrupt
I’ve actually been hearing a lot of...  Discussion???  Thoughts???  Lately about how people viewing themselves as a “hero” or “the star of their story” is really... harmful.  Like, the more we glamorize one person saving the world or being some kind of... hero in their life story, the more we downplay cooperation and functionally promote isolation and arrogance.  I don’t remember seeing any actual research, so this is all just food for thought...  But I kinda see the point.
I like a story that points out when a character is taking too much on their shoulders or calls them out for failing to ask for help.
I’m just not a fan of character corruption, either, although I’m sure it can be done really well.
Two against the World // Found Family
Found family, aka everything I’ve ever written, ever.
Save the World // Save My Lover
OH THAT- THAT’S MEAN.  HOW DARE!  What a way to utterly destroy a character?!?!?!  This is upsetting, I am upset.
Naturally, you have to save the world- but you’ve destroyed your own world in doing so.  I don’t care for it, I do not!  Yeah I would avoid both types of stories, frankly.  I don’t need this in my life.
Time Travel // Alternative Universe
I don’t like time shenanigans.  I suppose there are ways to make it work (For example, Loki seems to be honestly trying as of ep 2), but 95% of the time, it immediately ruins the story.  (Well, why don’t you just go back to x time and do y?  Are there now multiple timelines?  Does anything mean anything if you can change it on a whim?  What happens when you do?  Are there consequences here?  Are they consistently upheld?).  There’s so much to consider and keep straight when time travel is introduced.  Most stories don’t bother addressing the implications.
BUT I LOVE AUs, I’m sure you know this by now!  I love to imagine how a different setting/different character backgrounds/character abilities might change things.  
Everyone Almost Dies // Everyone Gets Separated
No, thanks.  Like, for sure, separating characters and making them feel vulnerable can make for easy drama/danger, which is exciting.  And it’s important to have characters be by themselves and figure things out alone sometimes.  It’s a natural element of a lot of story genres, and I’ve written it, too.  But I’m always wanting the characters to reunite!
Strangers to Lovers to Enemies // Enemies to Allies to Lovers
Enemies?  That’s a strong word.  Obviously, not everyone can get along swimmingly, and I love personality clash.  But enemies?  (Obviously opposing forces are common in stories, but do people IRL have enemies?  That sounds exhausting).
This just ain’t my jim jam.
Competition Rivals to Allies // Friends to Rivals
I don’t know about rivals, but I do love the whole, “I personally don’t jive with that bozo, but I have to respect them” thing.  You don’t have to like someone to respect them- but it’s extra fun when a character slowly comes to like the rival, or at least learn to work with them.
Protective Siblings // Protective Found Family
Are you still up in here expecting me not to choose found family?  Tsk.
And that’s all!  Thank you for the tag!  I will tag @crestofenlightenment, @rachie102187-blog, and @sorasfishing, if you’re interested.
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fugitivehues · 4 years
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@cup-ah-jho (ty for you nice tags btw!!) here are the markers i’m using! the 24 set of “arteza real brush pens”. the color selection really is fun; a lot of them have a big range when diluted vs. saturated, and they all blend well!
apparently the official recommended way to color with them is to dip into water and then blend, but i prefer to do this: rub each marker into a different well in my palette, blend as needed in the other wells, and then paint with a normal paintbrush and water!
probably shouldn’t do that rough method if you plan to do lettering or fine lineart afterward though - and i think they’d actually be really nice for those. these are water-based markers so not waterproof of course, and probably not lightfast either... ^^;
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carefreejules · 7 years
cup-ah-jho replied to your post: god have I mentioned how much I love Goose House...
GOOSE HOUSE IS AMAZING!!! Do you happen to have a favorite song/cover from them?
I looooooove HoneyWorks too so when they covered one of their songs I was so happy
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I'm here on my dash reading everyone's reaction to Our Beloved Summer having decided to start it only after it has ended so I can watch it in peace and I'm glad @its-chelisey-stuff and @cup-ah-jho are commenting that the drama is basically More than Friends all over again because that's the vibe that I've been getting from everyone.
