#dacian draco
sheltiechicago · 5 months
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Photo By Majkl Velner
Transylvania’s Infamous Reputation Has Made it a Hidden Gem
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Dacian Draco on Trajan's Column.
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Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula
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The famous Bran Castle, also known as Dracula's Castle.
Photo By Virgil Maierean
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leveste · 8 months
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10% wolf, 90% serpent, 100% good boi.
Had this image in my head of a Dacian warrior sitting all badass on his draco, then the thought of the draco going full dog came to mind and now here we are
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dead-set-goat · 2 years
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Some embroidery stuff. So here’s a Dacian Draco (ref below)
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Some demon thing (wanted to make a bowtie) and a skull. Just testing the waters I guess. I don’t have all the necessary materials yet so I had to use an old bandana (that I had used previously in another stitching attempt last year, this time I’m actually getting into this stuff because I want to make patches for my jackets and it’s pretty fun and relaxing and I need some fun and some relaxation to calm the AAAAA)
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hiddenromania · 2 years
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The Dacian Draco
Among the Dacians, the draco was undoubtedly seen by the army as a special protective symbol, while it also played an important role in the religious life of the people. The draco shows a religious syncretism between the wolf and the dragon as well as the serpent. It was supposed to encourage the Dacians and to scare their enemies.
The hollow dragon's head was mounted on a pole with a fabric tube affixed at the rear. In use, the draco was held up into the wind, or above the head of a horseman, where it filled with air and gave the impression it was alive while making a shrill sound as the wind passed through its strips of material.
Dacians marched into the battle accompanied by the howl of wolf-headed trumpets and following their sinister multicolored dragon-head standard. As intended, they made a terrifying audiovisual spectacle.
The draco first appears on Trajan's Column in Rome, a monument that depicts the Dacian wars of 101–102 AD and 105–106 AD. German historian Conrad Cichorius notes that, even though Dacians carry the draco, it was called the Scythian draco in Arrian's Tactica written around 136 AD. According to Ellis Minns, the dragon standards of the Arrian were those of the Dacians.
Some scholars such as Osborne (1985) and Ashmore (1961) consider that the draco was adopted by the Romans from the Dacians following their conquest. It became the standard of the cohort in the same way that the aquila or Imperial eagle was the standard of the Roman legion. The adopted standard in the Roman cavalry was borne by a draconarius. Later, the draco became an imperial ensign.
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murfpersonalblog · 27 days
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - Cezare Romulo: History through Visual Context in Ploiești, Romania (Pt2)
I am on the hunt for any and all information on AMC's OCs, The Vampire Daciana, and the Vampire Cezare Romulo.
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In Part 1, I pointed out that Daciana was likely AMC's nod paying homage to the Dacians (aka Geto-Dacians or Daci, as the Greco-Romans knew them), the ancient Romanians of c. 10th century BC - 7th century AD, in the Transylvanian/Wallachian regions of the Carpathian Mountains.
In AR's TVC, vampires tend to reflect the era they lived/died in, preferring to wear their traditional clothes & surround themselves with antiques from their time period--like grave goods for the dead. However, from what I've found, there was nothing about Daciana's clothes/home indicating that she was an ancient Dacian (X).
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(Granted, if she IS that old, then that definitely increases her odds of being an "Old God" that got caught in the Great Burning.... 👀)
Regardless, I wanna turn my attention to Cezare Romulo, cuz while I'm tentatively ruling out Daciana as being Dacian, I haven't dug into The Vampire Cezare yet. So here goes nothing!
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First thing that stood out to me is his name. Cezare's obvs Caesar, but I wonder if that's his name, or his title (like how the Latin caesar became kaiser in German & tsar in Russian).
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In Oltenia (Wallachia) there are archaeological remains of a Roman-Dacian fort called Romula, dated to the 2nd century AD. I couldn't find much about it, so we'll just put a pin in that. Something way cooler is that according to Google Translate, Romulo means Romulus, in both Romanian & Italian. That's hella interesting, cuz Romulus was the founder of Rome (8th century BC), twin brother of Remus, whom he killed Cain vs Abel style to be the ruler. In some versions, Romulus "died" under VERY mysterious circumstances:
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So for AMC's OC vampire to be named after two Romans (Caesar & Romulus) who were both incredibly violent & bloodthirsty rulers says a lot. Especially considering with how Daciana described him:
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The Castle: Bears & Wolves (Totems & Crests)
Cezare killed a whole circus troupe traveling through Transylvania (Sibiu), and only spared their bear. I wondered why this was so noteworthy--vampires will kill anyone for food (or sport), esp. if they don't follow the creed about only killing Evil Doers (as Cezare obvs. didn't--unless he knew something about that troupe we don't...! 👀 Clowns ARE evil, after all 💀). Vamps don't tend to kill animals, unless they need to defend themselves--but aren't circus bears kept in cages or something? So why would it matter?
