#currently have a couple of sketches and notes to myself for things to draw with them <33
wellnoe · 1 year
hi! I love your art so much?? you’ve really reignited a love for the x-men that I haven’t had since I was a kid <3 I wanted to ask if you had any advice for making comics? have a nice day!!
ah!!! ty!
when i make comics on my own (most of the single page stuff i post on here) i have a different process than when i make comics with other people. i usually start with a couple of strong visuals i have in mind, then i’ll break down what i want to be conveyed by the paneling (basically: what are the main beats i want to hit?), and then i finally do dialogue. i sometimes put in placeholder dialogue to remind me of information that absolutely has to be conveyed in the layouts/pencils stage, but most dialogue only gets added in after a page is completely done, colors and all. this is the most intuitive way to do comics for me, and i think that’s my first piece of advice, which is find a workflow that makes sense for how your brain conceives of scenes. anyway bc thats my process all of my advice is basically about drawing comics.
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(this is the 'coming up with visuals' stage for a comic i'm working on currently. you can see that i'm basically just throwing anything at the wall to see if it works, and leaving a couple words/notes for myself so i know whats going on. its not even really a layout, the panels are not arranged how they would be on a final page.)
my other piece of advice is to pick apart paneling and comics you love? don’t just redraw them (though that can help too), but study what the paneling and composition conveys, and how that accentuates the story (which it often does!). i’ve done this w watchmen, a couple of moon knight runs, and some x-stuff, and i find it really helps me learn a lot about pacing, how time works, and how to economically convey information (bc you have a lot less room on a page than you think!). as a part of that: an exercise i think is a lot of fun/really helpful is to take pages/scenes you like and recompose them. use different paneling to convey the same scene and see how the meaning changes! do it intentionally, planning on pulling focus to something the original scene slides by. you can do this with your own stuff too:
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(this is me picking apart a redraw i wanted to do of a comic i posted on here a couple of years ago. first i redrew the comic in the left corner so i could see the composition, then i made notes to myself about what the original comic was supposed to be about, and what i wanted to add to it to improve it. sorry for how blurry it is, the pencil smudged.)
here’s some rapid fire stuff i like to keep in mind while making comics: time does not exist in comics the way it exists in movies or in prose. the gutter? anything can happen there. it is potentially literally any amount of time. its up to you to convey via panel content and composition how much time has passed (which can be very little!) same deal with space. things happen in between panels, and people move, but also panels overlap, or squish, or disregard scenery. that said! this has to be done intentionally. how panels are organized, their size, their relationship to one another, all convey information to your reader. my point is the sky's the limit here. so yknow. have fun w it.
finally i think you just need to do it a lot. i have a ton of comic layouts or pencils that i never posted bc they honestly just aren’t that competent, but i learned nevertheless. there’s other stuff that never made it past the layout or sketch stage bc i was just doing it to practice, so there was never any need to ink or color it. making comics like any other drawing is about continuously assessing intention and communication.
hope that was helpful in some way!! i like making comics a lot, and i have a lot of fun thinking about paneling and the like. i hope you have fun making comics too <3
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tips/resources that taught me how to Art as an Adult - a masterlist
Four years ago I decided that “I’m too old to learn how to draw” is a pointless lie I’d believed for too long and you’re never too old to learn something new. I still definitely consider myself a novice and a learner but I’m at a very happy place with my art and I’m having a ton of fun so I thought I’d pass along the tips/resources that helped me get started and kept me motivated. 
I’ll get into resources under the cut, but here are personal tips I lined up for myself that helped during the early stages of frustration and wanting to give up. obviously they won’t work for everyone, but they really kept me going
fill 14 sketchbooks. if you still want to give up after that you can (I’m currently at 13 sketchbooks and could not imagine ever letting it go)
what specifically do you want to be able to draw? For me my goal has always been characters and cats. I’ve added things to it here and there, but starting out overwhelmed with how much you don’t know isn’t great. find a handful of things you really want to draw and see where it takes you.
get yourself a sketchbook fancy enough that you feel cool as heck but cheap enough that you don’t mind absolutely destroying it. Personally, I love EXCEED bullet journals. the dotted paper keeps me from being too picky but are less intrusive than lined paper. From my experience, EXCEED bullet journals takes acrylic and ink like a champ, and they’ve got nice covers that just make you “feel” cool. confidence is important!
acrylic paint and post-it notes are great ways to cover mistakes. I personally love anything that makes my sketchbooks feel “sketchbooky” so this is super fun. 
it is okay to “waste”/”ruin” pages. one time I was in “I’m a failure” artblock and so I poured black coffee onto my sketchbook. (it was gonna get dumped out anyway and I was Very frustrated with my art.) then when the pages dried I just kept right along using it. taught me a lot about not being perfect. sketchbooks are about learning and love, not about perfection.
try drawing in pen. seriously, draw in pen. it’s scary as frick to not be able to go back on mistakes but that’s what the post-it acrylic-paint tip is for, and it’ll help with all sorts of stuff like lineweight and line confidence. it takes some of the stress off too because, you screw up? oh well! Try again! it encourages “try again” over “meticulously nitpick until it’s perfect” and has done wonders for me. I started out my first two sketchbooks in pencil before making the switch and I’ve never gone back. 
(also sketching in highlighter and lining with pen is super fun and cool and satisfying!)
the first page doesn’t matter. I usually just use the first page of the sketchbook to write my favorite songs at the time and then do the same thing on the last page. first page jitters begone. 
(starting in the middle of the sketchbook also gets rid of those jitters pretty nicely. I tried this a couple times and personally still prefer the linear front-to-back but it was fun for a while.)
picking a color theme for your sketchbook can make it feel more “sketchbooky” too. I usually go with blue or orange- blue acrylic paint, blue post-it notes, those cheap blue BIC pens, etc. I like this bc it makes the sketchbook feel like a sketchbook and is very satisfying.
And figure out why you’re doing it. I did it because I always wanted to make cool art and draw my characters, but if you’re doing it for a career then obviously the path to that looks much different. Don’t compare yourself to others. Be inspired by people who are better than you. Acknowledge where you need to grow and where you’re strongest. Lean into those strengths. Adapt to those weaknesses. Be proud of being a beginner- you won’t be one for long. 
Now: some of my favorite creatives and resources!
"Kasey Golden" Mostly traditional art, mostly watercolor, cartoonist, art challenges
"DrawingWiffWaffles" Mostly traditional art, alcohol markers & pens, semi-realism
"LavenderTowne" Digital art, art tips/tutorials, cartoonist
"ABD Illustrates" Digital art, speedpaints, semi-realism
"Proko" (or "Stan Prokopenko") Realism, anatomy tutorials, free complete "Anatomy For Artists" series- basically as hogwild as you can get learning hyper-realistic anatomy
"Ethan Becker" Digital art, ex-DreamWorks employee, tips/tutorials, "Perfect Practice"
"Sinix Design" Digital art, anatomy tips/tutorials, general tips/tutorials, realist
"Oliver's Antics" Digital and traditional art, tips/tutorials, speedpaints, semi-realistic style
“Nerdforge” Traditional art, painting, metalwork, woodwork, bookbinding, building, seriously these people do everything they’re incredible
Line of Action Gesture drawing, figure drawing, optional timed practice sessions
AdorkaStock fantastic line of unique reference poses
Aaand that’s about all I’ve got! there are so many resources out there and so many amazing artists to be inspired by. just have fun with art! art is freedom. be proud to be a beginner and be excited for how you’ll grow. I hope these tips are helpful for someone out there! <3 
Here’s my first digital artwork (April 2019) up against my latest (August 2022)
April 2019:
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August 2022:
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best of luck to you all. I believe in each and every one of you. <3 happy drawing!
