#daily zodiac sign
caturnmoon · 2 months
Astrology Observations #3️⃣
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⚛️I know this observation has been noted time and time again but as someone with their ascendant at a Pisces degree I can confirm that my feet are ✨beautiful✨ lolol like they’re perfectly symmetrical and everything and Pisces rules the feet sooooo…
⚛️Further more Sagittarius risings can be mistaken for Leo risings with thick luscious bodied hair as well. Jupiter expands everything it touches and Sagittarius risings normally have at least one physical feature about them that can be “larger than life”.
⚛️Having your North Node in the 5th is so wholesome to me because you literally spent past lifetimes sacrificing your individuality for the sake of the collective/cause/community (south node in the 11th). Now, this lifetime is literally about ✨YOU✨. Similar to north node in the 1st but in a more artistic and theatrical manner! You are meant to shine and let whatever brings you joy take center stage in this lifetime. Whether that be your romantic connections, art, hobbies, sports, or your children. Love that for you. Just have fun!
⚛️Anyone with a fire moon; moving your body to process your emotions is most likely a non-negotiable. Gotta get that fire out in a healthy proactive way! Whether that be dancing, sports, art, etc.
⚛️Your moon sign can highlight your mother’s experience with you in Utero as well. I’m an Aries moon and it was a high risk and violent pregnancy/birth for her. (Sorry mom🙏🏼) Scorpio moons, your mom could’ve either felt empowered or disempowered somehow during her time carrying you, or felt that she couldn’t trust her external environment, herself, or others possibly.
⚛️My husband has a Virgo moon and checklists literally keep him sane and help him feel emotionally secure.
⚛️Having your Pluto in the 11th house isn’t easy cause you are constantly experiencing intense transformations through friend groups and communities. Learning who to trust or not is a constant theme with you and being included.
⚛️Aquarius risings to me are the mythical unicorns of the zodiac because I’ve never personally met one, but know I would absolutely love them! Like you are literally seen as someone who is original and unique. Living to the beat of their own drum. Love that for you! Could be something about your appearance that is shocking or truly stands out from the rest of us.
⚛️If you’re looking to establish a health and wellness routine, look to the ruler of your sixth house for ideas! The sixth house is ruled by Virgo originally and is your workplace, health, and daily routines too! Whatever sign you have there and also planets can give you some more insight into the nature of those things. 🧘🏻‍♀️
⚛️Pisces in the 3rd house can have a distant relationship with their siblings or there could be unresolved issues from childhood concerning said sibling(s).
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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astrologylunadream · 11 months
Kiss asteroid in synastry💋 house overlays
Hii it's Lunadream💫 This is my first completely astrology based post! This asteroid is exactly what is sounds like, how someone kisses and kissing styles depending on the sign and placement <3
I wish there was more info on this asteroid😭 It's so interesting!! I could hardly find enough on synastry overlays with asteroid kiss so I'll help you guys out with this one!🥰
Check your Kiss (8267) and see where it falls in eachother's charts <3
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🔥Kiss in 1st house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 1st house, the way they kiss the house person is intense and passionate. They might really be into the shape of the person's lips and stare at them too. There is a dangerous attraction to the kiss, the asteroid person finds the house person very kissable and they want to kiss them so badly. They kiss them roughly and almost aggressively. They might kiss the house person out of impulse rather than thinking it through, and if conflict arises it is highly likely a passionate kiss will occur. Pushing, pulling, shoving into the kiss. The house person's kiss is like a prize to the asteroid native, they want to win their kiss. This could also be a kiss that is very physical and touchy, they might be very dominant while kissing the house person and the house person is always left wanting more.💥❤
🌻Kiss in 2nd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 2nd house, the way they kiss the house person is slow and steady. They most likely won't budge if they kiss them, like they're moving lol. They have a sweet kiss with the house person and their way of kissing them is delicate and strong, really beautiful and romantic type of kiss with them. They may kiss the house person's neck often or hold it tight while kissing their lips gently. Gentle grabbing for a kiss. They may kiss the house person when they're eating or after dinner, and they are likely to kiss their nose and ears too. They want to taste the house person's lips, and just know they're so loyal with their kiss. They aren't sharing it with anyone else and they get extremely possessive over the house person's kiss. They kiss them in a slow and passionate way, sweet yet all in at the same time. They consume the house person's kiss completely.💐💕
👄Kiss in 3rd house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 3rd house, the way they kiss the house person is hyper and fun. They think about kissing the house person a lot and they probably talk about it too. The house person may think about it aswell, and their kiss together may get lots of gossip. Hand kissing. They want to kiss in front of people, They kiss the house person in cute funny ways, they just want to see the house person loosen up a bit in their kiss. They may have another side come out when they kiss them, a persona they put on to please the house person. They're most likely the kind to pretend the two of them hadn't kissed even if they did. The 3rd house rules the mouth so they kiss the house person so good like with them, they're a great kisser. They might kiss the house person a bit chaotically and they talk in between kisses with them.💖🌈
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🏠Kiss in 4th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 4th house, the way they kiss the house person is comforting and soft. They kiss them in a delicate and caring nature, they want to keep their kiss protected. They may kiss the house person as a way to defend themselves, and if they have an argument they will kiss the house person to make them feel better. The house person will feel healed and comforted by their kiss, and the two will most likely keep their kisses private in a comfortable and safe environment. They may kiss and cuddle, chest kisses are also likely, as well as the skin and cheeks. Hugging before the kiss, during the kiss or after, soft touches during kiss. Their kiss is like taking care of the house person, making them feel cared for and comfy. Soft feel good kisses with them.🧸😇
🌹Kiss in 5th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 5th house, the way they kiss the house person is playful and romantic. They kiss them in the most flirty way lol, lovely dramatic kisses that spoil you rotten. The house person might not want to kiss anyone else after kissing them, the kisses are filled with charms and beauty. They put on a bold perfomance for the house person, and they may bite their lips too. Kissing their shoulders and back as well as their hair. They kiss them whenever they want attention and they can be very needy of the house person's kiss. It is likely that they will kiss them during a date or after a date, or any specific romantic moments. They are very loyal with their house person's lips, and they want to be praised for the way they kiss them. They have perfect timing of kissing the house person, like they're in a movie omg.🌹🧡
