#daisy why kill the mood
everythingroyalty · 5 months
rain and abdication on nye
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thecoddaughter · 9 months
This started as just me thinking of one hc for BBH based on my 4Halo playlist then I got into a headcanon mood then this list became massive. So here’s a bunch of my headcanons:
Bad smells like daisies… like the saying pushing up daisies meanings to be dead, man’s is surrounded by death (inspired by the song big jet plane)
I’ve expressed that I think the eggs shift to look more like their parents, so I think Pomme’s hair looked like Bagz UNTIL Bad dyed his hair and then Pomme changed hers to match Bad’s (Dapper does it too but it’s the thing where it’s the under layer of hair so no one can really see it)
While Phil doesn’t understand or know why he trusts Tubbo so much or why he made him the godfather of the kids, Phil sees himself as Tubbo’s godfather from time to time. The person who is meant to care for Tubbo is obviously nowhere to be seen so he decided he needed to step up.
When people take breaks from the server without being kidnapped, the joke is often they went out for “milk” or “cigs” but I imagine they actually went out adventuring or trying to find a way off the island and got lost (or killed depending on if they ever come back)
I said this in my previous Fevela5 post, but the Fevela5 (+Roier [and I guess now Bagi?]) all live in the Fevela in houses right next to each other and it’s that co-parent situation where the kid stays in the one house and the parents switch who lives with the kid.
Pomme’s diaries aren’t fancy, leather diaries… they are very 90s-00s styled (hot pink, sparkles, cheap locks, some are fuzzy, and on and on). Dapper on the other hand uses composition notebooks like a proper middle school scientist.
Early days they often joked about not having service or cable, but some families had tvs and computers. What if there was just federation funded shows (cartoon propaganda and news)?
Pac 100% think he and Fit are already dating. He thinks they are… they have never talked about it. They went on a date and that means they are dating. That’s it for him. (This is based on something my roommate and I talked about this week)
All the avian members of the island have a massive treehouse they hangout in (it has an elevator for Phil). It’s rare that they are all their together but it’s a place in the jungle just for them.
Baghera has a room at Bad’s base because if she’s taking care of the kids and they want to be at that house, she can just sleep in her own room. He did not tell her he did this. It is completely personalized (aka a bunch of stuff from her own house that he liberated).
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leoniestarlee · 4 months
Illyrian Assassin (8)
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Pairing: Azriel x OC
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning: past trauma, slow burn
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
"You're joking, right?" I asked Cassian two days later in the sitting room at the House of Wind.
Daisy whined about something to Amren as the second in command taught both my sisters the history of our world. Azriel was off doing something for Rhysand, while Mor was at the Palace above the Court of Nightmares, waiting for our High Lord.
"Nope," Cassian said, popping the 'p' as he relaxed against the couch beside me. "He told Mor moments before he left."
I clicked my tongue, holding back a smile. "Only our brother would crash Tamlin's wedding."
"I would've loved to join him," he mused, a wicked grin on his lips. "Imagine the look on Tamlin's face at my appearance beside Rhys."
"Imagine if he saw me," I cut in, lifting my legs up and placing them on his lap. "He might've killed me for what I helped Rhys and his father do in the Spring Court all those years ago."
"I have a strong feeling that that's why Rhys didn't bring either of us. A war would've started."
My face dropped, even as Cassian massaged my feet. "Do you truly think that a War is coming, again?" I lowered my voice, making sure the children don't hear me.
Cassian's hands paused on my feet; his shoulders tensed. "Rhys believes so." Willa laughed, the sound usually comforting to me, only for it to now be an ache at the thought of it being taken from me. Cassian must have noticed my change in mood because he said, "If War comes, those girls will be protected, Rory. They'll be protected by all of us, and I'll personally put my life in front of theirs to protect them, even if it kills me."
"No," I said sternly, cutting a look at him. "If anyone is to die for those girls, it's me. I won't let anyone else risk their lives to protect them."
"It's not your choice if I risk my life to protect them," he countered gently, rubbing my feet again. "They might be your sisters by blood, but they're my sisters too. Everyone else would say the same, I know that for a fact."
I stayed silent, letting the words linger between us before I exhaled and dropped my head back against the arm of the couch. "Then we better make sure that this War doesn't happen."
Cassian grunted his agreement as Mor appeared in the doorway, both her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked her.
"Rhysand," she answered in a tight tone, her hands dropping from her hips as she strolled toward us. "I can't believe he actually took Feyre from her wedding."
"I can," Cassian and I said at the same time, followed by a laugh from Mor. "I would've been more surprised if he didn't take—save her from that wedding. I wonder how the beast is handling the absence of his bride-to-be," I mused, sitting up as she sat down.
"Well, his reaction is probably worse than Feyre's," she mumbled, allowing me to lay my head in her lap. "She threw a shoe at the back of his head."
Cassian howled in laughter, Amren hissing at him seconds later from the loud noise that disturbed the girls learning. My own body shook from quiet laughter as I pictured the once mortal girl throwing a shoe at my brother's head.
"I'll never let him live that down," I chuckled.
"That's exactly why I'm back here," Mor said. "I gave him shit about it and he sent me right back here."
That only made Cassian howl in laughter once again.
"Uncle Cass!" Daisy scolded him from the dining room table.
Amren gave Cassian a smug look while he quickly closed his mouth, but then it was Mor and I howling in laughter at Cassian and Daisy. Only the General would listen to either Willa or Daisy.
"Now I've got you by the balls!"
"Daisy!" Mor and I yelped, my body sitting up like lightening as I widened my eyes at my younger sister who cheekily giggled.
"Rhysand is in shit," Mor grumbled, rubbing her temple. "This is why we were so careful with our words around her."
"It was bound to happen soon," Amren commented, giving Daisy a high-five that I shook my head at.
Powerful beats of wind rocked the veranda glass doors seconds before Azriel landed, his Illyrian armor gleaming against the sun as he tucked his wings closed behind his back. I hadn't had spoken to him since the other day, mainly because he'd been busier than usual with Rhysand, but I was just glad that my sketchbook was back on my bed by the time I went to sleep that night.
The girls looked away from Amren, focusing their attention on the spymaster as he gave them that friendly smile reserved for only them. I sat up, filling the space between Cassian and Mor as heat prickled my skin at just the sight of Azriel. Is it embarrassment I felt? Most likely. He hasn't asked anymore questions about the drawings, and I hope it stays that way.
"Where have you been?" Mor asked Az as he pulled off his leather gloves, revealing the beautiful scars covering his hands.
"Doing work for Rhys, like usual," he answered in a tired tone, sitting down in the armchair across from us. His wings flexed out once before tucking back in and sagging behind him.
"You look tired," Cassian mused, eyeing him closely as Az nodded his head, eyes closing. "Well, I guess it's a bad time to suggest we go to Rita's tonight."
I smiled, facing Mor who was already grinning like a giddy child. It's been too long since any of us have all gone to Rita's for a few drinks and dancing. But then I remembered why we haven't and the smile dropped off my face.
"I can't join you tonight," I said, glancing over my shoulder to the girls still learning with Amren. "Big sister duty, remember?" I faced back to Cass.
"What about their nanny?" Mor questioned, standing up from the couch and raising a brow at me. "I'm sure Evelyn won't mind."
I shook my head. "I can't ask her at the last minute. It would be rude."
"Fine," she stated, strutting away from us. "I'll just go ask her myself and offer a very high sum of money. Extra even."
"Mor," I murmured, sending her a pointed look as Cassian snorted and Azriel opened his eyes, watching only me. "The girls are my responsibility."
She halted, whirling around to face me. "And it's my responsibility, as your best friend, to make sure that you get a break from watching them for at least one night." She raised a brow, challenging me to change her stubborn mind.
"You know she's not going to take no for an answer," Azriel chuckled, looking between the both of us as Cassian threw an arm around my shoulder.
"He's right," she chimed, turning around again and walking away from us. "Start getting ready!"
I failed to hide my smile as I looked at Cassian and then Azriel. "I hope you males remember how to dance."
Mor held my hand as she twirled me between her and Cassian, a melody flowing around us with other High Fae and lesser dancing. Azriel, for whatever reason, decided to stay in our little booth. Not much of a surprise though. Whenever we'd come here, he would always be on alert and watching our surroundings. Must be a spymaster thing.
"Should we make a bet?" Cassian asked, raising his voice over the melody as I slightly bounced on my feet.
Mor dropped my hand, raising a brow at him as she took a sip from her wine. "A bet on what? We're dancing and drinking."
"A bet on if Azriel will take someone to bed," he answered her, my eyes widening as I nearly dropped my wine glass. I wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth. And part of me bloody hated those words.
Azriel had always had lovers through the centuries. It was no secret. There were even a few times where I'd catch him sneaking back into the House of Wind or walking a female out of his room. I would tease him about it at breakfast the next morning, even if I didn't like it, but that was just how it went. He would have female company some nights, and I would pretend to be fine with it. I never quiet understood why it affected me so much, and instead of spending useless hours thinking about it, I would just throw myself into a bed with a male to distract me.
"You're dreaming," Mor laughed, slapping her hand against his shoulder. "Az hasn't had any female company in months. I'm pretty sure he's been too busy to even think about it."
I stayed silent, watching the two of them as I sipped my wine, needing as much as I can for this.
"That's exactly why we should set him up with someone tonight," Cassian countered, and I coughed into my wine, the liquid splashing against my face.
"What?" I exclaimed, wiping the wine off my face with the back of my hand as they both tried not to laugh at me. "Az is picky with his females," I quickly recovered myself. "He won't just take anyone home." Or at least I hope not. I don't feel like watching him carry a female in his arms back to the House of Wind...Where I now live.
Oh Cauldron, I didn't think this living situation through.
"Oh, come on," Cassian drawled. "We've all noticed how tense he's been lately. He needs this."
I turned toward Mor, hoping she would be against the idea like me, but the grin on her face made my hope drop. "You think it's a good idea too, don't you?" I asked her.
"Cass does have a point. Az has been tensed and quiet lately," she pointed out. "Why don't we make a small game out of this?"
"I think it's a bad idea to make a game out of his lovers," I argued.
But, of course, she ignored me. "The first one to set our dear Az up with a female, gets fifty gold marks from the losers." Her smile could've lit up the whole room as she looked between the two of us.
Cassian agreed to the bet and before I could decline, Mor grabbed my hand and started to drag me toward the booth where I could spot Azriel sipping his beer with Truth-Teller resting on the table like it's not a weapon.
I gulped down the rest of my wine, wanting my soul to be floating out of my body for what's about to happen. Mor let go of my hand as we arrived beside the booth and she slipped in, Cassian standing beside her side of the booth as I stood beside Azriel.
"You look bored, Az," Mor sweetly said, bringing Azriel's attention to her as she smiled at him. "Why don't you join us?"
"Dancing?" He raised a brow, sending her a pointed look. "When was the last time you saw me dance, Mor?"
"I can't even remember," Cassian answered for her, taking the seat beside her.
Azriel focused on them for a long moment, probably knowing that they're up to something. Whenever Mor and Cassian acted like this together, we all knew something was at play. The last time they agreed on an idea together, I returned to my apartment to find Willa's tanned skin had somehow been dyed green. It took me weeks to get rid of it.
Azriel's focus cut to me, his eyes travelling down the red dress Mor allowed me to borrow for tonight. Then slowly, as if savouring every inch me, he looked back up to my eyes and moved over on the seat.
"Do you want to sit down?" he offered me, small butterflies erupting in my stomach. Yep, I'd had enough to drink.
"Nope," Cassian interrupted as I sent him a small glare, still deciding to take the seat beside Azriel anyway. "There's no point in sitting down when we're all going to the dance floor anyway."
"I agree with Cass," Mor mused with a quiet clap. "While we're dancing, let's find Az some female company to join us."
This time I had to physically morph my face into a fake smile so I wouldn't out right frown at their idea. Why should I care though? I mean, I hate the idea they're presenting, but I'm only Azriel's friend. I should be encouraging them.
"I don't feel like dancing," Azriel said with a bored tone. "Nor do I feel like having a random female keep me company."
Cassian exhaled in defeat. "But why?" he asked before taking a swig of his beer. "There's so many females in here that would pounce on you the second you give them your attention."
Oh, Mother above. Please, do not let me witness that tonight.
Azriel turned to me, and my heart sped up just from the soft look on his beautiful face. "Will you be joining us to dance?"
"Me?" I blurted but quickly recovered, holding up my empty wine glass with a lazy smile. "Oh, no. I need a refill and a break before my feet fall off." I tried to laugh, but it came out more like a wheeze and I silently scolded myself.
He gave me a small nod, then turned his attention back to Mor and Cassian who both waited, wicked grins on their faces. "It seems there's no one I want to dance with."
"Stubborn bastard," Cassian muttered, shaking his head at the fact he knew there was no way Az would give in to their peer pressure and join them.
Me on the other hand? I felt my heart ache and my stomach drop with an uneasy feeling. He'd said there's no one he wants to dance with. Which means, he doesn't want to dance with Cassian, or Mor, or...me.
I think I might just need a whole fucking bottle of wine at this point. His words shouldn't affect me at all, yet my whole mood is was ruined.
And why was that damn tugging feeling back in my chest?
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Can we get some hcs of how deke and inhuman!reader’s (yes daisys bro) relationship would go? From start to telling may and daisy and the subsequent threats? To fitzsommons reactions? And of course just how deke is in a romance?
Although we all know he’s attracted to partners wjo can kill him
Deke Shaw x GN!reader
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● Deke is the walking personification of the "well mark me down as scared and horny" meme
● he saw you use your powers to take out a dozen bad guys at once and was like take me to bed immediately
● at first you and Deke were just hooking up so why did anyone else need to know?
● but then Mack noticed you and Deke seemed to have gotten… close and confronted you about it
● "it's purely physical Mack nothing more"
● "Is it that way because Deke is from the future and you're afraid you might have to say goodbye to him one day?"
● "damn Mack when did you get so deep? And how did you even figure out we were together?"
● "Please Y/N have you seen the way Deke gets major heart eyes whenever you're in the room?"
● maybe there was some truth to what Mack said so you talked to Deke about it and finally admitted you wanted more from this friends with benefits thing you had going on and he felt the same way
● you decided it was best to keep your relationship a secret while you figured everything out
● but then you got hurt on a mission and in a panic state Deke called you 'baby' in front of your sister Daisy and May who raised you
● they didn't say anything in the moment because you were literally bleeding out but once you were stable again the interrogation began
● Daisy "so Y/N would you like to explain why Deke called you baby back there?"
