laangdonn · 10 months
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summary: willow mellark can’t stop crying, and katniss stubbornly refuses any help from her mother.
pairing: post!mockingjay peeta mellark x katniss everdeen
a/n: i really love fics that explore katniss’s internal struggles with being a mom & prim’s absence in that… so i wrote my take! enjoyyyy
three in the morning. it was three in the morning and still, sleep had not won over the incessant cries bouncing off of peeta and katniss’s bedroom walls.
katniss knew something was wrong the moment she heard the shrill cries, unlike any she’d ever heard, tear from her newborn baby girl’s small mouth. they were high pitched and never ending, surviving through countless attempts at feedings, diaper changes, and even a bath which left their bathroom floor flooded.
“peeta, she won’t stop!” katniss wanted to rip all the hair out of her scalp. “why won’t she stop?!”
“we’ve tried everything,” peeta said over the screams, his hands tugging at the roots of his hair as he paced back and forth. “we should call-“
“no,” katniss snapped, her clothes wet with their daughter’s tears, who was cradled in her arms, disheveled on her body. “no, we can do this.”
“we have been doing this,” peeta said, exasperated. he almost looked worse than katniss did, hair frazzled and eye bags drooping down to the middle of his nose. “i think it’s best we call-“
“we aren’t calling my mother.” katniss said definitely, stroking the wet pudgy cheek of her baby, red with the strain of her cries. her tiny fists clenched up against her face.
peeta ran a hand down his face, stopping to rub furiously at his eyes, “katniss, there’s no harm in asking her for help.”
“by the time she even gets here willow might’ve stopped.” katniss lied straight though her teeth, knowing very well their night was far from over without her mother there to help. “i can do this, i’m her mother.”
one of the many reasons why katniss never wanted kids was because she felt unworthy of being a mother. holding a title so precious, so serious, she’d assumed ‘tribute’ and ‘victor’ was more fitting. surely, katniss everdeen had no maternal instinct to anyone but her sister.
prim. suddenly, the thought of her crept into her mind as willow screamed bloody murder. how perhaps, if prim got to be a mother, her baby wouldn’t be so miserable. katniss always knew prim be better at this than she could ever dream of.
and it was a nightmare.
katniss could feel the tears burn behind her eyes, her nose stuffing up and her lips beginning to swell. the both of them crying would do absolutely no good, but the lack of sleep and the overwhelming feeling of not being good enough was more than she could take.
peeta recognized this, his facial features softening as he slowly approached her. “katniss, give me her.”
“no,” katniss shouted over willow, her voice breaking without warning. “i-“ she hiccuped a cry, “i can be this for her. let me be this for her.”
“you don’t have to prove anything, katniss.” peeta said softly, holding his hands out expectedly for his baby. “let me hold her while you take a break.”
reluctantly, katniss handed willow over to peeta, his lips curling into a solemn smile as he looked down at her, as if it would make her stop. her crying persisted, getting so bad to where they both wondered if haymitch would call from next door to put in a noise complaint.
katniss sat on the edge of the bed, watching through blurry, wet eyes as peeta paced back and forth, bouncing willow in his strong arms. she looked so small compared to him, her face buried snugly in his chest as she wet his shirt with tears and snot.
“cmon willow, what’s wrong?” he mumbled, using his other hand to rub down his face again.
“what if she’s sick?” katniss asked aloud, “what if somethings hurting her, what if-“
“i suggested we call your mother,” peeta reminded.
katniss rolled her swollen eyes, “i-“ she swallowed a sob, “i- i don’t-“ her chest began to weigh down on her. “we can’t call her-“
she hasn’t spoken to her mother since willow was born, and that was almost three months ago. it was like she knew katniss would be a bad mother, hovering over her the few days after the birth, till she finally decided to go. it made katniss breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the front door shut.
“breathe, katniss.”
katniss hadn’t even realized her eyes were clenched shut and she was shaking, choked sobs getting caught in her throat. peeta was bent down in front of her, willow still crying from the bassinet in the corner peeta had placed her in. his hands were on her knees, rubbing comforting circles.
“i cant even get my own baby to stop crying!” she sobbed out, the weight on her chest starting to crumble apart. “she’d be so ashamed of me,”
“your mother only wants to help-“
“no!” she shouted, digging her knuckles into her eyes. her next word came out weak and frail, “prim…”
calling her mother would only prove her point correct. that katniss can’t do this and prim should’ve. willow’s unending misery was an extension of her absence and katniss was suffocating in it.
and peeta knew. he always knows.
“she would be so proud of you, katniss.” she could barely hear him over her and willow’s combined sobs. “all baby’s cry.”
“not like this.” katniss defied, shaking her head.
peeta brushed a calloused hand on her cheek, forcing her chin up to look at him. “yes, like this.”
katniss sniffled, staring into the depths of his blue eyes to stabilize her. he was a constant in her life, through all the life changes they’d experienced in the past year, he’d always remained by her side. through his episodes and hers, he was always there.
and even now, as willow’s tiny lungs emit ear-splitting sounds, katniss remained his first priority.