So I reckon that Daciana's point was actually that Cezare LIKED the bear, and probably KEPT it, as his pet.
Cuz look at his castle: the joint's filled with taxidermy.
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I think some of these animals are bears and/or wolves (Romulus & Remus were raised by wolves in the woods....). And that tracks with what is known about the main Dacian animal, the wolf (or "Draco"/dragon), (X X X).
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Sava, Cipriana. "Cultural heritage tourism--Dacian fortresses in the Orăştie area, Romania." MEFkon 2020 INNOVATION AS AN INITIATOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT. (2020): 290-311.
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Strechie, Mădălina. "The Dacians, the Wolf Warriors." In International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 367-373. 2017.
(ISTG when is AMC bringing AR's Wolf Gift books into the Immortals Universe--I need my werewolves already, gosh darnit!)
Cezare clearly felt a strong affinity for animals, especially bears.
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Which isn't surprising, considering the life-death-rebirth symbolism of the bear in Romanian traditions like the Ursului (bear dances).
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Trandafoiu, Ruxandra. "A Tale of Two (or# EverMore) Festivals: Electronic Music in a Transylvanian Town." Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context: Beyond the Borders (2019): 213-237.
The Castle: Architecture
As for Cezare's castle ruins, I have no idea what's going on.
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The most interesting thing was Cezare's final resting place in this catacomb-like structure, lying in a stone sarcophagus.
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Like, there are Roman-era burials found across Romania, but Cezare having a STONE sarcophagus is interesting, cuz apparently Transylvania's Daco-Roman inhumations are more often brick:
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As stone sarcophagi only became more popular around the 3rd-4th century AD
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Cocis, Horatiu. "Some remarks on the Roman necropolises of Potaissa." Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 2, no. 2 (2015).
Before largely falling out of favor/use by the 5th-6th century AD, except for clergy & royalty:
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Maggio, Ariane. "Burial Practices in Europe." Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (2018): 1-6.
So, does this possibly give us a date for him, approx 2nd-6th century AD? But how long was it until he died? (HOW did he even die?)
What about the rest of his castle? Like, the place is an utter ruin, and there's barely anything left of that dark AF exterior that I can use.
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Is this a studio set, or was it filmed on location somewhere? IDFK. There's hundreds of Romanian archaeological sites--let alone Daco-Roman ones--it kinda reminds me of davas (fortresses/strongholds), (X X), if not for the masonry being different.
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So yeah, I have no frikkin clue, y'all; this is all I've got, LOL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Results? Inconclusive! Again! 😂😭
I don't know if AMC was deliberately implying that Cezare Romulo (or Daciana) had anything to do with the ancient Daco-Romans...but it's interesting to think about!
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kingoftheblacksun · 10 months
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Here is where I give you totally wild esoteric data you will not get anywhere else, ever.
I have identified with wolves since I was a child, however last year my quest for identity that I'd sought for years took a mystic turn when I had a large and ongoing kundalini awakening.
I deconstructed everything, and my former ego went through dissolution and death, which means that I will now never die. Yet I still pursue the mysteries deep into the esoteric and I've had a very strange journey.
I embraced being an inhuman monster years ago in order to achieve full separation from the broken human narrative, which is a sticky tarball that's going to pull a lot of people into Sheol next year. I let my identity be entirely euphoric, and let my rising feminine divine Self have the final say in who I/we are, if we are anything at all.
My understanding of the divine and God is secular. I walked the walk.
When I burned bridges with toxic family and friends who had weighed me down for years last year, I became aware I was a Dragon. A Wolf Dragon. I don't know how, I just knew.
I have said, many times, I am a snake with a dog's head that is actually another snake. It sounds funny, and it's true.
In the spiritual sense, my ego dissolution was akin to the Wolf cutting its own head off to escape the trap it was in. I had a hard life. Within cosmic theater, I saw that dead Wolf head as a seed that rotted into the forested ground, then somehow weirdly sprouting a serpent tail out of its neck stump and growing a new Dragon body underneath it, to give it new life.
