#curious and slightly worried about one of my own OCs
thesilvervicar · 8 months
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Ooo now I'm even more curious,
Bonny has the ilysib talked to each about their trauma and wounds that happened with their own past relationships? And if they're still healing from that or if it's just smth that's left in the past
I know it was kind of mention before with ocs parents and her relationship with them but I wonder is she ever experience smth similar in any of her romantic relationships
I love this couple and I love seeing then grow together 🫶🏼
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"Jungkookie- baby can you get the door please, I'm still naked!" You call out from the bathroom, and Jungkook calls back a simple affirmation that he's gonna do just that- by now definitely comfortable enough in both your home and with you to do these things.
"Huh? Who are you?" The woman in front of the door asks, face confused, before the man behind her looks over her shoulder.
"Do you live here?" He asks, and Jungkook tilts his head with a curious but suspicious frown on his face.
"I- somewhat. What do you need?" He asks politely, when the bathroom door opens.
"Who was it Koo-" you drift off, not finishing your sentence, and Jungkook can instantly feel the way you tense up in a defensive stance. "What do you want." You ask lowly like a predator warning it's enemy, and he can feel his skin become oddly cold.
He's never seen you like this.
"Checking up on you?" The man says, almost scoffs. "You never call. We didn't even know you have a boyfriend now." He accuses.
"Maybe I just don't want to annoy you with my stupidity." You bark back, gently placing your hand on Jungkook's side to push him slightly away from the door. "I'm alive, cool, now leave."
"We're your parents- we have a right to know what's going on in your life." Your mother says, eyes tearing up. Jungkook feels a bit bad for her. He doesn't know the situation after all.
"You had that right, you didn't want it." You shake your head. "Now go before I call the cops on you."
"You wouldn't do that. I raised you god damn-!" you father says, angrily, pointing a finger at you. You step back, bump into Jungkook's chest-
And then he feels it.
You're shaking, body trembling against his. And he's not sure what kind of instinctual behavior suddenly comes over him- but his hands find your shoulders, keep you close, before he reaches out for the door.
"I think it's best you leave. She clearly doesn't want you here." He politely tells them, and before they can say anything more, he shakes his head. "I will genuinely call the police to have you removed, please." He asks one last time, before he closes the door. The doorbell rings. Knocks are heard. You turn around and begin to cry in his chest.
He's not sure what must've happened between you and your parents to have such a strong reaction to it- bit it must've been bad, if you're this upset at just them visiting.
Now that he thinks about it, you never really tall about them at all.
"I'm sorry." You somewhat get out as you lean back from him on the couch, knocks still echoing. "They're not gonna leave." You sigh, wiping your face somewhat dry.
"Then we'll actually call the cops, no worries." He shrugs, when the knocking stops.
"You won't even call your own doctor's office to schedule an appointment." You huff, and he rolls his eyes before he laughs, pulling you back into his chest. "Got me all soft for you though, acting like a knight in shining armor and all.." you mumble, and he hums a reply simply, a hand on your shoulder carefully running up and down to soothe you. "I don't like them."
"I guessed as much." He chuckles, and you wiggle closer to him.
"My mom always said I don't put enough effort into myself. My appearance, my life, anything. And my dad always said I talk dumb and look like a whore." You quietly confess. Jungkook tilts his head in frustration.
"You think he's still out there?" He asks, and you lean back to look at him.
"Dunno?" You say. "Why?"
"No one calls my girlfriend stupid or a whore." He threatens, and you laugh. "I'm serious!" He defends, and you smile, leaning in to peck his lips.
"I know." You say, finally smiling again. "And that's soooo cute!" You tease, making him whine.
"I'm not cute, I'm your knight in shining armor!"
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zr-art-world · 3 months
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I've been playing with these twos designs since forever, but I can never be sure if their actually good, like, objectively.
Can people look at these and tell me what I might need to remove/improve/add
Some character info
I'll try to make this concise as possible
For one, this takes place in a superhero scifi setting.
With Psi, I was going with android with insect motif, in particularly, butterfly and moth.
He was a human who's psyche was put into a techno organic robot body because he was on the verge of dyeing.
He grew up in a privileged setting but was mainly raised by robots made by his family.
He used to be always sick as a kid
He is a child prodigy that has a hard time with people because of his up brining.
Before being put into a robot body, he worked as a scientist (robotics specifically, however, he heavily dabbled in other fields as well)
He put himself in the robot body after a group tried to kill him and steal his technology and use it for their own gain
He feels like his intelligence is his one good defining trait, something that he relies on and something he thinks is the only thing he can offer to help people
Because of his upbringing, he is naturally curious about almost everything, despite him probably already knowing about it from his research.
After having his psyche put into an android body, he left his previous position to proses his thought and feelings and he also felt like he could do more good with his new body and intellect
Aster and their younger siblings were orphaned kids and were captured by Venlarians (a faction of bad guys in my story baseikly) and were trained and brain washed to be assassins and soldiers. (Aster became a well known assassin and sniper)
They were also experimented on a given powers (Aster specifically has minor mater manipulation abilities and can heal really fast and from major injuries. They can also teleport and harden their skin)
At the age of 18-19, they escaped but were separated from their siblings
They are adopted by another character, Mar (Who was the adopted son of the bbeg and emperor of the venularian empire before killing him)
After living with him and Mar trying to give them a normal child hood and saying that he and his colleagues will find them. (After defecting from Venularian empire, he joined the coalition of heroes which is like the justice league to put it in short terms), Aster wants to go out and find their siblings.
They also want to help others because they want to repent for what they were made to to while being controlled by the empire and so no one has to suffer under the empire.
Once their old enough, they take a space craft to explore the galaxy and to find their siblings and to help people.
They love exploring different planets and parts of the galaxy
She often hides her true feelings under a happy go lucky veneer, not wanting to scare people and not wanting her loved ones to worry about her.
Because of her powers and background, she doesn't have a lot of worry about her well being, often saving her friends and people in need at the expense of her well being because "I'll just heal right up! Don't worry, I can take it"
Aster originally had some avian aspects and I want to add those features again.
some other aspects for these two, they were slightly inspired by Psych and Eros
Idk if I want to make psi a different color other than blue, make his color pallet black and white like before or what.
sry for all the text, I always feel weird when talking about my oc's for some reason but I felt like the context was needed for me to get help with their designs
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yarnnerdally · 9 months
Okay. Just Astarion fluff. Tavi is one of my OCs and just... yeah. She's a mom. So. Do what you will with that information.
Total WC: 2.8k
“You write an awful lot of letters, you know.” Tavi gasped as Astarion had crept up behind her and let out the breath she had taken in so quickly, hand over her racing heart. “Perhaps a curse of being a bard? So many words to get out, so little time.”
“Gods, Astarion. Just because you're good at sneaking about doesn't mean you should,” she murmured, shifting another piece of paper on top of what she'd been writing. His brow rose and he smirked.
“Ooh, a secret letter? To a lover back home, no doubt,” he teased. To his surprise she merely rolled her eyes, not a speck of pink to be seen on her freckled cheeks. “No? I find that quite hard to believe, darling. As far as high elves go, and I should know, you're stunning.”
“Contrary to popular belief, bards do not have beaus in every major city,” Tavi said with a small huff as she folded the letter away. He watched as she carefully rolled it and sealed it with wax. “Family. If you must know.”
Astarion hummed with amusement, analyzing her every movement. Tavi was young by elven standards at only 120 years old. Just about half his age. And gods, was she beautiful. Of course he'd felt lust for others before of his own volition, but her wit and way with words was slowly wearing him down. He was curious of her; so open in many aspects of her life but her family, apparently. Then again, they'd only met a ten-day past.
The next few days seemed to fly as they prepared to rescue the druid Halsin and destroy the goblin camp. A perfectly good waste of their time, in his opinion, but his thoughts on the matter were easily outweighed. The party afterwards, however… he had to admit some good came of it. His words were practiced as he wooed her with the promise of a mind blowing night of love making and, though she saw through it, make love they did. There was a stirring in him now that he couldn't shake, especially on the nights where she offered herself to him freely to feed from. Objectively a bad idea, but of course he wouldn't turn it down.
The next time he saw her writing after destroying the goblin camp it was obvious she was upset. Her writing was faster, her brow furrowed as she focused. He smirked as he realized the opportunity he had and crept up behind her again. He had only gotten a glimpse of the name before her arm swung out and connected with his face. She turned and gasped as she saw it was Astarion and hurried her apologies, standing to look over his face with concern.
“I am so, so sorry. Are you alright? Gods, I've been so jumpy lately,” she apologized, her hand on his cheek. He chuckled and shook his head.
“I should have seen that coming. I'm sorry, darling,” he said smoothly, his hand coming up to smooth the crease from between her brows. He knew she trusted him, so why he felt the need to play the long game, he wasn't sure. And if he wasn't playing… well, that was something he didn't want to think about. “Working on a new song?” He played dumb, though not dumb enough, apparently.
“How much of it were you able to read before I clocked you?” She asked, her mouth a flat line and her single eyebrow questioning him. He had been caught out. Underneath the annoyance there was some other emotion. Worry, obviously. But anxiety?
“Just the name. Aurelia. Quite a pretty name. Sister? Mother? Aunt?” He went on guessing, his self-assuredness beginning to peter off as a softer look of melancholy replaced her previous annoyance. She shook her head and took a slightly unsteady breath. Taking his hands she sat on the log again, guiding him to sit down with her.
“My daughter.”
“Your… what?” Had he heard her right? Her daughter. She had a daughter in Baldur's Gate. A child. Astarion's throat felt tight in contrast to his wide expression. He was sleeping with a woman who had a child. He blinked a little as he tried to gather words for this. As far as he knew, no one else at camp knew. Not even Karlach, who, for all intents and purposes, was Tavi's best friend.
“My daughter. Aurelia. And… I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.” Her expression was sad, with a tinge of regret and he immediately decided he didn't like it. Not one bit. Yes, this was all to gain her trust but…
“No, it's… I understand. To a degree, anyways. I mean,” he gave a short laugh, confused. “We've all confided in you now about our struggles. But no one but me knows this now.” He took her hand that was shaking a little and held it.
“I didn't…” she shook her head. “Everyone else is dealing with so much already. And my daughter is safe with my parents. Somehow I became the de facto leader of this band of misfits and I need to be there for everyone.” It clicked for Astarion as he noted the slight bags under her eyes. Everyone went to Tavi with their worries and woes, but who did she go to?
“Darling, I may not be a genius on interpersonal relationships, but one cannot pour from an empty cup.” His words were soft as he noticed the way her eyes began to glisten slightly. She took a steadying breath and turned her head to wipe at her eye.
“I also didn't say anything because I… I don't want you to feel obligated, or… gods, I don't know what I'm saying now,” she laughed, thought it was watery as she sniffed and took her hand back to wipe at both of her eyes. He found himself bringing his own hand to her cheek and cupping it, his thumb brushing away an errant tear.
“It's… alright. I honestly don't blame you,” he murmured, feeling that stirring again as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Well, shit. She opened her eyes and gave him a sweet, lopsided smile. Shit, shit, shit. “The idea could… grow on me. But,” he shifted gears, gently grasping her chin. “This means you're not allowed to bottle things up anymore. If I'm not allowed to, you're certainly not either.” She giggled and nodded and he could feel its infectious nature. “I do have some questions.”
Tavi nodded, her hand naturally finding his as they sat by the fire. “Of course. I wouldn't ask you to accept this part of me blindly.” Gods, did she have to be so adorable?
“First. Well, her name is Aurelia. Which is beautiful. Second. How old is she?” Tavi rubbed the back of her neck, her cheeks flushing lightly.
“She's eight. And she looks almost just like me. She just doesn't have as many freckles,” she said, smiling now that she was able to talk about her daughter freely.
“Third. Her father?” Her shift from a smile to a slight scowl told him volumes.
“Is a twat and I haven't seen him in seven years. He left just after I had Aurelia. It was… rough. I mean, I was one hundred and seventeen. We'd only been together for a year,” she said. Her hand tightened around Astarion's subconsciously. “My parents… they were upset at first, obviously, when I told them. But, they love her so much it's hard to tell they were ever upset about it.” A loving, caring family. It was unfamiliar territory for Astarion. Though, he found an anger rising in his chest towards Tavi's previous partner. How could he just abandon her like that? With a newborn?
“He sounds like a real charmer. Perhaps it's better he's gone, though I would love to meet him,” he murmured, his distaste evident. Tavi grinned and leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“See? I told you the other day. You're sweet when you want to be.” Gods, she was going to be the second death of him. He caught her face before she moved away and smirked as she saw the shift of emotion in her eyes.
“Would my sweet little treat like to see just how sweet I can be?” He purred, grinning as he heard her breath catch. In a split second her lips were on his.
“Finally, away from everyone for a godsdamned minute,” Astarion mumbled to himself as he roamed around the shops and market stalls of the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. Despite the joy of his current freedom, his thoughts consistently drifted back to Tavi. He was, despite his original intentions, hopelessly in love with her. They had destroyed Cazador in his lair. They solved the murder of that stupid clown. He shuddered at the memory and pushed it away as quickly as possible.
He wandered down familiar streets in a new and figurative light, feeling calmer and happier than he ever remembered being. This… brightness. It was contagious now. When she smiled, he smiled. She felt like a balm to his heart. Warmth in the purest form. He eyed a jewelers case and the precious things within it. A silver chain with an emerald pendant caught his eye and he smiled softly. This would do. It was understated, but brilliant nonetheless. Just like Tavi.
“Grandpa! This one! Mama would love this,” a little elven girl piped up, coming up next to Astarion at the case. She pointed excitedly at the necklace he had just been eyeing and at first he was going to tell her paws off but then he really looked at her. It… no, surely…
The girl looked up at him and it was as if Tavi was staring at him. The same eyes. The same hair. Less freckles, just like Tavi described her. “Hi! You look nice,” she said with a toothy grin. An older elf hurried over, a look of concern on his face as he apologized for his granddaughters behavior.
“Aurelia.” The name slipped from his mouth before he realized. She smiled even brighter while her grandfather paled before his face became stern.
“Now sir, I don't know how you-”
“I-I'm sorry, sir, I know this seems like a one in a million chance meeting, but I've been traveling with Tavi for the past two months to get back here to Baldur's Gate,” Astarion rushed to explain, not bothering to mask the astonishment at their chance meeting. Aurelia gasped and tugged on her grandfather's coat.
“Grandpa, this is Mr. Astarion! He's got the white hair and fancy coat and everything!” She turned excitedly towards Astarion who, if he could, would have been blushing. “Were you looking at that necklace for mama? Did you two fall in love?” Well, there was her mother's quick wit. “Mama said pretty jewelry like that is nice for special occasions! So I wanted to get it for her when she comes home.” Gods, his heart was melting. He was not overly fond of children simply because he didn't know how to deal with them, per se, but… how could anyone have walked away from Tavi? From Aurelia? He noticed her grandfather looking at him with scrutinizing eyes and cleared his throat a little.
“I, um, yes. I was. I found it complimented her eyes quite nicely.” He saw her grandfather nod just a little, an almost knowing smile on his face though, of course, he knew his… physical characteristics were of concern. There was no doubt he knew precisely what he was and who he was. “I was unaware your mama told you about me in her letters,” he said offhandedly.
Her grandfather gave a small chuckle and clapped his hand on Astarion's shoulder. “Like mother like daughter. Hardly any filter. We… hadn't gotten word from her that she’s back.” Astarion smiled awkwardly.
“We just arrived from Rivington. I have no doubt there's probably a letter waiting for you at home or will be within a day. There are…” Astarion looked over to Aurelia who was talking amiably now with the shop keeper and picking out the emerald pendant necklace. “... a few things we need to get in order before we find residence for the night. I’m not sure how much detail Tavi put into her letters for you.” The older elf nodded and removed his hand. He paid the merchant what was owed for the necklace and Aurelia held it in its small box close to her chest.
“Okay! You have to tell mama that we’re waiting at home for her,” she said adamantly. She fumbled the box as she held out her hand and her pinky finger stuck out. “Pinky promise, Mr. Astarion!” Astarion chuckled under his breath and knelt to her level. He linked his pinky with hers.
“Of course, Miss Aurelia. You have my word. And,” he poked the box, making her giggle. “Your mama is going to be very happy you picked that necklace for her.”
Due to their notoriety within Baldur's Gate at the present moment, it had been decided that Aurelia, along with Tavi's parents, would go to their camp to visit. Tavi paced as she waited, her anxiety winning out over the reassurances from her traveling companions and even Astarion. Scratch followed her for a while before deciding to rest, the pacing even being too much for him.
“My darling, they'll be here soon,” Astarion attempted to soothe her again, intercepting her with a gentle embrace. Since he learned of her daughter, she had slowly told the rest of their traveling party about her. Of course they were excited to meet her but all agreed they needed their space for a family reunion first. She sighed and finally stopped pacing, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I know. I just miss my baby,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his waist. Astarion hummed and gently rubbed her back.
“I know, love. And she's missed you. And… I happen to know she has a thoughtful gift for you,” he teased softly. Tavi brought her head up, smiling and narrowing her eyes at him. She gave him a small kiss.
“You two are going to be a handful under the same roof,” she chuckled. Astarion's brow quirked up with a smile as she alluded to their future together. Her face shifted as she heard a small voice yelling. She let go of him and turned to the road and whimpered before breaking into a sprint.
“Mama!!!” Aurelia cried, running as fast as her legs would carry her. Tavi called for her and ran faster than Astarion had ever seen and he followed after her at a slower pace. The two met and Tavi went to her knees, both of them crying as she held her daughter tight. Not far behind her parents followed, all of them crying now. Astarion stood by for a moment awkwardly before seeing Tavi's arm reach for him as well. He gave in and went to them, letting her pull him in.