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getinthehandbasket · 26 days
Cross-disciplinary training for artists
My entire life I thought of myself as a writer. A nearly-failed author, because I had such a hard time writing, but a writer all the same.
I had no framework for writing anything more than drabbles or vignettes. Anything more than 2k fizzled out. Let's not even talk about papers when I was in high school and college. I thought I had to get it all out mostly-perfect all at once, the first time, and that was so overwhelming that I just.. didn't.
No one taught me about stages. No one taught me about outlining, filling in, refining, etc.
About ten years ago I decided I wanted to branch out beyond my fiber arts (a thing which I am good at) and my writing (a thing which I was not good at). I decided to learn how to paint, how to do multimedia art journaling, how to draw, how to do anything as a visual (but not digital) artist because I like making things.
The thing that surprised me the most was this: artists work in layers. The first few - hell, sometimes even the first MANY - layers are foundations. Underpaintings. Sketches. Blobs of color. Things that look nothing like what the final will be. Art is built up in layers, even fiber arts. All art, I have found, is made of layers and stages.
Now I'm back to writing. I write fanfic. I am now writing it using a "layering" strategy.
I laid out a very VERY vague timeline, and a few notes about a couple of scenes that made me want to write the fic to give those scenes a home.
Then I started noting down beats, and assigning them to different spots in my timeline. Now I had an actual outline.
NOW I'm filling in the outline with scenes. They're not necessarily good. Sometimes it's just a sentence or two saying something like "first threesome here" or "X goes to Y's house to hang out - reason??". Sometimes it's a 2k scene where I meant to do one thing and the characters decided to flirt prematurely instead. I'm not even writing in the perspective (or possibly the tense) I plan to use in the final. I'm currently writing everything from a 3rd person present-tense somewhat omnicient POV. The final fic will have first-person probably present-tense limited omniscience POV, bouncing between my MCs as the POV character.
I'm not even calling it my first draft. To keep that pressure off of myself, it's entirely within a "planning document" and I'm informally calling it my 0 Draft. I'm just telling myself the story, and not necessarily in order.
When I'm done with it, I will open up a new document and start retyping everything, editing in the process, rewriting a bunch of stuff, changing to the correct tense/POV, etc. That will be my first draft, because for some reason (*cough* bad English teachers who thought they weren't the ones responsible for teaching their students how to write essays, papers, or anything else, who required us to turn in "first drafts" of our papers basically for copyediting and that's it *cough*) I have it drilled into my head that a First Draft must be complete and ready to be copyedited. A First Draft can be a shitty draft, sure, but in my head it also had to be nearly the final form. So now I'm calling what most people would call their 1st Draft my 0 Draft.
And once I am done with my "1st Draft" (which is really my 2nd), THEN I will retype it one more time to catch any spelling or grammar or plothole mistakes. That's the version I will have betas read for last-minute checks, and that's the version I will post.
TL;DR - setting writing down for a while and learning other artistic disciplines, even if I nowhere near mastered them, has granted me so much insight into a better way to write. It's given me joy instead of anxiety in my most treasured creative hobby.
I'm not even halfway through telling myself the story and I'm already 13.5k in. After cutting some of my darlings out and moving them to a different doc.
"Cross-training" makes everything easier.
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heartlurch · 10 months
hey what brush do you use to draw in digital and traditional (if that doesn't bother you!💦)
No worries! I don't mind. :3 The answer isn't so interesting though ww
I just use the pencil tool in MS Paint & the binary tool in SAI 2. Default settings. Most of my art is done this way. I often sketch in MS Paint, and complete in SAI.
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(a few examples)
I find it's easier to work within the simplicity of MS Paint, but I do like SAI's features, and sometimes I need the flexibility of pressure sensitivity to really chip away at my thoughts... I find myself relying on it more recently, as I got into JSHK. Human characters aren't actually my forte, and it takes many passes for me to get something legible... Trying to mimic Aida-sensei's ability to render clothes is also breakin' my back lol.
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(just taking you behind the scenes :p)
Oh um ... Hm, I draw in my phone notes more often recently as well, so that's the only other variable at times. If you see something like this:
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It's just me using the notes app on my samsung galaxy. I use it to jot down ideas for future me. Or... sometimes I'm just passing time. Nothing special about it, I would say, aside from the fact that it's more robust than the previous phone notes app I would draw on. I was fingerpainting back then, but now I have a stylus.
Edit: Wait I feel like an idiot for saying all this and literally posting a piece I made in CSP... SORRY!! My brain is small. That's what I use to animate as well!! !!! Sorry, I just use it once in a blue moon...
On CSP, the brush I like the most has been this one.
As for traditional, I use an assortment of things! It's a split between mundane art supplies (dollar store mechanical pencils, ball point pens, etc.) and some fancier stuff I've been gifted. Currently I have a set of prismas and a couple of ohuhus I use for commission work often. I also have some faber castell brush pens. I prefer inking pens with a flat tip, basically I disprefer fine points/microns etc. (I... um, have a bit of a harsh grip, so I'm prone to crushing them...) My traditional stuff varies a lot more so I'll just paste examples directly. For fun!
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Mechanical pencil!
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Faber castells! (The greys are as well!)
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Ball point pen and highlighters!
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Woodless color pencil! (+inking pens, pencil...)
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Ohuhu markers! (+pencil)
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Overall, I like having an assortment of things to grab and mess around with, for different moods. I'll draw on any scrap of paper also (to the burden of my wife, who scans and edits ALL!!!! of my art, lol.) If you're at all seeking for a similar experience, I recommend playing with whatever odds and ends you got in your possession. It's not really a matter of skill... imo, cuz, I don't really feel as though I use anything very 'well', I just use it. Perhaps all equally sloppy, and for fun. Just have fun. ╮(╯▽╰)╭
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proteanderg · 4 months
Rambles ahead
Between some things happening in my personal life and everything going on with Tumblr, I've thought a good bit about my art and how I want to proceed on social media (tumblr, cohost, whatever else). I've collected my thoughts below, TL:DR at the bottom.
Even with the opt-out in place, I don't feel too comfortable uploading finished art on Tumblr anymore. It wouldn't be the first company to lie or use loopholes to get around this sort of thing, so I want to be careful. I'll still upload sketches and and textposts here since I'm less concerned over those, but anything more than a doodle will be posted just to Cohost for now.
As for the Squeakification drive, I'll be ending it sooner than expected for a couple reasons:
- One, I'm not sure if tumblr will even last long enough to finish it at this point. I'd rather finish it early than leave it undone.