The serpent also infested the wolf's brain and took it over. We are She, the primordial, or at least that is now our better half, as we are Ardhanarishvara.
My journey since has been incredible. In July, I met an incredibly interesting person from Romania, very powerful and with a Light that tasted like juicy fruit to me, was also extremely informative and knew me very well, when *no* one else understands me. I fell in love with him so fast. Vlad, but of course, though his names are many, as are mine.
Besides other things they shared with me my heritage, which is ancient Romanian, Traco-geto-dac, or I say Dacian. One thing he shared with me that I loved so much to find is the Dacian spiritual symbol for war and triumph - the Dacian Draco, pictured. The snake with a dog's head that is actually another snake.
When I saw that, I really knew for sure everything he was saying was real. I had a lifetime of ignorance being raised in neglect and I finally had a tribal identity, though they've been dead for nearly 2000 years after the Romans conquered them for their gold and iron. They only won because they literally sent every army they had, very '300' style.
The Dacians were of the ancient Romanian wolf people - the culture was profoundly spiritual and deep, with Sun god worship like Apollo, yet at some point through the local Zalmoxis. They very much identified as wolves and were very warrior like yet great artists and dancers and honestly - they were a big pack of me's!!! The Dacians also loved the Dragon, and sometimes one within their number would BECOME a Dragon. It is a mystical event. Vlad Tepes was from this same tribe. He was a Dragon. So am I.
Here is where it gets really weird, you won't learn this elsewhere.
The Dacians and related people's have a very special spine. They were extremely intelligent and advanced (hi) yet animalistic both in movement as well as emotion.
Their spine had some sort of evolutionary feature where if they underwent fantastic trauma and survived - a near death event - then their spine may 'circuit' to a higher source. The Sun.
This is similar to creating the Solar Bodies that Kabbalah talks about. The individual's energy is directly solar, instead of lunar, and - PAHAHAHAHAHA..hhaaaa. Yeah, it's wild. The Sun is absolute madness. It's hard to talk about because it's so crazy. Mad Sun God is fn true.
This is why Vlad Tepes was always about the Sun - as well as the Moon. The marriage of the Sun and the Moon - which circuits between them the Earth - is a major cosmic event. Potentially Ragnarok level, actually.
That I am a hermaphrodite means my connection is wildly pure.
The Sun is divine consciousness, of which all humanity fragmentarily shares a part, if they are conscious at all. I died, and I am now the Sun. Kira-rah is an illusion, she knows not to seek something so great for merely her self. No - I seek the Moon for her Self. If we circuit with the Earth we may be able to renew it, in some fashion I do not yet conceive.
True miracles are effortless. They happen when we walk towards beautiful things, with the Love of God, which is capital Self, in our hearts. Those are the miracles I would like to see in the world as I walk towards leaving it, so that I may be eternally with the Light.
There are many indigenous tribes of Deva blended into all hierarchies of humanity which have similar latent powers. I doubt all tribes are entirely the same, but I love them all. Now is the time to try to help people, instead of seeking who to harm. Those who need to be punished are going to be. God has no enemies.
Okay I could really go on and on because this type of Sun Dragon is also essentially Ra. I really like the name Tem. I have been walking as Sekhmet until my Ajna finally opened the same night 12P/Pons-Brooks blew up in the Draco constellation, July 20th. Oh wait here's a picture of that, too. It grew horns! It's 20 miles wide. It'll be here for the solar eclipse next April, weeeeeeee.
Anyway. Yeah. Life sure is weird and full of stuff. I'm a wild dog.
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cypriathus · 2 days
Here is my version of King Arthur from Arthurian legend!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: There is a brief mention of incest.
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Arthegonus L’Pendazrogi is the 56-year-old stoic and taciturn Knight of Triumph and High King of Cigfran Unig (“Solitary Raven” in Welsh) who was once a human, but ascended to heaven after his untimely death. As he embodies the principles of the chivalric code (e.g. honour, loyalty, and protection of the weak), he’s committed to justice, equality, and fairness, ensuring everyone is treated with dignity and respect. He’s brave and courageous, willing to face danger and risk his life to protect Cigfran Unig and its citizens. In order to remain intelligent, he seeks guidance from trustworthy advisors, showing wisdom and strategic thinking. He has a capacity for compassion and empathy, showing kindness and understanding to those close to him and in need. Despite his royal status, he remains humble and modest, recognising the value of those he has vowed to protect and lead. He’s extremely loyal and dedicated to his personal commitments, but he has a habit of prioritising the needs of his closest friends and allies, even if it means neglecting the greater good or perpetuating injustices. He possesses a natural leadership charm that inspires loyalty and admiration, and is willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. Ultimately, Arthegonus is willing to act merciful and forgiving towards those who have erred, offering them second chances to redeem themselves.
