#daan doom posting
WIP Lineup 5/27/24
So You Wanna Start a War?
Harry Potter / Marauders Era
Sirius Black & Arcturus Black
Sirius Black/Dorcas Meadowes
Noble and Most Ancient House of Black Centric
Anti-Walburga Black, Anti-Orion Black, Anti-Peter Pettigrew, Anti-Dumbledore
We're messing with the canon and fixing a lot of shit.
This is entirely finished. All that's left is proofreading and editing then it'll get posted.
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If All We Know Is What We're Told Then They've Made Up Our Minds
DC Comics
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
The Red Hood comes back to Gotham but has to pause his revenge tour when he finds out that Nightwing hasn't been seen in years since the Joker died.
Dick Grayson has given up Nightwing.
Heavy on the ramifications of Blockbuster/Catalina.
This will be bad parent Bruce Wayne.
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Doomed By the Narrative
DC Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & John Constantine
John Constantine/Zatanna
John needs help to do a ritual to save Zatanna, but he can only use the help of people who have died and been brought back. The amount of people who have done that and that he trusts are extremely low.
Bad parent Bruce Wayne
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Gold and Green Through a Different Lens
DC Comics / Marvel Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Nightwing and the Red Hood get thrown into the Marvel universe where they clash with the Avengers, get mistaken for mutants, and get rescued by Magneto. Not necessarily in that order.
Former Talon Dick Grayson
Lazarus Pit Jason Todd
Avengers aren't in the best light, but they're not evil.
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Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cin Drallig
Rule 63 for Obi-Wan Kenobi
Melida-Daan canon divergence and thereafter.
Bashing for Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda.
I've been sitting on the first chapter of this for over a year but I swear it's always in the back of my mind.
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thesternest · 9 months
tag meme: my top 9 characters
i was tagged by @regallibellbright so with no particular order lets get into it
I have decided to not put any characters of my own here because then this list would be filled with my characters and nothing else
also only one per series since i want this to be an overall representation of my favorite characters
1.Phosphophyllite/Phos (land of the lustrous)
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Phos is by far one of my favorite characters due to how they change throughout the series
also watching them suffer is what got me my permanent angst craving
phos is one of those characters that unfortunately due to being by far the most popular character in the series the fandom tends to dislike every other character in the series (particularly in this case since a lot of the other characters have mistreated phos in some way) which i think is a disservice to those characters
but phos is still my favorite
2.Blake Thorburn (Pact: Devils and Details) (no art for him because im too lazy to ask for permission to put him here and i dont want to put a piece of art on my post without permission)
ill be honest it was hard to pick if Taylor or Blake were going to be put here, since i didnt want to put two wildbow protagonists here, and while Worm was much more enjoyable for me to read i think Pact was a much more memorable story for me,
Since like blake struggled through the horrors, i struggled against decaying attention span
In general i gravitate toward fantasy stories more than superhero stories
3. Eve and aoi (birdie wing golf girls story)
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hey remember a second ago when i was debating over which wildbow protagonist to put here because i didnt want to put both
Yeah fuck that these two are a pair because i love them both and refuse to seperate them
These two are genuinely one of my favorite protagonist duo's ever
like they are so funny with their insane antics and golf
4. Yuki Takamiya (thirteen sentinels aegis rim)
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this one proved to be really hard to decide between Yuki, Okino or 426 since they are all favorites
i decided that it was best to fit one of the protagonists into this since it would be hard to talk about the other two without spoiling anything and needing a ton of context
from the second Yuki showed up i knew she would likely be a favorite
what i didnt expect was for her to be arguably one of the smartest characters in the game
I would say out of the protagonists she is the second smartest with Gouto being the smartest
Like i did not expect her route to be a detective story
5. Power (chainsaw man)
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first person on this list who isnt a protagonist, and i did consider putting Asa instead of her and while i am undoubtedly more invested in Asa im also much more entertained by power
also i need to put one character who isnt a main character here lest i be seen as a basic bitch
6. Sayeon Lee (hand jumper)
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we only have one season of her but this girl is so mentally unwell its like catnip to me
im eagerly awaiting the start of season 2
also to my surprise me reccomending vibes this webtoon caused a bunch of wormblr people to read this too so when season 2 starts i could probably talk to those people about it
7.Daan/ the doctor (fear and hunger termina)
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this was a tough descision between Daan and Marina because while i love them both equally Daan has the better narrative in my head with his doomed by the narrative swag
8.Iwha (hero killer
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she's cool when she murders people
9. Kikuri Hiroi (bocchi the rock)
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girl who is doomed by the narrative
but the narrative is a slice of life so overall its not that bad
@n0brainjustvibes@tranz-regent@worstgirl-online i nominate you to follow in my example and list characters
Also feel free to analyse me like a lab rat for these picks in the notes
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darkvioletcloud · 1 year
Continuing the funger homestuck thoughts- do we have classpect ideas for the termina contestants? Personally my list goes
Daan: Sylph of void
Abella: maid of time (haha aradia)
Osaa: mage of light
Olivia: sylph of life
Karin: rogue of mind
Pav: prince of hope (haha eridan)
Marcoh: knight of void
Levi: heir of doom
Marina: witch of blood
Samarie: seer of void
Tanaka: page of doom
Henryk: bard of space
Caligura: thief of rage
August: rogue of breath
(Sorry heart players </3)
aaa I used to know the meaning of the classpects but honestly my best friend knows them more than me! Though, she hasn't played Termina yet.
