#cuz i am really proud of how the illustrations turned out
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Art summary 2023, the first time in a while i’ve done one of these 🫣🫣🫣
It’s almost all Ronaldos baybeee
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tizeline · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Oh this is fun! :D
1) The drawing I'm the most proud of this year is actually one I never ended up posting lmao, so I suppose this is the perfect reason to actually do that
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I always feel a bit self-concious about posting non-fanart drawings cuz they don't tend to gain as much attention. Which, I am fully aware that there are more important things than clout! But I am a simple woman, I crave validation 😔 Anyway, I am still very happy about how this one turned out. I very much prefer drawing characters over enviroments, which led to me being way worse at drawing enviroments than characters, so I've been pushing myself for the last couple of years to get better at drawing backgrounds and surroundings. While I still definetily have a lot of room for improvement, this illustration here is the best I've done in drawing enviroments yet.
2) Again, original stuff don't tend to get as much attention (which I fully understand btw, I don't wanna make it seem like I'm complaining too much, I very much appreciate any and all support I get!!!!) but this post with some doodles of my OCs as well as this random drawing of some forest with a big stone head lying in it are a couple of posts I wouldn't mind if more people saw so..... the links are there if ya wanna have a look 👀
3) Oh man, I've seen so many awesome artpieces this year, i can't guarantee that these are my actual top 3 picks, but here are some that I could remember liking (and that I also managed to find lol) (also these are in no particular order
This GIF was the first piece of RotTMNT fanart I ever reblogged and it's still glued to my mind it's just great honestly.
Man I do not like Timothy in the 2012 TMNT series at all but MAN do I love the way pinetreevillain adapted the character for the Rise universe! He's made quite a few comics of Rise!Timothy and he made the character so extremely likable I just hdsjhgjakfga also Pine's artstyle is delicous yummy yum go check out his art now!
I really like those reanimation projects where a bunch of people collaborate and reanimate induvidual segments in their own style, and there was recently one of those released that was a remake of The Clothes Don't Make The Turtle episode from season two of RotTMNT and it's great! Go and watch it here!
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nolas-barf · 3 months
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Hayy Vom-Itz
I finally Drew one of my little characters that pops in my head.
Her name is Nicole/Nola, (obvi)
Alr so let me explain myself.
I can't.
Itzzz kinda freaky and I'm clearly going through a phase at the moment.. sooo, your judgment is not valid 🤙🏻😔
So I've had this little character floating around in my head and it's kind of been there for a couple of weeks. I have 10 different other characters that I have going on in my head but I have yet to illustrate.
I guess she just stood out more 🤷🏻‍♀️
She was kidnapped when she was 17 and when she turned 18 the experiment started and she slowly became less and less human.
Forced to endure abuse and on top of that working for her new "boss"(kidnapper) she has tons of tasks to do around his big ass mansion
Nola is a test subject along with many others, they all have different jobs that they stick to doing throughout the day. She's kind of the "leader" not really the boss or really even leader but they kind of nominated her I guess 🙄
(okay stay with me)
She carries the most of the heavy workload, making her have rlly bad anxiety with also the past and abuse that she endured when she did something wrong making her try to do everything perfect the first time.
She has a speech impediment that makes her brain feel like it is on fire (sizzling) when she can't think of a word or stutter profusely, not even able to get a word out without stuttering.
(Me 2)
She's really nice but incredibly shy and skittish.
Despite her speech impediment she is very well spoken and respectful when she talks.
Okay. The ears and the tail.
Before you call me a furry. I just want to say that this is totally anatomy based, I am obsessed with the anatomy of a half animal half human.
I find it really interesting and fun to look at and experiment with, the joints, how and why things would work ECT🤓👍🏻
I also think it would be cool to see how you would connect the ears and the tail if your character wasn't originally"born" with ears and a tail not originally a "hybrid" like with the nerves and connecting the tail to the spine, removing human ears and "moving the eardrum up to the top of the head" I put in quotation marks cuz obviously this is not possible but it's fun to think about!
Anyway the image above with the outfits was just a "mood board/ideas" on what they would wear. I always have to make mood boards for my characters before I illustrate them (draw).
D3: her third day under the "care" of her new"boss".
D100: her 100th day,she has gotten used to her new "boss" and how things will work in the future.
D1826.25: her 1826.25 day it has been 5 years since she was kidnapped by her "boss" she has definitely gotten the hang of things by now.
I'm not too keen on giving her the tail or ears just because I feel like it leans too close into furry territory, not judging I used to be one-
(in 5th grade) buuuttt idk something about it makes me uncomfy🫶🏻😭
I don't feel like this is my best work yet I've definitely done better in the past but I'm proud I guess LOL.
I've been trying to give drawing another shot.
(I haven't drawn something since 6th grade)
I definitely struggled with her hair I finished this drawing super late at night and I couldn't figure out how to do it right or really what I wanted to do with the hair in general 😭
But here are my inspiration pics, you can see the vision. I hope. 🛐
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antvnger · 2 years
hi scott!! sorry i havent been on in ages, but i got really busy with end of the semester and christmas stuff! but i have a lot of good things to share!
i got a B in my art history and my illustration classes (still cant see the grade yet for animation but hopefully it turned out good!)
my uncle got me watercolor pencils and some pigment liners and i was testing them put and the liners are so smooth! and the watercolor pencils look so bright and pretty! i used them to line and color some doodles of ms frizzle i was doing and they look so freakin pretty!!
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and then today, amongst other things i got that i adore i got a turtwig plush that i am in love with cuz turtwig was my very first pokemon! i named her honeycrisp in honor of the one i have in pokemon pearl! and i also got a monster high doll! its draculaura and its the howliday edition and i love her so much! shes one of my favorite characters and im so happy i got her!
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anyways, i really wanted to share some of the things i got for christmas. i hope you have a very merry christmass! ((you tooun! merry christmas!!)
Wow!! You’ve been busy! First of all, good for you on those good grades! I’m proud of you. That’s awesome!
Secondly, can I just say how much I love how those sketches look? Like they just look so pretty. You are totally skilled, and I love it! So awesome!
Thirdly, it looks like you’ve got some cool stuff for Christmas! That’s pretty neat! I’m glad for you!
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Now hopefully you can relax and not be as rushed since school’s over for a while. You’ve earned it.
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aufi-creative-mind · 3 years
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[Pokemon] - NOW and THEN: Diamond / Platinum (2007-08) meets Legends Arceus (2021-2022)
Artist's note: this is a repost. Added more background shadows.
This is a revisit of a quick sketch I did when the Sinnoh remakes and Legend Arceus games were announced. The hype had since then turned into a heavy sense of nostalgia of those childhood memories. Pokemon Ruby was my first Pokemon game but Diamond and later Platinum were the titles that made me into a Pokemon fan. It was also the first time I’ve ever beaten the Elite Four and the Champion - Cynthia especially! - on my own. My biggest achievement as a 11-12 year old.
I can’t wait to get my hands on Brilliant Diamond and Legends Arceus games! Its also kinda fitting that I picked the titles that features the Legendary Pokemon of Time.
BONUS - BACKGROUNDS cuz I am really proud of how they turned out!! :D
Background only - A window view of Mt Coronet.
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Illustration only - Mt Coronet. also drawing trees can drive you crazy
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steve0discusses · 4 years
The Full Metal Alchemist Live Action Movie Part 8: Watch This Episode Covered in Butts be the Only One Not Flagged by Tumblr
Gonna be risky business and not only upload all of these caps the way I screenshot them--which has just SO MANY poorly CGI’d butts but also gonna do it on the Tumblr Drafts folder, which I have been assured works now.
I’m so worried about so many things, but considering all the fears I have about like...everything else in the world right now...I guess I’ll take a risk on tumblr.
Edit: I cannot believe that I had 8ish episodes of Kaiba’s tall dueling tower get flagged but not this movie. I just....wow I cannot.
So anyway, last we left off, General Hakuro stepped in and was like “Hi guys, you like my wily plans that no one in their right mind would have ever guessed???”
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Yo remember this part of the anime? Where the bodies drop from the ceiling and it’s a hunk out of the final arc--it’s here. In this movie. This movie that can’t possibly afford to do that. Lets get some CGI animated bodies in here ASAP.
(see some texture regrets under the cut)
It’s like a Monet, as the Mean Girls say, because far away and shrinked to 500 pixels this looks kinda neat. They sort of look more like those slime ball that grow in the back of your throat rather than human bodies, but they still look pretty gross hanging up there.
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But then.....we zoom in. Remember again that this was full screen on my computer, and at one point was on a freakin movie screen. This level of 3d...was on a movie theater screen.
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The mind boggles. The mind boggles!
Like as you know, I am an artist, and I’ve dabbled in...basically everything in my pursuit to make a dollar...and I have taken about 2 years of classes in 3D art with Maya and all those. I’m not thaaat great at it--I’m much more an illustrator/painter--but I feel like I have that reference point. Can I just say--the model is...fine...you can do a lot with layers of bump maps so you don’t need a truly detailed model (not like they did that, because they didn’t do that, but I can figure that maybe they had an intention to do that and forgot?)
But, there’s no connection of the wires to bodies. They just kinda float? The bodies are also all the same shiny-ness? To the point that it looks like a copy paste? (I don’t think it is, the wires are slightly different on a few of them) There’s just not much in the way of a texture map or a bump map. It just...there’s also something missing from the skin.
Skin is actually kind of rough to render, so when I did it back in the day, I followed like a checklist to make sure I had all the layers and steps to make someone look...clammy. Some things are kinda translucent, they reflect light a different way...especially white skin like this wouldn’t be just...white like putty. Dunno if you ever saw a white person, but we got so many veins...there was so much potential to make something really gross and fleshy.
