#cuz rorschach
k0ushii · 9 months
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lovebrush mipys
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monochrome-dundee · 3 months
If walter saw Bambi or Dumbo do u think he’d cry
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Wasn’t originally gonna draw her this sad but she makes me so sad
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red-hemlock · 7 months
❌ - A piece of information that could be considered blackmail material
Data Leak Meme! @the-rorschach-mask
Monday's Shopping List! :) <3
[1] White Hellebore
[1] Angel's Trumpet
[1] Desert Rose
[1] Meadow Saffron
[1] Yellow Jessamine
[4] Copper Spoons Succulent (for decoration!)
-- Also attached is a schematic for Gotham Botanical Gardens, with notes detailing various spots of infiltration, certain spots and lines marked in different colors, and escape routes.
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doritofalls · 2 years
What are your headcannons on kiyo's gender? Some ppl see him as nb, some as transfem, what do you think?
honestly i'm not very sure! i definitely feel like he's NOT cis, but i wouldn't know where to proceed. especially considering that i am not sure kiyo would keep up with quote unquote modern takes on gender identity. gender identity and expression are extremely fluid depending on the time period and society and his concerns are so rooted in history and tradition at large that i'm not sure he'd keep up with modern queer culture. i imagine he'd just do what feels right and convenient, though i think he definitely would get a lot of joy out of being able to effortlessly pass as a woman.
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little-red-fool · 1 year
Rorschach, my half drow Dark Urge sorcerer.
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mike-haters-dni · 1 year
After examining the last three character couples that have lodged themselves in my autistic brain I can now see that my type is: Tortured Murdergirl on a righteous sometimes self-destructive mission who underneath it all just wants to be happy and love people, and comparatively happy Artboy whos also been through shit but has convinced himself it doesn't bother him and finds a life mission in Murdergirl and her cause to the point where he will unflinchingly commit violence for her.
Along the way somewhere Murdergirl becomes terrified that she's corrupting Artboy by dragging him into her world despite the fact that it was his idea to join her in the first place and he has made it obvious he would die with no regrets if it was with/in service to her, but he's also often the only thing in the world that brings her any comfort and letting him go would destroy her beyond repair so it becomes a thing about whether she can accept help and love from others and stop being such a martyr or whether she will destroy herself to find absolution (spoiler alert: she picks love). Artboy, on the other hand, finds his self-worth by emulating Murdergirl's best qualities (selflessness, bravery, an enduring love for the world despite being hurt by it) in himself and in doing so, becomes a warrior in his own right.
Or maybe this barely exists in the text and I just wrote the same story 3 times but what can I say, I have a type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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electrificata · 1 year
With love, why do you occasionally make my dash hell by posting the same image of a reverse mermaid on the beach a billion times? Like I respect the chaos but babe….why. (props for forcing me to take a break from my endless scrolling cuz my dash is just this fish tho lol)
"The Aneristic Principle is that of APPARENT ORDER; the Eristic Principle is that of APPARENT DISORDER. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of PURE CHAOS, which is a level deeper that is the level of distinction making.
With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give us. The ideas-about- reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and unenlightened people are forever perplexed by the fact that other people, especially other cultures, see "reality" differently. It is only the ideas-about-reality which differ. Real (capital-T True) reality is a level deeper that is the level of concept.
We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The ORDER is in the GRID. That is the Aneristic Principle.
Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other.
DISORDER is simply unrelated information viewed through some particular grid. But, like "relation", no-relation is a concept. Male, like female, is an idea about sex. To say that male-ness is "absence of female-ness", or vice versa, is a matter of definition and metaphysically arbitrary. The artificial concept of no-relation is the ERISTIC PRINCIPLE.
The belief that "order is true" and disorder is false or somehow wrong, is the Aneristic Illusion. To say the same of disorder, is the ERISTIC ILLUSION.
The point is that (little-t) truth is a matter of definition relative to the grid one is using at the moment, and that (capital-T) Truth, metaphysical reality, is irrelevant to grids entirely. Pick a grid, and through it some chaos appears ordered and some appears disordered. Pick another grid, and the same chaos will appear differently ordered and disordered.
Reality is the original Rorschach.
Verily! So much for all that."