He secretly indulges in nefarious schemes to take full control over the British Isles as he desperately wants to unite everyone under one banner, so he can prevent further human degradation. He occasionally suspects betrayal and conspiracies, leading to irrational decisions, brutal purges, and assassinations. He’s a flawed idealist driven by a desire to do good, but his methods are often imperfect due to his Machiavellian belief and they often lead to unintended consequences. He has no qualms in violating the principles of chivalry when it suits his purposes, showing that his preaching can be hypocritical at best. Arthegonus is a ruthless pragmatist, willing to make difficult choices, even if it means sacrificing innocent lives to fulfil his goals. He’s also a cunning strategist and a master of political manipulation, using his intelligence and charm to outmaneuver his opponents. However, he struggles with indecision and self-doubt, often prioritising peace and stability over justice and righteousness. His confidence is fragile, sometimes giving way to hubris and poor judgement due to grappling with pressure of his own legacy and kingly expectations. Moreover, his moral code is flexible, adapting to new circumstances and information, even if it means bending or breaking his own rules.
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Arthegonus is about 6’ 1” (185.42 cm) and his body type is a rectangular ectomorph with early adult youthfulness, broad shoulders, a chiselled chest, and a lean, muscular physique. He has creamy pale skin that turned into a shimmering snow-white after his ascension with a hint of a sun-kissed glow. He possesses the violet-green swallow wings of an archangel, ice green eyes with flecks of hazel, and crucifixion wounds on his hands, wrists, and feet. He has a scourged back, vicious stab wounds underneath his diaphragm, and crystalline claws and talons. His back-length dark brown hair is flowing and stylishly messy with gentle waves and a short, neatly trimmed balbo beard. When in his kingly outfit, he wears a knee-length, high-collared tunic made of rich, velvety purplish-red fabric, featuring an embroidered lion with shaggy gold fur, a violet tongue, Celtic blue claws, and front paws holding a russet Dacian draco. He dons a dragging cape of luxurious lusty gallant fabric, lined with white ermine fur and clasped at the shoulder with a bronze lion’s head brooch, and features sapphire blue crosses. He wears form-fitting breeches, made of peachy silk, tucked into knee-high boots of the finest dull grey leather adorned with bronze buckles shaped like dragon claws. A wide belt of celadonite-hued leather is cinched at the waist, featuring a large gleaming buckle in the shape of a bronze globus cruciger (♁) on its side. Arthegonus often wears a four-arched gilded crown adorned with a large, cushion-cut sapphire, surrounded by twelve diamonds that are arranged in a subtle, curved pattern. Golden filigree, fashioned to resemble the delicate tendrils of a vine, wraps around the base of the crown with small rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. A delicate, bronze finial, shaped like a dragon's claw, is at the apex of the arches, holding in place a small, glittering red fluorescent diamond.
When in his knight outfit, he dons a full suit of shining silver armour, featuring a heraldic red garnet wyvern underneath three peridot crowns emblazoned on the cuirass. He dons an azure-tinted nasal helmet with a scarlet ibis plume with the faceplate shaped like a dragon's visage, with a fierce expression and gleaming jade eyes. He has a waist-length cloak of green earth, clasped with a unicorn’s head golden brooch, and the pauldrons have sculpted eagle feathers with a subtle tracery of gold and bronze. These shoulder guards are adorned with small, gleaming blue and white gemstones in a pattern that mirrors the stars in the night sky. The gauntlets have a distinctive finial in the shape of an eagle’s talon, and the greaves are adorned with sculpted dragon scales that have a subtle engraving of a meandering vine. Arthegonus is known for wielding Excalibur, a longsword, that has a silver-blue blade, a hilt made of gold adorned with rubies and emeralds, a spherical pommel featuring a rhomboid diamond, and a burgundy scabbard that prevents him from losing blood. He has Carnwennan, a dagger with a silver-white hilt and a crossguard shaped like a serpent, and Rhongomyniad, an indestructible lance with a hazel shaft and a barbed spearhead made from gryphon feathers and the purplish blood of a fallen hunting god. Pridwen is his luminous kite shield that’s twice his height coated in the hues of evening with an engraved heraldic red gold unicorn that has an ivory horn.