“Thank you,” she whispered to him, her smile bright despite her fresh tear tracks.
Aurelia looked up and smiled, too. She still tried to speak through her uneven speech. “Th-thank you for bringing my mama home, Mr. Astarion.”
Tavi's parents were in an engaging conversation with Wyll and Shadowheart as she sat next to Astarion by the fire. She leaned against him, a pretty necklace now adorning her neck as they watched Karlach and Halsin taking turns to give Aurelia piggy back rides.
“So. You knew she picked this out?” She asked Astarion softly, looking up at him from his shoulder. He hummed and held her a little tighter.
“I said we met in a shop. It may have been a jewelers. And we both saw it and thought of you,” he said softly, his hand coming up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. She giggled and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “After realizing who I was, of which I had absolutely no idea she knew who I was, she asked me if we fell in love. In front of your father, by the way. Who immediately realized I was a vampire.”
Tavi blushed lightly and laughed. “Well, the apples don't fall far from the trees,” she shrugged. He rolled his eyes and kissed her gently. They pulled away as they heard Aurelia shout from the top of Mama K's shoulders.
“Grandma! Grandpa! See! I knew it! I told you they fell in love!” Astarion groaned gently, hiding his face in her shoulder. Tavi pressed a kiss to the top of his head as plenty of the other adults laughed.
“Welcome to the family, love.”
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aylacavebear · 6 months
The Traveler - Chapter 4 - Twilight Veil
You're from a specific dimension, Solaris Eclipse. It was a dimension of magic. When your kind, the Eldrathiren, turned fifteen, your unique power would awaken within you. Most times, it was something small, levitation, teleportation, creation, elemental manipulation, and things like that. Once in a while, a fifteen-year-old would just disappear, and those were called Travelers. None of them had ever returned. Your parents had told you stories about them, and you hoped that wouldn't happen to you.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 4981
Pairing Eventually Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You & Sam Winchester x OC Reader/You
Warnings: Angst, Scary Situation.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Twilight Veil
The moment you opened your eyes, you froze. Lying in front of you was a rather large, scaled beast with wings. That warm breeze had been its breath. Earth would have labeled it a dragon, as you remembered the things you had learned there through the TV. It was beautiful, though, how its iridescent scales shimmered in the dim light of this world. 
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You are not from here.
The voice in your mind was strange, like a whisper. Your eyes widened in surprise, brows furrowing into a puzzled expression as you attempted to comprehend the idea of a thought in your mind not being your own. You tilted your head slightly, looking at the dragon creature, whose eyes were now open, and it was looking at you.
“You can talk?” you asked it, utterly curious now as the fear from before subsided.
My kind communicate through thought. Very rarely are we vocal. 
“And you can understand me?” you asked, puzzled yet again, as you spoke your native tongue.
Yes. I can understand you. With your words, your thoughts, and your emotions together, it makes it easier. How have you arrived here?
“Oh, that’s kinda neat,” you replied, then sighed, looking down at the ground, “I’m pretty sure I’m what’s called a Traveler. I just end up places till I find what my soul is searching for. At least, if the stories are true.”
I have heard of your kind before. Several have visited here before, although never one so young.
Goosebumps danced their way down your body. This creature knew of your people and of Travelers. 
“Please, what do you know about Travelers, and how do I find what my soul is looking for?” you asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
What is your name, young one?
“Y/N,” you replied, now looking up at the beautiful creature, “What’s your name?”
It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I am known as Lysara among my kind.
You smiled, thankful that this creature wasn’t something you needed to fear or worry might eat you and that she might even be able to help you. Just as you were about to truly look around at your surroundings, Lysara’s head snapped up toward the treeline, and she became very alert to a sound you couldn’t hear.
It’s not safe here any longer. Quickly, climb onto my back. I will take us somewhere safe for you.
You weren’t about to argue with her and you certainly didn’t want to find out what would make a creature of her size want to find safety elsewhere. So, you carefully climbed onto her back and held onto one of the ridges as she stood, then spread her wings before taking flight.
You noticed the shadows on the ground in the distance, which seemed to be moving. Not like how the shadows of leaves would move with a breeze. No, these shadows moved with intelligence and had a shape all their own.
Shadowstalkers. They are like smoke or shadows, and they hunt in packs of ten or more. You would make a tasty treat for them.
Her words pulled your gaze to the back of her head for a moment before you looked back down at the ground, which was now several hundred feet below you. You knew other dimensions held dangers that you couldn’t imagine, but you hadn’t thought you might get killed. 
It’s okay, Y/N. I will teach you how to navigate this world and how to keep yourself safe here.
“Thank you,” you replied quietly as your mind began racing with thoughts.
You realized just how lucky you’d gotten so far, meeting beings who had tried to help you and not kill or hurt you. Your gaze returned to the ground below. The planet was beautiful, even if it seemed to be stuck in eternal twilight. The blossoming plants shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence in all sorts of colors. That was when your eyes went toward the sky.
It, too, was beautiful, a mesmerizing tapestry of colors, blending hues of deep purple, indigo, and soft pink, as if caught between sunset and sunrise for all eternity. Despite the absence of a visible sun or moon, the horizon was bathed in a warm, ethereal glow, casting long shadows that danced across the land below. 
There were also mountains and valleys, which were bathed in the colors of the sky the closer to the horizon they were. The clouds that danced along a gentle breeze reminded you of the colors of a rainbow or the Bubbleflowers from your home world.
You weren’t sure just how much time had passed before Lysara landed near a cave. You carefully slid down off her back, landing on your feet before looking around. Crystalline formations Inside the cave entrance sparkled like stars against the darkness inside.
Nothing in here will hurt you.
“You aren’t what I pictured a dragon to act like. I thought you would eat me,” you told her, then chuckled a little. For a moment, you thought you had offended her. Then you heard her laughter in your mind. Lysara even roared out loud.
I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time, little one. Let us go inside and I can share with you what I know of Travelers.
The cave's opening was large enough for Lysara to easily walk through, you by her side. The further along the two of you went, the more the colors danced along the walls, floor, and ceiling of the cave. Then, it opened up into what you could only describe as a hidden sanctuary. There were strange, phosphorescent fungi that clung to the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced and flickered with each movement.
Your ears twitched gently with the rhythmic sounds of water droplets falling from the stalactites into pools of water where ferns grew. Their leaves shimmering with an almost starlight glimmer. Groups of small insects fluted about, their iridescent wings shimmering in the soft light that glistened off the crystalline formations scattered along the cavern walls.
“This is beautiful,” you breathed in awe.
There are many places like this, scattered among the mountains. The Shadowstalkers don’t come here. There is too much light for them, no matter how hungry they might be. Now sit, little one, and I’ll tell you what I know.
You took a deep breath, then sat a few feet from her so she could easily look at you. She looked beautiful with the colors dancing off her purple and blue scales as she, too, got comfortable.
You aren’t the first Traveler to come to this world. My kind has helped others. Before I begin, have you ever yearned for something that you couldn’t explain or describe?
That question made your face contort as you thought. You’d always been curious, asking your parents and the others in your village all sorts of questions. Most of them had been expected for a child and adolescent. The other questions though, your parents had thought odd. Those, they never had answers for.
“I was curious about things,” you replied.
That is not quite what I mean, little one. Think deeper than just curiosity.
Again, you thought about your childhood and adolescent years, “Does wanting to explore count? I always wanted to go far beyond the borders of my village. I don’t know why. I just did, but the adults only ever let me go so far,” you replied, tilting your head in curiosity at what she might be getting at.
Well, it’s a start, at least. So, you felt a pull or a yearning to explore. Did you feel like you were looking for something?
“I guess so. I never really thought about it,” you answered, trying to sift through your memories.
Lysara sighed, and to you, it almost sounded like a low, rumbling purr. We Twilight Drakes share our thoughts with others of our kind. The Travelers who have found our world were in search of something. For some, it was their soulmate. For others, it was the adventure their soul craved most. Your species looks, features, and senses make it easy for you to follow the scent that guides you.
Your mouth opened slightly as you listened  The exploration you’d wanted to do, then the scent that had captured your attention on your birthday. The pieces were trying to come together in your mind. “Well, there was a scent on my birthday. I just don’t know what it smelled like. It wasn’t from my world.”
You never smelled it before?
“No,” you sighed slightly, “But, in the last world, I thought I smelled parts of it when I was around the brothers who took me in for almost a week.”
Hmm. Can you tell me about these brothers?
“Sure,” you replied, and a small smile played along your lips as you remembered them. That smile only grew as you told Lysara about them, how they had treated you, the things they taught you, and how they had tried to keep you safe from their father.
They sound like they are very kind. When was the scent around during that time?
Your brow furrowed as you attempted to think back, “Um, Dean, let me borrow some clothes the first night. I thought I smelled it on his shirt. Then, after the three Winchesters left, a few hours later, the scent came really strongly, and I ended up here.”
Was there anything you felt that might have been different for you?
“When they left, I felt like a piece of me was missing,” you answered, a bit sadly.
Interesting. Typically, one so young doesn’t find their soulmate, nor does a Traveler find their soul’s desire so quickly.
You tilted your head, looking at her, reasonably confused, “I don’t understand.”
Apparently, one of the brothers either is or has something your soul is searching for, or one of them is your soulmate, but you are far too young to understand the bond. She sighed. From what I understand about your people, you and your soulmate won’t feel the full connection until you are an adult. I think for you, that is eighteen, if I am remembering correctly.
“So, does that mean I’m going to wander around different worlds for the next three years?” you asked, almost dreading that idea.
It will depend on when that scent calls to you again. I can teach you things, and there are plants here that can help you, too. Do you know how to fight, defend yourself?
“Yes. I just never had to use it back home. I have my knife on me, but it’s small, just a hand knife,” you answered, attempting to assimilate the information she’d given you. Then, you looked down at the ground, “I’m not very courageous. I get scared easily.”
It’s understandable, little one. You are still young. For as long as you are here, I can teach you what I can. We will stay here for now. The Shadowstalkers have a strong sense of smell. We’ll avoid the areas where they would hunt. There are other dangers here, but those are the most dangerous.
You sighed, having no clue how she would help you not freeze up when something terrifying scared you. Then there was what she’d said about the brothers. You hadn’t felt scared of either of them, even the first time you’d seen Dean. 
Lysara explained that the water within the caves would quench your thirst and that all the plants in this world were edible, although they had different effects. None of them would kill you, but some could do some rather strange things. You weren’t quite sure that you wanted to experience weird effects from eating the plant life, so you made a mental note to ask her before ingesting anything.
We can make you some decent weapons out of the trees of the forest. Their wood is the best for that. Some of the crystalline formations make excellent knives, as you call them, so we can gather some of those, and I will teach you how to work the stone.
“How are you gonna help me not to be afraid?” you asked quietly, yet curiously.
That will take time. We’ll start small and work you up to bigger things. I won’t let anything happen to you while you are here. I promise.
You weren’t entirely sure what things here would help you gain some courage, but you would at least try. Lysara reached over and grabbed something to her right, then handed it to you. It was odd, although it reminded you of a pouch, but it wasn’t made of any material you’d ever seen before. It was smooth, reminding you of the skin of some of the berries from back home. However, it was a shade similar to Y/E/C. 
“What’s this for?” you asked her, looking from the pouch and up at her.
That will hold the berries that will nourish you while you are here. It holds more than it looks like it can. There are several compartments on the inside to put other foods, like certain blossoms and nuts. 
“I honestly hadn’t thought about food,” you replied, chuckling, “Thank you.”
With that, you used the little tie on it to attach it to the belt loop of your jeans. It was clear you had a lot more to learn and think about when it came to navigating the worlds you would end up in. At least in this one, you had Lysara, who had taken you under her wing, so to speak.
You got up and went over to one of the small pools of water, kneeling down, cupping your hand, and taking a drink. There was a warmth that moved through you as you drank, the colors of the crystalline formations in the cave dancing across your eyes.
That would be the Dimensional Bond. It is unique only to Travelers and will help you understand how this realm works. It will also help you tap into the raw energy of this world, harness it, and then use it to keep you safe.
Turning to look over at her, “You could have warned me.”
Her laughter played through your mind for a moment. You will get other powers, little one, the longer you are here. Now, what do you say we get started with gathering some food? Let's start in here. Those vines over there, along the walls. The berries are Twilight Roseberries. When eaten, they will give you a temporary boost of energy and mental acuity.
You looked to where she had pointed and noticed the thorny vines. The flowers were beautiful and reminded you almost of roses from the world the Winchesters were in. The closer you got, the more intrigued you became. The berries were in a cluster, reminding you of smaller grapes from Earth and how they grew, although these were a deep purple. You opened the pouch, then picked several clusters, tucking them into one of the inner compartments. 
“They look like they would taste good,” you told Lysara as you stood back in front of her.
They are quite delicious. Now, let's go outside and get some Moonberries. They are plentiful and grow in dim light around the planet. I know a safe place where the Shadowstalkers won’t be near, even with the dark shadows.
You smiled a little, followed her out of the cave, and then climbed onto her back as she flew the two of you off to the left of the cave. You did take note that she didn’t go back toward the area where you had initially appeared. There was a tingle that danced along your skin as Lysara flew over another forest. She wasn’t flying as high as she had the first time, so now you could see small lights through the tiny breaks in the thick canopy of the forest. 
The ones that move are Luminescent Wisps. They are harmless, but some are mischievous. Don’t follow them unless you are prepared for a possible confrontation or ending up lost. The stationary lights are the blossoms of the Shadowberry plants. We will gather some of those from a different place, though.
Got it, don’t follow the wisps, you thought to yourself, and heard Lysara chuckle in your mind, “You heard my thoughts?”
Yes, little one. You don’t have to speak out loud if you don’t want to. Your bond with this world has made our telepathic communication easier. It is up to you, though.
“Cool,” you said with a smile, watching the ground below.
Over the course of what felt like a day, Lysara took you all over the place. She had you gather five different berries; there were the Twilight Roseberries from the cavern, then the Moonberries, which gave a calming effect, the Duskberries near a beautiful river that gave unparalleled speed and precision, the Starlight Berries, which grew in a really remote and secluded area but gave enhanced perception and awareness, and of course, the Shadowberry that grew in the shadowy depths of the forest giving a boost to resilience and endurance.
While gathering the Shadowberries, Lysara chose a sturdy tree and then removed several of its limbs, all different sizes and thicknesses. Everything about this realm was beautiful to you, and you had to remind yourself that there were things here that could kill you. She also gathered a long length of a smooth vine, rolling it up like a rope, then another couple of sections that she used to tie the branches together. 
Are you ready, little one?
“You mentioned nuts earlier. Where are those?” you asked. You wanted to get all she had mentioned but were beginning to feel the need for sleep. 
Oh yes. Come, we shall get that and return to one of the caves for a while.
You gave her a tired smile before climbing on her back again. She held the bundle of sticks and the vine rope as she flew you to a large plain. The grass, blowing in the gentle breeze, shimmered with the colors of the sky and had a luminescent glow all its own.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed in awe before she landed in the middle of the large field.
This is called Twilight Grainstalk. The seed pods contain grains like nuts. You can eat them alone or grind them to make other foods. 
You made sure to gather several of the seed stalks and placed them into one of the compartments of the pouch. The room inside it still baffled you, but you weren’t about to complain either. It held far more than it looked like it could, just as she had explained when she gave it to you.
After climbing back on her back, you fell asleep only minutes into the flight, exhausted, having pushed yourself far more than you ever had before. Your dreams were of Dean and Sammy. It was different though, more like you were watching what they were doing at that moment. You even tried talking to them but it was like they couldn’t hear or see you.
In the dream, the brothers were alone in another motel room. They looked so sad to you. “I can’t believe she’s gone,” Sammy mumbled from where he sat. “It was bound to happen, Sammy. Let’s just hope that wherever she is, she’s safe,” Dean replied, looking down at the floor. He was sitting on the edge of one of the beds, his arms resting on his thighs, leaning forward slightly. “I’m right here,” you told them, but they still couldn’t hear you. You went over and sat beside Sammy, setting your hand on his shoulder, “I still have the beanie, and I’ll always remember you, Sammy. Thank you for being so kind to me.” Then, you went over and crouched in front of Dean, wanting to see his face. Gingerly, you reached out and touched his forearm, “I’m okay, and I’m safe. Lysara is helping me. Don’t be sad, please.” The brothers looked at each other, “Did you feel that?” Sammy asked. “Feel what?” Dean asked. “Like, someone touched my shoulder,” he answered. “Yeah… Weird,” Dean replied, glancing around the room. You smiled a little. At least they could feel your touch, even if they didn’t know it was you. The lights hadn’t flickered, and it hadn’t gotten cold, so you knew they wouldn’t suspect a ghost. You were now determined to figure out how to communicate with them, although you had no clue how to do that yet. “Well, it’s not a ghost or a demon,” Sammy stated, looking around the room, causing you to giggle a little. “Let’s not tell Dad about this. He’ll probably freak out,” Dean almost chuckled.
Sleep well, little one?
Her voice in your mind pulled you from your dream. You were lying on the ground of a cavern, on what felt like a soft bed of moss. You stretched, yawned, and then sat up, looking around before looking at Lysara. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but yes. I did sleep well. I dreamt of the brothers,” you told her happily.
She tilted her head slightly. What was in your dream?
For a moment, you were slightly confused but explained what had happened in your dream, including how you had touched each of them, and it was like they had felt you.
Interesting. I’ve never heard of a Traveler having two soulmates before.
Your eyes widened in utter surprise. How was that even possible?
Let me try to explain what I know about soulmates. Soulmates must be of consenting age before the bond between them fully connects. So for you, it will not happen for three years. The same is probably true for the brothers in which you dreamt about. 