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t4tails · 2 months
Is Alan Moore a bad writer? No. Is he a great writer? Also no but he has made... decent and even some good stories yet even he knows that the shit he wrote way back was misogynistic and bad, we can't just mythologize him or the nebulous comics with a: "Actually the comics aren't as misogynistic." cuz more often than not... if the comic adaptation is misogynistic? That's cuz the source material also was that.
youre expecting too much from comic fans who read watchmen and come away from it thinking about how cool rorschach is while laurie juspeczyk was suuuuch an unlikable bitch!
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world2worldroaming · 6 months
— 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 / 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖞'𝖘 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖞 + 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖘 —
Destiny's call event gonna release soon and I suddenly remembered this screenshot from 10th June, 2022 I shared on Insta story ^^
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I don't know what to do this time... cuz I pretty much sure that beach theme gonna be next event :)
This one —
Here we can literally play with the boys through card interactions :) just see how MC is playing with Alkaid's swimsuit zip and Clarence's swim tube and Rorschach's sand castle and Ayn's rubber duck and Emerald's glass of juice :))) I don't want to miss these...
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mr-bisk · 3 months
STU🅱️id fucking idea i cannot allow to die in my head!
U take watchmen, u take Eltingville, u put them in a blender, and turn them into a smorgasbord for gay brain.
LIKE! the more I think ab this shit, the more i get fucking crazy.
The Watchmen characters as Eltingville kids, and the Eltingville bois as Watchmen characters, maybe in a context of cosplay.
Maybe Bill as Rorschach, Pete as The Comedian, Josh as Nite Owl(Or Laurie, it would be funneh) and Jerry as the only blonde character cuz i have a grudge against Jer(still my scrunkly btw).
Walter could be a kid who lives in a trailer park, Laurie a rich kid with daddy issues, Adrian as history geek, Jon a prodigy at physics(maybe a kid too, even if its inconsistent when compared to his age in the comics, or not, idk), Daniel as a anxious little guy that still nerdy for birds.
Also Edward would still be Lauries father, she still doesnt know it and still got killed.(as u can see i want him dead anyway)
note that I just think the 2nd formation of The Crimebusters would be kids.
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ufonaut · 2 years
hi !! you said that u don’t rly believe in the entire conversation around superheroes + facism and i think i agree with u but i would love to hear more of ur thoughts abt that as someone who is more into older comics than anyone else i follow (afaik) and i think that brings a much needed perspective to the whole discussion. kind of an ironic ask cuz i am asking u to contribute to a conversation that both of us think is kind of pointless but i’m just interested in why u feel that way cuz i also feel that way !
hi!!!! no, this is a great, i think it's an interesting/much needed conversation to have and i've never gotten into it at length so forgive me if i'm less than articulate but basically my jumbled thoughts about this always come back to that alan moore interview that everybody & their mother loves quoting when discussing watchmen and related material
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which is funny because i do, in some ways, agree with moore! it's just that what should be applied only to the monopoly marvel movies have on the current cinematic landscape & their status as glorified us military propaganda somehow ended up being applied to all comics & superhero media as a whole, which is ridiculous.
i feel like moore's primary issue is that in the years since watchmen he's lost his love of comics and basically became a rorschach level nihilist about the industry as a whole -- generally understandable as a result of that level of success but concerning when people without his specific circumstances echo these talking points. see, moore used to love comics, i mean he used to be out-of-his-mind-in-love with comics and you can tell that much from watchmen's text alone & the real (very much real!) comic book history found in the text pages and the in-universe pirate comic that could only come from a die hard fan of the medium. hell, you can't write a good deconstruction of the thing without knowing it inside and out but he's by no means the man he was then and his work has lost its appeal to me for this exact reason.
anyway, moving on from that, the general belief seems to be that superheroes are quasi-fascist to begin with -- cops, in effect -- and that their popularity is a sign of a downward slide into fascism and the worship of infantile stories that do not challenge your worldview and offer only comfort. like, this is what the superheroes & fascism conversation often comes down to and in keeping with the watchmen theme, i'll say that's also the most common & nonsensical complaint i've heard about doomsday clock (that and the fact that it doesn't revolve around one single subject ala the cold war in the og book, which is also nonsense). the thing is -- there's nuance here! it's completely nuts to say that an art medium created by jewish immigrants in the middle of wwii is a gateway to fascism, it's just nuts!