Instead we got silly putty. It’s fine. I’m fine.
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So General Hakuro decides to just...kill everyone right now.
This makes no sense to me.
That means that the whole thing of Lust killing Hughes was completely unrelated to General Hakuro. All Hakuro needed was Shou Tucker, who has been in prison for...I assume months since Ed shipped him off. And Shou was only released today? Just now? Just now when Hughes was shot?
So this all just happened at the same time by accident?
I mean the General sent us to the wrong lab initially, so he didn’t actually want us to be here, and now that we are here, he’s going to set off an entire army as a reaction to three people walking in and going “oops”?
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So, lets get a look at our army.
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Oh it was so disappointing, this reveal. Not just the eyeball that has a bounce light coming from below the top lip there (how did that even happen???) but also when it opened it’s mouth, it had a flat animation of skin breaking--it wasn’t actually rendered 3d skin, it was like a jpg wrapped around it or something (or at least that was the illusion I got. That is fine for a video game or a TV show, but this is a movie. This is shot so that it can be displayed in a size bigger than your own house.
What happened to the animation team on this one? Not saying I can do better, cuz no, I can’t, that 3d chapter in my life was a while back, but I’m just one guy. This was an entire animation studio and they just...didn’t render 3d face ripping (which is their entire job, to work in 3d) and then they kinda just turned on the stock physics dynamics and dropped em instead of animating them.
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The way they fell was like fish from a bucket--the same amount of speed, too. they all ragdolled like a 3D shooter, their rigs just hanging on for dear life (and yes, you could see the deforming happen on the joints of these models.) I’m fine with having a computer program render something out with a physics engine...but there is a balance.
You do have to still go in there and finangle it back because...real life is hella stupid. Real physics? So stupid. It was hilarious how nonthreatening it was, too because they’re like...the size of shrimps in that zoom out image. The scale is just so wild!
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It was like one bored guy in a sound booth and they multiplied his voice three times. Golden. Absolutely golden.
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So these guys stride over, all of them with the same amount of speed (leading me to think it was probably a recorded walk cycle they all share with slight alterations between all of em) and they kinda just...pile on eachother in a weird way.
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I will give them this: I was happy to see something that wasn’t physics or procedural. They mo-capped and animated that part for sure. It had the touch of an artist’s hand. It was also a very funny way for Hakuro to die because this guy was on screen for like 5 minutes, and maybe 7 minutes of this whole movie.
Youknow...I think it really says a lot about your nude 3d models if they’re not disturbingly human enough to trigger the tumblr filter, youknow?
Anyway, Envy looks on.
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And then Gluttony saves the city.
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Meanwhile, they decide to bust out the fire effects and Mustang becomes the most useful person in this entire movie. Like honestly this movie was poorly named, because it should have just been “Mustang saves the FullMetal Alchemist’s Entire Ass.”
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The next part seems like I forgot a cap, or maybe missed something. I swear to you, I did not.
First off, Al becomes fullmetal and makes this happen without an alchemy circle. The show doesn’t really care to talk about that though, it’s just a thing he can do now, and you’d only notice it if you were writing a Tumblr post about it.
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I swear to you, Winry is just inside of Al and there is no explanation.
There is no explanation for this.
She was on the couch...why is she not on the couch? What?
And then when you think they might have a moment, Ed’s like.
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For reals what the hell was that entire scene except for a way for Ed to get his arm stitched back on in like 2 minutes?
Outside, Envy and Lust are just strolling around the back-alley of this red brick building we have seen used for this entire movie.
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And like...it’s so funny to me because they weren’t trying to run or hide. It makes complete sense why they got shot. This is what happens when you just...walk away when the whole military guard wants to kill you.
Now lets go see how Hawkeye is faring.
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Luckily, all of the ambling bodies have decided to walk slowly through this one weird grass section between extremely long buildings.
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And Hawkeye tells everyone “You have to shoot their heads off” and I want you to look at that scene and tell me how many of those bodies still have heads.
Oh, all of them. Don’t worry about it.
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Kinda hard to see, but Ed shows up to give Mustang a hand, which was fully unnecessary but we’ll get to that in a bit.
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This movie is such a gem.
Ed goes big brain and realizes that Envy is still burned up, and thus is about to pass on.
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And whatever, I’ll take it. It’s not like the movie has told us that they are made out of 1000000 lives, for all we know, in the movie universe, they really are only 4 lives. Like half a cat. Maybe Father only killed half a cat instead of an entire city.
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Yugi Muto would be so freakin proud of Envy for how often this guy gets hit square in the chest with fire balls. It’s basically every scene where Envy and Mustang share screen time.
And don’t worry, I don’t think Envy died? But they sure made it look like he did, which I’m sure everyone everywhere was really happy to see, since Envy’s death was one of the climaxes of the whole series. Like people used to make these lists of “top 10 saddest anime deaths” and how many people had Envy on there? Like everyone? People freakin love Envy and they did him so much dirty in this movie.
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Again I have no explanation for Winry.
So Mustang is like, Ed, you make sure Winry doesn’t biff it in that corner, and I’ll do my actual job over here on this side. And yo, he did.
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And so then that’s it, Lust is dead, and now we have a Sorcerer’s stone.
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Man it looks delicious, right?
I’d eat the hell out of that.
Anyway, we only have one more update and we’re done with this movie!
I know!
I know! They only have 10-15 minutes to resolve pretty much everything, and that’s assuming that the credits don’t take up a heap of that. Hell, I might only have 3 caps next episode if that’s all credits. I honestly don’t remember.
Anyway, hope y’all take it easy this February, here is a link for people who just got here to read these FMA recaps in Chrono order.
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devilsrecreation · 3 years
Thoughts on Muppet Fairy Tales part 4: (last one)
Bella Thorn, the Sleeping Beauty:
Yes, I know it’s a story, but the fact that Big Mean Carl is married to Mean Mama is hilarious to me, since I hc him as aro/ace (how can he not be?)
Also I read Walleye’s rhyming prophesy in his voice and I’m proud of it
And he gets eaten....big surprise
Just sitting here how a monster and a bunny-bear hybrid thing could create a rat (which is our girl, Yolanda btw!)
What the fu-Camilla is Maleficent?....ok...giving Piggy a break
I love how Camilla’s yelling (squawking) just confused everybody
#goodparenting by Carl. Makes me wonder how good he is with kids irl
“as young Yolanda grew up, for she turned out to be modest, good-natured, and an excellent gnawer, and everyone who saw her was bound to fall for her”-cuz she a QUEEN
Apparently, Yolanda is having a quinceñera....I had no idea she was Hispanic (prolly not)
So...Camilla let Yolanda prick her finger and it says here that she “let loose a creepy cackle and disappeared”.....how the hell does a chicken cackle? What does that sound like?
Ooh yay! Fozzie’s in here!
I wonder how Carl really felt about spooning with Mean Mama? He probably hated every minute of it
Aaand just like the others, they get married after knowing each other for two seconds
Clueless Trades a Turtle:
The fact that Clueless has his own story, man. He deserves this moment
I know Clueless is lazy, but he’s getting tired of taking out his turtle?....IT’S A TURTLE
Me, after reading Clueless is gonna marry his neighbor, Dorothy: Lmao look at Clueless pretending to be straight
“She was the type that’d stand near a ketchup bottle and wait for an earthquake”-BRUH😂😂😂
“Those two turtles disturb our best sleep every morning with their inaudible movements and inconvenient need to eat”-honestly, Dorothy just hates turtles
Oh god no. Animal and Clueless are in the same story....this can’t go well
*after reading that Animal’s clearly gonna eat the turtles and Clueless trades them anyway* OH NO I WAS RIGHT
“Husband, chill”-I dunno why, but I like that phrase. It’s the same as “Honey, calm the f down”
Clueless be turning into Zoot at the end of the story. Fell asleep in seconds
No turtles were harmed in the making of this story.....I hope
Pepe and Polly:
The illustration to this one looks VERY promising....cuz I see three of my fav muppets
Of course Waldorf and Statler are in here. Of course! Who else as the parents in this story
“We’re not eating our kids. This isn’t Game of Thrones...”- *WHEEZE*
Damn Waldorf. You’re so dark
According to Waldorf, Pepe misbehaves like crazy (facts) and Polly is apparently the stupid one (excuse you, Polly’s smart)
Also, since Pepe “gets paddled more than a canoe”, why am I imagining he’d like it?
“I dunno. He kinda grows on you”
“So do warts”
And this is why I love W and S. SAVAGE
I like how Statler has some consious and cares for Pepe and Polly. It’s sweet
Awww. Now I’m picturing Polly giving himself a self-pity hug🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ah, the classic insult. “You failed at raising a Tomagachi, how the hell are you gonna take care of a pet?”
Waldorf, you suck at excuses
“Polly always wanted a cracker”—No kidding, sherlock
OBJECTION! In this story, Polly says he lost his other claw while spinning a wheel on the game show “The Price Is Right”, but in the encyclopedia, Polly lost his other claw in a fight. SO HIS TESTIMONY IS FALSE! (I’ve been watching too much Ace Attorney)
Sam is in here? Okay. Makes sense. He IS a bird
There is a vending machine in the forest.....okay
I love how crackers are Polly’s weakness. The minute someone mentions “cracker”, he’s in
“I’m going to have to cook?!?”- Mood
Polly knew Deadly’s British but gumbo (which Deadly’s planning to make using Pepe) is Cajun. See? What a smart boy!
