thatoneartistisgay · 10 months
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just thought of Dabi kidnapping you for his own sexual pleasure…
you wake up and feel 2 hands grabbing at your ass and tits.you yelp in surprise as you suddenly feel all the overstimulation going on by several vibrators in or by you clit.you whimper in immense pain as you squirm.you hear a dark raspy voice whisper in your ear. “don’t worry slut~your in ‘good’ hands” you look up in pure fear and see a man.he’s got scruffy black hair and seductive dazzling blue eyes.he glares at you with a smug smirk as he groped your ass and pushes the vibrators further in your holes making you gasp loudly.
I kinda want to write more….please is this any good.
if it is I might write more this was fun
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divinewhimsy · 4 years
OOO I EAGERLY ANTICIPATE THIS PIECE OF WRITING ❤️ i did not expect my thought-vomit to prompt anything but i am happy 😊😊 -musicalanon
Hi Musicalanon!! I’m sorry this took so long and that it’s not a whole lot but I hope you enjoy it!!! ^^
Dabi’s gained an obsession with your stomach. Ever since the baby bump has started to become more defined, he’s zoned in on the area. Drawing lazy, endless patterns with his fingertips, a gentle palm pressing into the round shape as you sleep in his arms. 
There are times you catch him cooing soft and comforting phrases to it when he thinks you’re asleep, pressing gentle kisses to the skin. He detests any clothing that keeps your stomach away from him- and often you’ll just end up rolling the hem of your shirt up to appease him. 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re excited.” you laugh as you lean against him on the couch.
He pulled you into his chest a while ago, lining your legs with his own, encircling your body with his own. His hands immediately went to your stomach and the prominent bulge. Palming and cupping the skin tenderly, his blue eyes trapped on the area as his chin tucks into your shoulder. 
“Hmm.” he hums quietly, not quite giving you an answer but not leaving you in silence. 
“That’s it? ‘Hmm’?” you tease and try to catch his gaze with the turn of your head. He shrugs uselessly, his fingers a whisper around your belly button, tracing the visible veins lazily. 
You press a gentle kiss to his temple, leaning into his touch. Being pregnant hadn’t been the easiest thing thus far but Dabi had posted himself at your side from the start of it. 
You wouldn’t be surprised if he had some kind of undiscovered pregnancy kink but so far he’s been the perfect doting baby daddy. While he still has his more...Risqué moments, he’s been attentive to your every need. Wanting for nothing, not even getting to lift a finger before he’s on his feet. 
You feel the gentle kick of the child in your stomach and chuckle as he goes rigid- it’s the first touch the baby has made this far. And of course Dabi’s hands were on your stomach for it to happen. 
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or girl?” you muse softly, running your hands up and down his arms lightly. 
You feel Dabi shrug again before he plants a lazy kiss to your throat. 
“Don’t care.” he murmurs, his voice a deep rumble in his chest. 
“You’re not hoping for either?” you quirk a brow. 
“Nope.” Dabi pops his lips at the ‘p’ sound, lazily laying his cheek on your shoulder. His hair mixes with yours, tickling your skin slightly as he bends his legs, tucking them beneath him and tugging you into the center of his lap. 
“What do you hope for, then?” 
“For them to be strong. And safe.” he murmurs quietly, wrapping his arms around you tightly. 
Strong…? Since when did he care about strength? 
“What do you mean ‘strong’?” you ask, running your fingertips across his forearm lazily. 
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean’? I want them to live.” he huffs. 
Ah. Now you get it. 
Strength because he considers himself weak. 
“You’re strong, so I’m sure they’ll be.” you smile softly, feeling the unease tense in his muscles as he sighs heavily. 
“You’re talking too much.” he grumbles, rubbing small circles into your stomach. 
But you can hear the embarrassment in his voice. The rising shyness that’s so rare to take over his features- only you get to see him like this. And you know his longing for praise. 
“Strong and smart. You’re so caring, too. I hope they’re exactly like you….Perfect.” 
“I am not perfect.” 
“Not in the societal sense but you are to me.” You shrug. “That’s all that matters.” 
He’s quiet but you know he’s appreciative by the way his arms encase you, caging you to his chest. He’s not always the best with words. Especially when it comes to reviving praise and showing his thankfulness. 
So the gentle squeeze he gives you is more than enough. You twist to look at his beautiful face, leaning against the back of the couch to get a better angle. He meets your gaze with a slight quirk in his brow but doesn’t comment as you start to run your hands through his hair. 
His eyes close with a small sigh, the feel of his locks through your fingers making you smile happily. He bends to your touch, a lazy kiss ghosting against the corner of your lips. 
Even if he’s quiet- you still know he loves you. He wouldn’t be here otherwise. He wouldn’t hold you like you’re seconds from breaking, wouldn’t kiss you like his life depended on it. Like he needs it. 
But he does. And you’re beyond head over heels for him, happy to have this precious little family together with him. 
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divinewhimsy · 4 years
Ichor Pt 7 (DabixReader)
A/N: SO I KNOW IT SOUNDS LIKE IT but I PROMISE this isn’t the last one for this. I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to go much farther in this exact moment. I have a couple other ideas for this series but I’m not 100% on most of them so we’ll see. I was thinking of starting some others as well, different one shots or whatever. Would you all be interested in a NSFW addition in the next one? Or is that too far/too much? ImeanIlovesmutasmuchasthenextpersonbuuuuuuuut I don’t wanna force it on people, I guess. Eh, who knows. Enjoy! Thank you for reading!!
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Part 6: X
Part 8: X
Tag List: @velvet-kissesss​ @marydragneell​ @littleblackpheonix​ @holytacocactuscollector @ghostingtime​ @the-cosmic-dreamer​
Calloused fingers trace down your sides and you shiver at the touch as they grasp your thighs. Palms both smooth and rough with the slight feel of metal slide against your shorts, fingers tracing shapes into your flesh slowly. Waiting. Savoring. It’s the heat of him that overcomes your senses, leaving your mind in a trap. His scent fills you.
Leather and whisky. Smoke and sandalwood. A hint of mint and what seems to be the natural musk of his skin as he feels your body in his hands. Caressing every curve and dip of your flesh. 
As he finds your hips and pulls you roughly closer to him you yelp at the sudden movement. Dinner long forgotten on the cold stove, you grasp at the leather jacket and his shoulders. Sliding your hands up from his neck to his face, holding him gently as you breathe in his scent. It’s hypnotic. Intoxicating. 
Lips tease at your ear with a husky laugh, his next few words softer than you’ve ever heard him speak before. 
“I could eat you out right here.” he growls playfully and he presses himself between your legs. 
“Not on the counter.” you giggle and he nods, pressing sensual kiss after sensual kiss down from your ear to your collarbone. 
“Shit, you’re right.” he breathes and hoists you up in his arms as he carries you to the kitchen table. “Meals are meant to be eaten at the dinner table.” 
You’re on your back on the table in seconds, his head trailing down your body so slow it's almost painful. Inching closer to the waistband of your shorts until he grabs the drawstring with his teeth and pulls the knot until it’s undone. His tongue tastes your skin beneath your belly button and you shiver under his touch. 
“And I’ll be honest baby girl,” he breathes, his breath tickling your skin. Goosebumps pop up along your stomach and legs. “I. Am. Starving.”
You bolt up in your bed, your heart hammering in your chest at the memory of the dream. Eyes wide to the dark room you search fitfully for something that’ll remind you it was only just a dream. Nothing more. Nothing less. 
Who are you kidding? You’re disappointed it was only a dream. You groan and flop back down to your pillows, staring up at the ceiling as you wipe the sweat from your brow. So worked up over nothing but a dream. How depressing. 
It’s been a week and a half since you’ve last seen Dabi. Since he disappeared in the middle of the night. 
You still haven’t pulled yourself together. As much as you wish you could it seems damn near impossible to forget him as he appears night after night in your dreams. They’re not all the same but they all feel inexplicably and frustratingly real. 
His hands, his voice and his goddamn heat. They plague your slumber like a beautiful nightmare refusing to leave you. Haunting you. What would it take to get this man out of your head?
You’re not sure but the thump from your living room seems like a good enough distraction right now. Freezing, you stare at your door in panic.
Someone is inside your apartment. 
Fear, cold and unyielding, grips at every inch of your skin and you shrink back into your bed. Who the hell would have broken into your home?! Could it be a member of the League, scouting you out? Could it be that strange man who won’t leave you alone after that one night at the bar? You hadn’t brought him home or told him anything beyond your name but the world is full of creeps who will do anything to get what they want. 
You listen in silence as your heart starts to race faster and faster. With every breath it shoots the ice cold paranoia through your veins. You should have listened and moved. As soon as Dabi told you to. Just abandoned everything here and just ran. Bolted. Shit, you’d figure out how to fly if it got you out of this situation.
There’s a tap at your window and a shuffle as you crawl away from it. A shadow peers in from outside and starts to pop the screen out.
Oh no. You never locked your window?! Jesus, how stupid could you be?! What kind of idiot doesn’t quadruple check their windows and doors?!
Well… You, apparently. 
The struggle with the window is only momentary as they press their hands to the glass. When it starts to give way to their movements and slides open, you feel your stomach drop into each of your toes. Not one but two people are invading your home and you’re frozen in terror. 
How many minutes would it take to get away from both of them? How fast would you have to be? Could you get them to I just some of your blood and then drain them? It would have to be quick to get them to buy into it. If you can even pull it off, that is. It’s not easy to get someone to willingly drink your blood- unless you revealed it boosted their quirk. If you could trick them into thinking you’ll comply you’ll have a better shot. 
The figure at the window hops up with a soft jingle. They shift slightly and all the trembling your body has started stops. You recognize that silhouette. You know without a doubt that you’ve seen a fair amount of his flesh without it being covered. Memorized the crazy tufts of hair that go in every direction both wet and dry- and you can never, ever forget those blazing blue eyes. They’re sewn into your mind's eye. A beacon that will always call you toward him from whatever end of the earth you are. Miles or inches away, you can feel them searching for you. Watching.
“D-” you start to say his name in disbelief but his hand clamps down over your mouth and he brings a finger to his lips. 
He motions towards the hallway where the other noises are coming from and you give a small nod. You don’t need his words to understand. 
Somehow, against the odds, Dabi is here. That’s all you can care about although you know you should care there is a literal intruder in your home. Not that it would be important at all or anything. 
Dabi leaps from your windowsill and down to your bed, keeping in to a low crouch as he slides off. Silent as sin, he tip toes to your door and disappears behind it. You listen intently as the shuffling from the living room continues- completely unaware of the man heading their way. 
Had he known you were in trouble? How?
Why show up now, of all the times to show? Not that you aren’t thankful, of course. It can’t be coincidence he’s here when someone else has literally broken into your home. 
The sound of fighting and a yelp from the living room pulls you from your thoughts and you scramble to shut the window. Who did Dabi find? Is he the one who yelped or is it the other person? The sound of scuffing and grunting sounds grow ever closer to your room. You hold your breath and clutch your blanket closer to you, fear flooding into your body as a loud thump slams into your door. 
It bursts open and the man with the green skin from the bar tumbles in, Dabi looming above him. The man twists to face him, his skin changing into different colors. He must have some kind of chameleon quirk. It tries to blend him in but it’s going too quickly, too sporadically to hold on to one shade as he scrambles away from Dabi. 
“Look what the cat dragged in, darlin’.” Dabi drawls and steps closer to the man menacingly, blue fire hovering from his hands. “More trash.” 
“Please, I-I-I didn’t know she was with you!” the man- ‘Charlie’ you remember he had told you to call him. “I just thought she was some single broad!” 
“What difference does that make?” Dabi grins and you watch as he glares down at the man. 
