er-cryptid · 1 year
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tenth-sentence · 6 months
Especially important in the biological world are the N-glycosides formed between D-ribose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose (each as a furanose), and the heterocyclic aromatic amines uracil, cytosine, thymine, adenine and guanine (figure 22.4).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
Especially important in the biological world are the N-glycosides formed between D-ribose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose (each as a furanose), and the heterocyclic aromatic amines uracil, cytosine, thymine, adenine and guanine (figure 22.4).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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teledyn · 1 month
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word on the street
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sciencesolutions · 2 years
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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thegreatestheaver · 6 months
dirk and jane
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dandelion-network · 1 year
in reading A HALF BUILT GARDEN, I find it interesting that the leader of the aliens Cytosine is not only rigid in her understanding of gender but is so damn stiff when it comes to understanding any cultural differences between her and the various humans she comes in contact with.
Dinar was right to push back against Judy who didn't want to be explicit about people's pronouns, and genders by extension, because why must they be expected to immediately adhere to alien expectations when it appears that Cytosine wasn't even prepare to experience such cultural differences herself and is often annoyed/dismayed/irritated when she comes across them?
The aliens feel pressured by time to save the humans from their own destruction so they have a quick timeline so they aren't taking the time to really learn about humans, beyond the amount of media they've watched/listened to, but you'd think a species that has already partnered with another that had cultural differences would understand that when it comes to diplomacy, one must not place their own biases upon the other party.
[Actually I think the whole 'we've watched your movies, shows, music' thing was only so that they could speak the same language as humans, rather than getting to know humans culturally because if Cytosine watched as much tv as they claim, she'd known humans' views on gender and child rearing differed from her own but I digress.]
It'd be one thing if she was just confused that humans didn't bring their children to diplomatic meetings but Cytosine is so clearly offended and taken aback that humans would not have the same cultural practices, I have no idea what the training is for the plains-folk and tree-folk for these missions but they need their own version of anthropology, communication skills, and diplomatic training.
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Die RNA-Sensing-Plattform könnte helfen, Tumore zu erkennen und selektiv abzutöten oder das Genom in bestimmten Zellen zu bearbeiten Forscher des Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard und des McGovern Institute for Brain Research am MIT haben ein System entwickelt, das eine bestimmte RNA-Sequenz in lebenden Zellen erkennen und als Reaktion ein interessantes Protein produzieren kann. Mithilfe der Technologie zeigte das Team, wie sie bestimmte Zelltypen identifizieren, Veränderungen in der Expression einzelner Gene erkennen und messen, Transkriptionszustände verfolgen und die Produktion von Proteinen kontrolliere... #Adenosin #B_Zelle #Basen #Biotechnologie #Cytosin #Diagnose #EIWEISS #Enzym #Fibrose #Forschung #Gehirn #Gen #gene #Genexpression #Genom #Genomik #KRISPR #Leber #Medizin #Mukoviszidose #Neurowissenschaft #Niere #OKT #Proteinsynthese #Psychische_Gesundheit #RNA_Sequenzierung #RNS #Studenten #Technologie #Therapeutika #tumor #Übersetzung #Zelle
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evilwizard · 2 years
creating a homunculus!
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autistichalsin · 10 days
Actually, that last post reminded me of a really important bit of advice I once received that not enough people know.
For math and the sciences? It doesn't matter what textbook you use. I mean, obviously, if your professor assigns you homework from textbook A, you need to have and read it to do your homework.
But if you're in chemistry, and the way your textbook explains Guy-Lussac's law to you makes no sense? Go to your local library and look for textbook B or C.
Science and math books for a given topic will all contain the same information, just explained in a different way. Every biology book in existence is going to tell you that all living things have nucleic acids made up of the bases cytosine, thymine or uracil, guanine, and adenine. Every chemistry book in existence is going to tell you that the noble gases are nonreactive because their outer electron shells are completely filled. Every physics textbook in existence is going to tell you that entropy arises as a result of the second law of thermodynamics and can never be reduced, only increased. You're going to get this information no matter what book you read- it's just that some will be far better at giving you this explanation in a way you understand than others.
