chnzb · 10 months
Secondary Refining Furnace
The steel refining process by secondary refining furnace can be divided into two categories: primary refining, aimed at removing carbon from pig iron, and additional refining processes conducted after primary refining, collectively referred to as secondary refining. Secondary refining furnace process involves the removal of impurities and adjustment of elements. The secondary refining usually takes place in a ladle (a transport container for molten steel) and is crucial for producing high-quality steel. The primary role of secondary refining is ultimate desulfurization, the elimination of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and other impurities, as well as the final decarburization of ultra-low carbon steel.
A steel melting and secondary refining method comprising the steps of melting steel manufacture raw materials while the molten steel is subjected to oxidation and decarburization so that the oxidation and decarburization are substantially completed before melt-down; after melt-down, heating the molten steel to a temperature above a liquidus line temperature and below 50℃. in temperature increment from the liquidus line temperature, and thereafter tapping the molten steel into a primary ladle; teeming the molten steel from the primary ladle into a secondary refining furnace; allowing the molten steel to be effluent into a secondary ladle at a lower portion of the secondary refining furnace while the temperature of the molten steel is raised; and continuously performing gas bubbling in the secondary ladle in a vacuum under existence of slag simultaneously with the effluence of the molten steel into the secondary ladle.
In the realm of steel production, the Secondary Refining Furnace stands as a pivotal player in achieving exceptional steel purity and quality. This crucial phase of the secondary metallurgy steelmaking process encompasses various techniques aimed at fine-tuning the composition of the molten metal, eliminating impurities, and ensuring the final product meets the stringent demands of modern industries.
Advantages of ladle refining furnace in alloy steel secondary refining
Enhancing Steel Quality through ESR Process
Stainless steel refining: AOD and VOD furnace
Advantages of ladle refining furnace in alloy steel secondary refining
Ladle refining furnace offers strong heating functions, permits the addition of a large amount of alloys, and enables precise temperature control. The ladle secondary refining furnace also provides outstanding desulfurization by high-temperature treatment with reducing fluxes and the removal of deoxidation products. The LRF process is therefore often used for the secondary refining process of alloy steel.
Secondary refining aims to fine-tune the steel's properties, ensuring the secondary refining process meets the stringent requirements of various industries, including automotive, construction, aerospace, and more.
Purity Enhancement: Steel produced in primary furnaces can still contain impurities and non-metallic inclusions that might adversely affect its mechanical properties, formability, and overall quality. Secondary refining furnaces, such as ladle furnaces or vacuum degassing units, focus on reducing these impurities to enhance the steel's purity. Through secondary refining processes like desulfurization and deoxidation, excess sulfur and oxygen are removed, leading to cleaner and more refined steel.
Composition Adjustment: Steel's composition can significantly impact its performance in various applications. Secondary refining furnaces provide a controlled environment for adjusting the composition of steel by adding precise amounts of alloying elements. This secondary metallurgy steelmaking process allows steelmakers to achieve specific mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and other characteristics required for specific applications.
Refining Quality: The secondary refining process involves precise temperature and chemical control, which aids in the removal of undesirable elements and compounds that could compromise the steel's quality. By utilizing techniques like argon or vacuum degassing, hydrogen removal, and slag foaming, steelmakers can achieve higher levels of cleanliness and homogeneity in the final product. This contributes to improved mechanical properties, surface finish, and overall quality.
Secondary refining furnaces employ various processes to enhance the purity of steel. Through the flow of molten steel, these furnaces can remove excess sulfur, oxygen, and other impurities using techniques such as blowing, injection, or vacuum treatment. This treatment significantly reduces the content of non-metallic inclusions and impurities, resulting in cleaner and higher purity steel.
Modern secondary refining furnaces also take environmental factors into consideration. They utilize technologies such as slag recycling and waste heat utilization to reduce waste generation, energy consumption, and emissions. These measures contribute to achieving sustainable steel production and reducing the environmental impact.