● "uh… no"
● May "Y/N you're not leaving this bed anytime soon so you might as well tell us the truth"
● "Okay so maybe Deke and I are dating"
● Daisy was excited about your relationship, May on the other hand was apprehensive
● of course she wants you to be happy but getting involved with your best friends grandson from the future was bound to come with lots of roadblocks
● which is how Jemma and Leo found out about you and Deke
● May went to them and was like this is something we need to talk about immediately
● Jemma and Leo don't really see the problem and were confused as to why May would be against it
● "because eventually Deke will have to go back to his own time period, he can't stay in the past and Y/N can't go to the future without potentially messing up the timeline they are only going to get thier hearts broken"
● "Okay now we see the problem"
● it takes almost a month for their concerns to be brought up because every time they try to they see you two being sweet and couply and they back out
● Daisy "you know one of you are going to have to talk to them eventually"
● Jemma "but Deke was making Y/N pancakes with a smiley face out of whip cream it was so cute I didn't want to bring down the mood!"
● May is the one who finally confronts you and Deke
● "I want you to be happy Y/N but you and Deke are from two different times and-"
● "mom it's okay, we talked about that months ago"
● Jemma "you did?"
● Deke "yeah, we know there's a chance we can't be together forever but isnt it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all or whatever the saying is?"
● "and if along the way we figure out how to stay in the same time period without damaging the timeline then even better"
● Daisy "wow you guys are being really mature about this whole thing"
● Deke "I know right but also watching Y/N use his powers was always so hot there's no way I could have resisted this ass forever," he says giving your butt a smack
● Leo "well this nice moment is officially ruined"
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s-creations · 8 months
maybe 💞 luigi and daisy? or prince peasley ill leave it up to you!! :D i hope youll have a good day, take care of yourself and remember to drink water!! :D 🫶
((Sorry for no Daisy. I shall offer to small stories instead. Also, I have pop! XD Hope that's a good substitute. ))
💞 Post-nightmare cuddles (Link to Post)
(Peasley's Nightmare.)
His skin crawled. 
He felt wrong.
Wrong body.
Wrong form.
This wasn’t him. 
What had happened? 
Everything hurts. 
Everything felt like it was on fire.
He was angry. 
It wasn’t his anger. 
He wasn’t sure where the painful burning was coming from.
He just need it OUT!
A movement caught his attention. 
He latched out. 
A bundle of green crumpled to his feet and-
Peasley let out a sharp gasp as he sat up. Eyes wide as his heart hammered in his chest. The dark room slowly comes into focus from the light gently pouring in from the open window. A gentle breeze washing over him, making Peasley realize how uncomfortably warm he was. Burning on the inside by freezing due to the dew resting on his skin.
Clarity came further feeling a hand on his shoulder before an arm was gently warped around him. Peasley looked over to find Luigi. Who was looking at the distraught prince in worry, even with how half awake the human looked. 
Oh, that’s right. Peasley forgot that Luigi had stayed in his room that night. 
He’d not expect this to happen. 
“I…I’m sorry,” Peasley whispered softly, “I didn’t mean to wake you…”
“Are you okay?” Luigi replied worriedly, inching closer. 
“...Kind of.”
“Do…you want to talk about it?”
Peasley let out a slow sigh and leaned against Luigi. Shoulder slumping as he attempted to get comfortable. “I just… Do you…remember when I was turned into that dragon-like creature?”
“When we first met? Yeah, it was definitely one memorable introduction.” Luigi attempted to lighten the mood. But all it got was a small smile out of the prince.
“I…keep having nightmares about that time. I was placed into a monstrous form that had no control over my emotions. I was so..angry, upset, filled with rage. I…” Peasley let out another sigh as he scrubbed his face. “I’m trapped like that once more, but there’s no relief. Instead I…I think…”
“You don’t have to keep going if it makes you unhappy.” Luigi said quickly. 
Peasley shook his head, “I-It’s fine, I need to get this out of me. It’s all a confusing blurr, but I…I think I kill you? I-I don’t know, I just know that there’s just a bundle of something unmoving and it’s green and I think it’s your shirt and-”
He didn’t argue back as Luigi pulled him closer, letting out shaky breaths as he’s cradled. Luigi gently whispering, “You’re okay, you’re okay, it’s just a dream…”
“I just…w-what if it actually ha-happened?” 
“But it didn’t. You were saved and led the way to defeating Cackletta.” Luigi placed a kiss on Peasley’s temple, rubbing his arms gently. “I’m okay, you’re okay.”
The prince let out a slow sigh and nodded, “Yeah…we’re okay…”
(Luigi's Nightmare.)
He was so cold. 
He couldn’t move.
He didn’t feel anything but he knew he was…scared…
What was happening? 
Where was he? 
Heck, he’d even take seeing Bowser at this point.
Why couldn’t he move? 
Why did it feel like his head was splitting in two? Make it stop! Please make it stop!
His whole body felt as if he was being torn apart! 
Why couldn’t he scream!?
He knew his mouth was open in pain but he couldn’t hear anything!
Why was this happening!?
“Fret not, Mr. L, you’re serving your purpose well…”
Luigi couldn’t tell if he screamed from waking from his dream or from falling out of his bed. He was scrambling up onto his fours in the next second. Wide eyes filled with fear darting around the room that he slowly realized that he was in his bedroom. The one in the home he and Mario shared on the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom. 
The quiet voice pulled the human to the other person standing in his room. Peasley was dressed in an old t-shirt of Luigi’s and a pair of boxers. Something that would have set Luigi’s heart a flutter under normal circumstances. Now however, with how fearful Peasley looked and how he still felt about that dream, Luigi was more nervous that he was caught so low. 
“P..Peasley?” Luigi quietly choked out. He couldn’t help but flinch back when the prince slowly knelt before him. 
Peasley paused at the action, offering a small smile as he shifted to sit instead. Sitting cross legged and holding out his arms. A silent invitation for Luigi. Who took it immediately, crawling over and practically collapsing against Peasley. Saying nothing more as he allowed tears to silently fall down his face. 
On his part, Peasley didn’t ask for information. He knew not to pry, he knew Luigi would talk to him eventually. At the moment, however, he just needed to show that he was here to support, to comfort, and know rest would come later.
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bunny-j3st3r · 2 months
Wanted to write some Haycinth headcanons because he's been evolving lately.
Haycinth uses He/Him or They/them but mostly answers to He/him
He's a BIG dude, he stands at about 6"4 and is fat, built like a bodybuilder.
He learned to cook his own food being a big guy he needs to eat certain kinds of food and a lot to keep his bulk. He never really knew how to cook before meeting Rose but learned over time.
He was found by Rose in an underground fighting arena where he had been muzzled and made to fight, when not fighting he was locked in a cage practically and fed basic meals.
He's taken a lot of beatings over the years so does not remember much of his past, he isn't sure he even has a family.
He has a thing for sheep folk but thinks its just a hunger thing not realizing he literally just has a weird fetish.
He neither hates nor likes Rose but is loyal to her
He likes Daisy and the two have something going on but dosn't talk about it, it's nothing romantic but he does like her attention and seems to get in a good mood when she's mentioned.
He normally gets a few days off per month and likes visiting street food markets and trying different foods that he never really got to taste when locked up, he's also hoping the smells or tastes will trigger something in his memory.
He comes off as a scary big dude but he has a weakness for small baby animals, he will never tell ANYONE in the gang about it though because he'd never live it down.
He dislikes the idea of killing, he isn't sure why considering he's practically a cannibal and if given the chance will eat someone without hesitation.
He has said if he were ever to kill his first kill is going to be Rose, Rose is very much aware of this but is also aware he NEEDS her because he's just lost without her.
He often vaugely teases the other gang members by threatning to eat or maim them, the only ones that seem unaffected by these are Daisy, Rose, Zinnia and Gladiolus.
He's technically 'banned' from the bar because he dislikes to drink but was caught mixing coffee with energy drink after not sleeping for three days as well as stealing coffee that wasn't his.
He still goes to the bar though because he knows Zinnia won't touch him when he's 'working' and just like :) at them the entire time, smug ass.
His relationship with Gladiolus is odd at best, he dosn't consider him a friend but likes annoying him, plus with him being a Ram he keeps finding himself drawn to him.
He wears a shock collar for the safety of himself and others around him, it can only be removed by Rose and the only time it's ever removed is if Rose wants him to do a job.
The voltage in the collar isn't a small shock either, it's been messed around with by Crocus who basically made it into a weapon specfically aginst Haycinth, it's enough of a voltage shock to knock out a Rhino.
Haycinth is just an alt version of my own sona so has kept some of my sonas traits which includes immortality and shape shifting, he rarely uses the shifting form though because he thought he could at first to get the collar off but it seems to just fit around whatever size he goes.
He can't shift into anything smaller than a rat, anything smaller could do damage to his body.
He says he's Aroace but it's mostly to stop people asking about his private life, he's to dedicated to Rose to really pay much attention to having relationships.
He does get blood lust though, when his adrenline is heightened and he smells blood he's like a shark in water and will rip and tear at the source until he tastes it in his mouth.
Haycinth is used for myself to explore darker topics I don't really do often with my own sona.
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rudikawhy · 8 months
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Three
Just like I did with season two, I took some notes while watching season three.
There are spoilers, but since I've marked when a new episode starts, you could just skip those you haven't seen yet. If there are any.
(S03 E01) I feel you, Coulson. It's hard for me too to get used to calling her Daisy
"He looks big and intimidating. But inside, he's just a soft, little, fluffy little teddy bear."
It must be so tough, knowing you can't go back to your own life
I was waiting for them to mention that Simmons has been swallowed (15 minutes)
Glad that Bobbi's back at work tho.
What's your mission, Fitz!?
"One last thing" what does that mean!?
I loooove sassy Fitz. "Hey, wait. Ah. I want to see Yusef. You understand? Or is your English worse than you think?"
Why doesn't Hunter talk to Bobbi now?
How dare you touch Fitz!
Is it just me or does Iain sound here more scottish than in season two?
I would like to have Fitz as my hero
This "monster" that appears at the hospital looks pretty creepy
And now, Fitz can also read Hebrew. What can't he do?
I love that both Jemma and Elizabeth are from Sheffield
No, don't accept it yet! This is Marvel, of course Jemma isn't dead
Fitz continues to break my heart (DO SOMETHING!!)
What the hell is happening there? Wherever Jemma is
(S03 E02) "In all of history, no one has ever returned" well maybe it's time someone does. Jemma, would you be so kind?
Okay, that was close, pulling Fitz away from that thing
I really love soft Bobbi
"So you think the Rock is a portal?" "No. No, I'm proving that it's a portal." I like confident Fitz (I also like self-conscious Fitz. I like Fitz in general)
"... and a Sandwich would be nice" Mood
Fitz would do any- and everything for Jemma, wouldn't he?
I'm confused by Bobbi and Hunter's relationship
"Don't die out there" I love that they keep saying that
If Hunter is looking for Ward at Hydra and Ward built his own team, than Hunter won't find anything, will he?
Coulson doesn’t open the portal just for ONE life. It's Jemma's life
"A lot of speculation back at HQ as to why you went AWOL. Spiritual walkabout. Mid-life crisis. EARLY mid-life crisis" Saved last second, Hunter
What the HELL do you think you're doing, Fitz!!!?
Why does it hurt so much more when they are inaudible?
Also my heart started beating so loudly
Fitz smiles! For the first time in what? One season?
I absolutely LOVE Hunter's reaction "Fitz, you absolute beauty!"
First Hunter sleeping by Bobbi's bed, and now Fitz by Jemma's bed - I love them
(S03 E03)
Jemma doesn't look too good
I, too, would be creeped out if someone put a tracker on me
I like Hunter
Fitz taking Jemma's hand is just the beginning of cuteness I expect from them
"Besides, she knows I'm lying, so it's not even really a lie." What kind of logic is that?
Did I mention that I love Bobbi? The way she speaks to Fitz
Would you mind leaving Hunter alone? I mean I know he kinda signed up for this but still
How is it that even when Fitzsimmons get to go to the restaurant where Fitz was holding the reservation for MONTHS, they manage to hurt my heart?
Does Hunter really want to meet Ward in this condition?
Why would you have to go back there, Jemma?
(S03 E04) The guy in the first scene who died kinda looked like Lee from the Kissing Booth
I can't make really sense of Coulson, what's his plan with this "cooperation"
Hunter calling May first "love" and then "mum" is just brilliant
"It's tough when people keep things from you" is Fitz referring to the beginning of Season two or to the present when he doesn't know what Jemma plans with the folder?
"Sorry, this coming from the guy who shot his own girlfriend by mistake?" Sassy Hunter is cool Hunter
Sooo, I have a feeling May's gonna kill Hunter after what happened to Andrew.
"It's time I told you the truth about everything" is "Something happened to me, Fitz, on the other side" already the truth about everything or does she simply not tell US the truth?
(S03 E05) Why is Jemma running, though? She has no destination
Note for myself: always charge your phone. Just in case you get swallowed by a monolith and you need to update your file of research and take pictures
It looks so cold there
Her talking about the restaurant to herself is too cute
I don't want to know how clean that water is
Where did she get the bathing suit from?
Okay, I see now, it's not a bathing suit
"You're dinner, biatch" Fitz and her ARE really the same
"Everyone always said we could read each other's minds, Fitz. So I really need you to read mine right now."
You're telling me she only had one picture of Fitz on her phone?
"I know you won't give up, so I won't, either"
Whatever this magic phone battery is, I need it! One month and it still works (or maybe I just need a Fitz in my life, not only for the phone battery)
"You wouldn't happen to have any alcohol, would you, Will?" - "Yeah, I'll run down to the drugstore and get it for you." - "Would you, please? If it's not too much trouble." I don't know if Jemma doesn't understand his sarcasm or just replies with own sarcasm
Is this just going to be a whole episode of Jemma on that planet?
"His name is like your favorite word" you're not wrong
Oh, that's the scene from the end of S03 E01
And Will's the reason Jemma needs to get back. That makes so much sense
You said you wouldn't give up hope
I know it's not really cheating but still, JEMMA!?
What was I saying? Fitz would do really anything for Jemma, even get Will back
(S03 E06) Why take Hunter (who does it for revenge) off a task and put May (who does it also for revenge) on it?
I never would have thought that May couldn't think clear
"You're not gonna say the thing?" That's exactly what I thought that moment. 'We don't get a "Don't die out there" this time?'
