#dal angry
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Today’s J-fashion wearer is Dal Angry, a doll made by Pullip! She wears gothic lolita with some punk elements!
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mafumizus · 1 year
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redraw of dal angry!
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pixiedane · 1 year
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Paramount+ cancelled my purple son. AND they're removing season one from the service.
At this point all the streaming services appear to be in a contest to see which can disappoint its audience (and creators) the most.
Shareholders are what's wrong with everything everywhere but especially entertainment and especially streaming entertainment. Constant profit is unrealistic, unsustainable, and the enemy of art.
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mila-bee · 8 months
Finally! It was getting real old having everyone make choices for us, felt so good to be like no, this is where I want to be and this is who is want to stay with!
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fate-motif · 1 year
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@ memory alpha he’s! not! human!
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samott · 7 months
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dragonbleps · 20 days
if someone else asks for a post i've reblogged i can USUALLY find it, but if I, the person who put the post on my blog and presumably tagged it thoroughly, want to find a post, lmao...... no post for me
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scarysanctuary · 1 year
Yeah, don't mind me, just been walking around feeling weepy, like my hearts been ripped outta me and stomped on, I related to Ed too much in those 3 episodes, it was like being forced to look in an ugly, sad mirror that I'd had hidden away for years... I don't want to see myself nor for others to see me, it's all just very raw.
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satelitis · 1 year
hi! me and yen (@/yenn3fer) were uncomfortable with them being compared to a racist/bigoted character, (juror 10) it made them feel like they did something wrong or were a bad person, im sure you meant no harm by this but it was a little confusing, hope this explains well.
omg i’m so sorry i didn’t mean it it that way i meant it in like the way that they are voiceful with their opinions and are comfortable speaking up abt them. i made the disclaimer that it was all inpositive connotation and wasn’t meant to compare the negative bigoted attitudes of these characters. @yenn3fer i’m so so so so sorry and didn’t mean to offend or make you upset it anyway. i was purely focusing on one aspect of the character that i thought matched and not the gross trait of them. please forgive me and i don’t think you’re a bad person at all and i feel so bad for ever making you feel that way please consider my apology. like your friend said i only meant well. thank you so much for letting me know it made you uncomfortable and i will be sure to consider these things more in the future ilysm yen and i truely meant to harm <3
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donniefigurine · 1 year
star trek prodigy is the first star trek show ive ever watched and all i have to say is...um it sucks?? sorry i know it's super popular but i just dont like it like at ALL lol
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Currently in a state of I feel nothing; I’m not sad, not happy, not angry, not suic!dal, not anything. I’m just kind of here.
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Dallas Dating A Curtis!Reader
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Buckle up buttercups, this is gonna be fun!
As always, to fit the age bracket, you’re either Soda’s twin, or you were born between Sodapop and Ponyboy
Pick and choose as you see fit, but I’m definitely seeing more opportunity for a Sodapop’s twin sibling-
Lemme set the stage a little bit, alright? Cause there’s a bunch of ideas floating around in this brain of mine-
You’ve had a crush on Dal for the longest time and I mean the longest time- ever since he stumbled in with that stupid white blond hair and that stupid New York accent and that stupid little attitude of his- you’d been head over heels
And low and behold, Dallas had been nursing a few feelings for you as well, hiding them a little better than you had been
So of course, y’all flirt and mess around and all the rest of the boys are a little suspicious but you and Dal both deny that there’s anything between the two of you
That changes a few weeks before the Curtises die, you and Dallas go on an official date down to the nightly double (he timed it with your favorite films cause he’s romantic like that) and bada bing bada boom, y’all are dating
But it’s a secret and no one knows but here comes the funeral and you’re holding Dallas’ hand through the whole thing, crying into his shoulder and he’s cradling the back of your head and everyone knows there’s something up
Darry doesn’t like it- not even a little bit- he doesn’t love that you’re dating Dal one smidgeon of a bit
He likes Dal well enough, he’s got to, they’re in the same gang, but like- he knows Dallas well enough too to know that maybe this isn’t the best thing
Dare’s biggest concern is your heart and whether or not Dal’s gonna break it by doing something stupid like fooling around with someone else or getting hauled in for something big and leaving you alone forever
Sodapop’s a little more okay with it? But he’s still a little hesitant, especially when Dally likes to get a little more physical than he needs to
*cough cough* kissing you way past decent under the porch light when he’s dropping you off at home after a date, sliding his hand into your back pocket to keep you close, just generally being Dal and pushing the limits of what is publicly decent *cough cough*
Where the real fun is located is with our dear darling Ponyboy!
