#dadmight x reader
jomamaofficial · 3 months
The Chronicles of A Hero's Daughter pt.2 (Father!All Might and Daughter!Reader Angst Oneshot)
A/N: SO, THIS WAS ASKED IN MY ASK BOX. BUT I STUPIDLY REPLIED TO IT SO I DON'T KNOW WHICH ANON ASKED FOR IT SO I'M JUST GOING TO TAG EVERYONE WHO LIEKD THAT POST HERE AND HOPE IT'S THE BRILLIANT ANON WHO WANTED ME TO WRITE A PART 2. @dark-magic-phoenix @crystal-freak24 @observaureium @justtovi3w62. As always, my Ask Box is open for any requests or just a conversation. Please remember to take care of yourselves, and enjoy. As always, I would love to see your thoughts in the comments :). TW: Graphic descriptions of blood (coughing blood), graphic imagery of crushing a heart (doesn't happen, just explained) CW: difficult father-daughter dynamics. Taglist: @thatcatladywrites @smikys-stuff @kimberlyfletcher @dawnwriterimagines Masterlist Word Count: 1951. Summary: One argument led to another– the foundation of your family was built upon suffering and sacrifice. Secrets were unveiled, revealing the true intentions of your father, the lingering wounds of the past stinging harder than any cut has ever. With tension reaching a breaking point, what happens when you confront your father, searching for the harsh truth, even if it leads to a devastating decision– you will never be the same again. He will never be the same again. 
Toshinori’s chest rose and fell. 
“You don’t mean that…” 
A pang struck through your heart as your father’s laboured breaths increased, tailing off in steady wheezes that only grew louder. 
“Dad…” you whispered, closing your eyes. “Dad, I didn’t m-”
Your voice cracked, succumbing to the hot tears which burned against your cheeks. Emotions flooded your head, as though they had been waiting to escape from the dam of truth that you had to silence to protect the peace in your family. The pressure had built up and that dam had finally broken in the most irreparable way possible. 
Shame hammered your mind, delivering blunt throbs as you watched your dad clutching his frail chest in agony. 
Guilt drilled poison into your veins as your father struggled to stand up– his sickly body unable to bear this pressure. His airways had been restricted, thus his once strong and proud chest had nothing to show but a vacant cavity, struggling to hold itself up. 
This living room had always been small– enough space just for the two of you. Dad and his little hero. It had always been you two, but today, this room was longer and narrower, as though mocking your sanity which had become a battlefield. 
Would you protect your father and carry on living in this dollhouse family, of which the  foundations were built off of your suffering.
Or would you protect yourself and destroy your relationship with the only family that you ever had.
The struggle had refused to forsake– silence had become your greatest enemy. It had left you alone with your screaming thoughts of doubt that deafened your conviction, leaving you straggled, naked, and vulnerable in the vast depths of your fears because what if. 
What if Midoriya truly was better than you? 
What if you truly were not worth it?
What if you had lost your rights to call yourself his daughter. 
You had lost everything to the ravenous beast which ruined everything you touched, and it wanted more. It wanted more, so it began making more noise, howling over the whispers of the wind, it howled over the ticking of the clock. It howled until nothing could be heard. 
It had become silent. 
As though you were the only person in the room. 
A sudden thud drew your attention to the floor. 
Toshinori collapsed on the ground, and his eyes had gone blank, jaw slack. His ribs stuck out from under his skin, showing through his thin white t-shirt as his brassy cough filled his mouth with blood.
He urgently covered his mouth with his hands, forcing it shut but to no avail. It had already slipped past his hold, travelling down his neck, staining his shirt. A constant offender.
Your father began developing bloody coughs over three years ago. Yet every time you saw his chest heave and bleed, surges of nausea would creep up your veins, forcing you to leave. 
This was too much blood. It wasn’t meant to be like this… The doctor said a few drops or so, maybe a teaspoon, but that was ‘highly unlikely’. You watched as his white shirt became saturated, dizziness threatening to blur your vision.  
But you could not see him like this. You didn’t think twice before rushing to help him– but you were stopped. 
Toshinori raised his shaking hand immediately. You were halted, frozen in disbelief. 
He put his hand back on the floor, taking a few breaths before pushing himself, warranting another step forward from you, another cry, but he just stopped you again. You could only watch as your father relied on his bony wrists to push himself up. 
You could hear his shallow gasps for air, and his repressed coughs– and all you could do was watch your father’s face contort in fatigue and ache. Toshinori had finally gotten up, but that look had not left his face as he pushed past you. You watched the limp in his leg as he hobbled towards the couch, slowly lowering himself onto the cushioned couch. His head slumped onto the head rest, limbs unfurling in exhaustion. 
You were suspended in your head, unable to move past the questions which rung bright sirens. 
You shouldn’t have raised your voice at your own father– the doctor had told you. He’s injured, he’s getting older. He can’t process such shocks like this anymore.
What was wrong with you? 
But it couldn’t have been just your fault… right? But then he pushed you– maybe he didn’t just notice– but what if he did it on pur-
“Y/N”, your father had called for your name, but his eyes did not meet yours. 
Instead, they looked past you. 
Toshinori Yagi adopted Toshinori Y/N when she was five years old. 
A decade after the first quirk was discovered, many adoption agencies in Musutafu began sorting children based off of a ‘ranking system’. 
Official documents stated that this case was first brought up in the Supreme Court due to an incident that had occurred in an orphanage near Musutafu, 26 years ago. It was a heartbreaking case of manslaughter that had taken place when six year old Chihiro Onodera– Quirk: Lava, accidentally murdered eight year old Honoka Sugo– Quirk: Bubbles, during lunch time as they were play-fighting. 
It did not take much convincing as this case had reached international news, thus the court immediately passed a bill on the separation of quirks preliminary based off of their strength and danger levels, which were to be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. 
Nevertheless, this bill had struck a controversial match, becoming the largest contemporary topic that was disputed over in the past years. 
Demonstrations, protests and violent public outrage reached its peak when leaked intel revealed that a lot of children began to go missing from Adoption Agencies under the radar– they no longer had papers, as if their identities had been erased off of the face of this Earth. 
Nanami Tomoda, Sae Ojima, Makoto Kanezaki– these were some of the household names that had garnered petrifying national and international headlines: 
Heartbreaking Tragedy Strikes Japan: Devastating Attack Leaves Communities Reeling 
Japan in Shock: Deadly Assault Rocks Nation's Sense of Security 
Aftermath of Brutal Assault Leaves Nation Grieving Chaos and Carnage
Not much was known about these young adults. 
Apart from two things. 
They were not independent contractors. All of them could be traced back to some of the very few established, powerful, underground organisations. 
And second.
They were all orphans, rated 5, who had been declared missing for ten or more years.
Toshinori Yagi adopted Toshinori Y/N when she was rated 5. 
Toshinori Y/N lost her quirk at age ten. 
You are rated 0. 
Toshinori took a deep breath before he spoke. 
“I have raised you since you were five years old.” He still did not meet your eyes. “I raised you in hopes that you would become a strong, and powerful young lady.” 
He drew a breath in– it was laced in disappointment. 
“But why does it feel, as though it has had no influence on you?”
Toshinori shifted both of his arms onto the couch rests, sitting tall. 
“One does not become a hero by winning every fight. Not everything is about a hero’s physical strength. A hero is made when they understand that retaliation only makes them the real villain.” 
Your father’s voice had deepened, and so did the dreadful pit in your stomach that sunk your resolve. 
“A true hero understands that strength lies in the ability to rise above the pain. Because those who focus on what has been lost”, he continued, lips twitching, as a faint, uncontrollable tremor laced his words in indisputable venomous contempt, “are either insane, or desperate for attention they know they will never get.”
Small muscles in your face began to twitch despite the heaviness that had been pulsed through your body, holding it in place, as you just stood there. Your eyes, once red and exposed, had no inhabitant, no focus. 
A ghost town. 
“A true hero is grateful. And recognises every bit of effort someone else put in order to get them to where they are now.” 
His gaunt eyes found yours, casting an unfamiliar chill in your body. They were sunken in, casting his gaze in dark shadows– an abyss impenetrable by light. 
“You got your quirk stolen, Y/N. But you cannot get that back anymore. But it’s been years, I expect at least some gratitude considering I did you a favour by adopting you.” 
He had left a clot that blocked your heart.
“Because no one else would have wanted you.”
It is always the one closest to you that hurts you the most. 
The man you called your father had waited until the last second to take the satisfaction of crushing your heart, flesh against flesh. 
Humans evolved to gain resistance and immunity against everything that threatens their survival.
Therefore, living with this man only meant that you had to gain immunity against pain and humiliation, because that was the only thing that could guarantee your survival. 
So when you shook off the heaviness in your lid and focused onto your father’s face, you could only lift the corners of your lip.  
“If you didn’t want me. Someone else would have adopted me instead. Like you did. No papers, no nothing– I’d slip under the radar, at least I’d still have my quirk, and end up on those headlines.”
“How dare you?” he uttered, face contorted in malice.
“I was five. That’s why you adopted me. Don’t deny it” 
Toshinori stiffened, his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. His shoulders, broad and hubris, had become small and meek. You watched him contemplate: his eyes, vindictive and daring, were cast down, hiding amongst the Tatami flooring. 
“My child…” he began, his voice softer. “After your quirk had been stolen, I could not risk making you the target again. That’s the reason I don’t come to your events. It’s because you’ll become the target everyone goes for because they know you’re my daughter”.
“They’ll know?” your lips had pressed into a thin line. “Like how Midoriya knew I was your daughter? Like how the media knows?” 
In the stifling air, your dry laughter bounced off of the discomfort. 
“Don’t act like you aren’t ashamed of me.” 
Your face had settled into a stone. 
“It’s not about me being a target. It’s about protecting your image.”
“My daughter-”
“You have lost the right to call me your daughter. If I was such a disappointment after my quirk was ripped away from me, why did you keep me? You could have sent me back. Why did you keep me, dad, why did you keep me!”
Those closest to you, leave irreparable wounds. 
But there was a reason they were close to you. A reason that subsided in love, care, and hope. 
Your crushed heart was surviving on its last breath, waiting to hear something that could revive it. 
Toshinori lifted his head again, his eyes flickering behind you. 
It locked onto an object that somehow gained more attention than you ever had in your entire life. You risked a look over your shoulder, only to see the picture of your father and Midoriya, smiling–almost mockingly– back at you. 
You knew what the answer was going to be. 
“I’m beginning to question the same thing.”
A flat-line. 
“Well if that’s how you really feel, I have no obligation to stay here anymore.”
You drew your breath in, words suspended at the tip of your tongue. 
“I wish you and your student the best of luck, All Might.”
