#da2 fic recs
tevintersoldier · 24 days
when one of the best and most unique fics you've read in ages is from an orphaned account😭😭 pls i just want to read all their other work i'm sure there's more😭
the fic is by the still waters, and it's a dragon age fenhawke fic. the story is that hawke stayed behind in the fade in the inquisition quest, and when fenris found out he went all the way to skyhold to find a way to get him back. inquisitor (lavellan) could and would not help, but she knew merrill from back in the day, and told him she could probably do something. so together with varric they go all the way back to kirkwall, and with merrill's help they find a way to get into the fade. they encounter solas in the fade, and their quest continues. lots of demon fighting and so much LORE. i won't spoil everything so just..... just read it, it was so good🥺
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inquisimer · 5 months
dragon age oneshot fic recs
@dreadfutures said that we should do more fic recs and she's absolutely right, so I'm starting what will hopefully be a series of fic rec lists, leading off with some oneshot recs! These are just standalone stories that don't require a big time commitment and definitely stuck with me after I read them.
Check them out! and leave a comment or kudos to let the author know you did 💜
Feel free to reblog this post and add your own oneshot fic recs! Or make your own fic rec post and tag me in it so I can read and promote your awesome recs :3
My Lover's Phylactery by FrodaB
Cullen Rutherford/Female Inquisitor | G | 1472 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: She doesn't destory it Mer's Rec: this is an excellent piece that fills the gap DAI left (imho) about Trevelyan's phylactery! There's some excellent introspection from the Inquisitor and a bittersweet but somft and heartfelt ending between Cullen and his love.
Bent, Not Broken by spirrum (@spirrum)
Fenris/Female Hawke | G | 1595 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: In which Hawke doesn't run off to Weisshaupt, and an angry elf turns up at the Inquisition's door. Mer's Rec: this is a little slice of interpersonal relationships that beautifully captures Hawke's spirit! It starts with some platonic Hawke & Varric, perfectly encapsulating the exhaustion both of them feel after HLTA, and transitions smoothly into the heart-tugging reunion between Hawke and a frustrated Fenris who's very much in love.
last man standing (perhaps) by havvke (Wintertree)
Charade Amell & Carver Hawke & Female Hawke | T | 6749 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Hawke’s teeth glinted when she grinned, except for the gap of her missing left dogtooth. Funny how they did that, even in such poor lighting. Glinting. Hawke barely seemed real. They’ve gone on a mission or two together since that initial, embarrassingly disastrous meeting, and it was still shocking that the woman lived up—if not surpassed—her nearly legendary status. Compared to the other missions Charade led with the Jennies, this was somewhat easier than her normal fare. But while Hawke was a known figure, and by technicality kin, Charade still didn’t know her. Mer's Rec: Okay, I'm admittedly biased toward this piece, because it was a gift for me as part of the 2023 Platonic Ideal Exchange. That being said, it is an INCREDIBLE work of sibling dynamics and I think of it whenever I think about Charade Amell. Havvke explores the relationship between Charade as a Red Jenny, Carver as a Grey Warden, and Hawke as...Hawke, in a beautiful web of complicated choices and found family. Over a year later, it still holds up as one of the best exchange gifts I've ever received.
Doggone by leggywillow (@leggywillow)
Alistair/Female Warden, Alistair & Anora Mac Tir, Alistair & Warden's Mabari | T | 3042 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Alistair and the Warden are no longer together, but they still exchange letters - through Dog. Alistair struggles to find happiness in his life as king, but he isn't entirely alone. Mer's Rec: I read this one just recently and oh my GOODNESS it both made me laugh and also pulled at my heartstrings. Leggy alters the canon breakup between a King Alistair & the Warden to be somehow even more heartbreaking and the way that he talks to Dog is just so essentially Alistair, I could hear every line in his voice. Add to that several well done bits between Alistair & Anora and this piece absolutely delivers on the "sad" and "heartache" in the additional tags.
That Word You Call Me by thewitchofthewilds (gossamerstarsxx) (@saiyanshewolf)
Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford | T | 1768 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: The first time she tells him she loves him is the time he needs to hear it the most Mer's Rec: I love this piece for the intermingling of angst and fluff between Lavellan and Cullen. It leads in with one of the better descriptions of nightmare panic that I've seen and the way that Lavellan grounds Cullen from it is smooth and heartfelt, as is his reaction to her comfort. It caps off with some sweet fluff and a taste of human/elf relationships dynamics, for which I am a sucker, and which end the fic on soft, heartfelt note.
