#cw being sick
lil-toastie-boi · 2 months
im sick and need a pretty boy to take care of me >:(
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artilite · 2 months
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fuck you *lethal companies your in stars and time*
(long) exposition under cut (spoilers for ISAT + lethal company logs)
This au takes place around the time of sigurd's logs/before them (i haven't decided if Sigurd's crew exists here or not yet)!
Siffrin was someone who used to live on the Golden Planet before it got eaten. They may not remember anything beyond being found in an escape pod, but they're still paralyzed by fear when getting close to the selling window. He's always first in the facilities, making jumps, braving traps, and heading as deep as he can for scrap.
Mirabelle and Isabeau are the medic and fighter respectively, who both came from the same moon colony. They were both pressured into taking jobs by a work-based society, and applied for the company under the impression that it was a short, high-paying internship with nebulous risks.
Odile is their resident ship manager. She keeps a watchful eye over everyone and relays information about monsters, scrap, etc. In absolutely dire situations, she may come help with scrap. Despite claiming to be a first-timer, her badge says Leader??
Nille and Bonnie ended up with the crew after taking a chance to run away from their parents. Seeing a high-paying job that provided everything and would take them far away sounded too good to pass up. Nille lied about Bonnie's age to take them with her. After seeing the reality of this job, though, she regrets not finding another way out. Bonnie is permanently on ship-duty; they mainly type in whatever numbers Odile tells them. Nille is also a fighter, though she prefers the weighty stop sign as opposed to Isabeau's shovel.
Loop, after hundreds upon thousands of quotas, dying every possible death, learning everything they could- even the real identity of The Company- realizes there was one thing they've never done before. They've never died to The Company. Desperate for a way out, and haunted by the whispers and screams beyond the wall, they give themselves up. Maybe that would finally satisfy the monster- to have devoured every last piece of the Golden Planet. Maybe their crew could finally rest easy that way. Well, they didn't loop back. But through the dark and damp, there's static on the walkie talkie. Loop picks up, and hears their own voice just beyond the wall.
(Loop's design is the most different by far, since instead of consuming a star, they themselves are slowly getting digested. They're inspired by the visual of red crying faces from the logs :D)
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kittyoperas · 3 months
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Another vampire Anders AU art dump. These freaks are an incredibly mixed bag.
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robo-milky · 8 months
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formula-red · 1 year
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I tried to be good, am I no good? Am I no good? Am I no good?
untitled, Geloy Concepcion // Seventeen Going Under, Sam Fender // untitled, traumatizeddfox // Two People, Sam Fender // The War of Vaslav Nijinsky, Frank Bidart // Hard Times, Ethel Cain // Child Wearing a Red Scarf, Eduoard Vuillard // Complex, Katie Gregson Macleod // Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers, malaak // Too Much Wine, The Handsome Family // untitled, milklump // untitled, dying-weeds // Strangers, Ethel Cain
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mygraine · 9 days
guys would i be clowned on if i made christianity - based mogai terms . . .
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transjudas · 1 year
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Frank telling every interviewer he sees at Bamboozle 2007 about how for once he’s not the one sick to his stomach on tour after a bunch of the guys in My Chem and other bands got food poisoning. (x, x)
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aria-ashryver · 1 month
health update:
i got turned away from treatment this week because my heart condition has deteriorated further -> anti-HER2 cardio myopathy happens in about 1-2% of patients on this treatment regime, and unfortunately I'm one of the lucky few.
so, no immune therapy for the next 9 weeks. there should be enough residual medication in my system to keep the cancer at bay, hopefully.
for now, my oncologist has given me a new daily medication which will hopefully improve my heart function, but i have to monitor my blood pressure daily to be sure things don't deteriorate / the side effects from the meds don't cause too much trouble.
if all goes well and these new meds work, I'll be able to continue taking them alongside the immune therapy, and will resume treatment after some scans and stuff at the end of the break period.
probably won't be online much for a bit. i just don't have the energy for anything rn.
