#copia daily love post
mouthsofsirion · 1 year
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he looks so sweet in this clip T^T
Thank you to @ghuleh.on.a.cross on TikTok for sharing this clip <3
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ghostchems · 4 months
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infernal | nsfw | parts: one/two/three/four | ao3 link
papa emeritus iii x fem reader Terzo is serving a death sentence. It isn’t like he had much of a choice. He remembers the game night clearly. The typical arguments and accusations of cheating had subsided and it was a rare moment of fun and relaxation with his brothers. The next thing he remembers is waking up on a gurney and gasping for air. They told him his brothers were dead. They told him they had removed his head for a photoshoot and then reattached it again. They gave him a choice: die now or take their money and never speak to them again.
the devil’s damsel | nsfw: non-con | parts: one/two/three/four | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader after one mistake, you end up in the belly of the beast
cemetery stroll | nsfw | parts: one/two | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader a creature interrupts your evening walk through the abbey cemetery.
bad idea right? | nsfw | parts: one/two | ao3 link
raphael x fem tav your companions have made their stance on making a deal with a devil clear but as the stakes of your quest grow you aren't so certain
*the titles link to the tumblr post. ao3 links included for all! for fics with multiple parts, i linked the last part bc i am lazy :) there are no tumblr links for burn with me because its an ~ao3 exclusive~ (i stopped consistently posting the chapters on tumblr the longer it went dhdjsjsj)
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papa emeritus iii
cirice | nsfw | ao3 link
you are searching for inspiration at the site of a local urban legend but something beckons to you
kazoo comfort | sfw | ao3 link
you take a break from your daily duties to clear your head when you run into a cozy-looking retired papa
the rose | sfw | ao3 link
terzo reminisces about simpler times
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated
the wedding guest | nsfw | ao3 link
you have just gotten over a break-up and attend a wedding of a friend alone. a man with face paint distracts you from the festivities
the cardinal’s cure | nsfw | ao3 link
cardinal terzo notices you seem a bit stressed and he has perfect solution
gloves | nsfw | ao3 link
you are the resident glove maker at the abbey and cardinal terzo comes to you with a curious request.
you drive me (crazy) | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: Now that Terzo has retired he has to take driving lessons because Imperator won't let any of the ghouls drive him around anymore. Reader is hired to teach him but what happens when love (or just sex) gets in the way of his lessons?
a man after midnight | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: looking at the mirror but the reflection isn't. looking. at. you.
the phantom touch | nsfw | ao3 link
when copia is gone, the phantom comes out to play.
the dressing room | nsfw | ao3 link
the last show of the popestar tour has concluded with Papa being dragged off stage. your task is to keep him occupied in his dressing room
smoke break | sfw | ao3 link
you find solace and a private place to smoke when you are caught by the new papa.
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cardinal copia
burn with me | nsfw | ao3 link
It’s been a long time since Copia has been able to play with his food.
restroom detour | nsfw | ao3 link
you're out with your friends at the new local hot spot: the pinnacle lounge. a trip to find the bathroom has you stumbling into something not for your eyes.
road rage | nsfw | ao3 link
as copia's assistant, you've found a nonconventional way to keep your boss calm.
oops | nsfw | ao3 link
copia makes a mistake while summoning a new ghoul.
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated.
devotion | nsfw | ao3 link
the cardinal™️ doesn’t feel that you’ve been a good little sinner lately.
boys suck | nsfw | ao3 link
dracopia with the prompts: that gut feeling something is following you & having blood smeared all over you
the cream in cardinal copia's coffee | nsfw | ao3 link
you are blessed with the task of making the new cardinal his coffee each morning and on your first day, you forget the evaporated milk.
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papa emeritus iv
the sads | sfw | ao3 link
you've fallen behind on your classes at the ministry because of an episode of the sads.
somethin’ spooky | nsfw | ao3 link
you've secured an invite to an exclusive party at a satanic church only to end up being underwhelmed by the lack of "spooky".
have some sympathy and some taste | nsfw | ao3 link
you become charmed by a spooky live performance at a bar you wandered into.
wrong place, right time | nsfw | ao3 link
you work at a local concert venue, specializing in requests from the music acts. one request and one warning slips your mind.
on leather wings | nsfw | ao3 link
copia surprises you with a spooky weekend getaway, culminating in some winged bedroom time
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papa emeritus ii
la bella luna | nsfw | ao3 link
after a disappointing evening, you run into a mysterious man on the street.
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mary goore
baptized in blood | nsfw | ao3 link
you will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town.
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thief | nsfw| ao3 link
desperate for shimmer, you steal some from the last drop and make your escape
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azureseacloud · 5 months
HEYY so I have this cute little thing in mind like I’m pretty sure we all know what an elf on a shelf is and if you don’t it’s basically where a toy elf like watches over the kids or whatever idrk how to explain it but like
What if like copia or WHOEVER got the ghouls an elf on a self to “watch over them”😞🙏 like I feel like there reaction to it would be so silly
- someone who likes to stalk your page daily to see any new posts😞 (aka ivy😈🙏)
I had a lot of fun with this idea, so thank you Ivy!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Elf Troubles
Words: 1,940
Warnings: swearing
“What the fuck is that?”
You looked up at Dew as he stopped in the middle of the room. He was staring over at the corner, eyes narrowed.
“What?” You followed his eye-line, finding the stuffed Christmas elf toy sitting on the bookshelf there. “Oh that.”
Dew looked back at you, waiting for an answer.
“It’s an elf on a shelf.” You shrugged, fighting back a smile at the ghoul’s reaction.
“Yeah but what is it?”
“It’s an elf. That sits on a shelf,” you deadpanned.
Copia had put it there last night. You’d been pitching the idea to him all week, knowing the ghouls had never heard or seen one before, and spotting the opportunity to mess with them the way they did with you. Copia hadn’t a clue what it was either, but after explaining the idea to him he had been just as excited.
Dew was silent, staring at you in a way that told you he was not amused. The corner of your lips quirked up and you raised an eyebrow. He walked over to the table, bracing his hands on the surface across from you.
“What’s going on?” Phantom padded into the room, stretching as he stopped near the fire ghoul. He looked between the two of you as neither broke eye contact.
Dewdrop pointed wordlessly at the elf. Phantom took a step back once he locked eyes with it, and you snorted, looking at the startled ghoul.
“What is that?” The quintessence ghoul asked as he tried to subtly hide behind Dew. He shook Phantom off, moving away.
“It’s a toy. Part of a Christmas tradition. It watches over everyone and makes sure they are behaving.” You shot a pointed look at Dew and he flipped you off.
“I don’t like it,” the fire ghoul grumbled, crossing into the kitchen. You smirked at him.
“Scared that it’s going to attack you for all the naughty things you do?” You teased. Dew looked over at you, curling his fingers in a beckoning motion that he did on stage.