It’s canon, I’m pretty sure and I’m pretty confident after reading the book fifty million times, that Ponyboy “doesn’t like” Dally and thinks he’s kinda scary
But at the same time, we all know that boy looks up to Dally too and Dally has a soft spot for him
I’m seeing like- Ponyboy and Johnny and Dallas hanging out, just the three of them, and Dal’s trying to be all nonchalant and stuff, smoking casually as he tries to ask Ponyboy about how you’d like certain things
Dally tries to subtly run almost all his date ideas past Ponyboy before he takes you out because yeah, he really does like you, and sometimes he’s just a little unsure of himself with how much he cares about you
Now. When he gets hauled in, and we know it’s going to happen, let's be honest with ourselves folks, when he gets hauled in, his phone call is going to go to the Curtis house
He’s gonna ask for you and he’s gonna apologize for having to be gone for so long
If I was you? I’d cry, I’d scream, I’d be angry and sad and frustrated because why does he keep making stupid decisions?
But I’m gonna tell you this-
Putting up with stupid decisions and working through tough times like this? It’s gonna be a lot of the relationship, and it’s gonna be pretty prominent in your time with Dally
If that’s not for you? Then maybe, maybe it won’t work out
But that’s alright too! All the more for me :D
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m4y4wasnthere · 3 months
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soc!reader x dallas winston hcs
cw: minor smoking mention, suggestive ones at the end
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you were friends with Pony and Johnny because of Cherry
Pony and Johnny always would talk abt how tuff you were, Dallas once overheard them
He didn’t like you, he wasnt fond of the fact you were a soc, regardless of what pony and johnny said abt you. the only reason he didn’t hate you was because of how Cherry proved herself to be a good person
they had to beg darry to let you come over
you were wearing a white sweetheart top with some simple jeans. you loved pearl necklaces and was wearing a pink bow in your hair
when he first saw you, his first thought was how pretty you were. he liked the fact you were slightly dolled up just to meet your friend’s crew
“whats your name dollface?” dallas completely set aside his soc hatred for you
his reaction left pony and johnny shocked lmao “dal i thought you didnt lik-“ dallas shoved pony before he could finish his sentence.
you didnt hear alot about dallas, but you knew he was a hood who got into jail every other week.
you couldnt help but giggle to the nickname, “my name is y/n, nice to meet you, um dal is it?”
his heart fluttered at you calling him that. “uh- the name is dallas winston but yea, you can call me dal.” he tried and lean on the doorway behind him but he missed and slipped before quickly catching himself
he mentally facepalmed , he knew the gang was gonna make fun of him for this later
he loves seeing all your outfits and all the different accessories you have
you have a white/pink mustang and he engraved D.W + (ur initals) on it
you were a bit angry when you found it but it was small and hidden enough to the point where u decided u werent gonna get it fixed (you secretly thought it was cute the whole time)
hes snuck into your room plenty of times, and you love putting a bow in his hair
“cmon doll, y’know i dont wear this girl stuff” he sat on your bed, slightly sinking on the mattress.
“baby if you want to keep sneaking in here then yes, you do wear this girl stuff.” After the bow was clipped on, you kissed his cheek and he seemed to not mind anymore.
Tries his best not to get into jail as much anymore because you hate it. not only do you hate being separated from him, you want him to have an okayyy rep when he meets your parents
hes not completely sober (yet? lets hope 🤞) but he starts to limit how much he smokes since he doesn’t want to be a bad influence on you. If you guys are around each other, then he won’t smoke. Even if that means no smoking for a whole day or 2
you get super scared whenever he surprises you by walking to your house because you dont want him to get jumped by other soc’s
you were chilling on your couch when you heard someone knock on the door, you were in pretty floral silk-like pajamas and had your hair up.
you peeked before seeing your boyfriend. “Dal what’re you doing here? Did you walk here?”
“…yes, but im fine doll s-“
“Dallas Winston, I told you to not walk here by yourself, especially in broad daylight! What if you got jumped!” He walked in, and you locked the door. You crossed your arms, not stepping towards him.
he hates it when you use his full name, his head was down and he fake pouted. “ ‘m sorry doll, forgive me please. I’ll make it up to you.” He held his arms out for a hug.