Of course Pepe used the candy cane as his finger (tail) method! Cuz he clever
👏👏👏👏Polly, once again, shows he’s smarter than W and S say he is! Poor Deadly, though
Polly is honestly such a mood in this book
Pretty cool that Sam came back for these two!
Aww, how nice! They’re getting revenge on those geezers by buying their own place and making noise!
Ah, poor Deadly....again. But hey! Nice reference to the other book he was in!
Overall, my favorite story in here! And interesting seeing them as friends when I hc they’re really rivals
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jaygrl22 · 4 years
Fun meta asks for writers: 2, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, because I’m a greedy bitch and not ashamed of it :D
@whether-morning-whether-night​ you may be a greedy bitch but I love you for it 💕💕💕
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
No matter what story I’m working on, I always find myself looking forward to certain scenes. For example, I always love when the main character starts to realize that their love interest might... actually... like them... too? Because it’s super fun to play with those intense moments of omg!!omg!!omg!! mixed with that painfully uncertain doubt. I also love any time a character’s walls get to be down with someone they care about (love interest or otherwise) because I love the tender feelings that come out when our guards are down.
For more concrete answers tho, here’s what I’m currently most looking forward to in my 3 current works in progress:
Monsters & Mystics: Amethyst is currently very nervous over how/if things will be able to go back to the way they were before she turned venomous, and I have a scene in mind where Edward does something quite small but it just screams “I want you in my life & I’ll stay by your side no matter what as long as that’s what you want” and it makes Am feel overwhelmingly loved and emotional and asdfghjkl;asdfghj *flailing arms* Yes.
A Devereux Never Forgets: At this point, I just wanna get the second chapter DONE. But I'm most excited for things that won’t happen until a bit later, like Audrey "holding on” to something important that belongs to Harry, hiding an animal in her dorm room, the Malfoys vacationing in/near her hometown during the summer... Just lots of stuff that I have actually get to.
An Affinity with Fire: The great thing about this wip is that it time jumps every chapter, so I can literally write and post whatever I want whenever I want. But I do still want some build-up to certain things (cuz then otherwise there’s no payoff and what's the point?) like certain traumas Elia has experienced, explosions between her and Cullen in the past, them working through it (and failing but trying again), and them being genuine about their feelings. idk the whole thing is just so cute (and painful) to me 🥰
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Oh gosh... uhhhh... I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. uhhhhh... I was working on An Affinity with Fire last so let me post something from there:
Her fingers trembled as she laced her boots. When was the last time a vision had left her so frightened? Was it the first time she dreamt of the Archdemon flying overhead? The bloodshed at Kinloch Hold? The coming of the war?
All of them shook her to her very core. And yet this one was worse. Far, far worse.
Ash and blood covering the scorched earth. A devoured sky. Millions of deaths across the world playing out in a single instant; each dying scream colliding into one thundering cry. The world in red, bloody chaos. The Fade itself torn asunder. A sea of demons kneeling before a tall, misshapen creature; a dark god, a king of evils, a monster of impossible power.
She shuddered. “One thing at a time,” she told herself. “One foot, then the other.”
Johanna’s advice from all those years ago came back to her. “There’s no sense tripping over your trousers to get to the future on time,” she’d said with a grin.
Elia smiled at the memory until a knock came at the door.
I feel like most of my writing is very... not mundane necessarily but really just focused on capturing what’s happening in the moment. So it’s not very... full of imagery, I guess? but this^ feels very illustrative and I like that. 
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
This is really hard to answer for me because I always start out a character by giving them a piece of myself so that I can identify with them, and then let grow on their own from there. 
So like in M&M, I gave Chris my preteen anger issues, I gave Cypress my desire to have a “normal” life, I gave Dale my childishness & heart on my sleeve, and I gave Amethyst my overthinking & (unintentionally) my depression. But the characters have become their own people now, so even the traits that I share with them are different. My depression and Am’s depression manifest differently, Chris uses her anger while mine just consumed me, etc. etc.
But if you really forced me to pick, it might be... idk maybe Amethyst? Or that might just be because I write from her perspective anyway so I’m already used to wearing her shoes? idk. Honestly it changes every time I think about it haha
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Dale tends to be a lot of fun because he’s always willing to go that extra mile (because he knows he can get away with it). He’s a total dork and just so fun in general. I love getting to be a little wild with him.
I’m also really enjoying writing Elia in AAwF because she is a fascinating character no matter where I’m at in her story: as a child she’s completely out of her element, as a teen she’s a piss poor mage who's always just barely able to skirt by, trauma for d a y s in her late teens/early 20s, forced to deal with boys/men she once loved but hurt her in different ways, falls back in love with one while Thedas is literally on the verge of collapse. Just fun times all around, really.
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favorite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
My characters are always sighing, nodding/shaking their heads, or rolling their eyes 😂 I always have to comb through my rough drafts and ask myself, “Okay, they literally did this TWO SECONDS AGO and THREE TIMES in the last page. How can I change these up but still show what they’re feeling?”
I also think I focus on eyes a lot but I’m a fanfiction writer so what do you expect? at least I generally stick to one shade
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh gosh... I know I have a lot of things I could talk about but I’m drawing a blank... uhhhh... 
One thing in M&M that I really like is that readers get to learn as it goes along. I sometimes sprinkle in real-world Wiccan/witchcraft practice stuff into what’s going on and that helps me sort of... ground this supernatural world, in a way? Like it gives me limits and guides with the non-Essence witches and that’s very helpful.
I might go off a little more on some of these answers at some point but right now I’m very hungry and need to get out of bed ahah 😅
Thanks for asking me stuff!!!💕💕💕
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riajade01 · 7 years
“S-Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me blush…” for Mara and Quinn - cuz we need ALLLLL THE FLUFF YES
HAVE A FRIDAY FLUFF YOU GUYS. My brain has decided it is Done with being a person but at least we have this. I was inspired by the post that went round about Quinn blowing all his credits on upgrades to the male warrior’s ship.
A mug of tea in hand, Mara took the final steps through thehatch to the Fury’s bridge. The silence of her empty ship seemed an exquisiteluxury after weeks of dealing with Thul nobles and assorted other Alderaanianheadaches.
She stopped short at the sight of a pair of well-shaped legssticking out of the maintenance crawlspace on the far side of the bridge.
Quinn jerked at the sound of her voice. She heard the clankof a spanner or some other tool hitting the bottom of the crawlspace.
“My lord!”
He scrambled to his feet and gave her a bow. He was wearinghis uniform pants, but his jacket and utility belt had been discarded, hungneatly over the back of the pilot’s chair. There was a smudge of grease on one toned bicep.
“I see I’m not the only one who needed to escape thehospitality of House Thul.”
“Not at all, my lord, I merely took the opportunity topurchase upgrades to your hyperdrive relays. Thul has access to excellentmanufacturers, as you must know, and I thought it prudent to install themnow.”
The words were rushed and sheepish, as if he expected her tosee through the excuse. Mara smiled knowingly and sat down at the edge of thecrawlspace.
“I assure you your secret is safe with me, Quinn. Truthbe told I had to spend some time away from those people if I am to enduretonight’s ball without murdering someone.” She picked up one of therelays. “So what makes these special?”
Quinn sat down next to her and took the device from herhands.
“It’s quite ingenious, really,” he began, launchinginto a detailed explanation of this particular type of relay and how much moreengine efficiency could be achieved by installing it.
His eyes seemed to glow as he spoke, clearly animated by thetopic, and she leaned back to listen, sipping her tea slowly. At length hetrailed off, feeling her eyes on him. He looked up at her and blushed.
“My lord,” he protested, his eyes sliding awayfrom hers.
“Captain?” she replied, smiling at him over her mug.
“Please, the way you’re looking at me, Icannot…” he trailed off, his blush somehow intensifying, spreading tothe tips of his ears.
“My apologies,” she replied, trying to smooth her featuresback to a neutral expression. “Your enthusiasm is catching, is all.”
“Would you like me to teach you to install them?”
“Of course.”
He dropped into the crawlspace and she followed, nowsurrounded to chest height by the guts of her ship. He led her to the spot he’dbeen leaning over before and opened the housing of one of the existing relays.She bumped into him gently when he stopped moving and wedged herself betweenhim and a conduit. The space was not strictly built for two.
Mara watched his fingers deftly sort through the variouswires connecting to the device and detach them in a specific sequence.
“You won’t be disappointed, my lord,” he said absently asworked. “These set me back a month’s pay each but they’re worth every credit,mark my words.”
Mara frowned.
“You paid for these out of your own funds?”
“Indeed,” he replied without looking up. “I ran an analysisand found there is truly no better way for me to spend my credits than on you.”
Mara’s browstalks climbed into her hairline, her breathimmediately becoming shallow. It took him a moment to realize the import of hiswords, and then he jerked upright to face her.
“That is, I meant to say, there is no better way to spend mycredits than on your ship,” heamended hurriedly.
She barely heard him; in that split second she weighed heroptions, played through every flirtatious interaction they’d had, and came to adecision.
She pressed her lips to his.
It was gentle and chaste. His stubble rasped against herface but his lips were soft and warm.
She felt him panic and pulled back in a rush, cursingherself for misjudging the situation.
“Forgive me, Captain, I-”
He pulled her to him, a hand on the small of her back andthe other at her neck, and kissed her in return, demanding and desperate as hepressed her mouth open. She groaned and opened herself to him eagerly, leaninginto his body.
“Mara, I’ve had just- Oh shit.”
Quinn tore himself away from her at the sound of Vette’svoice, turning away so his back was to them both. Mara grimaced and looked upto see her friend standing in the doorway to the bridge.
“Did you need something, Vette?” She was proud of how steadyher voice was despite her labored breathing.
