#cw // implied cannibalism
nzurus · 5 months
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— mermaid flesh
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
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vampire au- this is not smth that actually happens but i gotta let the edgy art out on occasion HFHJDS
they would make a least 1 joke about how hypothetically easy it would be for sonic to drain a body of all its blood and for shadow to eat the remains, leaving no evidence, they have very weird old man jokes but sonic would never actually do that to someone, no matter how bad they are shadow um. might. fbhjdgjhb i also think it would be funny for this hypothetical situation to have the camera keep cutting to blaze and amy who are just. on a normal dinner date. like a normal married couple
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insightfulllama · 2 years
Dp X dc prompt!
In this prompt, liminals/ghosts need to consume fresh ectoplasm to stay healthy and not starve. In addition, the headcanons “only those exposed to ectoplasm can see ghosts as they really are”, and “how people see ghosts is based a lot on their personal perceptions of reality.” have been mushed together. Like, someone un-exposed to ectoplasm knows that SOMETHING is there and it’s scary, but they haven’t been exposed to enough ectoplasm to actually comprehend what it is, so their mind just fills in the empty space with whatever their scared of + what makes sense to them for the context.
So Gotham has a lot of ambient ectoplasm and that's enough to keep Jason from starving completely, but nowhere near enough to be healthy. The inherent ectoplasm he has is basically rotten cause Lazarus pit be like that, so although he is alive and well in human terms, from a ghostly perspective he is extremely emaciated and sickly. Jason has felt varying degrees of empty and BAD since he came back, but there’s not exactly a handbook for this sort of thing, so Jason just accepts feeling terrible and being quick to anger as his new reality.
Cue the bat family calling him up and asking him to check out some weird reports they've been getting. Apparently people have been seeing stuff- a shadowy floating baby, a rotting animal corpse walking around, a ball of energy floating through a wall, etc. Which would be strange enough, but since the sightings started popping up at the same time, Bat's is theorizing that all the sightings are being caused by one entity. And a lot of the reports are in Jason's stomping grounds, so they want him to take a look.
He obliges (not because he wants to help his family, it's JUST because it sounds interesting, ok?) and quickly finds the whatever it is. And he kind of wants to laugh because THIS is what everyone was freaking out about? The thing looks like a gumbrop. Granted it was the size of a cat and glowing a suspiciously Lazarus green, but STILL, what on earth was everyone so scared of?
Regardless, it was in his territory and needed to go. It moved surprisingly fast once it spotted him, and it was taking a lot for Jason not to lose sight of it. Oracle offers to send someone to help and even Jason is surprised at how angrily he says no. But maybe he shouldn't be- he'd seen it first, it was HIS to catch. He discarded his helmet after her next question- she was distracting and the little thing was now periodically turning around to chirp mischievously at him and he was going to GET it, darn it.
He tells himself that the frantic urge to catch the creature was just mission excitement. The wild, clawing NEED to have it was just enthusiasm. The aching pull in his stomach wasn't anything out of the ordinary, his mouth was watering because it had been dry, NO other reason.
He was fine. This was fine, nothing was wrong, he just REALLY needed this thing.
He loses sight of it for a second, but it's fine because he knows the direction it's going.
He turns the corner and pulls up sharply. The gumdrop thing has been caught, but not by him. There's a figure holding its limp form, staring at him with wide eyes, obviously in the middle of eating it.
Jason distantly thinks he should be confused or horrified, but all he can feel is devastation. It was supposed to be HIS- this was HIS territory, HIS place, he should be the one to get it. But he hadn't been fast enough and now he wasn't going to get ANYTHING-
Danny, meanwhile, feels like the biggest jerk in the world. He'd caught the fat blob ghost more out of habit than hunger, since it had practically run into him zipping around the corner. But this other liminal had been in the middle of hunting it and was now looking at him with abject betrayal.