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ellstersmash · 2 months
Tumblr media
Hi all! I know how easy it is for great fics to get lost to time and buried on Ao3 by a mountain of newer or more highly viewed/kudo'ed/commented-on ones—especially in a fandom as large and active as Dragon Age. So this is my weekly-ish event where I dig up a few of them to read and then tell y'all what I've found!
someday, someday
Morrigan/Mahariel* & Alistair/Mahariel* | wc 4,397 | by @alynshir *Different Mahariels
Reading this felt like what I imagine being hypnotized would feel like. It's kind of a stream-of-consciousness style of writing—which I know isn't everyone's thing but it is very much mine—exploring the beauty of parenthood and family and love as the great equalizer, especially for those who never expected to experience those things, and it reads like absolute POETRY. To quote the parts I loved I'd have to copy & paste the whole thing. 😭 If you love Morrigan and Alistair, please read this. You won't regret it.
A Well Spun Tale
Gen | wc 1,044 | by BettyBourbon (not sure if Tumblr is linked)
Listen. If you've played DA2 you are likely familiar with the infamous Arishok duel--and it probably went the same way it went for the rest of us. This fic embraces that 😂😂 and it is so fucking funny!!
Beautiful for You
Cullen/Lavellan | wc 1,536 | by @star--nymph
I mean, let's be very honest, I knew what I was walking into with Eury and Cullen. As ever, they are exactly right for each other, and as ever, Eurydice is very, very relatable. This is sweet and fluffy and romantic and beautifully written!
Three Prayers to Fen'Harel
Solas/Lavellan | wc 711 | by @wizardofozymandias
Sometimes, Solavellan hell means desperately fluffy fix-its and purposefully ignoring The After by focusing on The Before. This is not one of those times. This one leans in, and with a faithful, angry Lavellan (which is SUCH a good combination). It's really painful and really beautiful.
If you are a writer mentioned here and you don't want to be included for any reason, please message me and I'll take you off right away—either way, thank you for writing and sharing your work.
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salemcantupdate · 5 months
Hey by the way, what basically inspired me to do my in character journal for Stellan (and over all just a lot of my choices for him) was the fic Accursed Ones of AO3.
It’s Dragon Age Awakening and Dragon Age 2 from Anders’ perspective with accompanying side stories from other characters perspectives. It’s extremely good and interesting (though I don’t agree with all the headcanons and ships). Either way, it inspired me a lot, specifically their Warden Amell. Plus throughout the story, Amell has a journal and a grimiore which we see bits and pieces of, which helped me figure out somewhat what I wanted to do for the journal.
I greatly recommend it, but know that I cried for like 20 chapters straight (30-50 I believe) and it’s still being updated. Fantastic read so far though.
(Really struggling to link it so I’m sorry, but looking up Accursed Ones by TheThirdAmell on AO3 should work)
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storybookhawke · 2 months
if you haven't read @hollyand-writes's Handers arranged marriage + royalty + omegaverse AU, I highly recommend it
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elveny · 2 years
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
From the Real Fic Writer Asks | Thank you!! ♥
(I was away for the weekend so I haven't been able to get to them before, thanks for your patience!)
That's a hard one!! 👀 I think most writers would love if literally any of their works got more credit / attention. I've narrowed it down to two fics: The Siren's Claim and Precipice of Change.
The Siren's Claim is my FFXIV mermaid AU (M-rated, 17.5k words, 5 chapters, Estinien x WoL). I'm really proud of the way I managed to weave in a mythology that's not overloading it but gives a background and general feel for the world. The story is concise and rich at the same time, with a general buildup that I think works really, really well. I hope once Mermay comes around again, people who read it boost it a bit :D
And then there's Precipice of Change. I cannot really fault people for not giving it a chance because it's LONG, but I still wish, more people would read it and love it. It's a DA2 AU that spans three works with a whole of nearly 600k words. So reading it is involved. Still, I am immensely proud of what @kunstpause and I achieved with that series, giving the events of DA2 a different weight and intensity than ingame, giving Cullen a character and redemption arc that makes him actually sympathetic and works well for DAI, giving all the characters the love they deserve. Our two protagonists are so immensely close to our heart, and I think you notice that.
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thedastrash · 1 year
Templar Stories!
I had the supreme honor of writing Alistair & Bethany for the first time in this exchange for @amarmeme :
And she unknowingly wrote me a deliciously sexy-sweet Carver & Merrill bonus fic in return!