the golden age of comics did feature heroes that were idealized figures who respected the law, that's very much true, but there were also heroes who were believed to be criminals (like rex tyler, the 1940s hourman was a wanted man in his solo stories) and the justice society stood for things like hope & friendship but not an undying pledge to serve the us govt. above all, their politics were as explicitly anti-fascist as comics ever got because they were fighting literal nazis! i mean, my god, there was nothing childish about the stakes of that era of comics even if they were aimed at audiences of all ages!
and like, i suppose it's the silver age and not the golden one that most people are nostalgic for and it's the silver age that moore deconstructs in watchmen but that same nuance can be found there and by 1970 (a mere ten years into the silver age!) this exact discussion was being broadcast to the world by dc comics. hell, whatever can be said now about the bootlicker tendencies of the likes of hal jordan & similar characters, denny o'neil was already saying then:
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(part of o'neil's 1983 introduction to the green lantern/green arrow volume collecting the infamous 1970s stories)
i guess what i'm getting at is that anybody who believes comic books cannot be challenging or liberating or political or sometimes downright revolutionary and anything in-between simply doesn't know comics! like film, like literature, like any art form, its values are up to its authors but the automatic connection between superheroes & fascism in the eyes of so many people is completely ridiculous and the public perception of the medium cannot be left up to mcu.
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
Think thunks on how fave and the ink demon interact
The ink demon is too tall to properly reach fave without bending down, so sometimes he just, doesn't. He uses his feet to poke her, pet her head, etc. He can't pick her up with his feet tho, they're not that movable being hooves.
Fave will climb up the ink demons leg for him to pick her up. Usually about calf is where he'll bend down a bit and either pick her up by the back of her dress, or since he's so big, straight up wrap his whole hand around her torso.
Sometimes fave will hang and dangle from his fingers for fun, and sometimes he'll swing her about like that. He might also have her sit in his hand and swing her around, but that's very rare. He usually only swings her around while they're walking, as him standing in place would imply the swinging is intentional (and it is) rather than possibly being a secondary movement caused by walking, and he doesn't want it to be obvious that he's playing with her to others.
He'll let her climb on him while he eats. Most of the time if he has fave with him, he'll sit down to tear a body apart rather then stand to let her play with him. She'll climb on him or play with the spikes on his back, clicking them in and out. Sometimes he'll play back by clicking or unclicking spikes himself, usually bringing them back into his body, as he's usually distracted by consumption and doesn't want to accidentally impale her, or just generally poke her in the stomach or face too hard. He has no control over the speed at which his spikes come out of his body.
Feel like I said this one before, but fave will weave in and out of the ink demons legs while he walks, like a clingy cat, but she does it for fun. Sometimes she trips tho. Somehow, she's never tripped the ink demon, even when he's in full motion and not really paying attention. Usually his legs'll just push her if she's in the way. She trips over the ink demon, more than the ink demon trips over her.
Over time, as fave spends more time with ppl other than the ink demon, she picks up on how they interact with each other, and brings that home to play with the ink demon. For example, Alison might brush her hair. She'll bring a brush to the ink demon, and pretend he has hair to begin with. Malice might put makeup on her. Fave'll bring makeup to the ink demon, and he won't care enough to stop her putting it on him, cuz he knows he can just clean it off later. Tom might play hand games with her, or bounce her on his knee. She'll bring those to the ink demon, and he'll be confused, but go along with it. Sammy might play her music, and she'll dance along. She'll ask the ink demon if he could play a recorder or tape and ask if they could dance together.
Henry might draw with her, and tho she does it on her own most of the time, she'll ask the ink demon if he wants to join her. Usually it just makes the pages all black, or make rorschach test/put ink on one side of a page, fold it over, and see what it gets. Very rarely it'll draw faces, but it tends to scribble them out after looking at em frustrated for a while.
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hollowsart · 1 year
I may think rorschach is cool design wise but that's like.. all there really is. there is nothing else about that character that is good or interesting. I wasn't a fan of the watchmen, maybe cuz I'm too dumb to understand the crap in it, and maybe cuz the only watchmen thing I saw was the movie (it sucked lol like so bad. ick.)
but I don't see what the big appeal was for it. considering all the characters are irredeemable and awful.. there's like.. not really anything to like out of it other than the fact the art style is neat and some of the character design is interesting, but other than that... there's really nothing to it unless you like politics, I guess. which is not for me.
then again. it probably really is just me, personally, considering the comic itself is so well received. I'll never understand it or see the appeal, and that's fine.
hearing more and more about the whole thing itself just really makes me wonder how anyone likes any of it to begin with. I know it's likely the messages it's making and trying to tell as a political commentary on superheroes and the genre and the world as a whole, but man. That is definitely not my up of tea.