Secondary refining furnaces adjust the composition of steel by adding alloying elements to meet specific requirements. Steel producers can precisely control the amount of alloying elements added, thus achieving specific properties and characteristics in the steel, such as corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity, hardness, etc. This enables steel to be tailored for various application domains.
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trash-with-no-life · 2 years
how do people have such diverse taste in music i just listen to the same three songs on repeat
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dahpurplehatgirl · 3 months
Saiouma week 2023 day 3: Mastermind
Oh boy was this one of my favourite prompts and one of my favourite Danganronpa au so. Bring on Mastermind Shuichi!
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In this AU Shuichi is the mastermind and Kokichi is the protagonist. Throughout the killing game Kokichi had become quite a fan of Shuichi and eventually they were a cupel however as it came to the final standoff Shuichi felt different to Kokichi. He smiles and reveals himself to be the mastermind of the game and reveals that he played his cards right, killing off all those that were closed to Kokichi and seeing the “delight” of our protagonist here. Kokichi was heart broken to see his beloved boyfriend used him all along and played him like a fool thinking he loved him and cared for him. The final reveal was a shocker to the public and a good end to the killing game.
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…That was a lie. It was entirely a mastermind lie. Not only was Shuichi the mastermind, Kokichi was also part of the huge set up. He was the mastermind’s assistant. They both fooled the audience into believing they broke up and gave them despair. It was all a lie. They played both their cards right and finished the 53 season with pure despair.
Phew. But yes I’m a huge fan of the Mastermind Shuichi au and wanted to do this with a Saiouma twist for the week. I really enjoyed drawing the twisted expressions and making Shuichi be a king to Kokichi.
I wanted the everything was a lie element in this piece and mastermind au and designs are a favourite of mine so yeah. Enjoy these drawings I did and total not uploading on here now.
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skulliesweet · 2 years
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Cupel: Heartbreak shaped
Speedpaint: https://youtu.be/uWrYwVOob7Q
This is a super old concept made as a vent, but now that I have some time to process everything, I was able to complete it. Thus, ending that chapter of my life c:
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sumthinganarchy · 1 year
thoughts on this update so far
why can i never release a post on time??? ether way, hello! I'm going to be talking about this cookie run update! a trip to paradise!
characters: okay, ya i like blue slushy cookie, she's cute, her costume is nice, and i like the fact that wind archer is in her affections. not a lot to say though.
(i know she hasn't released yet but) honestly, i don't like sugar swan cookie, I'm happy for her fans/people who are excited for her, its been a long time coming, but i personally liked her as entity that existed in the world and was important. but again its been along time coming, and people are excited for her.
npc: can't say much cus i don't care for these two, but I'm glad there relevant again. we knew that wiped cream cookie was important (to the lore of wind archer/millennial tree). and the poor pilot cookie fans, you guys have had no content for ages. I'm happy for you all :]
!!! more under cut !!!
story: ye i like it, it ain't bad. a cupel things of note, first wal i have SEEN no one talk about it, i think its what everyone thinking, i thing that black sugar duck is sugar swan cookie. i like the fact that wind archer is mentioned (hasn't shown up though). one thing i don't like is the fact that the dessert gradians exist, up until this point we ONLY knew wind archer cookie was the only one, its implied he was made for that purpose, so it just feels weird.
UI/game changes: what??? why??? honestly i like the new shop (i don't have to do trophy race anymore lol, and i get a lot of rainbow cubes), but why did they change the rewards, fine if they want to redo the game mode currencies and shops, BUT why the rewards, just why.
that's all for now, bye-bye!
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marune2 · 9 months
I have a idea for a further cupel/marriage proms
1)the stupid think I love abaut you
2)the unsexy‘s think is even sexy if I think abaud you
3)you my cat
4)stupid lover
5)you in over size’s clothes is cute
6)honey moon
7)child love
8)in the first glare
9)soft lover’s
10)play whit my
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I’ve been eating so much the last cupel of days and haven't done anything to lose weight. Fortunately though I've been sick and wasn't able to eat or keep anything down so I've lost a kilo (2lbs). I will try use this opportunity to get back on track.
