#quality anon time
jmdbjk · 2 years
Quality anon time:
Addressing a few anons in my inbox:
Anon: “It's really sad that you're a jikooker but you use the same narrative of taekookers, saying that only jimin mentions jungkook. Why you didn't say that also jungkook mentions jimin sometimes?” 
Me: Okay anon... Jungkook mentions Jimin sometimes. Happy now? 
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If you don’t know by now where I stand on all this you should just keep scrolling past my blog. I would say, “you obviously never read anything I’ve said” but in your same ask you say “long post to justify the fact that Jungkook never supported jimin in this solo era” so I know you read THIS particular “long post”. Go read some more of my past posts to see where I stand on your incorrect take of what I wrote. But you seem like the type of person who thrives on drama, searches it out, reads things that you don’t agree with, just so you can seethe and unload all of your negative petty judgemental energy on someone you don’t know. The internet and anonymous make that easy for you.
Anon: “Don't you dare to compare tae with jimin...Don't try to minimize Jimin's relationship with Jk only because you want to defend your precious Tae.”
Me: another ignorant person who hasn’t read anything I’ve ever said. ...instructing me to stop spreading a narrative that jikook and taekook are the same kind of relationship. [insert loud laughing rolling on the floor...ROFL] This person also states they are not a jikooker or Tae anti...and goes on to say “Taehyung started mentioning Jk's name all the time unprovoked only during this solo era, ...His purpose is clear even if you close your eyes.” 
Which makes me want to elaborate: A few people are very angry with Tae and believe he has an “agenda.” I don’t have an explanation as to why he mentions Jungkook. Last time was because they were gaming with some of Tae’s other friends. We don’t know what Tae’s real motivation is. Maybe Tae really wishes JK would do a live with him? And they DID manage to do that Instagram live for a few minutes...
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But to me, they just don’t have the same chemistry as Jimin and Jungkook. The insta live very much gave me this vibe:
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I don’t know what else you want me to say that I’ve not said before. They are doing a pretty good job by themselves dispelling any thought that Tae and Jungkook’s chemistry (awkward?) is the same as Jimin and Jungkook (chemistry through the roof).
And Tae IS precious because he is one of the seven members. He’s not my bias, though...that’s for sure. But I will give his restaurant show they filmed in Mexico a chance when it airs.
Anon: JK was drinking heavily for two days in a row... His home looks like a bachelor pad. He seems down & depressed & even said he's not motivated to do anything. How is this not concerning & taken lightly? I'm worried about JK & JM seems worried too & I think that's why JM came live to tell him to stop, cause it is very concerning seeing JK like that.
Me: I do not consider 3 or 4 beers "heavy" drinking. But if you, personally, or if you are from a culture that doesn't normally consume alcohol, you may think that is a lot. Having a few beers everyday is very common where I'm from. 
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About JK staying at home for days and days: Jin once said: “resting is not putting meaning into time spent for self-improvement... those days when you’ve done absolutely nothing, that people might look at you and say, ‘You wasted your day away.’ That’s the kind of living that gives me rest.” Obviously Jungkookie agrees.
Jungkook didn’t seem sad to me. He was singing for us as usual on the first day and then on the second day went on about with getting his mukbang ready and his Netflix going. If you thought he seemed sad, you were projecting your own emotions on to him. Fun fact: There is a contestant in the show he was watching that he has met in person...the MMA champion guy who is older than most of the other contestants. 
And yeah... in my opinion, THAT apartment is not his HOME. It looks like an alternate place to me, but you are entitled to your opinion too. That clothing rack... if you live there and that’s your home, why would you keep a rolling rack of empty hangers in front of the main bedroom door?
Why am I not concerned about Jungkook? because I'm not projecting imaginary emotional drama on him and I'm not an alarmist. There is no crisis. I employ critical thinking within the context of everything I know about Jungkook, Jimin and what they've shown us all these years. I am pretty tuned in to what their personalities are like. Neither of them have given me any reason to be concerned. 
