#dance dad!Finnick
jhsgf82 · 2 years
Feel the Beat, Always Part I
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A/N: Thanks to @daydreamsandcaffeine​ for encouraging me to write this and for the little brainstorm session! I’m not very good with edits, but above is a little visual anyway. It’s kinda long. Enjoy!  
Katniss raises her arms above her head, stretching her lean, lithe body; she links her thumbs, bends her knees, and arches her chest as she drops her head back, leading with her fingers. Slowly, she goes into a full standing backbend, then drops down and catches herself. She bends her elbows and goes into a reverse tabletop position for about ten seconds, then lowers herself down to the mat.  
She’s been up since sunrise, limbering up and running through her dance routine, twice. Now she’s completing her post-dance stretches. Maybe she’ll go through the routine once more though, for good measure. 
After all, her big audition is TODAY. 
And big shot producer, Alma Coin, is going to be there. 
Dance is Katniss Everdeen’s life. And she’s good at it, really good. Oh, she’s not a star by any means, but she’s managed to land a couple of larger roles which have gotten her name out there, and she’s kept steady gigs in the chorus line of several popular stage shows. It’s been enough to make a living without having to work two or three jobs, which is a small miracle here in New York City. Her place isn’t a penthouse, obviously, nor is it a rat’s hole‒it’s just a simple loft, and it’s just right for her. What she loves best is that there’s plenty of space to dance. 
A small town girl leaving her small town life to make it as a performer in “the big city” is relatively unheard of–well, no, not unheard of. It’s all too common. What’s not common is being successful at it. But Katniss has talent, and she’s aware of it. She can sing; she can dance, and if only she could act, she’d be a triple threat; however, she sucks at acting. But that’s okay. She doesn’t really need to; she can make her body work for her when her words and facial expressions fail her. 
Katniss goes into a butterfly stretch. 
Her mangy old muddy-orange cat, Buttercup, whom she inherited when her grandmother passed, comes up beside her, brushing her with his tail as he passes. He stops to stretch out beside her, elongating his body and sticking his butt in the air as he digs his nails into the gray and beige geometric-patterned rug. Then he trots over and jumps up on her couch and assumes the loaf position. Lazily, he watches her with rotten squash-colored eyes. He blinks at her once, and Katniss’s lips twitch.   
Buttercup, an unlikely companion (and one she didn’t like very much at first), is quite possibly the ugliest cat she’s ever seen with his mashed-in nose and half an ear missing. He was definitely unwanted at first, but he’s grown on her. He’s her only company, truly, the only person in her life, and he’s not even a person. Well, Katniss hasn’t had a date in…some number of years, but that’s okay. She doesn’t really need anyone; she only needs the stage. 
As for family, there’s only her dad. She’s an only child, and her mom left when she was little. She does try to call her father at least once a week. They don’t have much to talk about, but they get each other all the same. For one, he’s good about not guilt-tripping her for never coming to visit; he’s just happy to hear her voice. It’s not that she doesn’t want to go back to New Hope, West Virginia, or maybe she doesn’t. Admittedly, it would be too hard to see…certain persons, namely one, and of course, she’d have to hear everyone drone on and on about how she abandoned the town to make her way in NYC.    
She finishes her stretches, showers, braids her long hair up in a high braid, and dresses in her dance attire as she doesn’t know what the changing room situation will be like‒she hates crowding in a room with dozens of other girls, all fighting over the last mirror. Not that Katniss cares about the mirror so much; she’s not a heavy makeup wearer. She checks the weather, and of course, it’s raining, so she grabs a trench coat and slips into it on her way out. In the elevator, she buttons it partially up and cinches it at the waist.  
Midtown traffic is a killer, per usual. Actually, it seems much, much worse today. What the heck is going on? It takes her nearly twenty minutes to hail a cab, and her once leisurely commute is suddenly a rush. When the cab comes to a stop, she says a silent thanks. But then, she sees a middle-aged woman with long gray hair across the street, and she’s going for the same cab as her. 
Oh no, no way. That’s my cab! thinks Katniss. 
Her competitive side kicking in (and also her survival instinct‒Katniss Everdeen doesn’t get pushed around by anyone), she runs for the cab as fast as she can in her character heels, and without being hit by traffic. Fortunately, it’s come to a crawl. The other woman gets to the cab just ahead of her and opens the door, and Katniss slips right in, calling out, “Thank you!” 
“This is my cab!” the woman screeches. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s a matter of life or death.” Katniss shuts the door and gives the driver the address, and he’s speeding off, leaving the woman standing there in the rain‒she’s lost her umbrella, so she’s getting pelted. For a moment, Katniss feels bad, but she can’t miss this audition; this is her big break. Wherever the woman has to go, it can’t be as important as where she’s going. She probably has some cushy office job, anyway, where it doesn’t matter much if you’re a few minutes late. 
Briefly, Katniss thinks of someone she used to know. He was always such a do-gooder that he’d never approve of this kind of behavior. He’d never make it in this city, she thinks; NYC would chew him up and spit him out. Even so, she decides to do something nice for some random stranger later in his honor; perhaps she’ll buy coffee for the next person in line at Starbucks after she nails this audition. 
Katniss gets to her audition with only five minutes to spare. It’s good she decided to wear her crop top and tights to the audition rather than change there; now she only needs to dry off her shoes a bit, so she doesn’t slip. 
When her name is called with a group of several others, Katniss heads confidently to the stage. She’s not nervous, not really. There was a time when she used to get nervous before auditions, but such a thing does no good. It’s better to appear confident, even if you’re not; although, she is. 
Katniss performs the routine perfectly. She noticed a couple of the dancers getting off the beat, but it didn’t throw her a bit. Those two will surely be cut. She makes it through the first round of cuts, and then the second, and she’s practically flying, her smile wide, her face glowing with hope and just a bit of perspiration. 
“Now, Ms. Alma Coin would like to have a look at you,” Coin’s assistant, who’s been doing the cuts, says. 
Katniss stands tall, strikes a pose, and smiles just as the cab woman walks out on stage. 
Oh crap.
Katniss prays this woman won’t recognize her, but of course, she does, her thin, lipstick-less mouth curling up into a snarl-grimace. Then she hopes for Ms. Coin to be professional, to choose the best dancers, regardless of petty vendettas. But no. She immediately begins dressing her down for her outlandish behavior, says she’d never allow such a disgraceful person to perform in one of her shows. It seems a bit much to Katniss. Just because she inconvenienced her and ticked her off she’s going to ban her from being in any of her shows? And not only that, but Ms. Coin also declares, in an overly dramatic fashion, that her ‘career is over.’ 
She can’t just decide that, announce that she’ll never work on Broadway again! 
Katniss tries to explain herself, smooth things over, but that only results in her accidentally knocking Alma Coin off the stage and injuring her. Not knowing what else to do, Katniss rushes out of the audition. 
On her way back to her apartment, she receives several texts from her friend Cinna. Apparently, someone captured a video of her knocking Alma Coin off the stage and posted it on social media. The ridiculous thing is up to 30,000 views. 
Cinna, what am I gonna do? she texts.  
Cinna: Just give it some time. Lay low and try again after a month or so. It’ll die down. 
A month? she texts back. I don’t have a month. I’m already behind on my rent since the money from my last show ran out, and I’m sure my sleazebag landlord isn’t gonna be happy. 
Cinna: Don’t worry, darlin. Just let me know if you need some money. 
I don’t take charity, Cinna, she texts. 
Cinna: I know.  
Over the next three weeks, Katniss does everything she can to make ends meet, even cocktail waitressing, something she never thought she’d (or wanted to) go back to. Additionally, Cinna had the brilliant idea that she should audition for Portia Rose, a big Broadway producer, who’s apparently the only one not intimidated by Alma Coin. But how is she going to audition for her? Her agent dropped her after the video, and it isn’t exactly easy to take meetings with wealthy show biz people.
Her one chance comes after Cinna does a little detective work and discovers that Portia will be dining at the ritzy Capitol Bar & Grille for lunch Friday afternoon. It might be crazy, but if Katniss can put on a performance on the sidewalk as Portia is coming out of the restaurant, maybe she’ll catch her eye. Dressed in her best dance ensemble, a sparkly silver little number designed by Cinna, she waits outside for Portia. Sure enough, she’s there, and the moment she leaves the restaurant with her group, Katniss goes right into it. 
Unfortunately, Portia either doesn’t notice her or doesn’t care because she walks right by. As she’s trying to get her attention, Katniss runs into a hot dog vendor and ends up covered in ketchup and mustard.    
For the topper on the crap sundae that is her day, and her life, when she gets back to her apartment, her stuff is in the halls and there’s an EVICTED notice on her door in bold black letters. And the locks have been changed. Did her asshole landlord throw her out with no real notice?! Okay, so maybe he’d been threatening her for weeks, but how could he just toss her stuff into the halls and change the locks? It could’ve been stolen! At least he put Buttercup in his cat carrier rather than turn him loose. She considers going to her landlord to plead her case, but he’s already made it clear he won’t be lenient anymore, that is, unless she wants to sleep with him. She’d rather be homeless. She doesn’t want to live in a place managed by such a creep anyway. 
Katniss slumps against her door between the boxes and slides down to a seated position. Her head falls back against the door with a thunk. Buttercup yowls from beside her, and she sticks her fingers through the holes of the carrier to let him sniff her. 
“We’re gonna be okay, Buttercup. We’ll be o-kay.” 
Just then, her phone rings, and as if he sensed her despair, it’s her dad. 
She hesitates, then answers the video call. “Hey, Dad.” She attempts for bright and cheery, but she’s sure she’s grimacing, and she can feel hot tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Katniss hasn’t cried in years, not since her mom left, and she doesn’t plan to start now. 
“Hey, Catkin! How’s my best girl?” 
“Just…paying my dues, Dad,” she mutters. She can’t fake it much longer, but she doesn’t exactly want to give him the deets. 
“It’ll happen, sweetie,” her dad assures. “You’re so talented. You’re gonna make it.” He goes on to tell her how proud he is of her and how he’s saved the playbills she’s sent him for all of her Broadway shows. He’s only made it to one of her shows, but she knows that was difficult enough for him to manage, so she’s thankful. 
“Thanks, Dad,” she says, plastering on a small smile. 
“Are you…sitting in the hallway?” he asks. 
Oh God. She positions the phone to ensure he only has a view of the door, not the boxes and bags littering the hall.  
“Yeah, just, uh, waiting for my take-out,” she says. And he seems to buy it. Her dad knows how much she loves food. 
“Oh,” he clears his throat, “what’d you get?” 