You thought about their ages; Dean was seventeen, and Sammy was thirteen, “Will Dean feel it when he turns eighteen?” you asked, somewhat curiously.
It’s hard to say. He may not feel it until you are of age or the younger of the two is of age. It may also be different for both of them as to how they feel it. One could be your life partner and the other just a very close person to you. Or, they could both be your life partners. It is hard to say until the bond is made.
That was something you’d never even considered, having two mates, as that was what they were called where you were from. Even your people mated for life, but it had nothing to do with being soulmates. You’d learned through the TV that Earth didn’t work that way.
Don’t let it scare you, little one. And don’t dwell on it now. You have three more years ahead of you before you will need to think about it. Now, eat something, and we’ll get started.
You sighed. Yeah, how the hell were you not supposed to think about having two possible life-mates? 
The days were long, as there was never a night in this place, just the eternal twilight. Lysara taught you a lot. How to make weapons out of the wood and certain crystals, what plants were and what effects they had, and how to hunt down some of the small game for meat. That alone was interesting, especially when it came to cooking it. She taught you of the fire and ice stones that were typically buried near mountains or hidden deep within certain caves. 
You dreamt of the brothers often but could never truly interact with them. They felt you but had no clue it was you. You’d also found the flannel Dean had stashed in your bag. It was his red one that you had borrowed once, but after a week, his scent began fading. Even Sammy’s scent had faded from the beanie he’d given you. 
Occasionally, you’d pick up that scent again, the one you’d been chasing since your birthday, but it never lasted long, and you refused to follow it, at least for now. At least you were figuring out how to stay in one dimension and choose when you would travel to another. 
By your third week with Lysara, you’d gotten stronger and more confident and had become quite the skilled hunter. Lysara had even introduced you to a few other Twilight Drakes who had become curious about why she’d been away for so long. 
After a month and a half, you’d also gained several powers that pertained to this world. Shadowmelding was not only strange but also fun. It allowed you to become one with the darkness, making it possible for you to move unseen and unheard. It only hid most of your scent, so you couldn’t really use it to hide from Shadowstalkers. It did, however, make hunting far easier. 
The Twilight Sight scared you in some ways, especially when you and Lysara were anywhere near where Shadowstalkers could be. You were now able to see beyond the veil of reality and into the hidden depths of the veil itself. There were hidden passages and invisible barriers, and you could even perceive the true nature of the creatures that inhabited the realm. It made it hard to kill things for meat.
Part of you didn’t want to leave this place, even after two months had passed. You and Lysara were in one of the sanctuaries, enjoying a fresh kill you had cooked over one of the fire rocks when you finally looked up at her.
“What would you normally be doing if you weren’t here looking after me?” you asked, wondering how badly you had interrupted her life.
Honestly, little one, not much. We have gatherings sometimes, but we mostly just relax. Then there are when Travelers come. We help them.
You tilted your head, listening. Things were fairly laid back in your village as well. It wasn’t like Lysara had to wear clothes or tend to a dwelling. She had the freedom of flight, which could take her anywhere in this world she could want to go.
You being here has brought joy to my life. I am glad that I met you and have spent so much time with you. It means that I can share all that I have learned with others of my kind so they can help future Travelers when they come.
“I’m glad I met you too,” you replied with a happy smile, your worries quickly dissipating. 
How long do you think you will stay? I have seen you, when the scent comes, even though I cannot smell it.
That surprised you a bit, “I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be a little more confident in keeping myself safe. I can’t assume there will always be a creature that will be kind to me when I end up somewhere new,” you sighed.
That is a very responsible decision to make. You are quite a skilled hunter now. Then, there is your ability to chip the crystal to make weapons. You can use that skill and the woodworking in any world to make weapons now that you know what to look for in materials.
That made you chuckle a little. You had learned a lot since that first day and they were skills that would help in any world, “Thank you, Lysara. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t been there that day.”
You heard her laughter in your mind, which made you giggle a bit. You don’t have to keep thanking me, little one. Any Twilight Drake would have helped you. Plus, I think you are smart enough to realize a dangerous creature, even before I taught you of the creatures here.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop the smile, “I’m just happy I didn’t have to spend time running right off the get-go.”
The rest of dinner was eaten in silence as you contemplated just how long you would stay here in her world. You’d dreamt of the brothers numerous times since that first night, but it was always the same; you could never truly interact with them. Part of you wondered if it had been due to the powers this world had given you, but the other part wondered if it was due to them being your soulmates.
Almost a year passed for you in this world, Twilight Veil. You’d learned a great deal more, choosing skills instead of following that scent. It got harder the longer you pushed it off. When that year mark hit, it was getting painful to refuse its pull. Lysara saw this one morning after you woke from another dream of the brothers.
You need to go, little one. You cannot stay here longer, it might kill you.
You looked up at her, your heart pounding, your body sweaty, and your chest hurt. The scent was in the air again, and you felt its pull, “I’ll miss you, Lysara. Thank you again, for everything.”
I’ll miss you too, little one. 
She watched you as you packed your things, slinging your bag over your shoulder, your weapons along with it, your spear in your hand. With a deep breath, inhaling through your nose, you closed your eyes and smiled. That scent always brought you a sense of peace. You hugged Lysara, well, as best you could with the size difference, and she put her front leg around you, using her claws like fingers and holding you close for a moment.
You fought back the tears as you walked toward the entrance to the cave, knowing that once you stepped outside, you’d be in a different world. The difference this time was that you were better prepared to keep yourself safe, find food, and navigate the uncertain terrain that would await you. 
----------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Crystalis Canopy
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11 notes · View notes
yeehawbvby · 25 days
It should’ve been me. | Piers x OC Maxine*
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: Max loses her virginity to Nessa, both due to their mutual yearn for intimacy, and in an attempt to wipe her feelings for Piers from her mind.
After hearing about it, Piers reminds her why he’s so hard to shake in the first place.
Author’s note: This is part of a series of one-shots! This one in particular does need context, so please read them in order here.
<- the link won’t stay for some reason and I’m doing this on mobile so I can’t seem to fix it rn. Please see my SWSH masterlist on my pinned post for the rest of this series. :’)
Give it some love on ao3!
Between Piers totally not telling Max that he loved her, and all of the times they’d sucked each other’s faces off since then, Max was beginning to feel hopeless. She needed a way to distract herself — to move on, to be able to still have her fun with him without the romantic feelings attached. Bonus points if her solution would get her to stop wishing they could just fuck nasty any time he merely looked at her a certain way.
That’s how Max found herself between her friend Nessa’s sheets (well, technically on Nessa’s fluffy living room rug) just a few weeks after her and Piers’ Halloween escapades.
Nessa was having troubles of her own, in a grueling will they-won’t they loop with Sonia. She had some experience, but none with women, and Max had no experience at all; so after a few hours of laughing, venting, and even flirting a little as the idea slowly crept into both of their minds, they decided to just go for it.
When Piers got the text that his roommate was staying out for the night, he thought nothing of it. It wouldn’t have been the first time she stayed at a friend’s place, and he’d known Nessa since they were kids in the gym challenge. He had nothing to worry about…
Until the next day, when Max plopped down cross-legged onto his bed and broke the news: “I lost my virginity last night.”
She held up a fist for him to bump, a smug and shit-eating smile painted on her face. It faltered when Piers didn’t return the gesture right away, instead staring at her slack-jawed in awe.
Noticing that, he kicked into autopilot, touching his knuckles to hers.
Say something, idiot. “Uh,“ he finally went on, “wow.”
Max snorted. “Not gonna lie, I thought there would be more fanfare than that.”
Stop being weird, “No, I’m just— Nessa, huh?” Max nodded too enthusiastically for his liking. “So are you two like…”
She raised her eyebrows slightly, then shook her head when she caught his drift. “She needed a distraction from some romantic squabbles,” so did I, “and I was kinda curious,” at least that’s not a lie, “so we figured we’d try it out. For funsies.”
Slowly nodding, Piers zoned out on Max’s shoulder for a moment. Then, feeling hopeful that sex with Nessa wasn’t all it was cracked up to be for her, he asked, “So. How was it?” He wiggled his thick brows, trying to play it cool as he leaned back on his palms.
Max covered the lower half of her face with her sweater, swaying side-to-side to stim a little while she thought up an answer.
While she still had feelings for Piers, the previous evening’s romp had done exactly what she needed it to do; now her mind was split between him and Nessa, with Nessa taking precedence.
Her brain flickered back to her friend’s slim and toned body, her expressive eyebrows, her dark and hungry gaze. The silkiness of her skin, the softness of her lips, her tangy-sweet taste, her blissful sounds…
And of course, the way Nessa very kindly popped a few of her press-on nails off, so as to not hurt Max when she tended to her in return.
“And they say chivalry’s dead,” Max had jested just before Nessa slipped a finger inside her.
Max punctuated the sentence with a shy moan, and Nessa was so mesmerized by the idea of making a woman produce that noise that she couldn’t find a witty response to quip back. It was entirely out of character, but Max was too zooted off of her touch to notice or care.
After receiving a second finger, Max’s back arched and she compulsively threaded a palm through Nessa’s hair, unsure of where else to grip onto. The carpet wasn’t enough.
“Hoooly shit,” the gym leader whispered, resting her cheek against Max’s thigh. Watching her with those bright, oceanic eyes; her plump lips forming into a gentle smile before she gave up all restraint, parting them against Max’s slit to allow room for a languid, world-shattering stroke of her tongue…
Max took a deep breath, grounding herself in the present. Couldn’t get stuck daydreaming — at least, not now.
“It was really nice,” she settled, hiding herself further to cover her warm cheeks.
Shit, Piers thought to himself. He was happy that Max was happy, but there was a dense pit in his stomach telling him that her response was the worst thing that could’ve come out of her mouth.
That it should’ve been him making her blush and fluster like this.
So he did what he does best: he performed a little. Hammed up the good vibes to avoid a situation in which he was acting so strange or looked so solemn that Max noticed, or worse, asked him about it.
“Aw,” he cooed, teasingly, “don’t tell me you caught feelings from a one night stand.” Please say no…
Max rolled her eyes, smiling. She dropped her collar in favor of meekly shoving his shoulder as she responded, “No way! I’m just…” she paused, then thought aloud, “What’s the pussy version of ‘dicknotized?’” She giggled mid-sentence, realizing how dumb that sounded.
Piers joined in, his nose scrunching. At least her silliness could distract him from the emotional ache. “Fuck if I know,” he mumbled. “Pussytized, I guess?”
“Nooo,” he feigned disappointment, pointing a finger as if scolding a pokemon for being naughty.
Max was quick to lunge at the digit and lightly chomp down, playing along. Unfortunately, Piers’ maybe probably perverted ass could only wonder what it would feel like if she’d sucked on it instead.
He then thought to himself that maybe he should take a page out of her book and go get laid. Or would it be Nessa’s book, since she was the one — as far as he knew — looking for a distraction..?
As he wiped his recently bitten finger against Max’s sleeved arm, he chuckled, “Alright, weirdo.” He picked up the notebook and pen beside him and nodded at her, “Get outta here, I have work to do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she grumped, a knee cracking as she untangled her legs and got up. “Ough,” she reacted under her breath, rubbing her kneecap.
Piers snorted and called her a grandma; before he could even finish the word, Max was already telling him to can it.
When she got to the door, she bid her farewell with a simple “Later.”
Her roommate grunted back, his focus plastered to the empty page in his lap. He didn’t actually have work to do, at least not for now, but maybe he’d do it anyway. He just needed to ignore that their whole conversation happened, and then he’d be fine, yeah?
He sighed, laying back with his head and mane draped off the side of the mattress. Pressed the notebook to his forehead and shut his eyes. Tried to the best of his ability to avoid thinking about his love and one of his closest friends having sex... Opened his eyes with an annoyed growl when he inevitably failed because he was trying so hard to not let it happen.
He couldn’t help but wonder what it was like for Nessa in particular, getting to have such intimacy with the person who he thought was the cutest girl in the fucking world.
It should’ve been me, Piers thought a second time.
He sat back up and began chewing his pen’s cap. He wanted to know what it felt like for both of them, actually — not because of Nessa, though. Sure, she was objectively stunning, but he was more so curious about what it was like to experience all of that with someone else. To get off without doing the work himself. To feel and kiss and taste someone’s bare skin, and get that in return…
God fucking damnit, he thought again, It really should’ve been me.
Piers spent several hours pacing, changing positions on his bed, aimlessly strumming his guitar, and staring blankly at the walls and ceiling of his room.
Nothing he could do would distract him from the matter at hand. He didn’t want to play games or watch TV, didn’t feel like going outside, and couldn’t focus on reading. Didn’t have anyone to confide in, since he hadn’t told anyone about his love for his friend. He refused to.
Somewhere amidst his wallowing, Piers discovered that — in a dark, hidden corner of his mind — his jealousy morphed into possessiveness.
Max wasn’t his, by any means. She was her own person. She could do what she wanted — who she wanted.
But in a weird way, he felt like she was his. They were each other’s best friends, first kisses, first awkward make outs and teeth-bumps and dry humps. He was her first everything…
Well, except for this. And that sucked.
Piers wanted to remind her of that. Give her a quick jumpstart, a little razzle dazzle. Like a “Hey, don’t forget about me” sorta thing.
The more he thought this way, the stupider he felt. But the heart wants what it wants, or whatever, and Arc’s sake he wanted her with every ounce of his being, so fuck logic.
Some faint lip popping sounds and even fainter footsteps nearby indicated that Max had left her room. The well-rounded trainer had a ghost-type preference, but she might as well have been a ghost herself; her consistent tiptoeing made those creaky old Spikemuth floorboards sound like they’d barely been worn in.
Piers let a few beats pass before getting up to follow his friend, meeting her in the kitchen when he realized she wasn’t going out. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he got through a lot of life by winging it, so there he was.
Max grunted and nodded once in greeting as she grabbed various greens from the fridge, placing them next to her recently retrieved mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, and loaf of bread. Her long tresses were loose and tangled behind her, her tall and fuzzy socks fell uneven on her legs, and she seemed groggy. She must’ve been napping peacefully while Piers all but lost his mind over her just a room away.
Rather than continuing to scrutinize Max, he made himself look busy with the electric kettle.
Maybe that would be a good thing, actually; maybe some tea would calm him the fuck down…
He turned on the kettle.
“Yo,” he finally mumbled, perusing their tea bags. As if he had much of a choice in his selection. They only kept black and green around.
Max began assembling her snack, unceremoniously dropping two slices of bread down onto her plate before twist-tying the loaf’s plastic casing shut.
“So, uh,” her friend muttered as she changed tasks and he finally began to prepare a mug, “if I kissed you right now, would you be opposed to it?”
Max almost dropped the bag of spinach in her hands. When she chanced a peek at Piers, eyes wide and lips parted.
Her whole plan was to move on from him, but as soon as she heard those words, her stomach tumbled and her skin tingled and she felt flustered and frazzled and more than anything she felt so eager.
Because of that reaction, she took a few short moments to answer. Obviously, she wouldn’t have been opposed… but was that a good idea, now that she has some semblance of freedom from her deep-seeded affections?
While avoidance seemed to be the wisest play here, Max realized she probably couldn’t live without feeling Piers’ lips on hers every so often. She wasn’t sure how it would work when one of them eventually had an exclusive romantic partner, but they’d both cross that road when they got there.
So she spoke, “No,” averting her gaze so as to not give too many hints as to what was going through her mind.
Piers simply hummed a response. “Hm.” No elaboration, no quips back, nothing.
After taking the chance to observe him again — he was acting so weird, maybe something about his songwriting today was frustrating him? — Max decided she wanted some tea as well. Hot tea wasn’t a wonderful pairing for her cold sandwich though…
She opened the fridge back up and grabbed an unfinished bottle of sweet tea that she’d bought from a Pokemart the other day. After a few swigs, she was reminded why she’d never finished it. She chanced a new brand since they had been out of the one she regulared, but it was almost acrid, with more of a chemically sweet flavor than a sugary, tea-like one.
Amidst her sipping, she thought to herself that maybe Piers seemed off because he felt lonely, and maybe he was jealous that she got to pop her cherry and he didn’t… then she thought, Does that metaphor work for penis-havers?
Or maybe, she swiftly moved on, he was worried that she wouldn’t want to kiss him again after having slept with Nessa. Maybe he was just as reluctant for their unspoken contract to be rendered null as she was.
Maybe it was both.
Max screwed the cap back on that wretched bottle and popped it back in the fridge, wondering if Piers needed some reassurance. Maybe that’s what this was?
Amidst her attempt to bump the door shut with her hip, and before she could offer Piers the words she wanted to say, she was swiveled around by two large hands, too dumbfounded to speak while her bum and back closed the appliance.
Before she could question anything, Piers’ mouth was crashing into hers with a mind-numbing kiss; and before Max could wonder why he crouched to match her height rather than just bending his neck to meet her halfway, he scooped his palms behind her thighs and lifted her, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck and legs around his hips for stability while she grew airborne.
The breath left her lungs with a hushed whine as Piers pressed himself to her, effectively pinning her to the fridge.
Nessa no longer existed.
All Max knew in that moment was the silkiness of Piers’ skin and the softness of Piers’ lips and his lithe body which had so much hidden strength, and—
Piers breathed audibly almost a hum before pausing, letting his parted lips linger against Max’s own with a featherlight touch. After a moment of shifting their mouths and heaving each other’s air, Max grew greedy, craning her neck forward to take what she wanted.
He widened the gap with a smirk, then faked her out, leaning in to lightly lick her bottom lip before tugging it between his teeth. Hearing the pitiful gasp that jolted past Max’s tongue, and ignoring how the sound made his heart sing, Piers kissed her again, hard and frantic.