As much as you wanted to stand your ground, you gave into his hug.
lets just say you guys were kissing.. alot, he promised to make it up to you 🤷‍♀️
He secretly loves saving up whatever money he has to buy you nice things, makes him feel like he actually deserves you. Probably would play it off by saying stuff like “saw this lying around and…” “i picked this up on the way…do you like it?”
His insecurity about if you actually want him and if hes good enough for you is pretty apparent. He doesn’t think you see it but you’ve caught on and make sure to tell him you love him a lot.
• suggestive ones •
Loves praising you, especially if your giving him a blowjob or right when the round finishes
“Your eyes are so pretty looking up at me doll”
“You’re taking me so well”
“You were so good doll, I love seeing you feel good because of me”
You once wore a pretty white lingerie set, and he couldn’t keep his hands off of you for hours
Teases you a lot about your matching bra/panty sets
“You matched for me doll?”
“The white sets’ my favorite”
Can’t get enough of your beautiful face, he once gave you a facial and ever since then, he always hopes you allow him to do it everytime
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jaidens · 1 year
Your Little Hand's Wrapped Around My Finger And It's So Quiet In The World Tonight
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pairing [s] : dad!dallas winston x reader
warning [s] :| im actually crying rn | biggest dad!dallas supporter actually | mentions of all things pregnancy related: throwing up
a/n [s] : requests are open!
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Dallas is quiet as you stand in front of him, hands shaking. He has barely any reaction to what you told him, tears running down your face as you laid in his arms. Dallas holds you tight, hand laying on your neck protectively. Dallas Winston wasn't a ‘father’ type. After growing up with an absolutely horrible example, he was forced to live by himself, not relying on anyone. You came into his life and understood what he needed: unconsciously pulling him slowly out of the thick walls he has built up over his time on the Earth.
Dallas hated kids, that was one thing anyone could remember Dallas as. It was him knocking over their drink, taking candy from them, or throwing their poker cards everywhere; he hated kids. So, when you had found out you were pregnant you were understandably immediately worried. The day you told him, you were terrified. Your hands shaking as you told him, getting ready to hear yelling or slamming doors: but it was the complete opposite. Dallas cried that night with his hand lying on your stomach, with your hands in his hair.
You were four months pregnant, surviving the time of morning and night sickness. However, you still pushed through while Dallas would follow you into the bathroom at all moments it didn't matter either way. His hand would rub your back and hold your hair back. Dallas wasn't known for acting like this, holding his girlfriend in his arms while she was sick. He was changing in his life, and he let those changes overtake him, saddening the dumb Greasers who would try and convince him to slash tires, by saying no to their advances.
If you asked Dallas fifteen months ago about how he felt about kids, he would grumble and say how gross they were. Now, he thinks the baby with soft brown eyes and dark whisps of hair kicks her legs at him while giggling, is the sweetest creature ever. For the nine months you held her and the pain you experienced, she looked identical to her father. Same nose, lips, and big doe eyes. You weren't angry however, knowing her face would be loved just like you loved Dally’s face.
“Hey Dal’,” You say as he watches you wrap around the corner of the living room. You and Dallas saved up enough money for a small house with just enough you needed to live. Two bedrooms, one big enough for you and Dallas and one for the baby. She was named Darlene after Dallas’ mother, in hopes to remember her legacy. You thought the name was absolutely gorgeous, and she was given your mother’s middle name. “How is Darla?”
Dallas looks up at you, his finger has her hand wrapped around it, as she chews on it. “Hey, sweetheart.” You sit down next to him, and lay on his shoulder. You both admire Darla and her gorgeousness and the happiness she radiated to everyone. “She’s been great.” Dallas’ voice is soft, barely speaking above a whisper as his hand pushes back her hair. You're staring at Dally as he picks Darla up and gives her forehead a tight kiss, and then gives you one. “She probably needs a feeding now. Why don't you go rest, Dal? You've been up all day and night.” You offer but he shakes his head, and follows you to the couch where you feed Darlene.
Another thing that's shown up is his clinginess towards you. He stopped leaving you alone, choosing to go everywhere with you, even if that just includes changing Darlene’s diaper. He's been an amazing, incredible father and you're the most glad to have his support in your life. For the fact he stayed with you, and decided to care for her.