This. This is the villain you’ve been told about. It should scare you. Shit, you should be terrified of him. But somehow, someway, you aren’t. All you can see is that it’s Dabi. The feel of his energy returning to your empty halls. The sound of his voice against the walls and floors. Enveloping your ears in a soft caress as he drawls. Having him near is comforting.
You can feel the bond between you two hum to life, a surge of power and heat bolting through. You know it’s not just from Dabi- you can feel it as the warmth spreads from within your body to the outer layers of your skin. Every calm breath he takes, every step he advances- you can feel the proximity ignite so much more than this mixture of sensations. Your body is locked on to his location like it’s your own. Like it’s a piece you never knew you were missing until you met him. 
“I-I- Nothing! Nothing!” Charlie stutters and turns his eyes to you. “I’m just a friend, right? Go on, tell him!!” 
You shake your head. 
“Pathetic.” Dabi clicks his tongue, “You really can’t think of anything else to save your sorry ass?” 
Charlie lets out a sob and glances back at you. His eyes are begging for your help but you can only flinch as he grabs at the leg of the bed closest to him. He holds onto it firmly with both hands and turns on his stomach as Dabi grabs him by the back of his shirt. 
“Please! I haven’t done anything wrong!” he growls. 
“Yeah, what’s a little breaking and entering into a place that isn’t yours? That’s not wrong in the slightest.” Dabi mocks. 
“Coming from you that’s laughable!” Charlie snaps. “At least I haven’t killed anyone!” 
“That’s just because you’re a coward.” Dabi snarls and yanks Charlie up from the floor. 
“Do you really want to kill me in front of her?!” Charlie motions toward you and Dabi follows his gaze. “Sh-She’s still innocent, isn’t she? You wouldn’t want to ruin her for yourself.”
Woah, woah, woah. Back it up. Ruin you? 
You blink at Charlie as your brows furrow. Confusion turns into anger as you realize just how defenseless he thinks you are. 
“That’s a fucking joke.” you sneer and glare at him. “Why are you even breaking into my apartment in the first place? Couldn’t take no for an answer?”
“Oh shut it.” he snarls. “You brought your pathetic, desperate ass to that bar hoping to be fucked-”
Dabi drops him on the floor face first and presses a boot to his spine. He digs his heel in between his shoulder blades and a sickening crack echoes in Charlie’s body. He gives a pitiful whimper in response and turns his head to the side, un-smashing his face from the floorboards. 
“Did you really think,” Dabi seethes with a wicked grin.  “I would let you go? That I wouldn’t notice you creeping towards her?” 
“I told you!” Charlie whimpers. “I didn’t know she was with you- ack!!” he chokes as Dabi slaps a hand around his throat. 
The smell of burning flesh spits into the room with the smoke curling from underneath Dabi’s hand. You flinch at the sound of the impact and turn your gaze to Dabi. Is he really going to kill this man? In your home?
You know he’s a villain. You know this. But seeing something like this first hand is uncomfortable. It unsettles your nerves and you find yourself reaching to stop Dabi as you scramble out of bed. 
“He’s learned his lesson.” you say quietly and Dabi flicks his eyes to you dangerously. The anger stirs beneath his face, the churning fire of his soul erupting from deep within. 
You grasp his forearm lightly, the heat of his skin seeping into your hand as you hold your breath. He has to listen to you. He has to. Even though this man- Charlie or whatever- is a creep who broke into your apartment, you can’t just stand here and watch him die. It goes against what you stand for. What you try to do with your quirk.
The quirk you’ve used twice now to save him. To scoop him from death's door and back into the land of the living. 
“Let him go.” you say softly and slide your other hand to lay over the outside of his around Charlie’s neck. “Please.” 
Dabi drops Charlie roughly, letting the man slam back into the floor. He fixes him with a nasty scowl before he turns his gaze back to you. 
“You don’t know what’s even going on.” he seethes. “Stay out of this.” 
“I know you’re about to kill him in my own goddamn apartment. I don’t want that blood on my floor.”
Snapping back at him isn’t what you intended. Honestly. 
“I’ll make sure to be careful.”
“Dabi, no-“ 
“Fine.” he says curtly and picks Charlie up, stalking over to your window and throwing the man through it harshly. You catch the grunt and yelp outside as he lands before Dabi’s hoisting himself through it. 
“Lock your fucking door.” he hisses before he slams the glass shut behind him. 
Had he just been here for Charlie, then? You’re left, dumbfounded and confused in the middle of your bedroom. Staring at the closed window, blinking slowly as you try to process what just happened. 
When you can find no explanation, you instead take his hasty, last minute aggravated advice and lock your door. You’re not sure how it got unlocked in the first place or why he just didn’t exit through it if it wasn’t locked.
Locking your window for that added passive aggressive push, you curse Dabi in your mind. 
A week and a half of absolutely fucking nothing and then that? Some half assed attempt? Why was he even here in the first place? What did Charlie have to do with anything? Not that you had any kind of affection for the strange, creepy green man but it had seemed...Strange for him to appear right after Dabi had left. 
Was he using you as bait, then? A trap for someone stalking him? He had said you had no idea what was even going on, after all. But you would know if he’d just told you. 
Then again, he also told you to move. And you haven’t listened. You’ve stayed, unable to even summon the energy to try and uproot yourself. The thought alone is a knife to your stomach. Empty, shallow pains that claw at your throat, threatening to crawl out of your mouth and onto the floor. 
Some of the things Charlie said still feel strange. Your ears refuse to understand the words as you mull over them. Why should it matter to you anyways? Dabi chose to leave. He owes you nothing. Your deal with him is done. It’s over. 
Then why do you feel so cut off when he’s gone? 
Sleep is a blessing not bestowed upon you for the rest of the night. You give up after an hour or so and decide to get dressed instead. It’s only three in the morning, perfect for a short stroll. Totally not to try and find the patchwork man who’s consuming your every waking thought. That’s just ridiculous. 
Your steps on the damp pavement are the only sound as you walk. There’s an occasional car or two but beyond that the night is silent. It observed you walking down the street aimlessly, purposeless save for the burning knot of emotion settling into your heart. Why does it bother you so much? Why does his absence mark your senses with a streak of edge? Sharpening every facet with the temperament of steel. You’re hyper vigilant to the world around you- every space you see, every breath you take, every sound you hear- it’s all categorized in your mind, shuffled away until you have a perfect map in your mind. 
You have no idea where you’re going. You don’t even know this part of town that well. It’s a stranger to your company and you’ve preferred it to be that way before now. 
Now you can’t stand not being here. Not being out and experiencing the night fading into day break. The hours may tick by but your body takes it all in stride, your limbs moving to a song you can’t hear but you can feel. It’s a beating of a drum, growing louder and louder as you feel every breath you take pulled from its notes. Forcing your lungs to inflate and hold before deflating. It picks up rapidly until you’re finally running through the streets, your blood singing with energy as you catch a familiar feeling. The thread between you and Dabi reappears and you can feel the song swell with the dwindling space. 
Magnetic. That’s what this is. You can’t help but feel drawn to every step he takes further away from you. When the blue flames ignite from his body and into the night sky, you see the way they jump higher the closer you get. His power grows as you near him. 
It’s undeniable. He doesn’t seem to acknowledge it as he focuses on the burning body in front of him. Burnt to a crisp. Charred remains start to flake away as they burn into the night. You don’t have to guess to know it’s Charlie. 
You can’t find a single bone in your body that cares. Not a drop of blood that screams that this is wrong. The only focus you have is the burning body that’s in front of you. The man that's still standing as his flames engulf him. As they rise and dance into the night sky, a star given human form has dropped out of the sky and onto the earth. He is destined for so much more than he’ll ever know. 
You can’t find the words as his flames shoot out around you. Walls of blue surround your body but don’t dare encroach on your form as you step closer to him. They part to let you closer to him and the steam and smoke from their absence curls off of him in tendrils. Memories written into the air before they wash away with the wind. 
You’ve come all this way for him. Without words to even say why. Explanations are beyond your mind as the feel of his drumming heart erupts into your skin. His heat enveloping you in a sweet summer's embrace. The kiss of the sun without it’s normal light. But it doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t even burn- your body is cold against his heat and you can’t help but reach out to him. Arms winding around his waist as you hold your breath. 
You are not afraid. You’ve never been afraid. 
Having him so close feels right. It feels like the universe has corrected some cosmic wrong as he breathes at your touch. A silent sigh exhaling from his lips. Tension rolling off his shoulders as the fetal rage winds back inside his heart. Retreating at your touch, slowly receding into the shadows in his eyes. The dark skin held to his face. Hidden beneath the burn scars and trauma you don’t dare ask about. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks quietly, his voice a bored drawl but you catch the note of agitation he’s lacing it with. He’s still upset. In the throes of his dwindling rage he’s still softening to your voice, bending to your embrace. 
He doesn’t even know. Doesn’t realize the curling hand he places atop your own is gentle and warm. That it solidifies your thoughts into a clear stream instead of the jumbled mess they’ve been in his absence. The thoughts of him leaving showing you the awful future he’s barreling towards without the connection between the two of you. 
His future will only change if you force yourself into his life. Letting him go now will end in nothing but pain. Love or not- even if this is the beginning of something you’ve never experienced- you’re not willing to let him die. 
“I don’t know.” you murmur back. “I couldn’t not be here.” 
“He’s dead.” 
“I know.” 
“I killed him.” 
“I know.” 
“I don’t care.” you whisper as assurance. “He’s not the reason I’m here.” 
“And what is?” his words are sharp and quick. Quipped. Tight lipped. Clenched teeth spitting into the world around him like venom. 
“You.” you admit and press yourself closer to him, tightening your grip as he tenses.
Rejection isn’t an option. Not when you know the pull towards him was more than just you. Not when you feel the beat of his heart in your bones. Summoning you, pleading for you. Begging for your presence as vehemently as he’s trying to fight it off. 
“That’s a pretty shitty reason.” he growls and you shrug. 
“I don’t think so.” 
His hands trail to your wrists and loop his fingers over them. Holding them, he pulls your arms off of him and lets go as he turns to face you. Looking at him face to face, you hesitate to touch him again. The agitation in his eyes warns against it but the way he had almost melted when you did says otherwise. 
He must not have been hugged often. Or touched in any loving way. Not that you were sure you loved him- that’s far too bold to assume so early- but the gentle caress of someone you enjoy being with is always a welcome gesture. And you enjoy Dabi. Even if he can be a huge ass sometimes. 
“What do you want, princess?” he whispers and you can see the way his eyes lock onto your face that he’s angry at himself. 
The frustration is not meant for you. He’s biting back the urge to snap, curbing his anger to remain inward. 
“You. To come back.” 
His hand rises to cup your cheek hesitantly and you lean into his touch. Showing you’re not afraid. You’re here for him. 
“I can’t do that.” he frowns and his hand drops from your face. “You wanted me gone, remember?”
“I changed my mind.” 
“That’s not how this works.” 
“It is now.” you can’t help the smile on your face. 
He fights off returning it before he gives in with a cocky grin. 
“Nice try.” he sighs, “but that’s not going to work for this.” 
“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?” 
He glances away and sighs heavily. You can feel him trying to pull away but for every tug away he tries to take you follow. It’s a dance of wills you’re not willing to lose. 
“Stop.” he says and you catch his hand in yours, refusing to let him go. 
“Dabi, please.” you breathe. “Just listen for a moment.”
“Not here. Not out in the open.” he glances around. “If you’re hell bent on this then we need to go somewhere else, darlin’.” 
You can read the frigid shut down he’s forcing himself through. It locks through his muscles and he returns to the bored, uninterested mask he always does. He won’t be himself outside. Where others can see. 
You don’t blame him. 