“Just complaining about the locals,” Vette replied, herviolet eyes round and her lips starting to twitch into a grin. “These Thulcreeps are the worst. Do I have to go to their stupid party tonight?”
“Not if you don’t want to.”
“Good. I’ve got big plans.”
“Let me guess, half a kilogram of dark chocolate and trashyholofilms?”
Vette grinned fully now.
“Of course.”
“You could ditch the party, too; I’m sure you both can thinkof better ways to spend your time, clothes optional.”
“Vette!” That was Quinn, having recovered his voiceslightly, if not his dignity.
“Bye!” Vette giggled and practically skipped off the bridge.
Mara clapped a hand over her mouth to cover a giggle of herown and looked back at Quinn.
“Pain that she is, Vette’s intrusion illustrates why wecannot continue this,” he said firmly.
“I’m sorry?”
He took a deep breath and met her gaze.
“My lord, I am drawn to you, make no mistake. But this isimproper; what if it had been Moff Sarek or one of his lieutenants?”
“Then I would remind them of the consequences of entering aSith’s domain uninvited.”
He opened his mouth to argue and Mara put a gentle hand onhis chest, trying very hard not to notice how warm his flesh was through thethin undershirt.
“As ever, I will not ask you to do anything that makes youuncomfortable, Captain Quinn. Think on it and let me know if you change yourmind.”
She hopped out of the crawlspace and turned back to him.
“You are free to decline this evening’s invitation; anescort is standard for women at an Alderaanian gathering, but I believe I shallbe forgiven, being Sith.”
“That is not necessary, my lord,” he replied, his faceearnest. “I would be honored to escort you.”
Mara studied him for a moment; he was sincere, she couldtell. She nodded.
“Thank you, Captain. Please be ready by 21:00.”
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Love May Dwindle Between Street Fighters, But There Will Always Be Paris
The above is from Bastien Vives, which recently made a reappearance on Twitter (thanks for the heads up @VitaminSteve). Though I’ve known about them for some time now, dating all the way back since 2010, when Eric posted them on GSW!
Anyhow, here are two others in the series…
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I’d also end up sharing another illustration of Bastien’s on GSW myself, which was part of another series…
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BTW, I’ve been trying to get ahold of Bastien for literally years now, so if anyone could please pass this post along to him, along with the following message, that would be awesome:
“Bastien! I’m a HUGE fan of your work and would love to work together! There’s an art show I’m putting together and would be honored to have you take part! So let’s talk; my email is [email protected].”
So what else has been going on? Well, lots of stuff as usual, though for starters, there’s going to be a Papers Please? movie! Well, a short film at least; here’s @dukope with some production shots…
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Also, according to Eric at his regular digs, there’s gonna be another Seaman!
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Hopefully this one makes it onto US shores, cuz I’m still bummed that the last follow up for the PS2 never arrived here…
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As for “actual news”, you know how Trump brought out the best in folks on Twitter this past week? Including those who enjoy making game related gags, and this one might be the my personal fave (via @Nibellion)…
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Coming in at a close second we have (via we-love-gaming)…
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Speaking of Pokemon; a Blastoise sculpture made out of cheese for whatever reason (via retrogamerblog)…
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And here have a more traditional definition of “art”; it’s an oil painting of Marisa Kirisame, and kbnet explains: “Artist is Zarigani Misawa, an art teacher by trade. There was a small exhibition of Touhou art done in traditional media on the 28th where this photo was taken”…
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The Verge recently highlighted the work of Matt Anderson, it didn’t so much make me think of what Zelda game on a smart phone could look like but instead a Zelda game in the hands of CAPY…
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Here’s a video that’s gotten a surprising amount of attention, though perhaps I shouldn’t be too surprised; The 8-Bit Guy decided to restore a pair of old games that were more than a little rough around the edges, which ended up upsetting classic game and preservationists. And while I understand where they’re coming from, I also love the total DIY route that Dave (aka The 8-Bit Guy’s real first name, I think) employed when replacing the label for Pitfall…
And here’s a video that hardly anyone has seen, which I’m hoping to correct: my buddy Andy Reitano has been showcasing NESpectre, a project by himself and his pal Zachary Johnson, for quite some time now (my first taste was at the last, and I do mean last, IndieCade East).
Basically, it’s a modified NES that allows people to alter various aspect of a given game by logging in via their smart phones. It’s also one of those things in which you need to see it action to understand, so here’s Andy’s talk from SIGNAL last week…
BTW, some may recall another project of Andy’s I mentioned around this parts a whiles ago as well, that being Super Russian Roulette. The following was posted on Twitter; “First official run of @adamgetsawesome's batch programming GUI. Wirelessly flashing 5 NES carts at once (with progress bars!)”
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Elsewhere on Twitter, another example of game development, courtesy of @dosnostalgic…
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And back to the subject of hardware tricky; am not entire sure what’s going on here, which I spotted over at cf-12’s corner, when looking to see if he’s been up to anything new since last checking in…
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All right, enough of the house that Mario built, let’s talk Sega, yet also sticking with hardware innovations… or Innoventions as Disney calls them. Here we have the latest from home movie from My Retro Life, which again proudly flaunts the Esposito family’s affinity for the house that Sonic built, even while vacationing at Disney World…
All I can say is, I would gladly opt for Virtua Formula (that eight player linked Virtua Racing set-up that you might miss if you blink) over that dumbass looking Avatar thing they currently have going on.
And sticking with Sega for just a bit more; some not so funny jokes from a not so funny Sonic joke book (via sonicthehedgeblog). While not directly contributing to them eventually bowing out of the home console business, I still can’t help wonder how little it helped them either…
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Remember my mention of an Ulala Figma from a few weeks ago? Well, here it is “in action” (this is mostly just a chance to showcase Good Smile Company’s YouTube page, which I had idea existed until now)…
Do you also recall that unpainted TwinBee toy I posted pics of a few weeks ago also? Well, here it is in color, cuz it’s now available for pre-order (via miki800.com)…
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And a reminder of how Konami used to be a fun place to work, as well as how Konami is attached to Frogger (via vgjunk)…
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Please enjoy this downpour of Famicom Disk System discs (via gamergunk)…
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Also please enjoy this latest reminder of how batsh*t insane Sonic Blast Man is (via obscurevideogames)…
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You know that girl that really likes Sega, as evidenced by the Saturn she wears on her head? Well, she’s into SNK as well, as evidenced by the new shirt that our pals at Fangamer recently released…
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Speaking of SNK, I finally have a reason to share the marquee for the mini 2slot MVS that were in certain McDonald’s in Japan. Been looking for the perfect time to share this for ages now (via @turfmasta)…
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Here’s something that originally aired on Japanese TV and which I stumbled across on YouTube…
I’ve looked high and low and cannot find any hard info, so all I have are observations. So for those of you who don’t feel like watching the 20+ minute long clip: for starters, it’s clearly a show that highlights retro gaming, and one of the hosts is… the creator of Dragon Quest?!?! Actually, one of the hosts simply strikes a very close resemblance to Yuji Horii (I’m pretty sure if he was hosing a show, it would be somewhat common knowledge). Also, everyone’s wearing snazzy THUNDERBOX attire!
I believe the guest is the dude whose apartment we visit, which is overflowing with Famicom boxes. Am shocked that he’d allow television cameras come visit, but hey, more power to the guy for being so proud of his collection. We immediately cut to a segment on controllers for the Famicom, with the highlight being an inflatable motorcycle! After that is their version of the Power Pad and their version of the Power Glove. Turns out, the latter is just as unmanageable as its American equivalent. And finally they bust out the Switch cuz the milking mini game in 1-2-Switch makes for great television.
And finally here, gonna wrap things up with the final thing I shared in that GSW post of mine that I posted at the very top. Which basically served as the prototype for the Attract Mode blog, as anyone can tell. Anyhow, here we have the ultimate dream team of Link and WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon…
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Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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torinspeer-blog · 7 years
1. What’s your first name? Torin 2. What are you listening to right now? 
The ambient noises of my property. OH! SHIT! Uhhh... punk rock Spotify playlist-punk pop's not dead 3. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna fish sandwich 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
"Attention: important seniors!" Medicare 5. Do you drink? 
🤤🤤🤤 6. Do you smoke? 
Only to give myself cancer!👍👏👏🙌💯 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? 
I think it depends on the individual? I mean I'm an intuition dom and have ADHD so it's not like I notice🤷‍♀️ 8. What is your hair color? 
Very dark brown 9. What is your eye color?
Hazel 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? 
Reading glasses 11. Dogs or cats? 
dogs no shit you ever seen a kitters run around like a little glob weeaboo? Uhuh I didn't think so hun! 12. What’s your favorite animal? 
ANY ANIMAL THAT CUDDLES ME AND MAKES ME FEEL LESS ALONE!!!!! 13. What’s your favorite television show? 
Parks and rec probably (seen the ending? On the emotional level it's more like parks and rekt am I fucking right guys? YEET!) 14. What’s your favorite movie? 
Farris buellers day off what am I a hipster? 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? 
19. I'm old enough to know a thing or two. Like, literally. I know one thing and maybe another but no more than that. 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes... don't worry. I burry my feelings deep inside my soul just like every other well adjusted adult 18. What’s your sexual orientation? 
I thought I was bi but then a bi guy said hi from behind and that thought ended 19. What’s your favorite color?
blue? Red? Purple? I'm more of a... ummm... shit 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? 
😂😂😂 ok, so there was this one time, I was born, and it got soooooyyyt awkward!!😂😂😳 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? 
Oh god I have enough extisensial dread as is holy shit take that to someone else 22. What were you like when you were a kid? 