🩹Kiss in 6th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 6th house, the way they kiss the house person is thoughtful and precise. They will most likely wait until the perfect moment to kiss the house person, and they overthink when it comes to kissing the house person like they worry about everything being just right for them.💕 Even if the asteroid person isn't normally neat or well put together they will try so hard just to impress the house person in terms of kissing. They may kiss them often or it may be on their mind even daily. They can be very strict about the house person and who they kiss, also how they do so and sometimes it can lead to the asteroid person becoming controlling over the house person's way of kissing. Once they know exactly what the house person likes, they better watch out because they will replicate it perfectly. This is also the house of service so do with that information as you will~👀🛎
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💗Kiss in 7th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 7th house, the way they kiss the house person is balanced and delicate. House person will feel as if they found the love of their life after kissing asteroid person <3 The way the asteroid person kisses them is everything they want in a romantic partner too! The two may have very different ways of kissing, but together it feels complete. The house person may feel very drawn to the asteroid person's kiss and it will feel so good omg they will probably love kissing or being kissed by them my lovelies~ Cutest kisses!! The asteroid person has so many charms when they kiss the house person, they probably have the sweetest kiss these two🍨 With some of this overlay it can be very push and pull dynamic aswell, house person could dislike the asteroid person's kiss but love it at the same time. But it's more likely the two will both enjoy it very much.💕
🖤Kiss in 8th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 8th house, the way they kiss the house person is deep and consuming (omg😳). Kisses are so powerful and moving, the house person will feel an unexplainable pull toward their kiss. Close and Intimate kisses, making out, suffocating and intoxicating kind of feel, kissing in the dark, kissing when you know you shouldn't... The asteroid person kisses the house person in a way that has so much meaning and intensity. They give everything in their kiss, if they are betrayed by their kiss it will not be pretty. Jealous kisses are common with this overlay, and they can get aggressive even. Kissing when alone with the house person, their kisses will be private and a deep bond shared between the two of them. This overlay is hot seriously, there will be more than just kissing with this one.😈
🏹Kiss in 9th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 9th house, the way they kiss the house person is adventurous and bold. They have a curious mind when it comes to kissing the house person, and they will have a thirst for knowing every way about house person's kiss! It will be fun and exhilarating, the house person won't be able to contain their excitement either. Kisses will feel like a new journey, a maze to unravel and a new puzzle to solve. The two will giggle about it for a long time, their kisses will be their little inside joke shared between them.❤ They can kiss the house person in an almost wild untamed way since they tend to be daring and explore to the fullest, trying out new techniques and ways of kissing them. Surprise kisses, little smirks while kissing, laughing and fooling around. House person will never get bored, because they will be very surprised and unexpected of what the asteroid person has to offer!🌋
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💼Kiss in 10th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 10th house, the way they kiss the house person is authoritative and structured. They might only allow themselves to kiss house person after some time together, and they will not jump into things easily. The asteroid person is very mature when it comes to kissing the house person, they have a very sensual and heavy kiss with them. Jawbone kisses, strong kisses you can't pull away from easily, the kisses that make the house person feel secure and in place. The asteroid person can be very intimidating in a kiss with the house person, kissing them in a way that commands respect or admiration towards them. Kisses where they lean house person's head up, grab their neck, and kiss them tightly. Degrading kisses is another possibility, may say harsh things to the house person while making out with them passionately.🍷
⚡Kiss in 11th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 11th house, the way they kiss the house person is Innovative and unique. The kind of kiss between friends to lovers, they will kiss the house person in the weirdest yet most amazing ways. "Friends with benefits" type of kiss. Kisses that drive you mad, because of how special they are. Making out in strange places, kissing upside down, joking around with a kiss. The house person will feel a friendly outgoing vibe from the asteroid person's kiss, it will make them feel happy and inclusive. Might be the "friendzone" kiss, but also could be a kiss to rebel against those who said they couldn't! Blowing kisses, kiss attacks. Might kiss house person in a way that is said unusual, they may have a kiss that shifts perspective on what kissing should be.💡
☁️Kiss in 12th house overlay: When someone's kiss falls in the other's 12th house, the way they kiss the house person is Illusive and dreamy, their kiss is like a fairytale true love's kiss. The happy ending kiss. They kiss them in a mysterious and soft way, and the house person can feel high off this kiss as they both do. The kiss feels surreal and beyond physical, it can feel like their souls are connecting. And the house person may fantasize about the kiss, aswell as dream about it a lot. Drunk kisses are common, kisses when the others asleep or unconcious (think sleeping beauty💏) Bedtime kisses. Can be a secret kiss or a kiss that goes unnoticed, mysterious type of kiss. The asteroid person kisses the house person in an almost sacrificial way, devoted and absorbed in their lips. Tired kisses. Spaced out thinking about kissing eachother, in another reality when they kiss. "Did we kiss or is it all in my head"?? Type of thoughts, wondering what the kiss really means.🌊🌠
Wanna see more astro notes like this? Check out my tumblr for more astrology info for you!💗🌊🌸
If you found this helpful don't forget to tap the heart!💖 That's all for now!! Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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astroa3h · 7 months
midheaven through the signs 💖
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The Midheaven is your career compass, pointing you towards your professional path, shaping your social standing, and painting the picture of your public persona. It's like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, this is where you're meant to shine!" Now, let's break it down by zodiac sign, shall we?