“now, let’s call your mom so we can help our baby, okay?” katniss’s eyes focused on the bassinet behind him. a quick brush of his thumb on her cheekbone brought her back to his gaze. “okay, katniss?”
she sniffled again, her cries subsiding. “okay.”
they were lucky mrs. everdeen picked up in the late hours of the night, or early morning. katniss bit her fingernails as she watched peeta on the phone, willow resting on his chest, her tiny head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back soothingly. her screams were starting to get hoarse and quiet from strain.
he hung up the phone after a while, running his now free hand through his frizzy hair again. “she said take her outside, the fresh air could help.”
katniss nodded, looking at her daughter.
peeta followed her gaze, “do you want to take her?”
she shook her head yes and she was placed in her arms again. the two walked outside, praying haymitch wouldn’t come out to scold them for disturbing his peace.
both of them knew there’s no one he loved more in this world than willow, though.
the chilly morning air of june felt indescribably good on katniss’s sweaty, wet face. and apparently, it felt good for willow, too. her cries started dying down as gusts of light wind passed over them.
peeta had a hand brushing willow’s baby hairs, murmuring comforting words to her while katniss rocked her. the two working as a pair.
and it was katniss’s chest she nestled into when sleep finally overcame her, and her little fists unclenched and fell flax on her soft face. the silence was overwhelming and unfamiliar.
the two looked at each other, smiles gracing both of their faces.
“we did it.” peeta whispered, placing a light kiss on willow’s forehead, then giving katniss one on her chapped lips. “i told you,”
her eyes fell down to her daughter again. calm. because of her. because of them.
regardless of how katniss ever felt about her role, she’d always be willow’s mother. and peeta will always be her father, and raising a child isn’t a one man job. there’d always be him to keep her grounded, and vise versa, so she could always be there for willow.
“thank you,” she mumbled, looking up at him. “she wouldn’t have stopped without you.”
he smiled softly, “without us.”
once they’d gotten back into bed, and willow was sleeping softly in her bassinet, katniss felt her body completely relax itself. hearing her daughters soft breathing fill the air was more a reward than her life after winning the games.
“y’know,” peeta started quietly, running his fingers down katniss’s back as she lay on his broad chest. “your mom knew it wasn’t your idea to call her.”
she drew patterns on his chest, “i knew that much.”
“she knew why but she told me she’s never seen anyone love their baby as much as you do, katniss.”
her fingers stopped their movement, her head craning to stare at him.
peeta continued, “and she knew you’d figure out how to help her, eventually. even if that means taking advice from someone else.”
katniss sighed, turning to lay back down.
“you’re an incredible mother, katniss. she knows, i know it, and willow certainly knows it.”
peeta hesitated before saying,
“and prim knows it.”
yes, katniss thought, the movements of her fingers continuing on his chest. she knows.
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
In case you feel like writing this kiss prompt 😍
“Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.”
Peeta frowned at the thermostat. "Who turned the heat up again?" he groused, pressing the touch screen to lower the temperature in the house. He couldn't be sure who the culprit was but had several ideas. It could have been Leia, their youngest at four, who liked to wear her Bubble Guppies bathing suit all winter long. Or maybe Briar, their middle child. She couldn't seem to grasp the concept that sweatpants were better suited to lounging around this time of year over sleep shorts and tank tops.
At least he knew Adam, their oldest, was on his side and keeping his fingers off the thermostat. Their son was as much of a brick oven as Peeta was himself. He still didn't know what it was about the male Mellark genes that kept each of them so hot all the time, even in January.
"Policing the thermostat again?" Katniss asked, entering the living room from the kitchen. She leaned against the wall where the thermostat was located, a cup of coffee in her hand, grinning at him. She couldn't resist teasing him about the constant battle of the hot versus the cold members of their family.
Peeta frowned at her. "If those kids had to pay the gas bill just once..."
"I know," Katniss said, coming towards him after setting her coffee mug on the table sitting next to where they stood. She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "It's exhausting being Dad, isn't it?" she asked him, frowning sympathetically.
As a matter of fact, it was exhausting parenting their offspring. God knew Peeta loved them, but sometimes they were pretty thoughtless. At least Katniss was on his side, he told himself, accepting her kiss.
Peeta had just closed his eyes to maybe---the kids were all at school, and somehow he and Katniss had the house to themselves---take things a little further than a simple kiss shared with his wife when two icy hands slid up the back of his shirt.
"It was me," Katniss murmured, her voice a warm purr that, alongside the prickly sensation of her cold hands on his back, sent his body into hyperdrive. "What are you going to do about it, big daddy? Spank me?"
Peeta snorted, amusement mixing with arousal because she was just so damn cute, but Katniss squeaked out a laugh as he gathered her up in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom.
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buggiebite · 6 months
Can I Have You For A Dance?
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Life got better. Each season brought festivities. Every Saturday night brought music and laughter. Katniss was never much of a dancer, but couldn’t refuse when her husband would ask so kindly.
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s0urw00lf · 4 months
pls dad! finnick post war
Dad Finnick
Pairing: Dad!Finnick x reader
Summary: literally just Finnick being the cutest dad
Word count: 647
Warnings: just fluff.
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You and Finnick had settled down nicely after the capitol fell. The two of you bought a home on the ocean per Finnick's request and you agreed because anywhere he went you went. (And you’d fallen in love with the sandy beach)
So when you found out you were pregnant you were ecstatic. But nothing could’ve prepared you for how happy Finnick was. He went on and on about teaching the little one how to swim, about how if it was a girl he’d have tea parties, and if it was a boy he’d take him fishing. Finnick was dedicated well before the baby was home, but after the birth of the baby he was; on steroids.