“Aww sweetheart, you can be a part of those naughty things, all you gotta do is ask.”
You rolled your eyes as Rain walked in, reaching over Dew to get a cup. The smaller ghoul jabbed him in the ribs and Rain jumped back, almost dropping it.
Phantom had moved closer to the elf, carefully reaching out a hand to touch its head. He stepped back timidly after, as if waiting for it to bite him. You laughed quietly in amusement and Rain looked over, giving Dew another chance to jab him in the ribs. The water ghoul hissed, smacking Dew over the head.
Rain left him in the kitchen, the fire ghoul scowling after him.
“Morning gorgeous.” Cumulus called to you as she walked in, Cirrus’s arm linked in hers. You smiled back.
“Morning,” you chirped back happily. The ghoulettes sat beside you.
“What’s up with him?” Rain asked, nodding at Phantom as he settled down on your other side. He wrapped his slender fingers around the cup, the rings on his fingers shining while steam rose from the coffee.
“Elf on the shelf.”
“Elf?” Rain sounded curious.
“Sometimes you don’t make any sense honey.”
You whipped your head around at Cirrus. “I do not. You’re the ones that don’t make any sense,” you defended, gesturing at Dewdrop who was holding a piece of bread in his flaming hand, even though there was a toaster right in front of him.
“Anyway, it’s not a real elf. It’s a Christmas toy. People put it in their house to watch over the children and make sure they are behaving,” you explained, choosing to ignore what the fire ghoul was doing.
“You know we don’t celebrate Christmas here?” Rain asked, a cute look of confusion on his face. You shrugged in response.
“Yeah, but I thought it would be interesting. And Copia said it was fine, so no damaging or burning it. Those things are really expensive.”
Dew scoffed. “I still don’t like it.”
“Afraid of a little human tradition, Dewdrop?” Cirrus mocked slyly.
“It doesn’t smell right. Something about it isn’t normal,” Dew hissed back, narrowing his eyes at the ghoulette.
“Your toast is burning,” Rain pointed out. Dew looked back down at his hand.
“Shit.” The flames disappeared, leaving a crispy, blackened slice. “Fuck.”
You shook your head while the ghoulettes cackled. Dew glared, stubbornly taking a bite out of it.
“Well I have a meeting to get to,” you said as you rose from the table and headed towards the door. “Try not to anger the elf too much. Or set anything else on fire.”
Dew flipped you off as you smirked.
“It moved,” Phantom whispered.
“Huh?” You looked up at the ghoul, following his eyeline to the elf perched on the windowsill, looking out. It was the morning after and the elf was somehow still untouched and in one piece.
“Yeah, it moves around when no one’s looking. The elf does that once every night, it’ll be in a different spot each morning. Makes it easier to keep an eye on you all.” You held back a smile as you said it, wondering if Phantom would believe it.
“No.” The quiet tremor in his voice prompted you to look up again. His eyes were wide in a way that told you this was not a joke. “It moved, just then.”
You looked over at the elf again, studying it carefully. There was no movement after a solid minute of staring. Phantom still looked panicked.
“Phantom it’s fine, you’re probably just imagining it,” you said reassuringly. “The elf doesn’t actually move—I’ve been doing it.” Well, someone else had done it today, because you could have sworn you placed it on the kitchen counter.
“It moved its arm. I saw it move its arm.”
You sighed, looking back at the elf once again. One arm was propped up on the window—had it been like that before? Or had you just not noticed?
“Phantom, it’s just a toy. It can’t move. Here,” you said as you got up, striding over to the elf. You picked it up and walked back over, the young quintessence ghoul backing away. Placing the elf on the counter and turning it to face away from you, you shrugged.
“See? Nothing to be—“
It twisted its head around to look directly at you.
“Unholy fuck!” Phantom grabbed your arm as you shouted, backing away from the counter and the elf on top of it. The elf that was fucking moving.
Phantom was pushing you in front, hiding behind as you both backed away slowly. His grip was tightening as the elf placed its arms down on the tabletop and swiveled its body to face the same direction as its head.
What. The. Fuck.
You took another step back as it rose unsteadily to its feet, stumbling across the surface towards the two of you.
“What do we do?” You whispered, your grip on Phantoms arm so tight that it must have hurt. The ghoul was too terrified to notice, eyes locked on the toy as it creeped closer.
It jumped down from the counter, and then it charged.
“Run!” Phantom yelled, pulling you back as he ran to the doorway out of the ghoul quarters. You followed, sprinting through the door and turning back to see the elf racing after you. Phantom slammed the door just before it reached you.
The two of you stood outside, breathing hard as you waited. Would it open the door? Surely not, it had to be too weak for that.
“What about the others?” Phantom whispered. “Do you think it’ll try to hurt them?”
“Fuck. We need to see Copia. He might know what to do.” Hopefully the other ghouls would be alright.
“Copia, the elf is moving.”
Papa blinked as you and Phantom pushed into his room, a quill clutched in his hand.
“I don’t understand what you mean? Is it not supposed to move? That was what you told me?” He sounded confused.
“No I mean that it’s moving by itself. By itself.”
Copia put the quill down, a worried look crossing his face. “I thought that was what you wanted it to do, no?”
You paused, running his words through your mind. “Papa, what did you do to the elf?”
“Well, I did a small incantation to allow it to move around. It’s only supposed to do it once everyday and when no one could see. I must have made some mistake, I can fix it.”
You and Phantom exchanged a look. “Just how bad of a mistake could you have made?”
Copia bit his lip sheepishly. “Well I may have summoned a lesser demon to bind to its form, with clear instructions, of course.” He grimaced. “Except from the sound of it, the terms were not properly, ah, implemented. That is to say that the demon may have complete control over its actions, but it will still remained bound to the elf.”
You and Phantom exchanged a worried look. You’d locked it in with the other ghouls, and they had no idea what it really was.
You raced back to the ghoul quarters, Phantom hot on your heels. Copia had fallen behind—he supposedly knew a way to undo what he had done, but you couldn’t say you were very confident in it working, especially if his first one went awry.
You sprinted down the familiar corridor. Almost there—you sent a quick prayer to Satan that the ghouls were okay. Maybe the elf had returned to the windowsill instead.
You tore open the door of the ghoul quarters in time to see Dew rip a red and green blur off Swiss’s neck, the multi ghoul spitting curses in between his gasps for breath.
Your eyes darted to see Mountain was backed up in the corner, hands braced on the wall and body rigid as he watched. Rain was perched on the kitchen counter, glancing worriedly at Swiss.
There was a bright light paired with an inhuman screech, and you whipped your head over to see Dewdrop holding a burning silhouette. An ear splitting screech came from the fire, a hand reaching for Dew’s face. It crumbled to ash as the screaming faded, the wisps floating calmly to the floor below.
There was silence in the room as you all stood there, staring at the remnants of the elf in Dew’s hands.