ALSO, outside of textbooks, almost every concept (and especially every part of the math involved) will have tutorials on Youtube (and most likely Khan Academy). These saved my life in my biostatistics classes, and I wish I'd known about them when I was an undergrad, because as much as I excel with the conceptual parts of chemistry and physics, I struggled through the math, and knowing about these would have helped me a lot.
There are so many resources at your disposal- you can do this! Few peiople are going to breeze through it. Don't give up!
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sulsulzukohere · 2 months
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RemusSirion Tribe, Cytosine, Cistus Eyes 4t3
Multiple swatches
3 channels, semirecolorable
Custom thumbnails (updated 07/28/24)
Darker sclera version here.
Originals by the amazing @remussirion
My last eye conversions for now. Did these specifically so I can have good eyes for Galadriel.
Download here
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
(DNA glycosylase removes 5-methylcytosine residues from DNA sequences, which are then replaced with unmethylated cytosines.)
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
There are, however, three major differences in structure between RNA and DNA:
The pentose unit in RNA is β-D-ribose rather than β-2-deoxy-D-ribose (see figure 25.2).
The pyrimidine bases in RNA are uracil and cytosine rather than thymine and cytosine (see figure 25.1).
RNA is single stranded rather than double stranded.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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remussirion · 2 years
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Facepaint eyes enabled for infants (TS4) - Part 1/3
Browse all my eyes here: LINK
Part 2 here: LINK
Part 3 here: LINK
Individual links:
Sclera I Belladonna I Transfer V1 I Transfer V2 I Transfer V3 I Volatile I Importin V2 I Importin V1 
Ghost I Pentagram I Phytochrome I Circuit I Liposome I Degradome I Primer I Omega V2 I Omega V1 
U170K I Seq I Indel I hnRNP I Stamen I Ribolock I Carbon I Nagnag I Tribe
Valine I Liloe I Threonine I Medicago I Suppression I Amyloid I Nucleoside I Triplet I Cytidine
Cytosine I Guanine I Morpholino I Psi I Epsilon I Siren I Efficacy I Kallisto I Clavata
Cyclo I Connexin I Demon 3 I Dysfunction I Melamine I Ligament I Mayaro I Cistus I Solanum
Holobiont I Peptidase I Missense I Minigene I Lilith I Inoculation I Ampicillin I Nuclease I Allosteric
CC blog I Main blog
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Here are some sciencey pick up lines you can use:
1. Will you be the hydrogen to my carbon.
2. You are set A and I am set B so shall we find out our common interests thru a union?
3. Shall we find out our HCF?
4. When I kiss you I expect Newton's Third Law to be in action.
5. Let's be a dipole and have dipole moments.
6. Let's be coherent, make a wavefront and make wavelets together to see our future.
7. Wanna form a mycorrhiza?
8. Your eyes shine brighter than magnesium flame (lmao what in the Apollo-)
9. Are you Ester? Cuz you lookin' fruity!
10. You are the C (cytosine) to my G (guanine).
11. If you are a proton, then I'm a neutron so let's cuddle.
12. You are the electric field to my magnetic field.
13. I can be the photon to your electron if photoelectric effect turns you on.
14. If you are alternating current, I will become the transformer, coz I will reduce your pains and increase your happiness. (My friend's)
15. You're my principal interest and you make my heart race at the rate of 100% and I'm ready to serve you every day per annum.
16. Be the glucose to my insulin receptors. (My friend's)
17. Let's spread the sheets cuz we wanna excel in what we're doing tonight. (Lmao-)
18. Let's not rush and start with induction, shall we?
19. You are my biggest flux.
20. y = mx + b my partner?
21. Be the capsaicin to my water cuz together we can be spicier. (This one is so.... 💀)
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