#daisy reblogs adding nothing
ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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April May and June Duck as teenagers - Quack Pack AU and Quack Pack Reboot - Quack Pack Week - Duckverse and Ducktales 2017
I should have done this a long time ago, but here I am regarding one of my favorite characters in the Duckverse and the characters I'm sure should be in the Quack Pack (either as a sequel or a reboot) are definitely Daisy's nieces, April , May and June Duck. They might look like the Chipettes from Alvin and the Chipmunks, but to be honest Daisy's nieces came before the Chipettes so Daisy's nieces have the upper hand. Anyway, I did two versions, one related to the Quack Pack AU and the other to the Quack Pack reboot (if it was a sequel to Ducktales 2017).
I know that in the Ducktales 2017 finale April, May and June are clones and that Webby is April, but since I don't like them being really Daisy's nieces, I added my own way of how they would look, especially in the Quack Pack reboot (see second drawing) and I got my inspiration from here: https://ducktalks.com/2018/07/04/april-may-and-june-duck/
And took inspiration from fanart by @avespecora.
April, May and June would really be Daisy's nieces and act like Donald's nephews. April would be like Huey, May would be like Dewey, and June would be part Louie. Plus I added their clothes so they don't look the same, and drew them in my own way. And let's face it, I have nothing against Webby, May and June, I just wish they hadn't collapsed the duck family tree like that, and both DT17 May and June were really good characters in the end. It would be interesting to see people with the same names get to know each other. For other characters from the Quack Pack reboot, see here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/742447670629744640/quack-pack-week-quack-pack-original-vs-quack
For the second drawing (more precisely the first) is my redraw of April, May and June as teenagers in the Quack Pack pose as well as Donald's nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, with the fact that I think that pose would suit Daisy's nieces more than Donald's nephews. That version would be in my Quack Pack AU or the Quack Pack reboot if it was based on the Donald Duck comics. April, May and June would be like Donald's nephews, in terms of personalities, but they would definitely be ordinary girls, but not too "cool" or too feminine. And I drew in my own way, combining from the Dutch comics as well as from the series The Legend of The Three Caballeros, so here you can see the combined colors of the clothes as well as the hair they wear. May would be like Huey, June would be like Dewey, and April would be like Louie. And yes, they would cause a lot of trouble for their Aunt Daisy.
I hope you like these drawings and these ideas as well as these versions that I drew in my own style. Also this is my present for my friend, @nuvemzinhacorderosa, who loves Daisy's nieces very much. And this is also dedicated to @quackpackweek, even if I'm late. Sorry!
Feel free to like and reblog this, if you like this, just don't copy these same ideas and versions without mentioning me! Thank you!
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
(disclaimer, since I am receiving mamy sweet messages now, this is not about my story/blog!!)
What is going on here lately? :(
The author added wrong tags, omg. Will the world stop spinning because of that? No.
All the hate? The rude messages? The negativity?
I am not mad, I am disappointed. We all write because we love writing. But we, fanfic authors, also write because we want to do something for you. We write your requests, your suggested stories for you. We get nothing for that, except feedback. And there is nothing better than sweet coments, lovely messages from people who reblog it or a simple like.
But there is also hate. Hate that hurts.
Please, when you type a rude message, think about it again. Is it really worth it that you press send? The answer is no. It will just hurt the person you send it to and that is it.
For some many people this place, tumblr is a safe haven, a place to escape reality. Don’t take this way from people.
And don’t get me wrong, I am all for criticism and pointing out mistakes (it is important even), but please, do that in a polite and respectful way.
Please, just try to spread kindness instead of hate, there are already too many bad things happening in this world☹️
ps: my lovely little daisies who follow me, I really need to send you a heart though. because apart from (rightfully but maybe not too kindly) pointing out the issue with the one Az story, you have been nothing but kind to me. I really appreciate that and love you a lot💛
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mollymauk-teafleak · 1 year
my morning sun
TW: mentions of drug use and addiction
I wrote that daisy jones and the six au I posted about! Brain's just been marinating in this au for a week so huge thanks to my lovely gf @hangsters for beta reading and general enablement
There will me more so if you liked this please reblog or leave a comment over on Ao3!
Everyone knows it wasn't easy when the struggling rock band, Top Gun, added another frontman. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell was loud, experimental and, above all, troubled. But he was fresh out of rehab, his image could do with a little cleaning up and, hey, they're on the same label? Original frontman Tom "Iceman" Kazansky was just going to have to shut up and put up if he wanted him and his friends at the top of the charts.
And thats exactly where they are today. Taking the music scene by storm, selling out shows, and it seems like the two guys out front have sorted it all out.
But that doesn't mean people aren't still speculating.
All rock and roll bands have rumors that follow them around. And being the biggest band out there, you have the biggest crop of them. Anything to say on that front?
Pete Mitchell: (Laughter) Which ones exactly? The ones that we hate each other or the ones that we’re too close? People can’t seem to make up their damn minds.
Tom Kazansky: Well it’s no secret that Maverick joining the band was (pause) rocky at first. We’re just two very different musicians at heart, as well as we work together now. It took time to find a way our styles could marry together, my more technical approach and Maverick’s improvisational instincts. Honestly, if you’d asked me back then I would have said he was the wrong fit for Top Gun. That it wasn’t going to work out. And now look at us, we wouldn’t be where we are without him. 
Pete Mitchell: You wouldn’t have said I wasn’t the right fit, you’d have yelled it at me after I wrecked one of your precious riffs. Maybe while throwing something. 
Tom Kazansky: He’s joking. We had some creative disagreements. 
Pete Mitchell: It’s all good now though. We’re down to one recording studio bust up a week. Small price to pay for some of the best music on the scene these days. 
Good to hear. And what about those other rumors you mentioned? What about the song Aurora?
It was strange to think the place they could stand close together without fear was up on stage in front of a crowd. Lips nearly brushing in front of one microphone, noses bumping, panting into each other’s mouths, sharing one breath, and the people all just screamed for more. 
“When I was away
You called from a fever dream
The crazy ways are done.
You’re my morning sun
How Aurora
You're my morning sun…”
There was something about knowing just how many eyes were on them, how many people had come to watch them play and hear their music, but in front of them all, Maverick only had eyes for the man an inch in front of his face. For Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. That little smile tugging at the edge of his mouth, the intensity in the depths of his blue green eyes, the way his teeth snagged on his lower lip in between lyrics, that all belonged to Tom. 
“Babe, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)
Mm, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)”
Their voices wove in and around each other, like two raindrops running down a window pane, colliding and joining and splitting and reforming. Neither one of them took the call and neither took the response, it didn’t feel like that. They did nothing but sing wholly as one, their voices making the same journey. Two people who couldn’t look more different but wanted to get in front of the same microphone and say the same thing. 
“Babe, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)
Mm, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)”
It was hard to tear his attention away from Maverick, stood in front of him, chin tilted up to look into his eyes, muscles in his jaw working as he sang, but Tom didn’t let himself forget that the rest of the band were killing it behind them. Slider proving his nickname as his fingers slid up and down the frets of his bass to make it wail, Alice’s fingers flitting across the keys effortlessly like Mozart if Mozart crocheted his own yellow tube tops, and under it all Goose kept them anchored with a complex drum rhythm that gave them all somewhere to come home to. 
Tom always went into interviews and told people they were the best band in the world. Of course he did, it was his job, he was the frontman. But here on stage, playing with the people who’d trusted him enough to follow him out here, he realized it was true. They were really fucking good. 
“Babe, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)
Mm, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever
(I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever)”
Enough people had told Tom he only came alive when he was on stage. Without a guitar in his hand and a microphone in front of him, he was stiff, awkward, cold. That was part of the reason they’d needed Maverick, they’d needed someone who didn’t approach every interview like a caged tiger pressed up against the wall. But once Tom had his instrument, his shield, he became a different person. His hips started rolling, his feet started tapping, like he was possessed by all those fifties rockers he’d grown up adoring and seeing something of himself in. Tom became the Iceman, he became captivating, suddenly whatever he was growling into the mic was something everyone wanted to hear. He became animated by his own music, like some part of him that had always been missing was filled by those heavy riffs and raw, aching lyrics. They didn’t fill the gaps entirely but Tom had always thought that maybe it was those left over bits that made it all work.
And then Maverick got on stage with him. And suddenly everything was whole. 
“When I was away
You called from a fever dream
The crazy ways are done.
You’re my morning sun
How Aurora
You're my morning sun…”
His Maverick. His morning sun. 
You’re my morning sun
How Aurora
You're my morning sun…”
And up here, Tom could almost act like it. 
They didn’t get a chance to close that distance until the door of the hotel room closed behind them.
Once it was their world again, Maverick wasted no time, shoving Tom until his back hit the door, pressing their lips together hard enough to hurt. Tom responded in harmony, bringing his hands up to hold Mav’s shoulders in a grip that would leave indents in his leather jacket, just in case he had any thoughts about moving away. They kissed until it burned, until they were gasping. 
“Fuck…one of these days I’m not gonna be able to keep myself from ripping your clothes off right there on stage,” Maverick was the first time find his voice which didn’t surprise Tom. He used to joke that he’d only ever fucked him that first time to shut him up for five minutes. 
“Management might have an issue with that,” Tom warned with a breathless grin because he could never really tell when Maverick was serious, “At least the stylists.”
He turned his frustrated growl into another kiss, dragging Tom into it by the lapels of his denim jacket, biting his lip to hold him there. The message was clear. Enough talk of out there. Let it go. Stay in here. 
Only Maverick had ever been able to tell Tom that and get it to stick. 
Tom let Maverick yank off his clothes impatiently, hurriedly, badges and buttons rattling as his jacket hit the thick carpet, then the silk shirt, then the jeans, his boots hitting the wall somewhere off to the left. He’d find it all later, he felt freer without them. 
But there was something almost sacrilegious about dismantling the Maverick people saw on stage, pulling down everything he’d carefully constructed. Tom knew exactly what it all meant to him, the bright tattoos that covered the scars from old fights and the thin ones across his chest. The patched flight jacket he’d been wearing since his dad gave it to him and cried at every rip and tear until Alice could repair it for him. The combat boots he’d let little Bradley doodle on in white marker. The ribbons in his hair, the eyeliner highlighting his already piercing gaze, the glitter streaking his cheekbones that didn’t match anything else, the fact he was dripping in jewelry, some that was wildly expensive in a way that made Tom choke and some that he’d picked up from roadside stands and thrift shops. Sometimes stripping it all away felt like tearing a painting out of its frame to look at the other side. 
But Tom knew that what was underneath was just as beautiful. He just wasn’t entirely sure Maverick agreed. So he would do his best to convince him.
He just went good and slow as he undressed him down to just the tattoos and the jewelry, kissing every inch of skin exposed, rewarding him for each piece of armor that fell away. Never quiet or still, every kiss drew a gasp from Maverick, made him squirm against the sheets, like just the touch of Tom’s lips was enough to light his nerves like a million tiny fuses. Tom traced the length of his wiry body, hitting certain points that he knew would make his lover jerk and yelp, bright stars in the constellations he mapped on Maverick’s skin. His earlobe, the underside of his jaw, the hollow of his throat, his collarbone, each of his already stiffening nipples, where it lit him up, where it tickled just so he could hear Mav laugh. 
Soon every inch of Maverick was shaking and his gasps had crystallized into desperate pleading, “Please…Ice, please, I need it, god…”
Tom smiled as he pulled his jeans down, scattering kisses on the inside of his thighs, “You’re gonna get it, baby. Have I ever left you wanting?”
He had to admit, it was nice to hear Mav begging for him the way he begged for other things. Tom just had to hope he was better for him than any of that stuff. 
Realizing that was probably one of the thoughts he was supposed to have pushed aside, Tom focused instead on Maverick, on following the trail of dark hair that started at his pierced naval and ended in a tangle between his legs. There were piercings here too, ones Tom rolled around his tongue, making Mav squeak and tighten his legs around his head. 
“You’re teasing,” he pouted, fingers tangling in Tom’s hair, tightening in warning. 
“You like being teased,” Tom reminded him, chuckling roughly. 
But his own impatience was rising, having Maverick all splayed out like this in front of him, the hot, amber and musk smell of him in his nose. Teasing was for when they weren’t coming off a four hour show where Maverick had done that goddamn microphone licking thing several times just to drive Tom wild. 
So he held his lover at the hips, nice and tight so he’d leave marks, so Mav would feel like he was still being held, long after Tom had been forced to let go. He buried his face against him, licking a long, board stripe up the whole length of him, hearing Mav shriek in response. He chased those sounds, chased the growing salt taste on his tongue, pressing deeper. Maverick sank into it, opened for him, knees locked around Tom’s ears and hips rolling up to meet his mouth. He rambled, sweet and senseless, like he thought he could only offer Tom his words, head tipped back so he was upside down and crying them to the rapidly darkening cityscape outside the hotel window. 
“Baby, baby, fuck, Tom, right there, God, yes, there-”
He broke hard with a cry of Tom’s name, high and wild like he’d howl at the apex of songs sometimes when the music was really in him. Like he only really let go out there and in here. Tom swallowed everything he could, though he was still dripping when he finally rose up. He rested his chin lightly on Maverick’s belly, giving him the playful, boyish grin that made him a good frontman.
“Love the way you sing when I do that for you…” he purred, voice rough and gravelly with overuse. 
Maverick gave a weak laugh, gathering his strength to drag Tom up lie beside him, “Can tell. You do that like it’s your fucking job and the rent is overdue.”
Tom gave a bark of laughter, snaking close until they were nose to nose, “Well. You taste pretty fucking good baby…” He caught his face and kissed him deeply, licking into his mouth, “See?”
Maverick gave a tremulous whimper, chasing down Tom’s tongue piercing, “Oh god, fuck me.”
“Was hoping you’d say something like that,” Tom nipped at his lip, just enough so he’d draw back and he could roll him over, pressing him into the soft mattress. 
“Nuh uh,” Mav purred, shifting and catching him at the shoulders, keeping them going until he was straddling Tom’s hips, “My turn to lead.”
“Naturally,” Tom smirked, shaking his head to clear the last of his long blonde hair from his eyes. 
Maverick grinned, holding his face as he kissed him. There was something about having all of his lover’s frenetic energy suddenly focused on him, something like being struck by lightning. Like all the world had shrunk down to a single point, sometimes a rhyme that wouldn’t resolve or a sound he wanted but couldn’t express the changes he needed technically, sometimes a riff that wouldn’t crystallize into genius.
Sometimes, the worst times, it was the next drink or the next bump or the next pill, the things he insisted he needed if he was going to sort out those first problems. 
Sometimes, the best times, it was Tom Kazansky.
So he surrendered in relief, letting Maverick light him up, pouring that desire into him like it was in his spit. It sank into Tom’s chest like good vodka, mixing with what was already there until it was all the same. Until there was nothing but the simple fact of life of their want for each other. 
Maverick shifted, wriggled, until Tom’s erection was settled against his soft heat, sinking down with an impatience that soon had him hissing. 
“Fuck,” he whined, though his hips didn’t still, didn’t stop until there was no more, just Tom’s hips, “How do you fit all this into those tight jeans?”
“That’s what they teach us at Julliard, actually,” Tom grinned breathlessly, thrilling when Mav laughed. 