You lace your fingers through his and tug his arm back toward where you came from. He lets you lead him and although he gives your enclasped hands a wry look he doesn’t pull away. It sends a thrill through your stomach, knowing he’s at least willing to indulge your fantasies. 
The memory of your dreams surfaces as the warmth from his hand spreads into yours. In your dream he’d caressed your body, sensually tracing his fingertips against your skin. The hungry growl and groans he’d let out turn your face red and you hope he doesn’t see. Just in case he thinks this might be for other reasons. 
Dealing with these wayward thoughts might be harder than you thought. The attraction you feel for Dabi only grows the closer he is to you. The more skin that touches yours ignites your desire for him. It’s hard to breathe by the time you make it to your home and tug him inside. 
He doesn’t say anything as he kicks off his boots and strolls to the couch. Watching you carefully, he stands with his hands in his pockets. Silent. Stoic. That same bored facade sewn onto his face. But you can feel his heart through the bond between you two and it’s beating as fast as your own. 
“Well, Princess,” he drawls, “now what?” 
There’s a flicker of lust in his eyes as you meet his gaze. A goading that taunts your own senses. Daring you to recognize it. Displaying it all just for you to see.
It has to be your imagination. 
“Things have changed.” you say plainly, hating the awkward way the words spill from your lips. 
You don’t feel like his attention should be so intently on you. You aren’t a seductress. You’re not well versed in the tantalizing banter and dirty talk like you know he is. It’s the confidence he exudes when he hides that tricks you into thinking you’re out of place. The control his eyes command with just looking at you causes your heart to race. 
He quirks a brow and steps closer to you. You copy the movement, hypnotized by his energy. Losing control over your grip on your own emotions you can feel the flood of the bond between you two. You’re drunk on the feel of being near him, the buzzing life that shimmers between the two of you. You want to touch him- want to hear his words whispered against your skin. 
“I don’t want you gone.” you whisper, reaching for him. 
He steps into your grasp and tugs you closer to him. As if he’s controlled by the same haze you are. Locked into the feeling of the murky and misty emotion buzzing out of control. The desire to be closer has never been this strong. 
What’s different?
You try to think about it but it’s hard to think of anything else but him. Hard to tear your eyes from his. You’re lucky you can even remember how to breathe although you’re sure it’s only because you’re mimicking his actions. Like a puppet pulled into this dance as you two twirl in motions that aren’t your own.
“What made you change your mind?” he whispers huskily and you can hear his control dripping away with every word. 
“I don’t know.” you admit, unable to say anything else. 
Your dreams, maybe? The connection between you two? It could be any number of things, honestly. 
“I just know the farther away you are,” you breathe, “the worse I feel.” 
“Hm.” he hums and dips his head to yours. “When did you figure this out?”
You breathe in his scent, eyelids drooping hazily as his lips near yours. 
“An hour ago.” 
Then, his lips are on yours. It’s a slow, powerful motion at first that turns into a hungry devouring quickly. It’s like he can’t get enough as quickly as he would like. His hands cup your face gently as his fingertips tease into your hairline, pressing into your skin with fervor. It isn’t long before you’re lost in the feel of his lips and hands, loving the warmth spreading from him into you. Your heart is pounding in your chest, speaking his name with every beat. Dabi, Dabi, Dabi. He’s all you need, all you want, all you could ever imagine yourself having. You’re lost in the feel of him. Putty in his hands as he molds you into a shape that fits against him perfectly. 
The rush of your quirk activating without your control makes you both shiver and Dabi gives a deep growl. 
“I don’t want your damn quirk.” he pulls away, breathing heavily. You see the surge of power grow in his eyes and feel the pang of hurt start to spread. Hadn’t your quirk gotten you into enough trouble with him? Wasn’t that enough? 
Your thoughts melt away from your control, still drunk on the idea and the irreplaceable taste of Dabi. You can’t focus on anything else when he’s this close to you. After you just kissed him for the second time in your living room, funnily enough.
“I-I didn’t mean to...I.. can’t control it.” you whisper back and lean in for more.
He doesn’t push you away. 
“Are you saying you can’t control yourself around me?” he laughs and holds your face inches from his own. 
His thumbs brush beneath your eyes and you melt in his touch. The soft and rough feel of him. The cool and warm brush of his body, of his skin. It’s all intoxicating. It’s overloading your senses, your body bending to his every whim and touch. 
“Yes.” you breathe and he chuckles. 
He snakes one arm around your waist and holds you to him. Pressed flush against him you can’t help the sharp intake of air at the sensation of every curve and indent of his body. It’s a hungry rush that bolts through you and he watches you with his half lidded eyes, drinking in every noise and face you make. 
Nothing has felt as right as it feels when you’re kissing him. You’re sure of this. Not having helped the countless people you did before. Not thinking of helping people after him. Nothing compares to the complete sense of rightness that floods through your system as his lips meet yours. 
‘Yesyesyes’ your body craves his touch, every place his hands roam burning for more. Your quirk is already overflowing through your system and the power that runs through him is apparent as he struggles to keep his breathing even. 
    “Sorry,” you breathe as you catch him grit his teeth. “I can try and get it under control-”
“That’s not it.” he interjects as he backs you into the wall. “That’s not it at all.” 
His breath is hot on your neck and you bite back a mewl as his lips press dangerously close kisses to your ear. His hand moves from your face to the wall, pressing a firm fist into it as he heaves breath in and out. He’s balling up the fabric of your shirt in his fist at your waist, a deep, quiet grumble of a groan releasing from his lips. 
“Then what is-” you can’t get the words out as his mouth devours the rest, his tongue slipping into your mouth without a warning. 
This is different. His posture, his words- Dabi can barely control himself as you’re at his mercy. He’s drinking in every gasp and mewl he can pull from you with his lips. His body is pressing against yours, his knee sliding between your legs and pressing against you. You can barely breathe between his lips and his body, your mind spinning with the essence of him. 
“Wha?” you whisper as you pull yourself away from him for air. You need to know what's changed. What's happening? Why is he holding you so tightly- pressing into you with so much fervor? 
“Shh.” he whispers and nips at your ear. The moment his lips touch the skin beneath it you come undone in his hands. Any further protests or questions scatter from your brain before you can even remember what you were trying to say. You wrap your legs around his waist and Dabi gives a happy hum at the motion before his lips are on yours again. 
You’re lost to the desire to be rid of everything but him. Melting and reforming with him beyond your own comprehension, your energy soaring to an all new high as you drift along with Dabi. His body feels like an anchor to your restless soul. A shore you finally come across after years and years of swimming endlessly. 
He’s the answer to the question you never knew you were asking. A divine gift into your dark, secluded and lonely life. A present wrapped in mystery and flames, burning brighter and brighter just for you. A beacon for your lost, wary soul. He is rest when you need it, sustenance when you’re empty. Filling when you’re starving. Everything right in the world aligned just for his presence to be in your life. You can feel his heartbeat alongside your own, feel his body pressing against your own, his soul tying into yours around the bond between you two. Winding around it in knots that seal the two of you together. 
Have you ever felt this complete? How could anything before this even compare after you’ve tasted the wine of his being? Life is changing rapidly and permanently as you wind around him.
And you never, ever want it to go back to the way it was before.
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divinewhimsy · 4 years
Ichor Pt9 (DabixReader)
A/N: Sorry this took so long!! I’ve been busy and have been writing with every spare moment I could get. I hope you all still enjoy it nonetheless!! Also I’m running out of gifs for these chapters LOL
Don’t be afraid to message me if you want to be added to the Taglist or want to interact. I don’t bite, I promise! <3
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Tag list: @velvet-kissesss @marydragneell @littleblackpheonix @holytacocactuscollector @ghostingtime @the-cosmic-dreamer @haylosx @too-old4this-shit​ @nightime-writer​
Part 7: X
Part 8: X
Part 10: X
You’re almost afraid to open your eyes when you wake up. If the bed is empty and Dabi’s gone again you don’t know what you’ll do. The previous day had been full of new and uncertain things. Boundaries that had been crossed and removed. Ideas and thoughts that you remember brushing up against in the waves of his energy beside yours. There’s so much you can’t forget, can’t let go. So if he thinks he can just leave you behind with nothing, he’ll be in for a rude awakening. 
Thankfully as you open your eyes Dabi’s still beside you. Arms wrapped around your body, holding you to him with no room to move. He’s snoring softly, chest inflating and deflating with even breaths. 
He’s so damn beautiful it hurts. It’s almost unreal. Even if he thinks he looks awful or monstrous you can’t help but see the beauty in him. It’s not something you can pin down but looking at him is like witnessing art come to life. Living, breathing art. You run the back of your hand down his face, caressing his cheek gently as he stirs. 
He blinks groggily and groans, burying his face into the pillow. Your fingers slip to his hair, running through the soft strands absentmindedly. You just want to keep touching him. It’s your reason to breathe- any moment you spend not touching some part of him is existence without meaning, although he’d probably make fun of you if you told him. Nevertheless you run a finger down the shell of his ear, jingling his piercings quietly as you brush past them. 
He mumbles something into the pillow and you fight off a smile. 
“What?” you ask with a slight laugh. 
He mumbles it again, his muffled voice still swallowed by the pillow, although it's a little louder.
“I can’t hear you.” you giggle and he rolls his head to the side.
“I said it's too damn early.” he sighs and you shrug. 
“I don’t even know what time it is.” you admit, tracing his jawline with your fingertips and watching the goosebumps appear in their wake. 
He catches your hand with his own, pressing his lips to your palm. You meet his gaze then, his beautifully blue eyes crackling with a foreign emotion. He presses each of your fingertips to his lips, kissing them one by one. It’s a surprisingly gentle gesture but you melt all the same.
“Dabi.” you breathe and notice how his ears twitch at the sound of his name. “You said something yesterday that's been bugging me.” 
“I said a lot. You’re going to have to be more specific.” he grumbles, eyes barely open as he looks at you. 
“Well, there were a few things I wanted to talk to you about.” you murmur and swallow the rising levels of anxiety that start to spear through you. “But we’ll start with this one.”
Dabi waits in silence but you can feel the way he’s holding his breath. Waiting, with a hint of your own anxiety bleeding into his emotional resolve. You don’t want him to feel nervous- you’re the one who should be nervous! You know he hates repeating himself and here you are, about to ask him to do just that. 
“Nevermind.” you curl your lips into your mouth and glance away from him. “I need to pee.” 
You try to wiggle free from his arms but Dabi doesn’t let you budge. Instead he holds on tighter, his eyes narrowing as you search his face in a fleeting second.
“We’re not doing this bullshit.” he sighs and you stop wriggling at the absolute order in his voice. How does he do that?! “If there’s a problem just say it. I don’t like to waste time beating around the bush with stupid shit. I get if you regret yesterday but just come out and say it.” 
“Regret… Yesterday?” you furrow your brows, your face burning a bright red. “Absolutely not! I don’t regret it! I was going to ask about some other stuff having to do with the bond-... why do you think I regret it?”
Dabi’s brows furrow. 
“You- I- You can’t tell me you weren’t thinking that just then.” 
“I wasn’t!” you pull back to look at all of his face.
The surprise in his eyes also forms a small ‘o’ on his lips. The way his cerulean eyes drink in your features, worry strewn about both your faces as you pause. The moment of miscommunication passes with an awkward sigh of relief and Dabi clears his throat. 
“What did you want to talk about, then?” he grumbles quietly, eyes avoiding yours as he loosens his grip on your body.
He really must be insecure. How many people had regretted time spent with him if that was his immediate thought at your unease? How many rejections has he faced the morning after offering himself up? 
The pain in your heart makes you want to wrap your arms around him and never let go. No one should have to feel that broken- to feel that useless and awful and unwanted.
