#dammit JK! answer my texts!
jmdbjk · 2 years
Quality anon time:
Addressing a few anons in my inbox:
Anon: “It's really sad that you're a jikooker but you use the same narrative of taekookers, saying that only jimin mentions jungkook. Why you didn't say that also jungkook mentions jimin sometimes?” 
Me: Okay anon... Jungkook mentions Jimin sometimes. Happy now? 
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If you don’t know by now where I stand on all this you should just keep scrolling past my blog. I would say, “you obviously never read anything I’ve said” but in your same ask you say “long post to justify the fact that Jungkook never supported jimin in this solo era” so I know you read THIS particular “long post”. Go read some more of my past posts to see where I stand on your incorrect take of what I wrote. But you seem like the type of person who thrives on drama, searches it out, reads things that you don’t agree with, just so you can seethe and unload all of your negative petty judgemental energy on someone you don’t know. The internet and anonymous make that easy for you.
Anon: “Don't you dare to compare tae with jimin...Don't try to minimize Jimin's relationship with Jk only because you want to defend your precious Tae.”
Me: another ignorant person who hasn’t read anything I’ve ever said. ...instructing me to stop spreading a narrative that jikook and taekook are the same kind of relationship. [insert loud laughing rolling on the floor...ROFL] This person also states they are not a jikooker or Tae anti...and goes on to say “Taehyung started mentioning Jk's name all the time unprovoked only during this solo era, ...His purpose is clear even if you close your eyes.” 
Which makes me want to elaborate: A few people are very angry with Tae and believe he has an “agenda.” I don’t have an explanation as to why he mentions Jungkook. Last time was because they were gaming with some of Tae’s other friends. We don’t know what Tae’s real motivation is. Maybe Tae really wishes JK would do a live with him? And they DID manage to do that Instagram live for a few minutes...
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But to me, they just don’t have the same chemistry as Jimin and Jungkook. The insta live very much gave me this vibe:
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I don’t know what else you want me to say that I’ve not said before. They are doing a pretty good job by themselves dispelling any thought that Tae and Jungkook’s chemistry (awkward?) is the same as Jimin and Jungkook (chemistry through the roof).
And Tae IS precious because he is one of the seven members. He’s not my bias, though...that’s for sure. But I will give his restaurant show they filmed in Mexico a chance when it airs.
Anon: JK was drinking heavily for two days in a row... His home looks like a bachelor pad. He seems down & depressed & even said he's not motivated to do anything. How is this not concerning & taken lightly? I'm worried about JK & JM seems worried too & I think that's why JM came live to tell him to stop, cause it is very concerning seeing JK like that.
Me: I do not consider 3 or 4 beers "heavy" drinking. But if you, personally, or if you are from a culture that doesn't normally consume alcohol, you may think that is a lot. Having a few beers everyday is very common where I'm from. 
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About JK staying at home for days and days: Jin once said: “resting is not putting meaning into time spent for self-improvement... those days when you’ve done absolutely nothing, that people might look at you and say, ‘You wasted your day away.’ That’s the kind of living that gives me rest.” Obviously Jungkookie agrees.
Jungkook didn’t seem sad to me. He was singing for us as usual on the first day and then on the second day went on about with getting his mukbang ready and his Netflix going. If you thought he seemed sad, you were projecting your own emotions on to him. Fun fact: There is a contestant in the show he was watching that he has met in person...the MMA champion guy who is older than most of the other contestants. 
And yeah... in my opinion, THAT apartment is not his HOME. It looks like an alternate place to me, but you are entitled to your opinion too. That clothing rack... if you live there and that’s your home, why would you keep a rolling rack of empty hangers in front of the main bedroom door?
Why am I not concerned about Jungkook? because I'm not projecting imaginary emotional drama on him and I'm not an alarmist. There is no crisis. I employ critical thinking within the context of everything I know about Jungkook, Jimin and what they've shown us all these years. I am pretty tuned in to what their personalities are like. Neither of them have given me any reason to be concerned. 
Jimin was laughing in his comments. “ㅋ” by itself in Korean slang means “LOL”. So ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ would be LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... Jimin didn’t come into the live to tell Jungkook to stop. He came because he saw the Weverse notice that his Kookie-pookie was doing a live broadcast and spending time with Army again and Jimin was having to work. He was laughing because he knew his Kookie was going to do whatever the hell he wanted as in fuck a rule of no drinking during a live. 
The severity of tunnel vision some of you have is incredible. Many of y’all need to lift your heads up from those fanfics, edited video clips and elaborately concocted narratives based on nothing and look around at real life for a little while... like make a friend or two or have a real life relationship involving real emotions and sex. It’ll make a big difference in how you view the world. 
And since I have a habit of letting asks sit in my inbox to marinate with time (read: wait for Miss Karma to show up as usual) these Anons just look like a bunch of mouthy assholes now. 
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But I don’t want this post to just be a big downer... here are some Anons who are genuinely nice and have interesting thoughts and questions:
Anon: Not a question but a statement: “If only people would translate without agenda.”
Me: I KNOW RIGHT? Just like fake emotional drama anon above... people insert their own interpretations into translations. Then are quick to defend themselves stubbornly without being open minded to realize there are other ways to interpret what is being said. It’s important to look at several trusted non-biased translators. Native Koreans are who I trust. And yes, google translate can also clarify some things but you should not depend solely on that to understand what is being said. 
Anon: “...was there any instances where Jungkook made sure people understood that his relationship with Jimin is different than his relationship with the other members?”
Me: Jungkook differentiates his relationship with Jimin from the others all the time, except it is usually not intentional. It is a subconscious natural reaction. Watch him and you will see it. I think that people who cannot see it just are not tuned in to such things or refuse to believe that Jimin means a lot to Jungkook.
Depending on what your relationship is with someone, you will subconsciously seek out physical contact with them. You will want to be closer to them, whether sitting or standing. Even within your closest circle, if you have one you are even closer to, you will tend to act differently with them than you do with the other friends...even during work...
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Anon: “Why should anyone, now or later be concerned with Jungkook stopping his work? ...Fans are so dramatic.”
Good question, Anon...you certainly won’t find much concern from me until he gives me reason to be concerned and so far, I’m not concerned. And yes, fans are so dramatic in every sense. Jungkook already told us last year he had nothing going on. So why is it a surprise to some to see Jungkook emerging from being a hermit when he already told us he had nothing going on? He said he was going to get back into shape by getting back to eating right and look at him working out! 
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Anon: “...why Jungkook is not denouncing tkk?...why not stop some of the other rumors ?”
Maybe you should ask Jungkook yourself because he’s not answering my texts.
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kookslastbutton · 1 month
Guilty Pleasures ༓ jjk, kth (m) | chapter v
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✑ Summary: Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really.
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pairing: ex-husband ceo!jungkook x ceo!reader, actor!taehyung x ceo!reader
genre/AU: angst, smut, fluff, loverstoexesto ?, coworkers2?, unrequited love
Word count: 14k+
Warnings: oc and jk are both 30, Taehyung is 32, swearing, tornado of emotions, morally grey characters, mentions of toxic relationships, mentions of broken home/families, mean relatives, mentions of therapy, struggles of self-blame, regret, guilt, denial, self-deprecating in some areas etc., mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sexism in the media and business world, there is one scene depicting some physical violence (tame) , finally some fluff!, and I won't spoil any more
playlist: Unkiss Me, Apologize, Hate That I Love You, etc.
a/n: OMG....ignore the fact that this is releasing a month after ch. 4. 🫠 i'm sorry. On the bright side, I'm VERY excited to share this with you AND this actually isn’t the last chapter. There’s one more after! I hope you enjoy 🥰 ALSO, this is GP!Taehyung in this chapter (....😮‍💨)
<< prev. | series masterlist
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"This can't be right," you mutter to yourself for the umpteenth time, eyes heavily fixated on your laptop screen. You've been scrolling through the latest press releases all morning, a cup of tea growing cold beside you.
Ever since Jimin’s text last week, rumors about your ex-husband stepping down from his position at JeonX practically spread like wildfire, with nearly every journalist adding their individual spin on the matter—some suggest personal issues, while others hint at possible disagreements within the company.
Despite the influx of information, however, it all remains too vague and inconclusive. An official statement from the company directly would help clear up speculations, but it’s been crickets. Their silence only makes you consider the validity of the rumors even more.
Why would they make such a critical leadership change right after their newest product launch though?
This question, among others, continuously swirl in the back of your mind and you find the entire predicament ironic. You used to be one of the first to know the ins and outs of the company, easily able to distinguish the truth. Now, you're left in the dark like everyone else, dependent on the media for answers.
Before your eyes have time to skim the next group of articles on your screen, your phone rings.
It's Taehyung.
“Hey,” you answer casually, momentarily forgetting the significance of the call.
“Morning!” His voice is gravelly yet carries a cheerful tone. He seems quite upbeat for a foggy Saturday at 8 a.m. “Are you still okay to carpool to my parents' place today? Tan and I are on our way over.”
Dammit. Of course, this isn’t just any old Saturday—it’s the day of Taehyung’s family gathering. It had slipped your mind that you asked to ride together a few days prior. Given that it would be a five-hour long commute, driving separately seemed less convenient and enjoyable. Besides, you’d miss out on having Tan on your lap, his head poking out of the passenger-side window.
“Yeah, I’m good to go,” you reply, trying to sound more confident than you feel. “I’ll be ready when you get here.”
“Great! See you soon.” Taehyung hangs up, and you put your phone down with a deep breath.
To be blunt, you're still extremely nervous about the affair. Surely his family knows who you are and has seen their fair share of articles about you. So how will they react when you show up next to Taehyung at their family function? He says they’ll like you, but it's hard to accept.
Nonetheless, you know how important this family gathering is to him and how much he wants you to be there. Not only is it a family event, but it’s also a celebration of his recovery from a motorcycle accident that could’ve been much worse.
As you pour your cold cup of tea down the sink, you try to push away the unsettling mix of thoughts, focusing instead on the next task at hand— how you should dress. Prior conversations with Taehyung advise you that something polished would be ideal for the occasion, as his family appreciates a touch of elegance, yet your mind blanks on a tangible option. Surely, there’s something in the back of your closet that would do the trick. Right?
Well…you’re right-ish.
Upon searching through rows of hangers, arms growing tired, you finally find a somewhat suitable sundress. You’re hoping it won’t look too casual, but you don’t seem to have a better alternative with your closet currently overtaken by work clothes.
Wasting no further time, you quickly slip the dress over your head and observe how it fits in the mirror. Not bad, you think, before deciding on a few complimentary jewelry pieces. The saving grace of this choice of clothing is that it can easily be dolled up, which is exactly what’s needed today.
Soon, you hear the muffling of an engine and when you peek through your bedroom window, you’re unsurprised to see Taehyung’s car pull into the driveway with a very excited Tan poking his head out from the backseat. A small smile forms on your lips at the sight.
Sparing one final look in the mirror, you slide into your shoes, toss your bag over a shoulder, and head outside to meet them.
“Hey!” Per usual, you're met with a warm smile as you hop into Taehyung's car but before you can return the greeting, Tan bounds onto your lap, tail wagging eagerly. “God, I’m so sorry about him,” Taehyung reaches for his dog, but you quickly reassure him it’s alright.
“I’m happy to see you too, Tan,” you laugh, petting him affectionately. Your focus then shifts over to Taehyung, "Thanks for coming to get me."
“Of course,” he replies, smile widening as he watches Tan settle into your lap. “I’m really glad you’re coming with me," he continues, pulling away from the curb. "My parents are looking forward to meeting you.”
You nod, trying to calm your fluttering nerves. “I’m looking forward to meeting them too.” This time, when you glance his way, you take in his attire—a crisp white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows, and black dress pants. It’s a classic look, yet it seems oddly refreshing on him. It's not like you expected Taehyung to look bad or anything; far from it, but did he always have to look this good? A queasy feeling soon settles in the pit of your stomach...maybe you should have worn something else.
Before you're able to fully turn away from him, Taehyung speaks up. “You look really nice today,” he says softly, eyes lingering over your face and down your body before shyly refocusing on the road. “That dress is beautiful on you—it really suits you.”
“Oh, thank you,” you reply with a shy smile of your own, unexpectant of his comment. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Something about the subtle exchange of compliments stirs a bundle of nerves in both of you and even with averted eyes, neither of you finds it entirely unpleasant.
The rest of the drive is long, but luckily, soon fills with lighthearted conversation and laughter. It's become easier and easier to be around Taehyung, you think.
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After more than a few bathroom breaks—mostly due to Tan’s persistent whining—you finally catch sight of Taehyung’s parent’s house.
It’s even more picturesque than you imagined, with its charming architecture and well-tended garden. In the distance, the ocean glimmers, tying the scene perfectly together.
“I meant to mention earlier, but my parents have an oceanfront view,” Taehyung says casually, pulling up to the house. “We can go down there later if you’d like. It’s private access.”
“Really?” You glance over at him with anticipation, your excitement clear. You can already taste the saltiness of the water. “If it’s really okay, I’d love that.”
“It’s more than okay,” he assures with a smile. “In fact, it’s a done deal. The best time to go is in the evening. We can even use the excuse that we need to take Tan for a little stroll if necessary. Family bonding can get a bit overwhelming without a few breaks.” He lets out a chuckle but stops when he notices your slightly demure expression.
“Hey,” he turns to you with gentle eyes. “Everything okay?”
You blink, momentarily pulled from your thoughts. “Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking it’s been a while since I’ve gone to any kind of family affair. They know I’m coming, right?”
Understanding your apprehension, Taehyung shifts the gear into park and places a light hand on your arm. “Absolutely, and please believe me when I say they’re more than ready and excited to meet you. They’ve asked about you so many times—I’m pretty sure I’ve lost count. I’m really happy you’re here with me too, so I hope you don’t feel like you’re intruding because I promise you’re not at all. And if at any point you need a moment to yourself, take it. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible, and I’m confident my family will want the same.”
With his hand on your arm, you find yourself wrapping yourself in the comfort of the gesture, nerves slowly easing in the process. “Thanks, Tae,” you reply, feeling a tad lighter than before.
“Are you ready?”
You nod, signaling him to remove his hand to take the key out of the ignition. As his hand leaves your arm however, you feel a subtle, unexpected shift—wishing the warmth of his touch could linger just a moment longer.
But hold up.
Since when did he affect you like this?
Dwelling on it further proves to be futile because before you can blink, the house’s front door swings wide open, revealing an older, petite woman with a kind and inviting smile. You both step out of the car immediately, Tan happily trotting around the yard confidently.
The woman pulls Taehyung into a big hug once close enough, and it’s all the evidence you need to deduce that she must be his mother.
“We were wondering where you were!” she starts. “Everyone’s here except you.” It’s a light scold, not that Taehyung minds from the giant grin spreading across his face.
“Forgive me, Mom. I guess we’re fashionably late,” he replies.
Mrs. Kim looks up and down her son with adoration, hands still gripping his arms. “Look at you,” she coos, as if proud. “My son is so handsome. I’m so happy to see you here, healthy and well.”
“Mom, this is __.”
Her eyes then shift to you, standing somewhat awkwardly beside them. If possible, her warm expression brightens even more, taking you by surprise.
“My goodness, I’m being so rude," she says, stepping toward you. "It’s wonderful to finally meet you, honey. Are you okay with hugs?”
“Sure.” You offer a sincere smile and embrace her. When you do, you feel a sense of peacefulness that you hadn’t ever before, soothing any lingering tension. You can’t help but assume that many of Taehyung’s qualities must come from her.
“I’m so pleased that my son brought you today,” she says, pulling back from the hug. She takes in your clothing as well. “You're absolutely lovely, my dear. Doesn't this color work wonderfully on her?” She glances at Taehyung, who merely nods in agreement.
“You’re the one who looks beautiful, Mrs. Kim,” you return the compliment, feeling a tad embarrassed by all the praise. “I love your earrings by the way. Are they jade?”
She nods, pleasantly. “Thank you for noticing. They’re indeed jade. My husband gifted them to me for our anniversary last year. I told him he didn’t need to get me anything, but that man is so persistent. Speaking of which, you should come inside and meet him.” She turns around at once and ushers you and Taehyung into the house. He allows you to go first.
As you follow Mrs. Kim up the steps, Tan bounds ahead excitedly. The aroma of delicious food fills the air the further you walk, and soon you’re greeted by a cozy, homey atmosphere.
Finally, you find Taehyung’s father in the kitchen, washing his hands at the sink. “Honey, Taehyung’s here and he brought __ with him.” Upon hearing your name, the man quickly dries his hands on a towel and extends a friendly hand your way, eyes twinkling.
“Hello, __! I’m glad you could come today. We’ve heard so much about you.”
“Likewise,” you reply, “Thank you for welcoming me into your home. It’s gorgeous in here.”
“Well, we have our son to thank.” He directs his attention to Taehyung, reaching out and patting his son on the back with a proud smile. “He bought this house for us after all. He’s a good son.”
You glance at Taehyung in surprise, intrigued to learn more about this new bit of information. However, seemingly flustered by the comment, you decide it’s better to save it for another time. His mother is quick to step in.
“Taehyung, dear, why don’t you show __ around and introduce her to everyone?” she suggests smoothly. “They’re all in the living room. We’ll gather everyone to have lunch soon.”
Taehyung nods at the suggestion and begins leading you through the house, until you reach the living room at the end of the hall. The room is even larger than you anticipated upon entering, its high ceilings finished with a delicate glass chandelier. A grand piano sits in the far corner as well where a number of children huddle together, each taking turns playing a few notes.
One by one, Taehyung starts introducing you to his relatives and despite your initial apprehension, each person you meet greets you with nothing but warmth and kindness. Not even a single person shows discomfort towards you or makes a dig into your personal life (though you’re certain they’re well aware of who you are). It’s no wonder Taehyung boasts about his family so often—they truly are a close-knit and respectable group of people.
At least, that’s what you think until Taehyung asks, “Where's Auntie and Uncle? I haven’t seen them yet.”
One of Taehyung’s cousins looks a bit hesitant before replying, “Oh, Tae, I’m sorry, but we haven’t heard anything from them so they might not be coming today. Maybe they had last-minute plans. It’s a bit of a shame, really.”
An odd silence settles over the room at this, conversations lower in volume, and a few knowing glances are exchanged among relatives. The abrupt shift seems to throw a wrench into your previous statement of closeness since, evidently, the absence of Taehyung’s aunt and uncle casts a dark shadow over the cheerful gathering.
Sensing an awkward lull, Taehyung tries to lighten the mood with a bright smile. “Well, I’m sure we’ll still have a great time. I’m just happy to see everyone here.” He gently redirects the conversation to something more upbeat, attempting to remedy the unusual tension.
Just then, a small figure bursts into the room, capturing everyone’s attention.
A little girl, no more than six or seven years old, runs straight toward Taehyung with arms outstretched. “Taetae!” she shouts, using the affectionate nickname as she latches herself around his legs.
Taehyung's face breaks into possibly the happiest grin you’ve seen in response as he kneels to lift her up effortlessly, holding her close as she giggles. “Hey, sweetheart! I missed you!” His voice is filled with affection, though there’s a hint of shock as well.
Eagerly, the little girl secures her arms around his neck. “I missed you too! Mommy and Daddy said we might not be able to come, but here we are!”
“Well, I'm so glad! Have you been a good girl for your parents?” he asks with a playful tone.
The little girl nods vigorously. “Yes! I’ve been helping Mommy with so much lately.”
“Good job!” Taehyung says, giving her a high five.
You’re unsure exactly how the two relate, but the longer you watch the interaction unfold, the more evident it becomes that Taehyung’s a natural at connecting with children. His playful demeanor and patience make it clear that he has a special way with them. It’s heartwarming to see, quite honestly.
“Taetae, who’s she?” the little girl asks suddenly, her big, curious eyes setting on you.
Taehyung smiles and gestures for you to come closer. “This is __. She’s my friend.” He looks at you and adds, “This is my little cousin Eun-ha. We’re quite close.”
“Hi, Eun-ha,” you greet with a soft smile. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
She doesn’t return your greeting, but rather leans into Taehyung’s ear and whispers something you can’t quite hear.
Taehyung chuckles softly, though it does little to conceal your curiosity. “No, Eun-ha,” he says, shaking his head. “We don’t kiss like in my movies. But yes, she's very pretty.”
Though you wish otherwise, your surprise is barely hidden as you process the revelation.
“Why not?” Eun-ha asks, puzzled. “You kiss lots of pretty people in the movies.”
Flustered, Taehyung clears his throat. “Who’s letting you watch my shows? You’re a little young for those I think.”
“She likes to watch them when she can’t see you,” a new voice interjects.
Following the voice, you see two adults entering the room– Taehyung’s aunt and uncle. Their expressions are clearly stiff and somewhat distant, a stark contrast to the warmth of the rest of the family.
“Well, I guess it’s okay then,” Taehyung responds, maintaining his usual beaming smile. “Auntie, Uncle, it’s good to see you.”
His aunt and uncle offer polite but somewhat curt greetings.
“Glad to see you’re alright, Taehyung,” his aunt says, her tone lacking warmth.
“Hello,” his uncle adds, his expression neutral. “I see you’ve brought a guest.” He nods toward you.
“Yes, this is __,” Taehyung introduces you, “She’s a friend of mine and a colleague as well.”
The pair glance at you briefly, their eyes betraying a lack of interest.
“Nice to meet you,” his aunt says, though the thickness in her tone suggests otherwise.
“Likewise,” you respond, trying to match their formality with a friendly smile.
“You know, when I heard my nephew was bringing a guest, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect,” she continues, though the implication is unclear.
“I’m sorry?” you ask, trying to grasp her meaning.
“My apologies. I work as an editor for a journalism outlet, so I’ve come across your name before,” she explains. “It’s always interesting to see people in person after reading about them. I can’t say I ever imagined having the opportunity today.”
“Oh,” you say, trying to keep your composure. “I hope the coverage has been accurate.” You know they haven’t been, aside from a couple of progressive news outlets. Based on her rigid stare, you don’t think she belongs to either of them.
“They’re accurate most of the time,” she replies, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Although, there are always…different perspectives on such matters.”
You offer a polite, tight-lipped smile in response. Despite your best efforts to remain composed, however, your hands unconsciously clench into fists at your sides, indicating your bubbling discomfort.
“Well, I’m sure those articles are just one side of the coin,” Taehyung chimes in, attempting to smooth over the conversation. “I’m of the mindset that you really don’t know a person until you spend time with them. And I can assure you, those overpriced tabloids have it all wrong.” He shoots you a reassuring look.
In the midst of it all, Taehyung’s father steps into the room, oblivious to the tension. “Alright everyone, it’s time to eat!” he announces, his voice carrying a cheerful note. “Let’s gather around now.”
Neither you nor Taehyung’s aunt speak another word to each other as you follow his father into the dining room. You take a deep breath along the way, an attempt to steady yourself.
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As lunch begins, Taehyung’s father stands at the head of the table, a broad smile on his face as he raises a glass.
“We want to thank everyone for being here today to celebrate Taehyung’s recovery,” he begins, his voice filled with heartfelt sincerity. “We’re grateful for this family and for the love and support that has carried us through. To Taehyung!”
“To Taehyung!” everyone echoes, lifting their glasses in a unified cheer.
From then on, the meal progresses smoothly, with conversation gradually returning to pleasant topics. Dishes are passed around, and laughter helps lighten the mood. Taehyung’s parents share stories of their journey together, their voices rich with wisdom and nostalgia. As you listen, you get a glimpse of the morals that have shaped their family. It’s so different from your own upbringing, and you feel honored to be a part of it today.
Yet it's still difficult to ignore the lingering heaviness in your chest from your earlier interaction with Taehyung’s aunt. Even now, her sour expression is directed your way, though she seems to withhold her remarks, perhaps due to Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s presence.
Don’t take this personally, you repeat in your head. There’s likely some underlying history or traditional views being projected onto you. This isn’t really about you…don't take it personally.
Midway through the meal, Taehyung’s mother intrigues everyone by pulling out a collection of old photographs. She begins sharing the backstories of various childhood photos of Taehyung, the corners of her eyes crinkling with joy and amusement as she recounts each memory. Taehyung, visibly flustered, tries to hide his blush as his family teases him.
“Oh, look at this one!” his mother exclaims, holding up a particularly old photo of a much younger Taehyung with a hilariously exaggerated hairstyle. “He was so determined to be a rock star!”
The room bursts into laughter, and Taehyung grins sheepishly, his cheeks rosy. “Is this really necessary? I mean __’s here…”
“Come on, Tae, it’s cute!” you say with a smile, giving his arm a playful shove. As you do, Taehyung’s aunt’s eyes widen slightly. Her gaze shifts sharply between you two, and a flicker of disapproval crosses her face. You stop your playfulness upon first notice, finding it hard to ignore.
“It’s embarrassing,” Taehyung retorts, unaware of his aunt’s reaction.
“Oh hush,” his mother replies with a warm smile. “Let a mother indulge in the memories of her children. You’re all grown up now, and with your busy schedule, I hardly see you anymore.”
“Alright, fair point,” Taehyung concedes. “Carry on.”