Tom could feel the calluses on Maverick’s hands when he splayed them on his chest, the scars from broken strings and broken glass. He rocked on him, bucking his hips in a steady rhythm that beckoned, invited Tom to chase, pulled him to a higher tempo. He did, thrusting up into Mav so the smaller man nearly tipped forward, still laughing. They fucked the way they played together, messy and chaotic at first but as soon as they found their sound, god, it was sweet. Tom could sing to the rhythm of Maverick riding him, if he wasn’t knocked breathless by it, only able to moan his name over and over again, like that was the only word that mattered. 
Mav made up for it, throwing his head back and nearly sobbing, “That’s it, Ice, that’s it, god you fuck me so good, come on sweetheart, little faster, almost there-”
It was impossible to say who came first because it was impossible to tell themselves apart. One moment they were tense and tight and the next it all broke into release, that last tone reverberating in their ears. Two separate harmonies collapsing into the same silence. And it was bliss.
“Pete…” Tom panted, gathering him close, wrapping him up in his arms,  “I’ve got you…”
“God, Tom,” Maverick grinned, kissing where his pulse was pounding in his throat, words coming in snatched gasps as he tried to catch his breath, “Could lie here with you forever. Might not have a choice, how hard we went.”
“Maybe I’m not gonna give you a choice,” Tom murmured, a shadow in his smile now. 
“We have a party to go to,” Mav hummed lightly, after a pause that wasn’t light. 
The two men were songwriters, they’d carried secrets all their lives. They were well versed in saying things without really saying them, like a second language behind the one their tongues and teeth used. It was a way of minimizing the damage, sometimes for their own benefit, sometimes to protect others. Clear language was like clear glass, it was fucking sharp.
The trouble was they both understood that second language. 
Tom stroked Mav’s hair from his damp forehead, “There’s a party after every show. We can take a night off.” You’ve been getting high every night for the last month, it’s too much. 
Mav tilted his head, “It’s part of the tour, baby. Part of life on the road, it’s what gets me through it.” Don’t ask me to stay, you know I can’t say yes. 
Tom made a soft noise, thumb stroking Maverick’s temple, “Well…glad it’s nearly over then. Nearly time to go home.” Nearly time for you to keep your promise. 
There was a reason a certain three words hadn’t passed Ice’s lips, in any language. December 1st, the last night of the Top Gun tour and, if a promise from Pete Mitchell was worth a damn, the last night before he’d try to get clean and make it stick this time. 
Then maybe he’d feel safe to admit to himself that he was in love with this man, pulling away so he could dress again and go find oblivion somewhere other than in Tom’s arms. He shivered, cold rushing in to replace Maverick’s warmth. 
“I’m only going to go for a little while,” he promised, rebuilding the Maverick persona around himself, completing it when he pulled on the jacket, “Can I come back here once I’ve shown my face?”
Tom drew the covers up to his chin. Maverick wouldn’t come back. He’d take too much, he’d drink too much, he’d stay awake until the next show chasing down his highs or he’d fall and crash on the bathroom floor of whatever dive bar or den or club lay on that path. Tom would wake up to a cold bed and a frantic search through the city, praying to a god he hadn’t believed in since his bubbie died that it wouldn’t end in a hospital room. 
But if the thought of being able to come home to a warm bed and Tom’s forgiveness would be a comfort to Maverick, if it could be the most distant lighthouse on the furthest shore, he wouldn’t take it away. 
“Of course, baby,” Tom smiled softly, “I’ll be right here.” 
Maverick couldn’t keep the relief from his face, the sign that he was just waiting for the day Tom would say no but was glad it hadn’t come yet. He moved over to the bed and for one, wretched second, hope sparked in Tom’s chest.
But Maverick only caught Tom’s hand, kissing his knuckles, “My Aurora.” His smile was soft and sad, the smile of a man who wanted to do better. Who would, Tom had to believe. 
“My morning sun,” Tom finished, wishing his Maverick was half as reliable. But this was the light he’d chosen for his life. 
After the door had closed, Tom turned onto one side, back to the city lights so they flashed and danced candy colors at the edges of his vision. The way he’d done since he was a small scared child rather than a tall scared adult, Tom hummed to himself as he drifted off, trying to soothe himself into sleep. Babe, I kinda thought that night was gonna last forever…
It was strange to think that the place they could be closest was up on stage. And the place they felt furthest away was behind closed doors. 
Tom Kazansky: Look, about the song Aurora…(pause) One of the things I’ve always loved about writing songs is that you can experience emotions that aren’t necessarily ones you’ve experienced in real life. It’s like putting on a costume, playing a game when you were a kid. You can pretend to be someone who's on top of the world, someone who's lost everything. Or you can be someone who's madly in love. You can try on these different lives. 
So there’s no Aurora in your life right now?
Tom Kazansky: Nope. Just a game of pretend. 
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love how tumblr tried to kill tagspam by limiting you to 30 tags with 140 chars each and also if you tag a specific way then only the first four tags will show your post in searches or whatever and also only original posts will show and not reblogs anymore (and that is ANY reblog, not just reblogs with nothing on them)
but then you still see porn bots scattershotting every trending fandom tag (plus some extras) and the only thing it's done is make rambling in the tags (and more importantly, trigger tagging posts!!!!!) needlessly difficult and also wrecked visibility if you reblog something and add to a post and then tag it with the same tags
also they broke tagging again so now the automatically added end character for each tag will eat the last few letters of a tag and also you can't actually hit the 140 character limit anymore??? you have to come like three under it or you can't add the fucking tag and it still gives you that obnoxiously condescending "Ooops!!! Tags can only be 140 characters or less!!!!" warning.
also hitting 30 tags shouldn't give me a shitfuck ass fucking "You did it. You reached 30 tags" message. just say "tag limit reached" or something c'mon you're a fuckin website and the only thing this makes me wanna do is strangle your entire fucking database center (as in the physical building. get my hands around that bricky bitch.) because i'm a fuckin tumblr user not a five year old and this whole like impersonal friendliness added to error messages and shit these days makes me so pissed.
enough with the "teeheeheehee!!! oopsie daisies!!!!!🌺🌺🌺✨✨✨ ouw code monkies cant handwe mowe dan 30 tagsie-wagsies!!!! oooh noooo 😭😭😭😞😞😞😔😔😔😕😕🙁🙁🙁☹️☹️☹️😥😥😥😨😨😨😰😰😰🫠🫠🫠wooks wike youw gonna hafta wemove some tags!!!! ❌❌❌☹️☹️☹️🥺🥺😢 but make suwe dey'we onwy 140 chawactews! da code monkies eat ur tagsies and dey get tummie aches if dey'we too wong!!!!!! ^^ uwu nya rawr >w< xDDD" type shit. just fucking tell me "character limit reached" or something is it that difficult to just give users information directly anymore??????
also fuck the errors when your internet disconnects and it's like "this is a dashboard haiku. no posts here. who knows why?" "your dashboard is empty. soon it will be lush once more" on the app. that and the stupid fucking astronaut in the fuckin alegria/corporate memphis artstyle on youtube. fuck you. i don't need you to try to be funny and make me laugh because my internet connection is slightly spotty or to be given a fuckin illustration. just say "your connection isn't working". come on, say it with me. "your" "connection" "is not" "working". was that so hard? i get it's because it's ALSO a fallback in case the servers are down for some reason but jesus christ.
at least fucking facebook and instagram just give you "failed to load. check your connection" errors when they go down and most people know if you see them while your internet is up it means the website's having trouble and to wait a while. people aren't fuckin stupid and they don't need to be hand-held when a fuckin website goes down to the point you need to be vague and qUiRkY about it.
like if this shit doesn't stop i will find a way to physically choke a server rack. you fuckin wait. i'll make a goddamn computer experience asphyxiation. i'm gonna take your fuckin machines and i'm gonna fuckin feed them orbeez until they experience whatever the computer equivalent to an intestinal blockage is.
worthless piece of shit fucking website fr
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 years
Tell! Me! All about Sigrid!! I am utterly curious!!
Hope you're doing well!!
Hello! I am doing pretty well; I hope you are also doing alright!
SIGRID!!! I love her so much and really want to do more with her, but I know my OCs vary from well-known fandoms to obscure fandoms to purely self-indulgent rewrites of canon so honestly I don't blame people for running away from my blog at the first chance they get, haha. She is a MCU/Moon Knight OC and the daughter of Loki and Sigyn, if her last name (Lokidottir) wasn't enough indicator. She is also in a poly ship with Marc, Steve, and Layla, and possibly maybe Jake later on I'm not 100% sure. She survives the attack on the ship and witnesses Loki's death, which causes her to eventually flee New Asgard to explore Midgard like she'd always wanted to but never got a chance to. Total daddy's girl, especially because I'm imagining Sigyn died quite awhile before the events of Thor 1 (since to my memory she has never shown up or even been mentioned in any MCU film to date though in mythology she was married to Loki), and as a result Loki became very.... protective of her. Others may see Loki as evil and nothing more than a trickster, but she knows there's good in her father.
She ends up taking a position at the British Museum of History as an expert in Norse Mythology where she befriends Steven, as they both don't fit in and really have no other friends. She basically involves herself in the whole Harrow-Amit thing by staying after dark to follow Steven around because she can tell Harrow is more than he seems and has an interest in her friend. Which is how she meets Marc and learns about Moon Knight, Khonshu, etc.
Her and Khonshu do NOT get along for like 95% of the show arc - he doesn't trust her because she's a 'godling', specifically of Loki, and therefore a trickster like her father. They reluctantly start to get along after he realizes she stubbornly refuses to leave Marc, Steven, and Layla.
Layla initially wasn't sure what to make of this Asgardian that is best friends with her husband's alter but can't help but befriend Sigrid because of how curious she is. It also doesn't help that Sigrid is capable of holding her own in a fight, despite how naive she first appears with her fascination with everything Midgard.
She does use magic, which is appears green like her fathers, and also uses twin daggers like her father. Those are her main weapons, but she also inherited Loki's ability to shape-shift. Rather than being able to shape-shift into anyone or anything, Sigrid is primarily only able to shape-shift into a raven and, I'm thinking, a snake and maybe a wolf. She prefers her raven form out of those three though.
Her flat is kind of terrifying at first glance, because she has little religious shrines - one to her Uncle Thor, one to her father, and one to her mother - and while only really Thor's is received, having one for her parents is one of the ways she honors them.
Also I chose Daisy Ridley for her FC because I love her and adored the chemistry between Daisy and Oscar in the sequels-I-pretend-doesn't-exist and love Marc x Layla x Steven as an OT3 from the show (my social work background is telling me my preference for OT3+ is probably something i should examine further but uh that's not happening anytime soon if I can help it) and wanted to connect Moon Knight to the larger MCU so Sigrid was born.
I'll probably reblog this post at a later date with other facts (or might just make a separate post info-dumping on her)
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
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I posted 149 times in 2022
That's 149 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (3%)
145 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3 of my posts in 2022
#green witch - 2 posts
#druidcraft - 2 posts
#witchy things - 2 posts
#grimoire - 2 posts
#at least for now - 1 post
#but i guess this works - 1 post
#idk what im doing - 1 post
#baby witch - 1 post
#grimoire tips - 1 post
#witchy tips - 1 post
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#but i guess this works
My Top Posts in 2022:
Here are the types of witches/witchcrafts as explained by Amanda Brethauer!
Farewell and good tides. 💜🌙
1 note - Posted December 7, 2022
Nothing much, just wanted to share this awesome list of lunar-charged plants.
Farewell and good tides! 💜🌙
1 note - Posted December 6, 2022
Greetings, and welcome.
Welcome to my blog! You can call me Branwen (not my real name for protection 💜). I am a deist pagan druid of Celtic descent.
I am using this blog to reblog information that I found useful, things I’ve added to my grimoire, or just things that I find cool and vaguely relate to my spiritual path. 🥰 I also hope to share information that I’ve found in my own research outside of Tumblr!
I am still a beginner, but I do practice some crafts. I mostly work with crystals, and have recently gotten further into Tarot.
Criticism is always welcome, and discussions are appreciated! I look forward to learning more and meeting new people!
Farewell and good tides. 💜🌙
2 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
See the full post
59 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chocolate-eclaire · 2 years
I'm Claire! I'm a 19 year old asexual artist, and I use this account to post my drawings and reblog stuff I like :)
My Current Interests (+ Some Favorite Characters):
Major Interests (Actively Posting About It)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures (Dio Brando [I have a love-hate relationship regarding him but bear with me here], Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Josuke Higashikata, Yoshikage Kira, Bruno Bucciarati, Foo Fighters)
Super Mario (Donkey Kong, Princess Daisy, Luigi, Mario, Princess Peach)
Minor Interests (Occasionally Posting About It)
Bluey (Heeler Family)
Stardew Valley (Harvey, Maru, Elliot, Emily, Leah, Haley) (I'm still a little early into the game, so these opinions might change later on down the line)
As for my boundaries, I advise you NOT to follow me if you:
Support/Identify as a "MAP"/"NOMAP" (Pedophile)/Zoophile (I'll block and report you on sight)
Are a Bigot (Racist/Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi/Islamophobic/Antisemitic/Pro-Israeli Government/Anti-Palestine/Ableist/LGBTphobic/TERF/Radqueer/LGBT Fetishizer/etc.)
Defend: Certain Crimes/Criminals Being Romanticized Such as: Murder/Serial Killers (Specifically Real Serial Killers, examples: Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc.), School Shootings/School Shooters, Animal Abuse/Animal Abusers, Rape/Rapists, etc.; Sexual Scenarios Involving Children, Pedophilic/Abusive/Incestuous (Blood-Related, Step-Family, or Adopted) Relationships
Are a Lolicon/Shotacon/Kodocon or whatever the hell you call yourself
Actively Disrespect People's Boundaries/Support Sending People Death Threats Over Minor Things
Are a Hardcore Fan of: Harry Potter, Hannibal, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Even if you don't support the creators of these medias, I still don't feel comfortable with you following me; Adding more soon)
Call Yourself "Pro-Life"/Anti-Abortion but do absolutely nothing to help the parent(s) after birth
Treat Your Headcanons as Canon and Force Them Down Other People's Throats
Use the Terms "Cult", "Puritan", and "Purity Culture" When Referring to Anything That Isn't Related to Religion (example: Fandom Discourse)
Are a True Crime Community/Eating Disorder/Self Harm Blog
Are an NFT or AI "Art" Supporter
Have a Repost/Edit Account on Any Social Media Platform Where You Don't Properly Credit Other's Art ("Credit to The Artist" Is NOT Proper Credit.)
Are Under 13 Years Old (Why do you even have social media anyway?)
Are a Heavy N$FW Oriented Blog (If you post pinups/mildly spicy stuff or occasionally post n$fw and decide to follow, I'll be fine with that, but if your blog is solely centered around n$fw, then I won't really feel comfortable with you following me. I have nothing against these types of blogs, it's just a personal preference.)
Some more things:
If I follow/interact with someone/reblog something from anyone problematic/ isn't a good person in general/fits in the criteria of my list above, please message me to let me know! I may forget to do background checks sometimes, so any info will be appreciated!
Please pick a proper pfp/reblog some posts before following! If you have a default/thirst trap looking pfp or an empty blog, I'm going to assume you're a bot and I might have to block you.
