#damon slavatore imagine
fandoms--fluff · 10 months
Chocolate Strawberries
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Female reader x Damon Salvatore
Request: Would it be possible for maybe Damon and reader to pour melted chocolate and whipped cream on each other’s bodies.
Warnings: chocolate and whip cream play (is that a thing?),
A/n: got a request for this in my messages! Sorry if it's a bit shorter then expected 😞💜
Damon walks into the kitchen where you're dipping strawberries into melted chocolate on the island. He wraps his arms around your waist and leans his chin against the top of your head.
He dips one of his fingers into the melted chocolate and licks it off his finger. "Hey! that's for the strawberries" You look up at him.
"Mmm, but it's too hard to resist" he pulls you into a kiss.
The soft kiss turns into a long, passionate one. Damon picks you up and places you on the table a couple feet away. He incases your lips in his, and you immediately kiss him back as your hands go up to his hair and legs wrap around his waist.
Your clothing is ripped off of you, now only being left in your bra and panties. You pull Damon's shirt off him and throw it to the side as he wraps his arms around your torso, unclasping your bra.
He kiss down your neck, leaving hickeys all the way down to your perked nipples.
"You know what'd look amazing?" He mumbles against your skin. "Hmm what?" You look down at him, eyebrow furrowed.
"This" he reaches his finger into the bowl with melted chocolate and brings it back over, spreading it in the swell of your brests. You watch with fascinated eyes as he then brings his face down and slowly lick off the sweet chocolate from your chest. A small moan escapes your lips while watching.
He pulls back up once it's all off, a smirk on his face. You then get an idea and sit back up. You reach behind you where a can of whipped cream is and shake it before spraying some down Damon's neck.
You lean forward and start licking the sugary topping off his neck, a little bite here and there. He brings his hands to your back, pulling you against him.
"Way better than strawberries" he whispers into your ear, eyebrows raised in pleasure of your tongue on his neck.
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omgbubbletea · 4 years
Dating Damon Salvatore Would Include
You found out he was a vampire on accident 
You were walking home one night in Mystic Falls when you heard muffled screaming
At first, you were terrified 
But then you thought “(Y/n), someone could be dying right now and you may be the only one able to save them”
So you gulped down your fear and walked towards the source of the noise 
You had pulled out your swiss-army knife that you kept in your bag for self-defence when you saw him 
Damon was hunched over a body, mouth covered in blood
You let out a scream and dropped your swiss-army knife
At this point, Damon had realised that you were standing there 
He took a step closer to you calling out your name 
He noticed how you took a step back from him out of fear, tears forming in your eyes
It broke him on the inside
He eventually calmed you down with compulsion and decided to explain everything to you 
He didn’t know whether to compel you to forget everything or see if you still wanted to be with a monster like him(he really hoped for the second) 
It took you a few days to process everything that you had witnessed and heard but you eventually figured out what you wanted and gathered the courage to tell him yourself 
At this point, Damon is swimming in anxiety all until one day you show up at the Salvatore boarding house saying you don’t know exactly what you really think about it all but you know that you want to be with him
Que super passionate kiss 
He is all for PDA
Hand holding 
Bear hugs
Hugs from behind 
Ass grabbing 
Steamy makeouts 
This man does not give a damn or feel an ounce of shame 
Late-night drives in his car 
One hand is on your thigh while he drives 
Spontaneous road trips 
Him making you pancakes for breakfast(when he is in a good mood) 
Bringing you coffee in bed 
You guys sleep facing each other  
Your head is resting under his chin 
Arms wrapped around each other 
Legs tangled together 
He likes to keep you close while you sleep so he can protect you in case anything were to happen 
Sleeping naked most of the time 
Lots of cuddling!
Cuddling on the couch 
In bed 
He is the big spoon 
Cuddling usually leads to makeout sessions 
Makeout sessions usually lead to...(;
Let’s face it, you guys have done it everywhere 
In his car
The bath 
The shower 
(There isn’t a single place in the boarding house where you haven’t done it)
Public restrooms
In a school closet 
He is top but finds it hot if you take over
Is definitely rough and passionate 
Wouldn't do anything you aren't comfortable with 
Stefan has walked in on you guys a few times(Damon really doesn't give a damn but you do...) 
He is very protective of you
Although he knows you can protect yourself, he still teaches you self defence(for peace of his mind)
Definitely tries to sneak up on you and pretend to “bite” you so you can see how easy it would be for someone to kill you 
“Boom, you're dead”
Showering together 
Taking baths together
Cooking together 
You are always his date to events(and you just love seeing him in a suit) 
The two of you dancing in your pj's around the house 
Wearing his leather jacket 
It’s kind of big on you 
He pretends to act mad 
Actually thinks you look really sexy 
You love how it smells like him(bourbon, dark cologne and worn leather) 
He is the jealous type 
If he sees a guy flirting with you...well, let’s just say they aren't going to be hanging around for very long 
There have been broken arms(and a few bodies)
It can get very annoying with Damon constantly shooing away any male company(even if they are your friends)
But it does kind of turn you on seeing him all mad and jealous 
Going out drinking with him and Alaric
Going on adventures with him and Alaric(Damon would say no and insist that you stay at home where you are safe. In the end, he caves because he can't resist your puppy eyes)
Telling all the girls about how much you love Damon 
Caroline doesn't stop warning you about how dangerous he is and doesn't understand why you can't be with someone like Stefan(Damon is too superior and way hotter ok?!)
All the girls have definitely threatened Damon if he were to ever hurt you 
Like Caroline, Stefan didn’t see why you had fallen for Damon
Did you not understand that he was a murderous vampire?
Were you being compelled? 
Over time he saw how you had changed Damon for the better 
You guys team up on Damon when he needs an intervention
Stefan sees you as a sister 
You love Stefan like a brother 
You and Damon love to annoy/tease Stefan together 
Damon has ALOT of enemies 
Which means you get taken ALOT
Everyone knows that the only way to get to Damon is to get to the ones he loves 
He doesn't like to show it but he is terrified when you get kidnapped 
Snaps at everyone 
“I don’t need to calm down I need to find (y/n)!”
When he finally finds you his eyes soften 
Your abductors are not going to stay alive for long  
Long passionate kisses after you are safe
He blames himself for you being taken and won't forgive himself if you get hurt 
Has tried to push you away countless times
He says he is bad for you and you would be safer without him 
(How are you safer without him if when someone takes you he won't be able to protect you?)
You won't hear it and stand your ground
“I am not going anywhere Damon Salvatore” 
Even if he tries to ignore you he won't last long
Damon’s scared that one day you will see him for the monster he really is and leave him 
You reassure him that you love him and that you aren't going anywhere
Long phone calls at night where you guys talk about life and your futures together
He loves making you laugh 
Makes you blush ALL THE TIME
Not to make it all cliche but you are really the only one he shows his softer side to 
He melts when you play with his hair 
You love staring into his beautiful blue eyes 
You get all flustered when he does his little smirk
Buying you your favourite flowers when he’s screwed something up(which leads you to think “o oh, what has he done now?”) 
Pet names(sweetheart, baby, beautiful)
Both sharing the quality of being sassy and sarcastic 
Arguing over his stupid and reckless decisions 
Sometimes if it gets really bad, you will ignore him for over 2 days 
That is until he makes it up to you with a romantic gesture 
And you just can’t resist him 
Temple kisses 
Forehead kisses 
Tracing his jawline 
Him whispering dirty things into your ear 
He gifts you some form of vervain jewellery to keep you safe from compulsion 
You practically live in the Salvatore boarding house 
Lots of playful banter 
Hard flirting with each other to see which friend you can make uncomfortable first(usually Jeremy or Stefan)
He thinks you are the most amazing person in the world and can’t wrap around how lucky he is to have you 
If he meets your parents, they love him
He is so charming and handsome how could they not love him?
He is a TOTAL suck up 
You hear him and Stefan argue all the time
He reads to you when you can’t sleep 
You love listening to all his stories 
Hearing about all the places he has been to and him promising to take you one day 
Telling you about his past 
His worst regrets 
His darkest secrets 
All the terrible things he has done 
He especially talks about his abusive father
At this your heart clenches 
You listen to all of it no matter how long it takes 
You make sure to remind him how loved he is by you and Stefan and all of his friends 
You hold him close to you and you guys just sit like that for awhile 
Him trying to change for the better for you 
Lying in bed all day together 
Him spoiling you with love and gifts 
There will be times where he has to feed from you
He makes this his very last resort 
He always makes sure you are ok with it 
You don’t mind because you trust him with your life 
Healing you straight after
Apologising for if he hurt you 
Will do everything in his power to make you feel happy again if you are sad 
He gets super possessive over you 
Loves listening to you sing(even if you are bad)
He thinks it’s cute when you ramble about stuff 
And super hot when you are jealous 
He knows how easily you can get jealous so sometimes he will flirt with a girl on purpose just to provoke you 
You know that he would never actually do it to hurt you but it still leaves you a bit mad 
You are not afraid to go up to him while another girl is drooling all over him and bring up that he is taken 
“Hey baby, is this a friend you are talking to?”
You are not ashamed of playing the jealous girlfriend card 
It turns him on when you get like this 
He never forgets a special date(anniversary, birthday etc)
Is super pouty when you don’t kiss him back 
You don’t have to worry about finding a seat because you just sit on his lap
He loves you more than words can describe and is so happy he found someone like you
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neraidaastrid · 4 years
The Book Of You & I
Kai Parker x reader
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries 
Word Count:
Prompt: The Book Of You & I~ Alec Benjamin
Warnings: PURE ANGST!!!!!
A/N: Just pretend that when I say “her” or “she” I really mean “he” and “him”. I just didn't change the lyrics because it’s a song. Anyway this is my first songfic and my first kai fic so I hope you like it! I’ve done this in flash backs, so if you don't understand it, thats probably why.
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Well, it all began in the back of her car                                                                   I was just sixteen but I fell so hard
You and kai were in the back of his car. He was laying above you as he pampered your skin with kisses. Giggles and moans escaped your lips from the feel of his lips against your skin. Your hands were intertwined with his above you head, pressured into the seats. The kisses made goosebumps coat your silky smooth skin, and tickled slightly. You wrapped you legs around his torso as he nipped and licked at your neck, trailing sloppy kisses over your jawline.
Well, the years went by and she stole my heart       
Rain poured from the darkened clouds above, soaking you and the heretic. The both of you ran through the trees of the woods. Your hair swayed through the wind, releasing water. Giggles were heard through the splattering of droplets violently hitting the muddy ground. Kai’s hand held onto yours as he pulled you under a bridge for shelter. 
Sounds of rain hitting the bridge you hid under echoed, making it’s own tunes. Kai pulled you into his chest, his eyes admiring your beauty. You hooked your arms round the back of the heretic’s neck, slightly pulling on his hair. Hands possessively grabbed onto your waist, lips smashing onto yours. The kiss was full of passion and love, and you never wanted it to end.
                                                                                                                              But her love ran dry and we fell apart                                                                     I felt her growing distant                                                                                         I knew her love was shifting                                                                                         And all that I could say was
“No, kai!” your sobs grew louder as your shouts cracked. you had just found out that he had slept with another girl. “Tell me it isn't true! please..... tell me.....” it was hard to make a sentence through your sniffles and whimpers. “Y/N.... it was an accident.” kai stepped forwards to get closer to you, but you just stepped back. His face made you want to just hide away and cry.