When the meal winds down, Taehyung’s aunt clears her throat and speaks up. “Is everyone ready for dessert? I’ve baked a homemade cake,” she announces, tone carrying a hint of forced cheerfulness. Turning to you, she adds, “Would you mind assisting me in the kitchen, __? I could use an extra hand.”
Taehyung immediately offers to help, but his aunt insists on speaking with you alone, masking it as an opportunity to get to know you better.
Once you’re in the kitchen and away from prying eyes and ears, Taehyung’s aunt’s demeanor shifts abruptly. She returns to her previous blunt and unreserved nature. “I need to be honest with you,” she begins, her voice low and steely. “I don’t think you should be here.”
Her words sting, yet a part of you can’t help but wonder if there’s some merit to them.
“I know this is a family event, and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m intruding. Taehyung invited me.”
“No, that’s not what I meant,” she dismisses, venom lacing her tone. “I mean, you shouldn’t be here with Taehyung.”
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to—”
“Oh please, don’t pretend I don’t have eyes, Ms. __,” she interjects sharply. The use of your formal name sends a chill down your spine. “You may be friends now, but I can see there’s more going on beneath the surface. Unlike the rest of my family, I won’t just stand by and let it happen. So, if you think you can charm your way into my nephew’s life just like you did with that ex-husband of yours, then you’re mistaken. I won’t allow you to ruin his life.”
Ruin his life? You ruined Jungkook’s life and now you are about to ruin Taehyung’s? Confused and hurt, you finally realize the root of the matter–she's convinced you’re a gold digger.
You’re stunned by the accusation, struggling to find words as she continues. “There’s nothing you can say to change my mind either. Even if the articles aren’t exactly true, you still have a past, and Taehyung deserves better—someone without all these complications. Don’t you agree? Maybe if you hadn’t been married before and were ten years younger, things might be different. But honestly? A woman your age should already have a family of her own.”
Silence falls heavily in the kitchen after her final words, the only sound being your labored breaths. Your throat goes dry and your hands clammy as some of your deepest insecurities take root, striking right at your core.
It’s true—you’re 30 years old, divorced, and without children. It’s a stark contrast to your peers.
You’d always imagined your life turning out differently, but here you are, alone and without any kind of companionship. You weren’t expecting to be reminded of it all today.
“I think you’ve made yourself clear about how you feel,” a voice speaks up, and you think it’s yours, until you realize it’s much too deep.
Taehyung’s aunt looks momentarily stunned to see her nephew standing in the doorway, his expression a mixture of shock and anger. But she quickly regains her composure. “Taehyung, I was just—”
“Please don’t,” he interrupts, voice firm. “If I had known you were going to be this cruel towards someone I deeply care about, then I’m sorry I invited you.”
He steps closer, his gaze unwavering. “You have no right to judge someone you don’t know based on rumors and assumptions.”
His aunt’s face softens, though her disapproval remains. “I’m only looking out for you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I don’t need you to protect me from my own choices,” Taehyung replies, his voice calmer. “I’ve made my own decisions, and __ is a part of that. If you can’t respect that, then maybe you should reconsider how you approach these situations.”
Taehyung’s aunt stands silent for a moment, her gaze shifting between Taehyung and you. She seems to weigh his words before finally nodding and turning back towards the dining room, her displeasure still evident.
Taehyung turns to you, his face etched with worry. “Are you alright?”
You hesitate, unable to give a clear response. “I… I think I need some air,” you finally say.
“Maybe it’s time we take that walk down to the beach,” he suggests gently. “What do you think? Of course, if you’d prefer to go solo, that’s completely your call too. I’ll understand either way.”
You nod, appreciating the idea. “I’d like you to come with me.”
“Let me grab Tan and we can head down,” Taehyung says with a reassuring smile.
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The sound of the waves grows louder as you approach the ocean, providing a soothing backdrop to your racing thoughts. It's even more beautiful up close, you think, observing how the sun reflects off the water.
As you walk along the shore, Tan runs ahead, chasing the waves and barking playfully. The sight of him brings a small smile to your face, easing some of the heaviness in your chest.
Taehyung walks beside you, his presence peaceful, though neither of you are quick to speak.
Finally, after a few minutes pass, he breaks the silence.
“I’m really sorry about what happened back there," he says quietly. "My aunt's always had more traditional perspectives, but I didn’t know how rigid they’d gotten. Regardless of how she might've made you feel, I want you to know that you’re very important to me and I couldn't care less about what the public says. The rest of my family seems to love you too so far."
You take a deep breath, the salty air filling your lungs. “It’s not your fault, Taehyung. But thank you.” You pause, your face visibly conflicted. “To be honest, I’ve heard variations of it before from other people. I just didn’t expect her to be so… direct.”
He nods, turning to you with sincerity. “I know it was hurtful, and even though I didn’t hear everything she said, you didn’t deserve it. It's not true, either.”
You manage a small, tight-lipped smile, but it hardly matches how you feel inside. “Well,” you begin, continuing your walk, “some of it's true, I think.” Taehyung looks at you with concern, though you struggle to hold his gaze.
“Wanna sit?” he suggests lightly, gesturing to a spot on the beach with a clear view of the waves ahead. "Tan'll be fine to roam around on his own."
You nod slowly in reply, a gentle breeze caressing your face and feathering against your legs as you move.
Once you reach the area, you tuck the skirt of your dress beneath your thighs and take a seat on the soft sand. Taehyung sits down beside you.
“So,” he starts again, his eyes never leaving your face, “what’s true?"
You take a moment, watching the waves crash against the shore before forming a response. “It’s just…” Your voice falters as you search for the right words. “I’m 30 years old. The natural course for someone my age is to have a family, a couple of kids, and of course, be married. Or at the very least, have a reliable romantic partner.”
“Instead,” you take a short breath, “it feels like I’m living in a completely different reality from everyone else. Divorced from a big shot CEO, without children, and painted as some kind of spinster or gold digger for the media to exploit. Being a woman, there's really no in-between which makes it that much harder to overcome."
Upon finishing your thought, an unmistakable nervousness bubbles up within you. Had you just overshared? Were you too honest? Although unsettled, everything in you hopes that you didn't just overstep your boundaries with Taehyung, as the two of you hadn't had this deep of a conversation before. You find yourself holding your breath as he replies.
"To have all that unnecessary pressure placed on you is unfair,” he says quietly. “I can’t imagine how tough it must be to feel disregarded and reduced to so little. I'm so sorry, __. I'm sorry that we gets so fixated on image and what’s deemed proper that we often forget the real meaning behind things. I know it might be hard to believe, but there’s more to your story than what others see or say. More than even you might think, too."
As if inevitable, your vision goes misty and a tear spills down your cheek upon hearing his words, though you're quick to wipe it away. It's not that the words themselves are monumental, but rather, they confirm the closeness of your relationship. Few people have ever understood or cared to understand you, so you had stopped expecting it altogether, especially after your divorce. Yet somehow, Taehyung always surprises you, being one of the few who truly does.
Feeling a bit more comfortable, you admit, "I know it's probably an overstatement, but I can't help but feel like I'm alone in ways that are hard to escape. Some days I just don't know what to do with it all. Does that make sense?"
“Sweetheart,” Taehyung says softly, taking the hand you used to wipe your tears and lacing his fingers with yours. The warmth of his touch sends a comforting spark through you. He’s never called you that before, and it feels unexpectedly intimate—almost domestic, if you didn’t know better.
“It makes complete sense, especially given what you've gone through and still are. You don’t ever have to feel alone anymore though,” he continues. “I’m here for you. You have Jimin and Namjoon too. And the three of us? We’ll always have your back.”
Your eyes soften as you meet his gaze. He’s looking at you with such warmth and innocence, yet he hasn’t fully grasped the weight of your words.
“I appreciate it,” you say gratefully. “It’s not all one-dimensional, though. When I say I feel alone, I mean relationally as well because, given my age and marital status, it's unlikely I'll find any real companionship. I’m just considered ‘used goods' after all.”
“Used goods? Who the hell said you're used?” Taehyung’s voice rises, not in anger but in genuine offense. Amid his reaction, his hand slips from yours.
“Our entire society?” you retort, raising your voice before lowering it again, realizing he means well. You pull your legs up to your chin and hug them. “I’m divorced, Tae. I’m no beauty queen. Just used goods, as I said.”
You both stare out into the distance, falling into a brief silence.
“Well, I for one think you’re very gorgeous,” he says softly, still gazing ahead. “So please, don’t call yourself used. You’re definitely not.”
“Do you wish you were still married?” he interjects gently, eyes returning to yours, searching for the truth. He wants to add, To Jungkook? but keeps it to himself, not deeming it his business.
You take a moment to process his question before responding.
“Some days I do,” you admit. “Not just with anyone, though. I’ve already learned my lesson the hard way. Jimin tried setting me up with a few of his coworkers a while back, but I declined. They’re so far away that I doubt anything would work out. Plus, not to be harsh but who in their right mind would risk it with me anyway?”
“I mean...I would,” he replies almost immediately, insistence in his voice. There's no trace of bluff at all and for a moment, your heart feels like it's doing about a hundred somersaults in your chest. Taehyung's seriousness makes it seem like he means it in a deeper way, but it can't be—he’s merely speaking figuratively because of your closeness.
“Of course you would,” you reply, grabbing his hand again and smiling gratefully. “Because you love me, right?”
You pose the question playfully, feeling your mood lift slightly, but Taehyung’s expression turns stunned, like a deer caught in headlights.
“I do,” he finally murmurs, deep and meaningful, a soft glimmer in his eyes. “I really do.”
"Hu-" you choke on your words, still trying to process his. You never finish, though, as Taehyung suddenly moves to stand up, a newfound cheekiness taking precedence over his face.
“Come on,” he says, “on a warm day like this, we should find a way to enjoy ourselves. Dance with me.”
“What?” you ask, though to be honest, you're not surprised by his spontaneity. “Dancing is a no, Tae. You know I have zero rhythm.”
He doesn’t reply to your argument but instead draws his phone from his pocket, tapping around until light jazz music starts playing. He turns up the volume as loud as he can before placing it on the ground beside you.
“What are you doing?” you watch as he begins swaying his body from side to side, snapping his fingers when the beat feels right.
“I’m dancing by myself since you refuse to get up.”
You laugh, “I happen to like it this way. You can be my source of entertainment.” You adjust yourself so your legs are stretched out in front of you, feet crossed as you lean back on your arms.
He chuckles and continues dancing in small circles. You feel a little guilty the longer you watch. But then...
“__,” he calls your name, low and raspy. He steps over towards you and leans down until he's face to face with you. You like the way the sun glows down on his face, and the thought crosses your mind—he looks incredibly handsome. “__,” he calls your name again, and you realize you've been staring a little too long.
“Sorry,” you reply. “Sun’s making me dazed.”
He gives his usual boxy smile, and damn, why are you feeling so affected by him today? It’s not usually this much.
“Will you please dance with me? I don’t mind dancing by myself, but I prefer a partner.” He pouts and you know you’re done for.
“I’m not going to be good though,” you reply, reluctantly rising from your comfortable seated position. Taehyung pulls you into his hold the moment you’re on your feet. It's a little rougher than he meant, and your bodies accidentally collide in the process.
“Shit, my bad,” he says, taking a small step back.
“It’s fine," you assure, doing the same but not before catching a whiff of his cologne. You can't quite place the scent, but it’s nice...really, really nice.
As the music continues to play, you both sway gently to the rhythm. Taehyung’s touch is warm and steady as he guides you through each simple step. You feel a strange sense of comfort and safety in his arms, and for a moment, it feels like the rest of the world fades away.
“I didn’t realize you were such a good dancer,” you start. “You’ve been keeping secrets from me.”
He spins you gently, and you let out a surprised laugh, the sound mingling with the soft notes of the jazz music. “I had to take ballroom dancing lessons for a role I played years ago,” he replies smoothly, “but I enjoyed it, so I kept it up.” When you come back to him, he holds you a little tighter, and the closeness feels more intimate and special than you anticipated.
“You’re doing great, by the way,” he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. "Even with barely any practice."
“All thanks to you,” you reply, a shy smile tugging at your lips. “I guess it’s kinda fun.”
“See? Not so bad,” he says with a triumphant grin.
You glance towards the ocean, feeling a rush of spontaneity yourself. “The water looks so inviting. We should go in.”
He quirks a brow, taking in both of your more formal attire. “Dressed like this?” he asks.
You don’t answer. Instead, you slide out of his hold and run towards the water, laughing and splashing him once he’s close enough behind you.
“Hey! This was expensive!” he shouts, but there's no threat in his voice, only amusement.
“Well, you shouldn’t have worn it around me then!” you tease, splashing him again.
Now nearly drenched, Taehyung huffs and bends down to scoop water into his palm. “You’re gonna get it…” You back away quickly, but he follows after you. “Come here, I have a very special gift for you __,” he says mischievously, water spilling from his hand as he chases you.
You both end up playing in the water for the next ten minutes, splashing and laughing until you find yourself regaining confidence. At some point, Taehyung unexpectedly tackles you from behind, his arms wrapping so tightly around your waist that no amount of movement would free you.
You find yourselves too lost in amusement to notice your closeness until small droplets of water begin falling from above.
"Was that rain?" You stop all movement, but his grip doesn’t loosen. "Tae?" You call his name when it seems he doesn’t register your question, twisting your head over your shoulder to peer at him.
“Oh…um, sorry,” he finally stammers, a faint blush rising to his cheeks as he realizes the tight hold he has on you. His body flushes against your back.
“No, it’s okay…” you struggle to conceal a blush of your own, the warmth of his embrace a little overpowering. "So, I think we should head back. I'm pretty sure it's raining."
He nods and slowly unwraps his arms from around you. "I agree, but where's Tan?" His eyes frantically scan around the beach. "Tan!" he calls, and soon, two fluffy, slightly damp ears pop out from behind a rock.
"Aww," you exclaim, bending down to pick up the little dog when he trots over. "Look at him. We neglected the baby."
Taehyung snorts at your remark. "He'll be okay. It barely started."
You pretend to cover Tan's ears and shoot Taehyung a faux alarmed expression. "He can hear you, you know."
Taehyung chuckles and gently cups Tan’s face while he nestles in your arms, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head. “Sorry, buddy,” he says with a grin. As he looks up, he catches a prolonged gaze in your eyes and raises an eyebrow. “What? You want one too?”
“Oh, uhm, no,” you laugh, a bit nervously, shaking your head. “It’s just nice to see you so endearing.” You think back to how Taehyung had interacted so sweetly with his younger cousin, Eun-ha, earlier. It’s a side of him you're finding increasingly appealing.
Taehyung's gaze softens as he replies, “I like to take care of those I love.”
Love, you repeat quietly to yourself. It sounds so different when he says it.
You smile and, side by side, head back to the house.
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The faint drizzle of rain quickly turns into a downpour, with a flash of lightning illuminating the sky and thunder rumbling in the distance. Despite the potential inconvenience, Taehyung’s parents insist that it would be better for both of you to wait until morning to drive back.
"It isn't safe," his mom advises, fluffing a pillow in the guest bedroom. "The two of you can stay here for the night. I’d offer the living room sofa too, but some of your cousins are staying over as well."
"Thanks, Mom," Taehyung replies, and when she leaves the room he casts a brief glance your way. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“What? No, you can sleep in the bed with Tan." You pause, eyes scanning the room for an alternative spot. “This chair looks pretty comfortable. I’ll grab a blanket and make do.”
"Okay no, I’m not letting you sleep on that old, dusty chair and risk waking up with a giant kink in your neck.” Taehyung places his hands on his hips, his tone firm. “Why don’t we just sleep in the bed together? For some inexplicable reason, my parents chose to put a California King in here so there should be plenty of room. I’ll even sleep on top of the covers.”
“No, it's fine. Tan needs his space."
“Sweetheart." There it is again, that same petname from earlier. Why do you not seem to hate it? "Tan is so tiny he’ll literally curl between us," he argues, though it does little to convince you.
“Tae, I told you it’s—”
“Alright, I’ll take the chair then-” Taehyung starts to move toward it, but stubbornly, you block his path. There's no way he's sleeping on a chair when you're the guest here.
“You will do no such thing!" Naturally, you place your hands on your hips. “This is your home—well, your parent's home and I won't be subjecting you to sleep on something that small. Seriously Tae, I'd fit much better on it than you would given our height differences.”
A small, frustrated sigh escapes him as he counters, “I'd really rather you be comfortable, especially in an unfamiliar environment. So can we please stop arguing about this? It’s really unnecessary. Either I take the chair or we both find a way to share the bed. You can’t tell me you and Jimin never shared a bed before, and he’s your friend too!"
“Yes, but that’s different,” you insist. “Jimin and I have been friends for years! There’s a strong trust built between us.”
“What do you mean by that? You don’t trust me?” His face mirrors that of a sad, puppy-dog.
“Tae, it’s not that at all,” you say softly, trying to sound reassuring. “I do trust you. It’s just… I guess I just meant that Jimin and I have a long history together. We’ve grown very comfortable with each other in ways you and I haven’t yet.”
Taehyung’s brows furrow in concern. “What are you really worried about, __?”
You shrug, feeling a bit flustered. “Nothing…”
Your mind immediately drifts back to the beach—how he listened, held your hand gently, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and what it felt like to be held so close under the rain. Everything felt so genuine, warm, and openly vulnerable.
You share similar feelings with Jimin, but they have limits as you are definitely only friends… best friends, to be precise. With Taehyung, you figured it would be the same; however, after today, you're realizing more and more how unsure you are of where the limits are (or where you want them to be), and it startles you.
But it’s not this alone that fuels your apprehension tonight— there’s something else.
“You know I won’t do anything right?” Taehyung asks, his voice earnest. “I sleep with five pillows!”
You raise an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at your lips despite yourself. “Five? What the hell, Tae? Are you a princess?”
“Yes,” Taehyung says, more nonchalantly than expected, “but stop deflecting. It sounds weird and a bit kinky, but why won’t you sleep in the bed with me?”
Should you tell him?
Your expression grows serious as you explain, “Because it can be very intimate,” you murmur softly. “Maybe I'm overthinking it all, but the last time I shared a bed with someone it...uhm...it was…”
“...with your ex-husband,” Taehyung finishes for you, his tone gentle with understanding. His eyes soften as he looks at you.
“Yes…” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “It’s silly, but I haven’t done it in a long time. Even Jimin and I haven’t shared a bed in years.”
“I’m sorry…” Taehyung says, his voice filled with genuine regret.
“Tae, you don’t have to be sorry,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s my own issue. I’ll just sleep on the chair, alright? It’s only one night.”
“Not happening, you’ll take the bed with Tan.”
“Seriously,” you start to protest, but he’s already moving toward the foot of the bed with determination in his eyes. He grabs the blanket from the end and rushes over to the chair with haste. You run after him, pulling at his arm, and both of you end up laughing, the tension gradually breaking.
“It's been a very long day and I'm quite tired, __. How about turning off the lights, please?” He spreads out the blanket and settles into the chair with a satisfied sigh. Then, there’s a loud creak followed by a distinct cracking sound.
“Fuck—” Taehyung swears as the chair suddenly collapses under his weight. He rises from his seat, grimacing at the broken chair. “I knew it was old, but damn, I didn’t think it was that old.”
“Shit, please tell me this wasn't a family heirloom or something.”
“Uh… I don’t think so?” Taehyung scratches his head, looking sheepish. “I’ll let my mom know in the morning. It’ll be fine, okay? No worries. But, um, I’ll sleep on the floor instead.” Taehyung then grabs a couple pillows and a blanket and starts forming a makeshift bed on the floor. While you watch him, your heart softens despite your exhaustion.
“Alright, enough,” you sigh, exasperated. “If we keep this up, we’ll just be going in circles all night. Let’s just share the bed, Tae. It’s not worth you being uncomfortable.”
Taehyung looks up, concern written over his face. “Are you sure? I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable either. I’m happy to—”
“I’m sure,” you cut him off, doing your best not to overthink it. “You're the one who'll be driving for five hours tomorrow anyway, so let’s just get some decent rest. It's okay, really.”
After a good long pause, you both end up climbing into the bed, each taking your own side as Tan curls himself at the foot of the bed. Taehyung reaches over to turn off the light, but despite the calmness of the room, you find yourself unable to sleep right away. You’re unaware he feels similarly until he unexpectedly breaks the silence.
“Are you warm enough?” he asks quietly. “We have more blankets if you need them.”
You turn slightly toward him. “I’m okay for now, but thanks for checking.”
He gives a soft, reassuring smile. “Alright. Just let me know if you need anything. Sleep well.”
“Thanks, Tae.” You roll back onto your side and close your eyes. “You too.”
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As the night deepens, the storm outside continues its relentless drumming against the windows. At some point, Taehyung jolts awake to a faint but unmistakable sound.
He blinks groggily at first, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the curtains. Then he notices your restless movements and hears you murmuring softly in your sleep, a note of distress in your voice.
"__?" he asks quietly, still half-asleep. "Are you okay?"
When you don’t respond, he shifts closer, concerned by the unease on your face. Seeing your share of the blankets has slipped off, he gently tugs them back over you, making sure they cover you comfortably.
Amid the movement, a muddled groan escapes your lips—something between a whimper and a sigh, "Mmm… no…"
It doesn't take a genius to figure out you must be having a nightmare of some sort. “It’s just a dream,” he whispers soothingly, brushing a stray hair from your face. “You’re safe here with me.”
He gently takes your slightly trembling hand and holds it gently in his. “I’m right here, __,” he sighs softly. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be here.”
Taehyung isn’t sure how much time passes before your restlessness stops, but he stays awake, hand clutching yours until it does. Eventually, assuming you’ve finally entered a more peaceful sleep, he releases your hand and rolls onto his side.
What he doesn't expect is for you to unconsciously follow him over, your body snuggling against his back. The warmth of your body against his is comforting, but he knows he can't let you stay there and risk any awkwardness in the morning. So with the utmost care, he rolls over to face you and gently adjusts your body until you're lying comfortably on your back again.
"I hope you'll be able to sleep better now," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the storm. "Goodnight."
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Following the reunion, you and Taehyung part ways with mutual thank-yous and promises to see each other soon.
Time seems to vanish afterward as you find yourself increasingly buried under an endless pile of work projects. Apparently, over the weekend, a notable investor reached out to your company with hopes of setting up a meeting.
Namjoon is nearly tripping over his words when he relays the message to you.
"Can you believe it?" Your secretary stands within a foot from your desk, excitement evident in his voice. "They want to meet with us! This could be huge for our company."
You share his enthusiasm but your need to remain holistic in the matter tempers your ability to feel overly zealous. Meetings with investors always carry significant opportunities; however, there's no guarantee a deal will be struck. Truthfully, it depends on a number of factors, their level of interest outweighing them all.
Plus, every meeting requires extensive preparation—late nights where you tirelessly hunch over your computer, perfecting every detail of the pitch and this one promises to be no different.
"Did they happen to mention a time or date for further discussion?" you ask, matter-of-factly. Namjoon nods, pulling out his phone.
"Yes, they suggested next Wednesday at 10 AM.”
You weigh the proposal in your mind. “That should give us enough time to get everything in order, then,” you conclude. “Please put it in our calendar and let them know we’ll be ready to meet on that day.”
From then on, the remainder of your week unfolds exactly as you anticipate—relentless preparation, long nights, and meticulous planning until the small of your back aches for relief. One might say it's an exaggeration, but the only breaks you can afford are for primal necessities like eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom.
Even your weekend is spent within the walls of your home office, a far cry from previous weekends when you used to visit the book café or meet up with Taehyung.
Speaking of which, you haven’t really gotten to see each other since his family gathering and though it was only a week ago, the lack of his presence leaves you feeling a bit disheartened. He replied to your text yesterday, but even so, it was brief—something about a new project or talk show interview was keeping him busy as well.
By the time Wednesday arrives, your neck is so riddled with the stress of the upcoming investor meeting that you can barely focus on your proposal notes. Everything in you hopes that the investors will be impressed enough to partner with you, but thinking about it does nothing except heighten your nervousness.
In search of some kind of solace, your mind wanders to Taehyung instead. The memory of the small dance you shared with him on the beach is once again vivid, as if it happened just moments ago—the soft sand beneath your feet, the sound of the waves, and the way his gentle hands gripped around your waist.
But why does this memory, out of all the possibilities, feel so soothing?
You've been struggling to come to a plausible conclusion since the day it happened, yet deep down, you know it’s not as trivial as it seems. You miss it, your subconscious hums, you miss him.
Just then, Namjoon pokes his head into your office, signaling that the investors have arrived in the conference room. You send a curt nod in reply and gather your notes, refocusing your mind on the task at hand; everything else will have to wait.
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Turns out, you might have been a bit too pessimistic about the investor meeting. They’re surprisingly pleased with your plans and proposals, nodding along to each of your points. However, their request for a day or two to reach a final decision catches you a tad off guard.
Rather than grapple with the uncertainty though, you decide to mentally prepare for whatever comes next... starting by decompressing at the bar downtown, a glass of their strongest alcohol in hand.
At first, finding a seat proves to be a challenge as you navigate through a sea of sweaty bodies. But luck, seemingly on your side, provides you with an empty chair at the far end of the bar. While you sit and order your drink, you can't help but wonder what Taehyung might be doing tonight. Should you text him to see if he’d join you, even if only for fifteen minutes?
