#cybele castle
happyhauntt · 4 months
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➡ faye's writing masterlist.
here you can find all my published oneshots, blurbs & series! some content may be crossposted on my ao3 account, happyhauntt. i accept requests! check out the list of characters / fandoms i'll write for.
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𝐡𝐩 & 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚.
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young gods ── canon [1.2k] ➡ the gryffindors have a little tradition on their first night back at hogwarts.
famous last words ── james potter x reader [2.1k] ➡ you and james are sworn enemies. you find you quite like it that way.
a writer & his muse ── sirius black x reader [1k] ➡ renowned mystery writer sirius black has a new muse in his life, and unfortunately, it's you. castle!au.
la vie en rose ── sirius black x reader [1.8k] ➡ it's just a regular tuesday in july until an escaped convict appears in your kitchen. oh, and he happens to be your ex.
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oh, captain! ── cedric diggory x oc [series masterlist] ➡ megan wynne jones wants to be the best, but there's one annoyingly perfect boy standing in her way: cedric diggory.
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haunted ── alina starkov x reader [1.1k] ➡ alina starkov is dead, except she isn't, and the memory of her haunts you constantly.
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gold rush ── nikolai lantsov x oc [series masterlist] ➡ it doesn't matter what she calls him. pirate, privateer, prince, sobachka, her heart aches for a man she knows she can never truly have. nikolai lantsov, the hope of ravka. anya kamenev, ravka's bane. oh, what a pair they make. a series of interconnected oneshots about nikolai & anya.
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𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬.
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a grey day ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.3k] ➡ spencer meets the newest member of the department.
a lack of caffeine ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.8k] ➡ caffeine makes the world go 'round. that's something you and spencer can agree on. follow up to 'a grey day'.
bury these bones ── spencer reid x medical examiner!reader [1.9k] ➡ spencer’s day isn’t anything more than average, but a surprise phone call and impromptu hospital visit have him rethinking his expectations.
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a touch of colour ── eddie diaz x reader [2.7k] ➡ eddie and chris' home is freakishly empty. you decide to redecorate a little.
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬.
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fight or flight ── poe dameron x solo!reader [1.6k] ➡ you and poe have never seen eye-to-eye. most days, you wonder if you ever will.
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beautiful ghosts ── star wars [series masterlist] ➡ nearly thirty years after the empire’s fall, something darker has risen in its place. helmed by a monster who makes puppets out of lost, broken boys, the first order seeks to crush the galaxy once and for all  ━━  and the resistance, led once again by general leia organa and her wife, colonel ashka cybele, will stop it by whatever means necessary. if that means sacrificing their children, then that is what they must do. multiple x ocs. a sequel trilogy rewrite.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬.
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burial ground ── finnick odair x oc [series masterlist] ➡ In District Four, they teach you  how to survive the Games. They don’t teach you how to survive what comes after.
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𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨.
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in the light ── the doctor x oc [series masterlist] ➡ the doctor doesn't believe in lost causes. fox is determined to prove them wrong.
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𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
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hello sunshine ── steve harrington x oc [series masterlist] ➡ cleo has lived in the house next door her whole entire life ─ and nobody has ever questioned what came before, not even once.
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𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐚𝐟 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞.
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we are a god ── rhaenyra targaryen x oc x alicent hightower [coming soon] ➡ none could have foretold, when viola first set foot in the red keep at the tender age of seven, the havoc she would wreak upon the political landscape of the seven kingdoms. least of all the girl herself.
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inkpot gods ── jaime lannister x oc [series masterlist] ➡ a tourney at Harrenhal causes a war to ignite, and cassia finds herself caught in the very center of a world where good men do unforgivable things, and the bad men are even worse.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Can you talk about Midas? Thanks!
midas, the king with the golden touch (asteroid 1981)
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Midas was thought to be the son, or adopted son, of Cybele and Gordias. Midas was also the king of Phrygia. Being the ruler of the realm, he wished for dignity - when he heard that many peasants were getting drunk near his gardens, he sent guards to capture them. One of these violators was the satyr Silenus who was a rather close and respected friend of Dionysus. Immediately, Midas released Silenus from any punishments/capture and instead invited the satyr to stay with him in his castle. Midas had the upmost respect for Dionysus so for ten nights, Midas did nothing but ensure that Silenus was well fed and entertained. On the eleventh night, Midas brought Silenus back to Dionysus. Dionysus was ever so grateful for the king's hospitality to his friend and thus offered Midas a wish. The king asked that everything he touch be turned to gold (prior to this, he was gold obsessed as well allegedly he'd bathed in gold pieces, adorned his outfits in gold, etc.) - Dionysus granted this wish and Midas quickly set about testing this power. This power was infinite to him so he was quite content with never running out of wealth... What he didn't realize was that, when he came home from this great day of turning things into golden, he couldn't touch anything he wanted to remain as it was. He'd lift his bread and it would turn to gold, wine would become a solid gold piece in his mouth, etc. He wept at his table hungry and unable to eat. At this point, his daughter came in to the dining area and touched him as if to see what was wrong or to comfort him when she too became gold (this part was speculated and added in by a Dark American Romantic named Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 1850s so you can either keep that piece of myth in or ignore it because it is not "ancient myth"). Miserably, he went back to Dionysus asking that the god removed this gift - Dionysus advised him to bathe in the river and indeed that did the trick (this is thought to be why we have golden sand and goldfish (not the snack)). When he came home, he found everything he had touched had turned back to normal - including his daughter. It was that day, that he left his daughter in charge of his kingdom so he could go live in the woods with Pan and company to remove himself from all these riches and temptations of royal living. As is known from past posts, Midas judged the competition between Apollo and Pan. The results of this musical battle was that Apollo was the clear winner, but Midas decides that Pan was actually quite good and said such out loud. Apollo in turn gave Midas a pair of donkey ears. This is why in many paintings he is wearing a turban to hide his ears. Of course, Midas couldn’t hide these ears from his barber. He made the man swear to tell no one - of course, the barber couldn’t contain himself and instead chose a loophole (haha hole). The barber dug a hole in the ground and whispered this gossip into the earth and then buried it. Eventually, reeds grew in this spot - every time the wind would blow they would whisper this secret. IN MY OPINION Midas in your natal chart represents a) where you may change your life to the extreme, b) where you struggle to resist temptation, c) where you may not think out your wishes and come to regret them when they come true, d) where you are hospitable, e) where you are punished for your unpopular opinions, and/or f) where your greatest shame becomes the biggest piece of gossip.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of midas along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of midas AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede midas!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: cybele (65), dionysus (3671), pan (4450), and apollo (1862)!
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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The Happy List Book Tag
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Olá ^^
Eu vi essa tag no canal da Melina Souza há tempos e gostei muito dela. A Mel traduziu as perguntas do canal gringo Words and Wildflowers. As perguntas são direcionadas a falar de coisas felizes relacionadas a livros :D
1. Um livro que você gosta de ler quando quer se sentir feliz
Quando preciso de uma válvula de escape rápida, sempre volto aos mangás shoujo. Yubisaki to Renren, especialmente, eu já reli os capítulos disponíveis mais de uma vez. Também gosto de reler capítulos felizes de Akagami no Shirayukihime, Akatsuki no Yona e (bônus) rever cenas do anime de Wotakoi.
Sinto que a demografia shoujo tem um poder reconfortante de reestabelecer a fé no amor e nas coisas boas.
2. Fandoms que você faz parte
Eu amo Harry Potter, mas não me considero membro do fandom porque não interajo com outros fãs.
Howl's Moving Castle, apesar de ser um livro lançado em 1986, tem um fandom bem ativo no Tumblr e frequentemente apareço na tag para dar uma olhada nas novidades *risos*. Além disso, faço parte do fandom de Tolkien e de AkaYona.
3. Tipo de capa que você sempre pegará em um livraria
Eu não tinha uma resposta na ponta da língua pra essa questão. Enquanto passava os olhos pela minha lista de “Quero ler”, percebi que gosto bastante de ilustrações fofinhas e elas podem me persuadir facilmente a ler um livro que talvez com outra capa eu não me interessaria.