And I was lucky enough to receive this showstopper of Cullen & Cassandra falling in love so tenderly from @whirlinginrags !!!
All rated M or E for hot lovin hehe <3
Thank you both SO much for these wonderful stories. I love that you took my vague prompts and ran with them!! Everyone go read them! 💕
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
Hello! This is my post guide for all my stuff
P.S. This is a side blog so I might seem like I'm not following anybody but I'm probably following you already.
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Characters: [Alistair] [Anders] [Bellara] [Cole] [Cullen] [Davrin] [Dorian] [Emmrich] [Fenris] [Harding] [Isabela] [Josephine] [Morrigan] [Neve] [Shale] [Solas] [Taash] [Varric] [ Wynne] [Zevran]
Protagonists: [Warden] [Hawke] [Inky] [Rook]
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uchidachi · 2 months
Dragon Age Fanfic Self-rec thread!
Dear fellow writers, the Veilguard draws near. The fans are awakening from uthenera, and they are hungry. For fic. To help them, I’m starting this post to collect everyone’s recommendations of their own fic to read!
Keep it short & sweet! Title (with link!), rating, ao3 archive warnings (if applicable), pairing (if applicable) & 1 sentence summary only. If you want to include more than one rec, put the rest under a readmore. The idea is to have a reblog chain of many different authors, so this might become a long post.
Don’t know what to recommend? Here’s a list of possible categories to use, if you want:
Author’s favorite
An ode to my OTP
Meet the OC
Rare Pairings
A gift fic I’m proud of
A bit of fluff
Absolute angst
That time I tried something different
Canon? What canon?
In Another Universe
An overlooked gem
Good for a new DA fan
Have fun, and happy reccing!
I’ll start off the chain:
A gift fic I’m proud of: The Maker’s Forgiveness, Teen & up, Florianne de Chalons/Female Trevelyan. Grand Duchess Florianne tries to seduce and manipulate Trevelyan, only to find out that the Inquisitor is not as naive as she assumed.
Rare Pairings: Blessed Are the Lovers, General Audiences, Cullen Rutherford/Sebastian Vael. Cullen has been secretly in love with Sebastian for years, but can’t hide his feelings after seeing him at a friend’s wedding.
Absolute angst: This Is What Would Happen, Mature, Major Character Death, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus. Bull’s POV through to Trespasser as he remains Ben-Hassrath and falls in love with Dorian after sacrificing the Chargers.
That time I tried something different: Same as the Day Before, General Audiences, Avexis & Minaeve. Genfic in present tense where Avexis finds herself stuck in a time loop, receiving news of the Tranquil cure over and over again.
An overlooked gem: Rescue Mission, Teen & up. Merrill & the rest of the DA2 crew go to rescue Fenris after Hawke sells him back to Danarius.
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tevintersoldier · 3 months
there's a new chapter of wicked grace im gonna cry😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ i have been following this fic since 2015 (!!!) and the last update was in 2020 so i just assumed it was abandoned,,,,,, but now there's a new chapter🥹🥹 AAAAHHHHHHH
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inquisimer · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
thank you blarrghe!! <3 I love these lil games
a dangerous game of trust and love | Cullen/Lavellan, 1206 words, Rated M, mind the tags
a fill for the Febuwhump prompt "why won't it stop" - the anchor is destroying Neria at the Exalted Council and she's willing to take desperate measures to keep it from killing her
hold my hope by the throat | Carver & Hawke, Hawke/Loghain, 3160 words, Rated T
When the Blight takes Carver, his sister entrusts his life to the man who once left him to die.
sometimes it feels like teeth | Cyrion & Tabris, 1629 words, Rated T, mind the tags
a fill for the Febuwhump prompt "semi-conscious" - a reunion in the Alienage for Ariya & Cyrion, where Tabris faces her inability to save all of those she left behind
As If In Mortal Dread | Barris/OFC, 2829 words, rated G
A gift for Toshi_Nama as part of the Templartations exchange, Delrin Barris fields a complaint from one of the former Circle mages and they both deal with the political fallout of such a move - and some unexpected emotions, too.
Shards of Glass | Brosca & Rica, Brosca & Leske, 3304 words, Rated G
A love letter to the Dwarf Commoner origin, Brosca is born of the Stone and grows up with all rough edges from Dust Town and the Carta.