You don’t say anything but instead wrap yourself around him, hooking your legs around his. You press yourself to him, face burying into his neck and breathing in his natural smell of smoke and earth. A fire pit in the middle of a forest, a bonfire on a beach. The skies painted gray with the ashes of him. 
“Never.” you whisper and he sighs, running a hand down your hair and back gently. “I’ll never regret it.”
“Alright, alright.” he mumbles and pulls you away from him. “Go on and say what you wanted.”
At least he didn’t immediately push you away. There’s some progress there to be made still but it’s a start. One day he won’t tense or push you away. One day he’ll crave it and pull you toward him. You vow to make it reality.
“The bond.” you murmur and wrap yourself in the remainder of the sheets and blanket. 
You’d forgotten you were completely naked. Not that it matters after having spent last night with Dabi- he’d definitely gotten to see all of you. Just as you’ve seen all of him by now. Of course you wouldn’t object to always seeing all of him again. 
No. Focus. You wanted to talk to him about the bond.
“I- You mentioned you could see it that one day.” you spit out, flustered at your own thoughts. 
Dabi raises a brow and nods once. 
“Yeah. I can see it from time to time. It’s… I feel it more often than not, though.” he glances up at your ceiling. He reaches one hand up, drawing a swirling line up above. “It can get annoying.”
“Annoying?” you ask and he chuckles. 
“Yeah. When I left- after I got my quirk back,” he clears his throat, gaze flickering to your face after ‘left’ slips past his lips. “It became more apparent.”
You recall going after him when he had left with Charlie. You hadn’t known where you were going- but your body moved beyond your mind and brought you to him all the same. 
“If I focus on it,” he continues and turns his gaze to your arm. He runs his hand up it gingerly, timidly- almost- and draws shapes with his fingertips. “I can feel your heartbeat beside my own. I didn’t think it would affect me if I left. But when you woke up and realized I was gone, I knew I was wrong. I felt the strong, sharp pain in my own body. As if I’d been cut with glass and knives.” 
His adams apple bobs and you hold still as he continues to run his fingertip up and down your arm. It’s a pleasant feeling you never expected him to elicit but you’re not fighting it. Not when this moment is intimate in a way that makes your body blush more than when he’d been pounding into you. 
“I made it three days before I couldn’t take it anymore.” he laughs with a bitter note in his tone, “I was angry at you for not letting me go. For not listening and moving and getting the hell out of here. I knew others would guess you were involved with me- seen in public or private, it doesn’t matter. They know. That bastard- the green faced one with the Chameleon quirk- was one.”
“Charlie.” you frown and he shrugs. 
“He swooped in as soon as I left. He’d been waiting. I fought him in that last battle, the one you brought me back from. He trapped me in some awful building turning into rubble because he wasn’t able to take me on himself. Coward.
“He saw me leave. He’d been watching me- or, rather, you- the entire time. Probably before the League even knew where I was. His quirk made him excellent at hiding. So when I came back and saw him lurking around you, waiting for me, I knew I couldn’t just leave. I stayed and watched you. Waited for him to make his move when he thought I was gone for good. 
“I could feel your fear freeze you up.” he murmurs, hand sliding up to your cheek to cup your face gently. His thumb brushes under your eye again and he offers a small smile. “I’m just relieved he hadn’t gotten to you yet when I knocked on the window.”
“Why not just use the door?” 
“Then you’d be terrified even more.” he chuckles, “The window let you know at least one of the creepers in your home wasn’t there to hurt you.”
“That’s a terribly heroic thing to do.” you tease and he rolls his eyes.
“Don’t go telling everyone. Might ruin my reputation.” 
“Pfffft, okay.” you laugh and place your hand over his, keeping his palm pressed against your face. 
“He mentioned that if you killed him in front of me that it would ruin me for you.” you frown. “That I was innocent.”
“He thought so.” Dabi shrugs. “I can’t say one way or another. He was just trying to save his sorry ass.”
“What was he going to do?” you ask quietly, afraid of the answer.
“We’ll never know.” Dabi shrugs. “I didn’t ask. I was too angry to even think straight until I felt you coming along.”
“You could feel me?” 
“Of course I could- I can. Every step I’m away from you is painfully obvious. My body burns when you’re farther- and my flames...It’s harder to maintain as much control as I had before. They’re wild and angry. Devouring everything, not a care for what's in front of them.”
“They did grow when I got closer. But they also let me through.”
He nods.
“I have a theory on that, too.” he muses, “I think this connection between the two of us has something to do with that.”
“How so?”
“You brought me back from the dead, babydoll.” he says quietly. “That defies all logic as far as I know it. I think the connection between the two of us gets stronger when we’re closer because of it. I’m alive because of you, after all.”
“Also dead because of me the second time.” you mutter, guilt spreading through your limbs. 
“Still alive now, though.” he shrugs. “But hey, who knows? Maybe if I get farther away I might die.”
“Then you’ll just never leave.” you frown and wrap him in your arms tightly. “Or I’ll just bring you back.”
“What if I’m draining you?” he asks softly, his words barely above a whisper. “What if you’re so exhausted because I take every time I touch you? Maybe I’m why you lose control-”
“No.” you say sharply. “You’re not draining me, Dabi. You’re not taking anything. I’m giving you everything, if anything.”
“Then fucking stop.” he says curtly. “I don’t want to have to find someone else-”
“Are you saying...that you want to continue being with me?” you blink and pull back to look at him.
“Shut up. Just learn to control your quirk.”
“You just-”
“We’re moving past that now. I want you to honestly work on your quirk control. You can’t give me everything every time. I don’t want you to.”
“I can work on it.” you nod quietly, slightly dazed at his words. 
“Good.” he sighs. “Because I’m not sure I’ll have enough control for the both of us.”
“What?” you scrunch your face in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“It’s fucking difficult! You don’t understand how much self control it takes. With you giving it all every time? It’s like you’re flooding my senses with this drug and I can’t get enough of it. It’s what brought me back from the other side. It’s like this… Impossible feeling. I feel invincible. Like I’m unkillable, unbeatable. It races through my senses and I’m always better than I’ve ever imagined I could be. You’re a drug, princess. I’m not going to be able to say no everytime.”
“You don’t have to-”
“Do you see how it drains you?” he cuts you off with a warning glare. “Do you even realize its not normal to be that worn out after sex? It’s hard to have the self control to take myself from it. Kissing you, eating you out, being inside you- even just touching you feels like everything in the universe came together to put me there specifically. Aligned and came together just for that. It’s a high I’ll always chase as long as I live if you keep offering it.”
You blush and he smirks.
“And with the way you look right now it seems you’ll keep offering it.” he chuckles darkly and brushes his lips against yours. “Every moment I devour a piece of you- it's a rush. It’s enough to make a man lose control.” 
His kiss is passionate and heated, tongue dominating yours as he draws you closer to him. Your body melts into his, letting his hands grasp and grip you any way he wants and he lets out a low growl.
“See? Like that.” he hisses and pulls away. “Makin’ me dizzy and shit.”
You pant and giggle, “It makes me dizzy too.”
“It’s dangerous.” he growls and presses his lips to your forehead. “Are you sure that your quirk counselor didn’t already know what your quirk could do? If they knew you had the ability to do what we’ve seen you do, it’s no wonder they told you to hide it.”
“I don’t think so.” you sigh. “They just knew I had...drained someone. I guess they just left it at that? I don’t remember them doing anything extensive. Why hide it if I can defy death?” 
“Hmm.” Dabi hums and presses a hand to the small of your back, holding you closer to him. “Maybe they thought it would protect you? I don’t know. Speaking of…”
You glance up at him as he brings a hand to your face once more, tilting your head back. 
“Huh?” you blink. 
“We’re not telling Shigaraki or the League about any of that. In fact, we’re not telling anyone. And I don’t want you to go to any more battlefields. You can’t use your quirk as openly as you did before. People are watching you.”
“But…” you start but Dabi stops you with a stern look. 
“You can’t.” he breathes, “we have no idea what could happen and until you get control over it, it’s easier to just not use it.”
He’s right but Shigaraki’s words ring through your memory. This is different. It’s not the same as the others before you telling you not to use it. It’s not the same. 
What are you thinking, of course it isn't the same. Dabi wouldn’t do that to you. You can’t even believe the thought that he would come up in your brain. 
Then again, Shigaraki is an intelligent man. His words will last longer than his presence will and the purpose behind them will grow. If you let him sow the doubt into you now, you’ll be playing right into his hands. 
“Okay.” you nod. “I won’t.” 
Dabi searches your eyes for a few seconds more before he lets out the breath he’d been holding. 
“Good.” he grumbles and releases your face as his finger slides to your lips. His gaze flickers there, watching as he traces the shape of your mouth. “I’m going to have to make an appearance at the League today or Shigaraki will show back up.” 
You nod, debating if you should bite his fingers or not. He moves them from your face before you can decide- teaching for his phone underneath the pillow with a sigh. 
“Speaking of.” he mutters as it starts to ring. He answers it with an annoyed look, his eyebrow twitching as the person on the other line immediately starts speaking.
“Yeah, yeah. Shut up. I’ll be there.” Dabi grumbles and you stifle a laugh, smiling as he hangs up before the other person can finish speaking. “It’s almost sunset. I should get going.” 
He seems to hesitate as his hand hovers above your face, his warmth enveloping you before he moves. You decide for him, bunting your head into his hand and wrapping your arms around him. He releases at your touch, meeting your lips halfway as if he can read your mind. 
The kiss is quick but still packed with that same longing heat from before. Notes of regret twinge in your stomach as he pulls away, feeling the surge of your quirk rises up. You wince, toes curling as you look at his face.
“Control.” he growls and flicks you in the nose. 
You pout but end up smiling as he ruffles your hair and slides out of the bed. He pulls on pants and a shirt, donning his signature jacket. He pads out the room with a wave but keeps his gaze forward. You watch as he leaves, words lingering on your lips with the memory of his fingers. 
It’s too soon to say them. The three words may just very well damn this entire… situation. You’re sure at least feels how you do- or feels what you’re feeling through the bond, at least. Acknowledging it when it’s in its infancy is ridiculous. 
You dress yourself a little bit after, making some food and watching tv before your phone rings. It’s Lively- who’s already on her way over to drag you with her to some event by the school her new boyfriend works at. You groan but don’t bother arguing. It’s easier to just go along with her shenanigans than to try and stop the already in motion plan. 
It’s not as bad as you thought it might be. The event is off campus- which is surprising, given recent issues with UA and their security breaches. You don’t voice your concerns though as she blabbers on and on about various topics. You listen and add in but you know your heart isn’t in the conversation. Not when your emotions are still so twisted from the night before. 
You check to make sure the bond between you and Dabi is still there- and it is. It never once disappears, although you have an irrational fear it might. What if he wasn’t going to come back?
You could just track him down again. 
Or go to the league. If you had a deathwish. Dabi already didn’t want you there- not because he doesn’t like you but because he said he wanted what was best for you. 
The only issue with that is what if you want the best for him? Is the league really the best that can be offered? Is being a villain honestly what he needs? It’s too messy, too dangerous. 
Then again, you were the one who rushed to save him. You started this entire thing. Bound him to you with blood. 
Lively chatters away before squealing and dashing up to a dark haired man with tired eyes and a large tan scarf around his shoulders. He smiles softly as she wraps her arms around him and starts blabbering away just as you walk up. 
“This is my best friend, [Name]! The one I told you I work with.” she gestures toward you and the man nods when he meets your gaze.
“I’ve told Shouta alllllll about you!” Lively giggles and you wince, trying to play it off as a smile. 
“All about me, huh?” you mumble and she laughs.
“Well he has a few single friends who are pro’s like him! Sooo that’s why I brought you today! To meet them!” 
Dear god, no. You shake your head and swallow, taking a cautious step away from the couple. 