Don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of your and I                                                        Now you’ve scribbled out my name                                                                       And you've erased my favourite lines
It’s been 3 weeks since you moved out of yours and kai’s apartment. This was the first time you’d stepped foot outside of your new flat. You decided that you should treat yourself to a nice lunch at the Grill. huge mistake. As soon as you stepped foot inside, your eyes flew to the booth with kai and the girl he cheated on you with. Her mouth on his brought tears to your eyes. Water glossed over your sclera at the horrific site before you. When kai finally caught sight of your person, you were already out of the door, once again, raging cries overtook. 
There were so many chapters that we never got to write                                       Like cereal for dinner and staying up all night
The apartment you were in was dark and you couldn't see anything, except for the huge pillow fort you and Kai had built. You were both sat inside with bowls of cereal as you told jokes and laughed together. A lamp in the corner of the fort lit up everything in it. Kai looked hot in the orange lighting. 
Once you'd finished eating you lay on Kai’s chest, his arms around your waist as you spoke. For hours you chatted, not getting tired till early hours in the morning. This man was insatiable, your safe haven. His arms made you feel like the most protected woman on the planet.
I remember where we started, I remember how you looked but now                        I'm missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took                                     You didn't give a reason now, I’ll forever wonder why                                               We never got to finish the book of you and I
“WHY!” You screamed. “Why, why, why.....” At the moment you were trying to make sense of it all, why would he man you love cheat on you. “I don’t know....” It hurt knowing he didn't have a reason, he just did it, and it broke your heat. “Well that’s not good enough!” You stood in front of him, hitting his chest with clenched fists repeatedly.
Well, I bought a pen and I turned the page                                                                  Then I wrote about how I wish you’d stayed
“Kai..... please..... don't leave me.....” You mumbled in your sleep. Whimpers left you as you tossed and turned. “I’m sorry...... please don’t go.......” Kai sat outside of your apartment on the balcony, using his vampire hearing to listen in. He missed you so much, he doesn't know why he did what he did. All he knows is that he loves you and wants you back. 
The sobs that left your body, could have just ripped out Kai’s heart. The guilt he feels is unbearable. Wind gushed passed his heretic body, making his next words inaudible to other ears. “I miss you Y/N”
I said all the things that I never got to say                                                                     Maybe when it’s done I will feel okay
Your mind hadn’t stopped thinking about Kai, even though he broke your heart, you still love him. Your head plagued with thoughts about what he may be doing at the moment, or what he would think of what you were doing. Either one made tears appear in your eyes. 
When you walk passed a mirror, all you can do is cry and scream as to why he left. Why would he be so monstrous as to breaking your human heart. Diary entries piled up in your notebook, all expressing how broken and unhappy you are without him. Pain came to you in waves, just to leave you numb after a huge breakdown. 
Don’t tell me, tell me that you're leaving                                                                 My belly hurts and my heart is hardly beating right                                                      I hate to beg but I'll try one last time
The screams and cries got louder as the pain became mightier. Kai stalked your apartment daily, a swell in his stomach as guilt and shame took over his being. He couldn't hear your cries anymore; they shook him to the core. So with that, he left mystic falls and you behind, too scared to look back.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Just Good Business
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families. Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Slavatores.
It's an affair for the ages.
Written for Day 5 of Klarolin week- Smut.
Thank you, @klaroline-events!
She shouldn’t be doing this. She knew it was wrong, but she honestly didn’t care. She was a married woman and the man she was straddling in the back of his limo as it drifted down New York’s busy streets was most certainly not her husband. Granted, the life they all lived, what could be considered right anymore?
“Are you sure these windows are tinted?” Caroline hissed out, pushed down upon his clothed erection. It wasn’t the first time it happened. Her affair with New York’s most notorious mob boss began months ago. It started out as a power play for him and a way for her to try and feel something; anything. Neither one of them could have imagined that it would have become more than just sex for them. “Klaus?”
Niklaus Mikaelson, the most feared man in the entire city; one who ran not only drugs, weapons, and woman but had more blood on his hands than anyone else, was in love with her. It was an intoxicating feeling.
“I would never let us be seen, Sweetheart. Not yet at least.” Caroline smirked at him and kissed him hard; her teeth nipping at his bottom lip. Her hips rotated again, searching for some friction in order to relieve that pent-up tension she was feeling. It had been far too long since he had been able to touch her. It wasn’t easy for Caroline to sneak away in order to meet her lover, especially when she and her husband are well known in the city; that and in the last few months Stefan had been having her followed.
The marriage between Stefan and Caroline Salvatore was an arranged affair. They both came from very old families who wanted nothing more than an alliance. So, the corrupt Chief of Police married her only daughter to the brother of an even more corrupt "businessman". It did not take Caroline long to realize that her husband was dull, horrid in bed and was in love with his brother’s wife, Elena. Stefan looked at Caroline as nothing more than a possession and barely spoke to her.
Klaus’s finger tips traced up Caroline’s spine while her black backless dress bunched at her waist. His fingers sent shivers all over her body. When he went to lace his fingers through her impeccable up-do, Caroline stopped him.
“Not the hair. I can’t go home looking freshly fucked, now can I?” Caroline replied, nipping playfully at Klaus’s lips. “We still have to let Stefan think that I am his faithful and dutiful wife, don’t we?”
“I can have you widowed by morning, love. Just was the word.” Klaus replied, his hand slipping under her dress. His fingers graced her clit, her panties had been long forgotten on the limo’s floor. Caroline hissed out his name again. He added a slight pressure to that sensitive bundle of nerves just as his lips graced her throat. His tongue peeked out and licked her pulse point. “He would be dead and I could easily make you mine.”
“But your plans?” Caroline whimpered. Klaus slipped a finger inside of her and pumped lightly. Then he added a second finger before curling him, his nails scraping the side of her walls. His thumb touched her clitoris and began drawing circled on it while his fingers slowly fucked her.
“Fuck my plans.” Klaus hissed, his fingers pushed in roughly, causing Caroline to cry out. “I don’t like that he gets to touch you. I don’t like that he gets to fuck you when you’re mine. I want his head on a stick and my plans already changed once.”
It was true. When Klaus and Caroline started sleeping together, he was using her to get intel on the Salvatore family. He originally planned on revealing his affair with Caroline to Stefan in due time after getting everything he needed in order to take down Damon Salvatore. Caroline knew this and in truth she didn’t care. She hated her marriage and screwing over Stefan and Damon was enough for her; even if it meant getting herself killed.
However, when Klaus started falling for Caroline, he shifted his plans. He did not want to risk Stefan getting enraged that his wife was fucking his brother’s rival and killing her; they didn’t call Stefan the Ripper for nothing. So, they changed course.
“He hasn’t.” Caroline whimpered out, grinding down on Klaus’s fingers. He looked at her in question, a smirk playing upon his lips. “Stefan and I haven’t had sex in months, not since I caught him in bed with Elena.”
“Really?” Klaus hissed. He removed his fingers from her and Caroline cursed at him. He just grinned at her, bringing one finger to his lips and licked it clean before doing the same to the other. “You wouldn’t just be saying that so I will go easy on you, now would you?”
“No.” Caroline weaved her fingers through Klaus’s hair, gripped and pulled his head back. She looked down at him, peering into those pearly blue eyes she adored. He kissed him slowly, tasting her juices on his lips. “He said that he was glad I knew and that he didn’t have to pretend with me. He made his opinion very clear. Stay the pretty little wife on his arm while he fucked Damon’s behind closed doors. In return I get to keep my head upon my shoulders.”
“He threatened you.” That was unforgivable to Klaus. “The increase of bodyguards?”
“Just to ensure I don’t spend too much alone time with Damon. Can’t have his brother learning his dirty little secret.” Caroline tossed him a sinful smile and Klaus bucked his hips upward, rubbing roughly against her core. “Pity Enzo is employed by someone other than Stefan.”
“Good man Enzo.” Lorenzo St. John, Caroline’s personal bodyguard and double agent. Klaus hired him to infiltrate the Salvatore business. When he was assigned to guard Caroline, even better. The problem was that Enzo was only one of Caroline’s guards that was Klaus’s man; the rest where loyal to the Salvatore brothers. “And what are you and Enzo up to tonight?”
“Dress shopping.” Klaus chucked at that.
“Such a pretty dress.” His one hand running over the dress, touching her erect nipples through the silk. “It would be a shame if it got ruined.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Caroline ran her hands down Klaus’s chest, slowly inching down farther and farther. When she reached the top of his pants, she bit her lip as though asking for permission to continue. Klaus nodded his head and Caroline unbuttoned his pants, allowing his member to spring free. She palmed him, causing him to hiss at the contact. She gripped his penis and stroked him, picking up the pace as she went. Klaus grabbed her wrist, stalling her movements.
“I want to be inside you.” His tone was rough and harsh, causing Caroline’s arousal to seep down the inside of her legs. She lifted up on her knees ever so slightly, giving Klaus enough room to align himself with her entrance. Slowly, Caroline lowered herself down on top of him; seething him into her heat completely. “Fuck Caroline.”
“That’s the general idea.” She braced her hands on his shoulders and began raising herself up and down on top of him. The feel of him, sliding in and out of her was a feeling she missed the last few weeks. Ever since Caroline had concrete proof of Stefan’s affair, it was harder for her and Klaus to meet; Stefan’s paranoia driving him to do drastic things to protect his secret. But, the feel of Klaus fucking her was worth the wait. “God, I love you.”
“And I you.” Klaus’s hand reached down between her legs to touch her clit again. Caroline cried out his name, loudly. She began to ride him faster and faster, chasing that relief. His name slipping from his lips like a prayer. The sound of the honking horns of New York’s traffic fell away and she could care less if Klaus’s driver knew exactly what they were doing in the back of the limo. All that mattered was finding that release. “Klaus!”
Klaus felt her walls clench around him, sending him spiraling. His release came hard; spilling himself inside her. Caroline let out a long breath and rested her forehead against his. Slowly, once their hearts stopped beating rapidly, Caroline moved off of him and into the seat next to them. Klaus tucked himself away into his trousers while Caroline pulled a handkerchief from her purse to clean the inside of her thighs. She shifted in order to drape her legs over his lap and Klaus immediately began drawing small circles on her skin; sharing smiled between them as he did.
Soon enough the limo pulled to the side of the curb and the driver knocked on the window separating them from the front of the car.
“I suppose that this is my stop.”
“You’ll be safe?”
“Don’t worry.” Caroline leaned over and kissed him gently. “Damon is in a board meeting tonight” which was code for murdering someone “while Stefan and Elena are probably at the house fucking each other while I’m out spending Stefan’s money. By the time they realize I’m home, I’ll be in my bubble bath, drinking a nice glass of Pinot Grigio. Bags and bags of my shopping spree littering my room.”
“Thinking of me I hope, while you’re all naked and wet.” Klaus’s eyes traveled over the length of her and Caroline just giggled. She leaned up and kissed him, before grabbing her purse on the floor. Klaus grabbed her wrist before she could open the door. “Soon Caroline.”