Lazy, stupid, and never gonna accomplish anything with a work ethic like that hahahaHAHAHAHA SOMEBODY TAKE THE PAIN AWAY 23. What would your dream house be like? 
A little house in the prairies where I can sit in the front yard with my wife in a rocking chair and watch my grandchildren play 24. What last made you laugh? 
My last joke, bitch 25. What is your favorite word? 
Romp... hehehe. It makes me think of cute little bunny rabbits hopping along in the woods 26. What is your least favorite word? 
ME NOT BEING ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE (holy shit I mean these are jokes but like god do I need therapy? Holy shit). 29. What is your star sign? 
Sometimes, when I'm lost, I like to look for a sign to know whether I'm standing in the light of the word, or its darkness (the joke is that I use the sun as a sign for if it's daytime hartyharhar). 30. What are your favorite books? 
 31. Do you have any siblings? 
two brothers and two sisters 32. Do you like to dance? Depends if you count air guitar and awkward lanky jolting as dancing cuz if yes THEN YA IM THE FUCKING MLG TRICK SHOT KING OF THAT SHIT. 33. What is your definition of cheating? 
Summoning help in dark souls 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? 
Nope 35. Do you regret anything? 
Who the hell doesn't? Regret is a natural and essential piece of the human condition. It's horrible, but it teaches us how to live. 36. Do you have any phobias? Tight spaces high spaces suffocating in spaces (pluralized by virtue of multiverse theory) standing in line waiting to talk getting cut off cutting someone off cutting myself my memes not being fresh enough you know normal people stuff 37. Ever broken any bones? Sadly, no😔 38. Ever come close to death? 
I mean I almost killed myself several time soooo... (guys before you ask I'm ok now don't worry I'm just figuring my shit out😂😂) 39. What is your religion, if any? 
I worship at the holy grail of Cthulhu ahem check your privilege 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? 
Yes. I had a crush on her. Refer to question #27 41. Are looks important in a relationship? 
They aren't the most important thing but yes I like being sexually attracted to people I'll potentially fuck exclusively for the rest of my life 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? 
I refuse to identify commonalities 43. What is your favorite season? 
Springs, or fall. I don't pay attention but I live in Arizona so whatever time my balls aren't stuck to my pants🤗 44. Do you have any tattoos? 
No but if I did it would just be "[]" because it's basically "[insert here]" brackets so I could tell people it's for or means or is about anything I want to. 45. Do you have any piercings? 
No. But I have pierced myself IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN😂😂🙌💯 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
1? One lasted four days does that count? Cuz then it's 2. God... I need to get laid. OR HAVE AN ADORABLE HUNAM TO CUDDLE AND TALK TO AND DO THE DIRTY WITH AS THE CHERRY ON TOP OF HER CHERRY😂😂😂 oh god I kill myself😂 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? As MBTI lore would suggest (I'm an enfp btw howdy), my soul belongs to sexy anime babes. 48. Who is your celebrity crush? ... that just made me feel lonely and I don't know why 49. Are you a virgin? 😉 50. Do you get jealous easily? Depends on the situation. I always keep it under wraps though. 51. What is your favorite type of food? 
Hell ya my dude! 53. Who was your first kiss with? 
My first girlfriend. 54. Have you ever been cheated on? 
... 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? 
No idea. Just as long as we connect really well and I have the sense of finding someone who actually makes sense as a person and does that in a way complimentary to who I am. Talk about life I guess. NO HOLY SHIT TALK ABOUT LIFE FUCK YES!!!! 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
Introverted extrovert😉😉😉 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? 
I doubt it but I believe in a neighboring universe where Hitler doesn't have a mustache soooo.... 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? 
Self esteem 59. What is your saddest memory? 
Hahahaha... no 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
no but I do believe in getting your jimmies rustled on first sight😉 61. Do you believe in soul mates? 
I'm a nihilist. I believe in finding someone who fits you well enough that the tear in your soul is mostly ignorable, but not anyone who's made for you 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? 
No 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? 
So one of the definitions for my name in urban dictionary is "Torin: likes to masturbate with the slimy sea creatures of the sea to get that real pussy feel. Synonymous with 'squids'."... apparently that escalated from fiction to fact very quickly. 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? 
It depends. Ends justify the means. For example: I would stomp several puppies to death in an absolutely brutal fashion in order to save the lives of millions of children starving to death in Africa. 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 
I've struggled with depression since 8th grade. I'm fairly certain their are missing pieces of my personality, which would explain why there's a different version of me for every person and why I forget who I am after just like 2 days of being alone. I don't cry a lot but it's not for healthy reasons. 66. Who are you jealous of?
Basically everyone 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? 
NO BUT NOW I WANT TO I JUST GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY FEELING 68. How long was your longest relationship? 
About six months 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? 
It's in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't really matter which one it is though, it only matters what you do with what's left. 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? 
😳 I'll wait to tell you until the third date😉 71. Who are your closest friends?
Currently a college friend who's out of state. I tend not to stay particularly close to people for too long tho... ok well shit now I'm sad 72. Are you in a relationship? 
Nope 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? 
I don't even have a joke wow fuck I'm lonely 74. Are you a bad person? 
STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT THIS SHIT IF I DO AND I DECIDE IM NOT I WILL SLIP INTO A SEVERE DEPRESSION that sounded funny in my head holy shit no it was not 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? 
I fight for love💁 76. What did you do on your last birthday? 
Some stuff my mother wouldn't be proud of 77. What is your favorite quote and why? 
“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain. It illustrates some things I'm not in the mindset to process 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? 
NUUUUUUUUUU FUCKIN STAAAAHHHHHPPP I WILL CRY 5EVR 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? 
Beat my bitch ass (holy shit I need to process stuff stop asking me these questions I thought I had a healthy-ish self esteem but clearly not #sendhalp) 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? 
I have ADHD, so probably process everything at once and feel to panicked to do anything. That or the stimulation would be enough that I'd do everything and anything I wanted with no inhibitions. 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? 
One time I sucked on this hot chicks nipples and not only did it taste nasty but the nipple grew and stabbed my fucking throat OMG I DEEPTHROATED A NIPPLE THAT JUST CLICKED WTF 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? 
In a relationship, if it's with the right person. 83. Who were you in a past life? 
Mark Twain Bitch! 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? 
I have no idea. None of them exist in a vacuum. They only matter in context of everything else. 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? 
The majority of my life since my first boner yes. 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? 
Oh I had like fucking 10 but they were all tv show characters except for one and I didn't like him that much. 87. If you were the president, what would you do? 
I would gather as much information as possible about the most important matters and work down from there. 88. What is your ideal career? 
Rn, comedian 89. What is your political affiliation? INDEPENDENT BITCH! 90. Are you conservative or liberal? 
I'm left leaning. I identify more with liberal values but both are important in order to balance eachother out (that's why our political atmosphere is so volatile. Used to be we'd have a democrat then a republican and they'd switch every year, but congress would have the opposite orientation as the president. Now we have a switching one party system every year.) 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? 
No. I'm constantly aware of everything going on around me so I need some privacy. 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? 
humans can choose super powers (I'm keeping this one from the last guy's answers fucking savage dude) 94. Where would you like to live? 
NEW YORK CITY 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? 
NEW YORK CITY EXCEPT I STAY THERE 96. Describe yourself in one word. 
eclectic 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. 
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loyallogic · 6 years
5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges
“I’m beautiful in my way, cuz God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track, baby cuz I was born this way.”
It is totally correct when we say that films are a reflection of our society. This is truly depicted when we see movies like ‘I am Sam’, ‘Bill on his Own’, ‘Bonds of Love’, ‘I Never Promised You A Rose Garden’, ‘The Kid from Nowhere’, ‘Tare Zameen Par’, ‘Margarita with a Straw’.
Many believe that persons with intellectual and developmental challenges cannot function in society and are unable to meet the physical or emotional demands of normal life. People believe that they cannot handle the challenges of daily life and are not able to contribute as ‘normal’ people do. These misconceptions have built a stereotype which has taken a strong hold on minds. However modern day cinema, otherwise used as a tool for entertainment, has tried to change these misconceptions, showing the true reality of the lives of people with challenges. By destroying the false impressions that so many have, they have shone a light on the possibilities that those with challenges can actualize. With only small efforts from us, they show that persons with challenges can be not at all different from us, in fact, they are just the same.
THE KID FROM NOWHERE is a TV movie, which came out in 1982. It portrays a story of a single mother who is overprotective of her intellectually challenged son, denying him a normal social life, which makes him angry and difficult. The movie illustrates the struggles that a family must go through every day. However, things start to change when the boy began to train for Special Olympics, gaining self-esteem in the process and his mother learning finally, to let go. The story travelled beautifully from the mother fearing what the society says, to becoming proud of her son. The film received a hugely positive reaction from the audience.
BILL ON HIS OWN, “Why do you want to learn?” when the teacher asked Bill (60 years old) he simply said “Because if I learn, then I’ll be a regular good man.” The classic Hollywood comedy ‘Bill on his Own’ (1983) is a story about Bill, who is an intellectually challenged man who wishes to live freely in the society just like everyone. After many years living in an institution, Bill is mesmerized by how beautiful the outside world is. With the desire to learn and live independently, Bill starts his journey of many challenges and new friends. And along this journey, he meets people who really care and love him. The movie met positive reviews as its simple story-line was capable to grab the attention of many viewers, helping to change the perceptions they had earlier held.