But Hunter, it's more than just keeping Simmons warm with a fire. She honestly couldn't have survived without him.
What language does Bobbi Not speak?
I'm always impressed how good they all can improvise
May smiling is just wrong
"Now we use the new dwarf Fitz crafted. He doesn't think it's ready yet, but that's stupid because it's awesome, so I stole it" isn't that with most things Fitz crafts? That he thinks it's not finished but other think it's awesome
Finally some soft Fitzsimmons scenes
I haven't said it yet, so I'll say it now: I don't like Rosalind
Even when she (apparently) has good intentions, I don't like her
Badass Bobbi
I don't know, for some reason I saw that coming. That Andrew is Lash
(S03 E07) Now knowing that Andrew is Lash, it makes it so much worse when they talk about inhumans in his present
Why do agents tend to keep information they got to themselves?
I like Hunter/Bobbi scenes
Can we please also see Fitz listening to the other audios?
Thank you, wish fulfilled
"Do you remember when we first met? I do. You were so quiet and pasty, and... so incredibly smart, handsome... quite a strange feeling... isn't it? Never wanting to be without someone. You must have been so annoyed, me following you around all the time." - "No. Never." - "I imagine our dinner sometimes... where we'd go, what we'd eat. I wonder about us a lot, actually. There's this small cottage in Perthshire we drove by once when I was a girl, some... some... family holiday, and I don't know why but I... I found it so lovely. I still think about it... a place where you and I could have... But that's that, I suppose. I'm not sure how long this battery will last. I should save it, just in case, for more important things. But I'll still talk to you on my own, if that's all right. I'll always be with you, Fitz." I'm sorry, I just HAD to write this down.
It must have been so hard for May to shoot Andrew and put into that box
Soft Fitzsimmons incoming!!
"Didn't know you thought about setting down in Perthshire. That's in Scotland." - "I know where it is, Fitz." :D
Also: "So when you said all those things about... I mean, you were tired and dehydrated." - "I was as clearheaded then as I've ever been... when I said all those things.... What do you think we should do about it?" - "For now... let's just watch the sunrise."
"You should think on a grander scale." - "Oh, I'll be grand." Yes, cause he is already Grant (Ward)
(S03 E08) That escalated quickly
I like Lincoln's voice
Fuck Ward
Why can Lincoln just work with them from one moment to the other?
Hunter's "Damn the Yanks" Shirt 😅
Coulson and Price together is just urghh
That wasn't a nice thing to do, Ward
"Stop. Just stop trying to do all the right things. It's too much." But that's what we love about Fitz
Why is it so funny; Hunter typing on the computer with Daisy on comms
And of course Hunter can't be really serious (Username: God Save The Queen), and Daisy feels the need to clarify that that wasn't her idea
I love jealous Fitz
"And you dove through a hole in the universe for me!" Thank you for pointing that out
I didn't even realize at first that this was really the FIRST Fitzsimmons kiss, it felt so natural
I may or may not have squeaked
I never realized how long Iain's eyelashes are
No, Fitz, you're not cursed
Watch out, Bobbi, I still need you
"Our friend Mr Banks has just showed up, and I do not have a handkerchief to cover my face... and that would be weird, anyhow." Indeed that would be weird
I don't know if I like Lincoln
I love Bobbi/Hunter dynamic
Of course everything is connected
(S03 E09)
Why is this dinner so awkward?
I mean I didn't like Rosalind, but she didn't deserve that
Aaaaand of course it was Ward
This episode started off with so much, and so fast, I can't even put my thoughts into words and write them down
Kinda cool, the interrogation
Crazy how Coulson, who is normally one of those who can think clearest, is now acting fully emotionally.
First May, then Coulson, everyone is attacking Hunter
Okay, what is going on here? Always putting Fitzsimmons in danger, aren't we, writers of AoS?
You can't just simply separate Fitzsimmons!
Don't you touch Jemma
Ward, you bloody psychopath
I kinda like Thomas
How many phones does someone with anger issues buy each year if every time something inconvenient is said on the phone they throw it away?
Cable ties are really the worst to be bind to something
Oh Fitz, when I said you'd really do anything for Jemma, this isn't what I meant
I beg you pardon, Ward? S.H.I.E.L.D. killed Kara? I think you got there something really wrong. That was you, you shot her
"Fitz, please just let them kill me." Jemma, you know that that's never gonna happen. He would do anything in his power to keep you alive
"I lost you once. I can't lose you again. I'm just... I'm not strong enough to live in a world that doesn't have you in it"
She wants to hug him but she can't 😭😭
Okay, Coulson, that was crazy
They really could have given Fitz some better clothes
(S03 E10) That way, Fitz won't be able to figure out anything
"This is how S.H.I.E.L.D. works. You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, you make a new plan." Well said
Oh god, oh god, what can I say? I'm literally shaking because of this Fitz/Will thing
I wasn't really able to pause the episode to write something down, so I don't really have any notes from this episode.
But, some things:
I feel bad for Jemma because she looked so guilty when May said that Lash killed all the inhumans, and she was the one who let Andrew free, just to save herself. I don't know, I just feel bad for her
Also, I feel bad for Fitz because he just wanted to bring Will back for Jemma and then Will turns out to be "it"
Also, the few seconds between Fitz shouting to Coulson that they have to hurry and them actually hurrying, when Coulson left his hand by Ward's side, that felt so much longer than it actually was.
Jemma standing by the container at the end, thinking that Fitz didn't make it, just hurt really
Also what was that last glance between Coulson and Fitz suppose to mean? That confused me
And because I feel like I haven't said it in a while: I really love Bobbi and Hunter
(S03 E11) What president is that supposed to be?
I love that Jemma still asks Fitz for his opinion, even when (it seems like) she doesn't really need it
This person with those super powers (who puts Mack in the car) is scary
What did Fitz do to Will, though? I thought Will really died saving Jemma and that, whatever it was, was just disguised as Will
Who could this person be who might know something about Malick?
Ah, van Strucker
This new "Ward" is really weird and scary
Bobbi's "Hey you" (rescuing Mack) made me unreasonable happy
When Coulson said "What about him?" to Lincoln, I thought he wanted to put him into this machine
Why is there almost no episode where no one is captured, hurt, knocked out, or anything like that? And why is it once again Bobbi and Hunter?
"Why are you really here?" is a pretty stupid question you can ask a person who you've kidnapped
Okay, now Elena's no longer scary, more cool
Also please keep Bobbi and Hunter save
"I miss you"
"You've been nothing less than extraordinary this whole time." Jemma's here to speak the truth
"Can we start over, back to where we began?" - "Sixteen and achingly shy" - "Two people, endlessly inquisitive, about to embark on a relationship that will change their lives, but they don't know where it will go. I'm Jemma Simmons, biochemist." - "Leopold Fitz, engineering." What are you planning with this?
Sometimes I feel like they just let Ward live (or something similar), so that Brett Dalton can continue to be a part of the series
(S03 E12)
"What are you?" - "What are we?" That was creepy
"No one would ever intentionally cut their hair like that" That's what I've been thinking about Talbot's hair cut for quite some time
Sometimes I wonder if Lincoln really doesn't follow orders because he doesn't want to or because he can't stop using his powers on command
I'm impressed by Brett Dalton's acting
How could anyone not want to be Hunter's friend? I mean, yes, sometimes he can be out of control and maybe he isn't ALWAYS the greatest friend, but deep down, I believe, he is a great friend and always there for you
Oh, I was wondering, why his right arm is in that sling, but that's actually a smart trick
Jemma calls him Dr. Fitz :)
Why does Hunter keep on doing his own thing?
And why is he always right? ("Oh, guns. Why does no one ever listen to me?")
And why do agents continue to read something or look for something with their backs to the room when they're in a room they're not supposed to be?
Oh, COME ON, Hunter
Well, that's kinda your own fault now, Hunter
Excuse me, Talbot!?
Each episode, my trust issues just get bigger. Like, who CAN I even trust anymore?
Also, why does Coulson always, literally always, look like he's smiling, even when he's not?
"I hate to be a buzzkill, but this is a gun free zone, so I'm gonna have to take that off you." I love you, Hunter
"I love you" same, Bobbi, same
How do the villains always manage to turn things to their advantage?
"Were we the only ones that got the "no weapons" memo?" Probably
"I'm bored of this." Only a selected few could say something like that in the middle of a shooting, and Bobbi is one of them
Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again, Bobbi
"Oh, damn" was my (and probably Hunter's) though, when he saw the red point on his hand
Talbot's "Where is my son?" reminded me very much of Hamilton's in Stay Alive (Reprise)
Grant Ward (or whoever you might be now), that's disgusting!
Hunter, Bobbi, don't die out there
(S03 E13)
Not me who simply said "Bobbi!" when I saw her sitting there
"I'd like a cheeseburger, medium, with cheddar cheese, ketchup, mayo, lettuce, and tomato. And some curly fries. Crispy." Queen Bobbi is here again
"There's no one else to help you here" what happened to Hunter?
That was nice, that Hunter and Bobbi, for once, had a conversation on their own
But of course it had to be interrupted
For a second there I forgot that Bobbi speaks a lot of languages, including Russian
"How's everyone's Russian?" - "My pronunciation's not fluent." - "And mine's nonexistent." - "I dated a Russian hacker once, but I only learned the dirty words." Why is this all so in character?
"Amadeus Ravenclaw Hunter" only Hunter could give that answer (OH WAIT, that is really his real name!? I thought it was just Hunter not taking anything seriously) (Or isn't it? I'm not following. Can anyone give me answers whether or not that's his real full name?)
Would any of them mind just leaving Bobbi and Hunter alone?
I love it so much when Hunter calls her "Bob"
"Wait, wait, hold on. The letter that looks like New Hampshire with legs, that's "D," right?"
A person who has a shadow even though they're not visible, that's creepy
"I have an idea, but it involves May hitting people" May's smirk
I'm sorry but it looked kind of pathetic, the way they were trying to beat the shadow
"As I was saying, don't panic, sir, but your life is in danger"
Fuck. The panic and fear in Bobbi's voice as she says "Hunter, are you OK? - Hunter, please answer me"
The forehead touch🥲🥹🥺
"It's a spy's goodbye" and I started crying, really hard, and didn't stop until the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo appeared
This can't be it. I can't accept it. Why would they let Bob and Hunter go? Why would they do that to me? To all of us?
I see it coming. I'm gonna rewatch season two and three just because of these two
At least they get to go together
I'm gonna miss them so much
The spy's goodbye was really beautiful, though
(S03 E14)
Why would you think that's awesome, brother-of-Mack?
I can't quite keep up
"No, I'm quite comfortable blaming myself, actually, for the lot of it. For all the miseries endured to rescue helpless little Agent Simmons. Will died trying to save me. And Fitz... Poor Fitz nearly got himself killed a number of times, and that's not even the worst of it." - "Andrew. What happened to those Inhumans... not your fault." - "No, I just let a known murderer loose to save my own skin. Traded all those... those lives for mine. Well, it won't happen again. And since I'm practically the only woman here, who can't kill with her bare hands..."
"OK, Fitz, you're with me." - "Uh... Am I?" That's so me
Sometimes I think Coulson is too hard on people, in this case Lincoln
Daisy, you're not supposed to get in a stranger's car
Fitz looks so shaky and kind of afraid when holding the gun against that guy in the car
Daisy can be charmingly dangerous
I'm not overly fond of Mack's brother. I mean I understand why he's angry for Mack constantly putting him off, but still
I hate it when people are somewhere they're not supposed to be
As I was saying, I'm not overly fond of Mack's brother
Oh please, not Fitz again
"Sooner or later, this bomb is gonna go off. And then... I'll implode. Which is gonna be messy." Fitz talks too casually about him imploding
Joss, Jed, Maurissa, would any of you mind not hurting or trying to kill Fitz anymore?
A shotgun axe!!
"Mini Mack"
I was totally expecting Ward to be in that car at the end
(S03 E15) Fitz didn't look too good in Daisy's vision
Why do people (/villains) always want to take over the world? Like, what would you get out of it?
Okay, it wasn't Fitz but Lincoln, still not looking too good
"And Fitz-Simmons will stay out of the damn snow." I mean I know it was part of the vision but why exactly is it so important to stay out of the damn snow?
"Ward" or whoever that is now is even crazier than the original Ward
That's actually a smart idea, them rehearing the fight
But it's also very funny
Ward's wayyy too crazy
Hurry up, hurry up, Daisy
I KNEW that their plan wouldn't work. When Coulson said that May would go in, no one else. That he'd stay away from guns until this is over. And that everyone else stays at HQ. And I can only assume that it's going to start snowing any second
"It's not snow." - "I think we're supposed to hold hands now.... Maybe some things are inevitable." They're too cute
Oh, right, I forgot that that plane explosion was already foreshadowed
I'm sorry for Charles
(S03 E16) I kinda feel sorry for Nathaniel
That transition of It wasn't necessary
Wait, so Nathaniel is It?
That sacrifice was disgusting
(S03 E17)
I was starting wondering what happened to Yo-Yo
And if I'm being honest I forgot about Joey
Daisy surely can jump out of a plane with style
"This seal gonna hold?" - "Hope so. It's chlorine gas. If not, we'll all go blind." And once again, Fitz talks too casually about them getting harmed
"Who needs space? 'Cause I've got something magnificent right here... A picture of space."
Finally, a wholesome Fitzsimmons scene
Also a beautiful, genuine laugh from Jemma
Oh fuck, I did not expect Daisy to be Hive's sway
Don't they have some kind of emergency alarm button in the quarantine room, so Lincoln could warn the others?
I'm confused. How can Daisy be stopped?
Can Daisy be stopped?
Daisy is probably the reason why people aren't allowed to walk under the wings of planes
(S03 E18) Fitz and Simmons are awfully formal, conspicuously inconspicuous
Fitz trying to talk without actually mentioning what he's talking about, and then there's Jemma with "You mean once we have sex"
Daisy, to me at least, looks suspicious the whole time when talking to Hive, but I'm not sure if she is aware that she is possessed
Fitz looks nice in a suit
"Happy to make the sacrifice" is the new "Happy to comply," isn't it?
"But she's the closest thing I have to a daughter."
I see it coming, the suitcase will be gone any moment
Or not
Fitz being confused by Jemma's actions is cute
Fitzsimmons tends to be separated and I am not happy about it
"I thought it would be cool if the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a shield. Fitz agreed, so..."
When did Jemma say, she'd go nowhere without Ward? (Or did he mean Will?)