In the end, things came to a close far more quickly than either of them expected. Within the next three months, Caroline would discover she was pregnant with Klaus’s child. Knowing that she would not be able to pawn the child off as Stefan’s, not that she would want to, Klaus had to act quickly. Photos of Stefan and Elena in an intimate position surfaced, causing Damon to go off the rails. He murdered both his brother and his wife, brutally. By the time Damon spared his sister in law a thought, she had already left and was in Klaus’s protection-handing over all of the secrets Damon worked hard to keep buried.
Damon was dead within the week.
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years
Road Trip
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This is part 13 of Vampire Princess. This is also day 14 of my 365 days of fics challenge.
Fic Summary: Damon and Octavia go on a road trip.
Damon Slavatore x OC Octavia
Taglist. I’ll gladly add you: @problematicpastry @butifulsoul125 @tina8009 @panicatangelica @bcfangirlthatswhy @accidentallyoffensivesworld  @kpoplover1306-depressedgirl315​ @toxic-pineapple​ @captured-memory
Part 1  Part 12
I woke up to a pounding head and my whole body hurting. A sharp pain pulsed threw my side something warm and wet in my hair. Opening my eyes it was still dark, I quickly realized why the pounding. I was upside down all the blood running to my brain.
I was trapped in my sister's car in the middle of nowhere with no one around to help me.
Groaning I put my arms on the car roof and try to push myself out, only making me moan in pain and something stab farther into my side.
I look around trying to find something to help me. 
‘My phone, where is my phone?’ I think seeing it nowhere.
I stop seeing someone walking up the road. I blink trying to focus to see if they are real or just something blowing in the wind. My heart speeds up when I realize it is in fact someone. The excitement quickly turns to fear when I realize they are not walking from any car. They were not walking at all. It was more of a crawl. I watch in shock as they seem to pop their limbs back into place.
As the person, stalks towards me I try to get out not caring about the pain anymore. Maybe it was all the blood rushing towards my head, maybe I was just hallucination everything I just saw but I knew that this person wasn’t coming to help me.
Pushing hard on the roof to maybe pop myself free my hand slips in the warm wetness I felt before. Blood, it was blood.
‘Logan.’ I think my brain jumping to the worst thing.
It had to be Logan, how many other things could do what I just seen. Logan was coming back to kill me for what Damon did to him. Because I helped Damon get away.
I was about to be killed by the weatherman. I hung there helpless as he moved closer and closer. Each moment seemed like a slip second. I just needed a little time. Just a few moments.
I felt all the fight leave my body as he reached the car, his feet all I could see. I could stop the blood curdling scream that left my mouth as he started to crouch down ready to pounce on me.
“How ya doin in there?” Asks an all too familiar voice made me open my eyes to see Damon’s blue eyes staring back at me.
“Damon?” I ask my voice cracking as tears start filling my eyes.
“You look stuck.”
“It’s my leg.” I choke out as he jerks the door off.
“Shh shh.” He says right next to me again.
“I’m gonna getcha out of here. I want you to put your hands on the roof.”
“Okay.” I say doing it them getting covered in blood.
“Yeah just like that.” He says softly.
“You ready?”
I nod knowing if I talk I’ll start balling.
“One, two, three.” He says yanking whatever was in my thigh out making me scream, and all my weight go on my arms.
“I gotcha.” He says catching me before my face hits the roof.
He pulls me from the car holding me bridely style.
“You okay?” He asks looking down at me. 
The new found pain making my stomach turn.
“Can you stand? Is anything broken?” He asks
I shake my head him putting me on my feet, only to have my knees buckle. Damon catches me once again.
“Hey Octavia, you lost a lot of blood.” He says his voice starting to get faint.
“Octavia.” He says making me open my eyes.
“Focus, look at me.” He says as black spots start to fill my version.
“It was Logan.” I say as everything stops.
I wake up to rumbling, the purr of a car engine in my ear. I open my eyes to see green trees and fields fly by. Sitting up my head spins, hearts thumping feeling like it was coming from there. I look over to see Damon driving, him turning to meet my gaze.
“Moring.” He says smiling then looking back at the road.
“What happened?” I ask looking at him.
“You were in a car accident.” He says making last night's pain coming back to me. I was hanging upside down covered in my own blood.
“I hurt my leg. I passed out.”
“You gave me your blood.” I say looking down at my fresh clothes. Lifting the waistband of my jeans I see no bandages.
“Right again. You would have bled out if I didn’t.”
“But why?” I ask looking around seeing no familiar sights.
“Wait where are we?”
“No really where are we?” I ask looking from the road to him.
“Seriously were in Georgia.” He says looking back over at me, his eyes looking me up and down.
“How ya feeling? There were no broken bones I checked.”
“I feel like I got hit by a truck how do you think I’m feeling.”
“I would say pretty good considering you had a chunk of car in your left femur just a few hours ago.”
“Of course I did.” I say closing my eyes and laying my head on the window. An imagine of a hooded man invading my mind making me jump.
“Woah easy girl.” Damon says reaching over to pat my leg.
“There was a man.”
“I hit a man and then he got up like it was nothing. It was Logan right?” I ask turning to look at him.
“It had to have been Logan right?”
“That’s what I was thinking, he ran off before I could get a good look at him.”
“But why, I mean all that blood he must have been-.”
“If it was Logan he knows I’m stronger than him so he most likely didn’t want to risk death over some blood.” He says clenching his jaw.
I nodded, not knowing what to say and put my hands between my thighs feeling cold. Doing so reminds me that my phone isn't there, where I always put it when I’m in the car.
“Wait where's my phone?” I ask looking around for it I remember doing the same thing last night.
“No one knows where I am, Elena is gonna freak out I-.” I stop feeling a wave nausea wash over me.
“Damon pull over.” I say him not listening to me.
“Really Damon stop the car.” I say covering my mouth.
“You were more fun when you were asleep.” He says pulling the car over.
As soon as it stops I open the car door just in time for the rush of puke coming up my throat to land on the ground and not my lap.
“Hey.” Damon says softly him suddenly crouched next to me, his hand on my arm.
“I’m fine.” I say wiping my mouth my eyes bloodshot, as my stomach turns again. 
I’m surprised but thankful when he pulls my hair back as I puke once more then dry heave a few times.
“I’m sorry.” I say after I’m done feeling cold and shaky.
“Don’t worry about it. Here.” He says holding out a bottle of water.
“Thank you.” I say taking it from him.
He nods as I fill my mouth full only to swish it around and spit it back out.
“You gotta take me back.” I say looking at him.
“Now why would I do that?”
“I crashed my- Elena’s car, no one knows where I am. I don’t have my phone to call anyone. They will all freak out.”
“Don’t you think your being a bit melodramatic?”
“Damon, please?”
Sighing he stands up and pulls out his phone from his pocket and holds it out to me.
“Here, use mine. Yours kinda didn’t make it, and by kinda I mean I think the car fell on it.”
“Of course it did.” I say not surprised by my horrible luck.
As soon as I take his phone it starts to ring. I look at it seeing Stephan wrote on the screen.
“It’s your brother.” I say handing it back to him.
“Hello brother.” He says answering it.
“Why yes I am with Octavia.” He says grinning down at me.
I’m surprised by the flip my stomach dose. I quickly look down not wanting for him to notice. Looking at my puke I quickly stop blushing.
“No, Elena is not with me. Why are you two having a fight?” He asks in a fake concerned voice.
“Well that’s not my problem now is it. You have your twin and I have mine. Now you have a good day now. Bye bye.” He says hanging up.
“What’s going on?” I ask shivering and looking up at him.
“Stephan and Elena are having their on again off again moments. Now ready to go?” He asks smiling at me.
“Damon no one knows where I am. I have to at least call someone. Let me call Jeremy.”
“Fine, but only after we get to where we are going.”
“Damon.” I say softly not wanting to fight with him, not having the energy to.
“We are almost there.” He says whining almost.
“Fine, but as soon as we get there I get to use your phone, for as long as I want.” I demand knowing I had nothing he wants in return.
“Deal, now back in ya go.” he says grabbing the car door and closing it for me.
He winks and grins at me threw the window then is right next to me starting the car. I shake my head at the whiplash he always gives me. Understanding what that is currently having it. I found it funny how someone could do that with their personality.
I roll my eyes realizing I sounded like Bella from Twilight. She felt the same thing about Edward when she first met him.
It made since now. Well at least with Damon. Stphan seemed pretty easy to get. He was driven and only wanted his happiness, which I got sure but Damon was a whole different can of worms.
He could go from cocky and a playboy to someone who seemed almost broken. I guess that’s why I gravitated towards him more than all the other people in my life.
I knew exactly what it felt like to be one way on the outside and a completely one-eighty on the inside.
He was just a lot better at it than me. Must be the hundred and fifty years of practice.
“Why so quiet? Your normally so chatty.”
“I just don’t feel good.” I say party telling the truth my stomach was still rolling.
“Well just don’t puke in my car, tell me and I’ll pull over.”
“Okay.” I say laying my head on the window, feeling my eyes water. I close them before Damon can see.
Yesterday and today taking a toll on my body.
“Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, just tried.” I say my throat tight.
“You know I can tell when your lying.”
“I know.” I say not caring.
Pulling my feet to my chest I curl up sleep overtaking me.
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mavmerry · 4 years
A vampire Diaries imagine
Summary: A new vampire mysteriously shows up in town and has her own suspicious motives. Damon needs to know what her true intentions of coming to mystic falls are. And maybe because he's attracted and intrigued by her.
Damon's Pov:
I sarcastically smiled at Stefan as he rolled his eyes at my antics. I really don't care about him and that Katherine look-alike.
"Look Damon, I get it. You're here to make my life a living hell but I beg you. Leave Elena out of this." He intensely said as I smirked and poured myslef a Glass of bourbon.
"Well, brother." I began and took a sip. "What's the fun in that?" I finished with a raised eyebrow as he angrily stomped his way out of the house.
Probably to find someway to help him and his pathetic little crush. The only goal on my mind was to find Katherine.
I know she compelled Stefan to love her but my love had always been real. I've spent 200 years trying to find her and in just a few more days, Katarina Petrova will be by my side. Until then the bimbo infront me will have to do.
I wrapped my hands around the girl and led her back to my bedroom.
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Evelyn's Pov:
I smirked as I saw Stefan leaving the Salvatore boarding house. Now was the perfect time.
I started walking towards the porch and on purpose crashed into him making both of us fall backward.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz." I apologized and helped him get up.
Stefan gave me a kind smile.
"It's fine, mistakes happen. What are you doing here anywyas?" He asked as I internally grinned.
"I was actually looking for someone. Do you know where I can find Stefan Slavatore?" I dumbly asked him as he chuckled.
"You're looking right at him. How can I help you miss?" He trailed off. "Evelyn. Evelyn Owens." I told him smiling.
"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked him knowing fully well that Damon was listening. "We are alone." He pointed out with a raised eyebrow as I leaned closer.
"Someone might hear, considering the enhanced hearing." I discretely hinted as his eyes narrowed in realization.
"Come with me, I know a place where we can talk." He said as I followed him. He opened the passenger seat of his car and went to settle down himslef.
My plan was working perfectly.
Stefan has no idea what's coming. Once we were a long way from the house I started speaking.
"I know a way you can prevent Damon from harming Elena." I braced myslef for the anticipated reaction as I found myslef pinned to the car by my neck.
"Who are you." He demanded while cutting off my airsupply. I could easily rip him off of me but that would detoriate my true intentions.
"Just hear me out, after than you can snap my neck if you want." I negotiated as he hesitantly let me go.