Jimin was laughing in his comments. “ㅋ” by itself in Korean slang means “LOL”. So ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ would be LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... Jimin didn’t come into the live to tell Jungkook to stop. He came because he saw the Weverse notice that his Kookie-pookie was doing a live broadcast and spending time with Army again and Jimin was having to work. He was laughing because he knew his Kookie was going to do whatever the hell he wanted as in fuck a rule of no drinking during a live. 
The severity of tunnel vision some of you have is incredible. Many of y’all need to lift your heads up from those fanfics, edited video clips and elaborately concocted narratives based on nothing and look around at real life for a little while... like make a friend or two or have a real life relationship involving real emotions and sex. It’ll make a big difference in how you view the world. 
And since I have a habit of letting asks sit in my inbox to marinate with time (read: wait for Miss Karma to show up as usual) these Anons just look like a bunch of mouthy assholes now. 
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But I don’t want this post to just be a big downer... here are some Anons who are genuinely nice and have interesting thoughts and questions:
Anon: Not a question but a statement: “If only people would translate without agenda.”
Me: I KNOW RIGHT? Just like fake emotional drama anon above... people insert their own interpretations into translations. Then are quick to defend themselves stubbornly without being open minded to realize there are other ways to interpret what is being said. It’s important to look at several trusted non-biased translators. Native Koreans are who I trust. And yes, google translate can also clarify some things but you should not depend solely on that to understand what is being said. 
Anon: “...was there any instances where Jungkook made sure people understood that his relationship with Jimin is different than his relationship with the other members?”
Me: Jungkook differentiates his relationship with Jimin from the others all the time, except it is usually not intentional. It is a subconscious natural reaction. Watch him and you will see it. I think that people who cannot see it just are not tuned in to such things or refuse to believe that Jimin means a lot to Jungkook.
Depending on what your relationship is with someone, you will subconsciously seek out physical contact with them. You will want to be closer to them, whether sitting or standing. Even within your closest circle, if you have one you are even closer to, you will tend to act differently with them than you do with the other friends...even during work...
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Anon: “Why should anyone, now or later be concerned with Jungkook stopping his work? ...Fans are so dramatic.”
Good question, Anon...you certainly won’t find much concern from me until he gives me reason to be concerned and so far, I’m not concerned. And yes, fans are so dramatic in every sense. Jungkook already told us last year he had nothing going on. So why is it a surprise to some to see Jungkook emerging from being a hermit when he already told us he had nothing going on? He said he was going to get back into shape by getting back to eating right and look at him working out! 
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Anon: “...why Jungkook is not denouncing tkk?...why not stop some of the other rumors ?”
Maybe you should ask Jungkook yourself because he’s not answering my texts.
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buglaur · 9 months
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fireworks show 🎆
material preview version is very cute also :)
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i struggled with the lighting on this one so badly, but it turned out alright in the end.
i actually started it last year for new years 2023 but never got around to finishing it, hence no progress pictures this time sadly lol. i do have a very low-res, first draft, test gif though
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stills 🥳
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touchyluffy · 2 months
part one
In the days it takes you to heal from your injuries, Luffy comes to your bedroom to sleep next to you every night. He does try, the night after the first, to sleep in his own bedroom but he can't. Usually sleep comes easy to him, especially after a long day of adventure but not now. He closes his eyes, trying to think of your wounds healing, your soft breathing, your warm hand holding his, but he can't fall asleep. He huffs in irritation and rises from his bed, sulking across the ship to knock on your bedroom door and opening it slowly. You put down your book, you were also struggling to sleep, and open the covers for him. You smile at each other as he excitedly hops into your bed.
And so it becomes routine for you two. Even as your injuries heal completely, as the sunsets and the crew walks off to their separate bedrooms, Luffy follows you into yours and you let him. It becomes normal to roll over in the middle of the night and snuggle into his warm body, to wake up in the morning with his arm wrapped around you, to feel him pull you closer in his sleep, to giggle at his sleep-talking, to hear your name in his mumblings. You offer to let him keep his toothbrush and some clothes in your room, he accepts.