“Chinese,” she answers immediately. 
“Oh. Sounds good.” 
There’s a pause. 
“Well, uh, Dad, I think that’s my food coming up the stairs now, so I better…” 
“Okay, honey. Call me later. Love you.” 
“You too.” She hangs up and sighs. 
She stares across the hallway at her neighbor’s door until she hears a little ding. She looks down at her phone. It’s from Dad. 
Dad: You can’t fool me, sweetie. Just come home. 
Dad: You can stay in your old room as long as you want. It’s all set for you. Haven’t changed a thing.  
Katniss sighs. She doesn’t want her dad to think she couldn’t hack it; she doesn’t want to admit failure. But what else can she do? Presently, this city is sucking the life out of her, and she needs a recharge. She can crash at home, er her old home, maybe get a job and save up some money, and once she’s back on her feet, she can work on getting to Portia again. 
Against her will, her dad bought her a plane ticket and insisted on picking her up at the small New Hope airport. Probably for the best. There aren’t any cabs. Even Ubers are extremely rare. And unless she wants to hitch a ride on Old Farmer Diggs’ tractor, it’s best that she lets her father pick her up. 
They sit quietly in his truck; Katniss has barely said anything since their greeting and hug at the airport. After several minutes pass, her dad starts humming a little song they used to sing together, which successfully breaks the ice, and she starts humming, then singing along. Her dad has an amazing voice, always has. She swears he can make the birds stop to listen. Truthfully, he was her inspiration to get into show business, although she's more confident and comfortable dancing than singing.  
Just as they’ve passed the New Hope sign, “So, uh, heard from your mom lately?” her dad asks out of the blue, effectively putting the ice wall back up. 
“Nope,” she replies. She doesn’t know why he would think she would after all these years.   
Suddenly, Katniss has a terrible thought. Not that she should care about what the person who abandoned her thinks, but… “I hope she didn’t see the video.” Katniss groans. “Or anyone in town. I’d die.” 
“Oh, now, don’t be too full of yourself, sweetie. People around here have other things to worry about, you know. Their own lives.” 
“I know.” 
“Probably just me stalking your Instabook.”
“That’s Instagram, Dad.” Katniss smirks.  
“That’s what I said.” Her dad laughs a little, and Katniss’s lips quirk. But not long after, her lips curve into a frown. “I hate the internet,” she says on exhale. 
“Me too,” her dad replies. “Just keep up with it for my pride and joy.” 
That brings another little smile from her. 
They’re driving past Town Hall when they see Coach Odair and his football team. He’s barking at them to pick up their feet and run faster, so they’re not the slowest football team out there, as well as other little passive-aggressive encouragements. 
Katniss’s dad throws up his hand. “Hey, Finnick.” 
“Hey, Mr. E, how ya doing?” Finnick waves back, then proceeds to ride his team. 
“I see the football team still sucks,” remarks Katniss.  
“Ah, they’ve had their good years and bad. Finn’s a good coach. He rides ‘em hard, but he’s actually a big softie.” 
That sounds about right. 
Katniss and her father make idle conversation about his job in the mines, which Katniss wishes he’d give up, and about the possibility of making the farm his sole source of income, which she encourages. But he isn’t a risk taker, he tells her. Not like her. 
“Some risk taker,” she mumbles. “I take these huge risks and fail.” Katniss sighs, and Buttercup meows from the truck bed. “I really screwed up, Dad.” 
“Oh now, honey. That’s what the term risk implies, that you might fail. But you haven’t failed. This is just one missed opportunity, a minor setback after multiple successes. Like you said, in a profession such as yours, you’re bound to have to pay some dues.” 
“Thanks, Dad.” 
“Come on, gimme a smile.” She does her best to. “Aw, you can do better than that.” 
“This might be the best I have in me right now, Dad.” 
“Ah, that can’t be it. Hey, I know what you need…cheese.” 
Katniss quirks a brow. She does love cheese. Cheese and chocolate: two substances she could pretty much eat (or drink) her weight in. 
“Or better yet, cheese buns!” 
“No, Dad.” Katniss shakes her head. “Can’t we just get some cheese at the market? You know I can’t go to the bakery‒”  
“Not to worry, Catkin. He won’t be there. He’s never there this time of day. I’ll even go in for you, just in case.” 
Katniss waits outside Mellark’s Bakery while her father goes in for bread and cheese buns. She decides to get out of the truck for some fresh air. As she leans up against the truck, she cranes her neck to see if she can see who’s inside working. 
Katniss spins at the sound of the high-pitched affected accent of who could be none other than Ms. Effie Trinket, her dance teacher from when she was a pre-teen through high school. 
Sure enough, there she is. She’s a bit older, though she looks much the same (probably thanks to Botox, and all the makeup). Naturally, her hair is dyed a vibrant color; today, it’s bright pink. She’s dressed in her usual flamboyant style and wearing at least three or four-inch stilettos. She’d always change into dance shoes for practices, but otherwise, she’d be wearing high heels around town. 
“Oh, h-hey, Ms. Trinket.” Although she’s married to the surly town drunk with a heart of gold, she still uses her maiden name. “How are you?”  
“Can’t complain, dear. How are you?” She raises her voice on ‘you.’ “The big Broadway star!” 
Katniss feels her shoulders slumping, but she puts on the hint of a smile. “Fine. Just fine. How’s Haymitch?” 
“Oh, goodness! He’ll be the death of me, I’m sure of it!” she wails. 
“You two are still…together?” 
“Heavens, yes.” Then Effie launches into a number of complaints about her alcoholic husband, who is apparently sober now (for the most part) and assistant coaching the football team, interspersed with sprinklings of praises throughout. These two have an interesting relationship. They’re so different, yet somehow, they’ve made it work all these years. 
“And what about you, dear? Any special man in your life?” 
Katniss shakes her head. “No, not really.” She knew it was a mistake mentioning Effie’s relationship, for it was bound to lead to questions about her own, or lack thereof.  
“Oh, speaking of, I just saw Peeta!” trills Effie Trinket.  
Katniss feels as though a large thorn has been jabbed into her side at the mention of his name. 
“Peeta?” another voice chimes in. “Oh, I saw him this morning!” Delly Cartwright has just strolled up the sidewalk hand in hand with her little girl, a light brunette girl with her hair in buns wearing a pink tutu and leotard. The last time Katniss saw her, she was a baby; she recalls that her name is Emmy. “Katniss! Is that really you?!” 
What is this? A reunion?  
Well, Katniss knew she was bound to run into people from her past in town. But does every one of them need to bring Peeta up?  
Katniss nods and smiles faintly, and Delly claps her on the back.
“I thought it was you, but I couldn’t be sure! I mean, I thought you were in N-Y-C. I’m so glad you’re back.”
“I’m not back,” Katniss protests, though they both seem to ignore her.  
“Ohhh,” Ms. Trinket claps her hands together. “It’s almost as if nothing has changed.” 
Delly smiles. “Minus Katniss and Peeta being attached at the lips, that is.” She giggles.  
Another thorn in her side.  
Katniss rolls her eyes out of Delly’s sight. It wasn’t like Peeta and she were super into PDA. Okay, maybe they were. Peeta, anyway. Oh, he was perfectly fine with showing his affection for her anywhere and everywhere, and he was, quite frankly, hard to resist, so that made Katniss a little more lax on her no-PDA policy. 
“Have you seen him yet?” asks Delly. 
“Who?” Katniss plays dumb. 
“Peeta!” exclaims Delly. 
“Uh, no, I haven’t.” 
“He’ll be glad to see you.” 
No, he won’t, thinks Katniss. 
“You know, back then, you two were pretty cute,” says Delly. “Some people thought you were a little sickening,” Delly giggles again, “but I always thought you two were perfect together. I really thought you were gonna get married and have a bunch of babies.”
Yeah, well, that was a long time ago, Delly. People grow up. They change.  
“Oh, but then you went off to dance school while Peeta waited at home and you got that audition in Manhattan, and then came ‘the text’.” Delly uses air quotes. 
Why is she giving her the play-by-play? As if Katniss doesn’t remember what happened. 
“Oh yes, the text!” bleats Effie. “How scandalous!” 
Katniss certainly doesn’t need to be reminded of the infamous text. She can’t help that she’s no good at saying things and chose the worst way possible to break up with her high school sweetheart. And apparently, Peeta went around telling everyone in town about it. She can’t believe he did that. 
“When you two broke up, it really messed with his head, you know,” says Delly. No, she didn’t. “He was moping around town for months, barely spoke to anyone, and you know how friendly he normally is. We were all very concerned about his depression.” 
Peeta was depressed? Katniss feels awful about that, but it was the way it had to be. It wouldn’t have worked out with her going to New York, and Peeta, quite obviously, wanting to stay in their hometown. Whatever existed between them was nice while it lasted, but it’s gone now. 
“Oh, you remember my youngest, don’t you, Katniss?” Delly pulls Katniss from her reverie, presenting the little girl in the tutu. She’s holding a stuffed pig. “She was in Pampers last time you saw her. Emberlyn. Emmy for short.” 
“Of course, I remember,” says Katniss as sweetly as possible. “Hello, Emmy. You’ve gotten big.”  
“Hasn’t she?! And she’s taking dance now, just like you!” 
“That’s nice.” 
“Ohh, and she’s doing just marvelously!” Effie chimes in. She bends slightly at the waist as she can’t quite squat in her skirt and heels and taps Emmy on the nose. “You know, Miss Emberlyn, Miss Katniss was my star pupil.” 
“That’s right!” chirps Delly. “And star soloist in the choir, too.” 
Wow, that was a long time ago. Does everyone in this town have the memory of an elephant? 
“And now she’s on Broadway!” adds Ms. Trinket with an air of pure pride that makes Katniss feel sick to her stomach. She hates the thought of letting down these people who believe in her. 
“How’s Gale?” deflects Katniss, needing a change of subject. 
But it’s short-lived as all Delly says about her husband is: “Oh, same old Gale, you know.” 
Katniss nods and says, “Give him my best.” 
“Will do!” bubbles Delly. 
“Oh, darling,” Ms. Trinket interjects, “while you’re in town, you simply must come by and see the girls at the dance studio!”
“Uh,” Katniss pauses, “I’d love that, Ms. Trinket…except…” She pauses. Being in a dance studio is the last place Katniss wants to be after the audition debacle; she doesn’t want to be anywhere near anything related to dance, in fact. Plus, she knows her dad was just blowing steam and she actually is under the town’s scrutiny‒it’s a smaaall town‒and she can’t face the looks and little whispers once they learn what a failure she is and how she blew her big shot. And as primitive as this little town is, someone is bound to see that video and pass it along. She doesn’t want to lie to them, and yet she can’t stand the notion of telling them the truth, either. So, she lies. “Except, it’s my dad. He’s sick.” 