Okay, he meant Will
Don't you dare choking Fitz like that
"You know how many times Bobbi and Hunter pulled the "my comms are broken" trick?"
When Mack knows Fitzsimmons better than Fitzsimmons knows themselves
I've been screaming so loudly internally when they kissed (again). I literally had to put my hands on my mouth, so it would stay internally
(S03 E19) What was done to Hive's ancestor looks pretty disgusting
"You didn't see Daisy. She acted like we were still best of pals all while threatening to murder me." - "No, you're right. I didn't see that. I was much too busy listening to the disgusting face of Grant Ward act like my dead boyfriend." - "That's true. That does sound worse." - "Right. If this was a competition, then I'd win. I had to shoot him three times just to shut him up." - "Bet that felt good." - "Yeah, it did. Though it would have felt better had he actually died, instead of just sort of oozing."
Okay, that was even more disgusting, Dr Radcliffe's attempt
I hope that they find a way to get Daisy out of there soon
Fitz talking about Milton, the absolute worst, is too funny
That was pretty stupid, Lincoln
Urghh, May smiled
Why are there suddenly so many nameless soldiers who say more than just "Yes sir"?
Also, I'm constantly expecting Hunter and/or Bobbi to appear on the screen
Hive Daisy's recklessness is scary
And now you've made Hive angry
(S03 E20) I didn't manage to write anything during the episode
But: I thought the lift from the bar to the HQ was really fancy
I was constantly angry at Lincoln for wanting to be with Daisy. So he fooled me too
I was definitely glad that he fooled me and didn't actually wanted to go to Daisy
I still don't like Talbot, even though he didn't really do anything for disliking him
I thought it was really cool that they tricked Hive and Daisy
I am still surprised that Lash doesn't harm Daisy, in contrary really. He was so careful when saving her and freeing her from Hive's sway
I am honestly not sure if I am glad that Lash died or not. Because, yes, he did kill a lot of innocent people, but he also saved Daisy, and maybe they need this power a few more times to free inhumans from Hive's sway
I did not really understand what bad news Fitzsimmons had in the end
(S03 E21) Fitz screamed like a monkey
I'm impressed that Fitz could keep up with that code
Fitz finally initiated a high-five and there's no one who's willing to give him one
Oh dammit, Coulson wants to put Daisy into that machine
Don't provoke Lincoln
Okay, he did
Brett Dalton is honestly a very good actor
Don't get too excited about catching Hive. There is always a hook
Fitz really is the romantic one
I told you, don't get too excited, Hive would find a way to escape
What the hell do you think you're doing, Daisy?
(S03 E22) some post-episode notes
That was... a lot
No, seriously, that was really thrilling
I can't recall particular thoughts or details I want to point out
But a few times I realized I'd clapped my hand over my mouth. I didn't know people really do that, I thought that's just something people in movies do
These new inhumans certainly are pretty creepy
When they were in the room where Jemma was hiding, I was so confused why they couldn't see her
Also Dr Radcliffe is too full of himself
Dammit, I knew Lincoln would die in this episode, but still- Whyyy? I was just stating to REALLY like him
Also Daisy didn't make it any easier not to cry
And that six-months-later scene wasn't what I was looking for. That Daisy left the team
And what the hell does Radcliffe plan to do?
Who is AIDA?
So many questions
But this also means that Fitzsimmons is now at least half a year together, which makes me happy
One of the few things in this episode that made me happy
So, this was me watching AoS season three within 11 days. That was... something. A lot to take in, to think about. I mean we finally got Fitzsimmons. Hive's dead. A lot of other good things happened. But sadly also a lot of bad and not-so-good things. I'm gonna miss Bobbi and Hunter like hell. I already do. (Well, not that I actually miss hell, but I'm gonna miss them really really much). But now to season four. Looking forward to it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
One thing I do love about high stakes paranormal romances is that you typically do get to see old couples with an HEA come back, and while you know their HEA will last (this is why I always scoff at IAD readers who feel like "someone" has to die in the ultimate endgame... they don't.... lol at least not permanently; you can kill randoms, but you can't kill romance couples) you get to see them imperiled a little? And the Drama?
--in Kristen Callihan's Soulbound, we have an existential threat to the hero, which in turn creates an existential threat for all the supernatural creatures he's "sired", including two!!! Former heroines. Whose heroes subsequently get to cradle their prone forms (in the case of Jack and Mary of Shadowdance) or basically burn the house down in a case of werewolfy insanity (Ian and Daisy of Moonglow, one of my favorite romance couples of all time, who only got better through him literally growling over her prone form, I swooned).
--in Kresley Cole's Lothaire, when Mariketa of Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (a book that was 8! installments prior) attempts to reach through a mirror and rescue/kidnap Ellie, only for Lothaire's Contractually Obligated Friend to cut her hand off (it grows back it's fine). Kresley just writes that Ellie hears a "beastly roar", but if you've read all the previous books, you know that's Bowen, Mariketa's husband/beast familiar werewolf man, who is VERY UPSET.
--and on a flip side, in Kresley's Sweet Ruin a few books later, you see Lothaire being very typically flippant about a Big Danger he's been called to help with, and Ellie isn't even named; but if you're a series reader, you understand exactly how the mood shifts when he snaps to the "female vampire" next to him to get the hell out of dodge IMMEDIATELY
(Kresley does not elaborate if she does, and it's Ellie, so I assume she Does Not)
This is also a benefit of being a series reader, of course; and I'll never be over the pure geeky joy of seeing two people I watched fall in love and be stupid for 400 pages come back to be in love and stupid on the sidelines, sometimes with MORTAL DANGER.
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midnightmah07 · 8 months
random thoughts of how monique would interact to each of your ocs (even pierre)
Daisy and Monique: 11/10
Both girls who don’t stick out in the crows :(( Daisy would genuinely be like “omg Monique! You are unique in the best way possible!!” And poor Monique would just shrug and think Daisy is just too kind/sweet.
family issues besties 100%, i mean, Daisy have a bad step mother, Monique had a random man kidnapping her and faking being her dead- (normal day stuff)
Monique would CONSTANTLY design things for Daisy, for fun
“Wait this would go so perfect for Daisy! I have to show her!!”
I think Daisy would try to make Monique stick out in the crowd
The first time was a disaster, Ruggie and Vil didn’t got that along
the second time? vil payed a expensive dinner for everyone (he was in a good mood)
but in general two sweethearts :,))
Perse and Monique: 6/10
Love Perse A LOT don’t get me wrong
But she is the type to not see Monique in the crowd, like “just another outcast”
Perse however would notice more Monique once she suspects her and Vil are dating
So she would like out of nowhere: “you and vil are a thing?”
and monique will try to justify: “I mean I don’t think we are- Are we?! I- do we look like-“
Perse wouldn’t still see Monique that much buuut would at least wave from time to time
(Perse secretly loves Monique’s designs, just never knew how to tell her)
Jeanne and Monique: 8/10
THEY WOULD BE FRIENDS, maybe besties
Monique likes to draw random clothes to people
and one day, she did to Jeanne, who noticed, and saw that Monique did clothing for her as a woman not a man
Which made her really happy
Jeanne would CONSTANTLY pull Monique to meet people
She thinks is completely valid Monique feel left out
Pierre and Monique: 1/10
The only time they talked was because Pierre was teasing Monique for the clothes she designed for Vil, saying there are hundreds of other girls drooling for Vil she wouldn’t be much of something to shine for him
(When Monique told that to Jeanne, she almost killed him)
In general Monique doesn’t like Pierre, even finds him annoying
If they interact, whatsoever, she is kind to him
Daisy is such a given my girl literally out here being the friendliest person ever darling listen to Ruggie and ADeuce u gotta be less trusting love + I really think that Monique could teach her the basics of creating clothes, since it's something she wants to learn (she only knows how to basic sew)🥺
Perse Just coming out of nowhere and asking if Monique and Vil are a thing... Yup, 100% her, totally fangirl Perse behavior, she has to know what her favorite celebrity is up to✨ (and I genuinely think she'd be their no. 1 supporter bc she wants Vil to be happy hehe)
Her seeing Jeanne as a girl,,, CRIES. I know I feed into Jeanne's tomboyish nature a lot (I have yet to draw her in a dress--) but sometimes she gets soooo tired of being "one of the boys", def a breath of fresh air💙
AND PIERRE-- GOSH-- YUP. I made Pierre to be a jerk bc I personally believe Peter Pan himself is very much a jerk☠️ so I totally see this happening, worst part (and one of the reasons Jeanne hates him sm) is he ain't even being mean on purpose, he was just way too spoiled so now he has 0 filter🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ low-key hate him (affectionate)
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Round 1; Oleander Vs A bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulipsA bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
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If you know who they are, or are pretty sure of it, please don't tell until this poll has ended!
First, let's talk about the Oleander
Why this flower was chosen: because it’s a very pretty flower that’s also highly poisonous! Description: What if you were not human, but you lived among humans? What if large swathes of people hated you for one thing or another you couldn’t help but at least you had your friends around you? What if you committed many acts of blasphemy and sacrilegiousness? What if you had killed and were prepared to kill again? What if you became best friends with your enemy and then fell in love with your best friend? What if you and your then best friend soon to be lover got together in a filing room? What if both you and your former enemy now lover were trans? What if neither of you were completely human? What if you got married in a church basement?
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
Meaning: Desert lilies (redemption, resurrection) Black tulips (strength, elegance) Blue/purple daisies (blue: loyalty, trust, peace; purple: thoughtfulness, having fun, unity) Why these flowers were chosen: The desert lilies and black tulips symbolize his outside demeanor, someone intimidating and poised. (Plus, desert lilies are often grown in the desert, where the character resides.) On the other hand, the daisies show who he really is inside, being loyal, thoughtful, and caring. Plus, all the flowers match with his main color scheme! Description: A man in a very high position of power, with a reputation for being ruthless and willing to do anything to carry out his work. Because of this status, he's become very aware of himself and the fear that surrounds him, to the point of breaking his typical mold to lighten the mood (in his own, very cringey way) when things are looking glum. You'd be surprised to find out how thoughtful and genuinely kind he is; you'd also be surprised to find him at a local card game tournament, just less so. Seriously, he never shuts up about it. He has a big heart for those he cares for, though he acts practically heartless around those he doesn't. He has a terrible sense of humor and is the purest definition of a nerd, but he can still pack a punch when needed. He's even transgender (headcanon)
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originemesis · 1 month
@micsmasmuses xxx
“I do that because I enjoy tormenting you, it’s my job after all” he teases raising a brow at his snap back. Only to make a disgusted face as he says the next sentence. Hes so vulgar! It’s disgusting! But he can also tell the man is lonely and jealous… and sad. “Please stop being so vile, you’re killing the mood here” he mutters glancing away from him. Why does he try with him, he’s so aggravating. But maybe it’s the thought of back then that still comes to him. How close they were and how badly he wants to be that again. Or maybe it’s that need to make him his own, to claim him. It’s pathetic really, how desperate he is to have him. A need so strong it would put Ozzie under but it’s not lust… maybe it’s something else. Love? Annoyance? Sounds like a married people thing. But holding him right now feels so nice. So right. Even as he gets his gross snot on him as he cries, it’s fine, not the first time. He’s a dad he’s had worse for Pete’s sake. A hand makes it up into his hair. Gently playing with his brunette locks, feeling how soft it is as he tries to comfort him. A soft kiss pressed to his head as his wings wrap around them. Red eyes glancing over the pretty gold of Adam’s wings. His other hand continues to rub soothing circles on his back as he looks down at him. Rolling his eyes at the mention of himself being the stupid thing. He is… but Lucifer isn’t that childish.
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“Well… I actually wanted you at my side, not Lilith. Yes I adored her but you always took my breath away” he says as the hand in Adam’s hair caressed over the back of his neck. Gently rubbing the soft skin with his thumb. “But I chickened out of courting you after Lilith confessed to me” he frowns, he sounds ashamed of himself.
"Oh yeah? The eternal edgelord of making the masses as miserable as you and that micro-dick energy, huh?" He mused, though the usual and persistently ornery peck to his rendition of a fighting cock in human's clothing sounded as wet as if he'd clambered out of a farm pond after being knocked in and left to dry with sopping, emerald tail feathers under an overcast sky. The muttered complaint earns a huff from the man as well as the risen edge of a thumb as he absentmindedly worked at digging out the golden beads that seemed layered in lower lashes now like sap. "...and what mood exactly is that, dude? The one where you come all the way here to-what? Twist the knife of all the bitches that ever left me in deeper on the feast of the fuckin' saint of hearts? Yeah. Hilarious."
As much as his dedication to upholding the ever tumultuous kick of a tantrum born of their usual dealings from a garden-esque era long passed, but hardly shaken far from his mind like dandelion seeds stubbornly stuck in the fibers of his robe's hem, the bubbling over of his miserable mood for the evening and its unintended exposure has him slowing down to emit only the occasional sniffs smothered by the collar of his vexing visitor's dress jacket. Between the woven fibers, a scent oddly reminiscent of daisies drifted out... and they were burning. Of course. As far as burning went, his eyes- when exposed to the extra crisp draft of heaven's mesosphere- weren't much better, and to wipe out their collected sting, he ground the grooves of his gaze along a button fastened to his company's collar with a plaintive puff quite common to the species of a first man. Always so insistent on being heard...but never wanting that sound to expose the weakness at the heart of mortality that he'd fought blunt tooth and black-painted fingernail to hide under an air of viciousness- a shield of vulgarity that never seemed to fail him even as it continued to do just that.
He'd been in the stubborn state of mind that since Lucifer offered him a shoulder, he'd just up and clean the mess off his face using the other's shirt as a tissue to blow his nose in, but even as the shimmering in golden irises hardened back to a remotely solid display, he found himself stuck under a blanket of seraphim wings weighing down his shoulders and an entanglement of fiddle-worn digits in his hair. Well, it's not exactly a knife twisting- much as his pride would tell him otherwise. It's simply not loud enough to startle him back to his usual prickling protests, aside from finding a crook on the shorter being's shoulder to rest his chin- somewhere with a proper headbutting angle if he did go ahead and admit to the man being the dumb thing of which he spoke.