Quando eu falo de capas ilustradas, não estou me referindo àqueles desenhos que são só a silhueta preenchida, tipo Uma farsa de amor na Espanha; falo de algo no estilo A dança da floresta ou O castelo animado. Isso virou moda no mercado editorial recentemente, o que representa um grande perigo para mim. Aqui estão outras capas que eu gosto:
Não nasci para agradar, capa por Fevik;
A far wilder magic, capa por Em Allen;
O fantasma de Cora, capa por Maria Carvalho;
A guerra da papoula, capa por Jung Shan Chang;
O reino de Zália, capa por Andrea Orue (bordado) e Brunna Mancuso;
Nevermoor, capa por Jim Madsen.
4. Uma premissa/clichê literário que você ama
Queria ser mais criativa, mas realmente amo um bom e velho friends to lovers. Acho que, se bem feita, a transformação de uma amizade em um sentimento romântico pode ser arrebatadora. O ship ganha pontos extras se for estilo grumpy x sunshine.
5. Um lançamento que te deixa feliz só de pensar nele
Tenho certeza absoluta, embasada por pistas e paranoias do mercado editorial, que O segredo de Cybelle — continuação de A dança da floresta — vai ser lançado pela Editora Wish em algum momento no futuro. Mal posso esperar pra ler algo da Juliet Marillier de novo.
6. Um autor que você amou todos os livros que leu
Eu não tenho o costume de ler vários livros de um autor só por ter gostado de algo que já li dele, consequentemente não tenho muitas opções para essa categoria.
Jane Austen é uma das minhas escritoras preferidas e, apesar de não ter lido tudo dela ainda, eu favoritei 2 dos 3 livros que já li.
7. Sua bebida e lanche favorito para beber/comer enquanto está lendo
Café e chocolate :)
Eu tenho medo de danificar o livro se for uma cópia física, por isso é comum que eu coma alguma coisa só se estiver lendo um e-book.
8. Um livro que você emprestou para amigos/familiares
Eu nunca emprestei um livro. Existe a justificativa de que não existem muitos leitores de literatura à minha volta e os existentes nunca me pediram emprestado. Não sei se eu seria capaz de emprestar, se fosse um dos meus favoritos ou possuísse grande valor sentimental para mim.
9. Um booktuber que você ama acompanhar e fica feliz sempre que tem conteúdo novo
A Emma, do canal * e m m i e *. Gosto das recomendações diferentonas dela, o jeito que descreve os livros e seu senso de humor.
10. Algo relacionado ao conteúdo que você cria que você ama
Fora da internet, eu não tenho oportunidade de falar sobre livros. Pelo menos não de forma tão extensa quanto faço aqui. Aliás, só recentemente encontrei pessoas com quem posso conversar disso ao vivo.
Eu sempre quis ter um cantinho online para divagar livremente sobre o que eu estou lendo ou compartilhar algo legal do meu cotidiano. Faz pouco mais de um ano que comecei a postar minivlogs no meu Instagram. Em 2022, eu finalmente tomei coragem de criar um blog de livros.
Não me importo de que o Tumblr tenha poucos falantes de português e que poucas pessoas leiam o que eu escrevo. Só me sinto feliz de despejar esses sentimentos em algum lugar, ao invés de guardar meus textos para mim mesma.
Então, eu amo a liberdade que tenho enquanto escrevo como Ginevra. Amo os gifs que uso para ilustrar meus posts e o design do blog na versão web.
Obrigada por ler, até mais (✿◠‿◠)
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ribcage-rodents · 1 year
Chapter one: A less transphobic Hogwarts
Persephone awoke to a tall cross woman standing in her room on the morning of August 31st. Wordlessly she handed her a letter with a forest green wax seal, Persephone had never received a letter let alone one so fancy, but a more pressing matter was at hand. “Who’re you?” The older woman raised a gray eyebrow, “Read the letter,” She spoke with a posh accent. Figuring she must be a new head of the orphanage Persephone followed her instruction.
To Persephone, Wisteria Castle Orphanage
School of Eilimintí,
The Thirty-first of August
Dear Persephone Thysia
We hope this letter finds you in good health as we cordially invite you to attend the School of Eilimintí. Please find Professor Cybele to answer any questions you have, she will guide you to the train and ensure your arrival. We eagerly await you.
Esus Glindor
“I haven’t got any money,” The woman, supposedly Professor Cybele, plucked the letter from her hands. “Not to worry, you have a full scholarship,” “But I didn’t apply,” “You didn’t need to, we chose you specifically, now get up we must be off to the train soon.” Desperate to get away from the orphanage Persephone packed up her few belongings and dressed quickly pulling her frizzy hair into a ponytail.
The short walk to the train station was bitter cold, Persephone shivered in her light jacket envious of the thick navy cloak the woman wore. The train was filled with tired students and desolate workers but she spotted a few other kids with suitcases and bags wandering from cart to cart. “Now go find a car we won’t reach the school until tomorrow morning, I will find you once we reach the Fairy Gardens.” Professor Cybele gave a sharp nod before turning and walking off to the conductor’s car, Persephone stood listening to the smart tap of her shoes for a moment before wandering off to find a cart.
She chose the caboose car, it was relatively empty except for one other student who looked about eleven like Persephone herself. “Oh,” She had never seen anyone who looked that extravagant, with a dark green silk dress with pink floral embroidery and a matching scarf wrapped around her head like a babushka. But most extraordinary was the curtains of thick lilac hair pooling over shoulders and down her back. Persephone blinked the jealousy of fancy clothes and expensive hair stylists away. “Uh, hi I’m Persephone,” Deep indigo eyes took her in, making her immediately aware of her shabby hand-me-downs and frizzy hair. “Hello,” She spoke in an odd lilting accent, “My name is Andromeda Von Malfaisant,” “Jesus, even her name is fancy,” Persephone moved to load her single bag into the overhead bin but tripped on the cuff of her too long jeans, Andromeda smiled slyly.
The cart was filled with uncomfortable silence until the next stop when three more students filed in. A horse-faced girl with wine-red hair sneered at Andromeda as she helped a short round girl push her bags into the overhead bin. Persephone could sympathize with her envy. The red-headed girl pushed her own bag to the ground to free up space for a quiet chubby boy with a mop of dark hair that hung in an unattractive wreath around his head; he chose to sit next to Andromeda regardless. Clearing her throat Persephone worked up the courage to introduce herself again, “I’m Persephone,” “Carmine Ketchem,” The horse-faced girl said. “Hera MacAlasdair,” Added the round girl in a chippy brogue pushing honey corkscrew curls behind her ear. All eyes moved to the quiet boy, “Uh, Alfred Redl Renner,” His voice was as timid as he looked. “Andromeda Von-” Carmine cut her off with a snort, “Musha, I’m surprised you can even say your entire name with all the air you use up being a blowhard,”
Andromeda’s eyes turned icy as she spoke “And I’m surprised that you can stand upright under the weight of that ego.” Tension stretched until Hera spoke up, “I wonder who we’ll be shackin’ with,” “She seemed the type to take control of a situation almost like a motherly figure.” “Shacking with?” “As in sharing a room,” Andromeda ignored Carmine’s snide comment. “We share rooms? With how many people?” “You didn’t know?” It was the timid boy, she looked into his sad, downward-sloping eyes, they were a little too far apart, it made him look strange like an alien. “Garish kids like you probably bribe the board for private housing,” Carmine jabbed at the same time Hera spoke up, “Usually about four,” Andromeda nodded in acknowledgment.
The last of the common passengers filed off as the conductor announced the next stop to be the Fairy Ring Gardens. A cruel smile crawled over Carmine’s face, “You realize the school of Eilimintí is all the way up in the Hillas right, we have to stay in sleeper cars for the night,” Andromeda looked as if this information was as interesting as the morning weather report but nevertheless she was unusually pale.