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monzasnap · 1 year
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Model : Tanya Phumidit
Photographer : Kaona Chaisri
Exclusive with “CupE Special”
Register Free at
w w w. c u p e. l i v e
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Sometimes you find that 1. The real 1 for you and when that happens you never want time apart from each other. This becomes a big problem cuss we all need our space at times. It is unrealistic to expect a Cupel not to but heads if they are always together. And one or the other may feel if they need time away from you then it means they are tied or bord of you. But truth is its not always the case. I'd say that cupels that have hobbies friends or projects outside of the relationship have about a 40% better shot of getting along and never having fights in there relationship. But in my experience if you don't have time outside of your relationship then you have no time to reflect or take in the progress in the relationship in a healthy way. As a hopeless romantic I throw myself head 1st into love and freek out with a fery of anxiety when I have to spend time from my love. This is a dependency which is not healthy to have. So when things are getting ruff in your relationship remember it is ok to take time apart and when you come back together you will see things will be easier to work out after you both had Some space to reflect on the matter. Love is Devine and complicated. It can't be forced or rushed. It can't be made or bout and sold. It requires nurturing and paints the soft touch if you will. It can blow out just like a candle in the wind if you can't let it breath. Remember this don't mean you don't love that person. It just needs time to blossom 🌸
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MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kaja
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kaja
MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Batukaang, Pintu Kamar Mandi Dari Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sekumpul, Pintu Kamar Tidur Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Cupel, Pintu Minimalis Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Antapan.
FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Baja Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu rumah konvensional yang mengunakan material baja sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Tingkatkan Keamanan Rumah Anda dengan 13 Keunggulan Fortress Pintu Baja!
Material Baja Berkualitas Tinggi.
- Finishing dengan Pola Serat Kayu Alami.
- Kusen Baja dengan Detail Architrave yang Anggun.
- Engsel Baja Tersembunyi dalam 4 Set.
- Sistem Penguncian 5 Titik dengan Kunci Utama.
- Sistem Keamanan A-B Lock dengan 7 Kunci Elektronik.
- Dilengkapi dengan Slot/Grendel untuk Penguncian Tambahan.
- Terdapat Lubang Pengintip.
- Pelindung Karet pada Kusen dan Daun Pintu.
- Lapisan Honeycomb Paper sebagai Penyerap Suara.
- Lapisan PE-Film untuk Perlindungan Tambahan.
- Dilengkapi dengan 6 Set Baut Pemasangan.
- Memiliki Ambang Pintu yang Kokoh.
Dapatkan keamanan yang tak tertandingi dengan Fortress Pintu Baja, solusi pintu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk melindungi rumah Anda.
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintukamarmandibajatahankaratdisumertakaja #pintukamarmandibajaringantahankaratdibatukaang #pintukamarmandidaribajaringantahankaratdisekumpul #pintukamartidurbajaringantahankaratdicupel #pintuminimalisbajaringantahankaratdiantapan
Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Kamar Mandi Dari Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Kamar Tidur Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sinabun, Pintu Minimalis Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Kaliakah, Pintu Plat Baja Tahan Karat Di Batunya.
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ELEGAN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Tidur Minimalis 2024 Di Antapan
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Tidur Minimalis 2024 Di Antapan
ELEGAN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Tidur Minimalis 2024 Di Antapan, Pintu Kamar Tidur Terbaru Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Kayu Depan Rumah Di Batukaang, Pintu Kayu Double Minimalis Di Sekumpul, Pintu Kayu Industrial Di Cupel.
FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Baja Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu rumah konvensional yang mengunakan material baja sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Tingkatkan Keamanan Rumah Anda dengan 13 Keunggulan Fortress Pintu Baja!
Material Baja Berkualitas Tinggi.
- Finishing dengan Pola Serat Kayu Alami.
- Kusen Baja dengan Detail Architrave yang Anggun.
- Engsel Baja Tersembunyi dalam 4 Set.
- Sistem Penguncian 5 Titik dengan Kunci Utama.
- Sistem Keamanan A-B Lock dengan 7 Kunci Elektronik.
- Dilengkapi dengan Slot/Grendel untuk Penguncian Tambahan.