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dark-cherrypie · 1 year
Adopted!Reader being a cockblock for All Might
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Summary: All Might has a adopted daughter who seems sweet and adorable in nature but he doesn't realize how truly evil she is
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
As the Number 1 Hero and Symbol of Peace, All Might didn't think about having kids in fear of neglecting them in favor of his career
So when he found you bundled in blankets at his doorstep, wailing from the cold with a letter attached to you that said "Please take care of her" He freaked out.
He called Naomasa immediately, in hopes of finding your parents but it was to no avail
He ended up adopting you because he grew too attached. The way you wrapped your tiny little fingers around his pointer finger and let out squeals of joy when he tickled your pudgy tummy melted his heart
He vowed to be a good father to you
Now in the present time, you were a 5-year old with an attitude
You were a dear to your father but an absolute menace to other people
Sir Nighteye was your number 1 victim
It was no secret that Sir Nighteye was in love with your father
And whether your father reciprocated those feelings or not, you could not stand and watch it happen
You often gave him the stink eye whenever your father invited him for dinner. And whenever he tried to catch you in the act, you go back to playing your peas with an innocent smile on your face
"Make sure you eat your veggie, honey" "Yes, daddy :D"
And when he was staying over for the night (sleeping in a guest room), half asleep. He felt the cushion of his bed sink and a sudden weight on his chest.
When he opened his eye, there he saw you. Perched over his chest, eyes staring deep into his soul like a hawk.
Nighteye just closed his eye and went back to sleep
Never in his life has he feared for his life
Eventually you left
When he tried bringing it up to All Might, he simply waves it off, not believing that his sweet and darling girl would ever do such a thing
"You're just imagining it, I think the lack of sleep and hard work is getting to you"
Unfortunately as All Might is oblivious to Nighteye's phat crush, he is also oblivious to your incessant terrorising
He was so tempted to drop you off a nearby orphanage and leave you there. He's starting to see why your parents abandoned you
However, Nighteye doesn't give up which makes you frustrated, which was all the more rewarding to him
One particular night, he was in All Might's room, discussing plans when he accidentally stepped on a strategically placed lego block and yelped in pain, falling on top of All Might
He was so glad that he didn't use foresight (and thankful to you for putting him in this position)
It was a rather intimate position and Nighteye figured this was too good of chance to not confess his feelings
But before he could do it, he heard the door creaked open
Revealing you, dragging your stuffed animal along the floor, tears in your eyes
"I had a nightmare. . . " You whined
All Might pushed Nighteye off of him and was immediately by your side, lifting you into his arms and shushing you're tears as he held your face against his chest
You laid your chubby cheek on his shoulder and when All Might wasn't looking, your teary face turned into a face that would put most villains to shame. Sticking your tongue out at him as All Might carried you out of the room
That day forward, Nighteye declared you as his arch nemesis
"You will rue this day, Baby Might"
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thehighlordishere · 6 months
𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐒 (adults, heroes)
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-Imagine him giving you away at your wedding
-Accidents happen +brother figure!Hitoshi trigg: SH
-Dadzawa x ftm!transmasc!teen!reader platonic
Present Mic
Best Jeanist
Crimson Riot
Fat Gum
Gang Orca
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wip game
thanks to @owlf45 for the tag!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Decided to cut out the stuff that’s been published since I’ve talked about those pretty extensively already and at this point i want to avoid spoilers. Also, everything from number 18 onward is original fiction ideas.
No Man’s Sky/Starfield au
Carried Soul
One for All Means Everyone
Aizawa thinks all might is bad/a predator
Toshinko week fic
Within Cells Interlinked
The Spin - The Turn part 2
Unfelt Imaginations
Kirin AU
Green Noise
Mental Age
One for Infinite
Dekugate Spin-off
Wholesome Dadmight Camping Trip
Son of the Sun
Die Historic - Mad Max AU
The Humarise Kidnapping Fic
An Occurance in Christmastown
Pure Volumes, Pure Space
X Reader Horror
Warrior Cats with Dinosaurs
Ocean of Grass
I already know I’m gonna forget people to instead of embarrassing myself I’m gonna make this an open call so anyone who wants to can say I tagged them.
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Dad!All Might x Daughter!Reader x Father Figure!Aizawa
Summary: all might has not been the best father, you forgave it for too long and finally snap.
Warnings: implied child neglect
Could life get any worse? Your uncle died, you were lonely, and your dad didn't even bat an eye. Ever since Sir Nighteye's death, you were hoping, praying, your father would finally acknowledge your existence. But no. He was too busy, like always. You tried to understand him, he was the #1 hero, after all. He had to risk his life every day to ensure the safety of the people of Japan without a second thought, any day could be his last. You were always very patient when it came to him. The missed birthdays, the fake friends, the kidnappings, you always excused them due to his occupation. He didn't have time to tend to a broken heart when someone's life was in danger. You understood that, no matter how much it hurt. But what made you really upset was when he found One for All's new successor. Izuku Midoriya. He took shifts off just to spend time with him, something he never did for you. He bought him lunch and invited the boy every time, but not for his daughter. He spent hours on end training and bonding with a random kid he just met, but not with his own flesh and blood. That's when you knew he didn't consider you his. Your own father didn't want you. You started spending more time with Nighteye after that. Despite his strict demeanor, he had a soft spot for you. He knew before you did about All Might's neglect and wanted to distract you from it by becoming a substitute dad. It was pleasant, lovely even, until his death. The time you both spent together felt so short, and ended before you knew it had begun. Depression has overtaken you, causing you to isolate yourself and eat less. Selfcare was nonexistent, the only thing you'd do was take a shower and maybe brush your teeth. You seemed fine in training, but that was simply because you were letting out all the built-up anger and frustration you had convinced yourself you didn't have. At one point, you broke down in tears, running to your room to hide from the world. But a pair of tired eyes had noticed your new attitude. Shota Aizawa. He was much more observant than he looked, being aware of your lackluster eating habits and drooping eyelids. He felt something was off but didn't want to push you, so he did the one thing he could think of.
"Ah? Yes, what is it?" He was in his skinny form, worn out by flexing the entire first half of the day.
"Have you talked to (Y/N)?"
"No, I wasn't aware she had needed a meeting with me." That threw him off, why the hell did a teenage girl need a meeting to talk to her own father?
"I mean, about her new behavior. She hasn't  been eating right, she's been much more unforgiving in her training, and she broke down crying yesterday."
"Oh dear, I didn't know. I'll have to check up on her..." That pissed Shota off, anyone with a line of sight could see you were depressed. Your classmates constantly attempted to be there for you but you brushed them off. Was he purposely ignoring you or was just that oblivious.
Later on, Toshi had sat across from you in the teacher's lounge, finally getting a good look at you. Aizawa was right, you looked half dead. Your skin was dry, lips cracked and dark circles surrounded your eyelids.
"Is something wrong, Dad?" You sounded so different from when he had last heard from you. You used to be happy, so energetic and bright. But now you looked dull, like a light bull that had run out of energy. What happened to you?
"Yes, it's about you. Is everything alright?" He couldn't remember the last time he had actually talked to you, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had even looked at you.
“I’m fine.” You said, you sounded as if you’d rather be anywhere else, which you did. He has alt of nerve asking you that when he’s been neglectful all your life.
“Is it about Mirai? We can talk about i-”
“Are you deaf? I said I’m fine.” You hissed, tired of him.
“Woah, Y/n, calm down let’s just talk.”
“Actually, yeah, let's talk.” You sat up, ready to shut him down. “Why did you have me? Was I a one night stand or were you hoping for someone to pass your quirk onto?”
“Actually, nevermind, I know the answer to that. You wanted a quirkless boy to pass that dumb quirk to, but when you got a girl with a quirk, that only God knows where it came from, you were disappointed with me. You didn’t want me the second I was born.” He tried to get you to stop, trying to explain but you kept on going. “I know you may feel upset by me, but you neglected me for 16 years for fucks sake!” Tears had dripped down your face, like a pipe that's been waiting to leak.
“Yeah, I am upset that Uncle Nighteye is dead, but that's because he was the closest thing I had to a dad! All I wanted was someone to be there for me, god dammit! But noooo, you had to choose that freckled boy over me! Do you know how that feels? To have your own flesh and blood reject you for someone else worse! You are so selfish to ask me if I’m okay!”
“Y/n, please, I’m sorry…!”
“You’re sorry? I would have accepted that years ago, months ago, hell maybe days ago! But now? T took me to confront you to say sorry? I’m not the sucker you think I am, I’m over this, I hope you don’t treat Midoriya nearly as bad as you did me, I don't think any could take it as long as I have. Have a good day.”
You stomped out and slammed the door on the way, All Might watched in horror as he saw his only child leave him, what had he done?
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Oooo Halloween themed! R is death itself, she’s usually cold demored and she wants to try become a hero but everyone keeps saying she’ll never make it, and one day she stops going UA, so after a while All Might and Aizawa are tasked to find her, and to their surprise they find her with an old deer, just talking and comforting it, and they see a side of her they’ve never seen and Their dad instincts kick in
My heart is hurting from the cuteness overload with this request. I love me some Dadzawa and Dadmight. It’s on the shorter side because I am sick again. Thank you for requesting this for Halloween, anon!
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Warnings: A bit angsty, reader has a lot of self-doubt
Words: 797
Your chest is hurting so bad. It aches with so much painfrom all the overwhelming sadness you feel. Of course, with the dreaded quirk youwere gifted with this painful feeling wouldn’t ever go away. It could beconsidered grief but you honestly have no clue.
All you really are sure of is that you really doubtingyourself right now. You haven’t gone to school in about two weeks. Surely, they’llnotice you don’t plan on going back. Why would you? Your peers are correct. Youhave no business being a hero when you literally bring death from your right pointerfinger.
The harsh thumping of heart feels painful again as you thinkabout it. You would never become a hero.
“You understand, don’t you?” You ask the quiet animal thathas been laying by you for a few hours now.
It’s a doe you’ve been visiting for quite some time now. She’srather old and you can tell with every passing day that you’ll have to interveneeventually. She’s getting too wobbly when she stands up and looks to bestruggling when bending down to eat the ever-growing grass.
You continue to pet it in silence. A heavy breath leaves youas you look at your one covered finger on your hand. You really are villainouswith this quirk.
“I’m getting lost again, Girl. Ireally see no point in going back when they mock me. Even when I did make itinto Class A, I kept getting mocked. Don’t they know I am aware of how terriblemy quirk is? It’s so unfair. I try my best and they can see that but theyignore the good parts of me. They only focus on my quirk,” You rant.
You take a few deep breaths tocalm yourself down.
“Ah, it’s fine though. I can just stay with you. I don’twant you to die alone. That would be the worst,” You murmur as the deer laysher head on your leg.
A snap of a twig forces you to glance around yoursurroundings. The doe, however, seems to be unbothered by the sound even when thefootsteps approach. You can see why now. Your teachers, Aizawa and Yagi arehere and are surprisingly calm.