The fire ghoul turned to you, jabbing a finger in your direction.
“I told you it was an evil fuck.” He crossed his arms, shooting a pointed look in your direction. You smiled sheepishly.
“Normally they don’t do that. I can get you another one—“
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Swiss called from the floor, bruising marks visible around his neck from where the possessed toy had choked him.
“I think that’s the last time we have an elf on a shelf,” Mountain said carefully, moving away from the wall. Rain was still sitting on the counter, and looking like he wasn’t planning on coming down anytime soon.
You put your hands up in surrender.
“Okay fine. No more elves. Got it.”
“How about mistletoe?” Swiss asked suggestively. He winked at you from the floor. Obviously he was feeling better.
“I can grow some,” Mountain offered, interested. Even Dew looked over, his appraising gaze shifting from Rain to you.
Of course they all knew about mistletoe.
You sighed. There was a lot of ways this could go wrong, especially with the ghouls.
But it was definitely better than a possessed elf.
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 month
Capital C
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Copia (Papa Emeritus IV) x GN! Reader
Summary: Copia plans a picnic for your anniversary but somethings can’t always go perfectly.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Established Relationship, Copia being his cute self
A/N: I wrote this while traveling; I wasn't going to post it at all cause I felt it could be better, but I read it, and now I want to strangle my past self! So enjoy!
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Walking through the Ministry's library, the marble floor echoing behind you with arms heavy with books from making a stop at the library, but as careful as you were having to stop yourself from getting too excited as you knew Copia had something planned for you today.
It being the day Copia finally got the courage to say how he felt about you, since morning he had something on his mind knowing as he looked off to the side while you talked. 
Putting down the books on the book cart, then making your way up the bookcase latter with two cuddled close to your chest, putting them away but finding a piece of paper lying in the space of the bookshelf. Stuffing it into your pocket before finishing up the sorting before quickly opening the folded paper.
“Meet me on the west side of the garden.”
Love C
Smiling quickly, stuffing the note into your pocket again, not wanting Sister Imperial to come around the corner. Yes, you had been dating Copia for a year, but it was sometimes stressful, as Papa could sleep with anyone but he couldn’t date a sibling of Sin, and if he could, Sister Imperial had to have a say in it.
Not that you would be allowed, but at the state of the ministry, he had to focus on the ministry's work, not loving you. Taking a breath clearing your thoughts with nothing but the thought of your date tonight with Copia.
Walking back to your room from daily tasks, relaxing by sitting on the bed, but a squeak comes from under you, Quickly, you lift, seeing one of Copia’s rats. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologize while picking them up. It sniffed you before cuddling into you as they received some pets and scratches. That’s when you noticed a little rope around its neck, taking it off, seeing there’s a note on it.
“A little message for me?” Copia used his rats to sometimes send you little ‘I love you’ or Radom messages, but this note was different. 
“Wear something as dark as your Lord.”
Love C
Smiling more impatient at the simple note, but it was made just for you from Copia, nothing could be more special. Giving them a bit more pets, you send Copia’s rat back into the same hole in the wall so that can make their way back to him. Now all you had to do was get ready for your date. 
Picking the darkest thing you had in your closet, dressing the best, digging out a present you’ve been putting together for months before making your way out the door. Sneaking through the halls wasn’t an easy task as everything echoed; luckily, the gardens and Copia’s chambers weren’t too far away. 
Hiding behind marble pillars, hearing out for any footsteps with the garden lights dimly lighting your path to the outside entrance, Walking through the old glass doors up to the little hill, seeing the picnic with a big wicker basket resting on a red checkered blanket covered with red rose peddles and candles carefully standing on uneven ground.
Walking closer, putting his present on the corner of the blanket, looking at it in awe, not realizing Copia dressed in his best behind you, “Do you like it?” He asks, making you turn. "I mean the-“ He stutters, “I love it.” You interrupted his doubt.
Looking over at his now blushing face before kissing his soft lips, with his hands moving to hold you while cupping his face. Breaking the kiss, you say, “It couldn’t be more perfect.” Looking into his beautiful eyes giving a smile. “Let’s sit,” he says, quickly moving to sit on the blanket, joining him watching as he pours a sparkling drink into a thin glass before handing it to you.
No doubt he had snuck this from the kitchen, even as Papa had to ask sister for such things, taking a sip from it as he poured himself one. Right as you clanked your glasses, a big gust of wind blew the rose peddles, and pulling up the blanket, Copia puts down his glass, but it spills quickly. You helped pick it up, but it was too late; the blanket and his nice pants were wet.
He scrambled to fix the blanket, not touching the pedals, knowing they were lost. “Maybe, um, wait, let me-“ He stuttered, making the blanket stay making the glass tip over once more, spilling the drink on his shirt this time. The wind finally settled down. “Let's just take this to your room C,” you say, trying to put things away. “No, it’s fine; it was supposed-“ His frustration fought with the starting wind. “It was all for you,” he whispered, but it was lost to the wind.
“We can continue the date; let’s go inside.” Helping to hold the basket, ready to get up out of the windy weather, he looked defeated, finally getting up and taking the blanket, then walking with you into the building back through the halls to his chambers.
Putting the basket down next to you before sitting down on the couch, he sat fighting with his hands before taking out a box from the basket. “I wanted to get you this, but you don’t have to open it.” His voice is small, but you hold his hand, making him look at you. “Of course, C.” He smiled after that, watching you open the box.
A little music box opens to the tune of the song he made about you, with a little carve out of the both of you in a dance pose. Your face tingled red, with tears welding up in your eyes. “Oh, C, I love it,” you say, then turn to give a kiss on his lips. His hands cupped your face while pulling his wet shirt, then breaking the kiss.
“Now it’s your turn.” Turning back, you grab the box that you hid behind you, pulling it in front of you, giving it to him. His face lights up as he sees the black box with a capital ‘C’ on it. “It’s-“ He starts, but you interrupt, "Well, wait, you haven’t opened it yet." He laughs, then opens it, seeing a small necklace resting on a pillow in the box.
“Open it.” He pulls open the locket necklace to see his two pet rats on one side and the other. “I wanted you to see us every day when you’re on tour,” he looks up at you with a teary smile, then hugs you. Laying back with the hug, he moves to rest his head on your chest, staying there until you both fall asleep.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩: @urlocalfanficwriter
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So I decided that I'm still going to do both kink-tober and fluff-tober prompts (I've been on a writing kick recently and I just want to fill that all out). It won't be a daily upload situation, and I'm not entirely sure I care to do it in order, but I still feel like getting some of them out into existence. This is a reminder that if you see anything you want filled in for the fluff-tober prompts, that they are still available as long as they don't have the little star (*) next to them. I'm working on some old requests I have, so in the queue for WIPS, I have:
Sub!Omega X Dom!Ghoulette Reader - smut headcanons POSTED
Aether X Omega - smut
Copia X Reader - smut POSTED
Phantom X Reader - fluff
And others that I'm just forgetting or ones that I haven't fully formulated yet. Also I have requests sitting in my inbox from October that weren't part of fluff-tober, so I'm just trying to knock those out as soon as I can.
