achirding · 1 year
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Gilly didn’t inherit his daddy’s resting bitch-face, but he DID inherit the stink eye. 
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surprisebitch · 2 years
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back to fgo and omg i didnt know my hubby dadcelot had an animation update while i was away
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sonicstorybook · 2 years
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Lancelot just wants to nap. He’s so tired, Gilly, go play with swords or something for an hour. Please. Let him sleep. 
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Even the great Sir Lancelot of the Lake is helpless when faced with the indomitable will of his child that wants to play.
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empwnleon-old · 6 years
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I’m playing through the Camelot singularity, and well.
My strongest Archer? Nobu, with 8489 attack.
Jalter? 14234 attack.
Needless to say, Lancelot was a much appreciated breather.
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dailyarturiartfgo · 6 years
What's better than Dadcelot? Why, Summer Dadcelot!
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You’re damn right, so damn right.
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lazywolff · 5 years
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My queen and homie, or my knight and dad, I don't know who will be my very first bond 10 but I'm so impatient 😄 !
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animepopheart · 7 years
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★ MaJiang | 父と子 ☆ ⊳ mash and lancelot—fgo ✔ republished w/permission
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ハロウィンイベント始まるね! by じゃこ兵衛 [Translated Title: Halloween Event Begins!] ☆ Posted with artist’s permission! ☆
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ryo-maybe · 6 years
Idly wondering if I have enough grails to Max Ascend both Komaeda and Tomoe
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300iqprower · 3 years
“Galahad is literally such a petty bitch he ruined Mash’s character arc” is technically a factual statement.
I love the potato girl as much as every other sane person but there’s a reason i never even leveled her until lostbelt 1: she’s a VERY hollow character for almost all of part 1, I’d say until halfway through camelot at best and not truly until her talks with Leonidas in Babylonia. Anf in hindsight it’s obvious why she felt so…”just there,” for so long. In addition to “early in a gacha game’s lifetime so we didn’t actually think we needed to treat these like real characters” syndrome (see also Carmilla, Geronimo, Erik, Boudica, Mephistopheles, Babbage, Hektor, Lev, Olga, Georgios, d’Eon, Artemis, Fucking David and Lalter, and no doubt several others) for a long time Mash’s only thing was “exist to give cute obvious canon waifubait must protecc sidekick/paradoxically and intentionally ironically be the one acting as the reason YOU dont die at any given moment as the obvious weak link” aka a character who wasnt even a plot device just a plot hole filler, is because for a long time her character arc wasnt even about her, but about Chaldea’s history, her between chapter bits being an insight in Romani’s motivations rather than her own. This would be fine if not for the other thing that makes her character about chaldea rather than herself: the big mystery of whose spirit origin she was tied to, IE Galahad.
But we didn’t get that solved until the SIXTH singularity and SEVENTH chapter in a NINE chapter story (technically ten since Dantes’ event is main-canon but fck that if they wont make it free content i refuse to acknowledge it as important) so for the vast majority of part 1 Mash’s personal arc COULDNT advance since they were too focused on keeping both her backstory as a homunculus vague to draw out Romani’s arc and her ongoing story as a demi servant completely halted because they didnt want to in any way give away Galahad i guess. Even though Galahad ended up fucking POINTLESS in every sense, doing nothing in Camelot asode from allow a few Dadcelot gags, let alone any other part where he didnt have remotely as strong a reason to do something. And then there’s the post part 1 dickery that leads to ortinax yadda yadda and HEY WADDYA KNOW SUDDENLY IN PART 2 MASH IS A FULL BLOWN CHARACTER NOW!…at the cost of a really shitty mandatory new skillset that the devs continuously try to force on you and even nerfed her stats in the sixth anniversary update to try and force it further because fuck you for trying to actually play how you want and not in accordance with Nasu’s half baked vision.
So in conclusion, Fuck Galahad. A little shit who even tried to (and for a while succeeded) ruin our beloved Kouhai’s character arc and proved she’s way more interesting without him.
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cielospeaks · 3 years
so it occurred to me that heck everything, im doing my own rewrite lb6 thing (which maybe isnt fair bc it isnt even out yet but heck that)
so it was bc i was listening to prince herberts song by chance and realized that not only sir robin, but herbert, patsy, the french taunter, tim, ect.... wont ever appear in go and that made me sad. theyre like the best characters. so i was like fuckit they can be in lostbelt w robin
maybe everyone has been taken over by beryl and the other lostbelt characters(?) the later crypters group? idk. sir robin maybe ran away (maybe? of course he did) and thats why he’s safe, he meets up with chaldea group but as a npc. bedi, arthy, and mashu are at the lead- mashu is still insecure bc of how rude fate!galahad is. but bedi and arthy reassure her she’s doing fine. dadcelot is also there (berserker. maybe saber too).