The rest of the trip continued with idle chatter from the three girls, the timid boy sat with downcast eyes and fiddling hands. Andromeda watched the train sink into the ocean through a crack in the curtains. At the stroke of eight the benches dropped and four beds folded from the walls, the cart expanded to accommodate. “Jeez, I’ve ridden this train dozens of times before and I’ve never noticed how high tech it is,” Persephone picked the bed closest to her. “Who’re bunkin’ with?” Andromeda froze under the sudden attention, “Oh please garish type don’t share, I’m surprised you don’t have a servant here to load on your princess bed,” She turned sharp eyes to Carmine, desperate to prove her authority, “Well I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing after all doesn’t your family all pile on the stained mattress in your one room hovel like a pack of stray dogs,”
“Alright, lets-” Carmine cut Hera off, eyes flashing dangerously. “Did you just call my family a bunch of guttersnipes?” “Well you have the mange of one,” “That’s it!” Carmine snarled. Andromeda squared her shoulders and bent her knees but between Carmine’s fury and Hera’s protests the squeaky wheels of the refreshment cart warned them to act docile.
“What’s going on in here!?” He was a tall, lanky man, only a year or so post graduation. “Nothing sir!” Hera spoke though it was obviously a lie from Carmine’s red-faced fury. His tired eyes moved from one passenger to the next, he shoved a hand into his pocket. “S’alright.” He didn’t offer any food or drink but the tension in the car seemed to leave with him. Though as he moved both hands to the handle of the refreshment cart a slip of paper fell to the ground.
Persephone had idly thought of telling him the truth, but causing unnecessary trouble wasn’t worth it, instead she turned towards Hera. “Why didn’t you turn them in?” “They are both volatile in different ways, I don’t want to be on the bad side of either,” She spoke as if the answer was obvious which Persephone didn’t appreciate.
“I will share a bed with someone, or I will even sleep on the floor,” Hera proposed. The night continued without incident. Lamps gave dim light to the room until a voice called for slumber snuffing them into darkness. The first several moments felt suffocating. “Do you think someone is gonna be haunted this year?” Andromeda rolled over at the grating sound of Carmine’s voice. “No one is going to be put in the haunted rooms,” Hera countered.“Why would anyone be haunted?” Silence followed Persephone’s question. Carmine eventually spoke, her voice eerily dramatized, “Decades ago our school was a hospital for sick witches and victims of witch-hunts on account of the healing water. Hundreds of people died and it is said that some souls stayed behind to enact revenge and to finish their earthly needs.” “Do you think they might possess a student to achieve revenge?” Alfred’s soft voice wavered in fear. “What are you still doing here?! Boys and girls can’t share rooms!” Hera yelped, Alfred in turn sheepishly gathered his carry-on and left into the dark hallway.
“I hope I’m not placed in one of those room..,” Persephone admitted, “Don’t worry you’d have to be placed in the House of Air, you aren't vile enough to be a sylph.” Carmine said at the same time Andromeda snorted. They shared a glare. “Syphs are of the highest class, power and intelligence, you’d have to be as dumb as a fire salamander to believe in ghosts.” Sending a sneer in Carmine’s direction. Persephone didn’t understand any of the terms they used but she didn’t feel like getting patronized by Hera again so she kept her mouth shut. “How can you not believe in ghosts? I mean look at the world we live in,” Andromeda raised one brow to Hera’s question, “I’m intelligent,” Carmine’s temper boiled over again. “You spoiled garish rat! You think you are so much better than everyone else just because your parents are rich!” In response she merely smiled and rolled to face the window a quote echoed through the car.“‘The man that squanders life away in decrepit darkness hunting the damned is one that craves the companionship of mottled flesh and sunken eyes for he has no vibrant joy among the living.’ Sir Arthur Decorum, The Tiresom of Men, 1829.”
Persephone had only shared a bed a few times before when the orphanage was overcrowded but embarrassingly just as before she felt a neediness that came with a warm body next to hers. A primal urge to be close to other people in a way she’s never been able to. “Don’t worry according to The Extravagant tale of Eilimintí no one will be placed in a haunted room, the most activity happened in the old floating morgues, they stopped using them as rooms about two decades ago.” The news was comforting.
When the train finally stopped the sun had painted the sky pink and orange. When Persephone woke up Andromeda’s bed was empty. The students slipped off the train with their bags in toe. As a group they wandered from the train platform into the surrounding woods. Early morning dew drops collected on their shoes as they neared a large circle made of white mushrooms. Persephone spotted Professor Cybele walking towards her, “Follow the other children into the ring and start dancing, don’t stop until the mushrooms turn red.” Persephone did as she was told but had begun to fear that she may have been indoctrinated into a crazy cult. Alfred bumped into Andromeda and the two shared cross words, the uncoordinated of his movement comforted Persephone in her own awkward dancing.
A gentle tingling sensation started at her fingertips and the souls of her shoes and slowly traveled up her body. The sunlit woods started to fade around her, falling into a blur of green and brown until like Christmas lights red dots painted a circle around them and the world refocused. It was suddenly colder and the woods around them were far thicker.
Persephone scanned the crowd for Hera but she was nowhere to be seen. “Are you ok?” She turned to find a warm smile and kind eyes. “Usually common born folk are kinda weirded out their first time here,” “Uh-” Persephone eloquently responded. “Oh sorry, I don’t mean to confuse you, uh your parents weren’t good folk right?” She grimaced, “My parents are dead,” His eyes went wide, “O-oh, I’m so sorry,” Persephone shrugged uncomfortably. “S’alright.” She looked out to the large black lake shining in the early morning sun.
“I’m Humphrey by the way,” He spoke, regaining his bright demeanor. She shook his hand, “Persephone.” Another boy joined them and Humphrey jovially chatted with him. “This is Persephone,” The boy looked at her boredly, “Casimir Red Herone” The two continued to talk as Persephone walked quietly beside them.
Though she looked she couldn’t spot anything that resembled a school, still she followed the group of students up to the large mountain side, quickly Professor Cyble pulled against the rock face revealing a doorway. The drab gray outside contrasted with the splendid interior of the school. Persephone dumped her bags with the other students taking in the extravagant architecture and indoor waterfalls. She watched as staircases rotated from landing to landing lazily, beautiful banners hung from high arches, red with bronze flaming salamander, blue with a golden fish swimming in a large wave, indigo with a silver crow flying though the wind, and the largest benign a green banner with platinum crest with each animal and a large tree in the middle. Persephone was about to ask how they managed to get the animals to move on the fabric when she noticed something far more spectacular. Several of the hallways were made of water, they didn’t seem to flow freely but were tranquil like an aquarium and yet fish seemed to jump through the surface.
Her admiration was interrupted by a man dressed in splendid crushed velvet navy robes appearing before them, three witches at his sides. Surprisingly she immediately recognized one of them, Professor Cybele, dressed in a dark blue suitcoat and floor length skirt. Silver stars danced across his robes as he spoke. “Welcome students to the School of eilimintí! We are in for a wonderful year of music, dance, festivities, competitions, and of course magic!” A round of whooping and applause filled the cramped room. “But first we must sort you into your houses, as you all know the four elements are what give us power and life. As such we have the brave, bold and loyal house of salamanders representing fire,” a roar of red-donned students cheered. “The strong, un-wielding, and wise house of Koi representing water,” Another cheer, less boisterous but just as prideful. “The cunning, quick, and unpredictable house of crows representing air,” Andromeda didn’t join in on the cheer but Perephone could see a smile pulling at her lips. “And together we represent the fierce, grounded, and clever School of eilimintí representing Earth!” A final deafening cheer erupted from the gathered students.
A woman in burgundy who perfectly embodied the fairy-tale evil witch, stepped forward, “Alright, you’ve had your fun now let's get you settled in,” As she spoke she fretted with her frizzy gray hair. She turned on her heel and began to march towards the nearest staircase, a gaggle of students 2nd year and above followed after their teacher. Next was Professor Cybele “Undines, come along,” Her voice was as stern as her face, the students of the water house followed without argument or fanfare. Finally the last teacher, a thin sallow man in indigo robes. He simply motioned forward the remaining students with a sneer.
The older man continued, “You students will complete four challenges that will place you into your house based on which attributes you best embody. Now remember just because you aren’t a sylph doesn’t mean you aren’t intelligent and just because you are a salamander doesn’t mean you have to be impulsive.” “Yeah but being a crow does mean having a higher chance of being a heartless freak,” Hushed laughter ruffled through the crowd at the comment.