Feel free to like/reblog any of my older posts. Even if it's from a few months ago, I won't mind :)
Oh, and one more thing...
DON'T👏SEND👏ME👏DONATION👏 ASKS/MESSAGES👏!!! I'm going to assume it's a scam and I'll block you, simple as that.
And I think that's it! If you'd like to check out my art, go to the "#my art" tag!
Socials (also in linktr.ee in bio):
Thanks for reading! :)
Current status: On Hiatus, Taking a Break.
Updated: June 9th, 2024
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cactuses-and-clocks · 6 months
tagging system
#daisy posts
#daisy reblogs adding nothing
#daisy reblogs adding something
#daisy reblogs their own posts
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kin-and-kaboodle · 8 months
Tag guide
List is not complete, more will be added when relevant.
Please remove my personal kin tags when you reblog my posts.
General tags:
#Confession Booth | Asks
#Recollections | Kintype Memories
#Divine Comedy | Funny posts
#Preaching | Original textposts
Kintype tags:
#Nothing Is Certain Except (Fate) | Death & Taxes
#Press Start To Begin (Polybius) | Independent source. Living arcade cabinet (not the Cabinet Man, but similar)
#Memento Mori (Grim Reaper)
#Daisy Bell (HAL 9000) | 2001:ASO
#Always Watches (Slenderman) | Not Marble Hornets canon
#Octorazzi (Korosensei) | Assassination Classroom/Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
#Cogito Ergo Sum (AM) | IHNMAIMS
#Pumpkin King (Jack Skellington) | The Nightmare Before Christmas
#Nightlight Daydream (Daycare Attendant) | FNAF:SB
#Justice & Splendor (Archangel Gabriel) | Ultrakill
#Drop Dead Gorgeous (Mettaton) | Undertale
#Showtime On The Hour (Funtime Foxy) | FNAF:SL
#Hopping Mad (Alexander) | Café Venus Flytrap
#Gold Rush Glutton (No Face) | Spirited Away
#Swan Lake (Odile) | Swan Therian tag, not actually related to Swan Lake. Odile is the name I use for my swan theriotype.
#Terrible Fate (Happy Mask Salesman) | LoZ:MM/OoT
#Final Ferryman (Charon)
#Pawmegranate (Gloomy Bear)
#Crybaby (SCP-096) | SCP Foundation
#Laugh Is Fun (SCP-2030-1) | SCP Foundation
#Channel Surfer (Tele-Vision) | Independent source
#Batter Up (The Batter) | OFF
#Until It Is Done (Doom Slayer) | DOOM
#Severed Skull (Dullahan)
#Un Un Un (Regigigas) | Pokémon
#Taser Happy (AUTO) | WALL-E
#Calm Before The Storm (Dragonkin)
#Carbon-14 (Deinonychus) | Carbon is the name I use for my deinonychus paleotheriotype
#WWW (The Internet)
#I Don’t Bite (Vampire)
#Smear Frames (Bendy) | BatIM
#Buy Gold (Bill Cipher) | Gravity Falls
#Cat Dead Details Later (Herbert West) |Reanimator
#Not All There Myself (Cheshire Cat)
#Fearful Symmetry (Golden Tiger)
#Red Light (Calamari) | Squid Game square mask soldier
#Eternal Silence (Music Man) | FNAF:FFPS/UCN
#Sweet Tooth (Candy Cadet) | FNAF:FFPS/SB: Ruin
#Distracted (Henry Stickmin) | The Henry Stickmin Collection
#Second In Command (RHM) | The Henry Stickmin Collection
#Rose Tinted Glasses (Swatch) | Deltarune
#??? (Oddball) | Independent source
#Ad-Blocker (The Chosen One) | Animator VS Animation
#The Manager (Peddler) | We Happy Restaurant
#Yet Darker (Gaster) | Undertale
#Best Friend (Kinito) | KinitoPET
#Even Death May Die (Cthulhu) | H.P. Lovecraft
# Think Fast (Dr. Reflex) | Baldi’s Basics
# Smile. Always. (The Smiler) | Alton Towers
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9w1ft · 2 years
alright all that’s left now is to hit post and
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*record scratch*
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oh wait, what? whats that? i can't reblog with more content on the main post? it’s technically too big?!
oh well well well then okay. hey :leans in close: did i… ever crash your app with the op post? i wanted to apologize for that. truly sorry. the truth is, the original post also crashes my app! wild! yes, well, as big of a fan of push media as i am i’m going to have to break away from the original post to get the job done this year but if you’re new here and don’t know about the eye theory please for the love of god click the below link to read through the original. it’s required reading.
(click for the op)
yes ok. welcome back! did i make you dizzy? jeepers my eyes do hurt, just after putting together this update! but i come bearing gifts…! frankincense, myrrh, gold, and a *plump* 2021 eye theory update for the remaining bakers dozen or so of us left hanging in this manger… because apparently that’s just the way things will be 😘 again, i’m far past proving this thing and more into sharing, yeah, sharing the fun memories over the past year living with this theory so that’s what i’ll do. and this requires more than the ten picture limit so in lieu of that i will be updating only once but with links to each finding. my demarcation is the same as last year:
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so without further ado, here comes our…
2021 year in review
★ kimby posting the eye mirror thing at the beginning of the year (which i posted about at the end of the last update)
★karlie liked a tweet (a rarity at the time) from henry hall promoting his new album… that had an eye and the number 13 on the album cover.
-we found another great photo match example
☆ we noticed something up with a new carolina herrera ad that ended up showing up again later in the year
☆ we noticed taylor covering her eye during rep tour while singing even in my worst lies you saw the truth in me
-we noticed an oft forgotten appearance of the evil eye ring in the rep promo material, photos of her on the beach
☆ we found a potential easter egg in the end game mv
★ one of the lyric videos for fearless TV had a fun synching moment ..that taylor then put in her instagram stories
★ taylor posted a bleachella era pic of her and the haim sisters that had the sisters covering eyes with their hoodies, and then honest to god this is just one of those thing i can’t quite conscionably explain but there are two boxes of pizzas being held and the cheese only pizza looks like the “blank” of the two pizzas and it’s to the right of the picture
★ kayda and kai did some eye funny business
★ the grammys… so, taylor’s performance included choreography that covers her right side eye along with the line “guess i should have known from the look on your face” and i know this is one of the things people particularly do not like but i’m such a sucker for prop comedy: i think the shape of the lean-to cabin itself is the shape of an eye and also the belted waist part of her dress looks like an eye, i said what i said
-and this can’t help but feel like chance, but, we got this red carpet press photo of her grammy covering her eye
-something also feeling serendipitous, karlie got papped by some eye graffiti
-The Vault reveal left me wanting to get my eyes checked 😂
☆ we realized one could make the argument that there’s a eye isolated by the mask on her male counterpart in willow, and that the mask has a drooping daisy embroidered on it
-i got the chance to talk a little bit more about my thoughts on the editing that went on with the mert and marcus rep photoshoot photos, and my thoughts on computer graphic manipulation as it relates to other things, in particular lead time
★ taylor seemed to have more fun with synching up the fearless tv clip to music 🙈
★ taylor’s mother’s day merch included a postcard with a daisy and the lyric “i love you for giving me your eyes”
-not for nothing, austin posted a picture of him at the Oculus building in NYC (oculus being a word that means eye, austin being someone who rarely updates his instagram these days)
★ karlie got back in the saddle with posting an eye out of frame
★ some preview photos of karlie’s green adidas collection were released, and they included this amazing shot
and wouldnt ya know it she made it her profile pic after the collection release
★ more kayda funny business (i feel like there were a lot more of these but i wasn’t able to keep track)
★ karlie got papped wearing a prada jacket with a print of a one eyed beach babe
-taylor mixed up her words during a thank you speech while accepting an award and said “she helped me to edit my eyes” which i mean i don’t think it was intentional but it certainly made my year 🙈
★ karlie wore this versace blazer that inexplicably has a hole cut out of it to the right?? which was made even more meaningful given the fact that i had been spiraling over the tie with the hole in it in the lwymmd video a few months prior idk 😆
★ the how long do you think it’s gonna last album was announced with an… eye collage… 🙈🙈 and kept the promo coming into july with eye cutout moments like this
★ then the Renegade music video was released and it was just chock a block with eye manipulation! singled out eyes, taylor covering her right side eye with her hands, with her hair, the eyes on her face cut out and zoomed in on. like, i’m sorry, it’s 2021 and we are really doing this ladies???
-and i came up with a funny (/emotional)
-karlie met with schiaparelli in paris, who had just come out with a collection full of gilded eyes among other body parts
★ karlie blocked an eye for estée lauder —a true pastime— and thus began the formalization of the tradition of me waking up to karlie having posted something ocular to instagram
☆ adam rippon posted a little ode to karlie’s “looking camp right in the eye 👁 ” moment, which normally id just chalk up to it having become a meme but at the same time, bobby berk liked the post and they were both in the yntcd mv, so it’s sorta amusing
★ karlie posts “filed under baking inspo” moodboard which included a pic of a face made of food with one eye 🥴🥴🥴 like i’m sorry, is this not proof of acknowledgement 😆
★ karlie posts a photoset of her in workout clothes and she’s covering the left side eye in a lot of the pics
★ karlie wore some eye-like rain and sunshine earrings from two jewelers that also make custom lover’s eye jewelry
★ taylor covered an eye on the tiktok
-i noticed that each of karlie’s adidas collections had their own moments
-also like this is simply an act of god but somehow taylor and karlie got a photo taken at the 2014 met gala where karlie is standing to the right next to a woman with an eye purse…?
☆we noticed two things about the UPS commercial she did during rep era
★ karlie hid an eye while getting ready for the met gala which was the start to a crazy crazy day here on kaylor tumblr
☆ someone kindly pointed out to me that birch feat. taylor swift just as names of trees goes is also sus 🥴
-we listed up some of the possibly eye theory -aligned taymoji
★ karlie posted a promo clip of her designing her met dress at carolina herrera and it had an eye moment
-taylor has sort of established winks as a Taylor’s Version easter egg gesture so i don’t really count things like this in the grand scheme of things but i can’t help but feel this wink was exaggerated in post which would mean the eye could have been edited, and for that i’ll mention it
-this is just an it’s a small world moment having to do with researching the band of outsiders brand
★ taylor using an eye covered pic of shania twain on her tiktok
★ karlie blocking eyes again in a photoshoot make that two
✦★✶ karlie went to mert alas’ gin release party in paris I REPEAT she went to the party being held by the guy who took the rep album photoshoot photos aka the guy who took the actual eye theory photo and not only did she get a pic with him, she drank out of the gin glasses that had an eye like pattern cut into them???
★ karlie woke me up again and chose violence
-i forget how i ran into this but it’s this old photoshoot of karlie in a daisy full body suit with her arms and head in the shape of an eye idk lol
★ karlie posted a photoset with some eye blocking moments going on
-in a moment of meta, karlie got the chance to post a pic of bert and ernie to her instagram stories as she was also a part of the WSJ innovators issue
☆ taylor’s grammy dresses went on display and the waist fabric looked even more like an eye so sue me!
★ karlie really made it christmas morning every morning 🥴
★ RED TV lyric videos also got a moment
★ the IBYTAM video had us all reeling for plenty of reasons but i made sure to have my fun …kinda cool how it fits though 😂 this stood out to a lot of us and this too
-it’s the little things
-blame it on the vault crest and red dresses but i allowed myself to lean in to the crazy a bit more than usual and tbh i had the best time with it
☆ i had a thought about So It Goes as it relates to rep tour
-The Missing Eye Puzzle Piece it turned out that the missing capital one red bundle puzzle piece was simply missing, and it has been found, **but** i had an amazing couple of weeks imagining the ARG possibilities. oh and i still love that the right side eye is the 11th puzzle piece across, 8 rows down (karlie numbers)
★ karlie posted again blockin an eye 😂
★ shes so good at finding an opportunity
★ karlie wearing a sweatshirt with an eye on it because why not i guess 🙈
-surely coincidental but i did laugh at where her music choice in this post led me
★ and it turned out the eye glassware at the mert alas gin release party ended up being used in the promo photos for the stuff
★karlie did a ‘comeback’ -esque spread for WSJ and she delivered
-add this to the list of potential cross-media tie in opportunities that surely weren’t intentional but i would point to in terms of what she could potentially do should she want to bring back this level of easter egging for reputation TV
★ waking up again to some uncanny carolina herrera hijinks
★ karlie blocking an eye again 🙈
-i talked a little bit about the evil eye ring making it’s appearances with the angel wing ring
★ like i said, this karlie post waiting for me when i woke up thing, it became a morning ritual
-there was a red tv album print mishap… istg the way i moved (is this what the kids say)
★ taylor blocked an eye in her new years reel
so there you have it, folks! 2021, a kaylor year that had me throwing my hands up and deciding to bend with the wind and roll with the punches… paid dividends?! i included the ephemera (the winks and out of frames) just because i see them as a sustainable avenue for the dreary new parent, but all these aside it still blows my mind how many distinctly significant things happened in conjunction with the theory this year and i hope very very deeply and earnestly that each and every one of you may have had the chance to crack a smile or two as well 😌
its weird… seeing karlie and mert photographed gave me this lavish sense of… coming full circle! but 🥰 who knows what next year will bring. what can i say, as if it was my greco-roman destiny, i know i will always beat the drum for this theory if they will have me. eye can’t help myself!
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have a happy new year🥳
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Heart-Shaped Box💟9/End
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), forced pregnancy, some violence, intimidation, some elements untagged for sake of plot.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Sister Series: Get Your Fix
Summary: You accept a job as an au pair, but not all is as it seems.
Note: Finally finishing this one up. Sorry it took me ages but I’m doing my best to go back and wrap up whatever I can.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Bucky pulled out of you as he held your head down, bouncing the bed beneath you as he pushed himself onto his back. You panted as your sweat dampened the sheet beneath you and he leaked between your thighs. You winced as you rolled onto your side and slowly sat up. 
He had you whining loud enough that you had no doubt your guests heard it all. It only seemed to encourage his partner-in-crime as you soon heard a similar scene on the other side of the wall. You were sickened by that noise and stood warily as you cupped your hand over your cunt and scooped up his cum before it could drip onto the floor.
“I told you to keep it down,” he snickered and sat up, his muscled back to you as he stretched his arms above him, “get the shower started, I’ll be in shortly. You girls have a lot of work to do today.”
You grumbled and dragged your feet to the attached bathroom. The low buzz of the pipes filled the silence and you stepped under the steamy water. The moment of calm broke sharply as Bucky appeared from the other side of the curtain and stepped in behind you. He had you clean him with a lathered loofah and you bore it only for the eventuality of time away from him.
The other woman meant you wouldn’t be trapped with just him. It was little help or hope but it was better than your former solitary torture.
You dressed in black dress with daisies and made yourself look like his perfect housewife. You couldn’t hold the smile and make him believe it all the way but he wouldn’t anyway. He flicked your chin and clicked his tongue.
“Mmm, you’re getting there,” he mused as he dropped his hand and reached around to slap your ass, “better go get breakfast on. I’ll check in on our guests.” He squeezed and winked, “be a good girl.”
Those words made your insides curdled but you swallowed your disgust and nodded, “yes, sir.”