Aries Midheaven: If you've got this fiery placement, you're a force to be reckoned with in the professional arena. You charge into things headfirst, fearless and ready to conquer. Your public persona? Bold, energetic, and unapologetically authentic. People can't help but be drawn to your magnetic charisma, and your social standing? Well, let's just say you're not one to fade into the background. You make sure you stand out anyway you can.
Taurus Midheaven: Slow and steady wins the race, right? That's your motto if your Midheaven falls in Taurus. You're all about building a solid foundation in your career, taking your time to create something enduring and of quality. Your public persona exudes reliability and dependability, like the rock everyone can lean on. And as for your social standing? You're the epitome of stability and success, you have the midas touch even if it doesn't always feel like it.
Gemini Midheaven: Ah, the social butterfly of the zodiac! With Gemini Midheaven, you're a master communicator and jack of all trades. Your professional path might involve fields like writing, teaching, or anything that allows you to flex your mental muscles. Your public persona is witty, charming, and endlessly curious, keeping everyone on their toes. And in terms of social standing? You're the one everyone wants at their party, the ultimate mingler and networker extraordinaire.
Cancer Midheaven: Cue the emotional depth and nurturing vibes! If your Midheaven falls in Cancer, your professional path likely revolves around caring for others in some way. You're the empathetic soul who thrives in fields like counseling, caregiving, or anything that lets you tap into your nurturing side. Your public persona is compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to your emotions. And in terms of social standing? You're the heart of the community, the one everyone turns to in times of need.
Leo Midheaven: Get ready for your close-up because with Leo Midheaven, you were born to shine in the spotlight! Your professional path is all about creativity, performance, and leadership. You're the natural-born leader, commanding attention wherever you go. Your public persona is bold, confident, and larger than life, like a true Hollywood star. And in terms of social standing? You're the king or queen of the jungle, the one everyone looks up to with awe and admiration.
Virgo Midheaven: Precision, perfection, and pragmatism—that's your game with Virgo Midheaven. Your professional path likely involves fields that require attention to detail, organization, and problem-solving. You're the analytical mind who excels in areas like accounting, healthcare, or research. Your public persona is humble, reliable, and quietly competent, earning you respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the trusted expert, the one everyone relies on for practical advice and solutions.
Libra Midheaven: Balance and harmony are your bread and butter with Libra Midheaven. Your professional path is all about relationships, diplomacy, and aesthetics. You're the peacemaker who thrives in fields like law, counseling, or anything that requires finesse and negotiation skills. Your public persona is charming, diplomatic, and effortlessly stylish, drawing people in with your magnetic charm. And in terms of social standing? You're the social butterfly, the one everyone wants to befriend and collaborate with.
Scorpio Midheaven: Hold onto your hats because things are about to get intense with Scorpio Midheaven. Your professional path is all about transformation, depth, and uncovering hidden truths. You're the detective of the zodiac, excelling in fields like psychology, investigation, or anything that requires digging beneath the surface. Your public persona is mysterious, intense, and magnetic, drawing people in with your enigmatic allure. And in terms of social standing? You're the power player, the one everyone respects and fears in equal measure.
Sagittarius Midheaven: Adventure awaits with Sagittarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about expansion, exploration, and pushing boundaries. You're the eternal optimist who thrives in fields like travel, education, or anything that allows you to spread your wings and explore new horizons. Your public persona is adventurous, enthusiastic, and endlessly curious, inspiring others to follow their dreams. And in terms of social standing? You're the free spirit, the one everyone admires for your fearlessness and joie de vivre.
Capricorn Midheaven: Time to climb that cosmic ladder with Capricorn Midheaven! Your professional path is all about ambition, discipline, and climbing to the top of the mountain. You're the ultimate goal-setter who excels in fields like business, finance, or anything that requires strategic thinking and long-term planning. Your public persona is authoritative, determined, and fiercely independent, commanding respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the pillar of the community, the one everyone looks up to for guidance and leadership.
Aquarius Midheaven: Buckle up because you're about to shake things up with Aquarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about innovation, progress, and challenging the status quo. You're the visionary thinker who excels in fields like technology, activism, or anything that pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Your public persona is unconventional, eccentric, and ahead of your time, inspiring others to think outside the box. And in terms of social standing? You're the trailblazer, the one everyone looks to for fresh ideas and bold solutions.