They are at a loss at what to say which means they witnessedyour speech. Your throat feels like it is closing up and you turn your faceaway from their burning gazes to look back at the deer.
“Young (Last Name), we’ve been searching for you the pastcouple days,” Yagi starts making you look back up from his tone.
He’s looking at you with worried eyes. This is a side the bothof them have never seen before. You have always been so cold, closed off fromyour feelings. Seeing you like this, allowing you to confess your thoughts andemotions? It started a fire within them that makes them want to protect youeven more.
Aizawa is scowling at you as if he is displeased. You guessthat he would be looking at this pathetic scene. Instead, when he speaks up, itstartles you.
“You will be a hero. Your quirk may be looked at asvillainous but it is just unique. You can do plenty of good with it,” He statesas if it were a fact.
You are puzzled and it shows so Yagi continues for hiscolleague, “Indeed Young (Last Name)! We heard you talking to the deer justnow! As dark as it may seem, you are looking at for her best interest wantingto be with her when she gets weaker. Quirks aren’t permitted for use but if youwere qualified you could’ve given her a mercy death.”
“A mercy death would be a good idea. As your teacher, I thinkyou should do it when she gets worse for wear. Of course, All Might and I wouldhave to be here but it would be good experience and proof that your quirk ismore than good,” Aizawa says with a hint of tenderness.
Yagi nods his head and tries to do his signature smile inthat deflated form of his, “Yes! I agree! Now, what do you say we escort you toschool and come up with ways that your quirk would be useful?”
The way they are giving feedback like true father figuresand Pro Heroes is honestly heart-warming. It does lift your spirit as you nodyour head and gently get up, allowing the deer to move. You pet her one lasttime before leaving the forest-like area with the heroes.
“Oh, (Last Name), I am going to need the names of the peoplemocking your quirk.”
You glance at your homeroom teacher and try to fight asmile.
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technaart · 3 years
Small Might
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Pairing: All Might x Reader
Synopsis: All Might returns home to an endearing sight. 
Genre: Soft, Fluff
Word Count: 539
Sometimes he still could not believe that humans can be so small. His eyes were wide, blinking at the sight of you gently holding the small bundle in your arms. He had just returned home from his Hero work to such a sight that made warmth burst in his chest. As if his heart itself were on fire.
You lift your head, feeling eyes on you. Relaxed E/C eyes meet Blue ones. The color had always reminded you of the sky on a clear, summer’s day. Your smile matches the look in your eyes, still gently rocking the baby in your arms – barely falling asleep once again at 2 in the morning.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” You whisper, the relief in your tone reaching his ears.
He smiled, taking soft steps into the room just to be near you two. “As long as I have the both of you to come home too – I always will be.”
There was a promise behind his words as he looked down at you with pure love and devotion to your little family. You could feel every ounce of emotion he felt for you in that moment, love and adoration pouring out of him in waves that you began to almost feel overwhelmed by it all. Almost.
As if sensing that his father was home, the baby in your arms opened their eyes. Green orbs flittered around the room in search of the tall man. Landing on the blonde man he knew to be his Dad had the child reaching his little, stubby arms towards him.
Toshinori carefully took the baby from your arms, cradling him in his chest now. Baby noises echoed around the room. You catch Toshinori nodding his head occasionally as if to answer the nonsensical babbles of your son.
Being able to hold him in any of your arms was a miracle. You could not have children, which gave you the only option left – adoption. It only took a month for the Pro Hero and you to meet your son. His dark green hair already a mess on top of his head, and bright green eyes full of hope and childhood innocence captured your heart. 
You are incredibly grateful for him, but each night you lay him in his cradle sound asleep… You thank his previous mother for giving birth to him. And while you wished she had the chance to be his mother – 
You promise to give him the best life you can.
You watch as Toshinori looked at the small boy in his arms in slight fascination. A hand wrapped around a single digit that was too big for the baby’s fingers to touch around it. Once again, the blonde man could not believe how small this boy – his son – was at the moment. 
The major difference in the size of their hands causing his heart to swell. Maybe he was having some type of heart attack? What ever it was, he never wishes it to go away. He could not wait to see his small boy grow up to be whatever he wanted to be.
His little Izuku Midoriya.
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quinncupine · 3 years
Obscured Chapter Eleven: Black Ties and Loose Ends
Chapter Word Count: 7,290
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Previous Chapter: Ten
Next Chapter: Twelve
Warnings: Angst, mentions of injuries
Notes: So sorry this took a very long time to get out, but I do hope you enjoy it! 
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It was nearing late afternoon. The sky an orange haze with thin streaks of clouds that seemed stagnant from your position on the couch. The house was silent, aside from the dull noise of the television on the wall playing the pre-show of the gala. You had tuned it out a while ago. It was the same thing every year; two hosts talking and playing games with the fans who were hoping to meet their heroes. The only thing you could even remotely focus on was trying to figure out the right words to convince your husband to stay home, but Izuku was a stubborn man.
Said man stepped into the living room, messing with his crooked and all too stubby dress tie. A small scowl on his face as he tried to fix it, but only seemed to shorten it more. When he looked up and saw you tucked into the corner of the couch glaring daggers out the window, he forgot all about the tie.
"Y/N," he said softly, feet rooted to the spot on the other side of the room. "I have to do this."
"You always have to do things," you grumbled, tucking your legs in closer, refusing to look at him. "But not when you're supposed to be on bed rest for at least the next week. You're such a hypocrite." That last part came out mumbled, but he still caught it.
"I've been through worse before. I was trained for this. I'll be fine."
Rolling your eyes, you finally turned your steely gaze on him. "You say that every time and then you land yourself right back into a hospital bed."
"But I've always turned out fine in the end."
"That's not a philosophy you should be living by Izuku!" you grabbed your head "You're just as human as the rest of us and you can die just as easily."
"I'm worried about you, you idiot!" You jumped to your feet, raising your voice. "Can't you see that? Why do you always have to run off and go play hero even if that means you won't come back to me!"
He stood there, a slight frown on his face, but he didn't look like he was giving in any time soon. "I have to-"
"Why?" you finally screamed at him. "Why do you have to go!"
"Because I have to make it right!" he yelled back, then shrunk in on himself, lowering his voice. "I have to fix this. It's my responsibility." His head dropped. "It's my fault."
It wouldn't matter how many times you told him it wasn't. His entire personality is based on that insecurity of never being enough and words can only do so much. His body wasn't the only thing injured this time.
Your gaze drifted down to his tie and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. "How is it that you can save hundreds of lives every day and yet you still can't tie a tie properly?" With a sigh, you walked over to him. There was a bit of hesitance before you reached out to grab the stub of a tie. "Honestly Izuku, you're an enigma."
He held his breath as you untied the tie, body stiff and so unfamiliar to your touch. The Izuku you knew, at least the one you knew before the attack, couldn't get enough affection from you. Now he shied away from even being near you. You knew why. You had the same reservations, but this was your husband. The man you trusted and you had to show him that. You had to show yourself that.
"I don't save that many people," he murmured, staring at your hands, "and what's wrong with my tie?"
"What's wrong with it?" you tugged the fabric up to tickle his nose. "It's a stub. Honestly, I think you just refuse to learn how to do it properly."
"It looks better when you do it." He whispered, still staring at your hands.
With nimble fingers from years of practice, you pulled the tie through the first loop. "Well, I suppose it's a good thing I'm still here then." You didn't mean to imply anything by it, but the way his eyes darted to his shoes, he obviously put meaning into the words.
"Sorry." It was a word you were getting quite sick of hearing lately.
Pausing on the second loop, you peeked up at him. "This plan of yours...it'll work, right?" He refused to look at you so you sinched the knot up to his neck forcing him to stumble closer with a slight wince. "You're nowhere near healed enough to be doing anything dangerous. This Ikari woman is getting under your skin. Making you reckless...well, more reckless than usual. I don't like it."
"I'm sorry Y/N, but-"
"Ugh," you pushed him away, "just stop with the sorry's already. I don't want apologies. I just want you to be safe."
"Y/N", he held up his palms, "I'm-"
"I swear to god, if you say sorry one more time," you threatened, pinching the bridge of your nose.
He deflated, a hand running through his gelled hair. When he opened his mouth to say something, he stopped and instead turned away, rubbing his face. The two of you hadn't been able to finish a single conversation since you came back home. Luckily, Inko had gone to stay with the retired pro Aizawa for the evening, to return a favor he owed Izuku. There was already enough tension in this house as it was, adding a third person would only make it worse.
The doorbell rang, cutting into the thick silence permeating the room. It irritated you that even the doorbell could make you flinch now. Everything seemed to startle you nowadays and you were hating it. Izuku used the interruption to escape the room and came back a few moments later with a casually dressed Shinso in tow.
Since you weren't going to the gala, you wanted to talk with your boss. Nazim, your friend who worked with you at the hospital, had texted a heads-up earlier. Apparently, there was talk of Haru replacing you after the whole 'teleporting your near-dead husband in the E.R.' fiasco. There was no way you could just sit at home and worry in front of the television all night anyway. This provided a productive distraction, even if you dreaded the talk with your boss.
Shinso had volunteered to accompany you to the hospital since he loathed going to things like galas, or really anywhere with a lot of focused attention. You didn't mind either because you liked Shinso. He was quiet and respectable. Plus having someone with you gave you some comfort.
Thank you, Shinso," Izuku said, grabbing the underground hero's shoulder as they walked in. "I really appreciate it."
He shrugged. "It's fine. I never liked going to those things anyway." Then he waved at you. "Hey, Y/N. No fancy dresses tonight?"
"Think it'll make my boss more lenient?" you joked with a half-smile.
"Eh, you'll be fine. The bark is worse than the bite, right?" he smirked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"You clearly haven't met my boss," you muttered, searching for your purse.
Izuku glanced at his watch. "I've got to get going," he finally looked at you, "you have your phone, right?"
"Yeah, I got everything I need," slinging the bag over your shoulder, you grabbed his arm, "you?"
That single touch seemed to send him spiraling again. He froze, staring at your hand as if it would shatter with a single breath. With a nod, he stepped back and let your arm slip off him.
Frowning, you turned to Shinso. "Can I have a minute?"
"Uh, yeah." It was easy to sense the awkward tension in the room, so he excused himself rather quickly. "I'll just be outside."
When Shinso closed the door behind him, you crossed your arms, willing his eyes to meet yours. "Izuku, look at me." After some reluctance, he finally looked up. "I know things are...messy right now, but I need to know you have a clear head tonight." Stepping just a bit closer, you held out your hand. "I know you. I know you're feeling horrible right now and if I could fix everything, I would. But that's not how the world works, we both know that. I'm not upset with you Izuku," you sighed, dropping your head. "When this is over, we definitely have some things to talk about, but right now, I need to know you'll be okay tonight."
A stray tear fell from one of his eyes as he lightly grabbed the offered hand. "How can you forgive me? You should be furious with me."