By your classpect assigning, we've got both a time and a space player here, so they can finish a Sburb session!
I'm looking at this post on Classes and this post on Aspects right now and I think I can give some insight.
I'm gonna focus on Marcoh because he's on my mind right now.
From what I understand, Marcoh as a Knight is really fitting for him, as by the definition of protecting, he's definitely a protector of his little sister, as well as protecting Tanaka and Olivia to a degree. I'd say training Tanaka is a form of protection, giving him the means to defend himself, while with Olivia, he defends her and also seeks out a way for her to be more mobile. Again, giving tools to help as a form of defense.
As for void, I can maaaybe see how this fits him? Marcoh is a lil bit of a himbo, let's be real.
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like. he solves his problem with his fists. i love him.
Was your choice of void due to him having a bit of a void of meaning in his life? He's been bouncing around different duties and could be seen as having a lack of meaning in his life besides the boxing, though being associated with Riccardo and The Family could create this void of anguish within him.
Might add more for other characters later, but these are just some preliminary thoughts! Also it is VERY amusing to imagine Tanaka in the Page outfit.
And of course, anyone can reblog with their thoughts!
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catboymitosis · 1 year
Lmao so true about your post on Karin. Wanted to give my two cents :P
Shipping’s everything, as it exists just for a beautiful picture, self-fulfillment and pleasure. Fun and games stuff—anyone can ship whoever they desire for sure.
Though it’s a literal divorcecore dynamics Daan and Karin have here lmao. Honestly, I myself wanted so badly to ship every single person on that damn train, including Daan, but realized that daarin pairing was doomed from the beginning. I mean, has anyone so docile and done ever tried to live with a partner who mocks and jabs them for every wrong move? Daarin nation simply doesn’t know what they’re asking for, and, unfortunately, I’d give them a day or two in similar relationships. So, let's face it - horny (&horrors) didn't have mercy on anyone here...
Thank you for your two cents anon 🙏 I mostly agree with you.
Daarin is not something I could have ever been into because the particular way Karin picks at and criticizes unrelated aspects about Daan to shut down his opinion when he disagrees with her hits a little to close to home for me;; And I actually do avoid being a hater most of the time but the way daarin nation mischaracterizes, particularly Karin but even Daan, is such a pet peeve of mine I can't let it go ;-;)
Already said my piece on Karin but with Daan, I think people simultaneously give him too much and too little credit for how much of a smartass he is. A pattern I've noticed with him that's especially clear in his interactions with Karin is how much he hates and avoids talking about himself and his own life. He can argue with Karin on matters of observation and opinion no problem but he shrinks back the second she starts criticising personal aspects about him, he never corrects her wildly inaccurate judgements about his life (that actually more apply to her own experiences). 90% of their arguements don't read as playful to me because Karin takes being disagreed with incredibly personally and I think Daan is trying to be playful with her but he stops doing so when she just starts insulting him. Extremely divorcecore.