Finally started a new semester at college and like 90% of my work is online/open book, so I have more time to chill out than I did last semester, which means I've been more motivated to write.
Much love
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
Ayyyy congrats on the 1k followers! 🍾 I’m going to join in on the Ministry Role if that’s alright (:
1. Would you say you're more likely to be a Sibling of Sin or a Ghoul? Why
Both? Sibling for not feeling like a person at times. And Ghoul simply for the fact I feel like a creechure but not all the time. It’s a little hard to explain with words.
2. Which Papa would you prefer to work with? Why? (Sister Imperator is included)
Primo or Copia. They both have a more laidback vibe that would save me from keeling over with terrible social anxiety lol. And both would be great to talk to if they ever wanted to speak with me. I like listening to people and their stories.
Maybe Nihil as well if he ever needed assistance. Im mostly open to whoever needs the help the most.
3. Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert? Tell us a little more about it.
Extremely introverted. A few hours of being around more than two people is overwhelming and requires rest else overstimulation becomes physically painful.
4. What chore do you like the most/hate the least?
I like doing things with my hands. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, even pulling weeds from a garden helps put my mind at ease.
I don’t like doing dishes as much. The textures can make me cry lol.
5. Do you like to travel, or maybe you prefer to stay at home?
I’m in between. I love traveling and seeing new places. Especially restaurants and museums! And I love staying put to keep the same repeat patterns.
6. Freebie. You've got five sentences to tell us anything you want about you
I have several hobbies that I always shift between sketching, writing, reading, sewing, growing plants and even making bracelets to give out as gifts. I am spending a lot of time sketching up designs and creating new projects. Music is a huge part of my daily life and I often listen to help me calm down and stim. I was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety and autism at a very early age and do struggle a lot with social interactions and need frequent breaks.
This post is part of the 1000 followers whats my role in the ministry event. Entries (asks) for the event close on 23rd October
Your role in the ministry is… Assistant gardener to Papa Emeritus I
Primo always allocates you a part of the garden that he knows is out of the way of most people. This means you get to work in peace.
He will come and join you though. He enjoys your company a lot so you often go for a tea break together.
He’ll also happily tell you stories while you work.
You can listen to music as much as you want when you work.
Primo is very laid back you can take as many breaks as you need whenever you need. All he cares about is that you feel happy and comfortable.
You made him a bracelet taking inspiration from his favourite plants in the gardens. You used colours of their leaves and flowers and have it to him. He was so touched by the gift, he wears it all the time now and he gave you a big hug.
The Ghouls who work in the garden love your bracelets they took to following you around from a distance (making you tea bringing anything you needed to you). Primo had to explain it was their way of asking if you’d make them bracelets. Which you did. The Ghouls loved you anyway but now they totally adore you.
Primo has told you that you can write and sketch in the garden whenever you like. He and the Ghoul’s decided to move a garden bench to a more secluded part of the garden so you can sit there whenever you want. Whenever you decide to sit there the Ghouls seem to know in advance and you always find blankets and cushions laid out for.
Written by Nyx
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copias-girl · 1 year
The bad part about TCAC is that it ENDS, and I will suffer waiting for the next chapter... aaaah it hurts 😩😩
The story is getting better and sexier after every single chapter, and this one specifically was sooooo good. The Satanic Mass was just 💋👌 CHEF'S KISS. My poor little pitiful ratman, he was never touched before.... by the way, I'm pretty excited to see a little about his past, if you will. My headcanon is that he had a sad and lonely childhood, for 3 reasons: his mismatched eyes, the fact that he didn't know his dad and because his mom was a single satanist woman, considered to be filthy, worthless and a sinner. Imagine being a single mom, satanist and much probably feminist in the 1960-1970s decade? Sister Imperator surely suffered a LOT (not counting Nihil's cheating) and so did her child. I think she was his only friend, Copia is mama's boy forever (yeah i think he knows she is his mother unlike the fandom usually theorizes, but he surelly doesnt know Nihil is his father). This is why he grew up so shy and used to be bullied and mistreated, even among his own people (satanists).
Look at that pretty shy boy. He is afraid of even looking to the reader, imagine when she finally decides to eat her prey? Kissing him in front of everyone? Finally fucking and giving him the most pleasurable love? Ooh he definitely will pass out, at least metaphorically. Imagine, after a great and satisfying fuck, Copia looking down at the sister while she sleeps with her head on his chest and hugging his body?? Imagine she kissing his squishy belly full of rigatoni and body-worshipping him to give him courage! OMFG this is killing me 😩😩
Anyway. I absolutely love your writing, guestie!! ❤️❤️
Awww!! That’s so sweet of you to say!! ♥︎ I’m gonna be dialling up the heat in the next chapters so I can’t wait to post that for you all! 😈🔥
And I’m happy you liked the mass chapter, it was so fun to write!! I’m enjoying writing all the little parts about daily life at the ministry! It really immerses me into the story and I hope it does the same for all my wonderful readers too!
But yes I do headcanon Copia to have been kind of a lonely child. He was raised alongside the other Emeritus brothers, but obviously he’s years younger than Terzo and Secondo so maybe they didn’t play together very much. And obviously Primo is way older than all of them. And yes I do think that if he was going out in the regular world, his mismatched eyes and gentle demeanour would have made him the target for some mean comments 🥺 ugh my poor baby, this is making my heart hurt 🖤
Personally I headcanon that he doesn’t know Sister Imperator is his mother, just because in the chapters she stops herself from saying it (in the doom call chapter) and also in the homecoming chapter she says she can’t call him Papa, and when she asks if he knows why he just says because of Nihil. And obviously Sister Imperator cares for him and is always in his corner, but Copia just thinking he’s an orphan makes him even more lonely and lovable 🥺
But omg YES Ghestie I am so excited to write that part!! If he can’t even handle reader in these chapters, imagine when she goes full force and is begging for his cock like?? Poor sweet rat man is gonna be going into cardiac arrest. And you KNOW reader is a lil exhibitionist sooooo yeah she’s definitely gonna be up for some public shenanigans 👀👀 AND YES HIS RIGATONI FILLED BELLY OMFG I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH LIKE- imagine him being kinda self conscious about his body and reader just worships the FUCK out of him 🤤🤤🤤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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feralghxuls · 1 year
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>>>>>I'm on medical leave please commission me<<<<<
>>>>>See information post<<<<<
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hi i'm dorito ! i <3 ghoulies and i write about them a lot (the characters. not the musicians. in this house we keep many degrees of separation between character and musician. i tag #unmasked on the occasion i do post about the musicians behind the masks)
please do not follow me if you are under 18!
i am an adult making primarily 18+ content and i am not comfortable with minors interacting with my posts and content
i'm open to prompts for ficlets and hc posts however i have been known to either answer immediately or let them sit in my inbox for an ungodly amount of time (stares forlornly at the spotify wrapped prompt that has been living in my inbox since. december.)
if you'd like to support me with a tip, you can do so here!
ao3 (mostly 18+ content. tread carefully, read tags, etc)
Mushy May Series (2023) ao3 | tumblr
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tag directory!