Sleeping together becomes so routine that you have trouble sleeping without him. There were times when you two would be separated by a foe that Luffy challenged and each night you would stay awake staring at his side of the bed, worry clouding your mind and making it impossible to sleep and eventually when Luffy defeated the foe, he would be covered in bandages and it was your turn to listen to his soft, even breathing as he slept. There were times when you be working late into the night and he would come find you, curling up on the floor next to you to sleep in your presence until you eventually finish and drag him back to your bed so you can both sleep comfortably. There were times when you would get angry at him for putting the crew in danger with his recklessness and you'd slammed your bedroom door in his face and toss and turn, your anger at him turning into desperation for him to just come to bed already, eventually you get up to find him and as you open your bedroom door, Luffy's sleeping frame falls on your legs. He'd been sleeping against your door. Smiling you pull his rubbery body into bed and cuddle up next to him, his heartbeat your lullaby. He smiles in his sleep and his arms come up around you. Whenever he's missing his hat or sandals, you find them by your bed.
This new routine of you and your captain sleeping together left your other crewmates with their mouths on the floor several times. They still hadn't gotten used to you two waving goodnight and walking into the same bedroom. When they would ask, you tried to explain but there really wasn't anything to explain. You and their captain couldn't sleep unless you slept together. That's all, why do they always stare at you in such surprise when you say that? Their shocked faces didn't discourage you both into cuddling up to each other at night, finding relaxation, warmth, safety, and comfort in each others arms. What was once your space becomes "our bedroom", "our closet", "our bathroom".
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elecmon · 6 months
If the Advverse kids (+ their mons) were in the tumblr's boop-apocalypse:
who would be the one to spam the heckie out of the others notifs;
who would be the one booping random people;
who would start causing a fuss for the boops;
and who would frigging opt-out asap?
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Mimi- sends 10 boops to each person (was the first to boop spam Joe)
Matt- sends 3 each, except to his brother who gets 7
Tk- boops random people, makes sure he boops his brother constantly
Sora- only boops friends, (joins in on booping Joe like crazy after he keeps refusing to opt out)
Tai- boops random strangers 10 times each, (Joe gets like 20 from him)
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anigst · 1 year
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Detective Conan - Ep 323,324
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Personally I think Alastor, Lucifer AND Angel are on the pretty boy side of the scale and none of that has to do with their preferences in bed. More like in... How to say it... Body type and behavior? All three are obviously men but don't quite adhere to the masculine/feminine dichotomy.
With Alastor it seems to me that he is closer to "masculine" but not in an alpha range, but in that he sees himself as a "gentleman" and at least a part of him consciously or unconsciously knows that the male representation has more privilege, but he doesn't particularly care as much
AAngel just does his thing, and I think Angel has benefited from and used looking more "delicate" or "feminine" more than once to his advantage in getting underestimated. I think that gender in general is quite fluid for Angel, but not so much because he has thought about it but because living and dead, roles have been imposed on him that he has taken as a mask for himself.I imagine he is very comfortable with himself now but the impression I got is that Angel oscillates between hating and loving his own traits due to how little control he has and how he is perceived.
(I'm thinking specifically about how he talks about his body and how attractive it is but sees himself as only important because of those kinds of things. After E4 it's obviously in a much better place. What I'm saying is that with Angel it's complicated because it's part his own feelings and part coping mechanis)
Lucifer actually exudes an aura of seduction, it's just those bedroom eyes and his whole vibe when he decides he's going to crush this guy he met 5 minutes ago. But I think the show did well to represent a beauty that tends more towards androgynous with him. And as we've already talked about, Lucifer gives off very versatile vibes, I think he would be the middle ground.
I definitely agree that all three of them are on the pretty boy side. Pretty, pretty, pretty boys
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(I couldn't find a better gif of Angel forgive me)
Though, I do see Alastor more on the feminine side than the masculine side. He is a gentleman, but sometimes I think people lean too far into him being a gentleman.
Like, not to bring Websters Dictionary into this (Cambridge Dictionary technically) but the definitions of gentleman are:
A polite way of talking to or referring to a man. Obvious one, but not the definition people use.
A man of a high social class. Which, yeah, considering Alastor is an Overlord in Hell, technically he is part of a high social class. But that's not typically the type of gentleman he is depicted as either.
