#dady issues
zenibaa05 · 7 months
She seems so "cold", and all it took was a "Dr.Karr" for having her like this.
She's hurt, she seems so small here.
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egesizizmir · 1 month
"Bir iliski istemeniz ama olunca da bir süre sonra sıkılıp bitsin istemeniz, kendinizi ilişki içindeyken kapana kısılmış hissetmeniz, ilişki yapmak istemeyip herkesten kaçmanız, anne ve babanızın ilişkisinden dolayı olabilir. Onların evlilikleri yüzünden sizde ilişkilerinizde kapana kısılmış hissedebilirsiniz."
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amante-detu-sonrisa · 5 months
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dragonbby69 · 1 year
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Please god... give me some absolute massive mommy milkers. 😞🙏🏼
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draqulung · 10 months
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atuariacolque · 8 months
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cry-01 · 16 days
Entonces papá nunca estuvo y mamá nunca me escuchó, eso quiere decir que no voy a poder tener una relación "sana" ? .
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rtynkc88bf · 3 months
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sas-soulwriter · 1 year
Can one understand it?
I want it all. I desperately want to be seen. Can one understand it? Please, see me! See my wounds. See my love. See my fear.
Please understand me!
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triss016 · 2 years
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aniela93 · 5 months
⋆⁺☾🩸⋆TO MY DAD,
I NEVER HAD ⋆ ☾🩸₊⋆
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Tears running down my chicks hurt,
burn and carve scars deep into my heart.
i miss him,
i miss my dad i never had
i miss feeling safe and protected by his love, that pure and noble love fathers have for their daughters
i miss the games we never played,
laughs we never laughed
walks we never walked ,
stories we never told
i miss his hug, that warm embrace, i never got
his rooted roots
his speech of faith.. To me
his trust in me , in all my power,
my power to rise again and again every time i fall
That power that he took away from me.
I miss
I miss
his wish for me to be happy from the bottom of his heart
i miss a part of my soul i never had.
That part where his love fits.
It feels
like i have been broken forever,
from the beginning
i miss something i never had
there is an empty space in my heart,
wearing his name
a missing part
i can't live without
i love a dad i never had
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yi2u · 5 months
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quinlefey · 9 months
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No hate, I actually love my dad. I just thought this was funny
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naastiaa · 1 year
Nieobecność ojca
Teraz gdy już jestem duża,
Możesz wytłumaczyć błędy.
Co ci dziecko uczyniło,
Że się stałeś niedostępny?
Mam wrażenie, może mylne,
Że pomieszkiwałeś w domu.
Ciagle późno wracałaś,
Nie zwierzając się nikomu.
Mama zapewniała pustkę,
Którą w środku odczuwałam.
To przez ojca nieobecność
Coraz szybciej dorastałam
Kiedy byliśmy już razem
Z naszej dwójki ty jedyny.
Miałeś zachowanie, które
Godne było zwykłej kpiny.
Podnosiłeś głos na córkę.
Często mnie krytykowałeś.
To dlatego twoje słowa
Z czasem stały się nic nie warte.
Nagle pytasz z wyrzutami.
Skąd nienawiść w moich żyłach?
Jakbyś nie pojmował tego,
Że to wszytko twoja wina.
Dziś już umiem w dziczy przetrwać.
Twej nie szukam aprobaty.
A najgorsze w tym wszystkim,
Że potrzebowałam taty
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ewisth · 1 year
Mutlu muyum üzgün müyüm ne hissediyorum veya ne hissetmem gerek bilmiyorum doğrusu ben hiçbir şeyi bilmiyorum..
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julihalves · 5 days
Eu odeio
Odeio o jeito que se põe em autoridade achando que pode fazer oq bem entender só pq é mais velho
Odeio como faz eu me sentir uma merda
Odeio o jeito que do nada decidiu virar um completo babaca
Odeio o fato de vc ser um machista, homofóbico e racista (mesmo seu pai sendo negro e vc pardo)
Odeio como fala o quanto eu preciso estudar mas nem na porra de uma faculdade passou
Odeio o jeito NOJENTO que fala do meu corpo e do da minha mãe
Odeio como sexualiza a minha mãe
Odeio como vc fala que é tão certinho mas é um viciado em maconha
Odeio como trata nossa família igual bosta e tentar passar que somos perfeitos
Odeio quando fala "aí mas isso é drama"
Odeio que me fez voltar a sentir aquele vazio de antes
Odeio o fato de VOCÊ ser o motivo dos meus recentes cortes
Odeio como se dedica tanto a terceiros, mas tá pouco se fudendo pra sua família
Odeio como acha que sou um robô e não liga pra porra dos meus sentimentos
Odeio como a sua falta de afeto me fez acreditar que ninguém NUNCA vai me amar e como eu procuro o seu amor em outras pessoas (caras mais velhos)
Odeio como fala pra outras pessoas o quanto está orgulhoso mas pra mim você NUNCA falou em todos o meus 17 anos
Odeio como dos meus 15 pra cá vc começou a me odiar
Odeio o fato de não ser a princesinha do papai
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