As soon as she says it, her dad walks out of the bakery, a white bag tucked under each arm. He shoots her a curious glance. 
“Oh dear,” says Ms. Trinket. “I do hope it’s nothing serious.” She looks between Katniss and her father.  
Katniss looks to her father. “Oh no, don’t worry. I’m fine,” he says. “Catkin is just being overprotective, you know.” 
Katniss glimpses Delly, who also has a concerned look on her face. “Always such a trooper, Mr. E! Well, I’m gonna bake you a casserole!” 
Ah, small town hospitality. 
“Well, um, we…better be going, Dad.” 
“You’ll consider stopping by the studio?” Ms. Trinket jumps in before they can get in the truck. “Perhaps around…5:30? I know you need to take care of your father, but the girls…it’d be such a thrill for them. I’d hate to disappoint them.” 
Katniss opens her mouth, but her father speaks for her. “Of course she’ll be there. I can get by for an hour or two on my own, and we wouldn’t want to disappoint the girls, now would we?” Her father gives her a pointed look, and she’s toast. Although, why would they be disappointed if Ms. Trinket hasn’t told them anything yet? 
Katniss looks between her father and Ms. Trinket then says, “Sure, I’ll be there at 5:30.” 
“Wonderful!” shrieks Effie. “Well, you feel better now.” She pats Mr. Everdeen’s shoulder and announces that she’s off. Delly tosses out some last well wishes, a ‘good to see you, Katniss’, and a promise for that casserole ASAP. 
After waving goodbye to her father, Katniss stands outside the New Hope Dance Studio. She stares up at the brightly painted sign with the dandelions on it, which was hand painted by Peeta, she recalls. She takes a couple of deep breaths before making her way inside. 
The place hasn’t changed much. It’s still painted a bright sunset orange. The reception area is exactly the same with the box of dance-related pamphlets on the counter and a couple of spare leotards and tutus hanging on the wall. She wanders over to the opposite wall with the corkboard. This area has changed a little. Namely, there’s a large framed collage photo of Katniss in various stages of growth in dance attire as well as the newspaper clipping with the story about how a local girl made it big in NYC on Broadway, also framed. 
Miss Trinket hums as she comes up behind Katniss. “I know I only taught you for 6 years 10 months and 22 days before you went off to real dance school in Chicago, but I’d like to think I had a hand in you becoming a Broadway sensation.” 
Katniss turns, smiles faintly, and nods. 
“Thank you, Ms. Trinket,” she humbles herself. “I’m grateful.”  
Miss Trinket sniffles and looks like she’s about to cry. She waves her hand in front of her face, then says with a hopeful expression, “Grateful enough to teach a master class, or three?” 
Katniss sighs. Not that grateful, no. 
“Oh, but don’t worry about that right now.” Effie tugs on Katniss’s arm. “Come on, let’s not keep the girls waiting.” 
Once inside the dance studio, which also looks exactly the same, and could probably use some renovations, Katniss surveys the young dancers while Ms. Trinket brings over a folding chair for her. Delly is also there. She’s a committed dance mom, of course. 
“Have a seat now, dear,” says Ms. Trinket. Then she turns to the girls. “Girls, this is Miss Katniss. She was one of my best students and is now a big Broadway star! Make her feel welcome, please!” 
The girls all clap, save for one. Katniss catches sight of none other than Primrose Mellark off to the side, and she looks none too pleased to see her. 
As for the rest of them, Katniss does her best to commit their faces and names to memory as best she can as Ms. Trinket introduces them. Meanwhile, Delly is signing alongside her. 
There’s a deaf girl with pale skin, amber eyes, and bright red hair. Katniss has already forgotten her name, but her face and nose is elongated like a fox, so she’s calling her Foxface. So, it must be for her benefit that Delly is using sign language.  
There’s Rue, a dark-skinned girl with soft brown eyes who gives off a very birdlike quality. At least she has the body of a dancer, so there could be hope for her yet. 
Then there’s a girl named Camille, who places a flower crown she made atop Katniss’s head. Katniss recalls Peeta doing the same thing one day in the meadow. It feels like so long ago…  
Speaking of Peeta, Katniss knew that Prim was interested in dance because she used to prance around in front of her constantly. And she didn’t seem half-bad for her age. She wonders how she’s progressed. Hopefully, she’s learned some actual steps. 
Katniss doesn’t know Peeta’s youngest sister as well, but she seems energetic, and maintains close proximity to her brooding older sister. 
Delly’s girls are there as well as Finnick Odair’s brood: a little girl with dark brown hair and sea green eyes named Morgan, and apparently, he leaves his son Rusty, a bronze-haired, green-eyed boy, there while he’s at football practice. Rusty just watches and colors. 
Ms. Trinket gets through the introductions, then decides it would be fabulous to have a Q&A session with Katniss, so the girls can learn from a real life success story. 
They ask questions like: When did you start dancing? Does the most talented dancer always get the part? Etc. And Katniss answers in brief. When one of them asks what show she’s in now, Katniss moves on to another topic. 
They’re all overly excited now, as if they’ve had sugar, and just about every one of them has announced that they want to be on Broadway someday. One of them raises her hand and asks how to get on Broadway. 
“Well, first of all, don’t ever make a mistake in front of anyone important,” Katniss says. Alright, so maybe she’s a bit jaded from her recent experience. “But here’s the thing. You don’t always know who the important people are, so that means you can never make a mistake in front of anyone, ever. Oh, and also, hard work and talent.” 
The girls are staring blankly at her. 
Katniss knows she should stop, but she keeps going. “I’d say you all have a .0001 percent chance of making it.” Delly signs it, then adds an enthusiastic little fist pump after as if to soften the blow.  
Despite Delly’s false enthusiasm, their faces collectively fall. And a few of them are even cuddling each other for comfort. But it’s better she tells them the honest truth now before they go out and fall on their faces. They look like criers. 
This seems like a good time to take her leave, so Katniss excuses herself (but not before Ms. Trinket slips a dance competition flyer into her bag). She feels a little bad about dashing those little girls’ hopes, but maybe she’s done them a favor. The life of a Broadway dancer is not at all glamorous.  
When she steps outside, Katniss is blindsided by the sight of her father standing next to none other than Peeta Mellark.
Katniss comes to an abrupt stop and gapes. 
“Look who I ran into, Catkin,” her dad says. 
Peeta is grinning at her. And he looks great. “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” says he.  
“Peeta,” she mutters like an idiot, blinking rapidly. She’s not sure why she’s reacting this way; it’s not like she didn’t know it was a strong possibility she’d run into him while she was home.  
“You remembered.” He smirks. 
Katniss clears her throat. “Of course.” 
“So, the rumors are true. You’re back,” Peeta says. And she can’t tell if he’s happy about that or simply stating the fact.  
“Temporarily,” she clarifies. “I’m just home visiting my dad. He’s…” She looks to her father, who quickly chimes in with the fake story she made up in order to save face, which is probably already going around town anyway. 
“I’m sick,” her father chimes in. “I’ve been sick.” 
“Oh,” Peeta’s brow furrows. “Really? Mr. E, I’m…” Peeta doesn’t finish his sentence, but instead lays a hand on Mr. Everdeen’s shoulder. 
“Yeah…” Her dad gives a clearly fake cough. “I better go rest…in my truck.” 
Peeta nods solemnly, but the quirk to his lip indicates he knows it’s a lie. “Feel better, Mr. E. I’ll bake you a pie,” he promises as he waves goodbye to him. 
Well, at least thanks to her lie her father is going to be well-fed. He’ll have Delly’s casserole and now Peeta’s pie, both delicious.  
Once they’re alone, Katniss offers Peeta a thin smile. “So, um, what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” repeats Peeta, clearly amused. “Did they wipe your memory while you were in New York? I’m picking up my sisters from dance class. Remember Primrose and Poppy?” 
“Of course I remember Primrose and Poppy.” 
They stand there a moment, Katniss shuffling her feet, Peeta staring at his. 
“So,” Peeta speaks up, meeting her eyes again and folding his strong arms across his broad chest. Has he gotten even broader? Peeta always had muscles, but now he’s…like a brick wall. A very cozy brick wall, she’d imagine… 
Katniss shakes off her delusional thoughts.  
“So,” she repeats, folding her arms and arching a brow. She hopes to appear nonchalant, although she feels completely the opposite. 
“So?” he repeats, the corner of his mouth twitching. He still has that damn dimple. Of course he does. She’s not sure why she’d think it would go away, or that it would stop having an effect on her.   
When she says nothing more, Peeta starts up a conversation, filling in both his and her parts. “So, how are you, Peeta? What have you been up to?” he says. “I’m great, Kat. Busy. Baking, of course. Doing odd jobs around town. And my Grandma Mags has been getting a little forgetful, so I’ve been taking over more with my sisters. You know, doing the grownup thing. Oh, and by the way, your dad is still on me about fixing the barn from that time we, uh,” he raises his brow, “accidentally started that fire.”  
Katniss’s cheeks warm, and Peeta adds proverbial fuel to the fire by saying, “Who knew starting a fire,” he winks, “could actually start a fire?” He gives her a sly grin. “Guess that broken lantern had something to do with it, huh?”
“Guess so,” she mutters, suddenly unable to look him in those blue-blue eyes.  
Working up her nerve, Katniss decides to just come out and say what needs to be said. “Look, Peeta.” 
“Mhm?” He strokes his chin and stares at her thoughtfully. Why does he have to make everything so difficult. 
“Since...” She sucks in a bit of air. “Since I’m going to be back for a bit, and we’re clearly going to be running into each other a lot, I should say…I know I broke your heart.” 
Peeta pokes out his lip and bobs his head up and down. Is he mocking her?   
“I know I didn’t end things in the most…thoughtful way…” 
“‘Sorry to do this in a text,’” Peeta quotes, “‘but I’m going to New York, so we have to break up. -Kat.’ No, see, I thought it was very thoughtfully-worded.” 
Katniss smirks and shakes her head at him. 
“I just wanted to make sure, uh, that there weren’t any hard feelings…” 
“Oh, Katniss, Katniss, Katniss, Katniss, Katniss. That was high school. Ancient history. I mean, it’s not like we were ever gonna work out.” 
For some reason, the way he says it so casually and cheerfully turns Katniss’s stomach. 