"Hey- careful with the merchandise." A grumbled warning followed the fingers that found the curve of his wing tucked under an arm like a tickle proof shield- or an extra armor layer fastened securely over the soft spot located in the large width between two of his ribs. "Out here grabbing for wings like you're cool ranch?" A short tsk of the tongue fumbles into a flinch and a sputter with the other's next admission. Delusion? Maybe both-
"Bro- th'fuck? That's..." Impossible? Unbelievable? Something that every bristled edge that made him so coarse in manner from all the callouses collected from Earth rose to dispute like the side winding of a porcupine's tail? He'd jerked up straight again, though Lucifer's wings weren't budging even with a restless, preliminary elbowing. Expression sapped of its previous raw glisten drifted down listlessly to squint at the fallen angel and the purple tint his red gaze took with the blue undertones of heaven's shadows.
"...that's really all we are to you, huh?"
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A flash of teeth shone white and sharp between them, poised to snap and sever whatever loose thread hung between them like the strings he sometimes found on the sloppy amount of his robes' sleeve fabric. "Toys? Toys to break, because if you can't have us- no one else can, right? That your big reveal, bud? 'Cause you're right-" The helmet clinked at his side as he shifted his weight around restlessly and lifted a free talon to jerk a sharpener thumb up under the other's chin. With a firm press to crane Lucifer's head back so he could drop the scarred edges of his gaze down into the lower perch of the other's perception, he admits-
"-that is fucking stupid ~ "
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
A Losing Hand, Part 22
Summary:  the after affects of Steve’s murder between all the suits
Pairings:  Curtis X Snowdrop!Reader, Andy X Daisy!Reader, Jefferson X Bunny!Reader, Ari/Ransom X Princess!Reader
Rating:  mature
Warnings:  language, misogynistic views in the suits, implied sex, conspiracy, murder, poisoning, child endangerment, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  4K
Series Masterlist
*Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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You pace around your bedroom, your sweet angel, Medusa watching you, herself worried until you pick her up. Giving her little kisses until you let her slide around your neck. You didn’t know what you were going to do.
The only reason you continued on with this charade was to get information from Lloyd. And now that information was framing your sister-in-law. Which you couldn’t mention, because Lloyd doesn’t like liars.
Then there was the prospect of you and Curtis. Every part of you wanted to just be in his arms all day, hated having to lie about how you felt. Especially with Curtis right there. “I know, mama,” you tell your sweet girl as her nose rubs along your neck. “There has to be a network to let someone know that Lloyd wants to blame Bunny.”
Hearing the squeak of the door handle, you glance over to see Curtis walking in. Looking surprised that you were dressed and ready, “You’re the Ghost.”
“It’s been established, Snow,” he locks the door, and walks up to you. His lips immediately pressing against yours, and his hands roam over your body. He gives a yelp when Medusa starts to slide over to his shoulder, “You’re killing the mood here, mama,” he tells her as he lifts her to sit in her glass home.
“Where were we?” his mouth presses open mouth kisses on your exposed skin, but you’re on a mission.
“Minty, I can’t focus.”
“Then don’t. Let me be the one to take control. Lloyd went on a trip. And you're going to stay in your room.”
“No, wait. What kind of a trip?”
“Don’t worry. He’s gone for hours,” he pushes you onto the bed, crawling behind you, his lips kissing down your neck. “Just relax a minute.”
“No, no, can you get a message to Jefferson?”
“Bunny is going to take the fall for the beheading of Steve. You need Jefferson. This, that’s going on, is his plan. He’s always wanted a fair court, right?” you turn around to look at Curtis and he nods his head. “He won’t survive without Bunny. They survive off each other. Jefferson would slit his throat if anything happened to her. She would two. They got that tattoo around their neck to prove it.”
Curtis leans back, as he watches you. “I know you have contact with all the suits. Please? For me?”
“Fine. Rumor has it they’ve got their own snake, too. Steve wasn’t very good at keeping records hidden. If I do this, will you let me help you forget how much Steve and Lloyd have used you?” biting your lip you nod, but go rigid when he already starts touching you. “What?”
“Contact him now.”
“Away from the windows,” Andy declares. Picking up Winter from the seat and moving her into the floor with you and Ozzie. “Dais, I don’t want to do this, but you and the kids are to be hidden at all times. I’ll put you three and dogs in the panic room everyday if I have to.”
“Andy, they need their walks in the sunlight. She’s been…”
“This is not up for debate,” he almost growls at you. “You three will stick together. Shadow is to be with you at all times, and until I get everything settled, you’ll have a rotation of someone with you. And then it’ll just be Bucky.”
“Daddy!” Winter claps her hands, and hugs on Andy’s leg, “Thank you uncle Andy.”
Andy’s blue eyes never leave yours, watching as you play with Ozzie’s foot, your mind racing, wondering why the upped security. “I’m going to have some items for you and Ozzie moved into Winter’s room. It’s the easiest room to get to the panic room. Remember what opens it?”
You give him a nod, and he starts to leave, “Andy?” he pauses, slowly turning around, and you start Winter’s favorite movie, and she gets distracted quickly, while you go to stand in front of him.
He reaches to pick up his son, and Ozzie giggles, reaching for his daddy’s ringed fingers to chew on. “Andy what’s going on?”
“The less you know the better.”
“My kids and myself are in danger, what’s going on?”
He gives the baby a few kisses around his chubby cheeks, and blows a raspberry on them, causing your happy baby to squeal in delight. “Steve Kemp is dead,” you gasp, and walk closer to him. “He was beheaded. I spoke with Jefferson this morning, and Bunny and him have a video that’s timestamped proving she wasn’t there.”
“A video?”
“Jefferson and Bunny like to torture, well tease a few of the players. Everyone has consent, but they have a collection of videos,” you whisper out an oh, “They’ve been together since they were kids. They like being adventurous, and there’s nothing that either of them wouldn’t do for the other.”
“I still don’t understand.”
He walks you to the bed, and pulls you into his lap, his kisses now on you. Holding his family as close to his heart as physically possible. “Spades side with Hearts. This will lead to a war.”
“That’s what Lloyd wants. He wants to be the Dealer. All powerful. He hates that there’s territories and suits.”
“I know. You did good getting all that intel. But I need to know you and the kids are safe. Jake Jensen will be by later and fit you for a few of Bunny’s designs for you. I don’t want you involved in suit squabbles, but if I could have you better prepared, that’s better.”
With an opening of the door, Andy’s stance on you stiffens, and you look over to see Nick, and you lay your head on his neck, “Please, don’t leave him with us.”
“Hey,” he turns towards you, and leans in closer, “He’s never going to be fully alone with you. Trust me. You don’t have to tell me anything. Luke will be in the dark.”
“Andy, please, don’t,” you get tears in your eyes, and cling tighter to him. “I don’t want him around the babies.”
“Nothing will happen, I promise. Just trust me,” the sound in his voice means there’s no arguing with him, and it’s best not to test him in front of one of the players.
With a quick kiss to your lips, he picks up the happy Ozzie, holding him above his head, before bringing him down for his own kiss. “Trust me, Dais,” he says as he puts the baby in your arms.
Walking over to Nick, he looks him up and down, before pushing him outside the bedroom door, “You’re to stay on this side of the door, unless there’s an emergency? Understand?”
“That’s a bit ridiculous. You let her and the kids get away with everything.”
“Is that understood?” Nick sighs, nodding his head, never daring to question Andy’s demands. “The staff is not to be in this room under any circumstance. There’s a cart outside the door, they can leave the food there. And later, you and I will have a long talk.”
Winter gives him a cheery wave, and pats on the floor for you to join her. You move to close the door in Nick’s face, but his hand grazes up your arm. “Don’t touch me.”
“Keep our secret Daisy. It helped the prince come sooner,” he gives you a sinister smirk as you slam the door in his face. Your breathing shallow and irregular when you go to sit with Winter. There’s nothing that Moana can’t fix.
Jefferson looks around the table at his players, a tip. But not just any too, but one from the Ghost. There was a snitch in his midst, and that was only the beginning of his issues. His precious Bunny was about to be hunted, and he would burn the world to protect you.
He lets his fingers tap on the table, and most of the players are calm. All except for Willard Russell. The man that dared question Jefferson’s methods, or the need to make women a forefront in the suits.
“You gonna talk?” Natasha asks, raising up a perfectly groomed brow. You called an emergency meeting.”
“He’s dead isn’t he?” Wade asks. “He’s dead and we didn’t get to see it. Pathetic. I wanted to…how did he die?”
“Beheading,” Willard whispers. Strike one. His cold eyes turn towards you, and he shakes his head. “Do you realize what you’ve done to us? Jefferson, I told you, your queen was a psychotic bitch. She’ll be the death of the Hearts. You beheaded Steve Kemp! Do you think Lloyd is gonna forgive that?”
Jefferson harshly slaps his hand on the table, and puts his gun at Willard, “Don’t you ever call my wife a bitch. I won’t argue psycho.”
“She’s poisoned you!” strike two.
Jefferson raises his brows, and Willard nervously takes a drink from his cup. Wiping the beads of sweat off his head. “They’ll want war.”
“No one ever said anything about a beheading,” you inform the man. “And it’s you I’ve poisoned,” you give him a quick little smirk. And throw a flash drive at him. “You wanna see the video of what me, my king, my Ace and my Jack were doing? Wanda grab his phone.”
Willard coughs, and wipes at his chin, looking at his hand to see fresh blood. “You’re lucky I didn’t let Bill bite you. You’ll still die slowly. Not as fast as Steve. But, I enjoy a good show.”
Wanda tosses the phone over to Clint who looks through the mess. “Dammit, what do you know about Ari and the Queen of Clubs?”
“She’s a fucking whore. She’ll never be the queen,” he sputters, “Just like the Whore of Hearts. Sharing her cunt to every single one of you with dicks.”
“I don’t have a dick,” Natasha interjects with a smile. “Is that why you turned? You never got into the Royal bedchambers? You limp noodle. Maybe you lack the knowledge on how to take care of a woman or a man. Seems we have a seat open on the court,” she looks at you and you give her a nod.
“Shuri would make a fine replacement. Wade, cut out his tongue, and hold it over the fires as he watches. I don’t fucking deal with traitorous bitches. Clint, Nat, get in touch with our future King of Clubs. Now is the time to act. War came early for the suits.”
“She’s alive,” Willard tries to plead with Jefferson. “She’s alive, and a whore just like your wife,” Jefferson points his gun at Willard, but you ease it back down.
“The fucking Diamond whore. She was married to Kemp, still fucking Lloyd.”
Jefferson cocks his gun, but you move to stand in front of him, “Move, Bunny.”
“No. Keep your eye on the prize. Who’s in the Diamonds right now?” his eyes flick over to you, and you see his eyes go misty, “The rightful king has returned. Willing to take up his duties. He’ll need a queen. He still loves her. He told me that his last visit. Trust the fucking process. And I want to see him suffer. Scott, bring me Bill.”
“I don’t like that thing.”
“I’ll do it,” Wanda sighs, going to fetch your lizard.
“Jefferson, it’s falling into place. It’s time for Fowler to go. Contact Ari, now. He’s being watched. It would be poetic for Princess to take him out. She’ll make a fine Queen. Trust me, Crumpet. We’ll get her back.”
He quickly raises his gun and shoots at the ceiling. Still needing to get out his frustrations somehow. “Who’s staying for the show?”
“I’m going to fuck my wife while this traitor chokes on his own blood. If you don’t want to partake, I suggest you leave,” he gives them all a little smirk as he lifts you up on the table. One by one they start to stand up, as he sinks lower on your body, “Scott, a message to Ari, please.”
Jefferson gives you a quick peck to your lips, “I’m frustrated, Bunny.”
“I was hoping you were, Tea Cakes.”
“You gotta stop with the nicknames.”
You guide his hand under your dress, and he hisses when he touches just skin. “You’re so filthy.”
“You’re both disgusting,” Willard says, unable to move, and looking pale.
“Yeah, well;” Jefferson starts as he pushes into your warmth, “At least we have loyalty you rat.”
Ari throws his phone at the wall. This was not the information he wanted to hear. It was all turning to shit, and the threats of outing him and you, made him sick to his stomach. He needs to find the brains of this operation, so he sets out through the compound.
Eerily quiet as he winds through the halls. He was hoping that Nick hadn’t already caught wind of you knowing more than you were letting on. You were losing grip. Faltering, and needed to push this plan forward. It was only a matter of time before you made a mistake.
Peeking through Ransom’s door, he views you laying on his chest as he lets your back. This wasn’t an intimate moment, but a true tender friendship. Ari knew that you were Ransom’s soft spot, and it was made very evident in his actions.
You were the only one to see this side of him, and it made you feel special that he didn’t mind holding you tight to him, just so you felt loved.
Ransom’s eyes flick you towards Ari, and he shakes his head, “She doesn’t love him. She just wants someone to love her. He brought some hookers home, and in their bed. Ari, she’s integral to this, and she needs to feel wanted and needed.”
“I know.”
“Then why the fuck have you been avoiding her?” he gives the pompous man a shoulder shrug, and Ransom rolls his eyes. “Is this the whole righteous, I’m not sleeping with you because you’re with Nick? She doesn’t love him. He’s also mean to her. She’s a pawn to him. She will never be the queen with him. He knows about Winter,” Ransom looks up at Ari, and holds you closer when you stir.
“I know Winter is protected, but we’re talking about war. He’s the King, we can't make him side with the Hearts and Spades. This will be the end of the suits, and he and Lloyd don’t realize that.”
“Lloyd does. That’s what Lloyd wants. Total domination. Replace the Dealer, rule all the territories.”
“It’s not possible. You have too many people loyal to their suit, and loyal to the game. You get that? It will be the end of the whole game. They don’t realize what they’re asking. Curtis is ready, if he doesn’t get distracted by that pretty thing he can’t keep fucking. That’s the last thing we need right now is another fucking child to protect. Winter and Ozzie is enough.”
“Why are you talking like this?”
“I’m a realist. One that needs to pee just pet her, let her sleep. Seeing these women rise up against the men that hold them down with their thumb will be a great retribution. But she needs you. You said you wanted her as your queen. Forgive her for what she has to do for all of us. What she has to endure when all she wants is you and her daughter, and she knows that won’t be an easy transition. This is.”
Ari walks closer to Ransom’s bed, and starts to crawl over to you, “Just don’t fuck in my bed.”
Allowing him to crawl into the bed. “I mean it, don’t fuck in my bed,” Ransom says, removing himself from the bed, and allowing Ari to take his place.
You whimper a bit without the added warmth. Your eyes flutter, and see Ari settle down beside you. Picking your arms up to lay over him, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I forget that you have the hardest part of this operation. You have to be readily available for whatever Nick needs. You quite possibly have the most dangerous part of this,” you let out a little sob as you burrow into his chest.