“I’m really alright on my own-“ you start but Lively isn’t having it as she’s hurriedly waving someone behind you over. 
“You don’t have to start anything- think of them as more friends or social outlets!” she encourages and you sigh. 
You can’t tell her you’re technically seeing someone. Not without her prying into who it is and when you met them. Unless Dabi didn’t consider you two being together...A something? Is it a relationship? Is it a fling? Is it because you two are bound by your quirk? 
You really should ask him but… would that scare him away? Are you even ready to define what the two of you are together? Sure, you’d slept with him but it wasn’t like you’d confessed your love for him. Granted, neither had he. You could be overthinking this entire thing. 
Emotional turmoil aside, you have to focus on the now. As Lively introduces you to a couple of the UA teachers, she tugs you and her boyfriend- Aizawa, as you’ve taken to politely calling him by his last name- around with her. You’re not sure which one is the one she’s specifically trying to set you up with but they all seem nice enough. None of them stand out enough to catch your eye but you’re not really looking for someone that is. Not when you just shared your bed with someone you’re connected to on a whole different level. A level beyond what any other being can even begin to offer you. 
Your quirk has ruined other relationships for you. Now that you know how deep you can connect with someone else by using it, it’s impossible to think of not being so...Intertwined with someone. And asking them to die so you can bring them back for that level of connectivity is insane. This is a rare, once in a lifetime thing you’re keeping secret and you can’t even hope to explain to anyone else why no past or future relationship will ever be the same. 
Lively babbles on about different things throughout the night. You don’t mind listening but you’re thankful when her and Aizawa step away with another teacher/Pro hero- Present Mic. He gives a friendly wave and you nod politely back before resting at one of the tables off to the side. It’s on the outskirts of the event and mostly private while everyone else is walking around enjoying the many booths and groups of heroes. 
You’re enjoying the quiet when your phone chimes with an incoming text. You blink at your screen in surprise- you’ve already told Lively where to find you if she needed you. Who else could be trying to reach you?
It’s a number you don’t recognize. 
The text is off putting, to say the least. 
‘What are you doing here?’
Who even…?
‘You must have the wrong number, I don’t have this one saved as a contact.’
‘Of course you won’t. I’ve never messaged you before this.’ 
‘That doesn’t help clear up who this is.’
‘It’s me, “Ichor”.’ 
You freeze, eyes locked down on your phone. The only person you’ve told to call you ‘Ichor’ is coincidentally the only person you’ve stayed in contact with after healing. Dabi. You can’t type his name out. If someone were to get a hold of your phone, they’d have his number and know it’s home by your guessing text alone. It would just be a burden if he had to get a new one. But if this is Dabi...Why is he messaging you now?? 
‘Who else?’ 
You swear you can hear his snarky tone. Is he around here? With so many heroes close by? He can’t honestly think he has a chance to take them all down by himself. 
Unless the League is planning another attack. 
Your skin turns into ice at the thought. Here? Now? An attack? Lively is somewhere nearby- you have to get her out. But how can you without alerting the heroes of the villains? 
Shigaraki’s words simmer through your mind; ‘In the end it’ll come down to the choice you refuse to make- Who will you save? A hero? Or a villain?’
Do you honestly have to choose? Not that Lively is a hero by any means- she’s innocent in this. She’s dating a Pro, sure, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be caught in the middle. Then again, the League doesn’t care about those caught in the crossfire. They’re not heroes who try to minimize damage and casualties. 
The thought makes you sick. How many people would get hurt just for the League’s statement? 
‘What are YOU doing here??’
You counter, worry bleeding into your features as you search the edge of the crowds. Do you leave? Do you stay? 
Why does it feel like the choice you make is going to impact your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine? 
‘I asked you first.’ 
You can imagine his face. Squinting turquoise eyes, his lips pressing into an impossibly thin line. The distrust oozing from him in waves that make you feel sick. 
‘Lively dragged me here. The coworker I told you about from before.’ 
It’s the truth. And that’s always the best place to start. 
‘And left you by yourself?’ 
Of course he’s going to question it when you’re all alone. 
‘She went off with her boyfriend to do something. I just wanted a moment alone.’ 
Why oh why does this feel like you’re deactivating a ticking time bomb? Sweating before the open panel filled with crazy wires crackling with explosive energy. You have to stop this. 
Dabi doesn’t answer and you roll your bottom lip between your teeth. You need to talk to him face to face otherwise your mind is going to convince you he’s angry with you. If you can just see his eyes and get one moment with him… Then you’ll know this isn’t as bad as it seems. 
You stand from your seat and tuck your phone into your pocket, weaving out of the area and searching every shadow that you find. He has to be here somewhere, doesn’t he? If he knows you’re here, he must have seen you. 
You send a quick message to Lively explaining you went home and continue your search. No reason to get her worried or suspicious. Your absence needs to seem genuine for her not to worry. Giving some bullshit excuse about you needing to finish some research works well enough.
You’re not well traveled in this part of the city, unfortunately. It’s too much of a maze to properly figure out but you end up checking alley after alley, looking for him. You find bums and thugs, paying them only a quick glance before skittering off to the next alley. Some call out, others growl but you’re a safe enough distance away by the time they can even react. 
Where could he be? You’re turning down the next street when you’re yanked into a dark corner by a closed tailors shop. Firm hands are on your shoulders as they spin you to face their owner, your body trapped between the brick wall and your captor. 
You relax as you recognize the warmth from him, the heat rolling off his body and his glistening cerulean eyes. 
You’re always speechless when you look directly into his gaze but there’s something more to this. As he pins you against the wall, hands splayed on the brick on either side of your head, you can’t help but feel the beat of his heart against your ribs. His body is just barely touching yours but your skin burns for him, offering up a delicious rosy blush for him as yours recalls the memories of his body. His form pressing against yours, the feel of him within- it’s all a rush as he’s only inches from you. 
“Dabi.” you breathe, a relieved sigh escaping your lips. “I thought you had to go back to the group?”
“So you took the time to brush elbows with the pros while I was gone?”
Okay so maybe he is upset with you. 
You frown.
“You know that’s not why I’m here.” you sigh and he squints. 
“Do I?” 
“You can’t be serious right now.” you shake your head in disbelief. “Listen to yourself. Why would I want to be near pros? They’re loud, obnoxious and I don’t want any of the spotlight they bring. Being here doesn’t benefit me in the slightest.” 
“And what does?” he challenges, his hands warming up against the bricks. You can feel the heat roll toward you but you don’t dare flinch. You will not be afraid of him- he’s just trying to intimidate you. 
“You.” rolling your eyes, you open the connection between you two through the bond. You let a tendril of his soul slip through it, testing the metaphorical waters for any lie. “Feel for yourself.”
You don’t know if he can see or hear or feel it the way you do but it's worth a shot. Opening yourself to him isn’t as terrifying as it sounds although you still feel bare before him. All of his attention and essence sifting through your own to connect.
There’s only a fraction of him that visibly relaxes at the unseen action and you release the tension building up in your shoulders. At least it’s him. But why is he being so weird…?
“Do you really not trust me?” you murmur as he rests his head on your shoulder. The ends of his silky hair brush your cheek and you wrap your arms around him instinctively. 
“I don’t trust anyone.” he mumbles. 
It’s a lie but one you’ll let him believe. If that’s what he needs right now, so be it. But you know some part of him trusts you enough to expose different sides of himself. Or maybe it's involuntary? 
Your fingertips slip into his hair and gently run through the tufts of it, letting them slip through the spaces between your fingers. His head rolls to the side as his lips attach to your neck, a soft purr reverberating from his chest. You feel it more than you hear it but it doesn’t matter. Because the moment his lips are on your skin you’re melting into his touch all over again. 
You attempt control of your quirk, reeling it in until it’s locked tightly in your veins, ribbons of it swimming like eels trying to escape. It’s hard to focus on it and your attention slips as Dabi nips at your skin. With a yelp you jump and your control is snapped away and the ribbons of your quirk connect to Dabi’s veins. Surging with energy and the beautiful, steady melody of his heartbeat, you relax into his arms. 
Dabi catches you before your knees give out and he sighs quietly- a note of content burning through you can’t ignore. 
“You tried.” he chuckles and you offer a pathetic sound in response. You’re not even sure if you’re agreeing with him or not. It’s acknowledgment, at least. 
The sting of his mistrust still hurts but you don’t let it go. You hold it for a brief moment as he pulls his face away from your neck, a somber and lost look tracing his features. 
“Were you… Scared?” you ask quietly, brows furrowing on your face as you try to piece together why he feels… Different. His words and his actions are mixed, meaning and definitions clashing with how you’re deciphering them.
“Of what?” he sighs, bored tone returning to his voice. 
You. Betrayal. Rejection. Ever since earlier he’s been… strange. 
He must have been worried. With how drained you were after sex and then you being around so many Pro’s. You recall Shigaraki’s words about him being staked outside your apartment for a week before Charlie broke in. Even if he claims he was watching him and not you, you can’t help but feel maybe he was watching you all along.
“Nothing.” you mumble and press a hesitant kiss to his temple, holding his head still. He doesn’t object but the way he tenses up solidifies your suspicions. 
Dabi’s not used to caring or worrying about others. He isn’t used to the physical contact between people if it isn’t explicitly sexual. He’s well versed in the way of fighting and sex but for anything more intimate you can see the way he shudders. His sharpened edges spring from him in a defensive- and the fear is blatantly clear to you through the bond. 
Testing the waters of his emotional state only backs up your idea. He’s a storm of different feelings- none of it sorted and all of it bottled up until it breaks free. 
“Quit that.” Dabi grumbles and you pause, pulling away from his face to look at him.
His bored look doesn’t budge. 
“Quit what?” you blink, unsure of what he meant. Touching him? The gentle temple kiss? Or feeling his emotions?
“Saying it’s nothing.” he sighs. “I get really tired of those bullshit games.”
“Oh, well… I wasn’t sure you’d like what I had to say.”
“Does it matter if I do or don’t? Just say it.”
“I was going to say you were scared that I might betray you.” you admit sheepishly. “That you were afraid I wasn’t...genuine with you from the beginning.” 
He’s holding his breath.
“I’ve been honest with you.” you assure. “I’ve already opened myself up to you to search for your own assurance if you want. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t trust me but I understand the past may have proven that to be… difficult, to say the least.”
He doesn’t say anything but his arms slide around your waist, holding you to his warm chest. The closeness to him is somehow changed in the night but you don’t dislike it. Holding you more tightly than before, as if he’s reluctant to let go. It’s a new side to Dabi. 
“You don’t have to completely trust me.” you offer quietly, lips brushing his collarbone as you lean into him. “I understand. I’m not upset. I’ll do everything I can to help you trust again.” 
He presses a kiss to your hair and a smile blooms on your face, although it’s small. 
It’s a step in the right direction, at least. 
“Can we go home now?” you yawn. “Or do you need to go back?”
“I’ll walk you home first.” he says quietly and you grasp his hand in your own, threading your fingers tenderly. 
Dabi freezes at the action but doesn’t pull away. He settles on keeping his gaze on anything but you and you’re not sure but it must be the pink lighting of the festival that dusts his cheeks with a rosy hue. Or your imagination. 
By the time you’re safe and sound in your apartment, Dabi's face has returned to his normal pale and purple, piercings and all steeled into a bored tone. He drops you off at the door and you pause as he steps away, concern wrapping around your heart. 
“Are you not…?” you’re stuck between ‘coming in’ and ‘coming back’ but Dabi seems to read it.
He shakes his head, eyes scanning the sky above nonchalantly. 
“I have a couple of other things to do.” he says quietly. 
“But… You’ll come back… Right?” you murmur and he takes a deep breath.
“Alright. See you later.”
He waves and starts stalking down the street, his pace set by his long stride. You watch as he retreats from your vision, a weird sensation building in your gut. 