"Do you want me to be?" you cocked your head, "is that it?"
He went back to staring at your hand, his grip tightening ever so slightly. "No, but...but you should. If they didn't stop me then-"
"Izuku, thinking that way is only going to dig a deeper hole." Grabbing the lapels on his jacket, you pulled him close. "You are a hero and a damn good one. Please just..." the lump in your throat blocked the words so you rested your head on his chest instead. Through his vest, you could feel the thin material of the bandages wrapped tightly around his chest.
That unfamiliar tenseness came back. You'd been together for so long that being around each other was easy, but this was unlike any Izuku you knew. When you had first started dating, he was a cute awkward mess that smiled and laughed because he didn't know what else to do around you. But this...this was an entirely different kind of anxiety. He felt like a stranger and that in itself made you upset.
"I hate this," it was all but a whisper.
"I know, but I have to go-"
"No, that's not what I mean," you twisted your head up to stare at him. "This. I hate this."
"This?" Those giant foresty eyes fell into your own and you could practically hear what he was thinking. 'Me?'
I just-" trying to voice your thoughts was a lot harder than you realized. Mainly because you were still trying to figure them all out. "Once this is over, I want things to go back to normal, but I...I don't think they can."
His fingers rested on either arm, gently digging into the fabric of your sweater. That was the closest he's come to holding you since you left the hospital. He looked so lost, so unsure and it killed you inside. There was a small moment of silence that beat in your ears until he finally nodded, closing his eyes.
"After tonight, whatever you decide," there was a slight warble to his voice, "I'll...support you."
A small hum and you leaned into him before the words clicked in your mind. "Wait, hold on," you pulled back, holding him at arm's length, "that sounds like you think I want to leave. Is that what you think?"
He stared at his shoes, not daring to look at you.
"Or is it the other way around?" Frowning, you shook his arms "Izuku, look at me."
Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his arms across his chest, carefully aware of how much pain even that motion cost him. "If you would've...died, I don't think I can even handle the thought of that. I knew this life was dangerous and I was fine with that, but then you came into the picture and turned everything on its head. You made me realize that there's more to life than just being a hero," a shaky exhale and he continued, "I thought I could handle both. I thought... well, I thought a lot of things that I clearly can't do." He backed away, shaking his head. "I love you more than anything, but if being here with me means you get hurt, then..." those wide eyes of his were desperately searching for some kind of confirmation, but you refused to give it to him.
"Look here," you marched over and poked his chest, "I appreciate the fact that you want to protect me, but I'm a grown woman. I make my own decisions. Not you, or anyone else who thinks they can decide what's best for me." He opened his mouth to say something, but you just held up a hand. "Maybe I hit you in the head too hard, or maybe I didn't hit you hard enough, but you're acting like an idiot. If you think I'm going anywhere, then let me tell you, you've got another thing coming."
Another moment of silence searching your face before a breathy laugh blew past his lips. "Stubborn as always."
"Oh, so I'm the stubborn one?" Jutting out your hip, you crossed your arms and glared at him. "So says the most stubborn man alive."
Finally, a tiny smile took up residence on his face. "Alright, fine. I suppose we can both be a little stubborn sometimes." His fingers delicately reached up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear and lingered there. His hand no longer taut with so much anxiety. "You're amazing."
"Okay, don't go gettin' all sappy when you got a job to do," you said, yet you leaned into his touch. "Besides, you have to go meet up with your date."
Another successful chuckle, "Jealous?"
"You wish," finally pulling away, you picked up your bag and winked at him. "I've already got myself a hot date tonight."
Heading to the door, you left Izuku standing in the living room, eyes wide. "You're just messing with me, right?" He followed after you. "I mean, you don't think he's-"
When you reached the door, you glanced back at him. "What? Jealous?" you fired back and watched as his face flushed red. "I guess you'll have to find out after you come back home in one piece." A brief moment of hesitation before you grabbed his shoulder and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "And you better come back home in one piece."
He blinked when you pulled away. Before he could say anything else, you opened the door and greeted Shinso who was leaning against the porch railing.
"Yo," he waved, somehow looking even more tired.
"I know you're Mr. Badass, but those injuries aren't fully healed. I'm gonna say this again in case you didn't understand the first hundred times; you're going against all my medical advice," you said to Izuku as the three of you walked down the porch. "So just please don't do anything too reckless, okay?"
"I know and I'm sor-" you shot him a warning glare and he coughed out the last part, rubbing the back of his head. "I won't be reckless."
That earned a quiet chuckle from Shinso who opened the car door for you.
"Good," you tossed the purse into the seat, "let's see if you can actually hold up that end of the bargain this time. And if not, here." You slipped a small pouch in the pocket just inside his vest. "It's only if you pull your stitches so try not to pull them in the first place."
"Thank you," he patted the pocket and glanced at Shinso who had gotten into the driver's side. "If you need anything, call me. You'll know where I'll be."
"Likewise," patting his cheek, you gave him another gentle kiss. "Love you."
That smile never ceased to exist every time you kissed him. Even now after everything, it still shined through his nervous exterior. Some things never change. Seeing that brought a smile to your own face as he breathily whispered it back. His fingers swept along your arms, barely touching the skin, but it was more than you'd gotten all day and you'd take it. The two of you stood like that for a moment before you finally slipped into the car.
He closed the door for you and nodded to Shinso. The car slowly backed out of the driveway and Izuku waved goodbye. Not the last goodbye if you had anything to say about it.
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After a quiet car ride, you finally arrived at the hospital. White knuckled fingers unclenched themselves from your pants and you let out a heavy breath you hadn't realized you were holding. Guess car rides were just another box to check off on the growing list of things that unsettled you now. Wonderful.
"Thanks for coming with me," you said as the two of you entered the building. "I know it's probably not any fun to play babysitter."
The sun was starting to set, which meant the guests at the gala would be arriving soon for the red carpet event. It would be the first year you weren't with Izuku for it in almost six years. The press would be ruthless this year and if he wasn't careful would try to rip him to shreds. But for now, you had to focus on your own problems in the form of one Mr. Nobusuke: your boss.
"I don't mind really," he shrugged and glanced up at one of the T.V.'s as they passed a waiting area. It was currently broadcasting the live feed from the red carpet event where dozens of heroes were posing for the cameras or being interviewed. "It's better than being there, trying to socialize.
A laugh bubbled out as you tried to imagine Shinso standing on that red carpet smiling for the cameras. Those two images didn't mesh well together.
"Hey, so I never got the chance to properly thank you. You really saved me...us back there."
Pursing his lips, he stuffed his hands into his pockets with a hum. He didn't look all that convinced.
"I think your quirk helped clear his mind a little," you said a bit quieter, aware of the people passing by. "You're really impressive. I mean it."
Turning his gaze on you, he said, "I guess I can see why you and Midoriya go together so well."
"What do you mean?"
"Where's this office at?" Shinso stopped and looked down a few halls.
"Hey, you can't just change the subject like that!" Crossing your arms, you stepped in front of him, but he ignored you and kept walking. "Hey!" you called after him, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Do you know when I first met Midoriya, I hated him?" It was said so casually. "I was so frustrated that someone who had no grasp of how to use their quirk made it into the hero course." Running a hand through frizzy hair, he continued, "but as I got to know him I realized how relentless he is. Stubborn to a fault and refuses to give up no matter what. Willing to do anything for the people he loves."
You looked at your shoes. "That's Izuku alright."
"It's also you."
"Me?" Now that had you confused. No one's ever compared you to Izuku: the great hero Deku. "I'm not a hero."
"You don't have to be a hero to help someone. It's why you chose this career, right?" he gestured around the building. "Even after everything that happened, you worked till you dropped to save him. Sounds pretty heroic to me." With a shrug, he picked a hall to walk down. "But who am I to say?"
Digesting the words, you looked at him. "How come you didn't want to be a public hero?"
"I don't look so good in the spotlight." Pulling the skin under his eyes, he grinned at you. "I think it's the bags."
"Oh come on, that's not a real answer."
"It's just not the kind of hero I wanted to be. Midoriya has the personality and the quirk fit for the public. But for me, it's easier to work when no one knows who you are. I don't give a shit about recognition and I doubt the public would be very accepting of my quirk anyway. As long as I can still use my power to help, then I'm fine with where I am."
Bumping shoulders, you flashed him a smile. "Well, I think you're cool Shinso, and I'm not just saying that cause you saved my life. Although, that is a bonus." you scored a grin with that one.
The rest of the walk was made in comfortable silence with you trying to avoid eye contact with anyone you might recognize. Nazim had said Mr. Nobusuke was in his office late tonight, still dealing with all the press from the incident. You wanted to catch him off-guard because if he had time to get everything in order, Haru could very well take your job. When you eventually arrived at the door to the office, you stood in front, dreading the talk. Mr. Nobusuke was a no-nonsense kind of guy and after the fiasco in the E.R., you weren't sure what to expect. This should be fun.
"I'll be out here," Shinso smirked, pushing you forward on the small of your back. "Good luck."
Mustering up as much courage as you could, you knocked on the door and heard a gruff voice invite you in. With a deep breath and one last glance at Shinso, you cracked the door and peered inside. "Hello, Mr. Nobusuke."
"Oh, Mrs. Midoriya, come in." He was standing by the bookshelf, shifting through one of his prized leather-bound, first edition books. "I'm surprised to see you here of all places. Shouldn't you be at home resting with your husband? As I recall, he was put on bed rest."
"Uh, well, actually he went to the gala," you said, wringing your fingers, "but there's something I want to talk-"
"He went to the gala in his condition? I suppose nothing holds that man down." He snapped the book closed with a loud pop and carelessly dropped it on the coffee table, causing you to flinch at the noise. "I would think you'd much rather be there than talking with an old man like me tonight." With a bellied laugh, he made his way over to his desk.
"I think you're overestimating how fun galas are." You nervously laughed along with him, tugging at the thick scarf around your neck. "But I did have a reason for coming."
"Oh? Well do sit down then," he pointed to the chair across from his desk. "What brings you in." The chair squeaked and strained under his weight as he lounged back, arms crossed.
Seeing him sitting so relaxed was odd. Maybe it was the time of day. You never really spoke to him outside of working hours other than events. He wasn't the type to socialize with his subordinates nor had the time to. The man grew up in America before moving back to Japan once he graduated. He didn't have the same workplace ideals as everyone else, but he was good at what he did. Despite his aloofness, you managed to secure a good relationship with him. This, on the other hand, was a different side you had yet to see.
"Um," this was far from what you were expecting and somehow his lax attitude was making you more nervous. "I wanted to talk to you about my job."
"I believe you're still on leave, yes?" A grin split across his lips as he sat up and searched through a stack of folders placed neatly on the center of his desk. "After what happened, I would understand if you wanted more time off."
"No, that's the thing," you squeezed your fingers together, watching as he pulled out a thick file. "I don't want any more time off. I want to come back."