The two of you had waited until the baby was born to know the gender, knowing that either way you’d love the baby all the same.
When you had the baby, only you, Finnick, and a homewife were there. She announced the baby was a girl and Finnick started crying. He felt as if he was on cloud nine. He was first to hold the baby and he looked as if there was nothing more precious in the world. You felt so much joy at how much this man would love you and your child.
Finnick was dead set on you resting after the birth of your baby girl, he’d cook for you, help you bathe, get from place to place. Anything you needed he was there.
One thing you’d noticed is that the baby rarely ever cried early into the morning. Which you found odd but was overall thankful. Until you’d woken up one night to find finnicks side of the bed empty. You began wandering around the house in search of him, the kitchen and living room were empty, so you made your way to the nursery quietly trying not to wake your bent, but was shocked when she wasn’t there either. You began to worry slightly although knowing if the baby was with Finnick she was fine. It wasn’t until you stepped out of the nursery and into the hallway that you realized where he was.
The first time you entered the kitchen/living room area you hadn’t noticed your sliding doors slightly cracked. You smiled and let out a sigh of relief. As you exited the doors onto the porch overlooking the sandy beach the moon shone bright against the blue waters, casting a shiny glow illuminating the night, you saw Finnick walking across the sand, a small bundle in his arms. He walked slowly, gently rocking her back and forth.
The sight melted your heart, you made your way over to him and he failed to notice you approaching. “This is why she never cries at night?” You asked softly, causing him to turn to you with a small shock, but let a smile slip onto his face as he nodded. “She loves it, the beach,” he said looking down at the sleeping baby in his arms. “Wonder where she gets it” you teased, grabbing his arm and intertwining it with yours and leaning your head on his shoulder. “You’re supposed to be sleeping Mrs. Odair,” he said. “So are you Mr. Odair. Do you do this every night?” You asked. He nodded, “I think she knows it’s when life Is the most peaceful, and the waves help her sleep,” he said. You smiled, leave it to Finnick to find out whether or not your child would like the ocean just two weeks after birth.
From that night on Finnick continuously proved that he was made to be a father. Doing exactly as he said, from having tea parties with her at 3 years old to braiding her hair at 12, to being the overprotective male figure she needed when a “complete imbecile” teenage boy broke her heart at 17.
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thedelicatearcher · 2 months
finnick survives the mutt attack and decides to move to district 12
after the rebellion ended, every victor had the opportunity to return to their district, giving them the chance to help rebuild it. but finnick odair decided against it. after many years of suffering from the malicious claws of the capitol, he decided to be selfish. with deep, permanent scars spread all over his body and his mind equally scarred, he chose to take his little family to district 12 and settle down around familiar faces.
they moved right next to katniss and peeta's home, craving the closeness of a family in these confusing times. his initial idea was to build his own home, but with pregnant annie by his side, he chose to postpone it and occupy one of the never-lived-in victor houses.
he wanted to build a house from the ground up right away, putting up every wall, painting every room, and even designing some of the furniture. however, the mental image of him, annie, and their little one doing it all together, replacing the horrifying memories from his past with comforting ones of new beginnings, made his heart flutter and postpone his plans.
months after settling in, the couple had already established a routine. finnick liked to visit the hidden lake very early in the morning, unaware of the stories it held. annie sometimes came with him, though not as often as he would like. she preferred to join him later, enjoying sleeping in and savoring the quiet morning.
one morning, like many others, finnick went to the lake by himself, not before planting a soft kiss on his sleeping wife's temple. lost in his thoughts, he was caught off guard by encountering his neighbors already swimming in the lake. it wasn’t unusual to find them there; he knew perfectly well that the meadow was one of the couple’s favorite places. he always hears stories from them about how they often get startled by squirrels in the little cabin, and he definitely remembers being invited by katniss to several fishing afternoons. 
‘hey,’ he waved back at katniss and peeta after they waved eagerly. reading their body language, finnick noticed the nervous look on peeta's face and the teasing smile from katniss. she was teaching him how to swim, and it seemed it wasn't going great. enthusiastic to join the swimming class, finnick submerged in the water and started to swim towards them.
finnick always felt a sense of liberation in the water. moving with such grace, anyone could guess he had spent his entire life swimming. bodies of water had always been his greatest companion, his greatest comfort. the deep, now maroon-colored scratches on his body stung the first time he got into the water again. however, he fought through it, and eventually, the pain subsided. today, the cool weather lowered the temperature of the water, but finnick couldn’t care less. the cold water woke up his senses and prepared him for the day. 
when he arrived next to his district 12 friends, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation. never in his wildest dreams could he imagine this. being away from the cruelty and abuse of the now deceased president, living in one of the previously poorer districts, in a mundane scenario with two very traumatized fellow victors. 