"I know about Elena and how Damon wants to hurt her, don't ask how I just know. I want to help you." I said as he looked at me unconvinced.
"Why should I believe you?" He asked.
"Because Stefan you have no choice." I said and we both knew I was right. I fished a Vial of vervain and held it in fornt of me.
"I'm guessing you already know what this is." I said as he nodded.
"You can have it, but I want something." I proposed as he folded his hands across his chest.
"I want a place to stay, just for a month." I said as he scoffed.
"Why would I let you stay in my house." He sarcastically asked.
"Because Stefan, you and I have a common enemy. Damon." I said smirking.
"What do you have Against Damon?" He suspiciously asked as I threw him the vial and he effortlessly caught it.
"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." I said as he gave me an unamused look.
"So Salvatore. Do we have a deal?" I asked as he inspected the vervain in his hands.
Should I do a part two?
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onlymyimagines · 8 years
Damon Imagine
Imagine: Having a one-night stand with Damon
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Damon: THat was....
You: Weird? Strange? Not happening again?
Damon: Amazing. Hot. definitely happening again.
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omgbubbletea · 4 years
Dating Stefan Salvatore Would Include
When you found out he was a vampire you were shocked, but you knew something suspicious was going on with him from the beginning...you just didn’t think being a vampire was the answer 
He is so scared you will see him as a monster and never want to see or speak to him again
Oh boy is he wrong 
You stayed silent for a bit before saying “ok” 
Stefan was perplexed by your reaction. How were you not screaming right now?
You explained how you knew something weird was going on with him and he realised how not so slick he is with keeping such a big secret 
You told him you needed some space right now to think all of this over 
And so he did as you asked
He was so sure you went home packing that night to leave Mystic Falls 
But soon enough, 3 hours later, there you are on his doorstep confessing your love for him and how nothing is going to change that 
Que Stefan’s heart swelling with the fact that you had said you loved him? 
He is speechless for a few moments and you’re scared you had just made the worst confession in history, when all of a sudden you see a giant grin plaster his face
He cuts the space between the two of you with a few steps and pulls you closer to him by placing his hands on your waist. All of a sudden his mouth is on your lips, kissing you so lovingly and passionately that the air is knocked from your lungs and your legs almost give out from under you
Before the two of you can pass out from lack of air, he removes his lip from yours and whispers in your ear “I love you too”
The rest of that night is history...if ya know what I mean (;
Stefan is terrified of hurting you(especially when you first start dating) 
You reassure him that he could never hurt you and that you trust him with your life
A small part of him is relieved that you said this
He is suppppper protective over you 
You notice it when you guys first started hanging around Damon
And when Klaus shows up in Mystic Falls...let’s just say you would be seeing a lot of Stefan 
He teaches you how to defend yourself in case you were to ever need it 
And gifts you a vervain necklace to keep you safe from compulsion 
He knows that you can protect yourself though 
Always makes sure you got home safe by calling you 
Sometimes this can get a bit annoying with him calling you EVERY SINGLE TIME you get home but you understand he just wants to make sure you're ok and not dead in a ditch somewhere 
You bring this up and he soon results into just texting you after a couple hours of you getting home 
Stefan would say he isn't the jealous type...but he is
It may not be that noticeable but when he sees another guy making you laugh or smile he feels a small twinge in his heart  
He knows that you would never do anything to hurt him and that you love him and only him(and you make sure to tell him this when you see him getting a bit jealous)  
Sometimes a guy won’t register that you are taken and just keep flirting with you. Stefan will then take matters into his own hands
This includes cupping your face lovingly and passionately kissing you in front of this poor guy who is so dumbfounded and embarrassed because he thought you were single...and you are not complaining about Stefan’s strategy
You are totally the jealous type
Stefan is one gorgeous man, so naturally, he will attract a lot of women 
This does not make you happy
Stefan knows this and will make it clear to these women(who are practically drooling)that he is already taken 
You should hear the sad groans that come out of these women!
Once they leave, he kisses you hard to seal the statement he had made 
Now let’s just get one thing straight, he is SUCH a gentleman!
Giving you his jacket when you’re cold
Opening doors for you 
Pushing out your chair 
Buying you your favourite flowers(sometimes just spontaneously or when you are not having the best day)
ALWAYS complimenting you on your beauty 
Candlelit dinners 
Slow dancing in the living room
You guys have definitely kissed in the rain on your account to recreate those cliche rom-com scenes
Watching romcoms every Sunday night(he says he hates it, but secretly he can’t wait till Sunday night...Princess Bride is his favourite)
He makes you breakfast in bed 
Baking together(which usually ends in you both covered in flour and making out on the kitchen counter) 
You both cook dinner but you prefer his meals over yours any day 
He doesn't mind PDA
Hand holding
Bear hugs 
Hugs from behind where the other nuzzles their neck into the others shoulder 
Forehead kisses 
Temple kisses 
Kisses on the cheek 
Jawline kisses 
Kisses on the collarbone 
Sweet goodbye kisses 
Sloppy morning kisses
Passionate long kisses when you know you are going to be apart for a while 
Small loving kisses when the other is upset 
Hot and steamy kisses when the other is hungry (;
Him pinning you to the ground with your hands above your head and kissing you deeply 
Desperate kisses in which no one wants to let go(usually when the other gets hurt or almost dies) 
Stefan is the big spoon but on one of his bad days, you will be the big spoon and hold him close in your arms 
You guys sleep with Stefan lying on his back and you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
One of your arms is to your side while the other is laid across his torso
His arm is lightly stroking your back while the other is to his side
He can hear your heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of your chest 
He loves having you close to him when he sleeps so he knows you are always there and so he can protect you 
Wearing his clothes 
Mainly his shirts
You love that they smell like him(fresh laundry with hints of the woods jasmine) 
He loves seeing you in his shirts...but also loves seeing you without them (; 
He tells you everything
His past 
His secrets 
His regrets 
His flaws 
His fears
All the terrible things he has done in his life 
And you listen without judgment 
You can see the pain in his eyes, feel it in his body as he spills his heart out
He tries to stay strong but you can hear his voice cracking 
All you can do is hold him in your arms and whisper how much you love him in his ear 
Nothing and I mean NOTHING will stop you from loving this man! And he needs to know that too
Writing about you in his diaries 
Letting you read all his diaries 
When you first meet Damon you didn’t like him
You thought he was a jerk and treated Stefan horribly 
(you wouldn’t admit it but you where a bit intimidated by Damon)
Stefan definitely told Damon to stay away from you(and was a little bit worried that you might fall for Damon’s good looks and charm but you didn’t)
Over time you started to warm up to him 
His sarcasm and sass started to wear off on you 
Then BANG. You guys are BFFs 
Teasing Stefan together 
Having playful banter 
He sees you as a sister and is so proud and happy for Stefan for finding someone as amazing as you 
You can’t tell me Stefan doesn't use pick up lines on you 
Definitely cracks a few dad jokes(they're so bad that they're so good)
Gives you nicknames(sweetheart, darling, beautiful) 
Deep conversation when the two of you can’t sleep 
Conversations about your feature 
Stefan feels guilty that he will never be able to give you children 
You reassure him that it’s perfectly ok and as long as you are with him your life will be full
You have a habit of singing in the shower(because your voice just sounds so good in there!) and Stefan loves it. Whether you're good or bad, it always brings a smile to his face when he hears your voice
He never fails to make you laugh 
When you smile at him it still gives him butterflies 
You are always a target to the enemy
Enemies have found that the only real way to break Stefan is to break you 
This means that you have endured many forms 
Being kidnapped 
Used as bait 
Used as leverage 
Being held hostage 
And it never gets any better for you or less scary for the Salvatore brothers 
You always know that Stefan will find you but sometimes your head will have you believe another story 
When he does find you, he will show no mercy to your kidnapers 
Katherine has tried to kill you on many occasions(you know she be jealous)
When you're with Stefan you feel safe 
He loves how you make him feel loved
The Mystic Fall gang sees the two of you as the parents of the group 
Going out to party with Elena and Caroline only for Stefan to come and have to get you because you’re drunk and don’t know where you are 
If you're not out with Elena and or Caroline then you're drinking with Alaric and Damon at the Grill(Stefan doesn't approve but at least you’ll be safe with Damon...he hopes)
Caroline shipping you and Stefan to the moon
Him carrying you to bed when you fall asleep on the couch reading or watching something 
You guys definitely sleepover at his house more than yours 
Damon has walked in on you guys and...it was awkward 
It’s like you have moved into the Salvatore’s home except for the fact you have your own apartment 
Staying in bed all day if it’s rainy 
Tickle fights 
Road trips 
When he goes Ripper you are devastated
You feel like your whole world has just crumbled in front of your eyes 
“He can’t really be gone can he?”
But he was 
You would do everything in your power to bring your Stefan back even if it meant risking your life(which it did)
Damon had locked Stefan in the cellar. The plan was to starve him of blood until he slowly but eventually maintained back his bunny diet 
All you could do with your days was sit outside Stefan’s cell and try talking to him, ignoring his pleads for you to leave before he hurt you 
You didn’t want to hear it but he was right 
If it wasn’t for Damon being in the right place at the right time, you would have been dinner 
Stefan couldn’t live with himself at that point. He had nearly hurt you. Nearly drained you of your blood. The thoughts of what could have been brought tears to his eyes
What broke his heart even more was that he could hear you sobbing upstairs. All because of him 
You guys eventually brought Stefan back to his former self and from that point onwards, he wouldn’t stop apologising for hurting you 
In fact, since the “incident” you hadn’t gone back down to see Stefan. So when you saw him again he was “better” and not all “rippa”
At the first sight of you, he broke down, falling on his knees. His breath was raggedy, voice shaking
“I’m so sorry (y/n). I am so sorry that I nearly hurt you” 
His voice cracked at the last part and it broke your heart 
Slowly, you lifted his chin so his red and tear-stained eyes met yours 
“It’s ok Stefan. I know you would never hurt me, it’s ok”
You kneeled down to where he was on the floor and held him for what seemed like hours until he had calmed down and stopped crying
I feel like he is a slow, passionate lover 
But if he is a bit jealous that day he is a bit rougher 
He is top but loves it when you take control
You guys have done it in his car 
(and in Damon’s but he doesn't have to know)
You have done it in the woods while on a romantic date 
Everywhere(and I mean everywhere) in the boarding house 
But your guys' favourite place is the bed(classic and basic)
Rides on his motorcycle 
Late night walks around Mystic Falls with you guys holding hands 
Him admiring your beauty 
You being speechless every time he is shirtless(cause damn he looks good)
In conclusion, this boy would literally die for you and you have no doubt you would do the same for him
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neraidaastrid · 4 years
Prompt list-July 2020
Requests are open so please request a prompt and a character❤️
“You look.....wow...”
“Please....I can’t loose you too”
“Stop acting as though I’m gonna break!”
“I love you more than words can explain.”
“”I’m more powerful than you could ever imagine.”
“Come back! Please....”
“No, it’s too soon.”
“I promise you, i will get you back,”
“Is it seriously that hard to leave me alone for 5 minutes?”
“Stop pretending you don’t care!”
“I can see right through that facade.”
“Is it possible for a woman to be any prettier?”
“Did you invite me here to be a distraction?”
“I expected more from you...”
“Again and again you let me down and I’m sick of it!”