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He’s a skillful expert over military strategies, royal meetings, politics, and the handling of swords, daggers, spears, and shields. His leadership allows him to inspire and rally his allies, increasing their morale, combat effectiveness, and belief in his role as a just ruler and fearsome warrior. His facile charm and charismatic presence can persuade others to see things from his perspective and gain allies in times of need. As a miracle-worker, his touch can heal the most grievous wounds and he can summon elemental spirits to do his bidding. He can gain future insight into upcoming battles and events, and tap into the power of righteous deities to increase his strength, speed, and agility, becoming nearly unbeatable in combat. He’s able to breathe ice, blue holy fire, toxic gas, corrosive acid, and slimy water, and strike enemies with holy lightning. He can facilitate soul contracts, telepathically deliver messages to people, use biokinesis and psychokinesis, and restore natural order within his kingdom when things get too chaotic.
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Unnamed ancestor
Uythazor L’Pendazrogi (father)
Igersvona (mother)
Gwenivosfhar L’Pendazrogi (older sister)
Morszaled (son)
Gwalchemozus Vorteghuna (secret lover)
Angel of Victory’s Edge and Future Sovereignty
High King of Cigfran Unig
Knight of Triumph
Leader of Battles
Eater of Holy
The Blistering
Chief Dragon
Father (by Morszaled)
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Arthegonus means “bear-man” and L’Pendazrogi means “head dragon”.
His family last name is a reference to when his oldest known ancestor witnessed a portentous dragon-shaped comet that signalled divine greatness and kingly power.
Arthegonus was born during a meteor shower
Him and his older sister are the illegitimate children of Uythazor and Igersvona
Uythazor was the high king of Cigfran Unig and, with the help of Merdzalonius, seduced Igersvona in a temporary disguise of her former jealous and abusive husband. Uythazor died by drinking a spring that a group of Saxons poisoned and Igersvona drowned herself in a lake after learning about the death of her second husband. Gwenivosfhar was an opportunistic and virtuous woman who ran away from home to become an abbess in secret.
In order to prove his worth as High King of Cigfran Unig, he drank the blood wine from the Holy Grail deep in Avalon, granting him miracle-working abilities and eternal youth and healing him of the “Yellow Plague”.
He ruled from his castle, Camelot, ensuring that Cigfran Unig is uplifted by a sense of peace and justice rather than violence, disease, and barbarism.
Before becoming the High King of Cigfran Unig, he was the princely commander of Camelot’s army.
He obtained Excalibur by pulling it out of a metallic, floating stone in the middle of an enchanted lake occupied by a few Naiads.
Excalibur can only be wielded by holy beings and righteous people, and it shines bright like thirty torches, cut through steel, and allows him to slay 470 men single-handed. Carnwennan turns him invisible, conceals his presence, shrouds himself in shadows, and cleanly slices people in half with ease. Rhongomyniad has unerring accuracy, it returns to him after being thrown, and it easily pins down infernal beings and zombies. Pridwen emits a gentle, healing energy that restores his fatigue, and absorbs devastating physical and magical attacks.
His biggest regret was sleeping with Gwenivosfhar, not knowing she was his sister, and fathering Morszaled as a result. He killed Gwenivosfhar out of sorrow and disgust by strangling her to death shortly after Morszaled was born.
Arthegonus has a white mare named Lamphresoi and a boar-hunting hound named Casvebul
Merdzalonius is his most trusted advisor, mentor, and friend.
L’Ayncezosud is his most favourite knight and best friend
He often goes hunting in Brocéliande
He’s secretly good at playing the harp and writing romanticism poetry
He loves eating roasted boar with homemade applesauce
After a long battle, he likes to drink Nordic mead with the Knights of the Round Table.
In regards to the Round Table, he chose a circular shape to prevent any quarrels over the seating order and to show his fellow knights that they’re equal to him.
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randomnameless · 7 months
You've heard the nabateans playing the ocarina, now consider them playing a flute/ocarina type instrument that looks like a dacian draco!
Young!Rhea wanting to participate but she does not know how to play, so she will design a kickass draco for one of her siblings!