‘are you really forcing poor peeta to wake up early in the morning and have him swim in a block of ice?’ he asked katniss, suppressing another chuckle after closely watching peeta’s shivering body and chattering teeth. katniss couldn’t help but playfully shrug, not before defending herself ‘peeta begged me for days to give him swimming lessons. i’m not to blame for the weather.’ 
finnick turned to peeta, grabbed him by the shoulders, and asked him, ‘is she even a  good teacher?’ totally ignoring the offended gasp from the brunette and her faint push, finnick volunteered himself as his personal teacher when peeta admitted between laughs and shivers that swimming lessons with katniss weren’t the best idea.
that is how they spent many autumn mornings together. at 6 am sharp, finnick was already waiting for peeta in the meadow, towels in hand and a floating belt similar to the one used in the third quarter quell in case of an emergency. the lessons started with the basics, teaching him how to relax and let his body float, giving him many tips for breathing control, recalling what had been taught to him when he was a little kid learning how to swim. 
every mid-morning, in the distance, they could observe a figure in the meadow, placing a chair close enough to the water to submerge her feet. ‘annie!,’ finnick yelled excitedly, feeling a warm sensation in his chest just at her presence. whenever he swam close to her, he couldn’t help but splash water in her direction, gasping when she returned the splash and accidentally splashed water into the baker’s eyes. 
bulding peeta’s confidence was finnick’s main goal in these lessons. some days, they would spend entire lessons floating around or swimming short distances to help peeta feel comfortable in the water. though it took months, peeta eventually grew confident in his newfound skill. feeling grateful, the baker hugged the other blond tightly, appreciating the kind nature of finnick. as peeta rambled about how he couldn’t wait to show off in front of katniss, finnick felt a glimmer of sincere happiness. he had found his family and was willing to selflessly do everything for their well-being.
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ifwebefriends · 9 months
Started rereading the hunger games and in retrospect some of this is so funny with Peeta and Katniss’ relationship it’s like
Peeta: well this blows ☹️ I’m going to die soon but I’m going to tell my crush how I feel about her 🥰 and help her survive and get back to her family! 😊
Katniss: this BITCH 😡 is plotting to kill me! He’s MANIPULATING ME!! I’ll hang with him because Haymitch says so 🙄 but FUCK HIM 🤬 and FUCK THESE COOKIES TOO 🫳🍪🌱🍪☘️🌱🍪
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stop-talking · 5 months
@laurrrelise bro speaking of Josh/Peeta's training I literally can't think about him working out without seeing this video in my head:
(also i wanted to reply to the little reblog thread y'all had going on but it wouldn't let me reply with a video so 🤷‍♀️)
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swiftieblyth · 4 months
Odair’s Miracle
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Warnings- pregnant reader, husband!finnick, typical hunger games let me know what else:)
Y/N was sitting on the couch, hands running along her seven month bump as Finnick was scattering around the house trying to baby proof it. You didn’t really need to have it baby proofed quit yet, but it’s Finnick’s way of distracting himself from the Quoter Quell announcement that’s about to come.
“Finnick!” Y/N called.
“Has it started?” He asked, running in.
“No.” Y/N breathed, hands on her bump, tears in her eyes.
Finnick softened as he saw the tears. “Hey, don’t cry.” He let out, walking over and getting on his knees in front of her. “Tell me what’s wrong love.”
“I’m scared.” Y/N let out. “We don’t know what Snow’s gonna do. Finn, neither of us can go back. I can’t handle that.”
“I know. I know.” He let out grabbing her hands in his, giving them a light squeeze. “Who said anything about us going back?”
“Finny, why else would you be baby proofing the house?”
“You know me so well,” Finnick sighed, looking down.
“I’m scared Finn.”
“I know honey,” Finnick let out, getting up and sitting down next to you. “Come on. Let’s cuddle.”
“I’m so scared Finny,” Y/N let out as Finnick wrapped her arms around her. “I just want to raise our baby in peace.”
“ai know honey, I know.” Finnick cooed, wrapping his arms under her bump and holding it up. She let out a light moan that made him smile. “That feel good my love?”
“Never stop.” She smiled.
“Of course Mama.”
“How do you always know how to put a smile on my face?”
“Cause you’re my girl.” He let out, kissing her head.
Music chimed from the TV, indicating it was about to start. You and Finnick both held your breathes as President Snow appeared on the screen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Citizens or Panem. This is the 75 year of the Hunger Games. When the charter of the Games was written, it was dedicated that every 25 years there would be a quarter Quell. To make fresh for each new generation the memory of those killed by the rebellion against the Capital. The Quarter Quell was reserved for the games of special significance. On the 25 anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels died for every Capital citizen, each year District was required to send twice the Tributes to the arena. And now, on the 75 anniversary of the rebellion, we honor our third Quarter Quell, as bestowed to us, by the signers of the Treaty of Treason. ‘As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capital, on this 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped.’ Are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each District.”
That was it. You just felt your heart stop. Your whole world was destroying all around you. “No!” You cried, hands on your bump. “NO!”
“Honey, I need you to breathe.” Finnick let out, voice shaky as he tried not to cry. “Breathe.”
“Finny, our baby!”
“I know. I know, honey. But the baby needs you to breathe. Can you do that for me and the baby Mama?”
“I can’t go back.”
“You won’t. No one will let you.” He explained. “Honey, you know someone will volunteer if your name gets picked. No one will send you in pregnant.”
“Finny, you can’t go back there.”
“Honey, if they call my name, I have no choice.”
“But our baby.”
“Our baby will be fine.”
“I won’t be. I can’t do this without you Finny.”
“Honey,” Finnick sighed, wiping a tear away. “If I go back, and I don’t make it, you’re going to have to do it without me.”
“The male tribute from district 4 is Finnick Odair!”
