#daily cardinal
huntingforsport · 11 months
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Two page spread on the scene in Daily Cardinal's DIY Issue.
Arthur Machado believes in Madison's DIY music scene: How a UW-Madison student is pointing crowds in the direction of local bands.
Local band Boxing Day captivates indie music lovers
Boobzhaus boasts underground talent for punks with 'the addy'
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amprosite · 1 year
Civic fracture is growing among Wisconsinites. It the easier to harass you. Radicals have been known to go to the homes of notables and threaten them.
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dailyplushia · 10 months
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Daily Plushia: Today we have these AMAZING plushies made by @kabukiaku ! They are so adorable and so well made make sure to check out her stuff 😭❤️
[Submitted by @kabukiaku]
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zombei-queen · 2 months
𝔗 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫... 𝔗 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 ℑ𝔢𝔯𝔷𝔬, 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝛾 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔅𝔯𝔞𝔴𝔩 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰.
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ℑ𝔥𝔢𝛾 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝛾 𝔲𝔫𝔬)
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tasty-ribz · 1 year
He protec, he attac, but most importantly he's a protective papa bear to his fratellino
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mouthsofsirion · 1 year
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he looks so sweet in this clip T^T
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♡ uranus placements
i n l o v e 💕
v v v v v v v v v v v v
uranus governs the tarot cards the magician and the tower, amongst others
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♡ uranus in a cardinal sign generally take the lead when in love. likely to instigate activities with their partner. activities can be of a challenging or revolutionary nature, discussing new theories etc. expect a power couple with a significant relationship sometimes in the public sphere. revolutionary energy of uranus is amplified by the headstrong nature of the cardinal signs
♡ uranus in a fixed sign uranus placements here indicates someone who goes with the flow in love and allows a relationship to develop organically due to the way they sit back and learn from both their partner and their own feelings. may be unconfortable with the turbulence of love and can have a tendency to avoid strong emotions. may resist the kinds of changes uranus brings. nevertheless this can be balanced by a positive moon placement or auspicious venus.
♡ uranus in a mutable sign
mutable signs can be shy and overly concerned with self image when in love. they can sometimes have a perfectionistic nature that means they go to impress their partner but sometimes just acting natural is all that is needed. once they let their gusrd down though they are very good at weathering the kinds of changes that come from this planet due to their quick thinking and flexibility.
For a similar post with a dark academia vibe, check out my observations on pluto placements HERE.
Please feel free to reblog but please do not copy text without my permission! Thank you 💕
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lady-dulcinea · 5 months
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Dracula, Das Musical
Lyn Liechty as Mina Murray Jesper Tydén as Jonathan Harker
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feather-bone · 1 year
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Cardinals :-)
[ID: a symmetrical illustration on a blue background of two red cardinals perched on a branch with green leaves, looking sternly at each other. End.]
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osadiafromheaven · 7 months
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
[english & spanish]
DISCLAIMER: this is just a general reading. If it doesn't resonate, let it fly, don't force it!
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♥Fixed signs (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius): Do you want to start something but you're not entirely sure? This is the exact momento to start creating the basis of your projects so that it's sustainable over time. If you don't dare to do it alone, try to have a team to lean on or someone with more experience advise you and clear your doubts. Your only enemy is your negativity and lack of confidence. Believe in yourself. Lucky number: 5
Yes/No/Maybe: possible yes, if you trust in yourself.
Colour: orange.
♥Mutable signs (pisces, gemini, virgo, sagittarius): Winds of change and success are coming, but also of many responsibilities, where you need to keep a balance between the earthly and the emotional. It’s an excellent time to start a new business that you have been having in mind; since the difficult times are over or are about to do so; calm and peace is coming. It’s time to reconnect with yourself and with the things that surround you. Lucky number: 5
Yes/No/Maybe: yes.
Colour: blue.
♥Cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn): Moments of success are to enjoy or celebrate. You have been on streak of good luck in what you set out to do during this time and the cards say that this stage will continue that way. You are in a phase of self-sufficiency, fulfillment, freedom and independence; you are headed in the right direction. You recognize your brilliance and don’t seek approval from anyone, but it is also a call for you to recognize your achievements and effort and congratulate yourself for it. Lucky number: 9
Yes/No/Maybe: undoubtedly yes.
Colour: yellow.
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
AVISO LEGAL: esto es sólo una lectura general. Si no te resuena, déjalo volar, no lo fuerces!