The students were led into a far bigger room though it was plain, Persephone lagged behind caught staring at the lake below the floor. The older man gently tapped her on the shoulder, “There will be plenty of time to admire the school later my dear for now you must find your house, just follow your heart,” He said with a wink. Now fully convinced from his speech that Persephone was caught in a cult she hurried after the other students. The room had several large red doors, immediately some students began to throw themselves against the door. She Watched the wood bend slightly under the pressure. “We must work together to break down the door the fastest,” Seeing Hera trying to push a door open Persephone hurried over, “Let me help you, if we work together it will open faster!” Hera smiled. With the help of a few other students the door cracked open, Persephone watched Andromeda sneak through the opening. “Isn’t that cheating?”
The doorway led to an extravagant hedge maze, Perephone wandered through the thick bushes trying to figure out the secret. “Is this some sort of tolerance challenge for the water house? No, mazes are traditionally tests of problem solving and intelligence, so this must be for the air house.” Hera wondered aloud. They continued to work aimlessly through the maze, the gaggle of most-likely salamanders crowded together arguing over turning left or right.
As the two argued over a possible pattern Andromeda walked up to them. “The left right pattern isn’t correct, it's too simple. Plus I have encountered many routes without right or left turns,” Andromeda held her head up high, proud of her deductions, but the girls looked bitterly diffident and shocked respectively. “Alright, what do you suggest is the pattern then,” Hera said. Andromeda examined the hedges thinking hard, needing to prove herself. She smiled at them, eyes sparkling, “This is the air house test which means it's testing how well we can figure out the best way to solve a problem. And what’s the easiest way to get through a hedge maze…” She paused for effect, “An overhead view. We need to walk along the hedge tops to find the exit.” Andromeda was pleasantly rewarded with a begrudgingly impressed look on Hera’s face, “No,” She said at the same time Persephone said, “That’s cheating isn’t it?” “I don’t see a list of rules anywhere,” Andromeda sneered, walking past the girls to the next complicated twists and turns.
As Hera and Persephone continued through the maze other students ran along beside Andromeda or copied her idea. Nevertheless they managed to be some of the first through the door.
The next room was dark with long ramps criss-crossing through a rotating room. Persephone followed the other students carefully walking down the ramps, waiting patiently for connecting pieces. Hera moved quickly with a grace unknown to Persephone, she soon lost sight of her. But Andromeda soon appeared, she carefully watched for the next ramp to slide below hers and jumped, she landed hard but nevertheless landed.
“Hey! What’re you think you’re doing!?” Persephone shouted. “Winning,” Persephone’s pinched her face in disapproval. “It’s not a competition,” “Failures often claim ignorance,” She continued jumping from narrow ramp to narrow ramp. Persephone followed her indignantly, “Do you not feel guilty at all for cheating?” Andromeda regarded her defiantly, “Again there are no rules against being smarter than the other players, plus did you not notice you were cheating to keep up with me?” Persephone stopped suddenly realizing she too had been jumping from ramp to ramp. Cursing she continued walking carefully exiting the room just after Andromeda.
The last room was filled with letters flapping their creased pages like wings. Persephone spotted one with her name written in that same cursive hand. She quickly plucked it from the air and read the note inside.
Persephone Thysia,
Please use the attached hints to find one of your roommates, your two numbers will combine with hers to complete the four letters of your room number.
Fair in repose the flower of her birth is the rose.
The same old haggard woman and several older students were waiting outside the room ready to guide salamander students to their rooms. Persephone followed them up a rotation staircase and down multiple hallways, until they reached a red door with a knocker in the shape of a salamander. The old woman knocked on it twice in a quick session then five more times slowly finishing off with a delicate tap. The bronze salamander came to live wiggling down to form the door knob. “How high-tech is this place? Water floors, moving staircases, flying letters, a hedge maze! Maybe I won’t mind being a part of this cult.”
The common room was extravagant with four large roaring fires, and a thick red carpet. There were those same red banners on each of the walls and heavy velvet drapes. On one side of the room stood a trophy case glittering brightly in the glow of the hearths. The older students joined other students in playing games or chatting, leaving the first years to find their roommates. As the crowd thinned out Persephone bumped into a girl with wavy cornsilk hair and fair skin. “Um, is your birth flower a rose?” She asked hopefully, the girl smiled sweetly. “Hmm, skin of bronze soul of steel, your most precious gift, a red ring of ruby?” Persephone twisted said ring about her finger, “My hint seems so much more personal,”
The two girls made introductions as they ascended the staircase to the dorm rooms. “Etain,” “Persephone,” Their shoes tapped on the charcoal black floor. Carmine Ketchum and another girl had already chosen their beds. Their luggage sat at the end of each bed. Persephone picked the one closest to the window.
The rest of the day was filled with idle chatter and card games. Carmine remained abrasive but Persephone began to enjoy spending time with her roommates. Dinner came quickly they ventured to the dining hall as a group but once Persephone spotted Hera she quickly departed. Humphrey joined them. “Can I ask a question?” Humphrey nodded around his spoonful of potatoes. “Why does everyone here have an accent,” Both Hera and Humphrey made a face, “It’s the Hillas, this is how we talk, if anything you have an accent.” Persephone chewed her roast beef thoughtfully, “Ok, what about the ear things?” She asked, making a pointed sign around her own ears. Humphrey looked confused this time but before he could answer Hera excitability yelped. “It’s Sir Glindor!” "What is the big deal with the school master?” Hera turned to her, her eyes alight. “Sir Glindor is the savior of the good folk and the common folk. He slayed the wicked unseelie ruler, Abbadon the destroyer who planned to take over the world.” Persephone had more questions but something caught her eye, or more accurately someone didn’t. “Where’s Andromeda?” Hera frowned, “She probably just didn’t come to dinner,” “But why? She was cheating during our sorting and almost got in a fight with Carmine, she could be up to something.” Both of her new friends shrugged off her suspicions and the rest of the meal was filled with stories and jokes.
Hera headed down to the water rooms below the lake and Humphrey parted at the salamander boys dormitory staircase. Persephone was so pleased with her new life she didn’t think she could rest but sleep came quickly.
She woke up in a different room, this one was round and as black as charcoal. A bubbling cauldron was in the middle of the room, sickly green liquid poured over the sides. It tipped by an invisible hand spilled inky goo across the floor, it groaned and gurgled. Slowly a figure ascended from the goop mangled and mutilated; he had the e face of the devil, a toothy grin hat spread across his face and long black horns protruding from his forehead. Creamy pustules created pockets of his skin. He reached out a black-dripping hand to her then released an unearthly screech of which Persephone had never heard.
She sprang up from her bed in the salamander dorm. Taking a few deep breaths Persephone crept from the room, her plan was to calm down in the common room but the fires were suddenly no longer comforting but rather smothering. In a moment close to panic she left, heading blindly for the Koi dorms. “I know they are towards the bottom of the school,” She stepped on a staircase only for it to move, connecting her to a different hallway. “If I can’t navigate my way to Hera maybe I can explore the school a little bit,” The winding hallways and rotating staircases took her deep into the school though she didn’t care much of getting lost merely trying to drive the dream from her mind.
As she reached a new hallway a noise alerted her to someone else. A shadowy figure lurked behind a statue of a hag, Persephone half expected the monstrous man from her dream to come lurching from the darkness but instead there was a flick of periwinkle hair. “Andromeda! I knew she was up to something.” Taking a deep breath to gather her bravery Persephone stepped forward. “What are you doing out here?” But there was no reply, carefully she crept forward but once she reached the hag Andromeda had disappeared.
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*UC smiles and waves at Cybele.*
Mr. Bunny: Glad you could make it, Cybele. This little one is my holder.
*Meanwhile, you reach the Empress Territory. The ground is a bright golden grass, there are pink and purple flowers everywhere, and the sky is bright pink. The territory is styled like an old fashioned village, and you see a small castle up ahead.