Finnick bit down his tears, as he smiled his charming smile. Y/N felt her heart brake as her husband got called to go back, she didn’t even notice the tears falling down her face.
“And the female tribute from district 4 is Y/N L/N-Odair!”
Everyone gasped when Y/N’s name was called, tears coming to Finnick’s eyes. Mags quickly raised her hand and pointed for her to go. Y/N broke down into a sob as Mags hugged her.
Finnick watched, tears slowly falling down his cheeks as Mags hugged his crying, pregnant wife. Knowing that he couldn’t wrap her up in a hug.
Finnick had convinced everyone to let Y/N go to the capital with him and Mags so Y/N wouldn’t be left alone. Though she would have been safe with his sister, Annie, back at their beach house in 4, Finnick knew Y/N wouldn’t be able to handle not being with him in the Capital.
Y/N was currently sitting on the train on the way to the capital, crying in the arms of her loving husband.
“It’s okay, honey.” Finnick breathed, kissing her head. “I’m right here.”
“But, Finny, you could die.”
“We don’t know that honey. Let me worry about it. You don’t need to be worrying right now. Our baby doesn’t need their Mommy worrying about their Daddy.”
“How could I not worry about you though?” Y/N asked, resting her head on his chest as she sat in his lap.
“Please don’t. For me please don’t.”
“But I love you so much.”
“I know honey. And I love you too. Which is why I dont want you worrying. To keep you and the baby healthy.”
“Please don’t die on me.” Y/N cried, voice breaking as she shook in his arms.
Finnick’s heart broke as he held her close to him. Kissing her head he said, “I know honey. I know. I’m going to do my best.”
Y/N was standing while Finnick and Mags was getting ready to mount up. The baby was kicking as Y/N subconsciously ran her hand along her bump, deep in thought.
“Honey,” Finnick called, kissing her head as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. “We’ve talked about this. What’s on that pretty little mind of yours honey?”
“You know what,” Y/N let out, turning to looked at him. “Us. The baby. I’m just so scared.”
“I know honey, I know. But everything’s going to be okay, yeah?”
“How can you say that?” Y/N asked, looking up at him. Little did she know that her husband just signed up to be part of the rebel group.
“Just trust me on this, okay?” He asked, wiping a tear. “You trust me right?” She nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I thought pretty girl.” He smiled kissing her head. “Now don’t worry, okay.”
“Okay.” Y/N breathed. “I like this look on you.”
“Yeah?” Finnick smiled, looking down at his wife.
“Yeah.” She smiled, placing a hand on his bare chest. “I like seeing your abbs. They’re hot.”
“Thank you my love.” Finnick smiled, putting a hand on her bump, feeling the baby as they frantically moved, frowning a bit. “Baby’s really active arnt they?”
“Yeah. They’re nervous about their daddy.”
Finnick bit down and kissed them bump. “Hey, baby. It’s Daddy. I’m going to be okay. But I need you to do me a favor. I need you to take care of your Mommy for me while I’m gone. I won’t be gone for long, but take care of her while I am, okay? Can you do that for me sweetness?” Finnick smiled, and got back up. “Go sit with Mags and get some rest, okay honey? I need to go talk to some people.”
“Katniss,” Finnick called, walking up to her.
“Hello, Finnick.”
“Do you want a sugar cube? I mean, it’s supposed to be for the horses, but… I mean, who cares about them, right? They got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I… Well, if we see something sweet, we better grab it.”
“No thanks. But I would love to borrow that outfit someday. I bet your wife likes it.”
“She does.” Finnick smiled, at the mention of his wife. “You look pretty terrifying in that getup. What happened to the pretty little girl dresses?”
“I outgrew them.”
“You certainly did. Shame about this Quell thing. Now, you… You could’ve made it out like a bandit in the Capitol. Jewels, money, anything you wanted.”
“Well, I don’t like jewels and I have more money than I need, so… What did you do with all your wealth, anyway?”
“I haven’t dealt in anything as common as money in years.”
“Then how do people pay for the pleasure of your company?”
“With secrets. What about you, Girl on Fire? Any secrets worth my time?”
“I’m an open book. Everybody always seems to know my secrets before I know them myself.”
“Unfortunately, I think that’s true.” Finnick let out.
“Finnick,” Y/N let out, waddling a little as she made her way to Finnick. “Don’t torment this sweet girl. She’s gone through enough.”
“I’m not honey,” Finnick explained, wrapping an arm around her. “Just chatting. What about you? I thought I told you to rest?”
“I missed you.”
Finnick hummed and smiled down at her. “Honey, this is Katniss Everdeen, Katniss, this is my wife, Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Y/N smiled, sticking out her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Katniss smiled, shaking her hand. “Congratulations on the baby.”
“Thank you. I just wish it was in better times.”
“Yes, well, you’re not due for another two months so we have time.” Finnick let out.
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thefabelmans2022 · 2 years
i am always thinking about the katniss and haymitch parallels like.......they both grew up in the seam. they were both reaped at 16, and by then both had no father, a single mother, and a younger sibling. it's not a stretch to imagine that haymitch felt the same responsibility to take care of his family that katniss did. he must've taken tesserae at least once. maybe he even picked up his knife skills from hunting or butchering animals to feed his family, just like she did. he tells katniss there used to be more whippings in district 12 - and that the person caring for the wounded was her mother - maybe he was breaking the rules just as frequently as she was. they were both rebels from the beginning. he survived his games by using the capitol's forcefield to rob them of a true final confrontation, she used the nightlock to rob them of a victor. they were both 16 years old.