A man who is polite and behaves well towards other people, especially women: This is the one I think people lean on, which I find funny because Alastor is polite and he can behave well, but typically that is only aimed at women. Not people in general. I see him being a gentleman with women, but even then, not all the time - does that make sense?
Like, there are times he still acts like a mean little bastard, even to women (albeit less often) like when Charlie was having a break down in her bedroom cuz she found out her girlfriend has been lying to her for years and she'd essentially doomed everybody she cared about. Alastor had no sympathy for her, he didn't actually care about the situation, he went up there with the sole intent to get something from her. He was blunt, rubbed her situation in her face, and then gaslit, gatekeeped, and girlbossed his way into getting a deal out of her.
Yes, his words were crafted in a way that can seem gentlemanly, but that doesn't mean he was being a gentleman. He wasn't being polite, he was being a sassy, condescending little shit.
And I'm not saying Alastor isn't a gentleman, he definitely acts like a one when he wants to be, especially around those he likes or respects (like Rosie, Niffty, and Zestial - and yes, even Charlie and Vaggie). But like...most of the time? He's just a smooth-talking bitch with fancy words (affectionate).
Don't get me wrong, I definitely see Alastor as being a gentleman, but I don't see him being as much of a gentleman as people make him out to be, which actually might be the reason why he so often loses his clownish, trolling nature in fanon, because that gentlemanly characteristic he's been given implies some level of general politeness and good behavior, which cancels out when he's trolling and/or insulting people. He can be more passive-aggressively and subtle about it, like he did with Lucifer, but I still wouldn't call that being a gentleman.
I agree with Angel though! I think, while Angel has benefitted looking more feminine, he also enjoys presenting as feminine. I can see him being very fluid in it.
"the impression I got is that Angel oscillates between hating and loving his own traits due to how little control he has and how he is perceived."
THIS! ⬆️ Definitely agree with this. 100%. Perfectly said.
As for Lucifer, I do see the seduction side of him, even if I think it's overblown at times. He has amazing bedroom eyes. I agree that there is an androgynous beauty to him, but at the same time, idk a lot of the time, he still came off as very masculine to me. Could've been the way he carried himself. Could've been his voice. Could've been the way he spoke. Don't know for sure.
I think Lucifer can fluctuate before feminine and androgynous, but overall, he felt masculine most of the time.
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
Have you watched The Owl House?
Heya! So... I guess that one is a bit of a weird one. I started with my partner, and honestly I was having a pretty great time, it's a great show, but then it became evident they were gonna make a bully character into the main love interest, and... That just sat a little bit too wrong and close to home with me because I was bullied in elementary school middle school. So... I don't do well with bully characters at all.
Giving them a redemption arc (which I assume was done here even though I haven't seen her properly and formerly apologize to the people she damaged, but eh, maybe I didn't watch far ahead enough, who knows) doesn't help either, since I know first-hand the damage bullying does to one's self-image never goes away, at least it never did in my case, and as such I'd rather stay as far away from my former bullies as possible and I don't want them shoved back in my face. So... Yeah characters like that kinda take me back to that quite a bit.
So... Yeah, while I'm sure it's an amazing show and I was having a great time, that one hit to one little bit too personal of a hurt, and I asked my partner if I could respectfully dip out. So I never finished per se.
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Your comic about Peach coming over for tea is so cute!! The funny thing is, Peach canonically hasn't met any other humans before the bros, so she's probably very used to dainty little tea sets but would be fascinated and charmed by anything different. Imagine her ugly-laughing at the "plumb out of luck" mug
Thank you! While there are definitely traditional coffee mugs in The Mushroom Kingdom, they are toad-sized, so they're probably still dainty little tea cups to Peach.
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I do like to imagine that novelty-mugs with silly slogans on them are a more distinctly human thing.
Imagine the bros getting Princess Peach a custom pink mug with a "P" emblem on it to match their red and green mugs though. (They already offered to get Toad one, but he has a blue tin mug that he's used since day 1 of adventuring that he's super attached to.)
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🐟 ANON MY BELOVED i knew you’d understand…. he’s just . so tasty. soooo gentle and patient and kind, with a hint of that teasing quality suguru has :3 i think life with him would be so cozy and warm!!!