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theam-cjsw · 2 years
The AM: August 29, 2022
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It may be the tail end of August, but there’s still room for plenty of aural sunshine in this week’s AM. Plently of highlights this week, from Panda Bear and Sonic Boom's Beach Boys-vibing psychedelia to Pocket Pavilions’ Expo-inspired electronics, wisdom from the great Jonathan Richman, Lemon Jelly-ish science sampling from Octophonic, bucolic landscapes from Pantha du Prince, and plenty more. 
Listen on Soundcloud
Stream on CJSW
Other podcast links, if you want
Spotify playlist (missing a few tracks, but so it goes)
And the full track list is after the break. If you want to dig deeper into any of the albums, you’re a mere Google search away.
Hour One:
Start a New Life Pantha du Prince • Garden Gaia
Modern Compromise Teen Daze • Single
Cotton Castle Various Artists, Blackford Hill, featuring Miaoux Miaoux • Peace and Plenty
Empathic Psychopaths Various Artists, featuring Andrew Vivona • Forest City Series, Vol. 5
Celestial Ride to Rejection Personal Bandana • Geleezeit
Expo Transit System Pocket Pavilions • Gondolas Traversing Lofty Peaks
Take Care Kogane • Single
Beams of Love (Edit) Seahawks • Infinite Echo
Lupron Time Wharp • Spiro World
Revitalize Oscill8 Collective, featuring verticalpark • Immersion
Hour Two:
Affection Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers • Back In Your Life
Dormir Ojard • Euphonie
New Kind of Swim Thanya Iyer • Rest EP
Porth Ia Gwenno • Tresor
Reprise of a Cry Medicine Singers • Medicine Singers
Edge of the Edge Panda Bear & Sonic Boom • Reset
Portugal Rua Rua Glissandro 70 • Glissandro 70
Secede Robert Diack • Small Bridges
On O Flanafi • On 0 / fast, fast, ffffast
Tied Up Raf Wilcot • Single
Hold On Paul Jacobs • 185 On the Corner EP
Hour Three:
Erehwon Stelar Door • Visions of Erehwon
Astum Zoon, featuring Leanne Betasamosake Simpson • Big Pharma EP
Saturnalia Vinyl Williams • Cosmopolis
Cybele’s Reverie [Live at the Hollywood Bowl] Stereolab • Single
Corporate Sunset JB Dunckel • Carbon
Mr Sun Octophonic, Test Card • Single
Om Det Finns Något Som Du Vill Fråga Mig Dungen • En Är För Mycket Och Tusen Aldrig Nog
The Extra Sees the Film Kiwi Jr. • Chopper
All Your Love Ghost Woman • Ghost Woman
Senza Motivo Apparente Ennio Morricone • Sans Mobile Apparent
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moonbeam-broker · 5 years
C y b e l e
AKA 'Junkmail,' my Junkmail & Jackmania OC.
My original intention was for the story to be an OC fic, however it instead became a reader-insert. This is the OC I originally intended for the role of the reader, my personal Borderlands OC.
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Cybele "Junkmail" Castle
Female · Age 23 (pre-TFTBL) · Bisexual
headstrong · intellectual · independent · pessimistic · literate · glib · well-mannered · soft-centered · iconoclastic · romantic
Her first name (pronounced "sih-buh-lee") refers to the Phrygian mother-goddess, who was eventually adopted into Greek mythology as a goddess of wild nature.
She was born and raised on Aquator (a glorified beach planet beloved by intergalactic celebrities) to parents of curiously opposite behaviors; a strict mom and an easygoing dad.
Mom: 'Janice,' referring to Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and ends, usually depicted as having two faces. She's a relatively famous screenwriter constantly on the lookout for celebrities she can put into her work. The type to encourage gossip and otherwise force unwanted relationships between Cybele and up-and-coming actors.
Dad: 'Caelus,' named after the Roman god of the sky. Silver-tongued tour guide who managed to rope Cybele's mother into staying on Aquator with him. The softer of Cybele's parents, though somewhat cynical. Cybele takes after him the most, pushing away from her mother's insistence on indulging in unnecessary drama.
She aspires to become a novelist, though her personal goals change due to several story-driven circumstances.
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She flees Aquator, effectively running away as she attempts to carve out a 'more interesting' life for herself.
She becomes employed by Hyperion, more specifically an old eyesore by the name of Saul Henderson in the data-mining department, though her plans go awry once Handsome Jack catches wind of her existence.
Upon snooping through her resumé, he enlists her to become his personal fanmail-answerer. He directly regards this task as trivial: "Cleaning all the junk out of my inbox," is essentially the job description he provides; hence, the nickname 'Junkmail.'
Simultaneously, she forges new friendships and potential romances with the odd company of Timothy Lawrence (post-Pre-Sequel), and Rhys Strongfork (pre-TFTBL).
As for the rest... it's still in the process of being written, so I won't spoil everything I have planned, just in case it doesn't turn out how I originally expected. It will, however, closely follow the canon timeline.
Bonus: Atlas (with ECHO-Eye variants)
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[Credit: Visuals were created using LivePortraitMaker; edited in PicsArt, Photoshop Express.]
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my-virtual-pearls · 4 years
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Finian’s Dream is a lovely, mystical sim based on old Celtic Ireland. The region was designed by Noralie78 and is currently in the Destination Guide. 
The misty forests with sheep and ruins, and the castle with it’s domestic comforts and art exhibits are enjoyable for exploring and photography. A current exhibit is by Cybele Moon.
The Runic Cloaks we are wearing are Steam XV Hunt prizes from Tayren’s Fantasy Fashions. The Steam XV Hunt continues through the end of this  month. Historical Hunts, Ltd blog: http://historicalhunts.blogspot.com/
Finian’s Dream: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Celtic%20Mist/74/124/28
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pastel-spells · 5 years
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We’ve been streaming our newest D&D campaign on my mixer channel. Last night was episode 3, and oh man we did a DEEP dive into my character’s backstory. Basically all my secrets were laid bare and I was SO vulnerable and it really has me feeling a certain way today. Our DM is so talented and my fellow players are wonderful and it was just such an amazing scene...my mind has been running through all the details and possibilities all day. Story info below the cut, if you want to know more (possible TW for abuse....also it’s long af). 
My character’s name is Morgana. In game terms, she is a changeling bard (college of swords). In actuality, she is a courtesan/assassin. The party has had no idea she was a changeling until last night. NO ONE knew she was a changeling until last night, except for the man who raised her - The Owl (left). He’s the biggest crimelord in the country, maybe even the empire. And when he found her as a child, he saw his ticket to the top of the criminal ladder. He’s possessive and abusive and manipulative and generally awful....but he raised Morgana and spared no expense in her upbringing. Materially speaking, she lived an exceptionally pampered life. The Owl developed a reputation for being able to acquire any kind of companion a well-to-do person with the right connections could want. And Morgana played all the parts. He was a father in many ways, and hinted at times that he wanted more, but The Owl is a complicated and secretive man. He never allowed Morgana to create an identity of her own, or have any sense of “self”...only the people she was forced to be. She never even had a proper name, he simply called her “Little Bird.” 
Eventually Morgana became unhappy, and started squirreling away bits of the money she made to buy a town house in the city. She was going to tell The Owl she was leaving, when he said he had a job in the city of Shoreditch down the coast. Jobs outside the capital usually meant a lot of money so she accepted...and while there, he framed her for murder. She was arrested as Roselie (aka “The Golden Rose,” her most famous persona) and awaiting trial. 
While in prison, the night before she was scheduled to be executed (without trial because The Owl had rushed the proceedings), black cloaked figures broke into the prison and broke out a man. Roselie and the party (also prisoners) used the commotion to secure their own escape, and fled to the capital. Roselie, knowing The Owl would soon hear of her escape and being right under his nose, had to pick a new identity. A face and name The Owl would not recognize...and the first she could choose for herself. She became Morgana, and explained to the party that she had magic that could change her appearance.