“Well, I better be going,” says Peeta, reaching out to graze her arm. She feels an electric current pass between them. He then tosses her father, who’s in his truck across the street, a ‘see ya later’
Mr. Everdeen calls out in reply, “That barn’s not gonna fix itself, young man!” Peeta just laughs. 
Katniss is in a foul mood on the drive back to the Everdeen farm. And her dad doesn’t help matters by saying, “Well, it’s good he’s finally over you.” 
Katniss grimaces. 
“At least his skin’s cleared up.” Katniss shoots her dad a bewildered look, and he quickly changes the subject by pulling the dance brochure out of her bag. “Oh, what’s this?” 
“Just some dumb dance competition thing.” Katniss sighs. “Ms. Trinket actually wanted me to teach, can you believe it?” 
“Well, I think that’s nice. Means she thinks a lot of your skill.” 
“No, it means I’m a failure, Dad. I should be doing the dancing, not teaching.” 
“I told you, you’ll get your shot, honey.” 
Katniss huffs. Her dad clears his throat and starts reading through the brochure. 
“Hey, this doesn’t sound so bad. There’ll be all kinds of big name judges there.” Katniss gives a skeptical exhale. “No, really.” He starts naming them off, one of which he claims she is friends with, although she only danced in a benefit she hosted. “Then there’s,” her dad goes on, “Por-tee-uh Rose.” 
Katniss slams on the brakes and pulls off to the side of the road. “Portia Rose?” She snatches the brochure from him, and sure enough, Portia Rose will be one of the celebrity judges at the finals in Atlantic City. 
“I’m going to do it, Dad,” she announces. “I’m going to teach dance.” 
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k0juki · 3 months
♡¸.•*'K0juki's Masterlist'*•.¸♡
Last update: 3. 6. 2024
Requests are closed! but I make exceptions, so try your luck!
Kimi Räikkönen
• Bodyguard!Kimi
• It's just a vase
• Such a tease *
• Race day
• Finnish
• She fell first, he fell harder trope
• You did great
• His girl
• Birthday boy
Mick Schumacher
Mafia!Mick Schumacher
• Mafia!Mick Schumacher
Charles Leclerc
• Charles dating girl who smokes
• "I believe you"
Max Verstappen
• Mafia!Max headcanons
Mafia!Max Verstappen
• Mafia!Max headcanons
• Revenge
• Carneval night
Lando Norris
Vampire hunter x vampire
• You don't wanna dance?
Joost Klein Eurovision
• Just be yourself
• That's what I like * /mine favorite/
• Jealous
• Joost's return
• Where have you been?
• Enjoying this moment *
• Wolf in sheep's clothing /mine favorite/
• Kisses and cigarettes
• Good things take time /coming soon/
• Dating Joost Klein hc.
• Cuddles
• Dad!Joost hc.
• You're mine
Baby Lasagna Eurovision
Nothing yet...
Luke Castellan
Nothing yet...
Jesse tlou2
• Burned cake
Formula 1 Jesse
• F1 Jesse
Peter (red riding hood 2011)
Nothing yet...
Liam Stewart
• Nothing to worry about
• Sleepy headcanons
Samuel "Sam" Witvicky
Nothing yet...
Joe Black (Meet Joe Black)
Nothing yet...
Peeta Mellark
Nothing yet...
Finnick Odair
Nothing yet...
Jasper Hale
Nothing yet...
Eric Coulter
Nothing yet...
Four Tobias Eaton
Nothing yet...
Deacon Frost
Nothing yet...
Will add more🩷
Kind anons here!
• 13. 5. 2024
• 14. 5. 2024
• 14. 5. 2024
• 14. 5. 2024
My favourite Quotes
Butterflies flying through open windows
Writing tips
General tips
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googleincognitomode · 4 months
thg headcanons:
(Trigger warning for phobia, trauma and psychological mentionings)
the Hawthornes have a family song/lullaby: the “I love you song” ( Frankie Valley LOVE song). It all started out with mr h and hazelle having a dance to the song, and then gales dad just starts sing to hazelle and his kids to ‘brighten up their lives’. Gale n hazelle continues on the song to sing the kids to sleep, cuz it is a sweet thing that makes them think of the good times before the chaos.
katniss uses unscented shampoo and conditioners. she hates the reminder of it’s artificial, unrealistic, inauthenticity— like the Capitol. By being unscented and not having any connection to the Capitol, katniss allows herself to be free and unbranded. peeta always uses fresh or sweeter scents: maybe like mint and chamomile. But he ends up smelling like backed good at the end of the day
haymitch is Madge’s godfather like figure. he is close to her mother, due to being connected to mayslee. cuz of this, the undersees trust him a lot and have so much faith with him. he even cares a lot for Madge too, wanting what’s good for her.
Johanna, from the hjacking, developed a phobia of any form of water. cuz of that, she couldn’t take a proper shower or bath for a good couple of years, and won’t visit district 4 (also the pain of losing a close friend). she would clean herself with watered rags and wipe her body clean. she also cuts her hair short, never too short, but short and asks Annie to wash her hair for her— which she always does and hold her hands telling her she’s okay.
To add on, I think Katniss develops on onset phobia of needles. After all the trauma and abuse she got from the capital and the revolution, she hates the idea of needles, cus it just trigger her fight-or-flight reaction to protecting herself. Especially all the episodes of being unconscious, drugged up or injuries beyond repair.
Annie, I think, would want to become a psychologist, or something incredibly similar in the future. She learns to become better and helps other with similar situations to improve themselves to become more at ease. She specifies in trauma/addiction and childhood psychotherapy.
The mellarks adopt another cat and name it dandelion. Similar to the flower/plant motive of the Everdeens name, but also cause it reminds katniss of peeta. Dandelion, the cat, would be blonde with white in it. And it would be always there at the corner of katniss’ eye
Finnick has a massive book collection and poetry collection at his place. Him, Mags and Annie all have a ‘Book Club’ group and talk to each other
Finnick can’t sing anything other than sea-ship songs. Like those old-times pirate/ sea songs. He also sways a little when he stands too still for too long— an old habit that died hard from his youth his his dad owning a boat. Annie smtimes joins him w his singing, and mags too
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3d-wifey · 9 months
And They'd Find Us In A Week - Chapter 4
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader Word Count: 5.09k Synopsis: Here! Playlist: Listen up! A/N: Don't be scared to click the embedded links, you might get an auditory surprise (Ai voice cloning works wonders)
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Past (iv) - You
[16 & 17] - THE CAPITOL
You hover by the open bathroom door, skin buzzing as the Avox cleans your bed. You watch her take off the soiled sheets before replacing them with pristine, white ones. She folds the dirty fabric over her arm, but not before you spot the blood stains. Your abdomen clenches in phantom pain. You wonder if your dad can see you from wherever he ended up. Would he be disappointed in you? Disgusted by what you've done—what you'll continue to do? Well, he can get in line. "Thank you." You whisper before she leaves, and she nods her acknowledgment. She avoids your eyes, but you already know what you would find in them. She feels sorry for you, but it's misplaced. You're sure you pity yourself enough for the both of you. That Avox is taking a piece of you, red smeared on white, and it'll be washed away. Absently, as if through water, you hear the door shut and you're scared that you'll never be whole again. When it was happening, it was like your mind separated from your body. You floated through the ceiling, up past the clouds, and danced around the moon. You haven't fully come back down. You aren't sure if you want to. You scratch at your thighs. You've been doing that since your client left. You scrubbed your skin raw, but no matter how hard you cleaned, you were still itchy. The dirt on your body is no longer skin-deep. You're sore all over, each step sending a sharp ache between your legs as you move to stand next to the bed. The water from the scorching hot shower had stung wherever your skin was broken. You feel flayed alive, vulnerable and exposed. You wiggle your toes, feet warming up from the self-heating floor. What are you supposed to do now? How are you supposed to go on after something like that? Your first instinct is to find somewhere to curl up, but the bed is out of the question. Logically, you know it's clean, you saw it happen. But it feels like a crime scene, like something died there. You need to be somewhere else, anywhere else but here. You hadn't paid much attention to it before, but the hotel hallway is enormous. You're convinced every house in Eleven's Victor Village could fit in here. Twice. It's quiet, with no noise other than the patter of your feet on the floor. When you peeked your head out your door, you expected there to be more activity. You were surprised to find it empty—grateful, but surprised. Finnick did say that Snow put you all on the same floor. Every other person that's been put in this position, all kept in one place. You doubt they'd be eager to socialize. You read the number plates by each door as you search for Finnick's room. 72, 70, 68, 66. You come to a stop. 2064. The door doesn't look much different from your own. You don't know what else you were expecting. You raise your hand to knock and hesitate, apprehensive. He told you to come if you needed him and you contemplate it— Do you need him? This isn't your only option. You can always go back to your room, put towels in the bathtub, and sleep there for the night. All things considered, you've slept in far worse places. You don't know if you've ever made a choice that wasn't out of necessity and you find that you want Finnick to comfort you. It's a childish thought considering where you are, but your gut tells you that you'll feel safer with him. It isn't like he can change what happened or even be able to stop it from happening again. Still. You want to be around him now more than ever.
Don't worry, there's more! For whatever reason, Tumblr refuses to let me post it in its entirety, so if you want the rest, just click this link!
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ssweeterthanfiction · 2 months
Love Story
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content warnings: none! just you and finnick at the eras tour :)
Both of you had gotten up super early to get ready. You had convinced Finnick to wear matching costumes. Well, it didn’t take much convincing, Finnick was more than happy to wear the plastic gold crown and the “Heartbreak Prince” sash you bought him. Anything to make his girl happy.
The whole car ride to the stadium was practically its own concert.
Scream singing new romantics, you belong with me, and a ton of other songs, you both had the time of your lives.
And once you guys arrived at the stadium, the excitement you had in you skyrocketed.
Instantly Finnick went on the merch line and got you as many things as you wanted.
“Finn, please let me pay for something!”
“No no, it’s all on me pretty girl”
You sigh in defeat and allow him to pay.
Once you have your merch, you both head to your seats. And of course since Finnick wanted nothing but the best for you, he did manage to score front row tickets.
Sure he had to sign up for the presale, set multiple alarms, have the website up on his phone, laptop, ipad and on your laptop and then wait on line and FIGHT for those tickets. But it was all worth it to see the smile on your face when he gifted you the tickets.
Now you both were in your seats and Finnick was taking a ton of pictures of you.
“Finnick I think we have enough pictures” you say as you laugh.
He scoffs dramatically. “I never have enough pictures of you”
“Finn, you have an entire album of my pictures”
He rolls his eyes playfully. “Well, I just think that this night is gonna be memorable…so I wanna be sure I capture every moment of your pretty face.”