"Ah, here they are." he triumphantly held up the folder and opened it. "Do you know what this is?"
"These are your records." The way he held the folder made it hard to see exactly what was inside. "And complaints."
"Complaints?" Everything was starting to spiral.
"Yes, complaints. Did you know Mr. Haru filed twenty-four complaints against you in the past six months?" He peered over the folder. "In case you're wondering, that's a lot.
"Okay, but-"
"Don't interrupt," those stormy gray eyes of his flashed darkly and you looked down at your hands. "Remind me, how long have you been charge nurse here?"
"Three years."
"Would you say you're doing a competent job?"
This was definitely not going how you planned. "Yes."
"Now I realize you've had a...difficult month, but I need to think about the wellbeing of all my staff and patients. Not just you Midoriya." Tucking the folder back into the stack, he folded his hands and sighed. "So I think it's best we hand over your duties to Haru for the time being. And I think a transfer is in order."
"A transfer?" Hands gripped the edge of the desk as you tried to real in your anger. "Sir, with all due respect, I am more than capable of handling my duties just fine. And Haru, well he-"
"What did I say about interrupting." He held up a hand, cutting you off. "What's done is done. You will be transferred to Admissions when you return from your leave. That is all Mrs. Midoriya."
No. You couldn't just let him do this. You had to do something. "Mr. Nobusuke, please cane we just-"
"That is all." That growl marked the end of the conversation.
Fingers digging into the wood, you stood up. There were so many things you wanted to say, but screaming at your boss would only dig the hole deeper. You needed time to come back with a solid argument, so reluctantly, you let go of the desk and stormed from the room.
Once you burst through the door, you didn't slow down, marching right past Shinso. He hopped off his spot on the wall and caught up with you, hands deep in his pockets.
"Might wanna slow down or you're gonna trample someone," he said, easily keeping pace with you. "Judging by your face and that steam coming out of your ears, I'd say that didn't go well."
You grabbed your ears before you realized what you were doing and scowled at him. "Real funny."
"Okay, just-" Shinso reached out to pull you aside and you instinctively grabbed his wrist and shoved him away. He stumbled back a few feet, holding up his hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean- look, I'm not the best at the whole comforting thing, but I am good at listening. Do you wanna tell me what happened?"
In a vain attempt to tap out the annoyance with your foot, you crossed your arms and glared at the wall. It didn't work, so you turned to him with a huff. "I was demoted. Happy?"
"I don't know!" you burst out, "Haru's always been a pain in the ass. Even Mr. Nobusuke knows that. I've been charge nurse for over three years. I worked my ass off just to get there! All that hard work and I get demoted to Admissions?" Every muscle in your body was clenched, ready to explode any second. "It doesn't make any sense. It's like he's punishing me. I just, I'm just..." you paced back and forth, taking shallow breaths before Shinso caught your shoulders, halting you.
"Take a breath Y/N." He said with a calmness you envied. "Why don't we go get some coffee. You look like you could use some."
Following his advice, you took a few deep breaths, feeling your heart calm just a fraction. In hindsight, you were glad you didn't drag Inko along. Having another breakdown in front of the poor woman wouldn't look good.
Taking the lead, you eventually made your way down to the cafeteria where you ordered your coffee (Shinso put six shots of espresso in his) and sat at one of the tables in the corner.
"I put so much into this place and this is how they treat me?" you grumbled as you ripped a packet of creamer open and dumped it into the cup. "This is not an easy job, but have I ever complained?" a pause, "have I ever complained out loud? No."
"From what Midoriya's told me, you're the best of the best," he said, watching you furiously stir the coffee.
"Well that's just Izuku being Izuku," you waved it off. "But I am quite capable of my job. I could walk back in there tonight and I wouldn't have a problem. People are just getting too hung up on what happened, but I'm fine. They're all treating me like some sort of traumatized child and I'm so sick of it."
Shinso took a large sip. "Well, have you told them that?"
"Yeah, but that's not going to change how they see it." Rubbing your face, you glanced out the large wall of windows lining the cafe. "I mean yeah, it was scary, but if you guys can go through those things every day and come out fine, then why can't I?"
"Whoever said we come out fine?" Shinso cocked his head. "Those experiences change everyone. Trying to compare yourself to how others handle them is only going to lead you down a bad path. Just because we look like we've got it handled doesn't mean that we do. You live with Midoriya, you know that first hand." He leaned back. "Part of being a public hero is hiding everything under that golden rug and dazzling smile, but it's still there. It's always there and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying."
No one had ever been that blunt with you before, not even Tsu. In a way it was refreshing.
"So what do I do then?"
"I don't know if I have an answer to that." Shrugging, he took another long sip. "I think it's something that you need to decide for yourself. What do you want to do about it."
What do you want? That seemed to be the buzzword question lately and despite everything, you were lacking the solution. Deep in thought, your eyes drifted around the room until they landed on the television on the wall behind Shinso. Of course, they'd have the gala on in here. It was on nearly every channel tonight. The event was one of the biggest functions all year and everyone who was anyone would either be there or be watching.
Different heroes sauntered down the carpet, waving those all too fake smiles at the cameras and adoring fans lining the roped-off walkway. A few younger heroes were being interviewed at the moment and you half-heartedly listened to the conversation before the crowd erupted in a sudden uproar that drew the camera's attention.
Izuku had just arrived. Beside him was his mentor, All Might. He plastered a smile to his face and made his way down the carpet a little too stiffly. If you were anyone else, you probably wouldn't have noticed, but you did. He was still in a lot of pain. That wound was far from healed and you were regretting not trying harder to stop him from going.
Every interviewer stationed along the carpet tried to rope him in for a conversation and he expertly avoided them until one bold woman stepped out of her designated area to pull him aside. He was all but powerless to stop her with all the eyes on him.
"A quick word, if you will Deku," the reporter said. He had no choice, leaving now would only hurt his character. Trapped by societal convention. "It's great to see you tonight, but many were speculating that you wouldn't show, given the events of the past few days," she grinned, sparing a glance at All Might, "but here you are looking as healthy as ever and with the former Number One Hero All Might no less." She stuck the mic right under his nose and asked a question that had you holding your breath. "But I suppose everyone is wondering, after all the rumored news these past few weeks, how is your wife, Y/N Midoriya?"
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Izuku took a deep breath, shuffling his feet in the back of the car, casting nervous glances out the window every few seconds. He didn't realize he was tapping his feet until Yagi grabbed his knee.
"Calm down son, you're gonna stop a hole in this car if you keep that up," the retired hero tried for a laugh, but Izuku only muttered out an apology before he switched to tapping his fingers on the seat beside him. "Izuku, look at me."
"Hey, Izuku," Yagi whispered, reaching across the little space that separated them in the limo and grabbed his arm. The minute those boney fingers connected, Izuku flinched so hard he slammed his head into the roof.
Ever since Izuku got in the car, the man had been quiet, which wasn't like the Izuku he knew. The man was a chatterbox and only grew worse the more distressed he was. This whole quiet attitude was disconcerting, to say the least. Yagi had never seen him look quite so desolate before. Izuku's face was pale and creased in a nervous concern, deep in thought. His once gelled hair was starting to fray and poke out in certain places from all the times he'd run a hand through it. It would be a miracle if no one noticed anything off about him.
Stunned, he blinked and looked at the older man. One hand carefully rubbing over the bandages concealed under his dress suit. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Yagi was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out the right words. "Izuku, are you sure this is the right call? I don't doubt you, but you're still injured. No one would think any less-"
"No, that's not why I'm doing this. I need to be here," he interrupted, sitting straighter and wincing at the sudden motion. "I'm fine. I can handle this."
"No one said you couldn't. I'm just worried," he sighed. "You're not even supposed to be out of the hospital yet. You've always been so reckless with yourself. Don't forget you have friends you can rely on. Don't try to do everything yourself." Yagi paused for a moment, narrowing his eyes, "Are you sure you're not using this to push yourself towards some sort of atonement because-"
"I said I'm fine!" Izuku yelled, dark green eyes shooting a nasty glare to the man he considered a pseudo-father before he realized what he did. With a shake of his head, he leaned forward and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry Toshi. I didn't mean to snap at you."
"It's alright," Yagi frowned as he watched his protégé take a slow, pained breath, "I can imagine the stress you're under right now." One of his hands rested on Izuku's shoulder. "I believe you can do anything you set your mind to because, well, I've seen it with my own eyes. But please," he caught Izuku's gaze, "please be careful."
"We have the plan," Izuku seemed to say more to himself than Yagi. "If anything goes wrong, we have the backup plan. It'll work." The car slowed to a stop and the both of them glanced out the tinted windows to see a mob of flashing cameras waiting for them just outside. "Thanks for coming with me."
"Of course," Yagi patted his shoulder, "who else would want an old man like me as their date?" Finally pulling a genuine grin from Izuku, Yagi grabbed the handle. "Ready?"
Another deep breath and he nodded. As soon as the door opened, the buzz of the crowd swelled. Every camera whipped in their direction. Even some of the heroes being interviewed turned their heads.
Izuku had been at the top for a few years now and that in itself always garnered media attention, but this time was different. He'd been at the center of the news for weeks now with different allegations coming from all directions. Some quite scandalous and utterly ridiculous, but they weren't to be taken lightly. And now, he'd made his first public appearance in days, at the gala of all places. That in itself was a statement, whether good or bad was still to be determined. The spotlight was his tonight, even if he didn't want it.
Yagi climbed out first, waving to the crowd, followed by a stilted Izuku. He swallowed that thick ball of nerves in his throat and forced that trained smile on his face. There was no room for error. Not here. Especially not here. As much as his chest ached, he kept his head high and waved for the flashing cameras.
A few heroes lining the red carpet were so caught up in the arrival of Deku and All Might together that they forgot about their own interviews. Everyone wanted a shot at talking to the hero, but Izuku tried his best to avoid getting drawn in by one of the reporters. He just wanted to make it inside the building, away from the public. For the most part, the event was private, save for the speech and performances near the end that were broadcast live. Once he was inside, he could finally breathe.
They made it halfway down the carpet before a woman darted in front of them, blocking Izuku. "A quick word if you will Deku." He was so close to making it inside, but now he'd have to talk. " It's great to see you tonight, but many were speculating that you wouldn't show, given the events of the past few days," that grin radiated a hungry ruthlessness he'd seen in his fair share of reporters. "But here you are, looking as healthy as ever and with the former Number One Hero All Might no less." She shoved the mic in his face. "But I suppose everyone is wondering, after all the rumored news these past few weeks, how is your wife, Y/N Midoriya?"
That was a question he was dreading. He knew they would try to pry out some sensitive answers from him tonight and refusing to answer certain questions was an answer in itself. For the past few years, he was able to mostly keep you out of the public eye, usually only coming up when important events surrounding his status were brought up. This time, you'd been forced into the limelight by a series of events he wasn't able to stop. Saying the wrong thing now would only add fuel to the fire. He needed to choose his words carefully.