Pisces Midheaven: Dive into the depths of your imagination with Pisces Midheaven! Your professional path is all about creativity, intuition, and tapping into the collective unconscious. You're the dreamer who excels in fields like art, spirituality, or anything that allows you to express your deepest emotions. Your public persona is empathetic, mystical, and deeply connected to the spiritual realm, touching the hearts of everyone you meet. And in terms of social standing? You're the healer, the one everyone turns to for comfort and inspiration in times of need.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own Natal Chart Reading @ astroash.net
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theladybrownstarot · 6 months
2024 APRIL 2024
Pick a card reading ~
❀ Here's my masterlist for more !
❀ Make sure you like/reblog/follow/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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𐙚 Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ You people are seem to be very focused in the initial period of april , i can sense that very tough strictness and focus of oneself for their goals and giving best no matter what happens . You are being told to trust your decision, guts and instincts no matter how appealing other's would feel to be . You people will be on high energy and focus throughout the month but very high during the first phase of april .
☪︎ later oh wow oh wow this is a confirmation that whatever you worked hard for will yield results , i sense that you will be highly recognised for your enthusiasm. You will my god very much transformed and will get all that clarity you always wanted for things long time back if any . People are going to be very attracted to you plus i see people helping and appreciating you . You will be in the spotlight . Overall the continued thing will be in a good progress too .
☪︎ The last phase of april will be all about planning and executing the new things and ideas or for before if you couldn't . If you maintained same energy of being focused and disciplined you will get ahead 2 times of the road like that I'm sensing in the reading like maintain yourself and give your best no matter because it will be the test of your commitment and all the lessons you worked hard for .
☪︎ You going to be chilling with your friends by partying and talking plus i see right people coming in your life too . The energy of all people reading this will be balanced just don't overthink a lot.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : I sense that most of you lost something or lost to something which hurted you and made you heart broken . The advice here is to let your tears flow so the negatives can be out . Try to love yourself by doing what you want so you can come over the past because you haven't completely . Your prayers are heard just be more greatful for what you are and have and control your anger .
❀ prominent zodiacs and houses: Gemini , libra , Aquarius, leo, aries , saggitaurus , virgo, taurus, capricorn, 1st house, 5th house and 3rd house .
𐙚 Pile 2
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ Your first phase of April will be all about planning and then executing , getting various ideas and projects getting done . Don't be so conscious about all your decisions because you can really thrive in through it just implement and surrender to universe .
☪︎ The second phase of April will bring some changes within yourself that will leave you making more confident about yourself . Your plans will bring very strong stability and foundation for something new . You will quite become famous and i see wealth or money coming in some sort also that you will be quite getting more responsible and serious about your things and life in general , i see a major lesson or realisation hitting in anyway .
☪︎ Third phase of April or the last phase will be all about equal give and take of your assets like knowledge , experience , money or anything with others and helping them also .If anyone wants to start a business or something new then different through something then its a really good time for it . You are protected and loved by universe .
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : Universe says that wake up and stop sleeping , stop getting scared and anxious and make a step . You will be connecting with you highest self a lot .
Be generous and kind .
Give yourself some break .
You are taking something to seriously .
Give that exhausted and tortured mind some break .
Reshuffle your priorities, schedule and routine .
❀ Prominent zodiacs and Houses : Aries , scorpio , 8th house , virgo , taurus , capricorn , gemini , libra , Aquarius , 3rd house and 2nd house .
𐙚 Pile 3.
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ The first phase of April will be quite confusing for you , you may feel stuck or confused about the way or any thing you feel . Try not to merge or do many things at a time rather do one thing at a time otherwise you may create a complex mess for yourself . You must have dragged something which needed your logic but you didn't which has led to agony and all thigs that i have discussed above for this mess to be clear get your logical side and do not listen to your heart . You will or need to make some final choice regarding something because the more you will drag and delay the more frustrating and tough it will be for you .
☪︎ In the second phase Of April i see you grabbing some opportunities and starting something new ahead , I feel the second phase without much of any fuss or mess and more clear and stable energy . Just go for what you want and inspires you because qualification needs to be a later thing for you . This will be a small new start .
☪︎ The third phase of April or the last phase will be about getting to know something or some big changes that will be revealed to you as a surprise . The shift in perspective will be coming in for you . From here the universe will set you on something big like really something big and you will be starting by seeing the trailer in your life or within yourself , universe will make you realise something deeply . It feels like a big mission or realising your mission.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : you had be wise to watch and trust no one at this time. keep yourself to yourself and do not buy into any fears or chaos that's being stirred up around you . you know the truth so stay strong. Still someone vunerable needs you and secret is a being shared .
Be honest with yourself .
Look at the people around you something lies in there .