While in the capital, Morgana was extremely paranoid that she would be found and brought back to The Owl. She told the party nothing of her past, however. Their first night was spent in a seedy tavern...where they met a most unexpected patron - The Crown Prince of Galria, Prince Alberic (right). A notorious playboy with a kind heart, Morgana had met him at many court functions in the past, though never with her current face. And when it was revealed that they knew details about the massacre that happened in Shoreditch, the Prince invited them to the castle the next day. The clerics in the party received a vision in the night from their goddesses that the trouble in Shoreditch (a cult) would soon reach the capital. The party warned Alberic that his city was in danger, helped him go into hiding, and became embroiled in cults and secret societies and ancient relics and all sorts of adventures. 
During this time, the party often expressed disappointment with Morgana for not wanting to tell the truth or her less-than-legal approach to most obstacles. Morgana was starting to feel pushed away by the first people she thought might be friends and might like her for the person she was discovering she could be. And so she kept her secrets tighter. 
But the tenuous peace she had found would not last...the morning after saving the city from the cult’s corruption in the Temple of Cybele, Morgana received a letter at her home, from a messenger who promptly drank poison. The Owl had found her, and threatened to kill her friends if she did not come home to him. She gathered her belongings as quickly as she could, and burned the life she had painstakingly crafted for herself to the ground. Morgana wasn’t sure which family to choose. So she changed her appearance, and used detect thoughts on the party while they discussed her situation, and her secrets. When she discovered the party thought she was dangerous, and possibly a risk to have around (the spell only revealing basic surface thoughts), she left. She sold the fine horse the Prince had gifted her and bought a working horse, and fled the city disguised as a stable hand. Morgana was desperate, and could think of only one solution...and one other person she had endangered. It was a huge risk, but she rode to the Prince’s hideout. 
Morgana was counting on one thing - that her value to the crown as an informant against The Owl, who had plagued the country for two decades, would be enough to convince the Prince to grant her sanctuary. She hoped that her service to the crown and prince himself during the cultist incursion would also win her some favor...as well as Morgana and Alberic’s blossoming friendship. From her time at court, she knew Alberic was kind and open-minded...but she was a monster from folktales, and there was no telling how he would react to the truth. 
Morgana begged an audience with the Prince, and told him everything. And, for the first time, revealed her true form to a stranger. The Prince, impressed with her honesty, accepted her bargain and swore to keep her secret to the grave...And now two people knew exactly who and what Morgana was. Morgana gifted Alberic one of the few things she had saved from her home - a portrait of Morgana that she had painted the night before. She explained that she had painted every persona she had spent more than a moment as, and that she gave him this to remind him she was entrusting him with not just her life, but WHO she was. A task Alberic promised he took quite seriously. She was surprised to find their friendship had only grown deeper after everything. And she began to wonder if the flirting that had been happening between the two for the last week was maybe not just Alberic’s playboy ways...
They decided to stay one more night in the hideout, and return to the city in the morning, where Morgana could be hidden safely behind castle walls. However, back in the city, the party was looking for Morgana after she had given them the slip. The Owl caught wind of their search, and ambushed the party in a back alley. The elven monk convinced him that she was Morgana to buy the rest of the party time to escape, but when she was immune to a sleep spell, the ruse was discovered and a fight broke out. The Owl was a formidable opponent and could have easily ended the party right then and there, but he cast plane-shift and left the party wounded in the alley...perhaps as a message? The party knew they were no longer safe in the city, and decided to also make their way to the prince’s hideout. Its location was a royal secret and protected with many magics, and they could think of no better place to hide. So they rode there in the night, to tell the prince what was happening with the Owl and that the cult was defeated. They were very surprised to find Morgana there as well. And when they told her of their encounter with The Owl, demanding answers for why he was after her, she was forced to tell her secrets again. 
The party decided, after much discussion and heartache, that they were better together. And that while different, they would always have each other’s backs. Alberic assured Morgana that (if she desired) his offer of protection still stood, but also encouraged her to go with the party to Dwarfhome where she would be out of The Owl’s reach...at least until The Owl could be defeated once and for all. He would covertly help them prepare for the journey over the next few days, and he and Morgana both expressed an interest in spending more time together before her departure. 
So now 8 people know her secrets. She’s found a family by happenstance...but also a family of her choosing. And she’s discovering that the Prince may have found a home in her heart...though she wonders if she has one in his. And for someone who has many notches in her own belt, she finds herself unusually distraught that she may just become another in his...
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darkestdesired · 5 years
The Originals
Chapter 1
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Summary:Cybele finally meets the Volturi,but what will hapen when a certain Raven haired master turns her entire world upside down?
Warnings:Not many,slight violence for like 2 seconds,Alight angst again for 2 seconds.The next chapter will have more warnings than this one.
Cybele smiled as she tapped her long nails on the carriage door,"My child what has you in such a good mood?" Vladimir asked with a small knowing smile."I am just so excited Father,I am finally meeting the volturi! I have heard many stories from the maids and i can't wait to meet them all." Lucian rolled his eyes."They are dreadful sister,believe me.Just one minute and you will wish to be back in Transylvania." I looked to Vladimir for answers,he took my hand and patted it."Do not worry my child,you will love it there,Aro has informed me there is a lovely library.I am sure you will spend most of your time there." I smiled wider as the anticipation grew.Roberto called through a window in the carriage as we stopped,"We are here my lord." Vladimir nodded."Come along children,let us not keep them waiting." Roberto helped me out after Vladimir but did not bother with Lucian causing him to growl.
As we stepped into the castle Vladimir smiled as he watched my eyes light up,i ran from painting to painting with a face of awe."Father it is beautiful!" I stopped when i heard footsteps coming towards us.Roberto hid me behind him as he glared at the two men.
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"Hello lord Dracula,We are your escorts for the evening." Demetri said as both he and Felix bowed.Vladimir nodded his head,"Thank you my sons." Felix looked Roberto up and down as if sizing him up before they both turned and began leading us through the hallways.I held onto Lucians arm as we walked,"They seem nice." He rolled his eyes,"We shall see if you feel the same at the end of our visit dear sister."
Demetri and Felix pushed open the door,the room was completely marble,it was bright compared to the dark colors of our castle in Transylvania. A handsome man with raven hair stood with a grin as soon as we entered,"Ah Lord Dracula,a pleasure to see you again Old friend." Vladimir smiled."I can say the same to you as well Master Aro." I looked down and tucked a curl behind my ear,i felt this strange pull towards Aro that i didn't understand,as if just being in his presence made me feel safe.He offered a short greeting to Lucian and Roberto before turning to me.
"And this must be the daughter you've told me about,Cybele." I looked up into his deep red eyes and it felt as if the universe alligned."Hello master Aro,thank you for allowing me to come.Your home is quite beautiful." Aro stared at me for a second before grinning proudly."You are welcomed here anytime darling,Our doors are always open to you." He said making sure i knew it was offered right to me.
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He held out a hand,"May i,Cybele?" I bit my lip as i went to give him my hand,i gasped when Roberto pushed me behind him and growled in Aro's face.Felix was quick to take Aro's place as i tried to pull Roberto away,"Out of my way." Roberto hissed causing Felix to growl.Both Lucian and Caius stood together watching as if this were a suspenseful drama while Marcus and Vladimir watched with expressions of 'These idiotic children'
Felix attacked first throwing Roberto across the room,I watched with wide eyes as Roberto quickly ran at Felix and slammed him into the steps."Enough!" I screamed,lifting my hands Felix and roberto seperated and flew into the air a few feet off the ground."We did not come here to fight Roberto,It was my choice to take Aro's hand!" Roberto struggled."But my Queen Felix sta-" "I do not care who started it! He was merely doing his job in protecting his master,you are both immortal beings not to mention adults.Start acting like it!"
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Aro watched me in awe as i let them onto the ground gently,They both collected themselves acting as if they didn't just get scolded.Felix sent a cocky look to Roberto over the fact that i defended him before returning to his post.