Max sighed wistfully through her nose as she returned the gesture. She subconsciously tightened her thighs around Piers’ waist while her fists gripped strands of his bicolored hair close to his nape.
Confident she wouldn’t slip with her legs all but digging holes into his sides, Piers let his right hand move up; shifting Max’s sweater in its path, peppering gooserene bumps along her skin as his nails grazed it. Feeling how her body reacted to his touch, a thought invaded Piers’ mind.
He boldly felt the impulse to vocalize it.
“Did Nessa do this to you?”
The question went straight to Max’s pussy.
“What?” she breathed — almost moaned. Almost.
“She kiss you like this?” Piers murmured against her lips, wrapping his bare arm around her bare lower back. “Make your skin prickle like this?” he added, squeezing her opposite oblique in his fist.
Max’s back instinctively arched, both from the feeling and his words. Eyes glazed over with want, she kept her vision on the lower half of his face, too cowardly to look him in the eye.
Her cheeks and ears were growing redder, Piers observed. Natural, considering how personal those questions were, he thought.
Surely it had nothing to do with him asking them, his voice husky and low in a way that melted Max into a puddle. Never.
Max shook her head slowly. Nobody could hold a candle to Piers. Her body had never reacted so strongly to another person as it had to him. Maybe it never would.
In that moment, she was convinced it definitely never would.
“Good,” he whispered, resuming his kisses with the corners of his lips quirked up.
Why is that good? Max wondered. Why did it matter?
Was he just being a little shit? Was he teasing her?
Tangling his tongue around hers, Piers shifted his hips — whether it was on purpose or not was a mystery — and his crotch pressed hers in such a way that she had to swallow back a moan.
It didn’t matter why he thought that was a good thing, she decided. He could have thought anything he wanted as long as he didn’t ever stop whatever this was.
Part of her wondered correctly if he’d felt a sense of competition with Nessa now. Like they were competing for Max’s body, in one way or another.
The thought itself formed a whimper in Max’s throat, and unbeknownst to Piers, she was legitimately seconds away from throwing their pact out the window.
Like, she was going to do it.
She was going to ask him if he was jealous. If he felt like he needed to prove something, if that’s why his answer was just “Good.”
She was going to ask Piers if he wanted to try to one-up Nessa, if he would do the honors of blowing her fucking mind, body and soul. If she could compare them, erm, for science, or something.
But when she parted her lips to speak, Piers eased her down, gave her one last peck, and fucking thanked her.
“Thanks, bruv,” he smiled as he scruffed her hair.
The questions died in her throat.
Dumbly, Max stood against the fridge trying to gather her bearings.
Feeling much better now that all of that was out of his system, Piers poured the boiled water into his mug and walked off, jostling the green tea bag so as to help the flavor distribute.
Max eyeballed her unmade sandwich. Her head was spinning. She wasn’t hungry anymore, but maybe food would distract her from the absolute monsoon between her legs…
She heard Marnie’s little footsteps pad down the hallway and towards her. She needed to focus, lest the little lady ask her why she’s being weird.
So, with a sigh, Max resumed, praying to Arceus she wouldn’t chop a finger off while daydreaming about what could have been.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||Mind Over Matter|| Part Three
Summary: Evelyn is Penelope Garcia's protegé. She is a tech wiz, and knows her way around any kind of security and just like her mentor knows how to dig deep and get into the past of anyone and has a knack for anything with a chip in it. Including potato chips. The one thing she fails at is figuring out is the mind and how it works. Rated T for blood and language.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Family. Some language, blood and violence in later installments.
Previously - Part One, Part Two
A/N: Alright so this is the first part of this chapter. The bloody thing got too long and I had to split it up. But don't worry the next chapter will be up soon. I promise. :)
Takes place during episode five, season one
Evelyn slung her messenger bag over her head, giving a small friendly smile to the security guard as she picked up her phone from the small basket she had dropped it in before passing through the metal detector. She always showed the security guard her pass but this was just a cautionary step. Walking into the bullpen she smiled catching sight of Morgan and Spencer as they walked by, the latter holding several files in his arms. Walking up behind them she noticed one of the female agents talk to Morgan before heading her way. She frowned, curious as to know what they were talking about. She walked up to Morgan's side, peering around his taller frame to see her two companions look at a couple of agents glance at Morgan, give a little laugh, a wave and a wink and then head their way. The red head shook her head.
"Ever the ladies man, Derek Morgan, ladies and gentlemen." She commented, finally catching the attention of her two team members. Morgan smiled, not at all phased by Evelyn's sudden appearance. She had a tendency to pop up out of nowhere. It was a gift, she had once told him, to be small and unnoticeable. The young doctor meanwhile had been slightly startled by her appearance but he quickly recovered giving his own input to the situation.
"Must be tough man." He muttered as the three of them rounded the corner, entering the bullpen.
Morgan chuckled. "Not really." He commented, his tone as carefree as his gait. Spencer turned to look at him, frowning slightly.
"Wh-what do you mean?" He asked, confused over the lack of reaction. "You don't do anything and these girls are just throwing themselves at you." Evelyn grinned as she waved at Elle passing by.
"Strictly off limits Reid." Morgan said in a slightly serious tone.
Reid's frown only deepened. "Theres no code of conduct that agents can't socialize.
"Yeah! Well my code of survival is: 'Never mess with a woman carrying a gun.'" The dark skinned man explained, patting Reid lightly on the back.
"Or those who know how to choke a man using her thighs." Evelyn commented, dropping her messenger bag on her desk.
Morgan nodded in agreement, as he sat down on his desk. "That is a life lesson my friend." He said, his comment directed towards Reid who was looking slightly bewildered yet fascinated at the same time. Evelyn smiled one last time before turning towards her desk and pulling her latest project towards her.
Evelyn had two desks. One was in the Tech office, while the other, more messier part of her desk, was in the bullpen, located directly across from Reid. While the desk inside the Tech Heaven was neat and tidy this one was cluttered in what could only be categorized as organized chaos through which only the red head could navigate. She was currently working on pulling apart a walkie talkie trying to put in a more sophisticated speaker, which would allow the user to cover more area without any detection. Her goal was at least ten miles. When she started on a project Evelyn would get so lost in it that she wouldn't even notice the time let alone the people around her. So when someone placed a hand on her shoulder she jumped, almost stabbing herself with the small screwdriver she had been using. As she heaved deep breaths to calm herself she heard Hotch's voice.
"Evelyn! You're coming with us for this case. We're gonna need you to set up all the equipment." The red head looked up, watching Hotch march away, confusion written all over her face.
"W-what case?" She asked Spencer as he slung her shoulder bag over her head and pulled her out of her chair. He gripped her wrist pulling her towards the exit.
"I'll explain in the car." He offered.
Having a father who was in the military meant that she moved around a lot so flying was second nature for her. After getting over the initial shock of being taken to a case and after being briefed on what the case was Evelyn sat in a chair by the window, feet pulled up, case file resting in her lap, her eyes skimming the page, her lips moving as she read.
"Everyone familiar with the father?" Hotch asked, turning everyone's attention to him. Reid, of course, took charge in telling who he was.
"Evan Davenport, U.S. Attorney, executive assistant southern district, New York. Widower. Assigned U.S. Marshals 3 times in the past 10 years due to death threats."
"Is the protective detail still current?" Morgan asked as Evelyn sat up and frowned.
"With all that security howcome his daughter was kidnapped?" She asked, confusion lacing her voice.
"Around the clock, but Trish declined protection when she turned 18." Hotch clarified, turning to look at the youngest member of his team who nodded in understanding.
"Too bad for the boyfriend." Morgan muttered under his breath.
"But why kill him?" Reid inquired. Evelyn knew this was where their profiling abilities came into play.
"Well, if I'm gonna kidnap someone I know I have to take out whoever's with them." Morgan quickly replied, his eyes scanning the file he was going through. Noticing something he frowned as he asked.
"It says here she's got a sister."
"Cheryl." Hotch said not even looking up from his file.
"Any problems? Were they close?" Morgan asked, getting straight into the case.
"Yeah. They're identical twins." Spencer commented showing a photo of twin girls on cheerleader uniforms, smiling at the camera, striking the same pose.
Evelyn frowned in thought as she walked into the Davenport house, taking everything in. As a technician she always looked around to see how up to date the family or the occupants of the house was simply by looking at their television or sometimes lack thereof and even the alarm systems at times. She was hardly listening to what the man of the house, Davenport, was saying but she did manage to catch the last bit of his little speech.
"Sorry." The poor man looked so tired. Evelyn's heart went out to the worried father. As a daughter she had an idea on how worried a father could get when his child was in danger. "I just feel like I'm suffocating here. I just want somebody to tell me that she's okay."
"Doctor?" Gideon called out, catching said man's attention. "Reid! What do the statistics tell us?" He asked, knowing the young doctor would already know he was talking about the kidnapping.
"If you follow their instructions and give them the money your daughter will be returned." Spencer said. Even though he didn't show it, Evelyn knew he was trying to ease the man's mind. She doubted it would work but her friend got points for trying at least, in her books.
"Done!" A voice called out. Evelyn looked up to see an FBI Agent looking towards their little group. "This house is bug free."
"Alright!" A man in a suit, whose name Evelyn had already forgotten called out, motioning for people to come into the house. She knew he was in charge of security. "Bring it in!" A couple of men walked in carrying the equipment they would be needing for the case. Evelyn frowned lightly. She had asked Gideon and Hotch if she could bring her own equipment but had been told not to. The red head felt most comfortable with her own equipment but in her case she never really had a choice. Nodding, as she saw all the equipment pass by her she turned to Gideon.
"I'm gonna go set everything up then." She said, before walking off into the living room where all the equipment would be set up.
It only took her a little while to set up the entire station. She picked up a pair of headphones testing them by calling the phone with her cellphone. Everything seemed to be in order and there was still time to spare before the kidnapper called. She watched as Gideon, Spencer and Davenport approached her little work area.
"Mr. Davenport? This is Agent Evelyn Richardson. She will be handling all the calls and will be trying to locate the signal from where the phone call is coming in from as well." Evelyn gave a slight nod in the older man's direction before removing the headphones she had on and handing them over to Spencer, who was standing right next to her.
"Alright, Mr. Davenport. I'll just be giving you the main instructions on how everything works." She said, moving to stand next to him and her fellow agent.
"This button answers the call." She said, pointing to a button, before pointing to another one.
"While this button makes everyone in the room silent. When it does it'll flash red. You'll be able to hear his side of the conversation. He won't be able to hear us." She turned her head to look at the older man.
"Is that alright?" The man nodded, not taking his eyes off the two buttons.
It was a few minutes before the kidnapper could call. Evelyn walked into the kitchen, grabbing a clean glass pouring herself a drink from the faucet. She turned just in time to see Morgan and Elle enter the kitchen.
"You think Cheryl's a whack job because she claims she can feel her sister's anxiety?" Elle asked Morgan who quickly denied her statement, while Evelyn gave a small snort, earning herself a glance from the taller agent.
"Actually there may be a physiological basis for it." Spencer said, having heard the conversation, as he walked in the kitchen. Evelyn shook her head as she moved forward a fond smile on her face as she prepared herself for her friend to start talking.
Morgan on the other hand gave a mock sigh. "Don't ask." He muttered under his breath, his comment directed towards Elle.
"Reversed asymmetry monozygotic eggs split late between 9 to 12 days. The DNA matches right down to the very last stranded code and there's sporadic documentation of shared physiological pain."
Elle and Evelyn shared smiles when the young doctor finished with his little explanation while Morgan sighed exasperated.
"And you believe it?" He asked, slight challenge in his tone.
"No, I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do." Spencer commented, giving a small smile.
"I never said that." Morgan denies. He turned to look at his two other team members. "When have I ever said that?"
"Every day since I met you." Spencer commented.
"This morning at breakfast." Elle reminded him.
"While we were on the plane." Evelyn shrugged.
"Yesterday when he beat you at cards." Even Hotch could not keep from putting in his own input. "Um...we've got one minute." He reminded checking his watch, before walking back to the living room. Evelyn patted Morgan's shoulder in a soothing manner as she walked by him.
"Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?" Morgan asked, trying to gain back a bit of face with his team.
The rest of the team made sounds of agreement which sounded more like sounds of disagreement to Morgan.
The sound of the clock striking was loud and clear. Each chime seemed to bring about more and more tension and nervousness into the room. Evelyn was sitting down next to Mr. Davenport, her screen opened in front of her, her hands poised over the keyboard so that she would start a trace for the phone signal as soon as the call came through. She really hoped the kidnapper wouldn't be using a disposable cells. Those were hard to trace.
Everyone was waiting and sitting patiently as Gideon and Hotch coached the father what to say when the phone started ringing. Everyone from the B.A.U. Team grabbed a set of headphones. With one last piece of instruction Gideon nodded in her direction and she flipped the switch, picking up the call.
The situation had quickly gone from bad to worse.
The man had called and made his demands but he had wanted to talk to Cheryl and not the father. He had even asked her to drop the money off at the location. Of course Hotch and Morgan had gone after her to make sure she would be safe. And it was there that they figured out that this was just an effort to kidnap Cheryl as well. They had rescued her and brought her back safely. As soon as they had gotten back the phone had started to ring. Evelyn was right beside the accept button and when Morgan gave her the indication she pressed it.
"That was fun, wasn't it? A little running around, getting our pulses racing." Everyone in the room kept quite. Evelyn could feel her disgust rising each passing second at the man. He was sick.
"Are you there, Cheryl?"
"Are you there?!" He asked once again, a little more forcefully then the last time.
Cheryl looked like she was about to reply but Morgan gave her the signal to not to. Nobody in the room spoke so the kidnapper decided to start speaking again.
"Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine. Huh?" Evelyn glanced in Morgan's direction to see him meet her eyes. She quickly pointed towards the record button silently asking if she should turn it off. Morgan shook his head only slightly. She nodded.
"But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time." The kidnapper continued. "They figured it out. If they hadn't, I would have had you both. The whole set. The matching pair."
Evelyn heard movement beside her and felt herself being pushed aside when Cheryl lunged to answer the man, even though Morgan indicated her not to.
"Why are you doing this?" She demanded, her tone laced with anger.
"Because you asked me to, Cheryl." This man was crazy!
"You asked me with your glances. The way you talk. Those little gestures." Alright. This man had officially earned a place in the looney bin. He was mad!
"You asked for this! You asked for it, Cheryl!" The man clarified as if the point was not getting across.
"Cheryl." Morgan warned his tone low. Yet it did not have any effect on the young woman.
"What do you want?" The distressed twin sister demanded once again.
"What do I want?!" His tone had gotten angry, which was not good. Evelyn may not have been a profiler but she was getting nervous by the minute. "You! It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow but I promise you, we will be together."
The line clicked and the call ended.
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basalamander-corner · 8 months
OC Interview: Viridian
Thank you so much for the tag @gummybugg and sorry it took so long for me to get to it, but here I am! This has been in my drafts for soooooooo long so hopefully it lives up to your expectations haha!
This interview features Viridian, from my main wip The Shifting Tides!
I'll tag @hollyannewrites @hallwriteblr @airic-fenn @sparrowrising @tate-lin @lexiklecksi @charlies-storybook @lshark-cs @joswriting @thesorcerersapprentice @hippiewrites and @betweenthetimeandsound! And anyone else who wants to join in, just say I tagged you!
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Question 1! Are you named after anyone?
Viridian shifts in his chair a little, seeming perfectly at ease with himself. A smile appears, pearly-white teeth showing in a not-too-friendly sort of way. Rather, he seems joyful at this question, all too eager to answer it.
"My ancestors, quite obviously." He waves a hand dismissively. "Lord Viridian the First. King Viridian the Second. And so on." His eyes suddenly narrowed, and he scoffed. "We don't really talk about Viridian the Third."
Question 2! When was the last time you cried?
As you move on to the next question, he frowns. It seems to catch him off guard, and he wets his lips in focus.
"I don't cry." He lies directly through his teeth. But something flashes behind his eyes... a memory, perhaps? Whatever it is, his hand flung upwards to gently rub at a scar on his wrist. What could it be?
Question 3! Do you have kids?
Your third question has him perking up again, and he drops his hands to smile.
"Not yet," he purrs. "Though I certainly would want some. Adopted, fostered, biological... I don't really care." His eyes turned slightly wistful and glassy, as though he's imagining that day. And who he may have kids with.
Question 4! Do you use sarcasm a lot?
His smile turns into a sneer.
"All the time."
Question 5! What's the first thing you notice about people?
This question makes him think, and he furrows his brows. You're almost worried he won't respond, but then his eyes snap back up.
"Their insecurities, honestly," he admits, almost sheepishly. "It's easy to tell when you look them in the eyes. And once you know what makes them tick, it's easy enough to pick them apart piece by piece."
Question 6! What's your eye color?
He reached up to stretch his eyelids, showing off his eyes. They're a deep emerald green with an almost bluish tint. There's almost... silver speckles like stars within them as well. Curious. He doesn't verbally respond.
Question 7! Scary movies or happy endings?
His sneer comes back, and he answers immediately.
"Scary. Obviously."
Question 8! Any special talents?
He doesn't hesitate before showing off on old scimitar.
"Swordplay. Simple enough, yeah?" He stretched out, crossing one leg over the other. "A good talent for a pirate king, no?"
Question 9! Where were you born?
His brows furrow again, but then he shrugs lackadasically. "No idea. T'was on a ship in the middle of the sea. S'what my father told me, anyway."
Question 10! What are your hobbies?
He points his sword at you, though not in a overly threatening way. Instead, his smile turns chilly and he looks unamused. "Next question."