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becauseanders · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
ahhh hi thank you! (finally answering this!) 🖤
It Took the Night to Believe: chapterfic, complete, 100k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. pacific rim au. i am honestly really fucking proud of this fic, like i thought it was great even though it didn't do super well kudos-wise and i did notice that i definitely did lose readers as it went on. i truly have no idea why, this fic is fucking great. it's got angst, it's got comfort, it's got near death experiences, it's got fluff, it's got kaiju—what's not to love??
No Wound as Sharp as the Will of God: chapterfic, complete, 99k. dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. canonverse, post-da2. it took me seven years to post a second chapter of this and a total of eight years to finish it, and the whole time i was writing it after i picked it up again i was so unsure of it, but turns out i really like it. very heavy content, please do mind the tags. takes place while hawke is with the inquisition. anders positive, justice positive. a very intense, very deep, very affectionate friendship between anders and fenris is an extremely important part of the story. like, seriously, the platonic fenders is just as important as the romantic handers. a lot of angst, like so much angst, but the hurt/comfort is real. the b-plot pertains to my theory that justice cures anders of the taint. cole is there. the emotions are high and you can feel them strongly in the writing. again, be careful, but this is a good fic.
A Thing With Feathers Now, Elevate: one shot, 11k. dragon age: origins, alistair/female amell. canonverse, takes place over the course of da:o. this fic is a fucking masterpiece. another that didn't do well numbers-wise but this is easily one of the absolute best things i've ever written and is quite possibly one of the best fics on ao3. i am so fucking proud of this one. the prose, the metaphors, the handling of trauma, the found family—this one deserved way more love than it got. like, i'm serious, this fic is amazing.
It Means Tumult: chapterfic, wip, 349k (yes, you read that right). dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. modern au. okay, obviously i've got to mention this one. i have been working on this fic for eight years and i am very sorry to everyone who saw this go from updating multiple times a week and asking me how the fuck i write so fast to three years without a single update and then i think only one more in the past two years. i'm working on the penultimate chapter, i swear i am, i'm just super stuck right now. this fic is…this fic. i'm not going to lie, i don't really know if this is any longer some of my better writing, but the premise is fucking solid and i have been told more than once that it's clear this is a labor of love and that this is endearing. au where the obvious metaphors are made reality: the circles are psychiatric institutions and being mentally ill is a crime. a lot of angst, but a lot of love. pay no mind to how much better of a character and person aveline is when i write her. i also do admittedly use this fic to deal with my own demons frequently. an andrea gibson poem helped me write one chapter and i later got to tell them about it and they hugged me. this is also very heavily centered on music and has a lengthy soundtrack. please ignore the fact that when i first started writing this i used british english when i typed because i thought it looked better, as i had started doing as a teenager, which tbh i still kind of do but i also realized that's just fucking pretentious to do when you're american, and it was already so long by the time i stopped doing it that there was no way in hell i was going back to editing all of that (as i actually did do with nwasatwog). so that's just the way it is. but yeah, there's a lot of feelings happening here. also the only fic on this list that has an original title instead of song lyrics despite being the one with the most music involved, lol.
Through the Fall and the Feel: chapterfic, wip, 52k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. modern au. this is the one i'm working on most right because that's just where the brainworms are. hawke is a teddy bear doctor and anders goes to see him because instead of a pillow from his mother he has a stuffed cat, and she has seen much better days. this fic has a very wholesome premise but has gone into some pretty heavy angst already and i did not mean for eating disorders to be as important to the story as they have become, so be mindful of that. but this fic has a lot of heart and it's absolutely tanking, so if this piques your interest maybe go give it a look? this is also my second foray into m!handers and i am again having fun writing them. but yeah, i actually like this fic a lot and i do recommend it.
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zevswarden · 2 months
DA Origins and DA2 down. On to Inquisition as soon as I recover 😭🖤 I’m not okay.
And I’ll be taking all the Fenhawke fic recs please 🙏
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
fic rec list!
been seeing a lot of these today and it got me thinking about making my own :o tumblr urls added whenever possible if you happen to know an author's tumblr url that didn't get listed, pls rb this and @ them! i'm not trying to keep my recs or praise any kind of secret from them :')
keep your hands on me by LathboraViran (cullen/solas; rated E; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: Cullen is bad at card games, and Varric doesn't always play for coin. The cost of a lost game of Diamondback? Cullen has to kiss Solas. It goes both better and worse than he had expected.
my notes: i really loved this - both cullen and solas are written incredibly well. it's hot, nuanced, and feels so true to both of them and how they could come together meaningfully
With the Tide by desiredemon (jazzmckay) ( @jazzmckay ) (fenris/m!hawke; rated T; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: In the wake of their final fight for Kirkwall, Hawke and his friends escape the city together. They've been through an ordeal, the future is uncertain, and emotions are still running high--in the aftermath, the dust settles.