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mssr-crumpled-paper · 3 months
Gale and revolution
Maybe a hot take and people might throw tomatoes at me but I can't get this out of my head after reading THG.
I found it really hard to relate or even sympathize with Peeta because for me, reading the books, Peeta didn't exist as a character outside of his relationship with Katniss.
But Gale, on the other hand, did.
It was obvious to me from the beginning that Peeta was a character made with the intention for everyone to adore him. And don't get me wrong, Peeta is great. Too great. Perfect and flawless like a sterile version of a human person. And I can only assume that since we're seeing him from Katniss's perspective, along with her very obvious crush on the bread boy, that he's very idealic in her mind.
Gale, on the other hand, immediately gets sorta dogged on in the narrative like 5 pages in. He gets mad at Madge for being more privileged, for being well-fed, well-raised, well-dressed, and all other well-verb'ed that he never got to experience. From the perspective of someone who grew up lower middle class, I related immediately to Gale first. He was flawed, and understandable, and real in the most uncensored way possible.
He was brutal, he was angry, and violent, and that made SENSE to me (not that it's not fucked up). Maybe it's because my country has only VERY RECENTLY suffered from American imperialism, but I understand completely his need for violence, retribution, and revenge. And considering this was written during the War on Terror, the kid to extremist pipeline allegory is not missed. In that way, Gale exists outside of the context of Katniss. Gale exists within the context of his people, systemic oppression, and a revolution.
Peeta however was none of that. He wasn't a revolutionary by any means (but of course he wasn't, he was a child). But he seemed almost lacking in that sense of community with his people. This may be because Peeta grew up fed, still. He ate bread, no matter how stale, and he only had 5 slips of his own name in the games. He's a compassionate person, very much so, but only insofar as his immediate surrounding. Peeta could be kind because being kind and passive doesn't cost him his family. It almost, but ultimately doesn't cost him Katniss.
Gale had to care for his own family, Katniss's family during the Games, and became the only other person providing hunted game for the district's market. He got his district out of the burning rubble. He watched family, and friends, and people he's cared about his whole life die in a fire. For a boy who's only know to hunt with his own two hands, how can one expect gentleness.
So when, inevitably, people view Gale explicitly and exclusively through his relationship with Katniss, it robs Gale of being his own character: a brother, a son, a victim, a revolutionary, a child. And I think that's a shitty way to view him LOL.
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districtscare · 2 months
tonight's thoughts are consistent of catwhisperer haymitch. the seam strays are ON HIS ass and demand food immediately!!!!!!! (he very much obliges) (kat & peeta are privy to an extremely loving side of him as soon as a cat even steps into his VICINITY)
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blackpatrxnum · 4 months
(too many) thoughts and headcanons on life post mockingjay for hayffie and everlark
- it's just pure fluff with some hurt/comfort thrown in there, whoopsie -
Haymitch becoming Katniss' caretaker is so beautiful, I truly see him keeping sober after the war - maybe he bingedrank once back at twelve because the old demons are hard to chase away, but the next day when he sees Katniss depressed he realises he is far more useful sober. He had to take care of her, he still had a purpose. He is slowly helping her get better, maybe accompanying her to the woods for the first few times. He's just there
And even though Peeta goes back home, moves in with her, loves her, keeps the nightmares at bay... Haymitch keeps coming back, keeps making dinner for them, keeps going on walks, teasing, fussing a bit (it seems like he's learnt a lot from effie)
One time, when Peeta and Katniss both have influenza, Haymitch goes full doctor/dad mode - and for the first time, a highly feverish Katniss calls him dad. I'd see Haymitch stopping whatever he was doing for a sec and fight back at smile and then giving Katniss a kiss on her forehead and telling her a less charged version of stay alive.
Eventually, I think that Effie would come to 12. She'd move into Haymitch's house and at first, that feat would bring Katniss and Haymitch even closer. Effie was everywhere, she nagged and she prodded, she got on his nerves. So Haymitch sometimes runs away to Katniss' house, he took solace in the other's kindred spirit. They'd have a laugh, she'd let him bitch about her. She liked Effie but she didn't know her well enough yet. I think in these instances Peeta would be either at the Bakery or he just knew to let them have their time, he saw what they were to each other, how important they were for the other's well being.
But then, during the last months leading up to Prim's death anniversary, right around the time Katniss starts closing in on herself, getting broodier - moodier. Haymitch and Effie's relationship changes, after months of living together, learning their tricks and ticks; they fall in love, properly, absolutely. Haymitch gets lost on the high of the honeymoon stage. It also serves as a bit of a coping mechanism to keep the nightmares and horror from the war at bay.
It's not that he ignores Katniss, or Peeta for that matter. He's just... less aware, looks at everything with rose coloured glasses. After a long time, they are fine, content. The past is past.