He stepped out behind you and watched you go down the hall to the stairs and you heard him knock on the door as you descended. You went to the kitchen and pulled out the frying pan and the coconut oil. You lined up the ingredients for crepes on the counter and took two bananas from the yellow bunch. Your mother used to make the oversweet delicacy and you needed a reminder that you were still that girl.
You stopped as you searched for something to keep the crepes warm after you assembled them, a lid that could fit over the plate or something akin to it. The lower cupboards you rarely opened. Bucky left the cleaning supplies on the counter with your chore list every day and you never bothered to look for anything else.
You stopped and stared at the drain cleaner and the can of toxic oven spray. Well, that wouldn’t be subtle enough, would it? They’d smell either of those a mile away. Anything under the counter would be easily discovered but it did give you an idea.
You closed the wooden door and went back to your task. You heard the voices in the next room and the scrape of the chairs on the floor. Steve’s girl appeared in the doorway, rubbing her stomach as her face contorted.
“Smells sweet,” she said as you simmered the bananas with brown sugar, cinnamon, and a little butter, “almost too sweet.”
“Morning sickness?” you asked innocently.
“All the time sickness,” she sighed, “anything I can help with?”
“Do you know how to make crepes?” you asked as you whisked the batter.
“Not really,” she shrugged, “but I can learn.”
“It’s easy. Takes less than a minute,” you waved her over and tested the temperature of the pan with a flick of water, “so you wanna put just a little batter in…” you ladled in a careful dollop and lifted the pan, “you spread it like this,” you tilted it so the batter spread all around, “you just use the spatula a little on the edges to make sure they don’t stick and you flip.”
It was like second nature and she nodded quietly as she watched. The crepe cooked quickly and you threw it onto a plate and put the pan back to the burner.
“You think you can handle that?” you covered the plate with the lid of a pat to keep it warm. “Then we put some of the bananas and wrap them, bit of cream on top and some icing sugar…”
“You like to cook?” she wondered as she added batter to the hot pan.
“Not particularly, but my mother taught me,” you shrugged, “she can cook anything.”
“Oh,” she flipped the crepe and glanced at the door, “I suppose… it keeps him happy.”
“He’s never happy,” you murmured and cleared your throat, “so, you must be excited to move in!”
“I guess,” she slid the crepe onto the plate as you lifted the foggy lid, “you know how it is.”
You smiled and she tilted her head as she squinted at you. You went to the drawer where there was a box of blank recipe cards and continued speaking as you fished out a pencil from another.
“It’s always nice to get settled,” you said as you wrote, ‘they can hear us’.
“I suppose, nice to be in one place,” she replied stiffly as her features relaxed.
‘I have a plan,’ you wrote and raised your voice just slightly, “oh, you know, we didn’t even get you a housewarming gift. I’ll have to remind James.”
You went to the burner and held out the card under the coil until it caught. You threw it into the sink and watched it burn and curl. You ran water over it as it turned to ash and washed it away. You nudged the bowl towards her and leaned on the counter, “need help with that?”
“No,” she said as she started again, “I’m getting the hang of it.”
You looked around the front room of the house next door. Steve’s girl opened one of the stacked boxes. For once, the men were gone and you could just enjoy their absence. 
Bucky agreed that a gift was in order and Steve had mentioned wanting to explore their new hometown. You tried not to seem eager but even the small walk across the lawns enlivened you. How long had it been since you’d been outside?
You started with the pictures. You left the frames in a stack as she assured you Steve would put the nails in and hang them. Then you moved onto the kitchenware and you kept her from lifting the heavy box of dishes. She seemed to forget about her condition and the reminder made her frown.
You stood behind the counter and set the dishes in the cupboards one at a time, the plates clacking one on top of each other. She watched from the other side as she arranged the silverware in the plastic tray.
“Can you do me a favour?” you asked as you kept on.
“What?” she asked as she dropped a butter knife with the rest.
“I know they’ve locked us in but can you check the garage door? Can we get in there?” you asked evenly.
“What?” she blinked and pushed herself straight, “even if we can, they won’t have been stupid enough--”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. I know we can’t get out that way either. It’s the same at our house. Everything is bolted up tight.” You assured her, “just go and check while I get these sorted.”
She left you and you snapped shut the door and finished with the utensils. You slid the tray into the drawer as she returned, rubbing her stomach.
“Yeah, we can get in but it’s mostly empty,” she said, “so…”
“Mostly empty?”
“Yeah, just the car--”
“The car,” you rounded the counter and curled two fingers for her to follow you.
You headed for the plain white door that led to the garage. You hopped down the steps as she remained at the top and watched you tentatively. You went to the car as she crossed her arms.
“He took the keys,” she said.
You tried the handle and the door opened. “I know,” you said as you put a knee in the front seat and peered into the back. Nothing. 
You felt around under the dash and found the lever for the trunk. You pulled it and it popped. You shut the door and went around the back of the car. You felt around the spare tire and your hand felt something plastic. You grabbed the handle of the half-filled jug and pulled it out.
“Hey,” you held up the bright blue anti-freeze, “do you wanna cook dinner here tonight? A housewarming dinner?”
Her brows knitted and she gave a long blink. Her lips parted then curved.
“You can’t mean--” she let out a scoff.
“It’s sweet. Hopefully they won’t notice if I add enough sugar to the cake,” you breathed, “we can’t let them settle. This is our chance.”
“I don’t-- I don’t know. What if it doesn’t work?”
“Then we’re still in the same boat,” you turned your free hand out, “that man has drugged me for months. I think it’s only fair that he gets a taste of his own medicine.”
She swallowed and looked down at her stomach. She inhaled and cradled her bump. “It can’t get worse than this, can it?”
You spent the day unpacking, the distraction not much of one as you thought of the bottle you hid at the back of the cupboard. By the time the men returned, you were ready to move onto the second floor. 
Bucky offered a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and basket of expensive macarons as your gift to your new neighbours. He forced a kiss from you before he let you follow Steve’s girl upstairs.
You sat in the bedroom and heard the men ascend shortly after. You peeked in on them as you opened the linen closet to shove in the spare sheets. They were hammering together a crib. You knocked lightly on the doorframe as you watched them.
“Huh, what’s going on?” Bucky looked up from the directions.
“Um, we were just… thinking, we could have dinner here tonight? A little housewarmer? I could grab some ingredients from ours--”
“Give me a list, I’ll grab it,” Bucky puffed as he bent to help hold the rail in place for Steve, “that sound okay?”
“Fine by me,” Steve smiled, “it’ll be nice to have our feet on solid ground.”
You left them and returned to your only ally as she sat on the bed and stared at a packet of pills. She crushed it in her grasp and huffed. She flicked away tears with her knuckles. She tossed them over her shoulder.
“He kept them,” she snarled, “it’s like he’s mocking me.”
“What?” you neared her and sat carefully beside her.
“I never… I worked with him, you know? He brought me these drinks and I didn’t realise he was dosing them. The stuff, it made me itchy… it made me so hot and I just needed anything. I hopped on him I was so desperate and-- I told him to stay away. I realised what he’d done and I told him to leave me alone and you know what he did,” she crossed her arms over her stomach.
“No, I--” you touched her elbow.
“He broke into my apartment and replaced my pills. And he didn’t leave me alone,” she spat, “he did this all and he still has the goddamn pills like they’re some sort of trophy.”
She hung her head and grunted in frustration. You leaned against her and put your arm over her shoulders. She let you and the tension drained from her body.
“Even if we get out…” she whispered, “I’ll always have this piece of him.”
She pressed her palms to her stomach and you frowned. There was nothing you could do or say. You’d been lucky so far, even if it only fed your suffering. You didn’t have another life to worry about.
“We don’t have to if--”
“I want to,” she hissed lowly, “I want him dead.”
Usually, you tasted the icing and licked the spoon. Not that night. The blue shade of the frosting was anything but suspicious as you spread it over the fluffy cake. It was a perfect disguise. You topped it with blueberries to add to the theme and dusted on a few coloured sprinkles. You stood back and admired your work as the smell of garlic filled the kitchen.
“I know it’s not much,” Steve’s girl said as she stirred the sauce, “but it’s what I can manage.”
“I’m sure it’s great,” you said as you took the meatballs of the burner and tested the spaghetti, “noodles are perfect.”
You strained the pasta and helped pour the meatballs into the sauce. You mixed it up and poured it into a large glass dish and the noodles into another. You brought them out to the table and called the men to dinner before you fetched the wine, both alcoholic and not.
Steve’s girl sat as you poured a glass for each of you and the men sat. You set the bottle down and nestled in next to Bucky as he served himself. When the plates were full, the other woman nudged Steve and whispered in his ear.
He cleared his throat and stood, “um, I know it’s just us but I guess I should say thank you for all the help and we’re excited to be neighbours… can’t wait for the kids to be running around these halls together.”
“Mmm,” Bucky lifted his glass, “hopefully…” he muttered doubtfully and looked at you, “that better be what she’s having,” he nodded to your glass.
You held it out for him to sniff and he gave you a sour look. He tutted and sat back to twirl noodles around his fork as he set aside his glass. You took a sip of the gutless wine and speared a meatball on your tines. You chewed and looked at Steve’s girl. She let Steve rub her thigh under the table and forced a smile.
She was playing it well and you felt as if you would fall apart. You felt as if Bucky would see right through you the minute you walked in with the cake. What would he do then? Steve couldn’t hurt his girl, she had the baby, but you, Bucky could replace you still. Maybe that was for the best but it didn’t mean you weren’t scared shitless.
You cleared the plates and retreated to the kitchen. Just you. You’d gone over it, you didn’t want them to catch on. You didn’t get too close with them around, you acted like strangers, you really were after all.
You sliced the cake into careful portions and came out with two plates at a time. You put them in front of each chair and sat. As you did, Steve’s girl covered her mouth and gagged. She pushed herself up unsteadily.
“Honey?” Steve asked as he rubbed her lower back.
“It’s the baby I--” she gulped sickeningly, “I gotta--”
She rushed out and Steve gave a look, “nausea. It’s been like this for weeks.”
“I’m going to make sure she’s okay,” you stood, “go ahead and start without us.”
You went down the hall and as you neared the bathroom, Steve’s girl opened the door and pulled you inside. She looked genuinely sick and you smelled vomit on her breath. She turned and rinsed her mouth and shuddered. 
“I didn’t actually feel sick until I got in here,” she wiped her face with the hand cloth, “when I realised--”
“Everything’s in the trunk,” you assured her, “once they’re out, we get the keys and go.”
“How do we know--”
“Retch,” you hissed, “we wait until we’re sure.”
She gave an exaggerated hurl and you heard the clink of porcelain and silver and the drone of voices. You listened through the door as she watched you in the tight space of the half-bath.
“I’m thinking about getting her an… exam,” Bucky’s deep tone carried, “maybe she can’t…”
You let out the breath you were holding and closed your eyes. Just a little longer. 
When you heard a sudden lull, your eyes rounded and you turned the handle and let yourself out into the hall. She crept close behind as you peered through the open archway. Both men had their faces on their plates in the crumbs of vanilla cake and smears of blue icing.
“Let’s go,” you went to Steve and shoved your hand into his pocket, “shit, they’re not here.”
“Here!” she pulled her hand from his jacket hung on the rack, “you think they’re dead?”
You looked from one to the other and shakily felt along Steve’s neck. “Still a pulse. I think maybe… they’re only knocked out.”
“The serum,” she shook her head, “means we have to go quick.”
You hurried after her and followed her down into the garage. She climbed into the driver’s seat and moved it back as her stomach pressed to the wheel. You got in the other side as your body trembled with adrenaline. She hit the button attached to the keys and the door slowly raised behind her.
As she reversed, you felt a sudden shock around your neck and yiped. You’d forgotten entirely about the necklace. She stopped suddenly and watched you writhe in agony.
“Shit, shit,” you leaned forward until the shock stopped, “the necklace.”
“Fuck,” she reached for it and you batted her away.
“No, you’ll get zapped,” you gasped as you pulled on it desperately. It was too tight to get past your chin but too strong to snap. 
She took the keys out and tossed them in your lap. You lifted them and twisted the necklace around the house key but there was no give. You sobbed and dropped your hand.
“I can’t,” you looked at the bent key, “you gotta go without me.”
“What? No, I can’t--”
“You have a baby,” you said as tears burned in your eyes and your throat tightened, “go, please.” You dropped the keys on the dash and opened the door. “I can’t--”
“No, you have to come with me,” she begged.
“No, you have to go before they wake up,” you got out as you grasped your neck, the searing pain still hot on your flesh, “I’ll… I’ll survive. I have this far.”
“Shut up!” you slammed the door and hit the hood, “go!”
She stared at you and her lip quivered. She gave you one last sad look and grabbed the keys. She sniffed as she gripped the wheel and backed out down the drive. 
You fell to your knees and sat back on your ass as you watched her drive away. You shook your head and held it in your hands as you sat behind the invisible wall of your prison.
The tires screamed at the end of the street and the noise of the engine faded into the distance. You laid on your back across the concrete and covered your face with your arm. At least you could live with knowing you got her out. Well, you couldn’t really say you’d be living. You’d be alive but little more than that. 
But you’d survive knowing that you kept one person from that pitiful fate. Even if it wasn’t you. Even if you knew that you would pay for it in the end. Even when those men woke up and found you laying in the garage, the sweet flavour of antifreeze on their tongues as the bile of their anger overflowed and drowned you. 
You couldn’t do anything but wait. If you were lucky, they might just kill you and that in itself would be freedom.
💟 💟 💟
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agentsofcuteanimals · 2 years
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I posted 393 times in 2021
362 posts created (92%)
31 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 2,400 tags in 2021
#aos - 375 posts
#agents of shield - 361 posts
#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. - 359 posts
#melinda may - 353 posts
#phil coulson - 287 posts
#philinda - 265 posts
#daisy johnson - 176 posts
#maydaisy - 109 posts
#philindaisy - 75 posts
#jemma simmons - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 53 characters
#also tessa visits every once in a while so 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
My Top Posts in 2021
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Melinda: *Planning her classes* 
Drunk Daisy: *Bursting through her door and crashes into the couch* MAY MAY MMMAAAAYYYYY– ow
Melinda: Daisy? *moves closer to check on her* What happ- 
Daisy: *Gets up and tackles Melinda on the floor* MAY 
Melinda: *OOF* Dais-
Daisy: Mom
Melinda: *Soft* Daisy
Melinda: *Rolls her eyes* Ok get up
Daisy: Noooooooooooo I missed you
Melinda: *Soft again* You can miss me when we are off the floor
Daisy: Then you and dad will kiss?
Melinda: *Wonders why she keeps falling for that* We have to get off the floor first
Melinda: He's not here
Phil: *Pokes his head through the door* Who's not here
Daisy: DAD!! *Granby hands at Phil*
Phil: *Soft too* Hey Dais *Moves closer and whispers to Melinda* What happened?
Melinda: 😑
Daisy: *Stares at philinda* mmhmmmm KISS
Melinda: No
Phil: ??????
Melinda: *Pulls Phil down and kisses him P A S S I O N A T E L Y* There happy?
Phil: 😳😳😳😳😳
Phil: *Steaming potato* ??????????????
Melinda: Can we get off the floor now?!?!?!?!?!