"I'm glad everyone is so concerned for my wife's wellbeing," he smiled through his teeth, "but this year the gala is a closed event." He'd worked with the commission to ensure only heroes would be allowed entry for safety concerns. No plus ones this year. That change alone caused quite the commotion, but it had to be done. "So, unfortunately, she couldn't be here with me tonight."
They both knew that wasn't the answer she wanted.
"And what about you?" She pressed, "The Hero Billboard charts will be released soon. Are you worried that your performance this year will knock you out of the top spot?"
A performance. That's all this was. That's all it's become, even to him. Being a hero wasn't about saving people or doing 'good' anymore. It was about rankings and popularity. And he was sick of it.
When he didn't say anything, she continued, "I also hear you were freshly released from the hospital only yesterday?" That was hot topic news to anyone at this point, but even so, his smile wavered for a moment. This woman was relentless. "My sources tell me it was quite a significant injury. How are you faring now?"
"Well, as you can see," he twisted around with a chuckle, "I'm perfectly fine."
"It seems so," she sounded disappointed, "but your wife was rumored to be there as well so-"
"Well, thank you for your time," Yagi cut in, startling the woman. She nearly forgot he was there. "But I believe the event is starting soon." In one easy sweep of his arms, he pulled Izuku away.
Yagi ushered Izuku further down the carpet, leaving the woman open-mouthed, holding the microphone out to no one. She quickly recovered and moved onto another hero walking her way, but Yagi caught the little glare she tossed his way.
Once they made it through the doors and into the foyer, Izuku stepped off to the side, getting a few curious glances. Faint orchestral music replaced the dull roar of the crowd, but he could only focus on his breathing. That little spin he pulled off wasn't doing him any favors. It was bad enough that the wound was barely closed, but he decided against any type of painkillers. He'd had enough of drugs for a long while and in his mind, he rationalized it as needing a clear head tonight. At least that's what he'd told the others. The part he left out, the real reason he decided against it was that he thought he deserved to be in pain right now. It was a small way of atoning. One you would be absolutely furious about if you found out.
"Thanks, Toshi," Izuku sighed, absentmindedly rubbing his chest.
"Well, I should be thanking you," the retired pro smiled, "I didn't have to answer any questions this year."
This time, Izuku did manage a small laugh. When he composed himself again, he looked to the large doors that held the gala. This was it. It would all end here tonight.
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Cups nearly empty, you stared out the window, watching small flecks of silvery snow hit the glass and promptly melt. Fingers mercilessly bent the little coffee straw into different shapes. Izuku put on a good show for the camera. That's all it really was, wasn't it? The whole thing was just a show. No one cared about the people behind the masks.
You don't think he'll lose his ranking over this, do you?" A small glance up at Shinso before they flickered back to the straw.
"I don't know." That admission, while honest, flipped your stomach. "There's no pleasing the public. All they want is whatever shiny new thing you dangle in front of them. It's impossible to keep them on your side forever."
The chair screeched against the tile as you stood. Shinso took one last desperate swig of his coffee before getting up to follow you. Your nails dug into the plastic cup as you marched over to the trash bins.
The straw snapped in half. "I want to go home now."
"Hey, I just meant that eventually, they'll find something else to hate on." He caught up to you, leaning on one of the bins. "Don't worry about it. It's got nothing to do with you and everything to do with the system itself."
That wasn't true. It was you that started this whole mess in the first place. As much as Izuku likes to take the blame, the fact was Tatsuya came after you because of you. Even if someone else had set him up for it, you were still involved and it hurt that you couldn't even do anything about it.
"What, so everything's supposed to blow over just like that?" You crossed your arms, turning to him. "It's supposed to be that easy?"
"No, I just meant-"
"Mrs. Midoriya?" A frantic voice spoke up behind you.
Hearing your name called out like that startled you so much, you nearly knocked one of the bins over in your haste to whirl around. Standing a few feet away was a face you'd nearly forgotten in light of everything. "Mr. Miwa?"
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Taglist: @dorki-time @miriobaby @thecindy @awilddreamerwrites @sailorstupidsblog @kenmaskitten10 @slytherintothedms @chanyeoloml @tanakasprayer @kiyoobi @justscar @amive2567  
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otakuqueensteffy · 3 years
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I was bored waiting for the F1 race to begin, and decided to draw some #dadmight with my oc and I think it turned out so adorable, maybe I should try to redraw this digital lol
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Like dadmight? Wanna romance precious skeleton man? Wanna have a cool ass quirk too? I gotchu boo.
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jomamaofficial · 1 year
Not sure if u do all Mha characters but could u do an all might angst of him having a daughter he doesn’t pay attention much too?
The Chronicles of A Hero's Daughter (Father!All Might and Daughter!Reader Angst Oneshot)
A/N: Anon, I’m not going to lie, when I first read this request, I was like ehh… idk if I’ll enjoy writing that. And then I actually sit down and write it, and I’m like, WHAT IN THE WORLD, WHY AM I SO INVESTED IN THIS. So anon, you are a genius and you made my day with this request <3. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. TW: Mentions of blood. Masterlist  Edit: Part 2 Word Count: 3548. Summary: Adopted by All Might at the age of five, Toshinori Y/N was being trained to become the ninth user of One For All. With the quirk Element which gave you the ability to control all four classical elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, you were set for victory in the hero-society. However, after your quirk was stolen, your path led astray, the clear neglect was getting obvious, day by day, as your father found a new student to mentor. 
The phone didn’t even ring for a second and he had already picked it up. 
“Y/N, my child, could you get the door? Midoriya-Shounen has come to visit.”
Silently, you obeyed your father as you promptly left your work. 
Midoriya Izuku. It was a popular name in the Toshinori household. His name managed to sneak into every dinner conversation, and every evening walk.
And now, he was just outside the door, seconds away from intruding your peace.  
You released a breath, fingers on the door handle. Your shoulders dropped down low and you straightened your spine, standing an inch or two taller. 
It was finally time to meet him. 
So with your best rehearsed smile that still didn’t reach your eyes, and your well rehearsed speech playing continuously in your suffocating mind, you opened the door. 
A bouquet of flowers and an earnest grin– this was the first time you met Midoriya Izuku. 
A few seconds passed as both of you stood still, your throat running slightly dry as you saw confusion build up in the young man’s face. 
“Um”, he took a gulp and stepped back. “I’m looking for the Toshinori household…?” 
You blinked at him before clearing your throat. 
“Yeah, you’re at th- um, yeah this is- I mean, I am-”
A loud and hearty voice greeted the young boy with a warm hug, apron on, spatula in one hand. You winced as you rubbed the shoulder your father swiftly brushed past. 
You pressed your lips together as you stood beside the embracing pair, hands behind your back as you hid them further into your sweater. 
“Five minutes early as always, my boy! Come on in!”
With an excited nod, the boy stepped inside the house, slipping his shoes off into the side of the genkan before following your father into the living room.
Unspoken words remained discarded in your mouth. 
And they led, and you followed. 
“You have a lovely house, All Might! I was really afraid I was going to run late. I had a bit of a heart attack when someone else opened the door… I thought I took down the wrong address, my mother told me it would happen but I was so surprised that I didn’t even think to confirm it beforehand or anything and it was so-”
“Midoriya-Shounen, please. Relax,” Toshinori chuckled, resting his hand on the worried boy’s shoulders. “You are here now. Please, sit down.”
Midoriya ran his hand to the back of his hair, sheepishly rubbing it as he took a seat across from you. His cheeks became flushed as his fingers adjusted the neck of his sweater. 
Toshinori rushed into the kitchen without another word, grabbing a plate of meticulously placed mochi in one hand, and a tray with two glasses and a pitcher of water in the other. 
Midoriya immediately got up as he saw his mentor struggle through the narrow doorway, extending his arms to take the tray from him. 
They set the delicacies on the glass table, and without being told, Midoriya placed three coasters that were piled on the side of the table. His nimble hands made quick work of removing the glasses and pitcher from the tray. 
“Always a step ahead, my son!” Toshinori commended with a proud grin that stretched across his tired face. 
You moved to the side to make space for your father, tensing your legs so you could cramp yourself in the tiny corner of your tiny sofa. 
‘My son’. 
You watched as your father approached you, a glass of water in hand. Your eyes brightened. 
But your fingers barely brushed the cold glass before your father walked past you. 
The loud shut of the door shut the sparkle in your gaze and your jaw seized as you observed Midoriya, who moved to the side for your father who sat in the remaining space.  
Your hands immediately guarded the sliver of your exposed neck, the pads of your finger rubbing against your collarbone. 
Their lengthy conversation bled into a distance, and like a required prop, you just sat in the corner, spacing out onto the clear surface of the table that stood in between, dividing the pride and the disappointment. 
Your lips became dry as the shallow inhales and exhales latched onto the chapped skin of your lips. 
You needed water.
But the only glasses in the room glared back at you, half-empty. 
“Oh, I’m sorry… Did I take your glass by mistake?” 
Midoriya caught on quickly, his eyebrows furrowing apologetically. 
You opened your mouth, drawing a breath in until-
“Fret not Midoriya-Shounen, the glass was yours. I must have forgotten to bring the third glass, there wasn’t enough space on the tray, you see.”
Your father had responded once again. And your unspoken words were discarded before they could even be said. 
“Y/N, go get yourself a glass, if you please. And on your way, maybe refill the jug too?” 
Midoriya stood up with the jug in his hand, “allow me to help you Toshinori-san!”
“Ah nonsense, she can do it herself, my son.” 
Placing a hand on his shoulder, your father sat Midoriya back down. “We don’t need to ruin the flow of our conversation, young man! We have much to speak about.” 
Midoriya tensed his brows as his gaze lowered. But in the end, with a curt nod, he settled into the comfort of his seat and the jug was placed back on the coaster. 
Hours passed. Evening twilight wound into night darkness. The bags under Toshinori’s eyes held greater weight, yet his dark vacant eyes held the reflection of the green-haired man in front of him, gleaming in a halo of pride.
It wasn’t until Toshinori’s lungs gave way to a bloody cough that the pair realised that the jug was empty. 
It wasn’t until the pair halted their conversation, glasses in hand, that they realised that the sofa in front of them was empty.
After the last few finishing touches, you stepped back with a breath of relief; your aching hips required some support from your hands, but the corners of your mouth twitched. 
An infectious pride was blooming in the depths of your chest, painting a ray of sunshine onto your cloudy face. The apples of your cheeks, full and bare; the crinkle of your eye, unfamiliar but genuine. You held your chin up high with your sleeves rolled to your elbows. 
“It looks amazing, Y/N-chan!”
You basked in the sonorous sound of your supervisor, who had just stepped besides you. 
