#Robotics in Healthcare
mtariqniaz · 1 year
The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Title: The Transformative Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. It involves creating intelligent machines that can mimic human cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. As AI continues to advance, its impact is felt across various industries and…
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aifyit · 2 years
Robot Sophia: The AI-Powered Creation That is Changing the World
Hey everyone! I'm excited to share my latest blog post on "Robot Sophia". Check it out on my website now and let me know your thoughts in the comments. #ai #robotics #robotsophia #newblogpost #writing #blogging #excited
Innovation in robotics and artificial intelligence has given rise to many fascinating creations, one of which is the humanoid robot, Robot Sophia. Developed by Hanson Robotics, this AI-powered creation is quickly gaining popularity and changing the world as we know it. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the world of Robot Sophia, exploring its capabilities and potential…
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obotzcanada · 3 months
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OBotz, a leading robotics and coding program, offers the 7-Level Program which is aimed at teaching robotics for kids through a structured and progressive learning method. Strengthening basics in robotics from a young age will help children seamlessly navigate their path in the future. Get in touch and book a free trial class now!
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artisticdivasworld · 7 months
The Future of Nursing Technology
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, nursing technology stands at the forefront of innovation, driving significant changes in patient care, workflow efficiency, and healthcare outcomes. As we look towards the future, the integration of advanced technologies into nursing practice promises to transform the profession in ways we are only beginning to understand. This article explores the…
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pddparthi · 11 months
Unlocking the Future of Robotics: A Journey through Innovation and Applications
Introduction to Robotics: Welcome to the exciting world of robotics, where cutting-edge technology and innovation are shaping the future in unimaginable ways. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through the evolution of robotics and the diverse applications that have emerged in recent years. Historical Focus on Industrial Robotics Applications in Assembling, Welding, and Material…
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navalvessels · 2 years
Robotics in Healthcare – Thematic Intelligence
The healthcare industry, including pharma, medical devices, and healthcare providers and payors, is often risk-averse compared to other sectors when adopting new technologies.
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imaplatypus-art · 9 months
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Doodled Baymax in my gappy storybook style.
This doesn't look bad but I think it looks better with fuzzy characters 🤔.
My patreons saw this waaay before you! You can see my art before everyone and get a platypus sticker by supporting me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/imaplatypusarts
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
*tiptoes into ask box*
I'm almost afraid to ask, but what exactly is Rhythm Doctor?
OKAY SO. be not afraid :) come here this is a completely normal hospital
basically rhythm doctor is a game where you must defibrillate patients in time with the rhythm! it's not quite as hard as rhythm heaven or anything at least IMO, but it's really addictive and i love the characters a lot!!! there's a lot of cool gimmicks and stuff but all you need is one button so you don't have to grapple with remembering controls along with reaction time!!! you can also have accessibility modes like very easy and unmissable which i appreciate a lot as a particularly shitty gamer
you are working with an overworked skeleton crew comprised of the computer nerd ian, the doctor who mainly does in-person check-ups-- Ada Paige-- and their boss who sits and stares at a clipboard while judging you at every turn, Dr. Edega! you are meanwhile a remote intern who's job is to press the button in time with the music.
there are multiple jokes about the fact that you are only ever seen as a hand. people just start assuming you are only a hand.
the rhythm doctor program means that you are canonically using the game's mechanics to defibrillate all the patients and yes their heartbeats are just like that. they sync up music to the erratic heartbeats in order to soothe arrhythmia and get people back on their feet!
the characters interact with each other in a way that genuinely makes the hospital feel alive and it's just so nice to watch them interact together, especially when the one-off characters just stick their heads into the conversation randomly. my favorite is absolutely samurai.
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look at this guy. look at him. he's great. he parties at clubs and plays baseball. why is he dressing up in this in modern day? why does he never take the armor off? who knows but he's silly
you're also facing off with a virus named Connectifa Abortus that uses advantage of your remote connection, and jams your signals because it can do that. it just can. also it is possibly sentient and very malicious
that's the spoiler free synopsis but you should..... buy it on steam................................... now. :)
it's only 16 bucks and works on windows, mac, and linux!!! it also is early access so chances are by getting it early you're getting it for a cheaper price!!!!!!
