hadukilina · 1 year
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astralquip · 6 months
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loudlittleecho · 2 months
Frozen in Time: Too Late to Save Them
Part 6
Tim got an alert on Forever Ice in Wisconsin. 
Seems there had been an accident. He quickly scanned the document. Mr. Anderson had given a statement, grateful that no one had been harmed, thankfully, and he also did not expect this to delay shipping. He mentions that his new facilities had better safety measures installed, and while he was sad to let the building go, it was time. . . a little further in the article mentioned how everyone who had worked at the facility had been given two lucrative options. Take a generous severance package, or transfer to another facility with housing and transportation cost support. 
Tim frowned. He had gotten alerts about the other facilities two months ago. When he had scanned them they all seemed above board. Seems Anderson had found a way to recreate his ability. Tim had purchased one crafted from a newer facility, and had analyzed it beside the first. They were identical.
Tim had a hunch he didn’t like. Anderson was making friends with quite a few people. 
He noticed a file he hadn’t added to the report, written in code. 
He narrowed his eyes. This folder was open to anyone in the Justice League to add to if they so desired. 
The only one who would add something in code was The Question. 
The woman, Nora, had requested his team to clear one of the smaller offices of the warehouse they were occupying, and to find a bed for the boy– though by now the boy was back as a block of ice.
His crew had glanced at him for confirmation; he nodded for them to comply. 
She had only given her first name, but Snart was able to put the pieces together. Nora Fries, wife of Mr. Freeze. He hadn’t kept up with Gotham news, but it looked that somehow Freeze had managed to bring his wife back.
Now how the kid connected to the two, he didn’t know. 
Nora had told him the boy had felt feverish; she believed if a room was made colder than his own, his body wouldn’t need to form his own ice. 
Snart worked on the logistics. 
Sources (See interview 1c): noted complete flip in N.A.’s personality. Clone? Mind Control? 
P.A. using ice BEFORE N.A. (See interview 1a). Need full interview with P.A. 
B.A. No Meta gene, biological sibling of N.A. (See D.M.A. Federal Employee Background Check)
Forever Ice: hired employees previously working with CADMUS. Deeper connection?
Tim rubbed his eyes. He enjoyed cracking codes, but The Question had written his added documents in seventeen different ciphers. Two to three, Tim understood, but seventeen on an already secured folder? He admired the man, sure. But he also recognized this could be his future if he wasn’t careful. 
It seemed The Question had taken on the case. That was good, because Tim already had enough on his plate. He started to close out the file when he paused.
He wanted to let his fellow detective know he was willing to help if needed. Tim smirked.
Wrote a coded note, and closed the file. 
The room was set below freezing, using Nora’s cryokinesis and Snart’s devices to keep it at the right temperature. 
It had taken a week, but they had finally found the correct temperature. Nora wasn’t quite sure why Cold was helping. But she didn’t complain. 
When she removed ice from the boy, it didn’t replace itself. 
Slowly and gently she placed him on the bed. It had frozen over, of course, but was better than the floor.
His chest slowly moved up and down; breathing. 
Noticing the medical band from his wrist, she removed it. 
Fenton, Daniel.
ADM: 09/16/–
DOB: 04/03/–
The band was frayed, so Nora couldn’t be positive about its accuracy on the current situation. But based on dates alone, Daniel Fenton was fourteen 27 years ago.
Author note:
Acronyms: N.A., P.A., B.A: Nathan, Paul, and Becks Anderson
D.M.A.: Department of Metahuman Affairs. 
The D.M.A. is a real department in DC comics. Now, they don't have a 'Federal Employee Background Check', but honestly I wouldn't put it past the DC Universe to do so: Especially to not have a Queen Bee, Count Vertigo, etc situation happen in the states.
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sewers-headmates · 1 month
Your not funny
Your not quirky when you fake beimg a system
Your not real
You’ll never be real
Your fucking disgusting
welcome back! mate not that it matters but we’re traumagenic. we’re not faking anything lol. very unfortunately have this disorder we hatw
thank you for the lovemail though <3 love you too
also you used the wrong your it’s you are disgusting
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scaredtobelesbian · 6 months
Their name is Coward
They live, look and breathe like everyone else
It's hard to tell when someone is them or themselves
Their name is Coward
Scared to run,
Scared to stay,
They are there for the pictures,
But not behind the scenes,
Their name is Coward
It's poison on the tongue,
They deny it, until it's all done,
Around them is nothing,
It's their fault
Their name is Coward,
They look like me,
They sound like me,
Their name is Coward
And Coward is me
~D.M.A 2024 27- 03
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skywise-earthloved · 1 year
"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. And something is anything that's not nothing." -Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. and Amelia Nagoski, D.M.A.
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castironpride · 1 year
Mandatory bio!