I don't even like tea. which probably says a lot. idk
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writer59january13 · 6 months
Invisibly tortured courtesy existential nihilism
Psyche wracked with agony impossible mission to extricate lovely bones they wanna remain permanently abed. I chiefly function to amass knowledge courtesy assiduously, habitually, and judiciously reading an eclectic assortment of written material. Yours truly woke with ambition, disposition, inclination, and predilection to glean from an assortment of books esoteric learning since... birth, but particularly when experiencing emerging adulthood about two score years ago. Feeble attempt crafting poetry whereat gobbledygook doth trot - oven chilly cooked confusion eliciting faint thanks a lot unbeknownst this tasteless, senseless, rhymeless... lettered Rorschach test tease I jot interpretation, viz hitting analogously like amorphous melted ingot watch yourself...
d's lines iz still smok'n HOT, now I puzzle regarding how to extricate mess elf, cuz aye got myself into try'n to strut and trumpet hightailing (courtesy Google)
searching information superhighways one can cyber surf to Hong Kong,
(a coastal city and major port in Southern China,
bordering Guangdong Province through the city of Shenzhen to the north and the South China Sea to the east, south, and west) an entrepôt, (which goods brought for import and export, and for collection and distribution) yea, that autonomous enclave the region inhabited since the Old Stone Age,
later becoming part of the Chinese Empire with loose incorporation into the Qin dynasty initially starting out as a farming fishing village and salt production site, it became an important free port governed by Chief Executive, who serves as premier of the Region
and head of government
of Hong Kong beholden to The Basic Law which designates a system of governance led by a Chief Executive and an Executive Council, under principles of separation of powers, with a two-tiered system of semi-representative government and an independent judiciary. Anyway... when zombie like,
and hyper aware about mein kampf, and lxv roaming years
exhibiting conscious state (although that might be debatable),
I try to dead reckon eyes purposefulness astride oblate spheroid nsync with other gals and guys either one, t'other or all mask cue lated in disguise
impossible mission to triangulate Euclid say logic defies to comprehend gibberish, no matter how much you scrutinize his highness, qua shape shifting imperfect square stumps any tree mend us great mind to analyze me skewering, marinating, gunning... decries abiding any logical positivism queries best addressed to Lord of the Flies since nary handy dandy blues clues,
I opted out thus... rubbish provided to synthesize random words helter skelter strewn to symbolize absent any rhyme or reason courtesy handy matted figurative trapezoid doth employ no paradigm to exercise leaving comprehension after mine demise so go ahead chastise cuz I already know, never will said poetry win apprize. Initially, an attempt sought regarding Das scribe, yours truly donning
checkerboarded rawhide collared, cuffed oversize raiment, pride and prejudice obscured courtesy hand-me-downs couture also decking out alley oop trapeze artist bride of Frankenstein grooming in attendance with her bonafide circus motley crew, a veritable monster mish mashup happenstance didst decide unlike traditional feted newlyweds swingers airborne did only abide. The law of gravity aerial pas de deux bodies airborne aloft pledging their respective troths sworn fleeting suspended animation while shorn infinitesimally of Earth's pull only expert can playfully scorn accomplishment courtesy no greenhorne neophytes in utero umbilical cord, taking root as metaphorical acorn, thus unbridled and groomed skill inborn burst out the womb like heated popcorn snapped up since birth well worn genes Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus practiced morn till night stunts became second nature encore performance no matter bodies outworn. Curtain Call now doth close unrehearsed poetic gambit, cuz yours truly tuckered out I suppose ready to take his doze zee dough into dreamland, expose zing oft times confused with dark shadows of outer limits of twilight zone,
where me lovely bones froze
where sudden night mare arose gripping courtesy rigor mortis head to toes daunting wordsmith champion manifestation of daily woes. Suddenly me clutched by melancholic despair somnambulantly where countless tomb morrows tramp scarcely undifferentiated from yesterday's care wracking psyche with wrath plus fear at accursed purposelessness near faux sing myself regarding pas
city to emulate good cheer whereat time and tide
wait for no man/woman.