Question 11! Do you have any pets?
His chilly demeanor is gone, and he easily shrugs. "I think I had a cat when I was younger, but I'm sure she ran away. I would have too with who my father was, heh."
Question 12! What sort of sports do you play?
"Never played any." His words are laced with a smile. "Unless you call running from royal authorities to be considered a sport."
Question 13! How tall are you?
Viridian stands up, and then does a little spin. He's clearly flexing his height over you, since he's quite a bit taller than most. "About this tall."
Question 14! Favorite subject in school?
"Never went to school." He shrugs. "Nothing formal, anyway. I had some tutors and was taught to read, but mostly on my own time. I liked reading about the history of poets." He frowns, realizing he must have revealed too much.
Question 15! Dream job?
At the last question, he looked as though he's breathing a sigh of relief. But he quickly covers it up with one of his arrogant smirks. Still, there's an air about him that seems tired. "Killing innocents, pillaging towns for silver, kidnapping nobles... take your pick."
His eyes give off his lies.
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frogletscribe · 1 year
Until It Doesn’t Hurt
Chapter 3: I've Been In The Dark Too Long
20 years since the RDA was pushed off of the moon of Pandora, they are back once more. The RDA thinks their only problem is the traitor Jake Sully and his family, but as it turns out, Jake wasn’t the only ‘problem’ left behind 20 years ago. 
Anthe was a child soldier, stolen from their home and forced to learn the ways of the humans, erasing any of their connections to the Na’vi from before. Finally free from the RDA’s hold after being trapped in cryosleep, they're about to make themselves everyone's problem.
Anthe meets the Sullys.
Pairing: Aged Up!Neteyam X Nonbinary!Na'vi!Reader/OC (OC and Neteyam are both around 20)
Warnings: Mentions of Past Violence, Mentions of Past Trauma, Mild Claustrophobia, No Use of Y/N, Blood, Self depreciation
WC: 2730 words AO3 Link Here
A/N: This chapter was such a struggle for me lol, i think i rewrote it three separate times, and ended up cutting half from what i had initially written. At least i think i kicked whatever writters block i had going on finallyyy.
Previous. Next
The first thing Anthe noticed upon waking was the pain. Their right shoulder and bicep stung sharply, making them hiss as they rolled from their side onto their stomach. With a grunt, they pushed themselves to their knees, their eyes struggling to adjust to the low firelight around them.
“{You are awake.}” A woman’s voice spoke calmly from somewhere nearby. Anthe startled slightly at the sound, their brain slow to register the Na’vi being spoken. An elderly woman sat nearby, watching Anthe carefully, her gaze simultaneously calculating and curious. The woman was dressed in traditional Na’vi garb, an ornate beaded shawl hanging from her shoulders. She was clearly an important member of the clan, though Anthe struggled to remember how someone of this woman’s status should be addressed. Thankfully, the woman did not seem to wait for a response, simply setting aside whatever she was working on and moving to check Anthe over. 
Anthe took the time to take in their surroundings. They sat in a large hut, its walls lined with baskets and containers filled with various plants and herbs. Looking down at themselves, Anthe was still a mess, but someone had at least attempted to clean them up, some of the filth they had accumulated having been wiped away. Under their rag of a tank top, bandages had been wrapped around their chest and shoulder. The elderly woman adjusted the bandages with delicate hands when she spoke again.
“{Is there pain?}” 
“{A-a bit.}” Anthe swallowed. They weren’t very practiced in speaking Na’vi to begin with, having to keep what little they did speak secret in the past. Now the people that they had regularly spoken the language with were gone, and they felt a stab of insecurity as they stumbled over their words.
“{What are you called?}” The woman asked, shifting from behind Anthe to their front, continuing her inspection. The woman's hands were gentle, yet firm, and her gaze unyielding.
“{I-um, Anthe… Ma’am.}” They struggled, not remembering how to address another Na’vi formally. The woman simply nodded, not acknowledging the stumble.
“{I am called Mo’at. I am Tsahik of the Omatikaya Clan.}” Anthe just stared dumbly. The title of Tsahik was familiar, they knew it meant that this woman was important within the clan, but didn’t really know how. Context would suggest that this Mo’at was at least an important healer, but Anthe knew it had to be more than that, their own ignorance frustrating them. 
“{Come.}” Mo’at said, pulling Anthe to their feet. “{My grandson has been very worried about you, and the Olo’eyktan has questions.}” Olo’eyktan. That was another important title, but this one at least, Anthe could remember, it meant ‘clan leader’. Shit, they thought, quietly following the elderly woman out of the huts tent flap. Bad enough they had been caught by the Na’vi at all, but now they were going to be questioned? They didn’t even know how to explain their situation to themselves, let alone in a way true Na’vi could understand it. Or even in Na’vi for that matter. 
Mo’at remained quiet as she led Anthe to their destination. The camp was not what they had envisioned. From what they remembered, Na’vi made their homes in massive tree villages, but here, everything was cool stone. Various tents and huts had been erected throughout a massive chamber, but none of them felt very permanent. Farther ahead they saw a cave-like entrance that opened to nothing but sky.
“{Where is this place?}” Anthe asked quietly as they followed Mo’at through the makeshift village, trying to ignore the hushed whispers and stares of other Na’vi as they passed.
“{ay’Ram a’Lusíng.}” Mo’at said simply, glancing back at Anthe from over her lithe shoulder. Anthe frowned to themselves, not recognizing the words. 
“The Hallelujah Mountains.” Mo’at translated in english, seeming to have noticed Anthe’s lack of recognition. Anthe flushed, feeling embarrassed and self conscious, but Mo’at made no comment. Soon enough the Tsahik led Anthe to another hut, it’s entrance standing open, and the woman motioned for them to step inside. 
It inside of the hut was much the same as the one they had come from, however this one looked much more lived in and decorated, sleeping mats and bags of belongings lay near the walls instead of the herb baskets from before, and there was a small cookfire burning low at the center of the stone floor. A tall Na’vi woman sat tending the fire, her long braided hair tied back and out of her face. Next to her were two younger girls, both diligently chopping fruit and vegetables to add to the pot on the fire. The older of the two, Anthe noticed, seemed to have the four fingered hands of humans, rather than the typical three fingers of other Na’vi. Towards the back of the room was a young man, lazily whittling away at a stick. 
“{Sa’nok.}” The woman spoke, looking up as Mo’at and Anthe entered the hut. 
“{Ma ite.}” Mo’at said softly as she approached, leaving Anthe by the huts entrance.
“{Grandma!}” The younger girl smiled widely, hopping up from her seat and wrapping her arms around Mo’at in a hug. She couldn’t have been older than twelve or thirteen. 
“{Hello, Tuktirey.}” Mo’at smiled back, ruffling the young girl's braids. 
“{Tuk, finish helping Kiri chop the vegetables.}” The woman said, making the girl pout slightly as she let go of her grandmother. 
“{Yes, Sa’nu.}” 
“{Indeed.}” Mo’at nodded. “{The sooner we feed our guest, the sooner they will cease having the appearance of death.}”
It was then that the group finally seemed to notice Anthe’s presence, as several pairs of bright yellow eyes flicked towards their direction. Anthe resisted the urge to shrink back and run away, feeling too aware of themselves and their appearance. Was it really that bad? Sure they hadn’t eaten very well for a while, and they were a bit dirty, but death? They stood, unmoving and unsure of themselves, until Mo’at ushered them forwards with a wave.
“{Come child.}” she said, beconning Anthe towards the fire. “This is my daughter, Neytiri, and granddaughters, Tuk and Kiri. That back there is one of my grandsons, Lo’ak, and you have met the other, Neteyam, already.” Mo’at gestured to each of them as she spoke, switching to English as she did so, landing lastly on a face that Anthe recognised. Anthe wasn’t sure how they had missed him in their initial scan of the room. Neteyam sat against the wall, some abandoned weaving project laid discarded next to him as he leaned forward, bright eyes boring into Anthe as if they would disappear if he so much as blinked. He was the same warrior from the raid that had spotted them, and the same who had gone chasing them through the forest straight into the jaws of a thanator. 
Anthe remained quiet, unsure of what to say or do. They didn’t feel confident enough in their Na’vi to respond that way, but similarly had no idea if anyone beyond Mo’at and Neteyam would understand if they spoke english. Seemingly reading their mind, Mo’at spoke.
“We all speak English, child. You need not worry about being misunderstood.” Anthe didn’t know if that made them feel better or not.
“Um…” They shifted anxiously, too many eyes watching them. “Hello… I-I’m Anthe. I-um, I do speak some Na’vi…”
Neteyam moved closer, looking bright and almost excited. He looked poised to speak but the older girl, Kiri, beat him to it.
“{Oel ngati kameie, Anthe.}” Kiri smiled. “I’m glad you’re awake, Neteyam was quite worried when he brought you to the healers tent.” Kiri’s tone was playful, and kind, not at all what Anthe had expected when encountering other proper Na’vi. Then again, none of this had been at all what they had expected. Anthe glanced over at Neteyam, seeing him flush slightly, and swat at his younger brothers teasing hands as the younger boy joined the group by the cook fire. Anthe noted that Lo’ak, just like Kiri, had hands like that of a human. A hand patted Anthe’s arm as Mo’at gestured for them to sit. Neytiri had remained mostly quiet, watching the newcomer cautiously as she continued cooking. Her gaze made Anthe shift uncomfortably as they sat.
“Neteyam said you saved the war party. Is that true?” Tuk asked curiously, her yellow eyes bright.
“I-I don't know?” Anthe shrugged. They didn’t know how much they wanted to say about what they had or had not done, and certainly didn't want to take credit for saving anyone.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Lo’ak cut in. “Did you shoot down the helicopters or not?”
“I- well yes, but-”
“So it was you!” The younger boy grinned, leaning closer. “How did you manage it? Neteyam said you had a huge gun. Can you-”
“Lo’ak, stop it, you’re freaking them out.” Neteyam scolded, pulling his younger brother back.
“I’m just asking questions.” the boy pouted. A sense of melancholy nostalgia washed over Anthe as they watched the family before them bicker lightly. It was so familiar to how they and their siblings used to be, playing and laughing together whenever they weren’t actively training. Anthe took a breath, trying to recollect themselves. It had been so long since they had been around people, so much all at once was getting overwhelming. 
“{Tsahik Mo’at. I see our guest is awake.}” A man’s voice spoke from the entrance. Anthe whipped around, body stiff and alert. Their shoulder throbbed. The man was tall, his dreadlocked hair tied back and an elaborate neck piece resting across his shoulders. The Olo’eyktan. 
“Olo’eyktan.” Mo’at greeted the man with a nod. “This is Anthe.”
“Anthe.” The man nodded. “I am Jake Sully.”
If Anthe was not frozen in place before, they were now. They knew that name. They had heard it before. Their eyes jumped to his hands. Human. He was an Avatar.
“I know you.” It was out of their mouth before they had a chance to stop themselves.
“You do?” Jake’s voice was controlled and probing, a slight furrow to his brow as he studied Anthe. He dropped to a knee, making himself more eyelevel with them.
“You’re the traitor. Mercer said-” Anthe stopped. Mercer was planning on sending them and their siblings to kill a man named Jake Sully before the attack began. He had been described as a traitor, a marine that turned against the RDA and started fighting on the side of the Na’vi. Anthe and Tenak had been the only ones to hear the briefing as squad leads, the next day they were put into the pods. 
“John Mercer.” Anthe conceded. Hiding things would likely get them into more trouble than they were already in. “He was in charge of TAP. He said you were a traitor to the RDA.”
“The Ambassador Program. Na’vi soldiers fighting for the humans.”
“When was this?” Jake asked, his tone remaining calm but his posture was stiff, ready to strike if needed. On the other side of the fire, Neytiri pulled the small Tuk behind her, hand on the hilt of her knife. Only Mo’at and Neteyam remained unmoving from their places on either side of Anthe.
“I don’t know anymore.” Anthe shrugged. They felt numb.
“What do you mean?”
“We got put in cryo. I don’t know how long I was asleep.”
The room was quiet. Anthe didn’t bother to explain or elaborate. If Jake Sully was the same man they had heard about, he knew what they meant. 
“Why were you put in cryo?”
“When the fighting started, Mercer ordered us to be… put down. ‘Leave no trace’. Our teacher saved us. She put us in cryo. She said she would be right back.” Anthe didn’t look up to see anyones reaction. Being alone for nearly a year now, they had never said it out loud.
“When the fighting started… You mean the battle that pushed the RDA out?” Jake probed further.
“I guess so? They were all dead or gone from the HQ when I woke up.”
“How many of you are there?”
“And the rest of your people are out in the woods?” 
“No.” Anthe took a deep breath. “Two of them, maybe. No one else has woken up. Or they did and I didn’t. I don’t know.”
“You’re alone?” It was Tuk that spoke. Her voice, small and soft. Anthe just nodded, not trusting themselves to speak. They hadn’t said it out loud. They couldn’t.
“How did the sky demons even get Na’vi to be their soldiers? You agreed to  this?” Neytiri spoke, she sounded accusatory and confused.
“No.” Anthe snapped up, defensive. “We were taken.” Neytiri held their gaze, then nodded.
“Where is your clan?” She spoke, softer now. Anthe deflated as the hostility leaked out of the room.
“I don’t know. I don’t remember. Dead maybe.”
“Is that why you don’t speak as much Na’vi?” Kiri wondered. Anthe nodded.
“Regardless, you are safe here. You saved a lot of people by taking down those helicopters.” said Jake. He had relaxed significantly, apparently deeming Anthe as not a threat. “Neteyam said you used a large gun?”
“Sniper rifle.” Anthe nodded. “But I dropped it when the thanator got me.” They winced slightly as they rubbed their injured shoulder.
“I didn’t think they made sniper rifles big enough for Na’vi.”
“It was specially made for TAP. There's only one, I think. I’d really like to get it back.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Jake smiled lightly, patting their uninjured shoulder. “You're free to stay with us while you heal. I’ve asked Neteyam to keep an eye on you.”
“Okay.” Anthe glanced slightly at the young warrior, unsure, and he smiled warmly.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
On that very first night, Anthe had snuck out of the Sully family's hut, in an attempt to leave without causing any more trouble. They found quickly that climbing out of High Camp was going to be significantly harder than they thought, especially with only one good arm, and gave in to simply sitting and looking out at the horizon, the sun already long gone, hidden behind the moon's nightly eclipse. Not long after, Neteyam joined them, sitting down quietly a few feet away to give them space. It was quiet for a long time before Neteyam finally spoke.
“How long have you been on your own?” The question caught Anthe off guard, as they snapped up towards where Neteyam was sitting. The movement strained their injury, making them wince with a hiss. The warrior shuffled towards them, looking concerned, but Anthe held up a hand to stop him coming any closer. With a sigh and slight adjustment, Anthe settled once more before they spoke.
“A year, I think. It’s hard to keep track.”
“And you never went to a clan for shelter?”
“No, there aren't many clans that would see me and not kill on sight. I don’t exactly look like real Na’vi.”
“I suppose… But you are still Na’vi, even if some things were lost to you.” Anthe looked at the man warily. He seemed so earnest, leaning towards them with a genuine look of concern. They shouldn’t trust it, couldn’t. They didn’t belong here. Anthe turned back to the horizon, pulling their knees up to their chest. 
Neteyam inched a bit closer, following Anthe’s gaze out to the forest below. 
“You’re close with your siblings?” Anthe said, surprising even themselves. Their mind had wandered back to watching the siblings interact, and the familiar feeling it gave them.
“I am.” Neteyam chuckled lightly. “I apologize if any of them made you uncomfortable.”
“No, no, they were fine. They just… remind me of some people I used to know.” Anthe curled further in on themselves, resting their chin on their knees, their tail curling around their feet.
“The others you were with before?” Neteyam’s voice was soft, gentle.
“Yeah…” Anthe felt tears welling in their eyes, blinking hard to try and will them away before they threatened to spill over. A weight came to rest gently on their back, pulling them close to an unfamiliar warmth. Neteyam held them carefully, mindful of their wound. The reality of their possession hit Anthe like a brick, the pent up stress and pain of the last ten months finally breaking them down as they sobbed in the warriors arms. 
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eddysocs · 6 days
In Good Hands — Charlie Harper x Alan Harper x OC
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Summary: While staying at Charlie's while she has a cold, Tessa gets the ultimate relaxation treatment from Charlie and Alan.
Word Count: 628
Warnings: Vague insinuation towards sex
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Tessa had been crashing at Charlie’s house for a few days now. She wasn’t feeling well, and despite her protests, Charlie, wanting to make a good impression, had insisted she stay until she felt better. It was an offer Tessa couldn’t refuse, considering the cozy Malibu beach house and the company of both Charlie and Alan, who always knew how to make her laugh.
She lay sprawled out on the couch in the living room, a blanket pulled up to her chin. Her eyes were closed, trying to block out the headache that had been gnawing at her all day.
Alan wandered into the room, concern etched on his face when he saw how in pain she looked. “How are you holding up, Tessa?”
Tessa let out a heavy sigh, wishing this illness would just go away. “My body is one big ache,” she told him.
Alan frowned, sitting down at the edge of the couch. “Maybe you should see a doctor.”
Charlie sauntered into the room, a smirk on his face as he heard Tessa’s words. “Or,” he drawled, leaning against the wall with that familiar cocky grin, “I’ve got another solution that might help.”
Tessa opened one eye to look at him, already knowing where this was going. “Charlie…”
He shrugged, completely unfazed by her exasperation. “Hey, it’s a proven method. Endorphins, oxytocin, you name it. A little… exercise might be just what the doctor ordered.”
Alan rolled his eyes, shifting closer to Tessa and ignoring Charlie’s usual antics. “Or,” he said, “we could try something less… invasive. How about a massage?”