“I just want to be happy....”
“Why is it so hard for you to let people in!”
“You’re an idiot, you know that?”
“You’re lucky you’re my bestfriend,”
“You’re lucky i love you.”
“No, I’m happy that you’re happy, but when i see everything you have, your home, your boyfriend, your kids, your life, it makes me feel so alone that i wanna die!”
“If i see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it.”
“Oh go back to staring at yourself!”
“Do you ever just shut up?”
“If you wanted me dead, I’d be dead.”
“Oh you were so much more fun when you were asleep.”
“You know I can’t sleep without you by my side.”
“Dear diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today, I told him it was joe, that lie will haunt me forever.”
“I heard my name, all good I hope.”
“Well, in case you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a sociopath.”
“You can survive without a spleen!”
“It’s where your boyfriend whispered to you that he loved you.”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“So, this is your girlfriend....?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.....”
“He’s not my boyfriend......”
“Can you like, leave?”
“Are you able to ever just be quiet?”
“I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before.”
“You ignite this spark in me.”
“I don’t think we could ever be just friends.”
“My parents are going to hate you.”
“We are friends, I don’t like you like that.”
“I’m not letting you leave!”
“Stay..... for me....”
“When are you going to learn that you aren’t in control of me!”
“Just go! Everyone else does!”
“Don’t you believe me?”
“I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you, and I’m weak.”
“Fine. Have it your way.”
Must have been the wind- Alec Benjamin
Stay- Gracie abrams
Mean it- Gracie abrams
Obsessed- Dan+Shay
Jokes on you- Charlotte Lawrence
Call me in the morning- Billy Lockett
Addicted- Kelly Clarkson
Secrets- One Republic
A thousand years- Christina Perri
My immortal- Evanescence
Rest of us- Blake Rose
Demons- Alec Benjamin
Because of you- Kelly Clarkson
Story of my life- One Direction
Heartbreak girl- 5sos
If you leave- Meredith Brackbill
Waves- Dean Lewis
You should be sad- Halsey
From the ground up- Dan+Shay
Speechless- Dan+Shay
Close your eyes- Dan+Shay
She will be loved- Marroon 5
Love Ain’t- Eli Young Band
Ghost of you- 5sos
La Vie En Rose- Louis Armstrong
When I was your man- Bruno Mars
Mr brightside- The Killers
Photograph- Ed Sheeran
Kiss me- Ed Sheeran
I wish- Declan J Donovan
Moral of the story- Ashe
I heard goodbye- Dan+Shay
I blame you- Aidan Martin
Tell me it’s not over- Starsailor
I hope- Gabby Barrett
Moving Along- 5sos
The book of you and I- Alec Benjamin
Gone- Blake Rose
19 you+me- Dan+Shay
Long sleeves- Gracie Abrams
Nothin’ like you- Dan+Shay
Dancing with you ghost- Sasha Sloan
Before you go- Lewis Capaldi
So cold- Ben Cocks
Hold on- Chord Overstreet
Lego house- Ed Sheeran
Perfect- Ed Sheeran
Out of love- Alessia Cara
What we had- Sody
Dancing on my own- Callum Scott
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Just Good Business: Chapter Four
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families.
Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Slavatores.
It's an affair for the ages.
A/N: This chapter is a bit lighter and calmer than the rest of the story. It takes place four months after chapter 2.
Four Months Later
Life had become a shit show for Caroline. Once the media got wind that Stefan Salvatore had been arrested for murder, the world turned on its axis. Reporters and journalist all descended upon them like a swarm of locus. Caroline was not a fool. She knew that Klaus owned multiple people in the news business, it was how he stayed out of the limelight, and he was doing this. He was making life very difficult for Damon and Stefan. Their movements were restricted, watched by the entire world. He was smoothing them, putting an insane amount of pressure just to show that he could.
Stefan was able to make bail and was out of his jail cell within days. Their lawyer, Alaric Saltzman, was good and knew exactly what loopholes to look for to get his client out of distress. However, the prosecution insisted that Stefan was a flight risk and needed to be monitored. So, he was slapped with an ankle bracelet and all of his movements were tracked. Now the courts were filled with motions, continuances and a long bureaucratic game of chess on whether or not Stefan Salvatore was going to prison. The public perception was screaming for a guilty verdict. The mansion was under complete surveillance at all times; however, the feed did not go to the FBI. Stefan was caged in; backed into a corner that he had trouble digging himself out of and he knew that Klaus was behind it. He assumed that Klaus was seeking revenge against the death of his brother Kol. A debt was owed and now Klaus was coming to collect. Both Damon and Stefan were feeling the weight of Klaus’s power and she could see behind their eyes that they knew that they were picking a fight they could not win.
But their pride would not let them surrender; even if Klaus allowed them too.
Everything was in lockdown. Stefan and Damon hired more bodyguards and Caroline was constantly followed. It was rare that she was allowed out of the house without someone by her side and the increase of guards made it so that it was not only Enzo that accompanied her. They came in shifts, different people in and out daily that worked for them and Caroline thought it was a foolish move. She knew Klaus would grab at such an opportunity and that some of these men belonged to him; along with an order to step in if Stefan even attempted to lay a hand on Caroline again.
At first, Caroline was able to get out of the house here and there, but it was becoming increasingly harder. If it wasn’t the media tracking her down, Stefan had her guarded. His paranoia was unraveling with his lack of control and he was worried that Caroline would seek out Damon to tell him his dirty little secret. While Stefan was boxed in, Damon had more freedom. He was not so closely watched by the media nor did he have the government, Elijah, tracking his every move. He was able to conduct business and do what needed to be done as long as he was careful.
But it wasn’t easy. Klaus side stepped him at every turn. Klaus had the twelve men that Damon had delivering important cargo from Italy, slaughtered; a bloody massacre that only made the news because the Mayor’s son, Tyler Lockwood was killed in the crossfire. By the time Damon reached the docks, all of the men were dead, and his delivery gone. Turns out Damon was importing weapons that were not legal in the United States, let alone New York.
With Damon’s continued absence, doing the work for both himself and Stefan, Elena found herself at the mansion with Stefan and Caroline more often. The ongoing affair became more frequent; it was the only thing keeping Stefan calm and while Caroline thought it was completely insane that the two of them would act in such a way, with so many eyes on them, she couldn’t help be thankful at Stefan’s calmed temper.
That, and as Klaus had told her months ago, Stefan and Elena would be a tragedy of their own making. It would only be a matter of time before the wrong person said the right thing to Damon, and everything would unravel. All Klaus and Caroline had to do was be patient.
In the meantime, Caroline just tried to live her life as though nothing was wrong and stay out of Stefan’s way.
“I have an appointment with Dr. Laughlin at 8:30. Caroline Salvatore.” Caroline told the elderly nurse behind the desk. Stefan did not even blink when she told him that she had a doctor’s appointment and that it was for her birth control shot. He just told her to ensure that Enzo and Maddox went with her. Maddox was a bigger man, burly, terrifying and dedicated to his job. He was young and very eager; two things Caroline found to be a troubling combination.
“Oh, I’m sorry dear. Dr. Laughlin resigned last month.” Caroline was taken aback. She had not heard that her doctor had left the practice. “No matter. We have you set up to meet with a Dr. Maxfield. I’m sure he will be more than happy to assist you. Have a seat.” Caroline nodded and made her way towards one of the seats in the lobby.
“What’s wrong?” Maddox asked her.
“Dr. Laughlin is no longer here. I was not made aware she left. That’s all.” Caroline pursed her lips. She had her theories. It was known that Dr. Laughlin was dating Stefan’s attorney and Caroline would not put it past Klaus to have her removed. She wished she had been informed of this change but knew that communication between her and Klaus was difficult for the time being. She had not seen him in weeks, let alone spoken to him; minus the scarce messages she was able to pass through Enzo.
“Caroline Salvatore.” Caroline stood from her chair, happy that her appointments were always early in the morning and followed the nurse into the doctor’s office. The nurse went about the normal routine, checking her vitals, weight and asking all the typical questions. She handed Caroline a cup and pointed to the bathroom. She paused slightly, not sure why she needed a urine sample but brushed it off. New doctor and seemingly a more thorough one.
Then she waited what felt like forever. The thing about doctors’ offices were that they wanted their patients to be early only to make them wait. When a knock sounded on the door, Caroline bid entry, relieved. Dr. Maxfield was a man in his mid to late thirties with blonde hair, blue eyes and a gentle face.
“Mrs. Salvatore. I’m Dr. Maxfield. I am taking over Dr. Laughlin’s patients for the time being.” He held out his hand for her to shake. He seemed harmless enough and she knew that Klaus would have vetted him thoroughly. “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Normal. Fine.”
“Well. It has been a bit since the last time you were in.” Dr. Maxfield replied. He looked over her records. “About six months.”
“That’s not right.” Caroline narrowed her eyes. “I come every three months for my birth control shot. My appointments are always made a year in advance.”
“Mrs. Salvatore. You haven’t been here in six months.” Dr. Maxfield insisted. For a second, Caroline wondered why someone would delete her visit out of her medical records; but then she thought back to where she was three months ago.
She was healing from Stefan’s attack. He was facing charges and coming home with an ankle monitor. People in and out of her home, trying to stay alive and do what she could to help Klaus end this miserable existence. When her calendar reminder came up for her appointment, she meant to reschedule and never did. She never made that appointment and when her phone remaindered of this one, she didn’t think twice.
“Shit.” Caroline’s eyes where wide. “That’s why you had me take urine sample. It was a pregnancy test.”
“You’re quick.” He smiled at her. “Congratulations Mrs. Salvatore. You’re pregnant.” Caroline felt as though her entire world came crashing down around her. This was not in the plan. Her and Klaus never once talked about children and what their future held once everything was said and done. She knew she would be with him but beyond that, the future was a mystery. “Without doing a blood test, I can’t exactly tell you how far along you are.”
“Five weeks. It would have to be.” Her mind flashed to that night in the back of Klaus’s limo. She had a few moments out of the house when Stefan asked her to leave the house for the evening. She knew that Stefan was having her followed, he always had for a while now, but she was able to sneak out a back door of the department store she was in. She dressed up for Klaus; wore a little black number that left little to the imagination. It was one of their briefest encounters but suddenly became more significant. That was the only time they had been together since the media storm hit. It had been weeks prior to that meeting that they had been together and weeks since.
“Five weeks.” The doctor smiled kindly, understanding her meaning. “Do you want to see the baby? I can do an ultrasound.” Numbly, Caroline nodded her head. Thousands of thoughts rang through her mind. Did Klaus want children? Could she bring a baby into this world? What was she going to do about Stefan? His trial could drag out for months and if him and Elena continued to remain discrete, Damon may never know of their affair.
Dr. Maxfield left her for a few minutes before returning with the equipment. Caroline laid down and lifted her shirt in order to show abdomen. Dr. Maxfield put some jell on her stomach, Caroline wincing at the cold feeling, and moved the wand around. She watched the screen and looked at the black and white image of her uterus. “It’s too soon to hear the heartbeat but do you see that small bean shaped thing right there?”
“That’s your baby.” That moment when Caroline thought the world was crumbling, vanished. She looked at that small bean and she knew that nothing was more important in the world. She would do anything to protect that baby-her baby. Klaus’s baby. The doctor just let Caroline look at the screen, a feeling of love consumed her. “Do you want a picture?”