That said I also know people who like daarin for the exact same reasons I dont like it and to me that means they're doing daarin right. Complete respect to people who go "these people are bad for each other so I want them to be together". Ships don't have to be a healthy dynamics you should want to attain they just have to be fun and interesting.
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kanansdume · 2 years
After reading this post by @ahsoka-in-a-hood, it occurred me to that this is exactly why I really don't like the way Obi-Wan's history with Satine is written.
Because it's not about Obi-Wan.
Obitine as a SHIP isn't about Obi-Wan.
It's about Anakin.
I've been looking at the moment where Obi-Wan confesses that he would have left the Jedi Order had Satine said the word as a take on a crisis of faith storyline for Obi-Wan, similar to ones seen in the Melida/Daan arc in Jedi Apprentice and, most recently, the Padawan book and Obi-Wan Kenobi show. And in that case, it fails. Entirely.
Because in order for it to be a good crisis of faith storyline, to me, it needs to have a moment where Obi-Wan actively chooses to remain a Jedi, where he recognizes he's on the wrong path and comes back. He can leave for a time, he can stray, he can question, that's the whole point. But it has to be Obi-Wan's choice to come back to the Jedi because he recognizes that it's the right path for him, that it's the path he WANTS to take.
And the line "I would have left the Jedi Order, if you had said the word" removes all choice from Obi-Wan. Because what's left unsaid here is, "I only stayed in the Jedi Order because you DIDN'T say the word." Which puts all of the power of choice onto Satine, not Obi-Wan. And we don't even hear why Satine didn't ask him to stay, whether it's because she just didn't realize he liked her enough to stay or because she recognized they would never truly work out even if he did stay for her. Obi-Wan nearly leaving the Jedi Order for Satine has no real impact on Obi-Wan's character because the reason as to why he DIDN'T is so passive. He's not acting, he's REACTING.
But it was never about Obi-Wan. It was about Anakin.
Obi-Wan's ENTIRE relationship with Satine and, arguably, Satine's entire character, is about being a metaphor/foil for Anakin (and Padme/Anidala). That's it.
Obi-Wan and Satine have a history where they went through a traumatic experience together where Obi-Wan was helping Satine escape a war on her planet that she was the ruler of, this war has a major impact on Satine's ideologies as we see them in the present day, Obi-Wan and Satine barely seem to truly agree on much of anything, their disagreements cause them to react unprofessionally in public. There's a lot of similarities in the dynamic set up between Obi-Wan and Satine, and Anakin and Padme.
Because Obitine is just a way to use Obi-Wan to showcase what Anakin (and Padme) should've done. Obi-Wan and Satine walk away because they both recognize this relationship is never going to truly work. They don't agree on much of anything, but both of them know that because they confront each other about things the other says or does they disagree with rather than brushing it under the rug and pretending it didn't happen. Obi-Wan and Satine allow duty to come first, but also appear to recognize that even if one of them gave up duty, the relationship would be doomed. They care about each other because they have a bond from spending a year on the run together, but this does not make them GOOD for each other and they're both smart and honest enough to recognize that and so, even after Satine pressures Obi-Wan into making a confession of love to her, neither of them acts on it.
And then, of course, in The Lawless, we see Obi-Wan facing Satine in a lot of danger and is unable to do very much to help her because of restrictions placed on him via the Senate and the Council, so he chooses to BEND some rules in order to allow him to give what help he can without bringing untold harm to everyone around him, and when he fails, he refuses to let it sink him into darkness. He makes a whole speech about it that's particularly on the nose, obviously, and it's pretty pointed towards "This is what Anakin should've done and didn't."
This is why Obitine just doesn't appeal to me, because it's not really about Satine or Obi-Wan at all. Satine is a prop, a Padme knock-off, intentionally. She's just there to show what Padme should've done, but also to be a catalyst to showcase through Obi-Wan what Anakin should've done. Obi-Wan's allowed zero real agency in this relationship because his "choice" to stay with the Jedi isn't there to actually say anything about Obi-Wan or further our understanding of him as a character, but simply for the audience to go "ah yes, the opposite of Anakin." Made even more heavy-handed by Anakin coming in 2 seconds later and killing someone to the tune of the Imperial March because the show decided to conveniently forget Jedi have telekinesis in favor of reminding everyone that Anakin's going to go dark side soon.
