#dad rumple
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Just the shocked heartbreak on rumple's face.
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Okay but neal
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Pulled the ol switcheroo
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More like stfu self.
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I just love david and hooks tete a tete.
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Had a face.
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Watching this: how the fuck would peter dickbag pan know rumple's favorite breakfast?
Also the breakfast of choice of V from V for Vendetta.
Fitting comparison.
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Don't believe her! Right?
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mysticalcats · 3 months
i’m glad you liked the kitten list 😂
do you have any favourite headcanons?
. big fan of the monochromatic siblings
. also a fan of the deuteronomy brothers too especially with macavity
. loveee skimble being a parental figure to mungojerrie and rumpleteazer. PLEASE help this man he is so stressed looking after his two delinquent children
. deaf victoria
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sarnai4 · 3 months
Relationship Drama
I have realized that the Rumple family tree is one of the most bizarre things to ever exist. Let's go through this and I'm going to try to remember as many people as possible. I'm going to make it even stranger by including relationships that don't actually lead to familial connections.
At the top, there is the Black Fairy and Peter Pan. Because why not? So, they then had Rumple.
Rumple and Milah had Neal.
Milah went off with Captain Hook.
The Wicked Witch/Zelena fell in love with Rumple.
At some point, a different Hook got with Gothel and had Alice.
Rumple and Cora/Zelena's mom fell for each other.
Zelena's half-sister, Regina/Evil Queen became a lover of Rumple's in an odd way.
Regina married Leopold, becoming Snow's stepmom.
Snow and Charming had Emma.
Neal and Emma had Henry.
Regina adopted Henry.
Regina committed a crime and got with Graham.
Emma and Graham fell for each other.
Emma and Hook got together.
Regina fell in love with Robin Hood
Rumple and Belle got married and had Gideon.
Crimes of this sort are hereditary, so Zelena and got impregnated by Robin, leading to baby Robin
Henry married Cinderella/Jacinda and had Lucy.
Now grown up Robin and Alice are engaged.
I think this is it, but I honestly bet there are a lot more. I remember Regina liking a stable boy before she had to marry Leopold, but I don't remember his name. Then there's all that with Pinocchio and Emma too, but that didn't go too far. If anybody's got anything else to add to this, I'd definitely be curious what you come up with. Imagine the family/friend reunions.
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fromiftowhen · 2 years
Bradley's a real sunset bitch and Jake's a real sunrise ho, and nope, I won't elaborate any further.
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heatherfield · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Tagged by the lovely @ankahikoibaat. Thank you for always thinking of me! Even when I'm so inconsistent in replying.
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
“Mmhmm,” Matilda said with pursed lips. “We were mostly cordial,” she assured him. “And I can hold my own with your dad.” “You’re not the one I’m worried about,” he teased, though his heart fell slightly in his chest, fully aware of the damage his father could inflict, even at a basketball game.  Well, in his experience, especially at a basketball game.
Tagging: whoever would like to do this!
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godsprettiestprincess · 11 months
Scuffed up scruffy little teenage Lucifer my baby
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Welcome to...
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I was going to draw all these guys but the art gods weren't on my side so here I present their badges of shame!!
Without further ado~
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Congrats (not) on your freedom, dickhead. Was the boat worth both your sons?
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Seriously dude? Did you have to name yourself after your son's doll? AFTER you abandoned him? You and Brennan would be great pals, you can bond in Shitty Dad Jail
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A submission from @fairytalepsuedonym, this goddamn dude. Fuck him.