❀ Prominent Zodiacs and Houses : scorpio , pluto ( planet), leo , aries , saggitaurus , pisces , cancer , 11th house and 7th house .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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The Editors of Everywoman's Daily Horoscope - Astrology and the Single Girl - Popular Library - 1970
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archersarrow-tarot · 7 months
| the D O M I N A N T S |
🏠 dominant astrology house
🪐 dominant planet
💫 dominant astrology sign
🌎 dominant element
The Four Dominants
Done for @glittergonedull
DOB: 10/20/1995 @ 1642 in (private location)
Dominant HOUSE
The Seventh House. The 7th house rules marriage, partnerships and other significant relationships. This house reflects what we seek in our potential life partners. Mercury in this house brings the qualities of intellectual openness; the Moon brings the feeling of home and nurturing. Chiron brings the strength of vulnerability. Partnerships are a very significant part of your life in many areas.
Dominant PLANET
Saturn is the most dominant. Neptune is second most dominant & Pluto is third.
Dominant SIGN
Pisces Signature. Pisces signatures have a intuition that is very powerful. Tens to extremely sensitive and overwhelm easily. Pisces are often escapists.
Dominant ELEMENT
WATER element. Water signs are sensitive, emotional, often creative-whether with art, music, etc. Sensitive, feeling everything deeply.
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sensualnoiree · 21 days
astro notes: daily transits 9/1
Today marks a significant shift in the astrological landscape as two powerful planets—Uranus and Pluto—initiate transformative journeys. Uranus, the planet of innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, stations retrograde at 27°15' Taurus, signaling a period of introspection and reassessment in areas where we may have felt stuck or resistant to change. Simultaneously, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, re-enters Capricorn, a sign associated with authority, structure, and long-term goals. This combination sets the stage for deep, systemic changes that will unfold over the coming months.
Key Influences
Uranus Stations Retrograde at 27°15' Taurus:Revolutionary Introspection: Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus brings a powerful call to reassess and reevaluate areas of life that may have become stagnant or too routine. Taurus, a sign deeply connected to stability, values, and material security, can sometimes resist change, preferring the comfort of the familiar. However, Uranus’s energy is anything but routine—its retrograde motion invites us to look inward and question where we have become too set in our ways. This is a time to explore new possibilities, break free from outdated patterns, and innovate in areas related to our resources, self-worth, and how we create stability in our lives. The retrograde period is ideal for revisiting past ideas or projects that may now be ready for a fresh, innovative approach.
Focus on Security and Values: Taurus’s influence on Uranus retrograde highlights the need to reassess our approach to security, both financial and emotional. This transit may bring up sudden changes or disruptions in these areas, forcing us to adapt and rethink our strategies for maintaining stability. The key here is flexibility—Uranus encourages us to be open to new ways of securing our future, even if they seem unconventional or challenging at first. Embrace the opportunity to innovate and redefine what security means to you, allowing for a more dynamic and resilient approach.
Pluto Re-enters Capricorn:Deep Systemic Transformation: Pluto’s re-entry into Capricorn marks the continuation of a long-term cycle of transformation that has been reshaping structures of power, authority, and societal norms since 2008. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is the sign of discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning. As Pluto moves back into Capricorn from September 1 to November 19, we are called to revisit and complete the deep transformational work that began during its initial transit through this sign. This period may bring up unresolved issues related to power dynamics, governance, and the structures that underpin our personal and collective lives.
Rebuilding Foundations: Pluto in Capricorn asks us to confront where the foundations of our lives, careers, and societal structures may have become weak or corrupt. This is a time for deep introspection and a willingness to dismantle what no longer serves us, even if it involves confronting uncomfortable truths. The work of Pluto in Capricorn is about building something more enduring and sustainable—whether in our careers, personal lives, or the broader societal framework. This transit supports long-term planning and the disciplined effort required to bring about lasting change.
Integrating the Influences
Embrace Innovation and Flexibility:Navigating Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Uranus retrograde is an invitation to innovate in areas of life where we may have become too rigid or resistant to change. This is a time to experiment with new ideas, especially those that challenge our usual approach to security and stability. Be open to revisiting past projects or ideas that may now find fertile ground for growth. Uranus encourages us to think outside the box and embrace change, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Flexibility and adaptability will be key to navigating this retrograde period successfully.
Focus on Long-Term Transformation:Pluto’s Return to Capricorn: With Pluto re-entering Capricorn, we are reminded that true transformation is a long-term process. This period is about completing the deep work of restructuring the foundations of our lives and society. Whether it’s in your career, personal life, or broader societal roles, this is a time to focus on the big picture and the long-term goals that require patience, discipline, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. Use this time to build something that will endure, even if it means letting go of what is no longer viable.
Prepare for Deep, Systemic Change:Anticipating the Shifts: Both Uranus and Pluto are outer planets associated with deep, systemic change. As they begin their retrograde and re-entry phases, we are called to prepare for significant shifts in our lives. This may involve reassessing our values, security, and long-term goals, as well as confronting and transforming the structures that govern our lives. Embrace the opportunity to innovate and rebuild, knowing that the changes you make now will have a lasting impact on your future.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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growwithmeastrology · 3 months
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Saturday, June 29th 2024
Sun in Cancer ♋️🌊 Moon in Aries ♈️🔥
So, in case you hadn’t heard, Saturn, the planet of karma and hard lessons is going retrograde in Pisces. Today at 3:05 PM, EST he begins his six month backward dance through the mystic, the dreamer, the poet, and the spiritual savior of the zodiac. Saturn in Pisces is serving up some tough love, primarily here to teach us about these topics, our boundaries and self improvement, almost like a personal life audit. It’s not about smashing your dreams, it’s about giving them structure. In this retrograde, you’re about to review the lessons of the last six months to make sure you learned them. Sorry, you can’t sweep them under the rug. The purpose is to awaken your spirit through all things hidden or under an illusion. If you’ve over-idealized something, it’s gonna bring all of those skeletons out of the closet for you to see in the light.