Your heart melts at his words. You walk close to him and give him a quick kiss.
“I love you so much Finny”
“I love you too pretty girl”
Finally after waiting a while the concert starts.
You and Finnick sing along to every single song from Lover set.
Finnick pulled you in close and slow danced with you to Lover, he even sang the lyrics to you making your heart race.
As the set ended, you could see that Finnick was fumbling with a small piece of paper. You brushed it off as him finding a random piece of paper in his pocket.
What you didn’t see was him passing it back to the people behind you two.
As the Fearless set started, you noticed that Finnick was getting more fidgety and nervous.
“Finny? You okay?”
He looks at you with wide eyes and smiles. “Yea, yea I’m okay, I think I just ate something bad. Don’t worry about me pretty girl, just enjoy the show”
“Oh, alright then” you say reluctantly.
As love story starts playing, you and Finnick both start singing your hearts out.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
As the bridge ended, Finnick was getting nervous and sweating a little.
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come,
You don’t notice when he starts focusing on the lyrics of the song. He’s muttering the lyrics to himself, he wants to get this just right.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring,
Before you know it, you feel a tap on your back. Looking to the side, you see Finnick on one knee.
You hear the cheers and screams of people around you.
And said, "Marry me, Juliet, You'll never have to be alone.”
Finnick’s still singing the lyrics, but replaces Juliet’s name with yours.
You’re crying tears of joy, looking down at Finnick with love in your eyes.
I love you and that's all I really know, I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress.
Struggling to find your words, you manage to nod your head.
Finnick starts crying too. Carefully placing the ring on your finger, he stands back up, wraps his arms around you and kisses you.
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
You pull away slightly. “I can’t believe you did this for me”
“I would do anything for you, Mrs. Odair” he says with a smile.
You can’t stop smiling as you pull him in for another kiss.
He was right. This was a very memorable night.
hope u guys liked this little finnick fic :) (lmk if u guys want more in the future) I know it’s different from my usual billy dunne content but i have always been a finnick odair girly at heart <3
the next part of wait for your love should be done by this weekend so watch out for that!
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angrycommiedyke · 4 months
Thoughts on music in the Hunger Games (trilogy + prequel)
After finishing the trilogy, and especially after Katniss sings again in MJ, I remember thinking of the Hunger Games’ story each time I was listening to folk, country and gospel songs. The lyrics sometimes reminded me of the story and I pictured Katniss singing these songs with her dad. Songs condemning war, songs about working class people, songs about wildflowers and birds. And when I read the prequel, I was so happy to see that music was a big part of it. So here are some things I’ve noticed and wanted to share, sorry if it’s a bit messy :))
1/ Everdeen’s family // The Carter family 
In Tbosas, Maude Ivory sings “Keep on the sunny side”, a song written by The Carter Family who come from the Appalachian mountains, where District 12 is located. Its original members, A.P, Sara and Maybelle Carter mostly sang ballads and mountain songs. Recently, I watched a documentary about the history and origins of country music, and learned that A.P. fell in love with Sara Dougherty when he heard her sing. He was from what was called Poor Valley while she lived in Rich Valley. I automatically thought of Katniss’ parents, her dad from the Seam, her mom, a Townie falling in love with his voice when he sang. Katniss was taught how to sing by her father, and if we consider Maude Ivory to be her grandmother, then the tradition sure has been there for many generations. 
2/ Unity through music 
We don’t have much information about other districts, but I have this headcanon that District 11 and 12 share some of the same songs. We know music is what Rue loved the most, and people there sing at work and at home. Considering that both districts are southern and quite geographically close  to each other, I believe they kept alive some old songs from bluegrass, blues, folk, gospel and country music. (I also hc District 10 as having country music). 
Also in MJ during Finnick and Annie’s wedding, District 12 refugees start to dance to their traditional music, “teach the steps to District 13 guests” and “insist on a special number for the bride and groom” (MJ, p.217). So Finnick and Annie from District 4 and the guests from 13 all “join hands and make a giant, spinning circle where people show off their footwork” (MJ, p.217). I’d like to add that I think they are clogging. Clogging originates from Irish step dancing and developed with Native Americans influences, especially Cherokee, and “was also shaped by African ‘buck dancing’, which originated during slavery.” Therefore this dance is already a mix between Europeans, African and Native Americans cultures. And in this scene, it shows unity between the districts, everyone gathers to dance together and Katniss states “Dancing transforms us” (MJ, p.217). The same way in Tbosas (p.28), Snow’s thoughts when seeing Lucy Gray on stage during her reaping were that “Singing transformed her”, and that he “no longer found her so disconcerting.” 
3/ Snow’s dislike for old songs 
Now in the prequel, we get to see that Snow doesn’t like the old songs, and prefers the recent ones : 
“Some of the numbers bordered on unintelligible, with un-familiar words that Coriolanus struggled to get the gist of, and he remembered Lucy Gray saying that they were from another time. During these in particular, the five Covey seemed to turn in on themselves, swaying and building complicated harmonies with their voices. Coriolanus didn’t care for it; the sound unsettled him. He sat through at least three songs of this kind before he realized it reminded him of the mockingjays. Fortunately, most of the songs were newer and more to his liking, and they finished up with the one he recognized from the reaping…” (Tbosas, p.286) 
Old songs, like “Clementine” or “The ballad of Barbara Allen” are older than Panem. They existed centuries before what caused the almost extinction of human beings in the story. Despite the loss of billions and the destruction of technologies, cities…and freedom, poetry and songs are passed down generation from generation. With them, a part of history. 
Bluegrass “was born from the creativity of working class and impoverished Southerners, Appalachians, and immigrants”, and how can I not think of District 12 when I hear Hazel Dickens sing about coal miners, and how can I not think of Katniss when I listen to country song “Coal miner’s daughter” now ? These old tunes (from bluegrass, blues, folk or country music) sometimes talk about slavery, poverty, workers’ life, hard times, but also hope and resilience. They show survival. And they also set an example of worlds existing before Panem. And in my opinion, this is why Snow doesn’t like them. 
Just imagine if thanks to the songs and lyrics, people knew some parts of what happened before Panem, if they knew the atrocities committed, the wars, revolutions, and struggles. They may not know a thing about the civil rights movement but still have songs about it, like “We shall overcome”. Even songs which have ancient names are rebellious to the Capitol, think of “Country roads”, “My native home”, “West Virginia, my home”, “Sunny Tennessee” or “You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive”. Think of all the songs and ballads telling the stories of people long dead like Joe Hill or Ira Hayes that may have survived. Cause as Rachel Baiman sings, “old songs never die, they just cry and cry out for you to sing them once again”
And it’s neither in the books nor in the movies, so it’s not canon, but in the fan movie where Katniss is a child and goes to the woods with her dad, there are these lines : 
Her dad (D) : “Because what’s in the woods ?” K : “Weapons, and food and mockingjays, and…” D : “All of it exists without the Capitol.” K : “Freedom.” D : “Freedom.”
And I believe that’s the reason for Snow's specific hatred for old songs. Also, the fact that when the Covey sung these, it made him think of mockingjays is telling. I keep thinking there must be an explanation for that, perhaps it's because the mockingjays are creatures who escaped the Capitol’s control just like traditional American music did ; because mockingjays represent a way out of the Capitol’s dictatorship later becoming a symbol of hope and revolt, and old songs can hold the same power.
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irradon · 4 months
a birthday in the middle of a genocide
starting from midnight, in the strange fifth floor haze of my dorm room, the messages have started to flood in. a whole group chat populated with birthday wishes, me flooding them back with heart reactions and endless thank yous. an instagram story there, replies to said story. "liked your story" and mentions. i can't forget that it's her birthday too. i have school and an appointment with my chiropractor today. no mom, i can't have dinner with you and dad tonight. i have meetings until 9pm.
i have not stopped talking about palestine since october 7th. when i believe that i cannot be even more horrified, the occupying entity shows how hopelessly wrong i was. i have cried, screamed for a ceasefire, cursed joe biden and every american politician who has played a cruel hand and profited off of the loss of lives not too different from mine. today marks 22 years since i was born in a california suburb. i cannot see it as anything other than the luck of the draw.
of course, somehow, life survives on in the midst of mass death. it is like any other grief. i find not just pockets but whole days worth of joy and love. my chest goes hollow at the daily let's talk palestine broadcast, as i learn of another bombing, another hospital attacked, the boycott on unrwa. i find my emptiness washed over with such a profound sense of connection to people who feel the same pain, whose voices hold me when mine goes out at a protest. gentle hands behind me, securing my keffiyeh without me even needing to ask. hands interlinked in so many more ways than just physical, dancing the dabke with not just their ancestors, but their brothers and sisters in their homeland. the innocence and beauty of the tale of the three jewels, a love story in gaza during the first intifada.
i've been rereading the hunger games trilogy as a means to reconcile the dystopic nature of my life as a privileged college student who bears witness to the ongoing genocide in gaza. i remember how surreal the story of mockingjay felt when i was ten years old. my mind could not fathom the bombing hospitals, or a crowd of children and medics without a second thought. i read those passages now with crystal clear images of mutilated bodies, parents carrying their dead children, hospitals crumbling as thousands desperately cling to any hope of survival. i think about the moment that gave katniss hope - finnick and annie's wedding. a celebration of real love in a time of war, a way to uphold tradition, to fill life with beauty, song, dance. it is a reminder to everyone of what they are fighting for. it's why katniss chooses peeta in the end. "what i need is the dandelion in the spring. the bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. the promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. that it can be good again."
i suppose this is what a birthday in the middle of a genocide is supposed to mean. every message, the company, the kindness of friends, old and new. it is a testament to the moments we fight for, that our parents and ancestors worked so hard to give us in diaspora. it is a chance for love to flourish. for us to know that unadulterated joy and an unwavering spirit are the highest forms of resistance we can take. so all i can say is that i am grateful for this life, for the beautiful moments and people i have the honor of experiencing and loving. and i remain committed to the cause of ensuring that every person can experience this too. in this spirit i will keep fighting for a free palestine for as long as it takes. until liberation and return for all oppressed peoples. may we awaken to a consciousness that understands that a world of fear and exploitation was never the end goal.
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And the winner is…
@probably-voldemort !!!
CONGRATULATIONS! You were an unstoppable force in this competition, writing everything from a Dancing Disaster (and reminding us why we all love Clurphy) to a Linctavia revengeful fantasy pet tale to demons in a cozy library (with a great new pairing of Jasper and Josephine) to dropping Annie and Finnick from The Hunger Games(!!!!) into The 100 Universe to see how they fare! That’s four (4!) fics and over 18k words during the weeks of this competition! You deserve the title of TROPED MADNESS CHAMPION! Congratulations!