Slipping your phone from the side pocket of your bag, you curse silently at your apparent haste. Your subconscious was right—you really have missed him, damn.
All at once, your thoughts are put to an abrupt stop when you take a quick glance around the bar, your gaze unprepared to land on two familiar silhouettes at the opposite end—Namjoon, with Taehyung next to him, drinks in hand. You don’t know how you failed to notice them before. They’re laughing, clearly enjoying each other’s company, and for a moment, your face lifts into a smile.
But that smile quickly fades when you catch sight of two women sauntering over to join them. Your initial joy is swiftly replaced by a sharp sting of jealousy and you chastise yourself for the feeling. Who are you to react this way? Taehyung can do whatever he wants—why should you care who he’s out with?
Forcing yourself to shake off the feeling, you take a sip of your drink, but your gaze keeps drifting back to the group. It’s obvious that the taller of the two women, arguably as stunning as Taehyung, is laser-focused on him, her hand brushing his arm lightly as she laughs at whatever joke he’s just told. Probably a dumb one, you think bitterly; it's obvious she's not just there for the humor and booze. It's strange to witness, as you've only known Taehyung to allow a few, select women to touch him so openly—his mother, his onscreen cast members, and you.
Okay __, stop, you scold yourself. This is a bad idea; you’re getting too involved for your own good. Hastily, you finish your drink and head out of the bar, the cool night air brushing against your skin. If Taehyung goes home with her, it’s none of your business.
You're barely a few feet outside the bar's door when you hear commotion echo from a nearby alley. Alarmed, you whip towards the noise, your eyes widening in disbelief. There, in the dim light, you see your ex-husband doubled over, clutching his stomach, while a shadowy figure stands in front of him, fist clenched.
You’re not sure where the courage comes from, but within seconds, you're springing to action, racing towards the scene with a surge of adrenaline. “Hey!” you shout as loudly as you can. The attacker glances back, frazzled, then bolts into the night, leaving Jungkook hunched against the alley wall.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” you ask frantically, rushing to his side and helping him to his feet. He flinches away from your touch initially, his face a mix of panic and agony. “It’s me, Jungkook. It's __. Can you hear me? It’s okay, I’m here,” you reassure him the best you can, hoping to ease him.
Jungkook takes a few shaky breaths, body still weak as he struggles to hold himself up against the wall. His eyes are glazed, and he seems disoriented. “I… I didn’t expect you,” he mutters, his voice strained.
Offering him an arm, you help him steady himself. “Let’s get you out of here, okay?” He nods weakly, and as you guide him towards the parking lot and into the light, you ask, "What happened back there? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"
Jungkook sighs, wincing slightly. “No, it’s... I’m fine. He was just a kid—no more than 21. Angry, probably a little drunk, and accused me of being the reason his father got fired. At first, I was confused, but then I vaguely recognized him as being one of our employee’s sons. Pretty sure it was my dad who fired his—I was probably just an easier target."
You both fall into a contemplative silence as you continue walking. Of course Jungkook's father, the chairman of the company, would be behind this, you think. Previous times spent with him had shown you how ruthless he could be when it came to the "well-being" of his company. Whoever the kid was, he probably had a right to be angry, but physically taking it out on Jungkook wasn’t justifiable by any means.
“You sure you don’t need a doctor?” you ask, glancing at him with concern.
He shakes his head dismissively, "Don't worry about me," he replies. "A couple of punches to the gut won't kill me. I think it's about time I head home though."
You nod in agreement. “Where did you park?”
He points to a spot on the far left side of the parking lot, and you nearly groan at the sight. “Did you have to bring your bike tonight?” you ask, a hint of exasperation in your voice.
Jungkook gives a weak smile, understanding the inconvenience of the situation. “Thought I’d ride it in case I needed to get somewhere fast,” he replies, his voice strained but with a touch of humor.
"Come on," you say, walking him toward your car instead. "We might not be married anymore, but there’s no way in hell I'm letting you ride your bike home in this condition. You can pick it up tomorrow."
Jungkook chuckles weakly. “Damn, and to think we were about to ride it together for old times’ sake. You used to be pretty good with my motorcycle back when you were my girlfriend, __." You roll your eyes, patience thinning. If this is another one of his sexual advances, you’re long over it.
"Yeah, well, that was before Taehyung’s accident scared me half to death," you retort. "And for the record, I was never your girlfriend. We went from work partners straight to I do." You open the passenger door and help him into the seat, giving him a gentle shove. "Now sit tight and no more motorcycle talk."
Jungkook leans back and raises an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “Well, what are we gonna talk about then? It’s a twenty-minute drive to my place.”
You slide into the driver’s seat and start the engine, giving him the go-ahead to enter his address into your car’s GPS. “Are you really whining already?”
As Jungkook taps away on the GPS, you’re suddenly reminded of a series of past car trips you shared with him. It’s almost like déjà vu.
“Seriously, __,” he starts, allowing his playful demeanor to fade. “Thank you for doing this for me. I know we… well, we aren’t exactly on the best terms.”
From the corner of your eye, you observe the way he aimlessly stares out the window, unsure whether to meet your gaze.
"We may not be in the best place, but that doesn’t mean I’d just leave you there," you sigh, gripping the steering wheel tighter. A long pause follows afterward until the question that's been gnawing at you finally slips from your lips. "How's everything with the company?"
Seemingly unfazed, as if he’d been anticipating the question, Jungkook replies, “I’m guessing you’ve heard the rumors.”
“Hard not to,” you say, keeping your eyes on the road.
He takes a deep breath before continuing, "Well, it's um... it's a sabbatical. I know it's probably a shock, right? My father isn’t too thrilled about it, so he’s delayed the official announcement until we reach a final consensus. But things have been... complicated. Our newest product launched recently, and it’s doing well, but now I think I need some time for myself. To take a step back.”
Well, shit.
Even with all the rumors, you never would have guessed in a million years that the truth of the matter was an impending sabbatical. Jungkook has always been the type to work himself until his hands bleed, so this is the last reason you expected to hear.
“I’m glad to hear you’re finally letting yourself have a break, but honestly, it doesn’t sound like you at all. Feel free not to share, but what do you mean by ‘complicated’?” The way he frames it sounds almost ominous.
“You really want to know?” He finally glances at you for the first time since getting into the car, his eyes carrying a hint of vulnerability.
“Only if you want to share,” you reply cautiously.
He looks down at his hands, gathering his thoughts. “So, remember when we last saw each other a few months back? Well, I’ve been reflecting a lot on our relationship since then. I know I wasn’t fair to you, __, and I really wish I could take it all back. You never deserved any of it. I was incredibly selfish and I’m truly sorry.”
You remain silent, thrown off by how quickly everything circles back to your fragile past together. Still, you allow him to speak.
"Before we parted ways, you suggested I see a professional, and… I thought I'd finally take your advice for once. It’s strange because I’d never gone before, but…”
He pauses, searching for the right words. “I’m starting to understand a lot about myself—why I react the way I do and how I handle things. It’s been tough, but I’m trying. I guess I’m taking this sabbatical because I need to figure myself out, away from work, so I can be better and stop hurting people around me."
For the first time in a long time, as you listen to your ex-husband, you realize he's beginning to sound genuinely mature. If it's true that he's been seeing a therapist and taking a sabbatical to prioritize his well-being, then you're extremely proud of him.
Yet, a small part of you remains stubborn, wishing he had made these changes earlier—imagine where you might be now if he had.
“Thank you for being open enough to share this with me," you respond slowly, careful not to misspeak. "Though I’m still a little surprised, I have to say I’m really proud of you for seeking help. I’ve been seeing someone as well, and it took me some time to settle in too, but I suppose that’s part of the healing process—being uncomfortable to an extent. We’ve had our share of challenges with one another, but despite everything, I’ll always wish the best for you, Jungkook—including your health and mental well-being.”
As you pull into the driveway of his house, parking the car near the front door, Jungkook takes a deep breath and turns to you, visibly affected. "It means a lot that you'd say that, __," he starts hesitantly, hands fidgeting in his lap. "I know I've made a lot of mistakes, and I understand if you can't forgive me completely. But I want you to know that I am sorry. I wasn’t fair to you and I'm not proud of my behavior at all."
You nod in response, a small, tight-lipped smile forming. His remorse for the past is finally sincere, yet even now, as he looks at you with those hopeful eyes—the same ones you carried for months on end—you know he's searching for more than just your forgiveness.
But this time, you don’t think you can offer him more than that.
Because while you grew fond of him during your marriage, you've come to realize how unearned and misplaced that affection was. He broke your heart not once, but twice. And although you can never hate him, deep down, you can't ignore the lingering sting you feel when you're around him.
It's both sobering and eye-opening.
So, rather than reversing into old emotions, you simply say, "I believe you, Jungkook, and I think with time I'll be able to forgive you. If there’s ever a time when you’re in dire need of help, like tonight, I’ll do my best to be there. I’m afraid that’s as far as we can go, though."
It’s written all over his face that it’s not what he was hoping to hear, but respectfully, he doesn’t press further.
"I understand," he says, fingers reaching to for the passenger door handle. "Thank you again for being there for me tonight, and for driving me home. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need me as well. I hope for the best for you too, however and with whoever you choose."
The two of you exchange a brief look of gratitude before he finally pulls the door open and steps out of the car, making his way to his front door.
"Have a good night, and rest up," you call out to him. He smiles, gives a wave, and heads inside.
As you slowly back out of the driveway, you sigh, leaving only one person ruminating in your mind: Taehyung.
Then, inevitably, images of the stunning woman at the bar with him intrude your thoughts, stirring a deep, unsettling emotion within you.
Does it really matter that much who he's out with?
Are you really that jealous about it?
Mentally, you go back and forth as if plucking petals from a large sunflower… Yes. No. Yes. No. Until—Silence.
You can't seem to give a straight answer. It's like the closer you and Taehyung grow, the more undefinable and knotted your feelings become. Yet, the further apart you are, the more unnatural it feels...
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Well, your indecisiveness doesn’t get any better by Friday because, finally, after what feels like an eternity, you and Taehyung have plans.
You’re heading out for dinner at a restaurant of his choosing tonight, as he insisted you go somewhere new. Where could it be? You have no clue, and while surprises aren’t usually your thing, his enthusiasm when you confirmed plans earlier has left you intrigued. There’s also this faint, inexplicably giddy feeling in your stomach that won’t go away, coinciding with a slight nervousness.
With such a seemingly important occasion, you find yourself in front of your bedroom mirror, twisting from side to side in what’s probably the fifth outfit you’ve tried on. But nothing seems to fit quite right. You’re feeling especially frustrated to be frank, as something that usually takes you twenty minutes is turning into a whole hour.
You end up tossing one final dress over your head—a bit more elegant for the occasion, but it’s one of the few items you own that accentuates your body down to the last detail. The dress hugs around your waist and falls just above your knees, its rich color perfectly complementing your skin tone. But isn’t it a little revealing? The neckline dips down further than you remember.
Crap—the alarm on your phone suddenly chimes, reminding you that Taehyung's arriving in ten minutes. You're running out of time.
"You’re being ridiculous. It’ll be fine,” you reassure yourself, smoothing down the skirt of the dress. “You're just friends. He won’t care.”
“Friends” stings more than you anticipated, leaving a bitter aftertaste and a deflated feeling in your chest.
Nevertheless, you give yourself one last look in the mirror, apply a quick swipe of lipstick, and head downstairs. Just as you finish slipping on your shoes and grabbing your purse from the coat rack, the doorbell rings, causing your heart to leap from your chest.
Deciding to rip it off like a band-aid, you toss open the door, and there he is—standing on your doorstep with his signature boxy grin and gently tousled raven hair. Taehyung's dressed in a tailored blazer and matching slacks over a crisp white t-shirt, and you find yourself at a complete loss for words as if you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be around him.
Maybe it’s something in the air, but he appears equally stunned, looking you up and down with wide eyes. His gaze soon softens into admiration as he takes in your entire appearance. “Wow,” he chokes, clearly impressed. “You look amazing.”
You feel a rush of warmth at his compliment and muster all your strength to keep from looking away flustered. “Thank you,” your voice wavers slightly. “You look pretty great yourself.”
Tongue in cheek, he replies with a playful smirk, “I was hoping you’d say that,” which prompts you to lightly punch him in the arm.
“Don't be arrogant.”
He chuckles, rubbing his arm with a grin. “Shall we head out?”
You nod and step outside, locking the door behind you.
The drive to the restaurant is a brief one, and you're immediately struck by the charm of its exterior when you arrive—stone walls, covered with vines of ivy and warm glowing lanterns. Inside is even more beautiful, with wooden shelves lined with old books and bottles of fine wine wrapping around the room. You're starting to understand why Taehyung was so insistent on bringing you here; the place perfectly reflects his taste and, unexpectedly, yours as well.
One of the hosts leads you to a deep mahogany table after confirming your reservation. The closer you get to it, the more you notice the crisp white linens and small tealight candles that sit on top, setting a romantic scene. If you had to describe the feeling, it would be as though you’ve been transported straight to a quaint corner of France.
"So, what do you think?” Seated across from you, Taehyung looks at you with bated breath. His fingers fidget with the edge of the table, nervously anticipating your verdict.
“Honestly? It’s so charming,” you reply, glancing around in awe. “I didn’t even realize we had a place like this around.”
At this, his demeanor relaxes, and a pleased smile spreads across his face. “It’s a bit hidden, but once I found it, it quickly became one of my favorite spots.” He pauses, then adds, “This is actually the same restaurant I wanted to take you to months ago, before my accident.”
“What? You’re serious?” you blink in shock as the realization slowly sinks in. You take another look around the restaurant—the rows of books, the bottles of wine, the elegant dining atmosphere—and suddenly, it all makes sense. How did you miss it before? “I’m sorry we didn’t come sooner,” you say softly, regretful of having turned down his offer before.
“It’s okay,” Taehyung's quick to reassure you, reaching out to lightly touch your hand. “What matters is that we’re here now. And honestly, I’m just happy to finally share it with you.” He gives you a warm smile, and immediately, you feel a small lump form in the back of your throat.
“Thank you for bringing us here tonight,” you say, “It’s wonderful, and I’m really glad we could make it up.”
“Of course,” he replies, “I thought it was a place we’d both enjoy.”
Everything about his responses seems to carry a heightened level of endearment and attentiveness, as if there’s more hidden beneath them.
Perhaps selfishly, you also sense there’s something uniquely special about this night—something you believe only exists between the two of you. So, when Taehyung retracts his hand, you feel a fleeting instinct to reach out and grasp it again, but you stop yourself short.
What are you thinking? This isn’t a date.
Needing a distraction, you grab the menu and start scanning the options.
Taehyung sees the way your gaze drifts and tilts his head, a concerned expression on his face. “Everything alright?” he asks gently.
You nod, forcing a smile. “Yeah,” you reply, trying to sound casual. “I'm just getting pretty hungry with all the food I smell.”
He chuckles, "Same here," then picks up a menu of his own.
The two of you sit in silence for the next few minutes, fixated on the food and wine list. You find yourself stealing glances at him from time to time, and unbeknownst to you, he does the same.
After the waiter takes your orders, Taehyung leans forward, resting his chin on his palm. “How’s everything at work been? I’ve been meaning to ask.”
Your face lights up at this. “Highs and lows," you reply, voice brightening, "but we got some exciting news today. I met with a potential investor earlier this week, and they’ve agreed to partner with the company. It’s a big win for us!”
Sharing your enthusiasm, Taehyung raises his wine glass, implicating you to follow suit. “This calls for a toast,” he says. “I know it must have meant long nights for you, but I’m so glad they recognized the value of you and your work. Seriously, __, you should be incredibly proud of this!"
You clink your glass with his, a light chuckle escaping you. There's something uniquely satisfying about sharing even the smallest things with him.
The conversation flows more comfortably from there, with Taehyung eagerly asking about the details of your new partnership. You reciprocate by asking about his current work projects, and soon, you both get lost in discussion, naturally causing your conversation to grow increasingly spontaneous. By the time your food arrives, the two of you must have easily covered fifty topics.
With the evening gradually becoming one of the most enjoyable you’ve had, the initial butterflies you felt at the start almost fade away... almost. That is, until you near the end of the meal and Taehyung looks at you with a seriousness in his eyes.
“I’m really glad we could do this tonight," he says, "We’ve both been so caught up with work lately that we haven’t had much time to spend together… I’ve missed it."
"Missed..." The simple six-letter word echoes in the back of your mind in a hushed murmur. It feels nice knowing you aren’t the only one affected by the recent distance.
“Me too,” you reply, more breathy than intended. Before you can fully process your words, you find yourself adding, “I’ve missed you a lot myself.”
A flush of embarrassment twists in your stomach the moment the words leave your mouth. You shouldn’t have said it like that—it almost sounded like… pining? God, you can’t even blame it on the alcohol at this point; you barely had one full glass of wine. Contrary to what you'd expect, Taehyung looks at you with a hint of shyness.
“You know,” he begins, briefly eyeing your dress, “you really do look great tonight. I’ve been a bit worried these past couple of weeks, seeing how much you work and how little sleep you get. But now… I'm relieved to see you looking so well.”
You blush. If only he saw you before tonight—greasy hair, bloodshot eyes, and oversized sweats on, you think. Evidently, tonight was an exception.
"I guess I've been worried about you too if I’m being honest,” you admit, shifting slightly in your seat. "The last time we saw each other was at your family reunion. It feels like it was ages ago for some odd reason."
“I know what you mean,” he says softly, gaze lingering on yours a moment longer than usual. “It’s strange going so long without seeing each other. It feels…unnatural.”
All at once, you pause, unsure if you heard right. Did Taehyung really say "unnatural"? It’s exactly how you’ve felt about the distance this entire time, but you hadn’t expected him to feel the same. Your mind struggles to process the sheer coincidence and its possible implications—was there something more to your relationship than you had realized?
While you try to make sense of it all, Taehyung’s raspy voice pulls you back to the present. “Well, uh, we should probably head out,” he suggests lightly, breaking the silence. You nod in agreement, though it does little to deter you from your thoughts.
You find yourself fidgeting with the hem of your dress the entire drive back, occasionally glancing at Taehyung in silence. His hands grip the steering wheel tightly, eyes focused on the road, yet you could’ve sworn his mouth parted at one point as if he was about to say something. But then, he held back. You wonder what he might’ve wanted to say, but you’re no better—hesitant to breathe a word yourself.
Why are neither of you speaking all of a sudden? It feels tense and unfamiliar.
In what feels like a blink of an eye, you're standing at your front door again, Taehyung close beside you. The space between you feels smaller this time, with unspoken words still lingering, but it’s clear that despite having your keys in hand, neither of you are ready to part ways just yet.
“__?” He speaks first, voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes?” You respond, turning to face him fully.
Taehyung takes a deep breath when you do, his usual warmth replaced by a heavy, unreadable expression. “There- there's something that’s been on my mind,” he begins, voice trembling slightly. “I've been going back and forth tonight on whether or not to tell you."
“Okay, what is it?” you ask, pulse quickening.
“It’s about us..." He hesitates, gnawing on his bottom lip slightly before continuing. "Earlier tonight, when I said I've missed being able to see you, I wasn’t lying. If anything, it was likely an understatement because, no matter how busy I was, I kept thinking about you—our time at my parents' place, and how you always came to visit me when I was in the hospital."
He pauses, his fist clenching nervously.
"I’ve realized since then that maybe the reason why is because somehow…you've always been more than a friend to me,” he confesses softly.
Searching your face for a reaction, Taehyung mistakes your blank expression for discomfort. Little does he know, however, that your stillness is merely due to shock, as every nerve in your body threatens to awaken. It feels surreal, you think. Sure, you had a small inkling that tonight felt different and Taehyung was sweeter than usual, but eighty percent of you chalked it up as nothing more than overthinking or projection.
Now, you realize how short-sighted you’ve been, convincing yourself that you could only ever be friends and denying the rest when it's been quite the opposite.
“I’m sorry," he adds sheepishly. "It must be a lot to take in. I don’t want to lose you or our friendship, but with my feelings growing, I think I’ll always want more. I thought it would be better for you to know.”
You see the sincerity in his eyes as he speaks, and though he patiently waits for your response, you’re unsure where to start. It’s not that you question Taehyung’s genuineness or intentions, or that you don’t reciprocate his feelings—you haven’t shared such a deep connection with someone in a long time, if ever.
Rather, it’s the years of a mostly apathetic marriage that leave you feeling wary.
What would a relationship with Taehyung be like?
Would you truly love each other?
For how long?
What startles you most is the possibility that if you and Taehyung really do this and it doesn’t work out, you’ll be left even more devastated than before.
When you finally speak, your voice wavers slightly. “To tell you the truth, a big part of me is relieved that you told me all of this,” you admit slowly, your hands clammy. “I thought I sensed a shift between us at your parents' and again this evening. But I also thought I was reading too much into things, convinced it was just us getting closer as friends do."
"I guess what I’m trying to say is that I was wrong because I've been wanting more with you too," you continue. "It's like the further away we are, the worse I seem to feel, and I can't help but wonder what it would look like if we were more than friends. The thought scares me as much as it excites me, though…for reasons I'm sure you already know."
You're uneasy about how he'll react until, all at once, his eyes fill with warmth and his hands gently reach for yours, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the backs.
“Do you remember when we were at the beach and you asked who’d risk it for you?” Taehyung asks. You nod, recalling the exact moment. “You also asked if I loved you, and I agreed to both that day. I didn’t realize how much those words would come full circle, but I meant it then, and I mean it now. I will love you, __, in the way you've always meant to be. I'm pretty sure I'm at least halfway in love with you already, and not just because we're friends."
Wordless, you stand facing each other, your hands still held in his, eyes steady in the brisk night air. His gaze then drifts from your eyes to your lips and back again. The movement is subtle, but in that brief moment, you let your eyes fall to his lips as well.
Taehyung’s waiting for your answer, but you can’t stop thinking of what would happen if you just…
Adrenaline takes over from there, and before you fully process it, you’re leaning in to close the distance between you, pressing your lips to his. The sudden touch catches Taehyung off guard, but he quickly responds with gentle, tender kisses. A soft smile tugs at his lips as he deepens the embrace, one hand finding its way to your face while the other rests on your back, pulling you closer.
Sooner than you realize, he begins deepening the kiss as well, eliciting small, breathy moans. At this point, you can feel the tent forming in his trousers, but he makes no move to grind into you yet. Rather, the hands that grip around you tighten, not enough to hurt, but enough that your body pushes further against his firmer chest. You suspect your back will meet the hard surface of your front door within the next three seconds, allowing your entire neighborhood a show, but before then, you're interrupted by a subtle stirring in the pit of your stomach.
"Wait, I'm sorry-" you suddenly break the kiss, a rush of nerves returning. It’s been a long time since you’ve shared such meaningful kisses with someone, and the intensity of it has you feeling overwhelmed. "I'm so sorry," you repeat.
When Taehyung sees you aren’t backing away but rather standing completely still, he settles his hands around your waist, gently drawing you further into a soft embrace. "You don't need to apologize," he assures. "I'm the one who took it further than I should've when I want this to be comfortable for both of us.”
You take a small breath, "You didn't do anything wrong, Tae, I'm just a little nervous due the newness of everything. I think I’d be best if we wait before going any further tonight….but I’m also not ready for you to leave yet. Is there any way you could maybe come in for a bit? To lounge?”
Taehyung nods, “I completely understand wanting to wait. The last thing I want to do is rush anything.” Concerned about possibly pressuring you, he adds, "Are you sure about me coming in though? It's getting late and I don't want to keep you up."
"Please," you murmur, "just for a little while, if you can.”
“Okay," he agrees, thumbs brushing lightly against your sides, "I can stay."