Daisy: *Stays on the floor and hugs them both tightly* I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUU
*After getting Daisy settled in bed and sleeping*
See the full post
112 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 01:16:42 GMT
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Bus kids: *Making bad decisions*
Melinda: *In her head* I'm not their mom I'm not their mom I'm not their mom
Bus kids: *Getting in trouble*
Melinda: All 4 of you are grounded
Phil: I didn't do anything!
Melinda: Exactly *Looking at Daisy* No phones or laptop *Fitzsimmons* No science *Phil* and no Lola for a week
Bus kids + Phil: 🥺😔🥺😔
113 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 01:16:38 GMT
Melinda: *Walks down the hall*
*Footstep sounds*
Melinda: *Stops*
Melinda: *Turns around*
Daisy: *Standing behind her*
Melinda: What are you doing?
Daisy: Nothing... Quick question, where are we going?
Melinda: We?
Piper: *Joins in* Yah we.
Melinda: WE are not going anywhere. I'm going to look for some peace and quiet.
Daisy: Oh ok ok cool, we'll come too
Fitzsimmons: Us too. *Joins the line*
Melinda: No
Elena, Davis, and Mack: And us. *Longer line*
Melinda: *Glares*
Phil: Hey Mel. *Even longer*
Melinda: 😑
Deke: And me!
Melinda: . . . Fine you can all come *Turns around and starts walking with a small smile*
The team: *Follows* 🥰🥰🥰
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113 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 01:16:29 GMT
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Daisy: Tell me you love me.
Melinda: No.
Daisy: Mayyyyyy. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Melinda: *Rolled her eyes and quietly said* I love you.
Daisy: *BEAMING*
Fitzsimmons: Mayyyyy. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Melinda: . . . I love you too.
Fitzsimmons: *BEAMING x2*
Phil: Melindaaaaaa 😍😍😍😍
Melinda: . . . . . . I love you all.
Melinda: *Tried to keep a straight face but failed* I did.
124 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 01:16:57 GMT
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Bus kids: *Cornered*
Bad guys: *Mocking them* Awwwwwww you're going to cry to your mommy??
Bus kids: *Shares a look* Yes
Bad guys: Wait what???
Bus kids: *Takes a deep breath* M O M!!!
Melinda: *Appears behind the bad guys*
Bad guys: *Shivering*
Melinda: *Beats them up*
Bus kids: *Cheering* GO MOM!! GO MOM!!
150 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 01:16:45 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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adventuresindolls · 3 years
May Photo Challenge!!
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Our next photo challenge, #Daisies and Daffodolls, will begin on May 1st! It’s a creative, for fun, non-competitive daily challenge for you to share pictures of your doll(s). There will be a new prompt each day, listed below to give you a month to prepare, and you can participate in as many or as few days as you’re interested in. There is no judgement whatsoever, so please share regardless of how complex your props are, and don’t worry about posting a prompt late.
First of all, thank you so much to @desertdollranch​ for helping with the prompts, especially those surrounding AG birthdays and holidays, and for getting this whole photo challenge thing started back in September! And a huge thank you to @lesbianelizabethcole​ for designing all 5 banners!
The ground rules are the same as in October and December, but I’ll reiterate them for anyone that might be new. Tag all of your prompt posts with #daisies and daffodolls - all three words, complete with spaces. This will allow us to better find and share each other’s posts. You can organize your own posts however you want, but I recommend including the day’s prompt somewhere for context. Also feel free to post on other social medias if you want.
This is not a competition, and there are no prizes, but it should be a lot of fun. Feel free to use any size and brand of doll that you have! American Girl is very popular on doll tumblr, but all other types are welcome as well, including both established (historical or modern) characters and OCs. This could range from 18-inch dolls to Barbies to handmade dolls or porcelain dolls or even paper dolls.
I’ll reblog this post weekly until the beginning of May, and then begin each week of May with the prompt list for that week. Please find a list of all prompts below the cut.
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5/1: The first day of each photo challenge is traditionally for seasonal fashion. Does your doll have a favorite spring outfit? Is it cool and light, or are they still bundled in a sweater for the chilly mornings?
5/2: Spring is all about new beginnings. Is your doll learning a new skill or trying a new activity this spring? Or maybe they just met a new person who became important in their life?
5/3: Today is National Textiles Day. Kirsten’s friends gave her a quilt they made after she missed school to help her family. Does your doll have any clothes or other items that are handmade? If not, do they make any textile items themselves? This could be something sewn, knitted, crocheted, or quilted.
5/4: May the 4th be with you! Does your doll like Star Wars? Who is their favorite character? What about other stories? Pick a hero from any movie, show, or book that your doll loves and have them act out a scene as that character.
5/5: Friends are forever. Who are your doll’s closest friends and what do they do together? Maybe they like to play board games or go to the mall or play pretend. Or maybe your doll is planning something special for their friend.
5/6: As the weather gets warmer, it’s the perfect time to head outside. Does your doll play sports, or do they prefer casual games with their friends? Maybe they like picnics or quiet hikes through the woods.
5/7: Happy birthday, Maryellen! Maryellen often feels overlooked in her large family, and she works hard to stand out and show her unique personality. What makes your doll special and unique?
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5/8: It’s career day! What does your doll want to do when they grow up? Show them dressed up for and/or acting out their dream job.
5/9: Happy Mother’s Day! Addy and her mother escaped to freedom together, Caroline’s mother ran a shipyard, and Kirsten’s mother encouraged her not to lose heart. Does your doll have a special bond with their mother? How do they celebrate Mother’s Day? If they don’t have a mother or don’t have a good relationship with her, consider today a free space to show us something you really want to but that isn’t included in these prompts.
5/10:  Bugs are everywhere! We might avoid some of them, but others are welcomed. Lightning bugs, ladybugs, bumble bees, and dragonflies are a few happy spring bugs. Show your doll doing something bug-themed. They might take a net out to catch bugs or draw a picture of a bug or hold a ladybug they found. Be creative!
5/11: Parties are always fun! Is your doll going to any birthday parties or sleepovers this spring? Maybe they’re attending a wedding or some other celebration? What are their favorite party activities?
5/12:  Spring weather can be a relief after the cold and darkness of winter. What is the weather like where your doll is? Foggy? Rainy? Bright and sunny? Show your doll interacting with their local spring weather.
5/13: Everyone needs mentors and heroes. Who does your doll look up to? What have they learned from them or how do they honor them?
5/14: It’s the last day of the school year. What’s your doll’s favorite extracurricular activity or aspect of school that they’ll miss until next fall?
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5/15: Happy birthday, Luciana! Luciana loves learning about space and wants to be an astronaut and go to Mars one day. Getting to space involves studying many different things, particularly various fields of science. Show your doll doing something related to space or science.
5/16: Today is National Do Something Nice for your Neighbor Day. What does your doll do that helps others or makes the world a better place?
5/17: Let’s try something different today! If your (OC or non-AG) doll had their own American Girl-style book series, what would be the central theme? What sort of things would happen to them? Show us at least one scene from this hypothetical series.
5/18: Beaches and swimming are iconic activities as the weather gets warmer and people have more free time. Rebecca and her family went to Coney Island for a picnic. Does your doll enjoy picnics, sunbathing, or sandcastles on the beach? Maybe they like to swim for exercise or hang out at the pool with friends? (I do not recommend putting your doll in a public chlorine pool)
5/19: Happy Birthday, Kit! Growing up seeing the effects of the Great Depression on people around her, Kit is determined to report on important things happening to real people. How does your doll relate to current events? Are they involved in activism or spreading awareness? Is there an important social issue that affects them personally or that they feel is very important? Or is there something good happening in the world that they like to think about?
5/20: Spring is a great time for tea parties. What’s in your doll’s teacup? Maybe they’re drinking a fancy tea, or maybe they prefer a refreshing glass of juice.
5/21: Spring is full of baby animals. Show your doll interacting with some sort of baby animal. (Safely! Please don’t grab a real squirrel or bunny!)
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5/22: In December we celebrated Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. I’d like to reprise that, but with a twist: this time, we’re headed into the future! The amount of time and what your doll finds in the future is completely up to you. What do they do while there?
5/23: Cakes and pies and ice cream, oh my! What is your doll’s favorite dessert?
5/24: There may be fewer holidays in spring than in December, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to celebrate! Does your doll celebrate Passover or Easter? Or maybe they prefer a more obscure spring holiday to liven things up? Show them participating in whatever celebration you like.
5/25: Yellow is the color of flowers and sunny days and ducklings. Show your doll wearing or using something yellow.
5/26: Happy birthday, Samantha! After her birthday party, Samantha hears Aunt Cornelia speak at a suffragette meeting in New York City. What is a cause that is important to your doll? Show them with a sign supporting or protesting something close to their heart. As an added challenge, use a cause unrelated to the current events prompt.
5/27: It’s summer vacation! What are some of your doll’s favorite activities now that they’re free from school? Alternatively, what are some of their favorite hobbies to do anytime?
5/28: Happy birthday, Cecile! For her birthday, Cecile’s brother Armand gave her a beautiful porcelain doll that looked like her. Does your doll have a favorite doll or toy?
5/29: Late spring and early summer is a great time to go on a road trip or vacation. Where is your doll traveling to, and what are they doing there? Or maybe their family chose a staycation this year - what new fun new things are they discovering close to home?
5/30: Today is National Water a Flower Day. Show your doll interacting with flowers or other plants.
5/31: What is your doll planning for this fall? What are they looking forward to when school starts again? Is a big change approaching as the seasons and leaves turn? What does the future hold for them?
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Chapter Three.
a/n: get ready for the yearning in this chapter! also please make sure to reblog to share and leave feedback — it really helps writers continue wanting to post and continue writing.
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 8.2k
come talk to me about wtsgd! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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April 30, 2017
Luci woke up to loud knocking on her front door, too loud for eight in the morning when she wanted to sleep in. She thought she was dreaming, like someone was knocking directly onto her head, telling her to wake up. But the knocking increased, making her scream into her pillow, getting out of bed. Her pink soft house slippers that Ren made sure she brought so she wouldn’t get her new floors dirty with her outside shoes padded on the wooden floor and towards the entrance, opening the door. 
Once she opened her door, her parents and Nathan were behind it, smiling as they waved their hands into a jazz-like movement. 
“My Lucky!” 
Her family charged through her doorway, bringing her into their arms for a family group hug. Luci was wide awake and smiling at the sight and presence of her family. They all eventually let her go to give her individual hugs to have their own moment because they just missed her that much. 
They made their way out of the front entrance and hallway, walking more into her apartment as Ren and Beatrice looked around in awe of how much natural light that was provided. She gave her parents a tour before they all settled into the living room where they had a cup of coffee in to-go cups and ate breakfast sandwiches. 
Luci then told them the events that happened yesterday, minus her unexpected hangout with Harry, and they were furious. All at once, their hearts broke but were quick to ignite with anger. 
“How could she do that?!” Ren had an angry expression on his face, and it was one that she and Nathan had always been afraid of ever since they were younger; it was rare to see their father angry since he was much softer as it would take a lot for him to get him to that state. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “People favor power over fairness these days, or else they’d lose their biggest stars.” Nathan scoffed from the sofa chair next to the couch, but didn’t say anything more. 
It was the harsh truth of showbiz that almost everyone knew—it was a fact; Broadway and Hollywood don’t play fair, it’s obvious they want the best of the best, and if that’s passing up a new talent that could take them to the moon over the seniority of actors who’ve been in the industry for much longer, they’ll take that opportunity. And Luci knew that when she signed up for this. 
Beatrice told Luci that she was sorry this was happening, and they all agreed that whenever her time to perform on stage comes, they’d be there. Luci smiled at her lap, appreciating their support. The Suki family talked for another hour and a half, catching up on the month that passed when they weren’t all together, before they took the subway to the hotel they were staying at to catch their flight out of New York. Luci said her goodbyes to them in front of the hotel, apologizing that they had to come out here for nothing, but they brushed it off, saying that they would do it again just to see her. 
She watched them get into an Uber, waving at her family as they took off down the streets of Manhattan. She took the subway back to Brooklyn as she wrote down a list of what she wanted to do today; find more decorations, clean, eat pizza, and crack a bottle of wine because she damn well needed it. 
It was almost eleven a.m. when she got back to her apartment and decided to get ready for the day. Her throat felt incredibly dry, so she hydrated herself, gulping the liquid down her throat until she heard a knock on her door. Luci furrowed her brows, wondering if it was Nathan or Beatrice behind that door, asking if they’d left their wallet or phone since they were the more forgetful ones in the family, but when she looked around her living room, she didn’t find anything.
A knock on the door was heard and Luci sighed, walking over to open it as she didn’t expect the person behind it. 
“Hey, babe.” A smug smile was present on his face, but a scowl was present on hers, rolling her eyes at the pet name.
“What are you doing here—no, how do you even know where I live?” Luci placed her hand on her hip, a wrinkle in between her eyebrows. 
“Not gonna let me in?” He gave her an amusing smile, and she rolled her eyes, huffing before moving to the side and letting him in. He walked into the main part of the apartment, looking around. 
Luci crossed her arms, trailing behind him. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” 
“I got your address when you texted me to come over that one night, remember?” 
She mentally cursed herself. Her relationship with Samuel had done a complete one-eighty. After the afterparty on opening night, things were very weird between them after she denied his request to have sex with him in the bathroom of the longue. He had avoided her unless it was work related, but even then, he kept the conversation and words to a minimum, adding attitude and rudeness. If she thought things were weird then, it got even weirder the night leading up to when Daisy took her spotlight on stage last night. 
During rehearsals, he’d flirt with Daisy sometimes even kiss her up. Daisy would give Luci a snarky look every time his face was in her neck, biting her skin, and that was when Luci found out the real reason why Daisy despised her. All because of Samuel. All because of a man. The bitter looks didn’t bother Luci and it wasn’t like she was jealous, but it simply confused her because one day he wanted to fuck her and was sweet to her but when she said no, he was rude and would fuck someone else—there was no real type of closure. He probably took her into the bathroom after she left, Luci thought. 
So, she didn’t really care for him anymore because after all, he was just a someone to fuck; all she cared about was why he decided to show up at her apartment unannounced and uninvited. 
“That was a very weak moment for me.” Luci rebutted mockingly; Samuel scoffed and smirked cockily. He leaned against her countertops, and she hated that she still found him attractive because anyone with eyes knew very clearly that he was a very sexy guy, and the worst part was that he knew it too—he knew it very well. “So, tell me what the fuck you’re doing here?” 
“I’m here to tell you that you’re probably not going to perform anytime soon…” he said in a mocking tone, a fake pout on his face as he gave her puppy-dog eyes. 
She scoffed, shaking her head lightly. “Aww, did Daisy tell you to come all the way here and tell me that?” 
“And if she did?” 
“It’s cute that you’re a messenger now. It suits you since you have all this time to waste, like you did mine.” She breathed out a laugh, making him roll his eyes, and it only brought satisfaction to hurt his huge ego. “Well, how about you tell your little Daisy to stop sending people to tell me things because if she had the balls, then she would tell me herself. Plus, you’re wasting your time here to tell me one little thing that doesn’t affect me.” Luci dramatically gasped. “I’m really living in both of your minds rent-free, aren't I?” 
Samuel inhaled heavily, biting back his words as if Luci had offended him, but it would only make sense that he felt that way because of his feelings for Daisy. He headed towards the door with Luci hot on his tail as a way to push him out faster than he came in. 