He’s probably just thinking about something. You wish he would open up to you but you understand why he doesn’t. Dabi isn’t used to doing these kinds of things- and for him to be anything but his normal bored or flirty self is strange. 
Still, if he needs time alone to figure it out, so be it. 
You’ll be right here when he does. Come hell or high water.
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divinewhimsy · 4 years
Ichor Pt 4 (DabixReader)
Because I apparently don’t know when to stop writing, this one is a tad longer than the others, I think. Who knows?
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TW: Blood (mentions, mostly) Swearing
Message me if you would like to be added to the tag list~!
TagList: @marydragneell​ @velvet-kissesss​
Part 3: X
Part 5: X
You’ve bitten off more than you can chew with this man. Why, of all people, did you have to save him? You’re regretting your kindness. 
“This is it, right?” he glances down at your scar. “The wound you fed me from.”
You don’t answer.
“Answer me.” he bares his teeth, an animalistic gesture that strikes fear into your bones. 
You nod. Tears are prickling at your eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment as he brings your wrist to his lips. His eyes never leave yours as he opens his mouth, maintaining eye contact as he swipes his tongue up the length of the scar. 
You shiver at the sensation and squeeze your eyes shut, the tears falling as a result. You want to beg. You want to plead. For your life, for him to stop- for anything to get him to let you go. But your pride is wrought iron and cemented down into your heart. You will not bow before this man. You will not break. 
“It doesn’t have to be blood but where’s the fun in getting it any other way?” he laughs darkly. “Or should we experiment, hm?” 
You snarl. 
“Ooh what a face! Crying your little heart out and still trying to kill me with a look!” he grabs a hold of your face with one hand, gripping your chin roughly. 
“You hate me so vehemently right now, don’t you?” he coos mockingly. “You wish you could have left me to die, don’t you? But you made a mistake and let a big, bad monster into your home. And now? Now I’m going to make you remember you decided to do this, princess.”
He releases you- completely- and you tumble backward. Away from him. He laughs as you clutch your arm to your chest. 
“Give me the goddamn blood packs.” he sighs and your brows furrow together. After all that he wanted to try it your way? After that fucking frightening speech? What was this? A joke?
He can read your face better than you know how to properly express it. 
“Just wanted to remind you who’s in charge here, doll face.” he simpers and extends a hand toward your face. You flinch away from him. “Try not to hate me too much for it.” 
You throw the blood packs down into his hand and stomp away from him. His laughter only makes you angrier as you grab your plate. You throw it into the sink and begin to wash the dishes as he sits back down to eat.
Or drink, you guess. Whatever. 
You take your anger out on the dishes. Scrubbing away at each and every piece that was sullied. Imagining every stain and all the baked on residue is his face and you’re scrubbing it away into nothingness. 
When the kitchen is clean, you’re still upset. You flip the clothes from the washer over to the dryer and slam the door shut. Once you’re sure it’s starting you stomp past Dabi- who’s lounging on the couch lazily flipping through the television channels. 
He’s still in that goddamn towel. You know he has nothing else to wear but the idea of him having gone through that stupid speech just to be half naked sets your fury ablaze. Not that you want him to have clothes at your place like some distraught couple living separately. You really, really don’t want that. Anything but that. 
But you’re kinder than you should be. Your mind whispers awful ideas about his life. As a villain, when is the last time he’d have clean clothes again? Did he have a home, a family? People who are worried about him? What if he looked so filthy was because he didn’t have anyone who cared enough about him to offer things like a shower or a drawer for clothes. The thought pulls at your heart strings and you cuss yourself out in your mind, hating what you’re going to do. 
You shove yourself into a pair of jeans and throw on a clean t-shirt. You tug shoes on your feet and grab your wallet, not nothing telling Dabi where you’re going. You do tell him you’ll be back later, though. And not to leave. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” he snorts from the couch. 
You wish he would. He would just disappear from your life and you wouldn’t have to worry about him. Wouldn’t think of him alone on the streets with dirty clothes and having to fight even just for a place to sleep. You’re sure villains have some kind of underground network that offers them places to sleep but knowing villains it wouldn’t come free. There would be a price. There always is. 
And the price of staying with you is significantly less. 
You know you’re too nice, too kind, too empathic for this world where people will always take advantage of that. Dabi is one of those people but how can you turn him away? Certainly not after he knows your name and where you live. Calling a hero wouldn’t do anything but signify you had to leave as soon as you could. Who’s to say Dabi wouldn’t track you down, either? No one can truly protect you if you decided to eat him out. 
Besides, you decided to do all of this. 
It was your decision to take him to your home. Your decision to heal him, to try and help. Whether or not he’s grateful for that isn’t part of your choice. It’s not why you do these things for people- hero and villain alike. Titles mean nothing but responsibility. And you’ve had more than your share of that in your years. 
As you scan through the rows of clothes hanging on racks, you can’t help but imagine what things Dabi would like. What would look best on him. 
He doesn’t deserve your kindness but that doesn’t mean he deserves to look awful. Even if you are the one buying him clothes. It’s hard not to picture him wearing specific colors or styles. You know what would look good on him.
He’s handsome, in a strange way. It’s definitely tied to the confidence he carries himself with. The way he acts like he doesn’t care about anything or anyone else but himself. He must have been drop dead gorgeous before his burns and piercings- but as you try to picture it you find you might prefer the burns. Not that you’ll ever tell him that, if course. He carries them with a sense of honor, although you wonder if he’s faking it. 
Asking what happened is out of the question. The man already threatened to kill you and here you were buying him clothes he won’t appreciate so he doesn’t have to bum around in more than the same stupid outfit or just a goddamn towel. Your entire paycheck is disappearing with every article of clothing you think will fit him. Besides, it’s not like you know how long he’s going to be there. His quirk disappearing is a situation you’ve never dealt with before. 
It could be weeks or months, gods forbid. Another mouth to feed and clean and house. The thought of it exhausts your bank account more than you’ll ever fully realize. Sure, your job pays reasonably well and you've taken a couple courses in medical school but you were on a break from that right now. You could pick up more hours at work, of course. There’s bound to be someone who wants to work a little less. But what if someone tries to visit you when Dabi’s there? If he’s not quiet then it’ll only make him staying there more obvious. 
You groan inwardly and glance down at your now filled cart. You’ve got more than enough for him to last for at least a week without having to do laundry. Although you were increasingly enraged when you flipped the laundry you were thankful you still checked the sizes he had been wearing. You could have guessed but at the end of the day you wouldn’t have been satisfied with that. And it’s not like you could drag him along with you to try things on. Even if you could, would he even bother coming along? You need to remind yourself this is Dabi you’re dealing with. 
You know next to nothing about him save for what you can gather from news reports on him. You know his quirk is gone, too. Now you know what size clothing he wears- roughly. You forgot to look at his shoe size. Dammit. 
His boots are still in the closet by the front door, thrown in there in your hurry to hide all evidence that you’re housing a villain. Well, sort of. It’s complicated. 
Does he need socks? Was he even wearing any socks when you first dragged him to your house? Every memory you pull from that night not too long ago can’t show you his feet. How often are you even supposed to look at someone's feet? Are you supposed to look at their feet?
As you cash your items out and make your way back home, your anger burns into nothing but fumes. Rolling steam off of a warm spring. Barely even there. 
Well, it was. Until you opened the door. 
The sight of Dabi gorging himself on your favorite ice cream brings the rage back.
He turns his gaze to the door as you slam the door shut behind you and drop the bags in front of him. Licking at the spoon in his hand while balancing the carton of ice cream in the other, he flickers his gaze down curiously. The t.v continues on in the background. You watch for a couple of seconds and recognize it as some dark and edgy movie about vampires and werewolves that was made more than ten years ago. ‘Under’ something or whatever. You don’t really care as you focus your attention back on Dabi.
He’s sifting through the bags, having abandoned the ice cream carton now beside him. The spoon is still clamped between his lips as he leans down to pull out a shirt. He studies it for a solid minute before his brows furrow on his face, a slight twitch to them. When he finally tears his gaze from the garment and back to you, all you can think of is how wonderful it’ll be to live alone again. 
“Are these for me?” he asks around the spoon in his mouth. 
“No, they’re for the other dumbass villain I’m stuck with.” you scoff and stomp toward your room. 
“Aw do you not like me in the towel, doll?” he calls down the hall with a laugh. “I can take it off, if you want.”
“You can shove it up your ass for all I care!” you snap back and slam your room door shut. 
Of course he ate your ice cream. Of course. 
But it’s okay. It’s fine. Everything is fine. One hundred and ninety nine percent fine. There’s absolutely no reason to be upset right now. It’s just ice cream. It’s just an ungrateful, unruly and disastrous asshole you’re stuck with who threatened to kill you not even four hours ago. That’s all.
You fall face first onto your bed, groaning loudly into your pillow. The memory of his threat is still fresh as sin on your mind. A reminder. He’s not just some idiot you have in your house. He’s an actual terrifying, cold blooded murder who’s hurt people for less. There isn’t anything about him that you shouldn’t fear. 
If anything you’re the idiot for bringing him here. 
It’s times like this you wish you had a different quirk or no quirk at all. It would have saved you from this situation, at least. Or maybe it isn’t your quirk that's the problem, it’s you. Tender hearted and kind. Empathic. 
More like pathetic. 
You sigh and turn your face over to stare at the empty wall beside your bed. You hanged lights there at some point in time but you never used them. Not when the overhead light is brighter and more useful. But looking at them now makes you miss the magic they bring when they’re on. There’s an untraceable emotion that bubbles through your veins as you look at the gleaming lights. 
You shuffle to turn them on and stand to turn your overhead light off. You stare at the bright rainbow bulbs glittering around your bed and smile. It may be dumb or stupid or whatever but you like them. And that’s all that matters. 
You wonder if Dabi drank the blood you gave him earlier. Would he have said anything if he noticed a difference? You hadn’t felt any tug on the thread that connects you two and there aren’t any new ones to mention. But you swear the pulsing light from it is brighter than before. 
Should you have mentioned the pulsing light to him earlier? Not that it’s significant. But it’s certainly there. There’s no doubting it. Can he even see the thread connecting you two? Is it specific to you and your quirk? Or does it work on both ends?
You have so many questions but you know he won’t bother answering them. It’s not useful to him. The only thing he cares about is getting his quirk back. That’s the only reason he’s here. Once he gets it back he’ll be gone and out of your hair, regardless of the rarity this situation has. Having this kind of connection with someone with your quirk is complete unexplored territory. The breakthroughs you could have if he let you study it beyond just trying to get his quirk back would be phenomenal! Scientifically speaking this is completely foreign ground. Quirks like yours are unheard of. 
Any form of healing is beyond the norm. Using your own body for it? Even more so. Some have had similar types of quirks- like Recovery Girl. But her quirk focuses on what the patient's body can handle. Your quirk has no such focus. No boundaries as far as you know. Limitless and unknown, a mystery waiting to be solved. It burns you not to know every second of every moment that he’s feeling or going through right now. To be able to document the information would be exhilarating. 
If only he cared enough to let you. If it were anyone else but him, you would ask. But you’ve provoked that bear one too many times today and it’s best if you stay out of his way for the foreseeable future. 
Except he won’t let you. As you hear your door open you turn to glare at Dabi. He’s still in that goddamn towel. At least he has the decency not to bring your ice cream here to eat it in front of you. What he is holding, however, isn’t easily seen through the low light in the room. The rainbow sheen across him is almost laughable but you’re too angry to even crack a smile. 
You blink at him before turning your gaze back to the lights, trying to keep a hold on the good mood they provide. Maybe if you focus on the colors it’ll settle your nerves enough for you to speak without screaming at Dabi. 