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a/n: ajdfhg, TYSM for reading!! Love you all 🥰
@jksjx @lovingkoalaface @junecat18 @babystarcandyjk97 @wobblewobble822 @a-gayish-unicorn @neverthefirstchoice @whipwhoops @hubbytaehyung @jalexad @cassies-cookies @llallaaa @marshieeeemallow @baechugff @lovemazespluto @eegyo @iwanttobecalledaurora @harmonyflora @francheskarm34 @sftlrmin @saba-ya @11thenightwemet11 @yoursnixni @zafirowwa2909 @btsffreader92 @junniesoleilkth @iamcamlb @bangctans @lilliankoo @talyaaas-blog @blackswan18 @appleh4ad @hoseokteardrop @613tannies @whoa-jo @borahaeb1ch @getougf @chimmisbae @kookcobain @miniekookiegucci @purplelanterns @inthemiddleofsomething22-blog @darkuni63 @bibimboppin19 @phanniefoo @chieftoadturkeynickel @existenciosa @dasommwa @minayas1998 @sumzysworld @pwd54gr54 @jellycake2109 @sigxx123 @00frenchfries00 @importantperfectionmiracle @stigma93 @lpgirl2324 @youremyjinearth @moonups-stuff @bubblyyz @hvnnibvni @ttanniett @rintarhoes00 @rrosiitas @kooklovee @parkweylyn @secfir @urlovelily @iknowhistouch3 @nadzzzblog @itsmina29 @mochibites00 @syazzzlisa @ash07128 @kawennote09 @merrygo14 @butterymin @cybercheesygurl @juju-227592 @lesiacapouille @kissyfacekoo @jk97bam @soblvkgal @seokout @girlywhoops @soblvkgal
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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hansolmates · 4 years
popular-ish | (04)
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pairing; popular!jk x normie!reader summary; you are way out of jungkook’s league. Or is it the other way around? genre/warnings; self-deprecating language, your typical college!au, jungkook is a piner, shy!oc, oc just wants some damn pizza, maaa yyybeeee eventual fwb 2 lovers au, oc is also a little cold-cutie but who can blame them, dang how did this get so angsty? this is comparable to cher’s reflection arc in clueless–jk’s a doof in this one :((( w.c; 1.1k a/n; happy saturyay y’all :) 
taglist is OPEN: @jiminskth​ @scalubera​ @aretha170​ @apollukee​ @livewittykid​ @papamochiissad​ @koo-zy​ @honeyj00ns​ @iflruledtheworld​ @betysotelo18​ @zeharilisharaban​  @loversometimesafighter​ @mukeovernetflix​  @betysotelo18​ @koochiekoo​ @shubhiixxx​ @hermiones-enchantment​ @iamnamjoonsbxtch​ @gracehiii​ @tea-n-kookies​ @iamnamjoonsbxtch​ @codeinebelle​ @ggukkieland​ @celestialflamefairy​ @dammit-jjk​ @kurochan3​ @sunsetsnsirens-blog​
unable to tag: @btsfanficsrepost @monvieesdaebak
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“So in a Think-Win-Win situation, why do you think empathy and maturity are large factors in a high success rate?” 
“Jeon?” you look up from your lashes, and Jungkook can see the way the yellow lamp puts a little golden glimmer to your eyes, “Jeon, did you even study?” 
“I—I uh yeeess?” 
He can’t help it, feeling out of water as he babbles for an answer like a fish gasping for air. You can’t help the subtle roll of your eyes, masked by you picking up your textbook to peer closely into the text. It hurts him, and he suddenly feels tiny and sweaty despite bench pressing two-hundred and taking a quick shower an hour before. 
Jungkook notes that you’re also the only one who brought their textbook, the rest of the study group either coming back from lacrosse or just decided not to. 
“C’mon,” Jimin smiles lazily, bumping his knee with yours. Your eyes shift to where his skin makes contact with yours, “we’ve had practice all day. We’re tired. The cheerleaders had a rough evening too,” he sends a wink to Sooyoung, who just scoffs with her berry tinted lips, “I’m pretty sure you finished the project anyway, so why are we here?” 
Jungkook watches the way your legs press together, black leggings hugging your thighs. He doesn’t mean to stare, he probably looks like a weirdo if not for the fact you’re so focused on burning stare to Jimin. It’s then he realizes he knows you. A hookup, maybe? A friend of a friend he was introduced to in-between practices? He isn’t sure. He really fucked up not noticing you the second time around, and he’s not sure you’ll give him a second chance. 
Instead of biting back, you flush. You shrink in the uncomfortable wooden seat, looking at Jimin with furrowed brows. Jungkook squeezes his hands between the kangaroo pocket of his lacrosse jersey, wishing he could instead squeeze his hands between the two apples of your cheeks. It’s unfair how adorable you are, even in a situation as fucked up as this. Unfortunately it’s still majorly unfair to you, being paired in unnecessarily hard core-elective with three prime procrastinators and D1 athletes. The professor must’ve done it on purpose, hoping you’d knock some sense into them.
You frown, and press your lips together as you stuff your things in your Mickey Mouse tote bag. In goes your textbook, then your MacBook, and finally your fuzzy pink pen. “Right,” you mutter under your breath, most of the fire directed towards Jimin, “because I orchestrated and worked around all your schedules just for fun.” 
Jungkook’s hands twitch by his sides, watching you walk out of the library without so much as a glance towards their table. He shakes his head towards his teammate, “You didn’t have to be such a dick about it,” and grabs his phone, following you out. 
Cool air slaps Jungkook’s face, and he immediately finds you hunched over your phone on a bench. You’re not even trying to make a getaway, legs spread comfortably as you scroll the Grubhub menu for the nearest restaurant. He calls your name, and you jolt out of your relaxed state. You look up at him, startled at the way your name rolls off his lips. 
“Hey,” Jungkook says, sitting down next to you. 
You blink at him, confused. “Jeon? Did you need something?” 
“I wanna help you with the project.” 
“Didn’t seem to contribute much back there.” 
Ouch. “Okay, but I’m a really good listener and I can follow directions. Just tell me what to do and consider it done,” Jungkook usually prides himself as a smooth talker, but now he feels like he’s grappling on strings when talking to you, “that’s… what a Think-Win-Win situation is, right?” 
A small huff of a grin ghosts on your lips, and he smiles wide. “Not really,” you answer smoothly, “but it’s a start.” 
He takes that as his in, and immediately rolls with it. He follows your pace, trying to slow down because you’re so much smaller than him and he’s so excited that you’re not immediately pushing him away. 
“After we finish, it’ll only be like 10PM,” he follows you to your first destination, a local pizzeria. “It’s a Friday night, and I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me? It’s for  Hoseok. I don’t know if you know him but he’s sort of my captain and we could celebrate finishing the project together that way?” 
“No thank you,” you reply to Jungkook, and then you point at whatever item is on the menu to the counter lady, “and please have extra chilli flakes on the side.” 
You said no to him, and it didn’t even take a heartbeat for you to think about his offer. “Wait, why?” 
Your smile twists into something undecipherable, “Not my crowd,” you eyes scan him briefly, taking in the clean lacrosse jersey and the baggy sweatpants, “besides, you’d leave me within the first five minutes of arriving. And even if you didn’t, girls would probably steal you anyway.”
Jungkook feels a little gross at your blunt honesty. He’s insulted, to be bunched up and lumped with a bunch of popular jocks and cheerleaders and all the in-between. It isn’t fair for you to be making assumptions about him when you barely know him and he’s trying to let you get to know each other a little better.
When Jungkook looks down however, his hands are empty because he didn’t bother to bring the textbook and materials he was supposed to bring. His hair is still damp from the shower and not blow-dried, proof that he rushed to the library because he was late to the meeting you spent all week arranging. His mouth is shut because he didn’t defend you when Jimin called you out in the library, even though he knew he and his friends were in the wrong. 
He hates how much you’re right. It’s like you’ve stabbed him with a fleet of truths, mapping out his night down to a T. His habits are a notorious connect-the-dot puzzle, cultivated over the course of four years: whoever he’d bring would escape his thoughts, too absorbed in how everyone compliments the All-Star’s record last match. Girls and boys alike will flock to him like bees to honey, reveling in him and he’ll lap up the attention. He’ll get requests for a quick fuck, and if it’s a nice night, he’ll oblige. 
And what, he expects you to think this time is different? 
You’re pretty, and smart, and Jungkook’s undeserving of you. 
“I’ll see you Monday, Jeon,” you say breezily, brushing shoulders. He gets a whiff of your hair and the scent of fresh bread as you walk away with your pizza pie. 
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bts-reveries · 4 years
daddy duties | 11
(images after text!)
“Sarang is having her dress fitting and we’re also looking for our bridesmaids dresses and the baby girls’ flower girl dresses, so all the girls will be there, you sure you’ll be okay?” You say to your husband , as you played with your son on your bed. Jimin was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, mumbling back an answer. 
“I could stay here if you want,” you say, picking up Mingyu and walking over with him to the bathroom.
Jimin was wiping his mouth with a towel when you walked in.
“No, go with the girls. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on anything,” he says, taking Mingyu from you. You reached out and squished his cheeks, making him laugh. 
“Are you sure? You won’t have a hard time or anything?” Jimin laughs at your question, bouncing Mingyu up and down.
“With this little guy? You kidding me? Of course I’ll have a hard time,” he laughs. You pout.
“I’m serious babe, I don’t want to go if I know it’s going to cause you any trouble..”
“Yn, it’s okay. I know how much you girls have been looking forward to this, just go. I’ll call one of the guys to come over if anything.” You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
“Will you actually? You didn’t last time and you were so stressed out and exhausted when I came home--”
“Well I can’t call them all the time when something happens Yn. I can’t rely on them all the time and have them take care of my own kid--”
“That’s not what I’m saying Honey, I’m just saying if you need help, go ask for it. They’re your brothers, they’ll be there to help you out. Like we were for them, that’s what we do for each other right?” 
You just left for Sarang’s fitting and Jimin stood in front of Mingyu with his arms crossed. 
“Are you going to give me a hard time again?” He asks. Mingyu was sitting on the couch and just giggled at his dad’s question.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I’m calling your uncle.” Jimin takes his phone out of his pocket to call one of Mingyu’s uncles. 
“Hello?” He says. Mingyu looks up at his dad, listening to his conversation as if he knew what was going on.
“Yeah, can you come over?... Yeah.. Yeah they’re all at Sarang’s dress fitting so it’s just me and Gyu right now… Yeah you can bring him. He’d love that actually.... Okay? Okay yeah, I’ll see you soon.. Thanks man… bye.” Jimin ends the call, putting his phone down. 
“He’s coming with his son so you better be good,” Jimin tells Mingyu. Mingyu giggles again, reaching his arm out, asking to be carried. Jimin smiles, giving into his cuteness. 
“I can never be mad at you,” Jimin sighs, reaching down to pick his son up. “But please be good. Your Uncle and cousin are really coming though so let’s have some fun, okay?”
“Ah! I’m so excited!” Mae says as she finally gets to the bridal boutique that you all planned to meet up at. Everyone was already there standing outside, waiting for the whole party to get there. Mae walks up to you all with Soojin holding her hand. 
“Hi Soojinnie,” you say, waving at the little girl. She waves back at you, letting go of her mom’s hand to give you a hug. 
“Soojin-ah!” Soojin pulls away from you to turn to the voice that called her. Meanwhile, Huimang popped out from behind her mom’s legs, making the other little girl smile.
“Who else are we waiting for?” You ask, turning around to all the girls.
“Just Byul and Moonji and Sohyun and Hana. They’re carpooling,” Sarang answers. You nod in response. 
“So is Jin watching the boys?” You ask Mae. She nods.
“Yeah, their grandparents returned them,” she jokes. “What about Jimin? He’s okay being alone with Minimini? Didn’t you say he had a hard time the other day?”
You nod. “Yeah I asked him if it was okay with him and he said yes. But I made sure to reassure him that it would be okay if he needs someone to help him out and that he can call one of the guys to help.” 
“Yeah, that’s what family’s for. We’re not going to let you do things alone,” Rina says, sipping down an americano.
“That’s what I told him!” 
“If anything, asking one of the guys to come over and help will only teach him more about being a dad right?” Rina says. “They were all there when Jungkook and I had Sian. I learned everything I know from you guys. Well, from Mae at least. She was the only mom at the time.. But Jungkook learned a lot from Jin and Yoongi. So I’m sure the same thing will happen with Jimin. I wouldn’t say he wouldn’t need to worry, but he doesn’t need to worry much. We’re here for him.”
“Thanks Rin, I’ll tell him that. I hope he called one of the boys over today.”
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daddy duties
☔︎part eleven: flower girls☔︎
pairings: newdad!jimin x wife!reader
a/n: i love how all the little princesses are together it’s so cute to me 🥺 BUT CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT JKs REPLY JSEFEHF love how i talk like this as if i didn’t write any of it but let’s be honest, my fingers did it and i was like *😲*
@crazyferalvigilantedragonwriter @taekookcaneatme @osnapjenn @rjsmochii @cosmicdaylight @monosomes @the-things-in-the-dark @kimchii7 @softboyfriendtae @smauslut @igotarmyofarohas @heartfeltscribblings @ruinsofangels @sope-and-shine @ephyra1230 @uglyratlmao @samros95 @hellotherehoneybee @moon6rop @kpopliisu @butterflylion @moonlightrose19 @teawithbucky @strwberry-jam @listless-losers @dreamcatcherjiah @httplovemaze @raplineh0e @salty-for-suga @chiminilove @bts-kay @my-chaos-in-stars @kookiemonstersugatea @vantaexx @blueberrykenn @sunnyoongles @knjkitten @itsjynop @seoulicitae @sayanne @prdshobi @thegirlwhocares @btsxdoll @callmepaopao @sterynlis @cribabieee @incredibleella @nctssidehoe @dammit-jjk @goldenchemistry
to be notified when i post, please turn on my notifications! thank youu~
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch.3)
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Chapter 3
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,905
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
               The following day found Catalina following Jungkook to the campus library. They had gotten their tests back in French class that day and they both got Ds. Their professor set them up with a tutor, whom they were on the way to meet.
               “I can’t believe we got Ds,” said Catalina. “We studied!”
               “Yeah! We totally studied and it didn’t help us at all,” said Jungkook. Catalina thought back on their study session at her apartment; French textbooks open, bottles of wine scattered about, two full glasses, and the Twilight movies unironically playing on Catalina’s laptop.
               “Yeah we totally studied!” she said.
               The campus library was a huge, old building with towering bookshelves and dark wood furniture. They went down one of the halls where there were tables and chairs set up between the aisles. At the first table was a ridiculously handsome man, who stood up when he spotted them.
               “Well, well, well,” he said. “Look who’s failing his class already in the first week.”
               Jungkook frowned and stopped in his tracks. “You’re our tutor?”
               “Hey! Why are you saying it like that? You should be more like, ‘Oh, Jin! Thank goodness you’re helping me pass my French class, how can I ever repay you?’”
               “I’m assuming you guys…know each other?” said Catalina.
               Jungkook sighed and said, “Catalina, this is Jin. As you can see he’s very old and his dementia is setting in, making him talk nonsense-“
               Jin rounded the table and swatted at Jungkook, yelling, “Hey! I’m tutoring you out of the kindness of my heart and this is what I get?”
               A librarian stuck her head around the corner and shushed them angrily. Jin apologized and gestured to the two chairs across from his.
               “Yeah, I’ve known Jungkook since he was a child,” said Jin. “I practically raised him.”
               “He used to live next door. He babysat me and my brother like, two times,” said Jungkook.
               “So, are you two dating?” asked Jin. “Because I have some wonderful childhood stories to tell.”
               Catalina laughed and said, “We’re not dating, but I’d love to hear them.”
               “Jin,” said Jungkook. “Jin.”
               “I’ll kill you.”
               Jin laughed for several seconds, then sobered up in an instant. “Anyway, let’s get to work.”
               He flipped the French textbook open and began.
               “So, what are you guys having trouble with?” he asked. “Let’s see your tests.”
                 Catalina left the tutoring session feeling a bit better about her French class. As they walked out of the library, Jungkook said, “So, I’m having a party at my house tonight and you’re invited. My parents are out of town for this healthcare conference thing so everyone’s gonna be there. It’s gonna be awesome.”
               “And what do you mean by ‘everyone’?” asked Catalina. She’s always kind of wanted to go to one of those cliché house parties where a bunch of unwanted guests show up and the host is freaking out about their parents’ china cabinet or whatever. Her friends back home were pretty boring, so she never got the party experience.
               “I mean, like, everyone. Like, a bunch of people from my classes and from high school and stuff,” said Jungkook.
               “Okay, I’ll go. It sounds fun,” said Catalina. “Do you think a lot of people will show up despite the people going missing in the neighboring town?”
               “I mean, it’s not happening in this town so…” Jungkook shrugged.
               “Yeah, it’s probably fine,” said Catalina. “Anyway, I’ll come over late tonight. I have homework I need to finish.”
               “It’s okay, the party doesn’t start until late anyway, if you know what I mean,” Jungkook said with a wink. “It’s gonna be lit.”
               “I’ll see you later JK,” Catalina said, laughing. The two of them parted ways, Catalina wondering with trepidation, and also excitement, what the party was going to be like.
                 The party, as it turned out, was not lit. Catalina arrived around ten, after getting most of her homework done with minimal procrastination. There was only one car in front of the house besides Jungkook’s, and no lights on inside. Catalina texted him to make sure everything was alright. He answered, telling her to come to the back yard.
               The backyard was small, a tall wooden fence along the back separating it from the woods. In the middle of the yard were two people sitting in lawn chairs around a bonfire. Jungkook stood up and waved.
               “Hey, you made it!” said Jungkook. He gestured to the bonfire and said, “I told you it’d be lit.”
               Catalina cringed.
               “I’m sorry, that was terrible. I can’t believe I just said that,” he said.
               “I think Jin is getting to you,” said the other person sitting at the fire. Catalina realized that it was Jimin.
               “Jimin! I didn’t know you’d be here!” said Catalina. Jimin stood up and they hugged. “I didn’t know you guys knew each other.”
               “Yeah, we grew up together,” said Jimin.
               “Does everyone in this town know each other?” asked Catalina.
               “I mean…” Jimin started.
               “Kind of,” said Jungkook, setting up a chair for her. They all sat down. “Not really, but this town is pretty small. There’s only one high school so…”
               “I see,” said Catalina. “So, what happened to the party? I imagined like, a big house party with a bunch of people we don’t know, getting drunk and tossing vases around like footballs.”
               Jimin laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair.
               “What? Did you get that from Mean Girls?” asked Jungkook. Catalina nodded. “I don’t know, I guess everyone is “scared” of the “serial killer”, or whatever. They don’t know what they’re missing, because I plan on sharing some great horror stories around the bonfire tonight.”
               “Jungkook, I just want you to know how irresponsible this is!”
               Jin came into the backyard and stood there with his hands on his hips. Another man joined him, equally as handsome. This man was blonde, built, and wore a bomber jacket with patches all over it.
               “There is a serial killer on the loose and you’re throwing a party!” said Jin.
               “Well, you showed up so you’re just as bad. And you brought your boyfriend,” said Jungkook.
               “We are not dating and I am just here to tell you that you should end this right now. We are going to get kidnapped,” said Jin.
               “Catalina, this is Jimmy K, the local bad boy who is all of a sudden mysteriously hanging out with Jin all the time now,” said Jungkook.
               “Local bad boy, I love it,” said Jimmy K. He held out a hand to Catalina to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said with a wink.
               “Oh,” Catalina blushed, caught off guard. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
               Soon, they were all sitting around the bonfire listening to Jungkook begin his scary story.
               “This is something that happened to me when I was kid, and I never told anyone this before, because I was afraid no one would believe me. When I was nine, my brother and I were staying at our aunt’s house in the mountains while our parents were out of town on a relief mission. One day, I went out to explore the woods and do some climbing. I found a big rocky crag, which I climbed, hoping I’d end up at the top of the mountain. It wasn’t the top of the mountain by far, but I did find something else: a mossy trail leading deep into the woods,” Jungkook said, lowering his voice dramatically.
               “When is this supposed to get scary?” asked Jin.
               “Shut up. So I followed the trail. The sun was beginning to set and I knew I needed to head back to my aunt’s house soon, but I needed to see where the trail led to. I wasn’t disappointed. The trail opened up to an old cobblestone driveway, and at the end of the driveway was a huge house. It was old, one of those gothic Victorian houses, all dark brick and carved wood. I could see the sky from the clearing, which told me I had about an hour before it fully got dark. I went to the front door anyway. It was unlocked, so I went inside. There were cobwebs everywhere and sheets over furniture, a real classic haunted house, but I wasn’t afraid, because I knew ghosts weren’t real. So, I went deeper into the house. All of a sudden, the front door slammed shut behind me. I was thrown into darkness. Then I heard a voice somewhere in the house say, ‘Don’t you know trespassers get eaten, little boy?’ I was terrified, so I turned around and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. The voice was laughing. Finally, the door opened and I ran from the house as fast as I could. I ran back through the trail, climbed back down the rocks and ran. It was dark now and my lungs were burning. Eventually, I made it back to my aunt’s house. She was waiting outside for me, angry. She said, “dammit Jungkook! I told you not to go too far in these woods. There’s monsters out there who eat reckless little boys like you!’
               “And that’s the story of how I found out ghosts are real,” Jungkook finished.
               “That was more like listening to a trauma story than a scary story,” said Jimin. Jungkook took his shoe off and threw it at Jimin, who actually fell off his chair laughing this time.
               “I thought it was a good story,” said Jimmy K, who was listening with interest.
               “Thank you,” said Jungkook.
               “That didn’t actually happen to you, did it?” asked Catalina.
               “Yeah, it did. Minus the cobwebs, sheets, and locked door. But my aunt definitely did say that when I got back. Actually, I remember the real life house being really pretty and not dark, which made me realize that I had just broken into someone’s house. That’s when I ran away. So, who’s next?” said Jungkook.
                 Catalina was running again. They were right behind her. Her heart was pounding in her aching chest as her bare feet thudded against the forest trail. It was close, just a little farther and she’d be safe. The footsteps behind her were getting closer. They were heavy and fast, much stronger than she was. Finally, the house came into view and she threw the front door open. She tried closing it behind her, but the door was too small for the frame and it wouldn’t close all the way. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes. They were going to catch her and she couldn’t do anything about it… Catalina turned around and ran deeper into the house. As she rounded the corner, she found herself in a den, running right into someone. But she wasn’t afraid of this person. She knew she was finally safe here.
“They can’t get you here,” the man said as he held her against his broad chest. She looked up at him. He smiled down with his dimples and perfect teeth. She felt herself melt against him.
But it didn’t last long. Soon, he disappeared and the fire went out in the fireplace, leaving the room in cold darkness. An unfamiliar voice chuckled, the laughter bouncing off the walls to taunt her.
“Don’t you know trespassers get eaten, little girl?”
Catalina jolted awake that morning, a scream lodged in her throat.
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rawrroarart · 4 years
Diakko!Odyssey AU
Most recent update: 8/28/2020 I added the comic of them meeting and also wrote a little snippet under the Diakko section
Welcome all. This post will officially be my master post of the Odyssey AU which will be updated as time moves forward so that I can link all of my related art to it. Yes I will not be posting multiple separate Updates in text posts how it’s traditionally done, but instead there will be information with each art and then a link back to this post. This is to avoid clutter since I hardly post on this blog anyway so it wouldn’t be fun having to scroll through all of my “OH ALSO THIS HAPPENS!” to get to art. Also I keep changing my mind on a lot of things in the AU so disregard information under the arts anyway as I will be posting here what is actually relevant.
Another key thing: I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible until they are either shown in art or stated explicitly like I do in posts because I am the absolute worst at surprises. But anyway fear not for spoilers. Things said here are things that should be hinted at/known already. (and also I hardly know anything but maybe I will in due time)
Without further ado..
What is the Odyssey AU?
The odyssey au is an alternative universe combining both Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Little Witch Academia into this (very random) adventuring story that takes place in ancient Greece. I guess I can’t say that it’s random since one of my favorite things about both ACO and LWA is the ties/references to mythology with the former obviously more rooted in the mythology and the latter just fun easter egg references. 
The general premise is that Diana is a misthios(mercenary) who travels with Akko, a shapeshifter, across Greece to find the answers pertaining to her origin.
The first art post: Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
But I don’t know what Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is?
That’s fair and understandable. Honestly my AU diverges a lot from the game so I don’t think knowledge of ACO is exactly necessary it’s just fun to understand the connections if you know them. Basically the key things you need to know from ACO as of now is: 
Kassandra (the protag) is known as the Eagle Bearer because she has an eagle that is known as the “eagle of Zeus” throughout the game. And they adventure together and Ikaros (the eagle) can hunt n kill things and See things and tbh he’s rly just a cool eagle but not a shapeshifter or anything lol
Kassandra is a Mercenary (misthios) which is basically a for Hire fighter/person who will p much do anything for money (if they want to do it) 
Kassandra is usually referred to a demi-god because of her powerful fighting abilities in which I mean yea she literally has powers and can blast people like a billion miles away (im jk but-)
Kassandra can tame animals (which ones depending on your skill level). You can tame uhh wolves, lynx, leopards, lions, bears. This is where my ‘shapeshifter’ idea began and it pretty much fit perfectly since Akko’s favorite spell is the shapeshifting one. 
Other than this, the most important things to know for this AU is just,, general mythology,, I guess? Or history? General history of mythology and how people worshipped/acted in accordance to the gods. And I’m not saying im going to be historically accurate obviously, nor even mythologically accurate (if that’s even a thing lol), I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy my gay mercenaries while talking about gods/goddesses as if I even know (thankfully I have my gf who is way more interested in mythology than me to help me)
I’ve only played like half of the Atlantis DLC after beating the game so whoopsie. I honestly really wanna replay everything now that I have this AU just so I can focus more on details and what I can yoink.
Diana’s sketch-dump though she really needs a new one.
Diana in wheat field
Diana is the main protagonist of the story, but they pretty much both share the spotlight anyway. Her goal is to find out why she has certain powers (which I have officially decided, finally...) that aren’t exactly human. Since being a misthios was an easy way for her to travel and make drachmae, she chooses to do it while on their journey. Dammit I came up with her lore but as per the rules of this masterpost I can’t write about it until it’s out smh.. Ah I forgot that I already spilled that she is a goddess/demi-goddess (haven’t decided which yet) so yea that’s the Tea.
Described as very beautiful, there are rumors of her that state she is a pathway to Elysium (despite many people not deserving to go to Elysium). She is also known for her stoic face and a red bird that follows her around.
