#cus he wasn't paying attention and fucked up?
professorsta · 2 years
People misunderstood Dream when he kept refusing Roderick Burgess thinking it was out of selfish arrogance when truly it was pure selflessness in his intent that led him staying in that fucking fishbowl. To have gotten caught in the first place was a huge source of shame for Dream, so to be selfish enough to allow a man as cruel as Burgess such powerful gifts that he was demanding just to rectify a mistake that never should have happen would seem like an unworthy reason to spit upon the rules he abides by so strictly. It would be an embarrassment to become imprisoned and then shamelessly pursue his own well-being over the rules and traditions of their world. To put his safety and freedom over the possible repercussions he could bring by premising Burgess a chance to toy with death, power, or immortality (outside of what's being forcibly taken from him) which could for-see damages far worse than what rejecting him would cause. Couldn't imagine the laws and rules Morpheus would have to follow and what control Roderick would have if Dream were to trade his "freedom" for whatever he demanded. How much longer the effects would have lasted comparability to the sleeping sickness if Morpheus accepted? Dream refused Burgess because he knew his entrapment and subjugation wouldn't see as horrible consequences as allowing Burgess anywhere near the power the endless held would
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specshroom · 6 months
Fantasy Short Kings <3
Your typical brash Dwarf warrior. Who is only amused when you, the mage of the party, try and rile him up by poking fun at his height. He knows you're only acting like a brat so he'll go rough on you but he eventually gives in to your lewd fantasies.
"You know, I can probably find a spell to make you....bigger."
He grabs onto the belt hugging your hips and pulls you down to your knees in front of him.
"Are ya sure? Ye can't even handle me this size, Lass."
You can't help the pleased look on your face as you bite your lip and look up at him with love struck eyes from your place, kneeling on the floor. The dwarf scoffs at how satisfied you are with yourself and your "plan". He wastes no time lifting you over his broad shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying you towards his tent.
Goblin boyfriend who is very horny for you and you alone. When others belittle his sexual abilities or make fun of his height he probably wasn't listening cus he was staring at your boobs. However, when he does manage to pay attention to the comments, his reaction is basically just: "Hoes mad."
He's obsessed with your legs, thighs specifically. He encourages you to wear shorts, skirts, dresses, tighter pants, anything to show off your gorgeous legs.
His goal is to make you feel even half as sexy as he thinks you are.... and he really likes your legs. His undeniable attraction and unrelenting hunger for you gets you off far more than any bigger man could.
Werewolf who's the runt of his pack and definitely on the smaller side. Most of the pack laughs when he finally confesses that he got a mate. He's confided with you about his insecurities before and how the pack treats him so you already have the perfect game plan when you both get invited to a pack get-together. That's why you're bouncing on his cock in the backseat of his car moaning into his neck,
"You gonna mark me up, Baby? Show them who I belong to?"
Making him whine out, "Yeah, f-fuck yes." while gripping your hips and cumming inside your greedy hole.
The look on his pack mates faces was priceless when you walked in there basically reeking of each other with barely hidden bite marks. While the older adults just looked happy that the smallest cub got himself a loving mate, many of the younger adults were clearly struggling with the fact that the runt they bullied for so long actually fucks.
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landossnorriss · 1 month
a soulmate equation || ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she. Summary: soulmates are a rare thing these days. it was better that way, everyone said, given that you shared a link to your soulmate that manifested in scary ways, feeling their adrenaline, feeling when they were hurt. even if you never met your soulmate you might pay the price of being connected to them. given lando never had any feelings himself he never thought he had a soul mate till the little cut appeared in his palm. Word Count: 1.9k ( one shot. ) Warning: small mentions of injuries and intentional cutting of the palm but with a purpose! mainly just pure fluff and happiness.
the adrenaline rushes started as far back as she could remember. her parents had thought that she was sick at first, the way her heart would race so much she sometimes felt like she was doing to pass out. they had taken her to several different doctors before one had been brave enough to bring up the soulmate connection to them. her parents were not soulmates themselves, they only knew of one other pair and so they were quick to dismiss it.
other small injuries cropped up every now and then, ones that could never be explained given she was often in class or tucked into bed when they occurred. again, the doctors gave her a clean bill of health and just as the injuries came, they went again, leaving her and her parents puzzled.
as she grew up, the feeling of that high that came when her adrenaline spiked were just a part of her normal day. where her parents were sceptical, she had long since accepted there was a connection out there too someone, but given the way he left her feeling when she had no idea who he was? she had no interest in seeking him out. he was an adrenaline junkie at best, maybe even a low life and she simply prayed he didn't seriously hurt the both of them one day.
the big hit of 2021 had been her biggest worry for a while, she had been unable to climb from her bed she had been so sore following that one and she had spent the day googling accidents despite herself, wondering if that might highlight who the hell had thrown himself into the road with how she felt.
a set of bruised ribs worried her friends so much she was forced to tell them the truth, an unwise choice on her part given the witch hunt her best friend started at the news. soulmates didn't happen all that often anymore, there were only two others everyone knew of in their whole year and that made her special. that's what they all said anyway. in reality she just wanted to be left alone, she didn't want to know about the man, she worried about him enough as it was.
november 2023. that was when her best friend decided that she'd found the answer. they'd taken her to hospital this one was so bad, there was no cause of the injuries she suffered, she had been at the movies with her friends when she had suddenly cried out in pain pulling all the attention onto her self. stupid really, she should have known to move herself from the crowd, she'd felt her adrenaline spike moments before.
but it was the doctors comment that had set her bestfriend off. "if i didn't know better, i'd say you'd driven into a wall at 200 miles an hour." given her best friend was a fan of all things that went fast, it had narrowed her into a focus area she couldn't shake. she had tried to deny it, she didn't want it to be true but there had been a flicker of something in her chest as her friend had linked the timing of her favourite f1 driver to when she had felt the impact roll through her.
still, she did her best to play it down, to brush everything off as a coincidence because she wasn't even sure she wanted the pressure of having a soulmate, let alone that soulmate being a famous fucking f1 driver. she wasn't cut out for that.
then the cut across her nose came and any hope she might have had of convincing her friend that she wasn't the soulmate of lando had gone out of the window. the little scar across his nose was cute, hers was cuter across her small button nose and the fact couldn't be denied anymore. what she didn't know how to do, was approach him about it. it wasn't like she could just walk up to him, she hadn't ever really been hurt or put herself in situations her heart rate would have spiked enough for him to know about her, he could hate the thought.
it wasn't a risk she was willing to take without certain proof and her friends crazy plan was just sure enough that she agreed to it. they waited until summer break, she wasn't about to risk his hands when he had a race, but on the first week of summer break, sat across from her best friend she squealed as she held out her palm to the other. was inflicting herself with a small cut insane? probably. but there had been a time the very idea of soulmates had been beyond belief to her and now here she was. the cut they applied was small but deep, enough that it would likely leave a scar and she would be forced to dress it. silently she sent a small, sorry lando, out into the universe and she hoped he wasn't in the middle of something too important as she looked down at her hand that was now bleeding.
a few days later, as she scrolled through her Instagram, totally not looking for any answers, she found them loud and clear. lando had updated a story and his left palm was wrapped in an identical fashion to her own. holy shit, her soulmate was lando norris.
lando himself had been in the middle of dinner with the quadrant team when the blood had started pouring from his hand. it had taken him several moments to convince his friends that he wasn't so clumsy he had managed to randomly cut his hands whilst he was enjoying a glass of wine. soon enough max had been wrapping his hand when someone had joked about a soulmate. lando's eyes narrowed at the thought. not once in twenty four years had he ever thought it was possible. he'd not felt a thing, not once.
that wasn't uncommon, most people never did but those with soulmates tended to figure it out early on so it had never bothered him much but as he watched the final wrap be applied to his palm, for the first time he couldn't help but wonder.
he put the thought of out his mind, not daring to think he could be so lucky, until the moment weeks later when he saw her in line for the fan meet and greet. she was beautiful, that was his first thought. what would he do if a girl like her, turned out to be his soulmate. he'd shook the thought away as she stepped closer, laughing to himself as he met her nervous gaze.
on her part, the thought of doing this at a fan meet and greet was her very idea of hell, but she hadn't seen another way. even if her bank account was currently crying thanks to how much she had paid for this. in her hand, was a carefully constructed time line and matching trips to the hospital to match. photos of her random injuries with post it notes to confirm that none of them had been the cause. on the underside of her last thumb just a small band aid was all that was left covering her hand as she nervously chewed at her lip. "hello." she could do this, she could hand him the file in her hand.
sensing her nerves lando reached out a hand. "hey, what do you have for me?" his voice was warm, smile genuine as he looked back at her. she wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she met him, she had spent an embarrassing amount of time online looking into the man stood before her. some adored him, some thought he was a brat and childish, others had been underwhelmed. right now he just seemed, normal and well, kind.
clearing her throat she finally handed him the file. "i um, i figured this might be the only way that you believe me, but i um - " she paused looking at his hand where his injury matched hers. "i gave you that." bracing herself for impact she waited as landos green eyes flicked through the pages, muttering to himself as he did so.
"ribs...belgium, vegas...." the time line matched each and everyone of her records, right down to the photo, well selfie of her and another woman with a knife and a fresh cut in her palm. the cut he had. lifting his head he let his eyes meet hers, a tender gaze dropping for just a moment to the matching wound she wore, back up to her nose where sure enough he was met with a mirror image of his scar. "its you."
meekly smiling back at him she found herself nodding and for some odd reason, tears appeared at the edge of her eyes. years of doubting and he was right here, he didn't even look like he wanted to run away. "surprise?" her laugh was dorky and more like a snort as a tear escaped. "god you believe me, sorry i thought that you were going to think i was insane. no one teaches you how to do this."
in true lando fashion, the first feeling that overwhelmed him was guilt, he'd been accidentally hurting her all these years. "i never...you never...you're okay right?" he mused as he flicked his eyes over the paperwork and then her again.
"i'm ok, you sort of delivered enough adrenaline for the both of us." she joked softly. "at least i know why you feel that rush every weekend." it was insane, but having watched as many races as she now had, pairing it to that feeling in her chest each time she had felt it. she was the only person in the world that knew exactly what he felt when he raced. it was uniquely beautiful and equally mind blowing.
hearing a cough behind them lando turned for a moment. "jon can you come here for a second." the driver had fans to get to and promises to keep but he didn't want her to vanish. "this is um...my soulmate. will you take her back for me?" he quizzed his manager quietly who watched her warily, not that she could blame him. "she has proof of everything." lando assured the male who nodded, turning to her with a smile. "come on then."
stepping out of the queue she moved with jon, not daring to steal another look back at lando until she heard him call for her to wait. "you ok lando?" jon asked, unsure of how he'd ended up with a soulmate equation to deal with when he'd picked his driver.
"yea i just...you're gonna stay right? i have no many questions and things i want to check and god promises to make like i'll be more careful, more gentle with you...with us." it had been one thing to risk his own life every single time he climbed into that car, but now that he knew there was her too? god it was going to make everything so much harder.
"i'll be here lando...don't worry, i think, well i sort of think we have forever to figure it out." she offered in a warm smile before she turned to vanish with jon again.
watching her leave, lando found himself smiling like a dork, even as she vanished from sight. forever. well shit he could get used to that.
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fake-bleach · 1 year
feels so right | dbf!joel miller x reader
summary: Your college boyfriend's a dick, and it doesn't help that he dragged you along with him to a bar just to treat you like shit. You plan on catching a ride home after an incident between you two, but turns out that your dad's best friend's there too, and he saw everything. He ends up offering you a ride instead, but there's no promises that you make it back home for the night.
word count: 9.9k (yeah i went overboard oops..)
warnings/disclaimers: (18+ only!) fem!afab!reader (no use of y/n), this might be the filthiest smut i've ever written, porn w/ plot, reader has a horrible/mean bf, prolly unrealistic car sex but idc, joel can carry reader, thigh riding, praise/degrading, kinda mean joel, oral (m receiving), deepthroating/facefucking, use of pet names (honey, sweetheart, baby, girl, etc), piv, unprotected rough sex, bit of a size kink, joel's hugeee, spanking, bit of choking, creampie/coming inside, literally all that good filthy shit lolll, lil cheesy ass ending
btw this can be for both game/hbo!joel cus i had them both in mind while writing <3
ao3 link | masterlist
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Music fills your ears as you take a sip of your drink, sitting on an uncomfortable stool by the bar you were at.
Your boyfriend dragged you here with him, but not out of the kindness of his heart, no. You had made plans with him to spend some time together; to stay in and watch a movie, in hopes that it'd somehow heal your declining relationship, and he thankfully agreed.
That was weeks ago now, and here you were; stuck at a bar with the rest of his friends all because he forgot about his plans with you and insisted that he'd spend the night with the ones he sees more often than you.
It was either you or them, and in his eyes, it was always them.
"Fuck, babe! If you wanna be with me so fucking bad, just come with me— since you won't get off my fucking ass if you don't. Jesus Christ, I mean, you'd think I'd be able to spend one fucking night with my friends.. So fucking clingy."
His words rung in your ears as your eyes got lost in the remaining alcohol in the glass in your hand, slowly swirling it around with dread filling your face and entire being. You knew your boyfriend wasn't the best guy in the world, but you loved him at one point, and your heart clung onto the hope that he would start to actually love you back.
You should've known that your hopes would never be enough.
Snapping yourself out of it, you lift your head up to turn and look at him, his fourth glass of whiskey nearly empty, not giving a single fuck about you. No, his focus was always on his friends.. always on the shit that he prioritized over you.
You could only take so much.
Lifting yourself up from the stool, your feet reach the ground as you make your way over to him, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Nothing. Again, you tap him even harder, and he finally notices you for the first time in the 30 minutes you've been there.
"What the fuck? What do you want now?" He asks you, scoffing as he whips his head to turn to you.
You gasp at him, mouth open as you stare at him in disbelief. "What the fuck do I want? I want you to fucking pay attention to me, you asshole! Have you even thought about me the entire time we've been here at all?!" You exclaim harshly, your heart racing as your anger rises.
He just shakes his head at you, the annoyance in his face incredibly evident as his friends laugh faintly at the scene in front of them. He doesn't even attempt to apologize to you, the tone in his voice cruel as he scolds you, "I never even fucking wanted you here in the first place, and you didn't get the damn hint. Not my fucking fault, babe."
He turns his body to look back at his friends, completely avoiding you and the situation, and clearly not giving a shit to fix it. Your anger gets the best of you, reaching for his shoulder to harshly pull it back so he could just look at you, but he grabs your wrist, squeezing it tightly as he drags your body to him.
Your face is just inches away from his now, gasps coming out of your mouth as his grip tightens. "Don't you ever fucking touch me like that again.. Get the fuck out of here, bitch." He berates you, his breath oozing of booze as he shoves your wrist to push you away from him.
Your eyes fill with tears as you back away from him, your hand reaching to your wrist to soothe it, rubbing it softly. You glance around the room, embarrassed at what had just occurred. Eyes from all around the bar are on the two of you now, but there's a pair that immediately catch your eye.
Your dad's best friend, and the man who practically watched you grow up right in front of his eyes.
His gaze is hard on you, face filled with growing anger as he watches what your dickhead of a boyfriend just did to you. Your face grows cold as you stare at him, eyes flickering from his face to the floor as you grip your bag, not wanting to have him confront you. You were embarrassed enough.
You glance back at your boyfriend one last time, a slight frown fixed on your lips as you rush out the door, gasping for air while your teary eyes pace around your surroundings. Frantically pulling your phone out of your bag, you open the Uber app, wanting to get a ride home and out of here as soon as you could.
"Honey? You alright?"
Your body jumps slightly as you turn your head to stare at the source of the voice, eyes fixed to recognize Joel, his face filled with concern and his gaze now soft on you. You swallow as you breathe out, wiping the tears that were just about to fall from your eyes.
Gaining the courage to speak, you choke out faintly, not wanting to reveal your emotions to him. "J-Joel, I— Yeah, I'm okay.. it's okay. Sorry you had to see that, I.. didn't know you came here.."
You turn your head to stare back down at your phone, weak fingers trying their best to tap on the buttons to get you a driver here as soon as possible.
Joel's hand just reaches over the ones gripping onto your phone, slowly pushing them down and away from your focus to make you look up at him. His eyes are gentle and warm, boring into yours.
"Don't do that, sweetheart.. I've known y'long enough to know that it isn't," His soft words soothe you, looking down at your somber face, "C'mon.. Why don't y'let me take you home? Let's get you outta here.." He offers, moving his hand behind the small of your back to guide you wherever his truck was parked.
You sniffle and nod as you give into his generosity, knowing that you just wanted and needed to be cared for right now, whether or not it was just by Joel's benevolence.
His stare is fixed on you as the two of you make your way to his truck, feeling a sense of responsibility and urge to protect you. You were the loveliest girl he's ever known in his entire life, and it appalled him at how you could be with an asshole like that.
Walking up to the passenger side with you right behind him, he opens the door up for you, gesturing you to get in. "C'mon, honey.. There y'go.." He whispers out, gently shutting it behind you once you're securely inside.
Joel gets in the driver's seat now, putting his seatbelt on after you as he turns the engine on, putting the car in reverse to get out of there, knowing that you probably wanted to leave the area as fast as possible.
Silence fills the space between you as the only sound that can be heard are the tires on the road, making you gulp softly. You then glance at him, clearing your throat and licking your drying lips, "I.. I promise, he's not always like that, Joel.. He's a nice man.. I—"
Your voice fails you as you finish, the uncertainty in your tone not even convincing yourself. You're lying straight through your teeth, and Joel knows it too.