Aro was quick to run to my side,"Me belle that was amazing,What is your gift?" I collected myself before smiling at him."Telepathy and Telekenesis,Master Aro." He grinned."My oh my,Two gifts.." He held out his hand."I trust we won't have any interuptions this time?" Roberto merely glared at him but made no further move to attack.I slid mydelicate hand into his larger one,it felt like they were made for eachother.His eyes glossed over and he put his other hand on top of mine in a protective grip,"The things you have seen..." If i were still human i would be a blushing mess because of the look of awe and adoration he was giving me.He smirked as he heard the thoughts of what i was feeling,He patted my hand before letting go and turning to Vladimir.As soon as Aro stepped away i moved to Lucian and Caius's side,Lucian wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders.So many thoughts were rushing through my brain that i felt like my head was going to explode at any minute."What are you feeling sister?" I snapped up to look at him and sent him a forced smile that Cauis believed was real."It's nothing Dearest brother,do not worry." He stared me down."I have known you for a very very long time,you cannot fool me." I bit my lip."I will explain later brother,once we are not in the presence of others." I whispered to him,but sometimes i forget that everyone in that room had the ability to hear a pin drop from a mile away.He didn't want to wait but he nodded knowing i would only close myself off more if he forced me.Vladimir caught the look on my face and the worried glance Lucian gave him."Perhaps we shall call it a night,we have had a long journey and wish to rest." Aro forgot that the original vampires from transylvania slept during the day because they were used to hiding from the sun."yes of course,You're coffins have already been sent to us and placed in your rooms.Felix,will you show our guests to their rooms?" The guard led the way.Aro took my arm gently to stop me,"We are to feed tomorrow at noon,would you like to join us?" I looked at him in surprise."O-Oh..i suppose that would be nice,just wake me when it is time." He grinned and placed a gentle kiss to my hand."Until then me belle." I smiled lovingly at him before Lucian cleared his throat drawing my attention."Come along sister." I glanced at the kings offering a curtsey before running to Lucian who took my hand,he shot Aro a glare before we ran to catch up with the others.
Marcus watched the expression on Aro's face,"You have found your mate brother." Aro hummed."I do believe i have brother." Caius smirked."Lucian and the guard might not let you have her without a fight." Aro chuckled."Then a fight they will have brothers,she will be my queen no matter the cost."
Vladimir and Roberto were already in their rooms when we arrived,Felix waited in the halls for us."Go on to bed Lucian,i shall see you tomorrow night." He placed a kiss to my cheek and a warning glare to the guard before going into his room.I smiled at the guard,"My deepest apologies for Roberto,Felix.He can be overprotective even when he needn't be." Felix smiled down at me."Do not fret my queen,he does not intimidate me.I giggled when i heard a growl from Robertos room,"Even so,The masters should feel honored to have such a loyal,brave and strong guard." I could see Felix's chest puff up at the praise."Thank you my Queen it is a gift to hear such praise from you." I smiled and patted his arm."If things do not work out here or if you ever need help with anything or even have a question do not hesitate to ask me,My dear.And please,call me Cybele." He smiled."I will keep that in mind my que-Cybele.You should rest now,the sun will be out soon." I nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek."Goodnight Felix." Felix hummed."Goodnight Cybele." Shutting the door behind me i looked around the dark room,it felt like home.
I smiled as i saw my coffin in the center of the room,I laid down inside before shutting the top and drifting of to dreams filled with Raven haired masters.
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@idiot-squad-of-fates Cybel come help the boy
Shigure has found a spot outside to hide. Near a small creek that runs close to the castle. He’s pretty much overloaded himself on emotions, to the point where he’s more or less gone numb.
Hopefully someone will find him soon and help him out...
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unitedmusekingdom · 5 years
A wicked one is found.
Leon was assigned to check out an old castle. It was musty an run down, didn’t seem anyone was here in who knows how long. As the young man explores he comes across door sealed with a sigil. This was out of place, he quickly mulled over if he should open it.
The quickest way was for him to do so is to go into Dragon Install and bust through and he did just that. He reverts to normal an enters the room his guns in hand.Once in there he sees the entire room cover with sigils and a woman floating in the center. She was at ground level and the way she was floating as if sitting in a chair.
Leon gets closer to inspect the woman looking upon her resting face, she was pretty good looking. But suddenly her eyes open causing Leon to jump back and aim his guns at her.
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“Ara ara~” She eyes Leon who’s guns pointed at her. The woman didn’t care or seem threaten. “An you’d be?” Leon asked with the woman letting out a cute yawn.  “No one of importance” She says as Leon just ‘uh huhs’ her. Then gesturing to all the sigils.
“Ether way you gotta come with me” She tapped her chin. “hmmmmm no” She said as a red eye appeared in front of her and  it started at Leon. “?” Leon raise a brow, no wait he couldn’t. He couldn't move any part of him. “...! Cybele?!” Hearing him say that caught the woman off guard but then caused her to smile.
Another being appeared. Leon couldn’t see who it was. “Lady Yukari your awake” The new stranger said, by the sound of it another woman. “Yes it was quiet the  beauty sleep” Yukari which seem to be the name of the woman answered.
Several questions ran through Leon’s mind, but two came out first. “Who are you and how can you use the mystic eyes?” He struggled to ask. She lets out a small giggle. “My name is Yukari Yakumo an as how well, i have the power to manipulate some things” She floats over to him.
“Your quiet knowledgeable, I’ll let you go as thanks for freeing me. ta-ta” She sinks into a portal with eyes. With her departure the eye disappeared granted Leon the ability to move again. “What is she?” He wondered, the other woman was gone too. “....*sigh*” Seems like another trouble maker is loose.
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Dynasty chapter one
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Summary : A marriage has been arranged between Newton and a beautiful pure blood named Cybele.
Word count : 1599
Warnings : arranged marriage. Underage girl.
Note : I am 2 days late… I should get the second chapter out this week, but finals are coming yknow. Cybele is around 16, almost 17 and I intend to make them wait before they do anything sexual. Wizard are considered adults at 17... but I don’t know yet, I might play with their age a bit, we’ll see.
“Tell me Theseus, have I ever had a voice in that matter ?” Newton grumbled, struggling to maintain eye contact with his brother.
“Since you have never put any effort into actually finding a suitable bride, no.”
Newton tried his best to respond, but only stutter came out. He couldn’t believe his father and brother had selected a bride without even consulting him in that matter. Many emotions came to him. Mostly anger and confusion. Theseus emitted a loud sigh.
“I have found a job for you a the ministry. You start next month. You will be able to provide for your bride. You can stay here as long as you need it. She will be staying with our parents until the wedding.”
Tears of anger began to quietly pour on the younger brother’s face. Theseus took a deep breath. “Listen, Newt, I…”
“No.” He took his blue coat and quickly left.
Cybele took the news calmly. She would meet her future husband tonight. The marriage would be next week. She had been groomed her entire life for that moment. As a pure blood, she knew she had no say in this matter. She would perpetuate the long lineage of her future husband. And another girl would marry one of her brother to perpetuate the dynasty she was from. Life would go on whether she stayed here or not.
She would have to leave to go to England and stay there forever. Most pure blood were severe and strict, specially with a bride selected only to perpetuate a pure bloodline, her future husband would probably never let her leave. Not even to see her family. Of course, she would dearly miss her siblings, but having the opportunity to build her own family made her ecstatic. Her mom always told her that having children, becoming a mother, was the best thing a women could get in her entire life, and she believed it.
“When are we leaving ?” She simply asked.
“As soon as you are ready. Pack a small suitcase and we will be on our way.”
It took her an hour to get ready and fifteen minutes to pack the stuff she needed. She was ready to meet him and hopefully he wouldn’t be upset about how she looked at that moment. First impressions were important for her and most probably were for him too, the other pure blood she knew tended to be superficial. That’s why she was now dressed with her prettiest dress. A black and brown dress with lace all over that hugged her curves in the right places. Cybele had also put a bit of fard a joue on her cheeks, a bit of rouge on her lips, and perfume on her neck and in her hair.
The floo network got them to a city near london and apparition closed the gap to an old manor that was more or less a hundred years old. It reminded her a bit of the BeauxBatons Castle.
She started walking and then suddenly stopped. She looked at her parents.
“What is his name ? I don’t recall anyone telling me.”
“Newton Artemis Fido Scamander” her mother whispered softly. Cybele’s eye went wide, she had heard of that family. A small yet renowned family that got their bits of fame in the Great War.