Today with the moon in Aries, it’s time to get a move on, on these topics. Venus in Cancer will square the Aries Moon which increases the need for love and affection. We’re feeling friendly, romantic and sentimental. It can also make us feel sad and lonely.
Mercury and Uranus are in a sextile stimulating the mind and showing us alternate viewpoints and awakening the intuition so we can start picking up on the subtle hints that spirit is trying to show us.
The Pisces area of your life is about to get a review. If you have Saturn or major placements in the other mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, this area is also greatly impacted. Look to those areas to see the theme of this review. If you need some help figuring it out, hit me up. I’m happy to help!
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caturnmoon · 3 days
Astrology Mini Observations #️⃣6️⃣
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🥡My heart genuinely goes out to all of the Pisces moons (and major mutable placements in general) on the full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces we had this last week. It definitely was an opportunity to sit with the uncomfortable feelings and just let them be uncomfortable. Swimming into the depths and coming out a little wiser and reflective. 💟
🥡If you have Saturn in your second house then look to your 8th house and its ruler as well. If well aspected, this can signify longevity in life.
🥡Moon aspecting Mercury in a soft aspect may mean you’re really adept at communicating your feelings quite eloquently. Some of the more tense aspects may show initial discomfort in communicating them.
🥡Virgo mars 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾 having the last word in any argument. Even if they’re wrong. They sure as hell don’t want to admit to being wrong. 😂
🥡Sag risings could be seen as natural athletes or people that love the outdoors and being active. Being the explorers of the zodiac, we love educating ourselves in ALL aspects of life. Mental, physical, and spiritual. I’m something of a fitness enthusiast myself and have just discovered a passion for Pilates!
🥡Moon dominant people may age exceptionally well! The moon can indicate softer more classic feminine features, especially if aspected to the ascendant and first house.
🥡Just like the moon, Mercury dominants or Mercury in the first house can indicate youthful appearance as well. They tend to look younger than their age and have a more elfin quality to their face. Expressive eyes and a pointy chin is possible. Androgynous energy is also tied to Mercury so the potential is also there for a more non binary appearance! I have my Mercury in the 1st whole sign system and I identify as non binary. 👽
🥡Having your north node in the 1st house could encourage a need to define a stronger sense of identity and self in this lifetime. Independence and spotlight on “you” will be a major theme since your south node in the 7th meant your life was about identifying yourself through others and your relationships to them. The sign will give the manner in which you must identify yourself through and if your north node is aspecting any planets, then the matters of that planet will become significant as well in how this identity could manifest.
Until next time!! 🖖🏼👽
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dailydoseofdragon · 2 months
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Day 214- Leo
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What self care practices will help you this VIRGO season?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Take a walk. It will benefit you to get out and exercise. Take time to go out in nature and walk. Be mindful and enjoy your surroundings without distractions like your phone or tv.
Pile 2:
Sync with the Moon: Pay attention to the moon phases and what each phase means. For example the new moon is about new beginnings and it is a great time to start something new.
Pile 3:
Spend time with animals. Animals are great for companionship and love. And for you this Virgo season, animals will help you in your journey this month.
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astroa3h · 7 months
asteroid fama [408] ✨
When you look at where Fama sits in your birth chart—the sign and the house—it gives clues about the kind of recognition you might attract and in what areas of life you're most likely to shine or be acknowledged by others.
For example, if Fama is in a creative sign like Pisces, it might mean you could gain recognition for artistic talents. If it's hanging out in the 10th house, which is all about career and public image, fame might come through your professional life.
What does your Fame placement say about your journey to fame?
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✨ Through The Signs ✨
Aries: You're gonna be famous for being a trailblazer. Think pioneering a movement, inventing something out of this world, or being the first to do something daring. Your fame comes from your courage and audacity to jump headfirst into challenges. You're the trendsetter, the one who plays by their own rules.
Taurus: Your fame will be built on your sensual pleasures and a keen eye for beauty. Perhaps launching a revolutionary beauty brand, becoming a culinary genius, or even leading a movement towards sustainability. Your consistency, reliability, and connection to the material world make your contributions lasting and impactful.
Gemini: You'll be famous for your words. This could mean becoming a viral social media influencer, an author of groundbreaking books, or a journalist who changes the public discourse. Your quick wit, curiosity, and ability to communicate complex ideas in simple ways will be your ticket to fame.
Cancer: Your path to fame is through emotional connection. Whether it’s as a caregiver making a significant impact, a family vlogger who captures the hearts of millions, or a creator of a home-based empire, your innate ability to nurture and care for others will make you a beloved figure.
Leo: You're destined to be famous for your dramatic flair and heart of gold. Think of becoming a celebrated actor, a philanthropist who’s always in the spotlight, or a creator whose work is bold and makes a statement. Your warmth, generosity, and desire to be seen will bring you adoration and acclaim.
Virgo: Fame comes to you through your service and meticulous attention to detail. You could become famous for innovating health and wellness, starting a movement towards efficiency, or being an activist for the betterment of society. Your practicality and ability to solve problems will earn you respect and recognition.