Diana is only found smiling with Akko and keeps buying Akko clothes despite her outer grievances each time Akko destroys something.
Diana was there with her mother at Chariot’s speech/performance.
Diana is skilled with any weapon.
Akko sketch-dump
Akko is a shapeshifter who travels with Diana across Greece in search for her idolized Chariot. Trusting both Diana’s skills and powers, Akko decides that Diana is the best choice to help achieve her goal as they adventure together.
Orphaned at a young age, Akko is, at first, very unfamiliar with how exactly to use her powers because there was no one around to teach her. She uses a bird most often because it is her first and most skilled transformation, but eventually learns to use stronger animals over time. Also eagle-vision is much more useful to Diana when they’re scoping the grounds anyway.
Like all shapeshifters, Akko has a symbol on her neck that signifies what she is. Due to the high prejudice against shapeshifters, Akko stays an animal to avoid being known, and also does not transform in front of others unless to kill them. If she has to be a human, Akko commonly wears a hood to hide her neck. 
Akko is one of the last shapeshifters to exist, and, despite Chariot being rumored to have finally been murdered, she still believes Chariot is alive. 
Akko was with her parents when they all attended Chariot’s final speech/show and here began her dream.
Akko can use a dagger if she needs to.
Akko’s Parents: Shapeshifters who were murdered when Akko was a young age.
Chariot: A shapeshifter who somehow had a voice and power that even normal people listened to. Akko idolizes Chariot because, despite the hate against shapeshifters, Chariot was well known and was an activist for shapeshifters despite the danger upon her head. Chariot mysteriously disappears one day for reasons unknown, and everyone but Akko assumes she was finally murdered.
Shapeshifters are defined as humans who possess the ability to transform to any animal at will. Unfortunately, because animals were seen as less than human, shapeshifters were defined as “punished by the gods” and so many decided shapeshifters needed to be removed from the world for sin. This causes a massacre of shapeshifters to the point that they are instead a rarity.
Shapeshifters do not transform with their clothes, and so either destroy them or lose them depending on their transformation.
All shapeshifters have a symbol on their neck which is what is used to find them. They can also be found by their human personalities/characteristics when they are an animal. 
If weakened, shapeshifters return to their human form and cannot transform until they are stronger.
Meeting (Comes with a 500 word story!)
Misthios!Diana and Shapeshifter!Akko Sketch-dump
Diana and Bear!Akko
Fancy Diakko (the first continuity error lol)
Diana and Akko adventure together and do all of their quests together as a rag-tag chaotic duo. God I’m so excited for this section I wish I could make art FASTER but anyway:
They meet at about 17 years old but the main story takes place when they are 18+
The two get off to a wrong start when Diana saves Akko’s life. Because Akko is a shapeshifter, she’s high in value to kill probably by some cult idk but there is always a bounty on her head. When Diana saves her, Akko assumes Diana only did so to steal the drachmae from the original perpetrators, but Diana really just leaves her alone afterwards. Confused, Akko legit just starts tagging along LMAO she finds Diana interesting and so follows her and Diana’s just like what the fuck but eventually she gets over it. They become powerful assets to each other as Diana can now scope the skies with Akko and Akko is pretty much protected under Diana. Then when Akko gets much stronger Diana gets extra manpower and protection too. 
Akko enjoys staying in her human form to spend time with Diana.
Diana keeps buying Akko clothes just because it makes Akko happy (and also, despite Akko uncaring because her transformations are so frequent anyway, Diana doesn’t want her to be naked??)
Diana is easily persuaded by Akko and puts Akko’s interests first (feeds her first, considers what Akko would want, etc.)
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hqwritings · 4 years
Sugayaku Headcanons
@katsu-needs-sleep asked: Could you perhaps wrote some sugayaku hc's- jk, jk, unless 👀
A/N: Kat you have no idea how much fun I had with this I wasn’t planning on doing so much but dammit I couldn’t STOP- I love you 🥺❤️
To my readers: Ship asks are not a regular thing here! I just did this to satisfy the hole in my (and Kat’s) heart that can only be filled with more content for this hella rarepair. Haikyuu x reader asks are still open, with a limit of 3 characters per ask
Sugawara Koushi x Yaku Morisuke:
-Lots of FaceTime calls!! Like, a LOT. Even though they spend a lot of time dedicated to volleyball, personal training, their studies, and other things, they always make spending time with each other a priority. Even if they can’t call on specific days they at least text each other a lot. They mostly talk about schools and how stressed they are about college entrance exams and the future in general. Sometimes they don’t even talk on calls, and it’s just them studying together in comfortable silence. They appreciate the presence the other one brings and sometimes when one is the really focused on something, the other will look at them in awe at how cute they are (“shit, he’s so cute- I have such a cute boyfriend”-both of them in their heads)
-I brought this up in the discord, but nobody talks about how much of a little SHIT Sugawara is sometimes. He absolutely teases Yaku, whether it be about his height (despite the fact that he’s literally only 3 inches taller) or how cute he is when he’s pouting (“Suga-er Koushi, I’m not cute!!” “But look at how adorable your pout is!”). He never says it out loud, but Sugawara’s teasing actually flusters him really bad (and he knows he’d never hear the end of it if either Suga or the rest of Nekoma found out about this- God FORBID that Kuroo ever finds out-)
-Yaku’s too embarrassed to use pet names, but over time he gets used to calling Sugawara ‘babe’ on some occasions (especially if he wants something from him). He usually just calls Sugawara by his first name, Koushi, because it’s one thing that he really insisted on (like he legit ignored Yaku until he said “Koushi” and he turned around with a shit eating grin and said “Yes love?”). He just loves the way his name sounds in Yaku’s cute voice and his logic is “Well, we’re dating, so shouldn’t we drop the formalities?”. Likewise, Sugawara both calls Yaku ‘Morisuke’ and literally every other pet name under the sun, he can’t stick to one. His personal favorites are baby and sugar (ifyouunderstandthatreferenceI’llloveyouforever)
-While Sugawara has no problem being casually public about who he’s dating, he kind of made a game out of seeing how long he could go before somebody notices that he’s acting different/spending more time “alone”. You’d think Daichi would be the first one to find out right? It’s actually Yamaguchi! Sugawara left his phone unattended and Yamaguchi was getting their stuff together when he saw a text from “Morisuke Baby ❤️🐱” on his phone and then freaked out “SUGAWARA-SAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND NAMED MORISUKE?!”
-Daichi immediately recognizes the name (*cough*becauseKurootextshim*cough*) and he puts two and two together and goes “Wait- ARE YOU DATING NEKOMA’S LIBERO-“ and Suga, instead of answering, just snickers and walks away. By now everyone’s heard and now EVERYBODY’S ON HIS SHIT, Tanaka and Noya call him a traitor, Asahi can’t wrap his head around the fact that Sugawara’s dating somebody, Kageyama’s thinking that maybe he should get a girlfriend if Suga’s already dating, and Yamaguchi is looking at Sugawara’s phone like it’s evidence to a crime scene.
-Yaku on the other hand, purposely keeps his love life a secret because he has to deal with Lev and Kuroo who would never leave him alone if they ever found out he was dating anybody, especially if that special someone is Karasuno’s setter- but alas even he makes mistakes. He’s on a quick phonecall with Sugawara one day before practice because he had extra time before they started and the rest of Nekoma hears him and goes all stealthy and shit because Yaku???giggling??like a little schoolgirl with a crush??? They want- no NEED to know why
-The call doesn’t last long, only five minutes, but when it comes to the end they very clearly hear Yaku say “Yeah- ok- ok- Sugawara- Babe- I got it. Alright, I love you too… fine, Koushi, I love you. Bye bye” And when he does his cute little laugh and turns to enter the gym he’s met with the entire Nekoma team staring him straight in the face. Kuroo and Lev are grinning, Kenma doesn’t care, Yamamoto is jealous, and Fukunaga is being nice and doing a little clap for Yaku to congratulate him
-“So you’re dating Karasuno’s setter eh Yakkun??” Kuroo starts and Yaku is FUMING and trying to push past everyone into the gym, but Kuroo and Lev are blocking him and bombarding him with questions (along with everybody else) and dammit Yaku just wants to die on the spot because they won’t shut up (he resorts to giving Kuroo and Lev a good kick to the ass)
-When Karasuno and Nekoma finally see each other again all eyes are on them and everything’s silent. Yaku doesn’t know what to do and is slightly sweating because he’s scared for some reason, and Sugawara’s really chill, just waiting for Yaku to say something. Yaku gets tired of all the eyes on him and blows up “YES! WE’RE DATING! HE’S MY BOYFRIEND, GET OVER IT!!” And he grabs Sugawara’s hand and interlocks their fingers together. Sugawara’s caught off guard by his boldness but takes advantage of it by kissing Yaku on the top of the head. Chaos ensues, Kuroo is dying, Daichi feels bad for Yaku, Yachi feels like she’s reading some shoujo manga, literally nobody is okay after that. They all eventually get used to it, but Kuroo and Daichi make it very clear that there isn’t to be any funny business
-“Oi, Sugawara, be careful with him ok? He might look cute and cuddly but he’s called the demon-senpai for a reason“ “Kuroo stfu” “No no, it’s fine. Thank you Kuroo I’ll keep that in mind”
-VERY low key flirting on the court. Little smiles and signals to each other, maybe the occasional wink and eye roll. Again, it’s all very low key so it’s not noticeable to people in the stands but to the third years on the court (and maybe some of the more observant underclassmen like Ennoshita, Yamaguchi, and Shibayama) it’s very much out there and it’s a little awkward for them
-They have really good communication with one another! Neither like to keep their emotions bottled up and would rather talk something out than just let things boil into something nastier. This good communication is what makes their relationship really functionable and it steers them away from any unnecessary arguments/fights. Overall, they have a really cute and healthy relationship and even though they’re lovers off the court, that doesn’t change the fact that they’re still rivals on it.
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here4theheartbreak · 5 years
Best of Me (JinSopeKook)
AO3 Link Here!
Relationships: Hoseok x Jin x Jungkook x Yoongi Genre(s): smut Rating: Explicit
Written for @btspolyshipbingo​  Square Filled: Best of Me
Tags: smut, PWP, bottom!Yoongi, top!Hoseok, switch!Jin, switch!Jungkook, dirty talk, rough sex, bareback, oral sex, video chat sex, polyamory Summary: The rap line has been working hard on their first American collaboration. Unfortunately their hard work has caused their boyfriends to feel a little neglected. Word Count: ~3.2k
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Collaborations were a big deal. All the members knew this, and they were all wildly supportive of it, even though it did mean longer hours for all of them - and triplicate longer hours for the rappers, who had taken the lead in mixing their portions of the new song to really wow their American partners.
Best of Me was their first shot at a truly international collaboration and they weren’t going to screw it up.
But, longer hours meant more time away from each other, which was the only real downfall to their new opportunity. Living together, working together, for as long as they had had allowed them to grow closer than family in many ways. It surprised nobody in the company when Jin and Hoseok began dating. Nor when Jimin and Namjoon did. But when Jungkook and Yoongi joined Jin and Hoseok, it was a bit more surprising. Taehyung joining Namjoon and Jimin made sense after that, and things became their version of normal.
Bedroom arrangements switched, soundproofing was put up in the dorms, and life went on. A healthy balance of work, group activities, solitary time, and boyfriend time kept the fights almost nonexistent and the dorm a place of peace and happiness for all seven.
The collaboration was testing that peace.
The rappers had spent the past week at the office. Most nights they slept in their studios rather than wasting the ten minutes to and from the dorm. At first it was fine, the vocalists could see their boyfriends when they went to work, and this would end soon. But work was work and more times than not they were ushered away with nothing more than a quick peck and an apology as the rappers headed back to working on the mixing of the new song. Weeks passed like this, and it was starting to really wear on them all.
Jungkook and Jin were curled up in bed, cuddling and making out lazily. Jin pulled back, searching Jungkook’s face. “Something is wrong.”
“No. I just...” Jungkook shrugged. “Kiss me again.”
“Talk to me.”
Jungkook lowered his gaze. “I’m so ungrateful. I have an amazing boyfriend holding me and all I can think about is our other two.”
“That’s not ungrateful. I miss them too.” Jin kissed Jungkook gently. “Let’s call them.”
“No, I don’t wanna bug them.”
“Not bugging. We didn’t work today and yesterday we saw them for a smashing total of ten minutes. They can give us five to say hello.” Jin grabbed his phone and FaceTimed Hoseok, holding onto Jungkook.
The disappointment was clear when Hoseok didn’t answer. Jungkook’s shoulders sagged, his face drooping.
“Ah, you know him. Forgetting to check his phone even when it’s buzzing. Yoongi will answer,” Jin said. He FaceTimed Yoongi, his own heart pounding in his ears. No answer.
Jungkook sagged further.
“I— Guess they must be busy,” Jin said softly.
“I know. I’m gonna just take a nap.” Jungkook muttered. He rolled himself closer to the edge of the bed and further from Jin, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders.
Jin sighed sadly and rose. “I’ll take one with you. Just gotta use the bathroom first.” As jin slipped out of the door, he heard the most heartbreaking sound. Jungkook trying to stifle a quiet sob into the pillow.
Fury overcame Jin’s sadness. He passed into the kitchen and texted their two boyfriends.
‘Answer your FUCKING phone.’
After texting he called Yoongi, his free hand balled into a fist. When it went to voicemail, he swore.
“Min Yoongi, you selfish bastard. You and Hoseok both. It’s been weeks. I know this song is important, I get that and I want us to succeed too. But comebacks have never caused this. You never ignore our calls. You never ignore us. We’re trying to be understanding and supportive but this is just mean. You made Jungkook cry. Nobody makes Jungkookie cry. He misses you, dammit. And you couldn’t take five minutes to answer a FaceTime. He’s laying in my bed sobbing because you broke his heart. He misses you and I—“ Jin’s voice broke. He closed his eyes, biting back tears of his own. “I do too. Get your priorities straight, guys. Before you lose us.” He hung up and slammed the phone down on the counter, covering his face with his hand for a moment.
“Hyung?” Taehyung’s voice was small. Jin looked up, trying to blink away his tears. He smiled.
“What’s up, Tae?”
“Getting some water for Jimin... He’s not doing so good.”
“What’s wrong? Is he sick?”
Taehyung shook his head, entering the kitchen. “Namjoon-hyung. Jimin’s taking the rejection really hard.”
“He’s not rejecting you two.”
“He’s ignoring our calls. He hasn’t kissed us in days. It feels like rejection.”
Jin nodded. He pulled Taehyung into a hug, wincing when Taehyung sagged against his shoulder. He felt Taehyung shudder, and stroked his hair.
“It’s okay. Let it out.”
Taehyung sobbed, gripping Jin’s shirt. He cried against his shoulder for a while, and Jin held him, pressing gentle kisses to his temple and stroking his back.
“I know,” he whispered over and over. “I know, I feel it too, Tae.”
Taehyung finally pulled back, wiping his eyes. Jin smiled sadly. “Jungkookie is in the bedroom crying. I know it hurts. How about we all have dinner tonight? Maybe some more company will make Jimin feel good.”
Taehyung smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.” He scowled and dug in his pocket, pulling out his phone. He gasped.
“It’s Namjoon-hyung! I gotta get Jimin.”
Jin smiled broadly and nodded, watching Taehyung rush out. He sighed softly, looking at his own silent phone. He grabbed it and walked back into the bedroom, curling up next to Jungkook.
Only about ten minutes had passed before Jin’s phone began to buzz. He scowled, looking at it. Hoseok. His finger hovered over the ignore button as he considered giving them a taste of their own medicine.
“Who is it?” Jungkook asked.
Jungkook scrambled up. “Answer!” He cried, making Jin’s decision for him.
Jin answered, scowling when Hoseok and Yoongi’s faces appeared on the screen. They looked well rested despite their long hours. They also looked guilty as sin, and Yoongi’s face dropped further when he saw the state of Jungkook - who’s eyes were still red rimmed and swollen from crying, and Jin, who knew he looked ready to murder.
“We are so sorry,” Hoseok began. “We’re assholes.”
“We didn’t even think about how you two were feeling... We’re horrible,” Yoongi agreed.
“You made him cry, Yoongi,” Jin growled. Jungkook looked over at him, eyes wide.
“Nobody makes Jungkook cry. You promised him that when we started dating. We all promised him that.”
“No, it’s not okay, JK. They deserve to know.”
“He’s right,” Hoseok said softly. “We should know.”
“We love you both. And we were taking you for granted,” Yoongi said. “I mean this song... The lyrics, it’s talking about love and being together and not letting go... And we were over here ignoring the men that have really been that... Our whole adult lives.”
“Please forgive us.”
“Come home,” Jungkook whispered.
“We can’t. But we will tomorrow,” Yoongi said. “I don’t care if the song is finished or not, we’re coming home tomorrow afternoon and not leaving your sides the whole day. I promise.”
“We won’t let you down,” Hoseok whispered. “Not again.”
Jin nodded, holding Jungkook a little tighter. “I guess you gotta get back to work, huh?”
“Well, no.” Yoongi chuckled. “Namjoon is having phone sex in his studio. So we have about an hour to kill.”
“Wanna have phone sex?” Jungkook asked, his face turning up into a smirk.
“Does that mean we’re forgiven?” Hoseok asked. Jungkook nodded. Jin hesitated, but nodded as well.
“Hurt him again though... Group mate or not. I will punch you both square in the mouth.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Yoongi said.
Jin nodded. He gasped when Jungkook reached over, grabbing his crotch through his sweats.
“We haven’t had sex since you started the work,” Jungkook said.
“That was weeks ago,” Hoseok said.
“But we wanted to wait for you. So outside of wet dreams... We’re probably pretty desperate and won’t last long.”
Yoongi shifted in his spot. “Better get to it then... Jin-hyung should bottom for our boy.”
Jin nodded quickly. He let Jungkook kiss him hard. On the screen, Hoseok and Yoongi kissed lazily, taking moments to watch the other two.
Jungkook slid down, working Jin’s sweats and boxers off. He groaned softly and switched the camera angle, letting the two see what Jungkook was doing. He nuzzled Jin’s hardening cock, kissing and licking at it. He gazed up at Jin through his lashes. “Want me to suck it?”
Jin made a small noise of confirmation and Yoongi and Hoseok both groaned. On he screen, Hoseok pushed Yoongi down, winking at Jin.
Jin moaned loudly, his hips bucking when Jungkook took his cock to the root. At the same time he began to rub at his entrance, massaging the muscles into relaxing. Jin reached over with a shaky hand and grabbed the lube, passing it to Jungkook.
He began to work him open, bobbing his head along Jin’s shaft with obscene noises.
It only took a few minutes of desperate stretching before Jin had had enough. “Please!” He begged.
“Please what?” Jungkook asked, his breath hot against Jin’s wet cock.
“Fuck me.”
Hoseok moaned happily at that.
“What’s Yoongi doing?” Jin panted. Hoseok switched the camera to show Yoongi on his knees between Hoseok’s legs, sucking and licking his balls and shaft.
Jin moaned softly. Jungkook moved up to see, gasping. “Oh God, that looks so good,” he murmured.
Jin set up the phone while he stripped out of his clothes completely. Jungkook followed suit and Jin climbed onto the bed on his stomach. He grabbed the phone and held it so they could watch Jungkook behind him, adding lube to his cock and some more to Jin’s ass.
Jungkook slid in slowly, stretching Jin’s tight hole around his cock. Jin groaned, his eyes rolling back. He braced the phone on a stack of pillows so he could grab Jungkook with one hand and grab the blanket with his other. He shouted into it, struggling to keep watching the phone. In the studio, Yoongi was swallowing the length of Hoseok’s cock, gagging slightly.
“God dammit,” Hoseok grunted. “I miss your ass on my cock, Jin-hyung. How’s he feel, Jungkook?”
“He’s so tight. Has been staying good for you guys.”
“Show me.”
Jin grabbed the phone and passed it back to Jungkook. He shouted in surprise when Jungkook pulled out and slammed back in.
“That’s it, Jungkookie... Fuck him for me. Make him sore.”
Jin cried Hoseok’s name. Jungkook obeyed, fucking into him with almost painful thrusts.
“Switch to the computer - it’ll be easier to watch,” Yoongi said suddenly, his throat raspy.
“W—Watch?” Jin panted. Jungkook slowed to a stop and pulled out. Jin whined, his ass gaping around nothing. Jungkook hung up the phone and set up the laptop silently, angling it so the camera would catch most of their bodies before calling Hoseok again on it. He answered, clearly from his laptop, as the couch they were sitting on was in nearly full view. Yoongi was on it on his back, his fingers buried in his own ass.
“Oh god—“ Jin groaned.
Hoseok came into view, his bottom half bare. He winked at the camera before crawling between Yoongi’s legs and grabbing the lube.
“Start us off, Jungkook. Fuck him like Yoongi-hyung normally fucks you.”
Jungkook nodded. He added more lube to Jin’s already swelling, aching hole, and worked his way back in. Jin whined, forcing his eyes to stay open. Yoongi almost never bottomed for any of them, so when he did - it was a beautiful sight. He threw his head back in a silent moan as the tip of Hoseok’s cock nudged into his hole, his eyes rolling back. His own cock twitched and dribbled onto his stomach.
“Jungkook, please,” Jin begged. “Fuck my ass.”
“Oh, listen to him beg, Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok teased as he thrusted lazily into Yoongi.
“Fuck him, Jungkook,” Yoongi panted, groaning when Hoseok switched angles. “Pound his ass, loosen him up.”
They both moaned. Jin let himself fall more onto the mattress. He reached back with both hands and spread his ass open, clenching around Jungkook’s thick cock.
“Listen to him, please. Fuck me so hard I can’t sit right. Please, I wanna feel you in my guts for days.”
Jungkook gasped softly, pulling out. He slipped a finger into Jin’s gape, rubbing his sensitive insides for a moment. “Fuck...”
“Fuck him for us, baby,” Hoseok said, picking up his pace. Yoongi whined, arching against him. “Come on, make our hyung scream for your thick cock.”
Jungkook slammed into Jin hard and fast, very nearly shoving him up a few inches onto the mattress. Jin screamed into the blanket, biting down on it to muffle some of his noises. The room was filled with the sounds of their sex and that of their lovers. Each time Hoseok increased his speed or changed angles, Jungkook followed, making both Yoongi and Jin cry out in pleasure bordering on pain. Jin’s cock dribbled onto the bed, hard and aching. He could barely focus on the screen, where Hoseok had Yoongi nearly bent in two.
“Does— Does that feel good, Yoongi?” Jin stuttered, his words stacatto and broken with the force of Jungkook’s thrusting.
Yoongi nodded, baring his teeth as his cock twitched and dribbled again.
“Beg,” Hoseok said.
“You know I won’t,” Yoongi hissed, he shouted when Hoseok drove in and twisted his hips.
“You will. Won’t he, Jin-hyung?”
Jin screamed in response.
Hoseok bent Yoongi further, until his knees were nearly at his chest. He took advantage of the new angle, fucking hard into him, holding Yoongi’s legs over his shoulders. Yoongi writhed under the attention, his eyes rolling back. He began to grunt and whine.
“That’s it, hyung. You come on my cock like a good boy,” Hoseok snarled.
It only took two more deep thrusts and Yoongi obeyed without trying. His cock spilled onto his stomach and chest in thick ropes. Hoseok didn’t slow down, chasing his own climax. Each thrust earned another weakening spurt of come from Yoongi’s cock.  
Six spurts later and Yoongi began to whine, shaking his head.
“I can milk you all night, hyung,” Hoseok panted. “You’ll beg for my come.”
“Please—“ Yoongi rasped.
“Please what?”
Yoongi ground his teeth together, shivering. Each bump against his prostate had Yoongi whimpering. Eight, ten, eleven...
“Come in me!” He sobbed.
“What was that?” Hoseok teased.
“Come in my ass. Fill me up, please!” Yoongi begged. Hoseok winked at the camera and drove in four more times before he went still, grunting softly as he let his orgasm wash over him.
Jin whined, looking back at Jungkook. “Your turn,” he whispered. They had both slowed down to watch their lovers come.
“Yeah? Want me to fill your ass too?” Jungkook teased. Jin nodded.
“Do it,” Yoongi panted. “Show him who’s in control.”
“Fuck him hard for us, baby,” Hoseok agreed, slumped over Yoongi as they both watched.
Jin spread himself open again, shouting happily when Jungkook sped up.
“Fill him up,” Yoongi coaxed.
“Nice and deep. He’s gonna feel it for days,” Hoseok added.
Jungkook whined, squeezing Jin’s ass hard as he pumped into him.
“I’m so close,” Jin whined.
“Don’t come,” Hoseok barked. Jin nodded, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Oh, God, I’m gonna—“ Jungkook tossed his head back and grunted, his cock buried to the balls inside Jin. He grunted softly each throb, his arms shaking with the force of his orgasm.
“Good boy,” Yoongi praised.
“Please,” Jin begged, desperate to come.
“How’s your asshole, Jungkook? Tight? Have you played with it?”
“P—Pretty tight,” Jungkook panted, pulling out of Jin slowly.
“Grab the lube and stretch yourself. Just enough so he won’t tear you,” Hoseok said.