It's not a crisis of faith storyline, it's not an Obi-Wan backstory even. It's just a metaphor for Anakin and Padme.
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Medium Star Wars AUs
AUs too small to go in the masterpost of masterposts, but too large to be shoved in with the one-offs.
Luke Goes Back in Time and Says Fuck AU
Post-ROTJ Luke ends up during the Clone Wars and proceeds to lie to everyone. Very badly.
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Trophy Husband Anakin
Or, why Anakin would be the worst trophy husband in existence
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Grey Apprentice AU (Sith!Obi-Wan AU)
Obi-Wan is trained simultaneously by Qui-Gon and a holocron of Darth Zannah. This actually makes him the most well-adjusted person in the order.
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Anzati Padmé AU (Dark)
Padmé is an anzat who likes eating Force sensitives. When she meets Anakin Skywalker, it seems like a dream.
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Alternate Obianidala Version (Still Dark)
Coconut Anakin AU
Obi-Wan gets stuck on a desert island planet. What happens next will shock you.
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Sith Shmi AU
Darth Shfifon has been living on Tatooine as Shmi Skywalker since she escaped Darth Plagueis while pregnant with her son. When the Jedi arrive, she sends her son with them— but she comes too. Darth Shfifon can hide in the Jedi temple, but for how long?
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Camping Trip of Doom AU x x x
In a world where no one turned evil, Qui-Gon and Ahsoka go on camping trips (and Yoda and Anakin are totally jealous)
Leia and Vader’s Big Day Out AU x x x
Leia from ANH gets taken back to Coruscant, and manages to transport herself to the Jedi Temple thirty five years in the past. Vader, Ben, Luke, Han, and Chewie follow.
Sith!Obi-Wan AU - Holocron Days x x
Obi-Wan doesn’t go to Bandomeer, and finds a holocron of Darth Zannah in a temple. She trains him as a Sith.
Sugar Baby Ben AU x x
In a stunningly normal beginning, Anakin and Obi-Wan from after ROTJ get sent back to the middle of TPM. In a stunningly weird addendum, Anakin is a tiny terror of the galaxy, and Obi-Wan becomes Coruscant’s resident sugar baby.
Mother Duck Vader AU x x
Luke gets cloned and Vader... explores parenthood in his own special way.
Leia and Qui-Gon the Door-to-Door Salesman x x
Leia goes back in time, and Qui-Gon becomes her #1 fan. She wishes he didn’t.
Skynyalkers AU x x
Luke and Leia get sent back in time. Qui-Gon attempts to woo them the way one might attempt to woo a particularly irritable cat. They are not impressed.
Knight in Beige Armor AU x x
TPM Obi-Wan gets dropped onto the Death Star before the destruction of Alderaan, and is greeted by one very suspicious princess.
Skywalker BS (tm) Cubed x x
ROTS Anakin gets dropped into the beginning of ANH.
Laul— Or Luke’s Magic Goodness Dick, the AU x x
Luke uses his kindness and pelvic sorcery to literally seduce Darth Maul to the light.
Children of War AU x x
Post-ROTJ Luke and Leia get sent back in time, ending up on Melida/Daan with Obi-Wan and the young. When they end the war, Obi-Wan comes with them, and Qui-Gon is left to search for his padawan.
FMAB/Prequels Crossover x x
The Elric brothers, Mustang, and Hawkeye end up in the final duel of Phantom Menace. After shooting Maul, they proceed to... explore.
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feelinkeeli · 4 years
Star Wars WIP List
I've seen some people using the pin post option to list they're WIPs and decided to follow suit. (ETA: updated March 20th, 2022)
Current WIPs on AO3
Holding out for a Hero - Star Wars/DC comics crossover, Jason Todd/Din Djarin, Klarion yeeted/yote Jason to the GFFA where he meets baby Yoda and the Mandalorian
You Have a Place (at my side) - young Jango/Obi-wan meeting on Melida/Daan and being dorks in love. (Also Jaster/Plo)
A New Start- Amnesia!Boba, inspired by some SW comics, BoLu (Boba Fett/Luke Skywalker)
Game of Survival - Jango survives Geonosis and things go different from there.