This space is under construction, but I desperately need some fandom mutuals and I also need to separate some of my fandom stuff from my more professional account. <3 Like, reblog, or follow if you're interested!
So, that aside, here's a fandom list and a little about myself!
About me
Name: Raz/Raziel/Cherubic (any is fine~) Pronouns: he/they Fandoms: Hypnosis Mic (+Rule the Stage), Handead Anthem, Hi-Drivers, Paradox Live, Technoroid Unison Heart (+Overmind), V-Kei Sentai Executioner Fav Units: Matenrou (Hypmic), Shura Jodo (Handead Anthem), Djungarian (Hi-Drivers), The Cat’s Whiskers (Paradox Live), D.M.A. (Technoroid), North Bastard (Rule the Stage), Asta (Executioner)
I’m a biro-ace transmasc guy living in the American South and outside of this my main hobbies are tabletop gaming, costuming/fashion, and writing. I am also a religious studies/philosophy major and I love my field! So that bit in my blog description about how I'm a professional overthinker is not an exaggeration, that is literally what I do.
I’ve been an otomuke fan for...longer than I like to think about lmao. I started in the otome game fandom and branched out from there. I never considered myself someone who liked idols until someone showed me the Hypnosis Mic MVs wayyyyyy back pre-DRB1 and I was obsessed. I haven’t turned back since and idol battle franchises have taken over my brain, as you can see from my fandoms list. Turns out I vibe with idols when there’s some misery and bloodshed involved!
This is a sideblog, I follow from huntunderironskies!
I write fanfic! It’s mostly just monster AUs for Hypmic and, uh, eventually Paradox Live once I'm free of finals and can proof what I've written but check me out on AO3 as LepersBell! Other than that, I give back to the fandom through character essays and analyses mostly. Writing is my only artistic talent, for better or worse.
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julianobungus · 2 years
During school we're doing redesigns. As a part of redesigning Luz I got a chance to rewrite the owl house. Sort like a reboot aimed at an older audience. Wanted to know your opinion on my rewrite. (Don't feel pressured to write a long reply a simple 'iz good I like it' is good enough for me.
Name; Luca (luz)
Age; 14
Species: Human (half-demon not known to Luca at the time.)
Physical appearance; Luca is a healthy weight not overly fit or chubby. She has long purplish-brown hair with round expressive eyes.
personality;(pre-betrayal) Open-minded but stubborn in her views she is high energy and lucky-go-happy. Trusting she believes that everyone has the potential to be good and with enough determination, she can help people see that. 
(post-betrayal) Still open-minded and stubborn, she is a lot less high-energy, being slightly more pessimistic. She no longer thinks that with enough determination she can change people into being good but gains the understanding that it’s up to that person to choose for themselves.
Magic; is easily split into pure magic and anti-magic.
Pure magic is symbolized by the colour jet black. It is every possible spell combined into one. Seen originally as the most powerful liquid it is unstable and extremely toxic, poisoning anything it touches. A small amount of these liquids are made in the magic bail sac of witches in a chamber designed to hold the unstable liquid.
Anti-magic is symbolized by the colour pure white. It is the absince of any magic at all. Seein originally as the weakest liquid it was discovered to have the ability to suck the magic out of anything it touches. Just as toxic as pure magic a small amount of it can also be found in a witch's magic bail sac. Kept in its own chamber designed to keep it safely inside them.
Hue; shorthand for ‘hue magic’ is the description of the magic witches use. Symbolized by a rainbow it is a combination of pure and anti-magic. The amount of pure magic and anti-magic combined in the largest chamber of the magic bail sac determins the spell the witch will cast.
D.M.A; abbreviated from ‘Demonic Magic and Abilities’ it’s the type of magic demons use. Lacking magic bail sac’s demons are seen as being closer to the land's natural magic. Although Witches would argue it’s unfair to compare them to demons as it’s seen as comparing humans to animals.
Witches; draw circles in the air to cast magic based on what they're thinking about. I.E thinking about fire and warmth will cause the circle to summon fire, thinking about cold harsh ice will summon ice. Being able to cast countless spells the only limit is their ability to concentrate and their magic bail sac.
Humans; can see the way magic mixes together, being able to see the subtle lines that are drawn by witches when they cast magic. Although it’s so subtle that they would have to take a photo of the circle as the spell is cast to be able to have enough time to see the lines properly.