- Two, I honestly got in a bit over my head, and can feel my creativity starting to be stifiled by being locked into it for the next 16 months. I should have clamped the time to a shorter period, and probably shouldn't have included most of stage 10. I just got excited without fully concidering what it would mean to have it go for so long. I still enjoy it currently, but can already feel the toll it would take otherwise.
That being said, I'm going to finish it with a bang. I'll detail what this means in a later post, but get your silly ideas ready if you want to help me finish it off~
Finally, I'm going to focus more on drawing whatever I want to instead of reigning myself in on some ideas because I feel like I'd be the only one who likes it. I like what I have been drawing recently, don't get me wrong! I just mean I don't want to feel obliged to draw or not draw anything in particular. Art won't be drastically different, just a bit weirder or niche at times. If people enjoy it, great! If not, whatever
(Note: This is *NOT* a shift into fetishy/NSFW territory. I'm not into anything I draw like that, I just find TF/Inflatables/etc fun to draw. I'll be sure to mark/tag anything that seems close to that line just in case)
Thank y'all for reading, and thanks for enjoying my art and stuff~
TL:DR: Only sketches will be posted on Tumblr, finished pieces and anything else will be posted only to Cohost. The squeakification drive will be ending short for a couple reasons, but I intend to finish with a bang. Gunna start drawing more of what makes me happy, but overal content won't change too much.
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konveeart · 2 years
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{2022生2月} February Screenshots // Spirit & Strife Zine
I watched Advent Children 5 times between end 2021- beginning 2022 and practiced on his outfit before finally deciding to draw CC Cloud instead. I usually tackle full-bodies for zines, it was a pleasant change to paint a portrait for once~ 
These are wip-screenshots from both painting and standee I designed (I think they look really cool, I’m happy to share hehe)! This standee is the first piece of merchandise I ever made and it holds a very special place in my heart! Thank you very much for the opportunity ♥ !!
I am currently uploading the timelapse of the painting and I should get to uploading the standee BTS once my package arrives *crosses fingers!* I’ve been keeping for so long, but I’d love to have the entire experience of traditonal-to-digital-to-final_product in one video so I’ll hold for as long as it needs..! ☆ UPDATE FURTHER DOWN, the video is mADE!!
As a surprise for being here, here’s the little eerie edit I ended up inserting in the timelapse as an add-on
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I had 2 files corrupted while working on this. I don’t remember what happened anymore (let me check discord).
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I don’t remember mentioning if I lost any work, but I will assume I lost a couple of hours (+2hrs of trying to restart my pc and make it work again 💀).. Gladly this time there was a very pleasant recovery file which I duplicated and feared every time I saved in PS //cries
Unfortunately file corruptions occur more often now, that's my signal that my poor pc needs an upgrade (who can afford one in this economy??? Prolong the lives of your machines, friends!). I'll live in fear and 5 backup files until I decide my hardware hates anything above 5000px+ files and I go smaller (which is not happening, sorry friend, we'll have to keep being fried a little longer.. hang in there..)
[9月2日Update] I have uploaded the second (and final) timelapse with a little assembly video at the end and some extras~
I have the habbit of working at least x2 bigger in file than what goes into print. First lesson learned was this is unnecessary in merch-making of small sizes (I actually worked x3~4 times bigger and it shows in the video why it was a bad idea //wheeze) especially since my lineart is very thin and it gets lost if shrinked. I’ve watched so many merch-making vlogs in the past years, print-test got drilled in my brain and forced myself to test it at least once (gotta be professional about it, right? ;3) It wasn’t too early on, but it was early enough to change the composition of the piece as it set realistic expectations to what would work out or not (the size was so important, I hadn’t realised it would shrink so much because I obviously read very well and was fully aware of the OG size provided by the lovely mods). From the original design to the final I made a lot of changes and I was too obsessed with the meteor to let go. I cut at least 5mins (already sped-up) of me trying to lineart it and failing miserably so I switched back to PS and did it there. I cannot watch my own timelapse anymore without feeling dread and bored lmao, my convolution makes my skin crawl, so meticulous.. If it’s interesting to anyone I’ll be happy, if not then I am not surprised, I am not either! It made a beautiful base regardless, so it was worth it~ On a final note, no I did not 100% forget what kind of idea I had for the flaming buster sword (the meteor was supposed to reflect-in-tiny over it) and completely ignored my initial sketch to polish something I wasn’t sure what it was. It works out in the end so we’re good ok.
If there’s one thing I am taking from working on this is; don’t experiment when merch-making, it will make your life so much easier to stick to a process but knowing myself this is not happening. It’s just not me lol //runs
I am in denial that the zine is finally wrapping up.. It’s been such a wonderful experience sharing the Cloud love between us (for ~7 months?? time flies ;;;;;;!!) //is emotional.. I am very grateful and honoured to be part of this wonderful project ♥ thank you everyone for your lovely company during this time ;; I will always hold our little chit-chats and cloud-love-sharing dearly in my heart. Mod team, you are STELLAR and I hope one day our roads cross again💫!! ---
Thank you for making it this far 🌦️
Leftover sales will be up soon, so follow @strifezine​ // Spirit & Strife zine as it’s your last chance of grabbing a copy or merch item if you missed out on the first round!
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thorntopieces · 9 months
So quick question
Would you happen to have a fic with good descriptions of what your version of the colours look like?
Or would you be willing to write that up?
Note: this is long lmao. Quick question, long answer /lh
I don't, as of yet, though one is in the works! It's one of the things I've been really struggling with! So far I have an illustration of Vio done (done by my girlfriend @mydmdcorner ) but we'll probably get to drawing the others soonish! I'm more than happy to give a description though!
They also have slightly different blond(e) hair colours, with Blue's being the palest and Vio's the darkest.
Red (he/him): he's the smallest of the bunch (but really we're talking about differences in millimetres and centimetres here, they're all small)! In A Brief Respite, he's described as the one that looks the most like their grandpa! His eyes are blue, lighter than Blue's. His hair is short but curly/wavy. I'll attach photos and other references under a read-more! He's also got freckles. As for his tunic, it looks very much like the one presented in the Four Swords Manga, though it now has 3/4 sleeves and has a normal hood (to replace the stupid Link hat, I just think it's silly). When he's sleepy or shy, he'll hide in the hoodie. The only reason the tunics are 3/4 sleeve lengths is because he kept burning the ends of the sleeves when they were full. No more long sleeves for Red. He also has some of the same piercing holes as Vio (helix piercings), but instead of having amethyst studs, it's golden hoops/rings.
Blue (she/her): Blue's a tricky case. She got into the Minish magic in an attempt to change her body to fit her gender which had some. Interesting consequences. She's kind of surrounded by a permanent glamour of the weirdest kind, so despite being female, she appears entirely male (short hair etc). She wants to grow her hair out tho (but only to a length that's still practical). She has dark blue eyes. She does not have freckles and her hair has the barest hint of waves. Her tunic is also similar to the manga, but she wears a different, thinner belt higher up on her waist (to make it look like she has wider hips) and her tunic is the longest of them all, brushing the tops of her knees. She currently has no piercings.