“Well, I’ll see you Luci—not on stage, but yeah, I’ll see you.” She wasn’t going to lie, but those few words took a dig at her heart; luckily, she’s an actor, so she was able to mask her pain and anger, giving him a scornful smile as she opened the door. Samuel chuckled, not amusingly but in a way that made him think that she was an outright bitch. 
Harry’s door suddenly opened, making him stop in his tracks as he witnessed the interaction happening because it definitely looked like this guy was just leaving her place. Luci’s head turned towards him as her eyes widened slightly; Harry had a weird look on his face, looking back and forth between her and Samuel. 
“Hey, Harry.” Luci broke his train of thought and Harry looked directly at her, smiling slightly. 
“Hi, Luci.” She suddenly felt a wave of nerves wash through her, butterflies erupting in her stomach once he said her name, thinking that he was by far the best person to say it. 
She felt antsy, fiddling with fingers as she started bouncing on the balls of her feet—a habit that she did when she started to feel nervous. Samuel could see straight through her, catching all the signs when she was a bit anxious and he had a feeling that it had something to do with her neighbor. 
Samuel brisked past her, giving her a kiss on the cheek to mess with both of them; Luci’s eyes widened, pulling her face back but it was too late as his lips had already connected with her skin. 
“See you, Luci.” Instead of the cocky smirk he had when he arrived, he had a loving and kind smile as he left because he wasn’t the only actor in the room. 
Once Samuel rounded the corner, Luci looked at Harry and there was a crease in between his brows. 
“I-I, uh, that’s not-”
“No worries. You don’t need to explain to me, honestly.” Harry walked out into the hallway, locking his door before giving her a toothless grin and walking down the hall. 
Luci’s mouth was slightly ajar as she watched him. She closed her door and placed her forehead against it quite harshly, letting out a frustrated groan.
After much sulking, she decided to get on with her day, hoping she can be as productive as she hoped to be. But the thought of if Harry liked her—even as a person or ‘friend,’ if she could call herself that—lingered around in her head; and she doesn’t know why what he thought of her had so much of an affect on her, but it did. Maybe it was because she had a sort of infatuation with her neighbor, or that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and what he was doing across the hall. Whatever it was, she only hoped that he liked her too. 
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May 13, 2017 
Quite early, Luci received a phone call from Tal. 
Her phone was buzzing rapidly on her brown wooden nightstand; and in her sleep, she was trying to determine if she had set an alarm the previous night. When she thought she did, she let her phone snooze for ten minutes. But it was certainly not an alarm because just a few seconds after the buzzing stopped, it had started again. 
Grumpy as usual in the morning, she groaned, propping her elbows on her mattress as she pried her eyes open and picked up her phone. When she saw Tal as the caller ID, her brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Luci? Luci? Hi, can you hear me?” The gauging sound of the city was heard on the other end of the call, and she could just imagine Tal placing one hand to her ear as she walked through the bustling streets. 
“Yeah, I can. Hi.” Luci’s voice increased, becoming more audible for Tal. 
“Great! So, I’m glad you answered. I know things have been a bit weird lately ever since, y’know…” she said, referring to when Daisy had stolen her spotlight. “But I want to let you know that you’re performing tonight. I’m saying this in a calm manner because I know you know the shit in the show, so I’m not worried about it. But I need you to play Kim tonight.” 
Luci’s breath hitched in her throat as her eyes widened. She was completely speechless and she felt like she was dreaming. But first thing’s first, she needed to know why Tal’s statement at the end was demanding and slightly panicked. 
“What happened to Daisy?” She wondered, sitting up fully on the gray wrinkled sheets from her slumber. 
Tal sighed deeply, perceptible through the chaos of the outside. “Last night, she partied a bit too hard. She’s just getting back to her place, according to Samuel, and she was high off her ass. I don’t need that today, or ever. So, I figured this would be the perfect time for you to step in.” 
“And why me? Why not Wendy?” Luci referred to the understudy for Kim. 
“Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t stick up for you when I should’ve. Daisy has always been…intimidating to me, which is crazy because I run the show, but I should’ve been more stern with her. So, with Daisy out of the picture for today, I want you to perform tonight.” 
Tal genuinely felt guilty that she wasn’t being the stage director that she should’ve been. She let Daisy control some of the show when it should’ve been her to direct everyone. Tal loved her job, she did, but every time she had Daisy as one of the lead characters, she almost dreaded work. She didn’t want to be one of those people who dreaded work because although theatre is stressful at times, it’s also fun and her passion. 
“Okay…” Luci couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’ll perform tonight.” 
Tal let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much, Luci. I’ll see you at five.” \
“I’ll be there. Bye, Tal.” 
Luci hung up the phone and sat on her bed for what felt like forever, simply gazing into the sheets as she couldn’t believe what had happened. Luci was going to perform tonight; her dream was finally coming true. 
When the realization hit her, the corners of her lips turned up into a bright and excited smile. She laughed and screamed and squealed into her pillow, doing a little mini dance on her bed. Looking at the time, it was nearing eight so she had plenty of time to start her pre-show morning routine. But the first thing that she needed to do was to text her family. 
Instantly, she got responses from them. 
Nathan: REALLY?! I get off work at four, I could take a last minute flight. 
Luci hearted her brother’s message. 
Pa: Luci, I’m so happy for you! Your mother is still asleep but I’ll wake her up and tell her the news. We’ll see what we could do to make it to the show. 
She thanked them, texting that she hoped to see them tonight, but would understand if they couldn’t make it since it was last minute. 
Hopping out of bed, she washed up and changed into her workout clothes to go on a walk and grab a smoothie. It was such a beautiful day out that there were more people out on the streets in the morning than usual as they were basking in the bright sun and lovely weather. 
Once she got back home, she made her favorite breakfast—a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel with cream cheese; and rehearsed some of the more emotional and dramatic lines, taking notes on which parts needed more depth of emotion. 
The day had gone by relatively fast as she showered, tidied, and packed her belongings; and it was already 3:45, so she headed out the door. 
As Luci was locking up and about to walk down the hall, she looked at Harry’s door. She hadn’t talked to him in about two weeks, since the time he opened his door to Samuel kissing her cheek. She had sort of missed him, and she felt like the event with Samuel had put up a wall; she felt like he was avoiding her.
Thinking back to their conversation at the diner, she remembered that he told her he would be there when it was her time to perform, and she didn’t want to not inform him on that because she had a feeling that he would be disappointed hadn’t he known. 
Bravely, she stood in front of his door and knocked, hoping that he was home because she didn’t have his number to tell him. Luci waited one minute before she knocked again and waited another minute before sighing. Just as she was two feet down the hall, his door suddenly opened, making her turn around quickly. Harry looked out into the hall without taking a step out of his apartment and saw Luci with a tote bag on her shoulder, wearing leggings, a vintage tee with Stevie Nicks printed on it, and a beige cardigan. 
She turned around. “Harry, hi. Uh, how are you?” Her attitude had visibly changed and brightened as she was ecstatic to see that he answered the door. His hair was wet, separating the strands of hair into slightly thicker chunks as water droplets lingered at the tips; which explained why he didn’t answer the door right away. 
“Good, good. How are you?” 
“Good—great, actually. I-I’m actually performing tonight and I wanted to tell you that in case you wanted to watch the show.” She suppressed a wide smile, linking his hands together to refrain herself from jumping up and down in excitement. 
Harry raised his brows before the corners of his lips turned upward. “Really?” She nodded. “Luci, that’s amazing!” He exclaimed. 
“Yeah, I’m really excited. I was just called this morning that I was performing tonight, so I’m heading to the theatre right now.” 
“I’m so happy for you. But I, uh, have plans already tonight. I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically. Luci couldn’t deny the ache in her chest when he said that, but she completely understood as it was a last minute decision for her to perform. 
“Oh, no worries. Maybe another time whenever I get to perform again. I’ll let you know?” 
“Yeah, please do.” He nodded. There was a bit of silence after as there was nothing left to say. “Well, uh, good luck out there.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “Maybe we could get some coffee or a smoothie. There’s this really good smoothie place down the street-”
“Brooklyn’s Smoothies?” He asked; Luci nodded. “That’s my go-to smoothie place. But yeah, I’m down for that. Just let me know when.” 
Now, she had another thing she could be excited about: her second hangout with Harry. 
“Great!” She headed towards the hall before she walked back towards him, pulling her phone out. “Here, put your number in—only if you want to.” He chuckled, grabbing her phone as he quickly put his number and name into his phone before handing it back to her. “I’ll text you. Bye, Harry!” She waved as she walked towards the end of the hall; Harry waved back before walking back into his apartment and closing the door. 
Once she was on the subway, she found Harry’s contact, which he named himself ‘Harry (neighbor)’ as if he thought she was going to forget who he was. But it was quite the opposite as he seemed to invade most of her mind as she mindlessly thought about him. She almost always curses herself for being so nervous around him, but that was because he somewhat intimidated her; and that said a lot because she’s very confident in her own skin and rarely finds anyone intimidating. But there was just something about him that made her nervous, and that thought slightly scared her. 
Hi, Harry! It’s Luci, here’s my number. 
She placed her phone face down on her thigh that was relentlessly bouncing before she hit send. Before sending it, she looked over the text, practically overthinking a simple greeting that didn’t need any more thinking. A few minutes later as she was transferring trains and sitting on the blue bench, her phone vibrated. She picked up her phone as the screen lit up; Harry’s message appeared on the screen. 
Hiiii, thank you. Good luck tonight x 
Luci smiled crazily at her phone, putting her chin to her chest as she hid her smile from the many people on the subway with her. She thanked him, and decided to start another conversation after the show so she could tell him how the show went, which was an excuse to text him again. She locked her phone and turned the volume up higher as G Luné played through her Airpods. 
Her cheeks had started to hurt due to the fact that she couldn’t stop smiling, like it was genuinely difficult for her stop. A surge of happiness and relief had washed over her that she felt the happiness line on her chart increase. With a little over two months of living in New York, she had felt like her career was going nowhere when that was the entire reason why she moved there; the whole situation with Daisy had made her life plateaued as her happiness line wasn’t moving upwards. But tonight, it was skyrocketing.
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T-minus five minutes until showtime, and Luci was bouncing on the balls of her feet. She started humming and whistling to get her mind off the perturbation that ran along the linings and spaces of her body; it didn’t help that everyone was literally running around, passing by one another through the dark corridor. 
Obviously, everyone knew that it was Luci’s first night performing, so they tried keeping everything light and easy for her, which she appreciated. Once she walked through the doors of backstage, she was immediately greeted with warm and excited smiles—the complete opposite as the last time she walked through the door. Nina squealed and hugged her as they both jumped around in elation; Luci truly missed the first friend she’d ever made on Broadway, and they promised each other that they’d hangout more often outside the theatre. 
After Luci had her hair and makeup done, changed into her costume, and was mic'd up, she was standing on the side of the stage where she could hear the crowd settling into their seats as they talked amongst themselves. Peter, who was playing Chris tonight, stood beside her, rolling his neck in circles and moving his jaw around. She was glad to know that Samuel wasn’t performing tonight because god only knows what he would say to her, only to get inside of her head right before the show. 
She heard the technical and stage crew speak into their headsets, asking if everyone was ready as they counted down from ten. The lights went out, the curtains were pulled to the side, and Luci’s mind went blank as ‘Kim’ took over, completely owning this character because it was fucking showtime. 
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After two hours of pouring emotion to give her best act while the spotlight was on her, shining brighter than ever before so she couldn’t see the audience below her, watching intently, her first performance was successfully over. 
She’d earned a majority of standing ovations and was called for another curtain call, where she ran back on stage to overwhelmingly smile brightly, waved, bowed, and blew kisses to the crowd who were whistling and cheering for her wonderful performance. This amazing and exhilarating feeling was something she anticipated, and it did not disappoint; it was a feeling that she wanted to feel every other night. She loved the praise, the cheers, and the claps that were thrown at her so fast that she could cry at how hard the impact was. 
When she left the stage and headed over to the dressing room, her cast members cheered for her as Luci clapped all around the room for everyone’s hard work tonight as well. They all took pictures with one another to share this memorable moment; Luci told everyone to send her the pictures because she wanted to get them framed for her apartment because this moment was definitely frame-worthy. 
When it was time to leave, they all took off their costume and hung it on its rightful rack, and changed into their own clothes before walking out into the lobby where the audience could meet and greet some of the cast. Cheers erupted in the lobby once the cast walked through the doors, and they all smiled, mouthing ‘thank you’ and bowing their heads in appreciation. 
Luci walked through the crowd as they stopped her to tell her that she did an amazing performance; she was grateful and said thank you to everyone she came across. She weaved through the crowd, trying to find Nathan or anyone she could share this moment with; and she was lucky that Nathan was tall because she spotted him instantly. 
When she finally reached him, she was somewhat surprised to see their parents with him because they didn’t mention they were coming tonight, just that they had to see what they could do in order to make it. 
Beatrice was the first one to hug her. “Oh, my Lucky Star. I’m so proud of you!” She hugged Luci tight, swaying to the side. Once her mother let go, she hugged her dad who had the proudest and biggest smile on his face. 
“Lulu, you did amazing up there.” She smiled into Ren’s shoulder, feeling herself tear up from the positive reaction of her performance. 
Nathan was patiently waiting for his hug; and Luci pulled away from her father, giving him a smile before hugging her brother. 
“Ana, you’re so talented.” He squeezed her, patting her back as she always found the action comforting since she was a little girl. Beatrice was taking photos of her kids, tears glossing her eyes at her greatest accomplishments. 
“Thank you for coming. I know you’re tired from work, but thank you for being here anyways.” She could tell that Nathan had just put a long coat over his navy blue scrubs, meaning that he had flown to New York straight from work. 
“No worries. We wouldn’t miss this for anything, honestly.” 
Luci pulled away, smiling as she faced her family. She thanked her parents for coming, still surprised, and they said the same thing Nathan did: that they wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
They took pictures amongst each other, taking a family selfie before Ren had just asked someone nearby to take a proper photo of them. 
“Excuse me? Do you mind taking a picture of us?” The man turned around, making Luci softly gasp. Tonight was just full of surprises because Harry was the one who turned around and nodded, grabbing her mother’s phone to take a picture of her family. 
Harry looked dashingly handsome; he wore black trousers, a baby pink shirt with a black coat over. He held a bouquet of flowers in his arms as he took the picture; and for the life of Luci, she couldn’t dare to stop smiling at him instead of the camera. 
Ren was the first to walk over to him and thanked him, but Harry didn’t walk away, he simply stayed put until Luci walked over towards him. Her parents and brother were looking at each other warily, wondering how Luci knew the man who took their picture. 
“You’re here.” She smiled so brightly as if the spotlight was glued onto her. 
Harry blushed, looking down at his feet before looking back up. “Yeah, I told you I would be here when you were going to perform, right?” Something that she hadn’t witnessed yet until now, that took her by surprise, was the dimple that indented his left cheek, more so than his right cheek. He looked absolutely adorable when he smiled, on top of being handsome; Harry was simply a beautiful man. 
“You did tell me that, I remember.” She couldn’t stop the giddy grin that felt like it was permanently placed on her face because she couldn’t believe that he was here. 