“It’ll all be better. These men living in the past, they gotta go. Princess, there will be a new age. And you’ll get your daughter back. She’ll live here with us.”
“Shut up.”
“No, we’ve got to get rid of Nick, soon. The Hearts and Spades need us. We can’t be separated like this. Are you with me? I’ll even let you do the honors of disposing of Nick. You deserve it for what he’s done to you.”
“What are you asking, Ari? Say it,” he leans forward, and nuzzles over your face, getting closer until he presses a chaste kiss against your lips. You had missed that. Getting a bit of a tingle and warmth that spreads through your body.
Your hand moved over his body, and sinks low, but Ari grabs a hand before you get too low, “I’m not fucking you. Especially not in Ransom’s bed. What I feel for you, is more than that. If our plan works, I want you to be my queen. And I’ll put you on the court, and you’ll have a voice. Nick forgot that the Queen is the most powerful player. Jensen’s got you some new weapons. Lloyd is setting up a war, and I need to know you’re okay.”
“Ari, I…”
“Say you’ll be my queen when the time is right. And I want everything that comes with you. Ransom as a friend, your past, your daughter, all of it. I’m trying. I just hate seeing you with him.”
“Okay,” you smile up at him, pulling at his shoulder for a bruising kiss. “About the sex…”
“When I’m king, I'll make you gasp on my cock. Until then, rest, and remember your worth.”
Sitting at Winter’s table, you watch that little baby try to raise his body up. He didn’t do much but rock around, but he was already so strong, so determined just like his daddy. Hearing Winter sing as she readies herself for bed.
You hoped that this plan went by quickly. Being cooped up in the compound wasn’t ideal. “Daisy Mae! Can you help me get out.”
You give Ozzie a quick kiss on the forehead as you help Winter get out and dressed. Her cherub cheeks have the biggest smile, and you brush her hair out of her face before kissing her cheek. “I believe you are the most beautiful girl in all the suits.”
“I think that’s you. Do you think my mama is pretty?”
“I bet she’s gorgeous. How could she not be with a daughter like you?” she giggles up at you and when you hear Ozzie inhale quickly and start to cry, you turn to go back in her room.
Dread spreads throughout your body. A giant pit of your worst nightmare. Seeing Nick hold your precious babe in his arms, and a gun rubs on his leg, “Let him go,” Shadow stands in front of him, her teeth bared as she growls at him.
Winter hides behind your leg, and you feel her body tremble, “Nick, he’s a baby. Let him go.”
“Do you realize what I have in this fucking room? Andy’s precious little things, all right here,” he cocks the gun, and you yelp, shoving Winter further behind you. Your face is stained with your tears, and that chubby baby makes grabby hands towards you.
“Nick, please. I’ll do anything. Just give me my baby.”
“I don’t want that. I want the fucking empire.”
“It’s yours. Please, he didn’t do anything.”
“Wrong. You’re going to take daddy’s place, huh? So what do I do? I will eliminate him.”
“No!” your voice a piercing scream. “No! I’ll tell Andy everything! I’m not protecting you anymore. I don’t know why I did. Let my baby go! Please.”
“Daisy, I don’t care if you tell him. Andy won’t recover from the loss of his son, his wife, and that bastard daughter of Bucky’s. He’ll come home to a massacre. The dogs, too. Everyone’s gotta go.”
You cry and plead with Nick, and Andy sneaks through the door, shooting Nick in the back of the head, and you scream as you see his body fall to the floor with Ozzie, but Bucky is able to catch him.
Your knees buckle, falling to the ground. Andy grabs the screaming baby out of Nick’s hands, and Bucky lets the man fall to the ground, with Winter rushing to him. Andy moves quickly to you, handing Ozzie to you, before his thick arms wrap around you, “You lied! You said we would be safe. Said that the danger was outside. Andy, he was going to kill us.”
Shadow paces around you and Andy, and Bucky stands to leave, but Winter cries for you. “Andy you promised. My baby.”
“I know, Dais, I know.”
“You promised,” you say again, clinging to your baby. Kissing around his face. “What the hell is going on?”
“He’s been working with Lloyd. August tapped into his phone. It’s been awhile. He thought he would take over the Spades.”
“Why us? I told you! I told you not to leave me with him.”
“Did he ever touch you?”
“Andy! I can’t get Winter to leave,” Bucky shouts at him, trying to comfort his daughter.
“What did he do to you?”
“No. I told you, I didn’t want him around me and the kids. You said there would be someone in the shadows, where were they? Andy, my baby.”
“I know. I know. They were in the shadows, but they couldn’t be too close. That’s why me and Bucky came.”
“He could have shot our baby. Your son. He was going to…oh, god, Andy, I can’t. I can’t do this. I can’t.”
“He’s gone,” he pulls you into his lap, cradling you much like you are Ozzie. Kissing you harshly on the head. “No one will ever hurt you again. Bucky is yours and the kids personal guard. I’m losing one of my best men to protect you. When you tell me something, no questions asked I’ll do it. Nick is gone. He can’t hurt you.”
“He wanted to hurt you,” you look up at him, and he has no words. He had heard what Nick wanted, and him and Bucky couldn’t get up here fast enough. He curses the day that he ever thought that he could trust Nick Vaughan.
“Bucky, have Shang and a pawn clean this mess. Since Winter isn’t a secret, I want her room next to ours. There will be a panic room installed immediately. She won’t be in this tower secluded. Sweetheart, we’re getting you all new things. Whatever you want. You design your room the way you want it.”
She gives him a nod, and finally lets Bucky carry her off to get this room cleaned up, and get Winter settled in a new room. “You can’t just buy her comfort, Andy. She watched a man hold a gun to Ozzie. Point it at us.”
“She watched a man pay for those actions, too.”
“She’s not even six. She shouldn’t have to see a man be murdered because he threatened our lives.”
“I know. Believe me when I say I know. I can’t take it back. What I can do is promise it won’t happen again.”
“I don’t trust your promises.”
He gives you a regretful look, but nods his head. “Andy, I was so scared. I thought I was gonna have to choose between Ozzie and her. Don’t put me in that position again.”
“I won’t.”
“He sleeps with us from now on,” it’s not Andy’s favorite thing, but he knows why you’re doing it. With a single nod, he helps the two of you up.
“And now, let me give you two a bath. If I’m not with you, it’ll be Bucky. But I’m right with you until the foreseeable future. I know you don’t trust me, but no one will ever hurt you in any way again. I’d rather die than see you hurt Daisy, you gotta believe me.”
“I want to.”
He gives another hard kiss to your forehead, squishing his face up against your face. You’re unsure what to feel. You and then babies should never have been put in that position. It isn’t until Ozzie lifts his hand to grab at his dad’s beard, “Dadadadadadadadafa.”
“No! I wanted mama to be the first word. Ozzie, how could you,” he giggles at you, and still pulls at Andy’s beard.
“Ow, you’ve got a tight grip. Come on, let’s get you and mama a bath,” you glance back up at Andy, and you feel your anger wane, but that fear of seeing your son held in Nick’s arm is still there. But you want to trust Andy and this process.
“I want to, Andy.”
“I know you do, and that’s what matters to me. Come on.”
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Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @missacidburn928 @sstan-hoe @whimsyplaty92​ @connie326​
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
ooooh hope you dont mind me jumping in here but its so fun to see how having a madeline or caroline in place of matthew and alfred would change things. i think madeleine might get treated more gently by arthur but i wonder if evelyn would worry about her 'inheriting' her lethargy. caroline like alfred would likely outshadow her sister with her loud bubbly personality and pure strength and health. Madelline tho is still the line of defence for arthur or evelyn so thats fun to explore.
Jump on jump on I like it when people jump on nothing like shouting into the void and hearing echo drift back like wohoo
Imma go completely off topic for 1,000 words, but your words triggered this so... please refer to blog title for what this blog's consistency is like. Have some headcanons for baby Arthur (and fem!England too) for how that would shape their own approaches to parenthood!
I like the idea of parenting (in fiction!!!) being someone either A) Making the exact same mistakes their own parent made and passing on generational trauma to their offspring or B) Trying so hard to avoid repeating mistakes that you end up creating a whole new host of issues to pass down. Male England - Arthur - is the former, Female England - Evelyn - is the latter.
When it comes to when England popped out of the ground like a spring daisy, there are many valid ideas. I like all of them depending on my mood. For maximum angst, I like England being born for the Roman Invasion, and with that comes every piece of horror that the Romans had to offer. Plus the plumbing the hot baths the toilets etc etc. But never mind that. Arthur is different to his brothers, and maybe it's not clear at first why. Wales is born at the same(ish) time, and yet they aren't Roman Britain, their mum is still merrily chugging along at this point with Ireland Scotland (and the Isle of Man if anyone remembers...). But Wales is so clearly his mother's son, and grows at a nice steady pace, even if the relations to Ireland and Scotland are not too obvious.
But Arthur... Oh dear. He's small for a very long time. But then he truly is that little (fat) cuckoo bird in the nest starving the other children and slowly killing the parents and he doesn't even understand how... until Rome leaves and those blasted Germans rock up. Invited or otherwise. And suddenly Arthur has that late childhood growth spurt and his mother grows weaker. Maybe she was always incredibly wary by him, maybe the fact that for as long as she was strong he was small, and when she was weaker he began to grow was incredibly off putting. It's hard to love something which is your own mortality staring you in the face. It's a thing with monarchs even. A king can never truly love the heir because they are a living reminder that you will die and there is someone ready to take your place.
Arthur's childhood was lonely, we know this. His brother's chased him away with rocks and arrows and he found solace with his folklore. Kid's never had unconditional affection in his life, is what I mean. His neighbour is France. Disaster. Same for female England. So... how they internalise that? Are they self aware enough to say 'What happened to me was wrong, was not my fault, so here's how I will take steps to avoid similar situations arising in the future?' or will they go 'I clearly was a weak little bug of a child, no kid of mine will be the same, I will love them, but by God they have to hit certain standards, the same standards I was held to, because I failed because I was weak and they will not, because no child of mine will be weak, and even if they don't, I turned out fine, so they will be fine.'
Or does it depend on the kid? Eldest child maybe does get the unconditional affection, because this time there is no ticking time bomb for the elder nations death, England is 2000+ miles away from America. England and America will continue quite merrily even if the other falls. Alfred is not Arthur's end. Opposite really. Saviour, at points. The same way I write Matthew as Evelyn's (sort of) favourite baby because of the ways she sees all those parts of herself in Matthew that she thinks could have been fixed if someone had just snuggled and cuddled with her more (it would not) and using him as a literal therapy child, Arthur and Alfred it's more like all the things Arthur saw in himself as thriving despite how he was brought up is in Alfred... because of Arthur. Does that make sense?
Or maybe it's the opposite? Like there's this great scene in The Borgias towards the end of the series where The Pope finally admits why he is so creeped out by his eldest son by saying He is me. All the fire the fury, the drive, the pitiless ambition... I look into his eyes I see myself. Do you expect me to love that? Maybe Arthur loves Alfred but is also intensely put off by him, in the exact same way Britannia was with baby England, but Arthur tries very hard not to pull away like his mother did, but it ends up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy where Alfred wants to leave anyway what was the fucking point and how that utterly fucks up subsequent relations with the future kids.
Female England, at least in my eyes, throws herself so hard into being a mother, partially to prove that she was better than her own mum, that she deserved better, that she is genuinely superior. And she ends up with the opposite problem where it's less the mother being distant and more the kids very naturally grow up and want to leave and she goes no no no I am better I was better why would anyone leave. Again, it's the growing up without unconditional affection which utterly distorts what a genuinely healthy parental child relationship looks like.
...I haven't even touched female America and Canada. :| Honestly there's so many combos. Arthur Alfred Matthew, Arthur Caroline Matthew, Arthur Alfred Madeleine. Evelyn Alfred Matthew, Evelyn Caroline Matthew, Evelyn Alfred Madeleine, Evelyn Caroline Madeleine. All different varieties of yikes.
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
i found a movie on letterboxd a few days ago called "daisies" and everyone in the reviews was calling it genius and feminist. i tried watching it. it's about two hyperfeminine teenage girls "trying to be as spoiled as the world" by doing things like dating older men to "trick them" into giving them free food and then abandoning the men at the train stop or cutting "phallic shaped foods" with scissors. i thought this was strange. masses of people were suggesting that things like prostituting yourself (to some degree), performing entirely hollow gestures in the confines of your own room, or even just simply happening to be female were all feminist actions. there were even several comments suggesting that the characters' indulgence in femininity is "feminist," as well. it all struck me as familiar. relevant, even. so i decided to dig a little deeper.
the director said she wasn't a feminist and neither was the film, and that "individualist" fit her (and the film) better. male critics of the past deemed her film feminist, though. the reviews were conflicting on whether the film was anti-capitalist or anti-communist, clearly entirely depending on the political beliefs held by the person writing on it. i will have to agree with the director, however; her film does come across as extremely individualistic to me.
revisiting the reviews on letterboxd, it became incredibly clear to me that there were droves of people using the term "feminist" in a way that was completely removed from actual feminism. they were using it in the libfem way. when they said "feminist" they explicitly mean "i believe women and girls should be able to choose whether they hate the shackles of their oppression, or fully embrace them," rather than "i believe women and girls should not be shackled." there is no actual criticism of the powers that be. it is a hopeless ideology that seems to believe that the only freedom female people will ever have over their oppression is the "freedom" to choose between participating in it or complaining about it (to no avail, since "isn't it unfair to stop other people from indulging in it if they like it?").
this was solidified to me when i delved deeper into the reviews and spotted one particularly honest one amidst reviews celebrating the "boldness" and "feminism" of two teenage girls "taking advantage of creepy old men" (though surely such predatory men do deserve to be hurt, it's naïve and perhaps even misogynistic in of itself to suggest that teenage girls have the power to meaningfully take from men by giving them exactly what they want). it claimed something along the lines of "this is a feminist film" then clarified "but not a film for those man-hating "feminists"."
to tell the truth, i can't say i found the film to be all that politically intelligent, unless i am to believe "it is bad when other people are selfish and indulgent, but it is good when i or the people i like are selfish and indulgent (though we have to be careful, because other people simply won't understand that we are good people no matter what we do)" to be well-informed praxis. but that's precisely how many "leftists" think, isn't it? at least as of late. everyone for themselves. feelings above reality. if you're not having fun, that's your fault. and, really, aren't you just killing the mood for everyone else? that's a more unforgivable crime than anything else.
but i'll have to admit this is all a bit beyond my reach. i'm rambling because i don't feel i have total clarity on all this. that's why i'm reaching out. it probably won't go anywhere, but i hope it does.