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the-last-human-war · 6 months
GodofWar Punisher WarMachine FutureWinterSoldier MolagBal Sauron
God of War Weapons List. Main Feature Versatile List of Specialty Weapons that prove the Most Leverage in Battle
1. Crucible Sword of the DOOMSLAYER
2. Dual-wield with the Crucible Sword: The Pendellum Axe Gun
3. Glaive
4. Chinese Sword that looks like a Straight Katana cuz that Dynasty shared its Designs with Japan.
5. Indian Scimitar of Ghengis Khan
6. Daggertail (Hashshashins Aka Hashshansins Aka Hassansins Aka Grasseaters Aka Original Assassins of Persia). Aka Scorpion's (Razor) Chain Spear.
[Requires Level 7 Security Clearance. Data entry Redacted. TO BE CONTINUED.]
7. God of War - War Machines, Vehicles, Ammo types, Technology, Tactical Gadgets, Defenses, Uncommon Offense, Other Armaments & Provisions, All Warfare and Strategies
1. Rorschach's Journal: Mission Report - December 16, 1991. Remember Remember the 7th of November. Today... A Naked Snake died. Actually, ehem, Redacted. A Stark Snake died. Moscow has lit up like the 4th Floor of Ju-On. It's Chernobyl times 3,572,855... Completely Incalculable. 2. Case File - Guns of the Patriots, and Super-Scarab METAL GEAR Programs, the Engines have been ignited, the Gears of the Train rolling, the Beast shall Roar again. Venom Snake commands Armaments Manufacturers as Director, and Applied Science Advisor & Lead Strategist demonstrating through Simulation how the Armaments of Engineers should perform in the Field. We must remind everyone he is not a Lab Rat, He is BIG BOSS!! What tha fuck does this scrawny guy know!? Hammer Industries? What... You gonna hit em with the Ex-Wife? New Protocol - We will use Iron Man as the Warzone Pin Cushion. 3. .... [BIG BOSS]... These Armament Programs are Perfect, in that they offer An Invasion Force the Most Effective and Efficient Methods of Conquering the Enemy Nation. Considering much Roots from The Art of War, I BIG BOSS apply Originality to All my Arsenal and Tactics. It is most dangerous when a General is completely Unprecedented and uses shit you've never seen. I am Ninja Sennin. I'm a Mind Freak. The first Tactic and Weapon I will use on the Defending Army is Psychological Warfare. To Shock, Traumatize, and Horrify the Enemy. Most especially Terrify the Enemy. But I would say Terror should only be used as the Cherry on Top of the Cake... After you have successfully Conquered their Mind Fortress, then Unleash True Petrifying Panic & Despair upon THEM... 4. .... BIG BOSS... I am very Creative, and very Clever. When I Manufacture Armaments, I Aim to Test the Imaginations of the Enemy. Then again, I let y'all in on a little secret... Most Effective Tactics are actually quite Simple and Savage. Savage as in the Nature of our Ids. Many People with Honor and Dignity, Decorated Generals!!... Don't have the Stomach for True Effective Warfare. This Warfare comes straight from The Red Lantern Corps of MARS. It is everyone's Destiny to undergo the Crucibles of Nirvana, and come Full Circle with One's Self. WAR... Is when We get to UNLEASH OUR INNER DEMONS. .... BIG BOSS... I am Demon Snake. HE IS... THE DOOMSLAYER. Question - How do you DESTROY your Enemy? You see, the End Game of War... Is how do you Aim to Destroy your Enemy. My Methods are Ultimately Flexible in that they consider All the Different Ways you'd like to End your Enemy. Most especially the Ultimate Outcomes: To Convert them into Allies, To Trap their Country in a Hellheim Realm to Torture them for Eternity, To Convert All their Dead into Zombies, To Slaughter and Devour them all for the sake of Cannibal Meat and Nutrition, To Enslave them all FOR DARKSEID, To Lett them all in Fatty Blood Farms for Vampires and probably piss off a lot of Gods in the process, To convert the Elderly into Human Vegetation and Feed the Earth their Bluud, To Let All the Enemy Live yet only to Completely RUIN their Precious Land and Shelters and Purge All their Data and Leave them with a
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