“You’re gonna just put the tip in,” Yoongi explained. Jin nodded, rising to his knees slowly. He could feel Jungkook’s come running down his thighs, but his focus was on Jungkook’s ass. He was already two fingers in, stretching himself as quick as he could. He pulled them out and nodded, passing the lube over. “I’m good.”
Jin slicked his tip and pressed in slowly, groaning low in his throat at the tight squeeze of Jungkook’s rim. Jungkook moaned softly, looking back when Jin’s tip caught just past his rim. Jin began to stroke the exposed part of his shaft, shuddering and panting.
“That’s it,” Jungkook whispered. “You’re throbbing in me already. You gonna fill my ass? Hm?” He shifted, gently pumping his hips back to help Jin.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbled, his voice stable despite Jin’s shuddering. “You can empty your balls just like this and it won’t change a thing. My come is running down your thighs because I fucked you so good you’re gaping. You were screaming for my cock. You’re gonna feel what I did for days.”
Jin groaned, adding more lube to his cock and stroking faster.
“That’s it. You love it. You’re the eldest... But I made you my dirty bitch today.”
Jin shouted, his cock throbbing as his orgasm hit. He grabbed Jungkook’s hip suddenly and dropped down, the extra lube he’d added allowing him to slip the rest of the way into Jungkook’s hole.
Jungkook screamed in surprised pleasure, twisting back against Jin. Jin huffed softly as he spilled deep inside Jungkook.
“You did make me your bitch,” Jin panted as his orgasm faded. He kissed Jungkook’s ear. “But I will always make you scream for my cock.”
He pulled out slowly and looked over at the computer, where Hoseok and Yoongi were watching with tired adoration.  
“We’re sorry we have been so neglectful of you lately,” Yoongi said softly.
“Will you come home tonight?” Jungkook asked. Jin rolled off next to him and cuddled up against his side.
“We can’t - we’re in the middle of this,” Hoseok admitted.
“But we’re going to come home tomorrow no matter if we’re done or not,” Yoongi said firmly. “Me, Hobi, Namjoon — We’ve been really selfish and neglectful to all of you and that needs to change. So we’ll make you that promise and keep it.”
Jin smiled, nodding. “I think JK and I can manage just one more night.”
“Having this chat helped,” Jungkook agreed. He made a heart with his fingers. “We love you, guys.”
“We love you too,” Hoseok agreed. The two began to get their clothes back in order and the door behind them opened. Jin threw a blanket over his and Jungkook’s middle as a pink cheeked Namjoon walked in.
“Hey!” He said, waving at the two. They waved back, sharing a knowing glance.
“We’re going home tomorrow. We miss our boys,” Hoseok said. Namjoon nodded.
“I promised Jimin and Taehyung the same thing. We won’t let you guys down.”
“I know you won’t,” Jin said.
“But, unfortunately - in order for that to happen - we need to make sure we get these parts finished.”
Hoseok and Yoongi nodded.
Jin and Jungkook waved. “Love you guys.”
The three rappers waved before ending the call.
Jungkook cuddled against Jin, sighing. “Thank you for talking to them.”
“I kinda snapped at them, honestly. But they need it.” Jin shrugged.
“Still… Until then… Will you cuddle with me until dinner?”
“That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all day.” Jin pressed a kiss to his mouth and snuggled against him, tugging the blanket over them.
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.10 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Jughead deadass tried to make us think that Archie was dead when we knew for a FACT that he wasn’t. What a dick lol
- So… it took you being attacked by a fucking bear… to realize that you should have come home/stayed home because Hiram is a crazy, whiny ass piss baby? You literally lost your girlfriend for that but great job you’re the last one to know baby
- The fact that Archie thinks that he wouldn’t get recognized without red hair… lmao dude sometimes, somehow, red hair looks like brown (some variations of it, anyways, I’ve noticed) so your “disguise” is shit but we still love you baby
- Why would Archie think that Veronica would never want to talk to him? Just because he broke her heart doesn’t mean she doesn’t still care for him, or a part of her loves him. Probably this “new, darker” Archie that no one wanted. Literally the writers need to leave Archie alone he’s so precious and innocent and that’s why we loved him! Hopefully when we slowly get him back to normal he can bring Betty with him and make her realize what she needs in her life/love life and finally the show can rise to a slightly better show.
- I don’t like that Varchie have sex because of Reggie but for everyone hating on her… fuck OFF man she’s currently SINGLE so she can fuck who she wants… I just feel bad for Reggie bc my poor boy is going to have to watch Veronica make this hard decision of who she wants to be with and ultimately it may hurt him. And I don’t want that. But I don’t write the show so yanno what the fuck can I do?
- He got a root beer float so signify that he’s not the same Archie anymore (I’m guessing) uhhh alright sure
- “New vacant look in your eyes…” Jesus fucking Christ Jughead can you ever be considerate, like, ever? At least Betty is showing she truly cares about her future husband (because we KNOW they are endgame okay we KNOW THIS) 
- SO NOW THAT HE’S GONE THE SERPENTS ARE HELPING HIM? DUDE IF YOU WOULD HAVE SUGGESTED SERPENT PROTECTION BEFORE HE WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD TO LEAVE. I mean sure we needed to see a change to dark Archie (why the fuck was it a bear attack that did it though? A dream would have simply sufficed but sure) but wow you guys are horrible at plans if you come up with them wayyyyy too late
- I’m still mad at Jughead for sending Fangs deep undercover and risking his life to get his spot in the Serpents back. It’s clear that Jugrat has wanted to find someone to send in, but was too much of a whiny piss baby to ask, so he waited until he could pretty much blackmail/emotionally manipulate one of the Serpents and so he chose Fangs. (Also he did Choni wrong and Jugrat is dead to me until he finds some sense and ultimately ends up with Veronica)
- Can’t wait to see how much chemistry Archie and Betty have that Betty and Jugrat don’t
- I hate Betty but I feel bad for her about what her mom did. She’s so fucking mind washed and it hurts because the Alice we all know and love would NEVER do this shit.
- Archie has to repeat Junior year? I mean it makes sense but I know the fear of not being able to graduate with friends… god lEAVE ARCHIE ALONE DAMMIT HE’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH
- REGGIE’S BIG ASS HAPPY ASS SMILE WHEN HE’S WALKING TOWARDS VERONICA I’M— HE’S SO FUCKING IN LOVE WITH HER MY HEART!!! He cares so much, she didn’t text him (because she was with Archie 😬😬😬) BUT HER PUSHING HIM AWAY MAKES ME SAD. I mean I know WHY it just HURTS
- But also realizing that Reggie and Veronica were openly affectionate at school means that Betty and Jughead know? And they DIDN’T rat on her to Archie the second he came back? Mmhm ooc but thank GOD
- Oh yeah deadass forgot “Claudius” was a thing like he hasn’t been here for fucking years lmao
- See, this Hiram, the forceful “this is not a request” Hiram would have been a MUCH better villain than “I’m torturing this boy just for kicks” but wbk the Riverdale writers are on crack and can’t see/make a good storyline.
- We know FP becomes Sheriff which I guess will be good against Hiram and for the Serpent’s CRIMINAL ACTIVITY (fuck you Jugrat for not knowing how a GANG works you fucking idiot) but let me ask this… why the flying fuck aren’t they just giving SHERIFF Keller his job back? Like we know he knows how to be a fucking Sheriff so why are they going through the trouble of finding another one? Like what the fuck guys it’s NOT THAT HARD
- I wanted BARCHIE to study but BARCHIE AND JUGHEAD but I guess I’ll take what I can get
- FANGS MY BABY BOY. Thank God Barchie can be alone ❤️❤️❤️
- So because I don’t care about spoilers I already know who the Gargoyle King is (which I’ll rant about when it gets to that point) BUT IF HE KNOWS FANGS WHY DOES HE TRY TO FUCKING RECUIT HIM INTO HIS INNER CIRCLE LMAO *ps my baby Fangs looks so scared! If Jughead fucks this up and gets Fangs hurt I’m sacrificing him to Hiram myself
- AWWW A WELCOME HOME/STUDY PARTY. Poor Reggie having to hear Veronica call him lover… but the angst… I’m here for it
- VERONICA SINGING IN SPANISH BITCHHH FUCK ME UP SHE SOUNDS SO FUCKING GOOD! But being able to see Reggie behind Archie reacting to Varchie is so angsty and incredible
- Archie having an anxiety attack my poor child LEAVE HIM ALONE JESUS CHRIST WRITERS
- See, this mind game shit that Hal does to Betty is where they should have gone. I mean, only that not the sudden ass black hood shit. THIS is a good villain. But they ruined it before it even began.
- Both Veronica and Reggie have a point. He’s different, but Reggie sweetie you gotta realize that he’s going through a tough time right now? I just know the writers are going to manage to fuck this up. God can’t they do ANYTHING right
- “You got some pretty big coconuts” ummmm what the fuck I didn’t realize Reggie was Cheryl… But again having Reggie get mad at Archie for having an anxiety attack is ooc and NOT THE FUCK IT Literally it pisses me the fuck off that they’re doing this to Reggie like sure he can be jealous but this is over the top and NOT IT THANK YOU NEXT
- “Hiram… no.” BITCH YES HERMIONE! Also I didn’t realize she had to appoint a sheriff but that still doesn’t answer my question as to WHY NOT SHERIFF KELLER? But the fact that she chooses FP is such a fucking “fuck you” to his Lodge saying last episode that I’m not going to search out lol.
- Hal being the OG Gargoyle King… wow… they really can only use characters they can make us hate, huh? But if he killed back then, why was he “normal” up until Betty’s stupid, somehow inspiring speech? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE RIVERDALE WRITERS BUT I’M NOT SURPRISED
- Alice comes in every Monday? SHE WOULD NEVER. I mean of course rn she’s not in her right mind but he literally almost killed her? We know Polly was trying to get Alice and Betty to forgive him bc of her time with the Farm but come the fuck on why would Edgar want his “star recruiter and source of money” to visit her killer ex-husband
- I love how Fangs is getting more screen time but it’s scaring me because he’s not Betty or Jughead… and also what about his bEST FRIEND SWEET PEA. But Fangs looks so scared my baby!!! If anything happens to him… well you probably read what I’d do to Jughead
-What kind of fucking twig costume is that lmao and how is he making that weird growling sound (and why)
- oh nvm he is here lmaoooo it’s okay I’m good now
- So didn’t we LITERALLY see Tall Boy die? I could have swore… or is this some mandella effect kind of shit
- So Jugrat what happened to “no crime” yet you kidnap a man and beat the shit out of him… so if he’s breaking his own rules lets kick him out YES LET’S DO IT But wow Jughead is so weak he can’t handle anyone calling Betty a bitch… even though she is…
- REGGIE ON A DATING SITE MY BABYYYYYY he passed by all those girls bc he loves Veronica just saying :)
- First of all… Archie no sweetie you can’t cheat on your SAT’s… and Reggie just fucking spilled the truth oops
- NO JUGHEAD YOU CAN’T SACRIFICE YOUR “BEST FRIEND” but of course it’s going to happen…
- Did Betty just call Penelope “auntie” ummm no. Also Penelope gets screen time but Choni isn’t here to take their SAT’s? That is HoMoPhObIc
- “Are you one of those sickos who fantasize about serial killers?” Betty… your stupid ass does realize you’re basically talking about yourself, right? I mean obviously not in a romantic way that you’re insinuating but that’s still who you are. You and Jughead get your rocks off to serial killers and trying to solve them even though you’re shit at being detectives… but I’m all for going after Penelope so whatever
- Oh jk so it wasn’t Hal… damn my rantings about it are now void thanks Riverdale lol
- It’s funny how Betty never realizes these kinds of things despite how “great” she is at being a detective. She never gets anything until she’s told about it and that’s so fucking annoying. if you’re going to shove Betty (and Bughead) down our throats AT LEAST make her good at it
- “Because I will never be coming back here again” lmao we know Betty is going to come back like next scene lolol but alright
- It’s a good thing they didn’t ruin Archie by having him angry at Veronica. By him asking her to stay with him, we been knew that Veronica is one of his weaknesses. ALSO VARCHIE SEX MY BABIES.
- Am I just blind when tf did Archie get that cut above his eyebrow lol. Also he’s literally me taking a test aha
- “Why do you think I sent him instead of going by myself?” BECAUSE YOU’RE A COWARDLY CUNT THAT’S WHY
- Oh poor Hiram got shot… oh no… so sad… But if they think they’re making us believe he’ll die… we’ve literally seen him on set recently so this bitch ass of course will survive. Honestly just kill off who you’re going to kill off already and get it over with. I want to know if it’s worth it to watch the rest of this season!!!
- They’re really going to regress and make Veronica act ooc by thinking that Archie would actually try to kill Hiram… what shit heads. We know he’s going dark and wants Hiram dead but he would never ACTUALLY do it because he cares too much about Veronica. But also I know that’s her father but after everything he’s done why does she care that he got shot? I mean that’s like Betty watching her dad die… she wouldn’t care. But then again Betty is a mean bitch so her heart is darker lol
- SWANGS FREAKING OUT OVER ACCIDENTALLY KILLING TALL BOY AWWWW BABIES! But also does this mean Swangs didn’t take the SAT because Jughead made them babysit Tall Boy? I mean it makes sense bc Tall Boy would escape otherwise but my Serpent babies deserve a chance to get out of Riverdale. I’d want SP to become a doctor and yes slightly bc of his role in Hospital Show
— Imagine Sweet Pea becoming a doctor, and flipping off every person who told him he was just some lowly south side scum, and telling them he made it as a fucking doctor like come on I need this, he needs this
- Jughead doesn’t know what to do mmhmmmm great leaders need to be able to think quickly
- “Fangs sobbing” hey subtitles… STOP
- Fangs says “okay” as if “we’re gonna throw a party” makes absolute sense. What the… fuck? Also I LOVE my boys we know this but they KILL Tall Boy and Jughead’s okay with it but Choni steals an egg from his enemy and he kicks them out like a whiny bitch? Jughead is homophobic and we know he only kicked Choni out bc they could easily take over his Serpent King title lmao what a fucking loser, Jughead
- “Veronica and I broke up” um you broke up awhile ago just bc you had sex doesn’t mean you guys got together again but alright
- So speaking of Archie being on the run and breaking out of jail… why is he able to come back as if that didn’t happen? Wouldn’t they have a warrant out for him?
- Sweet Pea’s “woo” do I need to say more
- So now it’s canon that my boys drink alcohol but I’m definitely going to say it’s only for celebrations and shit okay? okay
- FP why the fuck would you scare them like that? Like, they get arrested for literally nothing and you roll up like a bitch… that was cruel
- Poor Fangs he’s so fucking scared… he can’t even be happy that he’s a part of the Serpents again (but ofc Choni doesn’t? Jughead you’re so fucking—)
- No… no you’re going to make Archie a fucking alcoholic? Really? Fuck Riverdale lives
- “It looks like a cell in here” FRED WHY WOULD YOU POINT THAT OUT TO ME NOW I’M SAD
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gdxnicky · 5 years
The Calm Storm
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4,573
Summary: You get an early morning phone call that your coworker, Min Yoongi has been in an accident. You step up the time he is hurt to take care of him but end up seeing him differently. Question is, does he?
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It is way too early in the morning to be awake. Yet, some reason someone feels the need to blow up your phone. You grab it from your night stand and don't recognize the number at all.
"Hi. Is this Y/N?" The other voice asks.
"Yes. Who is this?" You reply.
"My name is Park Jimin. I am a nurse at the hospital here in Seoul. I am calling because we had a young man come in after a car accident and he told us to call you for his emergency contact. Is this man your brother or something?" He explains and you begin to get nervous. You have no clue who he could be talking about. You are an only child and your parents live in Busan. 
"Sir, I don't know who you could possibly be talking about. I am an only child and my parents don't live around here." You respond feeling bad that you can't help his situation. 
After a moment of silence he comes back with "He said his name is Min Snail but that doesn't make sense to us. He has had some medicine so that doesn't help understanding him right now." Once he said that it clicked. Your coworker that you have been working with for about 5 years now. 
"Oh my gosh. Yoongi. Is he okay? What happened? Nevermind I am getting dressed and I will be there shortly." You say and hang up your phone before saying goodbye. Yoongi and you have been a songwriting duo working for an entertainment company in Seoul. He makes the track and the two of you write the lyrics. Through working with him you two have become close but you didn't think you were emergency contact close. 
You arrive to the hospital and get to where Yoongi was. He looked like crap and that is putting it nicely. If you didn't know him you would have never recognized him. He was all bruised and swollen. By the look of the contraption they have on his left arm you assume that there is where the majority of the damage is. You sat down on his right side and reached out for his hand. 
"Yoongi. It is Y/n. I just got here. Don't worry about waking up. You just rest there and I'll be here when you wake up." You tell him. He doesn't even move the slightest. You just take a deep breath and sigh. 
After being there for about 30 minutes his door begins to open. You stand up and greet the incoming doctor and nurse.
"Hello. I am Dr. Kim Namjoon and this is my nurse Park Jimin." 
"Hi. My name is Y/n. I am Yoongi's coworker and apparently emergency contact. Nice to meet you."
"Well nice to meet you too. So Yoongi has a concussion, broken left shoulder, and a broken right leg. From our understanding he was crossing the street and a drunk driver did not see the traffic light turn red. The driver hit his right side and when he landed he fell on his left shoulder and head. He will be here for a while until we can get his swelling down to cast his breaks and until we can make sure he does not have any underlying complications with the concussion." Dr. Kim explained. You could feel your heart breaking being the worrier that you are you start to think the worst. Tears form in your eyes and you fight them back.
"Miss, he is very lucky that this all that happened. This could have been a lot worse but we believe he will make a full recovery. No need to worry." Nurse Jimin says trying to comfort you. "We have him in a private room because it is all we have left. The couch in the corner can turn into a bed should you decide to stay with him. If you need anything, let me know."
"Thank you both very much." You say standing and bowing to show your gratitude. As they turned to leave you sat back down. Now that you know you will be there a while you will text your roommate to bring you a bag with some clothes, phone charger, and necessities so you don't have to leave him by himself. 
You wait until you know people will be at the office to call your boss to tell him what is going on. While on the phone with him you see Yoongi start to stir a little. Your boss tells you to just stay with him because you both know his parents won't be able to come stay with him. You can work on writing lyrics and stuff on a laptop and just share them with your boss. You tell him that once your laptop gets here you will have Yoongi teach you to use the software to make the tracks. After you hang up you look over at Yoongi and he is looking at you out of the one eye he can open since the other is swollen shut.
"Well hello sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?" You ask him as you take your seat next to him again.
"I am sore as all hell. How long have you been here?"
"I got here about 3:30 or 4 this morning."
"I am sorry. I don't even know they called anyone. I think I was pretty out of it because I don't remember much after getting in the ambulance. How did they get your number?"
"You told them to call me and when I asked who got in the accident you told them your name was Min Snail." You giggle at the nickname his friends had given him but it fits him perfectly. Yoongi moved like a snail. Not because he was lazy but mainly because he wanted to do things on his own terms.
"I'm still sorry that they called so early. It could have waited." He says while he is looking at you. He seems to feel bad about you waking up for his accident.
"Yoongi. Don't be sorry. I have no problem being here with you at all. You are a good friend of mine and that is what friends do." You tell him looking him in the eye. He must hear the sincerity in your voice because he backs down. You look at him for another moment and give him a smile. At that moment his door opens again and it is nurse Jimin with medicine for him. You step back and take this time to text your roommate.
'Seokjin, can you please pack me up some clothes with my phone charger, laptop with charger, and toiletries. Yoongi got in an accident and is in the hospital. I am going to stay here with him for a few days so he isn't alone.'
'Sure. No problem. Anything else you want me to bring you?'
'Something to drink and some breakfast would be amazing'
You sit next to Yoongi and tell him about your roomie bringing you your stuff. He tries to debate with you that you don't have to stay but you insist. He quickly surrenders and lets you win. You grin and slightly mock him because you never win a debate with him because he usually is so stubborn. The two of you sit in silence while he watches TV and nodding in and out of sleep. You play games on your phone and write down some lyric ideas that pop into your head. Shortly you hear his door open again and it is Seokjin with your things. 
"Thank you so much. This is great." You tell him as you take the bags from him. 
"No problem. I hope he feels better soon." Seokjin replies as he turns to leave. You thank your roomie again as he shuts the door. You think to yourself how lucky you are to have a roommate that is like him. He is always quick to help with anything. He is like the big brother you never had. Suddenly you are brought back to reality with the ringing of Yoongi's phone.
"Y/n, can you answer that for me and put it up to my ear?" He asks. You don't even utter a reply and do it for him. It is his three best friends and roommates wondering where he was because he never come home last night. 
"Hoseok, I swear I didn't work all night. I am in the hospital…. I will be fine. Y/n is here with me. I don't need anything… Actually a phone charger would be nice… Okay I will see you guys soon." He nods to you that you can pull the phone away now.
"Hoseok, Tae, and JK will be here soon. They thought that I made you work all night and that is why I wasn't home."
"Well it wouldn't be the first time we worked all night." You laugh at yourself then notice the glare from him. "I am not saying it as a bad thing. I enjoy our work."
"Sure you do." He responds very sarcastically. "That is why you never date because you are always working. You really should meet a guy. Let's be honest Y/n, you aren't getting any younger."
"And neither are you. If you had taken time off and gone on those blind dates I set you up on them you could have a girlfriend here taking care of you and not me." You snap back, slightly ticked off because you are reminded that your last boyfriend broke up with you because you are such a workaholic. He kind of looks at you all confused. You never tell him parts of your personal life because you try to keep it professional. You walk over to the couch and sit down with your laptop and begin writing lyrics to get your frustration out. 
Forty minutes have passed since you irresponsibly snapped at Yoongi. You have been trying to muster an apology but you don't know what to say. Finally it comes to you at the exact moment that his roommates show up. You stand up and greet them properly. 
"Yoongi, since these guys are here I am going to go for a brief walk and let you talk in private." You tell him very quietly and nervously before you turn and walk out. 
You wander aimlessly around the halls and debate how long you should give them before you head back. You look at the time. It has been 15 minutes. So you make your way back to the room. You stop yourself just outside the door as you hear them talking. You can't quite distinguish the voice but you know it isn't Yoongi's.
"Hyung, she is going to be here for the next couple days at least. She even had her roommate bring her things. Why not take advantage of it?" 
"Maybe because I just got my ass kicked by a car and pavement. I doubt this would be a good time to do it." 
"You need to tell her soon Yoongi so that you and her don't come to regret it."
You lean against the wall and start to ponder what they could be talking about. Then you begin to panic 'Oh my gosh… Is he going to request for someone else to work with him because I snapped at him… Did I hurt his feelings over that… Oh dammit.' You manage to pull yourself together before opening the door.
"Hey! You are back. We were just getting ready to leave." Hoseok says as he nudges the other two roommates. The four of them look like they are trying to hide something. You can only hope that it isn't what you are thinking. As much as Yoongi likes to work late and can be a pain in the ass, you two get along really well and you wouldn't want to work with someone else. He is such a good friend and you don't want to lose a friendship over pettiness.
"Oh no worries. You guys can stay. I can sit down over here and put on my headphones. I have a song I need to finish the lyrics for." You reply trying to ease the tension. 
"Just like Hyung… Working even when you should be just relaxing." Tae says as shakes his head.
"Well songs aren't going to write themselves…" You respond as you put your sound canceling headphones over your ears. You get so lost in your writing that you don't even notice the guys leaving. Eventually you feel your phone vibrating. You grab it to see you have a snapchat. You open up the message and it is from Yoongi. It is a picture of you sitting on the couch working with the caption are you going to be like that all day. You look at the time and it is almost 4pm. You take your headphones off and look at him. 
"No I'm not going to be like that all day." As you pass him a smile. "But Yoongi, um, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"...okay…" He says hesitantly.
"I heard you and the guys talking a little bit before I came back in the room. I know they want to tell me sooner than later but can I explain myself first?" You ask waiting for Yoongi to say something or try to get some sort of read off him but that man is like a statue. He has the best poker face. "I am sorry for how I snapped at you earlier. I shouldn't have. You don't even know what upset me and you don't deserve my drama crap. So if you will please forgive me and not ask to work with someone else?" You plead as he stares at you. 
"That isn't what we were talking about at all but okay." He says and laughs at you. You walk over toward the bed and bend down to give him a hug. 
"Thank you thank you thank you Yoongi. I really enjoy working with you." Just that second it hits you, this is the closest you have ever been to Yoongi and this is probably considered really unprofessional. However, you can't help but notice how he still smells nice even after the accident and medical treatments. You awkwardly stand up and apologize. "Yoongi, I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Kinda just happened."
He looks up you and just laughs. "Why are you so worked up over a hug? I mean like we have worked together for a while now. A hug between us would be fine." He explains half nervously. You just smile and sit next to him. "I mean you did come rushing in here and held my hand when you first got here." You feel your cheeks begin to flush.
"How do you know? You were sleeping until I got off the phone with our boss…" You exclaim.
"Was I really though?" He questions then turns his head to the side like he was sleeping.
"You weren't really asleep?"
"Nope. I didn't fall asleep until after you got here."