He lets out a heavy scoff, shaking his head as his eyes focus on the road in front of him. Glancing at you, he chuckles, "Right.. A 'nice man', huh?" He starts, making you turn away from him to look down at your lap, fidgeting with your fingers, "A 'nice man' wouldn't do that to you, honey.. Seems to me you've never felt how a real man should treat ya."
Your head turns to look at him quickly, scoffing back at him as you look at him, shocked. You don't even know why you're bothering to defend your shitty boyfriend, but for some reason, you wanted to prove to Joel that you were mature enough to make the right decisions.. to be with the right man.
"You don't even know him, Joel.. I.. I was being clingy, alright? He wanted to hang out with his friends instead of me tonight and I insisted I went too! You.. you'd act like that too if you were ever with me.." You tell him, your voice growing small towards the last part of your little speech, self-deprecation filling your mind along with your boyfriend's words.
It doesn't seem to make Joel any happier, making him suddenly pull over to the side of the road, putting the car in park. He huffs, removing his seatbelt as you follow his movements. Pausing to take a moment to try and compose himself, he finally looks at you, mouth open in disbelief. "You think I'd act like that if I were in his position? Think I'd fuckin' push you away like that? No, honey, god, no— you've got it all wrong."
You swallow as you stare at him, eyes confused and trying to understand what he was implying. He turns away from you for a moment, licking his lips as he breathes in sharply. "No fuckin' man right in the head would ever push you away like that, sweetheart.. No, he's a fuckin' boy who won't even cherish such a.. pretty girl like you."
Joel shakes his head, taking that pause between his words to look at you up and down, exhaling hard as he puts his fist to his face, his arm resting on the side of his window. He just stares back out through the windshield, your body stuck in place, breath hitching as you process it all.
"The hell would your dad think.. f'he ever saw that, huh? Boy's damn lucky I didn't do shit to him.. Lucky I didn't fuck m'up." He exclaims, scoffing softly as he looks at you for a moment.
Your chest rises as you breathe in softly, mind racing to figure out what to say. Your stomach is filled with faint butterflies from Joel's words, yet you knew that he'd never possibly think of you that way. He was just trying to comfort you.. right?
Your eyes are set on your lap, pausing before stuttering out, "Look, Joel.. I get it, you've known me my whole life, but I know what I'm doing. I'm not some dumb little girl anymore.." You finish, lifting your head to look at him, hoping that he'd finally believe you.
Joel's always treated you the same way he has when you were a kid, and it always frustrated the hell out of you. It's no doubt that Joel was an attractive man; you realized that when you were in high school, especially when your friends would come to your house to gawk at him at parties and family gatherings. You weren't blind, but you knew your attraction for him would get you nowhere.. not when he saw you the same way all these years.
At least, to you.
His head finally turns to you, eyes set on yours now, "You're a big girl now, huh.. s'that right? Y'gonna tell me that when you're with an asshole like that?" He chuckles out, cocking his head as he shakes it, "Thought you were better than that, baby.. That you'd actually give yourself to someone who deserves you.."
"Guess you're still that dumb little girl."
His words sting, making your eyes harden with your lips pressed tightly together. You scoff at him, tone harsh and direct, "The fuck do you want from me, Joel? What, y'want me to give myself to a real man like you?" spewing out the words without even giving it a second thought.
He immediately spits out what he's been thinking the entire time, nodding his head almost condescendingly as he inches his face closer to yours, "Yeah, that's what I fuckin' want. Maybe it'll knock some damn sense into that dumb head of yours, huh?”
You grit your teeth, heart thumping out of your chest as you rasp out, "You wouldn't even have the fucking guts, old man," but you knew damn well that you craved it. Craved him and the endless possibilities of what he could do to you. Breathing heavily, you can't deny the slick growing against your folds and through your panties.
Joel just grins at you, his gaze never leaving yours, "S'that right, honey? M' just some.. old man to you?" He snickers, his tongue poking out of his cheek for a moment, "Y'think I never noticed you all these years? Never heard you and your lil' friends talkin' about me?"
You gulp as your lick your drying lips, face softening while your heart races. Shaking your head to deny his accusations, your body freezes at the realization that he knows.
"Yeah.. you're not so slick, baby. Could see you watchin' me all these damn years.. Tellin' everyone how much you want me.. Y'can deny it all you want, sweetheart, but I see right through you. Right through this act."
He smirks as your eyes dart to the floor to avoid his stare, head tilting down as you fidget with your hands. Your body grows cold as you shake your head softly, denying the fact of the matter.
Joel's hand reaches up towards your face, his thumb and index finger lifting your head to look up at him, gripping onto your chin. "Ain't that right?" He chuckles out, making you turn your head to look away from him again nervously, but he doesn't let that slide.
He tuts his tongue, shaking his head as his grasp on your chin tightens just enough to have a firm grip on you, forcing you to look right at him. "No, no, don't do that, honey.. Look at me." He demands, your eyes finally staring into his own. You clear your throat, body shaking slightly as your adamant arousal for him increases.
You begin to stutter out, gulping, "J-Joel..", but he just cuts you off, implicit and direct with his intentions.
"Y’gonna let me fuck some sense into you, baby? That what you want? You’re about a second away from begging me for it, I fuckin’ see it. Can practically smell it off you, too." Joel spits out, his tone cocky and hitting directly to your core as he glances down at your thighs clenching together, “N’ look at you here..”
He chuckles out, removing his fingers from your chin to glide them down to your trembling thighs, his fingers almost pressing into the crevice that your thighs were pressed so tightly together to create. He wets his lips as his dark gaze glances back up to your face, whispering out desperately, "Tell me you want this, honey.. Tell me n' I'll make you forget all about your lil' boyfriend."
You breathe out through your mouth heavily, lips falling a bit open as your mind races. You've thought about this moment for so long now, and you could finally have it..
Fuck it.
Wetting your lips, you quickly put them on Joel's, desperation seething out of you as your eyes shut tightly. You moan into the kiss, Joel groaning into it too as he reaches his hands for your waist, gripping onto it tightly. He almost lifts you up, gesturing for you to get on top of his lap, needing to be close to you. You just follow his request, lifting yourself up from the passenger seat to fall into his lap and straddle his waist, immediately whimpering at the feeling of his bulging crotch pressing into your panties.
You had hoped that wearing a dress tonight would be a good choice, and you were right.
Breaking away from the kiss, the two of you gasp for air, breathing in heavily as you stare at Joel with delirious eyes, nearly high off the taste of him. He just smirks at you, reaching for your cheek to hold onto it, caressing it softly. "Bout' fuckin' time, baby.. Thought you'd never get the hint." He pants out, bringing your face close to press a dirty kiss on your lips, his tongue pushing against yours.
Your impatience gets the best of you, gripping his broad shoulders with your hands as you gain enough leverage to grind your core against his crotch, moaning loudly at the friction. You can already feel how huge he is, your cunt throbbing at the thought of it stretching you out.
His eager hands move down to grip your ass, moving you exactly how he wants, pressing you down onto him even harder. His lips break away from yours, groaning out, "Fuck, baby.. Fuckin' sexy, look at you.." He says, his gaze on your desperate face and glancing down at your hips and crotch grinding against him, "Shit.. That's it.. Pretty girl like you knows how to move."
You whimper at his words, growing wetter at the rough control he has on your body, and you love it. You can't help but let out little gasps, the desire you have for him increasing every time your bodies press together, making you crave his cock even more with each second that passes.
"F-Fuck.. need you, Joel, please.." You whine out, making his eyes flash up at yours as he chuckles, gripping onto your ass even tighter. He just shakes his head, saying, "No, baby.. Y'gonna take what you need from me right here. Wanna s'ya drench my thigh.."
"You do that f'me.. come all pretty & put on a lil' show for me? Maybe I'll give ya what y'want.." Joel mutters out to you, his lips just inches away from yours as he stares into your eyes, filled with lust and an intense ache for you. He wants to savor your body as long as he possibly can.
You nod your head quickly, biting your lower lip gently as you move your legs wrapped around him to sit in between one of his large thighs, moaning out once the rough fabric of his jeans hits your throbbing cunt.
You're soaked through your panties at this point, and you don't waste a second chasing your release. Your hips slowly start to move back and forth, grinding against his thigh as you whine. Licking your lips, you pant out, stuttering out his name repeatedly as your body does all the work for you. You're not even thinking at this point; your mind's completely gone blank and focused on one thing.
"That's it, honey.. Keep goin'.. Pretty lil' thing's so needy." Joel lets out, a low groan coming out as he watches your desperate face, staring right back at him with heavy eyes. It makes his cock grow even harder, knowing that he's finally got you like this.
His hands move to grip your hips, guiding them faster as they move to your ass, squeezing it harshly as a low chuckle escapes his throat. You gasp out at the touch, encouraging you to grind down on him even faster, stimulating your swollen clit as you cry out at the feeling.
Heat flows down to your cunt and lower stomach as your climax slowly begins to build up inside of you, and it's almost like Joel can feel it. Feeling how close you are, with your soaked pussy and slick drenching his jeans and thigh.
Just like he wanted.
One of his hands lifts up to smack your ass, an unrelenting force making you whine out at the sudden strike. It sends butterflies to your stomach and a sharp jolt to your core, forcing a moan out of you and a whine of his name on your tongue.
"Sorry, baby.. Y'got such a nice ass, been waitin' so long to do that.." Joel admits, letting out a faint laugh at your response to him. He cocks his head to the side and looks up at you, mouth slightly gaped open as his tongue plays with his cheek, "Ever knew how fuckin' hard you made me? Skimpin' around with your lil' dresses and shorts, passin' me like you knew what you were doin'. Y'never noticed how I'd.. turn my fuckin' head everytime you walked past me, baby.. Glancin' back at it so I could fuck my fist to the thought of you every night.."
"Fuck, fantasized about this fuckin' moment for so long now.."
Another blow of his large hand to your ass hits you unexpectedly, making you shake above him, your hips never slowing. You bite your lip as you look down at him, hands gripping his body to keep your strength. Butterflies fill your stomach as you hear his confession, making you groan.
Your breaths speed up as your climax increases, jaw falling open as you reply to him, "Did.. Did that on purpose, Joel.. Wanted you to look at me, to want me.. Didn't think it worked, fuck— touched myself all the time cus' of you.."
Your confession goes straight to Joel's cock, making him groan out at your dirty words, his fingers ingraining themselves into your ass as he moves your hips how he wants, wanting to push you to the edge already.
"Oh, it worked, honey.. Fuckin' gorgeous girl like you, what'd make y'think it didn't? I'd be a damn fool.." He grunts out, tone low right in your ear as you whimper, your clit growing incredibly sensitive as you grow even closer. "Y'gonna come for me, baby? Feel how fuckin' soaked you are f'me.. You're shaking.. Know y'can do it, come for me, sweet girl.. S'what you wanted this whole time, huh?" Joel encourages you, his hands moving from on top of your dress to underneath it, squeezing your bare ass with just your tiny panties barely covering yourself.
The direct contact of his rough hands on your flesh has you gasping out, the sudden coolness of your skin from his hot hands creating the perfect mix. You just nod your head eagerly as you stare into Joel's eyes, biting your bottom lip the more your aching cunt grinds on him. You stammer out, eyes hazy, "Mhm, f-fuck, Joel.. M'gonna come, p-please.."
Joel just smirks as he stares at your worn out face, nodding his head to encourage you. Sliding his hands down closer to your clothed pussy, his fingertips glide across your lips, your slick coating through your panties and onto his fingers. The feeling of it makes you hiss out as Joel whispers out to you, "Gonna give you what you need, baby.. C'mon now, let me see you.. Come for me now, be a good girl.."
Those words were the final push that you needed, making your cunt clench tightly around nothing, wishing that it was Joel's cock instead. You shut your eyes as you cry out, hands gripping onto Joel's body even tighter as he coos, whispering filthy, encouraging words into your ear while his hands help you chase your release. His hands on your ass begin to slow down, finally letting the weight of your hips rest on his thigh as your climax ends, the fast thumping in your chest slowing.
Breathing heavily, you let out small pants, chest rising up and down as you open your eyes to look at Joel. You give him a tired smile, giggling softly at the state you were in, and Joel grins back up at you, moving his hands up to hold onto your face. He presses a firm kiss on your lips, relishing the taste of you on his tongue. Breaking away from your lips, his thumbs caress your cheeks, looking into your eyes, "Did so good, honey.. Y'wanna return the favor? Prove to me that you deserve more?"
Your eyes widen at his words, nodding your head desperately as you lick your lips, hoping that he's implying what you thought he was. To be sure, you eagerly ask him, "O-Of course, Joel.. What d'you want me to do? Anything you want.."
Joel's lips curl up, grinning at the tone in your voice as he drags one of his hands down to yours to grab it. Guiding your hand, your palm reaches to his hard cock all pent up against his tight jeans, making you gasp out as a deep groan escapes his throat.
"Feel that, baby? Need your lips wrapped around me.. Y'gonna do that for me?" Joel mutters out to you, his gaze dark and set on you completely. Your breath hitches in your throat at his request, and the thought of the mere act makes your mouth water, making you nod your head quickly. "Yeah, fuck, I wanna do that for you.. Been wanting it for so long, Joel.." You admit to him, this time using your hand to squeeze his bulge, feeling how much he really needed you.
He lets out a faint moan, nodding his head back at you as he smirks at your hand squeezing him so good. He questions you, "Wanted what for so long, huh? Wanna hear it, honey."
Your cheeks grow flushed at his words, gulping slightly and hesitating to respond as you look away from him, which just makes him urge you on even more. "C'mon now, you already came all over my fuckin' thigh, I know y'not gettin' all shy on me now, sweetheart.." He teases you, chuckling as he presses his hand to your face, gently squeezing it, but you know his intentions are clear. He has so much power over you; more than you even thought.
His big hands grip onto your face, forcing you to turn to look at him. It's filthy, and you can't help but love it. He nods at you, a final push, and you finally stammer out at him, throat dry, "Wanted your.. cock, Joel.. W-Wanted to suck your cock for so long— fuck, please, Joel.."
He just lets out a faint laugh and nods his head, releasing your face from his hands and patting your cheek as if he was proud of you. "That's it, honey, wasn't so hard now, was it?" He teases you, licking his lips as his eyes flicker to your own, imagining them around him already. "Let's go to the back, baby.. S'gonna be more comfortable that way."
You nod at him as his strong hold is back on you, lifting your hips gently to guide you towards the back. Once the two of you are back there, Joel's legs are laid out on the entirety of the backseat, his back leaning against the door while you're set in between him; the perfect position and view for him to watch you put on a show.
Joel seems to be impatient waiting for you to make your move, as he cocks his head to the side and stares at you. He questions, "What y'waiting for, baby? You're a big girl, aren't you? Don't need me to tell you what to do now, do I?"
You lick your lips nervously as you stare at him, giving him a small, anxious smile. It's not because you've never sucked cock before, but this was Joel, and you wanted it to be good for him. More than you've ever been with anyone else before, and especially your 'boyfriend'.
"N-No, Joel, I got it.." You respond to him, leaning your body closer as your hands reach for the zipper of his jeans. Unbuttoning them, you pull them down a bit with the help of Joel's hips lifting, and your eyes immediately latch onto his huge cock, bulging against his boxers.
You sigh out as your hands glide from his large thighs to his underwear, reaching underneath the hem of the fabric to grasp onto his cock, pulling it out. The mere sight of it makes your jaw fall open slightly, gasping and mouth watering at how thick he was. Fuck, he's the biggest you've ever seen. It made you a bit nervous, but so fucking aroused, as you feel the slick growing between your folds because of it.
Your reaction makes Joel chuckle, leaning his head a bit forward to get a better look at the expression on your face. He lifts his hand to press his fingers against your cheek, holding onto your jaw and caressing your cheek with his thumb. It makes you look back up at him as he questions you, "Too big for you, honey? You ever even sucked cock before?"
You gulp as you purse your lips, nodding your head slightly, "I.. Yeah, I have, but fuck— never this big, Joel.." You respond to him truthfully, your stomach filling up with butterflies of a mixture of nerves and arousal.
He grins at you, laughing a bit cockily, "Don't worry, baby.. Gonna take me real good, right? Make me proud?" He challenges you, the fingers placed on your cheek now sliding down towards your lips, gently pressing the tips of them right at the entrance of your mouth. "Let's start off with these, huh? Wanna see if y'can take em' like you're gonna take me.."
You whimper at his words that hit you right to your core, making you clench around nothing. You couldn't wait for him to fuck you already. You just nod your head slowly, eyes never leaving his as you gently open your mouth for him. Joel takes this as an invitation to continue, slowly moving his index and middle fingers in your mouth.
"Suck on em', baby.. Lemme see what y'can do.." Joel tells you, his head lifting up a bit as his dark gaze looks down at your lips. You just obey him, closing your lips around his fat fingers as he inches them further and further in your mouth towards your throat. Your tongue falls flat underneath his fingers, sucking on them gently as you lift your hands to hold onto his wrist.
Joel starts to grin at you, humming out in satisfaction as he encourages you, "There we go, pretty fuckin' lips.. Show me how you'd suck my cock, c'mon now.."
You moan around his fingers, both of your hands gripping onto his wrist as you use it to pull them out of your mouth, guiding them back in deep as if they really were his cock. You shut your eyes at the feeling of it, reaching further down your throat as you moan again. The taste of him is intoxicating.
Your eyes open back up to stare at him intently, and Joel gives you a light smile, making you feel that sense of pride that you've always craved from him. "Good fuckin' girl.. Shit, lookin' so good like this, baby.." He mutters out lowly, a faint groan coming out.
Before you can continue, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, immediately making you feel empty. You whine out softly at your disappointment which makes him chuckle, reassuring you, "C'mon, honey— Think y'ready now. Make it good for me, yeah?"