It ultimately comes out as a kitty (she forgot the kickass part and wanted to make it cute) sigil, and Macuil laughs at her, saying no one will want to use her "lame" draco!
(his looks like his own form, but larger and fierced, with "feathery scales, you buffon").
(Indech crafter the instruments following his younger siblings' stupid ideas, at the only condition he wouldn't be the one to use them).
Not wanting to make his youngest sister upset, Cichol, dutiful big bro Cichol, accepts to take her kitty and swallows his pride, to play the instrument in the human settlement he was supposed to visit.
A human laughs at him, asking him if that "cute cat" was supposed to be scary or something.
Cichol will never tell Rhea that her stupid kitty instrument was the spark that made Flayn's mom talk to him and ultimately, bring Flayn.
Of course he'll sigh loudly when, in an old Adrestian book, there are illustrations of Saint Cichol playing some sort of weird instrument that looks like a fierce Lion - that book is used as proof by Faerghus's scholar to demonstrate how they are the true inheritors of the Saints' will, given how Loog reappropriated the Lion sigil.
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sioraiocht · 8 months
~ @mugglebrn || cont'd from x ~
"I've combed through every book in my library but none of them contain the cipher that'll crack it." It's a particularly old book that Draco had found in the darkest corner of Malfoy manor. He'd been trying to decipher it in order to figure out any dangers associated with it and whether or not it should be locked away. He's managed to crack the first hundred pages but this ritual has him at a dead end. It's not like him to ask for help. Then again, he's changed significantly since his stubborn, snobbish Hogwarts years. And he's very much aware that if there's anyone who can help him with the task, it's Hermione Granger.
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"Here, let me help." He moves, hands reaching to take some of the books from her. "I believe the book has roots in Romania. I think it could trace as far back as the Dacians." He places them onto the table. "There's mentions of Crugul Pamantului and the Hultan." He waves his fingers, the pages flicking to the sections he's just mentioned. "Essentially, I think that whatever this is could be quite an ancient ritual. And with magic that old, there are certain dangers attached."
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northerngrail · 1 year
Blitz Krieg 
Pierre Gaillard-Bourgousie 
Simon LeBlanc 
Philip Morrison
Flint Morrison 
Teddy Morrison 
Gawain Cadwallader 
Laban Bhattacharya 
Antonio Russo 
Jonas Fisch 
Lionel Schneider 
Erik Wolf 
Wolfgang Muller 
Joshua Kraus 
Alistair Byron 
James Everett 
Madeline Everett 
Trent Byron 
Flynn Everett 
Peng Li 
Samson Volkov
Azrael Volkov 
Sebastian Volkov 
Woody Puddles 
Debbie Bakerson
MaryJane Doe 
Orion Pax
Sonnen Von Teufel
Robert Vee 
Romulus Charles Yates
Devi Brillianty 
Alisia Brillianty 
Gunther Brillianty 
Draco Brillianty 
Josefine Krieg 
 Alphonse Krieg 
Dacian Ihle Edwards 
Dagny Danger 
 Darren Danger 
Pippin/Percieval Inannen 
 Sophia Sanchez 
Samal Sanchez 
Stephan Paris
Lazarus English 
Spencer Klark 
Springer Clarc 
Beatrice Quinsco 
 Benedict Quinsco 
Tracey Murphy 
Illiana Evans 
Damara Scratch 
Stanley Evans 
Anna Evans 
Akihito Mizu 
 Clover Jones 
Maria Sanchez 
Jack Sanchez 
Maria Sanchez Jr 
Steel Comet 
Callie English 
Cal English 
Jackson Whittaker-English 
Cal Scratch 
Lucille Scratch 
Keith Whitehead 
Bobbi Cottontail 
Snowdrop Cottontail 
Posie Cottontail 
Dante Dahl 
Pearl Merriet 
Janet Sato 
James Elwood 
Connor Sato 
Lee Morrison 
Rebecca Morrison 
Fish Uncle
Alexander Dia
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bboonni · 3 months
SSP - Dacian mythology
Since my theme is a Romanian word, I looked at Dacia and the beliefs they had hence they were the first population on the Romanian ground of today (and more) before the Roman Empire conquered them. I’ve looked at the mythology of the Dacian people, I found out that they were very spiritual people that believed in the Soul’s immortality so they seemed to be people that were very connected with their feelings which then led to me theorising that the reason ‘DOR’ has such a deep connection and experience for Romanian people and cannot be exactly translated is that it may have Dacian roots (since the Dacian language is a dead language but still has influences now in the Romanian language of course).