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sexyglances · 2 years
@cup-ah-jho omg ty for the best tags ever 😭
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esp bc it felt like i wasn't saying anything interesting and it was long to boot, so ty 😭
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fugitivehugs · 3 years
Tagged by @cup-ah-jho
Thanks!! It was fun! ^^
This or That
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // Instagram or Pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // Disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
Tagging @deadseafestivalofdreams @dungeonsopeaceful @lisatelramor @nillacakester @peachsunset @octilery @knightenchantrex @bluewindfall 
If you feel like it!! <3
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
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I posted 15,453 times in 2022
345 posts created (2%)
15,108 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,203 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#critical role - 2,276 posts
#cr spoilers - 1,004 posts
#art - 927 posts
#video - 891 posts
#cr fanart - 655 posts
#cats - 447 posts
#ashton - 374 posts
#kdrama - 292 posts
#rainy rambles - 271 posts
#fashion - 198 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think this is good to internalize for myself and also for some people who might be weary and worried how to deal with me when i am in cert
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love that Ashton is all "I will literally stand between any harm and any of these *gulp* friends", but then they just don't trust Chetney as far they could throw him (which is far) and I feel like it's mostly because he keeps being dick to Dorian and others. Like, you soft hearted punk, I love you so much.
204 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Ashton being the one to restrain FCG, one advocating for letting them down and even saying please, reminding they're all powderkegs that have hurt rest of the party in crossfire, trying to find kindest way to share the roughest news, setting up Orym's speech about taking care of each other and being first to agree with Orym's speech while most of the party didn't actually voice their agreement, just Ashton and their friendship with FCG and how much they care about their friends. /openly weeps
224 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
I am thinking about Ashton, left to grow up in an orphanage, going through the change that perhaps is brought upon by one of their unknown parent's heritage, alone and confused, and like no one else.
Having to navigate that alone, most likely scared the first time they realized their hair was changing into stone, or even it first all fell out, the skintone shifting and all these physical changes truly no other puberty would be alike and there was no one to tell them they weren't straight up dying of some unknown disease and I just--
268 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
One thing I think about a lot is how resigned, perhaps even inadequate, Ashton seems to feel about their role as purely muscle within the group.
There are definitely more than just these examples, but what comes to mind is post-duel at the ball when Orym approaches Ashton and says they might need Ashton, and Ashton immediately asks who needs beating up. As if that's the only input that they can contribute or be expected to contribute.
And then in latest episode, when they've all looked at Ruidus, someone needs to help the telecope to be moved so it can look at Catha and Ashton immediately volunteers all "this is what I'm good for".
And it's after everyone has chimed in with opinions about the moon storms and Imogen's experiences, but Ashton remained quiet, because what do they know? All these people are magic users or at least connected to someone wise and knowledgeable and Ashton's just a thug from orphanage.
I don't think it helps the way Bell's Hells sometimes don't hear them, like Ashton several times said they can have a go at picking locks (proficient), but the group always looked to someone else for that or a different solution.
The few times they're confident is when Gus "spoke Marquesian" and Ashton stepped up to speak bluntly with some cussing, and when they're fighting - and as they said themselves, it might be in part to make someone look at them and care. And when they're in smaller groups and dealing with odd vendors. Or have to protect someone, even if it's making sure FCG isn't hurting themselves emotionally.
I also recall how eagerly Ashton just echoed and boosted up Imogen's lines at first in the knick-knack store. They're eager to learn and support in more than just muscle-way, but so many of the current problems Bell's Hells have are magic and knowledge aligned, where they cannot help much and I feel like they feel kind of inadequate about it.
I wonder if it's something that comes from how they were treated in Nobodies, with how excited they were about their bribe moment early in the campaign, or just how cards have fallen currently in the story.
And I really hope they will gain confidence in themselves and their place with Bell's Hells. (And get a hug.)
308 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Between having been really into mermaids and underwater kingdoms as a concept during my childhood and the absolutely hauntingly stunning horror movie sequence where you root for the sirens introduction to Talokan, it's not really any surprise that I became instantly and deeply fascinated with this nation and its' people.
Like, there is so much I kept thinking about during the movie and even now, a whole day later. This great post by @thebctman raised even more that I hadn't gotten to.
Until the call to arms scene, I assumed that they cannot speak under the water, so I was quite stunned at the scene. But it does make me wonder just how much of importance does body language carry in Talokanian society! And how hard it might have been to preserve their native language, especially before the establishing of the cave sanctuary(ies).
And I have to think for how long Namor was only one who could only briefly exit the water, how, before the invention of water masks, there could be no sanctuary and he would be the only one wandering the caves. Pushed into role and revered as the leader from birth, fitting in with none of them.
The fact they ended up building this sanctuary and filling it to the brim with parts of their cultures they couldn't practice under the water - like the murals. How they must have lost their national cuisine, without access to ingredients or ways to practice it - or even consume, since they cannot eat above the water. I have no idea how much jade deposits are under water, but perhaps even that became a scarce material.
It makes me think of Namor's speech the first time he meets with Queen Ramonda and Shuri - about how clean and unharmed the land is and how much Wakanda's people have not had to change and compromise who they are, their culture, just to continue to exist. Though Talokan is their new land, it is still an exile. Exile deep into the cold waters that have slowly been poisoned and polluted by people.