You nod eagerly, wanting nothing more than to please him as much as you could. You lean a bit back, giving yourself a bit more room to get in the right position as your hands reach for his cock again. Wrapping a hand around him, you notice that he isn't even fully hard yet, and he's already so fucking big. It doesn't ease your nerves in the slightest, but the ache you feel for him in your cunt distracts you from it completely.
Lowering your head and body, your lips inch closer and closer to the fat head of his cock while your hand slowly strokes him up and down, trying to get him fully hard for your mouth to take him. You look up at him as your lips wrap around the tip of it, sucking onto it gently as you feel him finally harden in your mouth.
Your tongue does its work, circling around him and licking the tip of it while you suck, your eyes never leaving his as his own flicker all over your face; your eyes, your lips. Joel lets out a low groan, reaching over to your head to hold onto it to have some leverage to encourage you.
You slowly lower your head now, taking his cock deeper into your mouth as you moan around it, sending vibrations through Joel's entire body as he hisses at the feeling. "Fuck, that's it.. Deeper, baby, lemme see how much y'can take.." Joel's words fill your ears as you continue, your mouth barely able to take him all the way to the base.
His cock hits the back of your throat, making you gag at the sudden intrusion. Your eyes water as you blink, still staring back up at him to see that reaction on his face. You notice how it twists in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing for a moment, and you lift your head back up to gasp for air, immediately lowering your lips back onto him so you don't waste any second that passes.
The noises that Joel makes are filthy, filling your ears and making them burn as your mouth never falters, jaw stretched out as wide as possible for you to take all of him. Joel's grunts become louder, and you take that as sign that you're doing things right, which makes your body fill with pride.
Closing your eyes, you relish the feeling of his heavy cock on your tongue, the fat tip of it letting out small spurts of pre-cum down your throat. The taste of him only makes you push your head down even further, attempting to take him all the way to the base, but he hits the back of your throat, making you gag out at the unexpected impact.
Before you can lift your head up, Joel's grip on your head tightens as he holds you there, his throat letting out low pants as he stares right at your lips connecting to the base of his cock. Groaning out, he laughs faintly, saying, "Take it, honey, doin' so good for me, f-fuck.."
Barely processing it all, he uses his other hand to slap your face almost condescendingly, and it just makes you moan around him, your throat clenching and eyes opening up to look at him. You didn't even know you liked that, but Joel's power over you has you nearly seeing stars.
Joel lets out a chuckle, all mean and teasingly, "Fuck, yeah.. Dirty girl, you like that shit?" He asks you, and you moan around his cock again, nose breathing in heavily for air as your eyes droop down a bit, nearly high off the feeling of him using your throat. Laughing out, a smirk appears on his face as his hand's grip on you pulls you back up for a moment so you can breathe properly.
Without him even having to encourage you, your mouth is back on him once you catch your breath, desperate to please him and taste his cock again. It makes Joel grunt out, snickering out at you, "Fuck, you're worse than I thought, baby.. You act so innocent, but you're takin' cock like s'all you're meant for.."
You hum against him, eyes looking back up as you take him deeper with your tongue flattening underneath his shaft, and it drives Joel crazy. He just hisses out, hand on your head once again, "Shit.. I'm right, ain't I? Pretty throat’s been craving this, huh? Lil’ boyfriend couldn’t satisfy you.. Thas’ okay, m’ right here now, honey..”
His words send a throbbing pang to your cunt, growing wetter at the thought of him and knowing that he's satisfying your needs more than your boyfriend ever could. It makes you realize that Joel was right; that he was the real man that you needed.
Joel's hands start to guide your lips now, moving your head up and down on him as he watches his cock disappear back down your throat over and over again. Your jaw falls slack as you let him use you just how he wants, eyes watering with tears threatening to fall as his thick cock continues to stretch your lips and throat so good.
The look on your face is nearly pornographic, your lips shaped tightly right around the girth of his cock as if it was a hole meant for him to fuck. The sight of you makes Joel's cock twitch, moaning lowly as he pants out, “What would y’family think if they saw you like this, honey? Lookin’ like a fuckin’ whore with my cock down your throat, like the fuckin’ slut you are. That’s just what you are, right, baby? A lil’ whore for me, s’that it? Gonna let me keep you.. fuck you when I want? Know that’s what you want..”
You just nod your head eagerly at him, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sound of his nasty words, and it feels so fucked up knowing that it's turning you on so much. You've always imagined what it'd be like for Joel to just use you how he wants, imagining how it'd be like, and now it's finally happening.
Joel chuckles out at your response to him, and he grunts out as his climax builds up, unexpectedly pulling your mouth off of him as you gasp out for air. Your face looks confused and disheveled, but Joel assures you, "Don't wanna come just yet, baby, we got time for that later. Wanna be in you now."
Before you can respond to him, Joel leans in towards you, his hands reaching out for your body to move you how he wants. Grasping onto your sides, he lifts you slightly to turn you around, moving you to get on your knees to crawl and face away from him. Your body just follows his hands until he has you where he wants, getting onto your hands and knees, bent over for him to stare out the window.
Your breathing grows heavier, gulping softly as you turn your head to look back at him. Joel doesn't waste a second to immediately cherish the view in front of him, his hands now roaming from your calves right up to your thighs, savoring your skin on his fingertips that are now inching towards your aching core.
Your dress is the perfect length for him to see you completely; not too long and not too short, but it's too much coverage for Joel's liking anyways.
His hands move up towards your ass, instinctively pushing the fabric covering you up and over, resting it on your lower back so his view is right of your clothed cunt. Your wet slick has seeped through the light fabric, making Joel chuckle out as he stares right at it. His eyes make you blush, a bit of embarrassment filling your cheeks evidently as you look away from him for a moment.
He just glances up at you and grins, shaking his head at your reaction, "No need to get shy, baby.. S'hot, y'know that? Knowin' this pretty pussy's all soaked for me? Shit.." Joel lets out, laughing faintly as his stare returns back to your cunt, hands sliding back down to your ass. His thumb runs across your folds pressed so tightly together by your thighs, making you gasp and shiver out at the touch.
He moves his other hand now, index and middle finger sliding just beneath the side of your panties to get a good grip of it, pulling it to the side so he can see your throbbing hole and wet folds. It's a dirty scene right in front of him, but it has his cock twitching at the sight.
"Fuck, look at that.. Need me that bad, baby?" Joel whispers out to you, his eyes flickering up to your desperate face and back down. His stare and words make you whine out, your hole clenching around nothing as you swallow.
You do need him that bad, and you were getting impatient.
The action makes Joel sigh out, his thumb now sliding against your bare cunt and through your lips, gathering up how wet you were. His thumb now finds your entrance, pressing in just the tip of it as his eyes move back up to your face, eager to see your reaction.
You just moan out and clench around it desperately, eyes shutting for a moment as your heart races. "Fuck, Joel, just fuck me already, p-please.. Need it so bad.." You beg him, biting your bottom lip harshly as your wide eyes stare into his own.
He just licks his lips as he hears you, considering it for a moment. "Y'think you can take me like this, honey? Don't need me to do anything else? Might hurt.." He asks you, his concerns still evident despite the position you two were in.
You just nod your head at him quickly, whining out softly, "Yeah, fuck, I can take it, please— just need you, Joel.." Your chest rises as you breathe in heavily, wanting him to fuck you already.
Joel smirks at your pleads, the desperation getting the best of you, and it makes his cock even harder. He just nods up at you and removes his thumb from your cunt, shifting his knees and hips closer to your ass as he grips his cock with his hand.
He glides the tip of it up and down your folds, gathering the slick as much as he could. Pressing it against your entrance, he looks up at your face, his other hand gripping onto your hip as he slowly eases it into you. The stretch of him makes you hiss out, shutting your eyes at the intrusion and how big he is.
You stammer out, "F-Fuck, Joel.." as you pant softly, taking in deep breaths to let your walls relax and adjust to him as much as you could. He just grips onto your hip even tighter, giving you a sense of guidance and reassurance.
Joel's heart races at the feeling of your walls clench around him, feeling how tight you are. Grunting out, he pushes himself even deeper inside of you, still taking his time, "Good girl, baby.. Doin' so good, y'feel so good, shit.." He gasps out, his eyes now fixed onto the sight of his cock entering your stretched out cunt.
"Tight fuckin' pussy.. Haven't had one like this in so long, fuck.."
Your breaths speed up with each inch that fills you up, the girth of him creating a stinging ache between your thighs that were nearly trembling. The grasp your walls has on his cock makes it almost harder for him to move further, so he pauses— taking a second for you to adjust.
"You okay, honey? Doin' so good for me, such a sweet girl.." He murmurs out to you, almost panting out as he hisses out. His hands gently caress your lower back and ass, reassuring you as he bends over a bit to press small kisses on your skin. It makes you shiver, nodding your head in response to him, "M' okay, Joel.. Feels so good, p-please move.."
His heavy eyes look back up at you, acknowledging your request and smiling softly. It sends butterflies through your stomach at the thought of him caring so much about you, making sure that you were comfortable and enjoying yourself just as much as he was.
He presses one last kiss to your lower back, pressing his hands on it as he lifts himself back up. Gripping onto your hips, he nods at you and finally pushes himself all the way inside of your throbbing cunt, his hips now flushed against your own. The sudden movement makes you gasp out, your hands holding your body up attempting to squeeze onto the fabric of the seat.
"J-Joel!" You moan his name, eyes closing harshly at the feeling of the fat tip of his cock pressing so deep inside of you, making your involuntary walls constrict around him. It creates a burn in your lower stomach, your body growing hot at the feeling. It makes Joel grunt out, his neck lifting up for a moment to take a breath as he looks back down at your hips connected to his, hands caressing your skin.
He rocks his hips against yours, moving just slightly to get some friction as he allows you to adjust, groaning, "That's it, there y'go.. Knew you could take it, baby, fuck— Feelin' so good wrapped around me, s'it what you wanted?" He asks you, eyes flickering up at your face. Biting your lip, you nod, stammering out, "Mmphf— Y-You're.. so deep, shit, feels so good.."
He chuckles out, stare fixed on your worn out face as he pulls his hips back a bit, taking his time to thrust back into you as deep as he could. He wanted to prove to himself that what you were saying was true.
"S'that right, sweetheart? So deep? Y'feel me right here?" He asks, moving one of his hands just beneath your body and sliding it to your lower stomach, pressing harshly against it. It makes you gasp, feeling the bulge of his cock imprinting itself. You whine, breathing out, "O-Oh, fuck, Joel.. Yeah, feel you right there.."
He just grins at your response, muttering out, "That's fuckin' right, honey.. n' I'm the only one who's ever been this deep, huh?" He urges you on, head leaning a bit closer to you as his hips press tightly against your pussy.
You cry out, shutting your eyes for a moment as you nod, unable to fully form a coherent sentence for him. He just tuts his tongue, head shaking disapprovingly as he pulls his hips back all of the way, not taking a second to wait to slam himself back into you.
It makes you grunt, eyes shooting open as his words fill your ears, the slight mean tone in his voice making your face burn, "Asked you a question, baby.. So you tell me, your lil' boyfriend ever fuck you this good, honey? Fill this pretty pussy this deep?"
Your mind grows hazy, cheeks flushed as you attempt to spit out what he wants to hear, "N-No, Joel.. I, I-"
"No? No? C'mon, haven't even really fucked you yet n' you're already actin' so dumb.. S'that it, cock just make you all stupid for me?"
Tears fill your eyes as his hips pull and push right back into you again, giving you another thrust of his thick cock as you sob out, "J-Joel, shit, no, it jus'.. feels too good, p-please.." You moan, feeling the tight grip his fingers have on your ass nearly imprinting themselves into your skin.
"C'mon now.. Louder, baby, lemme hear it.. Tell me, wanna hear it loud n' clear.. Answer my question.." He pushes you, tone growing louder and strict. His thrusts begin to create an increasing rhythm that makes your jaw drop open at the feeling, his cock stretching your tight walls out with each push of his hips.
"No, Joel! N-Never.. never fucked me this good, oh fuck, never.. this d-deep.. shit!" You blurt out, mind barely thinking as you spit the words out. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, your brain and body goes numb, shuttering at the feeling of his unrelenting movements as your head hangs low, staring at your hands gripping the seat.
Joel's grunts and moans surround you completely as your ears begin to ring, his faint laugh and sudden smack of his hand on your ass snapping you out of it at the sting, "That's right.. pretty girl knows her place, fuck," He rushes out, suddenly grasping onto your hair to pull your head back, making you cry out, "Knew you'd be so good for me, honey.. Actin' like a fuckin' slut, takin' my cock this good.."
You breath out heavily, panting out as he holds back your head by his rough grip on your hair, pulling you back a bit to turn your head to try and get a look at him. His words make your pussy clench around him even tighter, turned on at his degradation.
You hum softly, whining as you nod your head gently, tears filling your eyes and threatening to fall as his pace grows even faster, now slamming into your cunt over and over again. He chuckles and grins at the slight sight of your eyes filling up, making him pout condescendingly at you.
"What? M' I wrong, honey? Y'gonna tell me you haven't been practically begging me to fuck you all these years? To treat you like this; like the slut you are, huh?" He taunts you, pulling his cock out all the way to rest against your entrance, and slamming it back in as deep as he could, "Know it's all you've wanted.. all you've ever fantasized about.. Y'don't gotta do that anymore, baby.. cus' I'm right here. Gonna treat you like the fuckin' whore you are.. That's what you are to me.. My fuckin' slut."
A tear finally falls down your cheek, making your lungs fill with air as you pant, mouth falling open and cunt convulsing around him. The tip of his cock keeps hitting the deepest spot inside of you, nearly making you blank out as his words make your cheeks flush. "J-Joel, I—"
Before you can stammer anything else out, Joel's grip on your hair now pulls your body up completely, making your back hit his strong chest, despite it being covered by his tight shirt. Your breath hitches in your throat, barely able to think as his sudden hand lets go of your hair and wraps it around your neck, holding your body right against him.
Keeping you still with the control he has, you moan out and flutter your eyes shut, body shaking and tightening up at him choking you. The back of your head lays on his shoulder, resting it there as he leans in close to your ear, whispering out, "Gonna ruin you for everyone else, baby.. Every time anybody else fucks you, you're gonna think of me; me and my fuckin' cock making you fall apart.. Y'gonna come runnin' back to me.. every fuckin' time— M' gonna make sure of it."
Your eyes open hazily, widening at his words as the grip he has on your throat suddenly pushes you away, making your chest and upper body fall down against the seat, arms not even having any power to hold yourself up. His hands and fingertips sink back into your lower back, now pressing your stomach flush against the seat as it creates an angle that makes you feel him deeper than you've ever felt before.
You can barely process it now, your mouth spewing incoherent noises and words as he holds you down, practically using you just how he pleases. Your hips pushed against the seat are constantly being driven by his thrusts, your pubic bone and sensitive clit being stimulated with each shove.
It makes your eyes shut tightly, unable to control yourself as you pant and moan out for him repeatedly, your hands shaking as you can barely get yourself to hold onto something. His cock buries itself inside of your throbbing cunt over and over again, Joel laughing at the squelching noises that your pussy was letting out.
Before he can say anything, a ring fills his ears that suddenly grab his attention, making his head turn as his movements slow just enough to grasp your attention to make you turn your head and look at the source too.
Your phone, laying on the middle compartment right next to Joel; he reaches for it and sees who's calling, making him grin and chuckle out.
Your boyfriend.
"Well, would y'look at this, honey? Talkin' about runnin' back.." Joel mutters out, turning the phone towards your direction for you to see it too. It just makes your eyes widen, cunt clenching as Joel tests you, "Why don't we let em' hear what you're up to, baby? See how much he's missin' out, huh?"
You know it's so fucking wrong; yet, so fucking right.
Joel doesn't even wait for your response, and just licks his lips and presses answer, putting it on speaker as he lays the phone flat against your back, lifting one of his hands on your hips to smack your ass. The force creates a loud spank, filling the phone's speakers as Joel's hips begin to move at a faster pace again.
It makes you mewl out, tears falling down your face again as your hands try to grip on the seat you were laying on. His grunts are loud and lewd, the snap of his hips smacking against your ass and thighs as he makes you take his cock repeatedly, "There y'go, just like that.." He mumbles out.
Your boyfriend's voice fills your ears now, confusion and the evident drunken tone making you roll your eyes, "The fuck? What was that, baby?"
Before you can even respond, Joel cuts you off, doing the job right for you.
"Y'don't gotta worry about her anymore.. M' takin' real good care of her now.. Ain't that right, baby?" Joel groans out, smacking your ass again as he leans in closer towards your back, nearly laying his chest against you. You just whine out in response, nodding your head quickly as Joel urges you further, tutting his tongue, "No, no, lemme hear it, honey.. Why don't y'tell him yourself? Let him know how good you're takin' my cock.."
Your body and face grows hot, licking your dry lips as you stutter, "F-Feels so g-good, Joel.. You're takin' such good care of me now, I—"
"What the fuck, babe? No, no, this can't be fucking happening."
Joel laughs loudly at your boyfriend's words, leaning his head closer to speak right into your phone, "Oh, but it is, boy. Not m'fault you couldn't fuck your girl this good. But, wait.. she isn't 'your girl' anymore now, is she?" He asks him, the arrogant tone spewing out as his voice lowers.
He reaches his hand over to your neck again, wrapping it around and squeezing it tightly as he ruts himself in you fast and hard, the pace and the hold of his fingers making you scream out his name.
"You fucking asshole, I'll fucking—"
Joel just cuts him off, sighing out annoyingly as he shakes his head, "Shut the fuck up. Don't you fuckin' call her again, much less lay a hand on her. You do that n' I find out?— I will find you. N' I'll make sure to break every bone in your fuckin' body, boy."
As your boyfriend gasps at his words, he begins to stutter some pathetic shit that Joel doesn't wanna bother hearing anymore; so he ends the call, tossing your phone to the side to focus back on you completely.