“Oh, these are for you. You did an amazing job—the crowd loved you.” He handed her the mixed bouquet of pink peonies, baby pink roses, white lillies, and baby’s breath wrapped in brown paper. Luci smiled down at the bouquet, admiring how pretty the colors and how well the different flowers looked together. She wondered if Harry picked these out himself; if he individually picked every single flower that was in the bouquet. 
Feeling her face heat up, she unexpectedly leaned in for a hug; and this time, he was ready as he opened his arms and hugged her. He squeezed her tighter than he did when she was crying in his arms, making her heart flutter in her chest. Luci had completely forgotten that her family was behind her until she pulled away. Her eyes slightly widened, knowing that they were most likely enjoying the show that was happening off-stage of her hugging a man they didn’t know. 
“Thank you so much for coming, Harry. It means a lot to me.” He simply nodded. Luci slightly turned her body, presenting herself to her family. “Uh, Harry, this is my family. And this is Harry; he’s my neighbor.” 
Beatrice brows raised, and Luci gave her a knowing look that told her not to say anything weird. 
“Hi, I’m Beatrice, Luci’s mom.” She shook his hand. 
“Hello, I’m Harry. Nice to meet you.” Beatrice turned towards Luci with wide eyes once she heard his accented voice, and she chuckled at her mother’s reaction. 
Ren and Nathan introduced themselves, and they all made conversation quite easily. It was a side that Luci’s never seen of Harry—quite talkative. She wondered if she was the problem as to why he wasn’t so talkative. But she figured that almost everyone wanted to impress and get along with their friend’s parents. 
Once they were finished talking amongst themselves, Beatrice whispered into Ren’s ear and then Nathan’s; and Luci wondered what they could be so secretive about that they couldn’t say it out loud. 
Suddenly, Nathan said, “Well, we’ll see you soon, Ana.” He gave her a quick hug as Luci furrowed her brows, confused. 
“Oh, I thought we could get dinner or something.” It was like her parents didn’t even consider her suggestion as they were hugging her goodbye. 
“I have to get back to Boston, work tomorrow, y’know?” Nathan excuses; Luci nodded, understanding before turning her head towards her parents, seeing which excuse they’ll use since tomorrow was Sunday. 
“Uh, we have a flight to catch—red-eye.” Beatrice spoke up, a little white lie slipping so easily on her tongue. Luci looked at Ren, finding him nodding, warily looking at his wife. 
She could tell, inside and out, that her parents weren’t being truthful because she knew that they’d want to spend every minute with her while they were in the city so they wouldn’t get a red-eye flight on her opening night. Plus, Beatrice had been eyeing her and Harry ever since he introduced himself, so she knew that her family acting weird and how they suddenly had to leave was most likely them wanting Luci to hangout with Harry. 
“Plus, don’t you have an afterparty to go to?” Ren asked. 
“I mean, yeah, but I could always skip it-”
“Now, why would you do that? It’s your opening night; people are gonna be wondering where you are!” Ren did make a point, making Luci mentally agreeing. 
Luci didn’t bother asking any more questions, and decided to let them leave, although she was a bit sad that they had to leave again. They said another round of goodbyes and hugged each other tightly; they planned to come to New York again so they could properly hang out, and Luci said that she’ll see what she could do with going back home to visit. Of course, they didn’t forget to say goodbye to Harry; Ren and Nathan shaking his hand as Beatrice gave him a hug. Luci watched them interact as if he was an old boyfriend or a new boyfriend that they happened to like and adore so much. 
She waved to them as they headed outside the Broadway Theatre doors, and then she was left with Harry. He shyly smiled at her, and Luci hugged the bouquet of flowers tightly to her chest. 
“Uh, would you like to go to the afterparty with me?” She asked. 
Luci watched as Harry considered the invitation in his head. There were two options that he was debating from: go home and have a boring night in, or go to an afterparty with his insanely beautiful neighbor that he was slowly but surely taking a liking to. He realized that wasn’t such a difficult decision after all, so he chose the latter. 
“I’d love to.” 
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The entire cast settled into the same lounge that held their very first afterparty. The lounge apparently didn’t mind since everyone contributed to buying lots of alcohol, so they obviously wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of business. 
Luci introduced Harry to the cast who decided to show up, and she was happy that they were very friendly and welcoming to him because the last thing she wanted was awkward tension between her neighbor and coworkers. She wished Nina had gone to the after party because Luci knew that she would get excited about the neighbor she’s crushing on. 
Luci and Harry decided to pace themselves with the drinks as they didn’t take the shots that were given to them at the same time as the rest; instead, they nursed and sipped their drinks. They were towards the end of the circle, in their own world as they talked to one another. Luci was happy they were getting to know each other better, but she figured that was the help and magic of what alcohol did. They told each other childhood stories that made each other laugh, increasing the buzz going on inside their heads. 
Harry had an additional glow to him when he was tipsy, and Luci thought it was the cutest thing ever. He was very touchy—placing a hand on her arm, shoulder, or knee at any given moment—and his laugh was contagious as it was loud and he threw his head back. It was a side that pleasantly took her by surprise, and she hoped that as they continued talking and hanging out, this side of him comes out more when they’re sober and comfortable with one another. 
“Can I ask why your brother calls you Ana?” He wondered, asking at the same time Luci was taking a sip of her drink. 
She nodded. “Yeah. So, Nathan is five years older than I am, and my mom and dad said when he was five, he still had a hard time speaking, like he’d babble and seem to talk gibberish. Anyways, when I was born, my parents were trying to get him to say my name, but couldn’t pick up on the first part of it; he started out with ‘An,’ but eventually picked up ‘Ana.’ And since then, it just seemed to stick—he’s the only one who calls me that and would personally get offended if someone else called me that.” She ended with a chuckle and a sip of her shot. 
“What’s your full name?” 
“Luciana Ivy Suki.” She said slow and a bit sultry, which she hadn’t meant to. The dark light and booze didn’t help that she felt a bit sexy. 
Harry smirked slightly. “Luciana.” He stated as if he was testing how it sounded and felt on the tongue. Luci felt a chill run down her body, making her skin prickle from the goosebumps. 
If she was starting to melt from the sound of her nickname from his lips, the sound of her full name had completely liquified her. 
After an hour, the two moved to the bar, completely forgetting that they were with the cast. Luci suggested getting more drinks for them, and Harry told her that he’d come with. He said something along the lines of “don’t want to miss a moment hanging out with you,” and Luci swore that her heart was becoming a butterfly’s nest as it sank down to her stomach and made her smile. 
“It’s genuinely insane how talented you are, like I was nearly crying by the end of the show!” He complimented, sipping on a Pomegranate Paloma through a thin black straw. Harry was genuinely so amazed as he watched Luci act, alas he was near the rear mezzanine, which was towards the back, he was still blown away by the entire production, especially Luci’s talents. 
“That’s so sweet. Thank you, Harry.” She smiled down at her Royal Manhattan, swirling the drink around in its glass. She was used to taking compliments about her acting and talent, but when Harry complimented her, it made her insides jittery and her face heat up; she felt so honored that Harry was praising her for her talents. 
“Now, can I ask…I thought you had plans tonight. What happened to that?” She wondered. 
Harry blushed, nervously chuckling. “Uh, I canceled them.” 
Her eyes widened. “W-Was it anything serious?” 
“It was a date that my friend, Jeff, set me up with but I wasn’t all that interested in the first place. 
She pouted. “Harry, I feel bad.” 
“Don’t be. I wanted to be here.” She smiled at that, looking at the contents inside of her glass. 
“I’m really glad you’re here.” She reciprocated the thought, clinking her glass with his as they both sipped their drinks. 
After another hour, the cast was lessening one by one, calling it a night as they said their goodbyes to Luci and Harry. She hadn’t realized how quickly time had gone by until the bartender of the lounge had told them that they were closing in a few minutes. Luci looked at her phone as the time read 12:55 a.m., which her and Harry laughed about because they were both in shock about the night being so late already. So, they left the lounge, not before generously tipping the bartender $40 each and gathered their belongings; Luci made sure to not forget the beautiful flowers Harry gave her. 
Neither of them felt like they were sober enough to get on the subway themselves, knowing they would probably get on the wrong one or fall asleep and end up somewhere else. So, they decided on an Uber, seeming as that was the most responsible and safest option there was. 
Luci got inside the black Honda, saying ‘hi’ to their driver. The entire ride back to Brooklyn was quiet, only the soft breaths they both exhaled and the pounding of their hearts. Harry felt himself getting sleepier, and unexpectedly resting his head against Luci’s shoulder. She tensed up at first, not expecting the action, but she welcomed it, placing her head on top of his. They both watched the city through the car window as it disappeared from their sight once they were in Brooklyn. 
Once they were in front of their apartment complex, Harry offered her his arm and she looped her arm through his, leaning into his side as he guided her to the elevator. He leaned against the corner of the elevator with Luci pressed up against his side with her arms still around his, and he looked down to see her eyes closed. He softly smiled, moving the strand of hair that had fallen in the middle of her face to the side. 
The loud Ding! of the elevator seemed to wake Luci up as she startled awake, making Harry chuckle. They walked down the hall and towards their door; Harry occasionally had to tell Luci to keep quiet as she was singing ‘Wannabe’ by the Spice Girls, but Harry couldn’t help but join in. 
When they got to their doors, as usual, they unlocked and opened it; but they didn’t immediately go inside their apartments. Instead, they turned around to face each other; both of their eyes droopy from the slight buzz that was still in their system. 
Luci smiled before leaning in to hug him. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as his arms went around her waist. The hug was sweet and warm as it definitely fed to the touchy-feely side of their buzz. 
When they pulled away, Luci leaned up to boldly plant a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being here, Harry. Shall we hang out next week?” Harry nodded, not trusting his voice to say anything as his heart erupted into flames. She gave him a smile as he was frozen from the chaste kiss; and Luci walked into her apartment, waving at him before she closed the door. 
Harry was out in the hallway, stunned as he blushed from the small kiss she had left on his cheek; and it was something he was going to be dreaming of until he wakes up, only to think about it over and over again. 
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Harry was cooking breakfast when he heard relentless knocking on his front door. He peeked his head out from the kitchen to look at the door, like that would tell him who was behind it, as he was whisking some eggs in a white glass bowl. Setting the bowl down, he walked over to the door and opened it. 
To his surprise, Luci was behind it as tears streamed down her face with her phone in her hand; she was in her soft blue pajama pants with a black hoodie over, and despite her recent state, Harry thought she looked absolutely adorable and cuddly. But he pushed that thought to the side; immediately, Harry was concerned. His eyes widened and his protective side turned on, thinking he was going to lose his shit on whoever caused this poor girl to cry. 
“I-I’m sorry. I just…” she hiccupped, and Harry took her into his arms. He was slightly confused about what had happened during the six hours he’d last seen her—when they were coming home from the lounge. He still couldn’t get that kiss out of his head; in fact, it was difficult for him to sleep because he kept reiterating it in his head.
He pulled her into his apartment, closing the door as he sat her down on his brown leather couch. She cried into his shoulder as she passed him her phone that was unlocked on an article. He grabbed it, not letting go of her while he rubbed her arm. 
The article read on the bright screen read: 
Miss Saigon or Miss No-BE GONE! 
Just twelve hours ago, I went to see the show ‘Miss Saigon; for the second time. The first time I went to see it was last month when Broadway star royalty, Ms. Daisy Beck, was playing the role of ‘Kim.’ With its amazing cast, production set, and story-telling, I knew I needed to see the play again. 
My hopes and dreams were crushed when I didn’t see Ms. Beck on stage, but instead, a newbie Broadway actress known as Luciana Suki. Before writing this review, I did some research on her to my very best ability because she’s practically a nobody in this business, and found out that she had been in several commercials since she was a child (great another child actor) and has been on Off-Broadway, which definitely explains the acting! At least give a man a warning before I decide to put up with a shit-show of a performance. I couldn’t even stay for the entire show because it was completely horrifying to see injustice served to Kim and a downgrade from Daisy Beck. 
I tried, I really tried; but I left during intermission. Luciana Suki is not meant to be playing the part of Kim—almost everyone agrees. There was no connection, no emotion to the character, and it was a poorly done job in Luciana’s part and the casting. 
It’s Daisy Beck or no production. Simple as that, or else, the show will lose its audience and precious money that they wasted on paying Luciana Suki. 
Harry sighed, balling his hands up into fists as he locked her phone and set it aside. How could anybody be so cruel? He understood the importance of critics to the theatre, but to outright insult and humiliate someone wasn’t even critical—it’s being straight up rude. 
Once Luci was ready and had somewhat calmed down, she pulled away from Harry’s embrace, looking at him. Poor Luci’s eyes were swollen and her eyes were red from the crying, and she was a sniffling mess. Harry quickly grabbed her a few tissues to dry her tears, and she blew her nose into the soft cotton paper, not really caring how unattractive she thought it was. 
“That article was written by Adam West—the most important critic in Broadway.” She wiped the snot under her nose. “H-He practically just ruined my career and any chances I have on Broadway ever again.” Luci sobbed as it was difficult for her to accept the fact that she may never act ever again because of a senior journalist. Her chest hurt and her eyes started to become sore from the amount of times she squeezed them shut, freeing her tears. 
“No, come here.” Harry’s heart ached for her, and he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through when that article was directly made towards her. He pulled her in for another hug, and she softly cried against his chest, staining his white t-shirt with her tears, but he couldn’t care less. “You’re insanely talented—critics or no critics—no one could deny your talent. What he said was unprofessional and poorly written, and that’s coming from an English major and a teacher. Now, I’m sure that you know you’re extremely gifted and you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. So, don’t let him get to you because almost everyone loved your performance last night.” 
Harry reassured her quite well that Luci had calmed down; it helped that the vibrations from his chest to her ear as he talked had soothed her—it was quite relaxing. She pulled away again, looking at him through glassy eyes as another tear threatened to fall. He placed his palms against her cheeks, taking his thumbs and running it across her skin to wipe her tears away. 
“Would you like some French Toast? Heard it’s a comfort-food, but I may be wrong. Maybe I’m being biased because I think my recipe is good.” He tried lightening up her mood, and it’d definitely worked because she breathed out a chuckle and nodded. 
“I’m not intruding, right?” He shook his head. “No significant other to get mad at me and throw me out?” She slyly asked as she had been wondering if he had someone. Plus, she was still wondering about the red-hair woman who frantically left his apartment. 
“The…red-haired girl. You’re not with her?” 
Harry smirked as he definitely indulged into the slightly jealous feeling that Luci was portraying. “No, we’re not dating. She’s just a friend.” He chuckled. “What about you? Someone I should be worried about?” He stirred the topic towards her as curiosity also got the best of him. 
“Nope.” She answered the same way he did. “Do you make out with all of your friends? Noticed her lipstick was a bit smeared off.” Luci knew later on that she would regret opening her mouth and spewing out those particular choice of words. Her tone also seemed a bit jealous, and she had no right to be, but her crush on Harry was quickly increasing. 
“I mean, some of them; when the time comes.” He somewhat joked. 