☆ personal posts: #dorito.txt
☆ headcanon posts: #dorito hc hours
☆ writing posts: #dorito writes
☆ fic posts: #dorito fics
☆ snippets: #dorito snip hours
☆ daily snippets: #dorito daily snips
☆ art reblog tag: #pretty art
☆ video tag: #ritual footage
☆ fic rec: #fic rec
specific ship tags (a collection in progress):
#there's a confession in the carnage (swiss/alpha) #the bromance of cordial chaos (swiss/ifrit) #a mess is still worthy of love (mountain/dew)
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character tags (alphabetical order):
𝓠 #aether ghoul
𝓠 #azoth ghoul (new quinty, name explanation here!)
🜁 #chAir ghoul (aka zephyr) (i call him chAir bc i have an OC named zephyr lol, and i just think chAir is funny)
🜁 #cirrus ghoul
🜣 #copia
🜁 #cumulus ghoul
ꇓ #dewdrop
🜂 #ifrit ghoul
🜄 #mist ghoul
🜃 #mountain ghoul
🜉 #nimbus ghoul
𝓠 #omega ghoul
🜺 #primo
🜄 #rain ghoul
🝯 #secondo
🜊 #swisstopher
🜍 #stratus ghoul (aka sunshine)
🜛 #terzo
(symbol explanation here)
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
explaining my absence!
hello tumblr :) it is me your favorite ghoul
so you might be wondering whyyyy i've been MIA for the past few days (or like... week or so) to put it simply, work has been kicking my ASS!!!! ARGH!!! i've been so exhausted lately and haven't had much time for myself (which includes this blog, and many other things) but also... unfortunately, i have....... maybe moved onto a new hyperfixation perhaps. actually no i certainly have.
that doesn't mean i don't like ghost anymore!!! i still listen to their music on a daily basis, but they are no longer rotting in my brain as heavily as they used to when i made this account. that leads to less motivation. i have faith (said in copia voice) that the hyperfixation will come back though because i do miss posting here... and terzo is forever my babygirl obvi
also, on another note - we've breached 300 followers!! how crazy is that? thank you all for supporting this blog even when i've fallen off the face of the earth :) i really really hope to be back soon.
with love,
spinnaker ghoul
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grupo-madonna · 2 years
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d a t o s
Viaja al desierto Mojave para filmar el video de "Frozen", la canción que sería su nuevo single unos meses más tarde, bajo la dirección de Chris Cunningham.
Warner Bros. implementa la Unidad Antipiratería de la RIAA, en un intento por detener la filtración en internet de 'Frozen.'
Hace una aparición sorpresa en "Roxy", una discoteca de NYC, como parte de la campaña promocional del álbum Ray Of Light. Allí, cantó su nuevo single, y dos canciones inéditas en ese momento: Frozen, Ray Of Light y Shanti Ashtangi.
El video de 'Frozen' se estrena en MTV.
Llega a Londres, Inglaterra, para una breve ronda promocional, que incluye una aparición en el programa National Lottery Draw de la BBC, siendo esta su primera aparición en la televisión británica después de 15 años.
Se lanza el single 'Frozen / Shanti/Ashtangi'. Llega al Número Dos en USA, y al Número Uno en UK, convirtiéndose así en su primer single en debutar en la cima de los charts británicos.
Aparece en la revista Vanity Fair, junto a su hija Lourdes, de 18 meses de edad. Las fotografías fueron tomadas en 1997, por el fotógrafo peruano Mario Testino.
Se lanza el álbum "Ray of Light". Alcanza el Número Dos en USA (el soundtrack de Titanic le arrebató el Número Uno), y en UK llegó al Número Uno. Con el paso de las semanas, llegaría a vender más de 20 millones de unidades a nivel mundial.
Presenta el premio Best Original Song en la ceremonia de los premios Oscar. Los ganadores resultan ser James Horner y Will Jennings, co-escritores de 'My Heart Will Go On,' (cantada por Celine Dion), la canción que, en aquellos días, impidió que 'Frozen' llegue a la cima del Billboard Hot 100.
Filma en Los Angeles el video para la canción 'Ray Of Light', bajo la dirección del director sueco Jonas Akerlund.
Le cuenta a MTV que ha tenido que posponer sus planes para una gira mundial, debido a compromisos previos.
Canta 'Frozen' en la Rainforest Foundation Benefit Concert, realizada en el Carnegie Hall, de New York.
⚜ 05 DE MAYO
Anuncia que interpretará una película llamada The Next Best Thing, junto a Rupert Everett.
⚜ 11 DE MAYO
Se lanza el single 'Ray Of Light / Has To Be', y alcanza el Número Cinco en USA, mientras que en UK llegó al Número Dos.
⚜ 21 DE MAYO
El álbum Like A Virgin es certificado como Disco Diez Veces Platino por la RIAA, por sus ventas de diez millones de copias en USA.
⚜ 29 DE MAYO
Es entrevistada por Oprah, y canta Ray Of Light y Little Star en su programa The Oprah Winfrey Show.
El periódico de UK, Daily Mail, acusa a Madonna de estar explotando la muerte de la Princesa Diana en su video 'Drowned World', en donde es perseguida por paparazzi a través de las calles de Londres.
Renuncia al proyecto de pelicula Music Of My Life, como resultado de lo que el director Wes Craven llamó "tremendas diferencias creativas".
Se estrena en VH1 "Madonna: Behind The Music", como celebración por los 40 años de Madonna.
Se lanza de manera internacional el single 'Drowned World/Substitute For Love / Sky Fits Heaven', pero no se lanzó en USA. En UK logró llegar al Número Diez.
El video 'The Power Of Good-Bye' es estrenado minutos antes del inicio de los MTV Video Music Awards, ceremonia durante la cual Madonna cantó 'Shanti/Ashtangi' y 'Ray Of Light'. Esa noche ganó seis premios.
El New York Post informa que Madonna ha empezado a salir con Guy Ritchie, director británico de 29 años
Se lanza el single 'The Power Of Good-Bye / Mer Girl', logrando llegar al Número 11 en USA, y al Número Seis en UK.
Canta 'The Power Of Good-Bye' en los VH1 Fashion Awards, ceremonia en la que fue premiada como la Most Fashionable Artist.
La prensa informa que Madonna se ha comprado una mansión de 8 millones de dólares en Londres.