Katniss feels like Effie is EVERYWHERE. She's the only one out of the three victors that isn't as happy with her presence. Effie loves Katniss, she considers Katniss as hers but Katniss isn't there... yet. (I feel like this would steem from her own relationship with her biological parents' - her dad left, he couldn't help it, he died but he always took care of her and her family, he taught her how to survive / SEE THE PARALLELISM WITH HAYMITCH TELLING KATNISS TO STAY ALIVE / but her mum... she abandoned her, from a young age, Katniss had to make do, she put bread on the table, she protected Aster and Prim, and her mom at the end, once again, CHOSE to leave her behind)
So yeah, Katniss is naturally wary of Effie, pair that with her Capitol self and it could be a recipe for disaster. At some point, they'd have a row - she says stuff that hurts Effie to her core - and Haymitch hates that. He tries to mediate but he gets "scalded". Katniss starts to avoid them, him. She gets worse. The demons are louder than ever.
And Haymitch two weeks into it, finally has to take matters into his own hands. They fight like they've never done before. Katniss yelling "You're not my dad" stops them in their tracks, 'cause at some point Haymitch really forgot. He just thought they didn't do the mushy shit and say it, there was no need for more acknowledgement after that feverish night. She was his to protect, she was his to care for, she was his to love.
It'd hurt him more than he'd let on.
They'd sulk, for a bit. Haymitch would storm out, but he'd also be the one to patch them up. I think they'd talk. It would go well, even though they're not such open books. They'd compromise. They'd acknowledge in the open air what they meant for the other. They'd move on. I think this would be the point when they start working on the Tributes book; because Katniss needs to do something with all the grief inside her. The woods and the happy family was not cutting it anymore.
And the four of them would sometimes get better, other times' they'd get worse. But they're always there for each other, like proper family. After sometime Katniss would leave behind the flight/fight mode. And yeah, life goes on.
I see her relationship with Effie getting better, to the point that sometimes she goes to her instead of Haymitch for stuff. Because she knows she won't leave. She learns to accept her flaws, she learns to love her happier and more optimistic demeanor. Effie also lets Katniss see, finally, the other side to her - the more human, vulnerable side that only Haymitch was privy to. Peeta's always seen through the cracks tho, so it doesn't surprise him as much. Peeta does know he's hers. Katniss learns to see herself as hers too.
And Peeta's and Katniss' wedding comes. They're forced to make a bigger spectacle than what they wanted to. Mama Effie and Papa Haymitch come to the rescue and fight to get them as much privacy as they can. Effie plans the whole thing to their liking.
I think she'd insist on adding a bit of Capitol tradition to it: the bride and the groom spending the night before the wedding apart. At first Effie would spend the night at Peeta's and Katniss' house, to keep him company in case he has an episode. And Katniss would go to Hayffie's. But Peeta makes a funny comment "It's not like you and Effie are getting married too, there's no need to make you suffer through the night alone" and Haymitch...just gets this little twinkle in his eyes. They accept with the promise that if Peeta has any troubles he'd come to them. So Katniss is the one that spends the night at Hayffie's.
They'd have a mostly quiet night in, Effie has more outward nerves than anyone else. The next day, Effie wakes Katniss up with her "big big day". But in a flurry she's gone to Peeta's, to make sure he gets dressed and is right on schedule. It also gives Katniss and Haymitch a bit of space to sneak out to the comfort of the woods for a bit. They make sure to come back before Effie catches them. She comes back to help Katniss get ready, she's teary eyed. Haymitch too, when he sees Katniss coming down the stairs. She looks soft, beautiful.
Effie leaves with Peeta, 10 minutes before them. Haymitch is in charge of getting Katniss to the justice building, that's when she asks him to give her away. And he does. The whole thing is perfect.
After an evening of partying, they bid their farewells. And go to have their private toasting. Peeta and Katniss want this part to be just theirs.
It's winter so at Effie's and Haymitch's the fire is roaring too. And she gets... curious; she's never been privy to that part of twelve customs so Haymitch takes the hands on approach and shows her how it's done. Effie understands what he's doing halfway through, Haymitch can see the recognition in her eyes. The slight stopping, the widening and surprise in her gaze. But she lets him go on, doesn't stop him even when he leaves enough space for her to make a run for it during the last part. He says wife, she says husband and she kisses him with all her fervor. All the love she has for him, all the love she's kept from him during their time as escort and victor.
She still makes him promise they'll have a proper party after a year.
They don't tell the kids what they've done tho. That ceremony is only theirs too.
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buggiebite · 8 months
thinking about how angelic Katniss’ voice must’ve been to enthrall a five year old.
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softchouli · 1 year
When Katniss' third trimester collided with winter, she stopped going to the woods altogether. It was a reasonable decision advised by her mother who was now on close watch, but it didn't do any good to the intense uneasiness Katniss felt most of the time.
As much as she was trying to keep busy indoors, what seemed to placate her the best even if short-lived on some days, was Peeta's contribution to their child's bedroom.
She immediately took interest when he started to block out a variety of big green sections. Then her husband picked the comfiest armchair in the house and paired it with pillows, so she could watch for as long as she wanted, her favorite person doing their favorite thing.
On breaks Peeta would sit beside her, while she took one of his sturdy and contagiously warm hands in both of hers. Tracing and caressing the colorful smudges, hoping their child could take after him and inherit those very same hands.
As days flew by, flowers began to bloom on the gradient green that became intricate foliage, but with no onions in sight. Peeta diligently embellished all the flowers Katniss had taught him about. A wildflower garden shielded from wilting, curated with all the ones that bring hummingbirds and bees around.