You claim not to have total clarity but just perfectly made an example of the issue with choice feminism. Don't undercut yourself, anon. There's genuinely nothing for me to add because you said it perfectly.
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samanthaswishes · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 4A (ep. 1-8)
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episodes 1-8. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
Oh boy, do I have OPINIONS about these first few episodes…
4x01 The Ghost
And here’s where the show took advantage of the 10pm time slot: we get a scene of Daisy getting dressed.
Also the score for the Ghost Rider pod is badass and also the same score Daisy was listening to when she was in quarantine after getting her powers in s2.
This season also gave me a new appreciation for the title card.
The Mack and Coulson dynamic is pretty cool this season.
Especially after how they were kind of butting heads in season 2.
“I think you look forward to that more than I do” about May.
May isn’t wearing heels, so you can actually see how short she actually is irl😅
“Spine pulled out of his… ohh” Oh Mack, I love you.
“May, you’re not sharing”
Thank you Coulson and Mack for understanding Daisy’s intentions.
“Who the hell are you” - Mack. My second favorite person to say this line.
“Those are football teams” “Not sure they are, Turbo”
Mack is such a mood. Wanted an exploding pen.
Emo Daisy style tho👌🏼
Love how you don’t really see much of Robbie’s face at first. Raises the intimidation.
Mack’s one liners are ON POINT!
They really set Davis up to die this season giving him a wife and a kid on the way.
“Just ask me to dinner again” WHAT HAPPENED AT THE FIRST DINNER!
Also, because of the Accords, literally every move Elena makes is tracked. EVERY powered and enhanced individual that is under the Accords is being tracked. Literally taking away innocent citizens’ civil liberties. This is why being Team Cap is the right answer. The government is taking advantage of their power and using it to track and later kill individuals like inhumans who have done nothing wrong but are being targeted.
Radcliffe just has Aida naked all the time???
“A nAkEd BoDy”
I can’t watch Daisy getting on the bus seriously anymore knowing that the crew decided to troll Chloe and have it drive away😂
Daisy and Yo-Yo friendship🥹 screw you season 5.
“I think I stumbled upon a serial killer” “Ooh fun”
“Take care of yourself” All Daisy wants for the team is for them to be safe.
Also how can anyone blame Daisy for leaving. She’s loss so much and has felt the guilt for all of it. Not to mention how NO ONE except Mack decided to go down and see her and comfort her after Hive. Daisy left because she didn’t want to feel like a burden, which if i’m being honest, the team kinda treated her like so after Hive and talking to her only for information. Daisy left because she cared about her team. She didn’t want to be the reason she brought them pain. However, I have a feeling that them not talking to her is what also pushed her away, thinking that they didn’t want her around anymore.
Elizabeth and Ming are essentially the same height, so they couldn’t have May in heels and put Jemma in shoes that have a lift in them so that she seems intimidating towards May.
“Should’ve cut off your own hand”
I love Robbie Reyes. Just thought you all should know.
I appreciate that Jemma has gained the confidence to where she can handle positions of authority, but knowing what I know happens later makes it really hard to be proud of her for it. The fandom respects Jemma’s authority, but when Daisy is in authority, she’s disrespected? How come Daisy’s authority isn’t respected later?? Jemma was quick to defy Daisy in season 5.
And Jemma has the nerve to assume May is jealous of her status? May makes it clear that even she’s surprised what the position has done to Jemma.
I do understand Jemma wanting the power to keep the team together in some capacity, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your friends’ respect.
“After all we’ve been through” yet you, Jemma, insinuating May being jealous of you. You’re the one who has thrown away the respect they deserve just as much.
Daisy does her research. But I liked to believe she knew Robbie’s car’s model because Coulson and Mack are such a car guys that they probably shared some car facts with her.
“These guys might kill someone else besides themselves” “YEAH US”
The way Robbie calls Daisy chica😍
The visual effects this season are INSANE!
How come it’s barely touched on that Daisy is literally suicidal this season?
Even the Ghost Rider sees Daisy as a good person.
Robbie and Gabe’s relationship🥹
“I finished high school… in the 11th grade”
The van’s back. But it’s not her van.
4x02 Meet the New Boss
That poor little boy😅🥺
You do that badass walk, Robbie
The team always saw the common room of the Playground as home🥺 now that it’s redecorated, it’s doesn’t have that homey feeling.
Daisy with the tea mug and acting all smug is giving me life.
I feel like a lot of people dislike Mace, which is understandable given what we got of him at first, but later, you can actually see how he’s a good person.
Robbing banks and returning money to their rightful owners. How come they only look at the bad?
“Maybe she’s just a ghost”
The little Piper and May interaction.
Again, Daisy is literally suicidal. Why is barely anyone talking about it?
“Fighting to right every wrong” DAISY’S CHARACTER IN A NUTSHELL!
She still keeps a picture of Lincoln😭
I LOVE THIS SCENE WITH DAISY ON THE CAR! I bet Chloe had so much fun with that scene.
“Neutralize powers. I’d love to see them” that guy seemed a little too happy about repressing powers.
“Who wants to step aside a real life quinjet” ME🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Aren’t they supposed to have a quinjet ride coming to Avengers Campus at Disnleyland or is that just something I dreamt/made up?
Poor May😭
“Always looking out for us” THATS MAY
It definitely was cool during my first watch finding out that Mace was “inhuman”
The way Mack carefully cares for Daisy’s arm😭😭
“She’s turned her back” She most certainly HAS NOT! WTF!! Has she done anything terrible to you, Fitz? I don’t think so. And don’t say choking you out during Hive cause that was not of her will.
“We’ve all been through terrible things” That is something you NEVER EVER want to tell a person who is depressed, suicidal, and grieving after a very traumatic experience. Also, you didn’t have that attitude when other people went through terrible things. How come every single person in this show are allowed to step away from the agency for their own good (Jemma in s2, May in s3, Fitz himself in s3), but Daisy isn’t allowed??? And when they all went through those things, they had people supporting them, while Daisy was basically left to fend for herself in confinement. How come she’s told “well too bad. bad things happen to all of us so you just have to suck it up” My god, just show some empathy. Daisy does it, basically expected to, but why can’t anybody else?? Then again, we’re talking about Fitz who literally doesn’t have an empathetic bone in his body and only cares if it effects him. So what if YOU were so hurt that SHE left to BETTER HERSELF and MAKE SURE THE POEPLE SHE CARED ABOUT ARE SAFE after no one else would. I hate this. I hate this scene. I hate Fitz.
Glad I can finally say that^
“Never turned our back” UM FITZ, YOU LITERALLY DID IN SEASON 3.
“I’m doing what I need to do” “But that still affects us” Again, how come they get to guilt trip Daisy with their own feelings but she doesn’t get to help herself with her feelings and trauma?
4x03 Uprising
This is surprisingly one of my comfort episodes. I know, weird one to have. Maybe because it has a lot of Elena and I love her.
Yes Maria. Mack is sexy.
The crackling of the title screen!!
Elena, always the hater of heels. (Me too Yo-Yo, me too)
“I like to vet my vengeance demons before I hop in a car with them”
Of course as they are talking about it, the blackout strikes LA.
Fuck Ellen Nadeer
Elena’s outfit in this episode is so cute!
“She’s at a bachelorette party. Probably having a good time, drinking and dancing with all those sexy latino guys” Fitz, I don’t like you, especially after last episode, please don’t make me laugh. But also, don’t throw that at Mack.
It doesn’t take a lot to be a decent human being. Elena, you don’t need these people in your life.
Love how Coulson’s like “I wish I could have been there to see the flame demon” while Mack is all “Oh hell no”
If people turn on you that quickly in a situation where you are the victim, they were never your friends in the first place.
Love this fight scene! And Elena’s little teasing smile with the knife😁
“At least I don’t have to wear a stupid dress”
“I thought registered people were protected” ANOTHER REASON THE ACCORDS WERE A TERRIBLE IDEA.
Also, the actor who plays Gabe (Lorenzo James Henrie) is the younger brother of the actor who played Justin (David Henrie) in Wizards of Waverly Place. One of my favorite fun facts cause that was my favorite childhood show. He’s also only like a year younger than Chloe.
So SHIELD just has drugs that instantly kill people on hand?
And here’s Melinda May death number 1 of 2.
FINALLY we have a location of the Playground. Washington D.C.
This episode should have been a good form of proof that Mace isn’t a terrible person. He knew better than to believe it was the inhumans and he trusted Coulson.
Only Melinda May can wake up from being dead and just immediately demand to be released from stuff holding her down.
I LOVE the slow mo Yo-Yo shots. Especially cause she looks like she’s having so much fun.
“If that’s your real name” “I’ve had a few”
Thank you Elena for telling at least someone that they should respect Daisy.
He brought meds and bandages for her😭😭
Gabe, you liar.
“I hear you’re feeling like yourself” “I’m cranky” “Like I said”
Daisy, I don’t think that’s how you take pills.
Ellen Nadeer, fuck you
17 innocent inhumans were killed because of the Accords.
4x04 Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire
Jemma, NEVER trust email offers on apartments. Especially if it meets your criteria exactly.
The soft Quake theme as Daisy’s literally bleeding out.
So May’s just there, with nothing to entertain herself with? At least let her watch TV or give her her phone.
May’s just thinking “I could’ve gone out at the hands of anything, but Radcliffe? Really?”
Also the drinking. Why is Daisy kinda having a drinking problem not talked about either?
People will hate Daisy for holding a gun to Jemma. You guys actually think Daisy would have pulled the trigger on Jemma??? Heck I don’t think Jemma even believed Daisy would pull the trigger.
And of course, a vintage car chase in the famous LA River.
Mack the entire chase: “Please, for the love of god, let me work on Lola”
Dorky Coulson with the Grease reference.
“We did everything we could for him” But you guys couldn’t do the same for Daisy??
“Suck it up” Again, stuff not to say to people who are depressed.
Of course, the fire starter guy works at a fireworks store.
“Take a stand with me. Fight back. Take control of your life again” I’ve seen people call this being reckless, but Daisy only wants what’s best for her people.
DO NOT tell the robot that lying saves lives. DO NOT tell a robot that EVER!
ALSO!! The gun Jemma brought that Daisy held to her… WAS AN ICER. So Daisy wasn’t going to kill her even if she did pull the trigger, which she certainly was not going to.
“Did two fire dudes fall into a warehouse full of fireworks”
Coulson, you gotta be dramatic with just throwing the tablet on the ground?
4x05 Lockup
It’s definitely interesting watching this season after WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness. But I will always love shield more for how they handled the Darkhold.
Love snarky Daisy.
“Lucy and the whole Peanuts gang”
Mack delegating. Director Mackenzie foreshadowing.
“I didn’t always have powers, and I think I did alright” I love you Daisy.
“Oh, hell!” That’s my reaction too. I don’t like needles either, Mack😅
“Stop whining” Oh May. I love you.
Blue-skinned killers in Wyoming. So those Kree were reported.
Now that’s May and Coulson’s “stay away from our daughter” fight.
This is probably the only time they talk about Daisy being suicidal, and it’s to degrade her.
I feel like May was the only person to talk to Daisy in a way that didn’t make her the bad guy. She was stern, in her very May way, but she never put Daisy down or called her the bad guy or that she’s a terrible person for trying to protect the people she loves.
Fuck Ellen Nadeer
4x06 The Good Samaritan
Again, I love that Robbie and Gabe are so close and they are always looking out for one another despite their situations.
“Geese? I have zero geese. We are goose free”😃🦆
May concerned with Fitzsimmons’ relationship. At least she is cause I sure as heck am not.
This flashback is so deep and so powerful oh my god.
UGH Daisy being so supportive of Robbie during this time. If the show had went down the route of Quakerider being a thing, I would have been so down for that! I’m more of a casual Quakerider shipper, but they would 100% be otp if it went down that road.
Mace canonically collected Hot Wheels.
What do you mean it’s not possible Fitz? Ghost Rider just broke out.
“ROYGBIV clearance”
Isodine mention! I really need to rewatch Agent Carter.
“Sounds a little Fox News to me”
Sorry if I don’t say a lot for this episode. I’m kinda working on something at the same time😅
Shut up, Fitz.
“Like the angel” “No, I’m the other one”
4x07 Deals With Our Devils
I like how May has protection gear (the glasses/goggles) while Mack only has his shotgun axe😅
“Impossible things happen all the team” THANK YOU DAISY.
Not the biggest fan of this Simmons side story because 1) it’s another annoying Fitzsimmons separation storyline, and 2) it introduces Vijay (who deserved better) and we never go anywhere with that.
“Melinda, don’t you dare” one of the very few times someone (Mack) other than Coulson calls her Melinda.
“My axe is plenty sharp… and a shotgun”
Daisy is always the best at comforting people a shame that people couldn’t do the same. yes, i will never be over it.
“Mack, what’s gotten into you?” THE FREAKING GHOST RIDER, THATS WHAT
“I hate watching my own demise”
Fitz, can you think of the current situation instead of Simmons or yourself right now???
“It heals itself. Scientifically impossible self healing car” Keep telling yourself that, Daisy😂
“WiTh No HeLmEtS” Oh Mace.
“What’s your name?” “Nathanson, ma’am. What can I do?” “Get lost Nathanson”
But I am glad Jemma was able to help Vijay out. It is a really sweet scene.
“She’s a tool” and you wonder why Aida turned evil other than reading the Darkhold.
Okay, but Ghost Rider Mack is so BADASS.
“Attagirl” Robbie’s seen what Daisy can do and has been through, so he knows she’s capable of doing some crazy shit.
“I love this car” I feel like that’s every car guy in this show😅
“Oh, I am so thick” yes, Fitz, you are.
So could Aida hear Fitz speaking to her, or is that a decision she made herself?
What’s with Fitz and blaming other people for making decisions to better themselves and the people they care about?
Is it mean to say that I don’t care about Fitzsimmons this episode?
But I do love Coulson being a father figure towards the younger members of the team.
“I can’t help you. Have fun”
Okay, yeah, Aida said she can hear them.
I forget how good this episode is. oh my god!
Hope 4/18/06😭😭
4x08 Laws of Inferno Dynamics
As someone with emetophopia, this puking up diamonds scene makes me super uncomfortable.