Green (he/him): My favourite sleepy boy. He more or less looks exactly like the manga version of Four Swords LInk. He's got green eyes with golden spots in them. He's also ditched the hat, but has the same hood that Four has, with the Ezlo decoration at the end. He's a sleepy boy, so the hood is long enough to fully cover his eyes if he needs to lay down to rest in the middle of the day. The shirt he wears under the tunic has longer sleeves so he can hide his hands. His boots are also more padded so walking is less exhausting/hurts less.
Vio (they/them): Has the longest hair of them all currently. It just brushes their collarbone. The front parts are braided and kept secure with magnetic beads that can be used to clip the hair back. They wear a similar tunic to LU!Four. The bottom part is also flared/split into multiple pieces to ease movement. They wear a thicker belt, but not the same one from the manga. On their hip they wear purple and black kinstone-shaped gems. They've got purple eyes and freckles, although less freckles than Red. They also wear the most piercings in their ears. I might still redesign their tunic some. I really like the tunic design for ASAU!Legend (note: ASAU is rated M/18+), so I might take inspiration from that when I get around to drawing Vio myself.
Hope that helps some! I've left a couple image references below the read more for you! I don't have the spoons to image describe them currently, but I might get that done within the next day or so. If that's an immediate issue, I'll try to get it done tonight!
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DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this as my art, this is the initial tunic redesign sketch me and my gf did as we tried to figure stuff out. It's redrawn over one of JoJo's (@/linkeduniverse) drawings of Four. Please do not see this as my art. The headband should also not be there for my Vio. Oops.
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This is another drawing of Vio. The hair is wrong. Disregard that please. Vio also doesn't have ears. Oops. This is my girlfriend's art. (The Minish you see is Bubble, you can meet them in the first chapter of Dark Hair Significance)
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This is my current profile picture and is of Vio! Here you can see the piercings Vio has, too. The Minish tail/feather isn't one they commonly wear. They left that behind in their Hyrule to keep it safe. Depending on the day, they do the braids a little different. This drawing was also done by my girlfriend.
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This hairstyle is roughly what I imagine for Red, maybe a bit shorter (Source: Gentlemen's Magazine).
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And of course a reference for the Manga.
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whump-queen · 2 years
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
(for this ask game)
first off this is absolutely a leading question and i’m calling you on it.
current obsessions, an incomplete list, off the top of my head:
fire. yeahh gimme those flames babeyy
the song movement by hozier I played it literally on loop in my car today
my lovely anons on the sideblog and the cinematic universe that had sprung from that whole thing
on that note— obsessed with the mind blowingly beautiful and heartbreaking comic @unorganisedalienrubbish just made for the anon cinematic universe, as well as the story were writing together to go along with it 💖💖
obsessed with the insanely cool pin of my oc Seven that @kira-the-whump-enthusiast made me today aaahh 💖💖
alright fine yes river, you’re obviously on the list ok i’m god damn obsessed with hurting you 😘
obsessed with @hidden-dreamland’s precious blorbo and all their art 🥰
fcknf,, mouth whump
fangs, biting people, idk just anything that bites people I wanna chomp some flesh (yours)
the wendigo oc i’ve poorly sketched a couple times but have yet to draw a quality piece for yet.
the plots of my stories that are still living in very long google docs because I Cannot Write Chapter 1 despite having the whole thing planned out and later chapters fully written.
im still obsessed with making squash yeah im still on that ok. that’s the food obsession rn along with mf pearl couscous ok it fucken SLAPS.
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coda-blue · 1 year
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(This is a crosspost from my Patreon. To see the rest of the free, accompanying art dump, click here.)
I've decided to do my first ever summary of my entire year. Frankly, this has only been made possible because I've gotten into the good habit of sharing my weekly victories over in a separate dev server, so recalling won't be a stress-fest.
I'm going to address my progress in various aspects of project development and personal development. Here's my massive dump:
Project Summary
I mostly made art concepts and game assets for several visual novel projects in varying stages of production. The styles between them all are intentionally different and makes for a good test of skill for me. Notably this year, I felt no strong desire to draw for myself. Actually, most attempts were met with a deep-seated repulsion of the idea in a way that is hard to describe, because rationally I obviously want to draw, but subconsciously there was this violent blockage. It may be some form of burnout that is either unaffected or overridden by my sense of obligation to collaborative projects, considering I am admittedly a workaholic. Hopefully I can overcome that in 2023, as there's things I'd like to do just for my own self-betterment.
In 2022, I made...
A character sprite and graphical user interface overhaul, and brand new game page assets for my published visual novel, This Life Escapes Me 
Incomplete character, storyboard concepts, and animation studies for my other personal visual novel, The Corpse Lieutenant
18 monster concepts of 6 side characters for Drop Dead Daters
Fae and human concepts for the cancelled MaFAEa by Katy133
Main character concepts and final render for Sails and Silk by Ryan Aldred
An entire point-and-click background, alternate interactable states, and prop and inventory assets for The Greatest Escape(room)! by Destini Islands and Allie Vera
A couple chibi character commissions for personal clients
A few pixel art doodles
A couple sketches
Almost all of my writing this year was produced for visual novel projects. And almost all of these works have some sort of fantasy element to them, but a few projects were developed for a younger or more general audience than the late 20s to early 30s target I usually write for (aka myself), so actively thinking of the language and voice to use for these different narrators and characters was fun. Unfortunately, the same issue of lacking a desire to create more short personal works shows up here as well, but maybe that may change in 2023.
In 2022, I wrote...
Line edits for Teisatsu by Pacchi Studio
The short epilogue story for This Life Escapes Me 
Clarifying lore and research notes for The Corpse Lieutenant 
Several short stories (and designed their respective quote graphics) published on my Ko-fi account
A short smut fanfic that I will never link here, lol
Edits up to a third of the 90,000-word common route second draft for Primrose Path
My assigned route and script annotations for Drop Dead Daters
My chosen route "Explore" for Blanket Cat by Studio Ghost Legs
A writing style guide, character bios document, appendix, three full chapters, a bonus chapter, script annotations, and in-character product marketing quotes for Maledictorian by Wisteria Realms
I lent my voice acting and voice editing skills to a number of small projects this year. All of this was volunteer work. I truly do love voice acting, but unlike art and writing, I don't currently view it as a career path to actively pursue, as the online hustle culture and general "grindset" of it is intensely wearisome. Outside of my network, I only apply to what seems interesting and pays fairly, but within, I am usually approached by fellow game devs for game jam opportunities. And I love to contribute to those! So it's no surprise that this year, all of my voice acting was a direct result of game jams. As for voice editing, while I have the skills, this year I only ever did them when the team needed a helping hand.
In 2022, I have...