Gana el Top Dance Club Play Artist y el Top Dance Club Play Single en los Billboard Music Awards.
Texto Exclusivo de
G r u p o M a d o n n a
(Si te gusta el texto, no lo robes. Republícalo compartiéndolo desde aquí. Sé honesto. Y si no puedes serlo, al menos cítanos como la fuente. Gracias.)
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monange111 · 9 months
hello, yes, hi, any ghesties on here? i have a current silly hyperfixation on ghost the band and their backstory. wanna rb or comment with ur favorite papa, ghoul, or song? i’m not quite sure what to ask, i wanna make friends :)
i can go first:
🪽papa- i like copia best lately, but still love terzo a lot
🪽ghoul- maybe cumulus?
🪽song- oh satan, it changes daily… maybe cirice or mummy dust tho!
ok that is it, if i post random drawings, now you know, it’s a bit of an obsession rn! - 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒
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copiousloverofcopia · 5 months
🌟🍾✨ HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE 2024! ✨🍾🌟
It's crazy to me that I have been writing for this fandom another whole year!
I wanted to take this moment to tell you all how much your love, support and friendship has meant to me. I have never felt so welcomed and accepted by a group of people as I do by the Ghost community. You all make me smile and give me so much joy. Thank you and I wish for you all the most wonderful 2024, to much more fluff, romance, and a fuck ton of smut!
🌟🍾✨🍾🌟 Cheers to 2024!!! 🌟🍾✨🍾🌟
To celebrate here is last Ghost snippet for the year, a little gift to my ghestie @cardinal-copia-popia 💗
I hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
La Serenata
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The Night before she is to wed Papa, his Prime Mover to be is awaked by peculiar sound.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
The moon was so bright it lit up the sky. Stars, like strings of lights, hung high overhead as the Abbey settled in for the night. The crickets were chirping and the wind rustled gently through the trees. All the makings of a peaceful evening were falling into place, yet she could not sleep. 
She laid in her bed, facing out at the open doors of her balcony. Staring past the dark, grand vastness of her private room. A luxury she'd only been afforded in the last few weeks, when their engagement was officially announced. It had only been a short time ago that she was in the siblings' quarters. Sharing a room with a few other sisters, all who spent their nights giggling and swapping stories—the daily antics of ghouls and jealous proclamations of Omega for having gained Terzo's favor. 
Times when Stella had worried little about the trials of love and more about her devotion to her studies and her service to Lucifer. It was only in them did she find true salvation—a true purpose. Her heart, however, was made anew when she was instructed to work with the meek Cardinal. An assignment, only meant to last for a short time before his tour—turned to a whirlwind romance. 
A shared confession of love, and a few nervous spurts of laughter, led to an endless night of passion. Copia and Stella, inseparable ever since. It came as no surprise to the Ministry as a whole or the other inhabitants of the Abbey, when she accompanied him on tour. Returning together, after months of rituals, as Papa Emeritus IV and his bride-to-be. 
Now, after weeks of rigorous planning and careful attention to detail, the night before their wedding was finally upon them. Daylight only a few short hours away and Stella had finally decided to give up on the tossing and turning. Reasoning that if she must be deprived of sleep, then she would at least allow herself to take in the moonlight. Basking in it as her thoughts and the sounds of night surrounded her. 
She walked out on her balcony. The walls, like much of the Abbey, shrouded in flora. Plants like veins, crawling on every brick and pillar they could reach. Embedding themselves there for eternity. Their grip, like the nerves that had taken hold of her. 
She closed her eyes as she reached the railing. The wind, drifting smoothly through her dark strands of hair. Feeling the grain of the wood against the softness of her palms as she took hold of it. There was so much excitement she held inside—Stella thought she might burst. Counting down the hours, minutes, and even seconds when she would finally become truly his. 
She took in a deep breath and exhaled. Trying to let go of her anxiety as she listened for Copia's voice in her head. That soft sweet tone, telling her how she needed her sleep. She smiled, thoughts of him comforting her as she decided to make her way back to bed.
Stella climbed back beneath her covers with his voice lingering in her mind. She rested her head into her pillow. Breathing in his scent left there from the night before. Finally her heavy eyes began to close. The burden of her thoughts succumbing to the call of sleep.
It could have only been mere moments later when Stella awoke to the sound of rustling outside. Whispers and hushes echoing from below her balcony jarring her awake. Stella grabbed her night robe and carefully walked to the archway of her balcony. Hearing familiar voices beneath her in the courtyard below. 
“You didn’t wake Mountain for this.” whined Dew, dragging his feet while the others prepared below. 
“Well that might have something to do with the whole drum set thing…don’t cha think?” Aether quipped, shooting a sly smile over to Dew. 
“Can the two of you manage one night without a tiff, please.” Copia hushed, nervously pacing as he waited to begin. 
“Sorry Papa.” Aether and Dew apologized. Copia pressing his lips into an understanding smile. They were doing him a favor after all. Up at this late hour, all so he could serenade the love of his life on the eve of their nuptials. Hoping to prove his devotion one last time before he’d be seen awaiting Stella at the end of the aisle. 
Stella had managed to sneak outside unnoticed, peering over the rail as she watched Copia with his ghouls in tow, setting up beneath her. Adjusting the fit of his collar and clearing his throat as the ghouls gave him the signal they were ready to go.  Music started playing and quickly Copia's melodic voice carried the words straight to Stella's heart.
🎵 Can you hear me say your name forever? Can you see me longing for you forever? 🎵
He had sung, Aether and Dew playing acoustic on their guitars, and Cumulus doing her best on the violin. Stella instantly felt the pang of tears in her eyes as she approached the center of the rail. Her soft brown hair, glistening in the moonlight. Igniting a fire inside Copia as their eyes met.
🎵 Would you let me touch your soul forever? Can you feel me longing for you forever, forever and ever...🎵
Stella had never been more in love. His words felt wholly within her soul. His heart on his sleeve and his voice, beginning to quiver the longer he went. The emotions had hit them with all the force of the cosmos. Messy and chaotic, but perfect and beautiful. 
This song…Copia’s song more than anything was his way of pledging undying love. Knowing that Stella too would cherish him forever. The depth of emotion spilling out from him, as he sang the final words of the song—overwhelming. Copia and Stella, having felt all the joy and pain that it was truly love someone. 
As he stopped, he climbed up the terrace. Like something out of a Shakespearean play. Scaling the wall to find her sweet face waiting for him. Stella, kissing him so deeply he thought he might fall backward to the ground. 
“Oh Cope…I’m sorry.” She laughed against his lips. Both of them, amused by the situation as he quickly regained his balance. Tears streaming down their cheeks and love between them melting away their surroundings.
“It’s alright amore…everything is now that we are together.” he assured her. Hearing the ghouls agree it was time to take their leave. Stella hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest. Intoxicated by the familiar scent of bergamot, rosemary, and musk. All things she had come to love—a reminder of him.