Her father took her arm and gently pulled her toward the door. She held her breath from the moment her father knocked on the large wooden door until a tall man answered. She sighed in relief. It wasn’t him, but his father. Both patriarch exchanged a hand shake and a quick presentation before they entered the house. It was lavishly decorated, but she had no time to admire the interior design as she was rushed trough the house. They entered the dining room.
“Please sit ! We were about to have supper, surely we have a place for the three of you.”
As they all sat around the table, five house-elves appeared and placed various meals in front of them. As they all served themselves and began to talk, Cybele barely touched any food. She was lost in her thoughts. When will he arrive ? What would happen then ? Would he accept her ? Or even just tolerate her ? She had prepared herself so carefully for him and yet he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he was avoiding her. It was only when they stopped the small-talking to finalise small aspect of the contract that she came back to reality.
“Since she hasn’t yet finished attending school, we want her to have a personal tutor. She only has one year left before finishing school, her education cannot go to waste. She still has our name and will soon share yours, she cannot drop out and bring shame to both our family.”
“ Yes of course. Theseus, Newton’s older brother, is an auror at the minister of magic, surely he can teach her enough to pass the wand test easily. You see, Newton is more of an expert in creature than anything else. But since we are talking about education, what formation as she had in taking care of a home ?”
“Her mother has been thoroughly training her to take care of a House and whoever might be in it, whether it be guests, a husband or children.”
“And about children, is she capable of bearing them ? How is her health ?”
She shifted in her seat. They were talking about her without any consideration, sometimes analysing her with a swift glance.
“She has bled many times. The doctors we consulted did not see any problem with her health or any reason as to why she would not be able to bear children. Now , if she unable to be pregnant for a reason doctors did not see, we could accept a divorce, if your family provide a small living pension for her. We all know that pure-blood family are getting rarer with every generations that passes. We need to protect that.”
She woke up early the next morning. They had placed her in her fiancee’s old bedroom and she liked it. She really liked being smoothly woken up by the sun coming through the large window. She got up from the huge bed and began what would be the first exploration of her new environment. It didn’t take long before she discovered an old chest in the back of the one of the closet, hidden beneath many boxes of clothes. A quick use of her wand allowed her to unlock it. What was inside amazed her : many books about magical creature were hidden there, along with drawing and annotations she supposed Newton was the creator of. At the bottom of it, she discovered many newspaper article with again the same subject.
Two hours later while she was deep in the reading of the notes her fiancee had left behind, she heard movement in the rest of the house. The exploration would have to wait since her host were probably waking up.
“ Father ! Mother !”
She heard the loud thump of someone climbing the stair as fast as he could. She quickly got everything back in the chest then back in the closet and jumped into the bed. She hid under the heavy blanket and waited for what would happen next. She heard the sound of a door opening.
“Hello son, said his father, are you finally here to meet your fiancee ? She is sleeping in your room at the moment. We should go down stairs, we do not want wake her up just yet.”
That’s the moment she decided to get out of bed. She shyly opened the door, still in her night gown. Looking at the ground, she bashfully smiled.
“It’s alright, I’m not asleep anymore Mr. Scamander.”
Newton’s eyes laid on her, she could feel it. He was analysing her as best she could, trying to describe her too. He couldn’t quite decide if her hair was a pale brown or a dark blond. He could see she had a face with delicate features, a rare sight amongst pure blood, but he couldn’t see her eyes. Not that he minded, of course, he always had trouble making eye contact. Especially with girls. Her night gown did not let him see any of the rest. He got out of his bubble when his father sighted.
“Newt, this is Cybele. Cybele, this is my son Newton. We will let you get dressed up, meet us in thirty minutes for breakfast. Follow me son.”
She returned in her room. The foul odor of alcool had turned her stomach upside down.
Newton got in his father’s office and sat down on one of the chair while his father sat at his desk.
“Father, I-“
“I don’t want to hear your complains. You are to marry that girl next week.”
“I’m su-suposed to leave tomorrow, I-I have to explore the world, Father ! Can’t it wait a-another year ?”
“No we can’t. She has an excellent pedigree and she will be gone if we wait any longer, you know that.”
Newton’s eyes were stuck on the floor again. He knew he would loose this fight of will, he was in no state of mind to fight them right now.
“Now, put your worry aside, and come eat with us. And make an effort to talk to her. But first, you need to change. You reek of alcohol. Wait for her to get out of your room, then go.”
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allisonscola · 6 years
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Tucked away near the castle that gives Castellamare del Golfo its name is the Chiesa di Maria SS del Rosario, which is believed to have been built in such a secluded corner during the Norman era, circa 1100, to hide it from invading pirates. Inside is this alter devoted to the Madonna dell'Agnuni, or Madonna of the Angle (Yes, I mean the point where two lines meet.). The statue is without doubt, a "Black Madonna" and child. As is the case with the Black Madonna of Tindari and most Black Madonnas found throughout Europe, this Black Madonna statue, I was told by the caretaker the day I visited, was "discovered mysteriously." This particular one was found in a cave near the temple at Segesta, which is not far from Castellamare del Golfo. The symbolism of the Black Madonna is very powerful to those who are devoted to it. She represents divine, sensual feminine power. Origins of her worship are traced to the Mother Earth goddess, which could be a number of mystery cult figures ranging from Cybele or Astarte/Ishtar or Aphrodite/Venus or Demeter and Kore. Her dark coloring is representative of the fertile earth itself. Black Madonnas can be found throughout the Mediterranean. When you are aware of their existence, their location and the story behind how they arrived, are, more often than not, a point of intrigue. #castellamaredelgolfo #madonnanera #blackmadonna #divinefeminine #madonnadellagnuni #madonnadelrosario #trapani #segesta #statue #statua #altar #chapel #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily (at Castellammare del Golfo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpOFzI7FnSe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jjtk0t5z6yqk
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faburzashot · 3 years
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Lusitanian raids and rebellions during Roman occupation required the construction of a wall around the settlement. During Augustus' reign, the Romans also built a great theatre; the Cassian Baths (underneath Rua da Prata); temples to Jupiter, Diana, Cybele, Tethys and Idea Phrygiae (an uncommon cult from Asia Minor), in addition to temples to the Emperor; a large necropolis under Praça da Figueira; a large forum and other buildings such as insulae (multi-storied apartment buildings) in the area between Castle Hill and the historic city core. Many of these ruins were first unearthed during the mid-18th century (wikipedia.com)⁠ •⁠ © FABURZASHOT, Lisbon, Portugal (2021)⁠ •⁠ #chaido #kingjose #againstthesun #leica #leicaimages #leica_club #leicaworld #leicasociety #leicastreet #leica_fotografie_international #ourstreet #lifeisstreet #leicacamera #streetphotointernational #leicastreetphotography #leicainternational #street_photographer #leicaimage #streetstories #streetstorytelling #streetsvision #lisbon #ig_lisboa #igportugal #toplisbonphoto #igerslisbon #visitinglisbon #lisbonportugal #visitlisbon #visitportugal — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3xOkukH
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shotxday · 3 years
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Lusitanian raids and rebellions during Roman occupation required the construction of a wall around the settlement. During Augustus' reign, the Romans also built a great theatre; the Cassian Baths (underneath Rua da Prata); temples to Jupiter, Diana, Cybele, Tethys and Idea Phrygiae (an uncommon cult from Asia Minor), in addition to temples to the Emperor; a large necropolis under Praça da Figueira; a large forum and other buildings such as insulae (multi-storied apartment buildings) in the area between Castle Hill and the historic city core. Many of these ruins were first unearthed during the mid-18th century (wikipedia.com)⁠ •⁠ © FABURZASHOT, Lisbon, Portugal (2021)⁠ •⁠ #chaido #kingjose #againstthesun #leica #leicaimages #leica_club #leicaworld #leicasociety #leicastreet #leica_fotografie_international #ourstreet #lifeisstreet #leicacamera #streetphotointernational #leicastreetphotography #leicainternational #street_photographer #leicaimage #streetstories #streetstorytelling #streetsvision #lisbon #ig_lisboa #igportugal #toplisbonphoto #igerslisbon #visitinglisbon #lisbonportugal #visitlisbon #visitportugal — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3xM43pg
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