PLUS if you've ever heard of A Dance Of Ice And Fire it's the same ppl. 7th beat games. it's so good. play it.
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nylonnye2 · 9 months
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stuckinapril · 7 months
I think I realized how severely humor infects all spaces when I witnessed two of my coworkers at the neuro clinic I’m interning at laughing at putting in a patient as deceased
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dandelionsresilience · 4 months
Good News - May 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. Critically endangered fish with red hands and 'sad toad face' returned to the wild in Tasmania
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“Conservationists in Australia are celebrating the return of 18 critically endangered red handfish to the sea after they were taken into care at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) in January to protect them from marine heatwaves.”
2. A rare Australian marsupial is being genetically modified to save it from extinction. Here's how
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“Scientists are trying to genetically 'edit' the endangered northern quoll to make it resistant to the neurotoxin of the invasive cane toad. […] Now experts in gene-editing […] say they can introduce genetic resistance to the toxin by taking DNA from a species of South American lizard and ‘edit’ that into the cells of a northern quoll. They have already managed to do this with the cells of the closely related dunnart, another endemic marsupial.”
3. More and faster: Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total
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“For the first time, 30% of electricity produced worldwide was from clean energy sources as the number of solar and wind farms continued to grow fast. [...] Some of [the past year’s] new demand was for heat pumps, which are an efficient way to both heat and cool buildings, and for electric vehicles. [... Last year was also] the 19th year in a row that solar was the fastest-growing source of electricity generation.”
4. Standards Established To Improve Health Care For Kids With Disabilities
“Developed by a panel of health care experts, adults with disabilities and caregivers, the plan published recently in the journal Pediatrics […] calls for providers to be trained about caring for those with neurodevelopmental disabilities, improved communication with patients and their families and proactive planning in advance of health care encounters to ensure that patients are at ease and provided accommodations.”
5. Working together to better understand Alaska’s beluga whales
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“Beluga conservation efforts depend on an accurate count of whales. Indigenous hunters also need to know how many belugas there are so that they [can] decide how many can be safely harvested. That’s why WWF is bringing together Western science and Indigenous knowledge […. U]sing hydrophones to detect belugas in the Yukon River works—and it is an approach that is both cost-effective and non-invasive.”
6. Robotic system feeds people with severe mobility limitations
“Researchers have developed a robotic feeding system that uses computer vision, machine learning and multimodal sensing to safely feed people with severe mobility limitations, including those with spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. […] The robotic system successfully fed 13 individuals with diverse medical conditions in a user study spanning three locations[….] Users of the robot found it to be safe and comfortable, researchers said.”
7. Senate Passage of America’s Conservation Enhancement Act a Win for Wildlife
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“The Senate’s reauthorization of the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act will benefit America’s wildlife and way of life. Led by Senators Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Shelley Capito (R-W.Va.), the bill invests in wetlands and habitat restoration projects across the country as well as strategies to reduce conflicts between wildlife and livestock. […] The passage of this bill shows us once again that Americans are united on the need to protect wildlife and our outdoor heritage,” said Andrew Wilkins, director of land conservation policy at the National Wildlife Federation.”
8. Liberals and conservatives differ on climate change beliefs--but are relatively united in taking action
“The study, led by researchers at New York University, finds that when given the opportunity, liberals and conservatives take action to address climate change at roughly the same levels -- and that this is due to conservatives choosing to take action despite their climate-change beliefs rather than liberals failing to act on theirs.”
9. Democratic state attorneys general are teaming up to protect abortion access
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“A group of Democratic attorneys general are working to strengthen state-level protections for abortion, contraception and gender-affirming care. These protections could include expanding the use of so-called “shield laws,” which assert that states where abortion or gender-affirming care are legal won’t cooperate with out-of-state efforts to prosecute anyone who helped provide treatment.”