- Terdapat Lubang Pengintip.
- Pelindung Karet pada Kusen dan Daun Pintu.
- Lapisan Honeycomb Paper sebagai Penyerap Suara.
- Lapisan PE-Film untuk Perlindungan Tambahan.
- Dilengkapi dengan 6 Set Baut Pemasangan.
- Memiliki Ambang Pintu yang Kokoh.
Dapatkan keamanan yang tak tertandingi dengan Fortress Pintu Baja, solusi pintu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk melindungi rumah Anda.
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintukamartidurminimalis2024diantapan #pintukamartidurterbarudisumertakaja #pintukayudepanrumahdibatukaang #pintukayudoubleminimalisdisekumpul #pintukayuindustrialdicupel
Pintu Kamar Tidur Minimalis 2024 Di Antapan, Pintu Kayu Depan Rumah Di Sumerta Kauh, Pintu Kayu Double Minimalis Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Kayu Industrial Di Sinabun, Pintu Kayu Kamar Minimalis Di Kaliakah.
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MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Motif Kayu Modern Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Antapan
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Motif Kayu Modern Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Antapan
MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Motif Kayu Modern Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Antapan, Pintu Motif Kayu Polos Kupu Tarung Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Motif Kayu Ruang Tamu Kupu Tarung Di Batukaang, Pintu Motif Kayu Rumah Mewah Kupu Tarung Di Sekumpul, Pintu Motif Kayu Rumah Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Cupel.
FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Baja Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu rumah konvensional yang mengunakan material baja sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Tingkatkan Keamanan Rumah Anda dengan 13 Keunggulan Fortress Pintu Baja!
Material Baja Berkualitas Tinggi.
- Finishing dengan Pola Serat Kayu Alami.
- Kusen Baja dengan Detail Architrave yang Anggun.
- Engsel Baja Tersembunyi dalam 4 Set.
- Sistem Penguncian 5 Titik dengan Kunci Utama.
- Sistem Keamanan A-B Lock dengan 7 Kunci Elektronik.
- Dilengkapi dengan Slot/Grendel untuk Penguncian Tambahan.
- Terdapat Lubang Pengintip.
- Pelindung Karet pada Kusen dan Daun Pintu.
- Lapisan Honeycomb Paper sebagai Penyerap Suara.
- Lapisan PE-Film untuk Perlindungan Tambahan.
- Dilengkapi dengan 6 Set Baut Pemasangan.
- Memiliki Ambang Pintu yang Kokoh.
Dapatkan keamanan yang tak tertandingi dengan Fortress Pintu Baja, solusi pintu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk melindungi rumah Anda.
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintumotifkayumodernminimaliskuputarungdiantapan #pintumotifkayupoloskuputarungdisumertakaja #pintumotifkayuruangtamukuputarungdibatukaang #pintumotifkayurumahmewahkuputarungdisekumpul #pintumotifkayurumahminimaliskuputarungdicupel
Pintu Motif Kayu Modern Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Antapan, Pintu Motif Kayu Ruang Tamu Kupu Tarung Di Sumerta Kauh, Pintu Motif Kayu Rumah Mewah Kupu Tarung Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Motif Kayu Rumah Minimalis Kupu Tarung Di Sinabun, Pintu Motif Kayu Rumah Modern Kupu Tarung Di Kaliakah.
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MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Antapan
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Antapan
MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Antapan, Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Kamar Mandi Dari Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Batukaang, Pintu Kamar Tidur Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sekumpul, Pintu Minimalis Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Cupel.
FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Baja Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu rumah konvensional yang mengunakan material baja sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Tingkatkan Keamanan Rumah Anda dengan 13 Keunggulan Fortress Pintu Baja!
Material Baja Berkualitas Tinggi.
- Finishing dengan Pola Serat Kayu Alami.
- Kusen Baja dengan Detail Architrave yang Anggun.
- Engsel Baja Tersembunyi dalam 4 Set.
- Sistem Penguncian 5 Titik dengan Kunci Utama.
- Sistem Keamanan A-B Lock dengan 7 Kunci Elektronik.
