#cw scary
insertdisc5 · 1 month
what if im scared of noses. what then.
dont click on the readmore then
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senvurii · 2 months
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come to his party
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goobersplat · 2 months
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Various Beanie Baby Oddities
1990's Green Pokemon Pikachu Beanie Bear, Handmade “Beanie Money” Pottery Jar, Beanie Baby Speedy the Turtle Metal Charm, Custom Skull Beanie Baby and Baby Doll Face Chicken Plush Handmade
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i-lavabean · 27 days
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The funniest thing about watching through the Alien franchise is that I am the biggest scaredy-cat ever
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5tupidusrnam3 · 8 months
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I painted a new happy star over an old happy star (I was bored)
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This was how it first looked like, I painted this while sleeping over at a friends house
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New art! (Ghost BV, beware)
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Here’s my Afton Family Portrait (just after The Bite)
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rah very scary ask
here goes
*clears my throat*
Tw: scary Cw: scary
rawr UwU
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splatoonpolls · 4 months
By: 0nlyl4y
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
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so i was rewatching hunger games and uhhhhhhhhh
literally horrific. what the fuck. that isnt even an avox.
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atlas-of-the-mind · 6 months
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════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Light CW: This story contains an eerie atmosphere and suspense. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Prompt: You've never felt the same after learning Morse Code. The rain keeps telling you to run. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Word count: 1316 ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Back in high school, our class learnt about Morse Code during history class. My friends and I put our heart and souls into learning the entire Morse alphabet. By the end of the year, we could hold hour-long conversations through pen clicks, or tapping on our notebooks. It got us out of trouble and kept our secrets safe. As the seasons changed and we grew up, the skill was lost amongst the group. Except for me. During my university exams, I familiarised myself with it all again. It was something to do to keep me sane between lectures and lonely weekends. To my surprise, I retained most of my understanding from when I was younger.
Thank God that I did.
The storm thundered over the horizon. Lightening cracked through the blackened clouds like streaks of silver in stone. An intimidating gust blew through my hair, carrying the earth scent of rain. I snapped a few photos of the electrifying weather phenomenon. “It’s gonna be a big one folks. Better hunker down for the night and pray that the gutters don’t overflow.” The weatherman’s voice crackled out of the speaker of my little green radio. “It won’t be that bad,” I turned up the volume dial. “It’s a great night for rain.” So far it was the driest winter in the last decade. It was a welcomed change. I bent down and switched off the news report, scooping it and my camera back into my bag. I waded back through the plain of tall grass and back to my cabin. Pines lined the back of it; black, spindly figures stretching into the soft pink sky. CRACK. The storm approached, creeping up behind me.
“Power outages have-… Be advised that in the case of-… residents should stay-….” I grunted and fiddled with the television antenna. The interior and appliances in the cabin were terribly outdated. Gorgeous to look at, but with a storm coming, I was more worried about losing power than admiring its aesthetics. My radio kicked the bucket a few minutes after I got inside. It’s solar and battery powered. Most of today was cloudy, and it used the last of my spare batteries. The cabin’s backup generator would kick in if my main power shorted; but that would mean going outside to start the old thing. Tree branches snapped and thrashed around against the roof. “Screw this.” I whipped the curtains shut, stacked some logs on the fireplace and prepared for the night.
I usually loved the rain. Tonight it didn’t soothe me. Something felt wrong, a tight knot wriggled around in my stomach and throat. I focused on the rain until it filled my ears. It was soon interrupted by something tapping on the window… hit, stop, hit- CRACK. I rolled over and cracked my back. God I hated sleeping on the couch, but my bed was too far away from my only heat source. The rain seemed to calm down a tad, at least enough to stop the gutters from collapsing. I rolled over and glared at the fireplace. Smouldering embers cried out for help, a lone flame slowly flickered out. “Ugh…” I craned my neck to check the wood pile I stashed next to the mantle. “Just my luck.” I used up the last logs to start the fire. I rolled myself off the couch, slamming myself into the floorboards. After a thirty second adult tantrum, I forced myself up. I slipped into my boots and pinched my raincoat from the hanger by the door. “There has to be a few logs left. Maybe the ones underneath the heap are dry?” I peeked through the curtain of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse outside. I mustn’t have been asleep for that long; the sky was a dusty grey blue, the sun giving out its last ray of light before ducking behind the grass. Sadly, it was dark enough that I couldn’t see my log stash from inside.