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When They Get Jealous
Summary: What happens when they someone flirting with you and they get jealous? Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Lila Pitts, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Viktor Hargreeves, Marcus Hargreeves, Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves, Fei Hargreeves, Sloane Hargreeves, Jayme Hargreeves Tw: Violence, Emotional Manipulation, Su!c!dal indications
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Luther Hargreeves
Kind of insecure
He's also angry and crushes whatever he's holding in his hands
He's surprised when looking down at the crushed item
Then he becomes annoyed
He'll go to the bathroom to clean up and you'll quickly follow him
"Are you okay?"
He's surprised by your presence and the fact that you followed him
He'll then feel bad about his feelings before
You would never hurt him and he knows that, so why would he even feel that way? You've never done anything to justify that feeling
"Um... Nothing, I accidently- uh, crushed this thing- You know... Strength issues..."
You'll help him clean up/patch up and it makes Luther guilty and he momentarily forgets about the previous feeling... At least until next time
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Deigo Hargreeves & Lila Pitts
What a duo
Lila definitely filled Diego's head with delusions and will convince him to do something stupid [Like kill the person flirting w/ you] while she hides the body
Lila takes it better, but inside she's more pissed than Diego
Diego is mad at you and won't talk to you. You'll have to profusely apologize and prove to him you care, otherwise he won't speak to you. Trust, he can hold a grudge
Lila, on the other hand, is very extroverted and will go over to where you are and talk to the person who was flirting with you
There's is definitely tension in the air, even though it doesn't show on her face
She's all smiles and happy, but it doesn't show in her eyes
Deigo is mad, but Lila sees it as an opportunity to manipulate you [She also wants a reason to kill somone]
You try and talk back and she'll bring up how sad it makes them when people flirt with you and she'll emotionally manipulate into feeling bad
You didn't like the person but... maybe she's right? I mean- you didn't exactly tell the person no or that you were taken, but you had asked them to stop.... Was that enough?
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Allison Hargreeves
Oh, no no no nononononono
She is NOT letting that happen
The person who's flirting with you must have a death wish
She doesn't want to use her powers, but...
Well, she really has to fight the urge
She looks very sweet and kind, so she can just come into the conversation and play nice girl
She'll drag you off, talking about needing your help or something, while apologizing for taking you away [But she doesn't really mean it]
You won't even notice she's mad until you're alone
She'll accuse you of cheating or trying to leave her
You're taken by surprise, but don't even try and fight her, because she's in a very low/depressive state, so she'd be easy to push into doing something drastic
So, you'll have to wait until she feels better to confront her
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Klaus Hargreeves
They already assume you don't love them, so this just fills this delusion they have
It really bums them out and they get super depressed
They get extra clingy whenever they get you alone
They're usually pretty clingy, so you don't think about it to much
Until, they start whining about the guy at the bar
They'll ask you if you like them [Flirter] more than them [Klaus]
You'll tell them no, but they don't believe you
They'll emotion manipulate you saying that you probably hate them and if you ever leave them, they'll kill themselves
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Five Hargreeves
Someone flirting with you? Do they have a death wish??
Not afraid to kill a man or women. He doesn't care
The only issue is he'd never admit his jealousy. You have to confront him and at first he'll deny it, but if you keep pushing he'll get pissed and yell 'You know what- I am jealous! So what!?!'
You're surprised he admitted it, but that's the only time you're getting it
He'll deny saying it and gaslight you into thinking it never happened
He will kill them, he just needs a little time, which he has plenty of
It is bloody, gory and gruesome
No one will find the body, but he'll make sure you know the person is dead and it's all your fault
He'll make sure you never do it again because he hates this feeling and it bothers the hell out of him
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Ben Hargreeves
He wasn't really having fun at the party, so when seeing someone hit on you, it just made his night worse
He's scared you'll realize that he's not good enough
He hates the icky feeling in his stomach and it only continues to grow
Though it does make the feeling subside when seeing you roll your eyes and push the person out of the way before heading towards him
It makes him giddy and smile; Like a school boy
The fact that you'd chose him over everyone else really fuels his obsession, so be warned
When you get to him, you complain about the person
"Did you see them?"