You hear the footsteps of Dabi walking toward your bedside but you don’t turn toward him. You keep your gaze on the lights, trying to lose yourself in the flashing hues. Ignoring him seems to be the only way to keep your calm. 
“You stormed off so quickly I didn’t even get the chance to tell you about your delicious little vampire snack packs.” he muses with a little too much amusement. You’re not taking the bait.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d guess you don’t want to talk to me.” he tries again and waltzes over to your desk, pulling the chair out and turning it around. 
You see him straddle it out of the corner of your eye. It’s a casual movement- or it would be if he was in anything else but a stupid, useless, indecent towel. You pointedly ignore him even as he rests his chin against the back of the chair and looks down at you. 
His quiet laugh is the only noise that lets you know he’s staring at you intently. Beyond the feeling of holes burning into your face from his cerulean eyes. He takes a deep breath and sighs loudly. 
“The blood didn’t do anything important on this end.” he announces. “In case you were wondering.”
You don’t answer. 
“Tasted a bit weird, if I’m being honest. But let’s be real here, would you be able to tell if I wasn’t?” 
You blink.
“Jokes aside, though.” he sighs, “Anything different on your end for your quirk?”
“Are you honestly trying to talk to me about this right now?” you snap and sit up. “Take the hint and leave.”
“No.” he shrugs. “I’m not trying to talk to you about this. I am talking to you about this. I want my quirk back.”
Your heart is fluttering in your chest with fear and rage. You want to hurt him. You want to scream and run and fight and burn the world to the ground. Starting with him. You can feel your skin ignite with heat and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from grinding your teeth. 
“No changes, asshat.” you growl and flop back down on your bed. “Now buzz off. I have work tomorrow.”
To your surprise, he listens. Mostly. 
He leaves the chair beside your bed and the door open but he does leave. 
“Asshole.” you breathe and slam your door shut. 
Work is as boring as ever. Schedule where blood goes, filter and document the various tests asked of you. File paperwork. Sit at the front desk. Wait for an order. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s easy. You used to be able to do your homework while you worked but now that you’ve taken a break from school you’re left with nothing to occupy the free time you find yourself having. So you focus on the thread connecting you to Dabi. You try and send things through it, treating it like a sort of bond. Maybe if you willed his quirk back it would go away. Maybe he would go away.
He didn’t even wake up when you left this morning. You left a note on the coffee table for him. You had been tempted to staple it to his stupid forehead but the lack of a staple that would hurt enough to stick it to him stopped that idea. Unfortunately. 
All the research in the world wouldn’t be able to help you, either. You tried to research what happened when people lost their quirks, if it was even something anyone documented. There were a few stories of it disappearing in families only to pop up generations later. Even fewer with those who claimed to have lost their quirk. Most of the causes were bodily harm. Specific quirks that required a part of the body to work being destroyed. Nothing like the situation you had. 
Still. It brings Dabi’s words back to your mind. Maybe the blood from the bags didn’t work because they weren’t directly from you. Sure, in a way they are but not the way he got your blood to begin with. He might be onto something with needing the same process to set things back to how they should be. Are you going to tell him that, though? 
You’ll never admit you agree with him. Not after yesterday. 
You sigh and glance back at your wrist, the scar throbbing in response as if it’s acknowledging you. As if it knows. Would it be worth it to let him drink directly from you? 
You could try something else. Giving him a piece of your hair or an eyelash or something. Your spit might work- but there was no way you were going to get him to agree to that. Sure, you produce other secretions but the thought of any of them making contact with another human’s digestive system is sickening. Then again, it’s pretty weird your blood is what helps others the best. You’re a vampire's dream come true. 
Could Dabi have turned into a very specific vampire? Maybe he got a vampire quirk in place of his fire one? You turn back to your computer and start typing away at it, documenting the various kinds of vampires and the details you know from your bond with Dabi. Through blood, anything is pretty much possible one way or another. 
After twenty minutes you know it’s a ridiculous theory but you can’t bear to delete the document from your computer. Crazy as it might sound there are types of vampirism quirks out there. Somewhere. 
There has to be. But how would your quirk replace his? Is there any other way to go about such a thing? Or a way to reverse it?
Your head hurts as you try and stop thinking about it. Thank goodness work is over with. Finally it’s time to be released from the windowless office and go home back to the reason for your headache. 
It’s windy and cold as you step out onto the street. The unpredictable autumn weather draws you to tuck your chin to your chest. You should have brought a warmer coat. The only sound is the shuffle of your feet and the sweeping wind playing among the litter and leaves of the street. 
Too bad it gets so dark so early. You’d like to enjoy some time in the sun before you shut yourself in for the night. But every moment you’re not home is another minute Dabi gets to snoop around your room. Who knows what he’s looking at now? 
You decide to buy a new doorknob for your room. With a lock. Making a note to stop by sometime tomorrow you pass by the store. 
Sure you could rush home now but if you have Dabi more time tomorrow to snoop than you’d only regret it later. Turning back toward the department store you sigh. A few moments today save you the trouble for tomorrow. 
It's only when you exit the store that you notice the couple waiting outside. You’re not sure if they were there beforehand but as you watch them watching you now your gut tells you they must have been. But why? 
The woman- who looks barely older than seventeen- has blonde hair tied into two messy buns at the side of her head. Her golden eyes are locked on you, a blush on her face from the cold wind. She waves you over excitedly and you pause. 
You have no idea who she is. And the man next to her with the mutant lizard quirk, doesn’t look like anyone you know either. He casts a weary glance at his female counterpart and rolls his eyes before looking away. His purple hair is whipping in the harsh wind and now that you examine him you recognize you have seen these people before. 
They’re from the League of Villains. 
Spinner and Toga, if you remembered correctly. They had almost been apprehended by AllMight when he fought that weird villain with the black helmet and lack of a face. 
Chills that aren’t from the wind run down your spine and you take a step backward. Why were they here now? Did they know about Dabi and where he is? Had he contacted them? 
Toga giggles at your retreat and you groan inwardly. Of course he would use these punks to threaten you. Just a reminder of who it is exactly waiting for you at your house. 
You turn from them and start walking home, knowing it’s useless to argue or run. The following footsteps that echo your own solidifies your suspicions. 
With a great amount of dread in your heart you lead them to where you live, knowing that your life of normalcy and staying hidden is no longer obtainable. 
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divinewhimsy · 4 years
Ichor Pt10 (DabixReader)
A/N: Prepare for some angst-y fluff!! I was a little in my feels for this one. I really like doing these sort of exploratory chapters with characters who are normally emotionally withdrawn. It’s like a study of human emotion with them- and ooooooooooh boy do I have a thing for emotion. A-Anyways, I hope you enjoy! I’m sorry if this makes him see OOC but I wrote him how I would see him being when he’s that connected to someone? I know its not what everyone else follows through with for him but it’s a different spin.
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Warnings: Swearing. Emotions
Tag list is at the bottom!
Part 9: X
Part 11: X
You’re in the shower when Dabi returns. You hear the front door open and close, footsteps walking to the open bathroom door and stepping inside.
“I told you to lock your fucking door.” he grumbles and you laugh from behind the shower curtain.
“How else would you have gotten in?” you ask, your nerves surging at the idea of him being only a few feet away. 
You can’t help your good mood when he’s around. It’s like the sun breaking through clouds- like the moon lighting up the entire night. 
He doesn’t answer and you bite your bottom lip. Should you invite him in to shower? You were almost done but you could help him...If he wanted you to, that is. 
“How did your ‘appearance’ go?” you ask instead and the shuffling of movement is barely heard over the running water around you but you catch the soft plink of metal on the floor. You peek around the curtain to see Dabi tugging his boots off, resting against the counter- and bleeding from several wounds. 
“Oh my god! Dabi, you’re bleeding!!” you gasp, forgetting your shower and turning it off. You step out of the tub and wrap a towel around yourself quickly, taking the steps toward him rapidly. He glances up at you with a slightly bored expression, his cuts and bruises on his body magnified in the crisp bathroom light. 
“Yeah?” he raises a brow and you roll your eyes. “And?”
“You’re hurt.” you frown. Dabi just shrugs. 
“It’ll heal.” 
“It’ll heal?! You’re insane!” you hiss and grab the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet behind him. 
He runs his hands up your sides, eyes tracing the outline of your body as you reach past him. He makes a quiet noise, leaning into you, forehead resting on your shoulder. 
“D...Dabi?” you try to pull away but his arms wind around you, barely holding up their own weight. 
“Just….Gimme a sec.” he murmurs quietly. 
You obey and stay standing in his embrace, running your hand down his back in soothing strokes. 
What happened…? Is he alright? Did he lose too much blood? He’s still warm although you can’t be too sure of the temperature change. He’s always warm. 
An idea pops into your head but you don’t like it. You know he won’t like it, either. But what other option do you have? He’s hurt and you have a quirk that can fix that in no time.
Still.. Should you use the blood in your fridge? It’s not always the most appetizing solution but it’s a quick way to get it in. Or you could just kiss him. 
You fidget with the folds of his jacket's collar and he takes a deep breath. You peek beyond his coat and ghost your fingertips over the back of his neck, just barely dipping into his hairline. He rolls his head to the side to glance up at you, his beautiful crystalline eyes clearer than you’ve ever seen them. 
“Did you really keep the door unlocked for me?” he breathes, his voice barely a whisper. 
You nod with a small smile, running your hand through his hair and down to his back. 
“Of course I did.”
“What if I didn’t come back?” 
You frown, furrowing your brows as you try to decipher his words from his face. He reveals nothing, his natural bored mask too perfect to see cracks. 
“I’d just find you.” you shrug and coax him to stand and sit on the toilet seat. You succeed and help peel his jacket and shirt off- where the worst wounds are. 
You don’t know how he’s still standing when you get a look at the extent of damage done but it doesn’t matter. You’re here to heal him now. Tugging the towel tighter around you so it’ll stay when you kneel, you open the first aid kit and get to work. Cleaning the wounds- which makes Dabi hiss with every touch- is the easiest part. 
“Why?” Dabi asks through clenched teeth and you ‘tsk’ at him. 
“So they won’t get infected.” and so you can use your quirk as an excuse rather than the only solution.
“No.” Dabi sighs and grabs your wrist gently, bringing your attention to his face. “Why would you come after me?” 
“I-“ you search his eyes. He’s completely serious. 
Is he really asking you this now, of all times? Why would you go after him, anyways? Because of the bond through your quirk? It’s not like that’s the only thing that you like to keep him around for. He’s.. entertaining. But saying that wouldn’t really be the right thing to say right now, would it?
What does he want? An outright confession? You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. If you tried you could probably tell him- and looking at him now you can see that he needs the truth more than anything. He’s fragile in a way you’ve only seen people who are completely lost are. Souls with inner turmoil that’s spilling out into their lives as their point of view changes drastically. Well, that or their lives. It’s the beginning of a storm of change and if your instincts are correct, Dabi is wholly unprepared for it.
Is anyone ever ready for change?
“Because...Because I don’t want you to be left out there.”
“I can return to the league.” he counters and you curl your toes into the plush rug beneath you. 
Fine. If he’s really going to make you say it...
“I...I like you, Dabi.” you swallow and try not to squirm under his gaze. 
“Did you like me when you first met me?” 
When you first met...? What? He isn’t looking for your confession? What kind of conversation is he after, then? His questions are rapid and from the way his eyes move to the pace of his breath- anxiety is seeping into the air between the two of you. He’s barely holding breath in although you thought it was the pain at first. But looking at him now? 
He’s struggling.
And it’s putting you on edge.
“You weren’t conscious when we first met, technically.” you chuckle, trying to make him laugh. To lighten the mood.
“Exactly. So why save me? You had no idea who I was- who I am.” 