I AM SAM is an American film released in 2001. It showcases the story of Sam, a single father with intellectual disability, who wants to raise his daughter alone after the mother of the child abandoned them. With emotions as the prime tool taken by the director, the movie goes through the different phases of the lives of Sam (father) and Lucy (daughter). When Lucy is sent to a foster home, Sam fights for her custody in court. Despite the serious intellectual challenges Sam faces, he proves that he can take care of Lucy independently, and can be a caring father. At the end of several twists and turns, Sam wins custody of his daughter. The movie shows that how, despite the considerable challenges that he had, Sam won the hearts of all and proved that he can also be a part of the society as normally as others. The movie went to win many awards and opened the eyes of many people.
TAARE ZAMEEN PAR is a 2007 Indian drama, revolves around Ishaan, an 8 year old child with dyslexia. Although excellent in arts, young Ishaan is unable to get good grades in academics. With the school making repeated complaints about Ishaan’s distraction, the frustrated father sends him off to a boarding school. Ishaan’s arts teacher at the new school, the role played by Aamir Khan, suspects that Ishaan has dyslexia and he helps him to deal with his challenges. The story generates a slew of emotions as it travels through Ishaan’s life, from when he is misunderstood by his parents, to being accepting of his true self. The movie got universal praise from the critics and went on being one of the top movies of 2007. The movie made a huge impact on people’s assumptions on dyslexia and changed their thinking about it.
MARGARITA WITH A STRAW is a 2014 Bollywood movie which centres on the life of Laila who has Cerebral Palsy. Each step, each turn brings difficulties in her life, and the movie shows how she overcomes them through her positive attitude. It depicts the struggle as well as the power that individuals have to meet each challenge. It describes how every person’s desires and needs are the same as everybody else, despite being ‘normal’ or challenged. The movie received critical appraisal all over the globe and won many awards. The colourful story of Laila decodes the struggles faced by people with Cerebral Palsy but also shows how people can be happy despite all the difficulties.
With these movies, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Ina time in which people are joining hands to come together for equality, movies like these take giant steps towards equity for people with challenges. Each movie mentioned above shows the different struggles and difficulties that persons with challenges go through, every day of their lives. It shows how we, as members of society, create their nightmares for them. These movies represent the fight that these warriors must fight every day to get adjusted and accepted within their own communities. Playing to the emotions as a primary strategy to win the hearts of people and open the window of their mind, cinema has been an amazing medium of change. What non-governmental organizations, the medical profession and support groups could not do, Hollywood and Bollywood have done. Film is a medium so strong, it leaves an impression on humdrum lives forever. With the right direction, it hits its target and moves onwards, ending misconception and making the lives of PwC just a little easier.
So let us take a pledge and move to end the typecast preconceptions about persons with challenges which has inhabited the minds of members of society – us – for a lifetime. Let us extend a hand of support to persons with challenges and walk with them towards equality, so that they can also have a chance to live life fully and freely. Remember even though persons with challenges are not same as others, they are not different from others.
“Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you’re set on the right on the right way, cuz you were born to be brave and you are born this way.”
About the author: Karan Yadav is a trainee journalist from India Today Media Institute, currently pursuing Post Graduate Diploma and was working as an intern at Amrit Foundation of India.
(This article was originally published by the Amrit Foundation of India. To know more about the organization please click here!)
The post 5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges appeared first on iPleaders.
5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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juudgeblog · 6 years
5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges
“I’m beautiful in my way, cuz God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track, baby cuz I was born this way.”
It is totally correct when we say that films are a reflection of our society. This is truly depicted when we see movies like ‘I am Sam’, ‘Bill on his Own’, ‘Bonds of Love’, ‘I Never Promised You A Rose Garden’, ‘The Kid from Nowhere’, ‘Tare Zameen Par’, ‘Margarita with a Straw’.
Many believe that persons with intellectual and developmental challenges cannot function in society and are unable to meet the physical or emotional demands of normal life. People believe that they cannot handle the challenges of daily life and are not able to contribute as ‘normal’ people do. These misconceptions have built a stereotype which has taken a strong hold on minds. However modern day cinema, otherwise used as a tool for entertainment, has tried to change these misconceptions, showing the true reality of the lives of people with challenges. By destroying the false impressions that so many have, they have shone a light on the possibilities that those with challenges can actualize. With only small efforts from us, they show that persons with challenges can be not at all different from us, in fact, they are just the same.
THE KID FROM NOWHERE is a TV movie, which came out in 1982. It portrays a story of a single mother who is overprotective of her intellectually challenged son, denying him a normal social life, which makes him angry and difficult. The movie illustrates the struggles that a family must go through every day. However, things start to change when the boy began to train for Special Olympics, gaining self-esteem in the process and his mother learning finally, to let go. The story travelled beautifully from the mother fearing what the society says, to becoming proud of her son. The film received a hugely positive reaction from the audience.
BILL ON HIS OWN, “Why do you want to learn?” when the teacher asked Bill (60 years old) he simply said “Because if I learn, then I’ll be a regular good man.” The classic Hollywood comedy ‘Bill on his Own’ (1983) is a story about Bill, who is an intellectually challenged man who wishes to live freely in the society just like everyone. After many years living in an institution, Bill is mesmerized by how beautiful the outside world is. With the desire to learn and live independently, Bill starts his journey of many challenges and new friends. And along this journey, he meets people who really care and love him. The movie met positive reviews as its simple story-line was capable to grab the attention of many viewers, helping to change the perceptions they had earlier held.
I AM SAM is an American film released in 2001. It showcases the story of Sam, a single father with intellectual disability, who wants to raise his daughter alone after the mother of the child abandoned them. With emotions as the prime tool taken by the director, the movie goes through the different phases of the lives of Sam (father) and Lucy (daughter). When Lucy is sent to a foster home, Sam fights for her custody in court. Despite the serious intellectual challenges Sam faces, he proves that he can take care of Lucy independently, and can be a caring father. At the end of several twists and turns, Sam wins custody of his daughter. The movie shows that how, despite the considerable challenges that he had, Sam won the hearts of all and proved that he can also be a part of the society as normally as others. The movie went to win many awards and opened the eyes of many people.
TAARE ZAMEEN PAR is a 2007 Indian drama, revolves around Ishaan, an 8 year old child with dyslexia. Although excellent in arts, young Ishaan is unable to get good grades in academics. With the school making repeated complaints about Ishaan’s distraction, the frustrated father sends him off to a boarding school. Ishaan’s arts teacher at the new school, the role played by Aamir Khan, suspects that Ishaan has dyslexia and he helps him to deal with his challenges. The story generates a slew of emotions as it travels through Ishaan’s life, from when he is misunderstood by his parents, to being accepting of his true self. The movie got universal praise from the critics and went on being one of the top movies of 2007. The movie made a huge impact on people’s assumptions on dyslexia and changed their thinking about it.
MARGARITA WITH A STRAW is a 2014 Bollywood movie which centres on the life of Laila who has Cerebral Palsy. Each step, each turn brings difficulties in her life, and the movie shows how she overcomes them through her positive attitude. It depicts the struggle as well as the power that individuals have to meet each challenge. It describes how every person’s desires and needs are the same as everybody else, despite being ‘normal’ or challenged. The movie received critical appraisal all over the globe and won many awards. The colourful story of Laila decodes the struggles faced by people with Cerebral Palsy but also shows how people can be happy despite all the difficulties.
With these movies, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Ina time in which people are joining hands to come together for equality, movies like these take giant steps towards equity for people with challenges. Each movie mentioned above shows the different struggles and difficulties that persons with challenges go through, every day of their lives. It shows how we, as members of society, create their nightmares for them. These movies represent the fight that these warriors must fight every day to get adjusted and accepted within their own communities. Playing to the emotions as a primary strategy to win the hearts of people and open the window of their mind, cinema has been an amazing medium of change. What non-governmental organizations, the medical profession and support groups could not do, Hollywood and Bollywood have done. Film is a medium so strong, it leaves an impression on humdrum lives forever. With the right direction, it hits its target and moves onwards, ending misconception and making the lives of PwC just a little easier.
So let us take a pledge and move to end the typecast preconceptions about persons with challenges which has inhabited the minds of members of society – us – for a lifetime. Let us extend a hand of support to persons with challenges and walk with them towards equality, so that they can also have a chance to live life fully and freely. Remember even though persons with challenges are not same as others, they are not different from others.
“Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you’re set on the right on the right way, cuz you were born to be brave and you are born this way.”
About the author: Karan Yadav is a trainee journalist from India Today Media Institute, currently pursuing Post Graduate Diploma and was working as an intern at Amrit Foundation of India.
(This article was originally published by the Amrit Foundation of India. To know more about the organization please click here!)
The post 5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges appeared first on iPleaders.
5 Films That Challenge Society’s Views About Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Challenges syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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anipwrites · 8 years
24- 29 :)
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
I think my favorite scene I’ve written ever is probably either when Nathanael gets reakumatized in A Darkened Soul, when Nathanael is fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir in the same story, or when Le Dessinateur, Reflekta, and Princess Fragrance all fight Ladybug and Chat Noir in The Disposables. Or when Nathanael meets and talks to Master Fu in Ain’t Clowning Around. Or literally whenever a clown appears in Ain’t Clowning Around. Its so hard to choose just one.
(Skips 25 to put it at the end)
26. story you’re most proud of
Honestly? It’s not the most popular one, but I’m really proud of Ain’t Clowning Around. Its nowhere near finished, and I’m hoping to make it a series, but its the first time I’ve ever bent canon this far and I think it’s going pretty well. Alternatively, A Darkened Soul, because it’s the first time I’ve ever finished a fanfic that wasn’t just a one-shot. And Last Christmas, because it was directly based off of my favorite Christmas song in all eternity, and I actually DIDN’T just copy and paste the lyrics into the fic like I do with any other songfic, and it came out really well imo, so.