“Would you make out with me?” Luci spat out, but quickly slapped her palm against her mouth, eyes widening. Her mind was speaking for herself as she’d been dreaming of the way Harry’s pink lips felt against her mouth and other places she wouldn’t dare speak aloud. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why-”
“Yeah, I would,” he responded honestly. This was the most honest and straight-forward he’d ever been, which only occurs every few months, so it was time to close that window again and wait for it to open. But he also couldn’t deny his attraction to her, like it was difficult to not be so enticed with her. He felt at complete ease with her, and it felt incredibly easy to talk to Luci and be open. “So, the French Toast?” He changed the subject, walking over to the kitchen, leaving Luci glued to her seat on the couch. 
Astonished by his words, she was extra shocked that he was so quick to move on from his response. But she was glad to know that he would want to kiss her, maybe, some time in the future; but the thought made her giddy because she undeniably wanted to kiss him too.
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come talk to me about your favorite moments and scenes, and your thoughts and feelings! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be posted next saturday! 
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Aurora Cycle Playlist
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jLdAbYQrw8A34vyw5a79e?si=B67EY45yTxWm0aPYCW2tXw 
Note: Please read the whole post before clicking on the link! The text in bold is the song, and the text in italics is a lyric. 
Ain’t It Fun by Paramore  - “Ain't it fun, ain't it fun? Baby now you're one of us.” This song reminds me of how Squad 312 took in Auri, despite everything.
All I Wanted by Paramore - “All I wanted was you.” Kal talking to Auri after she finds out who his dad is :(
American Healthcare by Penelope - “I went to school, I got good grades, I don't know what you want me to say.” Tyler’s anthem. I’m convinced he secretly wrote it.
Angel Eyes and Basketball by Foot Ox - “There are flowers growing all around a massive animal inside of me.” I added this because of Ra'haam, of course. This song hurts my ears, but in a good way.
Animal by Sir Chloe - “I'm asking nicely. Give me what I want.” Saedii’s anthem, of course. Although, she would never ask for something nicely.
As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese - “And here it is, our final night alive.” This reminds me of the final moments of Aurora Burning. Spain without the S
Aurora by Foo Fighters - “You spin the sun around, and the stars will all come out.” I’m gonna be honest, the only reason I chose this song was because of the name. But when I actually listened to it, it fit pretty well, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Express - “I'm feeling devious. You're looking glamorous. Let's get mischievous.” This song basically describes Squad 312.
Enoch’s Dolls by Mike Higham & Matthew Margeson - This doesn’t have any lyrics, but imagine it playing while Tyler finds Aurora. It’s perfect.
Feel So Close by Calin Harris - “And there's no stopping us right now.” This is what I imagine playing at the dance/ball in the first book.
The Fine Print by The Stupendium - “Welcome to space. What were you expecting? It's a dangerous place.” The Eshvaren talking to Auri about what happened/why she became the Trigger.
Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - “Home is whenever I’m with you.” This song reminds me of the squad. They made a home with each other  🥺.
I’d Love To Change The World by Jetta & Matstubs - “Tax the rich, feed the poor 'Till there are no rich no more.” This song fits the series so well. I didn’t pick it for a specific reason like the others, but it just reminds my of ✨  space ✨
Like Real People Do by Hozier - “We could just kiss like real people do.” Kal and Aurora. That’s it. This is their song.
Love Like You from Steven Universe - “I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you.” Kal’s anthem. Whatever you do, don’t imagine him singing this to Aurora. Don’t do it.
My Type by Saint Motel - “Love comes wearing disguises.” This song just fits the series vibe. The first couple seconds? Perfection.
Out of My League by Fitz and Tantrums - “Yeah, you are more than just a dream.”  Finian and Scarlatt’s song. If they aren’t endgame imma riot.
Rebels by Call Me Karizma - “We won't budge for no one.” Squad 312 once they become outlaws.
The Record Player Song by Daisy The Great. “Sometimes I think all I'm ever doing is trying to convince myself I'm alive.” Zilas anthem. Poor thing :(
Rhinestone Eyes by Gorillaz - “Your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away.” This is what I imagine playing when they go into the bar in the first book.
Runaway by AURORA - “Take me home where I belong.” Auri’s grief once she realizes she’s one hundred years in the future.
Run Boy Run by Woodkid - “Run boy run! They're trying to catch you.” THE BEAT IN THIS. I'M IN LOVE. PICTURE A BADASS MONTAGE.
Super Freak by Rick James - “That girl is pretty wild now.” Scarletts anthem 😏
Sweet Hibiscus Tea by Penelpe Scott - “I'm not your protagonist. I'm not even my own.” Auri’s anthem. This song just hits different
This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory - “If you're lonely come be lonely with me.” Squad 312 won the found family trope.
Until We Go Down by Ruelle -  “I feel it running through my veins.” This song is so powerful. It reminds me of how they’ll fight until the end.
Verbatim by Mother Mother - “Did you ever really think you'd love a guy like me?” Finian’s anthem. He tries too hard to be a jackass.
Welcome Home by  Radical Face -“Was never much but we made the most… Welcome home.” Auri didn’t know it when she woke up, but she was home 🥺
Why Do You Love Me By Charlotte Lawrence  -“We fight until someone's calling the cops, but you never blame it on me.” Cat’s anthem  💅
That’s all! PLEASE reblog!!!
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Sanctify - Chapter 7 (Ben SoloxOC AU)
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Ben Solo is looking for a new place to call home. When Snoke arrives offering a home, food, community for the simple price of manual labour Ben and a few others jump at the chance to start over. Upon arival at The First Order Ben meets Cora, Snokes daughter. Whilst Ben and Cora grow closer Ben learns the secrets of the town, and Cora has some secrets of her own.
Please leave likes, comments and reblogs if you like it. If you want to be added to the taglist, please let me know.
Warnings: Cult stuff, Religious themes, Mentions of affairs, Implied murder, Torture, Blood, Violence, Drugs
Chapter 7
After lunch, I left the church and headed home. On my way, I noticed Scott and Daisy engaged in quite an intensive conversation. Daisy was clearly anxious about something, whilst Scott was trying to reassure her. If they didn’t want anybody to eavesdrop on their business, they shouldn’t be talking out in the open. Getting closer, I could hear them better. “We’re leaving tonight, we’ll go out through the woods. They don’t have guards too far out. This isn’t for us Daisy and you know it,” Scott spoke. “I just worry what will happen if we’re caught,” Daisy replied.
Walking past them, they both fell quiet until I was out of earshot. But I had heard what I needed. Turning down the next street, I waited till I was out of sight before gathering my skirt and running back to the church. Father had to know, and they had to be stopped. They would probably expose the flock when they got back to the city. And that would bring unwanted attention.
Father was just leaving the church when I reached him. He knew it was important from my startled expression, leading me back inside the church for privacy. “What is it, Cora?” He asked. “Scott and Daisy. They are planning to leave. Tonight,” I said between breaths, “they said they’d leave through the woods.” “Well, they won’t get far. I’ll gather the elders and have them ready and waiting.”
He turned to leave, but there was another factor he hadn’t thought of. “What about Ben? He’ll know something’s wrong if we’re out after curfew. I can’t distract him from that,” I questioned. “Your right.” Snoke headed to his office, motioning me to follow him. He opened one of the locked cupboards, one that I knew contained things that were only ever used for emergencies.
He handed me a bottle of pills; the label read ‘Temazepam’. “Put two of these in some chamomile tea tonight. Once Ben’s dealt with, you can join us,” Father instructed. Nodding, I pocketed the bottle and left the church. I still had a few hours to kill, and that only made me anxious. The last thing I wanted was Ben finding out the truth and rejecting us. We’d have no choice but to silence him like the others.
After dinner, I headed over to Ben’s, knocking before entering. Thankfully, it was just him inside. He stood at the sink, finishing washing up after dinner. “Hey,” he greeted. “Hi, how was the rest of your day?” I asked. “Average. Have you guys talked to Poe yet?” Taking a seat in the living room, patting the space on the couch next to me. Ben took the invite.
“Fathers speaking with him now,” I lied. He sighed, obviously worried about that, “I hope it goes well.” “Whatever happens, Ben, you're still welcome here. It would be a shame to see you go.” Ben’s gaze met mine, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was nice to have a moment where we were truly alone, where nobody was watching us, nobody was breathing down our necks and there wasn’t the risk of someone coming in. Something could happen and nobody would know. The longer I looked at him, the more I wanted something to happen.
But I wasn’t here for that kind of distraction. “I’m going to make some tea,” I declared, getting to my feet. “Okay, you need a hand?” “No, I’ll be fine. Thank you.” Vanishing into the kitchen, I boiled the kettle and pulled out the pill bottle. Taking two out, I twisted the capsules until they came free before adding the powder inside to Ben’s cup. Glancing over my shoulder, I made sure he hadn’t come into the kitchen.
Thankfully, I was still alone. Once both cups were full, I took them back to the living room, handing Ben the right one. He thanked me, letting it cool a little longer before taking a sip. “So what’s the deal with you and Armitage?” He asked. I laughed softly; he wouldn’t be asking unless he was interested. “We’re just friends. I know he’d like us to be more, but considering his parentage, that would be impossible,” I explained.
Ben raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to elaborate. “Armitage was born out of wedlock and, to make matters worse, he was the product of an affair. So father doesn’t deem him a good suitor for me,” I continued. “Wow. I have several questions. One, who in their right mind would want to marry Brendol? And two, who would want to have an affair with Brendol?” He joked. I couldn’t help but laugh, “women who are blind and stupid, apparently. That man is…a real piece of work.” “No kidding, he seems to not like anybody around here.”
Ben drank more of his tea, half of the cup now gone. It shouldn’t be much longer now until it affected him. Ben covered his mouth as he yawned before rubbing at his eyes. We continued chatting, Ben getting more and more tired as the conversation continued. It didn’t feel like an effort to talk to him, conversation just flowed easily, which felt odd considering I was essentially forcing it to keep him distracted. Half an hour later, Ben was asleep, his head resting on the armrest of the couch.
Grabbing a blanket, I covered him to keep him warm, before stroking his hair. Not once did he stir, his breaths soft and even. It was tempting to kiss him, just a small peck on the cheek or forehead, but I knew it would be wrong. My first kiss, regardless of the context, was supposed to be reserved for my husband on our wedding day. But if nobody was around to see me, where was the harm?
Before I could act upon the thought, the front door burst open, and a panicked Poe ran inside. Getting to my feet, I stayed by Ben’s side, still stroking his hair as if he were a pet. “What the fuck have you done to him?” Poe asked. “Shhh. Can’t you see he’s asleep,” I replied mockingly. Poe stepped closer, likely ready to shake Ben awake. Feeling threatened, I dug in my pocket for my blade that I kept on me at all times. Father had gifted it to me when I turned twelve.
Flicking it open, I waited for Poe’s next move. “He isn’t staying here, he’s coming with me,” Poe declared. “I don’t think so. He was the one who ratted you out after all,” I stepped closer, “he wants nothing more to do with you and who can blame him when all you’ve done is drag him down.” “Your lying.” “If that were true, then why is he the only one not being hunted?”
Behind him through the window, I could see some elders had followed him here. It was tempting to scream and make out like he’d hurt me just so that Father would make his death even more painful. Two elders had already made their way inside, restraining Poe whilst he struggled and tried to call for help. Ben didn’t even so much as stir at the sound. The elders took Poe out of the house, restraining him properly with rope. Looking back at Ben, I swept a loose strand of hair out of his face.
After I got rid of the tea, I closed the door behind me and headed towards the woods. Hopefully, I hadn’t completely missed out. Reaching the border of the woods, I found my father, Brendol, Armitage and few other men guarding this end. “Have they been found yet?” I asked. “Not yet, there’s elders waiting for them on the other side should they get that far and there’s others searching for them. How’s Ben?” Father asked. “Sleeping like a baby.”
Father smiled, “good girl. You fail none of the tasks God or I give you.” “May I help in the search?” I asked hesitantly. It was likely I was the only woman currently out of their home and to ask to partake in the hunt was definitely bold of me. This was a man’s job, after all. My father thought about it for a few moments before finally giving in with a nod. “Seeing as you’ve been so helpful lately, you may help, but Armitage is to go with you just in case,” Father explained.
Instead of arguing that I could defend myself if need be, I simply nodded and entered the dark wood with Armitage at my side. There were a few lights ahead from torches, but that was likely the elders and if Scott and Daisy were any kind of smart, they would take a path as far away from the torches as possible. Luckily, I knew these woods inside out and could navigate in the dark easily. Besides, the moonlight was all the light I needed.
“If they are clever, they would know not to stick to the path. But not so far away from it that they would get lost,” I spoke. “They must be miles ahead by now.” “Maybe. Maybe not. Have a little faith, Armi.” He rolled his eyes softly at my smirk, following me off the path. If they were hiding, they would be foolish to hide in a tree, that would make them a sitting duck. They would use the surrounding brush and bushes to hide, that way they could keep moving.
Armitage and I continued deeper into the woods, listening, and looking carefully. Eventually, we came to a clearing where the path split into three new ones. As I was deciding which way to go, I heard a twig snap to our right. Whipping my head in that direction, I spotted Daisy frozen like a deer in the headlights. Not waiting around for Armitage, I bolted towards her, Daisy turning and running from me. Quickly I gained on her, praying internally for some divine intervention to make her trip. Daisy stumbled and quickly lost her footing, tumbling into the dirt.
Before she could get up, I straddled her and pinned her down. Daisy screamed and struggled beneath me as Armitage caught up to us. Flicking open my blade, Daisy struggled more now, trying to punch me. Armitage pinned her wrists down above her head. Scott couldn’t have been with her, otherwise he would have tried to save her by now. Good thing I knew how to draw him out. I dragged the tip of the blade across Daisy’s collar, forcing a shrill scream from her. Birds left the safety of the trees at the sound. The torch lights in the distance turned in our direction. And I’m sure Scott had heard her.
I continued cutting across Daisy’s flesh, drawing more screams from her. The lights had grown closer now, and a rustling could be heard from the nearby bushes. The question was, who would reach us first? Scott or the flock? Looking down at Daisy and the blade in my now bloodied hands, I realized it would be so easy to take her life myself. Her life was in my hands now and one little slip across her throat and it would be all over. Killing must feel good to god as he did it all the time, and we were all created in his image, so there was nothing stopping me. Armitage wouldn’t say a word, he’d let me get away with it.
Before I could silence her, Scott burst through the trees and brush, stunned at the scene before him. He realized all too late that he had run into a trap as the elders reached us. Scott was surrounded and had no choice but to surrender. Both Daisy and Scott were restrained and led out of the woods, leaving Armitage and I alone. Armitage couldn’t take his eyes off me, but for once his expression was unreadable. I couldn’t be sure if he was horrified by me or further entranced.
He produced a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped my cheek clean of blood. The moment was sweet and tender, that all so familiar tension back between us. “You look angelic even with blood on your hands and bathed in moonlight,” he said softly. A soft blush spread across my cheeks at his words, as his hand cupped the cheek he had cleaned. For a moment, I wondered if he would kiss me and if I would let him.
I shouldn’t be encouraging this behaviour when we both knew nothing could come of it. But I didn’t want to stop. A snapping sound in the distance made us pull away from each other, the moment ruined. Likely just an animal or the wind cracking a branch. “We should head back,” I suggested. Armitage nodded, both of us heading back down the path as I continued to clean my hands with his handkerchief. Awkwardly, I glanced at the now bloodied material and back at him. “Keep it. You're better at getting blood out of whites than I am.”
Taglist: @sweetfictionalworld​
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