Tessa’s eyebrows raised slightly. “A massage?”
“Yeah,” Alan said, a little too eager. “I’ve picked up a few tricks over the years. You’d be surprised how good I am.”
Charlie snorted. “You actually believe that?”
Ignoring his brother, Alan gently took Tessa’s hand, his expression softening. “Come on, Tessa. Let me help you feel better. Just relax.”
Tessa hesitated but eventually nodded, too exhausted to argue. “Okay… but no funny business.”
“Scout’s honor,” Alan said with a small smile.
She cast the blanket aside for the time being and turned onto her stomach, adjusting the pillow beneath her head. Alan started with her feet, his hands surprisingly gentle as he worked through the tension.
“You are actually good at this,” Tessa murmured, surprised.
“See? Told you,” Alan said, a hint of pride in his voice.
Charlie watched them from the side, his smirk fading slightly as he realized he was being left out. He wasn’t one to back down, especially when he could tell Tessa was starting to relax under Alan’s touch. Without a word, he moved over to the couch and knelt down beside her head, his hands finding her shoulders.
“Can’t let Alan have all the fun,” Charlie muttered, starting to work his own brand of magic on her tense shoulders.
Tessa sighed softly, sinking further into the couch as both brothers worked together, surprisingly in sync. The combination of Alan’s meticulous attention to detail at her feet and legs combined with Charlie’s dexterous hands on her shoulders started to melt the aches away little by little, leaving her in a state of contented relaxation.
“This… this isn’t so bad,” Tessa admitted, her voice softening as the tension drained from her body.
“Not bad at all,” Alan agreed, his focus shifting now from her feet to her calves.
Charlie grinned, his hands still skillfully kneading out the knots in her shoulders. “See? Told you I had a solution.”
Tessa couldn’t help but chuckle, the sound muffled by the pillow. “You’re both insufferable.”
“Maybe,” Alan said, smiling, “but at least we’re helping.”
Charlie leaned down, whispering into Tessa’s ear with a playful tone, “Don’t worry, Tessa. You’re in good hands.” And she was.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot, @immyowndefender
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lumiolivier · 6 months
So is the Life of a Pirate (6/?)
Series: One Piece
Chapter: 6/?
Word Count: 4106
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Sanji x OC (Reader)
A dalliance six years ago has a funny way of catching up to Sanji when the Straw Hats stop to restock the ship.
a/n: It's been a while, huh? Yeah...About that. I had other stuff going on. I've been meaning to post a new chapter for the last week or so, but here. Have a new chapter. It's special just for you.
Cordelia and Sanji had a marketplace to skim through.  It wasn’t an overly full marketplace, but it still had everything they needed.  Meats, vegetables, spices, staples.  Everything they could’ve wanted to make dinner later.  Everyone in the marketplace knew Cordelia.  Some vendors were even kind enough to offer her a discount on a regular basis.  She was but a single mother trying to do what was best for her son.  However, the gentleman at her side was not the usual gentleman with her, so naturally, there were some stares.
“Um, Cordelia?” Sanji wondered, “Is there a reason why they’re all looking at us?”
“I don’t get out much, Sanji,” Cordelia pointed out, grabbing a beautiful assortment of fresh fruits, “They’re going to see a new man at my side and get curious.”
And the assorted whispers finally caught up to her as a small group of women surrounded her.  It’s not like Cordelia didn’t know them.  Beniville Bay wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination.  A redhead stepped out from the group, “Cordelia…”
“Hi, Danica,” Cordelia smiled sweetly, “Did you need me for something?”
“Just some rumors circling that I’d like your clarification on,” Danica glanced over her shoulder at Sanji, who was in the middle of negotiations for a sack of rice, “Are you busy right now?”
“Kind of,” Cordelia pointed out, “I’m in the middle of my shopping.”
“And,” Danica wondered, “Do you have anyone watching Ash?”
“Of course,” Cordelia nodded, “I’m not just going to let my four year old go around on his own.”
“Then, I don’t see why you couldn’t come sit in my chair for a while,” Danica offered, “Free of charge.”
“What’s happening?” Sanji rejoined Cordelia at her side.
“Oh, nothing,” Cordelia glared through Danica, who sat back with a massive grin on her face, “Just a little fishing expedition.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.”
“Hi,” Danica nudged Cordelia aside, taking Sanji’s hand, “I’m Danica.  I run the salon down the fairway.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Danica,” Sanji mustered up a slightly uncomfortable smile.
“And I was trying to offer Cordelia a spot in my chair for the afternoon out of the goodness out of my heart,” Danica tattled, hoping Sanji would be able to help her out, “But the girl’s too stubborn to take it.”
“Uh-huh,” Cordelia knew better.  It wasn’t that she had a problem with Danica.  Far from it.  They were perfectly ok.  But that didn’t mean she wasn’t wise to her ways.
“You make me out to be such a monster,” Danica scoffed.
“Go ahead, Cordelia,” Sanji insisted, falling into Danica’s charms, “I got all of this handled.”
“Are you sure?” Cordelia tried to wiggle her way out of Danica’s claws, but Sanji wasn’t making it easy, “I thought you said you’d need my help.”
“I got it,” Sanji assured her, blissfully unaware of the hole he was digging for her, “Besides, you worked your ass off this morning and you deserve a little pampering.  Go on.  I’ll finish up here.”
As much as it pained her, Cordelia caved, “Alright.  I won’t be gone long.”
“Take all the time you need,” Sanji swore in his heart he was doing something nice.  Yet Cordelia knew better.  And she could feel the devious grin on Danica’s face growing by the second.
In that moment, Cordelia knew she’d kill Sanji the second she saw him again.  Sure, she might have been worried about having to see Nora and have to talk to her about Sanji, but Danica was worse.  What may have come off as a harmless little pampering would be much worse than anything Cordelia could’ve imagined.  There was a reason why she said it was a fishing expedition.
“Alright, Cordelia,” Danica brushed off her chair while all her other cohorts sat around her, “Talk.”
“Ok,” Cordelia knew how to deal with these women, “How are you, Danica?  How are things?”
“You know that’s not what I’m looking for, honey,” Danica pushed her along, “The pretty, leggy blonde.  What’s with him?”
“He’s a friend of mine,” Cordelia told her, “What about him?”
“He’s just a friend?” Danica smirked, “That’s good to know.”
“No,” Cordelia put her foot down, knowing that was the nail in the coffin.  Getting defensive over Sanji would give her away lickety-split, “He’s a special friend.  He’s someone I’ve known for a long time and you’re not getting anywhere near him, Danica.  Just get that thought out of your head.”
“Come on, Cordelia,” Danica twisted her fingers up in her hair, “Look at him.  There’s no way you’re just letting him go by the wayside.”
“Trust me,” Cordelia smiled a bit, “I know what that ride is like.  That’s not something you want to ride too much.  That’s how you end up seasick, if you know what I mean.”
“Lucky you,” Danica gasped, “So…Obvious question…What’s he got?”
“What do you mean?” Cordelia knew what she meant, but she needed to hear the words come out of the woman’s mouth.
“Come on, Cordy,” Danica gave her a nudge, “You know what I mean.  What’s he packing?  Because there’s no way he’s that pretty and well-endowed.  I’m just curious.”
“Danica!” Cordelia squealed, “No!  I am not telling you that!  That’s not your business!”
“Fine, fine,” Danica backed off, “I’m sorry.  I see I’ve overstepped some boundaries here.”
“Alright,” she cringed, “All of them.  I’m sorry.  But you need to relax a little, yeah?  I won’t ask about how big he is again.”
“Thank you…” Cordelia started to relax.
“But there is something between you two, Cordelia,” Danica assumed, “You two seemed awfully close in the marketplace.”
“We are,” Cordelia smiled softly, “That’s for sure.  There’s something between us, but neither one of us can put our finger on what it is.  Is it love?  Is it lust?  Is it something that should stay casual?  I mean…considering where it got us, I don’t think we can call us casual anymore.”
“Where did it get you?” Danica latched on and she refused to let go.
And Cordelia knew she was screwed.  Or she just needed to give Danica a different bone to chew on, “It got me him.  And he’s going with Ash and me on our yearly trip.”
“You lucky girl!” Danica awed, twisting the ends of Cordelia’s hair up in her fingertips, gently snipping away at the dead ones, “You get a romantic voyage at sea with him and we end up stuck here.”
“Trust me,” Cordelia let out a heavy sigh, “I need that romantic voyage.  We both do.”
“What?” Danica picked her chin up, no longer coming from a place of cattiness and an insatiable thirst for gossip, but genuine concern, “Cordelia?  What’s wrong, honey?  What happened?”
“Nothing bad,” Cordelia clarified.  Although, she wasn’t sure how honest she was being, “Just…some mistakes were made on both sides the last time we saw each other and…I don’t know.  We’ve both forgiven each other for it, but…I don’t know.  I don’t know if it’s something we can make up for.  And I know he’ll try his damnedest to, but…Like I said, I just…I don’t know.  There are a lot of uncertainties here and I got Ash to think about, too.  I don’t know if we’d be able to do something long term.  Not when he’s out at sea so much.  I don’t want to put the weight of my world on his shoulders, you know?”
“Maybe that’s something you need to ask him first,” Danica suggested, “Let him have a little hand in that decision, too.  And if he’s right for you, he’ll take it.”
“And if he doesn’t…?” Cordelia didn’t even want to give that a thought.  Having Sanji back in her life has been too wonderful.  She missed him and the thought of having to miss him like that again made her queasy.
“Then, it wasn’t meant to be,” Danica draped her arms over Cordelia’s shoulders, “You’re worried about it too much, sweetheart.  He seems like a decent guy.  I mean, he was more than happy to let you come here.  Hell, I bet he’d be alright with taking Ash, too.  He is going on your annual trip with both of you, isn’t he?  I bet he would take some of that weight off your shoulders.”
“I hope so,” Cordelia let out a heavy sigh, “God, I hope so.  Because I really do love him, Danica.  I don’t want him to go.  When we come back from that trip, I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.  But I also don’t want to hold him back.  He’s got hopes and dreams of his own, too.  You know what I mean?”
“I know just what you mean,” Danica agreed, “But it’ll be alright.  Like I said, if he’s willing to sacrifice, then he’s willing to sacrifice.  That’s not your decision.  That’s his.  And he’s allowed to make that.  Just like he’s allowed to choose to leave and to run off and follow his dreams.  I’m sure you have your own, too.”
“I do…” Nowhere in those dreams was becoming a mother, though.  Now, I just want Ash and me comfortable.  Sure, in a perfect world, we’d have Sanji, too, but…I don’t know.  Could I do that to him?  Would I even be the one doing that to him?  Am I just wrestling with this for zero reason?
“Well, honey,” Danica kissed the top of her head, “As much as I’d love to string you along some more, how about we get to what you really want out of me?  Because I know you’d be coming in some time before you leave anyway.”
“Yes, please.” That was enough to put a smile back on Cordelia’s face. 
While she and Danica passed the time together, Sanji was on his way back to the ship.  He had plenty of supplies and some of the most beautiful fresh produce the West Blue had to offer.  He had the whole kitchen to himself.  For however long he had, he would have his peace.  His serenity.  His mental happy place.
Until his peace was gone.  One of the cannons on the upper deck had gone off and a massive splash went off in the sea.  Immediately, Sanji ran up to the upper deck to find the culprits of the cannon fire.  Luffy, Usopp, and Ash stood on the upper deck, cheering at the demise of their target.  A spire of rock that stood off in the distance was reduced to barely an island.
“What are you doing?!” Sanji squealed.
“Hi, Sanji!” Ash chirped, “We shot a rock!”
“Yes, you did, Ash,” Sanji glared at Ash’s babysitters, “My question is WHY?”
“Because it was fun!” Luffy beamed in the way that only Luffy could, “You want to try it, Sanji?  It is a lot of fun.”
“No, I don’t want to try it!” Sanji screeched, “Where are Zoro and Nami?  Aren’t they supposed to be watching you three?”
“Zoro went to go find snacks,” Luffy explained, “An hour went by and we didn’t hear from him, so Nami went after him.”
“And we told her we were going back to the ship anyway,” Usopp added.
“Why didn’t you go with Nami?” Sanji scolded them, “She probably could’ve used the help anyway.  And I’m sure Ash knows Beniville Bay like the back of his hand.  Why didn’t you think to go with Nami?”
“Because we knew she could find Zoro herself,” Luffy figured, “And we did come back to the ship.  Ash wanted a tour.  And when we got to the upper deck, we thought we’d fire off the cannon.”
“Because it’s fun!” Luffy held his face in his hands, “I thought we just went over that.”
“Luffy…” Sanji got quiet.  Sanji got scarily quiet, “In what world did you think it was a good idea to take a four year old up to the upper decks and…Usopp…”
“Yeah, Sanji?” Usopp started to sweat.
“Cover Ash’s ears,” Sanji ordered, “Because some not nice words are about to be used and he doesn’t need to hear them.”
“Got it,” Usopp covered Ash’s ears just as he was asked and braced himself for the worst.
“Why the fuck did you think it was going to be a good fucking idea to bring a four year old to fire off the fucking cannon, you idiot?!” Sanji’s eyes turned red, “Are you fucking insane?!  Do you know what kind of damage that could’ve done to his hearing?!  That could’ve ruptured his eardrums!  That’s pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone let alone a four year old!”
“Sorry, Sanji,” Luffy backed off, “I didn’t know you’d be so mad about it.”
“Mad?” Sanji got quiet again, “You think I’m mad?  Wait until you see Cordelia.  You think I’m mad…She’s going to be pissed.  And that’s not something you ever want to be on the receiving end of.”
“Really?” Luffy looked at him strangely, “I don’t see Cordelia as being an angry person.”
“She’s not,” Sanji agreed, “Most days.  But if you do something just the right way to set her off?  Oh…Luffy…My dear Luffy…It was nice knowing you.  Usopp, you can uncover his ears now.”
“Okie dokie,” Usopp was a little stunned by Sanji’s tirade.  Lucky you, Ash.  You didn’t have to hear any of that.  Even I’m clutching the pearls a little.
“Ash,” Sanji brought himself back down to earth to the best of his ability.  For the sake of the baby, “You’re going to kill the rest of the afternoon with me.  How does that sound?”
“Really?” Ash’s eyes lit up.
Which, of course, made Sanji’s heart skip a beat.  And a little smile returned to his face, “Really.  It’ll kind of be like this morning when we were making breakfast for Mama.  And eventually, Zoro.”
“What about Zoro?” Zoro and Nami returned to deck.
“Don’t worry about it,” Sanji brushed him off.
“What happened?” Nami wondered, “We heard cannon fire in the marketplace, but just the one.  We weren’t under attack or anything, were we?”
“No,” Sanji scooped Ash up and sat him on his hip, “Luffy?  Care to tell Nami what you and Usopp were up to?”
“Hey,” Usopp begged, “Don’t bring me into it!  That was Luffy’s idea!”
“That you could’ve stopped,” Sanji pointed out, “But you opted against it.”
“Sanji…” Ash asked, his voice soft and slightly scared, “Am I in trouble?”
“No,” Sanji promised him, “You’re ok.  They weren’t your responsibility.  But they should’ve known better.  And when Mama gets here and she’s not happy with either of them, none of that is your fault either.  Ok?”
“Ok,” Ash smiled again, “Can we go play in the kitchen now?”
“Absolutely,” Sanji put him down on the floor, “I’ll be there in a sec.  Do you know where to go?”
“Not really.”
“Come on, Ash,” Zoro insisted, “I’ll help you find the kitchen.”
“If that’s not the blind leading the blind,” Sanji scoffed.
“What was that?” Zoro glared over at Sanji.
“Zoro,” Nami stopped him, “You were trying to go to the marketplace that was maybe a couple hundred feet away from us on the beach and you ended up on the other side of the island.  Sanji has a point.”
“The kitchen’s where the sake’s kept,” Zoro pointed out, “I know where the kitchen is.”
“Zoro…?” Ash pulled on his pants leg.
“Yes, Ash?”
“Can I ride on your shoulders?”
“Of course, you can,” Zoro got down and let Ash get up on his shoulders.  And all of a sudden, Ash stood eight feet tall, “Kitchen?”
“Kitchen!” Ash looked out on the deck and saw a familiar face coming up the ramp, “Hi, Mama!”
“Hi, baby,” Cordelia looked strangely at Zoro, “Is there a reason why you grew so quickly?”
“Because I would die for this kid,” Zoro confessed, “Next question.”
“Where’s Sanji?” Cordelia asked.
“Upper deck, yelling at Luffy and Usopp.”
“What did they do?” she giggled, “What could they have possibly done to make Sanji mad?”
“They took me to shoot the cannon!” Ash didn’t realize what he was doing.  He didn’t know he was throwing Luffy and Usopp to the wolves.  But Cordelia’s face went completely blank.
“Did they?” Cordelia’s giggle was gone, “Interesting.  Zoro…Take Ash inside.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Zoro wasn’t going to stick around for that aftermath. 
“Hey, Zoro?” Ash ducked as they stepped through the doorway, “Is Mama going to kill Luffy and Usopp?”
“Kill them?” Zoro thought it over, “Probably not.  Maim?  That’s a possibility.”
“Is she going to yell at them like Sanji did?”
“No,” Zoro assured him, putting him back down on the floor, “I don’t think she’s going to yell at them like Sanji did.”
“It’s going to be worse,” Zoro assumed, “It’s going to be so much worse.  For their sakes, I hope your mama doesn’t have anything sharp on her.”
“Where?” Cordelia snapped, “Where did it sound like a good idea to take someone so young and put them next to HEAVY ARTILLERY?!”