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This guy. Who IRONICALLY abandoned his son. What is wrong with you bro
And last but CERTAINLY not least
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You are one of two that didn't completely abandon his kids to fend for themselves, leaving without a trace, but you did a terrible fucking job parenting so you get zero redemption points, rot in hell
Thank you for visiting Shitty Dad Jail, now let's leave them to perish
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salem-xx · 1 year
reversed and upright ending for Sage & MC
So the final showdown with Mike happens and Sage turns but MC manages to change him back or something and they're about to take down Mike but Mike gets the upper hand and decides you know what i'm gonna actually kill MC and be successful this time and manages to kill them in front of sage and sage goes berserk and kills mike not before mike dies he's laughing and tells sage that MC basically died for nothing and that it still worked out for him bc sage went back to being corrupted
so then sage is filled with grief and corruption and tulsi and the group do what they can to try and pull him back, but sage is a master of alienating himself from the people who love him and he's so angry (imagine he never even got to say I love you until MC was dying in his lap IMAGINE THAT TO HEIGHTEN THE ANGST) and he decides he's gonna bring MC back (it's giving beginning of the whole damn story but i don't care) and sage goes to felix for help and felix and rime are like ummm don't think you should be doing that and sage is like i have to try so they tell him that maybe he can reach MC in the void if their soul is there. so Sage goes and is trying to find MC and finds them and tells MC his plan of trying to bring them back and MC is like no blah blah i love you blah blah the price would be too steep blah blah i don't want you to lose yourself and your humanity, you need to be with your family/friend (this would be an upright ending) and they have a final goodbye where they kiss and say i love you
in a reversed ending, the void works weirdly so maybe he has to leave before he dies for real and MC warns him against the plan but they don't get their final goodbye. in the real world he lies to rime and felix and says he couldn't find you bc he got lost and in that moment he decides he's gonna bring MC back consequences be damned I don't remember sage ever using magic in the story but say for argument sake he becomes basically the lord of shadows/rime in felix's route but instead he has to gather a shit ton of souls and trade them in order to bring back MC. so he goes around collecting souls (the logistics do not matter and I can't explain it) and finally he gathers enough souls and goes to where MC died and maybe the group had caught onto what he's going to do (time and felix had their suspicious that he had lied but felix was trying to give him space) and they're begging him not to
maybe they're about to fight him (felix telling sage not to and sage yelling at him like you got rime back why shouldn't I get MC back blah blah) bc they dont recognize this angry broken shell of sage (maybe he's even worse than when MC found him bc this time that mc "died" there was a body and the visual confirmation that they died and he blames himself partly) but sage manages to fight them and do the spell or whatever and he opens the void and trades ____ amount of souls for MC's soul and life force. he gets it and MC comes back from the void and MC is visibly different (they have white streaks in their hair or different colored eyes idk depends on what you would want your MC to look like) and everyone is stunned that MC is back
i've run out of ideas but MC is alive but asleep bc coming back from the dead is exhausting and the next day comes the angst, they're so happy to see sage and sage is happy too, but MC starts getting headaches and it all starts coming back in flashes--MC dying, MC talking to sage in the void, and then the coming back to life and (let's say sage has been hiding from them lowkey bc he noticed they didn't remember) eventually MC is just like uhhh what did you do ? and sage explains and angst ensues where MC is grappling with the fact that they're life was brought back at the expense of so many others and the fact that sage literally fell even more off the deep end and idk someone write this bc i cant write and MC grappling with the fact that they're basically an "abomination" and they try calling the astrolabe but realize they've lost their connection to it (so more angst)
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camelspit · 3 months
oh my god rosin you’re rebloging OUAT posts??? i used watched that allllll the time! we truly have lived the same life <3 (also this is random but have you seen this animated show on netflix called the deep?)
used to watch ouat with my mom RELIGOUSLY back in the day.. even back then i knew whatever emma and regina had going on was kinda 😳 she started rewatching it recently so its been on my mind
also i havent watched the deep 😔
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ouatsqincorrect · 2 years
David: *Runs over to Snow*
David, excitedly: Snow, Snow, Snow!
David: Rumple said he can kick me really hard every time you have a contraction. 
Snow: That’s great sweetie. 
Snow, sarcastic: Do you think he can also give you an episiotomy?
David: Point taken
David: *thinks to himself*
David: I’ll ask if he can lightly stab me?
David: *Runs back off to Rumple*
Snow, shouting: DAVID, NO!  
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Saw a post t’other day that was like “Wonder what it would’ve been like if Neal had been around for the fight between Emma and Gideon” and as much as I like him, I just know Neal would’ve taken one look at Gideon and decided there was too much of Rumple in him and he probably would’ve been even more reluctant than Emma to believe he wasn’t evil. Neal would’ve been too obsessed with making sure Emma and Henry didn’t become collateral damage in what I’m sure he would view as Rumple’s mess to spare a kind thought for his enslaved brother.
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Father and son time!!
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I should've started making a ridiculous bingo card for this show.
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Rumple sitting on the roof was a really good shot. Several angles.
I might MIGHT
Use them as drawing references.
The way robert carlyle stresses Bae and Belle when he shouts their names with nothing else? Hot.
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🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕FUCK YOU PAN
(Didn't know yet)
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Fucking david I love you.
Definition of himbo golden retriever.
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First thought before neal revealed his trick
WHAT THE FUCK?????!!!!
I wonder what made neal change his name to Neal. Like I get a fresh start but why neal?
Te way he yells that though 😬
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He's trying so hard.
And you can tell Neal wants to trust him so bad.
But the trauma cuts so deep.
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You'd shit your pantaloons if you knew who he was Baelfire Michael Siltkin Gold
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pensbridgertons · 1 year
first of all LOVE that we all understand The Vision and Genious of this au. second of all you guys really are gonna make me do something w this huh 😂
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helianthus21 · 2 years
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Photo by Tom Sheehan
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itachi86 · 5 months
omg that comment peter pan makes about belle being fertile
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