Even Buttercup acquired a spot on the wall, peacefully curled up, fur in a generous rendition, surrounded by the blossoms that gave him a name. An old resilient little thing, he barely hears anymore and Katniss suspects he soon won't see too. He lays on Katniss' lap while Peeta paints, the cat's new habit consists of sleeping next to Katniss whenever he sees her close enough to do it, as if on duty to protect her belly.
Later on a ladder, Peeta moves to work on the ceiling. A lilac base starts to take form with pale pinkish clouds that meet his orange right on the corner of the wall that has a window. It looks just like the sunset's 12 displays in better weather. Like Peeta is ensuring their child's little world would still have a clear sky even in grayish times. It's so limpid that sometimes Katniss swore if she was sleepy enough the fluffy clouds would start moving lethargically.
"I can repaint when our child gets a little older and asks me for something else," Peeta told her, the day when there were no more blank parts to give life.
He knows it will take time for the baby to sleep in the room, even when the little one can finally be by their side. Katniss had long before accommodated a crib by the couple's bed, just to be sure it would fit perfectly there, and it has been the furniture's designed place ever since. However, putting the nursery together gives them a sense of a new reality. It makes them both aware of a future where everything good in their family could take a life of its own.
One night when he enters their shared bedroom, the sight of his wife on the bed greets him. She's frowning, seemingly lost in thoughts while working on soft wool, baby shoes judging by the size of the yellow piece she's holding. For months she's been doing all types of small-sized garments to occupy her mind and free time, and by now they could dress a whole town.
The moment she notices him and looks up, Peeta turns the lights off.
"What are you doing?" Tone telling him her frown it's even deeper now.
His answer comes in the form of him gently scooping her from the bed, "taking you two to see a surprise."
"Peeta I'm not looking forward to seeing the floor, turn on the lights, you're going to drop us all." She's clinging to him now, knowing well her full weight, precious baby bump included, are in utter safety in his arms. The years she was steadily taken care of in their hold could prove It.
That makes him chuckle, the rumble on his chest a feeling too familiar. She wants to stay annoyed but her body, the betrayer that it is, instantly relaxes towards his stable warmth.
"Alright, close your eyes."
"I don't know if you noticed yet…" she gestures in the air, "it's already pitch-black." She tries to state the matter-of-fact information with a brisk voice, but by the last word, her hand is back on his shoulder.
So Peeta, as best as he can, presses his forehead on hers. "My love, close your eyes please." He can feel the sigh she lets out against his face, and he's sure she can feel how that only served to amplify his grin.
"They're closed now, but I could be lying, and you wouldn't even know," she mumbled defeatedly.
The sound of his steps, so distracting for hunting, grew to be the kind of noise Katniss is most fond of in their home. The comforting signal that her husband was nearby. And said noise takes her to the faintest smell of paint. Their child's room.
"You can open them now."
There's no complete darkness when Katniss does as she was told to. Diminutive spots are carefully placed everywhere and they timidly shine, like fractionated versions of the sun that mirrors on the lake's surface.
As her eyes take in and get gradually used to it, Peeta slowly walks closer for further inspection so she can make more sense of the dots. The little bright circles have shapes, it's too delicate and detailed, he must've used one of those thin brushes to make this frizzy at the edges. And it's when it hits Katniss.
Dandelion seeds.
Dispersing as if they were being blown away by the wind, twirling in pretty, fluid patterns, going up to their child sky to take the place of stars. Forming constellations that seemed to be dancing just like the fireflies that accompany cicadas and dragonflies in the summertime.
"It's luminescent paint, it absorbs light so it can look like this when there's none," he says smiling, cheek pressed against her loose hair. "But I think it looks the brightest after getting exposed to natural light."
"Their last glimpse before falling asleep." She softly blurts out in awe, and as tears are threatening to spill over the edge; she manages to release a "thank you," right by the side of his neck, her best-loved hiding place.
"Katniss just a few more days until we can see them, my love" Peeta whispers against the crown of her head, squeezing her a little tighter, his endless effort to make her lighter.
The last thing Peeta remembers from that night is blurry, a mixture of them going back to bed, the slight dampness from the tears on the nightshirt his wife was grasping. The soft sounds of Katniss humming herself to calmness.
The first thing Peeta remembers from the next morning is clear as that first day of spring. It sent him running to bring Mrs. Everdeen. To help them finally welcome the permanent visit they couldn't wait any longer to receive.
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adsosfraser · 1 year
I feel like the capitol would’ve gone crazy if peeta carried around a little murse man satchel for all of katniss’s and his stuff (also the little pebbles and flowers she shoves into his hands like the little crow that she is). Everyone in the capitol would go crazy trying to get the exact kind of bag and all the women start shoving their bags into their partners hands instead of their own. And all of this is just a completely normal tuesday for peeta but the capitol citizens act like it’s revolutionary because they see one photo of him with it and go feral
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fairuzfan · 10 months
Suzanne Collins' father is a Vietnam vet and she has said in an interview that his experiences he shared influenced the series.
Aw dude for real?? That's... kinda disappointing honestly not gonna lie. That puts things in a different light... And makes the story suck a bit alkdjf. But like what can you expect from a white author living in the States lol.
I do want to emphasize that it is far from a perfect story and Collins messes up a lot of things (which someone sent me an ask about), sorry if my post earlier seemed like I was excusing her for those things. I recognize how harmful that could be for some people and I do want to apologize sincerely.
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