“Ignoring the fact that I was mildly attracted to her”
Mack is just done with people sometimes. Honestly same😅
“I do not like magic. Or clowns. Or clowns with knives… in the dark”
Burning Man™️
Mack caring for Yo-Yo🥹
Elena worried about losing her favorite jacket😂
“A) I don’t care. B) That wasn’t me”
Always hand it to Elizabeth and Iain to remember all the science jargon, but I wanna know how the writers come up with it all and make it make sense haha.
Everyone just wants to see a freaking nuclear weapon.
Daisy’s teasing again🥹
Surprised this is the first time Daisy notices she can sense a quake coming. Thought it would have been there since she got her powers.
“This is water” “Wow, i’M sO iMpReSsEd”
“Agent Coulson, you should be dead” “Yeah, I get that a lot”
Sorry, Eli. Laws of Nature was a last season episode.
And of course, Daisy lands right in front of the press.
“Maybe in the comic book version”🤣
And Daisy and Coulson 100% saw that.
Well, RIP Nathanson.
And hello, LMD May.
And there goes that bottle of Haig
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rejectedanimexp · 2 years
The Intro to Luigi’s Decline into Villainy?; Somethings gotta give; underestimated for the last time
Part 1 to my phantom thieves AU (Mr. L)
Luigi was tired. So fucking tired. He hasn't slept in 2 weeks and he couldn't find any damn caffeine. Apparently Mario thought he was being nice by sneaking in to hide it all when Luigi was out because Luigi drank too much? It was 6 in the morning and he has been out since midnight to travel to the Bean kingdom to get some freaking caffeine. He was just too tired to fake happiness. All his bitterness was just one nudge from coming out. Sure, being Mr.L years ago did help with getting rid of over 30 years of negativity out of his system. (Yep, he remembers now. Got those memories back a few years ago.) But it only helped some. Luigi tries so hard to be happy. To smile and take all the taunts. To accept his place as number 2 and the worthless loser of a hero. But inside the rage grows. So yeah, two weeks of no sleep due to freaking King boo and Dimentio’s bullshit makes him slightly unnerved. He had no energy to fake being nice. Hell, he was too tired to be afraid of anything. Being killed by dimentio back then and fighting King boo kind of ruined his fears a bit. Why fear things when you died and came back to life? Not to mention the chaos heart was still in him, thus making him slightly immortal. Yeah, he wasn't so phased anymore by shit. He still faked it though. Because if he focused on false fears he could keep his rage at bay. Keep the murder urges at bay.
Unfortunately, no one gave Waluigi the memo. So is it really a shock that Luigi reacted the way he did? Can you really blame him for what happened that morning?
Waluigi grinned as he saw his rival up ahead. He loved picking on the resident scaredy cat. 
Luigi walked forward with his hands in his pockets and his bag slung over his left shoulder, dead to the world as he walked forward on the path in whatever forest he was in. He had finally, and I mean finally acquired some caffeine and was on his way back home to drink some and maybe hang out with his 2 friends. His eyes had heavy bags under them that made him really achieve the dead look. Glancing up from the ground he groaned with annoyance when he saw his ‘rival’. ‘Great, just what I needed. And I havent had any caffeine yet either.’ Luigi was in a stabby mood. You could say he got up today and chose violence.
‘If it isn't the loser who is scared of his own shadow. What are you up to now? Ruining from a cat? No wait, you’re getting ready to go rid the world of your pathetic self-”
Luigi’s hair casted a shadow over his eyes as he gave a death glare to Waluigi. He sighed and dropped his bag. Guess he would be testing Peasley’s little theory today after all. What a shame. And this was a new hoodie too.
“I haven't slept in 2 weeks. Do NOT fuck with me.” Luigi growled.
“Aww, is the little crybaby getting mad?” Waluigi laughed as he shoved Luigi.
Luigi laughed humorlessly as he pulled out the knife Peasley gifted him. He then grinned manically as he jumped Waluigi and proceeded to let out all that rage and anger that has built up over more than 30 years. He was sick of being underestimated. He saved the world how many times? He saved Mario how many times? And still people looked down on him. Saw him as nothing. Hell, he saved Peach faster than Mario the few times he had to save her. Yet Mario was held as a hero and Luigi was the worthless crybaby who couldn't do anything. Yep. Luigi was sick of it. He could only play nice for sooo long. Complacency wasn't forever and even Luigi had his limits. All it takes is just one bad day…
Earlier that week in his mansion:
Luigi was sitting on a barstool, leaning against the counter in the secret side room they turned into the hangout room. Behind him in the small sitting area was Peasley spinning around in a swilly chair and in front of him on the other side of the counter was Daisy who was sketching out her latest ideas for a villain costume in case she ever needed one.
Peasly sighed as he stopped spinning and broke the silence. “You know, I bet Luigi could get away with pretty much anything with how everyone looks down on him.”
“I dont think he could get way with murder now…” daisy replied amused.
“But he could though. He could walk into the guard tower covered in blood with the dead body and they wouldn't believe he did it. They would think he was faking it. That it is a prank. Afterall, if Luigi is supposedly afraid of his own shadow, then how would he be brave enough to kill?” Peasley snarked back.
Luigi lifted his head up and glanced behind himself at Peasley. “Maybe. Maybe not. Guess we’ll never know.”
“Well, I bet you 2,000 coins he could.” Peasley boasted to Daisy.
“You’re on!” Daisy grinned.
Lugi rolled his eyes at their antics.
Luigi panted as he finally stopped. He was covered in red and his eyes looked manic. Waluigi was limp and looked like a thoroughly used pin cushion. He rubbed his face with a sigh, grabbed his bag and then Waluigi before dragging his body with him towards the nearest town to show the body to a Toad guard. How much chaos would it cause? Would they arrest him or accuse him of faking it all and send him away for wasting their time? Only one way to find out.
With Peasley and Daisy:
Peasly groaned in boredom as he spun his chair around and around. He was sooo bored. Luigi has been gone for hours, and Daisy was too busy drawing out stupid costume ideas to entertain him. Daisy has a huge board up on the wall with so many costume designs on it. She was really into the idea of going villain should Luigi finally snap. It was only a matter of time seeing he is sleep deprived after all. And as Luigi’s best gal friend it was her duty to help him out.
Daisy put his pencil down and looked up from his newest sketch with annoyance “Would you quit that? I’m trying to work here!”
Peasly sat up from his slouching position and growled “Oh I'm sorry, but I'm sooo bored. What's taking him so long? It shouldn't take this long to get some freaking beans from my kingdom.”
“I'm sure he’s fine. You know how he gets when he’s sleep deprived.” Daisy placated as she went back to sketching out her villain custom prototype 34b.
“I know but still…. What do you think is holding him back? You don't think he got caught up in a fight or anything?” Peasley asked.
Daisy laughed, “I hope not. I don't think Luigi would let them live if they antagonize him before he gets some caffeine in his system. Poor Mario doesnt know what's coming his way for hiding all the caffeine.”
“Yeah… if someone hid my beans I’d probably kill them.” Peasley agreed.
Right about then unexpected visitors showed up; King Boo, Dimentio, Fawful, and Antasma.
“Luigi! We are here to-” Dimentio declared dramatically only for Peasley to interrupt him.
“Sorry, Lugi isnt here at the moment. Please leave a message after the dead inside sigh.” Peasley deadpanned before letting out a slow miserable sigh.
Daisy responded by looking up and throwing a wad of paper at the green prince.
“Ow! What the heck, Daisy?!” Peasley pouted.
“I told you to stop sighing!” Daisy gritted through her teeth. She then looked at the villains and said, “Luigi isn't here.”
“Yeah, he left hours ago to get some beans because he hasn't slept in weeks and Mario just had to hide all of the beans here because he ‘cares’ and doesn't want Luigi to drink too much caffeine even though it's like a lifeline at this point and Luigi is this close to killing someone if he doesnt get some fucking caffine. But nooooo, he has to travel all the way to bean kingdom to get some and he should have been back hours ago. Which means someone must have run into him and I hope they didn't annoy him because he has no patience and is liable to stab someone if they even as much as look at him wrong. I almost feel bad for Mario when Luigi gets his hands on him for hiding all his beans. Seriously. Luigi is too tired to fake kindness and patience. He is just one push away from releasing 30 plus years of rage and anger and I fear for the person on the receiving end of that impending emotional explosion bound to happen.” Peasley fumed.
“I doubt he’ll actually kill someone. Maybe severely maim them. As much as he wants to stab someone, he knows better than to kill when he won't be able to cover it up." Daisy scoffed.
“Luigi could so get away with murder! Everyone underestimates him to the point that they wouldn't believe him to be the culprit.” Peasley argued.
“I don't really think so. The mushroom kingdom may be dumb but i doubt they are that dumb.`` Daisy debated.
“Mario and the others couldn't even tell that Bowsette was Bowser. That Mr. L was a brainwashed Luigi despite the fact that he literally had a hat with a backwards L on it! He didn't even hide his mustache or change his voice! Face it, those braindead idiots wouldn't suspect Luigi if he killed someone in front of them. It’s like they are all inbred or something.” Peasley pointed out.
“Well, most of the toads are married to 2nd or 3rd cousins…” Daisy considered.
“That explains so much. Do you think Mario was dropped on his head one too many times?” Peasley wondered. 
“Maybe he just got all the brawn and charm while Luigi got the brains.” Daisy suggested.
A loud slam came from the front door and Luigi stormed into the room covered in blood dragging a dead Waluigi behind him. “Apparently walking into a guard house like this isnt enough reason to be arrested in the Mushroom kingdom. They freaking accused me of playing dressup and told me to stop wasting their time. I have lost all faith in Peach’s forces if they are this dumb. At least I got my beans. And Walugi finally shut up and cant annoy me. Although now I need a dead animal to bury above his body so when they come looking for it they find the animal and don't dig further to find him. I’d burn him if he wasn’t so skinny. Fat bodies burn way easier after all. Peasley, do you know where I can find a dead animal and a shovel?”
“Damn it, Luigi.” Daisy  yelled as she threw a giant coin bag at Peasley who fistbumped the air.
“Thanks for earning me 2,000 coins! Now I can buy more knives!” Peasley cheered. “The shovel should be outside near the shed. Oh, and I’m sure you’ll find an animal to kill somewhere out there.”
“You just couldn’t rein in your anger a bit longer, huh?” Daisy sighed with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m sorry but I havent sleep in weeks and all i want is some fucking caffiene and Waluigi was in the way of me getting home to drink some! He just wouldn't shut up! Do you know how exhausting it is to not snap at people all the time? To not just set someone on fire or stab them when they mock me? I’m too fucking tired to be patient with people’s bullshit. I told him. I freaking warned him that I was not in the mood but he just had to push me. He had it coming. He was asking for it. Besides, it felt great to let all that anger out.” Luigi said with a manic smile as he dropped the knife and let go of Waluigi’s arm he was holding.
“Yeah, well, that's what happens when you let 30 plus years of anger and resentment build up. You tend to snap. Also, I hate to ruin your moment of clarity but if you haven't noticed, there are villains in here.” Daisy scolded.
Luigi blinked a few times and glanced at the 4 villains as if he just now realized they were there.
“Oh… I’m too tired to deal with this. Make Mario deal with whatever evil schemes they have. He’s the hero after all. I’m just his worthless brother who ‘can't do anything’.” Luigi scoffed as made quotation marks with his hands. “Besides, the bastard hid all my beans. I hope his week is miserable. Teach him not to mess with a guy’s caffeine. And was it always so bright in here? Seriously though. I’m too tired to care about the fate of the world. Let the world burn. I’m too tired to give a fuck about it. I need some beans. Damn Mario hiding all my caffeine.”
Lugi just stumped toward the room’s door to head towards the stairs and his bedroom.
‘Luigi, you cant just ignore them.” Peasley said amused as he leaned against his chair’s arm.
"Watch me! That's Future Luigi’s problem.” Luigi yelled. “I’m too tired to deal with all of this shit.”
“So you have said. Repeatedly.” Peasley sighed as Luigi disappeared. He then looked back at the Villains. “Yeah… he’s kind of in a ‘let the world burn’ mood right now. He’d probably not even try to stop you if you kidnapped Mario or attacked the Mushroom kingdom this week. And he’s liable to brutally murder anything that gets in the way of sleep and his beans these next 48 hours.”
“He needs a therapist.” Daisy sighed with exasperation.
“NO I DON’T!” Luigi could faintly be heard yelling from upstairs.
“How the fuck can he hear from up there?!” Peasley asked as he glanced up. “I swear he hears and sees everything no matter where he is.”
Loud stomping and crashing noises come from above.
“Now he's just throwing a fit.” Daisy frowned like a disapproving mom. “I hope he's not breaking anything important up there.”
“He’s probably looking for that starbeans machine I gave him. Thank God. The sooner he gets some coffee in his system the sooner I don't have to worry about angering him. How the fuck is Mario not dead yet with how often Luigi gets annoyed with him?” Peasley said as he shuddered.
“An impossible amount of patience. And the few villain fights he gets to fight in probably helps. Taking out his frustrations in all the fights is probably what keeps him from losing his shit with Mario and his bullshit.” Daisy pointed out.
“Yeah, so come back later..? Preferably when Luigi’s first response to an annoyance or danger isn't to stab a thousand times or set it on fire?” Peasley told the villains.
“Yeah… a sadistic and slightly unhinged Luigi isn't something you want to fight. He isn't gonna defeat you and send you to a prison or whatever… he’s just gonna kill you.” Daisy mused. Then she looked thoughtful. “Say, Peasley. Should we just throw sleep deprived and caffeine denied Luigi at Bowser? Like, as much as Peach annoys me with how she's such a Mary Sue, I feel her pain with having to reject Bowser so many times because he won't take no for an answer. Plus it would be funny.”
“Yeah… no. Just put a power crown on Mario and call it quits.” Peasley responded. “Pffft, then Bowser would fixate on mari-nette. Mario-nette? Mari-sette? Mari-ette? Whatever the female name.”
“Anyways, bye. Come back when luigi isnt in murder mode.” Daisy sighed. “Whenever that is… damn Mario hiding all the beans. Is he out of his mind? He could have gotten us all killed. I swear…”
To be continued. . .
Bonus scene: 
Luigi finally came back down stairs 4 hours later completely content and no longer angry. As soon as he stepped through the false bookcase door into the hangout room he stopped short staring at the dead body.
“Oh… I forgot about that.” he said.
“... Seriously?!?!??!” Peasley yelled with exasperation as he launched out of his chair and threw his hands in the air.
“Hey, don't blame me, blame sleep deprived me. You know I’m not all there when I’m tired.”
Dont be afraid to send questions fr the characters
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