“Yes. Please.” He nodded, snapped a picture with the wand and turned the machine off. The moment the image was gone, Caroline felt a sense of loss. The doctor left the office again and she cleaned the jell off her stomach. It took a few moments, that had Caroline pacing the room, before he returned. He gave her a small smile and handed her the photo. Seeing the ultrasound again, had Caroline placing her hand on her abdomen. Caroline continued to stare at the photo while the doctor rattled off recommendations that she would need to follow. She nodded her head, taking note of how to keep herself as healthy as possible.
“Now, it would be best to see you in about a month. Once the holidays have passed should be enough time. We can check your progress from there.” Caroline nodded. A month. That bought her some time to be able to see Klaus. She would have to figure out a way for her to get out of the house and to Klaus. Before she made any sort of decisions, she needed to know where he stood on this.
Much to Caroline’s relief, an opportunity presented itself about four days later…and in the form of Elena.
Caroline was sitting in one of the back rooms of the mansion, staring out at the December snow that was falling around them. The last few days found Caroline kept to herself. Damon and Elena were a constant presence in the home; some new catastrophe seemed to have befallen them, but Caroline tuned them all out. She was too focused on the life growing inside her and wondering how she was going to get them out of this mess.
“Caroline?” She turned to see that Elena had entered the room with an uncertain smile on her lips. Elena moved forward slightly and sat down in the chair by Caroline. “Sorry if I disturbed you. I couldn’t stand to listen to Damon and Stefan fight anymore.”
“What happened now?”
“You don’t know?” Elena looked at her confused and Caroline just shrugged. She knew that they all thought she was a spoiled little socialite that paid little to no attention to what went on around her, and Caroline was fine with that. “Mayor Lockwood is dead.”
“Drowned in her own bathtub. Too much wine according to the news report.” Elena snorted at that. Caroline said nothing in return. It was Klaus. Damon was pressuring the Mayor to pardon Stefan. Klaus was already displeased by the fact that she had made a deal with them previously, he was not about to forgive her again. “Load of bull if you ask me; but I didn’t come in here to talk about Carol Lockwood.”
“Why did you come in here?”
“I need a favor.” Caroline’s expression had to have shown her surprise because Elena sighed. “And to say thank you. For everything.”
“Yeah. Everything.” Caroline knew what Elena was trying to avoid saying but Caroline wanted to hear it from her lips. “Things are bad right now and it will be for a while. Damon and Stefan are trying to find a way to take Klaus down. One way or another, we will figure it out but right now it is hard.” She sighed and looked at Caroline. “You could have made things a lot worse for Stefan and I. I want to say thank you for staying quite…about him and I, I mean.”
“Elena.” It was hard for Caroline to keep the laughter from her voice. “Let me be plain with you. I don’t want to be married to Stefan, no more than he wants to be married to me. You know that.” Elena nodded. “The fact that he likes to fuck you behind closed doors, I don’t care. In fact, it makes my life easier because if Stefan has you, he leaves me alone. Why would I go run to your husband and ruin that? So, what do you want from me?”
“Fair point.” Elena nodded. Caroline skipped over the fact that Damon most likely wouldn’t believe her anyway; not without proof. “Damon will be out tonight. He is going to deal with this issue regarding the Mayor’s death. He has a few meetings and will be gone for a while. I was hoping that Stefan and I could have the house tonight.”
Part of Caroline wanted to tell Elena to ‘fuck off’ but she refrained. Here was the woman, who was fucking Caroline’s husband, asking her to leave her own home in order to for her to fuck Caroline’s husband. If this was not the life Caroline lived, she would not believe that this would actually happen to real people. However, Caroline knew she had a pressing matter to discuss with Klaus and she was not going to turn down this opportunity.
“Really?” Elena replied surprised, her big brown eyes blinking at her sister-in-law in confusion. She thought that Caroline would give her a bit more of a hassle. “Thank you.”
“Sure. I haven’t seen Haley in a while. I might see if she is free.” Elena nodded. Clearly seeing that Caroline had no desire to speak to her, she stood from the chair and left the room. Caroline watched her go, rolling her eyes as she went. She pulled her phone from the pocket of her cardigan and pulled up Enzo’s contact information.
Come get me.
An hour.
See you soon Gorgeous.
Caroline clicked her phone off and stared out the window again before pulling herself up. She walked out of the back room and went up the stairs. The house had gone quiet, the argument between Stefan and Damon seemed to have calmed down. Caroline entered the bedroom and pulled out a pair of jeans and her favorite oversized blue sweater. She changed out of her leggings and tossed the cardigan into the dirty laundry basket, heading into the bathroom to shower. Once showered and dressed, she dried her hair and pulled her it up into a messy bun before slipping on a pair of plain boots.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Caroline looked up to see Stefan glaring at her. Apparently, he was going to speak to her today, after being silent for the last few days. Hot and cold, that was Stefan. Caroline stood and walked over to her dresser, that had been replaced after Stefan beat her, and pulled out a small necklace her mother had given her when she was a teenager.
“I’m going to spend a few hours with Haley.”
“Oh really?” His tone told Caroline that Stefan thought otherwise.
“Elena asked to give you two some space. So, that’s what I’m doing.” She could see the shift in his features. “Ask her if you don’t believe me.”
It took everything inside of Caroline not to roll her eyes as she watched Stefan pull out his phone and shoot off a text. Caroline sat down at the vanity she bought shortly after she got married and applied some light makeup. If she applied to much, Stefan would think she was lying to him. If she applied none at all, he would still be suspicious.
“Okay. Go.” Stefan told her, pushing off the door frame. “Take Enzo and Maddox with you and be back before eleven.” With that, he turned and walked towards the shower; turning it on.
Caroline let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She grabbed her bag that she left by her bed and threw her Stefan-approved phone inside. She peeked through the bathroom door to ensure that Stefan was inside the shower before going over to her jewelry box and opening it again. There was a false bottom and Caroline opened it quickly. She pulled out the ultrasound pictures, her phone that Klaus bought her, and put them in a zipper pocket in her purse before closing the jewelry box.
She grabbed her favorite winter coat, slipped it on and went downstairs. She peaked out of the window, just in time to see a black car pull up. Without thinking twice, she all but bolted out the door. Stefan taking a shower and leaving Caroline unsupervised was perfect; neither Enzo nor herself would have to find a way to ditch Maddox. She climbed into the back and rested her head against the leather seat; relieved to see Enzo.
“How the hell did you pull this off?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Caroline muttered. “Drive before Stefan gets out of the shower and realizes there is not another guard with you.” Enzo nodded and pulled out of the drive. He headed towards the city and Caroline looked at the snowy grounds out the window. “Take me to the penthouse, please. Thank you.”
“Anything for you Gorgeous.” Caroline pulled out her two phones. She turned on the phone she used for Klaus and set her other one to forward her calls. Enzo held out his hand and she placed her Stefan-approved phone into his palm. “I need you to do something for me. Later, not now but in a few hours. I want you to destroy that phone.”
“I’m not going back, Enzo; and I don’t want to be found.” Enzo did a double take but said nothing. He just nodded and kept driving. Caroline scrolled through her contacts and clicked on Klaus’s profile. She dialed his number and waited as the phone rang. As always, Klaus answered for her.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Caroline replied and she could hear Klaus let out a breath. “Elena asked to have a few hours with Stefan and wanted me out of the house.” The look Enzo shot her from the front was pretty hilarious; wide eyes and slacked jaw. Even he, the man who has probably committed murder and other unspeakable crimes, was shocked at the audacity. “I’m coming to the penthouse. Will you be there?”
“I have a few loose ends I need to tie up but heading home. I can meet you there in about two hours. Is that enough time?” Loose ends. Caroline wondered who Klaus was murdering or what trade deal he was making. By the whimpers and groans of pain in the background, Caroline would bet on murder.
“Perfect. Let yourself in.” Caroline smiled. “I missed you, Caroline.”
“Me too.” The disconnected the call and she could see that Enzo had questions, but she needed to speak with Klaus first. The ride passed in silence and while Enzo was possibly one of the most inappropriate people she knew, she thanked him for allowing her this peace.
They followed the typical protocol. The dropped the car off in some random parking garage before taking one of the cars Klaus had planted around the city. They turned off her Stefan-approved phone to stop the tracking device and drove off. When they reached the tall building where Klaus lived, she entered the lobby and went directly to the elevator; punching in the code for the penthouse. The moment the doors opened to Klaus’s home, Caroline kicked off her boots and hung her jacket up in the closet in the hallway; knowing perfectly well that Klaus would ignore the use of said closet.
The penthouse was immaculate and bright. The outer walls were made of windows, looking out over the city while the rest typically held some piece of priceless art. The floor was completely made of hardwood and he had several fluffy throw rugs stationed around the apartment; something noticed was added only once she mentioned she enjoyed those. Caroline had been to his home several times over their ten-month affair and she loved it because no matter how little time she was there, Klaus wanted her to comfortable there.
And she was.
Having some time to kill, Caroline went into his kitchen. It was a large with a startling view of the city. The counters were made of a steel grey with matching appliances. A round table was just off the kitchen island and a bar cart perched under an impressive painting that Caroline was sure cost more than what most people make in a year.
She rooted through Klaus’s cabinets and found enough ingredients for a vegetarian pasta. Cooking wasn’t something she did often because Stefan preferred to order in constantly; unless Elena was cooking then it was a different story. By the time she was almost ready to put dinner on the table, she heard the elevator ding and heard Klaus step out. She smiled, knowing that he was near.
“Hmm. I could get used to this.” Klaus stated as he came into the kitchen. He took off his winter coat and wrapped his arms around Caroline; kissing the side of her neck. She whimpered slightly; a mixture from his nose being cold and just the feel on his lips on her. It had been weeks since they had seen one another, and she knew that he was itching for physical contact as well. “Smells delicious.”
Klaus’s hands moved to slip under her sweater and cupped her bra-covered breast. He began massaging them while his lips sucked on her neck. Caroline’s head leaned against his shoulder and her eyes fluttered shut. His free hand moved down to the top of her jeans, dipping into them and moving down to cup her center.
“Klaus. I made dinner.” She whimpered out. She should have known that he would want to get her in bed the moment he stepped through the door. They had been without one another for far longer than either one of them would like to do again. In response to her plea, Klaus moved her panties to the side and pressed his fingers against her clit. “Klaus!”
“Dinner will reheat. I want you.” His breath was hot on her ear. He nipped at her ear lobe and Caroline moaned. She loved when he did that; a dirty little secret he knew drove her insane. She tried to not moan was he nipped and sucked at her ear, but her resolve was waning. She should talk to him. She should tell him about the baby but after not seeing him and the way his teeth were grazing against her skin and the pressure that he was putting against her clit did not made the decision easy.
“Fuck it.” She turned off the stove and let her resolve break. She spun around in his arms and kissed him. Hard. She pressed her entire body into his and dug her nails into his hair. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Klaus held her easily and moved to set her on the counter. “No. Bed. It’s been forever since I’ve had you in a bed.”
The devilish smirk that appeared on Klaus’s lips made Caroline shudder in yearning. Instead of letting her down and leading her to his bedroom, he lifted her over his shoulder. She squealed in shock and when she half-heartedly demanded that he put her down, Klaus slapped her ass in response. Once inside the large bedroom, Klaus flipped Caroline down on the king-sized bed. She bounced lightly and she couldn’t help but hear her laughter echo off the walls.