Shutting his eyes, Joel sighs out as he presses firm, yet gentle kisses to your back, his hips now going a bit slower, but deliberately harder so you can feel every inch of him, cherishing your tight cunt with each second that passes.
"There we go, honey.. Took care of that for you, y'don't gotta worry about him now, fuck— M' gonna make you feel so good.. y'won't need anyone else.." Joel whispers in your ear, laying his chest and body completely over your back as his entire being consumes you, his cock filling you to the brim with each push and pull.
His chin rests just below your shoulder now, grunting into your ear as he mutters filthy words into it, "That right, baby? M' I the only one you need? Gonna let me be the only one who can fuck this pretty little pussy? F-Fuck, please.. lemme hear it, shit— need to hear you say it.."
The pace of his movements start to speed up again as you stammer out, "Y-Yeah, Joel, you're the only one I need, fuck!" his cock twitching at your confession as you continue, "Only need you, only want your cock in me, please— need you to fill me up, make me yours, Joel.."
He moans at your words, panting out as he feels himself growing closer at your pleads, and you're right with him too. His cock hits that spot in your core over and over again, making you wail and sob out at the feeling of your stomach tightening and coiling, biting your lower lip harder to try and stop you from blabbering out.
"Don't do that, baby, no, wanna hear you— please, make those pretty lil' noises for me, honey, y'sound so pretty like this," Joel blurts out, unable to even think as he slams his hips against your ass, creating a sting that makes you lightheaded with your climax growing furiously, "Gonna make me come so deep inside you, baby, jus' like you want.."
His words hit something inside you, making you suddenly see stars as your pussy convulses around his cock, clenching and grasping onto him tightly as you come, your slick coating your thighs and his cock completely. Your body shakes and trembles as he fucks you through it, laughing faintly at your sudden orgasm. "Oh, fuck— there y'go baby, pretty fuckin' girl, take it.." Joel moans out, panting even louder and faster as he chases his own release.
You cry out, your cunt being overstimulated by his unrelenting thrusts as he buries himself even harder and deeper into you, making you spew out, "Shit, Joel! C-Come inside me, fill me up, please, please, need it so—"
Joel's loud grunts cut you off, feeling the sudden warmth of his come spill inside of you completely as he slams his cock in as deep as he can, making sure you feel every inch of him and his come. His hips rock into you, grinding his pelvis harshly to try and get even a fraction of him deeper inside of you. It makes you wince out, your sore cunt oversensitive at the feeling.
His body completely gives out on top of yours, his breaths filling your ears as you both take each other in, falling from your highs and trying your best to relax. You laugh softly as you process everything that's just happened, and Joel does the same, pressing small kisses to the back of your neck as his hand lets it go.
"Shit, honey— so fuckin' good.. You alright?" He mutters out, chuckling as you turn your head slightly to look at him, taking in your worn and fucked out face. You just nod your head at him, feeling a bit hazy as you smile, laughing out, "Yeah.. Never better."
Joel's eyes glimmer as he swallows, pushing aside the hair that was covering your face as he admires you, grinning softly at you, "Should've done this years ago.. Y'been holdin' back on me, baby." He murmurs out, his smile widening.
You press a small kiss to his lips, licking your own as you correct him, "Been trying to get you to for years, Joel.. not my fault it took this long." He just shakes his head amusingly, pursing his lips.
"Well.. Y'wanna stay with me for the night? Maybe I can teach y'another lesson on how a.. 'real man' should treat ya?" He proposes to you, laughing at his reference of what he said to you earlier and what started this in the first place.
You just smile at him and nod your head eagerly:
"Wouldn't want anything more."
a/n: kinda wanted to make joel threaten/hit reader's bf, but i figured joel's idea of revenge was so much sweeter <3
this is by far my fav fic i've written out of my 1st three, so i’d love some feedback from you all! ♥️
wanna be on a taglist? fill out the google form in my pinned post!
reblogs are appreciated!
send me requests & i might write it for you! :)
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constantmourning · 1 year
On The Run
[Dracule Mihawk x Fem!Reader]
Summary: Mihawk tells you the exact opposite of what you want to hear, leaving you to do the only thing you know how: run. Fortunately for you, he finds you.
WARNINGS: 18+! MINORS DNI! Oral (fem and male receiving), unprotected sex, pulling out, harassment (not from Mihawk), p in v, not beta read, nothing too crazy (let me know if I forgot something though!! I will fix it!)
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: My first time writing mihawk, please be kind to me sdfbsdf. I constantly get carried away oof. Nothing is explicitly stated about reader's abilities but it is hinted at that reader is Very Stealthy. Do with that what you will :) Anyway, Buggy may have me by the [REDACTED], but Mihawk got me by the throat right now. Let's get into it!
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You sat at the bar, eyes rolled in the back of your head as a man tried to talk to you. You sipped your water and stared ahead as he spoke to you. You were drowning him out rather nicely, you thought. You nodded along to whatever he was saying, hoping he'd eventually get too drunk to function and leave you alone.
"So," the man's hand hit your thigh, a sharp slap sound echoing around the nearby vicinity. Your head snapped towards him. "What do you say we leave-"
"No!" You didn't even let him finish. Your hand grabbed his wrist and you shoved him back. He did not like that reaction.
"You bitch!" His voice rose, catching the attention of everyone nearby. "You've been flirting with me-"
"By smiling at you? One time?" You matched his energy. "I'm gonna ask you nicely only one time, which you don't even fucking deserve, to leave me alone."
"Do not fucking interrupt me!" He yelled, standing from the bar. You almost flinched back. He was drunk, but he was still functioning, a little too well actually. "No respect, just like most women-"
"Shut the fuck up!" You snapped back at him. "Drink your beer and shut up!"
Within in an instant his hand was raised, "Stupid cu-"
His hand was snatched back, causing his entire body to fall back. Your eyes snapped to the pale hand holding his wrist and they followed who the hand belonged to and you saw Mihawk.  Your blood boiled a little more. Mihawk's eyes were on the man, not even paying you any attention. Yet.
The drunk looked back and his eyes widened. He tried to snatch away from Mihawk but it was futile. You stood up and turned away. You walked off from the scene and felt your breath hitch. It had been a week since you had seen or spoken with Mihawk. Which wasn't that long, really, but the foot you left off on was not a good one. You heard the guy hit the ground but you ignored it and kept walking.
"You're going to run from me again?" Mihawk was behind you rather quickly.
Your nose scrunched and you tensed. You kept walking. And so did he. He kept a couple steps behind you. The only thing playing in your head now was your last conversation with the swordsman, and how horribly sad it had left you.
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You approached Mihawk with intense anxiety. You were fidgeting and trying to focus on what was on your mind and all of the possible outcomes of addressing those things. Mihawk, without looking up from whatever it was he was busy doing, asked what was wrong.
You froze. "Um, actually, this is kinda important." Mihawk nodded, still not looking at you. "It requires your full attention." You bit your lip, pulling at it.
Mihawk sighed and looked up at you. "Go ahead."
"Look," you inhaled deeply and closed your eyes. You exhaled loudly and opened them back up. Mihawk stared at you, causing your stomach to jump into your throat. "Mihawk, I don't want this to ruin our, uh, whatever we got going on. I think we are great partners! But I can't not say this."
Mihawk's brow arched and he pushed the papers in front of him away. He was intrigued to say the least.
"I like you. A lot. And I don't want these feelings or thoughts to get in the way of our working together thing-" Mihawk watched you closely. Silently. The way his eyes bored into yours caused you to pause. "Please say something."
"We would never work."
Your heart stopped. You were sure of it. You felt like you had been knocked down and kicked. Repeatedly. "What?"
"This is strictly business." His expression was unchanging.
"It doesn't have to be." You tried to keep tears from forming. Mihawk stared. Your stomach knotted. "Okay. Maybe it does." You took a step back from Mihawk. He was still silent. You turned and hurried out of the room.
"Where are you-"
"I need to think."
You hadn't meant to get so emotional. Sadness filled you though. Tears began to fall as you swiftly left. He wouldn't have to worry about your feelings or it not working out. You wouldn't have to either.
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You continued to walk, Mihawk did not stop following you. Your fists balled and you stopped turning towards Mihawk, who stopped right in front of you. "Come to rub salt in my wound?"
"No." Mihawk's words were blunt. "You've been gone a week-"
"I've just been thinking." Mihawk inhaled sharply. Maybe you did have a problem with interrupting… "What made you come after me? It has been a week after all."
"I started looking for you the night you left. You seem to be impossibly hard to get a hold of."
"Oh." You were baffled. "Why?" You grew defensive again. "Because you couldn't stand-" Mihawk rolled his eyes. "Did you just- Mihawk! I'm being serious. You were so- so fucking inconsiderate of my feelings! It took a lot of courage for me to even tell you that and you just shot me all the way down!"
"I wouldn't say all the way-"
You wanted to rip your hair out. You let out a loud groan and turned away from Mihawk again. You began to walk a little faster than earlier and headed towards your room. Your breath hitched and you grew angry. Mihawk began to walk again as well, still on your tail. You wanted to scream.
"Go away." You hissed, venom absolutely dripping from your voice. When the footsteps did not stop or go in another direction you spun around again. "I'm fine. I'm safe. You know this now, you can leave. I'm not going back with you!"
"I didn't come here just to collect you. Or see if you are okay." Mihawk watched you, his stare becoming more intense. "We need to talk."
"Talk about how much you think we would never work?"  You snapped at him and crossed your arms.
"Where are you staying?"
"In a room here." You motioned around you. "I was going there until you stopped me."
"Don't stop on my behalf." Mihawk motioned for you to walk. "I think it'd be best if we spoke in private."
With narrowed eyes you watched him. You groaned, turned around, and motioned for him to follow you. The walk to your room was silent. Silent and awkward. The few people you did pass were confused by the greatest swordsman trailing behind you. They looked at your exasperated expression and then to the man following you. Their eyes were wide and you ignored them.
You made it to your room and unlocked the door. You walked in, threw your arm out for Mihawk to come in too, and you closed the door. You locked it, out of habit, and you noticed Mihawk raise a brow at you.
“Shut up.” You murmured.
“I didn’t say anything.” Mihawk seemed taken aback by your attitude.
“Yet.” You sighed, rolling your eyes. You leaned against the door. “What did you want to say? So that we can get it over with and you’re able to go on your way?”
“I’m not leaving without you,” Mihawk took a step closer to you. You were about to protest. “I never said I wasn’t here to collect you. I said that wasn’t the only thing I was here for.” Your eyes widened. Mihawk continued, “I’ve had time to think as well, since you were gone for a week. I care for you-”
You wanted so badly to interrupt, but you decided it would be best to bite your tongue and listen. But that didn’t stop your brain from worrying about what he was about to say. If it was anything along the lines of ‘but we are still strictly business’ he was going to have to drag you back kicking and screaming.
“-and, maybe this doesn’t have to be strictly business.”
Mihawk’s words caught you so off guard you could not respond. You swallowed hard and looked at him with wide eyes. You were some small, wild animal staring at its predator. Your heart thumped into your ribcage. You were baffled.
“Hm?” Mihawk took another step closer, “This is your response?”
“Uh,” You rubbed the back of your neck before dropping your hand back to your side, “yes?” You pressed your back flat against the door. “Honestly? I didn’t think I’d get this far…” The smile that pulled at Mihawk’s lips caused your heart to flutter. “What?”
“For someone so calculated, you are reckless with your actions.”
“What?!” You gasped. “What does that mean?”
“You confessed your feelings, ran when you thought I did not reciprocate them, and now you’re saying you don’t know what to do knowing I feel the same.”
Your palms hit the door as you realized you could not possibly back up anymore. You wanted to run again. Unlock the door and sprint away. But, you decide it'd be best to actually calculate your next action. Since that is what you did after all, according to your all knowing friend Mihawk. You inhaled slowly through your nose and nodded.
"Okay… I'm not running now. Is that all you wanted to say? We can go back-" You stopped when Mihawk stepped closer to you. Your brows furrowed and your breath hitched when you realized just how close he was. "What?" Your voice was a whisper.
"Do you want to head back?" The way he asked it caught you off guard.
"I mean-" You were frozen, thinking about literally everything you two could be doing instead of going back, "What else is there to do?"
That smirk… His smirk caused your stomach to flip and you were sure your knees buckled. He took one final step towards you, and his face was inches from yours. "If you can't think of anything we can leave."
Your brain turned off, almost instantly. You began to move without thinking. You cupped Mihawk's face, pulled him to you and kissed him, harshly. Before Mihawk could kiss back you were pulling away. That was until he grabbed your hips and pulled you back to him. His head dipped down and his lips met yours again. The both of you were ravenous, kissing each other with reckless abandon.
You were pressed against the door, your arms snaking around Mihawk's neck. He pushed one of his legs in-between both of yours and pushed you up. You gasped and Mihawk slipped his tongue into your mouth. You moaned as Mihawk gripped your ass. Your hips rolled into his and he groaned.
You smiled and Mihawk pulled away from you. You frowned at him. "Are you sure you are okay with this?"
You cocked your head, "Are you having second thoughts? Mihawk… I want this- you. I need you."
"Perfect," Mihawk easily grabbed you and wrapped your legs around his waist, "because I've wanted to absolutely ruin you this past week." He easily lifted you and carried you to the bed. You were tossed onto the bed and Mihawk looked down at you. "You will never want to be with any other man once I'm done with you."
You believed him. If he gave you just half of the attention he gave his work you were sure you would never want to be with anyone else afterwards. You were more excited than ever.
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You ended up on your knees, staring up at Mihawk. You looked at him through your lashes as your hands grabbed his belt. You undid it slowly and waited for his okay to go any further. One of his hands locked on to your hair and he gave a gentle tug. You pulled at the waistband of his pants and they dropped. You were quick to move to his cock. Your hand wrapped around it and you brought your lips to the head.
"You are perfect," Mihawk sighed out. His fingers laced through your hair.
You took all of him in your mouth. As he hit the back of your throat you let out a small groan and Mihawk grunted. He tensed, your hair getting caught in his balled fist. Mihawk's hips jutted forward, pushing his cock down your throat. You gagged on him. Mihawk spoke praises as you sucked his dick.
"So good," he moaned, his voice raspy, "taking me so well."
Tears pricked your eyes and you looked up at Mihawk. He was staring down at you with those intense eyes. Your mouth slid off of his cock and your hand began pumping it.
"Touch yourself." Mihawk gasped out. Your brow cocked. "With your free hand, touch yourself."
You nodded. You slid your hand inside of your panties and slipped Mihawk's dick back into your mouth. Your fingers ghosted over your clit and pushed past your folds. You were already soaked. You pushed two fingers in and moaned as his cock hit the back of your throat again. Mihawk's hips bucked, ever so slightly, and you gagged again.
Touching yourself while also sucking Mihawk off was truly making your brain short circuit. You thought of nothing but making the both of you feel good.
"Ugh,” Mihawk's jaw clenched, "I'm gonna cum."
You did not slow down. You kept going, trying to reach your own orgasm. Your hips rolled into your hand and you let out a moan, causing Mihawk to go right into overdrive. His brain may have short circuited as well. Words were not forming, for once, as he came in your mouth.
You were quick to swallow down the cum, and pulled back, but his hand stayed in your hair. "Good girl," His chest heaved, "you took me so well." The praise sent you over the edge. You let out a cry and came undone by your own touch.
"Mihawk," you cried out, your jaw went slack. "Fuck!" You shook. Mihawk watched you, his hand giving your hair a gentle tug.
You looked up at him as your body went limp. You sighed as he removed his hand from your hair. He pulled you up and placed you on the bed. You gave him a confused look but you did not argue. Mihawk began to pepper kisses down your chest and towards your stomach. His fingers pushed past your folds and your hips instinctively rolled. Mihawk smiled against your skin. His name fell from your lips, soft and sweet.
Mihawk's teeth grazed your inner thigh and you whined for him. Begging for him to fuck you with his mouth. Mihawk did not deny you. He licked a stripe up your pussy and his tongue hit your clit. It was your turn to tangle your hands in his hair. You lied there, crying and begging for him. Your hips bucked up and Mihawk let out a low growl, his hands finding your hips and holding them down. Every time your hips rolled, Mihawk's grip grew tighter. You were sure you were going to be bruised in the morning.
Your back arched and your fingers tangled a little tighter in his hair. Mihawk’s tongue swirled around your clit and you quickly came undone. Your eyes screwed shut and you let out a sharp cry. Mihawk slowed down but was quick to lick you clean. His grip loosened on you once your body relaxed and fell back onto the bed.
Mihawk pulled away from you and you lied there for a second, collecting yourself. You were far from done though. Mihawk positioned himself over you and looked at you closely. Your half lidded eyes met his and you furrowed your brows. “What?” Your voice was almost hoarse.
“Are you good to continue?” Mihawk’s head tilted to the side. Your head bobbed and Mihawk smirked. He grabbed one of your legs and easily spread them apart. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your forehead to his. He let out a quiet laugh. “Tired already?”
“No,” you sighed out, “okay maybe. I’ve been ‘on the run’ for a week, and also haven’t had an experience like this one, in… Well, ever.” You confessed to him, “No man has ever treated me like this. And I don’t think any other man ever will.”
“Ah,” Mihawk smirked, “smart girl.”
“Whatever,” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile, “just fuck me.”
You did not need to ask twice. Mihawk positioned himself at your entrance and you wrapped your legs locked around his hips. He pushed himself inside of you and you moaned, eyes closing. Mihawk’s tongue clicked and you opened your eyes to look at him. “I want to see your pretty eyes as I ruin you.” His hips pressed into yours.