Check out all the fics below:
'til our fingers decompose (keep my hand in yours)
QR/R1 | Rated T | The 100 | John Murphy x Clarke Griffin | 5.9k
Summary: Murphy's existence post-Disappearance was pretty bleak. Sure, he had his own bakery, and, yeah, he didn't have to worry about his mom's drinking anymore, or studying for math tests, but the fire that came from his hands had blistered and burned his skin beyond any repair that even the best training that any of the kids with babysitter first aid could do and had left them useless and constantly in pain. He couldn't do the baking for his store, or even wash his hair.
And then Clarke came to town!
karma is a cat (purring in my lap cause it loves me)
R2 | Rated T | The 100 | Lincoln kom Trikru | 3.7k
Summary: Once upon a time, Octavia would have been happy with getting a pet kitten from her brother for her birthday. Thrilled, even. But that was before a hydra attacked their apartment, and she and Bellamy were whisked away to a summer camp because apparently their dads were gods? Now, her pet aspirations were more along the lines of unicorns and chimeras and hyrdas. Cool, tough pets that a daughter of the God of War could ride into battle.
So the fact that her brother still bought her a fucking kitten? Well, who to better help with taking revenge on Bellamy than a son of Nemesis herself?
drank with the devil (and forgot my name)
R3 | Rated T | The 100 | Jasper Jordan & Josephine Lightborn | 3.3k
Summary: Summoning a demon was on purpose. Having the demon possess Clarke was an accident. But Josie swears she's only here to honour their deal, and, really, could Jasper have a better wingman than a demon?
soon it will be over (and buried with our past)
R4| Rated M | The Hunger Games | Finnick Odair x Annie Cresta | 5.4k
Summary: A technical malfunction of the Anomaly leaves Annie stranded in the Games for over three years instead of a month. Will she be able to find peace after the Games? Or will she lose herself to the will of the Capital?
All fics for Madness can be found here! Thanks for hanging out with us and happy writing! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for info about Troped Timeloop, and a new Trope Exchange Event, coming soon!
xox - S&B
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wreywrites · 7 months
Tiger Shark
Part 7: The Sail
Chapter 47
The hovercraft drops us at the far end of Victor’s Village. As I suspected after going to Twelve with Katniss, the houses are spotless, untouched, pristine. As the hovercraft lifts off, on its way to take Johanna back to Seven, I hear a scream.
I turn around. Jade is sprinting down the middle of the street. I try to shout her name back, but any recognizable sound is replaced by a choked sob as I run toward her.
We crash into each other, a tangle of long hair and tears.
“I thought you were dead!” I sob. “I thought you were all dead!”
“It takes more than a few Capitol bombs to kill us.”
We stand, embracing, in silence, while I try to muster up the courage to ask. Finally: “Dad?”
“He’s not going to be fishing any time soon, but he’s alright.”
I laugh in relief. “Coral?”
“Just fine. We’ll invite her for supper.” She smiles and turns to Finnick. “Odair.”
“See you married my best friend without asking if I was okay with that.”
“In my defense-”
Jade laughs. “I’m kidding!” She wraps an arm around me and starts back down the street toward my house. “We saw the wedding, me and your dad. It was on TV four or five times. You looked so happy. And we were so happy for you.” Then, still grinning, she turns to look at Cassia, carrying a suitcase on Finnick’s other side. “And who are you?” she asks, tone friendly.
“Cassia Vickers,” I say. “She sent me the water. And she helped me get through all those trips to the Capitol. She’s going to live with us.”
Jade nods. “Nice to meet you, Cassia. I’m Jade.”
And just like that, we are in front of my house.
They let me go inside first. My house hasn’t changed. There are shoes on the horrible, lumpy mat in the hall—my first attempt at weaving that I’m so glad I kept—and spears in the umbrella stand, and my big floppy sunhat hanging on a hook next to my flippers. I walk down the hallway, set my bag on the kitchen table. It’s everything from Thirteen. All of Finnick’s stuff and all of mine, and seventy-four files of crossed-off names.
I turn around and there he is. I let out some sort of sound and run to the couch, drop to my knees next to it, throw my arms around him.
“Hey little shark,” Dad says, wrapping me in a hug.
I sob into his shoulder.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
Jade makes supper. She’s become quite the cook, but then again, she’s had to. Dad is still alive, and in quite good spirits, but he couldn’t sit by when the fighting started, especially since, I find out now, he was the one who organized the district-wide fishing strikes. Turns out, he’s been a rebel from the start. When the Capitol tried to beat Four back into submission, one of his legs got blown off by a grenade. But the doctors saved him, and that’s all that matters. Jade’s been living in the house with him since the day we broke out of the arena, when the Capitol bombed the docks. She tried to go home, but her parents lived right off the docks. There was nothing left but ashes and a pair of bodies. So she and my dad took care of each other. I guess they didn’t have much hope left for any of us until Thirteen aired Katniss’s first propo.
“Even then, we doubted you were still alive until they started playing those propos about the other tributes and we heard you talking. And then one afternoon we were watching for the war coverage and they showed you getting married in Thirteen. It was the happiest day of my life,” Dad squeezes my hand. “You looked so happy.”
I smile. “I wish you could have been there.”
“We were with you in spirit,” Jade says, “Though I wish I could’ve had a dance with you.”
Finnick grins. “I think we can still make that happen.”
Cassia, shoveling shrimp and rice into her mouth, pauses long enough to say, “We have to. I have all that money to pay for a big party.”
So we do.
We call everyone, invite them back to Four for the wedding we wanted, the party Plutarch nearly committed treason for. Everyone agrees to be there. Alvan says he will bring our horses. Cashmere says she can’t wait to have two less horses. Gloss and the Leegs promise to guard the cake we are shipping in from the Capitol with their lives.
The only person we can’t get is Katniss. We call the number her mother gave us when she moved to Four to help run the hospital, but the line rings and rings and rings and never is answered. I don’t know why—she was found innocent, and nobody misses Coin. But at the same time I do know why—Prim is dead, and her mother can’t bring herself to go back to Twelve. Katniss is alone with the ghosts, and she is choosing to stay that way.
Even Haymitch comes, tagging along with Hazelle, Rory, Vick, and Posy. Posy shrieks with joy when she sees us, and is even more excited when Finnick hands her an oyster that he bought this morning.
“It’s your first tooth oyster,” he says with a grin, picking her up and setting her on his hip. “We’ll pop it open tonight and see what you get.”
We dance and eat and talk and drink and laugh all night. Just like in Thirteen, kids are asleep on the floor while parents dance and talk around them. People stare at us, all of us, the victors from seven different districts, surviving and living and thriving. Gale dances with Jade, Cassia and the Hawthornes and Cecelia’s kids dodge laughing between tables, my father drinks Leeg 2 under the table while Gloss cheers him on, Alvan is surrounded by a group of children who take turns talking to him just to hear him talk back to them in their own voices, Coral and Cashmere laugh at Mark’s terrible puns while Cecelia tells them to stop encouraging him even as she laughs too.
Plutarch doesn’t say who found them or where, but he arrives at the wedding with the ten crowns of the attending victors. He doesn’t force them on us or make us keep them, but by the end of the night they have all found their way back to their owners.
I wish I could throw mine away. Toss it into the ocean and never think of it again. But I remember the night of the Quarter Quell interviews, standing in front of the mirror with Finnick.
We are victors.
They took so much, but they cannot take that. No one can.
So we keep the crowns.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
Finnick’s house by the Traps is half-built and we are still living in his house in Victor’s Village when the baby comes.
Katniss’s mother, who has been living with us for a couple of weeks now, just in case, declares him the healthiest baby she has ever seen, which she probably says about every baby, but it doesn’t matter.
We name him Beck.
Finnick wanted to name one of the horses Beck, which was how I finally told him.
“I think we should take a page out of Johanna’s book. Beck and Mags.”
“Honey, I know we talked about baby names exactly once and all we decided was that we should wait until after the rebellion to have that conversation, but we need to circle back around to that. I don’t think we should use those names on the horses.”
“Why? Wait! Are you-?”
So we named the horses Ahab and Ariel, and they never have to work a day in their lives.
Jade and Gale come back from Two the next weekend, bearing many gifts for Little Beck. Gale, living proof that people love different people differently, arrives with a teddy bear, the softest blanket I have ever felt, a very cute and very tiny hat, and a question for my dad.
The next spring, we have another wedding in Four. The old crew stays in our finished house by the Traps, with its even dozen bedrooms and only one (very large) kitchen, and we stay up late into the night talking and remembering and laughing.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
We get together every year for New Year’s, just like Finnick promised. The house is full of laughing kids and laughing adults. Dad brings chocolate rolls. Finnick gets out the lobsters we caught months ago and put in the freezer. Cecelia and Mark give everyone their traditional New Year’s gift of a new sweater. Johanna shows up with two gallons of liquor.
We are setting the table when the front door opens and Little Beck shouts, “Aunt Jade! Uncle Gale!”
Coral sweeps them in.
“Thought you were in Twelve?” Peeta laughs, sliding two extra chairs around the table.
“We were,” Jade shrugs, “But Gale said he couldn’t take it anymore so we left a couple days early to stop by and see everyone before we go home.”
Katniss raises an eyebrow at Gale. “Couldn’t take what? Happy and well-fed coal miners?”
“Katniss, he’s living with my mom,” Gale moans, sinking into a chair.
“Who?” Katniss frowns.
“H-” Gale starts. It looks painful. “Hha- Huhhh-”
Jade puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s alright, starfish, you can do it.”
“Ha-hahhhh…” Gale either mimes throwing up or he actually dry-heaves.
“Haymitch!” Jade squeaks. “It’s Haymitch!”
Peeta bursts into laughter.
“It’s not funny! I thought they were just friends after everything, but we got there for Christmas and they’re living together! Posy loves him!”
“Posy loves everyone,” I say with a grin, passing him a mug of coffee.
“She jumped right in his lap after supper.”
Cashmere laughs. “She did that to Finnick too. It’s not new.”
Finnick turns to me, a slight look of panic on his face. “Do you think we should have adopted Posy too? Was she trying to tell us something?”
Cassia laughs. “You two already have a houseful, I don’t think you needed to take Posy away from her brothers.”
“Guys, it’s still not funny!”
Jade kisses the top of Gale’s head. “I think it’s funny to everyone but you. You’d think it was hilarious if it was Katniss’s mom instead of yours.”