… i actually made a little moodboard for him (<- mickey’s fault) that i think ended up kinda cute <3 as you can tell his hands are his most important quality
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@thesistersarcheron I tried to send this to you yesterday but Tumblr thwarted me
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2011 Japan Post-Qualifying
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 months
Dear Magisowo,
Recently, I’ve had an infestation of pixies. They’ve been giving me problems beforehand, so I looked up how to deal with them. Someone recommended giving them oatmeal to appease them, so I did that. It worked for a while, but not only are they coming back expecting more, they’re getting more aggressive (yesterday, I saw threaten me with a thumbtack). What should I do now?
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Sorry to hear of your pixie predicament! As a general precaution we recommend wearing your outer layer of clothing (coat, jacket, shirt) inside out. This is a good basic ward against their magic and influence.
As to getting rid of them, however, that may be a more difficult task. If you wish to befriend them, leaving behind a bite of whatever you eat yourself is a greater gesture of respect than offering oatmeal or porridge. They also like music and can be very helpful to humans that they take a liking to, so we do recommend continuing your attempts to appease them first.
Banishing them from your home is possible, but you will need to contact an occult practitioner to do this safely. They will also need to verify what kind of pixies you are dealing with, because the Cornish piskie is a protected species and cannot be forcibly removed from its chosen habitat.
Best of luck!
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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2-dsimp · 5 months
Question: Why is Yuujin so
51. Wise
52. Knowledgeable
53. Intelligent
54. Sharp-witted
55. Quick-thinking
56. Analytical
57. Logical
58. Rational
59. Pragmatic
60. Resourceful
61. Versatile
62. Innovative
63. Visionary
64. Strategic
65. Organized
66. Detail-oriented
67. Efficient
68. Productive
69. Ambitious
70. Goal-oriented
71. Driven
72. Motivated
73. Dedicated
74. Tenacious
75. Focused
76. Disciplined
77. Patient
78. Calm
79. Tranquil
80. Composed
81. Balanced
82. Grounded
83. Centered
84. Resilient
85. Strong
86. Tough
87. Courageous
88. Fearless
89. Bold
90. Adventurous
91. Explorer
92. Creative
93. Artistic
94. Expressive
95. Imaginative
96. Curious
97. Inquisitive
98. Open-minded
99. Accepting
100. Non-judgmental
101. Tolerant
102. Compassionate
103. Empathetic
104. Kind-hearted
105. Loving
106. Affectionate
107. Friendly
108. Sociable
109. Charismatic
110. Charming
111. Engaging
112. Enthusiastic
113. Energetic
114. Vibrant
115. Optimistic
116. Positive
117. Inspiring
118. Motivating
119. Supportive
120. Encouraging
121. Nurturing
122. Considerate
123. Thoughtful
124. Generous
125. Selfless
126. Altruistic
127. Grateful
128. Appreciative
129. Humble
130. Modest
131. Sincere
132. Honest
133. Trustworthy
134. Dependable
135. Reliable
136. Responsible
137. Ethical
138. Principled
139. Integrity
140. Authentic
141. Genuine
142. Transparent
143. Fun-loving
144. Playful
145. Spontaneous
146. Adventurous
147. Free-spirited
148. Whimsical
149. Witty
150. Humorous
+ bonus. Iconic?
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andreal831 · 6 months
I don’t absolutely despise klaroline, although I definitely do not like them either, but one of the most stupid things in the entirety of the originals is Klaus flirting with Caroline while Hayley and hope is abducted. Would you consider this to be a writing mistake or just Klaus being Klaus? I’ve always wondered if he focused more on finding them if he’d of been able to save Hayley in time.
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I've made an entire tik tok about this because I despised this episode since the first time I saw it. I laid out all of the dumb decisions Klaus made in the episode in the tik tok as well as a lengthy caption. You can see that here.
Klaus in Season 5 is terribly written. He may not be my favorite character and I don't like klaroline but everything about him and them in Season 5 was wrong.