Luca (Luz) Prophecy (Orical) (Main) (kidnapped)
Willow (Willow) Florica (Plant) (Main) (kidnapped)
Mike (Gus) Illusions (illusions) (Main) (kidnapped)
Aurora (Amity) Abomonations (Abominations) (Main) (sold for land)
Starlight (Emira) Health (Healing) (Secondary) (followed Aurora)
Solar (Edric) Funa (Beastkeeping) (Secondary) (followed Starlight and Aurora)
Rex (Mattholomule) Building (Construction) (Secondary) (sold for food)
Skyla (Skara) Musician (Bard) (Secondary) (sold for money)
Hunter (Hunter) alchemist (potions) (Main) (raised there)
John (Philip) Leader (Emporor) (Main villain)
Jack (Caleb) dead (dead) (Hunter’s dad)
Jade (Evelyn) dead (dead) (Hunter’s mum)
Side note: being half demon Luca can read minds but it's more similar to WOF where she can hear your thoughts as you think them not actually dig around your mind.
Luca is in the human realm classroom where she is a daydreamer. Starting at school with her looking out the window as her test is turned back as C- with a small note about paying more attention to the brief. When the bell rings she gets up and is quick to run out of school to grab her things from her locker. The door is covered in notes with a few reminders and some fantasy books on the shelf as she grabs her stuff and heads home. As she’s running along she notices a sound coming from the woods. Knowing she hears things sometimes she tries to shake them off reminding herself what her mum said. Yet unable to help her own curiosity she decides her parents won't be home until later and decides to go check it out. However, as she makes it through the first line of trees the voice vanishes making her wonder if she was mishearing things again. Turning around she is suddenly jumped as the scene jumps to black.
When Luca wakes up she is on top of a bed in a plain room. On the opposite side is a desk with her bag on it and to her side is a large window with the curtains drawn. Sitting up she holds her head as she tries to get up, feeling wobbly on her feet. Heading to the window she opens the curtains to be met with blue skies and clouds, however, before she can relax she looks downwards at a beach where she sees a large monster walking. Giving a small ‘woah’ she heads to the door opening it only to be greeted by a guard in uniform who informs her she is to report to the main hall. Trying to ask questions she is either ignored or cut off and told to be quiet. Making it to the hall she notices she isn’t alone as there are eight other characters sitting at a table covered in foods she has never seen before. Sitting down she is soon greeted by a small friendly witch called Willow and a slightly taller just as friendly witch called Mike.
As they finish settling down with Luca trying a few different things someone walks onto the small stage introducing himself as John. He talks about how they are brought there due to being part of a prophecy and how the fate of their homes lies on their shoulders. He then adds that ‘most of their homes’ looking at Luca, however, before she can say anything Mike speaks up about how he was taken without permission with a few nods as Aurora, Skara and Rex avoid looking at them.
(That’s as far as I got before class finished)
Ooooh! I really like these ideas! Honestly, the magic system you've made here is more interesting than in the show, lmao. Very creative pal.
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azusapsyche · 2 years
Ver "『テクノロイド』/ D.M.A.「Regard for U」(Short Ver.)" en YouTube
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Hi it's me again, ready to geek the hell out
Yes, an alternate universe was what I thought it was at first but then I don't understand why the official staff said it's meant to be a prologue. Ah I missed the apple to be honest, shit, i had the drug in my mind and didn't see the literal apple right in front of my eyes LMAO
I can see something happening between when KNOCC was "set free" and the start of the game, but the way they meet again is very different from the game. Perhaps the final scene with Esola meeting them at the bridge again is more meant to be taken symbolically.
I had no idea there was a manga coming, now I'm excited! I hope it expands more on... everyone and everything. Or hell, maybe it'll be about all the in-between of the anime and the game. Personally, I'd like for it to be a retelling and expansion of the anime.
Ah, I neglected to mention the suppression IS indeed canon, in one scene when KNOCC was making headlines as they head to face Stand Alone again, people were posting how they seem familiar, but those posts were quickly deleted. To answer your sleep-mode question, there's a normal sleep-mode, which is just like humans sleeping, and it doesn't pause their lifespan timers. And then there's permanent "sleep-mode" which is basically just a codeword for death. I think the drug actually does shorten their lifespans.
Now this is making me regret not mentioning "expansions", basically every robot has a special "ability" they can turn on, and every time they do, their life spans shorten. The stronger the ability, the more lifespan it takes away. Which now leads me to suspect that the ability to override the interlock system that the drug gives the robots is some form of expansion, and because it's against the laws of robotics, it takes away a shit ton of lifespan. But I digress.
Yup, he and his two assistant buddies are a trio called D.M.A. (it's short for Don't Mess Around which is actually a really fucking rad group name) and their songs fucking SLAP, in my humble opinion. (If you haven't listened to "It's on Fleek" yet (yes that's the title of the song), please do) https://youtu.be/mI_taT25ScE
The idea of Nobel becoming the father of all (future) robots is really intriguing actually. They don't say it explicitly, but it seems that robots are still being made. You can actually see from their serial number who made them. For example, Bora's serial number is PD-0321WG. The WG at the end stands for World Government. The KNOCC boys are HS (Hakushu Shibaura), Stand Alone are ES (now, it's not been explicitly stated that Esola made them, but I mean, come on, those are his initials, plus he is their exclusive mechanic now), XX are illegal robots, et cetera, et cetera. The robots are still built with a specific purpose in mind and it's reflected in what expansions they were programmed with.