Katniss nearly drops the stack of plates she’s carrying. “That’s a horrible thought.”
Gale chuckles. “Yeah, okay, that would be funny.”
“Don’t worry,” I grin, “if your mom managed to live with my dad for two years without them getting together, we should be in the clear.”
“So, Gale, I want to circle back to Haymitch living with your mom, but… starfish?” Johanna cackles.
“Do not-!” Gale starts.
Jade cackles as well. “I took him out on Finnick’s boat one day and he said he knew how to swim, but then he went in and really didn’t-”
“I didn’t know swimming in the ocean was so different-”
“So he started floundering around and totally panicking and Finnick jumped in to help him-”
Finnick and I are laughing now too. I remember this day. Gale just about managed to take Finnick down with him in his best attempt at drowning.
Jade goes on. “And I thought he was going to drown Finnick, and I thought ‘This is not how Odair He Is dies!’ so I just yelled, ‘Starfish! Gale, starfish!’ And thankfully he knew what I meant and he starfished and floated until Finnick got him.”
“Then I got him back on the boat and put a lifejacket on him. So it was just Gale and Little Beck in lifejackets while the rest of us swam like normal adult people.”
“We got a really cute picture of it too,” I grin. “It’s in Beck’s room. He loves Uncle Gale.”
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jhsgf82 · 2 years
Feel the Beat, Always
Here’s a snippet of a new fic. More to come later. @daydreamsandcaffeine​ and I watched this movie, and it was just too cute and so Everlark, and I just couldn’t resist Everlarking it. Fantastic supporting cast, btw. Based on Feel the Beat (Netflix, 2020).  
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Katniss raises her arms above her head, stretching her lean, lithe body; she links her thumbs, bends her knees, and arches her chest as she drops her head back, leading with her fingers. Slowly, she goes into a full standing backbend, then drops down and catches herself. She bends her elbows and goes into a reverse tabletop position for about ten seconds, then lowers herself down to the mat.  
She’s been up since sunrise, limbering up and running through her dance routine, twice. Now she’s completing her post-dance stretches. Maybe she’ll go through the routine once more, though, for good measure. 
After all, her big audition is TODAY. 
And big shot producer Alma Coin is going to be there. 
Dance is Katniss Everdeen’s life. And she’s good at it, really good. Oh, she’s not a star by any means, but she’s managed to land a couple of larger roles which have gotten her name out there, and she’s kept steady gigs in the chorus line of several popular stage shows. It’s been enough to make a living without having to work two or three jobs, which is a small miracle here in New York City. Her place isn’t a penthouse, obviously, nor is it a rat’s hole‒it’s just a simple loft, and it’s just right for her. What she loves best is that there’s plenty of space to dance. 
A small town girl leaving her small town life to make it as a performer in “the big city” is relatively unheard of–well, no, not unheard of. It’s all too common, actually. What’s not common is to be successful at it. But Katniss has talent, and she’s aware of it. She can sing; she can dance, and if only she could act, she’d be a triple threat; however, she sucks at acting. But that’s okay. She doesn’t really need to; she can make her body work for her when her words and facial expressions fail her. 
Katniss goes into a butterfly stretch. 
Her mangy old muddy-orange cat, Buttercup, whom she inherited when her grandmother passed, comes up beside her, brushing her with his tail as he passes. He stops beside her to stretch out, too, elongating his body and sticking his butt in the air as he digs his nails into the gray and beige geometric-patterned rug. Then he trots over and jumps up on her couch and assumes the loaf position. Lazily, he watches her with rotten squash-colored eyes. He blinks at her once, and Katniss’s lips twitch.   
Buttercup, an unlikely companion (and one she didn’t like very much at first), is quite possibly the ugliest cat she’s ever seen with his mashed-in nose and half an ear missing. He was definitely unwanted at first, but he’s grown on her. He’s her only company, truly, the only person in her life, and he’s not even a person. Katniss hasn’t had a date in…some number of years, but that’s okay. She doesn’t really need anyone; she only needs the stage. 
As for family, there’s only her dad. She was an only child, and her mom left when she was little. She does try to call her father at least once a week. They don’t have much to talk about, but they get each other all the same. For one, he’s good about not guilt-tripping her for never coming to visit; he’s just happy to hear her voice. It’s not that she doesn’t want to go back to New Hope, West Virginia, or maybe she doesn’t. Admittedly, it would be too hard to see…certain persons, namely one, and of course, she’d have to hear everyone drone on and on endlessly about how she abandoned the town to make her way in NYC.    
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vindlcated · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Damien Angelus Ardeleanu
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: Finnick Odair (Catching Fire & Mockingjay), Lucerys Velaryon & Aemond Targaryen (House of th Dragon), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries), Inuyasha (titular character), Nezuko Kamada (Demonslayer), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire [2022]), Chandler Bing (FRIENDS), Victor, Ben, & Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Ellie Williams (The Last of Us P. 2)
FACE CLAIM: Matthew Daddario
GENDER: He/him, cis man
BIRTHDAY: June 6th, ????
AGE:  29/1k+
SPECIES: Original Vampire
OCCUPATION: Owner of Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo
LIVES IN: Sunnyside (same building as tattoo shop—his apartment is right above the shop!)
CW: Death/Violence
❝ the taste of ink is getting old ❞ The Taste of Ink name by The Used
Positive: Charismatic ◇ Protective  ◇ Resilient   Negative: Rebellious  ◇ Vindictive  ◇ Melancholy 
Their Priorities: He’s chilling. He’s been around too long to have major priorities. He only wants to make sure people he cares about are doing okay and that his shop is doing good and he can still do art.
Muse’s soft spot: Cats
Greatest strength: He has quite the protective nature. Quite dangerous if he’s going to be protective of someone. 
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: This is the irony isn’t it? The people he cares about are always, simultaneously, his weakness. Both weakness and strength. 
Muse’s secret: TBD Hobbies: Doing anything with art, writing & reading, composing music, and of course tattooing. He likes being around people he considers friends. Even though he’s a homebody, he’s very capable of being coerced into other activities such as attending a concert, going to the movies, and taking strolls. He enjoys dancing but rarely, and his dancing is very particular and of older times (craves the intimacy!) and enjoys poking fun of whatever modern generation dominates the world. He enjoys learning! Loves education so yeah loves learning. Knitting & crocheting. Things they love: Cats, cats, cats. Art, of course. Loves to master any bit of new technology. Being with people he cares about. Cats again.  Pet Peeves: People that know what he is, and then they eat in front of him and then offer him food, People that interrupt his or other employees’ work, obnoxious clients, threats made towards people he cares about (and this does include his employees), easily gets annoyed when he doesn’t understand a newer, modern concept that seems obvious to everybody else
DAMIEN ANGELUS ARDELEANU was born over a thousand years ago in the region of Transylvania in Romania. He was a part of a rather regular family and for the most part, this was a multi-generational household. He really adored his siblings growing up and his parents, though weirdly enough, dad sometimes left for long periods of time. He was definitely a mama's boy, and it was sad and worrying when she grew ill and passed away. After it became evident what was happening and Damien and the rest of his siblings were cursed all because of their father's actions, things changed. They were... monsters. They were a new kind of monster that never had stepped foot on this earth, with great power and a thirst for blood.
Within the family of original vampire siblings was the eldest brother who gave himself the daunting deed of being the patriarch of the family. Damien hated this, especially after the first three hundred years. This was when he wanted to go his own way, do as he wished and didn't want to follow whatever strict rules were put in place for the family to be a responsible set of originals. So, he lashed out. First, at his eldest brother, and then in an anger towards his other siblings, he went on a murder spree in the village they were currently staying at. He completely saw red. Couldn't stop until it was over. It was the first and last time he'd ever committed such violence in that manner. But it's an event he forever remembers in his head and one he wishes he could forget. Sadly, as it turns out, he is capable of horrible things.
He lost many of his direct fledglings. It was bad luck, but newborns his direct fledglings created seemed to go on just fine, thus Damien's vampire line is strong enough after all those years. He is very selective with who he turns now, solely because he's afraid they'll end up dying on him. Though one fledgling he did create ended up being the love of his life who was about to die from the black plague. It's unfortunate how things turned out, solely because Damien had done it out of selfish reasons—he didn't want to lose his love, even if his love wished to not be turned into a vampire. At the moment, Damien turned a woman more recently—about a week ago—after befriending her at a concert. It was too save her life, and unlike his love, she was grateful. Though as a baby fledgling, Damien's got his hands tied with making sure she's the best she can be at being a vampire.
Damien currently resides in Los Santos. He's been living there for forty years. At first, hiding in plain sight was easy enough, until it became obvious to humans that there were supernatural creatures amongst them. His tattoo and piercing shop, Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo, has had a reputable reputation for thirty-five years and is very inclusive to creatures and humans alike—both employees and clientele. Art is one of the reasons he manages to drag himself out of bed, along with his Norwegian Forest Cat, Emilia (or Emmy for short), and of course, as been said many times before, the people he cares about.
MUSE AESTHETICS  ◇ Tattoos  ◇ Cats  ◇ Darkness
Siblings (2/4): Rhysand Ardeleanu & Soreana Ardeleanu
More siblings (2/4 available, see wanted connection on main & contact me!)
His best friend (around the same physical age as Damien): Damien is kind of in love with this guy. Been friends for several decades. They have a lot of the same interests. They are also roommates. Would burn the world for this guy.
Ex: His oldest direct fledgling. Damien "saved" him during the black plague. Unfortunately, this was against Damien's wishes, and this ex has become the monster Damien refused to become out of spite.
His newest sire (female fc, 25-28 yrs old)
Vampires hes mentored or is currently mentoring: 0/3 taken. Just the warmest bond despite not being directly sired from him (though could very well be from his sire line. He's pretty passionate about helping baby vampires who were sired by carless or abusive sires. So he takes them under his wing!)
Human volunteers for feeding: 0/3 taken. He pays them and also takes care of them after due to loss of energy. Aftercare is important!
More employees for his tattoo/piercing shop
Other friends are nice
Regular clients
His veterinarian for Emmy, his Norwegian Forest Cat
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multiversaljournals · 4 months
Headcanons (that are canon in my fanfics)
Part 1: Cato Hadley
Wanted to preface this; This will include spoilers for the fanfiction For The Birds and Avox, so if you haven't read it or don't want it spoiled, don't read more
pre-games / per-ressurection Cato:
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Cato is the middle child of his family and has witnessed his older brother, Mors (named after the Roman god of death) die in the games, Mors was killed by the District 4 tribute of that year.