Danny's feelings of guilt got worse as he crept a bit closer and realized that the other liminal was sick. They're ectoplasm felt tainted, contaminated in a way that spoke of long term illness. Danny's brain was going a mile a minute, connecting the pieces. This liminal felt fairly strong so he probably had his own territory, and since he was sick he probably couldn't go far to hunt. Which meant that in essence, Danny had waltzed into the house of a starving, bedridden liminal and eaten directly off his plate.
Yeah, Danny was officially the worst.
But he hasn't actually eaten it yet, so there's still time to fix it! Danny quickly offers to share, rambling to the not-quite-starving liminal that it's like the fattest blob ghost he's ever seen and he really doesn't mind sharing and he can have most of it if he wants, Danny's not that hungry and pretty please don't be upset?
Jason can hardly understand anything he's so ravenous at this point, but he does understand that he's being offered the food he thought he'd lost, so he chows down without any fuss, much to Danny's relief. He tries not to judge how messily the guy is eating cause who knows how long its been since he'd caught any fresh ectoplasm and its honestly no worse than Danny was the first time he ate a blobbie.
Except- the guys tainted ectoplasm seemed to be fading? Huh, maybe the illness wasn't as terminal as it seemed on the surface, if all that was needed to fix it was a decent meal.
Danny decides to leave, the liminal is obviously going to be fine and once they're head clears they're probably going to be embarrassed that Danny saw them in such a state and he doesn't want to deal with that kind of awkwardness. He carefully leaves, relieved that something that could have ended very badly had worked itself out.
Meanwhile, Barbara is trying to get Jason to respond to her without success. The last contact was almost half an hour ago when he'd snarled at her for asking if he needed someone to come help. She was pretty sure he'd ditched his comm after that, but his trackers were still active and she could see he'd come to a stop. He'd been very clear that he didn't want help, but they knew nothing about this entity and Barbara is hardly going to chance that he might be slowly bleeding out somewhere. She sends someone (or multiple someones) to go check on him.
They find Jason splattered head to toe in faintly iridescent gore, hunched over with glowing eyes and softly growling as he eats something unidentifiable.
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 6 months
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Best Served Cold
oooo, dead plate fanart.
rbs very appreciated! /nf
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netzieart · 5 months
[CW: BLOOD, GORE, other things please check the tags] I was in a silly candy gore mood
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I had a lot of fun drawing those pieces! I guess there's just something about neon candy colors that make me glad just to look at them. So tasty
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augustinxxz · 1 month
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me when the old person that owns castle of brennenburg forces me into eating my victims
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numerikku · 3 months
// CW blood, implied cannibalism
Yummers 😋!!
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SERIAL KILLER EDEN WHO KEEPS YOU ON A LEASH AND NAKED ALL THE TIME! For anyone else curious, this came from a discussion Necro and I were having on making Eden worse lol
Okay okay what about him trailing his hunting knife up your bare thigh while he looks over you, a dark glint in his eye. You can't pull back any further, pressed against the cold hard wall of the cabin, a heavy weight around your neck as you try not to panic. Even though this could be the moment where he finally gets rid of you. Where he gets bored of his plaything and buries you beneath his gardening plot.
It never comes, though. You're stuck being pulled around by him for months - or neatly chained up when he hunts alone. You used to flinch every time you heard a scream in the forest, knowing the hunter's axe had found a new target. You used to feel queasy eating any of the food, unsure of where the meat came from. You used to sob and beg when he'd pry your legs apart, eager to use you. Used to.
It was a numb feeling for a long while. Counting to 5 over and over again in your head, congratulating yourself for getting through the last 5 seconds and hoping you'd get through the next. A sense of routine has settled in, though. A sense of comfort and belonging that should never have existed.
The soles of your feet have become rough, no longer aching as you walk around the cabin or the rocks around the spring.
When Eden presses himself against your back, his hand worming its way between your thighs, you spread your legs further apart without thinking and grind against his fingers with a sigh.
When Eden pulls you into his lap and keeps your face against his chest, the tang of copper staining his clothes doesn't make you upset anymore. Instead, you snuggle in closer, feeling appreciative of the warmth he provides your nude body.