All My Tomorrows (and Yesterday's Sorrows) - Cal/Jango, Cal time travels to save the galaxy and runs into Jango
Into the Unknown - the Dark Saber yeets Din back in time to Korda 6. Din/Jaster
Guided by Gossamer Grace - post 066 Hound/Doom. Cloneshipping if that was not clear.
How We Face Bad Tidings - Feemor/Silas.
Starfall - Tarre Vizsla and Revan awaken on Kamino. Chaos ensues.
Jango Fett Open Seasons characters
Feral and Savage
Star Wars HC & Mando'a
Feel free to use but please provide links/credit for the Mando'a.
Mandalorian Romance Spectrum
Thoughts on Darasuum
Mandalorian Entertainment
Mandalorians and Endings
Mandalorians and Heroes/Heroics
The Taung/Mandos are Space Emu Dads
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nirnrave · 4 years
another dovahzul lullaby
tumblr user @boethiah​ posted one of these many a moon ago, and it inspired me to make my own! it was fun playing around with dovahzul’s “grammar” hfglkdfhlkg
Ton krah felniirre laat nunon gein getiid Haalle do laag fen dein hi fod rovaan Hahnu do briisevu, fariik dahik maltiid Daar lein tol mu voth hind wahlaan
Daar leinu los lovaas, los rot med du'ul. Hi ofan mu unslaad razaan Zu'u hon tul hiliil, wah hokoron mul Ahrk wah hin mandro daan.
Fod tiid bo fod vopraan kent, ov: Zu'u fen ni sarein, ni saraan Lokaali(, zu’u) fen hi ontzos mahlov Ko vesey ahst oblaan
A thousand cold winters last only a second The hands of sleep will keep you safe as you wander Dream of dawn's beauty, precious for its transcience the world we created with hope/a wish
This world of ours is a song, is a word like a crown You gave (gifted) us an eternal beat (rhythm) I still hear your heart, strong against enemies (against enemies strong) And against the doom of your drum. (your drum's doom)
When the time comes to have to (must) wake up, trust: I will not hesitate, not/nor wait My love (, I) will once more embrace you In a kiss at the end
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I wonder who manages the Twitter account of Arsenal. I love DVD just like allot of people. But this is getting out of hand 🤣🤣🤣
There was an arsecast episode about the media team behind the arsenal women's accounts, definitely worth a listen if you havent already. One of the things they were saying was that they curated the account content towards what fans want to see, and it's quite obvious that theyve got players like Daan up there with the players who get the most content created about them because they know they'll get the most interactions with this.
However I agree that it can get a bit out of hand and just biased making it seem like it's a 5 person team. Honestly I'd think that more posts and 'fun' content created about a wide variety of players could result in more notice being given to some other of the girls though.
However it's not all doom and gloom from me, the way that theyve done multiple individualized posts about the players who are leaving has been class, much better than most other team's social medias
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vforvulture-blog · 7 years
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SOTU Festival 2017: FINAL ACT!
Nionde Plågan Post-metal/screamo from Jönkoping, Sweden. Followed up by their last three releases, this 4-piece is still maturing their sound more than ever. Leaving their early crusty black metal sound behind, they're blending even more genres such as screamo, post-rock and post-metal. Ferocious and emotional vocals, beautiful atmospheric guitar parts, pummeling drums - fans of bands such as Envy, Light Bearer and Fall Of Efrafa will definitely not be disappointed.
The Fifth Alliance 5-piece from Breda, The Netherlands who blend blackish sludge, gut-wrenching doom and hypnotic (post)hardcore/metal. The Fifth Alliance leaps forward in terms of intelligent arrangements, subtle passages and building layers of atmosphere, led by Silvia Berger’s heartfelt screaming of pure emotion and beauty, merging ‘Death Poems’ into their heaviest outburst yet.
Trachimbrod Screamo infused shoegaze from Stockholm/Malmö, Sweden. Their music is characterised by catchy drums and jangly guitar melodies combined with unique and emotional vocals. Even though the music tends to evolve from record to record, the unmistakable ‘Trachimbrod sound’ is always present.
Snøgg Experimental black metal duo from Velenje, Slovenia. They use a lot of improvisation and often float in different extreme musical genres. Snøgg call their music freeride black metal.
slo daze Ambient side-project of Daan van Houten from Amsterdam based psych/black metal band Project Nefast.
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