my notes: jazz is an extraordinary writer and they managed to get everyone's voices down so, so well. this is a compelling look at what happens after the events of da2, with all the inherent complexity intact
Power, Intrigue, Danger, and Sex by Hezjena (andruil/fen'harel/ghilan'nain; rated E; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: When Solas later recalled the evening, he liked to imagine it was the result of careful manipulation, a triumph of his skilled diplomacy and a delicious trickery where he allowed himself to be underestimated… rather than the result of too much ice wine and morbid curiosity. *** That time Solas accidentally-on-purpose has a threesome with Andruil and Ghilan’nain in Ancient Elvhenan.
my notes: okay, i am head over heels with how everyone is written here. solas' characterization is perfect, and both andruil and ghilan'nain are utterly fascinating - as individuals, in their dynamic with each other, and in the way they interact with solas in this. it's hot and messy, mind the tags, and a wonderful examination of arlathan's culture
let me wrap my teeth around the world by wizardlover ( @wizardfvcker ) (solas/varric; rated E; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: “Aren’t we friends, Solas?”
This seems to startle him enough that he turns to look at Varric. In the dimness of the tent his eyes reflect the light from the fire outside, like a wild animal.
“I would call us that, yes."
“Then won’t you share whatever burden is pressing you down with me? That’s what friends are for, you know.”
“Not this one." Varric sighs.
“Come on, Chuckles. I’ll get back out there and get the Inquisitor to spill it, but it seems like a waste when I’m already here.”
Solas is quiet for a long moment—he has shifted around again, so Varric can only see the rise and fall of his back as he breathes, carefully controlled.
“I am… compromised,” he says. Varric waits. “That damned plant, combined with an errant spell—I have… urges. And I can’t—it is—” He cuts himself off, frustrated, and isn’t that a wonder, Solas out of words? And then,
“Urges?” Varric stifles a laugh. “Do you mean—”
“You know what I mean, dwarf,” Solas hisses, and Varric realizes that his neck is red and the tips of his ears have gone pink, and that the air in the tent is warm and stuffy and a little heady, all of a sudden. He clears his throat.
my notes: i am, of course, always so thirsty for solas/varric content - the world needs more of it - but also this particular fic is delightful. i love the writing, particularly the way varric describes solas' behavior and staring - i've come back to read this multiple times because it's just... really, really good. also hot!
The Switch by playwithdinos ( @playwithdinos / @dinoswrites ) (f!lavellan/solas; rated E; creator chose not to use archive warnings)
author summary: Lavellan usually lets Solas take charge when they're alone, but she's back from slaying the Fereldan Frostback and she's not in the mood to bow to anyone.
Fill for this kink meme prompt: http://dragonage-kink.livejournal.com/13696.html?thread=53207680
my notes: love this one soooo much - lavellan is fascinating here and the way she takes charge is delightful, i particularly enjoyed how it began so much earlier than in the bedroom - and solas is written so well, love his characterization here. it's very hot and another i've definitely come back to
That Time of the Month by bluebeholder ( @wanderingnork ) (f!adaar/solas; rated E; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: Kubide gets her period. Solas offers a suggestion for how they might have some fun.
They're going to have to burn the sheets when they're done.
my notes: love this one so much - every line is just rife with characterization and depth, absolutely love the way kubide conducts herself and her reactions throughout, the physical descriptions are wonderfully done, and overall it's super hot and makes their feelings for each other incredibly clear.
In the Blue Morning by rosieofcorona ( @rosieofcorona ) (f!lavellan/solas; rated G; author chose not to use archive warnings)
author summary: He wants to stay like this forever, wants the sun to forget to rise, wants the castle to sleep and sleep in an endless dream.
But the light keeps coming, every moment. The castle will wake, and they will see.