Libra: You'll be famous for bringing beauty and harmony to the world. This could be as a fashion icon, a diplomat who brings peace to troubled regions, or an artist whose work speaks to the balance of life. Your charm, sense of justice, and ability to connect people will be at the heart of your fame.
Scorpio: Your fame will stem from transformation and depth. Whether it’s as a powerful influencer who speaks about taboo topics, a researcher who discovers something revolutionary, or an artist who isn’t afraid to explore the dark sides of life. Your intensity, passion, and resilience will draw people to you.
Sagittarius: You’re going to be famous for your adventures and philosophical insights. Think of being a travel vlogger who goes to the edges of the earth, a motivational speaker who inspires with tales of adventure, or an educator who brings new ways of thinking to the masses. Your optimism, love for freedom, and quest for truth will capture the world’s imagination.
Capricorn: Your route to fame is through your ambition and incredible work ethic. You might become a renowned entrepreneur, a political leader who enacts significant reforms, or an authority in your field of expertise. Your dedication, discipline, and leadership skills will make you a figure of respect and admiration.
Aquarius: You'll be famous for your innovation and humanitarian efforts. This could be as a tech mogul who invents something life-changing, an activist who rallies for social justice, or a visionary artist whose work predicts the future. Your originality, independence, and commitment to making the world a better place will be your legacy.
Pisces: Your fame will come from your creativity and empathy. Whether it’s as a musician who touches the soul, a filmmaker who crafts otherworldly narratives, or a healer who brings comfort to many, your ability to connect with the emotional and spiritual realms will make you beloved and celebrated.
✨ Through The Houses ✨
1st House (The Self, Identity): Fama here makes you famous for simply being you. Your personality, appearance, or a specific trait about how you present yourself to the world is what will catch the public's eye. Think of becoming an influencer or public figure known for your distinct style or personal brand. You're the face in the crowd that everyone remembers – for your charisma, your look, or that indefinable something that makes you, well, you.
2nd House (Values, Possessions): With Fama in the 2nd house, your fame could come from your wealth, assets, or a revolutionary approach to personal finance. Imagine becoming a celebrated entrepreneur with a Midas touch or an influencer who changes the game in sustainable living and values. Your possessions or your unique take on valuing them could become your claim to fame.
3rd House (Communication, Community): Here, Fama could make you famous for your words – be it through writing, speaking, or social media. You could become known in your local community or on a broader scale for your ideas, your way with words, or your connections. This is the blogger who starts conversations, the speaker who inspires, or the social butterfly whose network seems to know no bounds.
4th House (Home, Family): Fama in the 4th house could bring fame through your family, your heritage, or your home itself. This could be as a family vlogger, an advocate for home-based businesses, or someone who becomes a public figure through real estate or interior design. Your foundation, your roots, or the way you nurture and care could be what puts you in the public eye.
5th House (Creativity, Love, Children): With Fama here, your fame might stem from your creative endeavors, your children, or your romantic escapades. You could be celebrated as an artist, a performer, or a creator whose work captures the heart. Alternatively, your role as a parent or your approach to love and dating could thrust you into the limelight.
6th House (Work, Health, Service): Fama in the 6th house suggests you could become famous for your work ethic, your service to others, or your approach to health and wellness. Think of becoming known for your groundbreaking health regime, your dedication to public service, or being the hardest worker in the room whose efforts finally get recognized on a grand scale.
7th House (Partnerships, Public Enemies): Here, Fama could make you famous (or infamous) through your partnerships or your rivalries. This could be a high-profile business partnership, a marriage, or even public feuds that catch the world’s attention. Your ability to collaborate or your encounters with adversaries could be your path to fame.
8th House (Transformation, Shared Resources): With Fama in the 8th house, fame could come through transformation, crisis, or managing shared resources. This might mean becoming known for overcoming significant personal obstacles, working in fields related to finance, inheritance, or psychology, or becoming a symbol of rebirth and change.
9th House (Philosophy, Foreign Travel): Fama here could bring fame through your adventures, your beliefs, or your academic pursuits. Imagine being recognized for your travel vlogs, your philosophical or spiritual teachings, or your contributions to higher education. Your quest for knowledge or your journey to far-off lands could be what makes you known.
10th House (Career, Reputation): In the 10th house, Fama suggests your fame will be tied closely to your career and your public standing. This is the CEO, the politician, the celebrity whose work in their field earns them widespread recognition. Your achievements, your status, or your authority in your profession could be the source of your fame.
11th House (Friendships, Goals, Social Groups): With Fama in the 11th house, you might become famous for your social activism, your innovative ideas, or your role within a group. This could be as the leader of a movement, an inventor whose creations change society, or someone whose circle of friends includes the who’s who of the public eye. Your dreams and the people you surround yourself with are your keys to fame.
12th House (Secrets, the Subconscious): Fama in the 12th house could mean your fame comes from what’s hidden, your inner world, or your ability to heal and help from behind the scenes. You could become known for your spiritual insights, your charitable work, or your artistic endeavors that touch on the universal human experience. Your connection to the collective, your compassion.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net TikTok - astroa3h
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
YOUR Venus in Virgo Love & Money HOROSCOPE
What: Venus in Virgo
When: Aug. 4 - Aug. 28, 2024
Who’s Impacted: Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, Taurus, Libra—in that order
Takeaway: Precision, pragmatism, and being efficient with your affections, creativity, and money is about to get 10x sexier.  