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solargeist · 9 months
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I’m hungry but everything tastes bland and makes me sick to my stomach. Vampire!
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froghwon · 1 year
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manila ig live 💚 highlights
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 9 months
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↑ this is 15 dazai. you will notice something about 15 dazai. he wears a white button up shirt, with NO BLAZER. there is no suit jacket on this guy. its his shirt and the trenchcoat he will later give to akutagawa.
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↑ this is 16 dazai. he also wears just the trenchcoat and button up.
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this is also 16 dazai, during the dragons head conflict. you will notice something. hes started wearing the blazer & the trenchcoat!!! no more only button up!!!! this is where that happens. 16, closer to 17.
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this is dark era dazai. dark era dazai wears the blazer and trenchcoat too. another thing is that dark era dazais coat doesn't have a belt, which is different than dhc dazai
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↑ now this is beast dazai. he still wears the blazer underneath, but beast dazai is notably different from dark era dazai in 3 ways. 1) he wears his bandages on the left eye rather than right, 2) he actually wears his trenchcoat, and 3) he obviously wears moris scarf.
now, having said all of this!!! the next time somebody calls 15 dazai dark era or vice versa, or the next time someone calls beast dazai dark era (or vice versa) or any other mixup of port mafia dazais??? i will be rending and tearing flesh
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adilab · 2 months
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A bit of old dog sadness (cw cancer)
Last week, Adi had emergency surgery to remove a mass on her abdomen that suddenly started bleeding. The pathologist report came back as cancer - hemangiosarcoma. It does not have a good prognosis. The mass was fully removed and it did not obviously look to have spread - the prognosis of dermal hemangiosarcoma is fair if removed before spreading - which is potentially hopeful news.
Adi is her normal self, happy as ever. In 12 years (and 3 months) she’s had no major health issues. She’s still very physically active. She’s never had a bad day. I think we’ll know when her quality of life starts to change.
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hydrus101 · 5 months
cw - suicide
I've felt for a very long time that all signs point to Season Six being centered in the Dark World. It seems obvious, right? A logical conclusion to the story, the beginning becomes the end.
But what if, when Arthur arrives - without John, somehow - he's not greeted by his parents or Bella, or Faroe, or Parker? What if the first person he meets there is Oscar?
What if he still, even after all this time, hasn't read his letter yet? Too busy, too scared, too run ragged to crack the seal on the note tucked away in his breast pocket, too late to have read it (too late again always too late) or to have done anything to stop it, too wrapped up in planning with Noel to have known what Oscar was planning to do.
What if he finds out only after, that Oscar has been waiting for him in the Dark World the whole time? Waiting there to serve his purpose and guide him from the other side, a guardian angel at last?
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gloomsday · 1 year
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welcome-leon · 2 months
so writing fic made me think about Piers having a prosthetic arm and like, the c virus is regenerative, right? it’s fucked up regeneration but regeneration nonetheless, he tore his whole arm off and got a whole new one back.
so I’m thinking about BSAA doctors trying to remove the arm and it just keeps coming back, a slightly different kind of fucked up each time. they research and experiment on ways to suppress the virus with hopes they can remove the persistent limb for good, so that Piers can have a (relatively) normal amputation, but they never quite kick it. so when they finally suppress the virus to some degree and fit the prosthetic arm, his right ribcage and shoulder reconstructed, the whole thing fancy carbon fibre and robotic fingers, the virus just… slowly reclaims. skin starts growing over, weaving into the machinery, nerves tentatively latching on. the delicate electronics crack and misfire under the onslaught but it doesn’t matter now, the flesh is relearning how to flex and control. the virus is stronger than anything the researchers could have made. the pulses of electricity the doctors were never able to completely quell now go towards powering the pistons. the infection uses everything the BSAA built as a blueprint for it’s own function.
Piers wakes up in the hospital and can see his abomination of an arm has been replaced with another, all torn skin and exposed metal, human-shaped but at what cost? the virus is still a part of him, has even gifted him a limb he can use and flex. and he hates it.
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
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Making rounds with the Church of Seiros
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