Cato and Clove grew up together and their families were close with one another (both their dads were peacekeepers and met on the front line)
Cato is a descendant / grandchild??? of Sejanus through his mothers side (this is still being worked on, otherwise they're just direct parallels given how they treat their respective partner) (i wanted more doomed lovers, sue me)
Cato can't dance. He just can't. Two left feet no boogie.
During the reaping, he found Marvel weird and a little bit stupid but later during training, the two had a sort-of friends dynamic.
post-games / post-resurrection
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Cato is actually in constant pain due to being literally put back together after being mauled by the dogs (his body was reconstructed via dna samples and Capitol science but he's conditioned to ignore it.
Cato has so much memory issues that he actually can only remember the basics of past relationships or peoples faces - so he Knows his mother and sister, but he doesn't Know them or what they mean to him.
During their time in the Capitol, Cato's friendship with Marvel faded, but he and Glimmer grew a somewhat close dynamic.
Cato, after months of therapy within D-13, is actually rather close to Finnick and Katniss both, Finnick due to both being utilized and treated like objects / luxury by the Capitol and Katniss due to having a mutual respect for one another later due to both being older siblings.
Cato is ambidextrous, uses both hands for fighting and other stuff.
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googleincognitomode · 5 months
thg head canons
gale is afraid of thunderstorms: it started as a child when he had a bad night as a child. he may hate storms, but enjoys the rain. cuz he thinks the rain cleans the world, removing all the coal n smoke from his home district.
katniss has pretty handwriting. i thought about after her n peeta were adding to her family’s old book: he drew and she wrote. this is in contrast to peeta’s handwriting. his is blocky and all capitalised. it’s okay, but can get very messy very quickly
peeta is really good at braiding and doing ppls hair. he braids katniss’ hair and styles his daughters hair for school
madge’s paternal grandma was from the seam- or at least mostly. her dad is described as having dark hair- something no-native towns people have. (this might be a slight stretch if things!)
gales best friend is thom. they were childhood best friends and very very close. they are the most loyal of friends and try incredibly hard to protect/care for the other. gale may be katniss’ closes friend, but he never does call her HIS best friend (more like hunting partners). and i always thought he called his family and thom is his best friends
peeta is a lot like his mum. he has her mannerism and particular actions, but looks quite close to his father. his favourite person is his eldest brother, who always tried to sneak him some nicer bread when their mum went out of the house.
katniss is skilled with the violin/fiddle. she took it up after the war, since it has a bow and all that. she also hangs out with johanna and tried to learn how to do wood crafting and that. especially making bow and bird houses, just like her dad.
gale is a very skilled dancer. like he would often go to parties and do their traditional seam/town/d12 dances. he does it with his mum Hazelle to bring her some joy since he can’t buy her anything nice.
madge is also a very good dancer. But it’s more that she had to learn to, due to having all the Capitol citizens and having to attend banquets. i also think that she gets many gifts from them: dresses, ribbons and jewellery from her guest as a small gift. that’s why she had many things, not cuz her father can afford it but more so as a gift from the Capitol citizens
since all victors need a talent, I always imagine finnicks was poetry and johanna’s is wood carving. Finnick writes sonnets about annie to be incognito about his devotion. johanna makes carvings of her family and loved one. even fallen tributes too. annie’s would be something artistic too, possibly like jewellery making or crocheting since it requires tying lots of knots.
annie’s dad was a pearl farmer/merchant. she also had the a slightest valley girl accent: not annoying but it’s more endearing and sweet. like a Cher from clueless
johanna’s favourite holiday is/was Xmas. n since she lost her family, she doesn’t celebrate it as much. but she smtimes does make a yule log and sprinkles around pine cones after they went. though now after, she makes it more celebratory and does it with annie and mini-Finn. she gives him the most present, even when annie protest and tell her not to spoil him
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trueprincessofpanem · 7 months
my name is Silent Lucidity rainbow snow and i have long blonde hair and green eyes like my dad i love to sing and dance I am a half covey half capitol girl but i was born in district 12 so when my dad tried to take me home they separated me and forced me to live in district 4. i now train as a career so that one day when I am taken back to the capitol to participate in the hunger games I may see my father again. It has always been his plan. He will save me and take me to live with him in the capitol and I will be the princess of panem like i was meant to be. I am a battle hardened soldier from the time there was a rebellion in my district and i beat off rebels with a gun one of the peacekeepers gave me because they know im the true princess of panem. i am unkillable and i know this because my fathers rivals send assassins to try to kill me but i kill them first every time heh… its just practice for when im in the arena. everyone is afraid of me and you think itd be because im the true princess of panem but its actually because im so beautiful that people are too intimidated to talk to me the only person that talks to me is finnick odair the ultimate fisherman. wait wrong fandom omg :P i mean finnick odair he won last years games and is going to mentor me for when i go into the arena hes so hot i wonder if he likes me… i know deep down i could never marry someone from the districts though. as the true princess of Panama i know my actual true love is waiting for me in the capitol. he waits for me every day and sometimes i find letters in bottles on the shoreline addressed to me where he expresses his love for me, the true princess of panem. I keep them in a tree trunk i found hollow in the woods. nobody has taken my letters because i have gotten a small hoarde of mockingjays to watch over them and if anyone gets too close they attack and alert me. assassins have tried to get these letters so they can figure out who my future husband and the future true king of panem is so they can kill him too but i kill them first every time with the trident finnick gave me. heh… i dont know why they even try. as the true princess of panem it is my destiny to return to the capitol and take the presidency throne of the capitol after my father dies. when i am become the true queen of panem i will make the games worse. i grew up in the districts all my life and i know people are badly hurt by the games but theyre funny and also this guy who called me a loser died in the games so i think theyre good because they make bad people die. when i am the true queen i will give people more food though because not having enough food is stupid. for now i am stuck helping the fishermen sell their fish and training with finnick… but one day i will become the true princess of panem.
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ao3feed-hayffie · 2 years
Feel the Beat, Always
by JHsgf82
AU. Based on Feel the Beat (Netflix 2020). After dancer Katniss fudges up her shot at a big Broadaway production and is evicted from her New York City apartment, she moves back to her small hometown for a while. There, she runs into her former dance teacher, who encourages her to teach dance, as well as her ex-boyfriend. When Katniss discovers who the celebrity judge of the dance competition is, she agrees to teach the young girls all she knows and hopefully, take them all the way. Will she learn to care more about the girls than her career, and will she reconcile with her ex-boyfriend and his sister in the process?
Words: 6509, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hunger Games (Movies), Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Effie Trinket, Delly Cartwright, Primrose Everdeen, Original Characters, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch Abernathy, Mr. Everdeen (Hunger Games), Mags, Rue (Hunger Games), Foxface (Hunger Games), Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta, Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair's Son, Finnick and Annie's daughter, Cinna (Hunger Games), Portia (Hunger Games), Alma Coin
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Annie Cresta/Finnick Odair, Delly Cartwright/Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket
Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, Family, dancer!Katniss, exes!Everlark, Primrose and Peeta are siblings, Peeta has sisters, proud dance dad Finnick, proud dance mom Delly, Gelly - Freeform, everlark, Hayffie, Odesta, football coach!Finnick, dance teacher!Effie, based on Feel the Beat (Netflix 2020)
Read this story on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LJArbsh
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thealtoduck · 2 years
Finnick falling for a Capitol citizen…
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Finnick Odair x Male Reader
Warnings: Implied smut
Summary: You meet Finnick at a Capitol party and you have a Cinderella moment and then your life flips upside down…
Requested by Anon
y/p = your profession
The party was terrible, it was boring, the people there were either sleezy snobs, high society wannabes or just general assholes.
But why were you there then one might ask. Well first off your dad is a part of the high society in the Capitol and second you were a famous y/p and you had gotten a personal invitation from President Snow which isn’t something one just ignores (or atleast if they wanna stay alive).
So you put on the nicest clothes in your closet and sucked it up and went to the party. When you entered it was like watching a sea of rainbow colored wigs as you descended the staircase down to the ballroom.
What you didn’t know was that you had caught a pair of sea green eyes at your arrival. Finnick (to his annoyance) was also there on the ”request” of President Snow and he was just as unhappy as you were to be there. But seeing you had gave him some hope for the night.
You tried to stay in a corner away from the crowd but people somehow still managed to find you, you wouldn’t have minded if the people were actually interesting but instead you were forced to listen to a bunch of blabber about what clothes people were planning on buying, what parties they were currently invited and of course what famous people were there.
From what they told you there was everything from designers, victors and even the beloved Caesar Flickeman present at the party.
You were close to leaving until someone walked towards you with a smirk spread on his tanned face. ”Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” said Finnick Odair.
Before you had the time to say anything Finnick had grabbed your hand and planted a light kiss and said ”It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Y/n, i’ve heard a lot about you”. You noticed he was doing his flirty voice, the kind he always used in interviews to try to appeal to the capitol but you decided to play along as had nothing better to do.
”Only good things i hope” you answered in the same kind of flirty voice. ”Some good things and some things that could make even President Snow blush”.
After those words one of the best nights of your began.
You and Finnick started by going to the bar to get drinks where you small talked and got to know each other, he continued with his flirting which happily returned.
Then when a slow song came on he brought you out on dance floor where the two of you held each other close as some people looked at you jealously for getting the the attention of THE Finnick Odair and some people looked at you as if you were royalty and they were about to bow down.
So basically you were the belle of the ball on this occasion.
After the slow dance Finnick whispered quietly ”Wanna get out of here and go back to my place”. ”Absolutely” you answered and followed Finnick outside.
Let’s just say things got wild that night between the two of you, in a way that could only be described by these Ariana Grande lyrics ”Can’t you stay up all night fuck me ’til the daylight”.
The day after you father confronted you and told you that you couldn’t see Finnick anymore because you shoudn’t be associated with someone who isn’t a Capitol citizen.
So of course you didn’t listen and saw Finnick anyway in secret.
You were saddend though after he returned to district 4 leaving you all alone in the Capitol.
But he came back… sooner than expected because he had been reaped to compete in the quarter quell. In which the tributes were comprised by existing victors.
You were part of the group of Capitol citizens who wanted to stop games mostly so that Finnick wouldn’t die + so that Katniss girl wouldn’t die either since she had kinda started a revolution which was good.
So imagine how pleased you were when Plutarch and Haymitch approached you and gave you the opputunity to help get Katniss (and Finnick if possible) out of the arena.
You immediately helped with whatever you could to get everything ready.
And when Katniss finally destroyed the arena you were right there to help pick her up as well as Finnick.
As the Hovercraft flew away from the burning arena that was falling apart you thought to yourself ”Time for a revolution”.
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