Starting with Rebekah calling Caroline to go find Klaus. That made no sense. Why wouldn't Freya or Marcel go find him. They are his family. Marcel has known him for 200 years. It's not like Rebekah thought he wouldn't harm her, he had nearly killed Caroline multiple times. Marcel was upgraded, he would have been the best choice to go and talk some sense into Klaus. Or Freya who could have gone and yelled at him for abandoning Hope.
Just the fact that Klaus was ignoring Hope for five years made no sense to me. I get he was terrified that she would hate him after what she saw, but the end of Season 3 and through Season 4, we began to see a version of Klaus that was actually putting Hope's needs first. This abandonment was a complete regression back to his Season 2 narcissism. Also, Hope not continuing to astral project to find him made no sense. She is a powerful witch, if Caroline could track him down, so could Hope.
Now onto the day of the event.
My biggest gripe is that they are literally driving everywhere. Klaus is the fastest being, why is he taking an SUV that can go max 180 mph? Why did they stop at a rest stop to get coffee? Exhaustion doesn't affect them that way. They are literally flirting and joking around as Hope and Hayley are missing. Sure at this point they may not have realized how serious it was, but Klaus would never have allowed himself to be distracted like that. It was bad writing purely for ratings.
Klaus would rip apart the world to save both Hayley and Hope. Showing him doing anything less is a disservice to his character.
Good writing, writing that is true to Klaus' character would have shown him turning into a wolf to track Hope down. Ansel tells Klaus in Season 2 that he was drawn to Klaus as a child and even to Hope because wolves are drawn to their family. It would have been so satisfying to finally watch Klaus at one with his wolf side in order to find Hope.
It also was so out of character to see Klaus walking slowly to the house. Hayley was actively having her wolf side suppressed and fighting Greta. Klaus would have heard this from miles away and sped as fast as possible to the house. Instead we see him walking at a slow human speed. Caroline is also easily snuck up on by Elijah and Klaus doesn't immediately snap his neck? True-to-character Klaus would have ripped out Elijah's heart to save Hope and Hayley. After all, Elijah would have been fine.
Very little of Season 5 was not just poor writing. There were scenes and plot points that directly contradict established canon. The reason the writing was so bad is because the writers were killing Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus off no matter what. Hayley's death was 1000% preventable. Hayley was a hybrid and a member of the strongest family but was somehow killed by a 100 year old vamp? Say what you will about Klaus, but Klaus definitely would have saved her no matter what. She never should have died but Julie wanted Legacies to have an orphaned Hope and didn't care to make the writing good.
Shameless plug: If you want to read how I would rewrite Season 5 to make more sense, check out my story, Don't It Just Break Your Heart, on AO3 and Wattpad.
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arborix · 11 days
What did you do at Comic Con? Besides look at eachother?
I bought exactly ONE thing
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samuelroukin · 1 month
"it'd come down to no more than 50k if i cut all the smut out" do you hear yourself. oh this cake would come down to no more than a bunch of frosting if i cut all the cake out of it. this house would come down to no more than a cement structure if i cut out all the bricks. this forest would come down to no more than a giant field filled with unsheltered wild animals if i cut out all the plants. this story would come down to a much smaller story if i cut out most of the story
the smut is important and even if the fic was literally just porn it would still be fucking impressive. but it isn't. and much of the plot is actually in the porn (much of the house is actually in the bricks). so. um. stop being mean to my favorite author that's what i meant by all that sorry for rambling again
LKJDHKJFG no i actually agree, maybe not all the smut is necessary but most of it is part of the plot in this fic, i mostly meant that comparing it to actual books doesn't work when the word count is porn instead of u know. world building and lore and action. like the smut isn't unimportant but if we're strictly talking story it could be severely condensed u know. actually idk if i'm making sense
like it's only long because i describe someone's boner and o-face in great detail when those things really don't serve the plot. but then again this was meant to light on plot and heavy on the porn before the worms took over
actually what i'm trying to say is i don't think you can compare fanfic lengths to novel lengths because unless you're writing an au so far removed from the source material that it's its own thing, playing with someone else's dolls doesn't feel like it has the same weight. in an original novel the author creates something from nothing, i'm just making some dudes bang lol
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