10. Antwerp gives residents free trees
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“The Belgian city of Antwerp has 2,000 trees to give away, and it wants to give them to residents to plant in their gardens [...] with the aim of involving citizens in the greenifying process of the city. [...] What’s more, the city website offers practical advice on how to proceed with planting and caring for the tree so that it will meet the standards set by the municipality. [...] The City makes sure to give dead trees a second life by using their wood in the making of natural kids’ playgrounds.”
May 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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puppyeared · 5 months
crumbs of a story im writing
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clumsy rookie news photographer chasing after a gentleman thief to start an advice column ^_^
the thiefs legit job as a librarian doesnt pay enough to cover his rent (not enough public funding?), so he steals from rich politicians.
he kind of sees it as "hitting two birds with one stone," since the politicans are more interested in infrastructure than public funding anyway, and they have more than enough money so he doesn't feel bad doing it
since its done out of necessity, the thief is extremely meticulous and plans out his thefts. but hes also a theatre kid, so he makes a costume and more or less garners the attention of the community
the rookie is a newspaper photographer who has been following the thief for some time and has grown to admire him
the newspaper he works for is community oriented (organizing events and programs, advocating for the public) and believes the thief shares similar values
basically he proposes to start an advice column with the thief to build a rapport with the community, with the goal of winning over the public
the thief is hesitant because he's really only doing it for himself and doesnt want to get anyone else involved, but the rookie tells him to think of it as a way of helping everyone
the rest is kinda fuzzy.. i wanted to touch on community effort and public interests. I don't know if this will be the kind of story that encourages people to take action, I don't see myself as being any kind of model citizen. for now I'm just focused on pouring all my thoughts and faith in humanity into a story setting
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aifyit · 2 years
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skeleetrom · 4 months
Annoying people who always have to mention how metal rusts when I get a replacement part because of manufacturing advancements that were made in the 1900s
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alethianightsong · 10 months
I watched Robots(2005) a lot as a kid so it's no wonder I grew up to be anti-capitalist
The movie's 18 years old so if you haven't seen it, go do so. Anyway, for context, the film takes place in a world where robots are the dominant species. When your body breaks down, you can buy spare parts to fix yourself, effectively becoming immortal(but that's not important). What's important is that their society originally didn't throw people away for breaking down(getting older). By the time our hero enters the picture, an evil CEO has stopped the production of spare parts to make upgrades. These upgrades are made from junk and scrapped robots, or robots who couldn't find spare parts and basically died or were dying. Upgrades completely replace your body, making you monochrome and uniform; they're also expensive. It's subtle but all the poor robots are colorful while the rich ones are usually shades of gray and black with some brown thrown in. The poor robots also come in various shapes and sizes, with some being less humanoid in design but still having personality. The main character (voiced by Ewan McGregor) is an inventor and by extension, a robo-doctor, giving out free healthcare until he realizes he needs to overhaul the system cuz he can't fix everybody in a reasonable amount of time.
TLDR: To summarize the anti-capitalist themes of the movie ROBOTS (2005), the Robot world is post-scarcity but scarcity was artificially created for money's sake. Our hero has to defeat an evil CEO so people can come before profits once again.
Also, the main character grew up watching a TV show that showed off new inventions and how they helped society (this inspires him to invent). By the time, he's an adult, no new inventions are being introduced cuz-- surprise!-- Capitalism doesn't inspire innovation, it stifles innovation cuz once it finds a money-making mine, it digs and digs until it runs out; then and only then does it care to look for innovation.
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pddparthi · 1 year
Exploring the Role of Robotics in Healthcare
Robotics in Healthcare Robotics in Healthcare has emerged as a transformative technology in the healthcare industry, revolutionizing patient care, surgical procedures, and medical interventions. With advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, and sensor technology, robots are playing an increasingly vital role in enhancing healthcare delivery. In this article, we will explore the various…
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