“Cope this…this was…perfect.”
“No amore…you are perfect.” he asserted, finally climbing over the rail and into her arms. The two of them holding on to one another for dear life. Kisses like wildfire—burning with passion and need before Copia had stopped to take Stella’s face in his hands. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked him. Copia smiled, thumb wiping away the tear that had fallen from her eye. 
“I don't know what the future holds amore, but regardless of what may come…it will be incredible with you by my side.” 
“Oh Cope!” she cried, pulling him back to kiss her. There was a shiver in her breath. The anticipation of his touch, tingling along her skin. Their lips, never leaving one another as they made their way back to her bed. 
Stella laid back onto the silk sheets. Her eyes still filled with tears as her husband-to-be hovered above her. Fingers gently touring her body like a well known map. Touching her, just right across the swell of her breast l, trailing over her stomach—finding paradise in the warmth held between her legs. 
His fingers gently pushed through her folds and his tongue filled her mouth. The evidence of his need, achingly pressing tightly against the inseam of his pants. Begging for release so that he might find himself inside her once more. 
“Copia!” Stella called out as his thumb swirled against her clit. His pace hungry and desperate. Longing for the feel of her tightly squeezing around his fingers. He worked her insides, carefully. Methodically pressing into the spot he knew sent her teeth on edge and her body at the brink of release. Delighting in every moan, whimper, and cry. Her legs, shaking as he continued on.
It wasn’t long before he had Stella coming hard and fast over his fingers. Her hands, still grasping the fabric of his shirt. Almost having gone numb as she released her grip, body limb with ecstasy.  
“Stella, I need you…please.” Copia spoke. His breath heavy against her lips. His heart, pounding inside his chest. 
“I need you too.” she cried, both of them working to remove all the barriers between them. Piles of clothes discarded, painting the room with their desperation. Stella made a space for him between her legs. Copia, settling into it with ease. A place he had been welcomed many times before. His cock, quickly nudging against her entrance. The soft, yet hardened head teasing her so perfectly.   
Without hesitation her hips, raised up to meet against him. Her body, calling out to him without having to say a word. Their eyes locked as Copia pushed his way inside. Mouths falling open as he buried himself to the hilt. 
Stella was overcome with the sensation as he slowly began moving in and out. Copia too, reveling in just how soft and silky she felt inside. Her walls, that of a temple, his own personal place of worship. Never was he closer to any god than when he was inside her. Their eyes, beginning to close as she wrapped her legs around him. Drawing him in deeper with each of his thrusts. 
“Ah Cope…” Stella moaned, her nails digging into the flesh of Copia back. Copia grunting and growling with the delicious sting as he carefully picked up his stride. Both of them, too drunk in pleasure to think or care of anything else but the feeling between them. It wasn't long before he could feel the telltale sign of her orgasm.
Stella's body forcing his seed to spill deep inside her. Moving with intention as they both came down from the high. So lost in their love making that they reached the point of exhaustion. The two of them, quickly finding their way into slumber—held closely in one another's arms.
The dawn broke over the horizon. The western woods, illuminated in the golden sunlight as the date of Copia and Stella’s wedding had finally come. They might have slept the day away, had they been allowed, but a loud knock at the door awoke them.
“Sister Stella are you in there?!” shouted a familiar voice. Sister Imperator's commanding and foreboding tone, unmistakable. 
“Uh yes…I...ah.” she panicked, quickly wrapping herself in the sheets as the door came swinging open. Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil rushing in with a look of concern upon their faces. 
“Pardon the intrusion sister, but we are having trouble locating Pap—oh my!” Sister Imperator staggered. Watching as her son slowly rose from his spot on the bed beside Stella. 
“Seems as if you've found me.” He chuckled, his eyes going back to his bride-to-be. A smile, slyly growing across his face. 
“So it does.” She huffed, rolling her eyes as her and Nihil took their leaves. Copia and Stella left chuckling to themselves in bed. His hands, holding her face as he kissed her. 
“Are you ready to be my wife Mrs. Emeritus?” he asked her. Stella pressed her cheek against his palm as she turned to kiss his hand. 
“More than anything Papa…more than anything.”
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hyenasheep · 2 years
Some random specific headcanons for Ghouls
Beacuse I'm trying brainstorming ☕
When Aether hugs you he's doing that little thing when he will squeeze you super hard for a few seconds and than let you go while patting your head
Swiss LOVES cheesy romcoms such as Friends, To All The Boys I've Ever Loved, Midnight In Paris, Mamma Mia or La La La Land (even better if it's a musical) and one of his most favorite romantic movies ever is Dirty Dancing. He and Copia had seen the film already thousand times, it's their comfort movie and they remember all lines and especially dance moves by heart
-I already mentioned this one in my latest post but- Aether is that type of person who will listen to you regardless of the situation or topic, you can talk about tea spoons, weather or DND session while joining a bishop's sermon and he will be genuinely interested and focused
Swiss nonironically loves Just Dance, he has a collection of all games and probably is a proud member of the JD fandom. He's probably even of the admins
Cirrus and Cumulus are besties with Mist (ghoulette from third era), they often hanging out and has private chat on Discord where they share cute animal tiktoks, diy's or anything music related "Hey Ghesties look at this Slipknot meme ⚫👄⚫" "Omgg did you guys hear that new Abba album? This song kinda slaps" "Y'all Gorrilaz just dropped their tour list"
Rain and Mountain loves asmr relaxing videos and playlists with a specific aesthetic povs. For example:
Pov: you're studying in a haunted school, it's hot outside and you're trying to ignore demon bully who's sitting next to you.
Pov: it's a cold spring morning, you're walking through a deserted forest in the mountains, but you're not alone.
Pov: it's 3 am, you're supposed to clean up the church after midnight mass but instead you start listening to music that comes from a altar (slowed + reverb)
Dew's weakness are scented candles, if you're trying to settle with him after an argument, buy him a qualitative scented candles which lasts a long time and have a strong and intense scent. Unfortunately most of the ghouls/siblings tries to usually look for a different options cuz' there's a 90% chance he will 'accidentally' set the room and the rest of the building on fire
Cirrus quickly befriended Stratus/Sunshine (the new ghoulette) aka extrovert adopted a introvert, Cirrus also wants her to join their ghoulettes dm group but S. Can be extremely shy when it comes to meeting new ghouls especially through social medias
Rain loves Marvel movies, he's not that much into comics but he likes superhero stuff. He saw all movies and series, bought some merch such as Thanos's glove/Deadpools robotic talking head/Vision Teddy bear/Captain America's shield as pizza cutter etc., he even few times joined a Comiccon and has a signed poster by Tom Hiddleston. He doesn't want to admit it but he has a crush on Captain America and Silver Surfer.
Mountain practices yoga, he tried it few times before he was summoned, than stopped cuz of drums and than started again cuz his back began to ache from daily drumming. He's actually really good at it. Occasionally Cumulus joins him during one of his daily routines.