Against my better judgement, I put on a brave face and stepped outside. The wind fought against the hood of my raincoat, wildly assaulting my bed hair. The glow from my window was just enough to illuminate the corner of the cabin. I could make out the silhouette of the log pile. I pushed myself against the cabin to anchor myself. I trembled at the thought of the wind dragging me away. I fumbled with the slippery logs, digging through the heap looking for the driest ones. I tucked a few under my arm and battled against the wind back onto the porch. I turned to face the open expanse before me. 
The storm swirled and boiled out there, waiting to burst again in a flash of heat. The sound of squelching mud tore my attention away. It began to speed up, bursting into a full sprint towards me. Adrenaline kicked in. I flew up the porch stairs, burst through the door, tossed myself inside and slammed it shut. I held my breath and listened hard. Nothing. My heartbeat finally settled down. Just the rain. It pitter pattered against the window panes. Hit, hit, stop- Was it just my imagination? Could it have been a wolf or a bear? I convinced myself that it was just an animal or sleep deprivation catching up to me. Too many restless nights spent on my photography portfolio.
Something rumbled overhead. CRACK. It lit up the entire cabin. My camera sat patiently on the end table beside the couch. I watched the sun, through the curtain, sink behind the grass. A thick black cloud growled furiously towards the cabin, lighting up the plain as it crawled onwards. “Might as well put that waterproof lens to use.” The cautious words from the weather man gnawed at the back of my head as I screwed the lens on. “Just a few snaps to fill the blank pages in my portfolio.” The camera beeped in agreement. I pulled the strap of it over my head. I ventured outside once again, against my better judgement. I flashed my camera a couple of times to scare off anything lurking in the mud. I caught a few bolts of lightning from my porch. The rain sounded louder than before, but it didn’t feel heavier. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Was the storm moving away or closer? Stop, hit- The storm roared and crashed bolts into the plain ahead. My eyes snapped open and I cursed myself for missing such a good shot. “I need to get closer.” The battery on my camera flashed red and warned me.
Make it quick then.
Drenched boots and itchy legs, I waded back through the tall grass. The rain engulfed my ears. The wind passed right through me. I could feel in my bones that I had reached the centre of the storm. I held my camera up and positioned myself. “This will be epic-” CRACK. The sky lit up brighter than the camera flash. “Yes!” I squinted at the camera screen to check the results. It was exactly what I had expected, except for… 
I froze. It stood in front of the storm. The grass cut off at its knees. Cut off at my chest. I raised my head in a panic. It was only a few metres in front of me. It towered over me. Lightning cracked, the sky glowed. Its elongated shadow enveloped me. It stood too still and stared at me for far too long. The rain bore down on me, pelting my back with heavy drops, grabbing at my raincoat. That’s all I could feel and hear, rhythmically bombarding me. Wait… Hit, stop, hit. “No it can’t…” My heart fell out of my chest. The figure craned towards me. Hit, stop, hit. “The rain…” 
Dot, dash, dot. Dot, dot, dash. Dash, dot.
The rain had been telling me to run.
════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 6 months
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uhh guys,,, i found this cutscene from a cut BFB ep,,,, what the fart 😨 /silly
did a redraw of a creepypasta image from a creepypasta called "bootleg spongebob" with four :3
non dark ver and orig crepypasta image under cut (cw for scary imagery (bootleg spongebob))
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doaedits · 10 months
scary kyouka icon pleasw 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
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mctulsaysstuff · 9 months
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sorry for shit quality (had to import from discord) but i drew myself inspired by me and oomf playing Lethal Company... I always get Most paranoid and also Most Injuries. We stay winning!!
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sardinedweeb · 5 months
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How bout some creepy art? These two are dummy and bony bitch, the freakhouse resident “pets” who were created in a lab by the two professors. They do nothing but cause destruction! Damn…..to think I drew the second one 7 years ago. Time really does fly by. The first one was done last year, and although the highlight placement in some of the parts could’ve been done better, I feel like it would’ve felt empty without them. The stitches could’ve also been done better, but tbh I love them the way they are. Can’t believe how much my work has changed over the years.
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5tupidusrnam3 · 8 months
I sketched this in the middle of the night yesterday on a canvas
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I love the release/teaser art where the ghost pepper person is all scary and stuff so I so so want to make a painting of it
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