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     A major shift has happened: Venus, the planet of love, money, relationships and creativity, has entered earthy Virgo, doubling down on the need for efficiency and productivity. (Mercury is also in Virgo, and currently retrograde, btw.) Ever the workhorse, Virgo loves to be of use, toiling away at tasks simply for the sake of getting them done. Venus, however, loves to take it easy, preferring relaxation and reveling in the pleasures of good food, beautiful art, and pleasing company over plodding. This, therein, lies the crux of this would-be wonderful transit.
     This week—the week of Aug. 5—brings only two transits, one of which involves Venus and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo on Aug. 7. The other? Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini—also on Aug. 7—and it’s a great transit. In fact, both of these transits are great for spreading love, joy, and sweetness. Which we so desperately need right now, given the current sh*t show state of the world. Anyway! Since Venus entered Virgo late on Aug. 4, it is ~technically~ a part of this week’s astrology. (At least, I’m including it in this week’s astrology, given the limited number of transits.)
     Despite what some astrologers might say about it, I consider Venus’ shift into Virgo a good thing. Yes, the planet ~technically~ struggles in the sign, for previously stated reasons, but Venus in Virgo is so, so good for getting practical about your money, creative endeavors, and relationships. It also helps you cope a little better with the first leg of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. 
     As we bid adieu to the fiery flamboyance of Venus in Leo, we shift gears and welcome the precise and pragmatic vibes of Venus in Virgo. This transit, which lasts from Aug. 4 through Aug. 28, brings an impactful shift to the area of your life ruled by Virgo. While Venus in Leo thrived on dramatic declarations of love and grand romantic gestures, Venus in Virgo is all about the little things that make a relationship work. Think of it as moving from the passionate poetry of Shakespeare to the precision of a well-crafted spreadsheet. Virgo's energy encourages you to take a closer look at your relationships and finances, seeking to refine and improve them through practical means.
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     Virgo’s energy encourages you to break down your one-on-one interactions, your spending / earning habits, and your creative projects into manageable, daily acts and seemingly scrupulous to-dos. However, it’s easy for Virgo to fall into the trap of fault-finding, as the sign craves order, tidiness, and functionality. Imagine Venus in Virgo as the ultimate helper, tending to and tidying up the details in your money habits, romantic interactions, and creative ventures that Venus in Leo may have seen you ignoring. How can you show your loved ones you care? How can you bring order to the alleged chaos of your love life or finances? What needs to be tidied up, tended to, or systemized?
     Venus also helps us uncover some of the lesser-known qualities of Virgo. While Venus in Leo saw you boldly boasting about your own power, passion and attractions, Venus in Virgo makes your affections shyer, more diffident and reserved. But that doesn’t mean your love life will be boring! Yes,Virgo is often associated with meticulousness, order and virgin-like qualities, but when transiting this mutable earth sign, Venus coaxes out the sensual, nurturing, and sweetly fussy side of Virgo. 
Get the FULL SCOOP on Venus in Virgo, including KEY dates for love & money, and YOUR Horoscope on The Cosmic Almanac:
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astrologicalkillah · 7 days
Zodiac signs as the reason you broke up
Aries: “I need someone who doesn’t take everything so personally.”
Taurus: “You couldn’t handle my standards. I deserve better.”
Gemini: “I got bored of you, like… halfway through our first date.”
Cancer: “You couldn’t keep up with my emotional rollercoaster.”
Leo: “I wasn’t the problem. You just couldn’t handle greatness.”
Virgo: “Your life was too messy. I couldn’t be a part of it anymore.”
Libra: “I wasn’t into you; I was into the idea of you.”
Scorpio: “You lied once. I kept receipts.”
Sagittarius: “I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Still not.”
Capricorn: “You didn’t fit into my 5-year plan. Sorry, not sorry.”
Aquarius: “You were holding me back. I need freedom.”
Pisces: “You didn’t understand my deep feelings. It just couldn’t work.”
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ajje-111 · 4 months
Zodiac Sign Mood Board for June
Happy Summer everyone! Be safe this season and I wish everyone to be well on their journey, xx
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cupidlovesastro · 26 days
Hi! Are you still open for readings?!
If you are… may you please do a reading on my parents first impression of my future gf?!
My initials are TM!
you’re welcome !
justice, the hierophant, the lovers, 9 of cups
it took me awhile to get these cards out (like i had to shuffle multiple times to get cards out) so they may not have much to say in general honestly. i do see that they think she balances you out ! they think she matches you quite well and is like your other half. she may also come of very knowledgeable and seem to be trust worthy. she can seem like a rule follower and she seems socially acceptable which they like. with lovers being here as well, they do believe she’s a lovely girl and that she has love for you! they see that you guys are harmonious together and that she heals/ strengthens you. they also believe she is a wish come true, in my head i heard (thank god they found someone) like your parents are really relieved to see that you found a relationship with her. they also believe she’s emotionally stable or provides emotional stability for you and they’re really satisfied with her !
confirmations: libra, taurus, gemini, pisces, 11, 5, 6, 9
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