(Skips 27 because that gets long too)
28. worst review you ever got 
“I'll be honest: I expected this to be a bit more... Serious and mature.” on ff.net, The Disposables, Chapter 2. Like, geez, if you want ‘serious’ and ‘mature’ then write your own. Its going to be fairly serious, but you need a bit of comedy between the serious to relax, right? I think. Unless this guy just loves to orgasm off seriousness in fanfic or something. Like, Chill, my dude.
“Why didn't Nathaniel just draw new clothes? XD” on ff.net, THe Living Nightmare, Chapter 3. I mean, I’m just being salty with this one, but. Wow. Its almost as if he’s not going to do that neXT CHAPTER. HE WAS GONNA UNTIL IVAN’S DAD GAVE HIM PAJAMAS TO WEAR HOLY SHIT DUDE.
“They're being mean to them because they murdered six kids to try and get out and commit more genocide to be free, taking their souls. Oh, and they can shoot energy beams. And fireballs. And summon hordes of flies.It's called "reasonable suspicion" or "reasonable concern". Every single monster can do magical attacks of some kind in the game as we saw. And can claim souls after killing a human. No normal human can do that. Humans have every reason to be A LITTLE AFRAID of these monsters, dude. It's not just a matter of "cuz they're different". I see that over and over again with Undertale works, and every time I have to shake my head. It's just simply a lie to say it's simple racism. This isn't like being afraid of black people or Asians, where the only difference is skin color. No black person can teleport around, or have bones pop up to barrel into you, or shoot magic spears!” SurfaceTale, Chapter 1, Fanfiction.net. Like, okay, this was the VERY first review I got on this story, and it was my first time writing fanfiction in a really long time, and I had written it together with my friend, and I was so excited to finally put it up and then I got THIS in my inbox. Honestly probs one of the reasons I didn’t continue it.
29. favorite story/poem of another author
*sigh* okay lets GO 11 PM CONFIDENCE DON’T FAIL ME NOW
“The Weight of Jade” by @thelastpilot​
“Illusions and Illustrations” by @nobodys-pearls​ (is this the right one omg)
“The Akuma Hunger Games” by @queenkubdel​
Thats about it thats all I can remember off the top of my head I am SORRY but also these stories both inspired me the most to write. Like, Illusions and Illustrations inspired me to write Casual Villainy (which lead to A Darkened Soul) and Ain’t Clowning Around (which lead to about everything else), and Illusions AND Jade both are like *wipes tear* writing GOALS OH MY GOD. Like the Warriors series is what inspired me to write in the first place but these two are what inspired me to write AGAIN OH MY GOD
And Akuma Hunger Games is a good read for a few laughs and its genuinely entertaining and I think about it when I’m sad to cheer me up sometimes.
asks for fanfic writers
25. favorite line you’ve ever written
Oh my gosh. So hard. I’ll just post a few favorites. Just a warning that some aren’t as eloquent and symbolic as you might be expecting from an author lol.
This is where this starts to get long, so read below. (I can never keep these short dammit)
“The Evillustrator stood before her. But most importantly, her son did. He was hurt, and he needed to be saved from the beast that had taken over him.
The only problem was he clearly didn't want help.”  A Darkened Soul, Chapter 2
“Feline fucker”  ADS, Chapter 2
“The Evillustrator heard her and scoffed. "Do you really think you can stop me with those?! Fat chance, Lady Bitch!"
"Hey! Language!" she huffed, crossing her arms as she looked around for any indication on how to use the round stones in her hand.”  ADS, Chapter 2
““...well, I mean, he didn’t say anything, but he was there, and to be completely honest neither of them had to do that. They could’ve just left me there, and I’m really glad they didn’t. It’s almost like… I dunno how to explain it, but it’s like… I mean, they’re the heroes of Paris. They deal with crazies all the time, they don’t really have to stop and help each and every time. And yet, they do it anyways. They definitely helped Paris that Saturday, but they took a bit of time and helped me too. And I’m grateful.” Nathanael took a breath. “They reminded me that people make mistakes, but in the end, I still have friends to fall back on. Whether it’s Chloe tormenting us, or Ms. Mendeleev talking shit about our grades, or if we just woke up on the wrong side of bed, we have people to support us. And I’m grateful for that; some people don’t have half as much. And I hope that I can find the courage to be a support system for someone else.””  ADS, Chapter 4
“He felt a sharp burning seize his chest and his heart beat fast with adrenaline. He wasn't going to let this happen if he could stop it. Nathanael Kurtzberg was not going to be to blame for some poor old man dying from a construction accident. He was there, he could do something, so he would. Or at least try his best. His grip against his sketchbook shifted into a one-handed gasp as he rushed forwards. He wasn’t aware of the fact that he was shouting for the man to ‘look out’, was barely aware of the fact that he was actually doing this until he grabbed the old man and pushed him aside, away from the path of the falling brick.” Ain’t Clowning Around, Chapter 2
“all he saw was his reflection in the mug, and he didn't much like what he saw. A too-short, too-scared boy with no one who cared for him, not even his own parents. How pathetic. He only felt more pathetic when he looked up and saw the sympathetic look in the old man’s eyes.” ACA, Chapter 2
“‘You wanted to drown Marinette and Chat Noir!’
‘You wanted to torture me!’
‘You wanted to work for Hawkmoth!’
That’s all he was, all he was ever going to be, a monster! Why was he cursed like this, why did he remember so much, why! Had he really wanted it? Had he really wanted all of that?! If given the chance again, would he accept Hawkmoth’s deal with open arms?! Was he just a tool?! Would he say no, was it possible to say no?!” ACA, Chapter 2
“A sudden flash of color caught his eye just enough for him to turn his head slightly, and he felt his heart skip a beat at what he saw. It was the clown. It lifted a finger and beckoned for him to come closer, to cross the street and hear whatever he had to say. Every instinct told him to run, his brain was screaming for him to fight or fly, he felt his muscles tense for a sudden outburst of energy. And yet, something was telling him to come closer. This clown clearly wanted something, maybe he had dropped an ID or something and he was trying to give it back? Curiosity began to overtake the panic in his brain, and he almost crossed the street.” ACA, Chapter 3
“Nathanael Kurtzberg was not having this voodoo crap.” ACA, Chapter 3
“For maybe the second or third time that day, adrenaline tore its way through his veins and he punched the clown in the face, right in the nose, and felt a satisfying crack.” ACA, Chapter 3 (This line and the other one are one after the other but they’re favs for two different reasons so)
“He wouldn’t have to deal with Chloe and creepy clowns if he was dead.” ACA, Chapter 4. Me too, Nathanael, me too.
“What the hell was in that tea that old man gave him earlier?!” ACA, Chapter 4. Pfffft bahahahaha
“Soon he barely even felt her there, barely even felt the pencil in his hand or the desk under him. He just felt his eyelids getting heavy, and his body felt weightless. His pencil was moving in his hand, but it felt distant, unattached. The lamplight dimmed as the word vanished behind his eyelids.” ACA, Chapter 4. First time I’ve ever really written someone slowly falling asleep while doing something, and after getting some help on it, I really like how it turned out.
““Holy fuck, I’m late!” Nathanael exclaimed, jumping to his feet as he scrambled to get his things together. His alarm had been ringing for twenty minutes already, school was going to start in thirty, and it took fifteen to get over there! How had he missed the alarm?!A quick glance at his phone revealed that the ringer had been switched off.
Nathanael hated his phone.” ACA, Chapter 5. Me too, Nathanael.
“Nathanael swallowed. He wasn’t going to let them get to him this time. Biting remarks tended to cause things to take bad turns when it came to Chloe. He’d have to find another way to defuse the--
“Well, at least he has a mom!” Everyone’s jaw dropped to the floor at Lila’s comment. then Chloe’s eyes narrowed viciously.
Goddammit, Lila.” ACA, Chapter 5. Me too, just--Goddammit, Lila.
““Well, fuck!!” he jumped up and grabbed his bookbag and his hat again.“Nathanael!”“Sorry, I meant frick!”” ACA, Chapter 6.
“Did she understand how much she'd taken from him? Everyone had heard of her little speech about how her locker was her 'private garden' and how those who entered without permission 'broke her soul and stole her privacy.' If some dumb locker was a private garden, his sketchbook had been Eden. And Chloe had just broken in with a steamroller and turned paradise into a wasteland.” The Living Nightmare, Chapter 1
“Why was Chloe Bourgeois allowed to stomp around like some kind of tyrant and crush everyone's emotions underfoot with no consequence? It wasn't fair, it just wasn't, he--
The room took a hazy purple glow as a dark voice dripped like sweet poison into his ears.” TLN (I just love writing people getting akumatized or re-akumatized but this is one of my favorites for just how SUDDEN it is)
“"I… I said no." he felt so much power in that word. Last year, he'd been faced in this situation and had said yes. This simple, two-letter word had so much strength now. He'd fallen before, he'd let him control him before. But not today.” TLN, Chapter 1
“His answer came to him in the form of a sharp pain in his chest. He let out a strangled scream as the pain branched out from his chest and into every fiber of his being. It felt like he was being torn in half, limb by limb, atom by atom, molecule by molecule. As the world went black around him, he thought he heard Hawkmoth's evil laughter. He thought he heard Chloe's mocking cackle.
He thought he saw his fingertips turning purple.” TLN, Chapter 1. Like, Jesus Christ, for how much I hate feeling pain I damn sure love putting my favs through it am good at writing it.
“Wow. Hawkmoth was a dick.” TLN, Chapter 1. ME TOO NATHAN.