“It’s not that heavy, Cordelia…” Usopp cowered, “I mean, sure, it’s still a cannon, but it’s not like it’s one of the big, Marine grade cannons.”
“Usopp,” Cordelia growled, “I mean this with all the love in the world, but right now, I highly suggest shutting the fuck up.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Usopp went silent.
“Nothing bad happened, Cordelia,” Luffy settled her, “It’s not like he got hurt or anything.  None of us did.  All we did was set off the cannon once.  No big deal.”
“Luffy,” Cordelia got quiet.  Scary quiet, “Don’t.  Ever.  Fire the cannons.  With my baby standing next to it.  Again.  Or there will be severe consequences.”
“Like what?” he wondered innocently.
“Sanji,” Cordelia asked, “You know all the poisons that are completely tasteless, don’t you?”
“I know a few,” Sanji admitted, “Why?  What did you have in mind?”
“For now?  Nothing.  But,” Cordelia got in Luffy’s face, “I might want to try a few if some dumb shit like this ever happens again.  Do you understand?”
“Sorry, Cordelia,” Luffy backed down, “I didn’t think it would be that big of a problem.  But look.  He’s no worse for wear.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Luffy winced, “I don’t know why you’re yelling at us.  Sanji already put us over a barrel.”
“He did?” Cordelia looked over at him.
“Yeah,” Luffy nodded, “It wasn’t pretty.  And he said you were going to be a whole lot worse than he was.  If you ask me, you were both pretty scary.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was Ash’s mom instead of you.”
“No,” Cordelia assured him, “I was there when Ash was born.  I gave birth to him.  But thank you, Sanji.”
“No need to thank me,” Sanji brushed me off, “Come on.  I’m pretty sure Zoro’s taking Ash to the other side of Beniville Bay.”
“Actually, no,” Cordelia chirped, “I just ran into Zoro.  He had Ash on his shoulders and by the looks of it, they were almost to the kitchen.”
“Really?” Sanji gasped, “He actually…You know what?  That tracks.  He did say sake was in the kitchen.  He’d be able to find the kitchen.”
“Bless him,” Cordelia held her face in her hands, “So, what should we do now?”
“I think,” Sanji took Cordelia’s hand, “You and I should go into the kitchen.  Ash and I are going to make dinner.  You, my dear, beautiful Cordelia, are going to sit back and watch.  If you even so much as add salt to boiling water, I will have words with you.  And they will not be nice ones.”
“Bullshit,” Cordelia wrapped herself around his arm, “You wouldn’t do that in front of Ash.  I know better.”
“You seem to think so.”
“I know so.”
“Well, you’re right,” Sanji folded like a cheap suit, “But seriously, Cordelia.  Don’t worry about it.  I got it handled.”
“Ok,” Cordelia followed Sanji down to the kitchen and made herself comfortable at the banquette.
“Mama,” Ash nestled up next to her, “Are you going to kill Usopp and Luffy?”
“No, baby,” Cordelia pushed his hair out of his face, “I’m not going to kill Usopp and Luffy.  They know what they did.  I took care of it.  They got yelled at a little.  Everything’s fine now.”
“Good,” Ash smiled, “Because it was really cool to see that cannon go off.”
“I heard it go off while I was sitting with Danica earlier,” Cordelia thought back, “And I could only say one thing.”
“Don’t let that be Luffy and Usopp,” Cordelia giggled to herself, “But I think deep down, I knew.  I just knew.  Those morons had something to do with it.  And you want to know something, Ash?”
“What?” Ash looked up at his mother, hanging onto her every word.
“I don’t really think I’m mad at them for what they did,” Cordelia admitted, “Because truth be told, I missed this.  I missed having to clean up after Luffy and Usopp’s messes and shenanigans.  Sure, I was mad because you got tangled up in it and I’m sure they didn’t give you any hearing protection.”
“No,” Ash shook his head, “But they did tell me to cover my ears.”
“Well, that’s something,” Cordelia let out a little sigh of relief. 
“You know, Cordelia,” Sanji teased her, “You might want to be careful.  I’d almost think you liked hanging around them.”
“I miss this life,” Cordelia fell onto the table, “I miss it so much.  I miss being out at sea.  I miss being part of a crew.  And I can’t wait for tomorrow morning.”
“Why?” Ash wondered.
“Because we’re leaving tomorrow, Ash,” Cordelia reminded him, “We’re leaving for the East Blue tomorrow morning and we have yet to pack.”
“We should probably pack, Mama.”
“Thank you, Asher.  You’re a great help.”
“You can go ahead and go pack, Cordelia,” Sanji insisted, “You know, if you get everything packed, I’ll have dinner done by the time you get back.  And if you just bring your bags here, I’m sure you and Ash could just…Stay here tonight.  Since Luffy kind of owes you one, I’m sure you could get anything you want out of him, including, but not limited to, vital organs.  So, get your fill while you can.”
“I’d love to,” Cordelia smiled, “And I’m sure there’s plenty of room for us on board, isn’t there?”
“If all else fails,” Sanji smirked a bit, “You can sleep in my bed.  I wouldn’t mind.”
“That’s so sweet of you,” Cordelia knew where Sanji was trying to go with it, but she couldn’t help herself, “It wouldn’t be the first time Ash and I have shared a bed, but if you’re so willing to take the floor, Sanji, your generosity will not go unrewarded.”
“I…” Sanji let it go, “You know what?  I know better.”
“Not in front of the baby?” she nudged him along.
“Not in front of the baby,” Sanji pulled out a beef brisket and started mixing spices together, “Go.  Ash and I can handle dinner.  You can handle packing.”
“Alright,” Cordelia got up from the table and pressed a kiss to Sanji’s cheek, “Play nice, boys.”
“We will, Mama,” Ash promised.
“You’re not the one I worry about, baby,” Cordelia kissed the top of his head, “Just stay away from Luffy and Usopp for a bit, k?”
“Love you!” Cordelia headed back to the deck and found Zoro and Nami off to the side with a set of tiles in front of them.  They all looked hand painted with bamboo and circles and different characters on them. 
“So,” Nami looked them over, “All I have to do is make four sets and a pair and win?”
“That’s right,” Zoro nodded, “It’s fairly simple to learn.  Your sets would be getting all the characters or all the dragons or all the bamboo tiles or all the winds.  And if you get a pair of either of those on top of the sets, you won.”
“What are you two doing?” Cordelia looked on.
“I’m teaching Nami how to play mahjong,” Zoro told her, “Why?”
“Because I’m about to go back to my house,” Cordelia leaned against the railing, “I left Ash with Sanji, so we should be good.  But don’t let Luffy and Usopp-”
“Do anything stupid again,” Nami and Zoro cut her off.
“Thank you,” Cordelia kissed Zoro’s head, “I appreciate it.”
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yoonia · 3 months
Hey Dia, I meant to add this to my last ask but have you ever had (or do you have) any desire to write a seven deadly sins AU at some point? And if you do, do you know who you would cast as who? And if it’s cool sharing with you, I have 2 different fic outlines; one I made back in 2020 and another one more recently (which is a remake more or less).
From what I’ve read in the past, a lot of times the members (as the embodiments of the 7 sins) are portrayed as being pure evil and stuff, which isn’t bad by any means. If I ever write my own fic though, I would probably do something slightly different. Like yeah, I’d likely write the members as the embodiments of the 7 sins (like other fics) and maybe they would appear evil at first, but I would also probably humanize them and then get redeemed. Another idea I’ve had in mind is writing them as separate stories with different OCs, but they would all be in 1 book and in the same universe.
As for who I would cast as each of the sins, I’m still figuring it out. Like, I’d probably cast someone with a sin that would either be the polar opposite of their personality irl, or just simply choose one that I think the members give vibes of. For example, I’ve thought about associating Yoongi with the sin of sloth because he’s known to be a hard-working person, which would make a nice contrast. But in more recent memory, now I think he gives off a lot more wrath vibes. I mean, look at his solo albums. He’s savage spitfire straight up, lol. But hey, that’s just my opinion 😉
I was inspired from a video I saw on a YouTube channel called “school of life”. If you’re curious, you should totally look up their seven deadly sins video. Even if you don’t have plans to write a fic on this au, I’d still give it a watch. It really goes deep in depth with how the 7 sins align from a psychological perspective.
Anyway, take care again!💜
(Actually, come to think of it, it’s good that I sent this ask separately because I tend to underestimate how much I tend to write when sending messages, haha…😅)
Don't worry about sending long messages haha I always love it when you come and share with me your ideas and stories since they're so creative. You know, I always love the idea of portraying the members as the seven deadly sins. I know I've read some of the good ones written in the past under this same trope.
I also love your idea about writing them as the embodiment of the seven sins but not at all evil. I think it'll be more interesting to write something more human out of this trope, since a lot what I've seen always lean towards a darker theme. Which is understandable since they are meant to be sins.
As a matter of fact, I did plan a series based on the seven deadly sins. It was published for a while (with only one story out) before I decided not to continue it. The series was called Ghostown which is now saved in my archive, and it was meant to be progressively darker as the chapters continue. I didn't specify which sins the members were in the masterlist since I was planning to do a little game with the readers and have them guess who was which, but things didn't go as planned because I've discontinued it since. Here's the overall role placements though if you're interested (under cut because spoilers lol)
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Gosh, you got me opening an old draft again haha. I also only realised now that I named Jungkook's part as Dreamers...long before his song came out...and I mean looonnng ago lol
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Anyway, I fully support you for writing this idea if you ever get the chance to. I also always love the concept of writing different stories in one universe. It just gives us a different kind of experience when you create an entire universe that way with interlinked stories made in it.
ps. Yoongi as wrath??? I'm seeing it. I think the character he portrayed in Hageum MV totally showed this side of him.
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funky--lesbian · 2 years
Super Nova (Chapter 2)
Larissa Weems x OC
Adelaide's POV
You sit in the vehicle in silence, the comforting sound of rain on the metal roof and the quiet music coming from the radio quickly calm you. As the exhaustion from the day hits, you lean your head against the window of the car, burrowing further into your layers as you gaze at the woman driving you to your new home.
You couldn't help but admire the sleek curls in her hair, carefully pinned to perfection. Her lips were quirked into a slight smile as she hummed along with the radio. Those piercing blue eyes watching the road with an intense focus.
Slowly, your eyes drifted down to her outfit. A perfect matching dress and jacket that seemed tailor-made for her. Your eyes traced the lines of the jacket to her hands. Perfectly manicured red nails that matched her lipstick on long elegant fingers. For half a second you questioned whether she played any instruments as her hands seemed made for it, however, they looked much too soft.
So soft you wondered how they would feel against your skin. At that thought you blushed, quickly looking away. You knew better than to think like that. Touch was dangerous. Touch only caused pain, both your own and others. And the thought of her in pain because of you, hurt more than it should’ve considering how short of a time you'd known her.
Resolutely you turned your head away from the woman beside you, resting your forehead against the window. You let out a shivering exhale at the feeling of the cold glass against your forehead, your breath fogging up said pane, obscuring the dark forest outside.
As the drive continued you found your mind drifting, soon you found yourself nodding off to the sound of your new headmistress's voice humming against the rain.
Larissas POV
The car ride passed quickly and silently as your new curious professor sat beside you. It took everything in you not to turn to look at the woman who would soon be living in your school. Persistently you stared ahead, even as you felt the professor's gaze on you, apparently taking your appearance in before quickly turning away.
You felt Your gentle smile slip slightly at that, wondering what about yourself that could have caused that reaction. You quickly brought it back, resigning yourself to not show how it affected you. With the new professors back to you, you quickly snuck a glance.
The heat of the car had mostly dried off the once-soaked woman, leaving her hair in a curly red halo around her head. It looked striking against her outfit, layers of black and green covered almost every inch of skin. From her feet all the way to her neck, she was concealed. Black boots, long emerald green pants, a black turtleneck tucked into them. On her hands, she wore rich green leather gloves and finally to finish it off, a black flared leather trench coat. One might think she was just dressing for the weather, but the woman's earlier reaction seemed to say otherwise.
Soon, you found herself reaching the gates of Nevermore. You turned to look at your new professor so you could see the woman's reaction to her school, your pride and joy, however, the woman seemed to be asleep.
“Professor Florence?” You vocalized gently as they pulled up in front of the school. “Adelaide?” Your voice slightly louder after the lack of response. Your eyes widened in surprise when the only response was a slight whimper from the woman. “Adelaide, my dear, wake up.” Your gentle tone from earlier returning. However, the only response was another, more panicked, whimper from the woman next to you.
Worry filled you after the noise was released and you gently reached out and touched her arm to shake the woman awake. Right as your hand connected, the woman shifted. The sleeve of her sweater moved up just enough for your fingers to graze the woman's bare wrist.
Suddenly, you were overcome with emotions. Panic and fear filled your stomach as you let out a sharp gasp, unable to move. Other emotions followed and tears began to run down your face as you felt sorrow and loathing wash over you in harsh waves. You felt your own body begin to curl in on itself, attempting to shield itself from those dark emotions swirling around your very soul until suddenly, they all disappeared, leaving only an echo behind.
As you blinked the tears from your eyes and gasp for breath, you looked up to see the panicked eyes of your new teacher staring at you, as the woman pressed herself against the passenger door of the car, pulling her layers tighter around her as she whimpered apologies. 
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m0thisonfire · 2 months
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Gently, Now. Gently...
Oc x canon
Caramele x Vedan
Caramele is very insecure about the condition of his hands. Fortunately, Vedan is there to reassure him in his own bats-dardly way...
Warnings: Implied post-smut, mention of past abuse, hurt/comfort, angst, discussions of trauma and injury, Vedan is a brat
A/N: I'm still reteaching myself how to write, I haven't written in over three months. This is pure self indulgence because these two will not leave me alone, and if I didn't post this my brain would have exploded from all their antics. Enjoy.
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"... So how are you feeling?" Vedan finally asked in a soft whisper, his eyes fixed on where he was gently fidgeting with his partner's soot-colored fingers, "No aches? No noticable tears or possible rips?"
Caramele didn't respond right away, humming sated as he basked in his afterglow. Vedan was once again struck by how small this man looked, relaxed among the thick covers and his plush pillows... The barrow wraith only cracked open a glowing blue-green to give Vedan an almost amused look, "Mh, not that fragile, Ve. It'll take a little more than one of your romps to actually damage me."
The count made a humph in his throat, pouting as he interlaced their fingers together, grumbling, "Well, forgive me for worrying. Even the most durable Graveborn are prone to injury during strenuous activities..."
The smaller Graveborn huffed, now sounding more light-hearted. He groaned, covering his face with his free arm and letting Vedan play with his hand. The vampire glanced down, seeing the blackened digits twitch and flick against his, as if Caramele was trying to grasp his hand. Vedan frowned, his brows furrowing as he examined the ringmaster's hand more carefully.
... In all honesty, he didn't know the full story behind the injuries that left the nerves in Caramele's hands scorched and irreparable. Nor why Caramele felt the need to hide it from everyone else in the different factions. From what he managed to gather from the reserved Graveborn, it wasn't a forging accident. And it was before he joined his circus. So that meant before he became a ringmaster and died, but after his time as a smith. A true puzzle. One Vedan was determined to eventually solve.
Sighing, Vedan squeezed Caramele's hand, watching intently as the burned digits eventually did weakly interlock with his own. It was a clear effort on Caramele's part, a small frown visible from under his arm from where Vedan was laying.
Vedan pulled Caramele's hand closer, turning it so he could press a lingering kiss to the back of the black-grey skin. He pressed another to it when it made Caramele lift his arm slightly, a dimly glowing eye watching the vampire carefully, curiously.
"... What are you doing?"
"Wondering." Vedan answered softly, running a thumb over the side of his partner's hand, "I can't help but be curious. For many reasons."
The barrow wraith snorted, a smirk tugging on his lips as he teased, "Yeah. One of them is you being nosy."
Vedan scowled without any real annoyance, shifting so he could invade Caramele's space. Pressed against the smaller man's side, he hissed gently, "I am not nosy. You know what I mean."
Another snort was his answer as Caramele shifted to face him, looking up at him with a sleepy grin and raised brows, "You're right. Sorry. I know what you mean."
Clicking his tongue, Vedan smacked an unamused kiss to Caramele's temple, listening to the resulting chuckle and fighting a smirk of his own.
When Caramele's eyes slid shut again, the smile on Vedan's face faded, growing into a frown again as he examined Caramele's hand again.
"... Are you sure you're okay? Your hands-"
"M'fine." Caramele interrupted sleepily.
"... I'm just checking to make sure they aren't-"
"Wh- Don't 'Vedan' me with that tone!" Though Vedan did feel a bit cowed when Caramele exasperatedly fixed him with a narrowed glare, clearly not in the mood while he was winding down. Vedan sighed, relenting slightly with a defeated, "Fine. If you say so."
Caramele hummed and turned his glare to the ceiling. But didn't pull away from the contact, letting Vedan fiddle and focus his attention back on his injury. Then he sighed and closed his eyes, grounding out, "I can feel you fighting the urge to ask. Get it over with."
Vedan halfheartedly glared at him, easing as he gently pinched Caramele's index between his own index and thumb, "... I would like to know how this happened. I mean... The damage is-"
"Divine magic. It was a week before I left for the circus."
The answer caught Vedan completely off guard, mostly because he wasn't actually expecting Caramele to answer, causing him to glance up. Divine magic?
"Divine... Magic." The count repeated slowly. Now that was interesting for many reasons. Mostly because from everything Vedan knew of it, it was mostly used by the righteous and those blessed and favored by Dura and other Celestials to defend and protect people.
"What were you doing around divine magic? And how did it cause... This?"