Your grip on him suddenly grew tighter. You pressed your forehead to his and he picked up his pace. As he pulled out, your hips followed him. One of his hands was placed at the bend of your knee and the other kept him held up above you. Your legs tensed around him and you cried, begging for him to go faster, deeper, and harder.
“Do you deserve it?” The question caught you off guard. A quiet ‘what’ escaped you. “You were gone for a week-” His hips thrusted into you at a slower pace than you would have liked but at least he wasn’t stopping, “How can I know you won’t leave again?”
“Please,” You begged, clenching around him, “fuck! I’m so sorry,” You were a mess, “I won’t- I won’t leave again. I promise!”
Mihawk’s face dropped to your neck and he began to suck and nip at the sensitive skin. You could feel him smile against you as his pace finally picked up. The sound of skin on skin filled the room. Along with the sounds of your whines and Mihawk’s grunts. He wasn’t that loud… You weren’t too shocked by that though.
Your cries grew louder, higher pitched as his hips thrusted into yours. Your nails ran up and down his back, clawing him as you pleaded for him to let you cum, you were so close. You felt yourself crumbling again.
You started saying his name, quietly, until it was loud and the only thing your brain could process. Your toes curled, your eyes rolled in the back of your head, and your stomach was on fire. Your nails were doing more damage than you wanted to. Mihawk did not slow down, his pace quickened. He was absolutely losing his mind. He was close too.
“Where?” His voice was gruff as he lifted up from your neck.
Your legs loosened around him. “Stomach,” was the first thing you could say. Mihawk pulled out and pumped himself a couple times, before coming on your stomach. You leaned back on the bed and watched Mihawk. He rolled to the side, lying beside you. Your eyes followed his movements and you waited for him to say something. Anything.
“Well,” You moved to sit up, “I’m gonna clean up.” Mihawk followed you. You heard him behind you as you stood up and wandered to your bathroom. You smiled to yourself. “This shower is actually really nice,” you motioned towards it, “If you wanted to, uh, clean up yourself.”
Mihawk cocked a brow at you. You pouted. “You make it sound like I need to shower.”
“Oh!” Your jaw went slack, “no! I wanted to shower, but you can join me is what I’m trying to say.” You turned away from Mihawk, face burning from your awkward encounter.
“We just had sex,” Mihawk came up behind you, “you can ask me that outright.”
“Noted,” You turned the shower on, “Can I ask you another question? I’ll be more straightforward.” You looked at Mihawk over your shoulder. He nodded. “Did you really miss me while I was gone?” You were genuinely curious, you did not want to sound like a smart ass at all. You needed to know.
“Yes.” Mihawk answered honestly.
You turned to him once you got the shower on. “Well, I hope you like hot showers, because my ass is not taking a cold one.” You smiled at him. He huffed. “Come on, we have all night to discuss what I did, and all the trouble I narrowly escaped while running away from you!”
You had a feeling you’d be doing a lot more than talking for the rest of that night, though.
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queer-n-here · 4 months
Hear me out. Ranpo x Sugar daddy!reader
Ranpo has been distracting you working at your office lately and being quite a brat lately. He would complained about you being working too much, purposely touching your body intimately while you work, even sending you videos of him masturbating at your guys shared bedroom just to tease you.
You wanted to punish him for behaving badly.Later..at night time, you saw Ranpo at your guys shared bedroom and you immediately pinned him down to your guys shared bed.
“You think you can tease me all you want huh? I guess it's time for 𝙥𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚~”
This time, your not going to let him climaxed easily without him begging for you~
(Bonus: You let him buy any candies that he'd like the next day since you felt bad for punishing him)
I leave the rest to you. (Rough sex, praise kink, maybe overstimulation?)
(I have a feeling there's some misspelling words, but hey! English isn't my first language anyway-)
- 💕
Well, well, well... Will you look at that.
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Y'all share the same braincell. So here goes!
Also, phew, it's been a shit ton of while since I posted. Hope y'all like it!
Content: Fucking Ranpo cus he was being a brat. (I may or may not have looked over the sugar daddy element that the req asked for, I didn't notice it, sorry!)
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, biting, praise kink, edging, overstim.
You were so frustrated it was starting to show up on your face even when you didn't want it to.
It was all Ranpo, but the people that ended up taking the brunt of it were your employees.
I mean, just look at what he did last week. You were working from home that day, head buried in files and paperwork that made an ache develop between your eyes.
Ranpo entered your study, coming over to stand beside your chair as you worked, making you look up to pass him a tired smile.
When you looked up, you saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your mind was preoccupied, however, so you did not pay it much attention. Ranpo lounged around the study while you worked away, the scribbling of your pen the only sound for a while. Then, he walked closer to you, and you let him plant himself on your lap, snuggling into the crook of your neck, making you smile.
Soon enough, however, you found out that Ranpo's intention was nothing wholesome. His hands started roaming, first only resorting to massaging your shoulder slightly, then moving lower. He caressed your chest through your shirt, then moved lower still to your torso, rubbing the hard abs through your clothes. His hands were wicked like the devil, and soon you felt him palm your dick through your pants.
The sudden contact made your spine stiffen, and you shot Ranpo a half-annoyed, half-aroused look.
He nuzzled into your neck, planting small kisses along the skin there as his hand rubbed slowly, and soon your pants were straining against the boner that he'd caused.
"Ranpo," Your voice was thick with arousal and you'd long abandoned the thought of work. "Do you wanna do it, baby?"
He smirked against your jaw, and you mirrored the action. Just as you were going to lift him from your lap and place him into the table, however, your phone rang.
Mr. Yaho. An important client.
Not as important as the situation at hand, though. But in the split second that you'd taken your eyes off Ranpo to check who was calling, he'd managed to slip away from your grasp.
"I see you're busy, [Name]." He said, visibly suppressing a grin. "I'll come visit later, then."
And before you could stop him, he turned on his heels and left you alone with your raging boner.
But that wasn't even the worst of it. You managed to calm yourself and take the call, that was fine. You were fine. But then your client wanted to hold an emergency meeting (that dramatic little-) so you had to rush to your office.
And during the meeting, Ranpo truly pushed his limits.
Your phone dinged, and you saw your lock screen flash with Ranpo's name on it, so you decided to check if he needed something. When you opened the message, though, you saw that it was a video.
You looked up. Your client's representative was talking, gesturing vaguely to the powerpoint presentation he had prepared. You lowered down the volume of your phone, and hit play on the video.
And were you glad you did.
The video showed you and Ranpo's shared bed, basking in the sunlight from the window next to it. But that wasn't all. Sitting on the bed was the love of your life, legs spread wide open and pressing a dildo deeper and deeper into his ass.
He made eye contact with you, with the camera, and even though the volume was down, you could tell from the way Ranpo's mouth had fallen open that he was moaning.
Your pants were suddenly suffocatingly tight.
You were in a meeting room, surrounded by people of your company, and that of another, supposedly listening to the other party's proposal about something that wasn't even important enough to remember anymore. And your lover had sent you a video of him masturbating.
You wanted to close the video and shut your phone, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the screen.
Ranpo pushed the dildo in deeper, and, throwing his head back to reveal his gorgeous neck that he knew you were obsessed with, he said something.
You read his lips without even meaning to.
"Fuck me harder, [Name]!"
"Mr. [Last Name]?" Someone called, and your head snapped up in surprise.
The entire meeting room was looking at you.
"Well," You shut your phone and placed it screen-down on the table, pretending as if you hadn't been watching anything scandalous. "The proposal is well-planned, but I fear that our budget might be able to grant us something even better than this. Suppose, if we..."
When you returned home, the first thing you did was drop your blazer onto the living room floor and rush to find Ranpo.
You found him in the kitchen, and he looked up innocently at you when you walked in.
"Oh, you're back ho-mmh!" You grabbed his face and kissed him roughly.
Ranpo wasn't surprised, not really. But he still acted as if he was, placing his hands against your chest as you stepped closer to him.
"[Name]!" He managed to pull away enough to say. "Wait, didn't you ju-"
And you kissed him again, grabbing his hips and squeezing them, feeling his breath hitch against you so wonderfully
You fucking needed him.
You took him to your shared bedroom, bodily throwing him onto the bed before stripping and climbing on after him.
You grabbed and Ranpo and stripped him, too, tugging at his clothes with so much force you ripped his shirt. Around then, Ranpo had already realized that the consequences of his actions were going to be more... intense than he'd expected.
You leaned down to kiss him, pinning his wrists to the bed and spreading his legs apart. Your movements were hurried and rough, and even though Ranpo wouldn't willingly admit it out loud, he loved every second of being manhandled.
"Fuck, this is what you wanted, isn't it?" You hissed against his mouth, free hand rising to grip his throat and press against his throat, making him whimper. "This is why you were being such a brat."
You could feel Ranpo growing harder and harder against your own arousal, and so you pulled away from his mouth, aligning your tip with his begging hole instead. You plunged in, and he arched his back, a loud moan leaving his lips at the sudden feeling of being stuffed full.
"Hhngh, wait, [Name]!" He said, feigning innocence. "What do you-Ahh!"
You thrusted into him, your hips rolling in that way you knew he liked. Ranpo decided to abandon his pretense, and threw his head back against the bed, hands struggling against your grip to try and find purchase to ground himself. You let them go, placing your hands on his waist instead.
You gained a rhythm, his walls nice and tight around your throbbing cock as you stretched him out on it. The sounds of your coupling were reverberated in the room, sparks of pleasure shooting up your crotch at his warmth around you. You leaned down to kiss and bite at his neck, and he subconsciously moved his head away to give you more room. His pale skin flushed red under your teeth.
"You're such a fucking brat, Ranpo." You said, your movements animalistic and fast, your gaze predatory on Ranpo. "You fucking knew I was in a meeting when you sent that video."
"What- mmph!" He grabbed your shoulders, fingers digging into his skin as you fucked him so good. "What meeting?"
Your eyes flashed with half-annoyance and half-arousal, and you pushed Ranpo's hands away, pinning his knees against his chest to gain more access of his slutty hole.
You found his sweet spot painfully easily, hitting it repeatedly and making him arch his back right off the bed as his eyes widened. He loved this, he loved you, loved the way you fucked him.
His moans had turned into cries, and he was gripping the sheets beneath him so hard you were almost distracted enough to worry whether or not he'd tear them.
"Ff-ffu-" His eyes were tearing up. "I'm gonna... Nngh! I'm gonna come!"
"Not so soon." You ordered, your voice husky amidst your pants. "D'you think I'd let you?"
"Mmh, please," Ranpo was sobbing now, holding his legs apart so you could bully his hole with your cock, rearrange his insides to the shape of it. "Please, please, [Name], please..."
His eyes were growing hazier with each thrust of yours, his chest rising and falling rapidly as your hips bludgeoned into his, your onslaught rapid and destructive. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the room, not quite drowned out by Ranpo's cries.
"You haven't been good lately, Ranpo." You clicked your tongue, your face holding a fake-sorry expression. "So I don't think I should let you."
He whined, and the tears that were slipping down his face fell down to form puddles on the bed on either side of his face.
"I'll be good from now -hic- please." He let his legs fall and wrapped his arms around your neck. "Please, [Name], I'll be so good, hmmph!"
"Hmm... still not sure, baby." Your cock felt so good, so good. Ranpo was clenching around you so tight trying to please you, it was getting harder to thrust in and out.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, fucked out so dumb the only thing he could think about was the orgasm you weren't letting him experience.
"Please," He whined. "Please, [Name], I'll be a good boy, I'll be so-Nngh! I'll be so good for you, please."
And so you took pity on him.
"Go on then, my pretty boy, such a good slut for me." You murmured in his ears, and he came immediately from the praise.
His body jolted along the bed, cock twitching as he came all over his abdomen, hole clenching so tight you released in him, too, panting and huffing but not slowing down.
His eyes widened impossibly big as he realized you weren't stopping, and more sobs racked his sensitive body as you continued assaulting it.
"[Name]," Ranpo could only whine your name, hands gripping your shoulders so hard he was drawing blood.
"Come on," You smirked, fucking him harder and faster. "You wanted this. Isn't that why you sent that video, hmm?"
And Ranpo could do nothing but whine, nodding pathetically as you fucked him stupid, fucked him till his cock was shooting blanks, till he didn't even have the strength to keep his eyes open, and passed out with you still buried inside of him.
You let him rest, deciding that you'd clean up later, and collapsed next to him, not before pulling out and watching your seed flow out from between his limp legs.
It turned you on all over again, but you simply placed a chaste kiss on Ranpo's forehead, pulled him into your arms, and let sleep take you.
Bonus: The next day, Ranpo was parading around the hickeys that you'd given him at the supermarket, where you'd taken him to pick out sweets as an apology for how rough you'd been the previous night.
As he turned around to look at you, pointing out another snack that he wanted to try, he passed you another bedazzling smile. You leaned forwards, placing a soft kiss on his forehead, barely aware of the fact that cart you were pushing was already full.
"Whatever you want, baby." You murmured, and Ranpo smiled wider.
"Then, can I buy all the flavors?" He asked, looking at you with the eyes that he knew you couldn't say no to.
"Of course you can."
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starlightazriel · 1 month
necessities 3
series desc: modern day (fem)reader x classic prythian azriel au, series of short chapters, fluffy, smutty, cute, probably some angst and or drama cus it's me
warnings: 18+, this is silly!! hehe, reader is a little ditsy & air headed, sexual tension asf, az def has a size kink in this lol , hundreds of years age gap lol, mentions of az crush on elain (he b acting like me just b having a crush on anyone), az has so much inner monologue in this lol,
wc: 2k
other parts can be found on my az masterlist <3
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"Hypothetically speaking," Azriel clears his throat, finally speaking up after having been sat silently in the corner. He had been battling with himself about how to bring up his question without raising suspicion. He wanted to keep you as his little secret for a just a little longer. He did like his privacy after all, though he thought it may be a bit selfish of him not to explain the full situation. He'd worry about that later.
The more details they had, the closer they could be to an answer on how to get you back to— California? Was it? What a ridiculous name.
Cass raises an eyebrow, he was sat in his usual seat in Rhys study, and the only noises are Rhys pen scratching and the sound of Feyre and Elain singing cheerfully to Nyx in another room. Normally, Elain's presence would have distracted him. He was mostly over it obviously, he had taken many lovers since their almost kiss—
And now, next to his new human pet?
Not pet, sick bastard.
Elain seemed almost plain, as lovely as she was.
Lucien can have her.
"If you fell into Prythian from another world, some kind of—" he paused as Rhys pen had stopped scritching away and his eyes were now trained on Azriel, chin slightly tilted up in piqued interest. "A portal of sorts," he continued, Cassian tilted his head to the side curiously, Azriel knew none of this sounded remotely normal coming from him. "Would there be a way back? " he finally asks, trying to be as casual as he possibly could, keeping his face a mask of cool calm.
"That's pretty specific for being hypothetical," Cassian snickers, Azriels nostrils flare slightly, but he doesn't comment, his expression doesn't falter, he only directs his attention to Rhys.
"That really depends, is there a tether? Is the portal still open after you fall out? Was it even a portal, or something else?" Rhys fires off each question thoughtfully as he leans back in his chair, crossing his fingers over his lap, Az opened and then closed his mouth again, he didn't really have an answer for any of them. "What brought this on Az?" he asks then after the short moment of silence, Azriel quickly shrugs his shoulders, he almost never said something that didn't have some purpose.
"Just been doing some light reading on infinite worlds," he responds nonchalantly, Rhys was watching him skeptically, never had Az been much of a reader. "It's nothing really, curiosity is all," he adds sensing Rhys suspicion.
Rhys shrugs and turns his attention back to whatever documents he had been reviewing. "Are you thinking of trying to travel to another world?" he asks casually, his pen scratching away.
"No," Azriel responds simply, and that was true, he wasn't trying to travel to another world.
Cassian started rambling about his ideal world and Azriel found himself distracted, he wondered if you were doing okay back at his apartment. He knew he would have to find a good excuse to get out of here soon so he could check on you.
He was trying to pay attention to the conversation at hand, as it had drifted back to the original politics. It was nearly impossible when he imagined you back at his place, all alone, probably scared, hungry... Probably freshly bathed now- waiting to be fucked and teased and tortured- not tortured- well, maybe a little bit.
He really wasn't understanding his desire and infatuation for you, humans had never piqued his interest, never. But you weren't like any other human he had seen in the mortal lands, so much softer... Sexier- More delicate. So small that he felt like he might break you if he fucked you the way he wanted to, the thought was more intriguing than it should have been. He swallowed hard, get a grip, he told himself, his ears felt hot, he had to go—
"I have to leave," he stands abruptly, interrupting whatever conversation they were having that he couldn't bare to be a part of anymore. Not that he'd really been listening anyway. He ignored the questions and suspicions from his brothers, and didn't utter another word when he made exit, shadows skittering behind him as if they were up to no good.
They liked the little human too.
How many fucking hours had it been? You had no idea. But life without internet? Miserable. Absolutely fucking miserable. There wasnt even a TV here!
The bath though, was fire. You couldn't deny that, huge enough to fit a man like that made it basically like a pool for you- okay maybe not a pool but it was huge. You ended up in an undershirt of sorts that reached your knees, Azriel had been right about there not being much for you to wear in his wardrobe. You didn't mind though, and you still had your extra panties from your bag, though you'd have to find out if silk pajamas existed.
You hoped that Azriel was trying to find answers about how to get you home, though, it felt so far away now— Felt like you had been gone for weeks already, were the days longer here?
The sun was finally beginning to set and as you lay there on the huge bed in the luxuriously silky sheets you wondered where he was and if he'd be back soon. Your stomach was aching and you hadn't taken your eyes off of the balcony entrance for hours.
It wasn't long before Azriel appeared on the balcony again, he didn't fly this time— he emerged in shadow, and you jumped, flying into a sitting position as you shot up in bed.