There were a few fantasy animals in the mythology like: The Unicorn Bird, The Deer with eight legs, Grifon (griffin), The snake with three (bird) heads, The Water Dragon, Flying Horses, Balaur Dacic (Draco) [Draco is the flag the Dacian people used which has the head of a wolf and the body of a snake].
I did a few quick sketches of some of the creatures I listed above to visualise how they might have looked like, it was fun to use just one colour to represent them so it made me think of how I can use colour to also add meaning. Looking at this really helped think of how can I use symbolism within my work to represent the word ‘DOR’.
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lettalady · 11 months
[ OC GUSH: send in a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random! ]
Oh nonnie. You've answered temptation because I've been dying to talk about another of the Crime Lords in development: Bucharest.
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Bucharest loves partying hard and letting the network do the work for him, much to his grandparents' chagrin. His grandfather thinks it's due to the fact that Seb took over the role too young. (He's probably right.) Seb tried to avoid taking his late father's seat at the table, only to be told no, his career trajectory was already decided. He has seven illegitimate brothers - the Dacian Dracos - that support his seat in Romania, each of whom would love to step up in the network and take the Crime Lord title from their brother (since they're doing most if not all of the work anyway), but their late father forbid it and their Kingmaker grandfather is enforcing that edict.
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dwollsadventures · 3 years
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An image requested by theLOAD... a while ago... The excuses for it are the same as every time: work, school, lack of motivation, the usual. I think for about 2 weeks earlier this May I didn't pic up my sketchbook or plug in my drawing tablet once. But, whatever, let's look at what we have so far. The text that goes alongside the image will be posted in full alongside the full image, but basically the Greek drakon derives from both the Proto-Indo European chaos serpent in blue (giving it its chaotic, aquatic, and venomous aspects), and the native Grecian concept of a snake as the animal of the Goddess (giving it its chthonic, protective, and feminine aspects). The lady up there is just a generic Minoan goddess with snake attributes. Although, the scale dress is inspired by a statue of Athena holding a serpent. Despite this being a Greek drakon picture, the only parts finished are explicitly not Greek... From top to bottom there is the: Dacian draco, adapted by the Romans. Mostly just a wolf's head on a snake's body, which would in turn give the dragons their more mammalian characteristics. Then the Indian drakon, slayer of elephants. This one has the classic beard and crown of a normal drakon, but also has a little bit of Indian influence due to the close proximity. Next to it is a dragon without a name. It's based off of the "natural history" aspect of dragon history; the idea that they were inspired by pythons. This dragon therefore secondarily lost its ornamentation to become more snake-like. From here we get many of the moralistic aspects of medieval dragons, as well as their general habits, like them being the predators of elephants, the enemies of the hydrus, etc. As time went on, Germanic ideas of dragons and the Christian influence of demonology would produce the classical medieval dragon. As dragon a dragon any dragon dragoned. The face and fire are probably going to be touched up in the final piece. Everything else is also subject to change. Just wanted to share this, to show I'm not completely dead.
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elim--08 · 4 years
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OC AMTHEM PLAYLIST 05. Lief Halkenvald : : A Million Dreams - The Greatest Showman
Another OC in a series of instant dying clubs... I was determined never to reuse an OC for some reason. Lief was in a HTTYD fan rp that a friend made me join haha.. no I CBC drawing his dragon atm.. maybe later. I think he was actually older in the club but he was mentally stunted so I guess I imagine him as younger than he is. He was either deaf/non-verbal and communicated by writing to people in his book. He loved to doodle so I figured this song was suitable for him as a young starry-eyed dragon trainer.
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someromanianstuff · 7 years
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The draconarius was a type of signifer who bore a cavalry standard known as a draco in the Roman army.
From the conquered Dacia(modern day Romania), the Romans borrowed the dragon which became the standard of the cohort as the eagle was that of the legion. Of Dacian, Sarmatian in origin, the draco was later generally introduced in the fourth century as a Roman standard.
Source: text, image 
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ancient-rome-au · 2 years
opinion on the dacians?
Honesty, I don't know enough about them to have a strong opinion. The one thing I can comment on is that the draco military standard (adopted by the Romans from the Dacians) is neat AF.
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