instantly sir robin recognizes lancelot’s armor, and possibly afterwards proceeds to soil his own armor due to how intimidating zerkerlot is. but when mashu and bedi approach, he recognizes them too and joins up with them all. hes like the scared anime boy like binji kun who gets better in like episode 15.
the group continues on and runs into herbert, whos controlled by the bad guys. but seeing lancelot (under his helmet?) snaps him out of it with the power of love(tm) and he instantly joins chaldea. maybe he looks a little like roman and it makes lancey and mashu a little unnerved, mostly lancey surprisingly enough, who is reminded of how much he misses roman, on top of feeling bad hes not the lancelot that herbert knew and loved.
i havent worked out how the others are recruited. i think arthy reunites w patsy and notices him finally, which snaps him out of the mind control (+ a good old fashioned boss fight). patsy is a rider, maybe herbert is a caster? tim is obvs a caster. french taunter is a ruler bc he has the grail, hes already got one you see, and unfortunately probably 5 star. rip. maybe sir robin is a rider or caster, or maybe one of the knights classes. maybe black knight is also there bc hes so iconic, but i associate zerkerlot w the closest to black knight well get in the game ;w;
i dont know what beryl does nor do i care. maybe setanta is there too? hes like the guy whos like “dont be afraid binji kun i mean sir robin”
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achirding · 1 year
DuLac AU!
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The AU where little twins Percival and Lamorak adopt their new playmate Galahad as a brother, and Galahad’s dad Lancelot as their Dad! 
- Percival, Lamorak, and Galahad are all essentially the same age! 
- Percival and Lamorak are twins! Aside from the fur color, the other big significant different between them is that Lamorak has a beak and Percival has ears.
- Percival and Lamorak’s father is Sir Pellinore the Gryphon. He is tasked with catching the elusive Questing Beast, so he is hardly ever at Camelot Castle. So Lamorak and Percival were being essentially raised by nannies and tutors, until they became too big and wild to control so they just kinda... run around.
- Percival has fire powers, and Lamorak has wind powers- which they can’t really control very well, but used to exploit to the fullest. Lancelot is helping them train to control their powers. Galahad has psychic powers, too, so he is uniquely well-equipped to deal with powerful kids.
- Lancelot also hates being cooped up in the castle and goes on adventures frequently- he just brings his kids along with him. No better teacher than experience, and they know to get out of his way.
- This Lancelot leans more on the feral, Shadow side of characterization- he’s impulsive, gruff, seems incredibly annoyed and done with his kid’s antics....  but he does genuinely love them and care for them very much. He’s fiercely protective of them, a very “yeah, they’re annoying brats but they’re *my* brats” attitude.
- All the kids want their Daddy’s eyeshadow, so every morning, he has to put some red paint around their eyes so they’ll leave him alone. (If he doesn’t they’ll do it themselves with whatever red thing they find in the castle.)
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surprisebitch · 1 year
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sonicstorybook · 2 years
Knightly Favour
Chapter 1/5
Summary: As the High King's Nephew and a famous Knight of the Round Table of Camelot, very few things in Sir Gawain of Orkney's life are comfortable and private. It's hard to put an exact label on what he has with Sir Lancelot of the Lake, but he's happy. Happy with the man, happy to nurture and look after the boy he loves like a son, and happy to keep their relationship away from prying eyes and gossiping mouths. So it is most aggravating (and a little endearing) that Lancelot seems determined to shatter their fragile, discreet peace with the most public declaration of love and esteem possible- the tournament's grand prize offered on the end of the victor's lance. Lancelot is an incredibly private man, so what could he possibly be thinking?!
Contains: Established Lancewain (Lancelot the Hedgehog x Gawain the Echidna)! Dadcelot and Dadwain to Galahad!
Rating: G
Word count:  4,289
Note: A popular token of love in the Arthurian legends are favours, where a lady (or lord in this AU) gives their knight an item of clothing to show, basically, they're rooting for them. Usually a sleeve or handkerchief or something that could be tied to the armor for a public declaration, or something small that can be stored in the armor of the knight in question as a private symbol of esteem. C: Lancelot does what he wants like the contrarian he is, and subverts this tradition by publicly offering Gawain the tournament spoils as a public way of saying, "Yup, that's my guy!" I feel that I should stress that Gawain is just as into Lancelot, and his main concern is the privacy of their relationship, not the strength of it. Incredibly self-indulgent Lancewain but I need them to be happy. Gawain is Lancelot's boyfriend and Galahad is their son, the AU. Also Lancelot tries, he really does, but he is very good at knighting and very clueless at everything else.