“This is revolutionary, Y/N-chan, it truly is… I expected one or two sketch designs, but you… I have no words for how proud I am…” 
Your lips turned upwards as you met your supervisor’s eyes, beaming her a wide grin before turning back to your exhibition where before you, set delicately, was the accumulation of two years of hard work. 
Five scaled down prototypes of iron suits were set on display– standing tall and noble.  Each suit was paired with leaflets in their respective stands, with a bold font printed across the face: ‘The Iron Suit and the Quirkless Hero’. 
“I couldn’t afford any mistakes sensei… I just couldn’t. This was my dream. It’s been my dream since I was a child...”
And your inner child couldn’t let it go. 
So you grabbed her tiny hand, and pulled her far away from her sorrows, protecting her, nourishing her. 
The manifestation of the first quirk was regarded as a mystical phenomena; straight out of a sci-fi movie. But as time passed, quirk manifestations spread into common reality. ‘Professional Heroes’– a profession that would have garnered snickers and laughs a century ago, became the most sought after job globally. As the occurrence of a quirk grew, the government instilled quirk academies to scout the best and strongest quirk. Businesses began funding them when the first few heroes were churned out, and so the race to become the number one hero began from age five for many families. 
Like all races, it was a test of strength, endurance, and resilience. It wasn’t for the faint of heart, and only the most courageous could join it. 
But there were some who just couldn’t join the race? Not because they didn’t want to, no. But because they didn’t even have the legs to reach the starting line. 
Toshinori Y/N was adopted by Toshinori Yagi at the age of five. And already, by such a young age, you were sprinting far far ahead. 
Your quirk was Element– the ability to control all four classical elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Your father watched as he created the most powerful vessel for his ultimate goal: to turn his daughter into the ninth user of One For All. 
You had the motivation, you had the strength.
You were thrown head-first into the twisted fate of hero society where nothing could bring greater joy than breaking yourself in the name of progress. 
Hero society was a place where the pain of training was the sweetness of improvement, and the scars and fractures were the evidence of determination. 
So one fateful day as all good things came to an end, you were walking back home, hair pulled back in two pigtails with a kitty lunchbox in one hand. A bag way too big hung on your ten-year-old shoulders, and your quirk was ripped away, gone forever.
The planes of the neighbourhood harboured pained screams of a disturbed soul that haunted every passing parent for the next two months. 
Your legs were torn away in the middle of the race. And all you could do was stare at the passersby who mocked you as you tried to contain your spilling blood in order to survive. 
Your smile faded and the storm had returned. Your memories were a recurring nightmare. 
And you couldn’t wake up from them. 
“Your father will be so, so proud of you, Toshinori-san.”
You pressed your lips together, lowering your eyes. 
“I know he’ll be proud of you.”
You felt her comforting hand squeeze yours. 
“Yes, sensei. He will be.”
Hours went past since your exhibition started. Countless people and countless pats on the back. It was a haze. 
“Your call has been forwarded to the automated messaging sys-”
“For god’s sake.” 
You cut the phone. 
The lines on your forehead deepened as the number of missed calls grew. 
Where was he? 
Mentally, you replayed this morning’s conversation with your father. You had vividly remembered that you told him three times: “my exhibition is at five, dad. Please don’t be late.”
You had set alarms on his phone with small reminders attached to them: one at 4:00 PM, one at 4:15 PM, and one at 4:30 PM. 
Where was he?
Your heart beat a bitter drum as you watched some fathers with roses in one hand whilst the other was pressed against their hips as they gasped for air.
“I couldn’t be late for my angel’s exhibition now could I?”
It was 9:00 PM. 
The crowd had died down and you watched as they drained out: proud fathers holding their daughter’s hand, embracing them in unconditional love. Your once eager eyes were tired, exhausted from searching and scanning for the only face you had internally begged for. 
Had you not expected it, you would have cried. 
Your thumb hovered over your father’s name on your phone, hesitant. 
But there was no point. You switched your phone off. 
“Hana,” you asked the few friends that were left, “can you help me pack my things please?”
The pitch black darkness dragged the walk back to the nearest bus station. With your hands occupied with bags that contained the remains of your exhibition, periodically, you peered at the dimly-lit empty street behind you. 
The street lights flickered sporadically, teasing your lone steps that were getting faster and faster. 
The bus ride home was fine. You met a few friends waiting at the stop with their parents. Although when alone on the outer seat, hood still up, your eyes may have lingered too long at the napping daughters resting their head on their smiling fathers’ shoulders. 
Your stop approached in forty-five minutes. 
It was 10:36 PM when you got off the bus. The usual hustle of your neighbourhood had settled, so it wasn’t too hard to spot a head with green, curly hair leisurely walking towards your bus stop. 
The young boy lifted his head from his phone to look around. 
You gave him a hesitant wave, receiving a warm smile in return. 
“Toshinori-san?” he asked, taking off his earphones. 
“Uh, yeah, it’s me.”
You shoved your hands in your pockets. 
“Wha- what are you doing here?” you blurted, staring at the ground. 
The abrasive nature of your words caused Midoriya to stand straighter. He blinked a few times before answering. 
“Oh um, All Might called me over for a chat. He told me you weren’t home so he said it would be a good chance to discuss more… things?” 
The young boy ended his sentence with a wavering voice, getting quieter as he saw your body stiffen. 
In the moments of your wordless exchange, a warm ache began to develop in the walls of your skull. 
Midoriya’s gaze, which was travelling to and fro, fixed upon the bags hanging from your wrists. 
“How about you? Um… Where did you come back from?” 
Your mind tried to console your heart, hushing the bubbling feelings of resentment towards the boy in front of you. 
You let out a sigh, letting your shoulders drop low. 
You were tired. 
“I came back from an exhibition.”
“Oh really? Were you presenting? Is that what the bags are for?” 
Your lips found themselves smiling at Midoriya’s observation. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “they have my exhibition prototypes in them.”
Your ears perked up at the approaching sounds of relaxed footsteps. 
“May I see them please?” Midoriya asked. 
Finally, you lifted your head to meet his eyes. 
You mumbled, passing him the bag with your prototype inside. “Yeah… sure.”
Minutes passed in complete silence. Timid glances found themselves analysing the look on Midoriya’s face, who was carefully reading the contents of your pamphlet, cross-checking it with your prototype. You felt a warm flush on your cheeks as the boy looked up at you, eyes wide and bright. 
“You made this? By yourself?” 
He was baffled: eyebrows raised, eyes twinkling. You pressed your lips together in attempts to hide your grin as you nodded. 
“It took me two years.”
Midoriya carefully placed your prototypes back into their respective boxes, passing the bag back into your hands. 
“I didn’t expect this at all- I mean, of course, you’re All Might’s daughter but just, being quirkless and everything? I just-” his expressive face comforted yours.
“You’re so cool, Toshinori-san. You’re so cool!”
The swells of your cheeks began hurting as you stared at Midoriya, your waterline becoming annoyingly emotional. 
“Thank you, Midoriya-kun…” 
“Please,” he chimed, “call me Izuku.”
You let out a chuckle just this once, sneaking a swipe to wipe the corner of your eyes. 
“In that case, please call me Y/N.”
Izuku’s wide grin ignited a mellow flame in your disappointed heart. You cursed your heart for every ill thought that crossed your mind about the boy that stood in front of you.  
“I am honoured to meet a brilliant mind like yours Y/N-san… The amount of lives this can save… The amount of innocent lives this can protect from harassment… You’re amazing Y/N-san,” he repeated, bowing down. 
You blushed, your hands immediately reaching out towards the young boy to lift him up, “oh, Izuku-kun, please don’t bow…” 
“My younger self thanks you Y/N-kun…” he whispered. 
There was a small crack in his soft voice. 
Your eyebrows twitched and the cold air travelled through the small opening in your mouth. 
“What do you mean, ‘younger self’...?”
Midoriya’s big green eyes were frosted on the surface. He straightened his back, staring off into the distance. 
“I’m sure your father told you, Y/N-san”, he cleared his throat. 
“I was born quirkless.”
Your fingers felt cold. 
“Yes. I was born quirkless. The doctors didn’t know what caused it. My parents had a quirk. My mother can float small objects towards her. And my father has a powerful quirk: fire breathing.”
His voice began quivering and the young boy had to take a pause.
“All I wanted as a young child was to become All Might. I still do, to be honest. I had a little All Might onesie. And my mother bought me all the All Might action figures. I would play hero with her. She used to act like a citizen in distress and for that short amount of time, I was her hero. And that led to me wanting to become everyone’s hero.”
His tears reflected the moonlight waning in the sombre sky. 
“I was five years old when I was told my dreams were basically worthless. That I should give up… and become a police officer.”
You bit the inside of your cheeks, hiding your hands inside your pockets. 
“I didn’t eat for three days. I couldn’t stomach anything, so at some point, I-I guess I ended up fainting, and my mom had to rush me into the ER.”
Two bodies stood underneath the cold, clinical street light, incredibly still. 
But the loud noises pinched you to disturb the silence. 
You had to know.
“But… what about your quirk now?”
The door creaked open into a fully-lit living room. Toshinori was sitting in front of the television, phone in hand, swiping through his texts. 
Trays and glasses– two glasses exactly– were lazing on the table with cubes of melting ice piled up on the bottom. The cushions were moved to the side, and the couch covers relaxed comfortably with deep wrinkles.  
An unnoticed figure slipped inside the house and Toshinori felt two eyes settle onto him. 
“Y/N, when did you come back?”
“My child,” he stood up, reaching towards your shoulder. 
You shrugged his hand off as soon as it touched you, lost in the voices consuming your mind. 
“Y/N! What is the meaning of this?”
“It’s eleven.”
“What do you-”
“It’s eleven!” 
Your father’s body tensed as he stepped back, his brows knitted in pain and confusion. 
Your throat, strained and dry, struggled to find words as it battled against the bitter rise of bile. 
Your jaw trembled as your eyes burnt with unshed tears in the now blurring room. The cries of betrayal felt so weak. What should have been anger– a hellflame spreading throughout your house, came out a sniffle and singular tear. Anger that should have engulfed the sounds in the room and overpowered the drone of the television and the tick of the passing time was nothing but suppressed by the overbearing eyes that scrunched in concern. 
“What do I have to do to get you to pay attention to me, dad? What do I have to do…” you weeped, your hands consoling your own body because no one else present could. 
The cries of betrayal felt so weak because it was someone else’s incompetency, someone else’s fault that pained your wailing heart. And the cries of a wailing heart begging to be loved was a silent sound that overpowered all sense of self. 
“What does he have that I don’t, dad? What did he do that I failed to do?” 
You broke down into his arms. You found refuge despite his false embrace; it repulsed you because you knew it was going to be short-lived. 
It was a fake. 
“Why did I have to find out that my father was quirkless from someone else’s mouth?” 