- Dilengkapi dengan Slot/Grendel untuk Penguncian Tambahan.
- Terdapat Lubang Pengintip.
- Pelindung Karet pada Kusen dan Daun Pintu.
- Lapisan Honeycomb Paper sebagai Penyerap Suara.
- Lapisan PE-Film untuk Perlindungan Tambahan.
- Dilengkapi dengan 6 Set Baut Pemasangan.
- Memiliki Ambang Pintu yang Kokoh.
Dapatkan keamanan yang tak tertandingi dengan Fortress Pintu Baja, solusi pintu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk melindungi rumah Anda.
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintukamarmandibajatahankaratdiantapan #pintukamarmandibajaringantahankaratdisumertakaja #pintukamarmandidaribajaringantahankaratdibatukaang #pintukamartidurbajaringantahankaratdisekumpul #pintuminimalisbajaringantahankaratdicupel
Pintu Kamar Mandi Baja Tahan Karat Di Antapan, Pintu Kamar Mandi Dari Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sumerta Kauh, Pintu Kamar Tidur Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Minimalis Baja Ringan Tahan Karat Di Sinabun, Pintu Plat Baja Tahan Karat Di Kaliakah.
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MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (ALUMINOS) Pintu Aluminium Minimalis Modern Di Antapan
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (ALUMINOS) Pintu Aluminium Minimalis Modern Di Antapan, Pintu Aluminium Minimalis Terbaru Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Aluminium Motif Kayu Di Batukaang, Pintu Aluminium Serat Kayu Di Sekumpul, Pintu Aluminium Single Di Cupel.
ALUMINOS FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Aluminium Kaca Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu kamar mandi konvensional yang mengunakan material alumunium dan kaca sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Ingin mempercantik kamar mandi Anda dengan pintu yang berkelas? Pintu Aluminium Kaca Minimalis adalah pilihan yang sempurna! Berikut adalah Keunggulan ALUMINOS FORTRESS Pintu Aluminium menarik:
Desain Modern Bingkai aluminium dengan kombinasi kaca
- Kekuatan dan Ketahanan akan cuaca
- Privasi Kaca yang Terjaga
- Ramah Lingkungan
- Pemasangan Mudah
- Warna yang Menawan
- Rendah Perawatan
- Tahan Lama
Dapatkan ALUMINOS FORTRESS Pintu Aluminium Kaca Minimalis sekarang dan buat kamar mandi Anda lebih cantik dan fungsional!
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintualuminiumminimalismoderndiantapan #pintualuminiumminimalisterbarudisumertakaja #pintualuminiummotifkayudibatukaang #pintualuminiumseratkayudisekumpul #pintualuminiumsingledicupel
Pintu Aluminium Minimalis Modern Di Antapan, Pintu Aluminium Motif Kayu Di Sumerta Kauh, Pintu Aluminium Serat Kayu Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Aluminium Single Di Sinabun, Pintu Aluminium Toilet Di Kaliakah.
0 notes
MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Minimalis Kamar Tidur Berbahan Baja Di Cupel
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WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Minimalis Kamar Tidur Berbahan Baja Di Cupel
MODERN..!! WA 0821 7001 0763 (FORTRESS) Pintu Minimalis Kamar Tidur Berbahan Baja Di Cupel, Pintu Untuk Kamar Tidur Berbahan Baja Di Antapan, Pintu Kamar Tidur Plat Baja Di Sumerta Kaja, Pintu Kamar Minimalis Plat Baja Di Batukaang, Pintu Buat Kamar Tidur Plat Baja Di Sekumpul.
FORTRESS adalah produk Pintu Baja Motif Kayu Sebuah terobosan inovasi terbaru sebagai alternatif pengganti pintu rumah konvensional yang mengunakan material baja sebagai bahan baku utamanya.
Tingkatkan Keamanan Rumah Anda dengan 13 Keunggulan Fortress Pintu Baja!
Material Baja Berkualitas Tinggi.
- Finishing dengan Pola Serat Kayu Alami.
- Kusen Baja dengan Detail Architrave yang Anggun.