♥Signos fijos (tauro, leo, escorpio y acuario): Tenés ganas de iniciar algo pero no te animas? Este es el momento de empezar a crear las bases de tus proyectos para que sea sostenible en el tiempo. Si no te animas a hacerlo solo, intentá emprender en equipo o que alguien con más experiencia te aconseje y despeje tus dudas. Tu único enemigo es tu negatividad y falta de confianza. Cree en vos.
Número de la suerte: 5
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: posible sí, si es que confías en vos mismo.
Color de la semana: anaranjado
♥Signos mutables (piscis, géminis, virgo, sagitario): Se inician temporadas de éxito, pero también de muchas responsabilidades, en donde tenemos que tener un balance entro lo terrenal y lo emocional. Es un excelente momento para iniciar algún emprendimiento o negocio que veníamos teniendo en mente; ya que los tiempos difíciles han acabado o están a punto de hacerlo; viene la calma. Es tiempo de reconectar con uno mismo y con las cosas que nos rodean.
Número de la suerte: 5
Color de la semana: azul
♥Signos cardinales (aries, cáncer, libra y capricornio): Las etapas de éxito son para disfrutar o celebrar. Se ha venido con una buena racha en lo que te propusiste a lo largo de este tiempo y las cartas dicen que esa etapa continuará de esa manera. Te encontrás en una etapa de autosuficiencia, plenitud, libertad e independencia; vas por la dirección correcta. Reconocés tu brillo y no buscas aprobación de nadie, pero también es un llamado para que te felicites por ello y tu potencial.
Número de la suerte: 9
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: indudablemente sí.
Color de la semana: amarillo
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valiantsilver · 1 year
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almost forgot this was a horror podcast
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harkthorn · 11 months
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Page of bird sketches for today
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YOUR Venus in Libra Horoscope
What: Venus in Libra
When: Aug. 29 - Sept. 22, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Cardinal signs & Air signs
Takeaway: A renewed sense of grace, justice, beauty, balance, and sweetness.
     2024 has been a cosmic rollercoaster—two Mercury Retrogrades, that explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction, the subsequent Mars-Jupiter conjunction and immediate squares to stern Saturn…In other words, we’ve had a LOT of planetary action involving the nervous Mercury and the dry, hot, angry Mars. These transits have likely upped your irritation and restlessness, tipping the scales too much towards the YANG side of things. But starting Aug. 29, Venus, the planet of all things yin, struts into Libra, sprinkling flirtation, optimism, and some much-needed peace into your life. 
     Yep, like a rich piece of cake after a super-salty meal, Venus in Libra is swooping in with some sweet relief. So, if you’ve been feeling burnt out and/or out of touch with your sensual, harmonious side, Venus in Libra is a bright spot on the horizon. From now until September 22, expect delightful conversations, a surge in social charm, a stronger yearning for collaboration or partnership work, and a renewed love for all things beautiful.
Venus in Libra Meaning
     Venus rules Libra, so when it’s in this cardinal air sign, it’s like coming home after a long trip. And when Venus is home, it doubles down on all its favorite things. Think: sweet compromises, charming negotiations, artistic expressions that make you swoon, and flirtations that could give a poet writer’s block.
     Libra is the zodiac’s maestro of aesthetics and the ultimate diplomat, balancing everything with the grace of a ballerina on a tightrope. But this air sign is also driven by connection, collaboration, and justice. Venus in Libra is thus a fabulous transit to build bridges and bonds that are mutually beneficial (and balanced).
     Imagine you’re negotiating a contract at work. With Venus in Libra, you approach the situation with tact and fairness, aiming for a win-win outcome. You’d listen to the other party’s needs, present your case with a smile, and find common ground that benefits both sides.
     In relationships, Venus in Libra manifests as a natural inclination towards partnership. You’ll find yourself drawn to harmony, constantly seeking to maintain balance and avoid conflict. Whether it’s picking the right words to diffuse a potential argument or planning a romantic evening that caters to both your tastes, Venus in Libra ensures that love is always a two-way street, with a focus on mutual respect and shared joy.
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dailyplushia · 10 months
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Daily Plushia: Look at this beautiful boy.🥰
[Submitted by @bra1nwashed ]
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copiasleftshin · 1 year
Melting at how secondo speaks, he’s so spooky bbg
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tasty-ribz · 1 year
I know why you're late little sinner
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Alright besties, today Is Secondo's day so let me live my dream with young Cardinal Secondo who still has his hair so I can pull them ✌🏻
I couldn't help myself after reading this fic: https://www.tumblr.com/tyarichtofen/714244726688251904/dictated-by-your-cardinal bu @tyarichtofen
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