"You jerk." The two of you have a good laugh then start watching the new drama that was premiering tonight. About half way thru you look at Yoongi and he is fast asleep. You can tell because you wave your hand in front of his face and he doesn't budge. You stay next to him, holding his right hand for the next couple hours. Eventually you move over to the couch in the corner and fall asleep. 
You wake up the next day feeling awkwardly refreshed. The hospital couch is surprisingly comfortable. You look over to Yoongi and he is writing something down on a piece of paper.
"What are your writing?" You inquire. He begins to act embarrassed and tries to hide it quickly. 
"Oh um just some lyrics." He answers. You just raise an eyebrow at him and accept his answer. You two spend the next few days just hanging out and working on random songs. 
Eventually he gets the okay from the doctor to be discharged and you take him home. You explain to his roommates his restrictions and that you will be back in the morning to work from home with him. You get home and walk right for a shower and clean up. After you are done you walk to the kitchen and begin making some supper for Seokjin and you to eat. While you are eating you and him talk about the past few days and explain the embarrassing moments of the random hugs and such. He just laughs at you.
"You know a psychologist would argue that you hugged him because you had the subconscious desire to hug him." He teases.
"What?! Why would I have a desire to hug Yoongi?! That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard." You rebuttal quickly. Jin just looks at you and shrugs his shoulders. Before either of you can say anything you are interrupted by your doorbell ringing. You stand up and walk to the door.
"Hello, are you Y/n?" A delivery man asks.
"Yes I am." You answer nervously.
"Awesome, then these are for you." He responds while handing over a small bouquet of flowers and a card. "Have a good night."
"Thanks. You too." You answer as you begin to close the door. You walk back towards Jin. "Who in the hell would send me flowers?" You question as you open up the card.
'Y/n thank you for everything you have done for me the past few days. It means a lot to know I have someone like you to count on. -Yoongi"
You read the card aloud and your jaw drops when you read his name. You look up at Jin completely dumbfounded.
"Maybe he liked that hug…" He remarks. Then swerves his head because of the stuff you started to throw at him. 
"Shut up Jin. He is just saying thanks. It is nothing more." 
"Yeah… Sure… I'll let you keep thinking that."
You take the flowers and place them in some water next to your bed. You grab your phone and send Yoongi a Snapchat saying thank you for the flowers. You tell them that they are beautiful but he didn't have to because you were just doing what friends do. 
'I know but it meant a lot to me to have you there.' He responds with his gummy smile. You can't help but smile back. You are not used to seeing this side of Yoongi because normally he is pretty cold and standoffish. However, you can get used to this. It is nice to see he is human still. 
You go to bed fairly early because you seemed to have forgotten how comfortable your bed is. You wake up in the morning to your alarm slightly startled and weirded out by your dream. You sit there for a moment and ponder why you had a dream about Yoongi and why you kissed him in it… maybe you do like him. You shake your head back to reality and get ready to go over to his place to work with him. 
Once you arrive and ring the bell his roommate Jungkook opens the door for you.
"Hey Y/n. How are you?" He says politely as he lets you into the apartment
"I am well. Thanks. How are you?" You respond as you take your coat and shoes off.
"Good. Yoongi is in his room. Is there anything I can get you before you two get to work?" 
"No, I am fine. I stopped and grabbed some coffee and breakfast for Yoongi and I. Um… could you show me where his room is?" The two of you walk down the hallway and stop just outside his door. Jungkook knocks and tells Yoongi that you are there. He opens the door for you. You walk in to find that Yoongi's room is not a typical bedroom at all. He has quite the studio set up by his computer with a sofa and a bed there. You walk in, setting down the food and drinks on a stand in front of the sofa. You set your bag on the floor. Yoongi spins around in his computer chair to greet you.
"Hey Y/n. What did you bring?" He questions as he eyeballs everything your brought. 
"I have my normal work bag but I also bought you some breakfast and coffee because I doubt you have eaten." He scoots his chair over and you sit down on the sofa. You can tell he probably didn't sleep much because he has quite the tired look on his face. "Yoongi, did you not sleep last night?" 
"I did sleep last night but I woke up early. I had inspiration for a song and needed to get it out of my head." He explains as he starts to drink coffee and eat a bagel. 
"Oh nice. Can I hear the song?" You ask. He chokes on his bagel at your question and you see slight panic flash across his face. "If it isn't done than no big deal. I know you can get OCD about those things." You tell him, trying to reassure him. This only makes you more and more curious about the song. Yoongi is great at what he does and you have yet to find something he has written that you don't like. 
The two of you spend the rest of the day working on a song you had started when he was in the hospital. At the end of the day you tell him that you are going to have the next three days off because of some family coming to town. However, you make sure that he knows to call you if he needs anything. As you leave his apartment you feel this ache in your chest and your mind races. You begin to wonder, does this mean I am seeing Yoongi as a man… have I developed a true crush?
You were definitely ready to get back to work after three days of being away from Yoongi. It is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder. There is no doubt in your mind now that you had a crush on this man. After the first day you started to come up with random things to send him on Snapchat just to see his handsome face and gummy smile. He may have been hit by a car but you were shot by Cupid's arrow. 
You wake up that morning earlier than you normally do to make sure you do your hair and makeup just right but also have a cute outfit on to try and catch his eye. Instead of your usual ponytail you leave your hair down and flat iron it. For makeup, you decide to do the whole 9 yards rather than the simple mascara and cover up you do. You decide to go with a cute and flowy-ish skirt that comes three quarters the way down your thighs with a cute shirt that hugs just right to show off your womanly figure.
You leave your place and begin to head over to Yoongi's. Once you are there you knock on the door and Hoseok answers. He lets you inside and looks you up and down. 
"Wow. Y/n. You look… Wow." He says as he is embarrassed but speechless. 
You blush slightly and thank him before putting on your slippers and hearing to Yoongi's room. You knock on the door before walking in. You find a gift box on the stand in front of the sofa, the computer on and a song pulled up. You don't see Yoongi anywhere and walk over to the computer. There is a note on the keyboard that says 'press play and open the box'. You hit play and realize it is a song you have never heard. You sit down and begin the box. Inside you find a picture frame with lyrics to the song you are listening to. Once the song is over you reread the lyrics aloud to yourself. You begin to realize that the singer is confessing to the listener but struggling with some sort of barrier or obstacle in their way. You have been too oblivious to what has been going on around you while listening and reading to notice that Yoongi had walked into the room. You start talking to yourself.
"That song is so beautiful. If I was on the receiving end of the confession I would tell them that everything will be okay. I wonder what the barrier is for the singer and I wonder what sparked Yoongi to write this…"
"You." You hear from behind you turning to see Yoongi standing there. He is looking at you in the eye trying to maintain some form of confidence but there is still nervousness in his voice. 
"Me? What about me?" 
"You sparked me to write this and you are on the receiving end of this confession." He explains as he lowers his head slightly because he was expecting something more. "The barrier or obstacle that I talk about is the fact that we are coworkers and obviously have become great friends but I don't want to jeopardize what we already have for some silly crush. I was debating telling you also because I know things will never be the same between us whether you are okay with my feelings or not. This is my first time ever confessing to a female how I feel because before now I never liked someone as much as I like you. Even if I did think I liked them, my anxiety would have never allowed it, but there is something about you Y/n that just puts my mind and body at ease. You are the calm to my storm." You take a couple steps toward Yoongi and set the gift down on the table. You reach out with a hand, grabbing his chin and making him look at you.
"Yoongi. You have no idea how much this changes things between us. Our friendship will never be the same, but that is because I feel the same way too." You explain to him as you reach for one of his hands. You try to fight back happy tears because this is not only the sweetest confession ever and coming from the man that you adore, but you know that this is sincere because music is how Yoongi communicates. 
"Yes, really. Why do you think I have done all that I have done for you recently. Let's also add on the fact that I did my hair, makeup, wore a really cute outfit, and had this big master speech on how I was going to tell you how I feel all planned out." He takes a small step back and begins to look you over, having you twirl so he can see it all. 
"You look absolutely beautiful." He compliments with a big gummy smile stretched across his face. "So since we both like each other, can we officially consider today as our day 1?"
"Look at you going all romantic kdrama on me." You giggle. "Of course today is our day one."
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gingerdrab · 6 years
Trick or Treat
Ship: Wonwoo x Reader Genre: Fluff, Halloween shit Word Count: 2.8k Summary: Wonu, a shy, quiet boy in your class, overhears you saying that you’ve never celebrated Halloween before. He makes it his mission to change that, since he loves Halloween, and just may have a thing for you… Writer’s Notes: breh I forgot to post this damn sorry lol, i got so super busy with work omgggg. also, I wrote this before the Halloween Vlive so wow thanks Minghao 4 wearing this costume and messing up my fic ugh lol jk ily anyways, hope u like it, this is my first ever Seventeen fic so yeah and it was rlly rushed tbh
“I can’t believe you’ve lived your entire life from childhood, into adulthood, without ever celebrating Halloween.”
Dara, the rather annoying, loud-mouthed girl who sat next to you in your poetry class, stared at you in utter disbelief after you had casually mentioned that little fact about yourself.
“I mean, it’s really not that big of a deal? It’s just not really a thing where I’m from and it’s my first year being an exchange student here so…”
She continued looking at you as if it were your fault that the entire season of Autumn chose not to exist where you grew up. Class had just ended and all the students were piling up behind you, eagerly trying to get through the doors and out into freedom. It was Friday, who could blame them? You cleared the door and tried to lose Dara in the crowd (lord forbid you’d have to listen to her drone on and on for another minute), walking quickly towards the library.
“Never celebrated Halloween…. Hmm….. But are you gonna celebrate this year, though?”
The question this time, belonged to a deep male voice. One you were sure you hadn’t heard before.
You stopped abruptly and spun around, causing a tall dark-haired figure to almost crash into you. You stared at him in surprise and mumbled an apology. He shook his head quickly, a small smile on his lips, and pushed his round glasses higher up his nose.
“You’re Y/N, right? I’m Wonu.” He introduced himself, his voice quiet and low.
“I…. didn’t know you talked to people” you replied, trying to remember when you’d ever seen him interact with anyone before. He usually sat in the back corner of class and almost always had his nose buried in a book.
“Well, I was curious. About your Halloween situation, I mean.”
“You know, I don’t see what the big deal is. But whatever, I have to go now anyways. Bye.”
You turned around and continued your quest, still a bit confused as to why the shyest boy in the world had chosen to talk to you about something he just randomly overheard.
As you walked onto the courtyard, you wiggled deeper into your scarf, the cold air biting at you. You noticed a shadow growing behind you.
“Are you following me?” You slowed down till you were walking side by side with Quiet Boy.
“I’m going to the library.” He said softly. “But you still haven’t answered my question, though. Are you gonna celebrate this year?”
You began walking up the library steps together. You felt most amused than annoyed by his persistence, so you continued to entertain him.
“I wasn’t planning to. Why are you so interested anyways? Are you the Pumpkin King or something?”
“Aha! So you do know Halloween things at least!” A look of almost victory playing across his face.
You both sat across from each other at an empty table at the end of the deserted library. You studied the boy as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a very worn out novel. You’d never seen him this friendly, or even happy. It looked good on him. He was a handsome guy, you supposed; with his short, messy raven locks, pretty lips, and dark, mysterious eyes. Really handsome, actually. You wondered why you’d never paid him much attention before now.
He looked up at you, your eyes meeting for a while.
“I just really like Halloween. And I think you’d like it too. You should go find some books about the history of it. I know you like that stuff.”
He quickly averted his eyes, blushing slightly from his oversharing.
“How could you possibly know what I like? We’ve literally never spoken before.”
His cheeks and ears turned a deeper shade of red. He looked into his book and replied, “I read your blog. And I always see you in here. You sit and research and write for hours.”
It was your turn to blush. “I-I didn’t think anyone I knew even read my stuff…” you muttered, heavily embarrassed.
He smiled again. “Well, to be fair, you didn’t really know me.”
“Wow, so you’re like a fan then?” you joked playfully. You both giggled, and you couldn’t help noticing how cute he looked.
You started thinking about what he had said. You actually knew quite a bit about Halloween, and you were totally willing to participate in some events. The problem was: you didn’t actually have any friends. Unless you counted Dara. (Which you totally didn’t.) This was only your fourth month here, and you’d been really focused on adjusting to school, and life in general, and hadn’t really had time to make friends. You knew a few people around campus, but not enough to call them friends. You wondered if Wonu had friends. What would he be like with them? Laughing and smiling? Funny? Serious? …..Cute?
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, forcing you out of your little daydream.
[4:01PM] Dara: I saw you talking to that creepy boy from class. Just be careful.
Creepy? You looked up at him, his eyes focused on the words in front of him, barely aware of what was happening around him. Creepy how? Yeah, he dressed all in black every single day and didn’t speak to anyone ever. But you definitely weren’t getting a creepy vibe from him. You ignored the text.
Wonu turned a page in his book, unaware that the way you were staring at him could probably bore a hole into his skull. You looked at the way his eyes flitted across the words, and how his tongue peeked out between his teeth. He was totally caught up in his own little world. It was adorable. You felt content, and finally reached into your bag for your laptop so you could write, thinking to yourself “ohmygod he reads my blog?!”
Somehow, your library visits together started becoming a regular thing. You’d both just ‘end up’ at the same table after class, him reading, and you writing, a comfortable silence between you two. It was a week after your initial meeting, and you both sat in your usual spots, this time, feeling just a bit too distracted to do any actual work.
“So you’ve never decorated for Halloween? Visited a pumpkin patch? Carved a pumpkin? Nothing?”
This again. You shook your head for each activity he mentioned.
“You’ve never been trick or treating?”
You laughed. “It’s not really a big deal! Besides, I’m too old for that one anyways.”
Wonu paused, looking at you incredulously. “Excuse me? Too old for dressing up in costumes and collecting candy? That’s the best part of Halloween! I can’t believe you’ve never done it before.”
You smiled at him and leaned your chin into your hand. “I guess I used to want to, when I was younger. But there was nowhere I could, and no one to do it with.”
The small smile growing on Wonu’s lips had a glint of mischievousness to it.
“Let’s go trick or treating, Y/N.”
He looked like an excited puppy. You, on the other hand, were simply confused.
“I’m serious! There’s gonna be a Halloween event on campus. We can dress up and walk around to the different departments… I think we’re all just trying to reconnect to our childhoods here, you know?”
“How do you even know about this?”
“I’m the Pumpkin King, remember?” he said with a smirk. “I’m kidding, my friends are the ones organizing it.”
So he did have friends.
Monday morning was fast approaching, your weekend had been a blur. You and Wonu had grown even closer via text, but you kinda wished you had gotten to see him over the weekend. You were simultaneously looking forward to your poetry class, and also dreading it. Dreading it, because there would be a randomly selected Haiku presentation, and you hated reading your work in front of anyone; but you were looking forward to sitting next to Wonu.
You got to class slightly earlier than usual and chose the seat next to the one he usually sat in. You knew it would be empty anyways. “Uh, Y/N? Why are you sitting there?”
It was Dara. Ugh. She looked from you to the door that Wonu had just started walking through and quickly got the picture. Quiet Boy reached his spot and stared at you, a faint blush rising on his cheeks.
“Mornin’” he whispered, while sitting next to you.
“Hi!” you replied, a bit too cheery, embarrassing yourself. Dammit, I seem too eager, don’t I? Your thoughts were racing. The majority of class passed with you sneaking looks to the boy next to you, constantly finding yourself blushing, and once or twice, catching his eye and seeing him turn slightly pinker. Your professor’s voice pierced the room suddenly, interrupting your sweet daydreams.
“Presentation time! Who’s going first?”
His eyes scanned the classroom, searching for either volunteers, or just someone unsuspecting to pick on. You kept your head lowered, anxiety wringing your insides, when you heard the seat next to yours creaking.
Wonu was standing up.
“Uh… I’ll try…”
You stared at him, a mixture of surprise and interest dawning on your face.
“This is… a, uh…. autumn-y thing, I wrote. Um, the theme was kinda open so… I just went with it-
In summer, I saw
Her in the sea of faces.
In autumn, I fell.”
Dara wouldn’t stop talking your ear off at lunch. She had heard about the Halloween event that would be taking place on campus and was gushing about what she was going to dress up as and who would be there and other boring things you tried not to take notice of.
“You should come with me! It’ll be your first Halloween thing! You can be something really cute and sexy!”
You turned to look at her, putting on your best annoyed expression.
“I’m already going. With Wonu.”
Dara faked a smile. “I thought you’d say that. Are you two dating or something?”
You sputtered, red tinting your cheeks already. “Wha- No. That’s – no – just stupid. Haha. No!
We’re friends. And he’s not creepy. He’s just… quiet.”
“Hmm. If you say so. I figured after that super obvious poem last class… Whatever.”
She walked away in a huff, much to your pleasure, leaving you to grow steadily more embarrassed just thinking of the poem and of dating Wonu. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t almost totally smitten by him. And even you had thought, or at least hoped, that the haiku he had written really was about you. Was he falling for you too? Did he even mean it like that? As if summoned by your thoughts, the Quiet Boy himself appeared at your side, taking a seat and grabbing some of your chips.
“Hey. I just got out of class.”
You almost choked on your drink. He was so friendly now, it made you both exhilarated and nervous.
“Hey! You nearly killed me, thanks.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “I wanted to ask you about the party.”
“Did you.. have any ideas on what you wanted to dress up as?”
You definitely had at least 17 ideas. You’d never gotten to dress up for Halloween before, so you’d been toying with the idea of some classic costumes. But then, of course, there were the funny costumes. And memes. Would it be lame to try to make it cute or sexy? Stockings, mini skirt, and push up bra? Would it be weird to make it extra scary? Fake blood and gross scar makeup; the full works! You weren’t sure, but you knew whatever you picked, it had to be good.
“I don’t know yet. What about you?”
Wonu hesitated, shifting his gaze from your eyes and onto his hands. “I do. But it’s super cheesy.
It’s, uh, kind of a couple costume.”
You blushed a deep scarlet shade. You knew exactly what he was thinking.
Saturday evening found you standing in front of your mirror, applying blue makeup to your face. The costume Wonu had gotten for you was a perfect fit, and you couldn’t help getting more and more excited while you put yourself together. The doorbell to your apartment rang just as you were finished securing your long, red wig. The butterflies in your stomach became frantic with the realization that you were practically about to go on a date with your crush. (I mean, basically, come on)
You raced down the stairs and pulled open the door.
“Hey Sally”
Wonu stood in front of you with a smirk on his lips, looking absolutely handsome in his black and white striped suit and his face in matching paint.
“Hey Jack”
You giggled, feeling a bit ridiculous.
“Is this too much? We’re probably gonna get made fun of, aren’t we?” you questioned, locking your door and getting ready to head to campus with Wonu.
“Probably. But’s it’s definitely worth it. Don’t you think?”
You hummed in agreement, dropping into a synchronized walk with the tall guy.
You arrived on campus to see what could only be described as the Most Extra little Halloween village, complete with carved pumpkins everywhere, fairy lights strung from the trees, skeletons hanging on every corner and cute, spooky ghosts propped up against the walls. The place was crowded with college students mostly in costume, drinking, dancing to music, and just hanging around. A large number were making the trick or treating rounds, collecting candy (and sometimes shots of vodka lmao.) Wonu reached for your hand, and you felt your heartbeat quicken. You looked up at him to see him smiling, a soft blush rising on his cheeks.
“You look so excited. It’s way too adorable.”
He was right. You were the cutest right now, nearly bursting at the seams with delight, and now, even more so as he held on to your hand.
“Let’s go!” You both walked down the makeshift street, which was just the decorated hallway, stopping at each makeshift ‘house’, which were in actuality just classrooms. Each time you stopped, he let you be the one to knock and shout “Trick or Treat!” while almost erupting into laughter each time. At each of the ‘houses’, cute guys stood, giving out treats. They were introduced to you as Wonu’s friends, and without fail, they all teased him about the hand-holding thing. (And yet, he never let go.)
After visiting all the houses, and meeting all his friends, you settled on a bench at the end of the Halloween Street, already half-way through your third candy bar.
“So… I didn’t realize you were this popular. You’re so quiet all the time.”
He sat next to you, reaching over for some chocolate.
“Yeah, I just like to keep to myself. I mean, other than those guys you met, I don’t really talk to anyone else. I know most people from my classes think I’m some creepy guy.”
“I don’t think you’re creepy,” you said, smiling up at him.
“Even with the skeleton makeup?” he laughed.
“…it’s kinda sexy actually.” You felt your cheeks grow hot at your own boldness. Ohmygod, you actually said that.
You took a tentative look at Wonu next to you, who you were happy to note, was wearing a blush that matched yours exactly. He cleared his throat before fidgeting profusely and then said,
“So I … I hope you’ve figured out that this was a, um, date.”
You felt yourself growing braver and more playful at his returning shyness.
“A date? Well you never officially asked me, so I figured ─”
“Remember the haiku I read in class?” he cut you off. Your heart pounded a little harder, your previous glimmer of hope growing much larger in your mind.
“That was about you.”
Your heart practically stopped. In your head, you had turned into a teenage girl fist-pumping in exhilaration.
“Are you saying that you ─”
“I’ve been thinking about you since I started reading your blog. And since I started seeing you writing in the library.”
“Definitely a secret admirer then,” you smirked.
“Definitely. So can this be a date now then?” he questioned you, staring directly into your eyes, suddenly seeming braver than before.
You stared back at him, your gaze flickering briefly to his lips. He was close enough for you to feel his soft breath on your face. The makeup he wore over his eyes and cheeks honestly made him look hotter than usual, which was saying something. You nodded and were barely able to finish saying yes, when he moved forward, closing the space between you, and pressing his lips to yours. You leaned into the kiss, reaching your hand around his neck, and burying your fingers in his hair. You pulled apart from each other, after what felt like an eternity of innocent bliss, smiling widely.
“Good. Cause I really like you, Y/N” He stated, with the most confidence you’d ever seen from him since you started talking. He reached for your hand again, this time intertwining his fingers with yours.
You leaned forward slightly and pulled him in for another kiss. “I really like you too, Pumpkin King.”
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kiora006 · 7 years
TAG 85 Thinggy... or something I dunno...
Tagged by @estrelarabyss
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
•Drink - Caprisun Fruit Punch
•Phone Call – My cutest little cousin you’ll ever see
•Text message - My Creator [Mother]
•Song You Listened To – BAKUROCK
•Time You Cried – The other day thinking how beautiful Sonya from Fire Emblem is. [Jk I never cry [[ Jk I can’t remember, probably when talking about being useful]]]
•Dated Someone Twice? – Well I’m sure I’ve marked more than 2 days on my calendar. Different months. When I get called to work. [Calendar jk]
•Kissed Someone and Regretted It – It was slobbery but honestly, she kissed from the heart, she’s like that, always happy and makes her clumsy. She’s the cutest. [Dog accidentally licked my face]
•Been Cheated On – That one time... when my “partner”... was using 3DS cheats on Monster Hunter and never told me and I was FOOLISHLY DEFENDIG THEM. DESPICABLE. PLAY A GAME WITH HONOR DAMMIT, EVEN IF YOU SUCK. Suck at it with STYLE. God I hate Monster Hunter.
•Lost Someone Special - Yes... thank you for everything... Kaori Miyazono.
•Been Depressed – Absolutely.
•Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up - Hmm... maybe if I drink enough Caprisun. For that second one, Put me on a tournament or something involving what I’m passionate about, and you’ll find me kneeling over the toilet at 5AM easily.
•Made New Friends – ... IM TRYING OK.
•Fallen Out of Love - Adios Erza Scarlet.
•Laughed Until you Cried – Until it hurts on the pit of my stomach because I never cry [jk]
•Found Out Someone Was Talking About You – Apparently I have and they seem to be pleasant for someone bitter and lonely as I. Go figure.
•Met Someone Who Changed You – I’ll never forget that doctor that actually took my depression as a medical problem and talked to me about it.
•Found Out Who Your Friends Are - Haha usually it feels like only 1 remained, the others are FOR MY FB COLLECTION MUAHAHAHA- [Jk, I casually chat with a few... maybe 2.]
•Kissed Someone on Your Facebook Friends List - My Creator [mother] demands a kiss before bedtime. She so fluffy.
•How Many of Your Facebook Friends do You Know IRL – I try to at least meet them before accepting them. Only a few selected and choosen ones have the privilege of viewing my quality shared memes, and my work.
•Do You Have Any Pets - Musashi. My cutest pure mutt breed doggo ❤️
•Do You Want to Change Your Name - Both my creators bestowed this name upon me, so I shall carry it until the end... even if it’s too long for a signature and somehow I get it wrong...????? [I do like to simplify it with a pen name when it comes to my work though. Don’t want people finding out what I do].
•What Did You do For Your Last Birthday – Survive post hurricane apocalypse the right way... DRAWING.
•What Time Did You Wake up Today – 8AM
•What Were You Doing at Midnightlast Night – Um excuse me? Who are YOU to ask how I spend my nights- watching Overwatch content.
•What is Something You Can’t Wait For - For Hayashibara Megumi to give me a call so we can do a duet and eat food afterwards. [Jk I can’t wait for the Lion King remake to PLEASE DO JUSTICE on the hyenas or at least good representation]
•What Are You Listening to Right Now – Monochrome Rainbow by Tommy Heavenly with Untold Stories of the ER on the background.