"You scared me!" you exclaim, Azriel smiles sheepishly as he sets down a small bag on the table along with a few wrapped plates. "Who the fuck are you, Jeepers Creepers?"
"Jeepers-? Actually, I'm just going to skip past that, I'm sorry for scaring you, how was your afternoon and evening, Bubbles?" he's standing by the table now, watching you curiously.
"Boring as fuck," you sigh, sitting up fully now, you're eyeing the plates, starving as ever now. Your stomach growled.
"Sorry about that. Are you hungry?" he follows your gaze to the wrapped plates on the table. "I didn't know what you liked so I got a few things," he placed the three plates on the bed in front of you and uncovered them all. You opted for the one that looked the healthiest.
"I usually go for a hot girl walk after dinner," you say tasting some of the vegetables first. Your eyes widened in surprise. "This is so good! Like Gordon Ramsey type shit," you hummed in delight and took another bite trying some of the meat and potatoes.
"A hot girl walk?" he asks, quirking a brow. "I'm not sure if that will be possible, humans— Well they don't really exist on this side of the wall, I don't think you'd like the humans much from my world either, though, if you ever wanted to see the mortal lands, I could take you," he says thoughtfully, skipping over the Gordon Ramsey comment, he didn't know what that meant.
"Mortal lands as in— You're immortal? Like Edward Cullen?"
"I don't know who that is, but yes I am immortal, I'm five hundred years old."
"FIVE HUNDRED?" You demand, your eyes widening as you stared back at him. "I need your skin care routine," you inspected his face then, the loose curls that dropped over his forehead, perfect cheek bones, a few light freckles dusting his perfectly angled nose, probably brought about by the sun, a strong sharp jaw line that was slightly rounded in that pretty boy way, very very kissable slightly full lips, and the most gorgeous hazel bedroom eyes that revealed absolutely nothing. He could definitely make people mags sexiest man alive and beat anyone who's ever gotten it.
"I'm not sure that has anything to do with it," he chuckles quietly. "How old are you?" It's a casual question, but he needs to know. He liked this, he liked watching you eat the food that he'd brought for you, liked seeing the way your pouty full lips wrapped around the fork the soft moans that left your lips as you enjoyed—
"Twenty one," you respond, your eyes flicking back up to his face again, you blushed as your eyes locked, he was already staring at you intensely.
"Very young," he comments after a moment of silence, he was studying your face with an intensity that no one ever had before, not even Cody. You swallowed, blinking a few times, your cheeks warm and stomach churning with nerves. He looked like he could swallow you whole. The way he looked at you ignited something deep in your belly and excitement different than one you'd ever felt before.
"So you eat regular food like me, right?" you ask carefully before taking another bite of the delicious food on your plate. Your tone was soft, under a stare like that it was hard to find your voice. He chuckles, a glimmer of mischief flashing in his eyes.
"No, I actually like to roast little human girls over my spit in the back, Im just fattening you up first, next I'll put an apple in your mouth and baste you with my special sauce," he flashed his blinding white, heart stopping smile at you and wiggled his eyebrows.
"That's not funny."
"Yes Bubbles, I eat regular food like you."
Your breath hitched as you stepped out onto the balcony with Azriel. Your belly was full and you felt quite sleepy and heavy from the delicious food. It was dark now and the stars here— It was like a galaxy right in front of your eyes.
The view of this city at night- it was beautiful.
"The city of starlight, Velaris," Azriel says softly, hes standing a few paces back, his hands shoved into his pockets, wings relaxed behind him, but hes watching you, carefully. Admiring you as you take in the view.
"It's like New York," you whisper, tears welling in your eyes as you remember you may never see it again. The people you may never see again. You used to love shopping with your friends for a weekend in NYC, and fashion week? You'd never see another fashion week again. You'd never get a blow out again or acrylics or a VIP pedicure...
Azriel didn't say anything, he stood quiet beside you, but he watched. He resisted the urge to reach out and swipe your tears. He kept the shadows at bay as they leaned in closer to your melancholy, trying to understand.
"The city that never sleeps," you added softly, feeling rather poetic as you looked out onto this new city. Would this be your new home? Would Azriel find a way to get you back?
"I got you something while I was out," he cleared his throat, he didnt know why, but he couldn't stand your tears, he wanted to fix it for you, cheer you up.
"A present? Already?" your eyes lit up a little bit at that and you turned and watched him retrieve the little bag that he had brought in with him earlier, you wondered why he waited til now to give it to you. One thing you loved was presents, specifically from devastatingly handsome men.
"Just a start, to your new wardrobe, you'll need something to wear tomorrow when I bring you to meet my family," he says quietly as he watches you open the package, as much as he'd like to keep you locked up in here as a personal little sex slave— he knew he couldn't. Though, he could tell by your scent, by the way you squeezed your legs together when your eyes met his, the way you looked at him with wonder and curiosity— the flush of your cheeks, he knew he could fuck you at any moment he liked and you wouldn't stop him.
"Oh my," you squealed softly as you held up the pretty pink fabric in the air.
"It was the smallest size they had, I hope it fits," he swallowed, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched you inspect the dress.
"I love it! It's giving coquette realness, should I try it on for you?" your eyes flicked to his, and you were surprised at your boldness, he was a monster after all. Azriels eyes darkened and narrowed slightly, his jaw flexing.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea Bubbles."
reblog and i'll give you a kiss ;)
taglist <3 : @velarisdusk @scorpioriesling @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @smalljasper289 @cherryinsalemverse @cleverzonkwombatsludge @serxndipity-ipity-blog @blessthepizzaman
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8ttached · 10 months
"she's a real gem huh?"
pairings - (possessive) Fontaine x blk reader
warnings - (18+ smut, minors dni!!) not proof read, car sex (dont know if I would consider this as public sex since it's in an empty parking lot but you have been warned!!), aave, use of the n word, make-up sex
authors note - heyy I've been so caught up with other shit that i almost forgot about Tumblr but i finally whipped something up after weeks of writers block but i hope you guys enjoy!!!
word count - 946
(reblogs and comments are most definitely appreciated!! )
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possessive Fontaine 
You always knew Fontaine was the possessive type. Not the loud “yells at anyone who stares at you” kind of possessive. But the “I know I'm lucky” possessive. The type to plant hickeys all over your neck for other niggas to see when they're talking to you. he gets a kick outta the ones who stare at them for too long
You were at the bar with yoyo and slick. Fontaine decided not to go since in his words “he got other shit to do.” your main plan was to stick together incase some weird shit happens but after a few drinks that plan was dropped. Yoyo was dancing while slick was god knows where and now you’re chopping it up with some nigga that claimed to “know you from way back.”
“Yeah, you haven't changed a bit! Same eyes as your mama” the older man said. You laughed nervously as you looked around the atmosphere. The guy began to compliment you again and again. Comments like “you look just like ya mama” and “you've gotten so grown” made your skin crawl.
You look at your phone checking the time, but you ended up seeing missed calls from Fontaine. not just one, but Multiple. You looked around looking for Yoyo and slick knowing that if Fontaine called multiple times, it was something serious. 
The older man's words suddenly turned into mumbles as you looked around seeing Slick and Yoyo nowhere in sight. You look down at your phone worried as you start to call Fontaine but something stops you. The older male said something as you weren't paying attention and a tall broad man stood behind you. 
“Yeah, she's a real gem huh?” he agreed.
The dark male's voice sent chills down your spine causing you to turn your shoulders, face to face with your boyfriend. Fontaine didn't say anything to you. His low-lidded eyes said more than enough. As you walked outside you remembered Slick and Yoyo were still in the club. Or so you thought.
“What about yoyo and-”
“They left.” 
Fontaine didn't look at you. His hands in his pockets, eye facing straight ahead, it all worried you. But what worried you most was Yoyo and Slick leaving you at the club knowing what could have happened. Especially with the weirdo you were talking to. 
You both get into his car. As you look down on your lap you feel a heavy shake from Fontaines side of the car. You smack your thick lips. “Damn nigga you ain't needa slam the door that hard.” but he didn't say anything, let alone look at you. He was giving you the cold shoulder. 
 “..taine” cold shoulder again. You sigh deeply. The car ride home was quiet
Fontaine set the car to park and took his key out the car. Before he could open the door you grab his shoulder. “Fuck you touching me for?’ he mumbles. “Fontaine it wasn't what it looked like” Your hand laid on his shoulder. “So you at the bar flirting to some older nigga wasn't what it looked like?” he turns to you, his grills shining as his nose turns up in irritation. “No, it wasn't! And you know I wouldn't do that shit to you” your voice cracked. You didn't want Fontaine to be worried about you. You were a big girl and you didn't need some hood nigga taking care of you, but you also didn't want him to think you were someone to share around. “Then what was it?”
 You ended up telling him everything that happened. From the plan, to the creepy comments. You made sure to lay everything onto the table. 
“Why didn't you say shit at the club?” he sighs looking straight at the driver's wheel as he sucked his teeth. “ ‘cus I know you taine and ion need that type of attention on me.” your eyes stuck at your dress. “That dress giving you every type of attention” Your boyfriend examines your short dress with a deep breath and hand rubbing his beard. He thought you looked jaw dropping but knowing Fontaine, he wasn't gonna let you see him fold so quickly, especially after what just happened. What’d you expect? He's stubborn. You smile, “Whatchu meannnn..” you laugh as you cross your hands, looking at him from the side. 
And like that, flirting quickly turned to fucking. 
Fontaine's rough hands groping your titties, ass, and hips time and time again. His name leaves your thick lips over and over again. the car windows steaming with warm breaths of ecstasy.
“Ion won't no other nigga looking at you” Fontaine groins. “ion care if yo ass was green, don't no nigga need to be laying they eye on what's mine.” you nod, too breathless, too caught up with with the feeling of Fontaine's hands rubbing that spot on your clit. ‘I'm all yours taine” you finally sigh. Your legs shaking as you finally came. But the rhythm of Fontaine's hips continued. His hands gripping your ass as his head lays back. 
“Fontaine, i cant..” you hold his arm. ‘I know baby i know, just relax mama m’kay?” you nod lightly laying yourself on his chest. Your warm breath on his neck. “Where you want it baby?” Fontaine's raspy voice asked. You were so fucked out of it, you couldn't let out coherent words. “In…side..” you moaned as Fontaine came inside you.
“You got it all on my dress!” you yelled out quietly as Fontaine grabbed the house keys. “That’ll show dem weird niggas ya already fucking with someone.” you notice his grin from the side which made you smile.
He really made you feel like a gem tonight. 
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
Headcanons If they were on tiktok/social media PART.1
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- posts family vlogs
- or atleast mini videos about his family
- maybe also posts vids about fun things that happened between him and eve.
- I see him as the type to have like 0 haters, anyone who hates on him will get dragged and bashed 💀
- one of the best out of everyone here
- his kids would also have their own accounts, or even a shared account. posting abt the pranks on each other they pulled, or celebrations, and over all just fine.
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- bro I know he'd be the type to post rant videos, tagging Poseidon and sometimes all his brothers cus he wanna bitch abt stuff.
- but yeah most of it would be towards poseidon
- bro his face whenever poseidon just replies to his videos with the most no-fucks-given comment is so funny
- he'd also be the type to reply to all offensive (or what he thinks is offensive but actually isn't) comments in the comments section
- believe me, bro would stare straight at the camera with so much hate, but in a funny way, before screaming
- last thing the video ends with is his scream that's cut out halfway.
- his content? Reaction videos.
- maybe also pranking videos, like
"pranking my baby brother"
- Poseidon is the baby brother he refers to btw🙂
- the pranks always fail and he just uses the excuse that it wasn't finished yet.
- not too bad ig
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- she probably posts those eerily addicting videos of herself on vacations or out shopping
- incredibly chill
- her pretty privilege has both genders on the ground for her to step on
- probably also reacts to comments too. Just imagine bro.
"please step on me", or, "mommy 🛐🛐"
- she doesn't really mind it, she likes the attention
- whenever there's a hater, she calls them out so politely but also destroying the person's ego with the most humble but ego breaking comment
- but she only rathers to post pictures of herself and all, instead of videos.
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- Bro has so many fans
- he'd post tease videos of his body to just rile people up and have them begging for more
- zesty af
- most men in his comments section would literally be like "don't let me get behind bro"
- yk what he responds with?
"come behind me"
- also posts about his shopping trips, and maybe parts of his body that has jewelry, like his legs for example.
- he'd Deffo make thirst traps I just know it.
- I also feel like he'd post sexy photos of himself, but act oblivious about it.
- like just imagine scrolling and then seeing some hot looking baddie of a guy in a mouthwatering outfit, with his bear ass out. And all he'd say is-
"does the color suit me?"
- always incredibly teasing when his fans ask him to oil up
⚠️Slight nsfw⚠️
-so yeah he oils up. ON only fans
- he would be famous online for his looks
- and if looks are what we speak of here, he would definitely have an only fans account
- he wouldn't go as far as being a 🌽 star though, he thinks it isn't very like him.
- but he will please his fans, and people pay lots just to get him to do more. But sometimes leaves them hanging with a strip tease or smth. Only the worthy are allowed to lay their eyes on his perfect body.
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- leave the poor man alone
- many people tag him in thirst traps (MOSTLY APOLLO'S THIRST TRAPS)
- he just stares wide eyed in the camera, mouth agape in horror when APOLLO'S literally thrusting into his phone
- pukes afterwards
- apollo makes things worse by tagging him in his own posts, just to mess with him
- I feel like he'd post vids of ranting about people that are mistreating animals
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- he only got into social media cus of his friends
- he's not always online, but he has a big fan base consisting of girls cus he's a hot emo boy
- posts vids of his life, like maybe rants, or photos of his food here and there
- he doesn't always show his face, but he never dissapoints when he does.
-maybe posts lip sync vids too, the songs would be basic teenage depressed shi ykyk
- he wouldn't get hate though, cus like I said, his face was too gorgeous and cute to get mad at.
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- posts vids of his snacks
- kinda like apollo when it comes to teasing and riling people up with his body. But he doesn't go as far as only fans, or thirst traps
- I think maybe he'd just lift his shirt a little, show his abs a few times, or his muscles. And then looking at the camera with a teasful look and calling the watcher out
"you staring at these things? Ya like that~?"
(I nearly cried writing that)
- it sounds cringe, but many people are into it. I mean, c'mon, it's Buddha.
- also likes to post vids of him trying out the food from different fast food places, and just making people drool at his food, and face.
- probs also likes to do collabs with zerofuko, like going to the arcade and all. Incredibly cute bonding.
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dreamytfw · 11 months
when did misha collins downplay the genocide of indigenous people? (not doubting you)(I don't normally pay attention to what these people say)(but I want to read his words for myself)
He deleted this tweet cus it was rightfully getting blowback, but someone grabbed a cap
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To be clear, what colonizers did to Native Americans wasn't "attempted" genocide. It was and is genocide. It was only roughly a year and a half ago the US and Canada found mass graves of Native children from assimilationist residential schools. Native women are 3 to 3½ times more likely than other women to be the victims of violent crimes, the violent crimes are more likely to be more severe, and their missing person cases are more likely to be ignored by investigators in both the US and Canada. Downplaying what white people have done to Native Americans as "attempted" genocide is not only deeply uneducated, but fucking disgusting. And to follow that up with declaring he doesn't support land back because he thinks that means kicking out white people is just racist, full stop. Like, it's a literal strawman argument racists made up to justify not supporting land back movements.
So, yeah, dude denied not one, but two genocides in the same day and we shouldn't ever let people forget that.
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bitchkay · 1 year
When you really think about it
Guy, Aquia, and Zev are perfect examples oldest–middle–youngest sibling syndrome
Cus first of all Aquia gives such middle sibling energy
People really do not pay him no mind💀
If Aquia wasn't such a sweetheart he could really be out here in these streets and nobody would know and possibly not care and that actually kinda sad
People pleaser, especially in regards to Guy, he really just wants Guys attention and approval SIMPLY AS A BROTHER but doesn't think hes worthy of Guys attention because he admires him so much, hes really independent but hes good at making good friends/companions, he's something of a peacemaker I guess hes good at being a mediator I thinks, Aquias actually kinda shy and pretty complicit so he doesn't fit into the 'act out for attention' stereotype unless someone can prove me wrong
Aquia is quiet too, like have yall clocked how invisible Aquia would probably be without the Avari name attached to him
I think Zev is the only one that's really ever given him a chance to talk but at the same time Zev loves to talk and loves the attention
Zev annoying Guy and Jasper in the short stories
That literally has youngest sibling written all over it
I would know.
Definitely spoiled, just wants attention bruh, will annoy talk to his older brothers at any opportunity, very extroverted, open(bro has no filter), sense of humor of the family-- "You've gotten so big, how old are you? 18?" "I'm 23." feels like hes been the same age for too damn long
Also Zev is a whore(affectionate but also derogatory but in a "I care about you" criticism kind of way) the youngest child is often never truely seen as full grown or able to reach the same level as their older siblings and while I think theres other things going on in there as well as think it could be completely unrelated, I conspire that Zevs "leisure pursuits" are a way for him to 'grow up' a little faster
And then we have Guy
Specifically oldest son cus oldest daughter is a WHOLE different category.
Indifferent to most things at this point, stubborn, not very expressive, domineering, more or less tolerates his younger brothers but wont go out of his way to entertain them, but were the opportunity to arise and he thinks they deserve it hed take them out just for a brief respite cus they're still his baby brothers, entitlement, old enough to drink around parents and know the juicy family gossip with older folks, shows signs of narcissism, "When are you going to get married?"