Voiced the goth lesbian Saoirse in How We Show Love by tofurocks
Voiced the unpredictable spy otherwise known as Boss in Teisatsu by Pacchi Studio
Cleaned, edited, and mixed my fellow voice actors' lines in Teisatsu
Voiced the brain-eating amoeba-infected Marlowe in Parasite In Love by Night Asobu
Voiced the dimension-warping disgruntled employee otherwise known as The Game Master in The Greatest Escape(room)! by Destini Islands and Allie Vera
I've shifted my business identity into the Coda Blue alias over the year. My social media presence expanded as well, though in the past month, it feels like it's also diminished. After a series of bad decisions from other corporate entities—the general NFT wave, Twitter's buyout and gutting, DeviantArt and ArtStation doubling down on siding with unethical AI generator art harvesting—I've made decisions that ultimately protect me of being subject to further platform failures and other people's valid yet wearisome doomscrolling. I am looking forward to creating an easier system for updates across platforms and potentially streamlining onboarding for certain client services.
In 2022, I have...
Made several moves to arrange my work and solidify my identity under my alias Coda Blue
Set up with various payment processors for better ease of client transactions and game sale payouts
Selectively offered story and project consultation services for narrative-focused game devs
Worked on my unpublished personal website
Created a Carrd to arrange my various site links
Created a Ko-fi for writing commissions and cross-posting devlogs, the latter of which I've just been too tired to do since the idea's inception
Created this Tumblr for cross-posting devlogs and promo, though it's quickly becoming my timeline replacement for Twitter 
Deactivated my DeviantArt account
Deleted my ArtStation account
Personal Review
The biggest and best decision I made this year was deleting various unused or unhelpful job board and portfolio website accounts. I had such a fixed idea of what my success was "supposed" to look like—working as a 2D character artist in a local art studio—and relied on sites and services that did not accommodate my atypical work history (transitioning out of almost a decade of retail and customer service into freelance game development). I became embittered when I kept getting passed up, tying that to a view of my worth. It wasn't until I killed off everything and just focused on my own projects that I felt so much happier, naturally producing what I wanted to, and ended up freelancing in more enjoyable ways. It's possible that I keep working for myself in a self-employed capacity, but ideally, I would switch from specialized labor into an administrative and/or consulting role. It's less tiring and distressing when you feel exhausted from making calls all day versus the frustration of burnout when your livelihood relies on the physical output of drawing and typing.
In 2023, I will move into an associate or assistant position in the producer, product management, or project management role, or a full-on art director role for a steady day job. I just want the money to roll in so that I can invest it into what I actually have a strong interest in, which absolutely are these narrative-focused projects and the talented people working on them.
My biggest concern for me is figuring out why I had an entire year of doing barely any creative personal work for study or fun. I'm afraid it will extend into the new year, and with it, consequences that may creep into my collaborative output as well. While I'm not sure, I believe that if I do end up needing a break from art and writing, I think my collaborators will understand as I discuss with them expectations and next-steps in private. But my guess is that my dwindling desire to partake of my hobbies is that my hobbies have become work, so I need to engage in new, different, and exciting ones. I think doing so will rekindle my old flame by bringing in a new passion into my life.
In 2023, I will try a new hobby. I've been thinking about whittling or playing bass guitar as a start. I may try the former, as it is more accessible out of the two.
I made massive strides towards my physical and mental health this year. I was finally able to identify with a proactive doctor an underlying health issue I've been having, and in going on a specialized treatment, so much was corrected in a matter of months. I had more energy, my general moodiness vanished, my appearance improved, and I returned to exercising (my usual de-stressor). I have a better understanding of my body and I can now make more informed and conscious decisions on my health. That said, towards the end of this year, I have started to become anxious and depressive with the change in seasons. I recognize this as seasonal affective disorder, so aside from getting back on proper medication for it, I realize that my current work environment is stifling.
In 2023, I will go back to exploring the public. I'm a people-person extrovert, so I get energized by socializing, even against depression's best efforts. The various, simultaneous public health failures have made me more anxious of being back outside, but I need to make a conscious effort to go out and be immersed in nature, in cultural enrichment, and just your usual recreational activities. I need the uplift for my sanity and creativity, and as long as I continue to stay masked and up to date on vaccinations, I should go back to the adventurousness I used to have a few years back. I'll start by choosing one new event to visit every month.
Final Words
I did plenty, and I'm proud of every single bit. I'm thankful for those who support me, who encourage me, and who keep me company. You help me be who I am today.
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doeblossom · 2 years
May we see your pony form, Darling? Is it Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, or other?
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click to see their full details! if you can't tell, i've always been unicorn biased. more info about them is below the cut!! but i've really had so many ponysonas, it's bonkers.
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pony prime is called "the original" since she was the first oc i ever made. i couldn't decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus, so i just picked both! i knew that having an alicorn oc was considered "cringey," but i justified it due to being native hawaiian and being related to the former bloodline (but honestly it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was then). i also liked the color turquoise at the time, and couldn't come up with a hair or eye color, so i just picked my own.
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pony number 2 was a modified version of the original. chopped off her wings, changed her hair color and made it more show-style big-poofy-curl, and added accessories. i was leaning more into liking purple along with turquoise, and started going through a FNAF phase, which brought about the bowtie. it phased out in later drawings of sketche, but i figured it deserved a spot here. another important note: i drew all of my ponies with the same body type, and was still having a hard time drawing/accepting my own, so all of the ponies up until the most recent are thin.
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here's a more literal case of FNAF phase. wisp isha was literally a ponified version of my FNAF insert, wisp the wolf. she was also the first ponysona to have a cutie mark, with a red cross symbol and wrench (she performed repairs on the other bots). originally her second name was "urufu," which was the word that google gave me for "wolf" in japanese. it's just "wolf" written out in japanese kanji. i don''t remember where i got isha from, though.
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inky emerald didn't even really have a name! i was experimenting with my ponysona, and tried a ponysona making challenge, which spit this girl out. things like species and hair length were determined by your date of birth, of course. she's called "inky emerald" because she has ink covering her legs and hooves, which you can't really see due to the frame. around this time, i had a few other place holder ponysonas, but they all culminated into inky.
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snow blossom was one of my favorites when i made her, but as her name implies, she is as pale as the snow itself. and as much as i'll joke about being "reflective" online, i'm actually not this pale haha. anyways, this is where i started leavning more towards a flowery theme and using green in my designs. i think i drew her a couple of times, but after that, she faded into the background and i stepped back from drawing ponies for a long while.
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lilac was my return to ponies after about a year and a half of not touching them. it feels like the break was longer, but it wasn't. couldn't get rid of ponies in my brain if i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. lilac willow was a direct redesign of sketche wolf. she was the second pony to have a cutie mark, which was a half-drawn flower. i aws experimenting a lot with how i wanted to draw ponies, so her design was one of the furthest from the MLP style. she looked nothing like me, though; the curls were much more relaxed, she was extremely thin, no glasses... but her design was fun. i may try incorporating her into the main blog at some point, but just in the background.
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hmmmmm, i think i recognize this one.... nope. jk. this design was made when i decided to make a blog about lumerde. i wanted to incorporate my NOW favorite colors, green, pink, and yellow, and almost accidentally made fluttershy... but i think the result was fine. she's also chubby, like i am irl! i know i talk about my weight a lot but i'm trying to be more comfortable and confident about it.