- Engsel Baja Tersembunyi dalam 4 Set.
- Sistem Penguncian 5 Titik dengan Kunci Utama.
- Sistem Keamanan A-B Lock dengan 7 Kunci Elektronik.
- Dilengkapi dengan Slot/Grendel untuk Penguncian Tambahan.
- Terdapat Lubang Pengintip.
- Pelindung Karet pada Kusen dan Daun Pintu.
- Lapisan Honeycomb Paper sebagai Penyerap Suara.
- Lapisan PE-Film untuk Perlindungan Tambahan.
- Dilengkapi dengan 6 Set Baut Pemasangan.
- Memiliki Ambang Pintu yang Kokoh.
Dapatkan keamanan yang tak tertandingi dengan Fortress Pintu Baja, solusi pintu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk melindungi rumah Anda.
Hubungi Kami Segera (0821-7001-0763)
Head Office (Kantor Pusat) :
Jl. Raya Binong Jl. Kp. Cijengir No. 99, Rt.005/Rw.003, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kantor Cabang JBS : (Solo, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, Palembang, Kendari, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Bali, Dan Kota Lainnya Menyusul)
Provinsi Bali Meliputi : Kab Badung-Mangupura, Kab Bangli, Kab Buleleng-Singaraja, Kab Gianyar, Kab Jembrana-Negara, Kab Karangasem-Amlapura, Kab Klungkung-Semarapura, Kab Tabanan, Kota Denpasar Dan Seluruh Kota Se-Indonesia.
#pintuminimaliskamartidurberbahanbajadicupel #pintuuntukkamartidurberbahanbajadiantapan #pintukamartidurplatbajadisumertakaja #pintukamarminimalisplatbajadibatukaang #pintubuatkamartidurplatbajadisekumpul
Pintu Minimalis Kamar Tidur Berbahan Baja Di Cupel, Pintu Kamar Tidur Plat Baja Di Batunya, Pintu Kamar Minimalis Plat Baja Di Sumerta Kauh, Pintu Buat Kamar Tidur Plat Baja Di Batur Selatan, Pintu Kamar Bagus Plat Baja Di Sinabun.
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marune2 · 8 months
Tag Faust
Josele is @loosesodamarble oc
Tag thinking abaut stuff and get then bored and do shi€ again but is then not more bored
Tag is 18 year’s old
Tag thinking Morgan and josele are a cupel right now sad Nacht don’t get bis€es but Tag felling him because Tag did goes to the same shi€ as he do right now…..
Love a poisonous sickly stuff
Tag is bored time to say hello too Morgan and be a „fun“ little brother to him in other wort’s make he’s night hell fun
As Tag go to Morgan
Tag:hey Bro-
Then see he Morgan and josele kissing and cuddling and year you know do what a cupel do don’t hear tag
Tag run then fast of he is not Nacht wo is a big di€k
Then run he to Ida’s room what surprising happened then as he goes in see he nacht and yami sleeping in Ida’s bad whit out clothes and it’s smells like they had „fun“ ok time to make a Foto to black male Nacht leader
After he make a picture whit a magic tule he looking for Ida
Wo run to him
Tag:hey gremlin how is it?
Ida:what? You mean Nachty and yami hugging in my Rome weirdly and mourning and do stuff in my room? It’s bad I did sleep in Morgy‘s room but I think I’m good
Tag going to make Nacht’s life hell if he and yami waking up but now have he a baby sister to take care of
Tag:It’s good you getting a new bed anyway oh let’s play sister ur brother‘s have there fun so let’s have ur fun „say he smiling
Ida:oh yes!!!
Tag:ok come let’s go in my room I have some new puppets to play and art stuff wo know if you can draw for my oh no better let’s training male anatomy in drawing I have books
Ida:oh ok Art training!!!!
Tag:Man It’s fell wired but hey last time it’s whas woman anatomy but anyway I’m happy Ida
Ida looking happy at him : yay come tagy“ run fast of
Tag looking smiling after he’s sister but run fast after her in a playful way she laughing and make happy child screaming
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