Being a child prodigy of some sort dosen't help his case either💀
Like ok gifted kid😋😋
Let's be honest all three of these boys need to go to therapy💀
Well I think everyone can benefit from therapy--
But this family INCULDING RAHM AVARI‼ ESPECIALLY RAHM‼‼ they need some group therapy, family therapy in here
I feel like I have to talk about ages again💀
I've probably made 3 posts about how the fuck do you even perceive how old they are now I'm thinking about yk these three and what their age differences are implied to be but that in relation to the lore associated with this corner of Avari-- yall lemne stop before I go off on a tangent hold on
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
Ex's and Oh's (because I had to title it that)
Gilbert's POV
Tw: Talks of abuse, Implications of rape, pregnancy, miscarrage, murder, and torture
I held out a necklace before some filth. I had some VERY important questions for it.
"General. Do you recognize this pendant?"
The thing looked horrified. Probably wondering how I found it. It was just simply went to the jewelery shop he sold it to and I bought it back. So sad for such a beautiful item...
"I-i don't-"
"I hate lies. So. Next time. Tell. The. Truth."
The creature coward before me, pathetic really "ye-yes- i-it was something of my wifes- p-poor thing ran off a bit ago- so I sold it- "
What a pathetic liar.
"Poor thing indeed. Now. Did you know it originally belong to me?"
"I knew no such thing sir- if I did I would have never-"
"Don't lie. You and I both know that you knew who the G on it was. You stole it, and then sold it."
I let out a sigh and bashed my cane into the creatures foot. It let out a horrid scream I couldn't help but delight in.
"Now, I'm wondering... what about your wife? Why did she run?"
"S-she was afraid for our child y-you see. She wanted a better life for it-"
A child. He got. Them. Pregnant. I could barely hold back the urge to strangle the beast for what he did to my butterfly.
"And so, you let them both run off and die. How pathetic of a husband were you?"
"I am not pathetic! She was a bitch who wouldn't do her wisely duties! She was sassy and talked back! A bitch to be around! Annoying! And just a nuisance! I made sure she would be able to handle court. I made sure she would be nice and obident!"
I proceeded to break the things arm. Honestly should've never been given a wife in the first place. I'll have to find ways around those creatures.
"W-why! I did everything right!"
"Well, if you did everything right." I hummed and held the locket up "She would be here. With your bouncing little tot. And yet-" I finally just snapped his neck "she is not."
Silvios POV
"Huh?- Morgan what-" They looked up at me and hugged me tightly, shakeing and sobbing. A familiar sent... blood.
"... what did Eyepatch do."
Morgan just sobbed into me as I held them close. Fine... I'll find awnsers later.
That was a few hours ago. I managed to lull Morgan into sleep. Now was the time to go and talk to him about what happend.
I had a maid watch over them as they rested, being my opposite, they could sleep around women.
I guess I'm an exception to that now...
I finally made it to the door of the room where I requested to meet the bastard himself. I naturally kicked down the door, and walked in.
"My, do you have a grudge against doors or something? I'd be cu-"
"Still skipping the pleasantries. Fine, you're worried about Morgan then?"
How the fuck did he know that?-
"What makes ya guess such a thing?"
"You cling to them like a lost puppy, or a gaurd dog. Take your pick"
I growled and glared at the fucker
"I wonder why. It's not like your shithole hasn't made them fear the stupidest of things."
"My, and being with you hasn't made them have to fear for their life aswell?"
"You made them cry. The fuck did you do."
Eyepatch froze. He wasn't so cocky in that moment.
"... I did...?"
"Yeah. And i saw your 'gifts' to them. If you do it again, I'll punch ya for each one I see."
He chuckled weakly, something was off. Clearly.
"Why the hell aren't ya talking?"
"You love the sound of your own voice. So why the hell aren't ya talking?"
"I... how do you comfort someone- who probably hates you. I'm sure you've done it alot with that brother of yours?"
This fucker...
But... its genuine. Something is telling me that it is.
"Honestly- Morgan's a differnt case from most. They got Bismuth, Adder, and Pelchorism."
"That actually explains alot" the man chuckled to himself, relaxing a bit. Fucker.
"So, with that in mind. Ask them before you make contact with their body."
Eyepatch seemed to be paying attention to this. It was weird, but sweet in a way
"Some days change and are differnt, so it's allways safe to ask, with words, or a gesture. They tend to take apologies well. Just don't cross that boundary again. Don't yell at em too- that makes shit worse 9/10 times for them"
"And that tenth of the time?"
"They'll bite back until they're outta wind. Then it probably will still end up badly."
Gilbert nodded attentively. I couldn't help but sigh
"Just- treat them like a person, prove that you will be there for them, and things will be fine. Ask questions if you have something to ask, and they'll do the same of you. Maybe-"
"Alright then, thank you Silvio"
This feels weird and like I signed someone's death warrant-
"Don't ever make that same fuck up and things should be good"
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omnipah · 1 year
for the character asks: pickman sangfielle and/or any malevolent guy of ur choosing
well if u insist!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: i do get very aro vibes from pickman and i think in a lot of cases she's functionally ace but. she sure did fuck that old woman! so i guess she's aro train-god-sexual lesbian. good for her Gender Headcanon: i mean i know this is the autism vibes but she truly does seem like the kind of person who's only doing woman because that's what she started as and knows how to do. she's still fairly cut off from traditional expressions of gender because of the autism and the Train Trauma but at the same time it's her version of womanhood and she's kind of spitefully attached to it now, even tho it's in a kind of nb way. A ship I have with said character: That Old Woman (shoutouts to chantilly scathe!!!) A BROTP I have with said character: duvall for that time he manifested into a scene he wasn't in to defend her honour A NOTP I have with said character: alekest i guess? i mean he did that himself tho. anyone else i mean. is it really friends at the table if the player characters don't all have weird unethical polycule vibes? A random headcanon: she seems like one of those people who can't cook for shit unless u give her a recipe with exact instructions and proportions and then even if she's completely unfamiliar with the technique she's suddenly a 5star chef. she thinks this is normal and everyone is like this and is baffled when colette gets moony-eyed at her over it General Opinion over said character: i am picking petals off flowers saying 'she loves me, she loves me not' i am doodling her name in my notebook i am cheerleading on the sidelines of every scene shes in i am holding her giant gun for her in case she needs it
Kayne Malevolent (i would say sorry but u did this to urself)
Sexuality Headcanon: i mean as far as canon goes he seems less concerned with gender and more concerned with whoever he doesn't consider boring. i could go ahead and just decide he's gay because he flirted with both john and arthur (not to mention the fruitiness) but that's too easy. if women were legal in malevolent he'd be uncomfortably horny about them too, i know it Gender Headcanon: whatever he's doing he's doing it a lot. A ship I have with said character: i mean given his whole deal he seems fairly impervious to like. intimacy. but i think it's fun when he gets all marina and the diamonds homewrecker in jarthur's already unstable marriage A BROTP I have with said character: well it would be lovely if there were sufficient characters in the actual show for him to actually have any kind of friendship with. or more likely affectionate rivalry considering how unpleasant he is as a person A NOTP I have with said character: i mean i don't know of anyone who's shipping him with anyone in particular but the only other recurring characters are larson yellow and the butcher and uh. all of them. less the butcher cus can u imagine the combination of fucked up hedonist trickster god + catholic guilt but still. the vibes are fucking rancid A random headcanon: this is mostly just taking the trope and running with it but i like to think he operates under fae rules, like, technically can't lie and technically has to keep his promises, so is like. extremely careful how he words things and what he avoids saying and leaves implied. bonus points cus he talks so fast u can't really tell he's doing it unless ur paying attention. yes i realise this is the third character in a row i'm headcanoning as a beaurocrat but listen it's my autism i get to project it General Opinion over said character: he's like a budget version of the outsider if the outsider listened to the orion experience. we love a fucked up trickster god and of course we love a bisexual covered in blood but yknow what else i love? characters who show up often enough to actually learn anything about them at all.
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twistafr · 2 months
Double On The Door
TedxSchlatt smut fic, pretty short thingy i made
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,012 Summary: "Holy shit, Ted," Schlatt whispers between a sound so high-pitched and drunk with giddiness that it could qualify for a giggle. He braces a hand against the wooden door he's leaning against, and flings his other arm over Ted's shoulder. "And I thought you were only into the chicks."
The party kinda sucked anyways.
It's not the best guest etiquette, but neither of them care. One of them has downed too many drinks and the other's smoked too much to care, after all.
And, well, maybe even without all of that Ted and Schlatt would still have locked the door of the bathroom with booming laughter that still wasn't louder than the generic music playing throughout the house.
They both suppose, sure, yeah, somebody might hold a house party and still not want people to get all handsy in their own bathroom. But they'd like to propose the fact that at least it's not somebody's bed, since the bathroom would be less gross and devastating to hear than two strangers going at it in the bed one wakes up in most of the time.
So it's the bathroom Schlatt and Ted are in, where Ted has a hand down Schlatt's shorts, making the other puff out hot air into his ear. Ted wraps his hand around his dick, and the headache Schlatt previously had formed due to the annoying laughter of anyone not named Ted suddenly wipes off from his head.
"Holy shit, Ted," Schlatt whispers between a sound so high-pitched and drunk with giddiness that it could qualify for a giggle. He braces a hand against the wooden door he's leaning against, and flings his other arm over Ted's shoulder. "And I thought you were only into the chicks."
Ted laughs with him. Or at him. Nobody really knows. He just smiles, and it's this genuine thing that makes Schlatt's head tilt back with a well endowed stroke from Ted's hand, palm warm and engulfing Schlatt who gasps slightly, then attempts to whack Ted.
"I could say the same," Ted says, huffing as he glances down, eyes hazed over with a whirl of desire and carelessness as he presses his lips to Schlatt's neck with absolutely no aim. Schlatt doesn't stop him, just glances at him in confusion, heavily judging the other as he parts his mouth against the bare skin.
"The hell are you-" But then Ted dares to bare his teeth, just opening his mouth lazily and tempting Schlatt's neck with a new possible design, canines tapping at the door. Schlatt scoffs, almost in disbelief, and feels a wave of arousal and disgust wash over him at the same time. This leaves him to swat Ted's face away, groaning with annoyance as he does. "Biting me? Get outta here, dude."
Ted chuckles, a slow and casual thing, but he can't seem to keep it there and bursts out into gradual fits of laughter as he shrugs, then sighs heavily. "My bad, bro."
With that Ted squeezes his hold, like a total weirdo, Schlatt can confirm, as his dick pusles and he reels in on himself, bumping his head against Ted's as the other's thumb swipes over the head.
"Well fuck you too, then," Schlatt tries to tell him, but his voice cuts off, sounding terribly weathered. All clipped and breathy, like just maybe the way Ted runs his finger across a vein is actually doing something to Schlatt as he gives a brief moan at the sensation purely provided by Ted's fngerpads.
"Oo, what's that you said?" Ted asks teasingly, an absolute jerk full of corny lines that can make anybody anywhere cringe. But he's good with what he's doing, so they both don't quit, and Ted hums as Schlatt lifts his hips, wordlessly trying to somehow upgrade his handjob intensity or whatever he's attempting, Ted doesn't pay attention as he grins all smug. "Did you say something that implies me fucking you? Cus it's a yes, one-hundo."
"You're so fucking annoying," Schlatt complains, but it's timed with efficient work from Ted's hand, and his cock twitches in his hold, and he bucks up into it. So his words of frustration simply end up sounding like a breathless lil moan from a voice of endearment. Not what Schlatt meant. But it doesn't matter when there's bundles of heat exploding with pleasure all throughout as Ted shifts his hand. "I-" He pauses, breath hitching as Ted uses his free hand to push Schlatt closer, hips angled upward. "Damn- look, you're not fucking me."
Ted frowns dramatically, heart stabbed by an event he knew was coming. "Right, you'll never be fucked by a dude-"
Schlatt leans up, craning his neck forward, and grasping to cuff Ted's face. "In a damn shitty bathroom, Ted."
Ted's spine straightens up for a second at the explanation, heart spiking with possibility as he flicks his wrist, causing Schlatt's eyelashes to flutter nearly. "Then the hell are we still doing in here? We gotta go to where you would let that happen, Schlatt. Dude, come on-"
Schlatt clutches onto him with both hands all of a sudden, and knocks Ted's calf with his heel. "Not tonight, pal."
Right before Ted can ask why somebody knocks on the door, so instead Ted is stuck yelling something about being occupied. Only after he gets back to work, big fingers wrapping around Schlatt who groans, the noise dragged out with satisfaction, punched out straight from his lungs, maybe even his soul as Ted moves.
 Ted inches forward, sucking in a deep breath as Schlatt moans once more, noises becoming more and more likely as he progresses into a more reactive person.
"This is so-" Schlatt pants for a second, bowing his head. He remembers to disregard this, of course, and rolls his eyes as he laboriously breathes. "This is unfair."
And well, Schlatt said it, even if either of them mean it because to be completely frank, Schlatt doesn't actually consider a handjob from his own Ted, his best friend, to be an unfair thing that happened to him.
It does, in fact, make him finish, leaving him to mumble out Ted's name and a bunch of half-assed insults as Ted soaks everything from him- Before he sinisterly takes out his phone and snaps a photo of Schlatt from chest up.
Schlatt tries to delete it, of course.
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
☆ hawk talk 8/14/23 ☆
so i found out that my school practically treats PDA as The Big Bad Sin™️
like literally in our handbook it says it is NOT tolerated under ANY means
so like
even if i had the courage to hug my friends
i fucking can't
unless the monitors aren't paying attention but like
what if one day i'm like crying in the hallway and my bestie sees me and wants to give me a hug
but like they can't 0_0
and vice-versa
okie. anyway.
lanie is out of town visiting family :(
and if you've been following along, you would know the person i ate lunch with is Delgado
we'll go back to that in a sec, i promise (highlight of my day)
so since it was an odd day i went to history & geo first
so we get there and we have a debate on whether school should start earlier/same time or later
and i of course backed up my reasoning with evidence unlike everyone else
they're all dumbasses
and the sleezy hoebags behind me started trying to fuck with my hair
but then i hit one of them <3
so then mr. m had us go over the fire drill and where to go in case of smth happening during his period
so we went outside and lined up where we would in case of an emergency
and then the desk buddy bitch asked for the answers to a quiz and i gave her the wrong ones <3
so then that was it for history & geo
andddd it turns out that delgado passes the math room on his way to his next period so i have to make sure i don't look like utter shit BEFORE MATH TOO
i felt bad tho bc i almost hit him 😭😭
so when i was walking towards the math room my back was turned to him so i obvi didn't know it was him when he tapped me on the shoulder
and it scared the crap outta me cus the recent school day (last friday) some dick did that to me and i hit him
and i thought it was the same guy
but it wasn't, it was delgado <3
and he just wanted to make sure we were still good for lunch and this is how the convo went:
d: *taps my shoulder* hey so lunch today, right?
me: *puts fist down after i realized it was him* yeah!
d: oh and also what do you have for first period?
me: [insert history & geo teacher's name]
d: oh cool. where you going next?
me: math with Mr. H. right here *points at door*
d: *groans* i just came back from math. that's my first fucking period 🙄
me: *laughs* ahh it's my 2nd. well, technically 3&4 but ykwim (if you need me to explain the schedules lmk)
d: Okay well i gtg
me: yeah me too, see you in like an hour or some shit *smiles and waves*
d: *smiles and waves back*
then math
these bitches at my table
are fucking horrible
i'm trying to do a placement exam
and they keep talking
"wElL Mr H sAiD wE CaN tAlK" "We ArEnT eVeN bEiNg LoUd"
so that was fun.
oh and also Mr. H (the teacher) draws so we can like give him a photo and he'll draw like the outline and give it back to us to color and then hang it up in the room!! so i'm gonna ask him if he can draw Stitch or smth so i can color it and hang it in the classroom!
yk if i remember lol
oh and like towards the end of class i went to the bathroom to fix myself up a little bit™️ bc on odd days i have
✨️english class✨️
after math <3
so i put on my favorite lipstick and tamed my hair a bit more and just made sure my clothes looked alright and shit lol
i also cleaned up my boots too while i was at it <3
i love my boots so much
i want moreee
actually i don't want more
i NEED more
if i had the money, i would be a doc martens addict and i'd have hundreds of pairs
but alas
bitches are expensive
okeu anywayy
i get back to class and these hoes are still talking about the girliest shit ever i literally was going to kill myself if i had to listen to anymore of it
so then we started packing up and then we left
so we all lined up outside the door bc the teacher wasn't in yet (Mrs. K)
and i tried to stand next to him (delgado) but this bitch got in line RIGHT before me so she was in-between us :/
but thats alr cus he sorts slowed down in line and i caught up so we walked in the room around the same time
and i was wearing a shirt with a Mexican food place and Mrs. K was like "oh my gosh that's my favorite Mexican restaurant in [insert location]!!" and i was like "yeah its pretty good. well, for white people cooking the food. the only real Mexican food you get is from Mexico, or your mamás kitchen" and delgado looked at me like he knew lol so that's when he sorta started catching on that I'm Mexican too
it's nice not to have to tell someone about my ethnicity for once and them figuring it out on their own
so yeah <3
and we had to finish these state mandated tests bc we got only like halfway done on friday
so me and delgado were writing each other notes and doodles to help keep ourselves awake and not fall asleep during that godforsaken fucking test 😭😭
so after we got done (we finished our tests around the same time lol) Mrs. K let us kinds do our own thing as long as we weren't disruptive
so i read DPS and he was playing some game on his Chromebook
and it was so funny bc he had his chromebook on mute but you can tell when he lost and stuff bc he would make a fist and be like "noooo" really quietly
it was funny to me, at least
and there was someone's alarm going off and it sounded like the beep a bomb makes before it goes off
and ofc my mind immediately went to JD <3
and then me, delgado, baseball guy, and d's short bestie all looked at each other like "you hear that 👀"
and then me and delgado crossed ourselves and said "el padre, el hijo y el espíritu santo" but he said it in english lol
and like he's so sweet
so not only did he double check we were still eating lunch together in the hallway but he also asked again at the end of english class
ik it may not seem like anything to you but it means a lot to me
bc i'm always the one to make sure plans are still plans and i feel annoying for asking so many times and that i'm bothering the other person and it just feels nice to have someone else take the time to ask, yk?