He'll pretend that he wasn't paying attention and you gasp, before sitting down and ranting about how stupid that person was
He practically has hearts in his eyes and he looks at you like you're the only person in the world, which to him you are
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Viktor Hargreeves
He's annoyed, but he's not going to do anything drastic [Or at least he tries]
He wants to do something, but he doesn't really know what to do, because he's never had like a good relationship
He watches sadden from afar before wallowing in his own self pity
Though, after everything that has happened, he is a little bit more confident it just takes some working up before he can go over to you
He'll debate about it for a few though. Like he'll sit up, but quickly sit back down and do it over again until he finally gathers the courage to approach you
He'll finally approach you, thinking of what he's going to do as he approaches you, but when he finally approaches you he's still lost on what to do
He'll just act and kiss you infront of the person, which takes the flirter by surprise
The flirter will apologize and end up leaving you alone
You're surprised by Viktor's brazen behavior, but it's also kind of a turn on and he'll kiss you again before you can comment on it
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Marcus Hargreeves
He doesn't get 'jealous'
That word isn't even in his dictionary
Well, that was until he saw a guy flirting with you
What is this feeling???
It's an icky feeling that he doesn't like it
He'll put an end to it quickly [Both the flirting and the feeling]
You're kind of taken aback when Marcus comes up to you and pulls you away from the conversation
He would have folded his way into the conversation, but he would have been passive aggressive
You try and ask him what's wrong, but he's quick to deflect the conversation
He'll push the feeling deep down and it'll come up when you both get into a fight
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Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves
He's furious
If he wasn't busy nursing his drink, he probably would have knocked the guy out. Thankfully he's drunk and not sober
Though he can't help the thoughts in his mind... Violent thoughts
The thoughts will become a lot and he has to leave
He's mad at the person, but then he starts thinking and he suddenly becomes mad at you
How come you didn't tell them to back off????
He becomes slightly insecure but he fights that feeling and it becomes overcome with anger
He'll end up leaving without you, because he needs time to be alone and think
Though, this just makes his feelings worse. While he's drunk he's sad and depressed, but when he becomes sober, his emotions quickly turn to anger and he wants to confront you
So, when he sees you again he's anger has already been bubbling up and he blows up
You're taken aback and kind of scared because he's so mad and he's yelling and you can't even decipher what he's talking about
He needs some time to cool off, but he can't be alone, because his feelings will cool off
You'll go to another room while he cools off, so that he knows you're still around, but you're not alone together
He will eventually calm down and apologize for his behavior, but not with words, but like subtle actions, gifts, and such
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Fei Hargreeves
You don't even know she's jealous, because she hides it so well
She's kind of scary looking, so no-one has approached her
She takes her jealousy pretty well and doesn't let it bother her
It just kind of rolls off her back
She's confident and knows who she is and what she wants, so she's not threatened by some nobody trying to hit on you
Though, if she sees you getting uncomfortable, she will step in
Thanks to her looks, they back off rather quickly
It's rather silly to her and she finds the whole thing stupid
She takes it the best and doesn't let it bother her
10/10 best girlfriend <3
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Sloane Hargreeves
She's a sweet girl and doesn't deserve to be sad
She's a hopeless romantic, so when she sees people flirting and being cute, she instantly is like 'Awww' until she realizes it's you
Then she's mad and her mind races with multiple different scenario
What if you leave her?
Oh god, what if you don't love her anymore?
What if you click with them so well that you think they're you're soul mate and you leave he-
She shakes her head, before standing up
She fixes her hair, before putting on her brightest smile and approaching you
She's very beautiful, so they person who was hitting on you will turn and flirt with her too
She'll become annoyed, because they were just hitting on you and now they're hitting on her? Were you not good enough for them???
Who did they think they were?
Instead of being mad that they were flirting with you, she's mad they STOPPED flirting with you to flirt with her
You're incredible, so she's confused why they don't realize that
She calls them on it and you're really flattered, but you have to drag her away, so she doesn't get to carried away
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Jayme Hargreeves
It's more of an annoyance
She doesn't think about it to much
She's probably the only one who WILL come up to you and interrupt your conversation in a rude way
If the flirter is rude to her she'll use her powers and pull you away from them
It all happens so fast, you don't even process it until you're back at the house
"What the hell was that???"
She doesn't even turn to you, but you do here her make a sound of confusion
Your brows frown, and you groan, "Why did you use your powers on that person"
"Why were you flirting with them?" Still she hasn't turned towards you
"I wasn't flirting with them!"
She keeps her cool, making brash accusations, which causes you to get angry and by the end of it she makes it seem like YOU are the crazy one
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Vedic Remedies & healing approach towards energies of planets.