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and then, our current narrator herself! well, myself, i suppose. i really like this redesign and the new hair texture, and i hope this design communicates everything about how i look properly. i originally tried avoiding putting too many fur marks on my characters since the show rarely did that, but heck, it's barely even attached to the show anymore.
this feels like a lineage. but in a fun way!
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goldicthehedgefox · 1 year
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I told myself I'd turn this into a tradition, so here I am throwing all my art in one place again.
All the art featured here is what I had on my art flash drive since that's mainly how I keep track of when I drew what.
Explanations for all the boxes under the cut:
January: Ok, so, turns out I didn't draw shit in January except a fun little doodle of Goldic (the character) fighting one of my friend's ocs. Not gonna throw it down here because it was for a friend. (I also never finished that one thing I was eluding to in the last progression post, big sadge; it would've been so funny if I finished that, or at least enough of it so I could put the other half at the start of this one)
February: Ah yes, playing Uno with Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman. The best way to spend Valentine's Day, tbh. Oh yeah, the GoldicSoulless emote also came into existence.
March: Oops, didn't draw anything. And if I did, I doubt any of it was Tumblr-worthy.
April: Oops, I did it again. I just didn't feel like drawing around that time. It was a nice art break, I guess.
May: Back to drawing and I... didn't draw much, but I did draw a redesign for Moon! ...That I never shared until now:
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I also designed regional variants of Riolu and Lucario for fun (and for my fake region, Avnou, that you don't get to hear any infodumps about yet, I'll share that when it's more "complete"; Riolu is Ghost type while Lucario is Ghost/Ground):
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and here's the shinies, hehehe (click to see the sparkles better):
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June: PRIDE MONTH, WOOOOOOOO- *ahem*, I drew a lot of shit in Pride Month, like: - Me holding my giant af flag made of multiple flags - Note and Symph being cute and gay - Mew and Mewtwo designs for the comic I didn't make yet - A bunch of Pikachu sketches for no reason in particular - and this as a little treat for myself since Sonic's Game Anniversary and my b-day are so close together (literally two days apart):
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July: My current profile pic was drawn here, as well as a new (and currently unfinished) ref sheet for Goldic! Here's what is done right now:
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though, I'm tempted to just redo it again with all the improvements I've made to my art since drawing this...
August: I just drew a bunch of doodles around this time, tbh. I even colored a couple of them. Also drew Angora again:
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Beyond that? Nothing of note.
September: Cyno. Just Cyno. Definitely my best attempt at soft shading in recent memory. Also, you're not tripping, I did design an Ash (and Goh) for that Mewtwo comic I didn't make yet (Ash's design is a mix of his Unova and Journeys designs with some creative freedom mixed in; Goh's ref isn't done yet, but he does have a doodle here!):
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Friendly Reminder that Ash has Aura Powers™ and Lucario, the Aura Pokémon, can read people's thoughts (just in case someone wonders why Ash seems to read Goh's thoughts in the above image):
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October: I... didn't draw shit in October, but I did draw some all-digital doodles with my mouse! (because no art tablet, lol); I can't share most of it because Angst and NSFW™, but I can share what I haven't shared already:
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November: I also didn't draw shit in November, but when I did, I made two whole characters: a catboy (Kitari) and a duelist, yu-gi-oh style, that I didn't share yet (Yune). Fun Fact: Yune is the first Yu-Gi-Oh oc I've ever made, despite loving the series for years, and all I have to show him off is a colored headshot and some messy sketches:
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Outfit design isn't final yet, but hey. He exists. Yes, the scarf (and hair) will stay.
December: S Q U A R E - The Puyo Puyo Brainrot returned and so did me drawing Squares. I also drew a bunch of emotes for Kitari (of which only half are done) and another little something that I'll share later~
Overall: - Very productive year in terms of art improvement (mainly anatomy and color choice; character design quality has also improved a lot) - More brainrot fanart than in previous years - Less art overall, but more got shown off - 10/10 quality (compared to older art), hell yeah
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gothmikasagf · 2 years
ahh, hello babes!! <3 i was wondering if i could possibly get a stranger things matchup? if not that’s totally fine!
i am pansexual, though i do have a preference towards men! my pronouns are ( she / her )! i am five foot four, and have an hour-glass figure, considering that i am a good medium size if i had to say so myself! i currently have short hair that’s shorter on the sides and longer on the top that is dark brown ( though i am currently trying to grow it out to a bob length so she’s a little overgrown 💀 ). i have pale ivory skin with bright blue eyes and faint freckles that dot my cheeks and shoulders. i also have dimples that show when i smile really hard! i tend to wear classic cat-eye black eyeliner, and am planning to get a nose ring piercing in a couple of weeks! yay! i do have lobe ear piercings, and am almost always decked out in multiple dainty rose-gold rings, my rose gold necklaces, and dangly earrings that have my zodiac symbol — ♈︎, as i am an aries! <3 my style leans towards casual alt with hints of witchy hippie vibes! including flowy thin fabrics, layering, crop tops, etcetera!
i am an aries with personality type isfj. i tend to be severely insecure about my appearance, and am generally quiet around new people ( being an introvert ), though able to crack some jokes. i am often dubbed the therapist friend and the mom friend, always being prepared for outings and such! my favorite thing in the world in laughter, so i spend a lot of my time talking with friends and trying to make people laugh, as well as pushing myself out of my comfort zone to try and talk casually with people i may not know as well. i love to bake, read, write, sketch / draw, and watching horror movies! <3 i am a horror movie enthusiast, currently on a journey to collect slasher series. i’m a huge sucker for music too, could not live without it! my favorite styles of music tend to be 80’s, alt rock, rock n roll, and rarely a few metal songs. my favorite dog breed is between corgi and golden retriever, and i am often compared to being like a corgi.. do with that what you will!
my idea date is watching movies from the comfort of a home, comfortably laying against each other and making our own commentary! i would say my “type” would either be, “scary strong who is secretly sweetheart” or “protective sweetheart” <3 please, i’m sorry but i just wanna dote and care for someone bigger than me </3 ( which is easy since i’m 5’4” ).
NOTE : i would often say that i don’t have a type!!! the ones i put above are simply the first things that came to mind — i generally tend to like a large variety of people, though it usually boils down to who they are personality wise <3
thank you so much, and i apologize if this was far too much information 😳
I match you with...
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Eddie Munson!
I think he'd love to have a s/o shorter than him and would tease you so much. If you notice that things start appearing in higher places than before he doesn't know anything, hee swears.
He'll come with you when you tell him you'll be getting a piercing and he doesn't take no for an answer.
He always notice when you feel insecure and reassures you his way, he's always able to make you smile.
He notices that you always try to make other people laugh so he prides himself into being the one that makes you laugh.
He always wants to help you when you're baking but baking it's really not his thing so he's just there to annoy you.
He's also a fan of horror movies, way more casually than you are, and he will never say no to a horror movie with you. At the end he always tries to scare you.
He's always down to discuss whatever movie you watched together and he always says that if you were in a horror together he would be the one protecting you. It's not true though and you both know it.
I hope you liked it!