Somehow, they've managed to befriend sea animals and even communicate with them (which leads back to my point about non-verbal communication under the water, maybe they quite literally can emit sounds similar to dolphins or whales), there is no way that they do not know the absolute devastation done to the oceans, that it has not impacted them, that Namor or his people haven't personally known whales that have been killed by whalers.
And yes, I do wonder about the pressure - how fast can they raise and lower themselves in these depths, without reprecussions, and just how damn fast can they travel because they seem to traverse incredible distances so very swiftly. One moment they're near USA, then Namor can respond to Queen Ramonda's call very swiftly. Like, just how fast can they all swim, without exhaustion?? Fascinating.
I know most of these things will never be answered, if any at all, but a lot of them are just lot of feelings about things in the subtext and I'm gonna go drown in those kthxbye.
392 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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technitango · 1 year
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I posted 2,102 times in 2022
That's 1,385 more posts than 2021!
191 posts created (9%)
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#the devil judge - 254 posts
#kinnporsche - 198 posts
#bad and crazy - 68 posts
#love between fairy and devil - 57 posts
#word of honor - 54 posts
#the devil judge rewatch - 53 posts
#the untamed - 45 posts
#beyond evil - 44 posts
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#twenty five twenty one - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#yeah okay they took it out on some innocents but goddamn those adults that mistreated them and let them down in the past are literally
My Top Posts in 2022:
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175 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
okay but pete giving vegas the rope during their sex scene
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196 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
not gonna lie when kinn went all mafia boss earlier in the final episode and shot those annoying mf's at that table dead i transcended
209 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
the way i didn't cry during the to my star episodes but am tearing up now. like goddamn it really is about the fear of being abandoned. the fear of being known and understood, the fear of never being known and understood. the fear of being lonely even when you have someone right next to you. the way some people try so hard to please others and put themselves out there because they don't want to be alone and the way there are people that distance themselves and rip themselves away from other people because of the same exact reason. the way "they're going to leave me eventually so ill leave them first" and "i desperately need to cling onto them so they never leave me" are the same thing coming from the same place just expressed in different ways. it's about connections and misunderstandings. and in the end it's about being human. that's what it's all about isn't it? just being human.
210 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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he's an Artist™
497 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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keikotwins · 3 years
Tagged by @cup-ah-jho. Thank you! I loved your explanations!
Enemies to Lovers // Friends to Lovers
Loving the sweetness of growing closer to someone, finding out more about each other and being happy about it, feeling grateful and curious…!
Chosen One // The Corrupt
Don't really know what the exact trope is, but seeing villains bring logical arguments on the table and convince goodies is always fun to see.
Two against the World // Found Family
Everyone is all about Found Family but I think I've never read anything including it? Anyway, I love when characters go through hell and beyond too much. Big up to The MandaIorian for having both.
Save the World // Save My Lover
I can only remember examples where the MC would do both and saving the lover felt unnatural, so…
Time Travel // Alternative Universe
Hehe AU that fits exactly all my tastes and my favourite characters meet and I get rid of the canon I don't like hehe.
Everyone Almost Dies // Everyone Gets Separated
Who hurt you, OP.
Strangers to Lovers to Enemies // Enemies to Allies to Lovers
No sad breakup of my favourite ship on my watch. Either they are friends again or get nuked.
Competition Rivals to Allies // Friends to Rivals
It's all in the side character joining the main crew and having an arc that reveals how interesting they actually are.
Protective Siblings // Protective Found Family
My ignorance in anything Found Family strike again. Anything protective is welcome!
If you see this and want to grab it even untagged, go for it!
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Regarding this post
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@cup-ah-jho Thanks for pointing out the part with the speed, the game didn’t really do this...  That makes the system make a little bit more sense. Hm, I personally like the ATB system of FF7 to FF9, because there you could actually see it move in real time and had a good idea when to act and even let other characters not act until another character was filled up.  I haven’t played Octopath Traveller.
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Yeah, my main hope is about having crazy job combos, that is where BD truly shines, but you only get them around mid/end game normally.  Hmm... I don’t think it is a good choice to hide when enemies attack and only give a vague hint. That feels too much like artificial difficulty, not like clever difficulty.  I don’t want to put the game away yet, I very much plan to play through it, I just don’t vibe very well with the battle system yet and I am asking myself if I am doing something wrong.
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decinna · 3 years
I was tagged by @cup-ah-jho ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ty bby
This or That
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // Instagram or Pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // Disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
 @kaeldra , @birbling Don’t feel bound to do this tho :) 
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