I don't have a good segue for this, but I should talk more about the cult. So they aim for the equality of humans and robots, a front of course. The robot exclusionists are basically trying to pull the same shit again as in Overmind, but more with more berserker robot violence and eventual robot death. In the last chapter of the story, they DID actually get exposed and were "caught" by the WG. It's partially thanks to Nobel (again), who had developed an antidote, which is, surprise surprise, music. Something about sound patterns or something. But the cult plotline HAS actually been resolved, so a continuation to the story would be an entirely new arc. I wonder what the exclusionists will plot this time?
OK I lost my train of thought while writing this, so it turned into a huge exposition dump, my bad. But I'm looking forward to see what you think, and to any future fanfic you have in mind :)
No notes, just reveling in the exposition dump. This is extremely my jam 😚👌
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shero34 · 3 months
Digitour Marketing Agency - D.M.A
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hadukilina · 2 years
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ppwbm-blog · 8 months
Meta détaille ses réponses au D.M.A. de l'U.E. et offre plus de choix aux utilisateurs
Meta, en réponse aux nouvelles règles de concurrence de l’Union européenne, détaille ses plans pour respecter le Digital Markets Act (DMA) qui vise à réguler les grandes technologies. Le DMA, en vigueur à partir de mars 2024, s’applique à six géants de la technologie, dont Meta. La société commencera bientôt à envoyer des notifications aux utilisateurs de l’UE, leur offrant plus de choix sur…
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teslathelame · 2 years
i do love how the instant i decide rhodi's a Best Boy they decide to do a d.m.a. event with him as the reward 4 star </3
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Lecce, abusa di una senzatetto: 37enne viene arrestato
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Lecce, abusa di una senzatetto: 37enne viene arrestato. Nella serata de 6 dicembre 2022 gli Agenti in servizio di Volante presso l’U.P.G. S.P. della Questura di Lecce, comandati per la prevenzione e repressione dei reati in genere, hanno tratto in arresto in flagranza di reato un cittadino guineano D.M.A. senza fissa dimora di 37 anni per violenza sessuale ai danni di una 54enne senza fissa dimora. La donna, una 54enne senza fissa dimora, ha sporto denuncia raccontando agli Agenti di essere giunta a Lecce da pochi giorni e di aver passato il proprio tempo in compagnia di altri senza fissa dimora e di aver conosciuto l’aggressore proprio nelle vicinanze della stazione ferroviaria. Violenza sessuale L’uomo, D.M.A. un 37enne nativo della Guinea nel pomeriggio, intorno alle ore 19:00 aveva già tentato un approccio, a cui lei aveva opposto un inequivocabile rifiuto, ma dopo qualche ora, con uno stratagemma si faceva accompagnare nel piazzale antistante il vecchio nosocomio V. Fazzi, ubicato in una zona poco trafficata nelle ore serali, dove l’uomo abusava di lei che cercava di difendersi estraendo dalla tasca un coltellino, poi strappatole dalle mani dall’aggressore. Nella concitazione la malcapitata riusciva a scappare e chiedere aiuto al dispositivo delle guardie giurate della Forgolpol di passaggio in quel momento La denuncia e l'arresto Gli Agenti intorno alla mezzanotte su disposizione della Centrale Operativa si recavano nella via adiacente il vecchio stabile dell’Ospedale Vito Fazzi per una segnalazione di violenza sessuale. Giunti sul posto assumevano informazioni dalla guardia giurata in servizio per Forgolpol che aveva allertato il 113 allorché pochi minuti prima, una donna in lacrime, aveva chiesto aiuto asserendo di aver subito violenza sessuale. La vittima, seduta nelle vicinanze ancora in lacrime, lamentava fortissimi dolori al basso ventre ed all’arrivo dei poliziotti indicava un uomo, che a sua volta vedendoli arrivare, ostentando indifferenza, si era seduto sui gradini di uno stabile disabitato poco distante. Immediatamente interveniva sul posto il 118 e la vittima veniva trasportata in ospedale presso il Pronto Soccorso dove si attivava il “Percorso rosa” ed il personale medico appurava l’avvenuta violenza.   Read the full article
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nardonews24 · 2 years
Nella serata di ieri 6 dicembre 2022 gli Agenti in servizio di Volante presso l’U.P.G. S.P. della Questura di Lecce, comandati per la prevenzione e repressione dei reati in genere, hanno tratto in arresto in flagranza di reato un cittadino guineano D.M.A. senza fissa dimora di 37 anni per violenza sessuale ai danni di una 54enne senza fissa dimora. (more…)
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