Gawain is used to being the center of attention. As King Lot of Orkney’s firstborn son, the nephew of King Arthur, and the esteemed Knight of the Sun, his reputation has always preceded him. This time, however, the weight of a hundred eyes on him is unnerving. Like everyone is watching him with baited breath to see what he will do. (A distant part of his mind, one that is not blank with surprise, is pleased at the attention. Lancelot is a private man, so any of his public gestures carries even more weight.) Gawain looks down at Lancelot, heart hammering in his chest loudly enough everyone must hear it, too. Lancelot has his visor pulled over his eyes, obscuring his expression, but his head is tilted upwards. The jeweled bracelet hangs between them heavily, resting on the end of the lance. The lord of the tournament very clearly told Lancelot to give his prize to the loveliest lady in attendance. Lancelot is infuriatingly contrarian at the best of times, but why is he offering the bracelet to Gawain? Their relationship is intimate and private, so what is Lancelot thinking, declaring it like this in such a public venue?  ...Doesn’t that daft hedgehog understand that this gesture will mean the end of their quiet, easy romance? What should Gawain do?!  He can already hear murmurs around him, but it’s so difficult to listen to their words as Lancelot lifts his visor. His knight tilts his head to the side ever so slightly as he makes eye contact, arching a quizzical eyebrow. His red eyes slide from the tip of the lance to Gawain and back again, obviously impatient but with the slightest of challenging smirks.  Just as he’s about to grab it, just to spite Lancelot- Galahad startles Gawain out of his thoughts. He had forgotten the child had been sitting on his knee this entire time, until Galahad reaches up to take the bracelet. The child’s small fingers brush against the gold, but it slides further back on the lance and just out of reach.  “Ugh!” The little hedgehog lets out a frustrated huff, frowning at the bracelet with a fearsome little scowl that makes him look so much like his father. Gawain’s heart swells with soft affection as, once again, Galahad gives him a way out.  Galahad braces one hand against Gawain’s shoulder as he shakily rises to his knees, flexing his tiny fingers as he reaches up for the bracelet again. Gawain pushes his embarrassment to the back of his mind, focuses on the here and now, and lifts Galahad up another discreet inch. The boost gives the child the height he needs to snag his prize with a triumphant cry.  “Yes!” Galahad holds it up like a trophy, gold and jewels sparkling in the sunlight as brightly as the excitement in his eyes. He waves it frantically at Lancelot, as if afraid his father missed his triumph, “I got it!!”  Lancelot looks surprised but his expression softens into a fond smile. He gives his son an approving nod that has Galahad bouncing in excited delight. Lancelot’s eyes shift over to Gawain a moment later, looking disappointed- but this is for the best.  “G’wen!” The little hedgehog says loudly, tongue tripping over the syllables of his name in his excitement. Galahad shoves the bracelet in his face, and Gawain barely manages to avoid being blinded by wayward opal, “I got it!! G’wen, I got it!!”  “A prize fit for a king!” Gawain agrees, indulgently patting his charge on the back, “And you retrieved it by yourself! Most impressive!”  “Yeah!” Galahad agrees enthusiastically, putting the bracelet on his wrist with great pride. It’s undoubtedly going to fly off the moment the child moves his arms. “Da, look!”  Gawain glances back to where Lancelot was standing, but the knight is nowhere to be found. It’s not unusual for his sullen friend to disappear without a word, but Galahad is still of a tender enough age that he takes his father’s quirk too hard.  “Look, lad,” Gawain distracts Galahad before the child can notice, pointing at a different knight preparing himself at one end of the arena, “Can you see his shield? A field of azure with Two golden keys. Who bears that heraldry?”  His distraction works, and Galahad is immediately engrossed in his new task.  “Umm,” the child squints at the shield with such intense concentration that his tongue pokes out of his mouth, “A doorkeeper!”  “A good guess,” Gawain leans back against his chair, settling into a more comfortable position.  Galahad follows his lead, face pressed against his chest like a pillow, “Whose doors does he keep?”  ”Yours!”  “Mine?” Gawain’s eyebrows creep up, surprised at the answer, “My beautiful Orkneys? No, fortunately not! Guess again.”  Galahad doesn’t ever guess that the knight in question is Sir Kay the Seneschal, and his keys are the metaphorical keys to the kingdom- but the conversation shifts as Kay is thrown out of his saddle by a lance to the chest. They don’t see Lancelot for the rest of the day, but neither of them think much of it. Blending into the crowd is one of his quirks, too. By the time the royal trumpets blast to signal the end of the day’s events, and Galahad doses in the crook of his arm, Gawain has forgotten all about Lancelot and his bracelet. (At least, he can pretend that’s true.)
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versegm · 4 years
Y'know what I'd like to see more of? Mash, David and Sheba interacting. While Dadcelot tries his best, we all know that Romani was Mash's real dad, and she was right there when he died. David has to deal with the fact that he will likely never see his son ever again. Sheba? She was Solomon's wife. Just imagine the feeling of having to learn of your own husband's death from the family you never knew he had. Basically, I want them to comfort each other's angst by sharing stories about best doctor.
Here they are, near-strangers seeking comfort with each other. Tied together by an indescriptible mourning.
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waifoucards · 4 years
Every week Dadcelot faces off Mama Raikou in the dailies and I can’t help but feel like I’m in the middle of a custody battle.
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