“I love hearing you laugh.” Klaus stated as he kicked off his shoes and crawled up her body. Caroline, who was resting on her forearms, met Klaus in the middle to kiss him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and laid back against the bed, pulling Klaus with her. She opened her legs in order for Klaus to rest between them. Klaus immediately began thrusting against her, pushing his arousal against her. Caroline moaned into Klaus’s mouth at the contact. He began pulling at her sweater, pulling it upward. “I need this off.”
“But baby, it’s cold outside.” Caroline teased.
“Then I’ll keep you warm.” Klaus retorted back, causing Caroline to laugh again which only made him smile widely. His dimples appear and Caroline could not help herself but lean up and kiss each of his cheeks before raising her arms up, allowing Klaus to pull the sweater over her head. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra and tossed it to the side. “Beautiful.”
Klaus latched onto her breasts eagerly. He sucked and nipped at one while his hand stroked the other. Caroline whimpered when his teeth grazed her nipple. She arched against his mouth while her nails dug into his shoulders; clawing the fabric of his shirt.
“Why are you still dressed?” He chuckled at her impatience and pulled back. He lifted his Henley over his head and threw it on the ground, forgotten. Using the moment to her advantage, Caroline put her hands on his naked chest and flipped him onto his back. She straddled his hips and rocked herself against him. She brought her lips to his chest, leaving small bite marks across his skin. Her eyes flickered upward and caught him watching her. Klaus threaded his hands through her light blond locks and gripped. He gently pulled her upward, catching her mouth in a kiss.
“No more waiting, Sweetheart. There will be time for teasing later.” Smiling, realizing just how much time they would have to tease one another, she happily rolled off him and began to unbutton her pants. She lifted her hips and pulled them down her legs along with her panties; watching as Klaus did the same. When they both sufficiently naked, Caroline went back to straddling him.
She reached down and grabbed his member, stroking him. Klaus moaned out her name like a prayer. She brought him to her clit, coating his penis in her juices before aligning herself with him. Slowly, she sunk down onto him. The feeling of him stretching her cause her to call her out. Klaus gripped her hips while she placed her hands on his chest. She began to rock and forth, enjoying the feel of him moving inside her.
Caroline knew that Klaus enjoyed watching her ride him. He was one of his favorite positions; watching her take control and use him for her own pleasure. When she began to pick up tempo and her strokes grew harder, Klaus sat up into the sitting position and gripped her hips. The change of the angle caused Caroline to cry out his name.
“Klaus! Please.” She tossed her head back, exposing her neck to him. Klaus latched onto the exposed skin and bit gently. He was always careful never to leave a mark on her and Caroline was done. “Harder. Bite me harder. Mark me.”
“Caroline…” She gripped his hair, pulling it back so he looks at her.
“Bite me. Do it.” Never being able to refuse her, Klaus starting to nip and suck on her neck; marking her. The consequences be damned. Caroline’s hips rocked faster and Klaus reached down between them. He pressed against her clit, rubbing it in circles. “Ah! Do that again.”
Caroline’s orgasm shot through her unexpectedly. Feeling her wither and come in his arms was enough for Klaus to spill himself inside her. It did not last as long as he had imagined it would when he finally got Caroline back into his arms but seeing her lose control like that, it was impossible to hold back. When they calmed down, Klaus laid back down on his bed and let Caroline curl up on his side. She propped herself up on her elbow and peered down at him. She took her finger and traced the length of his nose; causing Klaus to reach out to bite the finger.
“I missed you.” Caroline whispered. “I thought about you every day. Tried to find a way out of that house just so I could see you for more than a quick tryst in the back of a limo.”
“That tryst was quite memorable.” Klaus teased. Caroline bit her bottom lip, he had no idea. “I hate having to let you go each and every time. I want you to stay with me more than I want Stefan’s balls on a silver platter.”
“Charming.” Caroline snorted. She leaned down and kissed him lightly. “I need a teeny tiny favor.”
“Can you go get my purse?”
“It’s in the living room. I have something I want to show you.”
“But it’s cold outside and the bed is warm. You’re warm.”
“The faster you go and get it the faster you can crawl back in here with me.” Klaus gave her an amused sigh. He rolled his eyes at her. He crawled out of bed and walked out of the bedroom; not even bothering to put on the pair of pants. Caroline hopped up, grabbed her panties and that oversized sweater. She dressed quickly and hopped back into bed. Klaus returned with her purse and frowned.
“You put clothes on.”
“Because I don’t want you to get distracted. Now, put on a pair of pants.” Klaus handed her the purse and Klaus rolled his eyes. He grabbed a pair of pajamas pants from his dresser and slipped them on. He flopped down on the bed and looked at her, wearing a smirk.
“What is in that purse that that involved me getting out of this perfectly comfortable bed and away from my beautiful naked girl?” Klaus replied, trying to peer into the purse. She narrowed her eyes and rooted through the bag. She pulled the ultrasound out of the bag and flipped it down so he couldn’t see. She tossed the bag onto the ground and looked at Klaus.
“Okay. So, first things first, I was not expecting this. I was just as surprised and shocked and terrified as you are going to be.” Klaus sat up straighter, his teasing features gone and replaced with a concerned one. She handed him the ultrasound. “I’m pregnant.”
Caroline watched the emotions flash across his face. The color drained slightly, and his pupils darted around, taking in every inch of that photo. He sat up and moved toward the end of the bed, turning his back from her. His shoulders were tense. She could not read his reaction. Was he happy? Didn’t see so but he wasn’t screaming or raging; she was unsure what to think. She wasn’t expecting him to jump for joy, but she didn’t like the silence. Caroline crawled across the bed and wrapped her arms around him.
“I need to know something and please be honest with me.” Klaus whispered when she pressed her head against his back. The tone of his voice was dark, and she could hear the fear in it. “Is there any chance that Stefan is the father?”
The question took Caroline off guard. She had not expected him to question her on whether or not he was the father. Part of her wanted to be insulted; he knew that she did not want to sleep with Stefan nor had she in a long time. Then the calmer part of her brain reasoned that she knew what this was stemming from. He was the bastard child born from an affair; he didn’t want to become Mikael. He was presented with the very real possibility that the woman he loved was pregnant with another man’s baby.
“Please Caroline. Don’t tell me what I want to hear. I need to know.” He turned to look at her and she could see the redness of his cheeks. He must have been tormenting himself over the fact that she was still married to the bastard; that she would leave him to return to the home she had with Stefan. He knew she didn’t want to but that was the nature of their life. She moved around him, putting her knees on either side of his hips; straddling him. “If there is any chance, it doesn’t change a thing. I’ll raise this baby-“
Caroline placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. She then took his face into her hands and looked him directly in the eye.
“I am being completely honest with you when I tell you that Stefan and I have not had sex in months. It had been awhile since that night I caught him with Elena, and he had no use for me in his bed since he had her. There is zero chance that he is the father of this baby.” Caroline grabbed Klaus’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “This baby, your baby, was conceived in the back of a limo during rush hour traffic on a night that I snuck away from my abuser to be with the man I love.”
Klaus leaned up and kissed Caroline and she could taste the salt from his tears on her lips. The kiss was gentle and soft. There was a side to Klaus that he never showed the world. Those who knew him only saw the monster he painted. He covered himself in blood, fear and chaos. He peddled every illegal substance known to man and he was, by definition, an awful human being. However, there was a part of him that truly cared. She saw it when he spoke of his brother Kol or about the day he had to send his baby sister Rebekah away. She saw it whenever he made love to her and held her close to him. She saw the man that hid himself away from the world and she would love him whether or not he was covered in blood or tears.
“You’re not going back.” Klaus whispered to her gently. He moved to stand, and Caroline climbed off him. He pushed off the bed and walked out of the bedroom; Caroline not being able to do anything but follow him. He was in the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of water; the ultrasound still clutched in his hand. She could see his mind at work, a thousand scenarios flashing behind his eyes.
“You can’t go back there Caroline.” He hissed out but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. She watched as he started to pace around the kitchen. “Every time I watched you leave me to go back to that…...hell…. it killed me inside. I never knew if he was going to snap. I never knew if you would be in the wrong place during one of his moods. I saw the pictures Caroline. I saw what he did to Meredith Fell…to you mother. When I saw the bruises he left on your body and all I wanted to do was burn him alive.” “I know.”
“But I couldn’t. It would just make everything worse because when there is Stefan, there is Damon who is just as bad.” He huffed. “I’ve done a lot of unforgivable things. I am a horrible man. I’ve gunned down dozens of men and innocent people have gotten stuck in the crossfire. Just last night I drowned the Mayor in her bathtub. This very evening, before I came home and made love to you, I killed a man who worked for Damon. I will admit everything I have done but selfishly, I love you. I can’t lose you. I can’t lose….” He looked down at the ultrasound. “I can’t lose either of you.”
“I know Klaus.” Caroline stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her head against his chest, listing to his heart pounding widely in is chest. “When I walked out of that house today, I had no intention to go back. I have nothing left there that I want.”
“Good.” Klaus picked up her left hand and pulled the wedding ring Stefan put there almost two years prior off. He tossed it across the room. “Because your mine. I won’t let him touch you again and I swear to you that I will kill him. Maybe not directly, but I will be the reason why he dies.”
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Just Good Business: Chapter Three “the drabble”
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families.
Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Slavatores.
It's an affair for the ages.
A/N: this is a re-posting of the drabble from Klaroline week. I am re-posting it because of how it lines up in the timeline. I made slight changes to it but nothing major (other than taking out the ending for obvious reasons). 
Chapter Three: the drabble 
She shouldn’t be doing this. She knew it was wrong, but she honestly didn’t care. She was a married woman and the man she was straddling in the back of his limo as it drifted down New York’s busy streets was most certainly not her husband. Granted, the life they all lived, what could be considered right anymore? After the incident with her husband, Caroline cared less and less for the fact that she was cheating on him. Her body was just now beginning to heal.
“Are you sure these windows are tinted?” Caroline hissed out, grinded down upon his clothed erection. It wasn’t the first time it happened. Her affair with New York’s most notorious mob boss began months ago. It started out as a power play for him and a way for her to try and feel something; anything. Neither one of them could have imagined that it would have become more than just sex for them. “Klaus?”
Niklaus Mikaelson, the most feared man in the entire city; one who ran not only drugs, weapons, and woman but had more blood on his hands than anyone else, was in love with her. It was an intoxicating feeling.
“I would never let us be seen, Sweetheart. Not yet at least.” Caroline smirked at him and kissed him hard; her teeth nipping at his bottom lip. Her hips rotated again, searching for some friction in order to relieve that pent-up tension she was feeling. It had been far too long since he had been able to touch her. It wasn’t easy for Caroline to sneak away in order to meet her lover, especially when she and her husband are well known in the city; that and in the last few months Stefan had been having her followed. And the media closing in on them due to Stefan’s arrest.
The marriage between Stefan and Caroline Salvatore was an arranged affair. They both came from very old families who wanted nothing more than an alliance. So, the corrupt Chief of Police married her only daughter to the brother of an even more corrupt businessman. It did not take Caroline long to realize that her husband was dull, horrid in bed and was in love with his brother’s wife, Elena. Stefan looked at Caroline as nothing more than a possession and barely spoke to her.