You felt his chest fall as your father squeezed you tighter. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, dad?” you whispered.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so sorry…” 
“Am I not worthy enough… Was I not worthy enough to find out?” 
Your ears preened, begging for reassurance, begging to hear: ‘that’s not true my child’. 
But it never came.
“I’m sorry for not being strong enough, dad… I’m sorry for letting him steal my quirk, dad.”
You tore away from his chest, sniffling away your tears for the last time. 
“But why didn’t you tell me that One For All could work with quirkless too?”
Toshinori crossed his hands in front of him as he averted his gaze from yours. 
“Why can’t you talk to me? Was I not good enough! Am I so weak without my quirk? That you blindly gave your power away to a boy you met a day ago! Dad, look at me!” you screamed, far too lost to control yourself. “Why couldn’t you give it to me, your own goddamn daughter? What did I not do dad, what did I not do!”
Why did All Might extend his hand to save Midoriya, when his daughter gave up her whole life to burn for his dreams?
His silence spoke a thousand words, so it was about time you spoke your final words. 
“You’re a great hero, dad. But that’s all you’ll ever be… you’ve been a great hero but you’ll never be a great dad.”
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
Happy Father’s Day to Dadizawa and Dad might
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Father Figure Pro's~
Can i get hcs w/ fatherfigure! Aizawa and fatherfigure! Yagi ( Separated ) x female! Student! Reader pls?
'Aaaa this ask has all my 'uwu's we love some fatherly pro Bois:3'
Reader's Gender: neautral
Warnings: Mentions of death
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Aizawa usually isn't biased, but when it comes to you he's extra protective and hard on you.
At first you thought the sleepy pro hated you for no reason and always snapped at him.
That was, until he sat you down and told you that he didn't hate you, he just wanted to see you become a pro more than anyone.
Though he'll never admit it he loves you like you're his own.
You and Shinsou have a sibling relationship with each other.
You come to Aizawa with all your problems since you don't get to see your actual parents that much anymore due to the dorm system.
You and Aizawa have gotten to the point where you can come and sit in his office with him and Shinsou while you do your homework and he does paperwork.
Doesn't treat you any different from the other students while in class though.
But he is harder on Bakugou if he sees him picking on you.
Even when you go into your 2nd and 3rd year you and him still keep your closeness.
Your dad and Aizawa get along real well. Your father Isn't jealous that you've started think of the raven haired teacher as a dad, in fact he's glad someone's looking out for his baby while they're at U.A
You accidentally called him Dad once and he just went "Yeah, whaddya need?"
He low-key liked being called Dad.
Whenever you start dating he's all over whoever it is.
Will glare at them especially if it's in class 1-A.
The day you graduate he does shed at least one tear, he's so fucking proud of you.
The two of you keep in touch even after you graduate.
You have him in your phone as 💤Dadzawa💤
You visit him quite frequently and when he found out you were getting married to Todoroki he seemed quite happy.
He attends your wedding and actually stays awake through the entire thing.
Will give you a big ass hug when the ceremony is over and tell you how much of an handsome/Beautiful Man/Woman/Person you've become.
Will spoil your kids.
What can he say? They're cute and look like you, of course he's gonna love em.
🇺🇸All Might🇯🇵
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Takes a liking to you real quick, like he did with Midoryia.
He thinks you'll be a great pro one day and wants to see you succeed.
He's super kind to you and always gives you words of advice during training and such.
After a while you two grow close and develop a sort of bond with each other.
If he could adopt you this man would.
You two are almost as close and him and Young Midoryia.
Speaking of him and Midoryia, you may have accidentally found out about their little secret.
You promised not to tell and asked if you could start training with them.
You and Midoryia ended up getting real close and at one point started dating.
And when Toshi found out he was all over intimidating Midoryia, sure Midoryia was his successor but you were like his Son/Daughter/Child and he wanted to protect you from any heartbreak.
You and All Might eat lunch together daily, just talking about school, life and how it's going with Midoryia.
During your second year your blood father passed away, you were shattered and went to Toshinori for help.
The frail pro held you and rocked you while you screamed and cried about losing your father and promised the deceased man that he would continue to take care of you now that your father was gone.
During your third year he started to feel down, this was your last year at U.A you'll be a Pro next year and he's going to have to cope with the fact that he won't be able to be there for you all the time.
At graduation he does cry a little bit, he's so proud of you and the amazing person you've become.
Even when you leave U.A you still keep in contact with Toshi and even visit him on certain weekends or days you have off.
You have him under 'All Mighty DadMight♥️'
The man even walks you down the aisle when you and Midoryia get married.
*Proud Dadmight sounds*
When you and Midoryia have kids you better fucking BET Toshi is gonna spoil the shit outta him.
You start calling his Grandadmight.
Low-key buys your kids All Might merch and gives them piggy back rides.
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sweetness-pop · 4 years
Hiya! 💗🍓🌟Sweetness-Pop here🌈🍭🌸! To give you all the sweets that will give out a spoiler reveal on 1 of my OCs. I thought that it'd at least be nice to at least post something while I'm still working on part 2 for my Pilot: Crossover Sweets. Anyways here is a sweet long story of the future of My Hero Academia's tritagonist, Toshinori Yagi aka All Might.
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Taking place where Class A are 3rd years at UA. On the 19th of November, Toshinori Yagi, age 49 years old(I headcanon that in the manga, Toshi's currently at the age that his late predecessor Nana Shimura's son Kotaro should've been if he was still alive: 47), is at the hospital to......meet a newborn baby.....it's a girl....his daughter. While he indeed is a great father figure(especially to a certain broccoli🥦😁), Toshi never thought that he could ever have children of his own especially because of how old he is. Until that changes when this little symbol of cuteness who is swaddled in a pink blanket has just been welcomed into the world.......& has entered into his life. The moment he slowly & gently picks her up to hold her for the first time, tears of joy are sliding down his face, & that precious smile is put on just for the Mini Might. He can't believe that he's her father. He can't believe that she's his daughter. Toshinori just feels so blessed by this special moment(the moment that he believed that he could never have). She is a miracle. A new reason for him to continue on living. She's a whole new motivation. She's the most beautiful & adorable baby that Toshinori has ever seen. That exact golden blonde hair like Dad-Might's....with the addition of an ahoge on her small head.(😊) Soft baby skin that is light tan. & The most beautiful & colorful eyes in the world, as they are central heterochromia, the outer rings are light blue & the inner rings are green. It's like she has both her daddy & mommy's eyes together as one. She is so beautiful just like her mother, which was her father's compliment. Toshinori then touches the hand of his first & only love as she's laying in the bed next to where he's sitting. He says to her:
"Thank you. For telling me to live. For never giving up on me. For always believing in me. For coming into my life. For letting me into your life. For being the one. &........For giving me this most amazing gift of all.(as he looks at the baby girl who is still in her mighty daddy's embrace)....I love you."
This child is the proof of her parents' love. In everybody's eyes, she is the Symbol of Joy. Her first name in the kanji is 虹恵, which translates "rainbow blessing". Because the moment she was born, a beautiful rainbow was shining out of the sky. The rainbow symbolizes peace & serenity. & Her name is...........Nanae Yagi.(八木虹恵)
🌈🌈The End🌈🌈
(I typed this before on a Toshinori Yagi vid on YouTube as 🌟Symbol🌈of🌸Sweetness💖)
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the-daylight-here · 5 years
Could you please do *anything* with yandere All Might? 💖
||y’all I swear half my inbox was all might before it was cleared out
Toshinori didn’t bother you as much as he should have. He seemed to be a ghost of All Might, although you knew Toshinori had existed longer. To be fair, you were aware that they were one and the same. Still, they seemed like such different people. 
“Midoriya,” you sighed tiredly. The kid was practically your son at this point, although Toshinori did have a disproportionate attachment to the boy for reasons unbeknownst to you. The freckled boy grinned sheepishly at your exasperated, half-hearted glare. You’d lectured him a million times on his bones. Yes, theoretically breaking them would strengthen them, but they’d also become increasingly brittle. Not something you want for a pro hero. 
Toshinori came in, looking worried, and immediately lecturing the green haired boy in front of you. It was almost like watching a parent and child. It truly would have been sweet. Especially if it didn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth. The teacher had a similar attachment to you, but it didn’t bother you as much as it should have. As long as it didn’t interfere with work, you didn’t really care. 
You walked out, leaning on the wall and crossing your arms. You could hear footsteps approaching. You hoped it was a student. But you weren’t particularly lucky. You heard Aizawa speak. 
“It’s rare not to see you and All Might together,” he stated. A keen observation.
“He’s lecturing Midoriya. Figured my presence isn’t required for that.”
“Hm. Be careful. He might not be a hero anymore, but he’s still powerful.”
“I know. Go see your student, Eraser Head.” Your interactions were often like that. Short and to the point. Bullshitting wasn’t a strength of yours and you weren’t particularly interested in getting any better. You decided to walk away before your ‘shadow’ decided to follow after you and chat your ear away. 
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𝘙𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴: Coming soon!
Who I write for: My Hero Academia Seduce Me the Otome Gravity Falls
𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴: Open!!
𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘞𝘐𝘗𝘴: (The ones on top are priority!)
𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥: "I will ALWAYS find you" - Shouta Aizawa x Reader DadMight reacting to his daughter asking for a kiss! "We Need Some Distance" - Hizashi Yamada x Reader “Stuck with You” - Erik Anderson(Uzaeris) x Reader (Part 1) "A Mighty Proposal" - Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Back Up: @allmightsprettybackup
Last Updated: March 20th, 2022
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 - Eraserhead Fics: "Dance" + Erasermic x Reader
"I will ALWAYS find you" - Shouta Aizawa x Reader Drabbles/Headcanons: Kink: Cuddles Kink: Teacher/Student
𝐇𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚 - Present Mic Fics: "Dance" + Erasermic x Reader "Birthday Cuddles" + Hizashi Yamada x Reader "Book Club" + Platonic Yandere! Hizashi Yamada x Reader "We Need Some Distance" - Hizashi Yamada x Reader Drabbles/Headcanons: Kink: Daddy
𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐢 - All Might Fics: "A Mighty Proposal" - Toshinori Yagi x Reader Drabbles/Headcanons: DadMight reacting to his daughter asking for a kiss! (Headcanons)
𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 - Endeavor Fics: "Soft" + Enji Todoroki x Reader Drabbles/Headcanons: Coming soon!
Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
Fics: Coming soon!
Drabbles/Headcanons: Coming soon!
Stanford Pines - The Author
Fics: Coming soon!
Drabbles/Headcanons: Coming soon!
Stanley Pines - Mr. Mystery
Fics: Coming soon!
Drabbles/Headcanons: Coming soon!
Erik Anderson - Uzaeris
Fics: “Stuck with You” - Erik Anderson(Uzaeris) x Reader (Part 1)
Drabbles/Headcanons: Coming soon!
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