🌙Monday - Ruled by Moon.
🤍Start a day with a spoon of curd.
🤍Meditate for 10 mins.
🤍Sing om Namah Shivaya .
🤍Wear white colored clothes .
🤍 Flow white flowers, white rice into water to balance your mind & get the benefits of moon.
🤍 Feel your feminine side and acknowledge it's beauty & sacredness. Honor your emotional needs , feel , flow & create .
🤍 Love and allow yourself to receive, to be loved in return too.
Tuesday - Ruled by Mars.
🔥Do some workout, exercise, gym , running or yoga .
🔥Wear red colored clothes to energise yourself of this energy.
🔥 Acknowledge your & others wrong doings and let it help you create healthy boundaries for yourself.
🔥 Stand up for the right causes , for your & others well being. Be courageous enough to have faith in yourself.
🔥Cut off unhealthy habits , thought processes & unhealthy relationships. And be brave enough to accept your mistakes too.
🔥Run , shake your body , write an angry letter ( do not send it ) & burn it. Maintain an healthy outlet for your anger . It has it's right & necessary own place. 🌸
🔥Donate red lentils , red flowers into a river or ocean .
☘️Wednesday - Ruled by Mercury.
💚Wear green colored clothes more . Write , read & knit.
💚Do some puzzles .
💚Connect with your sisters and siblings , friends. Laughter & light-heartedness. Sing.
💚Flow green coloured clothes , green dal into a river , ocean.
💚Spend some time with mother nature , greenery.
⚜️Thursday ruled by Jupiter.
💛Pray , connect with your higher self. Read spiritual texts.
💛Be kind to yourself and others.
💛Feel gratitude genuinely for even little things. Meditate , go to a temple or a high spiritual energy place.
💛Wear something new ;). Wear yellow colored clothes or accessories to increase its essence.
💛Respect yourself & everyone.
💛Remember your Guru in your heart.
💛Feel the golden energy totally engulfing you. Feel hope for yourself.
💛Flow yellow colored flowers , yellow dal into rivers , ocean etc.
🕊️Friday ruled by Venus.
🌸Deeply appreciate yourself, your inner heart , inner self , talents , physical appearance. Self care day. Sing , dance , create , paint , feel beautiful.
🌸Meditate, sit in silence, connect with your true self :). Pray to female deities.
🌸Spend quality time with your female friends. Dive into your intuition & feminine spirit.
🌸Wear a flower in your hair . Jasmine fragrance. White or pink clothes.
🌸Accept yourself, acknowledge your light & dark side and forgive yourself.
🌸Lighter & brighter.
🌸Flow white flowers , white colored clothes, ghee etc into an ocean or river to balance it's energy.
Saturday ruled by Saturn 🪐
💙Light a sesame oil diya / lamp 🪔 .
💙Give yourself a sesame oil massage.
💙Keep yourself accountable and be impartial. Follow the right path of karma.
💙 Embody more self discipline in life. Respect people who work below your designations , bosses .
💙Donate to orphanges & old age homes.
💙Have a healthy sense of responsibility towards yourself and others.
💙Believe in higher justice power of the universe.
💙Work hard and learn to be patient with yourself & others.
💙Maintain Persistence , acknowledge your & others hardships and also grow through them so that you get the true gift of maturity.
💙Value time , efforts . Face your fears , accept your shortcomings and smile because you are still valuable & beautiful with it :).
💙Small menial work is no less a job. Respect your servants . Follow your ethics.
💙Be true 🙂
💙Feed food to black dogs.
💙Flow , black dal into a river or ocean.
Sunday ruled by sun.
☀️Give Surya jal to early rising sun.
☀️Acknowledge your divinity & true essence.
☀️Feel gratitude for the energy of sun that gives everyone its light & love.
☀️Create something, laugh & have fun.
☀️Wear red . Feel gratitude for the masculine energies within you.
☀️Spend some quality time with your father or father like figures or our universal father - the sun god.
☀️Perform , theatre acting, center stage singer of your room , innovative and be an authority unto your own self. Choose a Nobel path.
☀️Eat jaggery .
☀️Flow wheat grains ,jaggery into ocean , rivers etc.
PS : whenever you flow these specific items into rivers or oceans , you are balancing off your negative energies.
Thus be grateful and pray to your source of faith or Deity Varun Dev ( god of water & much more ) for his help & love 💕
DM to book a reading with me 🌻
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