“Nathanael hadn’t dared let himself leave the alley. It was still the middle of the afternoon; going out in broad daylight would only bring about more screams and accusations. He didn’t want to face them. He wasn’t ready to.” TLN, Chapter 2
““Uh-oh. Emotions in Paris are never a good idea.” Ivan joked.” TLN, Chapter 2
““Well, I was in my room all emotional and stuff and all of a sudden Hawkmoth’s like ‘lol I am Hawkmoth you’ve failed me once but I’m giving you another opportunity to snatch some jewelry for me.’ ” He grinned when Ivan started laughing at his Hawkmoth imitation.” TLN, Chapter 2. I just imagine Nathanael trying to make his voice go as deep and Batman-y as possible and coughing sometime after that. Little laugh break in a serious story.
“Ladybug continued on about how she should’ve been more careful, more considerate, but to be honest Nathanael had stopped listening. They were standing under a street light, the harsh yellow glow glinting off of her earrings. He could see the vibrant, almost glowing red of them, five black spots crossing the smooth surface in an ‘x’. And Chat Noir’s ring… the glowing green pawpads across the smooth black surface…
He didn’t just want them. He needed them. As everything went dark and he heard a voice telling him to ‘Get the Miraculouses,’ he followed orders.” TLN, Chapter 2. If this line had its desired effect, at least one person reading this story immediately thought, or called out, ‘HOLY SHIT’ when they read this set of lines.
“All he had to do was formulate a good lie to tell this kid, maybe he’d come from a costume party or--
“I’m a costume party.”
The fuck???” TLN, Chapter 3. You know how when you’re trying to decide whether you’re gonna say one of two variations of something and you accidentally end up just mashing the two together somehow?? Or does that only happen to me.
““So how exactly did all of this happen?” ‘Pops’ suddenly asked. “Y’know, the…” he gestured at the entirety of Nathanael’s existence.” TLN, Chapter 3. Me too, Pops, me too.
“He found little bruises and scrapes on his arms and legs when he took off his suit, but he was also pleased to discover that yes, there was underwear under this thing. It just wasn’t his boxer-briefs. They were briefs, if even that, more like a speedo.
He hated speedos with a passion.” TLN, Chapter 3. Because A) I bet at least one person was expecting me to not give him underwear and launch into a detailed discussion of his penis or something and HAH SUCKERS and B) Seeing as the only male underwear I’ve ever handled was my Dad’s, I don’t actually know what teen guys wear, so I had to google ‘what kind of underwear do teenage boys prefer’ AND look at pictures to decide not only what would he have preferred but also what he ended up with instead. I did RESEARCH  for these four lines.
““Je suis le Pire Noël!”
Oh my god. Did this akuma just dab? Four times?!” Shut Up!. Me tOO NATHAN.
“It was the only time they kissed. Because then May happened. And that May may just have been the worst month of his life so far.” Last Christmas.
“Even then, he couldn’t find it in him to blame her. He couldn’t find it in him to hate her. He’d given her flowers, he’d painted a huge portrait of her, he’d given her his love and his time and his devotion and all of the passion he could muster in him and anyone else would see it as a waste, right, but he just couldn’t. Surely, she’d just been excited and hadn’t been expecting things to move so fast. Maybe he’d driven her off somehow? She was far more outgoing than he was, maybe his quiet nature was too restricting for her. But, whenever he looked at Marinette, it wasn’t hate or resent that he felt. Rather, something lost, something he’d been able to taste for a short moment before having it ripped away from him.” Last Christmas
“Is this what heartbreak felt like?” Hell if I know mate Last Christmas
“Ivan was bored out of his goddamn mind.
Fuck Ladybug. Fuck Chat Noir. Fuck da police. Fuck everybody.” The Disposables, Chapter 1. ME TOO IVAN
““I’m sorry, you need me to what?! ” Kingston Damocles’ jaw hung in shock at the preposterous request he had just been given.” The Disposables, Chapter 2. I’m sorry, this line isn’t even all that great, but whenever I think about how I named Mr. Damocles ‘Kingston’ first thing that comes to my mind is *voice in the distance* Sean Kingston. *heavy bass kicks in, shaking the room* Y’ALL WAY TOO BEAUUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL GIIIIIIIIIRL
“Finally, Max. Max was a genius. He was a living encyclopedia, a walking college math textbook, and a computer whiz. He could hack almost anything within minutes… when he felt like it.” TD, Chapter 2. ME TOO MAX.
““That’s like saying the manager of some bakery is fit to rule all of France! Which, by the way, they aren’t! And someone who already has experience should be leading a major operation, and someone who doesn’t should be, like, an intern or something! And, no, Chloe doesn’t count, she’s only been Bourgeois’ intern for two months and has done nothing but sit on her ass and sip on triple-macchiato lattes!” Max said.” The Disposables, Chapter 2. SLAY, MAX.
““You need to be debriefed, you don’t even know what we’re doing or what we know!”” TD, Chapter 2. GET HER, MAX.
27. best review you ever got
Gosh there’s several, hang on. Because I just LOVE getting reviews like they all make me so happy I like to just go back and read them over when I’m feeling down and need inspiration.
“This is seriously incredible like oh my gosh?!?! It's hard to find good Nathaniel centred story's such as this one!! Thank you so much for writing this and ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Can't wait till the next update!!!!” Pandamonkey12 on AO3, Ain’t Clowning Around Chapter 2
“This is cool i hope a story like this becomes cannon” Saurka on AO3, Last Christmas
“Yes!!! I seriously love this story thank you so much for updating! You are incredible and I can't wait to see what will happen next! Seriously a great chapter!!!!!” Pandamonkey12 on AO3, Ain’t Clowning Around Chapter 4
“This is seriously incredible!! Like ahhhhhhhh!!!!! It's such a cool idea and I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!!” Pandamonkey12 (Basically Panda Monkey is a great person) on AO3, The Living Nightmare Chapter 1
“https://deusbex.tumblr.com/post/156549006721/the-disposables Keep up the great work! I made you a cover!” DeusBex on AO3, The Disposables Chapter 1 (because HOLY SHIT THEY DREW ME A COVER?!?!?!)
“Ani, you amazing human, this is amazing and it's so well written that it leaves me craving more. I didn't know it would be this good when you brought it up in chat. Just beautiful.” @some-italian​ on AO3, The Disposables Chapter 1
“AAAHHHH! OMG this is so good! Seriously, keep up the amazing work!” VisualSnow on AO3, The Disposables Chapter 1
“IF YOU DO NOT CONTINUE THIS, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU. Also, Lol I am Hawkmoth is FREAKING adorable.” SHIPPERHELL on AO3, The Living Nightmare Chapter 3
“I was pleasantly surprised by Ivan having two fathers, which was a pretty good choice. Now Nath just needs to hunt Hawky down and punch him right in the jaw, right hook.” @some-italian​ on AO3, The Living Nightmare Chapter 3
“Wow, at a loss for words, I'm already hooked, so much emotion and sympathy towards him. Great work and have an awesome New Year!” SaturnNights on FF.net, The Living Nightmare Chapter 1
“Tryst me, I'm so far on the edge of my seat I'm nearly falling off! Can't wait to see how it all plays out!” MagicQuill42 on FF.net, The Disposables Chapter 2
Okay so there’s this one fanfiction user called Yellow14, and he comments on every chapter and at the end he always says ‘Keep Writing’ and that just encourages me so much so I started doing it too.
“Woah. I have to say I was not expecting this. It was so... Amazing! From my experience, it seems like you got the villain's personality right, and people actually trying to take selfies with him is pretty funny. Keep it up!” GravityFallsIsAmazing on FF.net, Casual Villainy, Chapter 1. because mischaracterization is the one thing I ALWAYS worry about no matter what, asides from story quality.
“this is totally wonderful and awesome, i couldnt help but smile reading your will definitely be a favourite of mine and others.” Chocolate-cream-pie on FF.net, A Darkened Soul, Chapter 4
Brokenwings35 commented on every single chapter of A Darkened Soul with “I loved the chapter” “Great chapter” and “Awesome chapter” and then on the last chapter said “This story is perfect” and thanks so much omg.
“I absolutely loved this story!” ishipit-myotp on FF.net, A Darkened Soul, Chapter 1. It’s simple, but it was the day after my birthday and I was feeling kind of down because i had the NHS induction ceremony that day. Which you think would be a good thing, except SO many people forgot it was my birthday because they were all focused on my grades and stuff. Including family members. Then we went to J. Alexanders to celebrate my induction/birthday, but I wasn’t particularly close to anyone there and everyone was like ‘happy birthday and congratulations on your accomplishments and your wonderful grades’ and it just kinda felt like nobody there cared about what I liked about me that was ME. It’s kinda stupid, but. Hey.
“Yay Nathaniel! Yay Adrienette! Yay EVERYBODY! This was such an amazing story! I'm glad you wrote it and put it on this site so we could all read it. We really need more authors like you.” GravityFallsIsAmazing on FF.net, A Darkened Soul, Chapter 4. The ‘we really need more authors like you’ part is what gets me because omg that makes me feel like I’m actually good like omg I only ever see those kinds of reviews on like Pilot’s stuff or like super popular fics so to get it on one of mine, let alone one I wrote in the middle of the night sustained by cold medicine?! Oh my god.
“"The world may never know." That moment when a fanfic author starts quoting the Tootsie Pop commercial” Shadow of the Elements on FF.net, Ain’t Clowning Around, Chapter 2. Because OMG SOMEONE CAUGHT ONE OF MY REFERENCES.
And at that note it’s now 12:46 and I have church in the morning I should have been asleep like 3 hours ago but whatevs. Goodnight
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