Although it doesn't seem so at first glance, Cumulus loves horror movies. Whenever any new horror movie or series comes out she plans a movie night, as soon as she watches it she will go sharply rate it on IMDB. One of her favorite movies are Hereditary and The Ring. Of course she's also a huge fan of true crime podcasts.
Stratus/Sunshine has special playlists for literally any mood or any kind of situation. Crying at 3 am over that one person you met at 2007, and then you've never seen them again? Boom, here's a playlist. You're having a picnic with your ghoul friends in the park, but a storm came out of nowhere so you ran to hide but you realized, it was quite fun to be outside and so you started dancing in the summer rain? Woohoo, another playlist. Have you experienced a moment, that seemed like a scene from a movie but no one believes you it ever happened? You see me where im going- Bang, playlist, you welcome.
Dew has a personality of orange cat with one brain cell. "Never let them know your next move." Said after he ate soap before one of the bands meetings and called it Soap Opera. That's also one of the reasons why he doesn't have anymore any free space for his mouth under his new ghoul helmet. He's still mad at Copia for that 'design' decision.
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copias-thrall · 3 years
✨New milestone unLOCKED✨
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Well, hello, fam! Here we are, and I’m so happy so many of you are on this journey with me. Thank you for coming here and checking out my stuff! Special thanks to those of you who always leave notes on my posts and those of you who always have nice things to say—I see you 👀, and you sustain my essence and give me the will to keep creating. 🥰💕
If I may offer you some gifs in these trying times:
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Love to those who let me workshop my ideas with them, and special love as always to @copias-cape who keeps me sane and listens to me ramble on a daily basis. She’s back to active posting, guys, so go follow her!
You can check out my 500 & 800 milestone posts here & here for past blog recs and more gifs.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone! Please practice some self-care today 😘 
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virginstoner666 · 4 years
If they had a tik tok
Meet my plants/garden tour/plant-care
Will absolutely use the cute shiny filters to make his plants sparkle, you can’t stop him
80% of his followers are cottagecore wlw
Uploads once every blue moon, and probably doesn’t check the comments, also has no idea how he has a following
Equal parts cozy soft old boy, and untraceable cryptid bc every once and awhile will film some wild shit that goes down in the clergy, a fly on the wall perspective with NO context, tags or anything.
Facts you never knew about serial killers part 55!
Could honestly see him posting horror movie recommendations, especially for more uncommon, niche flicks
Hot takes, about music mostly but isn’t afraid to voice his opinion on politics or more controversial issues.
Uploads maybe twice a month before he says fuck it and deletes the app, but hey, it was nice while it lasted.
Dies a little inside whenever he walks by Terzo’s room and can hear him filming videos, only because this happens a little too often for his liking.
A great story teller, and has a plethora funny stories, but UBER guilty of the “like for part two”
Easily the most popular/the heart throb of alt tik tok. Probably the only of the brothers who would check the app daily/reads the comments.
Fr, once a new song goes viral on Tik Tok the rest of the clergy is just going to have to deal with the fact he won’t stop playing it for at least a week. (ADHD rights!)
A pretty even split between more “scripted” videos like story times, and just filming whatever chaotic bullshit he happens to see that day.
Probably secretly loves watching his brother’s videos, bc it’s something he would’ve turned them on to, and it feels good to see their less serious, more carefree creative side.
A very wholesome balance between his pets, cooking, with a dash of thottery. (I’m not saying he’s doing the tik tok dances... but if someone listed were to do the dances...)
Sometimes he’ll film what he’s cooking, for the sake of education, but honestly, he just wants to make the videos look ~pretty~ above all else. Will absolutely ride those filters for all their worth.
#GhoulShaming. His place to document and shame his ghouls for breaking things, getting in fights, stealing, etc. It goes without saying, but his audience is very worried for Dewdrop in particular.
If he ever has a bad day he likes to either film his rats and show them how cute they look with the pretty filters, or watch other pet videos. (If he has the time, he could easily just spend hours watching doing this, but would never admit to it.)
Made one video that went viral and never bothered to touch the app again.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
On the opposite end of the makeup question, how are all the papas with someone who when does their makeup, its usually bold and intense and colorful?
Accompanying post to the one here --> [Link] to a S/O who doesn’t do make up! 
It was really fun to get to do both sides of this prompt! I also ended up writing this as if the S/O in question has make up as a full time hobby and wears it daily or a majority of the time. 
Papas/Copia with an S/O Who Does Bold and Bright Make Up Looks! 
Papa Nihil: Every time he looks at you with your look of the day, it’s like he’s seeing you for the first time. Does his signature big, opened mouth smile and exclaims, “WOW!!” Nihil loves to come over and look over your face, showering you with compliments. He’s especially fond when you do crazy, blended eyeshadows- thinking it’s the most masterful thing he’s ever seen! Truthfully, make up was fun back in his prime but it was never as intricate and creative as it is today! His favorite is when you do looks to match his colors and brags about it to everyone.  
Papa I: Papa has never known a whole lot about beauty products outside of his Papal paint and basic skin routine. But he’s always so impressed and curious when you put on your make up! Namely because he had no idea there were so many products and techniques to apply to it. Is just happy you found a look that makes you happy and flourish, and appreciates the unique twist you do every day. Always offers to help if you need a touch up during the day and have no mirror, considering how steady his hand is. Will ask you questions about your process. When you need inspiration he’s very quick to come up with color combinations and themes. 
Papa II: Finds you absolutely show stopping every time. Truthfully, his ego is so inflated when you are around because he knows you are the most stunning and unique person in the room with your look. Admires your steady hand and skill, and use of colors. His favorite is when you both dress up for important occasions and you do a unique, over the top look for it. Very proud of your skill and does everything he can to support it. You get regular shopping trips to your favorite beauty stores as he likes knowing you have the resources to expand your craft. 
Papa III: You’re ultimate hype man for each of your looks! Papa loves how artful and creative make up can be, and often likes to watch you apply it if you’ll allow it! He enjoys how fancy or bold your looks are and just thinks you’re the best! Is totally the type to ask you to do his make up to match yours on days he doesn’t have to wear his Papa paint. To say the least, you both have a huge personal vanity in your bathroom because of it. Everyday he asks you what fantastical look you are going for! Also gifts you with the newest, bright eye shadow palettes and colored lip sticks. 
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Always jokes that he is jealous of your undeniable skill! Loves seeing what colors you pick and always wants to get a good look at your face when you finish! Copia has always been a man who has a very strong skin and hair routine, but aside from his office paint he doesn’t know a whole lot about make up. Is delighted when you teach him how to seal his paint and fix his lines! In turn, Copia always beams when you look absolutely amazing for events or just every day life. It delights him to know you have such a bold and fun way to express yourself, and he finds your boundless confidence the best touch! 
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