When a gunshot rings out in the forest beyond the clearing, you continue about your set tasks while paying them no regard beyond wandering if Eden will bring you a blood-soaked ring or necklace to wear.
The temperature falls as winter rears its ugly head. You're begging Eden to relax more as he ups his workload to prepare for the snowy months, desperate for the warmth he provides. You push too far sometimes, being put over his lap and spanked until you apologise good enough for him.
You've accepted that you'll have to grit your teeth and suffer the cold, doing as you're told and keeping your home clean. Keeping Eden happy.
Until he opens his closet one night, the old hinges creaking as he rifles through the bottom while you clean the dishes from dinner. Your teeth chatter as you work, determined to keep moving to stay warm until you can get in front of the fire and bask in the flames on your husband's lap.
The soft feeling of fabric draping over your shoulders halts your movement as your head whips around. A fur coat. Big on you, but small for Eden, you think.
"One of the first I ever made," he mumbles as he does up a button on the front. "I was much skinnier back then. Wasn't eating a lot. Hadn't learned to hunt properly. This was the first bear I'd ever brought down."
He kisses the top of your head as you thank him with a genuine smile, burrowing into the warmth. Your turn in his embrace, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. That sense of belonging feels heavy in your heart. Even when you tut after bringing your hand away, finding a drop of red on your fingertip.
"You missed a spot," you chide as you pick up the washcloth and wipe the blood from his neck. It's a miracle he gets by without you, honestly. It's a miracle that you don't find fear knowing where the blood came from.
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bunnieghoulz · 3 months
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Cw blood
Just a sketch I did 😅
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slenderofthejoker · 26 days
Aces are not for the eating
"Ya, no shit.
I'm not going to eat the f!@#er they taste like f@#$ing flowers with pepto bismal blood, no f!@#ing thanks.
Partners, siblings and close friends or those of the sibs and partner are NOT food. Enemies and random folk? THOSE are very much on the menu."
And the concern is appreciated, but I can hold my own against Wildcard if dice ever even tried.
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ryebread-x · 8 days
Gullveig’s ghost (and Loki)
Little concept I did of Gullveig’s ghost and Loki(Post eating the heart) based off my own headcanons
Cw for: death, implied murder and cannibalism,depressing topics,and mentions of pregnancy (nothing is shown though)
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Her ghost design basically reflects how she died. She always crying gold too and doesn’t speak to those who can see her just looks at them sadly. Speaking of those who can see her, only three people can Freyja, Loki, then later Kol.
Freyja was always able to see Gullveig’s ghost walking her around her hall after she passed. She even tried to talk to Gullveig a few times to no avail.
Loki was only able to see Gullveig’s ghost after they ate her heart. To where Gullveig began to basically start haunting her. Loki wasn't a fan of that, to say the least.
Kol, being Gullveig’s child, started to see her ghost at the age of 5 when Odin first tried to take her away (and failed). For Kol, whenever Gullveig shows up, it serves as a warning that Kol is possibly in danger.
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Now onto Loki
Besides the unexpected baby , Loki suffered other side effects from eating Gullveig’s heart. Like Freyja, Loki begins to cry gold (not permanently, though) and began to see Gullveig’s ghost everywhere too. Gullveig’s magic also messed with Loki’s own magic to the point where it became hard to control it.
While Loki cherishes and adores Kol. He definitely learned the consequences of eating something he definitely shouldn’t have. Doesn't stop him from committing more mischief, though. This is Loki were talking about talking about afterall >:)
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
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vampire au- more sketches
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garbagechocolate · 2 years
Your Candyland AU is so wonderfully offputting. As much as I love both the canon and fanon versions of original Sun and Moon, I love love love when people play into the horror aspect just as much. It’s a fun concept to play with! What would happen if an adult were to enter Candyland, if I may ask?
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mostly murder with few exceptions
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huaidanta · 2 months
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Just some cute lil doodles of cat Kazui with salamander Fuuta :)
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prim-moth · 2 months
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Old arts of Uriel 💖💖😇😇
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augustinxxz · 7 days
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How I look at bro after he eats the comrades
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