so it also turns out our lockers aren't that far away from each other's so even though he's English Class Crush™️ he also qualifies as Hallway Crush™️
speaking of hallway crushes
yk Luca? his locker and also Mikey's (Michael, but we all call him Mikey) lockers are close-ish to mine
so yeah that's great/sarc
it is, in fact, not great.
i mean i make sure i always look somewhat good before i leave the house
we go to lunch and his friend Alex comes along and im like ooo cool i get to meet his friend
and i sat down and saved us some seats while they went to get the food from the lunch people
so when they come and sit down i was hoping that i would sit next to delgado bc that was the whole fucking point of eating lunch with him
but Alex sits his ass right in between us
but like ig Alex is a protective friend or smth?? idk but like yeah i didn't take offense or anything bc id be the same way
we were stil able to talk tho <3
and anyway they come and sit down and the lunch for the 14th was grilled cheese
but lemme tell you
that, was in fact, not grilled cheese
it looked like two soggy pieces of bread with orange food coloring in the middle
that cheese? was NOT cheese
and i was like oh hell nah no way is Boy Bestie™️ eating whatever the fuck that government looking waste was
so i was like dude have what you want out of my lunch, there's no way you're eating that on my watch
and i was like hey Alex you can go ahead and eat my lunch too
so Alex took the dragonfruit and smth else i think
and delgado had the tortillas mi mamá packed for me
again, i wasn't hungry at all because i had thrown up earlier but i forced myself to eat something before i passed out
oh and forgot to mention
delgado fr said "AYYY MEXICAN STYLEEE" bc i had the tortillas wrapped up in tinfoil and some chorizo con papas y huevos and i was like "HELL YEAHHH"
idk if the white people understand this or not but like this was a bonding moment for us bc there aren't a whole lot of mexicans at our school
so like to see that we're apart of the same culture is really nice
oh and he was also like "my mom makes that like every morning!" and i was like "my mom made it yesterday and decided to pack me some for lunch!"
i would've given him like a fist bump or smth but i wasn't gon put my arm across Alex to get to delgado cus like
just no
so anyway sometime in the middle of lunch i was eating my food and then
*shimmery sound effects*
but i didn't wanna move and go look for them bc not only are we not allowed to i also thought maybe they just needed to go the the bathroom
so i just sat there looking like a kicked puppy with sad eyes because i'm not fucking tall enough to look for them in the crowd of gross teenagers
so i just sit there and text my friend because when i lose my friends (and this has happened since elementary) i get really aggressive bc i get overstimed so yk i texted my friend to calm myself down
lunch over
i get my shit from my locker and head to gym
we go over where we will sit for attendance
and then we go over fire drill procedures and shit
and then we spend most of our time doing jackshit
and like the last 20 minutes of class coach was like okay you can play basketball with the boys orstand around idrc bc we only have a little but till the end of the day
so i channeled my inner white girl and just watched delgado play basketball
and like he's one of the only guys who actually knows how to fuckin play 😭😭
also this one kid got hit in the back of the head and fell straight forward and on his face like a looney tunes character
comedic gold right there
and at the end of phys ed me and delgado were walking the same direction bc our lockers are near each other's and it looks like we're gonna have lunch again on Wednesday since that's the next time i have 3rd lunch <3
so yeah i hope i was midly entertaining
it's 1:36am and i gotta get up at 6:30am so goodnight and sorry for not Finnishing this earlier, i got caught up in something
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jrueships · 1 year
what are the best wire ships?
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YALL SHOULD NOT HAVE ASKED ME THIS LMAO 😭😭 i am so not serious to be the header on the wire fandom resurrection front but here we go 😭 i guess 😭! I HOPE URE READY CUS IM NOT LMFAO
FYI this post might contain some spoilers to the show but if u want a nonspoilerly version, just asked! it's pretty old so if yall haven't seen it i 10/10 recommend!!!
im painfully trying a rewatch of the show, i say painfully because my attention span watching a show vs a movie is KAPOOT! i can't stream 30 hours of a show but i can sit thru a 3 hr movie (if i haven't seen it before. Ill still have to get up and stretch sometime in the middle of it but ill be attentive nonetheless). LIKE... sitting thru a long movie holds more accountability to my mind i think. If i can't binge thru multiple episodes and end on a comfy, even number like episode 10, i can't bring myself to sit thru one without checking my phone 😭 BUT IT IS A GOOD SHOW! i just suck at watching shows in general, especially past the 1st season.. idek why.. it's like i get thru the 1st season in a happy binge breeze then BOOM! no more motivation... BUT WHAT I MEANT WITH THIS IS!!!!
This 1st post will mainly just kinda lightly touch on general knowledge from season 1 then expand in detail the more seasons i rewatch (with more ships too probably). This is mainly my fav ships i noticed now or back then
TO BE NOTED THO!! the wire isn't a really shippy show tbh, it's mainly about dynamics thru relationships contributing to story/effect on the story rather than romantic relationships. Every plot point has to have an eventual purpose for the story, every interaction, etc. It has like one will they won't they mainly for angst, and it's for Detective McNulty who has a general 'will he won't he' beat the Irish drinking gene or whatever lmao. If u wanna ship, u gotta really take the few nuggets the show might give u and REALLY turn them to gold. Cus they are gold in general, but it's up to you to make them really profit! IN CONCLUSION.. u gotta be. A little delusional. Hence our first 'ship' introduction..
🩵 stinkum & bird 🩵
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... i told you we had to be a little unwell to really indulge. Sorry.
this is a totally biased list so please excuse me. Stinkum n Bird are two of Avon's muscle in the game and they both get outta it pretty quick. Involuntarily, of course, because they're the typa freaks that love it. With these two, you need context clues n connections. Almost EVERY scene Stinkum is in, he's GOT TO bring up his boy Bird. Hell, it might just be every. This is mainly due to the writers knowing the actor of bird is a big shot cameo, so it'd be too expensive to have Bird in a lot of scenes, especially in a TV show budget. And they also knew Stinkum wasn't made to last long so why not just use him as a substitute introduction to Bird's character so we don't have to pay that much for personal appearance in prologue? Bird's supposed to be the 'unhinged' one in the crew, the Crazy Guy. Crude, rude, cruel, & ruthless. Don't have the budget to show it, cheaper to tell it instead. Stinkum's just the hype man to Bird, essentially. Also he has another thing going on that leads to his early demise, but besides that, that's pretty much it. Goes to show how the show wants every dime spent for a strategical reason. Good TV shows need Causation, not 'and then's, but 'therefore' 'so' ETC.
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... doesn't mean we can't have fun with it ourselves though. See, The Wire brings you quality entertainment, & it's up to us what we make of that quality to be entertained. Up to our love of the show to keep coming back to it and exploring the prime time possibilities it presented/hinted/hid. Which is a lot since practically every part of it is practical. The beauty of Stinkum n Bird to me is Stinkum being some wide-eyed doe eyed obsessed little freak who woobifies n glorifies n babygirlifies Brutal As Fuck bird because? He's insane. I guess? They both are! This is evidenced in the show, on purpose for plot! But this purpose can be made even better if we make something accidental out of it. Take the gold and spread its profits through smaller amounts, cut the product for bigger prices! LISTEN LIKE.. they made stinkum's character constantly bringing up Bird's name for plot... but him always yammering on about Bird can mean other things...... dare i say... gay things 😈. WHY does he always talk about Bird? For cheap character intro to get us ready when Bird makes his short appearance eventually yea but WHAT ELSE? they're giving us an ELSE without rlly GIVING us an else! Stinkum, who's a bit of a dopey lil goon guy, might have been unknown to a certain shooting danger one night when BLAM! He turns around, not filled with lead, but with awe for the guy he just saw skin a man alive... save HIS skin by dealing with his unforeseen assailant. Stinkum sees a softer side to the craziest, cruelest guy in their group, and has his respect eternally earned. Does Bird ever return it?? We don't know.... Bird never mentions Stink. Which creates more fun for us cus we get bounce off that with whatever the hell we want. It always goes back to the source! IF YOU WANT.. i recommend looking up 'the wire stinkum' / 'the wire bird' and ull find their scenes that show more of their character. I can elaborate on a single ship in more detail if u want, just ask ! trust me, id be MORE than happy to lmao!
🩵 Bird n Omar 🩵
Apparently, thanks to Stinkum, we know Bird n Omar jailed with each other. And STINKUM heard from BIRD that Omar was gay?? Which is like.. ok. Thanks stinkum/bird??? That's a bit.. what do u mean by that... have you, Bird, man whose little scenes he's shown is spewing same sex sexuality slander 99% of the time, Experienced that info Firsthand? Are you. Perhaps. Were you... One of Omar's whole stable of boys he had while locked up at Jess Up 🤨? ...the public needs to know 😈. Is all this talk you have against the lgbt.. perhaps... coming from a bit of internalized Rage 🤨? hm 😼? AND THIS ISNT JUST MY SPECULATION EITHER!! Other wire fans thought this!! They were sus on stinkum n Bird's relationship too!!! hell i GOT that idea from one of the wire's youtube COMMENTS!! yall we see it.. we do. Also Omar is 5'10... Bird is 5'3 at worst (says he's 5'5 but trust me. That is a definite lie.) .. Bird's also Omar's type too (which i find hilarious).. lightskinned. some may say, even, a little bratty BUT HEY! HEY!! im just usin my context clues given to me from THE SHOW ok! dont shoot the messenger bird... Omar looked like he was enjoying Bird getting his comeuppance a little Too well in that police interrogation scene.. i wouldn't be surprised if there was a deleted scene of him saying 'oh what a mouth'... BUT FROM THE SCENE GIVEN TO US THO.. what do you Mean 'bird really knows how to bring it out of people', Omar 🤨? What do you. What do you Mean by That 🤔? something.... explicit 🫣?
ANYWAYYYSS... smthin Bigger.
🩵Avon & Stringer 🩵
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u rlly do have to see the show for all of these to rlly land with u tbh, the bigger ones especially bcs when the show has two characters they keep close for long... u know they're gonna be in pain. And u are too. I love avon and stringer man they make me so 😭😭!! One bleeds red the other bleeds green... ones all for family, the other for profession but DAMN IT! He thought he was family too, isn't it? Aren't i... Avon ? If the other ship types were doofy tongue out loyal to the bone tail wagging dumbly following dog Stinkum x asshole cat with claws who Maybeeee has a Slight soft spot for the dog where only HE can scratch it sometimes Bird, or elegant silk n clever streetcat with a semi bitten ear who steals fish with class Omar x rowdy rabid orange tabby cat who jumps at windows trying to eat other cats Bird..... this one is . Opposites attract. Unlikely friends to the end. Unlikely betrayal in bonds. Unlikely.. Unlikely. I don't wanna speak on it too much incase u haven't seen the show. It's just so good, it needs a justification thru watch. Avon and stringer together.. u can just feel the connection. Like these two Were childhood friends and now all this shit is happening to them.. this rift. It sucks!! It makes u wish the old days with them!! It makes u feel like an old head! Makes u feel what they're probably feeling but can't express cus they don't have the power or the pride rn!! I love them. They make me miserable. Avon and stringer were THE powercouple on the wire. They were THE girlboss malewife powercouple takeover. THE adhd bf Autistic bf romance. OKAY??? I just have to tell u the terms, it's up to u to see the show explain it. Watching stringer infodump about whatever smthing new he learned in his community college econ's is so cute. His finance bro business bro interests 😭 Avon acknowledging it and helping him indulge in it!! Making it a giant part of his organization!!! Avon the hardworking son from a long line of feared bad blood incorporating his businesstime consigliere godfather type shit ! Seeing avon get all excited at the bball game, jumping up n stomping the ground when he's winning or losing Lmao. Stringer roasting the competition, joining in on the pettiness. I love them. They're my petty powercouple and I GET TO SAY THEY DESERVED TO KISS EACH OTHER!! And GET MARRIED and LOVE EACH OTHER!!! okay!!! In another life avon is the prideful n stubborn basketball coach for their cc's poor basketball team and stringer is the sexy rich new econ professor who got demoted for being too harsh on his past private college students. D'angelo the spoiled nephew hates going to Stringer's class and hates Stringer even more when he becomes his strict new stepdad thanks to googly eyes at Avon. The coparenting comes with its troubles..
Another big crime dealing (literally) powercouple on the newer side..
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this one is mainly dynamic, there are some works for marlo/chris, but it's mainly dynamic exploration or relationship hinting if u squint but kept kinda dim under the surface. What's interesting abt these two is that.. They're just so interesting. It's like.. how Did they meet? WHY is chris so loyal to marlo? Also it's on misinterpretations too cus people might look at chris and think he's the ruthless killer who takes joy in his killings since he's big muscle for marlo's group... but actually he's a very chill (unless ur crime is Bad.) kinda kind n polite guy with a butler-like professional nature in his affable behavior sometimes . VS everyone thinking marlo is some emotionless, bug-eyed freak who just watches from the dark. And he is LMAO. Just like how chris CAN be ruthless, marlo CAN be hauntingly apathetic. But he can ALSO be very petty. I mean, half his Google images are of him looking disgusted LMAO. He's almost always vaguely annoyed, impeded upon, or intrigued. And chris n him Both know the other should not be messed with when pissed. If avon and stringer are the more kind of 'front and center' powercouple at the party, Marlo and chris are the two lonely assholes sitting in the dark corner (uninvited btw) of the party, vaping and judging people. Marlo doesn't drink, so he's just sipping ice water out of a red solo cup telling chris to kill whomever marlo finds insignificant (so everyone) while chris stares at the weather app on his phone, not knowing what to do. I love them in the goofy sense. They're just so awkward. Bruh girl 4 bruh girl. When two mfers with social skills where u can tell it's ok Except there's just smthin kinda Off about them, keeping them from being normL, find each other... the world burns. And it Did. They both have insane trauma and i think they should kiss. Ill def reblog with more abt them when i get to the later seasons rewatch..
🩵 Omar's og crew with him, Brandon, n bailey 🩵
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i loved Omar's og little Robin hood crew so much 😭 it's a shame the wire back then didn't know how successful it'd be, so they introduced n had the other members live so short for story. They shouldve had more screen time fr! Doing shenanigans!! i just love the dynamic of Omar n Brandon being best bfs... Omar simping for Brandon n letting his mistakes slide bcs hes down bad for the lightskin.. and then there's lone wolf John bailey who just has to third wheel with them. Bailey is known to just go wherever the money goes, do whatever to get whatever, mix with whatever for whatever, so gotdammit if he has to spend time stealing money n drugs with gay people, he'll spend time stealing money n drugs with gay people!! i guess 😭. he definitely will be using that time to side eye them tho 😭😭. The funny gay couple and the straight man (literally) doing stealing shenanigans.. smh. We were robbed 😭 from their robbing!!!!!!!! i wish we saw more of them (dont get it twisted from all the praise the wire gets, it does have its faults, every show does!).. got to explore them more! We barely get to see Brandon before he dies n we don't even get to see John bailey's end result! Just hear it passing by! SMH!!! they were a cute lil ragtag group and i wanted to see them successful!!! also.. just saying John but... if u stayed n had a threesome instead of going to see ur 'mom', you wouldve lived longer...... probably not that long when you've got avon n his muscle minions after u... but still. You missed out big time bro. It's time to consider switching sexuality sides, methinks !
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🩵 gay ppl.. everywhere
🩵 The Baltimore fuzz can also be poly excluding kima as platonic <3. Herc n Carver have too many sus conversations to be just bros at this point ... but ill talk more abt them later probably! They're rlly cute tho! And bunk n McNulty have their buddycop banter that's very domestic and assholic because they are domestic assholes. Bunk made lester bow-legged. Bunk ALSO outside of police stuff, has some childhood lore with Omar, of all people. Perhaps Omar had a schoolgirl crush on THE JOCK bunkster, feared star of his... school's game with the stick or whatever lol it sounds cute though! I'll talk more abt the fuzzy side of the show if u want, but they're pretty big so ull see more of that for urself with less explanation needed if u watch it !
🩵 avon's barksdale crew could be a poly powercouple gang takeover !! As could marlo's! With obvious platonic pieces as snoop probably has her own gf n such. Wee-bey is just so beautiful he needs to be a bf!! he needs someone to listen to his fish facts!! Him and stringer probably trade fish facts n finance facts! Avon and his gang kiss <3
🩵 bodie/Wallace have some fans! The stubborn kid playing tough guy to survive trying to steel his heart and the smart kid who's a little too soft and a little too supportive.. it's sweet and sad :( .
🩵 Bodie n poot are cute too. The second coming of girlboss malewife. Lil Kevin had to be in a poly with them or smthin cus there's no other reason why they should keep him along 😭 he was so shit at being muscle. It's not even funny LOL. Poot was also kinda shitty at being muscle too. Lil spoon headass, desperately debilitatingly declining hairline headass. Fuckin poot 😭.. bodie rlly spent his whole life carrying the team tbh. No wonder he's always such a crabby Lil guy! Yall make him do too much! By the time he was 26, he felt 86 probably !!
🩵 there's also cutty n slim charles, n other people that show in the later seasons that i can address later in a reblog, but yea! So far those are my favs mentioned n can be elaborated later! thank u SO much 4 asking, this was SUPER fun n appreciated 🩵🩵🩵 i doubt many ppl will read this n i don't blame yall but TRY if u can.. to watch The Wire if ure ever bored n have some freetime!! it's so good 😭
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