And this will cost them, in the end.
my notes: this was such a delight when i first read it, and still such a delight when i just reread it now ;o; the way everything is described is really beautiful, and the balance between them, the juicy foreshadowing, everything, it's so good. a soft moment that acknowledges what is to come
Master and Apprentice by ar_lath_vhenan ( @arlathvhenan ) (f!lavellan/solas; rated T; no archive warnings apply)
author summary: He was playing with her then, just as she had played with him only moments ago. He’d seen through her thinly veiled flirtations—her shameless assault on his composure—and finally settled on a counter offensive now that he possessed the upper hand. The tricky bastard. — In which Solas teaches Lavellan to paint
my notes: i really, really enjoy this fic - the intimacy alongside the uncertainty is wonderfully complex, and the descriptive language for how they manuever around/with each other has never failed to impress me. love this lavellan too <3
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princehendir · 1 year
there is no da2 li companion/companion ship that does not hit*. the dynamics are so chrunchchy and it is saddening that all the ones with merrill in them are a rarepair or treated as a side ship. let her fuck them cowards. anyway mandatory fic rec for The Ideal Adventuring Party Is... by Cryptographic_Delurk
(*i dont get f/enders but obviously it strikes a chord for some people considering. uh. ao3)
Every companion/companion pairing except fenders gang Rise
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greypetrel · 1 year
✨Self-Rec Tag Game ✨
Thank you very much @shivunin! ✨✨✨
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made. e.g.: 1. Something you absolutely adore 2. Something that was challenging to create 3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.) 5. Something you want other people to see
Soooo... I'm actually one of those people who can't just tell you ONE favourite thing. If you ask me about my favourite movie, I'll shorten the list to ten and will cry because I left something I love outside. Oops, I guess.
And I also really love colour coordination. 🌈
1. Something I absolutely adore.
I don't absolutely adore any of my works ahahahahahahah.
Beside some self-deprecation, I'm still very please with this fanart of Aisling and Dorian looking outside the window.
I know you don't appreciate much Crossovers, Mo and way too many people around, but the chance to put together two things I love... I would never tackle fanfiction if I didn't have something mine to put it (that's why I started writing fic with Dragon Age, which is based on the "Create your own character" basic), so this was my chance at tackling Tolkien lore which I absolutely adore and has been part of my life ever since I was a little bean.
There's also a fic which is basically LOTR... But with Dragon Age Characters (taking advantage of the fact that in the book nothing much is seen of Mordor... I slipped everyone there and I promise it makes more sense x°D)
2. Something that was challenging to create
Everything concerning Raina, which you can now find in this convenient folder I'll fill little by little on AO3.
I... Accidentally tackled too many things that strikes close to home with her, and writing her is basically something similar to a therapy session. The current thing I'm working on is proving difficult.
But I'll say this official portrait of her, just for the fact that I tried a new way of colouring (thanks to @ndostairlyrium forever and ever for the tips and tricks) and everything was new and challenging. The amount of times I cursed myself for putting a background! xD
3. Something that makes you laugh
You see, Mo, I am very unable to choose just one thing. If you ask me what's my favourite movie, I can shorten my list to 10. I'll give you three.
The Bi Cullen series. I should do another one, I just have to finish it, but this is close to my heart. Because bi panic and science bros.
This little exploration in the Mythal Temple, full with very necessary Indiana Jones and Emperor's New Groove quotes.
And last but not least, the one and only Haunting Queen, Doris the Rage Demon who lives in Cullen and Aisling's stove and is deeply in love with Cullen... And also very jealous. It's jealousy, it's not Aisling that doesn't know how to cook.
4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
Ok, for this I have 2:
Home Was Never on the Ground aka the Monster fic. It's my first attempt at fanfiction and the first prose I had written in YEARS. I thought of an anthology of moments missed in game, or expansions of scenes I liked. I am honestly surprised by the amount of hits it got and even if I see flaws, I like my baby.
One for the Road. Aka. Fenris/Lavellan 2 chapter fic. I wrote it as a divertissement, it ended up to be extra angsty... And I sincerely thought I had totally misinterpreted Fenris here. I remember being so nervous when posting it that I actually considered keeping it for myself. And instead, it was received well?
5. Something you want other people to see
On this I'm more sure! (well.)
My little joy is the DadWolf AU which you can find here. Basically, a Modern AU following the events of DA2 and Inquisition... With something changed.
Namely, Solas woke up 30 years before, and he and Varric were roommates. And they co-parent my Inquisitor, Aisling, and Dorian who are actually science bros. It's something that brings me joy in doing, there's nothing written as per yet save some prompts but it will be!
Also one fanart I'm very very attached to is this one which was done in collaboration with @ndostairlyrium (I drew it, she coloured it), and which now guards me from my wall when I work in my studio.
In case you all were still wondering yes, I'm wordy. I know it's a surprise.
I reckon that I forgot to tag, OOPS. @rosella-writes @oxygenforthewicked @cullenvhenan @cao-the-dreamer @transprincecaspian and for the rest I think everyone was already tagged...? Send me a word if you were not and would like to!
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