“Dabi, is this really the time to-“ 
“I want to know why.” he says firmly. “Why save me? Why bring me back?” 
The only words you have are the truth. Although you know it won’t satiate his need for whatever answer he’s looking for, it’s all you have to give him. The only solace to offer. What if it’s not enough..?
“Because a life is always worth living. Worth bringing back. I saw you there- and I couldn’t let you die.” 
“What’s with you?“ you search his eyes, brows furrowing together. “Why does it matter?”
“I just need something to make sense!” he snaps, breathing heavily now. “I need to understand why..”
He takes your silence as a cue to continue.
“I’ve been thinking it over and I don’t understand. Why save someone you don’t even know? Why bother with it all? It doesn’t make sense. Christ...None of this makes sense to me.” he sighs heavily. 
“I’ve been able to walk out of every life I’ve come across until I met you. Every. Last. One. I tried to leave but I couldn’t. It was like you wouldn’t let me… Your voice haunts my head and I can feel your breath against my neck- your hands running over my body. Every time I tried to leave- it just got worse… I thought if I kept going that I would be able to just forget...But I can’t do that either.” 
He sighs and drops your wrist. You’re frozen in place, body running colder as his words sink in. 
He was trying to leave. He didn’t want to come back. 
The hurt in your stomach is beyond any wound you’ve ever had. And you’ve broken bones. But the pang in your heart at the thought of Dabi trying so desperately to leave almost takes the air from your lungs. Almost.
“I don’t know what to do.” he murmurs. “I wanted to be able to walk away. To forget. But every time I tried I couldn’t. And now… Now I...” he fights for words, hands grasping at the empty air in front of him. 
He drags in a ragged breath, wincing in pain with his hand hovering over one wound on his chest. 
“Dammit.” he hisses and you frown, hands immediately going to his face to guide his gaze up to yours.
“You can leave, if you want.” you say quietly. “After you’re healed, I mean.” 
You press a soft kiss to his forehead, cycling your lips to his cheeks, brushing a soft peck beneath his eyes. 
“I- [Name], no. That’s not what I’m trying to do-” he starts but you just smile sadly and pull away from his face. You set the first aid supplies aside and try to move away from him but his hands are quick to catch you. 
“It’s okay,” you mumble. You’re failing to hide the beginning waves of tears starting to flood your eyes. Your vision blurs as you attempt to turn from him. “I won’t stop you.”
“Goddammit I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.” Dabi grumbles and his grip on your wrists tightens, tugging you back to face him. “Listen, that’s not what I’m trying to say.”
You can’t meet his eyes. You can’t even look at his face. Eyes glued to the floor, your skin balmy and clammy in the chill of the bathroom. The only warmth is from his hands encasing each of your wrists, keeping you in place as his grip becomes more desperate. 
“Please look at me.” he whispers, his voice a ghost of his normal bertone. It’s painfully soft, words nothing more than a gentle breath of air as they reach you. They seep through the growing pain in your chest and you feel your body trembling. His hands are sliding up your forearms to your elbows and biceps before they settle on your shoulders. 
Encasing you in his arms and struggling to stand, he leans on you a bit more than you’re used to but your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Your form holds both of you up but he’s falling to his knees, hands sliding back down to yours as he brings them to his lips.
“Please, please look at me, baby doll.” he coos and you swallow the rising lump in the back of your throat, your stomach threatening to spill its contents. 
His words are silk and honey to your ears, coaxing your gaze to his. You blink through the blurry tears that start to drop down your cheeks, barely feeling your own heartbeat. His blue eyes are splintering into a thousand different facets, gorgeous diamonds glittering with the raw feeling of pent up emotions spilling over.
You don’t need the bond between the two of you to know that he’s not hiding right now. There isn’t a fraction of his previous mask- the bored look on his face and tone in his voice are only memories as you look at him now. The genuine fear and pain that ripple through his features reflects your own inner feelings. Tearing apart from inside out, unspun threads that had been locked away for so long finally spilling out. 
His lips kiss each of your knuckles slowly, eyes never leaving yours as your vision clears. Breath hitches in your throat and he offers a small smile you almost miss as he starts to whisper nonsense into your palms. He turns your hands over, tucking his cheek into your grasp. Leaning into your embrace. 
His face is warm and in the pale parts of his skin you can see there’s a red flush starting to bloom. His eyes turn into molten carribean seas, tumultuous and stormy as he pulls in a shaky breath. 
“I don’t want to leave you.” he says quietly. “I’m not leaving. I promise. Just let me explain, alright?” 
You give a weak nod and he breathes a sigh of relief. Pressing a kiss to your wrist, his lips climbing up the plain of your arms, his skin barely grazing over yours. It still sends shivers through you as he leans his forehead against the underside of your wrist. 
“I’ve never felt this… connected to someone before. And I can’t leave that behind. I can’t forget you.” he breathes softly, his words energized but withheld. Sorting through the storm of thoughts waiting within his skin. “I’m slowly learning to accept the fact I can’t. I won’t. But it’s terrifying.”
His last word is barely audible as he shudders, hands gripping your arms tighter. He closes his eyes and breathes for a second, taking in your scent slowly as he calms his shaky breathing. 
“It’s gonna’ take a bit to process. But I promise, baby girl, I promise you.” he opens his eyes and turns his gaze back to yours. “I’m not going anywhere.”
It’s a couple of seconds before you can remember how to speak. Seeing him so bare and exposed before you- willingly showing you the shaking center of his heart- it’s an experience beyond the words you’ve learned to explain. A sensation that can only be compared to what it must be like to fly. Terrifyingly new and foreign, heart racing in your chest as you glance into his very soul. Dark and light, good and bad. Equal parts broken and forged and aimless. It’s a mirror as much as it is an illusion to your own searching. High above the world so far down below you, on the cusp of clouds and crest of the stratosphere, holding onto him for dear life as he keeps you anchored with his touch. 
“..Okay.” you breathe, finally. Swallowing the remainder of pain and hurt and letting it melt away slowly, you nod more fervently. “Okay...I’m not going anywhere, either..”
“Thank you.” he murmurs, his words achingly soft. His lips brush against your fingertips. “Just bare with me, baby. We can do this.”
Like light bursting through the clouds of a storm, the one word is sunlight after years of darkness. Stars in an endless sky. The first few strokes of sun on a new dawn. It’s magic in bones and heart, beating through your blood and your bond to the man on his knees before you.
“..Dabi?” you whisper and he slowly meets your gaze, a soft smile on his lips.
“Can you stop bleeding on my bathroom floor first, though?”
He laughs. A genuine, legitimate laugh that shakes his shoulders. Eyelids squeezing shut over his gaze, lips parting to release the joyous sound into the air. It’s music to your ears, life to your veins. It’s beautiful. 
Just like him.
You kneel in front of him, your mouth finding his before he can manage to say something to ruin the moment. You activate your quirk on purpose- to heal his wounds but you will admit you might have lost a touch of control as soon as he began kissing you back. The smoky, earthy taste of him is intoxicating. Whisky and bourbon, smoke and embers flickering from his tongue. Piercings and warmth- everything he is mixes with you.
Dabi showers after he’s fully healed- although he does try to convince you to finish your shower with him. You decline in favor of making him something to eat, after catching a glimpse of his rib cage poking through his chest. He pouts for a moment but ends up letting you go cook, keeping the door open after you step out of the bathroom. 
Time. This thing between the two of you would take time, that’s for sure. It’s still so fragile and this new level is uncharted territory for both of you. Willingly depending and needing someone else, taking the step towards them instead of away. Letting yourself be vulnerable with someone else. Beyond what the bond does with its own magic- this is a choice. This is a decision to open up the organic pathway to someone else's soul.  
When Dabi pads out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel, you’re dishing out a plate for him and yourself. You made a simple dish of chicken and vegetables- with a side of creamy mashed potatoes to really stick to his ribs. He needs protein and carbs- to gain the proper weight he should have at his age.
How old is he, anyways? He looks about your age- young to mid twenties. So it doesn’t really matter. He’s not ancient or middle aged, at least. More of an overgrown child than anything- which makes you laugh.
His arms wind around your waist as you start to laugh, his lips pecking your cheek.
“Wha’so funny?” he murmurs, grabbing a carrot from one plate and popping it in his mouth. 
“Nothing.” you shake your head and hold a plate for him to grab. “I was just thinking… Lively was introducing me to her boyfriends single friends.” 
Dabi’s grip tightens around you at the mention of it, his eyes getting a shade or two darker as he glances away from you. 
“Oh?” he says quietly, eyes trained away from your face. “Why is that funny?”
“..Because I would never date one of them?” you snort and nudge your way out of his grasp to sit at the dining table. 
“Why not? Pro hero’s make a lot of money.” he counters but you can hear the disdain in his voice. 
“Sure but I like the more broody, edgy kind of guy.”
“Edgy? Broody?” he quirks a brow. “Is that really what you think of me?”
“Volatile? Capricious?” you tease. 
“I’ll show you capricious.” he growls playfully, hand snaking down to your behind as you fall to your chair and giving your backside a good squeeze. 
You laugh and shake your head, watching as Dabi sits to your left. He’s still slightly damp from his shower but it’s a close reminder to the last time you had dined with him in only a towel. 
“Honestly, though,” you start, stabbing a piece of chicken with your fork. “Heroes aren’t my type. And I can’t picture myself with anyone but… you.” 
You avoid his gaze. 
“However,” you cough and continue, “I didn’t know what to tell her. I can’t say I’m seeing someone without her invading my life to know who it is. And considering who she’s dating, her seeing you isn’t a good idea.”
“Eraserhead, right?” Dabi snarls and you wince with a nod. “I’ve had a run in with him before.”
“What a dumb name.” you comment offhandedly. 
Dabi hums in agreement and you two eat in silence until he stops and stares at you. 
“What? Is there something on my face?” you reach to touch your cheek but he shakes his head.
“Then what?” you blink.
He stares at you for a second longer before sighing. 
“Speaking of names… Mine’s Toya.”
A second of silence passes before you realize he just told you his name. You blink once. Twice. 
“T-Toya?” you whisper softly and he nods. That same pink hue reaches his cheeks. 
“Do you prefer Dabi?” you whisper and he sighs, a struggle showcasing on his face as he glances away. 
“I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“You don’t have to tell me.” you assure. “I’ll just continue to call you Dabi.”
“It’s fine.” he meets your gaze. “I want… I just wanted you to know. But I haven’t told anyone else in a long while. It’s.. been a bit since I’ve heard someone call me by my name.”
Your heart breaks at the painful whisper his voice is reduced to. Whatever past he has is full of the pain- and his name is only the tip of it. Toya.
His hand resting on the table near you turns into a clenched fist and you gently place your own over it, reassuring with gentle strokes of the back of his hand with your thumb. He relaxes a bit and you bring his hand to your lips, planting a chaste kiss to each of his knuckles. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Toya.” you whisper and see him shiver at the sound of it. 
There’s pain laced with it but you can still see the relief rolling through him. The power of a name, the manifestation of one’s destiny and purpose- a name is incredibly powerful. And to have your name almost never spoken, never known by anyone but yourself- the thought chills you to your core. 
What a lonely life. Although it’s one he won’t be living anymore.
Not when you’re right beside him. Every moment, every day. Every dawn and sunset, every breath and blink- you’ll be right here.
“We can do this.” you assure and he cracks a small smile.
“Yeah.” he nods, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “I’ll have to teach you how to actually cook first, though.”
Tag List: @velvet-kissesss @marydragneell @littleblackpheonix @holytacocactuscollector​ @ghostingtime @the-cosmic-dreamer @haylosx @too-old4this-shit​ @nightime-writer​  @annonymousbread​ @tomomoni​ @babayaga67​ @sheedaabee​ @jesikapliskova​
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