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dashawfrostart · 2 months
These Two Weeks In “Time & Again” #15: IT'S FINALLY DONE 😱 And The Logo, And The Font
I almost kinda can't believe this, but just a couple days ago, it finally happened:
I FINISHED CHAPTER 5 and shipped it to my editor-in-chef.
Wooooo-Whoooooooooo!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I am so happy! It's really hard to emotionally understand that the work is finally done. That was quite an undertaking.
... Overdue by approximately 3 months. But that was just a silly time limit I set to myself before I even started working on it. Different life situations got in the way of me finishing it up faster, but, all in all, since I am fairly satisfied with the result, I don't think any complaints are justified. I am indeed happy. Now I am in the state of mental emptiness. Joking. Not really. I suppose, until my editor gets back to me with a handful of suggestions, I will simply keep drawing and I will try to finish up all the last preparations before I could justify the public release. Gotta make everything look nice and sparkly clean after all 😁
I also slowly, little by little, write materials for a bonus book that currently has a vague title "Time & Again: Collector's Edition". I believe I never revealed that plan just yet, but that's been something I've been working on on and off since the last year, I think. Or maybe even since 2022. Hopefully it's gonna be interesting to all the "Time & Again" obsessed fans in the future someday, because it will contain more WIPs and sketches. As for myself, it's just fun to use it as a sophisticated diary for how the work went.
Speaking of different editions... Earlier in this post I've mentioned my plan to release the updated versions of the previously released Chapters 1 to 4. So, the prospects of that updated release are also getting brighter and brighter; from ghostly, ephemeral concept it is actually gradually fleshing into something real, almost day by day now. And this is very good. And here's the grand reveal for you: this is what the refreshed logo for of the updated edition gonna look like:
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In fact, Chapter 5 will already have this very logo, for it's gonna be the first Chapter to be ever released that came with "Notes & Commentary" section right away. And the presence/necessity of that very section is the main reason why I am updating everything in the first place.
So, when will "Time & Again: Clean Cut Edition" of the previous chapters be released?
- unfortunately, that I have yet to decide on. Cannot tell right now, but one thing that stands for certain is that it will be released only after Chapter 5 goes public. My current priority right now is the release of Chapter 5, proper and nice.
Since today's blog post already contains a fairly big and happy announcement, this might be enough of the news for now. What could possibly be as important as the fact that I finally finished up the supermassive amount of work, literally a new chapter in Lothar's story?! Probably not much!.. Well, almost.
For the last topic to cover today, I wanted to tell something else important and interesting that most people will probably not understand due to excess amount of specific terms 😅 But it matters a lot to me, so here goes.
Not long before all the work on Chapter 5 was 100% done, I finally got to look at the main font that I use in my graphic novel (Frosty's Comic Font), for it needed some perfection: I remembered that it was not displaying correctly in some cases, or rather, selected set of the symbols didn't look right, depending. ... I must admit, I am a huge fan of typefaces. I used to collect fonts for personal use back in the day, for I loved to experiment with different designs, and usually I needed them for my custom "one of a kind" greeting cards I used to make for my friends' birthdays. Good memories.
A few years back I started to learn how to make my own True Type fonts - and I bet you have already seen at least a couple of those fonts on my artworks, logos, signatures and, of course, in "Time & Again". Some of those fonts are still partially incomplete and/or unpolished and, thus, currently unused by me - until the moment in the future when I will finally have more time to fiddle with 'em, for working on fonts is not too difficult, but not particularly easy either. In this case, I mean "it's time consuming", for the process of actually drawing a font, designing letters and symbols to me is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. But vectorizing, perfecting the kerning in between certain pairs of letters, making sure that nothing is sticking out too much comparing to the rest... That is a bit tedious. In the end of the day however, it pays off tenfold, for you have a pretty, absolutely nice font that can be used virtually anywhere, in any software, for any purpose. I've never designed any monospace font yet... But aye, I'm being a little too nerdy again. Back on track, Frosty.
I never post my fonts anywhere to download, paid of free; I use my font solely by myself for now. And "Time & Again" was the reason why I urgently needed a new nice font with a fair touch of "me" in it... I wanted to make "Time & Again" my own as much as possible. So it was only obvious that I needed to design my own typeface for this crazy project. In 2021, I made the first relatively complete version of Frosty's Comic Font to use in "Time & Again" as the main font for the characters' speech. It contained all the basic English language glyphs and extra symbols for German language. Alas, not everything was smooth, and in Inkscape, when I used to copy-paste the lines of text on the speech bubbles, the formatting of little symbols such as apostrophe and quotation marks went down the drain, and was exchanged with the default system font (or whatever Inkscape uses when a glyph is missing). Unfortunately, that error stretched out in time (and space) up until a few days ago. I only was able to figure it out last week. By the time I managed to figure it out, the version of the font reached 1.3, and the last update also contained glyphs for Spanish language. It turned out, I did not include glyphs for all the possible variations of apostrophes and quotation marks. So I got that fixed. And now everything works like a charm. I am very proud 🙃 But the actual reason why I needed to return to designing fonts was different: I was tired of not being able to force italicize my font in Inkscape. While Krita allows for a default italic offset for a font that does not come with a premade italic version of itself, Inkscape does not do that. My manner of work is such, that I work with fonts on the pages of my graphic novel in Inkscape, for it's easier to me. But I like to sometimes accentuate certain words in the speech of the characters with italics, usually to make the readers pay extra attention to those particular words. I did not want to fiddle with workarounds (and in fact I know of no such things for my particular issue) in Inkscape, trying to combine multiple text boxes with different manual skew on the same line or whatnot, so I finally decided to make Frosty's Comic Font Italic. I generate all my fonts in FontForge. Here's what the window looks like:
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I couldn't even imagine that generating an italic version out of a regular font could be done in just a couple of clicks in FontForge! 😱 So simple!
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Once it was skewed, I tried to input an example text just to test it out and see what it looks like. When I'm test driving my fonts, I like to write something that uses extra symbols, such as something in German or in Spanish, because all those extra fancy letters make me happy. And once I was satisfied with it, I saved the final version (v1.4) and started using it! Here's the clear side by side comparison of what the regular version looked like versus the new italicized one:
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I think it turned out rather nicely.
And now in Inkscape I can finally use different formatting of my own very font within one text box, as illustrated through a quotation from a song by U2 (these guys are my current obsession - just as in ol' good times when I was 11 🤣) on the screenshot below:
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That's probably all for now.
... Okay, okay! You probably want more teasers/spoilers from the finished product, right? Here's a little funny snippet for you:
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Because any urban landscape always requires fat rock pigeons staring at stuff. Some of them might even watch something while munching on popmeat popcorn.