•Have You Ever Talked to a Person Named Tom – Probably but tell me about Carlos or Luis and I can make an endless list.
•Something Thats Getting On Your Nerves – MONSTER BLOODY HUNTER AND THE HAPPINESS OF MY SO CALLED “PARTNER” [Jk don’t get this the wrong way, but they certainly are a bit of an annoyance to me]
•Most Visited Website - The cursed Trinity of FB, Tumblr and Twitter.
•Hair Colour – VERY dark Brown.
•Long or Short Hair – I wanna cut it... less hair the better.
•Do you Have a Crush on Someone – [Why is Kashima so cute...?]
•What Do You Like About Yourself – Not easily impressed. I use it to try and get people to do even better.
This is a personal one but, If I get jealous with an artist, I doesn’t fule envy, instead I use it to try to better my work. A one sided rivalry.
Oh I’m also gifted in the art of ruining romantic moods so hit me up for a wedding y’all.
•Want Any Piercings? – And be a nuisance to the airport security? Don’t think so.
•Blood Type – In a letter between A to Z
•Nicknames – Depends... I go by two names with fam and when I’m outside. I can pass by with two identities MUAHAHAHAH
•Relationship Status - This question is so stale at this point.
•Zodiac - I’ll humor you this once, Scorpio.
•Pronouns - I genuinely don’t care. Call me a dude helicopter bro if ya want.
•Fave TV Shows – The Amazing World of Gumball, Pokemon, and a few others.
•Tattoos – Nah, kinda overrated a bit. I do admire the creativity in designs though.
•Ever Had Surgery - Hasn’t been required at least.
•Piercings – Regular. Earrings. Nothing more kiddos.
•Sport – I love em but unfortunately I’m not meant for physical activity.
•Drinking – That fruit punch caprisun and bottle of water I had were fantastic. 10/10 would drink again.
•Waiting For – This questionnaire to be finally over. Oh and maybe my will to draw to come back, that’d be great.
•Want - Sleep.
•Get Married – That’s for me alone to know.
•Career – An unfortunate artistic soul with a side of part time test center administrator.
•Hugs or Kisses - Neither. They’re both hard to draw.
•Lips or Eyes - Eyes. They can be fun to draw.
•Shorter or Taller - In between. Drawing proportions can be troublesome.
•Older or Younger - Around young adults. It’s the most common thing to draw.
•Nice Arms or Stomach - Is this the part I admit I admire the human body in general? It’s a very interesting art study subject.
•Hookup or Relationship - This isn’t even in my vocabulary.
•Troublemaker or Hesitant - A troublemaker that’s miss understood... it’d make for writing and interesting character. *nods *nods
•Kissed a Stranger - Who in blazes is this questionare taking me for.
•Drank Hard Liquor - I think ya ran out of questions at this point.
•Lost Glasses - They are my life. I must NOT
•Turned Someone Down - Yes. I couldn’t accept that sandwich with tomatoes. I’m sorry for failing you cheff.
•Sex on First Date - I can’t express how much no is on this single question.
•Broken Someones Heart - That’s what they get for falling for someone who didn’t want anything more than friendship.
•Had Your Heart Broken - I expected so much from Princess Mononoke. Such a shame.
•Been Arrested - I got sent to my room a few times. That counts right?
•Cried When Someone Died - I never cry [.......*sobs for Kaori]
•Fallen for a Friend - Well I one time... tripped on a friend’s leg. That sure hurt as hell.
•Yourself – They all keep telling me to do so. So I’m gonna keep making sarcastic and fake ego jokes until I sart believing it.
•Miracles - Whoah this got very personal all of a sudden
•Love at First Sight – I remember it... when I layed my eyes on her... I knew... she was the one... I WILL NEVER FORSAKE WHEN I SAW LUCINA FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THAT SSB4 TRAILER
•Santa Claus - I never believed in him.
•Kiss on a First Date - Ya first gotta find a date. Once ya got one, establish dominance. You have your space, I have mine. Don’t you dare come near me.
•Angels - Sure.
•Best Friend’s Name - CLASIFIED
•Eye Colour – Brown
•Fave Movie - Lion King.
•Fave Actor – I dunno, Chris Pratt? Oh! And Amy Poehler, she’s pretty rad.
I was half asleep finishing up answering these so I dunno what I typed on half of these so excuse me.
I tag @jessicarocket @velvetviolence @sonansu @azumarocket
And whatever orher individual... I’m tired.
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springjeon · 7 years
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tagged by the darling @hexmen for the selfie + bias tag 💕 i think jk and i would get along because we wear a lot of black and don’t have a lot of selfies
@thirdfromtheleft if you’re not crazy busy i’d love to see your cute face next!
i’ll do the questions under a read more. i’m dating myself here but it reminds me of doing myspace surveys :O
“Answer these statements” game below: Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (PSSSSH NAH MAN)
1. Drink: water!
2. Phone call: a korean teacher from one of my schools
3. Text message: a different korean teacher from school!
4. Song you listened to: the cover of really, really by dreamcatcher
5. Time you cried: a few days ago while reading something emotional (it was a yoonseok fic, sue me! http://archiveofourown.org/works/11711706 you should read it though it’s amazing)
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: as kimmy schmidt said, “i’ve made some kissing mistakes”
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: no
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah but the real trick is throwing up because you’re so hungover
12. blue
13. red
14. green
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: nope
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah i’m a teacher in a foreign country. if the students aren’t talking about me it’s the other teachers
19. Met someone who changed you: everything since coming to korea is a huge change
20. Found out who your friends are: i suppose? i don’t really hang out with people i have bad vibes about in the first place
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all i think
23. Do you have any pets: they all live with my mom so not really. i have a plant that is surviving against all odds
24. Do you want to change your name: no
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to japan with my friend :)
26. What time did you wake up: 7:15!!! first day back after vacation :(
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking to my friend from home
28. Name something you can’t wait for: muster, wings in seoul
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: February when I was home :(
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i was fluent in korean! to help with my general life and reading bangtan tweets
31. A song you love right now: sign of the times by harry styles
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: oof, i think? 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my boss hasn’t asked me about renewing my contract yet and she’s more than a month late
34. Most visited website: twitter/tumblr
35. Mole/s: one on my chest that lets me know when a shirt is too low for school
36. Mark/s: scar on my lip from a dog bite, scar through my eyebrow from softball 
37. Childhood dream: being a vet
38. Hair color: brown
39. Long or short hair: i always prefer my long hair even when it’s a pain
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i guessss
41. What do you like about yourself: i’m funny dammit
42. Piercings: one helix piercing. i really want two but i don’t think i have the ear real estate tbh. i’d be fine with the one i have now and then double lobes on both ears.
43. Blood type: O negative. universal donor!
44. Nickname: ames, blamy
45. Relationship status: too busy
46. Zodiac: leo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: i just watched all of American Vandal in one sitting oh my god i love that show
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left hand: rightie
51. Surgery: does wisdom teeth count? that was gnarly
52. Hair dyed in different colors: i was blonde for a few years in high school/college
53. Sport: baseball! softball!
54. There’s no question here so fun fact: i didn’t learn to ride a bike until i was in high school
55. Vacation: like favorite vacation? japan was such a huge deal for me. i like my solo trips though too. i just got back from busan and boy are my arms tired and being alone was so nice.
56. Pair of trainers: i’m a middle schooler so i wear converse almost every day
57. Eating: sometimes i just want to sit down with a big bowl of noodles and chopsticks you know. also i get tteokbokki like once a week
58. Drinking: korea has gotten me really into coffee. so has aging.
59. I’m about to: .....take a shower and watch 90 day fiance....
60. No question here either so another fun fact: i once met idina menzel at a tennis tournament and she put our cheeks together when we took a picture. her skin was so soft
61. Waiting for: halloween in itaewon!
62. Want: to high five all of bts, a lot of money, a good cheeseburger
63. Get married: sure
64. Career: idiot about town 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: most people are taller than me so 
68. Older or younger: either i guess
69. No question here: thanks man
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
71. Sensitive or loud: time and a place for both right
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
74. Kissed a stranger: yes 
75. Drank hard liquour: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
77. Turned someone down: yes 
78. Sex on the first date: hey man, let’s just - hey, man ok just - hey look
79. Broken someone’s heart: uh i don’t know
80. Had your heart broken: sure
81. Been arrested: no ma’am
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes sir
84. Yourself: in my physical form? sure. in my ability to guide that physical form through life? uhhh
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: nah
87. Santa Claus: duh, he’s at the mall
88. Kiss on the first date: yeah if you’re into it why not
89. Angels: i believe jung hoseok is an angel. otherwise no.
90. Current best friend’s name: jess!
91. Eyecolor: brown
92. Favorite movie: uh i don’t know, i watch a lot of documentaries lately. the last movie i saw was baby driver which was real cool before it got real messy
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amidalc · 7 years
All the text meme thingy hehe
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☮ for an apologetic text
blond giant 💕 » listen i know i shouldn’t have... had so many drinksblond giant 💕 » and i’m sorry for getting kicked out of that bar... and for punching that grosse creepy guyblond giant 💕 » and i’m sorry you had to carry me homeblond giant 💕 » and for falling asleep on your bedblond giant 💕 » and for sleeping in your shirtblond giant 💕 » you’re not mad... right?
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⊙ for a reaction to your muse’s nudes text
blond giant 💕 » ANAKIN SKYWALKER DID YOU JUST...?blond giant 💕 » i checked it, yes you didblond giant 💕 » i’m about to board a 14 hour flight and then i’m not back for like another 2 weeks...blond giant 💕 » how am i supposed to be able to endure this long flight now?blond giant 💕 » well i’m keeping that picture, it’s niceblond giant 💕 » as revenge i’m going to send a picture backblond giant 💕 » only you have to wait for more than 14 hours to receive itblond giant 💕 » you just wait, your giant, two can play this game
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❋ for a hopeful text
blond giant 💕 » i spoke to mum... she and dad totally want to meet you and said you’re welcome to stay next time i go see them...  blond giant 💕 » i mean only if you want! i know we haven’t been seeing each other for a long timeblond giant 💕 » and that manila’s half way around the worldblond giant 💕 » but we’ve been friends for a while and i think we’d have a good timeblond giant 💕 » ONLY IF YOU WANT TO OF COURSEblond giant 💕 » jfc i’m babbling
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☯ for an adoring text
blond giant 💕 » do you know how much i adore you??blond giant 💕 » because i do, i just cant stop thinking about you and your smileblond giant 💕 » it’s like you’ve taken over my head and i don’t careblond giant 💕 » you’ve turned me into the biggest romantic sapblond giant 💕 » i’m a heartbeat away from writing mr anakin skywalker in my diary... jk i already did before we were together, is that weird? DELETEDblond giant 💕 » i just want to find you and smother you with kissesblond giant 💕 » dammit giant, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE TURNED ME INTOblond giant 💕 » love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
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ღ for a friend-crush text
blond giant 💕 » so... do you have plans for the night??blond giant 💕 » because i got free tickets to this movieblond giant 💕 » idk if it’s any good but it free... eh?blond giant 💕 » anyways, what i’m saying is... or wait no, askingblond giant 💕 » is if you’d like to go see the movie with me???blond giant 💕 » there’s no one else i’d rather go with DELETEDblond giant 💕 » bc showing up alone is no fun... i’ll even buy you dinnerblond giant 💕 » what do you say??
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❤ for an affectionate text
blond giant 💕 » i know you hate lectures and that it’s freezing out there blond giant 💕 » and you are such a gem for taking notes for me while i’m sick with fever ❤️❤️❤️blond giant 💕 » i love you so much ❤️❤️❤️blond giant 💕 » i promise to make it up to you, okay ???blond giant 💕 » well after i’m bed-ridden, now i can’t function
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✂ for a worried text about the receiver
blond giant 💕 » ani? i heard about what happened and i’m sorryblond giant 💕 » but please don’t ignore my calls... or just text me to me that you’re okayblond giant 💕 » it’s 3am and and i’m worried sickblond giant 💕 » i can’t sleep... please tell me you’re okay? please talk to me... i love you, i’m here for you blond giant 💕 » if you’re not here in an hour i’m going out to look for you
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☺ for a complimentary text
blond giant 💕 » you know you’re so cute when you’re tired and whinyblond giant 💕 » because you look all sleepy, and have the cutest pout, and your hair’s all messy and all i wanna do is smooch you all overblond giant 💕 » it’s a blessingblond giant 💕 » you’re a blessing DELETED
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❂ for a text about another character (specify other)
blond giant 💕 » what do i even wear????blond giant 💕 » i’ve never done the whole meet the parent thing before and i’m nervous...blond giant 💕 » i’m so nervous... please tell me everything will be ok again, please?? ❤️
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✳ for a holiday text
blond giant 💕 » listen we’re all ditching lectures tomorrow to drive out in the middle of nowhere to a christmas tree farm bc they have student discounts and then back home to decorate itblond giant 💕 » don’t you dare say no... because you always complain about going to lectures and we can be huddled up in the backseat with hot chocolate... and decorate the tree together  blond giant 💕 » also i’m making you gingerbread cookies... am i not the best girlfriend in the world?blond giant 💕 » the only right answer is yes
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♆ for a sext
blond giant 💕 » i’m in my roomblond giant 💕 » wearing your tshirtblond giant 💕 » only your tshirt 👀❤️blond giant 💕 » it smells like you too...blond giant 💕 » now if you don’t hurry from grocery shopping then i’ll get started... early...blond giant 💕 » i am in no way responsible for whatever you walk in on
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☼ for a joking text
blond giant 💕 » so lithium and sodium sit in a bar and gold walks inblond giant 💕 » and lithium goes “AU what’re you doing here?”blond giant 💕 » get it????? 😂😂😂blond giant 💕 » if uni doesn’t work out i could be a comedian 
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↔ for a bitching text
blond giant 💕 » i got an f???blond giant 💕 » i failed ??? wtf i rarely get a b let alone FAIL... blond giant 💕 » how do i deal i’m in the girls’ toilets cryingblond giant 💕 » it’s not fair i stayed up till early morning studying and i get an f???blond giant 💕 » i want to quit uni this is so not fair !!!!!
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♣ for a gossipy text
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$ for a lying text
blond giant 💕 » sorry i can’t come to lunch i already have plans... im sorryblond giant 💕 » but i might see you later???blond giant 💕 » i hate pretending that i’ve forgotten your birthday... but you just wait until you see what i planned for you DELETED
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☆ for a longing text
blond giant 💕 » as much as i love being back with my family it feels empty without you ❤️blond giant 💕 » i miss you so so so much, i’m at their beach house on this beautiful island and i wish i could experience it with you ❤️blond giant 💕 » anyways i’ll be home in like 2 hours if you want to skype ❤️❤️❤️
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♬ for a fangirl/boy gushing text
blond giant 💕 » listen i just found these cute totally spy tshirts online !!! blond giant 💕 » i bought you a clover one and me an alex one ❤️❤️❤️blond giant 💕 » so we can match !!!
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★ for a dumb meme or inside joke text
blond giant 💕 » istfg if i don’t get that grade i deserveblond giant 💕 » ima use AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATIONS blond giant 💕 » jfc you giant you’re a bad influence ❤️
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♘ for a questioning text
blond giant 💕 » so hypothetically...blond giant 💕 » what if i said i found the perfect flat, near town, right by campus?blond giant 💕 » fit for two...blond giant 💕 » how would you feel about... getting our own place?blond giant 💕 » it’s fine if it’s too soon... but i thought i’d ask ❤️
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♬ for a music rec or lyric text move rec
blond giant 💕 » there’s a totally spies movie of how the spies METblond giant 💕 » if we don’t watch this tonight i won’t kiss you for a week
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☽ for a sleepy text
blond giant 💕 » ani... as much as i’d love to get ready and take an overpriced über to whatever dive bar you all ended up at...blond giant 💕 » i’m just too tired rn ❤️ all i need is bedblond giant 💕 » i love you though and i hope you have fun ❤️blond giant 💕 » ps. your drunk giant self is welcome to crash in my bed and wake me up with snuggles though ❤️❤️❤️
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☢ for a snarky text
blond giant 💕 » i’m at the café waiting for you jsyk ❤️blond giant 💕 » and don’t get your hopes up i brought course lit, lecture notes and my laptop... it’s a study dateblond giant 💕 » but dw for every chapter we finish, i’ll give you a kiss ❤️❤️❤️blond giant 💕 » if we don’t get anything done then no kisses 😈
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powla · 7 years
30 random questions
Rules: answer these 30 questions and tag 30 people.
Tagged by @ellstersmash​, thank you <3
Nickname: Uhhh I don’t really have any? Sad
Name: Paula
Gender: Female
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 164cm (5’4″)
Time: 9:37 PM
Birthday: June 14
Fav Band: BTS
Fav Solo Artist: I think maybe Kendrick Lamar right now
Song Stuck in My Head: Despacito’s been stuck in my head for weeks now help
Last Movie I Watched: askfjaksfj I can’t remember?? 
Last Show I Watched: It’s Okay That’s Love (it’s gr8 so far)
When I Created My Blog: December 2016
What I Post: I mostly just reblog stuff I find funny or cool or pretty... and occasionally share my delightful personality via text posts
Last Thing Googled: “check blog age” bc I never remember when I made this one lmao
Have Other Blogs: mhm my dead first child @enkindle--this​ that I doubt I’ll be reviving at this point. And @dammit--solas​ my more popular and better loved child. And... two or three other ones that shall not be named here
Get Asks: Nah, who’d wanna message me? JK but really though, I don’t get asks
Blog Name Choice: I’m Finnish so my name isn’t pronounced paw-lah but pow-lah, hence Paula -> powla
Blogs Following: 319 but I’m p sure a lot of them are dead, I need to check sometime
Followers: 93 which I don’t think has really changed in ages lmao. Shout out to baby d--s though, 2,992 followers woo (I should do something when I hit 3,000 but I doubt I will bc I suck)
Fav Colour: Blue, grey, pastels
Average Hours of Sleep: Hnhnhnnhnh I think it averages out to be about 7
Lucky Number: I never really got lucky numbers I always just pick one off the top of my head and it’s never the same
Instruments: Piano, though I’m hella rusty
Wearing: The ugliest wolf shirt in existence - not even kidding you cannot imagine the horror (the wolf is a vague green-ish colour), shorts, socks that say “Monday” even though it’s not and of course undies
How Many Blankets: One, max
Dream Job: Well I’ve never really had one but I guess it’s the one I’m studying for which is an Instrument Technician
Dream Trip: Just anywhere at this point
Fav Food: Pizza. I’m a simple girl
Nationality: Finnish
Fav Song: There are so many and it changes at least every week but last.fm tells me I’ve listened to Blood Sweat & Tears by BTS the most recently so... that?
I’m sure everyone has already done this so I’m gonna tag like 3 people and then give up
@hasbeenlokid @galifreyas @saarabas @adjectivebear
See that’s 4 already did better than I expected, gj Paula
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Commitment Woes.
Today is the day that will change things in my relationship with E. 
Last week, after some long conversations, we decided to start couples therapy. We both suffer from depression (His is MDD and mine is bipolar type 2) and anxiety. While we would like to pretend it doesn't, it definitely affects our relationship. Granted, it's not always negative. I find it endearing when he worries about me being alone at home all day, for example. It only becomes a problem when he starts talking about home safety in great lengths. SNORE (jk).
All that aside, we've got a pretty good thing going. We like each other most of the time. We communicate well for two mentally ill people. We have the same wants and ideas for the future. Our plans include each other. The next natural step seems like marriage, right? Wrong.
Let's dial the clock back a few days. We're both laying in bed, talking about whatever comes to mind. I turn to him and the conversation goes as follows:
R: I want to get married. To you.
E: Yeah?
R: Yeah. Would it be weird if I proposed to you?
E: Not at all. It'd take a lot of pressure off of me.
R: Cool.
E: Cool.
From this conversation, I took what he said as a 'YES GO AHEAD. GREEN LIGHT. ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO.', I still don't understand how I could have taken it any other way. PLEASE GIVE ME INPUT IF YOU SEE WHERE I WENT WRONG IN MY ASSUMPTIONS, BY THE WAY. 
Anyway, I planned a fucking proposal. I bought a custom made ring. I bought a cute little custom dog-tag for S. I bought myself a placeholder ring (he wanted me to have one, too,). I get nervous, oh no. I tell him about it, cause why not! Conversation:
R: Nervous about proposing to the love of my life!
E: Nah, don't be. I know what his answer will be.
R: Are you SURE you want me to propose? I don't want to steal your thunder or emasculate you or anything.
E: We'll talk more about it later, work is getting busy.
Again, didn't see any immediate "NO DONT" signs here. I should have sensed some apprehension in the "we'll talk later" part, but what could I do? I'd already ordered the stuff. Whatever. Plans are still a go at this point. We don't talk about this particular subject that night or the next day.
Tuesday morning comes around and I'm a mess of anxiety again. His ring has shipped, the dog-tag has shipped. My ring is being made. ANXIETY. ANXIETY. ANXIETY. So I talk to him again on his lunch break. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went so I'll summarize the best I can:
E: I don't really feel ready.
R: What? For marriage?
E: Yeah. I guess with my depression being as bad as it is right now and me starting a new medication...I just don't feel like it's the best idea.
R: Oh, okay. I understand.
I was stunned, honestly. We got off the phone and shit started to sink in, real hard. Panic. Panic. PANIC. Why did he wait to tell me?
My heart was in a trillion pieces and I wasn't quite sure how to even start the repair process. My thoughts were spiraling, I was not in control. I texted E and told him what was happening. I told him I worried about coming across pushy or like I was trying to guilt him into marriage. 
I told him my thoughts were running rampant trying to figure out the 'WHY' part of things. I told him the things I worried about.
He doesn't love me.
He doesn't want me.
He's ashamed of me.
He doesn't like the way I look. 
I'm not good enough for him.
I'm not attractive enough.
I'm too broken.
I'm too sad. 
I'm too much.
He will never be ready.
He did his best to reassure me. He DID want to get married, he wasn't ready yet. I don't know about any other girl in the world but I've been told all my adult life that when a man says he's not ready, it actually means he doesn't want to marry you. At all. I couldn't get around it.
For the next few days, things kind of piled up. I became depressed. I couldn't take care of myself very well. I wasn't taking care of the housework. I managed to get grocery shopping done. I managed to keep myself and the pets alive. That's about it. It was straining on our relationship.
We went on a short day trip to the next town over. He was driving and I was in the passenger's seat. We were listening to music. "Our Song" came on, he sang it and looked at me. I wanted to bawl. It hurt that he was being so good to me while I was tearing myself up feeling like he had rejected me. I was still having trouble sorting my thoughts on the matter. I was hurting. I still am hurting. 
We ended up talking about it again a few days later. He told me he worried about me changing my mind. He worried about me growing restless and cheating. He worried about him not being good enough for me. I don't know how to quell any of these anxieties and I don't know if he does either.
I ended up not sleeping that night and I typed everything that had gone on into a Reddit post and sought advice. There weren't many responses. The few I did get suggested couples therapy/counseling. DUH, R. 
E had suggested it before, a few months ago. We had some small troubles that resolved themselves after a little while so we never pursued it. I let him know I wanted to see a counselor and if he wanted to go, that was great. If not, I'd go alone and work on our relationship myself but I hoped he would go. He said yes and here we are today. Our appointment is in 2 hours.
I'm a mess of nervousness. It's not quite anxiety...it's a different flavor. Milder, I suppose. We had an argument last night and it sort of boiled down to him worrying about me. He's worried about my mental well-being and it's stressing on him because he has to worry about himself, too. I told him that I was okay, but I sometimes needed help but was afraid to ask. He said he felt the same way. We talked and laughed about some stuff and went to sleep a little late. He woke up this morning feeling down so I asked him if he needed help, he said no and went off to work. He seemed better when I talked to him at lunch, so I'm hoping he is doing better. 
I will likely write again tonight or tomorrow afternoon detailing the appointment some more. I'd like to document our progress on different matters. I want to share myself with someone outside of our relationship, sometimes. I don't have any friends who would/could accept that burden so I pour it out into this blog. I appreciate anyone who reads and I would love feedback, on the writing or the content. EDIT: I wanted to add another event. It occurred sometime between him agreeing to counseling and the date that I posted this. His ring had arrived and the dog tag had as well. He brought in the mail along with both packages and asked what they were. He already had some sort of idea of how I would propose. I didn't want to surprise him with it and make him uncomfortable. I told him he could open them and he did. The tag reads "Will you marry my mama?", the ring is made of tungsten and finished matte. It's gorgeous and I'm proud of myself for picking it out. Anyway, he looks at the dog tag and smiles and kind of shuffles his feet. He looks up at me and grins and says
E: I will. 
R: What?
E: Marry his mama.
He put the ring on and wore it for a few hours until it started to get uncomfortable. I beamed, he beamed. I was so happy, I was so excited. We had worked things out. It was easy! Cool!
Later that night in bed, he sighed. 
E: Why am I such a commit-a-phobe?
Here we go, again. Broken into pieces, again. Dammit, E.
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