Klaus’s finger tips traced up Caroline’s spine while her black backless dress bunched at her waist. His fingers sent shivers all over her body. When he went to lace his fingers through her impeccable updo, Caroline stopped him.
“Not the hair. I can’t go home looking freshly fucked, now can I?” Caroline replied, nipping playfully at Klaus’s lips. “We still have to let Stefan think that I am his faithful and dutiful wife, don’t we? And with Elijah’s men watching the house day and night, can’t have them thinking I’m a tramp.”
“I can have you widowed by morning, love. Just was the word.” Klaus replied, his hand slipping under her dress. His fingers graced her clit, her panties had been long forgotten on the limo’s floor. Caroline hissed out his name again. He added a slight pressure to that sensitive bundle of nerves just as his lips graced her throat. His tongue peeked out and licked her pulse point. “He would be dead and I could easily make you mine.”
“But your plans?” Caroline whimpered. Klaus slipped a finger inside of her and pumped lightly. Then he added a second finger before curling him, his nails scraping the side of her walls. His thumb touched her clitoris and began drawing circled on it while his fingers slowly fucked her.
“Fuck my plans.” Klaus hissed, his fingers pushed in roughly, causing Caroline to cry out. “I don’t like that he gets to touch you. I don’t like that he gets to fuck you when you’re mine. I want his head on a stick and my plans already changed once.”
It was true. When Klaus and Caroline started sleeping together, he was using her to get intel on the Salvatore family. He originally planned on revealing his affair with Caroline to Stefan in due time after getting everything he needed in order to take down Damon Salvatore. Caroline knew this and in truth she didn’t care. She hated her marriage and screwing over Stefan and Damon was enough for her; even if it meant getting herself killed.
However, when Klaus started falling for Caroline, he shifted his plans. He did not want to risk Stefan getting enraged that his wife was fucking his brother’s rival and killing her; they didn’t call Stefan the Ripper for nothing. So, they changed course. Klaus’s main goal was taking down the Salvatore brothers not just because they murdered his brother, but because he needed Caroline safe.
“He hasn’t.” Caroline whimpered out, grinding down on Klaus’s fingers. He looked at her in question, a smirk playing upon his lips. “Stefan and I haven’t had sex in months, not since I caught him in bed with Elena.”
“Really?” Klaus hissed. He removed his fingers from her and Caroline cursed at him. He just grinned at her, bringing one finger to his lips and licked it clean before doing the same to the other. “You wouldn’t just be saying that so I will go easy on you, now would you?”
“No.” Caroline weaved her fingers through Klaus’s hair, gripped and pulled his head back. She looked down at him, peering into those pearly blue eyes she adored. He kissed him slowly, tasting her juices on his lips. “He said that he was glad I knew and that he didn’t have to pretend with me. He made his opinion very clear. Stay the pretty little wife on his arm while he fucked Damon’s behind closed doors. In return I get to keep my head upon my shoulders.”
“He threatened you.” That was unforgivable to Klaus. “The increase of bodyguards?”
“Just to ensure I don’t spend too much alone time with Damon. Can’t have his brother learning his dirty little secret.” Caroline tossed him a sinful smile and Klaus bucked his hips upward, rubbing roughly against her core. “Pity Enzo is employed by someone other than Stefan.”
“Good man Enzo.” Lorenzo St. John, Caroline’s personal bodyguard and double agent. Klaus hired him to infiltrate the Salvatore business. When he was assigned to guard Caroline, even better. The problem was that Enzo was only one of Caroline’s guards that was Klaus’s man; the rest where loyal to the Salvatore brothers. “And what are you and Enzo up to tonight?”
“Dress shopping.” Klaus chucked at that.
“Such a pretty dress.” His one hand running over the dress, touching her erect nipples through the silk. “It would be a shame if it got ruined.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Caroline ran her hands down Klaus’s chest, slowly inching down farther and farther. When she reached the top of his pants, she bit her lip as though asking for permission to continue. Klaus nodded his head and Caroline unbuttoned his pants, allowing his member to spring free. She palmed him, causing him to hiss at the contact. She gripped his penis and stroked him, picking up the pace as she went. Klaus grabbed her wrist, stalling her movements.
“I want to be inside you.” His tone was rough and harsh, causing Caroline’s arousal to seep down the inside of her legs. She lifted up on her knees ever so slightly, giving Klaus enough room to align himself with her entrance. Slowly, Caroline lowered herself down on top of him; seething him into her heat completely. “Fuck Caroline.”
“That’s the general idea.” She braced her hands on his shoulders and began raising herself up and down on top of him. The feel of him, sliding in and out of her was a feeling she missed the last few weeks. Ever since Caroline had concrete proof of Stefan’s affair, it was harder for her and Klaus to meet; Stefan’s paranoia driving him to do drastic things to protect his secret. But, the feel of Klaus fucking her was worth the wait. “God, I love you.”
“And I you.” Klaus’s hand reached down between her legs to touch her clit again. Caroline cried out his name, loudly. She began to ride him faster and faster, chasing that relief. His name slipping from his lips like a prayer. The sound of the honking horns of New York’s traffic fell away and she could care less if Klaus’s driver knew exactly what they were doing in the back of the limo. All that mattered was finding that release. “Klaus!”
Klaus felt her walls clench around him, sending him spiraling. His release came hard; spilling himself inside her. Caroline let out a long breath and rested her forehead against his. Slowly, once their hearts stopped beating rapidly, Caroline moved off of him and into the seat next to them. Klaus tucked himself away into his trousers while Caroline pulled a handkerchief from her purse to clean the inside of her thighs. She shifted in order to drape her legs over his lap and Klaus immediately began drawing small circles on her skin; sharing smiled between them as he did.
Soon enough the limo pulled to the side of the curb and the driver knocked.
“I suppose that this is my stop.”
“You’ll be safe?”
“Don’t worry.” Caroline leaned over and kissed him gently. “Damon is in a board meeting tonight” which was code for murdering someone “while Stefan and Elena are probably at the house fucking each other while I’m out spending Stefan’s money. By the time they realize I’m home, I’ll be in my bubble bath, drinking a nice glass of Pinot Grigio. Bags and bags of my shopping spree littering my room.”
“Thinking of me I hope, while you’re all naked and wet.” Klaus’s eyes traveled over the length of her and Caroline just giggled. She leaned up and kissed him, before grabbing her purse on the floor. Klaus grabbed her wrist before she could open the door. “Soon Caroline.”
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mavmerry · 4 years
Evelyn Pov:
I hoped in Damon's car and excitedy bounced my leg up and down as he glanced at me.
"Nervous?" He asked as I nodded.
"Kind of, this is my first time going to a real high school." I responded happily as he chuckled.
"Why, didn't you go before you're whole vampire life." He asked as I paled. I couldn't tell him the truth, could I?
As if noticing my hesitation he quickly spoke. "It's alright if you don't want to tell me." He nicely said as I contemplated on that thought for a minute.
"It's okay, it's just that I was always home schooled. From where I come from, it was a dangerous place and my parents used to be overprotective." I honestly explained as he soaked in that information.
"Where are they now?" He asked me as I looked out the window.
"Gone." I simply responded. "I'm sorry Evelyn, I truly am." He sincerely said and for a minute there I believed him.
"When were you turned?" He asked me as I once again hesitated to disclose that information.
"1603." I said as his eyes widened. "Wait you're older than me!?" He exclaimed as I laughed. "Technically I'm just 17 but yeah I'm older than you." I teased him as he disappointedly looked out the window.
As soon as we pulled up I quickly got off and waved Damon a goodbye as he reciprocated.
I could see many faces in shock that the new girl just came out of Damon Slavatore's car.
So much for making an impression.
I walked towards the reception with confidence and compelled the teacher to give me the same schedule as Elena and Bonnie.
I was walking towards my locker when I saw Elena and Stefan talking, smiling.
That guy really was head over heels for her.
I approached them and Stefan looked at me wide eyed. "Hey you made it, Elena this is Evelyn." He introduced me and I politely shook her hand.
"Ah, so you're the Evelyn who pretended that I texted her so Stefan could leave her alone." She said as I nervously chuckled.
"I like you already." She completed as I smiled. That's great and all but where's her friend group?
Just then a mass of blonde enveloped Elena in a hug.
"Elena please tell Bonnie to return my necklace, someone gave it to me as a gift." She whined as I snorted. Yeah, Damon.
"But you gave it to her." Elena pointed out. "For safekeeping not keeping it permanent." She shrieked.
"Caroline meet Stefan's friend here, Evelyn." Elena changed the topic as I waved at her.
"Hey its really nice to meet you and you're coming for a slumber party tonight with me Bonnie and Elena." She staright up said as I looked at her confused.
"Oh I'm usually straight forward so yeah, are you coming or not?" She explained as I mentally cheered. This was the perfect opportunity.
"Yeah of course, it's not like I have any friends here." I shyly said as Caroline awwed.
"Well, I better head to my class." I told them and walked ahead only to bump into someone.
"Are you okay?" A pair of blue concerned eyes asked me as I took a minute to respond.
"Peachy." I said grunting and getting up as he helped me.
"I'm really sorry, I was in a hurry. You look new here?" The blue eyed boy asked as I took a good look at him.
He was actually pretty cute.
"Yup, I'm Stefan's long lost friend. Evelyn." I introduced myslef. "Matt, Matt Donovan." He said smiling as we stared at each other for a moment and the bell intruppted us.
"I better get to class." I said nervously. "Yeah, of course. Same here." He said scratching his neck.
*skip to the end of the classes*
"So, how was your first experience at a real school?" Stefan asked me as we walked to his car. "It was everything I imagined and more." I happily said twirling.
"I saw you getting really cozy with Matt." He teased as I blushed.
"We're just friends Stefan." I deadpanned as he raised an amused eyebrow. "Kinda like you and Elena." I commented while smirking as he groaned.
After a short drive we reached the boarding house. We stopped for ice cream on the way though, can't resist that.
When I stepped out of the car I came to face a very angry Damon standing in front of the door with his arms crossed.
"Where the hell were you!?" He snapped as soon as I got close.
"Um- school remember? You dropped me off in the morning?" I weirdly told him while walking inside.
"I went to pick you up but you weren't their and you were late coming back!" He said with stormy eyes. What was his problem?
"I came with Stefan and we stopped for ice cream. What's the big deal?" I said getting annoyed.
"The big deal Is that I was supposed to pick you up and you weren't there!" He said raising his voice.
"It won't happen again Damon, chill out." I said rolling my eyes as he came close.
"It better not." He said and stormed of into his room.
"What's your brother's problem?" I asked dramatically plopping on the couch as Stefan chuckled.
"Don't sweat it, Damon has anger issues." He explained.
"Yeah, no kidding." I muttered.
Damon's Pov:
I angrily grabbed my keys and walked out of that house. I don't know what came over me, all I know was that I was so angry when I couldn't find Evelyn.
I'm having an internal battle, why did I care about her whereabouts and wellbeing so much? She's just a pawn to help me get back Kathriene.
This girl has been in my life only for two days and she's already affecting me so much. Why?
I entered the mystic grill and ordered the strongest bourbon.
"Rough day?" Alaric appeared as I sarcastically smiled.
"You have no idea." I grumbled while drinking.
"Let me guess girl problems?" He asked as I didn't respond.
I don't really know anymore.
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