That's all for today's great news! See you soon! 👋😎 There's more to come.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 9 months
hi so remember when i reblogged that gay webcomic??? yeah i've thought of an oc but i have far too many projects that i'm procrastinating on that i really shouldn't think of drawing something else (actually though i've got this very excessive Kyary Pamyu Pamyu fanart with references to past MVs, a cat based on PONPONPON, some Elmy fanart, my enby oc's character sketch, and this cat cafe concept where i drew cats based on foods people typically serve at cafes and a drawing of me and a friend that has left the country and is currently in Canada) so here imma give you some details instead
there may or may not be gore-ish kind of under the cut but also i kind of don't feel like forcing you to read a literal essay
also while i was studying today i was playing the ost of my favorite movie (which is a whisker away if you didn't know) and that may or may not influence what i thought of while creating this character in my head
so they have no name cuz i can't think of one
very talented at art cuz yes i am talented too (i think) but they're so freaking goooooooooooooood
the Protector™ of the queer peeps at said school
pretty much posted the entire thing (as in the romance and the notes and whatever) on this hellsite
has learnt the art of MURDER for this thing.
okay don't cross them.
they WILL LIVE TO SEE THIS QUEER COUPLE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. so please don't be queerphobic. unless you'd like to be sent to the ER.
anyways they practically guarded Damian and Ollie's lockers before Damian got a phone somehow don't ask
and if anyone other than Damien or Ollie touched those notes on the lockers. the ppor person would probably get dropkicked and end up being severely traumatized and get the living daylights knocked out of their being.
and because that scene in nakineko was a thing where Miyo jumps off ths school building
i thought one day she/they just randomly walks around during lunch, hanging out with friends at like the upper corridors and then suddenly??? some random dudes start being a-holes (i don't use swear words don't judge me) and then they start trash talking about them and she/they is. the most PISSED PERSON ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW and yells at them to take it back but they ignore she/they and then she/they yells at them again and then they piss her off a bit more cuz they're queerphobic little rats or something and then she jumps off the building into a tree so SHE/THEY doesn't/don't die but ends up getting a butt ton of scratches and bleeding wounds anyways so. she/they walks up to a-hole peeps.
and in the back Damian is RUNNING and carrying Ollie (you read that correctly) and then Damian drops Ollie, half expecting him to pick himself up. um they just arrived to see the tea and im not sure if they know that she/they put their notes under high security cuz i haven't figured that out yet but sometime soon i shall
all the while she/they is suffering from blood loss and after some "WHAT DID YOU SAY???"s and "DON'T YOU DARE"s and stuff the rude peeps are just like "...let's get out of here" and of course because Damian and Ollie were part of the crowd that gathered and they were mentioned or something, um, eyes are also on them or something idk i can't describe a school fight i've never been part of one and haven't seen one yet unless my memory sucks
anyways she/they walks up to the couple and is like im sorry you had to see this :((( but i can't just let them slander you guys like this and then literally just collapses on the floor, head hitting the ground and then passes out
and while she/they is literally just lying there, bleeding out someone finally gets the sense to call an ambulance
and then flash forward to the ER where she/they is rn i guess, not sure what injuries to give them
and that is everything i can think of so far because i'm tired and probably should go to sleep but i can't otherwise i'd forget and then i'd never forgive myself for forgetting something that's related one of the most important posts here
also we need more of that wlw couple as in NEED
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iced-souls · 2 years
Oh yeah so I am just gonna talk about it now because *cough* it’s probably gonna take a lil while longer to finish cause of schul *cough* so I shall now update you all on
SO this is both for myself and if y’all wanna know what I shall be doin or somethin—
Ok so—
Obviously, as I’ve said before, I’m gonna finish this next update for left behind, in which I have almost finished the line art for it, and then hopefully if I don’t give up on doin which I might do cause meh—, I’ll finish the ut dr anniversary drawing. WHICH I MADE THE SKETCH FOR IT on the day but ran out of time…. It’s also not the beeeest but if I do give up on it then I’ll just post the sketch with the next school doods post probably—.
But anyways, after that I am planning on trying to post less/draw less/ focus more on school stuff for a while, at least until I get the hang of things….. which I do not know how long that will take—.
Mainly decided this cause I’m getting distracted and I stress out a lot when I have to many things to do/ want to do, so I’m cutting off a bit for my brains sake.
However I DO also have plans for if I ever get free time and want to do some stuff.
Lemme find my notes—
Ok so 1st thing which I can do in any free time, also possibly if I go to this 1 club in my school that happened last year(art club) so I can get a specific time to do drawing stuff hehehe, is make some more oc references, which I’ll probably add onto artfight for next year. There’s only a couple I REALLY have been wanting to do for a while now, which I have in my notes—.
So that’s: that one Skeleguy, lollipop guy, pineapple baller guy (edit: also jimjam). And then some other guys I might do are: Dust! Undyne, Sun angel + lightning rainbow guy, minecraft sona stone golem guy, aaaaaand underscrungle guys.
Speaking of underscrungle, I’ll probably figure out some more roles for that, I’ll probs just right it down sometime—.
Ight ok, 2nd thing iiiiiiiis…… OH YEAH, also have mentioned before, but I might also work on another rottmnt x my ocs compilation. I have 2 clips in my head currently and there’s bound to be more. When will I work on this? I have an animation club starting up at my school so imma work on it 1 day of the week during that time. So probably will take a while to finish—.
Tttthhhheennnnnnnnnnnn……..OH ok so I will be working on setting up left behind and void gang. As in writing up what each update will be if that makes sense.
Cause for left behind. I have the basis written up, aswell as some lil short stories that’ll happen, but that’s it really. So the ending is finished really but I’m gonna layout the mini episodes that are taking place in chapter 1 and chapter 2. Actually cause I find it kinda funny let me show you the papers I have for the left behind writing—.
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So as you can tell I am CLEARLY a very organized person— honestly half of this is all of chapter 3. I have to run through it all to find where my comic lore is currently at tho lol—
Worst part about that is that is that I go through—
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Void gang I’m just gonna set it up but I’m trying not to get toooo detailed in that cause I want it to be more of a surprise…… if you can even call it that tho—.
Anyways, so that about it. There also probably won’t be AS many school dood drawings for the same reasons, but I’ll get like… 1 page at least done?
But yeah. OH ALSO I’ve had some character challenge thingies in my draft box for a while now that I’ll also probably get more time to do—. So yeah.
May/ probably will pop up every now and then in the meantime. So If I DO get any asks I’ll probably be able to answer them cause I can usually finish answerin them quick—. All of these plans probably look like I’m not ACTUALLY taking a chill period but in relation to what I planned on doing, it is. Uuuuuuuhhhhh anything else? …… OH yeah I am still gonna post undertale September stuff. Uuuuuuhmmmm.. so yeah.
Really, a summary for all of this is instead of trying to split drawing with school work like a 50 50 thing, I will be more focused on school and drawing will only happen at certain and random times when I am free—.
Sooooooo yeah. BUT THAT WILL START ONCE IM DONE THIS NEXT LEFT BEHIND PAGE. I have also just planned out today of how the next update will go so that’ll be the first thing to right down—
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corpsoir · 2 years
ALSO ABOUT RANDOM QUESTIONS HIIII let me ask u about bruabba... how do you see their relationship during vento aureo? like is it established beforehand? during? 👁
brb gonna cry in a corner thinking about bruabba omg im normal
ive always imagined them like an established thing before the events of vento aureo, but their relationship probably grew more complicated and messy during vento aureo because of. well everything.
god theyre so tragic, the entirety of vento aureo is so tragic and sad and hfjkfhfdgfdj
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