Caramele didn't respond for a good long moment, and for a moment Vedan wondered if he was going to ignore him and just go to sleep. Then the barrow wraith managed, "Leon."
The name made the vampire's possessive hackles rise for a second before he calmed himself.
Leon le Menteur. The person Caramele would mention in passing when he recognized questionable behavior from people around him that set him on edge. And the indirect reason it took Caramele so long to actually feel comfortable with Vedan.
"... I see. And how did he get access to divine magic? I knew he was part of the Heresy Inquisition, but..."
"He was born with it." Caramele muttered, the hand on his chest twitching slightly, "He was always destined for the temple in Ranhorn, but..."
He's not a good person.
Worse than a lot of Graveborn.
Worse than you.
Vedan nodded in reluctant understanding, gently tightening his grip on Caramele's hand, "He turned it on you."
"Pretty much."
Silence filled the bed as they both delved into thought, Caramele in his memories and Vedan fighting his anger and desire to hunt down the insolent brat himself. While Vedan was cruel and sadistic in most cases in his everyday unlife, there were lines. His desire for gore and such had mellowed out a bit from his initial awakening from the ritual. And even he had a moral compass, askew and self-centered as it was.
But his small family, his lover, were different matters altogether. Caramele was his now, in many ways. And despite his inherent selfishness and apathy, Vedan couldn't deny the curl of burning hate he felt whenever he heard of Leon's past deeds against his partner. Especially looking at the results of that misused magic, leaving the man beside him unable to use his hands even in undeath. It was near impossible for Caramele to use his hands without his gloves and the enchantments on them... And it left him without an entire sense.
For a smith and ringmaster, occupations reliant on one's hands, it was a cruel punishment indeed. Even crueler with the fact Caramele couldn't feel his hands being held. Or kissed. Or squeezed and messed with. Or...
Vedan closed his eyes, trying to keep his brow from twitching as he pulled Caramele's hand to his face. The man didn't look over when Vedan gently pressed it to his cheek, feeling the scratchy, callused and scarred skin against his unmarred flesh.
Caramele couldn't feel it. Couldn't feel Vedan turning his head and softly kissing the blackened skin, using his other hand to trace the old divots and dips in his hand. But he could hear it, turning his head to watch Vedan. A part of him wanted to pull away, that old feeling of self-disgust and hopelessness filling him watching the count. Not because of Vedan himself. Because of the irony of the situation.
Ironic that a noble caused this out of rage of his feelings being unreciprocated, who then proceeded to sneer and cringe away from the mess he had made with clear discomfort until Caramele had escaped the town. He couldn't quite grasp that Vedan, stations above Leon and infinitely more spoiled, so willingly touched and comforted him.
At the time, Caramele was still spiraling. And as he had his whole life when it involved Leon, he took the disgust directed towards him and internalized it. Because if Leon was disgusted, others would be, too.
If Leon was approving of certain things, then surely those things must be inherently bad and scary.
If Leon loved Caramele and this was the result, then maybe it was safer not to love at all.
Watching Vedan, Caramele was continuously thankful he was the way he was.
Egotistical, brash, selfish, and mean. On paper, the same as most other aristocrats and painfully similar to Leon. But under it... Vedan was just lazy. Yes, lazy. Caramele had begun comparing him to the mean old cat from his village that the count reminded him of.
That cat hated everyone, hissing at those that passed the well or attacking any that tried to pet it. It stole food and caused problems everywhere it went, often seen sleeping in some out of reach place. But...with patience from a few of the residents, the cat grew amenable towards some people. Caramele included. He actually loved that cat, and it would even let him pet it sometimes.
That was Vedan. Just mean and old and lazy, someone who preferred to be alone. He was cruel, but it was all he had known when he was alive. He had learned to let other Graveborn and living into his circle, out of necessity or loneliness, Caramele didn't know. But somehow, Caramele managed to land himself directly in Vedan's inner circle by pure luck.
Pure luck. That was what this was.
Vedan opened his eyes feeling Caramele's fingers twitch slightly, watching the man's brows furrow as he exerted his energy. Gently rubbing his thumb over Vedan's cheekbone, then moving to brush a lock of silver white hair behind the vampire's ear.
Caramele wished he could feel it. He knew how Vedan felt, his skin from their arms brushing together and his hair brushing his cheeks when they embraced. But again, Caramele wished he was less...
"I know that look."
Caramele didn't respond, locking eyes with Vedan with a frown.
Vedan didn't return it, his smirk returning as he moved closer, keeping Caramele's hand against his face, "It's fine. If I didn't want you to touch me, you'd know."
The ringmaster curled his lip, protesting weakly, "But it's ... Not exactly pleasant. Why doesn't it bother you?"
The count glared at him, rolling his eyes as he retorted, "It's still you, idiot. It's not like it's raw or infected. Just scratchy and tough. I don't mind it."
Caramele stared at him, weighing his words and trying to decipher if he was lying or not. The annoyance seemed genuine enough. And that usually meant Vedan was serious. Sighing, the barrow wraith nodded, looking away as he tucked his other hand against his chest.
The count raised an eyebrow, looking quite unconvinced with the small nod he was given. He hummed, glancing away for a moment before he grinned mischievously, pointing out with a teasing tone, "You know, there are Graveborn in worse condition..."
Caramele groaned and rolled onto his back, listening to Vedan snicker as he pulled away, "Don't start, Ve."
"Torne for one-"
"Gods, you're starting."
"-I can't imagine it. A slew of guts and limbs meshed together? From three different people? Now that's unpleasant."
The barrow wraith groaned and covered his face, Vedan continuing unbothered, and now quite amused, "And how about that new fellow that arrived last week? Finch, was it? Ugh, all those feathers-"
The count cut himself off with a loud laugh when Caramele immediately rolled over to grab his face without any real force, the ringmaster giving Vedan a pure 'shut the hell up' look, deadpanning with an even voice, "You've proved your point, you meanie. Now hush. I want to go to sleep."
The vampire just grinned, snickering as he pulled Caramele closer and pressed a lingering kiss against his nose. The barrow wraith rolled his eyes, but snuggled closer, grumbling annoyed as he wrapped his arms around Vedan's waist. The count hummed, feeling his partner's tail wrap around his leg, anchoring the smaller man to him as they settled.
But Vedan couldn't resist one last poke, recalling unbothered, "... You know, I once saw Salazar without his eyepatch-"
Caramele immediately pulled away and rolled over so his back was against Vedan's chest, snapping without any real anger, "I am going to bed. Goodnight."
The barrow wraith just sighed when he heard Vedan laugh and pull him closer again, but didn't fight it. Instead, his tail just tightened slightly around the vampire's calf as he pouted. Caramele relaxed, choosing to bask in the familiar form pressed against his back. Safe, secure, stable...
Caramele was the first to fall asleep. It took Vedan a moment longer, as always. But he still wondered. Always wondering when it came to him...
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yellowvixen · 8 months
Hi, hello! Binturong anon with a lot of word vomit here, so be warned. I just read your reply to my ask and I'm so happy right now! I was slightly worried for a bit that you didn't like my silly little story, but hearing that you put off posting it because you liked reading it made me feel warm inside. And you want to draw it someday??? 😳 I can't believe this I'm hdhdjgk
As for my Sol OCs, I do have a few that are specifically parallels, but I'm never quite happy with them. There's always so many good ideas and I sometimes end up finding other people's takes on them that are SO cool (like Rime!) or that have ideas I was thinking of and I'm suddenly paranoid that I'm ripping off somebody else's character...
I absolutely get the struggle of deciding things like species, there's so many cool animals to use and I freaking struggled deciding on ones for mine. The Knuckles one is probably one of the most complete actually, but unfortunately I cannot show you her or any others because I'm not an artist. 😞 So I just rotate them all in my head until I think "Nice" and put it down on a digital notepad. I'm always interested to see others create their takes on them though! I'm certainly interested in all of yours!
I never considered Team Dark, apart from my Sol Shadow, who's definitely the least thought out. There's so many other cool ones out there, so I never really bothered. The few I have, if you're curious, are supposed to be Knuckles and Amy, to round out Blaze and Marine's Classic Quartet basically. And also a different Sol Eggman, because Blaze's nemesis being Eggman in G-major feels like a kick in the face to both Blaze and the actual Eggman 😒. (I also have a Sol Big but she's technically a joke character. She's also really small. I gave her a dinosaur though, as all women deserve.)
Anyway, basically just wanted to let you know that Rime is cool and I'm going to be thinking about that reply for the foreseeable future. Have a good week!
SORRYY I LEFT THIS SO LONG stuff kept happening and then I got ill and then more stuff happened 😩
But! Yeah!! I think it's cool seeing other people's ideas for stuff like this, like I know for sure there are other versions of Sol Shadow out there that are ice powered cats like Rime!! I don't rlly think it's the end of the world if people independently come up with the same ideas as long as you don't purposefully copy anyone.
God you're so right about there being so many cool animals to choose from... Sol Rouge was easy for me but everyone else is being a pain skfjfhdgd. Eventually I'll figure them out though. (One day I promise...) Also! It seems like you have the descriptions of characters down even if you can't draw them, so you could always commission someone!!
I love the idea of Sol Amy too, I personally have 0 ideas for them so might not design my own version tbh. But having a Sol Classic 4 is super cute! You could have a lot of fun with their designs too, the way classic Amy looks pretty different from modern Amy. Sol Eggman too... I've just kinda retconned Nega and made him actually be from the Sol dimension idc about canon LOL I haven't thought about it too much.
Also TINY SOL BIG??? I'm in love that's so cute and such a fun alt version. With a dinosaur too FUCK yes.
I really love how imaginative people are when it comes to the Sol dimension, actually giving it more characters and lore! If sega won't give it love then at least we will 😤
Thank you sm for enjoying Rime, and once again sorry this took so long for me to answer 🥲🩵 I hope you have a nice week too!!!
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aylacavebear · 7 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 14
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 1672
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic. This one is taking on a life of it's own in a turn I hadn't anticipated, so adding a new tag.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 14
It surprised not only Dean but also Sam when she took their plates to the kitchen, and with the time she spent there, they could only assume she’d done the dishes, too. 
“So, what the hell is a soulmate?” Dean asked the moment she had disappeared down the hallway to the kitchen.
“I found a little bit about soulmates. I’m glad Charlie put the lore from the bunker computer on an accessible network. This would have taken days to find,” Sam began, keeping his voice down. “So, Pari need to find their soulmate. It has to do with not feeling whole if they don’t. Sometimes, it can take decades or centuries. If you’re feeling anything toward her, even with that sigil on, it’s a high possibility that you are her soulmate.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “How come she doesn’t seem like she feels the same, though?” he found himself asking, then rubbed his face with his hand, frustrated.
Sam chuckled a little, finding the situation slightly amusing, “Maybe she doesn’t believe in soulmates,” he suggested, doing his best to keep from smiling.
“I don’t even know how I’d ask her about it without it sounding creepy,” Dean groaned, leaning back in his chair and glancing toward the hallway she’d gone down.
Sam sighed, although he was still amused. He knew how talented and suave his brother was with women, and now, he almost seemed nervous. Sam understood that, yeah, Maria was their case, and Dean was attempting to remain professional about it, but it was amusing nonetheless. Before he could respond, though, Maria made her way out and told them she was hitting the sack. They bid her goodnight, and Sam watched his brother watch her as she went down the hallway to her room.
“You’re hopeless,” Sam chuckled, looking back down at his laptop.
“Shut up,” Dean told him, shooting him a glare, which only made Sam chuckle again.
“Okay, so, soulmates. Humans can have soulmates with each other, although it’s rare. Pari, on the other hand, always have a soulmate. It doesn’t even have to be another Pari. It can be any human-like creature,” Sam explained as he was reading things from his screen.
“What do you mean, human-like?” Dean asked, curious but also worried.
“A Pari’s soulmate can be anything from a human to an angel, demon, werewolf. Literally, anything human-like, even another Pari,” Sam answered him.
“I need a drink,” Dean mumbled, getting up and retrieving a bottle of whiskey and a glass. That was when he noticed the kitchen.
Not only were the dishes done, but the whole kitchen seemed to be cleaned up. The layer of dust on the shelves around things they barely used was gone. He glanced around the room slowly, taking it all in, and then hollered for his brother, who came running.
“What?” he asked, worried for a moment.
“Dude, she cleaned. Like, clean cleaned,” Dean said in a slight state of awe.
Sam looked around, noticing all the same things Dean had, along with the drawers and how all the dings, marks, and chipped paint were gone, making them look brand new. He also noticed how the pots that were hanging looked brand new.
“She’s trying to exhaust herself,” Sam sighed.
That was when it hit Dean. She didn’t believe in the whole soulmate thing, and it made his heart sink, which annoyed him. They both knew there were only two ways for her to fully awaken her powers, and it looked as though she was going the hard route.
“So, she doesn’t believe then,” Dean sighed, grabbing a glass and going back out to the library. He barely knew her, but he almost felt heartbroken. He knew that feeling, as he’d experienced something similar before with Lisa.
Sam opened the fridge to grab a beer and noticed that it too, had been cleaned. He pursed his lips as he grabbed a beer and rejoined his brother in the library. Dean looked heartbroken, and Sam began thinking of how he could help.
“We could always talk to her tomorrow, Dean. Maybe tell her that she’s more than just a case,” he suggested.
“You know, that’s not what I wanted to tell her, that she was just a case,” Dean began as he stared down at his drink. Sam could even hear the pain in his tone. “I wanted to tell her that she was more than that, that I wanted to get to know her.”
“So, talk to her tomorrow. She has been acting distant ever since you said that, and neither of us gave her that tour of the place today,” Sam suggested and reminded him.
Dean sighed, still frustrated. He was frustrated at himself for how he felt that he apparently had no control over. Then, he was frustrated because he had no control over it. He downed his drink, hoping it would help, and poured himself another.
“Drinking won’t solve your problem,” Sam sighed.
“No, but it’ll help me sleep tonight and not think harder than I already am,” he mumbled.
Dean didn’t want to tell his brother that for the first time in a long time, he was afraid to lose someone again, a stranger he barely knew. He also didn’t want to admit that it was worse than he ever felt with Lisa, and he had loved her, a long time ago.
Sam wasn’t sure if he should keep going with what he’d found about soulmates, not with how his brother looked, “Let’s just talk to her tomorrow and not jump to any conclusions tonight.”
He sighed, sipping his drink, “What else did you find on soulmates?”
“Well, according to this, a kiss can make a non-believer, believe. Have you ever touched her?” Sam asked, glancing over at his brother.
He had to think about that one, replaying every interaction he had with her in his mind, “Yeah, at the bar. I set my hand on her arm, but it was over her flannel.”
“Damn. and she was sleeping when you put her in bed last night. It takes skin-to-skin contact to get a non-believer to even start thinking about it,” Sam replied, feeling bad for his brother.
Dean rolled his eyes, although he had several very intimate things go through his mind when Sam mentioned skin-to-skin contact. He couldn’t control the slight smirk that played at his lips.
“Dean, that is so not what I mean,” Sam groaned, seeing the look in his brother’s eyes.
He couldn’t help the chuckle or the smile, “Can’t help it,” he chuckled again, shaking his head a bit.
They didn’t even bother cleaning up that night. Dean had had several drinks, and they talked a bit more about soulmates and Pari. Surprisingly, they didn’t have a ton of lore on either. They didn’t even know what dimension Pari were from or how long they lived for.
As Dean lay in bed, attempting to find sleep, a whole new slew of worries and questions running through his mind, even with the alcohol he’d consumed.
What if she didn’t want to believe? Would she look at him like he was a creep or a pervert? Would she want to go live in her own dimension, alone? Hell, would she want him to go with him, and how would that even work? Would he have to give up hunting? Could he give up hunting? What if she didn’t even find him attractive?
He groaned, rolled over, and sometime an hour later, sleep finally found him.
Morning came, and he made his way sleepily to the kitchen for coffee, where his brother was already sitting. He’d had bizarre dreams, but that was nothing new for him. 
“She still sleeping? “Dean asked, sitting across from his brother.
“I haven’t seen her yet, and her door is still closed,” Sam replied, “Feeling any better?”
“Not really,” he answered, a mild groan to his words.
“We can talk to her after she wakes up,” Sam tried to reassure him.
The two returned to the library with their second cup of coffee, digging back into the lore books on the table from the previous day. Dean would glance at the hallway from time to time as he tried to concentrate on reading. Something just didn’t feel right to him. 
After they ate, an hour later, she still hadn’t emerged from her room. Dean turned in his chair, his arm on the table, “I can’t believe she’s still asleep.”
“I’m sure she just wore herself out last night, cleaning the kitchen,” Sam stated, not looking up from his laptop.
Dean sighed. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong but somehow forced himself to turn back to the table and look back down at his book. Several times, he had to go back and reread things, as his mind had wandered, concerned for her and the fact that she hadn’t woken up.
Lunch came and went, and Dean was getting antsy. Even Sam was beginning to worry a little. It wasn’t like any of the books had explained how long she’d be out for having exhausted herself the night before. Dean got up and went to her room, knocking. When she didn’t respond, he opened the door. She was there, lying on her bed on her side, above the blankets, seeming to be sound asleep.
He signed and went back out to the library, making sure to close her door behind him, “She’s sleeping.”
“She’ll wake up when she wakes up,” Sam again tried to reassure him, even if he too was getting a little worried.
“I’m still worried. This can’t be normal,” Dean grumbled, again attempting to focus on the book in front of him.
When dinner rolled around, though, he had had enough. With the way he walked to her room, Sam followed close behind him. She was still sleeping, now lying on her back. She even looked comfortable. Dean went over to her side, shaking her gently and calling her name.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 15
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A/N: If you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, leave me a comment, and I'll make sure to tag you.
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